DRAFT Transcriptions 1970s

Of Adano Ley Satsangs

Adano Ley DRAFT Transcriptions - 1970s

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Updated 2/21/2025 - DRAFT (The most recently added material can be found by searching for “%%% Recently added transcription above %%%” in the text. Below this are primarily loose, unreviewed outlines)

Below are literal transcriptions made from a man speaking from higher consciousness without regard for modern grammatical structures. The recordings came from a variety of sources, in a variety of recordings, and therefore vary greatly in quality. Q1 are from the best quality recordings down to Q5, the worst. Some of these recording start in the middle and often do not have the background information to give them full understanding but a best effort has been made to not add or subtract anything from Adano’s words.

1970 - Part 1 The Science of the Psalms

1970 - Part 2 The Science of the Psalms

1970 - Part 3 The Science of the Psalms

1970 - Part 4 The Science of the Psalms

1970 - South Carolina Group

1971 July 23 - Part 1 Teachings of Jesus

1971 July 23 - Part 2 Teachings of Jesus

1971 July 24 - Is Religion A Science?

1971 July 25 - Life of An Initiate

1971 July 25 - Prayer and Meditation

1971 October 9 - Origins

1971 October 9 - Involvement

1971 October 9 - Resurrection

1971 December 18 Part 1 - Christ Intelligence Astro Symbology

1971 December 18 Part 2 - Christ Intelligence Astro Symbology

1971 December 19 Part 3 - Christ Intelligence Astro Symbology

1971 December 20 - Guru Disciple Relationship

1971 December 22 - Satsanga Wedding Pendulum

1971 December 23 - Margaret Adano Baptism Satsanga

1971 - Recycling Diet

1971 - Virginia Beach

1972 January 14 Part 1 - All Faith Fellowship

1972 January 14 Part 2 Spirit World

1972 January 15 Part 3/1 Satsanga

1972 January 15 Part 3/2 Satsanga

1972 October Part 1 - Origins

1972 October Part 2 - Involvement

1972 October Part 3 - Emergence

1972 Part 4 - Richmond for Initiates/Chart

1972 May 6 Part 1 - Meditation Techniques

1972 May 6 Part 2 - Recognizing the Christ Consciousness

1972 May 7 Part 1 - Techniques in Prayer Healing

1972 May 7 Part 2 - Devotion Key To Realization

1972 May 8 Part 1 - The Initiate Life

1972 May 8 Part 2 - The Initiate Life

1972 May - Healing and Prayer Technique

1972 June 10 - Tyler Retreat

1972 June 11 Part 1 - Tyler Retreat Reincarnation

1972 June 11 Part 2 - Tyler Retreat

1972 June 11 Part 3 - Tyler Retreat

1972 June 11 Part 4 - Tyler Retreat

1972 June 26 - Initiates

1972 September Part 0 - Householder

1972 September Part 1 - Householder Woman

1972 September Part 3 - Householder Polarity Conception

1972 September Part 6 - Householder Body of Woman

1972 September Part 7 - Householder Adam and Eve

1972 September Part 8 - Householder

1972 September Part 9 - Walt Disney Householder

1972 December 14 - Sermon On The Mount

1972 December 15 - Sermon On The Mount

1972 - Householder Adam and Eve

1972 - Massage Marriage

1973 January - Informal Wallace

1973 January - Tides Meridians Acumassage

1973 February 21 - Meditation for Western Man

1973 March - Spring

1973 May 14 - Satsang Washington DC

1973 May - Marriage Retreat

1973 May - Marriage Retreat

1973 September 1 - Simran Nutrition Chants Meditation

1970 - Part 1 The Science of the Psalms

Adano70_1ScienceofthePsalmsQ3NW4 - … came to be called a book of prayers or praise or in the Yogi science they call it mantra. Mantra is a form of prayer affirmation which you repeat over and over or you chant it, the basic science behind it is repetition which is known in some language to represent the word Japa or Simran, it simply means repetition. Now Yogananda said if you take sound and repeat it over and over it has the effect of spiritualizing the sound until you become identified with the sound then you and the sound are one and the same. Now “in the beginning was the Word” and that is sound and “the Word was with God” that’s in consciousness and “the Word is God,” the two are identified as one. When the human being does the same identical thing he has brought into focus the power of God on a human level for the first time. The Book of Psalms is designed to bring about this application in daily life but if you look at the spelling of the word psalm we see a very interesting phenomenon, if we spell the word P-S-I-A-L-M we have Psi-alm, the word is spelled P-S-A-L-M and A-L-M in English is alms or aid and P-S would be a certain type of aid, the Psi, so we are in a sense saying to ourselves we are generating extra sensory aid, Psi or psychic aid, and psychic means that which is outside of the range of the sensory nature. If we can generate this aid by understanding it then we have to understand the mechanics to generate it. Now human brain cannot generate any force by itself simply by stating it and forgetting it, unless that brain is trained to concentrate and to forget immediately there’s no human being has that type of capacity to think of an ID, release it immediately, and forget it. This takes a great deal of concentration and training and meditation to be able to think of a thought and forget it immediately and let it come into manifestation. So psalms are repeated to bring up that potential force, to spiritualize that force and set it in motion, and if we generate it we become identified with it sooner or later. What we are aiming at in understanding the psalms that they can only function or work for us if they are done in a repetitive manner otherwise they don’t have the power simply by ordinary individuals who will just repeat it once and forget it, they can’t, we (inaudible) and the Psalms were not written by ordinary men, they were written by initiates especially the Psalm of David the author of the book of the Psalms sometimes referred to David but there are over 150 psalms and only 73 are accredited to David. We say accredited that means it’s possible that David might have used them, it’s not possible that David might originate them, you see. We don’t know if David really originated the psalms, there’s no evidence of that but it’s possible that David did use them, did bring them into consciousness and apply them. Now, but this is by far the larger number than those ascribed to any other author, there is also responsible for the early collections of psalms, for literature purposes in the services of the sanctuary. So we see that David was also a student of Mantra Yoga in a form. Now Yoga anti-dates Christianity and its Judaism way back into time, there is no evidence when Yoga ever began and the sound knowledge of the initiate life no one can actually trace its origin so if David had to use it, he had to have it from some other source. Now David had to be descended from a lineage of people who were practicing some science so we go back to other authors specifically mentioned, Moses. Now Moses antidated David so Moses might have brought these psalms with him, now where did Moses get these psalms? He didn’t just go up into Mount Sinai and suddenly came up with the inspiration, he was also trained in the Egyptian knowledge so the psalms must have antidated Moses too: Solomon, Asaph, and the sons of Asaph and the sons of Kore, Heman, Ethan, and a Babylonian captive. Now you see the Psalms are already attributed to other people who are non-Jews too, approximately 50 psalms are anonymous, no one knows their origin or who contributed them. What is known as in precautionary psalms are the cries of the oppressed for justice that represent the righteous desire for vengeance upon their foes. In their literal meaning the spirit of Christianity frowns upon their use but they were appropriate for the spirit of the age and the conditions of Israel when they were written but then again we do not understand the psalm if we are judging it from the so-called Churchanistic view. The psalm is not written primarily in a literal sense, it’s written in three levels: physical, electrical, ideational, and the only way you can understand them you have to be an initiate to understand its mechanics and see how it really works to bring about extrasensory aid. Now we can drop the eye from the word P-S-I-A-L-M and end up with P-S-A-L-M and making it easier to pronounce in English, psalm. So the theme of the psalm, though they’re a collection of 150 constitutes prayer and praise, prayer means to affirm, praise to mean identify or become one with and they are the prayer and praise or affirmation or identification of the people of Israel. They are indeed revelations of Divine Truth, subtle workings of the consciousness of the mind, written not abstractly but in the terms of human experience so this had to be an initiate life, it was not assumption, it was something that had to happen in their lives and that they were able to apply and work with. They are filled with spiritual truths brought into the emotions, aspirations, sufferings, hopes, and faith of individual authors so these were actual psychic experiences, they were emotional experiences and they were spiritual experiences and often the experience of those experiences by people of Israel as a whole, the whole nation had to take part in it. In as much as circumstances and experiences of which they were wrought were representative of the common experiences of God’s people throughout all time, the Book of Psalms is really an inexhaustible treatise of religion. Now it doesn’t say what kind of religion, the Book of Psalms deals with the science of religion, religion as a science, therefore we see now we are going back to what yoga really is, mantra yoga or the science of sound forces is the real science of religion, the science of sound, how sound comes into manifestation, how sound is utilized by the human being, and how sound sustains the universe. 0:10 There is no other religion but the religion of sound and light, “No man has seen God but felt His presence and the sound declared Him” that means the Realized Man, he alone declares what God is to every man because the realized man has to realize God first before he can declare what God is, he alone can confirm God for you. You can be experiencing God and knowing not Him not if you’re experience and don’t even know the slightest understanding what is the experience yet you’re experiencing Him all the time. Until someone who understands the experience and can confirm it for you or declare it to you, you would have no concept, no understanding, and with greater spiritual fervor and call to modern religious life than this marvelous Hebrew hymn book, it is loved, used, revered by Christendom university. Within these holy poems every element of revealed religion is found: law, history, prophecy, satisfaction, sanctification all with the dominant elements of praise and prayer. From the all holy utterances men have always found spiritual communion with God, aspiration, faith, hope, and assurance. In other words the psalms is the book of affirmation on a positive scale of how to apply top patterns to raise or lower the effectiveness of your consciousness on your environment, how to modify situations in the environment that confront you. First we’ll take Psalm 1 because this is the most impressive psalm, has been placed at one, no one knows the reason why it was given the first place but what is unusual about it it’s called the Psalm of the Happiness of the Godly. Godly people are supposed to be happy and how they achieve this happiness, since it’s a prayer and a praise then it’s an affirmation and a oneness and this induces or releases happiness individual who is attuned. It starts out with the word blessed, “Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitted in the seat of the scornful.” Now this is very specific type of behavior for a human being who is confined to an environment that challenges every emotional nature that you’ve got, every feeling, every quality, aspiration to bring you into a state of blessedness or happy. We can say it in another way and instead of saying “Blessed is the man,” we can say “happy is the man that does not walk nor seek the counsel of wrong thinking people,” negative people, “nor stand in the and join in their company.” That’s the way of sinners, getting together and backbiting or criticizing, “Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful” or join together and criticize or judge, that man is happy if he don’t find himself in that type of circumstances. So happiness for the true mental health is achieved by an individual not involving with people who try to tear down others, criticize or become scornful of one another but “his delight,” now a delight is a joy, that man is happy and joyful now, “in the law of the lord.” Now the law of the lord is love, if you are happy and joyful, you’re going to express love, there is nothing greater than this expression of love from joy and happiness, these three forces come into manifestation: happiness, joy, love they go together. The person is happy, the person is joyful and he expresses love and that would be his delight but his delight is “in the law of the lord and in his law that is in his love that he meditate day and night.” Now the Maharishi had nothing over these people, once we come to the word meditate we find it’s the first word being emphasized what a Man must do day and night, it covers every period of his existence, meditation is not a new thing, it is the actual communion with the spirit. God is spirit, we cannot worship Him outside of the spirit and meditation is that spiritual power which we bring to the surface from within ourselves day and night. Now meditation is not prayer, it’s a big difference between prayer and meditation. We pray when we send out the thought asking the Creative Intelligence or the Divine Consciousness for something expecting it to happen. So prayer is a sort of a transmission of a broadcasting nature but this is specifying something else, “meditate,” this is something you have to be in the receiving end. “Happy is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly or standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteh in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord,” he finds joy by doing something, by being attuned. Now a law is something we obey, we don’t tell the government how to make laws, a law is set into motion and we obey, we are not constantly making it, we are constantly obeying it or adhering to it. If we are obeying it or adhering to it, then it’s something that we have surrendered ourselves to and something that we are attuned to and something that has come into our nature as a part of ourselves, we have made it a part of our existence. So the delight would be the obedience, the delight would be the involvement, the delight would be the utilization of it, the experience of it. So, but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law, in this particular adherence, this particular observance or expression of it, “that he meditate day and night,” does he surrender himself to it day and night, does he attune himself with it day and night, so what is he attuning himself to? He’s attuning himself to love, the principle of love, and “he shall be like a tree,” that would follow as a result. If you adhere to a certain principle you would be like some distinct permanent function, you’re a man of the truth, you’re a man of the law, you would be staunch, you would be self-erected in it. A tree that supports or adhering, it will obey, it’s not going to fall over overnight, something you can rely or trust seeing it there, standing in the ground. “He be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,” well if a tree is planted by a river and the water is pulling it and it don’t have any proper roots before you know the tree will be torn down by the currents but if it has proper roots and it’s nourished, that tree is staunch, sturdy, upright. So this constant surrendering, day and night, tends to strengthen the consciousness and it’s watered by it because it’s close to the source of nourishment “that bringeth forth his fruit in his season.” Everyone has got a certain time or certain period in which to realize his true nature, that’s the fruit realizing your true nature, the season is that particular time. No two people can realize themselves at the same time, each one of us realize it at different times. This is because we are all unique, we’re all different, we’re all functioning with different attitudes needs desires. 0:20 “And his leaf also shall not wither” that means that portion of the individual nature, the leaf is the nature of the plant which you recognize it the foliage, the covering, “it shall not wither” that means it don’t break down. The character, the nature, or the characteristics of the human being don’t wither away or easily dismayed or aggravated, if it’s synchronized with the spirit it maintains less coverage, it maintains this outer shape, its outer behavior, it has strength for the first time and “whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” Now this is an unusual statement, if the plant is nourished and the leaves don’t wither it stands to reason that it’s going to bloom and when it bloom you’ll have fruit. That reminds me of my boy tomato plant, someday it’s going to bloom and we’ll have tomatoes. As long as the leaves aren’t withering that says pure life is going on, he’s going to have good vibrations eventually he’s going to have fruit. This is true in the spiritual life, if you are maintaining that attitude of meditation (Adano sneezes, somebody says “bless you,” and he blows his nose). Whoever receive that tape, I hope you enjoy it the sneeze and all the karma being burnt out at the same time. “Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper” meaning that the moment he’s attuned with this spiritual principle, the divine consciousness opens the door and he finds himself allowing this thought pattern to flow in and manifest for him. Now this is the very first three verses of this psalm but you can’t have one type of person without the other, you can’t have one type of behavior without the other, we live in a dualistic existence, you have to have something to compare with. We have different thought patterns, we have thought patterns that are positive and thought patterns that are negative, we have thought patterns that produce a certain result and when they’re positive and they have a thought pattern that produces something if they are negative, we see the thought pattern of positive people or happy people what it will produce, it will produce prosperity, attunement, and oneness with the spirit. Now let’s see the thought pattern of the opposite, what would be the result? So you can compare only by comparison you have an evaluation and you have a decision because you can’t make a decision without an evaluation truly to be a part of it. It says now “the ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away” that is the individuals who are not attuned, who are not turning inward, who are over engrossed in the senses and they say ungodly means they’re a person who is living in his sensual or sensory nature, who feels totally dependent on the senses, they are like chaff in the wind and they’d be driven away, there their senses will toss them back and forth, they will be a victim of what is called mind wandering. The individual who is negative you will see them by their behavior of body patterns, they are figeting, searching for something, never satisfied, never happy with one idea or a few moments of inner peace or inner calmness where they are, they are constantly reaching out searching for something else, never coming to completeness of joy in the one thing they’re involved with before they start something else. They have what we call the grasshopper mind, they start eating an apple then they’re ready to eat a pear and before they eat the pear they’re ready to eat a squash, never having a complete meal out of any one of these three things before you know it they’ve eaten about 60 different objects and they are totally dissatisfied. So we call that the ungodly mind or the untuned mind, the untrained mind, the mind wandering. Therefore “the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment” that means they can’t stand the test when they’re confronted, they’re easily swayed and broken down by pressure, environmental stress causes them to collapse, the mind wanderers. Since the mind has a tendency to wander, it has no strength therefore it cannot utilize right sense of judgment, therefore it will make mistakes based upon this wishy-washy action. Now “sinners in the congregation of the righteous” meaning they can’t congregate with people of right thinking, they can’t stand to be near people who think right. If you get one right thinking person and two not right thinking people, you’re gonna have a tug of war. One will say “you gotta eat meat” and the other say “you gotta drink alcohol” and what are you trying to be, a teetotaler, don’t drink or eat meat? So they’re going to try to sway you to their way of thinking and before you know it this is a constant battle going on between you and them. Equally thought patterns of desire cravings are going to be in conflict with yours, they’re going to be constantly drawing you to waste away the energy inside of your mechanism but they can’t help you if you get sick, they will lead you down the merry path to fill your senses, to get sick, and when you do get sick they can’t help you. Sometimes you’re lucky that they get sick before you or vice versa you get sick before them and that’s not such a good deal after all so the pirate once said when he was shot after flying around eating the corn when he was enticed away from his Master’s home, “bad company, bad company, bad company.” So human beings have a tendency to trick us to their level intentionally or not intentionally simply because they are in that level of mind wandering, if they are capable of raising your consciousness up all the time then your consciousness will be stable. Now we see in the sixth verse he says, “For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” Now the way of the righteous is what way? If the Lord knows the way of the righteous what does the Lord really know and what is the way of righteous? The Lord really knows only one thing, love, and His way is surrendered to that love. That means become attuned and identify to that love but “the way of the ungodly shall perish” because if you don’t have love to start with, you’re going to have hate, hate will lead to anger, anger lead to violence, and violence will lead to complete decimation of yourself, that means to perish, you will actually destroy yourself through your own wrong thinking. Now love will lead to only one thing, expansion, multiplication, improvement, and finally establishment or identification, permanency, therefore it does not go out of existence. Love tends to produce something permanent whereas the opposite would tend to produce something that is not permanent and it will be destroyed by its own nature, we see this in human behavior. 0:30 So the two types of people that are really existing according to Sri Yukteswar are the godly and the ungodly, the negative or the positive, the negative people are those who are constantly thinking constructively to destroy themselves, interesting huh? How negative people think constructively to destroy themselves, you never did realize that negative people can constructly think to destroy themselves, negative people are drawn by their ideas, by their wishes, their desire patterns, and they construct many games with themselves to avoid being identified or to become stable. They create many games to become detached from being involved with something constructive for a positive nature but get involved in constructing things that will tear down, criticize, or continue to criticize, eventually tearing down their own selves. Now such attitudes are often called by the lawyers premeditated, “the man premeditated the murder of his brother,” you see it’s something that he pre did. Now you use the word pre-meditate, it isn’t pre-think, it’s interesting how in legal terms we come back to the word premeditated murder, it was premeditated by the individual, constructively set up to negatively destroy himself. If we understand that then we can see what type of people we are dealing with all the time, we are dealing with negative people who tend to construct patterns of thinking to destroy themselves, if we are positive people, we are constructing patterns to lift ourselves up. Now what is interesting about this psalm, it ends right there describing the two type of people in the universe, it doesn’t go any further. (Inaudible) number one psalm starting off telling us that the two types of individuals that exist around us, it’s an outright affirmation of what you have to deal with as a human being, those who constructively generate thought patterns to destroy others and those who constructively generate patterns to lift up others, there are only two types there’s no more. Now if you’re involved in the construction of tearing down yourself, you are considered negative or ungodly. If you’re involved in constructing to lift up others thereby lifting yourself up, you are called godly or positive thinkers. Now the results of the two are different types of happiness, both people get happiness, negative people get a sort of happiness to see others fail, they are sick but they’re happy when you see others fail because they would like to go around making others fail simply because they might have failed at one time and could not succeed and they would do like the fox who got a his tail caught in the trap and bit off his tail and ran and told all the rest, “bobtail foxes are better looking than those with a natural tail” so he wants everybody to join the group because he lost his tail you see. Now the natural fox don’t see that as a real truth because he’s born natural to live with his natural tail, why should he want to chop off his tail just because of misfortune so the negative person sometimes find joy in getting other people involved in negativeness. We see this in addiction or individuals who try to addict others to their way of negative thinking. In today’s society we find your dope pushers, dope peddlers, are constantly trying to induce other people all the way down to utilize the substance to tear them down and that’s where they get their joy and they get their livelihood out of it. Now you look at the opposite of the scale, those who are constantly combatting or trying to lift up others, what are they really doing? They have to get a joy too but now in the two joys we come back to a statement in the scriptures, “The joy of the unrighteous and the joy of the righteous” that means the joy of right thinking men versus the joy of the wrong thinking men. Now the joy of the wrong thinking men will perish because there is no way wrong thinking men can surpass right thinking men but they are powerful enough, powerful enough to even make us feel their presence and threaten us with their presence unless we stand firm like the tree rooted in the waters, nourishing itself and at the same time capable of withstanding this tremendous current and pull of that water. There’s nothing as strong as water moving against the earth, against something that will push it away. Now this anchor is really anchored, the right thinking man has got to stand on those type of ground, a ground that is treacherous, a ground that is not firm but it’s got to be anchored in such a way that it’s not carried away, you’ve got to have some ideal to which you are rooted to in order to withstand the unrighteous thinking of men, the negative thinking of men. Now our well wishers often wish that we are good by saying, “Poor Johnny, he’s doing so bad these days. Poor Mary, she’s making a mess of her life,” we hear them, they’re wishing us well by calling us poor right away you know. We are creating constructively the destructive powers that go on to hurt these people, people are constantly generating these thoughts by saying it into the atmosphere and affecting others. Now the right thinking person would not refer to another person as poor because the right thinking person wants the other person to prosper and it states “that the right thinking person should prosper,” this is the fruit of his thinking. So if he wants the prosper, he wants every other person to prosper so he has to think of every other person prospering in that dimension. “Therefore the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish” that doesn’t say he does not know the way of your negative thought pattern, he knows the way of negative thought pattern, consciousness is aware, but anything that is negative will sooner or later rot. Now let’s say you’re a negative person and you have two sacks of potatoes, one sack starts to rot and one sack remains good, no matter how negative you are, would you eat the rotten potatoes? You can be very negative but you know that these are absolutely no good for consumption, you will throw it away. If in your own consciousness as a human being, negative or positive you will not consume that substance, then how can you expect thought patterns to be sustained by people around you and how can you expect yourself to be sustained and live in the world with people around you to a full experience, sooner that you’re gonna discover that you are destroying yourself, you are creating social suicide, negativeness will generate social suicide at one time. It may take a long time but eventually this pattern is there, the God-self knows that, it knows the difference between the two patterns of existence. One pattern must destroy itself or finally stop acting that way, the other pattern will sustain itself. 0:40 Now we got Psalms number two, it’s called the Kingdom of Christ. We’re not talking of Jesus, we’re talking of the intelligence in nature, the Christ’s intelligence in nature. “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing,” that’s a strange statement, “why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing.” We just discovered that there were two types of people, right thinking people you call that Godly and the negative thinking or the ungodly, now all of a sudden we got the heathen, how did he get in the picture? Somebody is different than the heathenm what does the heathen really mean? Audience: (Inaudible) is that ignorance of God? Adano: Yes, when we refer to a heathen, we refer to someone who is ignorant of the principles of life, God. So they say why do the heathen rage, that means get into frenzy, why do negative mind wandering people get into states of frenzy and “the people imagine a vain thing” and the people around start to assume that his frenzy or rage is real but it’s not real, it’s just a vain act, it’s only a projection of his low emotional nature. So it goes on to describe the heathen raging and the people’s imagination about the heathen, the non-right thinking individual is going to set up mind wandering in the environment and assume certain types of position about themselves and sooner or later would create discord. So here we go on it says now, “The kings of the earth” those individuals who are at the head of nations or ruling individuals, “set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed.” Politicians detest the fact that a religious order is the basis of a continuous prosperity in a nation, church and state are in conflict already, it’s not a new idea, it’s as bold as Man will always be. He cannot see the particular reason for governing by a divine order, he’s got to set himself as a king, as a ruler apart, from the rest and take counsel how to act governing people so there is that conflict against church and state, the two are in conflict. Now here is a mantra or an affirmation that is dealing or a science of the thought pattern that is dealing with church and state and it tells you how we should do it. Our politicians and the counselors will do this setting apart, they take council against the Lord and against His anointing that is they don’t accept divine authority and they don’t accept the individuals who are attuned to this authority in consciousness. Now there’s a big difference between a priest and a realized man coming forward in the form of a prophet or a wise man to help mankind, the church and the state are in different situations now. The church may be a church functioning as an organization but it may not have a realized man at its head (gap in tape)… what they would do with the leaders of the church, “Let us break their hands asunder, let us break their hold upon our society.” You don’t literally mean go take the priest and smash his hand you know, the society has got a stranglehold upon it by the church, we saw this in Mexico when the church came and had a stranglehold upon the Mexican people and the councillors of Mexico or the men in political power literally broke that stranglehold. “Let us break their hands asunder and cast away their cords from us” that means let us break this churchianistic hold upon society and remove the strings that tie them to us, the roots from where they came from, their origin, free us from this. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in the region.” Well this is what happened in Mexico at one time when the church was slaughtered by politicians, the priests that came there they were not allowed to carry on, after a long while church and state separated to the point that there was no ceremony performed in the country except it be in secret then it came along in Russia and some other countries, this is still going on, the constant conflict between church and state. Now, “then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure.” The highest consciousness will cause the politician to be more and more malicious or more and more vindictive in suppressing the activity of the church, we find this a great deal in the dictatorial environments. Now when you come to your democratic environments you see the situation there’s a counter balance, there is some degree of communication, some degree of association between church and state, they are retaining some of their power and working with his power together. “Yet have I set my king upon thy holy hill of Zion,” this statement indicates that the leader is attuned to the Father, it’s a big difference. “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion” that individual or leader of the state is in attunement with God, he is not setting himself apart or setting up himself as a ruler over a country without the direction of God or opposed to God. 0:50 This individual is asking God to guide him through the entire reign of his country or rulership of his country, that’s a vast difference when we begin to see how the church and state will now come together. “I will declare the decree,” I will make this statement, “the Lord hath saith unto me, ‘Thou art my son.’” Now this is the highest combination of priest/king, realized/king, they were such men at one time, kings who were fully realizing Saints, kings who were Masters in their own right. “This day have I begotten thee,” for instance there was a king called Janak of India, he was a fully realized man and a king at the same time. Buddha, he was a king, a prince, and he was fully realized. Krishna, he was a king and he was fully realized. Ashoka, he was a king and he was fully realized. There were many, Solomon was a king and he was realized, you see in the whole spectrum of history some kings were realized. Audience: Well what happened to us? Adano: What happened to us? We deviated from it because we did not understand it. Now here is what happened, “Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the outermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Ask of me and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the outermost parts of the earth for thy possession” but how we respond to that promise, how we make use of that promise makes all the difference of where we are today. If we misuse that utterance or that promise, we are in a position in which we are in conflict with the divine law, if we didn’t abuse it and we use it correctly then we will not be in conflict with the divine law, we would really be experiencing now a higher form of spiritual life within the government, we would be experiencing it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: So we ourselves too are walking the way of the ungodly, we have been bound by our own man-made laws, hamstrung by them. “Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the outermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Now, “thou shalt break them with a rod of iron,” that means by determination and love and will and courage, you can put the negative individuals to flight if you stick up for your rights but if you don’t, they will be in possession. “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron,” if you have the will of iron, if you have the determination to stand up for the rights, “thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” If we have the determination to get involved and take an issue as to the rights of individual in a free society, we can make these negative individuals who tend to trap us with our own laws fall apart like a crockery pot, it will fall apart, they don’t have anything substantial. You notice he used the words, “a potter’s vessel?” A crockery pot makes the most noise when it’s empty. Now you remember the woman who petitioned the courts for the purpose of not having prayer in the school? She made a big noise about it but substantially did she had anything to replace it or substantially did she have anything to offer in terms of human being and its behavior pattern? So she was nothing but an empty vessel making the most noise but we did not have the will like iron, we do not have the determination to stick by our faith in ourselves, therefore we were weakened by the thought pattern and we lost out, we were destroyed by our own thinking, we have to get back to that thinking which we can be like a rod of iron which is determination, we got to be more determined. You know we are actually producing a race of people totally unafraid to do good or more afraid to do good, which is it? Audience: Well I think it would be all in the way we look at it, I think they have more courage than we have. Adano: If we’re unafraid to do good then we will not be afraid to face the issue, if we are afraid to do good we will run from the issue. Now if our people are afraid to look at themselves objectively no matter what ideas come up, we can face the issue and come to a better agreement than to give into the ideas that would tend to destroy us ethically, morally, and spiritually or physically. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Consciously and unconsciously both they’re doing it. It’s like a child, it sees a revolver on the table, it does not know the danger of the revolver, it’s loaded, but because it’s enticed it wants to reach up to play with it. The parent knows that a gun is loaded and it can kill but it tries to take it away and the child is offended because the parent can use it and the child can’t use it. When a child comes of age to use it, it would be a different thing, he can be trusted with it. Equally true when individuals who have no sense of the workings of the human consciousness and spirit and body are allowed to dictate the behavior patterns of society as a whole in terms of how Man should evolve, those who are in a position to have the right perspective or vision should they let them take hold of that particular legal weapon then anything that happens to us after that is our own mistake, our own fault. The only way that the untrained individual can create a problem is to have legislation organize itself around the ethical systems of living that would be impossible for ethical people to survive but when you want to be truly evolving and to know how to evolve, you have to have this consciousness to see it and correct it. Audience: So when they grow up spiritually then they would make the change. Adano: They will be able to take over and handle it properly, you see it’s that sense of direction that we have to impart to the individual. 1:00 Now comes the admonition, it tells us what the kings have done, it tells us what the church and the state have done among themselves, they split themselves apart and they have left themselves in a state in which those individuals who don’t have an iron will are defeated but those who have an iron will stand triumphant then the admonition to the king is not admonition to the priests, admonition to the king because they have triumphed. “Be wise now therefore o ye kings, be instructed ye judges of the earth,” you see political authority backed up by legal order, king, judge be wise. In other words you are judged now about and by your behavior in terms of ethics. “Serve the lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.” Well the fear implied here is not the fear that we know it to me, it was the old hebrew word meaning respect, awe. If we have no respect or awe for the legal framework that governs our behavior as a discipline then we become lawless, we take the law into our own hands and eventually we will destroy ourselves, this is the meaning of he who lives by the sword will perished by the sword. He who lives by this self-motivation of an uncontrolled mind will destroy himself by that same self motivation, we must have some type of order or organization to maintain balance in us. “Serve the lord with fear and rejoice with trembling,” now the trembling don’t mean it’s illness. When you rejoice you tingle all over, have you ever rejoiced and feel happy and how do you feel? Like your whole body is shaking, vibrating, right? It is this particular type of shaking that has been inferred, trembling, you know it’s like it feels so good (Adano hums “Mmm Mmm good”), you know that song how it goes? You are vibrating or tingling all over in the rejoicing of that consciousness. If you accept a king or rule yourself, meaning the same thing, by a wise man who is both attuned to the ideas of state and church then you are living in an environment conducive to the highest good. If you’re living in an environment that is not attuned to both and it’s in constant conflict with each other then sooner or later you’re going to find you’re an environment that is going to lead you to self-destruction. We find that in the history of every nation, history repeats itself that’s why it’s called karma. When the Jews were on the David and Solomon they prospered and then after when they got down into the other kings who slowly started to cut themselves away from the synagogues, they soon became weak and then the Romans took over their country. You go back into the history of other nations when they were attuned to their religious beliefs, they attained a high level of control over their environment, the moment they had conflict with their religious beliefs they were torn down by their neighboring nations and taken away. We saw that in Egypt, we saw that in many of the Indian tribes, we saw that in Prussia, we saw that in the Hebrew people, we see that in the Chinese people, all the way in Europe, all coming through. When there was a conflict between the church and the state, the neighboring tribes struck and took away what they had, the Greeks had the same thing. Anytime the church and state went into conflict by the ruling class, the neighboring countries struck and took their country away. It is the way the Lord works as a means to bring us back to right thinking. Now it tells you when you’ve found that particular king, how you should act that rules with harmony between church and state. “Kiss the sun,” that means recognize or embrace, “take unto yourself the enlightened king lest he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are they that put their trust in him,” a very good example is Akhenaten, the Egyptian king who brought monotheism to Egypt. When the people embraced monotheism and the church and state began to function, those priests who joined Akhenaten built a great society but those priests that were against Akhenaten for the sake of the people caused something to occur, Akhenaten was assassinated, but those who embraced the king or those who adhered to the king during that entire period Egypt reaches highest unfoldment in art and literature, it thrived the most, it gained the most, it produced the most in constructive thinking. As soon as he was assassinated, everything about Akhenaten was turned down and those ideas no longer thrived in Egypt but we see the history of Egypt after Akhenaten, it was one of pillage, one of constant raiding by their neighbors. Today they are reduced to what we call a second-rate nation only backed up by another military power to have a face in world politics. Now surrounding the entire Egyptian belt and the Arabian belt there’s little David, Israel, a small little group of people, they’re in conflict too with their religion and state. If they don’t stay together then they will fall apart, as long as they will stay together with their religion and state activity then they will be a bulwark, they have a lesson to learn. In this modern age their lesson is trying to hold together the religious ideals of their ancestors. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, yes there are tremendous reformations going on because the church and state are trying to be not overly identified with each other like in olden days and they’re trying to maintain and follow the pattern of Washington. Now Washington’s pattern can set a very inharmonious program for them if they keep following Washington’s pattern. Washington’s pattern can correct itself if church and state will get together, not overstepping the boundary lines but respecting each other’s personal boundary lines in terms of functioning as a whole. So they have to learn the lesson too, that they can’t always pattern after every condition they see around the world, they have to bring back their own intrinsic traditional patterns of church and state to function as a people. Now the only reason the Arab states and Egyptian states stay together is because of long hatreds for the Israelite, ancestral traditional hatred, the vendetta. You take away that and they collapse, they will have nothing to fight for. You see the Arab cannot have anything to fight for because what would he fight for? 1:10 Unless he doesn’t have a common hate, he has nothing to fight for and his common hatred based back, not from the oil fields, it based back way back in time going back to the time of Abraham and the son Ishmael and the son Isaac. Their ancient hatred is so old, so deep rooted that it has become now like a genetic virus but because they were prolific people, there are more Arab states densely populated than the Israelite states and the Israelites are very small group of people. Audience: But they didn’t move around. Adano: No, so you have a tremendous force field locked up in there. Now if the third world war would begin, there is the actual spawning ground for your third world war because here history must repeat itself, Egypt will still like to retain her glory as she was, what would Israel do? Israel would want to retain her glory as she was, now in the world confrontation of people you have now different religious organizations all over and the largest controlling body of religious movement scattered in all nations, not one single nation, but in all nations is Christianity which is the offspring of Judaism. So how can Christianity and Judaism avoid the confrontation of the other religious organizations in the other countries with their different patterns of thinking, they will be forced to get together. Now the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian, only the Mohammedan fights holy war, his constant battle is the holy war, Islam is a constant battle of holy war from the time it was spawned, it’s holy war. Now it’s fighting Christianity and it’s fighting Hinduism, Hinduism is not a proselytizing religion, it does not go out to get like missionaries trying to get students, Christianity goes out to get students. So the Creator has already brought about opposition by setting up certain forces to keep each in check and balance by allowing Christianity to spread into every nation on a missionary basis and allowing Islam to spread into many nations on a missionary basis so they both are confronted by holy war. Audience: Do you think Christ really meant the churches to send missionaries to convert a good Buddhist to a Christian? Adano: Christ merely said “Come, I will make you fishers of men,” really meaning come I’ll make you fishers of the Soul, He didn’t intend that one tried to convert another or change him from his belief, He intended that one by virtue of his example of living would make all the men lift up their Souls, fish out for themselves where the Soul is, would look for the Soul in themselves by the virtue of exemplary living. If you live the exemplary life of the Science of the Soul other men, no matter what their creed or belief is, suddenly would realize this and it will spark them to live this exemplary life therefore all men are brothers in the one Father. Now Jesus was smart, He said “I didn’t come to destroy or condemn, I came to fulfill,” fulfillment means “I came to live by example,” by demonstration and “he who would do the will of the Lord is my brother and my sister and my mother.” This applied to any man regardless of what his belief was, merely doing the will of the Lord. Now I don’t have any religion that goes against that, Hinduism teaches the will of the Lord, Buddhism teaches the will of the Lord, and Islam teaches the same thing and I think the French people has a word for it, “Que Sera, Sera,” what will be, will be, it’s the will of the Lord. I don’t know of what action a human being can take in terms of all the religious patterns and scientific patterns that will not be involved in doing the will of the Lord, it has to be obeyed. So Jesus was not trying to say that He was coming to bring people back and that His students go out and convert, in fact there’s a big transformation occurring now among the Christians. The priests in the catholic church are becoming Christians for the first time in India, they have to go to India to learn Christianity. The catholic digest has a whole article on it, that the church in India, being a minority group, was trying to raise the Christian what you say “roll call” by incorporating more and more people into it, come to find out they can’t even Christianize the Indian, they are being Indianized by the Indian. The priests are being Indianized in other words they’re discovering the Christian way via the Indian method, they are seeing Christ in a different aspect. Many people are going there to study now how and why the Christ of the Indian is different. Well he is different only because Christ studied in India, he was an Oriental, He wasn’t he wasn’t a western man, He wasn’t a Roman, He was a Jew and the Jew was a middle eastern man and the seat of learning was in the East and the disciple relationship was the oldest method of learning and passing it down. India carried on that tradition and today the church is now realizing that it is the only way they could accept the new concept of Christ and not churchianity, churchianity is dying and Christianity is being born for the first time. Now we’ve noticed that there’s two psalms that we cover what is the happiness of the two types of people that exist, one is the type of government or association with the church, how to live with it, you see a pattern form, do you see a plan being formed, one is leading to the other, what type of people and then how they should govern themselves and what they should adhere to? Now we come to the third psalm, this gives you individual relationship it’s called the security of God’s protection. Here is a science building up for the first time, the first psalm tells you which one of the two type of people you want to be: positive or negative so you have to make your choice. The second psalm tells you your social structure in which you’re in, each one is in his own environmental karma to grow up and what is required of him to stand up for his rights in this environment of karma to make it work. Now comes the third condition, how much trust you have in your ideals to back up what you’re saying and put it to the test and who is going to protect you when you go wrong. So you want God’s protection now, the third psalm is finding security in God’s protection. 1:20 So it says “Lord, how are they increased that troubled me. Many are they that rise up against me,” haven’t you been that route before, don’t you recognize some of that pattern in your everyday living now? You’re living here in America and you’re trying to decide between following a certain way of life with your friends and your relatives and all of a sudden now you want to know have you made the right decision, have you chosen the right place to be and who are the people that you’re associating with, are they really thinking along these lines? So in your mind you’re saying “What am I doing here? Lord how are they increased that trouble me? Many are they that rise up against me, many there be which say of my Soul there is no help for him in God,” are you familiar with such ideas? Have you not been around people, “man you’re wasting your time, what are you trying to do, pray to God? Like Adano, he’s talking here at a school and he said ‘Oh God is going to take care of it soon’ and somebody says ‘You crazy? Why don’t you take the vitamin tablet or drink the coca-cola?” See, there’s always going to be that particular condition in which we’re in to hold you and pull you and work with you but you have to go through these processes to know what is karma, what is being a channel for other people karma, and what is environmental stress in order to transcend both types of karma. The Soul is now turning to the Lord, it must learn to rely on the Creator as the guiding principle for its existence and that’s how we are lifted up by example. We learn the spiritual life par example, not by reading, it’s by living the thing with that consciousness. “Many there be which say of my Soul there is no help for him in God,” then here comes a big Hebrew word Selah. When translated Selah only means “So be it” that’s what it means. In other words, “I can’t do nothing Lord, you take over from here now,” you get the idea? You got to surrender to a point where this Intelligence will come in and zap you, “shape up and fly right,” it’s one of those things “but Thou O’ Lord art a shield.” He didn’t say “art my shield,” “Thou my Lord art a shield,” the constant attunement is a bulwark, a protective measure, hallowing the holy name in your meditation now, that’s where we come back to repetition, repeating the psalm or the affirmation now is your shield, this is the shield, this is what builds up the wave, God is a sound. If you say “I am my Father are one. I am my Father are one. I am my Father are one. I am my Father are one. I am my Father are one,” this is your shield, this will build up this force against that pulling power of those around and says “but Thou O’ Lord art a shield for me.” Now you are specifying to yourself what the shield is for, who it is, you the individual involved. “My glory” that is when I succeed in using this technique I’m gonna get the last laugh on you, get the idea? That’s “my glory” and “the lifter up of mine head” that means like I transcend now above the sensory pull of the environment and the tensions and the anxiety. You’re actually raising yourself up above those levels. “I cried unto the Lord with my voice” that means I don’t give up affirming or repeating the holy name inside, “hallowed be thy name” whatever you’re saying inside japa, mantra, simran, whatever it is, repetition or hollowing, do not quit, in other words keep on going. Yogananda says God, Christ, Gurus, this is his battle cry and he calls it the battle cry: God, Christ, Gurus, and in sleeping, eating, meditating, divinely loving, and sickness, dying and everything, he’s still shouting inside: God, Christ, Gurus. He’s not quitting because God, Christ, Gurus, have all the power in it to get him out of the dilemma so what is that lesson? The “forces of unrighteousness are strong my son but the forces of righteousness are stronger still” that’s the lesson you’re learning in meditation, you’re learning it in your psalms. You’re learning that the more you will remain firm like a rod of iron, you will smash the environment that appears to be like a clay bowl, like giving off lots of noise. A clay bowl looks strong and a brass rod is strong, sooner or later when they clash one got to give way, it’s that will, that drive, that staying power. “I cried unto the Lord with my voice and He heard me out of his holy hill,” well you cry with your mouth, everybody cries with their mouth out of anguish for something and where would the Creative Intelligence hear you? He’s not up in some mountain, the mountain is right here in your consciousness at the point between the eyebrows, the Intelligence tells you inside, right at this point between your eyes, it’s called the Holy Hill. “He heard me out of his Holy Hill” then the next word again is this wonderful Hebrew word Salah, “so be it.” If you cry out that means if you are constantly repeating over and over, sooner or later that consciousness is going to fire off that particular power and release you and free you. “He will hear it” that means the Master Gland, the Master focal point inside of you will trigger off the energy and it will be Divine Will manifest, “what will be, will be” “so be it.” Then it says “I laid me down and slept” now you see what is the next procedure in the science? You yell your head off and then you go to sleep and forget the whole cotton picking thing right? How many of us can project this thought and forget? Now when you’re sound asleep you don’t know if you’re a man or a woman so you must take in the scientific aspect of the consciousness and work it by sending the thought over and over and then go to sleep. It’s a form of conscious exhaustion to the point of shutting it off. “I await, for the Lord sustained me” now you can see the whole scientific principle of the science working now. “I await for the Lord sustained me” you repeat over and over, over and over, over and over getting drowsy and drowsy and drowsy and you go off into that state and before you know it your whole body is regenerated that means sustained, it comes back, you are revitalized, the body is starting to correct itself but you can’t stop, you have to keep on that particular attunement inside. It says now “I will not be afraid” you see it’s how this security, how this protective power is starting to build up in you now, how this programming, how this imprinting of the consciousness starts. 1:30 “I will not be afraid” that’s a very positive statement, “of ten thousands of people” that’s lots of people. The mass collective force field of ten thousand people negatively thinking against you, “that have set themselves against me roundabout.” Do you get what you’re working with, what are the odds you’re working with in the Science of the Psalms by taking ideas and really hammering it away in consciousness? Now the challenge comes, ten thousands of people are around you and finally he says, “Arise oh Lord” that means energy within the spinal force field now, the kundalini force, “arise oh Lord, save me oh my God” the vital power in you now from the constant repetition, the holy power in you, you start to feel (Adano hums “Mmmm”), this energy going up your spine like if your head is going to pop, your brain is now agitating to the point and you feel like everything is pulling. “Arise oh Lord” because the vital power is God now, the same vital power is in the ten thousands of people around you that can snap in them and can sustain you instead. “Arise oh Lord, save me” that means insulate my body and my emotional makeup against the concentrated vital magnetic emotional force field of these ten thousand people. “Save me oh my God, for thou have smitten all nine enemies upon the cheekbone.” Now it specifies where this force field was cut off in the individual, the vital energy is rising in you to offset the intense emotional stresses of others and blocking them at the cheekbone. Now what are we saying is this, a man in intense hatred, his eyes are like that…

1970 - Part 2 The Science of the Psalms

Adano70_2ScienceofthePsalmsQ3NW4 - (Duplicate of previous talk)

1970 - Part 3 The Science of the Psalms

Adano70_3ScienceofthePsalmsQ3NW4 - … but you try to look back on the things that you didn’t do and you should have done, look at the things that you have been towards that person, how much friendship you had at one time and suddenly the friendship is destroyed. Well the vital life power has to make some kind of reconciliation between the two individuals that they will now remember, “Well he was good to me, why should I be this harsh on him” and the other makes you say, what you say, uh adjustments and he says “Now, oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end” that means within his own self he’s got to end the feud or the craving or the desire to continue to knock on his back “but establish the just for a righteous God trieth their hearts and reigns” that means once we learn to use our judgment and we correct the karma, the palpitation of the heart starts correcting itself and the adrenals where the anger or the tension is released, the adrenaline is released, they start to correct themselves so we have now a physical adjustment occurring in human beings. He says “God judges the righteous” now this life force is going to come to task, here he says “my defense is of God which saveth the upright in heart.” The initiate has hurt someone but he’s appealing on behalf of his past good deeds for some type of clemency, deep down in his heart he did not intentionally want to hurt another man, deep down in our hearts we don’t intentionally want to hurt people but somewhere along anger can trigger it off, desire can cause us to make a wrong decision, and we hurt the other person and then the feud goes on until it has to be reconciled. “Now God judgeth the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every day” that’s quite a statement, the righteous are judged and the wicked he’s angry with, He’s not angry with the righteous and you don’t judge the wicked, do you see it? Audience: Well the righteous would only be the person that comes to the realization that he has to clear his own consciousness. Adano: All right and the the wicked? Audience: The wicked is the person that hasn’t got there yet but he’s on his way. Adano: Good, so the wicked is constantly generating adrenaline in his system and the righteous is now shutting down the adrenaline and must face the consequences for triggering it off so you are judged by your own body relationship and body action and desire. So the life force is angry with the individual who is constantly negative that means the life force will emit into the negative individual more and more adrenaline, it will not stabilize itself but the person who is righteous now, who has hurt someone is going to make some stabilization, he must pay the consequences, he must live to the experience of self-correction. Judgment means you have been assessed and you must pay the price, in some way you must make an atonement, some way of ameliorating that situation. Audience: Does this have to be done on a conscious level? Adano: Yes, it must be done in the consciousness level in a physical body. Audience: Does that negate the karma? Adano: Yes, it does negate the karma. Audience: Any karma that is not irreversible? Is all karma reversible? Adano: Yes, we will see it now how he’s saying it. “If he turn not” see this is the statement, “if he turn not, he will whet his sword, he hath bent his bow and made it ready. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death, he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.” You see the punishment that follows through the action. “Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.” That’s the very man who committed the karma, he has done all these things.” Audience: These desire patterns would lead to that end. Adano: Right, “His mischief shall return upon his own head” see he’s being judged you see how he’s being judged, this is not the angry… Audience: It was already set up in consciousness, he had to ask for it on a conscious level to rectify this situation well then it would have just worked itself out and he would have got an arrow through his… Adano: (Laughter) karmic condition, somebody would have shot him. “And his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate,” you know, noggin you know, this is actual karma, the whole principle karma is here right, it’s been laid out you see. Now he says “I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness,” oh well, you know he can’t say anything else, “I’m shot Lord (inaudible(, it’s my own fault, I enjoy my punishment, my judgment,” the righteous is judged now, he’s judged to face the karmic condition and go through it because he triggered it off himself and he should not complain no more, he should be glad to go through it and recognize it, all these things were all set up by his own thought pattern so the judgment comes back on his head. So he says “I will praise the lord according to his righteousness” so he says “it could be worse Lord and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high” that means I accept my punishment and it could be worse in other words you could have taken away my life. See because actually he was destined by the karmic pattern of hurting someone to lose his life. Audience: if he had persisted with the desire patterns well it would have led him to them but he realized this before this happened. Adano: Quite true, therefore we must make adjustment or amends for anyone that we’ve hurt in some way before it comes to the final end and before we ourselves leave the physical frame because we will have to do it over again. See the physical frame is the testing ground for reconciliation that’s why when Jesus came in the body, he told Peter and Peter asked him “Master how many times should we forgive our fellow man?” And He said Jesus, “seventy times seven,” that’s 490 attempts and then he said “walk the extra mile with him before the sun goes down.” Audience: Because we don’t know how many seeds we’ve sown. Adano: Right and we don’t know if we will live through the night you see so you have to make this particular effort because we are judged by our particular effort. Now, “the glory of God is displayed in creation, our Lord God how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Who has set thy glory above the heavens.” After we understand karma now which is the last psalm, we’re going to see now what is called the purpose of living. See the psalms are designed now to carry you through the affirmative life or the science of living and it’s called the glory of God displayed in creation. So the initiate who wrote this said, “O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!” That means a sound current, how beautiful this sound current has come into manifestation as a universe. “Who hast set thy glory above the heavens,” the sound current is way above the audible formation of matter. (Gap in tape). 0:10 “Because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.” We have to realize that if we have an enemy or caused someone to be our enemy, there is that particular condition called avenging or vengeance, it’s the next psychological level we will go to. Someone must seek to avenge if you hurt somebody and to point that that person is dead, his kin folk or someone related would want to avenge that person so we are put in a situation like that. Audience: He said something about if he did something unknowning, if he hurt this person with his thoughts unknowningly there must be some indication that he had done this… Adano: Yes. Audience: The person was throwing spears at him or something or something like that? You can make restitution, the person doesn’t have to be physically present, you can do it in consciousness and as long as you do this well is there going to be some indication that this has been accepted by the Lord? Adano: It’s accepted by the Lord but it doesn’t say that you are absolved by the Lord, the Lord will still want some little measurement of payment to remind you. If you were supposed to be stuck by the spear in your heart and die now you’ll have something that’ll stick you someplace and leave a scar to remind you, you have to pay for it in some way but not in the drastic way it was intended to come back to you. Audience: Okay that’s what I wanted to know, that’s what Paul was talking about. He had a good race and his body was scarred, he said he had scars and marks on his body to prove that he had run a good race. Adano: Good okay. So we do have to carry some kind of a marking on ourselves. “When I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou has ordained,” that is the evaluation now, you begin to look at these things around you and see how insignificant our thought patterns are in terms of hurting one another then you begin to realize how stupid we are to wanna maintain a constant conflict between another human being, you can’t even make a (inaudible), let alone the moon the stars so how are we going to really say to ourselves we’re not so smart, we’re actually being stubborn. So the glory of our environment is the challenge to help us realize ourselves and try to correct the mistakes with one another. Then he says, “What is Man that thou art mindful of him?” He’s asking the creator, why should the Lord be interested in a human being? “And the Son of Man” that means the offspring, (inaudible) there must be something in Man and the offspring of Man that the creator would be interested in him or would be totally involved with him. Now he describes how Man comes into existence, “For thou has made him a little lower than the angels” he tells you exactly how Man is designed, he gives you a complete archetypal pattern, a little lower than the angels. You see, Man is made a little lower of the angels but because He made him a little lower than the angels that He should be interested in Man, He’s got to have something in Him that is greater than the angels. He may be made a little lower than the angels architecturally speaking but not decoratively speaking, see the difference? You can have a rinky dinky looking house but beautifully decorated inside and you can have a beautiful mansion next door all painted up outside and inside all falling apart. So he’s describing the contrast between Man and the angel, “For thou has made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor.” Now we are only the type of creature that has glory and honor involved in our existence, this human mechanism, the plants don’t have it, animals don’t have it, etheric beings or angels don’t have it, they are only servants of the Lord. They are what we call the spiritual transformers of the vital life power but they don’t have the glory and the honor that means they are not elevated by their conscious efforts to experience divine oneness, we are elevated by our conscious efforts to divine oneness that’s why Man ought to be perfect even as his Father which is in heaven. Now “Madest him to have dominion,” now the power He’s giving him, “over the works of thy hands” but even the angel may have the power to work the creation but he doesn’t have the power to dominate the creation. “Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of their hands, thou hast put all things under his feet.” Well that’s a very interesting statement if you realize that, in these two hands you can control the universe and in your feet you have all the nerve endings of the human body which is a miniature universe and yet in your hands you have all the nerve endings again coming through them like a miniature universe. The human hands are the only mechanism that can play the intricate pieces of music and the human feet is a chart of the vital life principle in the human body, Man is designed that way. He can track every nerve ending in his feet and he can manipulate these fingers as an expression of his divinity. “All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beast of the field, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!” In other words the shabad, the sound current, the name is the actual force that is in-resident in Man and this is why Man has his dominion. Man is selected by the creator to hear the sound current or the name and to make this force work in himself and as long as he hears the sound current inside, he is identified with the Lord. 0:20 That’s why when the waves started to come up and the Master Jesus was lying in the boat sleeping, fully aware of what was going on in the minds of his disciples and what was happening around in the environment in a superconscious way. The disciples in their subconscious level of memory of being drowned by high waves and of the conscious awareness that the ship was flooding with water, they began to panic but the Master is a Master, he is Man who has realized the dominion over all the forces. He stood up and rebuked the waves, the sound current, he is the epitome of the sound current, he is the living sound current, he alone can stop all the creation that is created under the same sound current. When a human being realizes this, that he is in possession of this power then he can demonstrate, he can show his dominance over it and he says “How excellent is thy name in all the earth” meaning the reverence for the sound current then initiate David goes on to praise God for the execution of his judgment. Once he begins to realize what he’s living in, he’s got now to realize why God’s law must work by karma is a violent law, it is the only law that really satisfies all the problems in our existence therefore he starts the psalm by saying “I will praise thee O Lord with my whole heart.” Now he’s not leaving out one segment of his heart or feeling or his mind with the whole heart, with the whole mind, “I will show forth all thy marvelous works.” In other words I’m willing to be involved in creation, I’m not avoiding it, I’m not running from it, the initiate does not run, he does not avoid, he’s committed and he’s involved. Once he understands his origin then he takes on the involvement and the involvement leads to his emergence or his divinity on a conscious level. “I will be glad” that’s a positive affirmation of an attitude of how to live with your involvement “and rejoice in thee” and this is doing it in a conscious level in the present tense. “I will sing praise to thy name O Thou most high” so chanting, chanting the psalms or the mantras is an indication of hollowing or spiritualizing this force, bringing this current to work on a conscious level. When we chant and raise our consciousness up, the vibrations in the room tends to pull up and you are raised to that stableness awareness. “When my enemies are turned back they shall fall and perish in thy presence” these are all the desire patterns. “For that has maintained my right and my cause and thou satest in the throne judging right.” If the creator is judging us, that’s the vital life power, and it is maintaining for “my cause,” that’s the initiate’s cause, what is the initiate’s cause? The initiate’s cause is the involvement, not to run from the karmic conditions around him because it’s cause and effect, the law of action. Once it’s initiated into action that has to be lived out and therefore the divine intelligence sits in bringing this principle into manifestation. “Thou hast rebuked the heathen,” remember he used the word heathen earlier, it’s repeating itself again, “thou hast destroyed the wicked,” you see we come back with the same thought pattern. “Thou hast put out their name forever and ever” these thought patterns are removed from our consciousness and we have to realize that the negative forces are within us and once we raise it, our consciousness, to the level where we can accept the karmic responsibility then the desires don’t have the impact but if your desire nature comes to an end, it is the perpetual end, it’s the end of the repetition. “To him that overcometh I will not send forth a second time,” this again is the understanding involved in the desire pattern. “O thou enemy, destructions are come to an end” that is the repercussions of thought pattern in the form of desire “and thou hast destroyed cities,” not a human being, human being is only the end result of the desire pattern triggering off to go destroy, tear down the establishment, a robot can’t tear down anything, it must have to be programmed or primed. A human being cannot tear down something until he has a desire or the craving so the real culprit behind it all is the desire nature, that is the condition that tears down. He says, “O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end: and thou hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with them.” That is to say desire leads us to self-destruction “but the Lord shall endure forever,” that is life, it will continue to exist forever regardless of how much your desire pattern is triggered off. “He hath prepared his throne for judgment,” life has set up in creation the law of cause and effect or karma to reconcile all desire patterns “and he shall judge the world in righteousness.” Karma, which is the way of bringing things to a head, will make our environment the testing ground for the positive thought patterns against the negative thought patterns, righteousness is the right thought pattern. “And he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness,” the moment you accept your responsibility and your karmic debt, you’re going to be pulled up by the roots, as a Yogi says “We’ll pull you up by your (inaudible),” in other words you’re going to force to face yourself now, you can eat your own words back and some of those words are pretty rough at times. You know those adjectives and pronouns, they’re sticking your throat but that’s how the upright person, the ethical person, the spiritual person, or the initiate is made whole again by that principle, he’s made one with a divine current. “The Lord also will be a refuge,” when you are eating your words back where do your thoughts go now, what is uppermost in your mind? “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble,” when you’re eating your words and they’re really oppressing you, you find out that you are recalling or resorting back to the divine current in you, you are trying to recapture those moments of bliss prior to your mistakes with your desires and you wish you never did trigger off that pattern to cause you to eat your words back. So the same condition that upbraids you is the same condition that comforts you, you begin to understand your nature better. “And they that know my name,” the individual who is hollowing the sound, the name in his mind now that’s the initiate, “they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” 0:30 The initiate, he’ll make mistakes but if he keeps hollowing the name with all his mistakes and eating his word back, he will find refuge, he’ll find emergence, he will live through his involvement. He knows his origin, he knows his involvement, his commitments, and now he’s given the key to get out of it and to sustain himself, repetition of the holy name, hollowing the holy name, hollowing the chant or hollowing the psalm. Psalm means extra sensory aid, calling upon that aid, those thought patterns laid out by the initiate experience and bringing it through to lift yourself up. Now the initiate goes on to say, “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Sing praises to the Lord,” chant. Now the colored people always say when you’re in the blues to do what? Sing away the blues, you see on a practical level singing does break up that particular experience around you that puts you in a blue or low mood. “Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion” which means generate the chant current which is residing in the brain, the sound current is here already at the eye center but chant with your mind centered there among Zion, this is among Zion, chant with your consciousness center there. If you say “Ommm” or whatever you’re chanting, “how sweet the name of…” whatever you’re chanting, “Listen Listen Listen” or anything, once you are chanting with your consciousness here you’re declaring above the people the principles of the inner life. So he says, “sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings.” As you start chanting this particular consciousness is being pulled up and people now start to get into you, you start to feel the pull, they want to participate. “When he maketh inquisition for blood, he remembereth them: he forgetteth not the cry of the humble,” that’s a very drastic statement, “he remembereth them: he forgetteth not the cry of the humble.” When we go out to the extent to hurt others that’s an inquisition, putting them to the torture chamber, embarrassing them in every way for blood. In other words we don’t have no compassion now, we don’t have no mercy but the creative life principle remembers those people, “he forgetteth not the cry of the humble.” Many of us are hurt unwillingly, unknowingly, unintentionally and we cry out, those cries cannot be forgotten because those cries come from the heart, comes from the mind, they are set into motion in the atmosphere, they are thought patterns, they have to be resolved. Now we are using life force, God is life force, and once we are using it it’s hanging in the air to face us and therefore we have to live through the experience of reconciling it. So here is the reconciliation, “Have mercy upon me, O Lord; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death.” You see how far we have to go in the emotional nature of ourselves to be free from the karmic responsibility, right up to the point of death, death is the final test if we are going to willing to correct the wrong of having hurt someone, if you’re going to be willing to seek some type of reconciliation for our mistakes, it’s human to avoid but it’s divine to face them. You only have the strength to face up when you accept the divine in you and that is if God be with you who can be against you? You see He has provided that for you to ease your mind so that you can face the problems that you’ve generated. So you have a way out by accepting your divinity in yourself and in so doing you will face yourself and you will face the problems with the fellow men who you have hurt for the first time then there is no more avoidance but then there is release, emergence, you’re liberated, free man all, lord of yourself, this is the inner awareness of yourself at work. “That I may shew forth all thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion: I will rejoice in thy salvation.” The moment we accept ourselves that by looking at the point between the eyebrows and facing the problem, half of the battle is won already because strength comes in to face the situation and “you will rejoice in thy salvation” because that means you are coming to the release now, the pressure is off. You know when you begin to face some situation you are kind of leery as to how you will face it, you die a thousand deaths before you actually face it but the moment you start going through it, things fall into place and when you come through it you end up saying, “it could have been worse.” It’s by this particular facing it, certain forces begin to work towards helping you. The prodigal son when he decided to go back to his father, when he decided to face his father for having squandered his sustenance, died a thousand deaths but until he turned around to go back, he didn’t know if his father was going to meet him halfway and accept him. Equally true when we as human beings make a blunder or some action that we feel guilty of and we want to correct it, we will die a thousand deaths till we face it. The moment we face it, it starts moving, we are bringing into focus our divinity for the first time, a strength comes in us that helps us to live above the impact of the condemnation from the individual who we are asking to forgive us. There is where the strength of humility versus the strength of ego, the person who is going to forgive you may be highly egotistic, highly antagonistic, you who are humble and realizing what you’re doing on a conscious level can win the battle now with love for the first time, you’re applying love and you are free. “The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.” By the very things we plan for others, we are trapped into it but at the same time we can correct it. “The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth,” that means karma will always come back to the individual, “the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands,” you can’t constantly tear down others without you going to be teared down. Now we come into the beautiful Jewish word, Hebrew word, Higgaion, spell HIG-GAION, then another Hebrew word, Selah. Selah we know is “so be it.” Higgaion is “it has been said.” 0:40 It’s stated now that the Lord will make restitution by His own principles, this is not something that we can avoid no more, this is something we have to face. That means something that is set into motion by the Creative iIntelligence will never alter itself, it will upbraid us, it will help us, it will chasten us, admonish us, but it is the only way that we can ever find real inner joy is by living it out. The Creator does not make two ways, He has one way, “What we sow, we reap.” Yet in that very principle, though it’s harsh in times based upon the desire pattern of the individual who trigger it off or the particular life form you find yourself working it out, yet if you’re willing to face it you will discover the uniqueness of your divinity in it. That’s the only way you will ever do it, to discover your uniqueness of your divinity is by facing it, you will discover how much spiritual power is latent in you by facing it. So he goes on to say, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” We’re finding a very strange statement, “the wicked shall be turned into hell,” now we’re not talking about H-E-L-L merely as some place where somebody with a pitchfork or a big fire is waiting for you, it really means on the initiate life that those thought patterns that are self deteriorating will go into a state of HELD meaning it will be crystallized to constantly confront you and wait for you to have the experience of confrontation in order to correct it. It will be put in that particular situation where you have to make the correction in yourself, it’s stored up for you. “And all the nations that forget God,” that means all the environmental laws that tend to deviate from that principle, they will all have to remain in the state of HELD. “For the needy shall not alway be forgotten,” now you see the word needy and not want, the needy, “the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.” So needy people, expectant people, are involved in this process. What is in a human being as an initiate? All our needs are fulfilled, not our wants, and the poor means those who lack the spiritual drive, especially uninterested in themselves, they are poor. When we lack this spiritual urge or spiritual craving to understand ourselves, we are really poor, it has nothing to do with money, it has strictly to do with a lack of spiritual drive, spiritual yearning, but if their expectation he says “the expectation of a spiritual poor,” if you’re constantly expecting to alter yourself to improve yourself, you will not perish. That means there is hope for the individual who may lack the initiative to spiritually improve himself but if he expects to make a change, sooner or later he will be pulled out by grace, he will not be left or cut abandoned, the life energy will not leave him. “Arise oh Lord,” the energy moving up the spine now, “let not man prevail,” let not the ego be in control. The kundalini energy must rise up in the spine so that the ego is held in check. “Let the heathen be judged in thy sight,” let the sensory nature face the realization that the vital power moves up to the top of the brain. “Put them in fear,” that means let the sensory nature realize that the intuitive power is supreme, it’s extrasensory. We are limited by our five senses, we are unlimited by our extrasensory forces. “Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” In other words people don’t realize that when they live by their sensory nature they are limited but when they live by their extrasensory nature they are unlimited. The initiate is making a statement that we are only men when we live by our sensory nature but we are Sons of God or Sons of Light, divine being in manifestation when we live by our extrasensory nature or our divine nature, when we bring this nature to bear or into manifestation, when we cause it to come out and work, we are different, we are no longer men. Now Jesus said “If the Son of Man be lifted up, it’ll draw all other men to me,” if the sensory nature is withdrawn from the lower chakras of the body, inserted in the brain, all other people living in that sensory nature will also be drawn magnetically pulled up. Thank you. Audience: (Inaudible), this is the tenth psalm, The Perils of the Pilgrim. “Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. For the wicked boasteth of his heart’s desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight: as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them. He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in adversity. His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity. He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor. He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net. He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones. He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it. Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble. Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it. Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless.” 0:50 Audience: “Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none. The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land. LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear: To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress.” Adano: Well that sure lays it on the line, modern day living, we aren’t too far off in this particular type of existence. Many of us as initiates often ask the same question before we commit the initiate life when we are searching for truth. “Why standest thou afar O Lord,” how many of us have ever asked that question student, we’ve all asked that, we’ve all made that tremendous appeal never fully realizing that God is not afar and (inaudible) realizing that God cannot be seen, that’s why the scripture says “No man seeth God,” God is the eternal vital power in us, it’s the creative principle. Now the creative principle works by laws and these laws are around us and when we are involved in them, that is where we learn our lessons, when we avoid them we learn a different lesson. (Inaudible) not in the avoidance so we say “why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble.” Have we not all gone through particular experience? When things are really going bad that’s the time we’re crying for God and He doesn’t seem to appear and then all of a sudden ego wakes up, “He don’t exist, why are you beating your head against the wall for? The only things that exists is me, me big ego. That’s the only thing that exists.” So if “me big ego” is existing then the creative intelligence is not existing then creative intelligence can’t (inaudible). In this human body ego then takes full advantage of that particular situation and then it goes to be exactly what is laid out in the science (inaudible) of trying to control your body. “The wicked in his pride” that means the ego automatically becomes puffed up in us. When we are in stress we don’t see any avenging force, when we call upon this force to help us it doesn’t respond therefore automatically the mind assumes that (inaudible) creative intelligence will be there to judge us or interfere. (Inaudible). When the initiate wrote the psalm, he wrote of the inner life, this conflict that goes on in every day activity between the ego and the higher self. He knew that there was no way that the creative intelligence would come down and literally clobber him on your head if he made a mistake. So if he allowed the ego to really go all out only to discover that this was worse than he could have done. So the Psalm is called a Psalm of Complaint and Prayer, first you have to complain because nothing is coming out from the Creative Intelligence and then sooner or later you discover that your desires are not being fulfilled then the prayer or intercession begins in us. This is what the Science of the Soul teaches us, it teaches us that we must first understand the Creative Principle and our relationship with it before we can actually bring it into manifestation. So it says “the wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor,” the ego takes advantage of the lesser developed individuals, the thought patterns that have no real value, poor, they can’t fight for themselves, then can’t take care of themselves. (Inaudible), the ego starts picking on them. “Let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.” Well in our imagination we can have many types of cravings and the ego will start to generate a particular desire to control him, once it starts to control the human being then we are a victim of the ego. Now the only reason we are in the body, the only reason we are reincarnating is because we have an unfulfilled desire but an unfulfilled desire is also like a habit pattern, it’s a craving that keeps craving that keeps craving and keeps arguing and keeps wanting more and more and says you can’t satisfy it, sooner it becomes a chronic habit pattern and so it becomes a chronic habit pattern. Then we find we have been taken in, you’re addicted so psychologically we are addicted to our own imagination through the craving patterns. Therefore as we become addicted we have to repeat it over and over and over, then we become attached. From the addiction comes the attachment, you can’t seem to let go and if we want to let go, we’re afraid that we’re going to lose ourselves, our identity. That’s the big problem in this ego nature. Yet when you realize that by detaching yourself, breaking free from your imagination of what will happen to you, in the process you start the elimination of holding on to your desires, unfulfilled desires begin to shut off. Now the third verse says “for the wicked boasteth of his heart’s desire and blessed the covetous whom the Lord abhorreth.” The negative person always try to generate some kind of facade in order to pull us into that whirlpool, they’re always boasting of how good the sensory life is. Now if the sensory life is so good, the evidence we have is at death. The spiritual man is not worried about his life what he’s living, he knows it’s a process in which he’s involved and the process is sanctified by the Creator when he’s ready to leave the body, only at that time we will see what the true spiritual man is. The spiritual man is not observed by his miracles that he performs, he is sanctified by the Creative Presence, by the Creative Principle, by the grace, then that power decides to raise him up at death. We begin to see now an unusual phenomenon occurring in a spiritual man’s life, he may be very humble, very simple living, (inaudible), he may not involve himself with the sensory nature or the cravings of the entire world. He may be looked upon as what the people call a type of a teetotaler, (inaudible) he’s not the kind that gets involved with things that make live worth living. The sensory nature tries to create all types of propaganda to indicate that the sensory life is the highest life while you’re in the body but while the sensory life is doing that the spiritual man knows that this is a trap, he knows this is honey with poison in it and if he sticks his finger in it and puts it in his mouth, it may be sweet but it may be death at the same time, the spiritual man has to be aware of the sensory nature all the time. 1:00 The negative person is always praising people who try to (inaudible) or take away what you tend to believe in. One negative person gets another negative person to join together to harass you as a spiritual person and three/four in that line starts a whole series of harassments and you know where the harassment begins? It doesn’t begin with your friends, it doesn’t begin with your business associates, it begins in your home that’s where the negative person finds his harassment. One member of a home sets a negative thought in another member of the home and before you know it, all the members in your home are harassing you because you want to follow a different way of life, you want to be free from the sensory pull of your nature, you want to transcend it. It doesn’t make you cold like a potato that you don’t appreciate life, a spiritual person appreciates life much more than a sensory person. A sensory person is involved in the desire addiction and attachment, the spiritual person is involved in regeneration of the desire pattern that leads to liberation and “to him that overcometh, I will not send forth a second time but I’ll make him a pillar in the house of the Lord.” That is the journey, that’s the process we’re involved with in the spiritual life but he lives in the world like other people but he’s subject to harassment and he has to be harassed only because it’s a battle of ego, ego between human beings who are battling for one another’s mind. I call it divine benders, everybody’s trying to bend your mind to their way so they can control you. You don’t want to be controlled by the ego mind, you want to be led by your own Divine God-mind to find your own inner awareness, your own completeness. So always watch for that ego in nature, that desire pattern that is tending to pull you into the sensory world. “The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all of his thoughts.” God is not in all of his thoughts, you can see that very clearly, the negative thought pattern of individuals who are locked up…

1970 - Part 4 The Science of the Psalms

Adano70_4ScienceofthePsalmsQ3NW4 - Not too long ago Japanese scientists have proven that the brain emits its full potential when the eyes are half open, half closed. Interesting that the brain emits its full potential when the eyes are half open, half closed. Now every mystic knows this, that the only way he can really draw on God within his being, the only way he can vibrate this energy up is the half open, half close eyes and he can block thousands of people glaring at him simply by looking at them with one darshan, he can knock out all the wind out of them. Now, “and He hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.” In other words that force field goes right through them and they’re blocked, their love is so great that comes through the half open eyes but there’s nothing else for the man in anger or in hate to do but look at you, “Well what are you gonna do?” Then they will begin to realize “salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people.” The man who gives darshan to a screaming host of people automatically radiates so much love that what happens to that ten thousand people that they are like spiritualized, they’re immobilized with the love, they can’t help feeling the love flowing to them now. They can have all types of questions to ask you to harass you but you just give them one darshan they calm right down and before you know it they don’t know what’s happening to them, they feel like they’re losing their their… vitality is going out of them, that’s the power of the spirit and again it says Selah, “so be it.” Well I think I had many encounters like that, when I was in Virginia Beach and every time… so the situation is simply that the security of God’s protection is based upon that particular love. What time is it now? Audience: Twenty to four. Adano: Keep on our schedule but you see how each Psalm is leading into a plan. Psalm number four it says, “David now prays for audience” in other words when the social structure is lobbied by its citizens, even Mr. Nixon or any political figure has to have audience with the Lord in some way. How do we fight back these particular harassments or inroads into our authority. Well here is David’s way of relating how a leader or anyone is drawn into consciousness, “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness” that means the consciousness responds to attunement when we utilize the right law of meditation. “Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress,” that means consciousness expanded when negative thought patterns were trying to take over. “Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer,” let relaxation occur in the body, let the tension go, and let my consciousness expand. When we meditate we really don’t know as a beginner what going to occur in us and when anything occurs in us we are a little afraid, sometimes skeptical or worried. Now since we are skeptical or worried, we begin to doubt for fear that we’re not doing the right thing and if we’re afraid that we’re not doing the right thing we start calling up the person who taught us meditation and asking, “Well what do I do now, what do I do now, what do I do now, how do I know I’m getting results, is that the way (inaudible) feel, a buzzing sound in my ears or the roots of my hair being dragged up, big pain in my head, a cold sweat and trembling all over the place?” And if you say “Yes that’s the way it should feel.” “But I didn’t feel that when I was in the other church groups, I had very nice feelings in those church groups and now I join your group here I’m getting all kinds of sensations, something is wrong.” You tell them “Nothing is wrong, this is the normal process in how the mechanism works.” And they’re partially doubtful and partially calm. If they keep up the meditation eventually they’ll calm down but sometimes they’re afraid to continue so they avoid. So David is showing how we should respond in this condition inside, if we’re half restless or half calm, “Hear me when I call” let me feel inside that the contact I made from this inner peace, this attunement, is flowing through. “O God of my righteousness” that means the right principles of meditation or thinking, love. “Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress,” my consciousness expanded beyond the limitation of the negative pull when I began to meditate. When I began to meditate I was in a certain state of negative thought patterns because I was frustrated and now I am meditating, I’ve gone beyond the frustration, my consciousness is stretching, so my consciousness has expanded. Therefore “have mercy upon me and hear my prayer,” in other words let this consciousness flow through me so that I am confident to handle it and I know without doubt that everything is working as it should. This is confirmation that the symptoms that are occurring in us, in meditation, are real and they are nothing to be afraid of they’re just going on naturally inside. “O ye sons of men,” this is the usual conflict now coming up between you and the higher consciousness in meditation. “How long will ye turn my glory into shame? How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing?” Leasing, what the consciousness is saying to the person in meditation is this, “how long will you go along doubting the possibilities of the experience being genuine and what do you think is happening to you is partial and not the real thing?” You don’t really have a full comprehension or full confirmation of it, there’s no real certitude. Now, so you will doubt and dabble and try to avoid going to the fullest acceptance that these symptoms are real, these symptoms are genuine, and that this is a real spiritual life, this is what must occur in the body to bring out the spirit. So you’ll continue in the “leasing,” that means you will try to accept partially, get involved partially, and then try to withdraw the compare. 0:10 Now when you lease something you really don’t own it so if you don’t really have a full conviction that these symptoms that are occurring in you in meditation are truly the right symptoms that’s supposed to happen, you’re going to be daunting and you’re going to be going back to the old feelings that that is the right symptoms to have and then you say “Well every time I get into meditation I have these peculiar sensations.” Now the Lord is getting sort of angry here because he’s showing in his own words the way he’s saying back to the brain or the consciousness that we are kind of foolish. “O ye sons of men,” all you egos, that’s another way of saying it, higher consciousness is saying “Okay ego, wait a minute, take it easy, how long will you turn my glory into shame, how long will you avoid facing the intuitive nature, how long would you avoid this particular inner certitude, this inner wisdom, this inner luminosity of yourself?” “How long will you love vanity,” how long will you remain in the unrealistic thought patterns? They are not real, they’re like show, the sensation of the sensory nature are not real, they’re not the real experiences, they’re not the real sensations. The real sensations is this pulling of their head, this twanging in the ears, this annoying sensation of being expanded and stretched and flowing, these are the real things, these are the real extrasensory frequencies that you’ve got to get into. How long are you going to keep avoiding them, how long are you going to try to dissociate from them? “And seek after leasing,” seek after the other conditions that are only temporary, are not permanent whereas these symptoms are permanent once you understand them. That’s why I say all the symptoms of cosmic consciousness or God awareness are identical like sickness and therefore they feel alike, they look alike, but there is a difference between sickness and cosmic consciousness. In sickness it’s permanently there creating the disturbance in the cells, in cosmic consciousness you have an experience of it knowing that you are a Master of it, it doesn’t affect you, you transcend. “But know,” in other words realize the Lord, the Creative Intelligence, “hath set apart him that is godly for himself.” Now that individual who is going to have cosmic consciousness is set aside to experience all these symptoms that are similar to sickness, you know when a man’s sick you don’t want to be near him right? When you come close to a cosmic conscious person he’s just the same, you don’t want to be too close, he might infect you with his love. “The Lord will hear when I call unto him,” the Lord will hear when I call upon Him. So once the person is fully on the path of inner consciousness, he will hear this awareness, he will be drawn to this awareness and he will recognize this awareness but he will be set aside from every other individual because he is different, he’s not the same individual no more, he’s taken a different attitude to life. So he’s going to be criticized, he’s going to be ostracized and therefore no one would really relate to him so the higher consciousness is saying again now, “Stand in awe,” remain firm in your own consciousness where you are and stop bibbling and babbling with your wandering mind, begin to be where you are and shape up, quit this so-called “you love me, you love me not” technique of the mind, get down to the actual realization that you are singled out for realization and because you’re singled out for realization, you will be realized in spite of yourself, in spite of others trying to tear you down you’ve got to be realized because there’s no other way for you to go. So “stand in awe,” stand in this retrospect, in this condition, accept yourself and be it and “sin no more,” that is don’t deviate from the ideas that you’ve set up to pursue the spiritual life. You have been singled out to pursue a life of discipline of love, a life of self-conscious ethical life so because you’re singled out you may think well people think you’re kind of weird, they don’t want to trust you, you look kind of stupid or something sitting down and munching on whole wheat bread and brown rice or some carrot sticks, “I think you’re weird looking or something is wrong with you” and they’ll try to encourage you to go and have hamburgers and cokes and all types of variations because you’re standing for, you have chosen to do this particular mind expansion by a rational method, they think you’re touched in the head but your science of the religion, your psalms is telling you how to how to face these people. It says “stand in awe,” accept this relation and don’t deviate, don’t sin no more, don’t break away from it, stick to the path, this is the discipline. “Commune with your heart,” practice your meditation upon your bed, go find you spot in your house and forget these people who are gonna constantly pull you all over the city for their virtue. Get in your bed and sit down and do your simran or your hallowing the holy name and meditate with your heart, start bringing your consciousness up to the eye center and quit getting involved in their negative pull to tear you down so the science of the Soul is specific, it gives you a legitimate way to offset the oppression. “Commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still,” the process is actually you sit down and you calm the mind for the first time, not trying to tell the Lord how to run His universe. One time I did that, you know what He said to me? “You think you can change it? Try.” And that was the end of my “busy trying to figure out what he was doing with this world. I realized I can’t change anything because there’s nothing there to change, what I have to learn is how to accept Him as He is and that’s the miracle of the whole process, accept Him as He is, whatever happens to you, happens to you. He has a reason for it to happen to you and He has a reason for relieving you from it so there is no argument anymore, strictly live as beingness and you are free, there is no more conflicts, you see. So right away I surrender to the idea, the divine will, and beingness is divine will. Now “stand in awe and sin no more,” as we say “stay where you are and don’t go being pulled by others with their thought patterns trying to tear you down, trying to repeat the old habit patterns again that you’re tring to avoid.” Don’t generate those desires that tends to deteriorate you. “And commune,” that is sit down and meditate with your own heart, with the free will, free joy, happiness, don’t do it like some kind of mechanical thing you know, meditation it’s a joyful thing. In other words (inaudible), relax, be still in your own bed, find a spot. He used the word bed because that’s very close (inaudible), closer to you and a bed, that’s a place where you sleep at night and you really trust the Lord then because when you’re sound asleep you don’t even know if a person is taking your shoes off, you really trust the Lord then when you’re sound asleep on a bed so I’m using a bed as a sacred spot, that’s a personal spot. “And be still,” be just as still as if you were sound asleep, don’t fight the issue or don’t try to generate thought patterns. Then that wonderful Hebrew word comes back, Selah, “what will be, will be,” “So be it.” You can’t fight this, he’s telling (inaudible) that this is the way of the initiative, the initiate accepts, he gets involved with his environment but he doesn’t run from his environment, the involvement is the action and the action is the freedom. Then he says “Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,” see what kind of sacrifice he wants? He doesn’t offer sacrifice in terms of material things. 0:20 When you sit down to meditate offer the sacrifice of righteousness that means you send up the thought, “Father I love you.” That’s the biggest sacrifice you can ever make with your mouth, with your mind, and with your heart. To tell an unseen God that you don’t even know what he looks like you love him, that’s a challenge. It’s easy to love somebody and tell them you love them because you can see them, you see me you tell me you love me that’s because you remember what I look like. Have you ever seen God to tell Him you love Him and really feel it? That’s difficult but that’s a sacrifice, that’s why it’s a sacrifice because you’ve got to make that particular attempt without knowing what to trust Him to make it click for you, to turn you on from inside. “And put your trust in the Lord,” put your trust in a feeling that’s going to come up your spine like this and go to the top of your skull and down and back. You gotta trust now this vital life power coming up in you, it’s called kundalini or vital power and it tingles right all the way and you gotta trust that now. You don’t even see what it looks like but you’re feeling it and you gotta trust that, pretty rough deal but the scriptures are telling you what you got to do and what you have to accept and there just ain’t no other way you can do it. The Science of the Soul is very specific and in the sounds which is called Mantra Yoga it’s to show you how you have to relate to this thing and make it work for yourself. Now we’ve covered the two types of people that exist, we’ve covered the relationship of the government and the system that we exist in in the first two psalms and the third psalm you see now the head of the government is caught up and has to find inner communion to offet the patterns of harassment, what we call modern day lobbyism. So we’re moving on now to Man’s happiness is in God’s favor, how the inner consciousness gains contentment by total awareness, that’s God’s favor, inner contentment from the ego nature to total awareness. “There be many that say, Who will shew us any good?” We’ve all been that route when we have said “is there anybody here who love us or do something for us or do anything good for us?” Lots of us have done this, I’ve said it many times it’s only natural, now why should it not be natural? It is because we don’t know how to evaluate, the mind is not trained to evaluate spiritually yet it’s only evaluating in terms of need, it’s not evaluating in terms of compassion and mercy and grace but only in terms of need and security. So we say, “There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord?” That’s your last resort if you don’t commit suicide, you always turn to this unseen force as if He’s out there waiting for you to ask Him (inaudible) simply because you can’t live without relating to a higher part of your being as a supporting force between them. Unconsciously, subconsciously, intuitively you sense this and you can’t relate to it and you don’t want to accept it, you want to feel that you’re free enough to do without it and you fight desperately. I hope you like these tapes when they’re all finished because they’re all good and snoozy, that will be the joy of thanksgiving. We’re coming back now to Man’s happiness is in God’s favor, as I said before we covered the first two psalms: the first one tells you the types of people you are dealing with in the world, you have to pick a side and be one or the other, the right thinker or positive one or the wrong thinker or the negative one, in the bible language it’s called Godly or ungodly and the second psalms deals with your environment, political makeup, kingdom and all these forms of existence in which we find ourselves. The third psalm shows you have protection in the reference of the environment in that particular frame of activity. Now comes the fourth psalm where the very head of government seeks to be aware of how it will guide itself and at the same time it’s telling you as a person in your own internal guidance how you guide yourself but when you guide yourself there must be a result, you don’t just guide yourself out to something for nothing, it must have some value, by your fruits you will know if you’re making progress. A tree is known by its fruit, the man of spirituality is known by the fruit of his consciousness and his inner peace. So Man’s happiness is in God’s favor, “There be many that say, Who will shew us any good?” This true, many of us will question anybody doing good for us. “Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon me,” in other words let this consciousness radiate. “Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.” Joy comes from within not without, one can have a bumper crop, a large payroll and still be discontent but the joy you feel in meditation every day is entirely different, it spreads out through the entire being and it starts in the heart center, the heart chakra, and there you hear the bells ringing inside, the very first inner experience of the sound current when the heart chakra opens up, you hear the bell ringing. You listen to the sound current and you’re drawn back to God for the first time and you’re attuned to it, that lifts you up. “And I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep,” you know this word sleep repeated itself again, how many Psalms? Every time you read a Psalm there’s a reference to sleep, I said the technique of this mystic life is to be able to think a thought and forget it just like you do in sleep, if you can do that you have the power to work this consciousness, the ability to shut it off. Now if it keeps holding on, then it’s wandering therefore you have no control. The idea is to have a thought and let go then consciousness flows. “For thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety,” in other words our natural make-up of consciousness we would protect ourselves and if we accept our environment wherever we are, that we are in the right place at the right time for the right experience, this is eternal safety. Even if a house is falling down and you are there at that time at that particular place when it’s falling down, with that consciousness you are still going to be safe because it will pull you out and that’s what we call “making it by the skin of your nose” or “photo finish existence,” you’re lucking it through. This is Divine Will, it works, a hairy-scary, nerve wracking existence but it is divine law and you just got to accept it and enjoy it and if you ever get in a spiritual path and you’re really looking for something hair raising, follow Divine Will you’re gonna find out. There’s nothing more hair raising and more nerve wracking and have all the thrills like a roller coaster up and down and that’s the Divine Will at work. Now God’s favors not the wicked, it’s telling you exactly where the favor is, where the particular function of truth exists. God is love and love don’t nourish wickedness or ignorance, love doesn’t sustain it, it withdraws itself. It’s like the species that came here at one time in existence, some of them have gone because they served no purpose after a while, they couldn’t sustain themselves, their multiplication would be too great, they’d have to eventually destroy themselves. If the dinosaurs were around, what would happen? Many of the mastodons were here, if they kept on multiplying over what would happend? We find that nature has a way in which she arranges all these forces to keep the balance, it’s her mystical way, her marvelous way of maintaining harmony. 0:30 Now if we say “survival of the fittest” then that’s a kind of wrong statement when you apply it to a dinosaur, who could survive, who was more fit to survive, you get the idea? Because he was stronger bigger and healthier, he was far more fit to survive than the smaller creatures but if you look at the scriptures, the scriptures give you a clue who actually survives, “the meek will inherit the earth,” who is really surviving, the strong or the weak or the meek, which one of the three are really surviving? It’s not the strong surviving, it’s not the weak surviving, it’s the meek. A meek person is not strong nor weak, a meek person is humble, he’s attuned, therefore he’s synchronized to life itself, he is living Divine Will, he survives. “He that doeth the will of the Lord is my brother and my sister,” that individual is surviving all the time, he’s accepting Divine Law. So we come to that particular statement that “God favors not the wicked” which is the sound of the Psalm and therefore when thoughts are coming up into our consciousness, we realize that unrighteous thoughts or negative thoughts really don’t have any virtue, they’re going to fall apart. Tests that we made in the labs between cultures of generating love with your right hand and generating hate with your left hand and after a while the cultures died under the left hand and those under the right hand began to multiply more and cultures that had no thought given to them, simply neutral, partially multiplied and died out so even love is important without animosity. See you have the animosity to a neutral thing, you say “I don’t love it, I don’t hate it, I’m hands off” even that dies out and those animosity dies out and those that you have some intimacy or bond, it survive and thrives. Now this is proven, now that it’s proven let’s relate this to cells, flesh, the human body which is the temple of the existing principle and work it now, see how it can work. If we can work it and then we’ve got something within our control that’s what we’re looking for, how we can consciously control this mechanism to apply ourselves constructively in our environment efficiently because that’s what we’re here for, we’re not here to run from the world, we’re here to live in it but only by living it can we understand it and understanding is the highest thing you should get if you’re going to get anything out of spirituality. You can’t carry riches in your grave so that’s out of the question, health is something that if you understand these principles you’ll have it, death is a condition if you understand it you surpass it, death is your last enemy, that is your last opposition so what is really the purpose of existence, the art of how to live. If you know this then you understand your existence then there is no more dilemma in your mind, there is no limitations you’re a free person because that’s what you’re supposed to be, free, in charge of this mechanism. Now the Psalm says, “Give ear to my words,” listen, don’t just mere hear, there’s a big difference between hearing and listening, “give ear to my words O Lord and consider my meditation.” Now we come across a strange word, meditation, long before the Maharishi came around to visit us, this word meditation is haunting us now, how do we meditate? Find yourself in bed and commune with your heart, simple right? We don’t have to go and find fantastic techniques, we know how to do the thing, that is just surrender and let the thing happen. “Give ear to my words O Lord, consider my meditation,” that is when you sit down to attune, your words should be the Lord’s name you hollow it or “Father I love you.” Merely “Father I love you” is potent enough to open the centers of your being. “Hearken unto the voice of my cry,” well which Father is going to deny when a child says he loves him, which Father or Mother is going to be hard-hearted and shut out the feeling when the offspring says, “I love you.” You see how powerful (inaudible) you got? God can take back everything He creates in this world from us, even life, but the only thing He can’t force us to give up is love because He’s love Himself, He’s inside of us we, have to give it to Him freely that He cannot employ no pressure upon asking in any way to love Him. Now the moment we say we love Him and let it really happen, He brings this into manifestation, He is forced to reciprocate to you. “Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God,” that means now you’re making consciousness the focal point that governs you which is king, God, a supreme ideal principle within you. “For unto thee will I pray,” unto this particular relationship I will bind myself that’s why I say meditate day and night, we bind ourselves to this commitment of an ideal and an involvement, a sense of judgment and a sense of action. “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning,” now he’s telling you again the time that says this morning, the best time for meditation is what time? You get up at five o’clock and do your two and a half hours of meditation, right? “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.” Now when you meditate what position should the eyes be? Turned up to the third eye, it’s centered between, the Christ center in Man, it should always be attuned at the third eye thereby we are validating now what the Japanese scientists are saying, when the eyes are half open we have the full potential of the brain at work. Jesus is saying, “When thine eyes are single, the whole body is full of light.” Well all these only tell us one thing, look up, means the same thing. There is only three positions that the eyes can go in, forward, down, or up, time for yoga classes right? (gap in tape), consciousness should be lined up at the eye center, the pituitary, or focal point, the mental microphone of the brain because you’re broadcasting but you’re not broadcasting anything else than “Father I love you,” you’re not asking Him for anything so real meditation is strictly a flow of love, loving the Lord thy God with all your mind and heart and Soul and your neighbor as yourself. There’s no greater force in this particular type of communion, there’s no greater mantra than “Father I love you,” it’s the cheapest mantra I know, it don’t cost you no $75 to learn and it don’t cost you any fantastic fee to be in touch with, simply that you’ve got to do it and doing is the whole essence of it. “For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness,” for thou art a consciousness total that doesn’t engross itself with deterioration, that’s what wickedness only means, self-erosion. “Neither shall evil dwell with thee,” that is negative living. Total consciousness does not sustain or entertain negative living, it will perish, it will fall apart. 0:40 “The foolish shall not stand in thy sight.” Now the first time you run across the word “fool” and “foolish,” Jesus says “call no man fool,” there must be a reason why we never use the word fool to a human being because there must be some law we are breaking that we are not aware of, some thought pattern we are setting up that we are not aware of and it may involve a karmic debt to it. Now “clown” is a different thing, you can clown around, you can say the man is a clown, but when you say a man is a fool you’re actually cutting the very vital life principle that’s in the individual representing the creator and addressing the creator as a fool and therefore you are addressing yourself at the same time because you and the individual are drawing the same breath from the same atmosphere at the same time. That’s why Jesus is making a very specific meaning or issue of not calling another individual “fool.” “The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity,” the consciousness cannot stand the fact of destruction by his own volition though it has the desire to destroy itself at times but even then it cannot stand the fact because it’s committed by its own natural law to repeat the principle all over to test itself. You will have to go through the process of learning again, you have to come back to another body form to learn out the mistake of making that mistake of killing itself so he has to learn that lesson. “Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing.” Now “destroyed” don’t mean literally hit him on the head and kill him, those individuals who are constantly living in the mind wandering like a “leasing,” constantly mind wandering, they are gradually going to find themselves running out of desires and ideas to latch onto, they’re going to be totally empty after a while, they’re going to reach what is known now, total frustration. “The Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man,” we know we can’t survive by hurting others continuously and we know we can’t constantly trick our neighbor or abuse him constantly because we will be doing it to ourselves in actuality, in the end we are doing it to ourselves not doing anybody. So the real lesson we are learning is when we look at ourselves we find out that to be happy must come from inside. Thank you. Audience: (Chanting multiple times) “Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya.” Adano: Now we are continuing our Psalms. As we said earlier “God favors not the wicked,” that’s the negative thinker and we’re dealing with Psalm 5, verse five, “the foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.” As I mentioned this is the first time we are encountering the word “fool” and the Master Jesus admonished Man that he should never call his fellow Man “fool,” there is a cosmic principle behind that. When call another person “fool” you’re actually calling the God principle in that person too and that is implying your own self because two are related, you and the God principle or that person the God principle are related, you both draw breath from the same source and when you tear down another individual in that aspect you create the karma. “Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing,” in other words we are defeated by the mind wandering, leasing is something that you come and go, you’re never permanent, you’re never stable, and when the mind is wandering it has a tendency to deteriorate and tear you down. “The Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man,” well Jesus points that out if you live by the sword, you die by the sword, if you hurt someone and you destroy someone by deceit or plot his death or his particular destruction by pre-meditating it, his kinfolk we want vengance, it’s only natural. So they will go out and try to destroy you and if your kinfolk want vengeance, you go out and destroy their kinfolk and we have what is called a feud like the Mccoys and the Hatfields, all over the world it’s like that, we have this feud going on. What david is saying as an initiate, “But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy,” that is the initiate will turn inward at the eye center. The human body is the house, you’re initiated into the cosmic lifestream and only when you turn inwards you enter. Now at this point of the mechanism, the brain, it’s the only part that can really generate mercy, you have to see and think and once you think then you can be merciful, you can’t do it if you don’t have a head. If you’re you’re living in your senses you couldn’t do it, you have to live on a higher plane of experience, a higher plane of awareness to be merciful. “But as for me,” that is the initiate, “I will come into my house,” which is the human body, “in the multitude of thy mercy,” that’s the storehouse of mercy, consciousness, “and in thy fear,” meaning in that particular attitude of respect, not a fear from damnation or fear of destruction or a fear of being torn down but it’s a attitude of respect. You haven’t designed your body, you don’t know how it functions truly and when you turn inward, you have to have some respect for its construction and it’s that construction that you must turn to and glorify and “worship toward thy holy temple.” 0:50 So David is saying, “But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.” That is to say the initiate will turn towards the human body, which is the temple, the point between the eyebrow located in the “volume of mercy,” which is the head and in that respect or fear he will commune towards the holy temple, the light, that he sees in the body. “Lead me O Lord,” well we know there’s a chap that (inaudible) that song “it takes me back home.” Audience: (Sings an inaudible song). Adano: So the initiate is saying “lead me O Lord,” that is may this light guide you “in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.” Now how is this possible from translation, to make your way straight by your face, it’s kind of odd statement but when you’re an initiate you can understand what he’s talking about. The light is within you and guides you, it’s the Lord in meditation, and your enemies are your five senses that pull you out in the outer realm, in the sensory nature, and if you’re gonna make your face straight you gotta be sort of a poker face and have your eyes turned in. Audience: Just deal the cards. Adano: So you see when you look at the Buddha his face is so serene, straight, turn inwards, and this is primarily the real meaning of looking inwards and making your face straight in the face of your enemies, your five senses. “For there is no faithfulness in their mouth,” now look at your mouth, you know this is peculiar phenomena, we say things and Jesus said, “it’s not what you eat but what comes out of you,” it has to come out of your mouth. So anything we say by our mouth and if we don’t follow up or maintain it, it’s faithfulness so he says there are no faithfulness in their mouth. What comes out is faithfulness if it stays and can stand the test, if it can’t stand the test then it’s not faithfulness. “Their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre.” So what is he talking about, he’s talking of your whole mechanism, you can’t trust it because it’s gonna put you in a state of conflict with yourself, not what you eat will defile you but what comes out of you will defile you. Your thought patterns having an exit now through the mechanism of the body are going to condemn you or put you in a position where you will not be able to defend yourself. “They flatter with their tongue,” so normally sensory desires that tend to stimulate or beguile you will detract your consciousness and you’ll try to pat yourself on your shoulder and then you find out you’ll have to eat your own words back. This is one of the peculiar phenomenons of the spiritual life, you say something you ain’t gonna do it and then turn around find yourself doing it. “Destroy them, O God,” meaning remove this from my consciousness. “Let them fall by their own counsels,” in other words let me not be deceived by my aggressive, violent, thought patterns, how they tend to tear me down. How my own cravings tend to destroy my mechanism, let me not be a victim of internal body language. “Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions,” in other words let me get instant karma right away, let me face up to my particular feelings, my particular commitments. “For they have rebelled against thee,” that is these thoughts patterns are set up against the need for growth and not to be trusted. So you don’t want these thought patterns to clear you down, you don’t want to build a consciousness on want, you want to build a consciousness on need. Now scripture says every need will be fulfilled but not your wants so if your needs are going to be fulfilled then your very tongue which always states, “I want this, I want this” when it doesn’t happen you rebel and you get very angry only to find out that the very thought you’re stating in consciousness, the very desire, is an incorrect desire but a need will always be there and that need could be fulfilled, not the want. “But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice,” that means the need, once you come to the realization of the need. “Let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them,” if the individual put his trust in the needs and not the wants, the cravings of the thought patterns expressed by the tongue, “let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them.” Your need is always fulfilled, your need is always made manifest in your life and sometimes you express idle needs or idle desires years ahead of the time and they materialize. So you will see now why thoughts are very peculiar, they have a time in which they come to completion. “Let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee,” that means the very tongue which loves to hallow the lord by a repetition now, which is a mantra process, let that be joyful. You find you find joy by repeating the mantra and the tongue is that particular vehicle whereby you repeat this process and the mind starts to experience joy. “For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous,” the creative intelligence will start releasing bliss through the mechanism for the first time as you meditate, that means following the right pattern of thinking. “With favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” Now you know how that sensation feel around your head when you meditate, like if something is protecting you, like a maddening band, you feel like a force field around you so when your consciousness is raised and you’re on the eye center you start meditating, you start to feel this vast force field around your body building up like a shield, this is the bliss, this is the consciousness that you’re striving for in meditation. Now the sixth Psalms is David’s complaint in his sickness so we have a psalm now or mantra dealing with illness. First for guidance now we’re coming across a complaint in his sickness, we’re finding out that thought patterns are important in the health process. Here is the David’s approach, “O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure,” that is consciousness does not generate any type of vengeance and the initiate feels that he must be attuned to this divine idea. Neither does he want to be hurt by the divine law of karma that means chastened, “in thy hot displeasure.” 1:00 Now hot is temperature, the first indication of illness is a heat, a fever, the life energy comes up through the body in a vibrant heat and the person is thrown into a state of frenzy or fear or inner action. So the health harmony is thrown off balance, the polarity is thrown off balance, the consciousness now tries to stabilize by thought patterns because it doesn’t understand why this particular imbalance is occurring. So the consciousness turns and states to the life energy, “Have mercy upon me O Lord,” in other words what is this that is occurring in my system, “for I am weak,” that is out of polarity. “O Lord heal me,” creative intelligence or life force is the only thing that heals so it’s the life force that must come forward in consciousness in the human being, “but my bones are vexed.” That’s a particular statement that your bones are “vexed” initiate must know what he’s talking about, vexed that person is vexed, what is he really saying? Audience: Angry. Adano: All right can your bones be angry? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: When a person is vexed with you they would not cooperate with you right, they tend to resist you right, isn’t that true? So your bones really can’t be vexed, they can lack the ability to cooperate in ambulation to your body, when you have a fever you feel that all of the bones are tightening up in your body that is because the tremendous stress is going through you from the built-up toxins in the system. “O Lord heal me” or life force heal me for my bones are cramping up, contracting, resisting motion, they don’t seem to have the energy to move. “My Soul is also sore vexed,” that’s a unusual statement, “my Soul is also sore vexed,” Man is Soul, he doesn’t have a Soul that means “my whole being is sore.” When you start to get a fever what happens, don’t you feel all your whole body is sore? Your whole being is sore and resists any motion from the life force, there is no life force or pep in you so David is saying “my Soul is also sore vexed,” that is my whole body is in a state of resistance.” “But thou O Lord, how long?” Even the initiate is caught up in Kal, the time cycle, he’s asking God how long you gotta be in this situation. You know we have reached a point today how long means how soon can I get a tranquilizer or some type of antibiotic to remove the situation and when you take it how long is it gonna take to heal? The human body is always looking for some short way out to get rid of a particular situation when in reality that body will do a whole lot better if it go through a natural process of cleansing and come out a healthier body than trying to tackle the situation in time and worry about time. David is already despondent because the fever or the illness in him is starting to take its toll in terms of time, he’s saying “return O Lord, deliver my Soul, oh save me for thy mercies’ sake.” You see when life is threatened, when the health is threatened after we have abused it in some way our first major cry is for forgiveness, we want to repent, we feel despondent, we feel loss, it’s the human trait. You don’t know where to turn to, the sense of insecurity comes in, your health is failing and you fear, it’s only normal to fear but if you have faith, like an iron will now, like an iron rod and will only hold on to the divine principle in you, you will be delivered and we see that David goes through the same turmoil. He’s saying, “For in death there is no remembrance of thee,” he’s worried now that he’s going to die you see and who is going to remember, anybody remembers anything when they die? Audience: From that you can assume that he’s been through the death process and he’s nervous going through it. Adano: Right so he had to have been an initiate of understanding the principle of death and only in the body is it worth living to experience God realization, it’s not worth it when you don’t have a body because you don’t know how to live without because there’s nothing to live it with, you need that body for the personal experience all the time so the pain in the body is a necessary experience for realization. Audience: Comparison. Adano: Right, you must have the necessary trial to raise this consciousness to be involved with the spirit and to experience the spirit. “In the grave who shall give thee thanks?” You see he is very specific now as an initiate, he understands truly how can the dead man praise God. All right the dead man is in an electrical body and he’s in the idea body but he doesn’t have a chemical body. While he’s alive the chemical body is breaking down by illness or some type of internal conflict but nevertheless the initiate knows that if he will break through this particular situation and correct it again, he can continue the spiritual life in the chemical body. Audience: Well is breaking down the body (inaudible). Adano: Right. (Gap in tape)… discomfort but it’s a necessary means in which you get the strength. It is a discomfort to groan and feel sore and queasy all over and vex means to be stiff, lacking the ability to cope with the situation of a body that you know and love and (inaudible) and then he goes on and says, “all the night make I my bed to swim.” He’s groaning and “all the night make I my bed to swim.” Now you see uh we didn’t have no water beds over these guys (laughter), they’ve done made their bed out of water a long time. “I water my couch,” who would want water on his couch now, what does that mean? A water bed, he had to be filling it up somewhere, “I water my couch with my tears,” in other words the anguish, the agony, the perspiration, the groaning and everything has come to the point that the whole bed is swamped away. Audience: (Inaudible) during sleep and everything. Adano: Right, good. Now, he says now “Mine eye is consumed because of grief,” in illness your eyes get hot and red from the insecurity or fear that life may be going out of you and the possibility of recovering is not in sight. No one is qualified to say to you as initiate you’re going to be well, your trust in a divine presence is simply a matter between you and Him. Audience: It’s your own responsibility. Adano: Right, now even if a Master says you’re going to be well and you take His word, you still got to wait till this wellness comes through, right? Good. 1:10 “My eye is consumed because of grief, it waxeth old because of all mine enemies,” that means the same eye that you use to pursue the sensory nature which is your enemies now is starting to get dim, those pleasures don’t seem to attract you now because health is leaving the body. Audience: This is a different eye than the (inaudible). Adano: Right that is because the eye of understanding or perception is starting to get a different sense of value now, you look around and you start to see people going around and you feel very very, what do you call it, complacent, very lonesome, they’re telling you good wishes but your eyes have begun to see now the mistakes you made by using it, you were engrossed at the bullfight or were engrossed in drinking or playing and you could have used your eyes for something better but you didn’t. Now when the eyes are burning up and the consciousness is ready to leave and the vitality is going, you start to cry out, “I can’t see, I don’t know where I am.” So these organs tend to bring on this grief so he’s saying, “Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity,” that means “depart from me all ye desires,” these are workers that tend to break down this mechanism. “For the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping,” intuitive nature is coming to the rescue now, I may transcend the pull of the senses. “The lord hath heard my supplication, the Lord will receive my prayer,” the vital consciousness, the vital force is starting to spark, as he is repeating or calling upon it he feels a glow, he feels that inner assurance that he’s going to make it, the will to live is there now. The only thing the doctor says when we are dying is that the man or the woman has lost the… Audience: Will to live. Adano: Will to live. Now if the Lord is the will, the vital power, and life is that force and that will to live or vital force is pushed or pulled from within the mechanism to the surface, the human being will transcend his disease, the will to live, the will to survive. So that really means “the Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer,” the will to live will come into manifestation. Now he says, “Let all mine enemies be ashamed,” let all my sensory pleasures fall apart. In other words your your sensory desires and your friends who wish to see you sick and dying are all of a sudden they’re waking up to see you getting healthy. You know some people are very good well wishers in this way, “oh he’s got this disease and boy we sure wish he didn’t have it” and every time they keep thinking he’s got the disease and they wish he didn’t have it and they kept repeating the name of the disease and “wish he didn’t have it.” So they have a dualistic thought: one he’s got it and one he ain’t got it, you see, so how can you rely on those individuals? Their thought patterns are hitting you and pulling you, hitting you and pulling you, they can see you’ve got such and such a disease, you’re gonna die but “I ain’t gonna make no attempt to pray for you to get you well.” So before you know it when you do survive all their good well wishes and you survive all their auric observations of you, they are puzzled, how did you make it? Look what connection you got to the Lord. They want you to die with their good wishes because they already see you dying from a certain disease and now you’re getting over the disease, you’re a mystery to them. “Let all mine enemies be ashamed,” let the thought patterns of those individuals who tend to crystallize the disease around you without ever trying to understand the cause and modify it be ashamed. In other words they’re in a position to see by their auric vision or their ex-sensory vision, they should not be the first to condone or admit the disease, they should be forced to modify the situation. If you have insight into a certain principle of another person’s health pattern, you should be the first person to tell them that they got that problem, he should be the first person to try to wish that this force field would uh alleviate itself. So he says “Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore and vexed,” let them be confused, “let them return and be ashamed suddenly.” In other words let them come to the realization they were in a position to pray for the individual before the individual was informed that such and such a condition existed in him. Audience: That’s a good prayer, he’s asking if they have the realization of their opportunity. Adano: Right, so David is showing as an initiative how one should go through illness, the psalm now is that particular extrasensory aid or prayer form or affirmation to live out a basic problem. Now he goes on now to show you that once you have mastered this particular thought pattern of illness around you from others thoughts, you’re going to find yourself in their emotional feedback so Psalm number seven tells you he’s praying against the malice now his enemies, that’s the emotional feedback. “O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust,” that is to say in the divine life current that heals and create, it’s the only thing we can trust we don’t see it, we have to accept It’s existence by looking at ourselves that we are the result of this principle. We can personalize it by calling it God, we can call it Father, Mother, or whatever we want but we have to trust It. So he says “O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust,” the individual must come to the actual realization that the divine life principle working through him and the sperm to make him come in contact with the ovum brought this body into manifestation against the odds of other sperms in the uterine canal, he has to trust this divine law. Now when you are traveling up the uterine canal as a sperm, the chances for you to succeed maybe a million to one but the result is that you are here and the rest are not and that is the actual test of your trust. You don’t know how you got here but you know you are here and as long as you are here, nobody is going to push you out so that is the trust that is the divine will. “Save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me,” in other words once you accept this divine principle in yourself, the thought patterns of those who are constantly playing upon your consciousness, this same vital power now will pull you through, just as it did pull you through the many other sperm to get to the ovum and those other people around us in the living form now are only manifestations of the sperm, the same law applies now. How you succeeded to become a human being, you can succeed now to survive in your environment against the thought patterns of others. “Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.” Well human beings have a tendency to tear us up or like you say that they’re like wolves in sheep’s clothing. They mean well, they think they mean well at times but unconsciously they can be hurting us with their thought patterns and they can tear us up. 1:20 We have to be very circumspect, we have to be aware of that, we have to be attuned to the fact that negative thought can hurt us. We’ve started out the whole process with the first two types of people that exist: the right thinking type and the wrong thinking type. So we know that if we align ourselves with the spirit, we have to be right thinking and we will have to have the opposite in confrontation, life is polarity, life is this contest. “O Lord my Soul, if I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands.” Well this is the first thing you were trying to clear yourself, you always worry about the karma if you’ve done something to somebody that something is happening to you. Moses said “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” and David is an initiate who understands the law of karma “as you sow, that you reap.” Now in the evaluation of his karma, he is trying to understand if he has done this before to someone, now you gotta realize it could be before his present life or before he came to the realization of his illness. “O Lord my God if I have done this,” the time cycle could be present or past. “If there’ll be iniquity in my hands,” if there’ll be a careless desire pattern set up, that means if I am totally responsible. “If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me.” Now you see how he goes about to show you the karma? “If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me.” If I hurt somebody in thought pattern who mentally, physically is at peace with me, “yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy.” I have actually made that man my enemy, I am responsible. If I have actually hurt that person who was at peace with me who had a mental love, a mental joy, and caused that person not to be in anguish, I have actually made that man or woman my enemy. That person now has a right to confront me by the law of karma so he’s saying now to the life force, “let the enemy persecute my Soul,” let me take my punishment, I have done it, I don’t refuse to face my medicine, I don’t refuse to drink this bitter cup, what I sow, I have to reap, but there’s a lesson to learn in the involvement. “Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth” means let them go to the extent of ostracizing me, making me ridiculous before my fellow Man, even tearing me up in all aspects. “And lay mine honour in the dust.” You see if someone has hurt you, he has all right to do you anything to the point but he can’t take your life. You see the initiate has to be able to face the involvement of hurting someone and be hurt back but he must also realize that life must persist over death, we don’t have a right to kill and we don’t have a right to be killed back. Now, “Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it… and lay mine honour in the dust.” That means I’m no longer respected by others, but that doesn’t say your enemy has the right to kill. Now again that wonderful Hebrew word “Selah” comes in, that means “so be it, it’s got to happen.” Audience: (Sneeze). Adano: Gesundheit, the law is when you sneeze you gotta… you’re sneezing on the truth you see. When the truth is true, you’ve got to sneeze on it sometime. Que Selah, Selah, what will be, will be. “Atchoo,” that’s a sneeze. That’s what they call knowing the truth and understanding it. Now the initiate is going on to describe David he says. “Arise, O Lord, in thine anger.” He has accepted his mistakes, he’s accepted the fact that the individual he has hurt has a right to do this to him. Now he’s calling upon the vital power which is in all of us in the enemy that he’s hurt, in himself, “in thine anger.” He’s saying he doesn’t pull no bones there, he’s not avoiding chastisement. He says “Arise, O Lord, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment.” In other words this vital power must come into manifestation so that we both of us, myself and the enemy can reconcile ourselves at some point, we have to come to a final confrontation. Now in the final confrontation, one of the two must make some surrender to the Lord for his mistakes, he must admit his mistakes. So he’s saying now “Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies.” In other words this vital power that is triggering off the anger from the adrenals of my enemies are reaching a point where it can be destructive, it can be violent. “Awake for me,” that means open my consciousness to the judgment, what has been meted out to me, what I have to bear in this particular involvement, this particular tearing down, “that thou has commanded.” The life force is demanding restitution between these two, I have hurt someone and I don’t understand how deep I hurt them and I can’t realize the anguish, the shock that it would have caused the person, the hurt. Now if that person returns back to me and I am in a state of turmoil now, this vital power has to come to a point where it will never get to a state of a feud, it must start stabilizing. So he says “So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about.” In other words all human beings will begin to have compassion, they will begin to recognize that human beings who have hurt one another must face one another and make some type of reconciliation with one another. “So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about for their sake therefore return thou on high.” In other words if two individuals hurt each other and the hurt continues to become a feud, other human beings are going to get caught up in the feud and they are going to take sides. Now if you look at a war, one nation attacks another nation, the nation that is attacked may be weak. To prevent being swallowed up by the other nation, what does it do? It cries out for help that encompasses other people to participate and before you know it what have we got? A world war right? We have everyone being drawn into this situation because sides are starting to form. Equally true David is realizing this and he is asking that this situation come to a head where it will not spread any further. So he says “So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about: for their sakes.” For the sake of harmony and balance “return thou on high” bring about a halt, an end to this internal conflict. “The Lord shall judge the people” that is the vital life power shall be the guiding judgment in the individual. Then he goes on to make himself the specific target, “judge me O Lord according to my righteousness.”

1970 - South Carolina Group

Adano70_SCarolinaGroupQ4RR - … a nation through a king and they made the king what is called a “priest king” or initiate king because he was selected by the prophet men or the initiate men and made to rule people. So church and state began way back in a (inaudible) relationship, now because most of these men had such a tremendous power over the throne or over people sometimes all of them were not fully developed and because they were not fully developed insecurity crept in but we are looking at something that is happening physically and something is happening spiritually. The world is evolving and the people are evolving, now a prophet king would try to run his nation or his country and keep it above the rest of the nations from tearing it down yet he might encourage certain karma in that time and the prophets may predict that because he did such and such a thing, the law is going to take its toll on your kingdom but this is occurring from an astrological law too. If the king, you see there are four ages: a golden age, a silver age, a bronze age, and an iron age. In the Hindu writings they call the iron age they call it the dark age, Kali Yuga, which we just came out of and they call the bronze age Dvapara, Aquarian age, and they call the silver age Treta and they they call the golden age (inaudible). Now these ages have a certain amount of years as they become apparent that the change that takes place. The people begins to change, the politics begins to change, the evolution begins to change. Now, but we are only in possession of evidence of a downward climb in the cycle, we’re in no possession of the upward climb. We have to wait until many exchanges or many things occur to show us evidence of this Earth had these golden periods. Now Atlantis sunk thousands of years ago. Audience: Do you think we had many advanced civilizations just as much if not if not more so than what we have today? Adano: Yes, we have four great civilizations. You see this planet Earth is four and a half billion years old. Audience: I’m talking about the pyraminds. Adano: Pyramids is only the last civilization of the last billion years, see the thing is Atlantis sunk four times and space travel, this is the first time we’re doing it. Audience: Do you think this whole story, all this knowledge is stored in the pyramids? Adano: More than the pyramids, pyramids is just a section of it that was able to be retained, the greater portion is locked in the Akashic records, that means in the etheric field, it’s a field force in space. (inaudible). Audience: What do you think is going to happen now Adano? Adano: Well we are on the ascendent part of the clock so we gonna learn from our past mistakes, that’s why we are fighting outselves all the time, we improve as we go around the clock all the time. The one thing we are learning about ourselves in a physical form of creation is to refine our nature that’s what we’re learning. That’s why we say we’re trying to go from reincartion to resurrection, it’s a refining process. So “to him that overcome, I will not send forth a second time but will make him a pillar in the house of my Lord.” To him that overcomes these cycles or Yugas within the astrological signs, you don’t have to reincarnate no more or second times, it may be second million times or second billion times, he doesn’t have to repeat this process once he has overcome the pull. He will become a pillar, that means a fixture, an actual non-decaying, non-dying quality, an immortal principle in creation and this is what resurrection is. Resurrection is a principle in which it’s life over death, now it’s called immortality of the body. Now the scriptures also go on to say, “When this body has thrown off corruption,” when this body has thrown off the capacity to decay, that’s what corruption really means literally, when it ceases to exihibit the quality of decaying and takes on the quality of non-corruption or non-decay that body will be glorified in the Lord. In other words when Man begins to refine his nature more and more, he will magnify this creative principle. Now he will not be limited to the material conditions of the world but this is some lessons he has to learn. He has to learn to be in this environment, he has to change this environment both by physical methods, mental methods, and by spiritual methods and each time he attempts it, he’s going to learn more and more about himself. Audience: Do you think we’re going into a period of (inaudible)? Adano: No, the worst is yet to come between 1986 to 1996. Audience: The real peace is within the individual himself. Adano: There is no peace outside, creation was never designed to have peace outside. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, no, environmental harmony among men, it’s temporary, it’s not permanent, and the Yugas will always change them because we can only go so long in one of these cycles and then it will start changing. Now let’s take for instance the dark age, environmental harmony was not existing in the dark ages or the middle ages that was the last thousand years, the whole environment Man was killing each other in the name of God too you know especially the Spanish Inquisition period, the Crusades. 0:10 Audience: When you say (inaudible) this young man said that it was in the individual in the heart, well when the time of Christ during the times of the millennium isn’t that the time that everybody would think about looking for Jesus to be here walking among men but isn’t the millennium when Jesus comes, isn’t that his spirit when it comes in the heart of men like he was just speaking about? Adano: You know Jesus walked the Earth in the middle part of the Middle East, Palestine, yet he didn’t affect somebody living way across in Brittany, he didn’t affect people living way across in southern Spain, he didn’t affect people living in southern Africa. A Master walks on the Earth, his spirit doesn’t affect nobody unless they are ready for it. Now by composition by the written word people can be exposed to it, but that is like saying to me, “I have a toothache and the doctor who devised the technique of taking teeth out way back in 1873, he’s not arrived to take my tooth out, I’d have to go and find a dentist who is living today who has learned the technique that has been recorded to take the tooth out then the only credit I can give, I can’t give credit to the present doctor in the physical frame, I give credit to the knowledge that has been recorded from that history. Equally true we’re talking of a Christ principle, we’re talking of the man Jesus or a Master or any Master for that matter. The principle are gonna be the same, they’re never gonna change even if we are ignorant or we are wise, these principles are not gonna change. Wherever we are when we go inside and we feel the Christ inside of us, the principle inside of us, this will give us the peace but to say I am waiting for someone to walk on the Earth and come along and give me the peace, I’ll be waiting a long time because the Earth is never left unto itself without God realized men. God realized men walk the Earth every day right among us and we have the eyes but can’t see them, we have the ears but can’t hear them but God realization… Audience: Does that mean Man will become more aware in this certain period of time and he’s going to become more aware of Christ in his heart. Adano: Yes, this will be true, this is what he will be doing, he will become more aware of the Christ within himself, he will realize it’s a principle but this principle has never changed, this principle has always been with us. Now while it has been with us at the height of what you call the highest civilization to the lowest civilization, they have always had the principle, it will never change. Audience: (Inaudible), becoming aware within. Adano: Well we must go to the very personal Jesus, we must ask ourselves now where did the word Christ come from. (Inaudible) from all the writings, where did the word Christ come from and who was called Christ. It is Jesus Christ or Jesus the Christ and who used the word Christ, what language the word of Christ is found? Christ is not an english word. Audience: I never thought about what you said but even if Jesus Christ himself did come back as we see it today, we would have to have a real good public relations system, I mean you know to get the word out and then a lot of people would think that it was just a joke so he could come to some place up north and he would be there all the time. Adano: Even if He comes today literally, saying that’s what it means, if he comes today literally, walk on the earth, I remember my friend who lives in Arkansas she was asked to teach Sunday school by the priest or minister and she said to him, “I can’t teach Sunday school because if Jesus Christ were to walk in this church right now, all of us are going to get up and say hey you hippie, get out of here. Where are you going with that long beard and those sandals, who do you think you are?” (Laughter). All right but this is the confrontation, if he’s going to be literally. Now the first thing if he gets up on the pulpit and says, “I’m about my Father’s business (inaudible, I run this place not you.” And if He said, “I’m Jesus Christ come back to make amends and correct everything,” everybody would want to crucify him. It sounds kinda ridiculous out of proportion in terms of rational thinking that the body form is the form that’s going to go on giving peace to everybody. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Right, it’s the spiritual awakening in our lives that is gonna give us the peace, it’s an inward contact. You see, it is at initiation we come in contact with the Christ. You see Jesus when he came on the earth, He taught this principle of contacting the Christ in Man. Now He never referred himself as Christ you see, this is what people get mistaken because he asked his own disciples, “Who do Men say that I am?” And some said “Thou art a prophet,” some said, “Thou art Elijah come back,” yet Peter was the only man to shout at the top of his voice, “Thou art Christ, son of the living God.” He didn’t say “Thou art Christ, the ONLY son of the living God.” This is the thing we have to consider when people said it, “Thou art Christ, son of the living God.” Jesus told him right away, “I didn’t tell you that, I didn’t tell you that I am Christ, but the Father which is within ye revealed it to thee.” Now what did the Father reveal to Peter that he saw in Jesus that would make Peter be convinced that he is looking at the Christ? It would have to be the Christ in Peter awakened to recognize the Christ that is fully awakened in the man Jesus. Audience: Now what do you call it Christ? Adano: Christ is the intuitive awareness, the intelligence governing creation. God is creation but God is the intelligence in creation and outside of creation. God is Christ already, God is the intelligence in creation, “You see me, you see the Father,” it is the intelligence that governs creation. Now, but God is also the intelligence outside of creation because He made the universe in six days (inaudible) and rested on the seventh. That means God in a manifested process of total awareness slowed down His intelligence principle, became this universe in six cycles, which you call six days, and on the seventh cycle became the repository, it’s like a blackboard now, a blackboard is the repository of the writings that you put in it and every time you can write it off but the blackboard is still there. So the divine source of light is a repository, it’s the intelligence that holds everything now and it’s unmanifested, you can’t see it, you only can feel It’s presence, you don’t see God. All through the scriptures all the great men tell us, “No Man see God but feel His presence.” 0:20 Now Jesus even said it, “My God is a God of Spirit (inaudible).” There just ain’t no way that you can see Joy but you can feel Joy. Now the Christ Intelligence is the intelligence that works in a physical form but His own disciples went on to say “As many as received Him” as many as become conscious of this intelligence in themselves like Peter, becoming conscious of it, “to them gave He,” this experience made it possible now, “for Man to become sons of God.” It didn’t say that Jesus was the only son of God, it says “Christ the son of God.” Now the same Hebrew word S-O-L, SOL is sun, which is a light, the same word is S-O-N in Hebrew, the word SOL has two meanings S-U-N and S-O-N and we are translated from Hebrew into Greek into Latin. So the early Hebrew people were referring to a light, (inaudible) but the Greek people did not understand it and the Greek concept of God was always a Sun is gotta be a physical image of a human form. The Latin people, they loved to see their God with a big arm, mighty shoulder, big beard, (inaudible) across the Universe bringing things to life but the Hebrew people said they don’t believe in that because they don’t see God as image and they’re the only people that don’t have images in the church. So they don’t think what we call a personalized form of God, they think of an impersonal God as Divine Spirit and if the Sun, the Sun manifestation of the impersonal God is going to be represented, the only way they can represent it is be an S-U-N, a light. Now Jesus is talking of this same light because “When thine eyes are single, the whole body is full of light” and “You see Me, you see the Father.” Now for a Hebrew mind this is correct but God consciousness is light in Man so a Greek mind, the human body standing in front of him is the God because he’s accustomed to Hercules being a son of Zeus or (inaudible) being the son of some other great God and they’re going around putting things right in the world, do you see what the conflict is? The Greek thinking and the Roman thinking has strayed away from the real meaning of the word Sol, Sun, or Light and then translating they could not accept that the Hebrew people were thinking that the sun was a radiant light, they were thinking of somebody in a human form but today we have the confrontation, there is not a single Hebrew person or a Jewish person who will accept the concept that God has a Son in a physical body but they will accept the fact that God can be seen as a Sun within the human body. Now they will accept that realization can come from observing that light and that would be a total awareness of themselves. Audience: And yet they do expect a Messiah. Adano: Yes, they do expect the Messiah not in the person, here again we get back to the thing, what the word Messiah means, how did they begin to expect the messiah and what triggered them to expect the messiah? When they were enslaved in Egypt they prayed for deliverance, now when a man faced the deliverance when he is politically enslaved, what type of liberator would he want because the word Messiah means to liberate, to save or liberate, to save someone or liberate. Now a savior doesn’t tell us if he is a political person or a religious person, now there are only two types of messiahs: a political one and a spiritual one because the word means savior or to liberate. Now Simon Bolivar was a liberator of the people of South America, he was their savior just as much as Castro is a savior to some Cubans because that is what they wanted so the word messiah only means savior or liberator. Now they were imprisoned or enslaved by the Egyptians so literally they are calling on the word messiah, “send us a messiah Lord, send us a messiah,” in other words “send us a champion, send us somebody to liberate us from this physical bondage.” They got their liberator but they didn’t recognize him since there are only two types. The first one was a political one, Moses, he came into their life and what did he do for the Jewish people? He took them out of physical, political bondage and set them on the road to nationhood and when they were at the peak of their nationhood, then their greatest king who was Solomon, they reached the height of egotistical pride. They were in a dungeon at one time when they were chained and beaten by their oppressors and when they got to the top of the ladder, they did exactly what any human being would do, they oppressed their fellow Man. So the law of cause and effect, God says, “Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord,” I’ve got a way to put things right. In other words, I’m gonna (inaudible) bring you down back, I’ll make you eat your own words back. He brought them down from the top of nationhood right back to slavery under the Roman government so when they came down back into slavery in the Roman government what else could they do but cry out for another savior, “lord send us a messiah.” All right the Lord is going to give them a messiah, not a messiah that is going to give them nationhood no more because they didn’t appreciate nationhood when they had it. The Lord is going to give them now a liberator who would teach them how to live with each other that all men are equal in this universe and all men have to learn to accept each other in terms of harmony and divine consciousness. Now this liberator is not only going to come as a physical man but He’s going to live in the simple life so ridiculously a simple life that you’re not even going to recognize Him and that his way of living would be only to obtain what is called “inner contentment.” Audience: But now what about the part of the bible that says (inaudible) in other words they were blinded to the fact that Jesus Christ was the Christ but when this veil is lifted, they didn’t recognize him according to the Bible. (Gap in tape). Adano: … is initiated, the veil is lifted and he begins to see the Christ light inside and unless he be born again by (inaudible) be born of the spirit. Now there are only two type of people in this world: a non-initiate and an initiate and the word “initiation” means to be introducted to, right? Now to introduce you to the Christ-self, it takes another human being. Now Jesus had to go to John (gap in tape)… 0:30 Audience: … because this fellowship was formed just about two years ago we had been talking about it for quite some time in fact a couple of years (inaudible). So we started really working at it about two years ago this April and the lawyer started drawing up the articles of incorporation (inaudible) and really want you to read them. Now we keep books on this just as any business keeps books (inaudible). When we go through the mail each day and there is a contribution immediately there is an entry (inaudible). Adano: You see we hope to have what is called four seminars every year for the four seasons and speakers of all Saints will be present and discuss the scientific basises of religion in their own personal experience and try to help individuals in the discovery of that experience in the own self. This coming June we hope that Swami Anand, the Swami that initiated me into Swami-hood and my wife would be coming back to the states and would visit the retreat, which he wants to do, and spend a few days on whole seminars in meditation. Also there’s a Swami Mutkananda and a few others we would want to come, we’ve met them already and they are deeply interested in the Fellowship work. So people from the East, Middle East, Europe, and the States who have actually done research in a scientific way on religion hope to come together. Last December I was invited to the first congress (inaudible) Dehli but I couldn’t go, this is based on a scientific presentation on religion. They are gathering doctors and scientists from all over the world on their own personal researches in religion. We hope to have this same congress come to the States and if we are fortunate to do this in a position where the retreat can sponsor the convention or the opportunity, then this would be quite a base for the research. Audience: (Inaudible) … Adano: Normally you go to India to get it and it’s a direct link from the very first order of the Swami order, Swami Shankara, and you have a direct link with that all the way back, it’s conferred in you, but traditionally you go to India and when he walked in the room and did this (inaudible) really flipped out because she didn’t know what was happening. Now in India you have to take the vow of renunciation, but family ties and everything, but then she finds out there are also female Swamis and they’re called Swamini. See masculine, Swami, feminine Swamini so she is Swamini too. See my name is Swami Nityananda and her name is Swamini (inaudible). Nityananda means “ever new bliss” and (inaudible) means “wisdom of the ages,” one who is master of the wisdom of the ages. 0:40 Audience: When did this take place? Adano: This took place in 1969, October. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see at the end of every Swami’s name there is a little word (Inaudible). Now the Swami that confirmed the Swami-hood on you, his name was Swami Anand Saraswati. Now Saraswati means to work with the intellectual people. Now, so he conferred this title on me as Swami Nityananda Saraswati meaning “I go and work among intellectual people.” Now Nityananda means ever new bliss, to bring the ever new of God among the intellectual people. There is also seven other names so we have people that work in the woods, people that work in the mountains, people who work among intellectual people, people who work in the arts, and people who work among (gap in tape). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: So he being Swami Ananda Saraswati when he conferred on me from that lineage, I am then classified as Swami Nityananda Saraswati. Now Yoganada is Swami Yogananda Giri because his teacher Sri Yukteswar was Sri Yukteswar Giri that means he was working among the mountain people or people who were in the mountains or miners. Now he lived in India and he did go among the people in the mountain regions and eventually when he came to this country, he worked among everybody. Audience: What about Charan Singh? Adano: Master Charan Singh Maharaj, Maha means great king or great prince, his title is Master you see. Now he is a living Master and we refer to him as Maharaji. Audience: Some people call him Swamiji. Adano: Now Anand Swami also has that same title, Anand Swami Saraswati Maharaji. Now Maha means great, Raja means king and “ji” is a sort of a personal affinity of tenderness to the person. Audience: See Mahatma Gandi, Maha meant great, Atma meant Soul. Great Soul. Adano: But the Indian names are not given or chosen just because you want them, they are conferred on you because of the degree in which you have come in your own growth. You see that’s the problem in the name, it’s not like a priest or a minister who is ordained, this is something he has to work in his own inner consciousness then that is bestowed on him. That’s why if I was to go to India I’d have to go to the Shankara order and spend the time in study to have it conferred. As far as I know of and I can’t vouch for any part of the United States or Europe, as far as I know what’s on record I’m the only person he has ever confirmed outside of India. It might have been conferred on others but all of that I’ve read concerning the various Swamis, they have all gone to India to have it conferred on them. Audience: Anand, is that all he did, he didn’t put you through a ritual or a ceremony, he just told you, patted you on the back and conferred it on you? Adano: Literally he gave me a karate chop. Audience: (Laughter, then inaudible). The children just love him, they go up to him and he’ll get them to clap their hands. (Inaudible). This Indian couple in Dallas and he was going to visit, they were quite excited of course and a tremendous honor for their home and the little woman was the wife there, she was busy making applique designs on cushion covers of the Om sign you know in his honor and everything, at two or three in the morning she was sewing away you know, chanting and meditating and all of a sudden it’s Jesus standing in the room. (Inaudible). Finally she went out and went into her husband and he’s an electronic engineer and he was sitting in the bedroom meditating in front of their altar. “Asok, here I’m meditating and chanting to Lord Krishna and Jesus (inaudible then laughter). “What did you expect? We’re in a Western country!” (Laughter). Adano: Well he’s explaining to me the next day, he said “What did you expect? We’re living in a Western country, what do you want to see?” You can just picture a Westerner living in India praying to Jesus Christ and Krishna shows up. (Laughter). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Our Indian friend, he saw for the first time some Master standing in front of the (inaudible). 0:50 Audience: We got some words ofencouragement from another Swami, Mutkananda, he’s a doctor in India, homeopathic (inaudible) more natural methods. (Inaudible) and his Guru is the doctor also and in fact the main disciples in that line all have to become doctors. (Inaudible). Adano: Well there’s a tremendous bond of love between the two of us (inaudible) but my name is the same name as his own spiritual Guru you see, Nityananda, meaning that quality that his Guru carried in consciousness. Whenever they give you this name it infers that this quality is carried over that’s why there’s such a bond there, he felt again he was looking back to that quality that he recognized. Yogananda’s name you see is also Paramahansa Yogananda before he was a Swami Yogananda and he got the name Paramahansa in front of it. Well Swami Mutkananda is also a Paramahansa. Audience: What does that mean? Adano: Divine Swan, in other words the consciousness goes up more and more in the God-self, these are levels of development and mastery that the person is it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well it’s peculiar how you can recognize these qualities. We were sitting down and in meditation and she had never told him that anything was wrong with her or she needed any kind of help but he got up and went out of the room and he came back in the room and I let her tell you what he did. Audience: Well being in the presence of such a Soul (inaudible). He had sent everyone away, there had been quite a group of people and he sent them all away except five of us, one was an Indian friend of ours who acted as a translator. Audience: Are you talking about Yogananda? Audience: No Mutkananda and then Adano and I and then two friends of ours and he told us that there was this great bond of love with Adano and then all of the five of us, we were all sitting there meditating and I knew he had stopped. (Inaudible). You could feel the love flowing out to all of us. (Inaudible). Adano: And he doesn’t speak much English but you can feel his consciousness just going out and when he questioned us at length about the retreat and everything really through the interpreter, when he finally said he wanted to come to see the retreat and see some people there. So we did’t know, the retreat itself would be a meeting ground for many of these advanced Masters in the flesh to give us that lifting consciousness that we need and it’s a fulfillment of some of the promises made by Yogananda and the other great Masters that East and West will have a meeting ground for the first time in practical meditation and we hope that the work we are doing could be the basis of this meeting ground and I’m happy to find that it is occurring in the place we call the rose capital of the world. (Gap in tape) built on an island in the middle of the lake dedicated to that purpose, where initiations are carried on and will be maintained, the four basic initiations of the Soul and an orchard and an area for growing food to sustain the community and a community house and some part of it to be self-supporting and the rest would strictly be for spiritual growth and we would have what is called a few sections for the training of instructors in meditation. This is primarily the purpose of the retreat that those who come, spend some time in the retreat and those who will be trained as instructors in meditation. You see America will produce their own Swamis too. Audience: If you want to become an instructor or if you want to come to the retreat and stay, what did you say? Adano: Well we will build a place for people to stay. Audience: (Inaudible). Well we have to get the land paid for before we can put in the buildings. Adano: You see this is a mistake some people made, building things on the property and then found themselves in a bind. The Masters are very practical people and if you’re going to do something from practical standpoint, it’s wise to own the land and then build on it after. You see all the ashrams in India are owned outright by the organization and they usually acquire the land first so that there is no lien on the land and then they begin to build their structures and everything. 1:00 So in our case we are trying to follow the practical thing by acquiring the land in ownership free and then to build on it and we don’t want to build a mess of buildings that will later be torn down because of wrong planning and they don’t want to put up any type of structure that is going to be antiquated in a period of few years, it must be in alignment with the future development of the age and the architectural approach of the coming age so there is a great deal of planning and inspiration and including awakening to go into it but each phase falls into place because the Golden Lotus Temple is as futuristic as it will ever be in India, it seems ageless, there is no way to tell when it was design or if it was this age or past or future, it’s one of those designs. Equal true we’re trying to make something that would fit into that nature so last week when we were discussing, Mark came up with a design that is very economic and seems very unusual because it’s going to fit into most of what would appear to be futuristic and at the same time fit the functional needs of the Fellowship. It’s a type of design that can be easily constructed, put together, and sustain itself taking full advantage of all the aspects of heating, air conditioning, and space to work in. (Gap in tape). Adano and Audience: Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. (Repeated 3 times). Adano: Now we just sang that and most of us think that we’re asking God to listen to our heart song and we won’t forsake him or forget him but that’s not what the song is intended. The song is intended, or the chant is intended, that you listen to God and His heart song and that He is not forsaking you or forgetting you, there is the big difference. When we chant it, it is to realize that God can’t forsake us or forget us and He is the heart song so let us chant this with this comprehension now and with love. Adano and Audience Chanting: Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. (Repeated 3 times). Adano and Audience Chanting: It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the world go round. It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the world go round. It’s love, love, love, love, love. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, joy, joy, joy, joy. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, friends, friends, friends, friends. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, God, God, God, God. (Repeated 2 times). Adano and Audience Chanting: Who is in my temple? Who is in my temple? All the door do open themselves. All the lights do light themselves. Darkness like a dark bird, flies away, O flies away. Darkness like a dark bird, flies away, O flies away. (Repeated 3 times). 1:10 Adano and Audience Chanting: Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. (Repeated 3 times). Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. (Repeated 3 times). Night and day, night and day, I look for thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for thee night and day. (Repeated 3 times). Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Will my days fly away without seeing thee my Lord. Will my days fly away without seeing thee my Lord. Night and day, night and day, I look for thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for thee night and day. Adano: Let the melody remains in the mind and (inaudible), night and day, night and day, I look for thee. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Heavenly Father, beloved Jesus, and all the Masters and Saints and Sages of all religions bless this initiation and this meditation, bless this group, the Angelic Hosts all around us, open our spiritual eyes and may thou love shine on the sanctuary of our devotion (inaudible) awaken this love in our hearts. (Inaudible) at the right place for the right experience. Om. Shanti. Peace. Om. The mind has a tendency to wander and sometimes it wanders to ideas concerning the past. When it does that, it will generate frustration. When the mind wanders to something concerning the future, it will generate anxiety. Then the mind will wander to the present and there it will feel peace, tranquility. To prevent the mind from wandering you can repeat the holy name or “Heavenly Father revealed Thyself” or “Heavenly Father I love you.” Jesus said “Love the Lord thy God with all your mind and all your heart and Soul, strength,” so for those who don’t know how to meditate as yet, just mentally repeat “Father, I love you.” Repeat it without moving the tongue but don’t fall asleep. (Meditation). You know to love the Lord with all your heart is to take the left thumb and place it on the right wrist and feel the heartbeat. With all your strength is the next breath, the incoming breath in the form of oxygen is love and then it goes out in the form of carbon dioxide that is love. The plant kingdom uses the carbon dioxide and gives us back the oxygen and that is love. So the incoming breath is love and the outgoing breath is love and with all our Soul, that’s the total feeling from the toe to the top of your skull, feeling your entire oneness with the Father and the universe around you. You are the eternal I AM, the eternal self. You and the Father are one. 1:20 (Meditation). Slowly open the eyes, try to hold on to the peace. So to help everyone you will take some of the (inaudible) that we use and what they imply or mean and if there are any questions we will cover them and try to clear them up and then we’ll try to cover some basic principles in the spiritual life and how you create the environment and the evolution of the Soul via nutrition. Now one of the words that pop up from people who are uninformed as to what you are doing or what you’re supposed to be participating in, is when they ask you a real question “are you studying the baptist or the presbyterian of episcopalean or what are you doing?” You go into meditation, it sets up a friction in your home or among your friends. “What is this meditation about, is it some kind of eastern study?” (Inaudible) sometimes because it leaves you not wanting to hurt their feelings and sometimes they think you’re studying some kind of philosophy or some type of a new religion so they may say “Are you studying Yoga?” Well the word Yoga is only a Sanskrit word meaning “union” and you’ll find that in the Western school (inaudible) meaning “union, to yoke, or to unite,” it doesn’t mean anything else. 1:30 It’s a word used by the Orientals to mean “union,” now the question that comes up is union with what? So they say union with God, union with life, union with the Spirit but that doesn’t tell you anything actually because Yoga is not what you are studying, it’s just a name. There are some people who believe the Yogi is some individual, they don’t say if he’s a male or female yet, who is supposed to be standing on his head or sitting on a bed of nails or practicing some (inaudible) type of thinking. The Yogi only the masculine Sanskrit word for a male practitioner of some type of union with life and the female would be a Yogini, it’s just Sanskrit language. Masculine man, feminine woman and so we find words like yoga, yogi, and yogini popping up and then they may say, “Are you practicing yogi? Are you practicing yogini?” Well when you look at it and you listen, you can’t hurt their feelings so you say “no” but you realize that they’re uninformed as to language and its origin and what it entails. English is derived from Latin you see and Greek and the origin of all languages we know, especially the Indo-European origin, bases itself from the mother of languages called Sanskrit but Sanskrit is not written, what is written is an abridged form which we call Pali. Sanskrit are the actual sounds that nature makes, you couldn’t write that, you would have to intone that with your voice. For illustration, (Adano makes a clapping sound) that’s sanskrit, if you could intone with your voice, you’ll make my hand do that every time you can do it with your voice (Adano make clapping sounds) and I couldn’t stop (Adano makes a clapping sound). (Inaudible) I could never stop my hands from doing that no matter now I try (Adano make clapping sounds) because that is already built into the mechanics of nature. Now the only language comes close to that is similar in nature like Hebrew and they find there is also another language closely aligned to it, it’s called Athabaskan. This is used by the North American indian who is the only other individuals that we know of that can utter sounds similar in nature and cause things to occur in nature, outside of that we don’t of any other language capable of doing it. So the word Yoga is only translated as “union” and Yogi is a male practitioner and Yogini is a female practicioner. Now there are different types of union with life, there is only one union. Now we use the word Hatha, Hatha meaning Sun/Moon and then we find a branch of writings called Hatha Yoga. Now you can pick up any 65 cent book on the subject or a dollar or a five dollar book on Hatha yoga and “Yoga for the western world,” Yoga for this part of the people, yoga for slimming down, yoga for that, yoga for this, it doesn’t take much to go to the book stand and find them. We find we’re so mislead with the subject that we don’t even know (inaudible) and the Hindus themselves, don’t kid yourself that they know the answer to it too, that they will call everything yoga just to avoid confrontation. They themselves, not all of them, know what it is and they themselves do not even practice it because they think it has no value but we’re scholars or people who are truly interested to find out WHAT it is all about discover that the term yoga only means “union with life” in some form. Now if I’m unhealthy that means the life principle in my body is unhealthy, I am out of union with it and discord therefore I am unhealthy. Now if I will try to restore that balance, I might practice some form of physical culture and that branch of physical culture relates to breathing and exercise so Sun/Moon, Hatha, when we breathe (Adano breathes forcefully). Now if you are practicing Karate you do (Adano makes “Ha!” sounds), you have to make some relationships with some and you find you breathe very deep. Now you ever been to a Karate school? Audience: Just lessons. Adano: It’s all breathing, Hatha, and you’re trying to identify with sound or unite yourself with sound through movement but that is not Yoga, it’s just a form of putting yourself in union back with your life through exercise. Now the Hindus were very unique people in this way, one group will say “Well we practice Hatha yoga” and they will devise and they have devised 84 basic pastures and 1000 variations for each posture, you realize how many positions you can put this human body in? They can put themselves in these postures and I’ve seen some of them so it’s not surprising that people get the wrong impression of the term Yoga or Yogi because some of the contortions that you go into, the human body can put itself into and you get the term Yogi and Yogini. So to clear up the mental interpretation or misunderstanding, Yoga only means union with life, Yogi is a male practitioner and Yogini is a female practitioner. Now Hatha pertains to physical movements but some people can’t do exercises because they’re ill, how are they going to make a change from their illness into harmony because their illness does not exist in a physical frame, it exists inside of the brain now, they dream all kind of weird dreams and they have no mental peace. 1:40 So in the western world you say “go see a head shrinker” or “go see the medicine man” or go see the psychiatrist. In the Eastern world they say, “go see Maharaja Yogi” or go practice Raja Yoga, go learn mental discipline or mind control. Now here in the West we run around now and find out that we want to study Yoga, Raja Yoga, so one man will say “I’m a Raja Yogi,” a woman will say “I’m a Raja Yogini,” see what happens now? Raja just means royal or mental discipline by royal methods or unique methods, it doesn’t have anything to call it a religion for that matter. Now some people are very religious minded and they feel that if they pray, they can get healing, they can bring back this harmony in their life. Now we have lots of people in the Western world who pray and get healing, they can call up unity at any time in 24 hours and have them do a prayer for them or call the local minister, sometimes it get aggravating at two in the morning you know, and ask him to pray for you but in the East this will be called Mantra, Mantra Yoga, you see union with this life principle, true mantra or true prayers so they call it Mantra Yoga. So a person will say, “I’m practicing Mantra Yoga,” the male will say “I’m a Mantra Yogi” and the woman will say “I’m a Mantra Yogini.” Now someone in this part of the world reading a book on Mantra Yoga will be totally uninformed as to what is really going on but basically all that the term Mantra means is affirmation or prayer by repetition so it’s a form of utilizing sound or prayer to center the mind and bring back a unity. Now some people are very devotional you know, they have to be very sincere and go every morning to the church to attend prayer meeting, to attend a choir meeting. In this part of the country you say this person is very religious, in the Eastern country they say that person is practicing Bhakti Yoga and a female practitioner is Bhakti Yogini. So in other words they’ve got all the Saints in their home and all the various things and they’re very dedicated, they would not even step on an ant or anything, they’re living a life of Bhakti or devotion, They’re trying to unite with life through devotion. Do you see how all these things connect? Essentially what are we all doing? We’re only doing different expressions that fill the need of each of us in relation to unity of life. So the question comes up what are you doing at home if you say you’re practicing meditation, what kind of Yogi are you now? The sanskrit word for the meditation is Dhyana so a male practitioner would be a Dhyana Yogi and a female practioner would be a Dhyana Yogini so we’re all practicing our Dhyana tonight and if you are regular with it, it’s called discipline so they say you’re practicing Sadhana. So you’re a Sadhana Dhyana Yogi or you’re a Sadhana Dhyana Yogini you see how misleading this thing can be? Thank you, I need a glass of water. We are not practicing Yoga of any kind, we are all no matter what beliefs we come from or what Yogic ideas we have, we are all following the Science of the Soul because Man is Soul regardless of what color of cream he has, he is Soul essentially, he doesn’t have a Soul. “God breathed into Man the breath of life and Man became a living donkey.” (Laughter) “Man became a living body?” or “Man became a living mind?” The scripture says I know he became a living Soul so if you’re using the authority of the scriptural writers, I certainly don’t have a Soul, I don’t know for you. I don’t have a mind, I am not the body, I am Soul: literally, physically, spiritually, mentally, I am Soul and on this fact I base my existence. What do I want to know about my Soul? I want to know where it relates to its origin, therefore that will have to be very scientific, it can’t be helter skelter, take it for granted. My relationship to my source or my origin would be a very exact science, it is the Holy Science, it’s the only real science that actually exists, the science of my relationship to the source of my being. Now I am not practicing yoga, I’m not practicing no creed, I’m trying to unite myself now with the source of my existence through a scientific process, this is the Science of the Soul. Now the Science of the Soul has been called religion for a better term, it comes from two Latin words “Re” and “ligiare,” “ligiare” is to bind and “Re” is back or to bind back. You see we are bound back but to whom are we bound to and what binds us back? These are the only important things in the science, we are bound to God, the source, and that source must give us suffering all the time in order to love him. “I pray to you Lord for more suffering.” Do I pray to the source for suffering, is suffering something beautiful to aspire to? Joy, we pray for joy, your name (laughter) so be happy you’ve got a good name. We pray for God to remove all our afflictions, all our worries and complications, our lack only to have it filled with joy and bliss and harmony so God is the source of joy, God is the source of bliss. Now knowing this as my source of my being then I must try to follow a way of life that would keep me in a state of happiness or joy. So if I do that, then I must make my environment joyful, if I don’t make the environment joyful then the environment will have a great influence on me because environment is stronger in the early stages of one’s life or realization than one’s own will power. 1:50 Your environment is stronger than your will power, even when you’re born you don’t have any control over your environment, that environment is still stronger than your will power. Even though you choose to be in the home of an initiate when you’re born, still the environment is stronger than your will power you see, environment is strong (inaudible. Now when you begin to realize this and you want to make a change where you can alter the effects of the environment on your life then you have taken up your own life impulse, your own destiny with your own volition with the grace of God, the source now, with wisdom, understanding, and you can modify now the effects of your environment so let’s see what is the first thing we’re going to modify in our environment. What is the first thing our parents do to us when we’re born? Audience: (Laughter). Adano: The doctor spanks us when he cuts the umbilical cord to make us breathe so breathing is an important principle and the art of breathing becomes very important in our lives and if you want to be a swimmer or a singer or a musician blowing some reed instrument, don’t they tell you have to know how to breathe correctly? So if that has to be learned, equally true to stay healthy we have to learn how to breathe and maintain it but this goes on in us, breathing, but as soon as the child breathes after the doctor slaps it, they take it and put it next to the mother to do what? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: And do what else? Audience: Feed it. Adano: Feed it! Right, okay, what you just said, feed it huh? (Inaudible) in order for it to grow and be something in the world, nutrition comes right to the top. If with mother don’t have the necessary milk, the necessary preparation prior to the child’s birth, if she doesn’t feed herself properly will the child get the proper nutrition? This starts our very first environmental control, what we eat. Now, regardless if we are yellow man, red man, black man, white man, or Christian, Buddhist, Eskimo, Africans, or Hindu, Confucianists or Taoist or Shintoism, we all got to be fed at birth in some form. So this cuts across all boundry lines as a scientific approach to the scientific evolution of the Soul, nutrition. The nutrition may seem unimportant to many of us who have grown up (inaudible) in our lives but it’s not true, it’s very important because we will see why it’s important. Master Jesus said when He was being tempted on the mountain you know, what was the first temptation He had to encounter after He was initiated or baptized by John, can you remember the first actual temptation of the great Master? Audience: Food? Adano: Food huh? Ain’t that an interesting thing that He should be tempted with food? Think of it, why should a great Master be tempted with food as his first temptation? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: If it’s the first thing you have to have after you breathe to keep you alive and it’s the first temptation in a spiritual life, there must be self-connecting link between a man’s spiritual evolution and food. Now there’s a statement that goes, “He that conquereth…” this part of his anatomy, what part is that? “Will taketh the city.” He that conquereth his… Audience: Mouth. Adano: Mouth… will conquer the city. He that conquers this part of his anatomy will develop spiritual power because we eat with our mouths and we speak with our mouths and this is a very important part of our anatomy that has to be conquered before we can move on. Now this is scientific, this is not guessing or wishing or hoping, it’s very scientific that you conquer this part. Now Jesus when he was tempted, he was tempted in terms of food and his reply was very simple but tells you a very scientific thing, “Man does not live by bread above but by every word that proceed out the mouth of God.” If Man doesn’t live by food alone and by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God, how is he going to arrive at that state of evolution, to live by the word of God directly and not by food alone? We are repeating a principle. Now until that process is broken, you’re not going to start thinking positively. Now initiation is to help you think positive and work positive and at the same time to free you from that (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Eat everything that groweth on the face of the Earth in all the different shapes possible. So we can even be cannibals before the flood you know, but after the flood if this is of value or not of value, if you take a pair of everything in an ark, a boat, and you suddenly find yourself at the top of a piece of land and the flood has ceased, the rains have stopped, and you are the head of this boat in charge of it, ask yourself if you were (inaudible) inside this boat what would you be eating? 2:00 Audience: What you took in there. Adano: All right but if you took a pair of each creature in that boat and you deprive one of it, you gotta eat and if you’re gonna eat lamb you have to eat both of them because that would get rid of the lamb in forth days and forty nights. If you’re gonna eat a fish, you’re got to get rid of a pair of one species. In forty days and forty night you’re gonna eat up many pairs of different things. So you don’t have any more now when you’re ready to establish a whole colony of life now when you come out of this boat. Audience: May I ask a question? Some of the animals he took more than one pair of in the boat. Adano: The only thing they could carry with them to eat would have to be dried products, there was not enough space for more than a pair you see. Now if you’re going to preserve just a pair of sheep, a pair of other creatures, what are you preserving them for, to eat them? All right let’s say he carried extra pairs to eat them, when the flood is over now and he’s ready to come out and all of a sudden he’s confronted with the great law of God who tells him now, “Eat everything on the Earth.” What could he eat there at the end of the flood, the dead carcasses lying on the ground? Because in the forth days he would eat up the extra surplus of meat that he carries with him. Now, but here the Lord God tell him, “Eat everything that moveth on the face of the Earth and I’ve given you seed and herb for everything but do not eat of the meat and the blood thereof.” He tell Noah that in very outright terms you know, don’t eat of the meat or the flesh and of the blood also. Interesting that he should tell him not to eat the flesh product and the blood. Why is he telling us not to eat it, is there some reason? Number one, if you observe your own physical anatomy there is not a single way that human anatomy can digest meat and every doctor knows that, it will decompose by intestinal heat in the intestinal tract but there is no way for it to digest. You will digest a fruit, you will digest other types of food but you can’t digest flesh otherwise if those chemicals would do that, you wouldn’t have an intestinal tract from the time you were born, it will keep on digesting your intestinal tract along with it and if it does that, then when you are born all that you will find that comes out of the mother is a skeleton, a mass of calcium, no flesh around it because the very chemicals will digest themselves all the flesh products around it. Audience: Do you get protein from meat. Adano: No you don’t get protein from meat, it is stored in the meat when the animal eats the protein from the plant but where does the plant get the protein from? The atmosphere. Audience: But the doctors tell us today, and they hit their hands on the table when they say it, you must eat meat to get protein and of course I realize this doesn’t exist now because I’ve (inaudible) but why they keep insisting to the ignorant public that they should be eat the meat.

1971 July 23 - Part 1 Teachings of Jesus

Adano71_07_23_1TeachingsOfJesusQ1RR - Audience: Our speaker tonight is the Reverend Adano Ley who is the minister of All Faith Fellowship in Tyler Texas. He is a native of British Guiana and he came to the United States when he was 15 years old. He has done research on prayer techniques of the North American and Canadian Indians and he was in Mexico for a year with the Mayan and Aztec Indians. He has Indian, Spanish, and Chinese heritage from his mother and also his Catholic religion in which he was reared however he took his faith from his Father, a Mongolian, and came into the Eastern teachings, he can reconcile both East and West because of his particular heritage. He is speaking to us this evening on the teachings of Jesus and Bible interpretation, Swami Nityananda Saraswati. Adano: Before I speak to you, normally you are accustomed to calling this a lecture but to a Swami this is a Satsangha, far more than a lecture and at the Satsanga you have to calibrate the minds of the individual listening with the mind of the speaker and to do that… (meditation). Now we are an attunement: extrasensory, mentally, and physically. The teachings of Jesus are sometimes very difficult to comprehend, especially when you’re reared in the church and the minister does not seem to understand what the real depth of the sayings of the Master Jesus meant. As a boy growing up and wanting to be a priest, I asked the unpardonable question, “How come you preach of Jesus and don’t seem to be able to bring that life into manifestation?” My mentor said to me, “Boy, you’d never be a priest, you’re too much of a mystic.” Then I realized there were two functions in the church, I could not blame them after, lack of knowledge was my mistake. Organizational religion is maintained by the priest and it’s called churchianity, mystic religion or Christianity is maintained by the monks who live the life inside. They attempt the day-by-day experiments with the actual principles of the Master whereby the priest is not involved with that, his role is to present what he said and now you do it but I don’t have to follow it. As a boy you can see my problem and I think you’ve had the same in your own research. So I left the church and went away in search of my own heritage, maybe there is a clue. I thought my parent, especially my Father was an atheist, he never went to church only once a year, the day he was born and the day he was married, they all fell on the 25th of December, interesting? So he had to be an atheist but why on the 25th of December? It’s the best celebration of Jesus birth you know. I found out that he was more involved in the mystical life but then I could not even reconcile myself to him because the mystic really never see it much outwardly, you sit in his presence and there’s actually no “you do this, you do that,” there’s no communication, just to sit in his presence. So this got kind of boring, I couldn’t appreciate my Father’s views you know, he’s sitting, but he had the uncanny ability when his teacher came on a Friday, my mother would prepare food and say “Now you boys go out and prepare the mat under the mango tree and Swamiji is coming.” Well Swamiji was a man with a big turban in his head, beard, and he stood about six feet tall, he was an Indian, he turned out to be my Father’s teacher years after I understood what he was doing but a boy I didn’t understand you see but he would come and he wouldn’t come in the house, they’d sit under the mango tree. My Father would go out there and they would sit like this, saying nothing to each other. He placed the food and they ate and he went away but my Father would seem to have this strange ability to know what I’ve done for the entire week, even the minutest secret things I did, and I always thought Swamiji was peeping on me. So one time I wanted to smoke and I experimented with smoking with a piece of rope so no one can see me smoking and I was in the woods and that very week when the Swamiji visited, Dad came in the house and given everybody a rundown of their life and puts his finger, “You stop smoking rope.” Well this kind of would scare a person after a while but I began to take it in stride and I wanted to know more of my dad. There was something about him that drew me to him, then I had to leave and come to the States. I began to become interested in comparing now the teachings of Jesus from the Oriental viewpoint and the first thing I encountered in Jesus teachings, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God which is within you.” This seem to be the one message emphasized. Well where would I seek it? It stays within you so you can just picture my predicament for a whole month trying to look inside of myself, coming up with no answers until I encountered a teacher of Yoga and in the Yogic writings it states, “Know thy self.” It seems to pinpoint it “Know thy self.” 0:10 But then I asked the question “how you go about knowing yourself.” So the teacher took me back to the Bible and says now here is a verse that Master Jesus spoke, “Take my yoke upon thy neck for it is light” and left me there. Well I think you have read that statement in your own scriptures and puzzled over what it means but the word yoga is sanskrit and when it is translated into english it means “to yoke” or unite or union so if I take the yoke of Master Jesus that means I have to perform some type of union. Now you yoke oxen together, you put them together in union so they will pull so there have to be some type of union going on inside of us, “take my yoke upon thy neck for it is light.” Now after many months the word light could only come up in my mind in terms of weight and I thought in all terms of weight, never arriving at the true meaning of the term light in the structure of the sentence then when I inquired again from my yogi friend he said “light in terms of the atomic principle.” Now this set my whole train of thinking in different direction, for the first time real light I’m dealing with, not weight. In yoga, which is the eastern approach yoking, the individual is supposed to harness the light within his mechanism, an actual thing now, but then I was brought back to the Christian scriptures which state by Jesus “When thine eyes are single, the whole body is full of light and the light is shining in the darkness and the darkness comprehend it not and let your light so shine before Men that they may see your good works and glorify the Father which is in thee.” Now it throws me right back to the principle of light, the war ended in ‘45 and I think everyone was in uproar over the atomic science but Einstein gave us the first clue of light. The light that Jesus is talking of to his disciples or to the world is this mechanism, it’s a congealed form of light. Now in the scripture it says the creator set his creation into motion by the first act of manifesting light, out of love light was born from the statement “let there be light” but the statement is a statement involving sound. Now if you see lightning in the sky and hear the thunder after the two clouds have touched each other, you assume that the light is first and the sound is last. In reality the sound was first and the light is last, only the range of movement differs in terms with the observer. Consciousness projects the light therefore Master Jesus is telling us of a different type of light and he’s telling you where to look for it, strange, “When thine eyes are single,” you know you have two eyes, how can they become single? (Adano drawing on board). The two eyes are acting, looking out, but if they’re going to center on something they will have to come in to a point like the two beams on an automobile lamp, headlights you have to beam it. Einstein says that this body is matter and matter is energy and energy is equal to its mass times the velocity of darkness square, what squared? Light squared, so the same light that Einstein is talking of is the same light the Master Jesus is talking of, this is a congealed form of light, the creative intelligence cannot alter it, He’s already crystallized it and set it into motion by his command, “Let there be light,” whatever we see as a creation is this congealed crystallized form of His command. “And the light is shining in the darkness,” yes it’s already shining within the brain and when you get a blow on the forehead you see what? Stars or light, “but you comprehend it not,” you don’t know the reason for its existence yet at that very moment you are face to face with your creator, you are face to face with your real self. It took me a long time to comprehend let alone to experience this light and make it work and understand what Jesus meant “Take my yoke upon thee for it is light,” bring this into harness, bring what into harness? Two things, I have to harness the focusing of my consciousness. If I was to draw a line across here, what do I have? A triangle, put it on its base you recognize a familiar figure in the desert of Africa, a pyramid, it is a firing point, a focal point for energy and in the human being the base pins out and the creator is the base pinning back through you, you have a direct lining up of two forces in yourself and if you draw it you’ll recognize a familiar function. (Adano drawing on board). Now you have to line these forces up inside and see the light. 0:20 Continuing my research I came across the mystic John who was a disciple of the Master Jesus and his first verse in his writings goes like this, “In the beginning was the Word,” I said before anything can manifest we must have sound and word is sound. Now “in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word is God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man.” Let’s see now if we are talking of something in the atomic realm. Before we can have a manifestation there is a command and a command involves sound and that sound is normally called the Word or logos in certain writings and for the benefit of those who are in doubt as to what the word would mean, it means audible life current or it can also mean the sound that the atoms make while they’re in motion. This sound exists as an actual principle, it’s the basis of all existence or creation. Now if this sound is with God then it is within consciousness, this is the realization we come to eventually as we meditate and go in. Now if it’s audible then it’s possible to hear it and let’s see now if it was audible. There was a prophet who said, “Lo I turned to the east and I heard the voice of God like a trumpet blowing.” This body is a manifestation of the divine principle or universe unto itself, this is north, this is south, the top is north, the top of the skull is north and the base of the spine is south. Frontal part of the forehead would be east and the back would be west and the third eye in many symbology of the eastern people have been called Star of the East or the Eye of the East or the Eastern Eye only symbolizing that at this point we turn in, the point between the eyebrows. “Lo I turn to the east” was the Sage, that means he had to commune with himself now and by focusing, bringing the lining up of the consciousness, he heard the voice of God like a trumpet blowing. So sound came through, the experience is genuine and anyone who has made the attempt to lock in can hear that trumpet blowing inside, it does exist, it’s not a hallucination or a figment of imagination. Now, so John says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God,” the audible life current or vibratory rate of creation is existing in consciousness but he goes on to make a specific statement that will remove doubt from our minds once and for all and that statement is “and the Word IS God.” Now when you use the word “is” you’ve got to be pretty sure of what you’re talking about because you’re going to mislead millions of people in the future and if it is truly that, then the tests of verifying it becomes our responsibility. We can now go to that test, make that attempt, harness this consciousness, and find out once and for all if it is so. After many years of meditation, I can vouch that God is that audible life sound. “And the Word was made flesh,” that cosmic current became substance, cells, but there are many forms in which this substance appeared in. The last part of the verse is “and the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man.” It seems that only in the Man form that this audible life current can be contained and be realized, this substance contains the sound current but this substance cannot realize the sound current, only this form can do it, the human form. We’ve come to a point now in our scriptural understanding of Master Jesus where we look upon ourselves and say, “This is going to be impossible for the churches have told us for years, He is the only Son of God” and let us go to the Man Himself and read in His sayings if He has ever uttered the fact that He is the only Son of God. The Hindus and Chinese they accept the idea of Son of God, but they don’t accept the idea of only being an individual, they accept the idea of “only” being a principle, a big difference between an individual and a principle. The personal God-head or the Creative Intelligence in form is the only relationship we have with the impersonal God-head: Krishna Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, or Creative Intelligence or Intuitive Intelligence in Man, but they do not accept the body form as the “only” because body forms are required to realize that Principle, the personal God-head. Jesus said, “While I’m in the world, I am the Light of the world.” Every Realized Man who reaches the personal God-head state is a radiant light because it’s moving through Him, he’s come to the realization that this light is flowing, he has done the works and “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not, but let your light so shine before Men that they may see the good works and glorify your Father which is in you.” When you make the attempt to release this light inside this mechanism then you have done the work that is required. Now here we have an interesting point in the teaching of Jesus, he often spoke in parables and parables were not a common practice of the Hebrew people, it was a common practice of far eastern people though the Hebrew people are Orientals in the Middle East, it is more prevalent to speak in parables in the far eastern countries than in the middle eastern countries. 0:30 One of the parables that stands out pertaining to the personal Godhead and the impersonal Godhead is involved in this statement, “None come unto the Father but by Me.” Now Jesus never said he’s the only son of God therefore he made a statement by saying “the things I do you shall do also and greater things shall you do.” That eliminates being the only son of God as a person and “None come unto the Father but by Me.” These two statements can trick you up between a personal concept of God and the physical relationship of what God is but in the eastern writings we can penetrate the veil and understand it clearly. When Buddha was alive there was a monk, a buddhist monk, and in order to understand the statement of Jesus “None come unto the Father but by me,” that’s a parable in itself. We’d have to understand a statement made in one of the buddhistic writings the statement was like this. There was a monk meditating one day. A butcher was taking his cow to the slaughter house on his way the cow broke the rope, ran in front of the monk, and spoke to the monk telepathically or in cow’s language, “Save my life.” The monk, a non-violent man, said “hide behind these bushes.” Along came the butcher, seeing the monk he said, “Hey Mr. Monk, you see my cow?” Now the butcher knows that the monk can’t lie and the cow knows that the monk can’t betray him (laughter), what is the monk going to do now? He’s got to find a parable to get out of it because he’s caught in the middle like the cheese between two slices of bread. So he looked at the butcher and he said to him very calmly, “They that saw the cow can’t tell you where the cow is hidden. He who can tell you where the cow is hidden didn’t see it.” Now I’m stumped when I confronted the parable, years went by before I can really penetrate the veil to understand the principle. The first word is “they,” “they who?” Only the monk and the cow and the butcher, there ain’t nobody in the picture. Then it dawns that they “see” you know, they are plural, but they don’t talk, “they” saw the cow and can’t tell where the cow is hidden. “He” is singular, “he who can tell,” that’s the tongue, to tell is to talk. He who can tell you where the cow is hidden, didn’t see it. Realization dawns upon my consciousness and I realized what my father and all the great teachers were doing, bringing me back to myself to raise the intuitive nature to comprehend the problem. Master Jesus threw one such bombshell in our midst, “None come to the Father but by Me.” “None who?” It can literally mean the whole of humanity from the time he was created or before he was born or after he was born, it would be kind of erroneous he would be inferring that statement to be that. It actually means no one living in his five senses can raise the level of his consciousness to the Creative Intelligence unless it first centers it upon the personal God presence inside, it’s the only begotten principle, the only way in, it’s like the guardian at the gate. For example, we’re all familiar with an iceberg? An iceberg we see a portion above water and the greater portion is below the water, right? And let’s see I’m a little crab living on top of the iceberg and all the goodies are down at the bottom of the iceberg, how am I going to get down to the bottom without wetting my feet? There is no way I can get down to those goodies at the bottom of the iceberg unless I make the attempt to go down and as soon as I go down, I must pass through the water line and keep going in the process, in the exposure, right down to where it is. Now all around my whole body I’m going to be totally wet, not alone my feet now, I’m immersed. Before I’m up here enjoying the sun, drying myself on top of the iceberg. In the outer realm in our five senses we are like that crab, enjoying the sunlight of physical activity but never getting to the goodies within our inner mechanism, the Godhead inside. To make a return we’d have to pass through the water line, that is the measuring up now, this is why they call it the Christ principle or the personal Godhead, the me, the real self, no one living in his five senses can really get back to that God-self unless he passes through the Christ principle in himself so every Man becomes Christ-ed or Chris-ted or Krishna conscious. Now one portion of the scripture says “And as many as received him, to them gave He power to become sons of God.” So it means that every crab that will go through the water line will get to the goodie and they all got to get wet so any one of us who wants to return to pure cosmic consciousness must be exposed to the Christ principle sooner or later and if you accept the Christ principle as the only creative principle whereby we can return to the source, we will all become radiant sons of light, God conscious people. There is absolutely no way we can avoid it even a easterner or a westerner or in the eastern writings. For the first time we are forced to admit to ourselves that this is the way of truth, not the man Jesus solely but the principle in which we go back to the source. Now Master Jesus also threw another bombshell into our midst, “Come unto Me all ye that travail and are heavily laid and I’ll refresh you.” That’s pretty difficult when he has passed on, how can you go to him to be refreshed, is he really speaking of his physical body or is he speaking of a personal relationship on a different level? And we have to take the parable of the monk, the butcher, and the cow and try to understand the words, “Come unto Me.” Well where would you point within your mechanism if you want to use the word “me?” You point to yourself, you point your head because this is your thinking sphere. “All you that travail and are heavily laden,” who are they? Pair of eyes, they work, travail is to work. Heavily laden, get tired and fatigued, bored, confrontations going on day and night, somebody cut in front of you before you can get to the red light. “They,” pair of ears, they hear all the obscenity and the good things too and they get loaded down. Nostrils, polluted air as well as the good country air. Mouth, some food aren’t so palatable, others are good. These are the things of the mechanism that have to work to provide for the physical body and maintain it, your five senses, you can’t work when you’re sound asleep, just ain’t no way to do it to provide for the physical nourishment and they get tired. So “Come unto Me,” that means daily now we should withdraw our five senses to the real self, the real beingness, the one principle, the personal Godhead in yourself and freshen up, you don’t need a Seven-Up now, “freshen up, it’s Seven-Up,” you know? Daily meditation or the daily return to the higher self and the feeling is to refresh you, refresh means to revitalize, renew, clear up, and give you the added boost now that you can cope with responsibilities and face the environment again with that inner faith, inner strength. So the Master is teaching us how to turn back to our inner source of supply so the word Master is one who has Mastered the techniques and the behavioral principles in order to live. When we have done this, we can then say fully that the experience is genuine and that we are experiencing the Godhead in ourselves. Now we come to another strange parable, I can’t cover all because the time will be too short but they are so marvelous when you try to understand them. Ten virgins, five wise, five foolish, I always feel sorry for those foolish ones that got left out. You know you think of it, here they are making up for the bridegroom and all of a sudden the light goes out and everyone says, “Foo on you, I’m going in.” You can put yourself in their predicament because we do this to ourselves outwardly too and we thumb our nose at the person who has failed in some way but the ten virgins: five wise, five foolish are your five senses working outwardly now, that is wasting away the energy searching for the bridegroom which is the delight, the thing that will give you union or conscious realization, the marriage of the Soul with the spirit, marriage between the bride and the bridegroom and if you run outside there is no way to find it and you will be burning up your energy constantly till it’s all wasted away and then you don’t have any realization. The five wise ones, that means the functions of trimming it or disciplining it, self-discipline is very important towards God realization. There just is no way you can arrive at this inner realization with a lackadaisical, haphazard way of life, a do what you like or do what you please, it does not work because you’ll discover you are very inconsistent and very weak and you’re easily going to succumb to the distractions, your mind is going to wander all over the world but never getting down to the actual experience. When you discipline the senses, that means trim them now, prune them, and it’s very hard because we try everything and when they have all failed, we’re forced to follow instructions. You know those little cards they have stuck all over the place, “When everything else fails, follow instructions.” That is a way to tell us learn to discipline the senses, do the thing that must be done. That is the five wise virgins, that is using the five senses in a disciplined way to center it on the intuitive self or God-self which is the bridegroom, to sup means to feast. When you discipline the senses and study them, the first tangible experience that comes from that light within is peace, a peace that passes all understanding, one that cannot be gained by the undisciplined senses by running after every emotional desire or enticement. The inner peace can be experienced but how to transfer that inner peace into the waking life? Most mystics, especially orientals too, Christians, you see them sitting down… like a lump on the log for centuries or for years doing nothing. You say “Well is that all there is to the spiritual life?” They are incapable of making the transfer from within to the outside. Great teachers come forth into the world with that inner consciousness just to show that we can make the transfer. Now there are two types of teachers: the renunciate and the householder, this applies to Swamis too, the wives of Swamis are called Swaminis and a renunciate is one who has no wife. There is no strength in the renunciate life if you give up, sooner or later you’re going to have to face yourself that is something missing because one of the greatest rules of realization is “greater the obstacle, greater the man.” The householder is thrown into a bigger battle now, he has the nagging husband or the nagging wife and they both are going to go through that constant confrontation in order to experience that inner peace and before the journey is over, you have a wonderful relationship because no one is going to give in now until they make it together and this is real self-mastery, he’s called the householder. 0:50 This path, Master Jesus had many around him, we only know of the renunciate type the twelve that followed him, their lives seem to be exemplified and a great deal of it is centered about them but renunciates cannot provide for bread every day, a room to sleep every night, and let alone have a place to go and have a last feast. If you recall He had a white ass even to ride on, many things were provided and they had to come from the householder who were his disciples also, there were many householder disciples, people who had to involve themselves with daily activity and still follow the Christ within themselves, follow the light. One such man is Joseph of Arimathea, another man is Nicodemus, another one would be Lazarus. There were two Lazaruses, one that was sick and one he resurrected, the one he resurrected was a very wealthy man so we see that great Master who live on the Earth have two types of disciples that follow the path, the householder and the renunciate. We see this every day in society, some are trying to cut away from society to find a little place all by themselves, the rest are remaining in the mainstream working but when realization comes, wherever it comes and when it comes, you will find only those who can make the transfer from within to the outside are the ones who really are the strongest. When you bring your peace into daily activity now and can take it with you moment to moment with your trials, which is the karmic debt incurred by your wrong thinking, you’re only reaping what you’re sowing you see and and you’re harvesting it and nobody’s harvesting it for you. So this inner strength that comes from transference is vitally important for modern men to be able now not to leave the world, accept the world as it is but to make the transference from within to the outside. “The peace I give the world don’t give,” get the peace inside, transfer it outside, then those in the outer world will get it because it will overflow. You can’t give what you don’t have, if you’re frustrated inside sooner or later you’re going to give out waves of frustration. If you’re peaceful from within, it will overflow and the psalm says “surely goodness and righteousness shall follow me all the days of my life and my cup overflow,” means that the the individual made the attempt to go in, to acquire the inner peace, and to bring it into the manifested world and let it flow, it overflows, this is what we’re all searching for inside. There are many other goodies too such as extrasensory abilities and so forth but don’t be carried away by the extrasensory abilities, they can tend to detract you from your goal, the real goal is lining up back with your creator. That’s why Jesus slipped in one bombshell by saying “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his Soul,” this is a caution lest we get carried away from the real objective. Now we have an interesting statement when He said, “You see Me you see the Father” and in my training when I was being trained as a priest early, it would always say that Jesus is God right there standing. It could not really bring home the truth to my mind yet in the eastern writings they still say Krishna was God you know, His name was Gopal, it was God walking on this Earth, why don’t you accept it, why do you accept only Jesus was God? I realized there’s a difference in saying “you see Me you see the Father” and literally involving the physical frame. The individual has attained God realization by entering the personal Godhead, the Christ-self, the Krishna consciousness, or the Christ consciousness. Now from the example of the iceberg, what is an iceberg made of? Audience: Water. Adano: But what kind of water? Frozen water. Now the crab has to pass through from the dry top of the iceberg down to the wet part, what is he going to pass through? Water but they’re both made of the same thing, oxygen and hydrogen, so you see the water, you see the iceberg. I am made of the atomic principle light, I am crystallized, the Creator Himself is the cosmic light holding the whole thing together, frozen, I’m free and loose like the water. When I look at this form, I realize these two things equal to the same thing are themselves equal to one another for the first time. Then the comprehension of Emmanuel which was supposed to be His name before they gave it to him as Jesus, meaning God is in Man or God is with us. The realization is that this principle is within you, anytime you refer to it you have to use these two words: “I” and “Am,” “I and the Father one,” “I am that I am.” The Hindus have a Sanskrit word, it’s called “Soham.” “I am he, that am I.” So the Swamis say, “Have you arrived at the Soham stage my boy?” Now I cannot intellectualize to say yes, I have to actually experience a phasing in of the oneness and to be able to experience it all of us can as long as we know what we’re trying to achieve. We’re trying to become one with the light that the mechanism now would emit this. Jesus was completely phased in with the Godhead and openly said to His disciples and the people, “Who do men say that I am?” Put them to the confrontation and some said “thou art a prophet, teacher, whatever” then our good friend Peter in a loud voice says, “Thou art Christ” and Jesus buffed back by saying, “I didn’t tell you that, the Father which is within you has revealed it to you.” 1:00 The Christ within you, the Godhead within you, recognize the Godhead that is fully aligned but your Godhead is not aligned yet but I’m not going to tell you now that you’re going to deny me, I’m going to wait till later when you do deny me. So He tells him later he’s gonna deny Him because he is not lined up you see and instances show that he was not lined up with his Christ-self. One time he saw the Master who was fully lined up and with the burst of devotion and a love for the Godhead, he tries to walk across the water to meet Him. The devotion is strong and he does step across but not fully lined up, that good old mind of his looks down “and this is water friend and that still is a human being!” He may be God so he sinks down into the water, this is the confrontation of the principle. Any time the principle lines up itself within us, there is no limitation. It’s the faith now, like a grain of mustard seed, you have to bring in this alignment so in the scriptural teaching of the east we can understand the life of the Master Jesus better than most people understand him in other parts of the world. We see that there is no conflict now viewing it from that standpoint, thank you. (Applause). Audience: We will have a five minute break and then Adano will be happy to answer any questions. (Gap in tape). Adano: I guess here is where we lock horns now. You know h-a-n-g-e-r you call it hanger, put a hyphen between the h and a and you have horns which you hang yourself on when you’re angry. I know you may have lots of questions to ask, you want to go ahead. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: According to a friend of mine who has done a great deal of study he said to me one day after I tried to convince him so many years he says “You know Adano, I finally come to the conclusion we do survive our decent burials.” Audience: (Laughter). Adano: Our decent burials, life after that is a reality. What we call death is only a physiological cessation of the chemical structure, there are different degrees of death. Well let’s look at the life of Master Jesus in the various degrees which He spoke of. He was confronted with a daughter of Jairus, a householder disciple, and Jairus asked his Master to come and help his daughter. He came to the home and they’re mourning, child is dead. He makes a bold statement, “she’s only asleep.” Would a man go out of his way to raise the hope of an individual at such a critical moment and call it sleep? Unless He’s highly familiar with the workings of the mechanism, you just don’t play that type of jokes with people yet He brought her out of the state. Let’s look at another level of death. He stayed at the home of Lazarus, a householder disciple, and Lazarus was a rich man and Lazarus could not break the attachment to his possessions. So the only time he’s going to learn the lesson is when he’s dead right, in the grave there are no rich people so the pattern is to let him go to that particular confrontation. So He leaves the home of Lazarus and takes off and on his journey news comes to Him that Lazarus is ill but He pays not attention, He is the Master, Lazarus is the student, the relatives are all students of different degrees. Later on the news comes, Lazarus is dead but He makes another statement, “This is not a death unto the death.” What debt is He talking about now? He turns back, goes to the home of Lazarus, and if I were the sisters of Lazarus you know what would go on in my mind? “You are the most ungrateful individual we ever had in our home, we give you food and when we send you message to come and help our brothers, you didn’t pay any attention, you ignore us, why would we want to help you now?” But these thoughts are submerged in their consciousness so He’s going to carry on the facade by saying when they told Him, “Master if you were here, he would not be faring thus.” This is how they have to present themselves after they have the mental turmoil of criticizing, I don’t know of another human being who wouldn’t do it, if I was in the situation, I’d have to do it, this is only logical, the nature has to be satisfied in some way. He says “Where is the grave?” And they replied, “Master he’s gonna stink, he’s dead you know.” You can just picture the confrontation so they go and then He carries on the facade one step further, “Lazarus come forth!” They said He said it in a loud voice then He tells himself, “Father, I didn’t have to say it, only because of the people nearby.” Interesting that he should make an after statement to confrontation with. Realizing this, we see that the Master is working at different levels of bodily cessation. Now Lazarus was dead for three days and yet He is able to bring forth Lazarus from that deep state of cessation but it’s not “a death unto the death.” Now let’s look at another death, His own now, His own personal confrontation. In the Garden of Gethsemane He meditates and has the vision of the physical exit, it has to be crucifixion, nothing short of that. Now no one wants to see how he’s going to die, I don’t care if you’re the best mystic in the world are most realized men, the confrontation is very very shocking let alone not having a guarantee from the Creator that you may pass through that test and get some goodie on the other side that He’s going to give you some extra bonus for facing it, it’s pretty rough test but He says “Father remove this cup,” it’s too bitter a cup to face in physical frame but in the confrontation with consciousness, He realizes He must face, otherwise He’s not a Master. What is he here to master, is He not here to master every level of behavior, every particular form of confrontation? Yes, “Not My will but Thy will be done.” Therefore the Master Jesus did not walk out of the Garden of Gethsemane in agony in mind, He went cheerfully to His karmic confrontation and all those who were reaping on the pathway to Calvary, He admonished them by saying, “Do not weep for Me, weep for yourselves. Be of good cheer, I have overcome.” 1:10 This is the last test the physical frame must face, “be of good cheer,” this cessation must lead to something with a greater value. Facing the death on the cross “He gave up the ghost” then the glorious effect that came after was the triumphant knowledge of mastery of life over death, resurrection. Now eastern Masters tell you it is a reality and those who have read the Autobiography of a Yogi the Master of Yogananda came back and spoke to him in his resurrected body, this is in modern time now. So the Masters who have mastered death without running from it know that there is a higher law behind. Well let’s see our friend the caterpillar, he grovels in the earth, he is on his way to his destiny and the birds in the air see him groveling in the dirt, they pity him, they would like to have him fly like them so they all loan him a feather each but he can’t fly no matter how many feathers they give him, there’s no way for him to get off the ground. So he accepts his destiny as a caterpillar, spins a cocoon and out comes that marvelous creature called a butterfly and he flies and he’s more beautiful than any bird you have ever seen yet he does not rot when every other bird who dies will have to rot, “death onto the death,” there is the mystery that these Masters are talking of. We realize that there are different degrees of death and that there is no real death, only different stages. Now the resurrected body is called a “pillar in the house of the Lord,” this is the perfected body that Man ought to strive for, Man ought to be perfect, he has to work his way to that perfected body which there is no more death in it. Audience: Would you please comment on what Jesus meant when He said, “Let the dead bury the dead?” Adano: Yes, His disciple came and asked him to go home because he had a commitment with his relatives. A Master cannot let the disciple get too over involved with past ideas because those people are still living with dead ideas that are not changing them, they are living with the feeling that death and the tragedy of death, they do not see the need to change and look upon life. So the disciple is admonished not to go back, not to look back into that level. “Let the dead bury the dead,” the physical dead person is there, he didn’t make an attempt to realize himself, those around him are not making any attempt either they’re going to moan and go through all the ritualistic expressions of a dead body and build a beautiful stone shelter for it, they might as well continue to do the things they’re going to do because they will follow suit in pattern and repeat it, here is a new life, here’s a new understanding being told to the disciple. The disciple must make the decision if he wants to go back to the old ways of life or he wants to take up the new life, the new yoke, “Take your cross upon your back and follow me,” in other words do you really want to move forward in life or you just want to remain and tread water in darkness or death. You see Lot’s wife did the same thing, she was told not to look back and that became the death of her, turning back on our past experiences and trying to relive them as a means to bolster our mistakes is not making for new life, we have to make a break. That’s why He puts it on our shoulder and says “You can’t be for me or for mammon, if you’re not for Me you’re against me,” take this step. So you have to take the step, “am I for life,” am I for this personal confrontation with the divinity in myself or am I still going to hang on with my lackadaisical way of behavior, my old undisciplined life and that is leading to self-destruction. Anytime we pollute the senses, degenerate the senses, they only lead us to self-destruction and it leads us back to the death in which He has come to raise us out from. A Christ-realized man tries to raise the level of consciousness of each individual above the torches and torments that death seems to present in, even what ideas in society tends to imprison him, this teacher must try to lift them up, he must show them an abundant life flow, he must have the way to come out of the frustration of the death principle so He told them let them bury their own dead you know. Today we see that we have elaborate ways to bury the dead. Yes? Audience: You stated that Jesus faced his karma by willingly going to the cross, please explain. Adano: Ah ha! This is very interesting, “For every action there’s an equal reaction.” Now He came to lift up Man and set into action certain waves of thought activity on a group of people who were not willing to accept that wave of thinking. Now it’s not His karma from Jesus standpoint as personality, it’s the cosmic karma, the cosmic law that demands that He must set into action some type of condition to bring on a confrontation in order to resolve and absolve Him as a Master, He must set the stage for his own deliverance so we call it a karmic debt. You see He is not doing something that is bad, it’s not something that He’s set into motion that he’s going to reap as a bad action, the people could not accept Him. When He was brought before Pilate, Pilate wanted to release Him, between the choice of Jesus and Barabbas but the people did not want Him, they wanted Barabbas. Barabbas in their mind was a sort of a Castro, somebody who would liberate them from the Romans, Jesus having no such designs does not fit into the plan of their needs. Now one of the truths in the eastern writings goes like this, “The karma of the disciples determine the faith of the teacher,” the karma of the disciples determined the faith of the teacher. 1:20 What is the karma of the disciples? Hence come the term in Christian writings, “He died to save the sins of the world.” Their wrong thinking is going to determine how He has to exit from this physical realm. Now if he took off and never faced their wrong thinking, are they going to make any change? If they were all thinking right then the stage for His death in such a horrible manner would not come up, not possible. Because they are not thinking right they are setting the stage of a karmic condition that will force Him to exit that way so it’s not His karma personally in a physical sense, it’s their karma thrown upon Him to face. Audience: Maybe I think Jesus was Adam like it says (inaudible)? Adano: Yes He was Adam if you want to look at it that way and here He’s going to face himself as Master Jesus but I’m looking at it in a different relationship and I have to bring into focus now another Christ-man and his name is Krishna. Krishna lived in the world, lifted up his own people, and one day someone saw him because his body was blue, the light, his aura was so brilliant, he thought it was a strange animal and shot him and that’s how Krishna died. The karmic thought patterns of the disciples determines the destiny of the teacher. Audience: Is the second coming of Jesus part of His karma or will His return be a karmic return? Adano: It’s a cosmic karmic law, not His karma. There are only two types of Masters, an ascended Master and a manifested Master. An ascended Master is one who attains realization by a series of disciplines, a manifested Master is one whose life is predicted before He’s born, His life’s work is laid out and when He leaves and return anytime from then on, He is a manifested Master all the time by karmic law of the cosmos, not by His own desire. He is constantly send into the world to face the wrong thought patterns generated by the world which will determine HIs exit all the time. We will in time if he comes down into the frame as a manifested Master and may not accept him, whatever death pattern we determine in our minds will be more horrible than the one prior but He has to be able to face that. We may think we’re going to be less horrible in our decision to destroy, we’re not going to be. If we did not do it in the time of crucifixion here in our atomic awareness, are we going to be more humane? Our wrong thinking is going to determine His exit again in whatever body form He takes because our wrong thinking will outweigh our right thinking. When there is right thinking in the world, there is no need for law, there is no need for a manifested Master. When there is wrong thinking outweighing right thinking then the Master consciousness must manifest and face it and it’s the confrontation of facing that will equalize the forces. Every exit He makes in whatever form he takes would set the balance back, that unrighteousness would not surpass righteousness. So at that period His death set a balancing force in time that the Romans had to change, the inroads into Roman consciousness began changing by the people who were confronted with this aligning principle. Now we don’t know in this present stage who is the most right thinking or wrong thinking on the earth, we are going to consider ourselves the most right thinking because we think we are doing it yet we may be the most wrong thinking. When we are faced with the situation and then we can’t accept that being in the form He’s in and the disciplines He may impose upon us to make these changes, then our wrong thinking is going to suddenly set the stage for His exit, there’s just ain’t no way we can avoid it. Audience: In your statement of ascending Masters and manifesting Masters, you made the statement that the manifesting Masters have their let’s say they’re life pre-determined… Adano: Predicted. Audience: Predicted. Adano: Also it’s all laid out for them. Audience: Right but in other words if my view of ascending Masters are one that comes from the higher planes and manifest their own vehicle of expression here upon a physical plane… Adano: … he does employ that particular method, he’s not a Master. A Master is not afraid to face any confrontation regardless of how tragic it can be because that is what is required of Him in the first place to demonstrate his mastery. Audience: But is it not written in the records that (inaudible). Adano: A manifested Master’s life is predicted. Now they will know where He is when He’s born. He doesn’t declare it to the world He’s a Master, someone knows where He’s born, someone knows his destiny pattern that He’s got to take, a time will come when He has to shed the environmental ignorance and demonstrate His consciousness. It’s like the chicken breaking the shell but the chicken still has to grow up to be a foul, it carries within itself the pattern. So the Master is within that being and when He’s born, others know it before He’s born. Now was not the Master Jesus life predicted before He was born? And His agony, His mission? All seen ahead of time. Yes? Audience: His second return was also predicted. Adano: Yes and when he takes form, He will demonstrate it and He will also demonstrate His exit. You know we at this moment would want Him to come and not exit, we want to hold on to Him, isn’t that our selfish desire because we are afraid to face up ourselves? So if He comes and when He comes, the pattern of exit is also determined by our nature. We determine if we’re going to hold on to Him and if we hold on to Him we’re going to sit down and not do anything, when is He going to take exit to raise our consciousness? Now He’s going to throw this in our lap as a tremendous bombshell, “the disciple should be as his Master.” That means you got to come up to His level now, “And call no Man Master save the Lord which is within thee.” How are you going to arrive at that degree of development if He’s going to stick around with you? You’ll be riding on His shirt tails and we have ridden on his shirt tails for the past thousand years, are we coming up to Him as a Master of ourselves? Maybe He will throw this in our lap when He comes back and says, “What have you done when I told you the disciples should be as a Master, have you raised yourself, are you still trying to hold on on Me?” You see what I’m trying to point out, that we too got to raise our own self even if He’s coming and the form He’s taking and the exit for His form is already there. 1:30 The greatest tragedy would be ours, not raising ourselves up under the necessary command laid down by Him already, we are not regaining our Christ’s self. Audience: How are we going to be able to distinguish between the anti-Christ and the Christ? Adano: The Christ is the principle of the personal Godhead redeeming us from our confrontation in the anti-Christ which is the environment laid out to challenge us. Whatever human form would want to be in the environment to push us into our misery, you can call him a manifestation of anti-Christ and whatever form that would relieve us of that misery, we can call Him the Christ, anti-Christ is a principle just as much as Christ is a principle. They are here, forms are for confrontation, forms are for redemption, forms are for release, liberation, enlightenment, par example. Jesus had confrontation, Moses had confrontation, Krishna had confrontation, all through life we’re going to have our confrontation. The anti-Christ does not have to be one single individual in the history, it is a constant confrontation of a principle, we’re going to be facing it all the time. When are we going to measure up? He’s throwing it in our laps, He’s telling us, “The disciple should be as his Master,” when are we going to recognize the anti-Christ is around us as a principle and that we have to regain our Christ-hood. Now we need the form to relate to to give us the courage to raise ourselves up, just as much as we need the form to put our distress or our hate or tear it down. Whatever form we point out as the anti-Christ, “Oh you, I found you at last, now I can tear you down. All right here is my Christ, I’ll build it up.” This is not in blasphemy, this is in relationship to consciousness. Yes? Audience: Is this then the cosmic consciousness? Adano: Yes, “To him that overcometh,” what is he going to overcome, what is there to overcome? “To him that overcometh, I will not send forth a second time,” maybe it’s a hundred and billioneth second time that you’ve been coming forth, not necessarily the second time for this… We’ve been coming forth so many times but “I will make him a pillar.” You know a pillar is a fixture, it doesn’t change so something that supports, “In the house of my Lord.” When you accept the Christ and overcome the anti-Christ, which is the principle in which we find ourselves around us that tears us down, wrong thinking that destroys from the basis of our nature. Audience: But ultimately will all Men (inaudible). Adano: There’s no such thing as a mass God-realization, God-realization is individualistic, you follow me? So there is the reason why it’s “world without end.” Intellectually we will sense or think that all will go back which is in the making of the consciousness. So going back is not all together, it’s stretched out over a tremendous eons of time when going back. So Man will go back to his Creator but one time I asked myself the question, “after we all return to the Father, what is the Father going to do now?” This I got back, “start it all over again, try and see if you can reclaim your 100% free will by forfeiting 99% of it and use one percent to go through that hurdle of an anti-Christ and come back to Me safe and sound.” “You are the prodigal child and I am the Father, go try out again your nature. Go down there in that level which is called manifestation or creation. I am the unmanifest Father, you are my unmanifest being, there’s no more creation everything is resolved, we’re all total love. Let us see now if the love can be maintained. I’ll start a creation back, I’ll withhold 99% of your free will, allow you to have 1% and now you go through with love for Me, let My love guide you, let My will guide you, ‘Thy will be done Father.’ I’ll walk through this channel now and try and see if I can make the way back with the realization that You’re going to meet me halfway when I come back.” Didn’t the Father meet the prodigal son halfway when he was coming back? Only when this prodigal son decided within his mind to go back, we got to make the decision at some time to go back. So our realization is that when we return to the Father, we are sent out back with the total love again to demonstrate it because this is what the love is for, to demonstrate it. Now returning into the world by volition or by volunteering or by direct command is not returning into the world by an unfinished act which you avoided. We come back into the world because we have an unfinished karmic debt but to come down into this world and face our obligations in a volunteer way, how many of us volunteer to go and do something? A great many of us are drafted you see? Equally true the sons of God or the realized Masters are volunteers, they cannot see creation floundering in ignorance, they cannot see their brother Souls down in the mire and they sit back here and recline in the Father’s lap. It’s not so, “I am my brother’s keeper,” this is what you discover when you discover the peace inside. When you have found the peace inside, the inner light, and the sanctity of it, you are forced now to look out again and you’re forced to get off your metaphysical can and move forward and do something with it, just excuse the terminology. But you cannot sit back, even the Master Jesus could not sit back in eons of time, He has to come forward. I guess my time is up. (Applause). 1:40 Audience: The Reverend Adano is a minister of All Faith Fellowship in Tyler, Texas. He is a native of British Guiana and he came to America at the age of 15. He is of Indian, Spanish, and Chinese heritage from his mother, his Father was a Mongolian. He was brought up in the Catholic Church but he was drawn to the eastern philosophy and thought of his Father. He has done research on prayer techniques of Indians in North America and Canada and Mexico. He was initiated into the ancient Swami order of Saraswati in 1969, incidentally he had meditated eight hours a day for 21 years before he was initiated into this Swami Order so for those of us who think 15 minutes a day is a chore, you can see what we have facing us. His Swami name is Nityananda Saraswati, he’s going to be speaking again tonight at 8 o’clock, “Is Religion a Science” is his subject and again tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock speaking on prayer and meditation. His subject today is the Yogic disciplines and Saints and Masters, Adano Ley. (Applause). Adano: You’re accustomed to lectures but for us as Swamis who study the mystic path this is not a lecture, this is Satsanga, fellowship with the truth and the only way you can benefit from it, you have to align your consciousness. In the alignment both physical, mental, and extrasensory are brought into focus. You have often heard the eyes are the windows of the Soul but how many of us really know what it actually means and what can you do with it. Yogic discipline is involved all the time with the eyes, Master Jesus was very adamant about the eyes, “When the eyes are single, the whole body is full of light,” there’s more to it than just conversation. We’re going to go into some interesting facts about it, I wish you have piece of chalk, alright, thank you. Master Jesus, we use the word Master and in the lecture you hear the term Yogic disciplines, Saints, and Masters, what do they follow? It’s called the path of the Masters or the path of the Saints, they bring no new religion to the world, they bring a exemplary confirmation of life from within themselves and it’s called the path of the disciple relationship with the teacher, the Soul, God. And the emphasis is on discipline, that’s why the student is called a disciple and what should he discipline? Sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, touch. Last night we spoke of the parable of the wise virgins and foolish virgins and we know the foolish ones burnt up their light while the wise ones conserved it. The disciplining of the five senses from the outward pull is the key to mastery, to walk the path inward. The first discipline imposed upon Man was the discipline of the eyes, “When thine eyes are single, the body is full of light.” So if we center the eye focal point like two beams of a car to one point, we have a single light which we can see ahead of us. Most of our lives we spend looking outward, very little of our lives are spent looking inwards. The first basic discipline of looking inwards is focusing, how to focus the eyes. Often I think that oriental people from so long focusing develop squint eyes (laughter) but focusing is first, well let’s see why focusing is first as a discipline. The rays of the sun are scattered all out, it would not burn anything yet if you focus them through a magnifying glass, it will do work. In the east we say the head is the sun, the throat is the moon, and the lower body is the milky way, a miniature universe in a greater universe. If the head is the sun and all the rays are scattered through the sight, the hearing, the smelling, the taste so it really doesn’t control anything outside until it’s focused or beamed, Master Jesus realized this was the key to go into the light. Now “when thine eyes are single,” single indicates one pointedness, it indicates steadiness, it indicates focusing. We can sit for hours in meditation and discover our minds wandering all over the universe never getting down to focusing but when we get down to focusing, we have to relate. So the first basic discipline or technique of focusing the eyes is to pick a point and focus, center it, the outward object in front of you and look without blinking. This focusing tends to strengthen your concentrative force at the same time you become attuned to certain frequencies that you normally would not notice when the eyes are all scattered. For example when you’re driving around the highway and the road is hot and if you’re watching ahead it’s focusing you know, we have one of the best methods of learning focusing, to drive a car, because you have to keep ahead, do you see the heat waves, have you ever seen the heat waves on the highway? 1:50 At those moments you are focusing, you’re actually practicing focusing, the lining up. Now if you can see the heat waves under those conditions, let us extend it to another level of acceleration now: to sit in one corner and just focus. Automatically after a little while the whole room would come alive and those who survive their decent burials are ever present, nothing to be afraid of, they are there, they have to be there, they are in a different frequency and we walk through them totally oblivious to their existence. The elemental kingdom is there, those who can see them now it becomes a sort of a curiosity for them. It’s like a monkey brought into a zoo to be looked at, anyone breaking through that mental block becomes a sort of a curiosity on the other side, it’s not normal for us to see through this block or to be capable of focusing our consciousness in that direction and when we do it, we are on the observation table but we are breaking into light because they are in different levels of the light and the first discipline that they enforced on the student is learn to focus, keep your attention steady so discipline number one is focus of sight. Now there are various exercises to focus the sight: one is to put a dot in front and gaze, two training the eyes to focus, get back, focus. Picture yourself practicing an hour a day, yours truly had to go through it you know, hours upon hours of constant practice to focus. Now you see why I said orientals seem to be squint eyes (laughter), pull back to get the consciousness to work and bringing the finger right up within the closeness of the sight and gazing, these are different degrees of focusing. Now the eyes do act like a lens, it can be telescopic and it can be microscopic once you adjust the focusing. The techniques are simple, patience is required, an hour a day is all that is necessary but broken up into four periods that’s 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes in the middle of the day, 15 minutes in the evening, and 15 minutes before going to bed that gives you an hour practice. Now remember Jesus didn’t come on the scene and perform all His knowledge by wishing it up, between the age of 12 to 30 those were years of the bittersweet learning, the years of gradually molding consciousness to make it work. He was a Master and as the term implies He mastered these things where he could use them. So first comes mastery before comes sanctity that’s why we say Saints / Masters, you must master these forces before you can live that spiritual life properly or have the moral ethics in it, Mastery is vitally important. Discipline number two is the breath, nostrils, the nose, “God breathed into Man the breath of life and Man became a living donkey,” right? That’s what our brother Francis called his body, brother donkey, “Man became a living Soul,” breath of life. In the eastern country all the disciplines that revolve in Yogic practice or yoking or harnessing involve breathing, a form of breath is involved. Those who have read the Aquarian Gospel it mentions of a holy breath for this particular age, a particular way to breathe, to raise your consciousness. Well if you’re angry you do breathe a certain way, if you’re tired you breathe a certain way, if you’re at peace with yourself you breathe a certain way, if you’re in a hurry you breathe a certain way. Also you have certain body movements, these got to be recognized before you can correct them so breath is one of the disciplines, the technique of breathing is one of the disciplines involved. So discipline number two is art of breathing, there are many techniques, the simplest one you yourself is doing it unconsciously. In the Christian writings Jesus used the term “I and my Father are one,” He was applying a breathing technique in that statement. Breath is life, it comes in and goes out, it makes a sound in the nostrils, now listen to this sound in your nostrils as the air enters and goes out. What does it seems to sound like? Audience: Wind. Adano: A wind, can you associate it in a language structure? Audience: (Inaudible). 2:00 Adano: Well if you were to make words for it, how would you try to simulate it with the vocal chord? Audience: Sound. Adano: Yeah the actual sound, how would you try to describe it with the voice? You know the Indians on the reservations they are capable of simulating any sound by the human voice but you could hardly tell the difference when you hear it if it’s a dog barking or it’s a human being doing it, this is one of their prayer techniques. Audience: Would you exhale (inaudible). Adano: (Adano makes breathing sounds) Hmmm? Sounds like a train, (Adano makes breathing sounds) like a heartbeat. So we are coming to a particular sound that we can relate to. In Sanskrit they say that sound sounds like this word, Soham. Now in karate we have to breathe something like that (Adano makes karate breathing sound) so that the plexus is spread to give you now the aggressiveness you need and the control in the muscle structure and you make the shifts inside. Now in Sanskrit this word literally means “I am He,” I and the Father are one. Master Jesus, applying the discipline and the identity of the consciousness to the breath, knew fully well who He was, not intellectualizing now, there’s a big difference, this is synchronization between consciousness and the life beat in the breath, He was able to synchronize that every time He sent out the air, He was out there, every time He pulled the air in, He was in here. This takes years of discipline to be able to shift out, go out, and shift back and come back in. Saint Paul made a statement similar by saying “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord.” “I have the ability to shift with the movement consciousness and life out, in, out, in, that the body has this apparent condition known as death, the apparent condition known as life. He was fully identified, this shifting goes on inside. Now unconsciously you are doing it, it is when you do it consciously not until that time can you really be practicing the very first commandment laid down by a Master like Jesus, “Love the Lord with all your mind,” not half of the mind, not three quarters of the mind or a quarter, all, that means you got to be fully conscious, you can’t fall asleep. Any disciples from sleeping in the east the first thing they’ll do is give him a good whack at the head, wake him up. Jesus was not that violent to his disciples but He sure gave them a tongue lashing. Audience: (Inaudible). What was He doing? Adano: He was in a state of suspended animation. Audience: In meditation. Adano: Yeah, when you can master this movement that I’m talking of, you can be in that state and cause the boat to (inaudible) and cause the winds to create it to scare the students so they’ll recognize the technique is important. He’s doing the technique, He’s setting the stage for their development, how are they going to gain the faith to overcome the fear of drowning, how are they going to gain the faith to overcome the fear of conditions that face them when they go out into the world? They may be on a boat crossing the river and they are among people who are alien to their culture and they want to carry truth to them, these people are living with fear problems and they may be lying there in that state and they say, “Oh gosh that guy is sleeping, why wake him up? You’re going all going to drown,” but if that person does not have that awareness to set the stage, how is he going to help them? A Master does not do anything for show, He does everything to lift the level of the disciples consciousness. The people in the boat were his disciples meaning that they were being trained in the art of disciplines, He is a Master of the situation so apparent sleep to them was setting the stage that the boat would rock, the winds would appear to be crashing in, the waves are coming. Their fear structure is under confrontation for the first time, their attachment to their physical survival is so strong that they can’t break… You know how many of us fear death in many forms though we don’t realize it, there are many ways we are in a state of fear and a realized Master trying to release His disciples from these states has to create conditions to break them, otherwise He’s not helping them. He’s here to lift the disciple up, the disciples should be as the Master that’s why He’s training his consciousness so He sets the stage and He was interlocking with the breath. So when they saw Him, He says “Be not afraid,” isn’t that the words used? So He is trying to bring them up above levels of fear in their own makeup, things that they would set the mental patterns that cause fear, He wants to bring them past that point so show them because breath is life, what is there to be afraid now? If they were practicing their technique that they were told or the discipline, they would not fear, in first place they would not even disturb the Master, they would have realized that the Master was doing this for their benefit because they would have gone out in the outward exhalation, come back in with the inward inhalation and would have seen the relationship in consciousness acting on consciousness, the Master’s consciousness acting on the disciples consciousness, they would have united in consciousness. That’s why it says in the eastern disciplines, “the student must always look into this consciousness, he must always line up himself with this Master’s consciousness.”

1971 July 23 - Part 2 Teachings of Jesus

Adano71_07_23_2TeachingsOfJesusQ1RR - (Continued from Part 1) Now Jesus just use another word, “the disciple should be like his Master,” he should line up, he has to raise his consciousness, follow? So discipline number two is the art of breath, now there are many techniques for breathing but the most effective one that we’re interested in is the one that occurs in you naturally to give you the identity. In this particular discipline or technique you do not force or compel yourself to breathe, you do not hold the air in and you do not hold the air out, you merely observe yourself breathing because you are consciousness, life flowing through a cellular mechanism and when you’re ready to go permanently you’ll have to travel out on that same current and any sense of desire or attachment when the frame falls over, you will see well “I lived in that shell and did not even know who I was and now I am outside of it, this is a shock.” It is when I can go in and out of this like taking clothes off and putting them on, then I am free so self observation is focusing now, you’re observing yourself performing a function. Well let’s try it, observe yourself breathing, don’t attempt to stop it, don’t attempt to pull it in, just observe the fact that you do breathe. (Meditation). Okay do you notice you have a tendency to feel sleepy? Sleepy, relaxed, subdued, now picture for one moment you are on the boat with Master Jesus, you would automatically assume He was sound asleep. When a person is sound asleep they cannot respond to you immediately the situations that are involved, they have to know what they’re doing and He opens His eyes and says “Be not afraid.” He knows what He’s doing, you notice you did not become unconscious when you did it, you were highly conscious and there are moments you seem not to be coming in and the moments you seem not to be going out. Now as soon you link up or synchronize with that movement, you do go out and you do come in, this is a different experience than astral projection, here you know for sure now what Master Jesus meant “No Man take My life from Me, I have the power to lay it down and put it back in” because He is conscious life identified. We are speaking of a different type of discipline, a different involvement with the spiritual force. Now let’s take this same technique and go one step further, sound is important. First it was sight, now it’s breathing, then we’re going to go into hearing. The art of hearing and that involves a sound, the actual sound that is being made in the movement. The word that we can relate to sounds like something like Soham, Soham, (Adano makes short breathing sounds). When you watch the breath now which you are disciplining the nostril, you want now to hear the sound and not just merely watch it, you want to hear the incoming sound and you want to hear the outgoing sound. It’s in the hearing that identification and synchronization begins, you have to hear it to bring this synchronization. Now you can repeat the word to strengthen your concentration or strengthen your focusing but you must repeat it without moving the tongue. Now this is going to be a little feat for the tongue you know, that’s the fourth little part that has to be disciplined. You don’t want to move the tongue, you want to watch and you want to hear but you don’t want to talk, now let’s try it. The word that you going to mentally repeat is Soham (meditation). Okay now we’re going to intensify this hearing and synchronize it. When the incoming breath comes in you mentally repeat Hong, this is pronounced Hum or Hong and hear it but don’t speak it with the tongue and as it goes out you mentally repeat without moving that tongue and hearing it “Sau,” you are synchronizing this sound with the movement. 0:10 (Meditation). Now slowly open the eyes and focus it forward in a half open state. Now let the air come in and let the sound be “Hong” as you hear it and you mentally affirm it and let the air go out and mentally affirm “Sau.” (Meditation). Okay the next discipline is touch. In the east they usually see them holding their hands like this to indicate touch, controlling of your life energy but we’re going to go to a more effective method indicating touch. I want you to place your left thumb on your right wrist and locate the pulse beat. Now that pulse beat is going to act like a built-in rosary, like a built-in metronome, the time cycle, the relationship between the word Soham and the breath. As you breathe in to one pulse beat, you breathe out the next pulse beat and you breathe in you mentally repeat the word “Hong,” you breathe out you repeat the word “Sau” mentally. Now you do this with focusing so you can close the eyes on focus or partially open the eyes and focus. (Meditation). Okay now the whole body is feeling. I give a little story that I encountered on the reservation, one day a chieftain was standing up in the mountain you know with snow and there was a minister from the Assembly of God Church all covered up with his parka, cold, and up there it’s pretty cold. so he’s standing next to the chief, all the chief had was a big blanket standing up looking out across the mountain. The minister said to him “Chief don’t you feel cold?” Because all he saw was just a sandal and this blanket, hair, face, and everything open so the chief says “Tell me friend do you cover your face in the winter time?” He says, “Oh no that’s my face” then the chief pulled aside the blanket, he was in his birthday suit, he says, “Me all face.” (Laughter). That was a prayer technique I learned. See I was looking for a prayer technique among some of the Indian tribes and when confronted with some unusual things, I realized they knew more of what this inner life was then we give them credit. Well the minister immediately realized that he wasn’t functioning in that level, he did learn after a while to get rid of his big parka and diminish a great deal of his clothing but not to the extent that he could wrap himself in the blanket. He had to learn more of that but he learned a great deal about himself. Since the whole body is all feeling or all face, we are going to be involved with the most difficult part of the discipline, the discipline of feeling. 0:20 Now when you meditate and you practice, do you notice at times your body gets stiff, like certain portions seem to shut off? Then you start to worry, there is sensations like if it’s getting numb. This is because feeling is slowly diminishing in each area or in many areas but the mind, craving sensation and programmed to the fact that if you don’t feel something is wrong, immediately sets up an alarm system and end of meditation. In the discipline of bodily sensation you have to reach the point of withdrawal, that you relax it and don’t feel anything, someone should go ahead tap you. That’s why if you practice with another brother or sister in the room, they can test if you have reached that state where you are withdrawn. It’s not too wise to be by yourself when you go into that state because you’re going to have doubts about yourself so group meditation becomes important, the group discipline becomes important. By having someone go around the room while they’re meditating and arriving at that level and checking you, this is a actual discipline to know that you are making progress in this withdrawal. How long you can stay inside, outside the range of feeling, determines the strength of the focusing of the consciousness that you can handle something now in a tangible way. These Masters who realize themselves have withdrawn to that point where they are fully identified that they can say “I am not the body” but they don’t intellectualize, they know positively they are in a state of Beingness and they walk and there is no such sensation that the normal Man. In the case of Mahatma Gandhi when they operated on him to take out his appendix, there was no medical drugs used to deaden the pain and he kept on a long conversation while they were busy cutting open and taking out the appendix, you see what I’m talking about? The withdrawal of the consciousness from the physical frame in a conscious way to the extent that you can go ahead, work, there’s no relationship to sensation. Now this tells you an interesting story or throws an interesting side light to the crucifixion on the cross. Last night everyone thought it was a horrible death, nailing someone to the cross, look at the agony and the pain He’s going to go through, who would want it? A realized Master knows His mechanism thoroughly and when they nailed Him, He wouldn’t feel it. Anand Swami, the Master who initiated me into Swami-hood, when I met him told me an interesting story about his life and he carries a scar to bear it. He said “I was practicing my basic disciplines on feeling. I was initiated at the age of 14 and when I was 65 ready to retire from this world, I decided to go visit my teacher. All these years he said I did not see anything inside, heard anything, it was all blank but now I’m 65 years ready to retire, I’m going to go and see my spiritual teacher and ask him why I’m not getting progress.” He went to see his teacher thinking he would see an elderly man with long beard and gray and haggard, he saw someone looking half the age of himself. He said to his teacher “I don’t see anything, I’m not making progress. I’ve been doing all the disciplines required and I’m not making progress.” So his teacher said to him, “Tell me how long can you really sit down and meditate without getting restless?” He says “two hours.” Now from 14 to 65 and end up with a statement of two hours, boy I said to myself when I heard that, I got a long way to go. At 65 he said he was able to sit down for two hours without interruption but I realized what he was talking inwardly. The teacher says “Show me.” So he sat down, put himself in the lotus position and this is a very difficult position for a man of 65 and it’ll entail a great deal of aches and pains if you’re not limber enough, he sat down and he’s meditating. At the end of one hour, his teacher took an old rusty nail, watched the calf of the leg and nailed him to the floor and waited. He opened his eyes at the end of two hours and he said, “You see teacher, I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, and I’m not restless, just that time I started to get restless I came out.” So the teacher says, “Well take a good look at yourself” and he looked there was the nail pinned his leg down to the ground, he can’t move it, he has to yank it loose. Then the teacher says, “I’m not going to heal it, I’m going to leave the scar for you to remember how far you were in God” and he carries the scar puncture right through and he said to me “This is what a Master goes through.” Therefore when He said, “Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world” Master Jesus was not suffering in any sense of the word when He was on the cross, He had reached that level, the discipline of feeling. Now there’s one more discipline and there are many more but I have to go to one in order to save time which everyone seems to remember very much, the discipline of the abdomen, food. He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and in all my studies in the eastern practices, fasting is often emphasized as a discipline for the body. When you practice fasting there is an unusual quality that comes out of the body. I’ll leave it right here for now and take a break and ask questions after. (Gap in tape). 0:30 The mind wanders and you don’t know how to control it and someone who has meditated long enough to see the movements of the mind, he with the power of his consciousness can bring it back. Tomorrow when we do meditation we will show you how the mind can bring your consciousness to the various centers and move them, this is what we call lining you up. You take a car to a mechanic who tunes it up, the carburation, so it will run properly, the person who has to lead the meditation has this capacity of lining up your centers that’s why Masters are always with their disciples to line them up. You can’t line yourself up, you do not know at what level your plexuses are working, you don’t know at what rate your own chakras are working or what you call the seven stars or golden candlesticks, symbolically speaking the vortices of energy inside, you don’t know how they’re working, it does need someone. Now this is where they come to the word Swami, Swa means self means Master, he who has mastered the electrical movements of the mechanism. Audience: You mean a Master would know what you were thinking (inaudible) psychically? Adano: No, you’re telegraphing it electrically to Him, you could telegraph the cross because you see thought is energy and energy is moving at the speed of light squared and He is lined up as a resonator, His pineal gland has certain crystals which has a piezoelectric effect and picks up your frequency and therefore when He puts on a calibration, He’s calibrating everyone. Audience: Reading our minds? Adano: (Laughter). All right, reading your mind. Audience: My pulse is too fast, I can’t breath that fast. Adano: Gradually your pulse will slow down, this is what the discipline is supposed to bring, a slowing down of that pulse beat as you observe it. You see when the body is sometimes toxic, it does do that but you should be able eventually to see it slowing down in your daily practice, it will slow down gradually and what is to be observed when you come out, if you’re tired or you’re more relaxed, were you tired or were you more relaxed? Audience: I was more relaxed. Adano: Good then you made progress. Yes. Audience: The meaning of the chant and the exact purpose of the chant. Adano: The meaning is “I am he.” Audience: I don’t mean Soham, I mean the universal “Om.” Adano: “Om” is just the vocal cord trying to identify with the cosmic vibration of how it sounds so you are relating to it language wise. Every time you say it in a vocal way to some extent you are taking the name of God in vain, you’re breaking the second commandment. Audience: I missed that. Adano: When you try to imitate that sound with the vocal chords to some extent you are breaking a second commandment because the vocal chord can never really repeat that sound properly, it’s only in consciousness. So we do try to sing it but that is not to be used as a means of generating any consciousness with it because it’s already there vibrating, it’s making a sound by itself, we’re trying to relate to it mentally. Now there’s a big difference of relating to this sound “Om” mentally than relating to this sound orally, try it. One represents when taking orally a violation of the second commandment, one when taken mentally is a fulfillment of the second verse of the Lord’s Prayer. What is the second verse of the Lord’s prayer? Audience: Hallowed be Thy name. Adano: Hallow, you can’t hallow something if you shout it because the energy is going away from you, to hallow it you have to conserve it and pull it back and synchronize with it. Audience: What is the purpose of some of these Christian devotees going along the stream with tambourine chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama? Adano: It generates great devotion but no realization. Do you want to say something? Audience: You didn’t mention the discipline of silence, is that not a very important discipline to learn to be quiet, learn to be still? Adano: Yes, all these disciplines end up as “Be thou still and know that I am God,” they are all funneled into this experience of silence but to say to someone “be silent,” you know what’s going to happen? You may have diarreah of the mouth. Audience: Could you explain the laws involved in Jesus resurrection? Adano: Well you’d have to back up before resurrection, remember He did not die on the cross, the term used “He gave up the ghost.” Now literally when you crucify a man, you nail him in order that he should suffer a long time and would beg you to end his agony and this can go on for days let alone from nine o’clock in the morning to about five o’clock in the afternoon in one day. Before if the evening came that they were going to take Him down from the cross it stated “He gave up the ghost.” Now people went and asked for the body, the Romans were doubtful that this man was dead from their experience of this particular type of death and then a soldier went to make verification, what did he do? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: But there was no sound out of the body so the Roman soldier was satisfied that He was dead, that’s how much we are unfamiliar with the laws of the mechanism. Granted that He is not making any sound, a pierce with a spear in that area is sufficient to agree that He’s dead, “okay have the body, take it down.” A Master is capable, as I said not astral projection, taking the life energy out with His consciousness and riding on that current and leaving the body in a state of suspended animation. Now that body would not decay, let alone He’s in another dimension now where He can start rebuilding the body if they put it in the earth, he’s in a different dimension now, He has control over this mechanism. Resurrection is like your butterfly coming out of the cocoon when it was once a caterpillar, it’s a distinct new creature. Have anyone ever seen a rotten butterfly? What would a resurrected body represent? A non-decaying body in the first place, it would have to and He would have to build up from the very atomic structure that is there. So He was aware of how to cycle the energies in the electrical mechanism that you call the astral body but the electrical mechanism has 19 elements, the physical mechanism has 16 plus trace elements and being aware of how these two forces work in combination, He cycled it with his ideational body which is comprised of 35 elements thereby removing all the carbon that would not allow it to cast any shadow but bring it to a condition where it will transmit light. Now there are two types of carbon, one inhibits light and one permits light to pass, which one inhibits light? Audience: Carbon. Adano: And which one permits light to pass? Audience: Diamond. 0:40 Adano: So the diamond body is often referred to in Indian writings, Yoga writings, Chinese writings as the ideal body of the Godman. “Be ye diamond bodied in spirit O Man.” Now we know that we are referring to this physical transformation inside. There is a book among the Chinese people and my Father used to have it and he spoke in Mongolian, he says “Everyone think I am not a Christian” because they were all Catholics you know, he says “but I don’t think they even appreciate their Jesus because they don’t seem to have a diamond body,” the diamond body is what we’re talking about. Now the one aspect is about the resurrected body, it casts no shadow once it’s cycled up, it leaves no footprint and has the odor of perfume all around it and that perfume is the odor of roses when it enters the room. One distinct feature when it eats, it does not eat with the mouth. If intravenous can feed a human being, the resurrected body can draw energy out of the physical substance with the hand by just touching it but the piece that it will leave in the room to satisfy the disciple will not decay and that’s the evidence that that disciple has met the resurrected Master, there is no decaying of that little evidence. When Master Yogananda was in the body He said to His disciples, “You meditate at Christmas, I love you very much but that’s not enough. I want you all to meditate till you confront the Master Jesus and give you evidence of His resurrected body then you can vouch that such a thing does exist. Until that time don’t say that you know anything about resurrection rather pursue your disciplines and try to get there.” So He used to tell them to meditate, first to see Christ inside this is where we come to contemplation, seeing the radiant form of the Master. Then we meditate until you can see Him outside that is manifestation but that’s not enough because that can also create hallucination. Then you meditate until it talks to you by the eyes and that is not enough. You meditate until you see the whole body not just half a body, three quarter of a body, the whole body and it must convince you that it can eat and you meditate to the point where you offer it something and it does partake and leave you the evidence you need then you know you have faced the reality of your destination, “Man ought to be perfect,” such evidence does exist. Audience: One of us (inaudible) long enough and hard enough to actually have this evidence? Adano: Yes, if someone meditate long enough, it’s not just mere meditating you must meditate with love, how many of us meditate with love, don’t we all do meditation in a mechanical way, are we meditating with love when we meditate? Think of it, you sit down to pray and commune but do you bring up love inside the communion? When the Master said we should do this, He was inferring that we have to bring love, it’s a peculiar force, that confrontation or that experience cannot be forthcoming if there is no total love because the very first commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all your mind, all your heart, strength, and Soul. I think our time is running out. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: How much time do I have? Audience: Five minutes. (Inaudible). Adano: If I have ever met Master Yogananda? In 1948 I was blessed by His body in my room while I was living in Canada and He was living in Los Angeles. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No He was alive, He wasn’t dead when I had the experience. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No I had other experiences but not of that caliber, there’s a big difference when a realized Master in the body grants you the experience of that communication. I did not know who He was when I had the experience but a day later I found out, I found his Autobiography of a Yogi and when I read it He was a living man so you can imagine I wanted to make communication. So when I wrote Him, the message he gave me when He came into my room was exactly the same message when He replied to my letter. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Master Jesus? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: While I was in Utah I’ve had that experience by the grace of the Master. Master Jesus is not six feet tall though, He’s five feet eleven. Audience: What’s He look like? Adano: He looks like a Greek texture, the texture of his face. Audience: Grey eyes? Adano: No He has hazel eyes, the texture of His skin is like a Greek, a young person and the hair is Auburn, more brownish color. Audience: Is it long? Adano: Yes it’s long and the beard is sparse. Audience: (Inaudible). The picture of the Last Supper shows His hair is red. Adano: Reddish. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, when you say gray and it’s not really gray, it’s because He’s capable of fixing it that it filters light. You see that’s why it looks like that. Audience: Does it look like the pictures most people (inaudible). Adano: The only man who actually had an opportunity to paint Him while He posed for him was the Hoffman head. Hoffman the artist had two visitations by the Master Jesus where He posed to let him paint the head so the only head that looks in authenticity of what He is is the Hoffman head. Next to that would be the napkin of Veronica but in that state the body was in suspended animation because He was already putting His body into suspended animation, consciously walking, preparing Himself for the cross. See this is a difference in the expressions but it’s there, you can make your own test. Ok, let you go (Applause).

1971 July 24 - Is Religion A Science?

Adano71_07_24IsReligionAScienceQ1RR - Earlier you’re familiar with it, I says that this is not a lecture for Swamis, this is a Satsanga. A Satsanga is a Sanskrit word for fellowship with truth and in order to enter that communion we calibrate our consciousness so let us calibrate our consciousness. (Gap in tape). Thank you. I must apologize to those folks who have gone over to Marshall’s and I did not seem to appear there, I guess we got crossed up in our communications this afternoon but to make it up I’ll give you a double portion of my time after the lecture tonight. The subject Is Religion a Science, the word religion comes from two latin words “re” and “ligare.” “Re” is to go back, “ligare” to bind is to bind back or go back, hook back up. Question number one, who are we bound to? We are all bound to a creative intelligence, we can refer to it as God or cosmic consciousness. What binds us is the second question. Certain methods or techniques that have survived every attempt by Man to destroy them, these techniques bind us back to the creative intelligence. No teacher of truth makes any religion, he fulfills the techniques that binds Man back to God in his own life but he must also vouch for the experience of what God can be to him or to all Men, there must be a common experience at one point of the binding. Let’s say for one moment the common experience in God is suffering, would any human being want it? “I glorify in my suffering in my creator,” imagine the prayers and poetry that we pour forth in the future if suffering is the ideal feeling showered upon Man from his creator but such a feeling is alien to your nature, such a feeling is not something anyone wants to crave. Then there must be a counter feeling, a feeling that everyone craves and don’t seem to get enough and don’t know where to get it from that feeling is bliss. So God must be to the human being the highest feeling possible, the feeling of bliss, ecstasy. Jesus said “My God is a God of joy” you know or Spirit and must be worshiped in that same way, joy or spirit, bliss is the feeling not suffering. Now methods that survive that binds us back are the only things that constitute the scientific aspect of religion. Method number one that binds us back is prayer. From the time Man discovered suffering was not an ideal state, he mentally thought of some way to placate the unknown forces or the higher being with prayer, a mental form of communication. Imagine primitive Man, lightning, thunder, cataclysms, volcanic eruptions, huddling in a cave what would be the mental outpouring? They would want to send up prayer thoughts to stop it, to relieve them of the suffering, the fear, and the possible destruction and restore the balance, peace or joy in their environment so they can continue the pursuit of happiness. Isn’t that one of the lines in the constitution of our country, to pursue happiness which is bliss? Prayer turns out to be two types: ritual, affirmation, is that how you spell affirmation, two m’s or one m? Audience: One “m.” Adano: Good, the ritual prayer is devised primarily to satisfy the senses and dramatize to ease the pressure and the agony so (Adano chants American Indian sounds). That mere ritual action releases the agony and the pressure, “I’m going to squeeze this lightning into the ground and get happy now, no more do I fear the flashes of lighting and the roar of thunder.” So everyone joins in the ritual movement to bolster the morale, eastern philosophy says the dance of joy is the greatest stimulant for raising your consciousness from a low depressive mood to a very high one and we find now on the frontier country a constant dance and you find in your primitive tribes all over the world, in Man too in society. The ritual it’s important don’t knock it, it plays a important part in our conscious makeup but that ritual prayer can develop into a gimme gimme attitude and we start to use it like a sort of a rabbit foot. 0:10 “Gimme this Lord, gimme this, gimme this” and then a realized Master may come among us and rebuke us and say “Do not pray like the Gentiles” and here we are stymied with the statement, meaning don’t go about overdoing the ritual involving with the gimme gimme attitude but get down to the real principle of communing with your higher self, affirmation comes in now. Affirmation is a declaration and when the Jews asked Jesus after many months or years of His ministry they said to Him, “Teach us how to pray” as if to say “What have you been teaching us all this time, what is all your works?” But He went on to teach them the fundamental techniques of communion in consciousness, “When thou prayest,” this is the technique, “retreat into your innermost chamber” or closet. As a boy when I was studying to be a priest I thought that meant to go in the bathroom (laughter), innermost chamber, but innermost chamber happens to be the point between the eyebrows, inner consciousness, “and when you ask,” this comes to be a very positive attitude now, “believe you are receiving now,” that is to accept the fact it is coming into manifestation. This is difficult for one who has been exposed to all type of ritual activity to suddenly shift his consciousness and would try to bring about realization of his desires instantaneously but having lived among so many different prayer groups, prayer activity with various people and seeing the technique applied over and over, we realized that instantaneous realization is possible. One of the failures in the affirmative prayer is the inability of the person to release the thought from his mind after he has asked, you keep repeating it mentally. To give you a little story, two monks were walking along the road they came to a little brook and there was a woman standing there, she couldn’t cross over because she had on long dress. One monk came up, picked her up, took her across the brook, put her down, kept on walking and the second monk looked at him and said, “How could you, a monk who took the vow of all things to embrace a woman” and he kept on this harassment for a whole hour. The other monk turned to him and said, “You know brother, all I did was to lift the woman, take her across but you seem to be carrying her.” (Laughter). Yes, he is still carrying the woman in his mind, he hasn’t let go, the other one has long performed the act and gone. Equally true this is the problem in the affirmative prayer, one of the handicaps in releasing, once you affirm you must learn to let go. Now we do the let-going very naturally every day when you mail a letter, you think nothing of it. You write me a letter if you don’t mail it, I can’t receive it. The day you mail it you don’t question if the US postal authorities are going to deliver that letter to me, you take it and push it in the box and you get in the car and you go, automatically out of your consciousness. Equally true that same reflex action, let’s say mental attitude, must be there in the prayer relationship. On the reservations where I’ve seen where they bring in a man sick or a woman sick or a child in the evening and by the time dawn comes the person is up and moving. Prayer has come into effectiveness because those who were involved are praying for the one result but they have come to a point in the sessions whenever they are told now, “let go of the prayer, forget it, you don’t even know anybody is in this room.” Every man has to learn now to clear his consciousness, this is quite a feat but after they are capable of doing it, it comes as a manifestation, they learn to let go of the thought. So we see it is a definite method we have to understand and that is one of the rules that binds us back. Master Jesus taught that rule because He had to apply it himself but in prayer ritual can lead us to boredom, fanatism, and eventually when no results are forthcoming even when we affirm and can’t let go, we start the second chain or the second link in the chain that binds us to God which is bliss. That second link that binds us back to God is the revolutionary nature which you call reasoning it out, analyzing it, reason and analysis and experimentation. You no longer use the ritual to fight the lightning or the thunder, the mind revolts because it has come to the point to change, it’s going to reason the real cause of its existence, it’s going to analyze it, and eventually it’s going to simulate it or experiment to validate it. So now we don’t have to fear lightning, we can now learn to recognize it and use it, this starts the consciousness evolving back to the source so don’t feel offended if I say that the scientist has laid the next link for Man to return to his creator by setting up reason, analysis, experimentation. He has moved us one link closer to our goal but even this second link can run into a dead end because everything keeps going from the outside via the senses, we have to build larger telescopes, larger microscopes, and larger and larger equipment to study what is here. Then comes on the scene another type of revolution where people are fed up with over experimenting, over analyzing, they want to get down to the fact of being. We come to the next link that binds us back to God it’s called meditation. 0:20 Now in the first verse of the book of Psalms it says “blessed is the man who lives according to the right law and meditate day and night will be very prosperous.” This is true if you read it, I don’t want to go into all the words but that’s the gist of it so the Maharishi and his meditation propaganda is not new, the early writings show in your scriptures that are 23 to 24 times the word meditate or meditation is mentioned in it, see how the word is there and we don’t even know it’s there. Meditation is the third link going back to that inner bliss but this can be very tricky, meditation. Most of us know meditation as a means of withdrawal, we go to the Master Jesus and see if he taught meditation, what were His techniques and we find that He did teach meditation by giving the very first technique involving meditation, “When the eyes are single, the whole body is full of light.” This technique is not new, it’s not Christian, it’s not yoga, it’s the essential principle of turning in the mental consciousness and the energy involved inside to recognize the light. In one of the Mongolian writings this word was once an acronym, meditation, and an acronym is a combination of many words using the first letter but it’s so turned out and if you want to say by a stroke of luck it came out perfectly in English to demonstrate the acronym. You know oriental people don’t write this way, they always write this way, top to bottom, I don’t think I could have planned it if I tried M-E-D-I-T-A-T-I-O-N. “M” stands for mind, consciousness, one of the basic functions in creation. “E” stands for energy, that is why they say God is conscious spirit, energy, spinning all the time, force, mind or cosmic consciousness moving all the time but this conscious energy or mind energy or manas energy or manas shakti it’s another way for it, is in a state of motion and it’s constantly distributed so they say it goes through what is known as Siva or Shiva, constantly expressing itself in different rhythms. So mental energy or mind energy directs or distributes, it distributes something but you notice the next letter is “I” and they always call that the ego, little self. This conscious energy that is constantly distributing seems to focus upon the little “I,” the little me who is caught up in the whole world of the activity. So this “I” is individual, the mind energy directs individual but what is important in an individual? The scriptures say “As a Man think that is what he is” so the only important thing in Man is thinking and thinking involve thoughts. The mind energy, the mana shakti, directs the individual thought and we read and hear everyone say thought is a form of energy. Yes it’s a form of energy, Yogananda even went to give it an atomic name, he called it thought-trons, we have life-trons which come from life and thought-trons in which the thought patterns are set up. The Hindus and the Chinese have all identified it with a name so it seems that it is an energy and it does something but it’s swirling, passing through our individual thought actions. The mind energy or mana shakti directs the individual thought actions but in directing it, it must have a motive, a goal. Here we see this statement there is a plan to this universe, have you ever read that statement or heard of it? There is no blind universe, there is always seem to be a plan, some distinct pattern even in the smallest snowflake there is a geometrical plan. So there is a plan and it’s moving towards something, it’s moving to its highest “I,” the next “I,” the great “I” or the real self that real self or Christ “I” is called intuitive self. The intuitive self knows directly, independent of the five senses all the time, it does not need the five senses to make communication or work throught, it’s constantly in communion with the Divine Nature. So it is functioning independent of the five senses, that’s why they say women with their intuition seem to know who is on the telephone before they pick it up when it rings and you can use the same term, they’re extra sensory, but in meditation we are referring to that higher self as the intuitive self. Now in Eastern writings we find a statement there is meditation two types, one type is called meditation with seed and I think many people have read this and meditation without seed. Well a seed is an object and no seed will be no object. The “O” in the word meditation could well fit into object being observation. You have to be observing something, objects require observation but it’s twofold, meditation is not a single purpose thing, it’s a twofold purpose, it has a twofold action and those who have read the Autobiography of a Yogi it states meditation will satisfy the twofold functions of your curiosity of your nature, the twofold that is the observative function and the oneness function. 0:30 Now observation is with seed and oneness is without seed, you are bringing these two things into alignment inside of yourself but what are you observing and what are you becoming one with? The last letter is the reality, noumenon not phenomenon so N-O-U-M-E-N-O-N, the noumenon, on the phenomenon, not the relative existence of our environment but the actual inner reality that exists here. Meditation affords us now a way in which we can align our five senses and become intuitive, perceive objectively, and we identify with this reality here God, light, the feeling being bliss. Once you perceive it, identify, you feel the bliss but this is only the third link in binding oneself back to the Creative Intelligence so we have three links so far: prayer, analysis, meditation. The fourth link that binds us back to the Creator, bliss, is called life control because when we do return back to the Creator we must have the mastery of life control. All Masters, Saints, realized men have this understanding, they are in full control of the life principle in themselves. Now we have instances of life control often mentioned in your scriptures and in every scripture of the world. “No Man take My life from me, I have the power to lay it down, pick it up,” that’s a complete declaration of a conscious control of the life power. “I have come that you may have life more abundantly,” that is a declaration of how to turn on the life force more into the mechanism. Life control is also known by another name, it’s called regeneration, conscious regeneration of the body. When this body has thrown off corruption and taken on non-corruption that means when it’s capable of recycling or regenerating itself, we have a body that does not break down, that again is life control. Jesus said to his disciple Peter, “You have been with Me in the regenerative life and know Me not,” indicating to Peter that he did not understand the principles of life control. If the Master who has mastered the principle and returned back to the Creative Intelligence does not have the life control, He cannot say to a man whose daughter is dead that she is asleep as in the case of Jairus, this would be a tremendous injustice and not the type of game one plays with people’s emotions but He was in full command of life therefore He said “she was asleep.” The normal minds of people around they say this man is off-beam you know, she’s dead but Jairus has the faith and the conviction that He is a Master in His consciousness and the child is restored, the life force comes down. Now life control is always the constant demonstration of more life over a lack of life so in the dead child where it’s lifeless there is a flow of life for the first time back into it. In the case of Lazarus now that is again a demonstration of life control, He waits until the body is in the grave for three days then decides to call it out from the grave and even admonishes Himself by saying “I did not have to say it in a loud voice, only because of the people around Me” and He said “Lazarus come forth” then tells Himself He doesn’t have to do that, indicating He has control of the life flow. Another way to tell His people and His students of His knowledge of life control, “I will destroy the temple and build it back in three days” and you know from the ritual mind of the individual seeing the huge big cathedral there, they can’t see how this man is going to tear down mortar, stone, lumber, and put it back in three days when their ancestors took so long to put it together let alone cut the pieces together but a Master is not talking of stone, mortar, and lumber He’s referring to the only temple that is genuine, this body temple where life is inside, goes through the cycling of three days or seventy two hours and then pull it back up so He does demonstrate that. See He knew that he would have to face that particular confrontation so one should not think His death on the cross is a horrible thing, understanding what He’s doing, what control He possess, one begins to see the fantastic possibilities of Man’s future evolution. When you look at this mechanism and realize we haven’t begun to scratch the tremendous potentials and we’re caught up in all types of behavioral attitudes that tend to tear it down yet He demonstrates that, on the third day He rebuilds His body. 0:40 Life control is not breath control, big difference, though breath is involved at some point. Life control is synchronization between the breath and the vital energy flowing in the mechanism, it is this synchronization that Saul who became Paul was fully conscious of and we went through our yogic disciplines this morning of showing how breath control is involved with life control, if we practice it, we can attain the control over the body. Saul said or Paul said now, “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord. I know how to shut it down, turn it on, shut it down, turn it on, shut it down, anytime I want.” For those who don’t know Gautama Buddha had only one technique, the one technique was that breath control, life control principle we spoke about this morning around three o’clock in the afternoon concerning watching the breath and identifying with it. That was a technique He used it’s called the Buddha technique among Buddhistic writings, you’ll find that same technique all through the orient, that same technique you’ll find in the writings of the secret of the golden flower, have anyone read the book? That is the identical technique you’re encountering creating the diamond body. Master Jesus, Elijah, Kabir all these men knew the technique of life control, there are variations to it but still involves moving the energy in the mechanism and locking the consciousness onto it by observation, that is the fourth link that binds us back to God. In the fourth link that binds us back to God there are two wonderful results: one, the non-decaying perfect body, Man ought to be perfect. Two, the freedom or ascension throughout the entire universe at will. Every Master is here in this sphere of existence as well as He is in the next sphere or dimension, he’s in the chemical sphere, He’s in the electrical sphere, and He’s in the ideation sphere all at the same time, there is no ring of impedance around Him, He moves freely in and out all the time. This is what Master Jesus meant “Free men all, lord of themselves.” “The rings pass not,” that’s a statement made in most metaphysical writings, the rings do not lock the liberated man. The liberated man is free from the three rings, the ring of the chemical environment, the ring of the electrical environment, and the ring of the ideational environment, He alone passes in and out because He has complete life control. Because He has complete life control, He can now ascend into the heavens, the various heavens. Remember Paul said he was in a certain heaven, are you familiar with that statement? When one day he was in the day of the Lord in a certain heaven, he perceive a certain experience, this is true. Those heavens are: one, matter acting on matter. Two, energy acting on matter. Three, consciousness acting on matter. Four, energy acting on energy. Five, consciousness acting on energy. Six, consciousness acting on consciousness, there at that heaven time does not exist no more, at that level that individual is God realized in the Christ state. He has full control of the Christ state, the intelligence that governs the vibratory creation. Now He must go out, He must pass through that condition called cessation of physical form to demonstrate his mastery, He must enter the next condition which we call resurrection leading to ascension. The next level is beingness, or the next heaven, beingness acting on consciousness. Finally ascending into the Father, beingness acting on beingness. “I am the first fruit of the vine.” Well it is true He is the first fruit of the vine in the Jewish genes to demonstrate it openly among men but not in all genes because Christ-realized men appeared in different genetic environment. We have them in India, the Dravidian genes, we had them in other genes but He was the first to be in the Hebrew genes. He demonstrated beyond all doubt now full life control in that form, “He came unto His own,” His own genetic forms, they could not accept it but to those who would accept it, they might be Hebrew, Roman, Chinese, Dutch, English, wherever they would accept this life control, “To them gave ye the power to become sons of God.” The individuals today coming forward with the understanding that life control brings the liberation, this is the life eternal that all men look for, the principle of life control, the transforming of the cellular structure. Anyone who has had any deep spiritual experience will realize that Master Jesus gave us confirmation in His own life of the four links in the chain that bind us back to God from this we see that religion is definitely a science. Thank you. (Applause). 0:50 Audience: I’m kind of interested, I understand Edgar Casey said there are 10 senses. If you agree could you uh suggest what the other five are? Adano: The question is Mr. Casey states that there are ten senses, I agree there are ten senses. Look at your body and you’ll see nine openings and then there’s a tenth opening to which you go to right between your eyebrow, you call it the third eye. Now count the nine openings of your body: pair of eyes, pair of ears, pair of nostrils, the mouth, the anus, and the frontal part of the sexual organs or genitals, these are nine and the point between the eyebrow make the tenth. I’m in agreement with Mr. Casey these are all openings or senses and you have to use them therefore in the east we say the temple of God is a ten gate temple that’s why they call it 10 gate temple or 10 senses. Yes? Audience: You mentioned the (inaudible). Adano: No the heavens do not correspond to the chakras, the chakras are the ganglia principles locked up in the endocrine system, has nothing to do with the heavens. When you meditate and go in you cross these levels, they are different levels of awarenesses where different beings exist who have traversed that inner consciousness. Now until one reaches where Consciousness is acting on Consciousness, he is not Christ realized because in consciousness acting on consciousness there is no time, below that where Consciousness is acting on Energy there is time all the way down to where Matter is acting on Matter we have time. Now time is the factor that holds us back from being God realized because God is timeless already and if He be in his Son which is the Creative Intelligence in creation, his Son cannot be in a time state, the Christ state would have to be a timeless state too so it’s the first expression of timelessness. Audience: Can you use another word… (inaudible). Adano: Consciousness acting on Energy. In Sanskrit there are words but it would not mean anything to you, you’d have to still have it in terms of English because energy exists and consciousness exists and one is superimposing its influence on the other so when we use the term consciousness is acting on energy you can direct your consciousness to this energy flow in that bulb and turn it off. Now there was a young girl and her father on train, the train does not stop at a certain point in India. The young girl said to her Father, “I want to go and see the great teacher,” that was her Father’s teacher. The Father said, “We are not stopping there.” So she decided she’s going to concentrate on the teacher, this is Consciousness acting on Consciousness now, she wants the teacher to help her. The train is approaching the particular spot of the village where the teacher lives and all of a sudden just as it gets to a certain spot, the train stands still, the wheels are spinning, and the motors are out, the electrical power gone out. It doesn’t move so they had to wire ahead and they would not get parts until a day or two. The girl was happy, her dad was going to take her now to see the teacher. They walked to the village, it was about a mile or so and when they arrived in the compound the teacher was sitting down meditating with his students. As soon as he opened his eyes he said to her “Why do you like to bother me, stop trains, couldn’t you wait till next time?” And that’s a true story of Consciousness acting on Consciousness and Consciousness acting on Energy. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes they vary but until you come to where Consciousness is acting on the pure Consciousness, that’s Christ state. See she tuned into his consciousness, to the Master’s consciousness but she was not a Master. Now when the Christ consciousness in her would tune in on the Christ consciousness of the Master then that’s a different experience altogether, she would have to go up into that state. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Right now you know. She wouldn’t have to get out of the train or let alone go and bother the Master. Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: What would the minister be using in prayer or what power is he contacting in healing? Audience: In healing or anyone who is sending healing power. Adano: The only force that heals is life force, it can be stimulated by many methods therefore we have the healing arts existing in our environment. The prayer consciousness of the minister is triggering the life force. Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Because the life force goes into effect and the healing occurs. Now the doctor can give you a chemical that will trigger or stimulate that life force faster to perform healing because he’s applying natural laws too to stimulate the life force so we must understand what really heals. Life force heals but life force can be stimulated by various methods. Now some methods are not necessary, other methods are necessary so we have various schools of therapy. If you have a broken bone you’re not going to go to a dentist, you’re going to see a bone specialist and if you have a bad tooth you’re not going to run and look for a naturopath or a chiropractor, you go to a dentist and if your muscles are aching you, you don’t want drugs for that you want massage or some other form of relaxation to take the tension out of it so there are various forms of stimulating the vital energy. Now if you don’t believe in any of the forms and you think that prayer is essential, that also would stimulate the energy. 1:00 You see there must be an understanding of what does it and what will go about triggering it, okay? Thank you. Audience: Would you comment on the force of levitation, have you ever read that in your studies? Adano: The force of levitation. Now every object in this universe to some degree manifest a condition called weight but weight is not an actual thing that you can pick up and look at, it’s a condition that exists by lines of force vibrating upon that object depending on the position you are in the celestial movement of the cosmos. Therefore if you weigh 180 pounds on the planet earth, the lines of force would read on the measuring device which is a scale your so-called apparent weight. Change your position in the orbital movement and place you on the moon, you’ll be very happy if you want to lose weight because you’ll weigh one forth you see. All right the Sages have all realized the atomic physics, they know that they are light. As I said Masters don’t involve themselves with psychic forces, they involve themselves with the actual principles of the atomic science. They understand this science thoroughly, by looking into the light inside they know how the lines of force work and because they can direct the lines of force with their concentration or volition, they then bring the body to a point where it now becomes weightless by separating for a fraction the two lines of force that appear to be pushing and pulling on it and they enter into a weightless state which gives them now the sense of floating. Now if you put a man in a weightless machine or environment what would happen to his body? It will float and would you not say he’s levitating because he’s not displaying any actual contact with his surface environment, he’s so many inches off or so many feet off the surface environment because there is no push or pull on his mechanism. Now he is light to that extent and will therefore float away into that particular field, the realized man has just created by his concentrative power and understanding a field movement whereby he appears now to be in a weightless state. So the yogis know that when they use the term levitation they are not calling on any extraordinary force but those who are not aware of that think they are talking of some extraordinary force and Swami Vivekananda was in this country when they asked him do yogis perform miracles, he said life is a miracle, he says all life is a miracle, they are using the knowledge of the laws of creation around them by understanding the principle of life and light. We have to look at these subjects differently now, not from the standpoint of something mystic but in the view of objective knowledge just as much as an interesting condition like telepathy. Most people ask me “does telepathy exist” and when you tell them it don’t then they kind of worry, what am I trying to sell them but to show them by the very structure of the physical laws around them that telepathy is a natural principle, they cannot grasp it. Telepathy means to communicate, without any visible means, a thought impression from one transmitter to another receiver in consciousness. Since thought is energy, as I showed in meditation it’s a form of energy that can be moved by consciousness, it’s moving in the atmosphere consciously or unconsciously. We live on the planet earth, the diameter is a little over 8,000 miles, the velocity of energy is equal to light squared, that’s 186,000 times 186,000 miles per second, it’s preposterous to think after realizing the fantastic knowledge involved that telepathy is a psychic ability because each human brain in the pineal gland has certain crystals which they call brain sands and these resonate or vibrate with a piezoelectric effect, just like the old-fashioned crystal radios their waves pass through the brain and is transmitted or computed down into consciousness and it comes through mental image or impression, so what does really exist? A lack of concentration or focusing between two individuals of a natural force that is passing through them all the time, that is the vital life power. So mental telepathy is no longer outside of the range of personal experience, it becomes a natural law now to work and if you think, it is done. Prayer is a reality from that standpoint now because you see your prayer thought coming into crystallization. Audience: If you see it, it will crystallize? Adano: Yes, extend the consciousness more to understand the structure of the creation around you, then you will appreciate the vast divinity involved and the devotion will grow, a reverence for life begins. You know Schweitzer, the reverence for life, he was more on the beam. Yes? Audience: Would you comment on diets and fasting? Adano: Diets and fasting, well there are many diets existing some to take off weight, some to put it on and as far as fasting is concerned all true religions in the world practice fasting but in terms of the meditative science we must come to a particular statement made by Jesus, “Man does not live by bread alone” but before He said that, He said these three words, “it is written that Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth God.” Somewhere there is a systematic system of how to draw energy into the body minus the indirect methods of food. Now diet would tend to indicate you’re following some regimen to do one of two things, increase or decrease this body structure. Fasting can do it, if you fast you will lose weight but then if you don’t understand the laws of fasting I wouldn’t recommend it. I used to fast but I had to learn the laws and I had to learn them the hard way too. 1:10 Now as far as diet, I’ve tried every known diet possible and you know orientals are very stubborn people, even when they’re dying and they know they’re wrong they don’t want to admit so I bit off more than I can chew but I learned that the most practical diet is a diet that is natural to the individual in the environment he lives in. I follow a very simple diet, in the morning I eat the type of food that grow high in the trees, that’s fruit and nuts. In the middle of the day I try to eat those that grow above the surface of the ground, I used to be a meat eater so I ate chicken and I ate the beef and the cattle you know the pork and so forth but I quit a long time. Then at evening time I eat those that grow under the ground. Well nature did not intend Man to eat too much at night you know so my selection under the ground is very limited, she made me a big eater in the middle of the day because I have a larger variety and a very small eater in the morning too, not such a large selection. Following this natural simple method I found I kept my health better and I can have that ivy league body, take off all the unnecessary weight so don’t get carried away with it, live a natural simply way. Audience: Why would you not eat meat. Adano: Well when you’re approaching the inner consciousness, you’re going to be confronted with the electrical forms of the creatures that you have consumed and they’re gonna want to know why you didn’t stop eating them but then your subconscious portion of your mechanism is going to tell you “these things aren’t unclean, go ahead eat them” and therefore you will stay in a level of development known as Energy acting on Energy, you never get past that level in your meditation, they are in the energy rhythms. Until you eliminate them gradually from the system and start ascending to other levels in consciousness, the field force does not restrict you no more, your ability to ascend in these conscious levels depend upon the vibratory nature of your physical frame, how you treat it. Now if it’s dense, utilizing the forms that have dense vibratory nature, you’re going to be held back and restricted, the more you are approaching living by divine law which is “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God,” he’s living strictly on solar nutrition now or solar forces, he’s got to eventually eliminate, on his way back to the source his elimination begins with the four-legged creature, the two-legged one, the no-legged one, the origin, that is cell life then comes the fiber shape, plant life then comes the liquid finally he will demonstrate Einstein’s law, Man will draw into his mechanism, light. So how is he going to go back? We have cases where mystics don’t eat at all but they didn’t arrive there overnight either, it’s a long series of dedicative service and awakening. So if I say I don’t eat meat it’s because I have a program in which I’m working on. Audience: (Inaudible) because I’ve heard of a Yogi who only drinks two glasses of milk a day. Adano: Well the milk is not the flesh it’s the secretion from the creature, it is not the actual tissue of the creature. The creature is not being cut up in any way and deprived of his life existence, he secretes this. Audience: That would be liquid? Adano: That’s a liquid. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well I met Brother Thomas in monk’s corner and someone asked the same question, “Why do we eat meat and why we should not eat meat” and the bible says so many different things about it and Brother Thomas was in the monastery there in South Carolina and he says you, “Know I don’t like to get into the technicalities of the why’s and there where-fores and the do-not’s, it’s simply that it’s cheaper to live that way.” Audience: (Laughter). How about eggs? Adano: I used to, I don’t anymore. Audience: What is your protein? Adano: Protein is in many forms and nature has them in three parts of the day for you but don’t jump to my level and do it, you have to go gradually till your body makes the adjustment. Audience: Are eggs somewhere on the level of meat? Adano: Well the egg is in the body of the fowl and it’s formed in there so if you have to eat the egg, eat it at night and if you have to eat meat at night, eat the fish, they live in darkness and if you have to eat the four-legged creatures and two-legged ones, eat them in the middle of the day. You’re eating them in their time sequence and in their own natural movement. Audience: But if you were eliminating, you would eliminate meat and then eggs? Adano: Well you have to eliminate in the same sequence, you don’t become addicted to an object or substance unless it’s a repetitive action and you can’t quit right away, you have to withdraw slowly. So equally true this is a long series, if you are 25 years of age look how long you’ve been eating this substance, you just up and dump it that’s incorrect, that’s unbalanced, that is not realization. Realization is a gradual elimination replacing it with its proper laws, balance. Audience: Have you clarified something you said this afternoon about Christ in His resurrected body when He returned to his disciples, He partook of food and you said the Masters could touch the food and draw the substance, the nourishment out of their body and yet in the bible and I think in the Casey readings it says that Christ masticated this food and digested it. The bible says He ate and I think the readings indicate that in His resurrected, His perfected body, He could eat food and do all these things. Adano: He could, that’s not He could not, I’m just saying that this is one of the ways they usually do, that they will take it in through the finger. Now if He ate it to show them and you know I’ve read many bibles and several bibles don’t even claim He ate the fish, they just said “He prepared it for them and they did eat” but it doesn’t say what He ate and I’ve seen this in various writings of various religious books. Now from my own personal experience from the laws that they’re involved themselves with, they have the ability to absorb osmosically to give you the indication. If they put it in their mouth they can do it too but what is more outstanding is that the fact that energy goes directly through their system and we are familiar with intravenous methods, this would be the emphasis on your consciousness to show you that they don’t need to use this, they can just look at it and draw it in. This would be only a roundabout way to convince you that they are like you, it’s not necessary when they’re in that state. In fact they can breath it, what difference, but doing it with a finger as an indication of respect or holding it, this is absorption, the whole thing is absorption. 1:20 Audience: In other words, He ate it because His disciples… Adano: Would feel more at home with the fact that eating it is a natural way. We live in an environment where we see intravenous methods are being used, I would be more inclined to want to see it that way because seeing it by this way would not satisfy the consciousness but seeing it drawn into the system and seeing it cycled out of the system at the same time. You know it takes so many X hours for food to digest and pass out as residue, now if you can see this process speeded up and passed out of the system, you realize that this is a fantastic mechanism. Not His, yours that don’t even come to that level look what you got to work for and what more to strive for, you appreciate your own, you don’t want to leave this realm too quick, you want to make it. I think we called it now. (Applause).

1971 July 25 - Life of An Initiate

Adano71_07_25LifeOfAnInitiateQ1RR - The word Yoga we all know only means “to yoke or unite” and you can approach it by various schools, eventually you end up having to go inside and there are male Yogis, the science is called Yoga and the male is called Yogi the female is called Yogini so if one tells you they’re practiceing their Yogi, you can know they don’t understand what they’re saying. (Laughter). Well now it doesn’t necessarily mean because one does posture that is what the science really is, that’s a part of it, the science embodies so many facets of life because it’s called yoking or union. Now Swami the word is “Swa” and “Mi,” Swa is self, the God-self and me is Master, one who masters that self but he has to be initiated into it and in the initiation there is a technique that is given. Also there are all initiated into the Shankara who was the first Swami that reorganized the Swami order and this is divided into eight parts. I am in the part known as Saraswati, Saraswati is referred to wisdom, the wisdom of life. Now Yogananda was initiated into the Giri that is the mountain, the one who climbs and lay new frontiers, set new goals. Segar is one who goes out and spreads a word among people in primitive countries, go among people who are involved with everyday serving themselves fishing hunting see and the other branches have different functions so you will often find the word, the last word behind the name of this Swami. Now his name is indicating how he is recycling the energy in his body since I’m initiated into Saraswati that means through a certain wisdom I master myself Swami and I express Nityananda, Ananda means bliss, Nitya means ever new through the nitty-gritty of things, I like to get down to the nitty-gritty of it. So one boy says when we make our little booklets to go out we’re gonna have a page and call you “Swami Nitty Gritty answers” but Nitya really means “ever new,” getting down to the fine points of things. Paramahansa Yogananda, Ananda meaning bliss, Yoga means union with the bliss. The requirements of the initiate life and I’m not talking primarily for the renunciate, there are many places for that, I’m talking more for the householder, one who does not go away from his obligations or his environment, one who carries on the family life, this has more appeal to me. Even before I met Master Yogananda via one of those manifested principles, I did not see him physically and went to California, I was living in Canada and one night I had a manifestation and even when I found out he was a living man I wrote and asked to be interested in the science of meditation and even he wrote back and told me “Stay where you are, meditate, don’t come and see my body.” Now this is quite heart-rending for someone who is searching for truth to be told from that level don’t come and see the body, you know this can really shake you up, well I didn’t go yet I was also told “The best will come to you.” Years past, I did not see his body until I found out that he had passed on and I wanted to go to India to be a Swami, really get down to the science of meditation and even then every attempt blocked it, eventually Anand Swami Maharaj from India came 1969 and initiated me into Swamihood. Well I realized Master Yogananda had already foreseen my life, in his simple way indicated what I should have done so I just responded but I preferred when I met Anand Swami Maharaj to find out from his life that he was a householder, you can imagine my joy. Paramahansa Yogananda was a renunciate, I start to put two things together and see well why I should not have gone to see his body or be in his presence, I might have been carried away, swayed away with the renunciation and repeat the same thing all over again in like past lives here but maybe this was my particular role now to pursue the path in the home with the wife and the daily responsibilities but you know your mind tells you something else and when you’re confronted with the ideal you think that’s the wrong thing to do but after meeting Anand Swami Maharaj and finding out here was a man that was married, family, all the ups and downs, fought alongside with Mahatma Gandhi to free his country, became a millionaire in the world, pursued the spiritual life I said this is what I was looking for, a rounded out life at last. Here in society I can pursue an occupation, still follow my spiritual life inwardly, still be responsible to a wife, still take on the commitments of society, the general growth of the community, I saw this with what we need so I said this initiate life has more ideal to me. Then I find that everyone I turn around and come in contact have the same problems, they want to be spiritual, they want to love one another as husband and wife yet conflict comes up that seem to drive them away from each other so I realized if I was to live the initiate life for the householder then this is the reason why Master Yogananda did not want me to see his body. The requirements are very simple for the householder in fact they are so simple that most householders don’t even recognize it, we don’t have to leave the home, the home is already an ashram or a retreat treat it as such, treat your home as a spiritual place, a little corner dedicated to daily meditation would be exactly the same in a big retreat with a chapel. The basic disciplines are the minimization of the intake of the animal life not drastic, cleaning up this body as much as you can, trying to regain the physical well-being of it, respect for each other as husband and wife, and to spend a little time in daily meditation morning and evening by yourself or together. 0:10 Any confrontation or doubt as to one’s progress, have an open negotiation with the other person and let them help you to cycle out any frustration inside. We did a mass recycling today in our meditation as a group trying to release, try to make decisions, any internal pressure if two people work at it they can clear it up. In their ashrams the student goes to his teacher to help him overcome the problem, in the home the husband and wife can help each other then the children can be helped. Now the initiate life for the householder has one advantage over the renunciate initiate, that is the Masters do not keep the strong disciple close to him, he keeps the weak ones and he called them lambs, they are the renunciates. The householder initiate is one who’s away from him, he called them sheep because they are strong, they can stand on their own two feet, they have already made inroads in their consciousness to solve problems and are now becoming like the Master consciousness. In the ashrams or in the retreats in the eastern country the most evolved student of that Master is never close to him, you will always find him in the kitchen preparing food, it’s a fact. His presence, his contact with the food imparts the Master’s grace to all those who need nourishment in many ways. If a Master is going to bless food for a group of people and let’s say the food is broken up in plates for each one and for a specific person, his love will go in different ways. Now the person who is the most advanced will always be the one to give it out so one would get the impression when they go to a retreat that the person who is handling the food is the most unevolved individual and the one who is sitting down next to the Master with all the books, making all the different records and everything is the most advanced one but inwardly inside it is not so. The Master can trust the one there handling the food without any fear, the one he keeps close he’s got to constantly correct him lest he may slip back. The householder is the one that is recorded to have more given to him because of his ability to stand on his own two feet therefore there is a saying “Greater the obstacle, greater the man.” Since he takes on the householder life, he takes on greater responsibilities, if he takes on the renunciate life he is cutting off certain responsibilities. The householder has to balance his life and he does not avoid confrontation whereas the renunciate may say “Well I don’t like society, I can go and hide myself” but when a man is married to his wife, he can’t up and say “I’m gonna take off and go in the woods,” she’s not going to like it see because of the confrontations so the initiate life that I’m following is the householder life, this is the path that is for modern Man. Here in the west, in any part of the world, modern Man can take heart in his household obligations now and gain realization. Meditation by yourself or together is vitally important in your home life, your own home is your own retreat and you know between myself and my wife who tries to compete to cook the food? So we all want to get that grace to serve so the husband can learn now how to prepare the food or the joy of doing it because his handling of it gives off the vibrations of his consciousness, equally the wife who handles it gives off the vibrations and respect for the body temple. This is one of the most important thing of the householder life, the householder does not try to abuse it because he knows that this is not like the renunciate who is cut off everything and would not get involved therefore the householder becomes more aware of keeping the body healthier, better conditioned so he’s more responsive in many ways not only to his wife and family but to the environment and society in which he lives in. The structure of society is based on the marriage, it’s not based on the eunuch, this is why the householder life has more to offer Mankind. The fabric of Mankind is involved in a Father/Mother God so just say God is my Father never think of mother it’s not possible, I cannot look at myself and say I didn’t have a mother, I just had a Father true, can’t say I just have a Father and no mother, these two parts make for the whole. The householder life is not difficult, we don’t run from anything, we face everything, initiation into it is very simple it involves how the energy is locked into the body and can be practiced in the home just as much as you can practice in a retreat as a renunciate but they tell me this and I’ve seen it with brother disciples and friends of mine who I’ve visited in retreats that the renunciate man is working harder, longer hours than the happy married man because from the time he gets into the retreat the one in charge makes sure that this new recruit will keep his nose to the grindstone and he’s had no time to let up let alone no comforts of someone being sorry for his wounds so he has to keep his nose to the grindstone. So when I meet some of these renunciates they said “You know you’re lucky, here we come, we thought we’d have more time to meditate, we could sit down and really get into this thing but from the time we are here we were working from six o’clock to ten o’clock at night and lights out at half past ten.” So you see I didn’t get anything while looking at a renunciate life because they have a routine in the morning they have to get up at six, five thirty to six, gets a few minutes of meditation then off into the routine of getting the place going. 0:20 And midday a few minutes to sit down and eat and then go again so actually the renunciate is not so happy as you think he is but he needs that lesson. Whereas the married man who takes on the responsibility, the obligations, he has more to contend but there’s a greater joy that comes inside because he’s sharing not only with himself, with others that he’s involved with right away. The renunciate does not have to take out a lease on a house, he doesn’t have to take out insurance in his car, he does not have to worry about if his children cry out for food or medicine, the householder has that. Now let’s see the consciousness at work, the man who renounces does not have a confrontation to draw on the divine source to solve it right away whereas the man who has a confrontation he’s forced to go in and call on that divine force to satisfy the need because he’s going to turn heaven and hell to get something to feed that crying baby you see, he doesn’t care now if he suffers all the pangs of his own aches and pains, he doesn’t want to see his child in that state, he of all persons is actually drawing this consciousness down to work and putting it into action. Sometimes we don’t realize how close the householder is lined up with the God-self and because he does not wear the robe and have the outward prestige, one may think he’s not spiritual and the one who has renounced and taken the robe and has the outward prestige beating, he is spiritual. The real battle begins when the householder tackles the problems of living because God is life and that is why you can take heart wherever you are that the initiate life of the household is still the greatest. Now to cite them some interesting cases, there was a Saint by the name of Vyas Muni, Muni means monk and he had his son named Shakuntala. The boy was in the mother’s womb and the father taught him the entire Bhagavad Gita that when he was born at the age of four he repeated the Bhagavad Gita back to his Father. This sounds quite unusual but the boy grew up and wanted his father to initiate him into the monkhood, into the spiritual life and the Father says “No, I want you to go to King Janaka, he will initiate you into this.” So the boy wanted to be a renunciate, follow the path, he decided to go and see King Janaka. Arriving at the court of King Janaka he saw this king, the flagon of wine, lump of roast here, beautiful women running around, and he’s inside enjoying himself and this is his court. So the boy says to himself, “That’s the type of teacher to lead me to God? No sir, my father has done an injustice,” goes back to see his father. Father says “No, I can’t introduce you to the spiritual life, go back to King Janaka, he is your true guide forward.” So heartbroken he went back and in going back he was hiding behind the bushes looking at the king not realizing the king was realized inside and the king clapped his hand, told one of the couriers to call the young man then he dismissed the people. As the boy approached the king said to him, “I see you are the son of the great Sage Vyas Muni.” Now no introduction is necessary, the boy realized here for the first time he’s confronting someone with consciousness, living ordinary household life. So they spent a while and had some wonderful experiences. Now another householder monk was Lahiri Mahasaya, he lived in his home, earned his livelihood and one day he was sitting down by the door looking out and along came a Swami, a renunciate. In India this is unheard of that the renunciate monk would walk up and abase himself in front of a householder, it’s usually the reverse the householder throws himself at the feet of the renunciate. So all the disciples of the renunciate Swami were aghast and they said “How could you, a renunciate, break such tradition, do such a thing to a householder. He’s just an ordinary man in the house,” and the Swami turned around and said, “Brother, the realization of my brother is such I will willingly renounce this loincloth for it.” In other words that consciousness was more involved in the truth than the outward garb, where he was wearing the outward garb and did not have the inner truth or the thing. Sri Yukteshwar was also a married man, Gautama Buddha was also a married man. Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion was also a married man, the present Sikh Master, Master Charan Singh is a married man, he is the head of the Sikh religion, he is a lawyer by profession and a doctor of arts, an engineer and he has the full realization inside yet he carries on his business and he’s a millionaire, he owns a plantation in heritage from his grandFather, he’s alive, and he feeds an average of 160,000 people four times a year out of his pocket so we see the householder Sage is an unusual Sage or person. Anand Maharaja, the one that initiated me as I said he too made headway by remaining as a householder and attaining the inner realization. When we think that the householder life is impractical for spiritual life, we are wrong. In this age which we call the aquarian age or which the Hindus is called the Dvapara age, it is the age of the Saint millionaire. Many Saints with full realization will be millionaires in their own right, self-made men, married. All the Masters in the East perceive potential Saints waiting to be awakened in this part of the world, already married with their families, they are potentially awaiting to be awakened inside so the initiate life is a very simple life, doesn’t call for much renouncing, a little moment every day in your little corner as you spend meditating. 0:30 Two and a half hours per day is required for the initiate as a householder to meditate, one tenth portion of 24 hours, the only real form of tithing, “Render unto God what is God’s, render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” The householder does both, he pays taxes and he meditates and render his consciousness back to God. The renunciate, he doesn’t render unto Caesar, he’s over involved trying to render to God but does he really render? He may spend 10-12 hours never really rendering anything yet the householder can because of his tremendous acumen, involvement, decision making, he can harness this consciousness quicker and really render his consciousness to that light and as soon as he sees that light he can feel it and he’s engrossed in it. So I’m not trying to oversell the household life but I realize here in this part of the world it is one of the most neglected part of the spiritual life, the home life. We all seem to think that the renunciation is the ideal life, it was good in Kali Yuga or in the Piscean age when we did not understand the properties of matter let alone atomic physics clearly, it was not so well utilized or publicized but here as we become more and more aware of the structure of our environment the householder life is the only life that offers great promise because one can have his education, one can retain his family life, one can aspire to the best ideal in an intellectual way, occupational way, and still gain complete God realization. What more rounded out opportunity can a man have or a woman? Thank you for listening to my… if you have questions I would be glad to answer it. (Applause). Audience: How many initiates joined with you and how many finished or were washed out? Adano: (Laughter). Well when you say joined with me in what sense of the word? Audience: How many did the Swami have and how many went on to become a Swami? Adano: Do you mean Anand Swami or Parahamansa Yogananda or… Audience: Well in the householder field. Adano: Oh in the householder field… The percentage of the householders realized men are like that in relation to the percentage of the renunciate men. There are more householder renunciates who were realized than the renunciate himself, on record there are more especially in women, don’t think they are not women realized Masters. You know I once saw a cartoon and my wife cut it out just to make sure that people when they come there… here is a mountain climber in the Himalayas and he reaches the highest peak and who should he see at the top of the peak, a woman in lotus posture and she’s saying to him, “How enlightened you are, didn’t you know there are women Masters too?” Which is true, there are women Masters and they don’t have necessary to renounce, some have renounced like Mirabehn, Ananda Moyi but others are married. In the case of Ananda Moyi Ma she’s still alive, she’s the head of the Banares retreat of her own and she’s married and what is an interesting thing about it is this, the night she was marred to her husband when he came in the room he embraced his wife and found himself 15 feet across the other side of the room then he woke up to the reality, here is a female Master and he remained for the balance of his life to become her spiritual servant yet her husband to provide, he grew into realization also inside. Now the two have learned the lesson of Soul-mating because she not only acted as a Master to him, she lifted him up in his Soul that they grew together inside. See what can happen and she was married and she still is married, she hasn’t… he’s passed on she’s alive so there are women Masters too. Well Master Kirpal Singh who is another brother disciple of Master Charan Singh of the Sikhs, he’s a Sikh, he is married. The last great Master Jaimal Singh was a married man, these men have all obtained realization and were married. Audience: A Master is married? Adano: A male Master and a female Master, yes the present Master Charan Singh his wife is a fully realized Master in her own right and I’ll tell a little story about her. The grandfather was the head of the ashram not too long ago when Dr. Julian Johnson from this country went to visit the grandfather and studied with him and wrote the book called “The Path of the Masters.” He stayed at that retreat and one day the grandson came in to pay respects to the grandfather. After prostrating to the grandFather the grandfather said “You know you have to get married.” He says “No I don’t want to get married.” He says “Yes you have.” Well he let it be. One day a train is coming along and the train don’t normally stop at a spot where this retreat is and a man and his young daughter were in train, he was a student of the boy’s grandfather. The girl said to her Father “Daddy I’d like to go see the Master” just like that. He says “Child, the train don’t stop here.” She said “I want to see the Master.” He couldn’t pacify her, just as the train got to the point where the village is, the wheels are turning and the train is not going, it stops right there, it’s not going, the train is right there. They wire ahead, they say something is wrong with the train, they want an engineer to come and fix it, that’ll take two days. She got out and the Father with her and they went to see the great teacher. He paid his respects to his teacher but as soon as he came in the compound the teacher was sitting down meditating with his group of students and he opened his eyes and he looked at her, the young girl, and he said “Why do you bother me, why you want me to stop trains for you?” Just like that. Anyway she said to the Master “Would you initiate me into the spiritual life?” So the students around says “Master she’s too young.” Well he touched her in her head and she had a marvelous experience, just then the grandson walked in. So he said to the grandson “You have to get married you know.” “I don’t want to get married grandfather, I’m too busy studying to be a lawyer. I’m going to be an engineer and a laywer, I’m going to do things in this world, I’ve got no time you know, I’m going to be a real trailblazer.” So the grandfather says “You’ve got to get married.” He says “Well I don’t know of any woman that’s going to match up with me.” He says “All right, here is your future wife,” that was the young girl. 0:40 So he looked at the girl, couldn’t accept her as his wife that proposed to be, grandparents and parents always select you know, this is part of the custom. So the grandfather says, “You meditate and see how far you can go in your consciousness” and he closes eyes to meditate, grandfather winked at the girl, “Go find him.” As far as he went inside the inner consciousness she followed him, there was not a place he could hide in God that she couldn’t find him (laughter) then he realized he was confronted, checkmate. He got married and he is the head of the retreat and his wife works with him together so I am very happy to say I’ve got the same problem (laughter) but it is a marvelous thing to have, any other questions? Audience: How does one measure a fully realized Master, is there a special way of knowing when someone has reached that state? Adano: The four basic things are: he does not accept no gifts, he earns his livelihood, he does not attract you to God by miracles, and he only tells you the knowledge of God through the life current and the sound current and that means you will hear this current inside of yourself. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word is made flesh and dwelt in Man,” this is the essence of his message, he always tells you that. Another thing he allows you to examine his life from all facets before you decide that he’s a Master, he will never tell you he is a Master, he will always say “I am a servant or I am a disciple of a great Master. There is no room in his mind to tell you he is a Master, he is a servant and he loves to can cook (laughter). Audience: Can you tell us how you found your wife? Adano: Very interesting (laughter), she was praying years ago while I was living in Canada for someone who lives in a spiritual way. I was traveling back and forth and the day she left Colorado to return to Texas was the very day I arrived in Texas with a friend and the very day I lost everything stolen out of the car so I was stranded. A few days after I had to go to the West coast, years passed I came back to Texas not knowing why. I was invited by a group of people to talk on meditation, they had heard that I used to study and teach meditation and when I attended the meditation group one of the boys who ran the group said to me “I’d like you to meet a friend of ours, she’s a doctor.” I said all right, the next day she came. We met (laughter) then she told me years after, “I had a vision of a retreat being built in Tyler since 1948” and she’s been studying all that time to accumulate information about running one so in a way our lives have interlocked but I don’t say it’s an easy life, “greater the obstacle, greater the man.” I’m here, it’s not so easy for her to be there she is there it’s not easy for me to be here see and if you don’t call on the phone you’re neglecting me and if you call on the phone you’re costing me too much money (laughter) but you love it. You know at times I go out in the jobs because I have to work and you don’t call immediately, something is wrongm loss of affection but then our inner consciousness works in stranger, the body wants one type of communication and the Soul wants another type of communication so who wins? I think the body wins (laughter). In the end the Soul wins you know, both party knows that inner trust is there, yes? Audience: How and when does one become an initiate. Adano: When you feel you’re ready to accept the householder life as in way of walking in God and I am here up to Wednesday and if God is willing for you to walk that path you may knock at the door and appear and then you will get the information. You see it’s not for me to beg you or try to trap you or put you into position to be one, it must come from an inner experience that the householder life is the life you want you see. I cannot say to you, a married couple, that the renunciate life or the householder life is the ideal, I am presenting what I am. If you think it is the one you want to stay in, good, if you think the other one is better then all these things will resolve themselves for you. I pray that within three days any resolution that is made, I’ll be happy to serve, if not I’m still happy to listen. Don’t jump into anything until you resolve it in yourself, have an inner experience first. See many of us are thrown together and we think we’re not in the right place but we are in the right place, we have to learn how to recognize it, yes? Audience: Have you heard of this Sai Baba from India? Adano: Yes. Audience: Supposedly he performs miracles and he pulls all types of objects out of the air. If this is not what a Master does, is he using the spritual force in a negative way? Adano: (Chuckling). He’s not attracting disciples to him you know, he’s not attracting people to him to take them to God, he’s just showing that he’s a God-realized man. His Godness is flowing through him of what Man will be in the golden age, he’s a forerunner. What John the Baptist was the Jesus, Sai Baba so happened to turn out to be what we will be when we are realized. I do have something from him which he has materialized for me so I know what type of consciousness is there. He is an example, the word “Sai Baba” Satya Sai Baba, you see one does not call him Sai, it’s Satya. There is an age in the Hindu cycles that are called Satya Yuga, that’s the golden age for the Greeks, the age of the perfect God-Man, walking, performing his normal functions which we think are miracles. Now Baba means Father, you see, or example. He is an example of what Man eventually will be on this planet Earth when we arrive at that stage. In every age the Creator allows one of his creation to be an example of the God-self, there has never been an age where there’s never been one. Let’s back up a hundred years, if you were living in India or China or some place you might have run into one such person too. Now you’re living today in this age and the information is coming out that such a person does exist. We’ll always have in every age one such person, even the great Master Babaji who retains his physical body, give and take a few hundred years he’s a little close to a thousand, still he retains it to show what Man-God body can be, I’ve been blessed with his grace, put it that way. They do exist and we are not to infringe upon their freedom, we’re only to realize that there are “lives of great men who have made their lives sublime, they have gone ahead of us leaving footprints on the sands of time” and that we should also make our lives into that. See the poet was saying that in a sense, “lives of great men all remind us we should make our lives sublime, going ahead of us leaving footprints on the sands of time.” These great men who have realized themselves will always be examples for us, if there are no examples, we have no hope. If Master Jesus did not come down to live among us, would we have anything to hope for? If we don’t think He will come back, is there anything to hope for too? You see hope is important. Thank you. (Applause).

1971 July 25 - Prayer and Meditation

Adano71_07_25PrayerAndMeditationQ1RR - I know most people come and this to them is a lecture you but to us Swami’s this is Satsanga. Satsanga is fellowship with truth and in order to start it we calibrate our consciousness (short meditation). Thank you. Now our consciousness are at three levels: physical, electrical, ideational. The subject, prayer, most of us have grown up and we’re coached by our parents to pray to some unseen force to solve our problems when we are in need and in my search and travel I have seen all types of prayer. They all work, that’s the funny part about it if you give them time and sometimes they leave both the recipient and the person who is doing the prayer for the other person in a state of wonderment, what really occurred? Sometimes that little worm of doubt seemed to remain in the mind, what really occurred after we prayed? “I’m thankful I’m healed, I’m thankful I got what I prayed for. Did I do it, did some outside force did it? That little worm of doubt is there yet whenever problems come up we still go looking for someone or some person who seems to know how to pray better than you do for you. You don’t seem to have faith in your own ability to pray and if you do it, you’re still in doubt if you’re getting the right answers or if the answers are the ones that are coming from some divine source or is coming from your own inner feelings or ego. Prayer is good if you know how to use it properly. There is a statement in your scriptures that state “When the disciples could not heal by prayer, they came back to the Master Jesus and said they couldn’t heal certain problems” and He said “Much prayer and fasting meditation is needed for such a problem.” Well prayer has one effect, fasting has another effect, meditation has another effect, we can’t pursue the real inner life inside unless we link prayer to meditation by fasting. This may seem strange that prayer is linked to meditation by fasting and before the ministry of the Master Jesus began what did He do for 40 days and 40 nights? They said He fasted, there have to be some valuable reason in the practice of fasting. Well I didn’t believe it but when I was among people who prayed and really got results, I saw them practicing fasting. When I inquire they said to me “How could you with your stuffed up tummy, aggravated mind, expect to get results from the divine source? Your whole mechanism would be centered on those sensations.” So I said “You must be right” so I decided to experiment for myself. Fasting, the term seems to indicate to abstain from, it can be abstaining from literally food but that is not all there is to fasting. We have five senses in which we generate all our energy to get involved with our environment and when the environment gets so heavily laden and clogged up and impinges its influence on those five senses, any attempt to pray seems futile. If we can fast not only mouth that eats, sight that sees, hearing that hears, nose that smell, touch, we’re going to draw back our involvement from the environment, we all need a certain period of our life to withdraw these forces back. If we read our scriptures properly it states that God made this whole universe in six days and rested on the seventh. If you work six, rest seven, rest indicates abstaining from involvement. If you look at the body and if you truly accept it as the temple of the Lord and that you have five senses which must work and if one sustains himself by his own occupation then we dedicate six days of our physical life to make that preparation, to take care of our physical needs and if Sunday is the day of prayer and meditation. If they did we decided it should be, other people take Saturday or whatever day you decide, that should be the day to experiment with fasting. Don’t experiment just not to eat, see how long you can stay one day without talking, one day without not even opening your eyes to look out though you’re wide awake inside, one day to listen without making comments in your consciousness, one day to feel activity in the environment around you so that you know tranquility is possible, the whole body is immersed in tranquility. 0:10 These are simple techniques of fasting but when carried to its true nature to bridge it to meditation, we will see something very interesting. Meditation is that particular form of communication that is different than prayer, it’s a form of communication that directs the individual taught activities towards an intuitive or extrasensory or independent of the senses observation and oneness with reality, God. If God being the source and having the answer to problems, when we direct our thought activities to that source then we must be able to present the problem in consciousness, wait for an answer then execute the action in your daily life. Let’s take the ability to make decisions, do you realize this is one the hardest ability to make or apply, to make a decision when you’re confronted with a problem? Aren’t we constantly making decisions yet we say “go pray, go meditate, we’re going to get answers” and we pray and we meditate we pray and meditate and then I still want to go look for somebody who may have the answer, then I don’t even know how to contact my Godhead for the answer but let’s see if the Godhead has not taught us in His own wisdom simple laws that we unconsciously apply and cannot recognize as wisdom for making decisions. You drive a car, you’re constantly making decisions do you realize that? You take it for granted, stop the car, look out for the next guy, you got to watch in the rear mirror, on approaching traffic night or day, in the mind you’ve got to get to the bank before it close or you got to go to the hospital because someone is dying. The mind, the thought activities are revolving around in there and you’re busy computing to make decisions yet by common agreement a red light means to stop, you can cheat then you pay the price but subconscious mind is the place you’ll have to go when you want to make decisions. It knows it has cheated many times, it ran through many red lights and when you really want it to function for you, subconscious mind does not give you answers to the problems you want to solve, you are violating your own inner harmony. By mutual consent from the environment you accept green as go, to act without conflict but we take advantage of that too, we disobey the rules along the highway. 40 miles means 50 miles, past the next man at 60 because that’s the limit go 70, the pressures force us to make decisions that are going to affect the inner Man and when the time comes for the inner Man to really solve problems, doesn’t come forward then you blame God for not being capable of answering your problems. You meditate, you say meditation don’t work, you pray and it doesn’t work then you ask people to pray for you in prayer circles. All right God is great, the prayer force of others does intercede, their intercessory prayer help you to get by but don’t you realize you’re getting something for nothing, you’re not really solving your problems, you’re constantly relying on someone to lift you up, when are you going to lift yourself up? The disciple should be as the Master, is he always going to be a disciple, pulled by the nose, led to the grave, when is he going to stand up and master his life? Meditation is supposed to give us mastery, we must obey certain simple rules and it will work. One we will try today in today’s meditation is how to make decisions work. Now again I said green means to go, you’ve accepted this, you live it night and day by driving an automobile, red means to stop. If everybody took red to mean go and you took it to mean stop and you took green to stop and he took it for go what would happen? We would have a tremendous catastrophe after a while. We take yellow to mean caution but I remember this story when I was first visited Texas, elderly gentleman went for his driver’s license and the officer says “how long have you taken your driver’s test?” “Oh many many years.” Says “All right, since you’re of this age I don’t want to put you too much trials, I’ll just ask a few questions, what is the red light for?” “Oh that’s stop.” “Green light?” “Go.” “Yellow light?” “Go like hell!” (Laughter). When we condition our subconscious mechanism in those ways, when the time come again to make decisions we fail. Human mind thinks in pictures and pictures take forms or symbols, geometrical shape, eventually they have color and sound or music. Since we are pre-conditioned by mutual consent to act in an orderly fashion in our environment, we can use the most simplest method of bringing about decision-making in our consciousness. When we look in we don’t realize that our subconscious mind does not like to be burdened because it fights for its survival, it tries to make excuses to the conscious mind at times. The subconscious mind loves to keep things in a simple way, keep it simple, it’s just like an obedient private in the army it doesn’t like complex conditions, it revolts. If the traffic department had made the traffic rules complicated for us to respond, we will be having more accidents than we do have now, you see but because they have simplified the actions, our subconscious mind respond quicker. All right each one of us here have some decision to make today concerning jobs, concerning personal life, problems, illness, and so forth way down in the subconscious mind you’re asking yourself how can you be free from it? We are going to establish the color pattern: red is to stop that is where you are, learn to find out what is happening, what are you doing right now, are you honest with yourself? Yellow means caution that means get more information. Green means to go ahead and act, follow up. 0:20 Within the color can come the actual pictures if the mind is steady so we have a color tv set in our own brains. Our problems face us, we don’t see the conditions tomorrow that we have to walk in an office and face the man, we think that we are not capable of generating clairvoyant vision and we go all types of ways to conflict ourselves when we can take the simplest things and bring out results to face ourselves. As we close our eyes to meditate, God is the principle life itself that contains all the answers to our problems that confront us. We are in this automobile of life, a body, we’re driving on the road it’s a one-way, no toll road it’s called birth to death. There’s not turn back and there are no u-turns and no exchanges, we’re just going. We have decisions to make at every point of confrontation but if we obey the rules, we will get results. Now you have to think back how many times have you disobeyed the actual outer rules, this will determine how many times you’re incapable of bringing this to the surface because the subconscious mind has been tricked too many times and would not know how to respond. If you have run through many red lights, your memory retains it, if you are drove like mad right through the yellow light, the memory will retain it, the green light means to go and if you were driving so slow that you held up traffic, your consciousness is going to retain it so these are the conditions that are going to monitor and interfere temporarily, not permanently, temporary the coming true of the decisions you are looking for. So don’t be afraid if it doesn’t come immediately, be glad if they come immediately because then you’re honest with yourself, if they’re not coming through don’t be disappointed they have to come through sooner or later, it’s only natural. So close your eyes, think of any problem that you have to make a decision, present it to the consciousness, you’re at stoplight red now, there’s where you are right now because you can’t go forward, you don’t know how to go forward and at that point you want to see the problem so you have to see it in red, this is where you are right now in consciousness. So close the eyes and watch inside and think of the problem and see it in red, each one of us have different problems. (Meditation). Now you ask the mental question, “What should I do?” and allow the consciousness to telegraph to you one of the three colors, it will superimpose itself on the one where you are right now. Everybody is at red and when you ask the question the consciousness will reach out into the cosmos then it will telegraph back to you the color and within the color it can also telegraph the images or sceneries of seeing yourself passing through performing the service. (Meditation). Now as soon as you get the image or color in consciousness, keep the eyes closed, you’re going to do what is called a dimensional reduction. Your body is going to get very large and everything in the consciousness is going to shrink down in size. It will shrink down first to the size of a quarter down to the size of a penny. 0:30 And reach up with your right hand consciously and take that little light, it’s a hand grenade, you can’t hold it too long if you pull the pin and throw it and see it explode into white light. (Meditation). All the pent up tension of indecision is going out with it and that white light pouring into your being is revitalizing you now and you are offering up thanks for its manifestation. That white light is removing all the brain fatigue, doubt, tension from the forehead, the eyes, the ears, nostrils and lips, the throat, the shoulder, the chest, abdomen, liver and kidneys, hips, groin, thighs, kneecaps, calves, ankles, toes, you and that white light is one now. The sense of confidence and strength is being reinforced in you, your willpower is increased, wherever you go you’re at the right place at the right time for the right experience, answers, and questions. The vital energy is pouring into you abundantly. Now I want you to think of a very happy moment in your life, it may be your boyhood or girlhood or some particular thing that you truly enjoyed very much. (Meditation). Now I want you to see the Christ conscious being looking at you with his eyes, radiating his love into your being. The divine Christ radiating his love into you with his eyes. (Meditation). “As many of you receive him in your consciousness, unto you is given the power of cosmic consciousness” and if you feel in the mood to cry from tears of joy enjoy it for God is a God of joy. (Meditation). 0:40 There is no condemnation in God consciousness except in your own subconscious mind. (Meditation). Freeman all, lord of yourselves (your cells?). (Meditation). Now partially open the eyes and flow with the peace that passes all understanding. (Meditation). Thank you very much, bless you. I surely hope many of you have got answers to your decisions to be made, honesty with oneself makes this meditation a reality anytime you apply it. It’s a very simple process, you are driving the car of your Soul inside just as much as you drive the car outside and obey the rules. Decision making confrontations are all inside too, “As it is in heaven so it is on earth,” as what goes on in the consciousness goes on in the physical laws. Physical order / mental order, meditation can be applied anytime, any place, we don’t need to run away from any place. Master Jesus said “Retreat into your innermost chamber,” keep it simple. Healing applies too, keep it simple. Whatever the problem is: health, finances, occupation, it’s already programmed to work a certain way because we are trained so why create confusion, why not go along with what is basically natural there. Men would not set up rules to govern themselves had they not had the foresight to see certain actions of behavior that maintains order. We are living in the world, we’re not supposed to run from it, we’re supposed to learn how to operate with it. We have a karmic debt, we’re not supposed to run from that either, we’re supposed to learn how to work with it. We’re not going to be freed from anything, we’re going to be free for everything. This is what the meditative life has to offer. Thank you. (Applause). Any questions pertaining to the meditation today? Audience: In a sense pertaining to meditation, I understand the book of revelations is on meditation. Would you comment on the book of revelations, what it means and what are we to learn from it. (Laughter). Adano: I should comment on the book of revelation, what it means and how you learn from it? (Laughter). Well let’s take the word revelation, why did the author call his manuscript “revelation,” from where to where? That’s the question you have to ask if you’re interested in the subject. Where are you revealing from, to what are you revealing to? Remember the disciples of the Master Jesus lived a very mystical life, an outer and an inner life and in the writings of the disciples there was no mention of what occur in the anatomy of the inner life. What is the actual workings of inside, what occurs when one goes inside beyond certain levels of experience or awarenesses to perceive what is going on? So John who wrote that particular book, he wrote his inner revelations of what he perceived occurring in the inner life. Now many of the things are in there that pertain to prognosticating in the future but we’re looking at them in symbolic conditions. The inner life deals with the inner structure of this mechanism because it tells you of seven golden candlesticks and seven stars and in eastern writings they all refer to something about seven, seven, seven in the body and yogis like to say there’s seven chakras and medical men there are seven systems in the human body and they’re always seven something, it was a way in which they were looking in to study this structure. Now in order to experience revelation why don’t we just take a few minutes and go through the experience? Which is better to read the book, hear of it, or to have an experience of what are the seven things inside of you? Audience: Experience. 0:50 Adano: All right, your body is the thing you have to work with so close the eyes. (Adano starts color recycling). Now the first point of focus is the base of the spine and think of the color red as a garbage bin and from that location try to consciously or by memory empty all the disappointments and frustrations, aggravations from as far back as you can remember into that garbage bin: childhood grievances, anxiety, emotional upsets, disappointments, fears, criticisms, resentments, tension, empty it all into that red garbage bin. Now see or think the next color orange lined up with the procreative organs, that too is a garbage bin, all we’re doing is changing the color of the garbage bins. Empty all your emotional feelings into there from that area of the body, memories of it. Now see if it will change into yellow and localize it in the area of the navel and again think of throwing all the conditions that are frustrating, disappointing into that yellow garbage with from that area of the body, all the stress. Some people can see it, some people just think of it, localize it, some people can even feel it. Now see that garbage bin changing into the color green and it’s localized by the heart. All the feelings of frustration, emotional conditions over the years flowing away from that area into that garbage bin. Now try and see or think of it in the color of blue located around the throat, there’s another garbage bin, blue, empty all the disappointment of conversation, communication, the anger, resentments from that area. Now see or think that this garbage bin is becoming purple or violet between the point of your eyebrows, here again throw all the resentments over the years into it from that area. At that point see the Christ’s conscious light, His eyes radiating into you, he’s called the Lamb of God, it’s a very gentle soothing sensation pouring into your being. Now see this garbage bin shrinking down in size with all the accumulated tensions and frustrations over the entire period of your life, shrinking down to the size of a penny. 1:00 Now reach up with your right hand and take it and throw it like a hand grenade and see it explode into white light, your whole head is covered like wool with a white light pouring into it. You have a 360 degree vision into infinity now, your head is the sun, your throat is the moon, your entire body is the milky system, the whole galaxy is you. Every point from the base of the spine, the sacral center of the organs, lumbar center in line with navel, dorsal center in line with the heart, cervical center in line with the throat, Christ center point between the eyes, God center top of the skull is now releasing pure vital life force through you, uninterrupted, the whole body is full of light, it’s full of the peace that passes all understanding. Slowly open the eyes, gradually, partially and flow with the peace. Thank you. You now have access to your centers, you can go back in anytime you want and you can travel through the currents. Any questions? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: That’s good. Audience: Can you tell us more about what you’re planning in Texas? Adano: We’re building a retreat, a place for training people to meditate, instructors, and we’re growing organic gardening and a conservatory for health of various techniques for healing that are recognized, we’re building people there we want to work and we have a sanctuary for prayer and meditation, research. Across the road from it there are land available for people who want to retire in the area, right now we’ve just acquired it and in the process of getting it cleared. Our first building is about to be set up, that is a utility building. Most people that came for retreat last year and this year were campers so we realized that the first thing to have is the necessary facilities for keeping clean so we’ve purchased cement mixer with our own block making so many of young men who will coming from different parts of the states, they’re helping to do the work. At present I’m just traveling around making people more conscious of it but I have to go back and watch it too. Audience: You say we, you and your wife and who else? Adano: Myself, my wife, and several of the members of the board of trustees who are involved with it. See there are several groups in Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, Pascagoula Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee that are involved in this activity so various members from those areas come through to help the work. Audience: What is the address? Adano: It’s 722 and a half South Bois D’Arc, Tyler Texas, that’s a french word you can send it to any… The reason we chose the name All Faith, when Yogananda was in this country he called his church the Church of All Religions but then people could not grasp that at that time so now all I’ve done is to… since our friend the pope has become so ecumen minded, it was very simple to go ahead and call the thing All Faith Fellowship, everyone is welcome, our motto is “Don’t convert me, convert yourself.” Audience: Can you say more about the school? Adano: Yeah this school is a Montessori school which we’re trying to form, my wife is taking studies in it now so we’ll be forming a Montessori school for the first grade. Audience: Are going to have a newsletter. Adano: Yes we have a newsletter out, also we’ll have most of my lectures that are speeches will be printed up and circulated out, they will be available, those who want tapes we can make arrangements. See most of my talks are all the recorded on tape so most of it is like that right now they’re in the process of putting it together so we’re a young organization, it’s a non-profit organization, tax deductible but it took time to get it going on its own. Audience: Did I understand you the other day to say real meditation if a person does they can go without sleeping entirely? Adano: Yes you can but that takes a great deal of training. Audience: But what about the person who doesn’t manage to get into the meditative state, in the meantime we have to have the sleep. Adano: Then sleep. Audience: (Laughter) Well then how are you going to fill up this meditation time if you have to go get to it you know? Adano: This comes as a result over the years of inner awareness that the body automatically recycles itself so you go into a certain level where you shut down but you never become unconscious but you don’t have the mental conflicts of being unconscious, you know or when you’re conscious. That’s a particular level you have to go into and you’re in there and you appear to have all the symptoms of sleep but you are wide awake inside but you’re not wide awake and feeling tired when you get up. Most people go through and have a similar condition called insomnia, they are lying down and still awake, can’t relax or shut off, this is a gradual practice that the body will come to, it’s a natural thing. Audience: Will your school be for people who want to learn to meditate but don’t necessarily want to be instructed? Adano: Yes it will be for people who want to learn, we only said instructors because those are the ones you’re trying to get into the actual training which will be living there but we are providing for people who want to study meditation and so we are calling the place a spiritual garage where we can tune up your chakras. (Laughter). See some people come and they’re not firing too good. Okay. (Applause).

1971 October 9 - Origins

Adano71_10_09_1OriginsQ1RR - 4 The lecture today is East-West teachings or Science of the Soul in three parts. Well part one will deal with origin. It seems very strange that a Soul should have an origin, but in all the writings of the world we come first to the origin of man’s existence, man’s beingness, how this whole creation began, and what it’s all for. So Origin is our first lecture today. How would you like to sweeten the I-ness with some gin? Interesting. The origin, if you look into the Genesis first you see it states, “Come let us make man.” Somewhere out in consciousness, Beingness is making a statement, but not to itself, to some other being. “Us” is being used, the word “us.” “Come let us make man.” So before we were created somebody dreamed us up and dreaming us up they decided what we should look like. “In our own image.” So those two people, or three people, or four people, or four entities whoever they were or millions of entities that were deciding upon our origin, our shape and structure, laid it out very plain that we were supposed to look like them. And likeness, “Come let us make man in our own image and likeness, male and female.” There was no separation or segregation, it was totally stated equally, “created them,” and God breathed the breath of life into man and man became a living donkey. Interesting eh? Isn’t that what Brother Francis called his body, “brother donkey?” But man became a living Soul. So today being the Science of the Soul in three parts, we first establish our origin. So man does not have a soul, man is Soul. 8 Now let’s look at the Eastern thinkers and what they say about man in his origin. They say the divine Brahman breathed out the cosmos and infused it with Atman and gave Atman freedom to go and return. Well some words are being used that are not familiar to you and that is Brahman, Atman, and Jiva. Some of us may be familiar with it, but Brahman is not necessarily an entity sitting on a throne. Though sometime you may come across the word Bramha as an entity sitting on a throne, but Brahman, B-R-A-H-M-A-N, Brahman embodies a peculiar make up, Bra and Man. The word itself has Bra and Man in it. The second word Atman you find At and Man in it. Now in Sanskrit to think or any thinking organism is Manas. Let us look at the words and see some interesting things about it, how it ties in as to the origin. If we put a hyphen between the Bra and the Man, and the At and the Man, and the Man and the As. You know this As and At are peculiar verbs in relation to Man an entity? And in relation to God, Bra, the closest thing you can have to God is breath, Bra (exhaling sound), to breathe. So man, a thinking entity can only exist in reality via breath. 12 We say in the Genesis, “God breathed into Man breath of life and Man became a living Soul,” but God made Man in his own image. Brahman is the breath man and the image of God then for the Hindu is the eternal breath. We don’t see God in our own Genesis, but we know our association with God is via breath. The breath of life is the link. Now the breath of life links us back to our creator, the source of our origin. Atman, something has to be with it. Therefore Atman is referred to as Self or Soul. Bra, which is breath, is the infusion or the force that comes into man and we are patterned after that. Manas or mind, thinking, “as a man thinketh that is what he is.” AS a man thinketh, that is what he is, but in order to think we must breathe. There’s no way possible you can start the process of thinking without infusion of life force. Our origin as Soul is embedded within the principle of breath of life. Now all of us are sitting here, we have many plans, many involvements. One question, what is the most important thing to you as a human being, as Soul, right now? 14 What is the most important thing to you right now? Think clearly. No answers? Is it a new Cadillac? The next installment payment? Possibility of the baby being born? Nope, none of these things are the most important thing right now, but the most important thing right now is the next breath and if you don’t take it I think Mr. Reilly will have to cremate us or bury us because the place will be stank up. See? This is why we must establish our origin before we can really set out to rediscover our God-ness. God create us in His image. Now the image of God is locked up in the breath and we are familiar with air as a form of oxygen and different gases and within the oxygen and gasses we come down to recognize atoms as the building block of creation. So the atom is the true image of our cells (ourselves). We are made of the atom. Interesting. 16 Notice something peculiar with that word, AT-OM? Now in the book of John he gives an origin of man. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word IS God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt in man” and the Word we know is either Amen or Hum with the Tibetans or the Hindus would say Om. They call it the sound current or audible life current that is constantly passing through the human being via the breath. In Hindu writings we see the word Om. In the Jewish writings we see Shalom. No difference, all meaning the same thing. You see in the word Amen. Yet we see the word AT-OM, atom. I am that vibratory sound, you and I both, that audible life current, Om. Yet AT means something with it, something focused upon it, something infusing it, something stimulating it, something driving it. 18 We are made in the image, the audible life current, Om, of the atom, and we are made in the likeness. That would have to be a stimulating, driving force, an intelligence behind it. A thinking power and it would have to coordinate. If you put this next to this, it requires some form of thinking or intelligence. To be AT the door or be AT the window or move this over there and put it AT the table. Anytime some action is involved to effect movement, intelligence is involved, and that is our likeness. We are mirrored in the pure likeness of consciousness. We are made in the pure image of the atom. The two acting as one is called Soul. Now we don’t have a Soul, consciousness and energy acting as one is Soul. We are Soul. 20 Soul, it’s a peculiar word. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So? Ah So. What is the first expression of the baby when he’s born. Ahhhhh Soooooo? He lets out a wail as if “well at last I’m here, but what for?” Soul is a peculiar word and it carries peculiar feelings with it and, at times, we may tear ourcells down, persecute ourcells (ourselves), not realizing that the Soul is not involved in it, that something else is involved in the persecution, the tearing down. When we look at the word Soul we see four letters and if we look at the origin of ourselves, we see some interesting things. “No man sees God,” every scripture states that. They say God is spirit. Something spinning, vibrating, some power vibrating, holding this entire universe up. 22 Alright, here we have Spirit, S, for Soul, Spirit, Spiral, Spinning. A force that is spinning, spiraling, holding everything up. It’s not moving in a straight line, it’s spiraling. That means it’s ever expanding. There’s no end to a spiral. From the time it starts, it goes on to infinity, but it starts off at a point of oneness, but God, creating the Soul, created order, not disorder, because in the very statement, “Come let Us make man,” how is He going to make him. He specifies an order, image and likeness, in that order. First in the image and in the likeness. So we have order from the… Therefore order is the first law of existence. If this room is in disorder, sooner or later somebody is going to try to straighten it out. Subconsciously you start fixing the place up, putting some order to it. This is in an individualistic way. Yet if you look out across the mountain to the world, you will say God is a very disorderly man. Why? He put the river next to the trees, the trees next to the rocks, the rocks next to the fowl, the fowl is next to the house, the house is next to the grass, where is the order? He didn’t put all the corn on one side of the stream. He didn’t put all the wheat on one side of the stream. 24 Man comes along and plants one row of wheat, one row of corn, one row of cabbage, and so forth. So man is more orderly than God. Interesting that man would look out and see this. Yet how can we say this Creator is orderly? If we see this type of expression and inwardly we crave to change it and line it up. There are two types of order: Order as Soul by personal involvement. Order as God in total involvement. In His totality, the harmonious blend of everything, this homogenous blend of everything, is order. In individuality, in terms of relative use, individual locations, groupings, that is order. So in an individual life we set order by grouping things. In a cosmological way, all things are put together to flow as a homogenous whole. There is no chaos, it’s total order. But what is the order about? “U” in the SOUL, is universal. Order is universal, or united, between the individual and the Divinity, between man and the Creator. There is a unity, there is a bond. We are made in His image and likeness, therefore we are made in an integral unity. There can be no separation in that unity. If there’s a separation, it’s not from the point of God, it’s the point of consciousness in man. 26 So we have unity, or united, and finally we have “L” in the word SOUL. As I said the only thing that is important to all of us is that next breath, life. This universe is not a universe if there is no life in it. The whole universe is a living process. It’s all life. God is total life. Creation is life in action. Soul is the embodiment of that total-ness in miniature form in action, life. Man is the Spiritual Order of the United Life in action in a miniature form expressing divinity all the time called SOUL. This is your true origin. You are that spiritual order of united life in action. 28 The dead Soul… Is there such a thing? Yet some scriptures say when the Soul is dead they’ll be used as fuel for Satan’s ovens. What would a devil need to stoke his fire but dead Souls? He couldn’t use a living Soul, right? Interesting. How could he begin to take a living Soul, a vibrant expression of the Divinity, and start to use it? The Soul that is dead is not really in the sense of the word that it ceased to be in existence. The Soul that is dead is when disorder takes over and breaks up the unity of life between its existence and its origin. When we bring the discord, that’s where we go to our second part tonight. See, origin is first, then we see how the discord begins. One more aspect of the origin and that is the framework of the divine creation. There are two frameworks of divine creation existing which we take reference from. One: The Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This is a frame of reference we take our origin from. When I’m returning back to God, I’m going back to my Father and I need the Son as an intercessor. Now the Son is not with me therefore I need the Holy Comforter or Holy Spirit. Therefore from this frame of reference we have established how creation is supposed to be functioning. That is one frame of reference for our make-up. 30 And we say that this creative principle is involved in us in a threefold way, a Trinity in one, a three in one. So the Father is out there, the Son is out there, the Holy Spirit is out there, where is it in me now? What is the Father in me, what is the Son in me, and what is the Spirit in me? If I am made in the image and this is the frame of reference to which I must return to, then I must be able to line up myself with that frame of reference. I must find the Father in me, the Son in me, and the Holy Spirit in me. So we can refer to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit as the Macrocosm. Is that it, Macro-cosm, c-o-s-m? Macrocosm. In man, he would look at himself as Spirit, Mind, Body and that he will call Microcosm. Spirit is Father, Mind or intelligence is Son the redeeming factor, Body or Holy Spirit the movement, the action, the manifestation. 32 This is viewed from Christian thinking. Let’s see if Christian thinking has a conflict with Eastern thinking. There is no conflict. In Eastern thinking we see the same thing. The Father they call Sat, which means eternal, ever existing, ever new. The Son they call Chit, ever conscious, ever blissful. And the Holy Spirit they call, Ananda, eternal bliss. The frame of reference now for the Eastern mind is Sat, Chit, Ananda, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 34 Now bringing it down in terms of the human being as an individual, the Eastern people went one step further. They went to what is called the integration of Spirit, Mind, and Body by using a word called Yoga. They did not alone want to have a frame of reference with God, they want to have now a link, a bond, a continuous flow, a unity, so they evolved out of the frame, Yoga. Let’s see if the Western world did not inherit Yoga. Master Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon thee, for it is light.” The word Yoga when translated is to yoke, to unite, or to be in union with. Interesting? So we don’t have millions of Yoga, there is only one, the unity, or the union between the Individual frame and the Cosmic frame, between the Soul and the Creator, the Origin. There has never been at anytime where Eastern thinking and Western thinking in conflict. They will all reconcile themselves right in their own writings. In the Origin especially they reconcile themselves. They’re saying the same thing. 36 In Paul’s writings, he mentioned a part of the divine Origin. He was in a place called the eighth Heaven or ninth Heaven. Anyone can remember what Heaven he was in? He was taken up in the eighth Heaven, right. So there must be someplace if he can identify it in the frame of Origin, then where would the Eastern mind come in now to compete with that? Let see if the Eastern mind can dream up a competitive state. The Creator, if He’s somewhere in His Heavens and Paul can get way up to the eighth one, there must be more or Paul would have said he didn’t get to all and Jesus said, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. If it were not so I’d tell you.” So from the Western viewpoint, Heaven seems to have more places that the Soul can reach out and go to. Well let’s see if these places can be recognized from Eastern thinking and give us a sense of direction what they really represent. 38 We all are going to agree that God in his first Heaven is called, “Beingness.” Don’t we refer to Him as the Supreme Being and where would He reside? In his Supreme Beingness. That would be the supreme Heaven, Para Braham, beyond paradise, beyond desire. Beingness is the first Heaven, but Beingness alone is insufficient to describe the Heaven. Beingness acting on Beingness is truly the first Heaven or the highest Heaven. When viewed in terms of Sanskrit it would be called Sat, eternal, the unmanifest, because God in the unmanifest state is pure Being and is outside of vibratory creation. It is that Supreme Intelligence that permeates outside all forms of creation. Creation is an expression of His Beingness. 40 So the second Heaven down would involve something else, Beingness acting on Consciousness. That is God within creation and you recognize Him as the Son, the Christ Consciousness, the only begotten expression of Beingness, Consciousness. “None can come unto the Father but by me.” No monasic organism, that is no thinking organism or conscious organism, can achieve total Beingness except it passes through total Consciousness, which is the Christ Self, the only begotten expression of Beingness. So when we are returning back, we’re going back up the ladder and if Paul went up, we will see where he went up. I haven’t put the figures up so… The next level of Heaven, Consciousness acting on Consciousness. There in that state there is no time. In Consciousness acting on Consciousness it’s a timeless state. Hence it seems there is no ego, there is no Satan, there is no division, there is no adversary. The word Satan means adversary, opposition, no confrontations. In the Eastern writings they call that particular confrontation, Kal, the dark force. Viewing it from the souls view it only represents Time. Remember, the Creator is unmanifest in a timeless state. His first manifestation is the Christ principal, which would embody a timeless condition. 43 Now the next Heaven down would have to be Consciousness acting on Energy. Here we find time. We’re coming into the vibratory expression of the Creator, the opposition, the deviations, the breaking up of the unity. Here we find what you call Satan, or you call it Kal, or you call it the negative charges, because we’re entering an energy field. The next Heaven down is Energy acting on Energy. Here we find all types of time sequences and interplays of consciousness, expressions of ego, personal will, unfulfilled desires. 45 Last but not least, the next level down is Energy acting on Matter. We’re coming down to the last Heaven, Energy acting on Matter, but they say the Creator made a place below his Heavens where I guess he threw all the unwanted dead Souls. They call that place Hades or Hell. That would have to fit in the framework. Last, Matter acting on Matter. We can’t go any further because we’re in a state of… (writing on blackboard), but not in a state of… (writing on blackboard). We’re in a state of Held, but not in a state of Hell. It’s kind of ridiculous to think your Father would make a big furnace to put you in if you dis-behave. You would not do it to your own child, the Creator would not do that to His creation. We are bound, or held, in the finite form of matter. This is the Hell, this is the Hades, this is the condition of the last Heaven. It’s the first Heaven though as far as the Soul is concerned on his way back home. 47 Now I said there was an eighth, right? There is one Heaven, which is not a Heaven, it’s called Paradise, Purgatory. There’s got to be some way in between this whole framework and we will find it. Consciousness acting on Matter. Consciousness acting on Matter or so called purgatories for the Soul waiting to refine itself. So if we renumber them we will see now number three is there, four, five, six, seven, and lo and behold, that’s where Saul was. Do you see where Saul went in his Origin? He returned back to the Creator. “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Christ.” Every day that incoming outgoing breath allowed him to experience Beingness acting on Consciousness until he was fully realized in it then he went up to the eighth heaven a fully realized man. 50 Do you see how he came down? Now it’s not out of the realm of comprehension because as science starts to explore the levels of creation, they’re going to encounter these levels. We’re not too far out from here yet, you know, in our development as far as science is concerned. In our researches, this is as far as we’ve got. Sooner or later as we get further into the extrasensory studies and as one psychic says, “You don’t want to open up Pandora Box and let all those wonderful Souls fly out too soon from Purgatory.” We’ll have more evidence coming forward of consciousness affecting us or influencing us apart from ourselves. The evidence will be forthcoming that there are other forms of consciousness that actually control or direct or influence in some way our existence. We have certain instances in the scriptures. The man that was obsessed or possessed by entities and when he came in front of the Master Jesus he said, “I know who Thou art, let us go.” The Master did not expose them, He said “depart” and they chose another cellular form to enter instead of a human form. They chose the swine. That’s another form of matter to impose their will therefore causing them to commit suicide. They all ran over the hill and died. As soon as we get more advanced in this Aquarian Age to comprehend consciousness affecting matter, we will understand now the true basis of the idea of Purgatory. It’s not a place to be punished. Thank you very much. (applause) 52 Yes. (Somebody asks a question that can’t be heard). That is involved in the lecture tonight, second lecture. See our first lecture today is called Origin. Our second lecture will be called Involvement or Karma. Why we were created. (Somebody asks: “I missed Beingness acting on Matter. Why is that not included?” Adano laughs) Because Beingness is already in Matter and Matter is Beingness so it doesn’t act on it no more. You see this is the relative play of the Creator’s dream because He is pure Beingness, Matter is already in a state of Being, but Matter doesn’t know that until Matter awakens from the dream. That’s why tonight’s lecture, which is called Involvement or Karma, and the third lecture would be Resurrection, Libration, or Awakening from the Dream. 54 (Somebody asks: “What is that word Jiva up there?”) Yes, that is a sneak preview of tonight’s lecture. Jiva is Soul individualized, but how does that get caught up in this tremendous play of the Origin and its purpose? So when we come to tonight’s lecture, it’s based on the involvement of Jiva. “Ah Gee, I wish I wasn’t here…” (laughter) Any other questions? Yes… (Somebody asks a question that can’t be heard) It will help us to comprehend what we have. You see, we have all the information in the scriptures here, but it is not laid out in explicit terms. See because the writers were more involved in the symbology. Yet if you read the Eastern writings… You see when I started out as a Catholic, I was involved in reading it from the Catholic viewpoint and the symbols did not register in my inner being and therefore I thought Christianity had nothing to offer me. So I went eastward in my heritage thinking I’d find something greater. I didn’t find anything greater. All I found that a lack of communication between the two symbols, that essentially they were saying the same thing. That Eastern thinking had already had the same frame of reference, their terminology, but because they evolved a practical discipline to test that framework, it gave them what we call the edge on Western thinking. 56 Now we have that same practical discipline in Western thinking if you take up the life of Jesus. He is a demonstration of that discipline because He mastered those disciplines to make it a living experience. That’s why he said, “I did not come to condemn or bring any new religion, I came to fulfill.” You see? He recognized the disciplines which you call yoga had to be applied to make that connection between Man and God. So reading the Eastern writings would help to give us a better understanding of what we have, but that is not enough, it’s the application. You see the emphasis in the East is not on conscious monitoring the Soul, the emphasis in the East is the Beingness of the Soul, which means you must get involved, you must start the process going in you. If you are consciously monitoring it, picking it apart, analyzing it, and try to calibrate it, and compare, then God will always seem as an experience way out in time in some remote region, never integrated with yourself and this has been the fault in Churchianity, not Christianity. Let’s clear that up, what’s Churchianity and Christianity. Christianity has never had a fault in itself. 58 Questions from the audience, “I notice you have roses there, can you explain the symbolism of the roses? Adano laughs… Answer: Ah. Yes, the rose is the symbol of prophecy and unfoldment and completion. It is above the lotus. The lotus is the symbol of purity and enlightenment, but anyone who has encountered any spiritual experience can vouch that the odor in that spiritual experience that they smell or do have, it’s the odor of roses. In the presence of any realized Master, the odor of the rose flows out. Paramahansa Yogananda had a chant in which he said this, “Heavenly Father permeate me with the odor of the rose.” That is better than Ban deodorant (laughter from the audience). Now I have a next preference for the rose because I live in Tyler Texas you know. It is the rose capital of the world. 1:00 Question from the audience, “The rose is also the symbol of love and I haven’t heard that word mentioned.” Answer: Yes, it is a symbol of the word Love, but if we don’t feel it, it’s only a word. Because God is Love, Beingness is Love. You see the total Beingness is Love, unmanifest, but nevertheless permeating everything and allowing everything to exist within itself. That’s why we use the word Love, we have to be conscious of a flow. (A moment of silence.) Answer your question? See it can’t be communicated by words no more. That’s why I said a Satsanga is an extrasensory experience too. Yes… Question from the audience, “Many times people wonder why Yogananda, who I call as Master, they feel that I am comparing him equal to Jesus. Can you show the relationship of Jesus as to Yogananda who was a realized Master?” Answer: In this country we have a statement that goes like this, “Any man can become the… something… of the United States of America?” The president? Alright, that’s an office. It’s the highest office this country has to offer any man or woman. 1:02 If president Abraham Lincoln signs into effect a law and president Nixon signs into effect a law, is there any difference when they sign that law into effect? Would the people not obey it and respect it? Isn’t that what we placed him there in the first place for? God, the Creator, has designed out of His creativeness a level of Beingness called the Christ level, Consciousness acting. That Beingness acting on Consciousness, “You see Me you see the Father.” When the ego or the self, the little self, achieves that level, therefore we can say any ego can achieve and become the Christ in this universe. Just as any man can become THE President of the United States of America, but their specific role and the time cycle when they come to do their work varies. Those who are around Jesus have recorded many of His works and His sayings and those who are around Yogananda will vouch for the very same things that occurred in their life. One girl had a conflict with herself and she wanted to know why only Master Jesus fed people and they’ve never heard of any Saint feeding other people out of thin air. So although she was studying at the retreat of Yogananda, deep down in her heart a miracle like that would satisfy her and remove the doubt that Yogananda was any less or more than Jesus, or Jesus was any less or more. 1:04 One day some foreign visitors came to visit the retreat and she happened to be the girl of the day in his office. While they were talking and waiting he said to her, “Sister please serve some carrot juice.” So she went to the refrigerator and looked inside. There are no carrots except there was a small container, about 4 ounces of carrot juice, not enough to serve 36 people. Came back and said, “Master, there is no carrot juice.” In a very nonchalant way he says, “I said please serve carrot juice.” Now what you and I would do if you were in that position? You’d hope to stretch it with some water or go round up all over the ashram looking for carrots and grind it, but there weren’t any. So she’s going to go along in her mind she says that maybe Master is a great hypnotist and he’s going to pull off the greatest hypnotic act now. So she’s playing the act. She takes 36 containers down, the glasses, put them in front of her and she’s imagining that she’s filling them with the… They were filled and the container still retained the same amount but in her mind she’s already gone into what she thought is a subjective hypnotic state so she’s seeing pouring through and she might even say she’s hallucinating it. Put back the balance into the refrigerator. Actually none was taken out so. Came with the tray, she’s going through the motions in her mind, serve them all, they all drank carrot juice, and she brought the tray back, put it on the kitchen sink, and went back to listen to the Master talk. In evening time when everybody ready to go home, they all went away, but to her surprise she’s got 36 glasses to wash especially when carrot juice stains them. It takes you a long time to scrub it out. You see? 1:06 Why? It could’ve been 1000 people, 5000 people, the idea behind it was to help that girl get past a mental block. Not so much the 1000 or 36 people that were fed. Even when Jesus did it, it was not so much because he wanted to feed that much people, there were some disciples in his own group of following, subconsciously wanted, because when he tell them to go and get bread they said they didn’t have enough money to buy enough bread for the group, showing their doubt or their lack of consciousness. You see? So he had to extend their awareness by performing it to satisfy them. The truth was same with the girl when he told her, “Go serve some carrot juice.” Now if the disciple, without question in thought, accepts the Master’s word, be he Hindu, Chinese, Jewish, or whatever he is. If you accept that word without one sense of doubt, instantaneously we have this realization. 1:08 We have an example like that. There was a Master called Babaji who lived in the mountains and there was a man who heard about him and he went looking for this Babaji. Eventually he did find Babaji with a few people and he said to him, “Alas I have found you Master. I’m glad I found you, would you initiate me, accept me as your student?” The Master looked at him and said… This is the first time they’re meeting you know. “I can’t accept you in your present condition.” So he says, “Master if you don’t accept me, I’ll kill myself. I jump over this mountain and kill myself.” You know what the Master said to him? “Jump!” Now if he doubted that this was Master Babaji sitting there and he jumped, he got no guarantee that that Master Babaji is going to help him, but he jumped without any doubt in his mind. The disciples around saw this was a pretty hard test for a man’s consciousness. Yet Babaji told them to bring the body back and they brought him back, he touched him and he says, “I have released you now from death. You are one of the immortal flock.” Instant resurrection, instant transformation of the cells became possible to that man. A Master would not do these things unless he’s helping the disciple across certain thought patterns and it’s not for show. It’s strictly the thought patterns that each one of us carry and we don’t know which one is going to block us when we are confronted with the Master’s answers. 1:10 Question from the audience: (Can’t hear) …subconscious, would you consider that as just underlying underneath consciousness or as inferior to consciousness? Answer: There is no inferior consciousness. Audience: Ok, then could you fit it in like a subconscious acting on the consciousness anywhere in those numbers you have there or (can’t hear)… consciousness acting on consciousness? Answer: No, the word “sub” was named to classify something that is not acting on the surface level of your mechanism, but you’re never going to be unconscious in no way, shape, or form. When you are sound asleep you can say that that portion of your brain is sub-conscience functioning because you’re not aware of the environment, but that doesn’t say you don’t dream or you don’t think or feel. The word “sub” is just used to indicate something not acting on the outer surface, but that doesn’t say it’s unaware. It cannot be unaware. Audience: In other words, it just another form of consciousness? Answer: No, it’s a rate of the wave within the brain structure. It’s a different rate. For instance, you have a radio. You ever seen the volume control and the switch, the variable condenser that turns this and finds the different stations? It’s actually… it’s only doing is that little unit in the back is like built out of a plate like that, that goes like this. Just the movement. Every time it shifts it’s a degree, some other wavelength comes in and one goes out, but that radio will pickup as long as that variable condenser turns. So equally true within the brain the pituitary gland is doing exactly that. Every time you shift by the idea programming which you implant into it, it will shift the level. So if you say now, “I want to sleep,” you’re telling the conscious part of your being to shutdown and allow the other part of being to come forward and if you want to stay awake, you still have to program the thing. For instance you want to get up at six o’clock in the morning or five o’clock so you’re going to set the alarm clock. Have you ever encountered the fact that you wake up five or six minutes before that alarm clock goes off, but this is just programming and shifting of the wavelength. It’s not unconscious, but you happen to be identified and feel safe in the conscious level of the wavelengths, the one on the surface areas in which you contact environment. You feel safer there. You feel like you have everything under your control. 1:13 Audience: But nevertheless they are separated by some wave. Are they not separated? The conscious, the unconscious, and the superconscious, different wavelengths? There is something different about each one? Answer: It’s the rate, their velocity that differentiates them. That’s all. It’s a different rate of speed. This object varies from this object by a different rate of vibration. Yet atoms are the basis of its existence. Now, between the two and my atomic base, it’s only the rate of vibration that differentiates me. Now, your body and my body are both made of 16 basic chemical elements plus a few trace elements. Yet, I’ve got chalk in my body, you’ve got chalk in your body, we may call it calcium. Your whole skeletal structure is nothing but chalk, but look at the rate of the chalk in my hand to the rate of the chalk in the skeletal structure. That particular frequency is the differentiation, but it’s still the same substance. Equally true in consciousness. There is no real difference, just their rates of vibration. That’s why no one is unconscious. 1:15 Now if you say Mr. Cayce was unconscious, how could he go back in time and take out from the inner consciousness? It’s not possible. He just shifted the rates of his brain to go into different levels. Those who ever knew him or saw him will vouch for this when they meet him, he is able to shift and it’s lining up with the rate. It’s a matter of shifting just like a car. You’re at neutral, it don’t go anyplace but if you shift to first it will only go that much, second then third, fourth, but it’s shifting. You don’t buy a new car because you want to go faster every time you want to change from 40 miles to 60 miles, you go and buy a new engine, you just shift. Equally true you don’t trade in the brain because you want to go from one level of experience of awareness to another. It’s a matter of shifting, but there are ways that we can shift that are detrimental to us and there are ways that we can shift that are constructive, or good to us. 1:17 Audience: What is your reason for why Mr. Cayce, for example, had this great gift with no training, no time, this incarnation, as against the Eastern people who spend great numbers of years acquiring the same gift. Answer: Mr. Cayce had to earn in previous lives everything he used in this life. There’s no something for nothing universe. It is something for something and to the level he came, the many lifeforms he lived, those were the times he had to put in to achieve it. One day each of us will be given the opportunity to express the total-ness of that awareness based upon the amount of efforts we put in in the previous lives. Maybe in the year 2500, you may pop out as an Edgar Cayce, but when you look back at this present period, how many lifetimes have gone in to gather your mind to pop out as that? Equally like Master Jesus or Buddha or all these men. They had to bring this along from behind. It’s not a gift, it is an accumulated effort, it’s an acquired effort. An effort that’s based on long dedication to divinity. So we don’t know where we are, let alone in this incarnation. Right around the turn of consciousness you can pop out in a month or two from now with the same consciousness because we don’t… So it’s not gift. It has to be based upon growth. So Mr. Cayce grew his and he would tell you that if he was here. 1:19 Audience: So could that be the reason for the church not teaching these basic truths? In fact, do we have to become aware of it without being taught it? Adano’s Answer: There was a very wise, foolish Pope who lived by the name of Irene. If you want to call him a woman or a man, I don’t know, but he was Pope Irene number one. He looked upon the people who were becoming Christians and said they were moving too slow to God. They were sitting down on their metaphysical CANS and not making any effort towards divinity so let’s get rid of all this nonsense of reincarnation, psychic development, and lets push them all like onward Christian’s moving on to God. He chopped the whole Bible up into sections and programmed the Catholic faith for one thing, “Let us get home now.” So the priest is not a monk. The Catholic faith is divided into two schools. The Apostolic end is the priest. His job is to go out, hit you on the head, and make you a Christian. The monk, his job is to hit his own head, and become a Christian. 1:20 Audience: Getting back to food. Many of the Saints would not eat physical food and sustain, would you please explain? Adano’s Answer: Well that would… That question should be in… coming up on tonight’s, but alright. Master Yogananda said this in his writings, “When the individual has reaped the largest harvest possible, called God, in his consciousness then he doesn’t have any need to eat or not to eat and eating is merely a formality to show the world that you’re human. Yet Saints do this primarily to help us to appreciate God in the form of matter, but the Saint, after realizing God and knowing that Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God. Not on an intellectual basis, on a realized, bio-physiological basis. It must be physiologically incorporated into his being that he can actually trap cosmic energy photosynthetically through the medulla and utilize it, then he can dispense of the use of that energy now in a physical way like bread or butter or cheese. So it is unimportant to him. 1:22 I’ll tell you this story about eating. There was a Swami in a house and some people didn’t know… even in India they don’t even know that Swamis don’t eat meat. So that goes to show you even where the origin of the Swami… He was sitting down and along came some friends, they brought food with the students, but they gave him a big chunk of meat, bread, and everything. Well he ate the meat and the bread and everything and all the disciples were looking around and one said to himself, “no wonder Master can walk so fast and so good in the sun. We are eating fruits and vegetables and here he is eating all that meat. No wonder he’s got so much pep and go. He’s getting all the protein.” So the Master read his thoughts. After it was all finished he turned to the boy and he says, “You know, tell me you think you can eat what I can eat?” Well naturally if you are in the presence of another human being how would you react? You’ve never seen a miracle, but here’s the first challenge, “can you eat what I can eat?” So the boy says, “Yes Master” “All right,” he says, “next time when we stop to eat, you eat what I eat. The rest of you boys, you eat your fruit and vegetables.” So they’re going along that day through the hot sun and the Indian sun is so hot you know. Eventually they arrive at a blacksmith shop and the blacksmith invited them for supper. So while the table is being prepared he told the blacksmith, he says, “these boys here eat only fruits and vegetables,” and then he walked over and he says, “I’ll give myself a little hors d’oeuvre of hot nails, a piece of charcoal,” you know, from the from the spit, and he kept eating and he says, and then he looked around and says, “hey, I thought you wanted to eat like me, come on,” and that cured him. Once you have realized God, it’s not what you eat or you don’t eat. This is why Jesus… We must not put ourselves in the place of Jesus right away by saying… because he says “what you eat will not defile you, but what you say comes out of you, that’ll defile you.” He is at a level where his consciousness is total in control with the divine law. Therefore he’s above that law, but he does not do that to impress us and we have to realize that he did not eat any of the substances until he came back from the grave. There is no mention that he ate meat before resurrection. There’s only one reference of him eating fish and honey after resurrection. Look it up. People come up with the idea that Jesus ate meat. There’s no evidence of before, it’s evidence after, and they can only point to that evidence after. You see? 1:25 Audience: Do you adhere to any particular diet? Adano’s Answer: The simplest one, it’s called Solar Nutrition. I try to obey the laws of nature. In the morning I eat fruits and nuts. In the middle of the day, I eat the vegetables that grow above the ground. At night I try to eat those that grow under the ground. Audience: Why? Adano’s Answers: Well, nature made them to grow in that sequence and if we gonna to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, why not eat it in the same sequence? I find it helps me better. I don’t know if other people… I remember meeting a monk in South Carolina and everyone asked him, “Are you a vegetarian?” He was a Catholic monk. He said, “Yes, but don’t ask me to explain why I’m a vegetarian.” He says, “because if you want a scientific dissertation, I will go into hours of it, the pros and the cons. If you want to know why I shouldn’t kill and eat a dead animal, I can go into the humanitarian act of it. The only reason why I’m a vegetarian and why I live a simple life is because it’s economical.” I guess we should be going. (Applause)

1971 October 9 - Involvement

Adano71_10_09_2InvolvementQ1RR - Host Introducing Adano: Although they are not sponsoring this particular series, however our speaker is well known to ARE members (Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment) and to many of our visitors. The Reverend Adano Christopher Ley was guest speaker for our series here concerning Eastern and Western teachings this past July and it was at this time that many of us learned to respect and love him. We’re so happy and honored to have him with us in our midst tonight. Reverend Ley is a native of British Guiana and of Chinese, Indian, Spanish, and Mongolian descent. He came to this country when he was 15 years old. He studied comparative religions, various Yogic techniques, meditation, and prayer techniques among the Indians of North and South America. He and his wife are founders and leaders of the All Faith Fellowship of Tyler, Texas. In October of 1969, Reverend Ley it was initiated into Swami-hood in the ancient order of the Saraswati. He was given the title and the name of Swami Nityananda Saraswati. It is my privilege to present him to you, Swami Nityananda Saraswati. (applause) Adano speaks: Thank you. As you know, for Swamis this is not a lecture. Most people they get together and lecture but for us it’s called Satsanga. Sat is truth, Sanga is fellowship with the truth. The reasons are: 1) We have a physical communication, 2) There’s a mental communication, and 3) There’s an extrasensory communication going on all at the same time. 0:02 Before we can actually go in to that type of understanding, we must calibrate our minds because the minds are restless before you got here you see? Trying to fight the freeway, red light: not possible, yellow light: to go or not to go, and go like hell (laughter). So to calibrate the mind is to center it here at the point between the eyebrows and let’s keep your consciousness there (short meditation). Thank you. Tonight our second lecture based upon the Science of the Soul. Our early one was called the Origin. I’ll call the second one Involvement. You may know it as the Law of Karma or you may also know it as “a man so that he reaps,” or an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, cause and effect, but getting down to the nitty-gritty, that’s what my name is, it’s Involvement. Why the Creator threw us into the big mess. It’s the big mess: Matter acting on Matter, Energy acting on Matter, Consciousness acting on Matter, Energy acting on Energy, Consciousness acting on Energy, Consciousness acting on Consciousness, Beingness acting on Consciousness, Beingness acting on Beingness. What a mess He threw us in. 0:04 I’ll let these people come in first… Lots of seats here in the front you know. It’ll save me from straining my throat. As I said, tonight’s lecture is called The Involvement. You know the word karma is so overworked and “as you sow you reap” that’s all overworked and then we find ourselves asking ourselves the question, “What it’s all about?” So it’s Involvement, the second phase of the Science of the Soul. Why we are thrown into creation. If you realize the Creator made Man last. He did not make him first. Think for one moment, if he made Man first, where would He put him? How would He sustain him? What would Man have to compare with? There would be no planetary systems, no plant life, no animal life, no form of sustenance. Man would be sitting on a beautiful throne called void. Interesting? But Man was made last. He was the last act of creation, putting you in a very unique position in the whole of creation, everything was made for you. So now how can you have karma if you were made last? This seems to be a contradictory question. If you were made last, how would you have karma? If you are made first, how can you have karma? But because we are made last, we were turned loose with free will to get involve with the creation. 0:08 Now we would never get involved if we were told to do as we please. The only way we going to get involved is when we are told not to do what we please. “Don’t eat the apple,” don’t do this, don’t do that. Most unique psychology devised by the Creative Intelligence to get His projection, Soul / Man, to be involved with His creation. Without the challenge, without the confrontation, without the anxiety, the tension, the pressures, there are no involvement. It is because of that the law of karma is valid. The involvement, the confrontation, the facing up to yourself, the organizing of life, trying to straighten out the divine mess. Putting order into a chaotic omni-directional universe, flowing in every direction. We want to set order to it. This is the great Divine Plan. Getting the Soul to get in there and straighten out. Put corn in one line, put squash in one line, put peas in one line, put all the pine trees in one line. You even may go ahead and call it the involvement of self pollution, but it is the essential part of the Soul’s growth, why It was designed, to be involved. If we think He designed us not to be involved, not to get strung out, in this marvelous plan of existence, it’s not true. 0:10 He knew His creation can only gain strength, can only achieve the triumph of renewal of Self, the complete realization of itself by being involved. The philosophy that tells you not to get involved, not to get trapped, tested, confrontation, is not a genuine philosophy. It’s the one that tells you go in there, find out for sure if you are truly Soul, if you can stand the pressure and work with the pressure and call on your Divine Creativity, the Divine Will, to surround you and face the obligations, you have the true philosophy. Then you have found that why the Creator made you. He made you to demonstrate the divinity of your nature while in action in His creation. The creation is not a place to idly lay away and fall asleep. It’s a place where we’re constantly tested to discover our divinity. We would not know if we have a divinity if we had no challenge, if we had no involvement, if we never made mistakes, and never tried to correct them. We would never know. 0:12 In the involvement or karma or action, one person said, “Masters come on this earth to take away our karma, to take away our sins” and another person says, “That ain’t true. To give your sins or your karma to the Master, that is karma. You really made karma then.” Who is right? They are both right. If you’re coming up the ladder and I’m standing here and I have compassion, I’ll reach down and pick you up. Now you may say, “Don’t reach down, I may pull you down” but I’d be stupid if I reach down and try to pull you up if I had nothing to hold onto. The Godman does not do that. He doesn’t just reach down and pick you up. He has, like a monkey, one arm on the next rung up and one arm down, but his body still got to go through gravity to reach down. Get in the dirt with you and pull you up. That’s the involvement for the Godman, but he does not let go of his divine link when he lives in the world with us. The personal manifestation of God in man is to show us the two-way connection. The inward bond to the spirit in one way and an outward compassion for the fellow man in the other way. Therefore the commandment that overcomes all types of involvement or karma, “Love ye one another. Love the Lord thy God with all your mind, heart, and soul, strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.” This resolves all the involvement. This resolve the conflicts. Without that type of resolution we would never make it, it’s not possible. 0:14 If strictly, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” would be the only way we could get involved then the question would come up: If Cain killed Abel, when is Able going to get a chance to kill Cain, right? But the Scripture says, “The voice of God called upon Cain and asked him where his brother is and Cain replied, ‘am I my brother’s keeper?’” Yes we are. Therefore they say the Lord made a statement that no one should take the law into their hands to destroy Cain and He put a mark on Cain. Well the question is this: Cain went out, Abel is dead, where is the justice? Does Cane go Cane free, no involvement, Abel is dead, no restitution? 0:16 Let’s look at some facts. Eve the mother states in the Involvement that she has a child of God and his name is Cain and she has a man-child and his name is Abel. The two persons are offering sacrifice to the deity. The child of God brings fruits and nuts like a good vegetarian and the child of man brings his lamb and the child of man’s sacrifice is accepted over the child of God and when the Creator is confronted by the choice He made by Cain, the creator tells Cain “If you do right thy brother will serve thee.” Now it was up to Cain to understand the commitment. He was considered a child of God by his mother and Abel was considered a child of man by the mother. Their sacrifice brought a point of decision between the Creative Intelligence and their emotions. Cain’s sacrifice was turned down and Abel’s was accepted. Abel challenges the decision. He’s told, “If you do right, your brother will serve thee.” Now, what right did he go out and do? Slay his brother? So how can his brother serve him, but doing right, if he obey the law of love and if he knew, as his mother knew, that he was truly a child of God and had nothing to fear, had nothing to be jealous or envy about, that his divine consciousness would flow through him when the time come for him to express his divinity, his brother, who is lesser evolved and had need of understanding would soon turn to him as his teacher. He wouldn’t go to his father and mother to learn the spiritual life. He would turn to his brother for the spiritual light, but the brother was in a haste so he threw away the one opportunity to lead the brother out of darkness therefore creating the great involvement, Karma. The first act of violence. The Creator would resolve many things for us, except when we hurt the feelings of another. We have to work this out ourselves. It’s true that involvement with two human beings that the karmic law is enforced. What you do to someone is coming back to you in some form. 0:20 Karma, we all know the word means action, and before we ever use it or hear of it or try to think of it, automatically the mind jumps to conclusion, “It’s the things that I did bad.” Never of the things that I did good and uh, immediately if I do bad things I have to punish myself, but how am I going to punish myself and how am I going to reward myself by looking at the very things I did, but there’s more to it than that. The Creator could not set us in motion into His creation without impressing upon our nature His divine power of free will or the power to choose. Now we were made last and creation was made first so in a sense creation is predetermined for our existence. Where we supposed to go to be involved and how are we to return back free from the involvement. 0:22 All right, let’s say for one moment, all the Souls are sitting near to Father God looking out through the great window of light and seeing the marvelous creation that is made out there in the void and He says to His Souls, His children, “You’re allowed to go out and play in this great creation, get involved. The only stipulation is this. That since you’re made in My image, you have 100% free will. I want you to go out now and test your divinity by allowing Me to retain 99% of that free will and you keep 1%, play the game of creation and come back and regain this 99%. Then you can go out without being affected by the creation the second time, but if you get involved and you get downheartened and you make wrong choices without realizing I am the Creator, I may have to send one of you out with total 100% free will to show you how to do it and come back.” Just picture it. We tell ourselves we have free will, free choice to get involved. Yes, we do have it. What percentage of it? We soon discover that when we get involved that we have a very small percentage of it because when we want to do anything, we seem to cry out, “God willing, God help me, thy will be done” and great Masters come on the Earth and they emphasize it, “It’s God’s will be done in the Involvement.” If it’s God’s will be done, and if it’s God creation, then God’s will and God’s creation is one great, giant predetermination, but it’s free will at the same time. Looks like a paradox, but it’s not. It’s the understanding of what makes it free will, predestination, acting as one, which is liberation. 0:24 The liberation is when you get involve. If you sit back on the fence and look at it as predestination and you look at it like a puppet on a fence waiting for Divine Will to intercede, it will remain as that, but when we become involved and we get into the fray… That is what Krishna told Arjuna: get in there, do your duty, pick up your bow, and face your obligation. Then you will know what is truly Divine Will, what truly is this whole creation all about. Not until that time and if you observe in your own personal life when you have all the crisis-es around you, all the problems that you’re involved with, not until you make that first step into action do you begin to see the way getting clear. Every way looks dark, there don’t seem to be any outlet, but the moment you become involved, the moment you take up the forward action, it starts taking care of itself. This is the true karma that we are talking about. This is the action we want to set in force… set in motion. This is the action that resolves itself by its own action. This is God. A God of life, a God of activity. A God that demands action upon action based upon love through the action. Only then do we free ourcells (ourselves) from the false concepts that we are being punished by a Creative Intelligence for our wrong actions. We aren’t punished, we are punishing ourcells (ourselves). We are freeman all, Lord of ourcells (ourselves) in the involvement only, not sitting on the fence, not idly wishing for it to happen, for someone to pluck us out. 0:26 When one plucks us out, we owe them a debt. When we pluck ourcells (ourselves) out, we owe God thanks for allowing us to discover the capacity within ourselves to pluck ourselves out of the action. Otherwise we don’t owe anything. We are Soul. We are the Divine Quality made to express right now in action but until we involve ourselves with the action we are not going to change. We are going to remain idly hoping for someone to lift us out, or sitting on the fence, twiddling our thumbs, and saying, “It can’t be helped. There’s nothing I can do.” So I throw up my hands in a fatalistic way, “Let it happen.” But until we get involved and to see the true course of what karma is and why karma is an actual law that compensates itself by Divine Love, we will not know it. We will hope, we will imagine, we’ll try to make all types of mental prognostications, or excuses. 0:28 Master Jesus threw one bombshell into our lap. They brought a blind man to Him one time and the blind man they ask, “Did his father sin or did he sin? Who sinned?” In other words, did the father karma got involved in this or the man’s own karma is involved in this? You know what He said? He said, “Neither.” That really rooked everybody because it cut loose all the false concepts pertaining to karma. It cut to the very root. That the Involvement, if there was no challenge, the Son of God acting through the body form would have no way to demonstrate Its divinity. He says, “This is unto the glory of God.” We must have the challenge, we must have the involvement, to face up, to call upon the greater self to confront the so called limited mind and its ways of trapping itself and getting involved and condemning itself. It is that love that reaches down for the first time that has no way to reward or punish. It’s the love that lifts us, regardless if we understand it or not, strictly for the glory of the Divinity in us. This is what karma really is. It is the action brought about that involves us with life that frees us from the very things we think life holds back us from. Until we get involved with it, we are not free. We can’t tear down something and patch it up and say, “I made a mistake. I hope this will compensate.” We have to get involved in the action to extend the boundary lines of love by making others see this love through our own actions. 0:30 Then we can say to that person, “You are free. I am free.” And within our Souls we are all free, free men all, lord of ourcells (ourselves). There is no freedom without the involvement and there is no karma until you get involved and if running away from one’s involvement is a happy heaven, it’s very sterile. It’s so sterile in fact, it gets boring. If we are afraid of the devils that we have created, then let us get involve and see if the devil will face us. The Hindu people, the Tibetan people, they call them the demons of the mind. When the student is going up in the inner realms and you know what the guide or the guru tells him? “Fight the demon.” In other words, if you’re in England you would say, “Get on your horse St. George and face your dragon.” See? We have all handed down in fairy tales, fables, and so forth, the right action, the right involvement with the consciousness. Face it. Yukteswar says, “Face your devils, they’ll cease to bother you.” Forget the past, it’s finished. Now is the time to take up the action. Now is the time to take up the gauntlet, work. Karma is seldom understood, either in Eastern countries or Western countries as the total involvement between Man and God. It was never really revealed as that total involvement until Krishna told Arjuna to take up the bow and fight. It was always looked upon as some excuse or some way to pass the buck. 0:32 There’s always some way to punish yourself or reward yourself, but until it was understood that it was the means that we got to be involved for our own salvation, for our own deliverance, we have to get involved with the love for Man and the divinity in Man, karma had no place as a real science, as a real law, to compensate us for our existence. We can understand it better. I’ll tell you a little story. There was two monks walking along, they came to a little brook and there was a woman standing and she wouldn’t cross over because she would wet her clothes. Two monks walk right up, one reached down, picked the woman up, took her across the brook, put her down, and kept on walking. The other monk looked at him and said, “How could you, how could you, our brother monk, a total renunciate, a spiritual person, do a think like that? Embrace the woman, handle her, put her down, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” This went on for two or three hours. The other monk just kept going. Eventually the monk turned to him and says, “You know brother. All I did is to lift the woman, take her across, place her there, but you are still carrying her.” (laughter) Now you see what the Involvement is? 0:34 A man shot a friend and the arrow is sticking out in the shoulder. The brother of the friend says, “That’s his karma, leave it there.” The man who shot him says, “No, if you break the arrow, he may die of blood poisoning.” Do you know what the man with the arrow sticking in his shoulder says? “Look please, get a knife and cut it out.” We see what the involvement is. We will argue, debate, as to what to do when we are faced with the crisis, but the commonsense is the only true action, is the only true karma there is. It’s the karma of self deliverance. You don’t have to burden the mind or pray night and day for that kind of conscious deliverance from something that we are supposed to get involved with. The Creator knew that when He placed us. The creative principle is a threefold principal. Earlier in the day I said, “We are a three fold function.” A coin has three sides, the top and the bottom, and the other side around it. Karma is understood in a two-way manner by eastern/western people, but seldom do they see the third way which is the true way out. They know it as punishment and reward or they know it as “what you do, you get back,” but they do not know it as the conscious total involvement that leads to self deliverance. It’s the first time it’s been emphasized, yet it has been with man all the time through the very acts that man performed that delivered man from his dilemma. 0:36 In your daily confrontations, in your daily involvements, crisises, that decision you make while on your two feet… As they say, “thinking on your two feet…” That’s why I love America so much. We think on our feet and we do it ourselves. The deliverance of “do it yourself” is the key to overcoming the karma. Any religion that don’t give you the opportunity to free yourself immediately, now, in consciousness, is holding you back. The Science of the Soul is not a new science. It is that particular process through which the soul gains its own deliverance by its own activities and Jesus was one “do it yourself” man, “pick up your cross and follow me.” You know? “And the things I do you do also and greater things you shall do,” no limitation. If Masters of Truth tell us the truth and we don’t recognize it, when are we going to recognize it? Are we still going to be shouting, “Come back and teach us?” I know if I was in that position I says, “teach yourself,” but I don’t think they would want to do that. They would love to come back to enlighten us on the truth, but the enlightenment would be again par example, par involvement. They would involve themselves, they would take on the humble garb of the body, fight the crucial problems. In fact they may eliminate the robe and the beard and the long hair and the sandal and take on the Ivy League suit and the briefcase. 0:38 So be prepared that when He comes now the image may not be the one you are accustomed to. The new image may bring a greater involvement. You see? Or He may take on that space suit when they land a man on some other planet, you know. This is what the involvement of the Soul entails. Every opportunity we are given to have an embodiment, not because we have unfulfilled desires that places us in that embodiment, should we fear or worry. We should take up the challenge where we are, in whatever form we are, and face it, thus delivering ourcells (ourselves). If a great Master can deliver himself from the humble environment of a manger, equally true any individual finding himself in the back streets or the ghettos or in the best homes, can still make that challenge and get through. It all involves self involvement and reliance on the divine will to work through you. We can’t turn loose of divine will and no Master does. Even every prayer they would utter or teach us, it is always “Thy will be done,” but they accept divine predestination as divine will in action. They don’t condemn it or look upon it as fatality. It is the way it was designed for us to test ourselves and the Creator knows that within His creation He has planted the seed of creativity for self deliverance if the creation would accept it. 0:40 Within our Soul nature, the likeness of the Creator is implanted. Therefore He’s the greatest optimist. He cannot destroy His creation and He cannot destroy His Devils, so He allows His creation to gain victory over the devils. If we say God created Satan, then why does He not destroy Satan? Love does not destroy love. Can the owner of the store get rid of the manager of the store who may act as a sort of a dictator in the store? Even when his son goes down there, a 10 year old kid that’s going to inherit it? That 10 year old kid eventually going to say to the manager one day, “I fire you,” but that’s his prerogative and the dad is not going to intercede either. Equally true the Christ Intelligence emanating from the divinity is like that. When the Soul gains that awareness, It can say to the lower nature that opposes its journey, “I fire you now, I am free from you. I no longer get involved with you. I know all your ruses and all your tricks. I can see through you for the first time.” What are we saying to ourcells (ourselves)? Because we are involved with life, our creativity, our intelligence, our divinity, starts to flow for us to see the ridiculousness and the stupidities at times of being involved with things that really tend to tear us down. We wake up. 0:42 Some people pray for us to wake up faster than we do, you know? One woman prays for her husband to wake up and one husband prays for the wife to wake up and it goes on night and day, praying for the other person to wake up and when we wake up, we are waking up into the involvement of our own personal deliverance. We are taking ourself into harness. We are uniting ourcells (ourselves) or yoking ourcells (ourselves) to the Divinity. So karma, again, should not be looked upon as punishment / reward process. It should not be looked upon as means of avoiding the issues. It is that one true action that deliver us by love while in the action through our own nature and creativity. That is how we must look at karma all the time and remember the story of that monk, “I put her down, you’re still carrying her.” It is that you have to keep in mind, that an action performed out of love that delivers you at the same time from a self criticism or self tearing down, self punishment, is an action that has value. It’s an action that extends its boundaries into every form of life. This is the karma we’re talking about. Let’s look at one action of Karma involving the Master Jesus. When on the cross He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” But He didn’t say, “Father, forget them for they know not what they’re doing.” 0:44 To forgive is Godlike. The fellowship between Man and God is forgiveness. The fellowship between Man and Man when we hurt each other is forgetfulness. How can we forget between Man and Man? He gives us a way out in a very dynamic action of involvement, “Confess your faults to each other.” In other words, show and accept your frailties as human beings. When you hurt each other, recognize that you are human beings. We’re liable to make these mistakes. We are liable to be involved in such an action and by confessing our faults to one another… He doesn’t say confess your faults to God, confess them to one another, look at each other, face each other. This is where the involvement of Man comes in. This is where the karmic action of deliverance comes in. We can reconcile ourcells (ourselves) by facing each other and God does not condemn us. Therefore we are already forgiven in God. It is our human counterpart that condemns us. Therefore Peter asked his Master, “How many times one should forgive his fellow man?” Master replied to him by saying, “Seventy times seven.” That’s 490 attempts and walk the extra mile before sundown. That would indicate you have to get this confrontation over within 24 hours. 0:46 Now, here we see true deliverance in the law of action, not waiting for some Divinity to compensate or correct or reward. If we are Divinity in action and if we are facing Divinity as our counterparts, then by the involvement with each other we can resolve and deliver ourselves from our mistakes. Thank you. (Applause). Adano: Questions? Five-minute break, ok. Adano: Now is that critical moment when you find out or you don’t find out: Question and answers. Yes? Audience: One word that you didn’t mention at all tonight and I know that Cayce doesn’t like when people ask him to define that word… Adano: What word? Audience: And that is the word Grace. Because in your definition of Karma, I think that covers Grace very nicely too. Adano: Well, can I borrow your pencil for a second? (Adano throws the pencil up in the air and lets it fall.) What law is that? Predestination. (Adano throws the pencil up in the air and catches it.) What law is that? Intercession. Now you call it gravity or you call it predestination, you call it grace, or intercession, or you may call it divine abortion. (Laughter). When the satellite was going up, they aborted, that was grace for those astronauts. The word may seem very loose, but intent is that sometime an action that may be detrimental to one’s own beingness, can be interfered by another consciousness acting upon it for your own well-being. This is Grace. So we should be thankful when it happens. Audience: Would you mind saying who that other consciousness is? Adano: God. Audience: As an anthropomorphic being? Adano: No. Don’t let us kill ourcells (ourselves) that we are so unique going through this marvelous framework of existence that the Creative Intelligence has not implanted other beings with total hundred percent free will to act upon the Creation. Sheep have shepherds to take care of them. Souls going through the Creative Light have elder brothers on the path who watches over us. They are called the Saints or God Realized Men or the Masters. They’ve walked the path before. 0:50 The poet once put it this way. “Lives of great men all remind us we should make our lives sublime, going on ahead of us leaving footprints on the sands of time.” Before we can recognize our own present incarnation, and our present involvement, there are many who have walked the path ahead of us with a total dedication to that brotherly love, “I am my brother’s keeper.” Audience: What percentage would be the elder brother, what percentage would be… presuming you knew the creative force, God? Adano: What percentage of them exist? Audience: No no, my question was is who would be the intelligence or what would be the intelligence that would intercede in karma? You said God and then you went about explaining “Godmen.” Now do you mean God or do you mean the men that you just talked about? Adano: God is not a person. He’s the Unmanifest Conscious Love. Now for that Unmanifest Conscious Love to intercede in your life it has to flow through a form. That is a Godman. Now that Godman has a name in all religions of the world. They are called Godparents. Well let me go one step further. When we are christened in a church, we say that we should have somebody to act as a godparent for the child. It was not devised strictly just as a means to pass the buck from the parent to some other individual. 0:52 Baptism is truly initiation, but because in the early Christian days due to the various conflicts, persecution, many of the children of the early Christians died from diseases and so forth and they felt that these children were not getting some inner upliftment so they went ahead and started baptism at an early age and a commitment to some individual with divinity awakened in him to take care of that child to see when it reaches a certain age it would impart the knowledge. Now we don’t have that type of behavior here because we seem to outgrow it in a Churchianity way, not in a Christianity way. We have that type of behavior in the Eastern countries, the Guru Disciple relationship. The Guru is the Godparent. He intercedes, He supervise, the journey of the Soul back to God. Now Christian thought has the Guru Disciple relationship, Master Jesus and his disciples. Now there’s a difference between Christianity and Churchianity. Christianity, when you come face-to-face with its true workings, you are in the divine light of the godparent or Master Consciousness. When you truly meditate, you are under that protection. Every action is superseded or guided by that light. In the Eastern country it’s the same. Therefore many people would travel miles to go to see a Master or a Realized Man just to get that blessing or that particular current of contact, so that intercession is made from that dimension. Now the Godman will never say He is God. The person meeting him will have an experience within his own consciousness and he would recognize that there’s a certain force or quality passing through. 0:54 That quality is love which he cannot begin to encompass and that love he would begin to relate it as a Divinity in everything. Eastern experience calls that Cosmic Consciousness or Samadhi. In the Christian church it was called illumination, enlightenment. When the Enlightenment occurs in us, we know beyond all doubt, that the path is paved by other intelligences supervising us. When Buddha was in the body they ask Him, “Are you the only Buddha?” You know what was His reply? He said, “No, 27 are taking care of me.” Interesting, 27 are taking care of me. Meaning this, there will always be God realized men in the world among us. We are all drawn to the Divine Source and we are committed. Jesus used this term, “The sheep knows the shepherd and the shepherd knows the sheep.” The shepherd is a God realized person already. He’s shepherding us. He’s supervising us. He’s the elder brother. He has gained the Cosmic Light, the true illumination. He understands this whole process of creation. He may exist before our birth or during our birth or during our whole total existence. He may exist long before we ever came and we have a commitment to Him. It’s never broken because we are assigned to Him. 0:56 In the case of a great Saint by the name of Babaji. He had a disciple that lived around 1900, 18-1900. His name was Lahiri. This disciple did not know who was guiding his life. Many things occurred in his life and he gave credit to God and one day, when he encountered Babaji, Babaji said to him, “You are my disciple. You have always been by disciple. Though you went away into many incarnations, I still followed you like a mother hen. I still took care of you. Till now you’re an engineer and a married man and this is the age I need you that you can help people who are married to give them consolation that they are not left abandoned in the world of consciousness or manifestation. So go out back into the world, don’t retreat, live your earthly life, but teach the art of meditation.” Now this bond is so great, the Guru-Disciple relationship, the Master-Disciple relationship. This is where the grace comes from, a relationship with a Master. Master Jesus gave that bond before He died. He made that pledge, “As many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become Sons of God.” As many who turn in consciousness to the Christ, their life are supervised, monitored, directed, nurtured, by that Master Consciousness. We are never left alone. 0:58 Now He said, “You see Me, you see the Father.” The mere memory of His existence in a form is sufficient enough to warrant drawing the grace from Him. That’s enough… Audience: I accept what you’re saying totally. Adano: Alright. Audience: But there’s a great deal said about grace and there’s one point I would like to clarify. You’re implying that grace in this case might come through, to use a very loose term, a Master. Now, the question that comes to my mind is then the Master’s obviously using what is called divine wisdom, energy, and so on in application for your grace. Is this divine intelligence functioning in a tutorial manner saying, “All right, give him some grace then,” or is it in a different law that the Master had learned to use? Then, if it is, then my prayer should not be so much to this indifferent intelligence, as it is my attempting to live the way that the Teacher, Master, Guru, whatever would like. Am I wrong or right? Adano: “As a man sow, that he reaps.” This is going to shock you now. The grace that you are receiving, you already planted to receive it back from yourself, but the pruning of the grace in order for you to receive it in time, comes by the intercession of the gardener who’s looking after the plants in the garden. That is to say Godmen, who can see into the totality of life, can see when grace is needed to be speeded up in each individual life and They, in turn, help to speed it up, but you have planted it yourself. 1:00 You’re planting and reaping exactly what you planted. If you planted goodness at one moment when you were very angry, though you may get anger back in some form, goodness will come in to. If you hurt somebody and there’s a little compassion for that person inside, a hurt will come back to you in some form, but a compassion will come back again because it has to balance itself out. Grace will come back in terms of action, you see? If you hit somebody, then afterwards you have remorse of hitting that person, you said, “gee whiz, I should make up but I don’t feel to go make up with him now,” but you have remorse. Karma or the action is set up, but at the same time the next action is set up, the compensation is set up, because the remorse. Now if he was to come back and hit you because you’ve already set up in your own thoughts some compensation, if he was really going to kill you, when you confront him and get involved you may get in a scuffle but then it may not harm you, something will come or you may be drawn away from that area where there’s no confrontation. Something will start to lock in. The very built-in law of compensation will start to work in your life to avoid a final conflict. Now, Realized Masters can see this. They don’t like to get involved with people and then be blamed unless there is a commitment. 1:02 Now, each one of us has a link to God via some Godman. We don’t know it until we encounter it. When we encounter it, then we realize that is what is happening and is happening all the time. Now, we do something and we’re going to face the consequences of it. Then a God Realized Soul who knows the consequences can lead to detrimental action, detrimental results, but there have been certain compensations, certain inner reactions between both parties, then the God Realized Man can shift the wavelength that both of you face each other with an involvement that does not climax itself in fatality. Now, in your own heart and mind you say “Thank God, it could’ve been worse.” As you grow up in spirituality and you face that Godman in the inner life, you may meet im on the inner life or you may meet Him in a physical way and He will recognize you and you may recognize Him or you may get a dream about Him or a vision about Him, and HeH may impart that information to you. Then you suddenly realize, “Hey, wait a minute, what goes on? How is this world run? Who is running this world?” You may say that Godman is an angel, but He doesn’t have wings and the scripture says, “The angels minister to man to carry out God’s grace.” That’s another way the scriptures write it, but if you’re looking at it from every angle, we are not left alone. There is an intercessory force and there’s an intelligent force, or entity, at work. Not a Being sitting on a throne directing. 1:04 Audience: Would not a better a better definition of this action be the modification of karma rather than grace? Which the dictionary defines as an unmerited gift from God. Adano: Stealing my cue… I never liked to use the word modification because they always accuse me, “that’s Adano’s words.” For years I’ve always said, “grace is modification of karma.” You know, the Catholic Church teaches an id (idea) goes like this. “I believe in the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the life eternal.” Let us look at it objectively from the Eastern view and from modern thinking. As a Soul, we should believe in the communication with highly evolved Beings, Master Souls, Godmen. A two way communication does exist. This is not imaginary, it does exist. The Godman, in total awareness, exists in the three dimensions: the physical, the astral, the causal, and you can have a two-way communication with Him. Secondly, to believe in the forgiveness of sins. That is to say, you can accept the capacity to modify your own thought patterns and your repercussions of your thought patterns by involving yourself, taking up your cross, and acting it out, working it through. Grace is the triggering agent of voluntary action of the individual to deliver himself from his own personal commitments. Would that satisfy you now as Grace? That voluntary action that delivers you from the commitments which you’re involved with? Audience: Thanks very much. 1:06 Adano: Alright, but life everlasting is the last part that they say. It is not enough to have Grace of God. There’s more to that, we must have mercy because it’s the mercy and the compassionate nature that enhances the value of Grace or Grace has no value, it’s just an act of intercession. Without the compassionate nature, without the sense of mercy or the feeling of humility embodied in us, Grace would not have it’s true value. So, life eternal is that tremendous compassionate principle that allows us to experience constant oneness with God through His compassionate nature. To this end comes Ascension which goes beyond Resurrection because Ascension is that eternal life where Man is totally identified with the God Body that cast no shadow, leave no footprint, it’s flesh and blood, materialize and dematerialize at will, and has the odor of roses around it and it lives directly by Cosmic light. Yet it can crystallize by any devotional heart who wants to communicate with it. 1:08 So we come back to the very first statement, “I believe in the communion of Saints.” So the two resolve themselves. Eternal life is necessary for communion. Involvement is necessary for forgiveness. Ascension is necessary for reconciliation. Adano: Yes. Audience: Is it possible that these God-like men could return to the earth in fiery chariots such as flying saucers or something like this? Adano: Well, if they need a flying saucer to come back to impress us, I don’t think they are that realized. Audience: Do you rule these things completely out? Adano: No, I don’t rule out the existence of life in all parts of the universe and in various forms and manifestations, no. When I’m talking of a realized Man or a truly God-man, I am talking of that Being who has achieved here (taps the blackboard) in the framework of the reference with God because we will see one such God-man. His name is Samuel. He had a student, a very unruly king, called Saul who got into the blues and needed little David to play on the harp to soothe his savage nature and when Saul was dead and gone on to another realm… no, when Samuel was dead in fact and gone on to another realm, Saul could not make communication with Him. He could not meditate no more and even see the God-man inside. 1:10 So what did he do? He went and look for a medium by the name of the Witch of Endor and under disguise, wearing a cloak, he pretended to be somebody in need. Well the witch, or the medium / psychic, drummed up that consciousness called Samuel. You know what Samuel told him? He exposed him and tell him “don’t call me back here.” A true God-man does not need the intercession of a medium to instruct His disciple or His commitments. He, of His own nature, has the power to come back and do it. This is true when Jesus came into the room after resurrection. When Thomas was told that they saw the Master. He says, “I don’t believe, I have to see Him in flesh and blood. I have to have the conviction that truly is that what you are talking about.” The Master materialized in the room. He didn’t use any medium to communicate His presence, He materialized in the room to convince Thomas and put him to the test, “Come touch. This is flesh and blood.” Then He left. Now He doesn’t need a fiery chariot to make that confrontation with us. What it needs is our devotion to lock into Him. 1:12 Yogananda, when he was writing the scriptural interpretation of the Christian bible, said one night he wanted to have the complete truth and understanding of the life of Jesus so he prayed that Jesus would appear to him and give him that complete information of His life. Now if Yogananda needed a medium or some other entity or intercessory, there were many, but in his experience, the Master Jesus appeared to him and the Master Jesus gave him communion, Holy Communion, the two men drank from the Holy Chalice. It was a living experience between two Masters, one in the body and one out of the body. Now we cannot say that Jesus is sticking around in some little backyard. He’s in the whole Cosmos in any way, every form of life. Yet the devotional nature is so strong in the man Yogananda to draw Him down. Equally true in the life of Ramakrishna. When the people in India said, “You have studied every religion, but you’ve never studied Christianity. What do you know of Christianity?” He says, “Then if I don’t know it, I’ll study it until I meet the founder of it.” And in seven days he studied Christianity and Jesus came to him on the river The Ganges and they spoke and embraced each other and you know what he called himself after? Rama-Krishna. God-Christ. But he had a living experience with Jesus and he described Jesus to his disciples. His main disciple was Swami Vivekananda, that came to this country and he said the same thing. When you wanted to know if the Master Jesus was a living man in the true sense of God realization, he prayed and had the experience. So to say that someone has to come from some outer realm with some vehicle to convince us of their divinity, it’s not necessary. We’re talking of a different type of Divinity. 1:14 Adano: Yes. Audience: Would you call Jesus, “The Master of Masters?” Adano: A Master of Masters is a term in Sanskrit called “Avatara.” In Hebrew it is called Emanuel or Messiah. The word Emanuel means “God in man,” “God is with us,” the descent of the Spirit into flesh. In Sanskrit it is called Avatara. Jesus was an Avatar. That does not say He was the only Avatar. Avatara state is a state man attains too. As I said earlier today every individual in this country can become the President of the United States if he’s elected. Every Soul in this room can become God realized if he generates enough devotion and we can all walk out of the room Christ realized. Now your Christ realization would be no more or less than the one that Jesus embodied. It is a state of consciousness. Is the Divine Presence made manifest in form. We cannot look upon it as a personality because it would be a contradiction to His own words, “The things I do, you shall do you also, but not greater than me” would be the true statement that He’s the only Son of God, but He did not say that. “The things I do, you shall do, and greater things shall you do.” Now if you’re gonna do greater, this puts the… right where we know where Jesus is talking now. If He wants to say somebody is going to do greater things than Him, then He’s not inferring that He’s the only Son of God, right? 1:16 Audience: The reading states that Jesus was the first to make His will one with the Father. Would you comment on that? Adano: The man Jesus or the Christ Consciousness? The Christ Consciousness is always the first manifestation of the Divine Will in action and it cannot be broken. It is the link between the unmanifest God-love and the manifest God as conscious love in action. The human form, or ego, ascending into that state and realizing its totality becomes an embodiment within any particular cycle, age, or ethic group, for the upliftment of the ethnic group, that age, and time. That individual is the light of the world while He’s in the world and those who gather around Him are lifted up in that Light, but when He goes on, His followers becomes the light of the world when they realize the totality of it themselves. They too must pickup and express it. They have to gain their own Divinity. What would He come just to exhibit His Divinity and leave us? That would be quite a hoax to play on humanity. To say, “I’m the only individual and I’m greater than all you. Here, I’m going to perform some miracles and take off and leave you.” Better you never came. 1:18 If you come to lift us up and in your own words you are lifting up us to your own level, then He’s truly manifesting God Consciousness, manifesting the Divine Son in form. “The things I do you do also and greater things you shall do.” The student should be as the Master, but call no man Master save the Lord which is in you. It is that realization we are talking about. Audience: If we referred to the mind as various… let’s say a kingdom… Then aren’t there are various kingdoms that one can obtain such as, I think the Yogis talk of nirvana, reaching total nirvana or something of this nature? I mean, don’t you more or less have to go through this more or less as a mere play and work your way up? In other words, how is a man supposed to know when he has reached the total concept of God consciousness, objective and subjective consciousness. Adano: He who says that he’s a Master, he’s not, and he who says he’s not a Master, he’s not, but he who says that they call Him Master, He is. Audience: That’s kinda heavy for a (can’t be heard over the audience’s laughter)… 1:20 Adano: What is the kingdom that we are so embroiled in? You know they say in the East, “When the student is ready, a Master will be there.” When I was starting out on the path, I asked myself “What constitutes readiness of a student?” and after many years, Master Yogananda says, “Total frustration.” Audience: (Laughter) Adano: So I says then, “What constitutes a Master?” He says, “The ability to free yourself from your frustration.” Then he says, “You are your own Master and you’re your own disciple, what you want?” And that was a letter I had from Him. Audience: The primary one reason why I ask this was that, let’s say mind control, complete mind control, complete tapping of consciousness let’s say, people are able to strange things with their minds. They’re able to, let’s say their leg was all of a sudden severed from their body and they can stop the bleeding and prevent, you know, dying as a result of the bleeding. Well if this is the case then, I mean, we can’t all do this and I know there must be some more to this point. If this is the case then, I know you would know if you were there. Let me ask you this? Are you there? Are you to this point? Can this be obtained? This is the thing I want to know. Adano: When an ordinary man gains knowledge, He’s called a Sage, but when a Sage gains understanding, He’s an ordinary man. Audience: Repeat that please? Adano: When an ordinary man… When an ordinary man gains knowledge, He’s a Sage, but when a Sage gains understanding, He’s an ordinary man. Another Audience Member: What you’re saying I think is that anyone who knows what’s going on does not want to be conspicuous. Adano: Right. Audience: (Laughter.) Could you repeat that? 1:23 Adano: He’s saying that who knows what is going on would not want to be conspicuous. True Mastery is not exhibitionism. It is only involving those that we are committed to to lift up to the next level of awareness. There were two associations in the time of the Jesus and all the Masters of Truth. With the public there is one type of association, a sharing of the laws of life and how to live them. With the initiate, or the disciple, it is a sharing of the intricacies of the Divine Consciousness, how to experience them. Audience: Is there any karma which is not modifiable by anyone. Adano: Yes. Audience: The death of another person? Adano: No. He who refuse to accept himself as the Divine I Am is not modifiable in no way, shape, or form. He who refuses to accept himself as the Divine I Am cannot be modified in any way, shape, or form. The moment you refuse, you have cut yourself off from your Divinity. I Am that I Am was the confrontation Moses got when he was up in Mount Sinai. Now, had he argued with this confrontation, would he pick up the gauntlet or the staff and go tackle Pharaoh and his group? 1:25 Because he did not refuse. Remember he asked the Lord in Inner Consciousness, “What is your name? How can I go and tell these people that You are sending me, commissioning me, to go down and help them?” But that same Divine Intelligence told him, “My name is I Am that I Am. You go tell them that and let them accept it.” He’s not going to change. It is the matter of maturing in our awareness to the I Am-ness and as long as we don’t realize that is what we’re maturing to, we’re going to question, see? But as soon as we mature into it, we realize that it’s the only thing we cannot modify or change. I give you a little experience. One time I was meditating so in my meditation I asked the Creative Intelligence why all pain, suffering, why people are going through all this thing. Is there no way to change it, no way to help them? This compassionate nature want to reach out to lift them up. The Intelligence came back and said this, “If you think you are so smart, what I have made, you try and change it. It is perfect until it learns to deliver itself.” That is to say a child when born is perfect, you can’t expect it to talk right away or get up and walk and take care of itself. A grown person is perfect the way they are with all their bickerings, and anxieties, and frustrations, perfect, because they’re involved, they’re working it out. The dead man is perfect because he’s involved in that action: the breaking down, the changing, the transforming. Everything is perfect as it is. 1:27 Audience: Then the rejection, the absolute rejection would be what would lead to the Christian concept of hell… Adano: Yes, this is the Christian view of denial of God. You see, why did Jesus call Judas, “Woe unto the man he had not been born that would deny the Son of God.” That was denying his own Christ self, you see? Allegorically or metaphysically speaking, He was confronting Judas with the thought, “Don’t deny your Divinity.” Though He, Jesus, is embodied in that Divinity, in that full awareness, He was well aware that this individual would make that mistake in the spiritual life and deny his own true Divinity. Now when one does that, one has only one alternative because he becomes dogmatic and the alternative is to annihilate oneself. So it was obvious that Judas would have had to commit suicide after he had made the mistake. He was warned not to make the mistake, but he was not aware of the depth that Jesus was talking about because he didn’t grow enough in the spiritual light. So he made the obvious physical gesture of committing suicide, but in doing it he also chose the largest tree in the middle of the road to let the world see it. He could have done it in seclusion, you see? Even up to that point, he could not break through. 1:29 Audience: In your opinion, suicide meant to be literal or interpretative? Is there something greater than the literal story there? Adano: Judas is in the Master’s lap you know. Don’t… because he commit suicide and he denied the Christ in Jesus that didn’t say that Jesus condemned him or kicked him off like an unwanted child. That was the process of the psychological make-up that the Soul had to work through going from rejection to dogmatism to self annihilation in order to gain redemption. A musician can tell a child playing a certain instrument, the way he plays it, what would be the progression of growth of that child’s musicality and he can say, “If you don’t go this way you’re going to play pretty lousy in a couple of weeks. Your hands are going to be sore.” The child may say, “Oh, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” As soon as he finds out that he’s playing lousy because certain patterns are already recognized. A Realized Master recognize certain behavioral patterns and their symptoms and their results, long before He comes in to confront the student because He would have to live through them Himself. When I asked I said, “What constitute readiness of a student?” I was told, “Total frustration.” Now when I use the term total frustration don’t think I was never faced with the thought of self destruction. Every human being is faced with the thought because frustration encompasses all levels of action. It’s all blind alleys. All the IDs (ideas) that you can think up and you run into a blind alley and you can’t get out so you don’t want to get involved so sooner or later you’re going to think of destruction, but that is not the solution. The solution is mastery of your frustrations. That is a process you have to work out. I hope I’m not going beyond my time. Five more minutes? Alright. 1:31 Audience: When one begins to meditate seriously, how long, how many minutes or hours a day do you consider serious meditation? Adano: Well there is so many answers you know to how long, how many hours, where, when, and what to be doing that we never get down to the action of meditating. Mr. Churchill was the greatest meditator next to the cat, they both knew the art of cat napping. Meditation is that ability to put to rest the sensory motor functions first, that it will recycle and become more vibrant and finally to put the organic functions to rest that the transformation occurs within us to give us a glimpse of the Divinity within ourcells (ourselves). Mr. Spock would say, “in Vulcan where I come from rest means to conserve my energy.” He might as well be saying this is true of meditation, it’s a conservation of energy and a recycling of it in the human body, but at the same time it’s a lining up of the Divinity in yourself. Mr. Lynn, who was a student of Yogananda, owned a large corporation and never went to work until 12 in the day so all his business associates would say, “How come you come so late. Don’t you have no respect for the business?”

1971 October 9 - Resurrection

Adano71_10_09_3ResurrectionQ1RR - Introduction: … this country when he was 15. He studied in the Catholic priesthood for a good period of time after which he chose the path of his father, the Eastern way. He has studied comparative religions and has reconciled the Eastern and the Western paths. He spent many years living and studying with American Indian tribes and participated in many of their healing ceremonies. The Reverend Ley has the All Faith Fellowship in Tyler, Texas and this is where he lives and this is where he works. In October of 1969 Adano Ley was initiated into the ancient order of the Saraswati and at that time he was given the name Swami Nityananda Saraswati. Most of you have been here for the other lectures and you know that he in talking, as June said yesterday, will be speaking only to you. I would like please to introduce again Adano Ley. (Applause) Adano: Thank you Faith. Seems like they move away the box so I can be a better display to everybody. As I said before this is not a lecture for a Swami, this is Satsanga. Satsanga is fellowship with the truth and three things occur at a Satsanga: a physical contact, mental contact, and extrasensory contact but in order for us to experience that we have to calibrate our consciousness so just keep the mind here and let’s calibrate our consciousness. (Short meditation). Thank you. 0:03 This is supposed to be the third and final lecture, but how can you finalize the Science of the Soul in one lecture? Seems pretty hard to do. First lecture was called “The Origin,” the second one was called “The Involvement,” then what we think we can call the third one that would finalize it? We came down from a great plan laid out by the Creator to be involved, there must be a reason, this involvement will have to climax itself someplace. So the lecture really is called “Emergence.” You will know it as Resurrection. The Soul emerges at last free while living, an embodiment of its divine nature. Last time I was here yesterday in the afternoon around 3 o’clock, I wrote a word on the blackboard, but I did not go into the definition of it and the gentleman asked me what was that word, and what would it mean? The word was Jiva, J-I-V-A. Jiva is the individualized Soul awakening out of the involvement with creation. There is a word that follows Jiva every time it is written and that word is Mutki, which means free, liberated. When written correctly in Sanskrit, it is written as Jivan Mutki, each one being freed. Our final realization about our involvement with God is liberation, emergence, total freedom. 0:06 So a Jivan Mutki is one who is freed while living and Jesus put it in these words, “As many as received Him to them gave He the power to become Sons of God.” Seek the truth, the truth will make you free, freeman all, lords of yourself, Jivan Mutki’s. Emergence, completely liberated while in the body. Where do you want liberation? Ask yourself. If we are souls caught up in the involvement with creation, where would we want to experience liberation? Outside of creation, in some never never plane on creation, outside of involvement, or within creation and involvement? Freed while living. Do you see the opportunity open now? To be alive, to be conscious, and to be freed. What does the freedom entails and to be freed from what? We can only be free from the desires that entrap us in the involvement with the creation. There is no other entrapment. That is the internal cravings that tends to habitualize our actions around one particular form of behavior. Once we free ourselves from that habitual action, we can move on. 0:08 Let’s take a cigarette. If you repeat the process, it’s called a habit. Before you took it, it was called a craving or a desire and when you can’t get rid of it, it’s chronic, and then you’re frustrated because nobody helps you to be free so you are a slave, an addict. When we emerge from that craving, because that craving can be like a cocoon around a caterpillar. It dies in itself. When we emerge he said, “I dropped my habit. I got rid of this. I am free from that particular enslavement, that entrapment.” Now the greater entrapment is the universal cosmic desire involving creation. We are trapped all the time in the various levels of creation. The only time we are free is when we overcome it. So Master Jesus put it this way, “To him that overcometh, I will not send forth a second time, but I will make him a pillar in the house of My Lord.” Here the house is creation. The involvement is in creation. The overcoming and emergence must triumph in creation. 0:10 Saul says, “I was up in the 8th Heaven.” The triumphant emergence of Saul. Equally true all Masters make the same claim when They emerge. They are liberated in the body. True Masters who find God are not liberated in the never, never land of the mind. They are liberated here in the physical frame among mankind par example of living out the daily struggles involving themselves with human beings are arising, emerging, above that level, but they must have a method in order to bring about this emergence. The emergence is not done by any trick or magical whim, or any kind of a chemical method. The emergence is done by a natural law by which the Creator embedded in His creation. It’s involves the very origin of our nature. Remember those who were here yesterday when we spoke of the origin of the Soul, I said God breathed that wonderful, what?, into the Man, and he became a living, what? Breath and Brah-man, the breath man. If the origin tells us the link with God, the deliverance tells us also the link in God. 0:12 Once I was asked the question and I said the answer is in the question. Anybody ask you a question, sometimes don’t you recognize the question carries the answer? Well, in the origin of Man lies the deliverance of Man? Do you see where you are? God created us in this marvelous plan via a breath process. He placed us in the Involvement to realize it. Now our desires are fed by the next breath. You don’t take the next breath, as I say yesterday, they cremate you or bury you so where are your desires now? That next breath… and if the involvement isn’t bordering or centered again by the breath then the emergence, the deliverance, the freedom is bordering on the breath. When a dying man is dying what does he wants most? The next breath. Who wants to die? Jivanmutka is that state when you can come and go from the frame totally in harmony with the Creator, the Divine Breath. Paul put it this way, “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord.” He was emerging all the time in the Divine Consciousness. He knew the art of Conscious Death. 14:00 In the Aquarian Age, the Aquarian Gospel written by Levi, it states that “the Science of the Soul is called the Holy Breath.” Have anyone read that book? The Holy Breath. Jesus came to His disciples after He returned from the grave and He breathed upon His disciples the Holy Breath. All through the ages Man has found that the link between Himself and God is the breath. The Holy Breath is the emerging principle. It is locked up with the life principle and only when we understand it, working from within ourcells (ourselves), are we liberated because the Holy Breath revolves around the spinal column. In Eastern writings, along the spinal column we find words mentioned like chakras or centers of energy. In the Christian scriptures, the Book of Revelation, we find the same thing mentioned in terms of golden candlesticks, the seven golden candlesticks and the golden candles. Candlesticks are containers, candles are the actual force burning. In the East they call them the seven centers or seven chakras. 0:16 The Holy Breath is the revolving force around the centers that raises up the Son of Man, which is the five senses, to the Godhead which is the intuitive force, and when the five senses are refined and are focused out as an intuitive principle, we emerge for the first time beyond the boundary lines of sensory limitation and desires. The boundary line of your five senses for sight would be that wall. Now if you look and see through the wall, then the boundary line is extended. Those who have that particular awareness, they have extended the boundary line, they have emerged, they’re free. Do you see what Emergence is leading to now? Getting beyond the limitations, freed while living. 0:18 Liberation is not a passive experience. It’s an active experience because it occurs while you’re in the body. If when we die and we would be able to be in all the levels of creation because nothing would restrict us, we are supposed to be pure Spirit then, floating around, come and go at will, nobody can say nay to you or yeah to you, can’t say “don’t come in here.” That’s not possible because the spirits can come and go when they want, but they cannot say they are free because they are not in the physical body. Now those who are in the physical body and have the experience, they are free because they are in two levels of existence. They are in the physical level and they are in non-physical level. They are free. The desires don’t pull them. The energies of the negative field don’t restrict them. They are free, free-men all, lord of themselves. They come and go in consciousness. God is the total freedom which we all strive to emerge our cells (ourselves) in and if we overcome the pull of our desires, we don’t have to repeat them again and again. We are free. 0:20 Now we become what the Master Jesus say, “A pillar in the House of the Lord.” Now a pillar in this building would be a permanent fixture, a part that supports the structure. If you are free from the pull of the senses and the desires then you and the Creator are not separated anymore. You are free in the creation. You are free within this whole structure and in fact you begin to realize that you hold up a part of the structure, you carry a portion of the load of maintaining the structure. You carry the responsibility of seeing the structure maintaining its balance. You carry the involvement of voluntary aiding every form of creation to continue its growth into emergence or liberation. Now those who have achieved this emergence would state in one voice, “If it needs be, I’ll come again and again to raise my fellow man back to his true divine nature.” If it needs be. So we hear the term, “Second coming of Christ.” We hear the term of Krishna coming again. We hear the term Buddha coming again. 0:22 The return and the return and the return, the coming back and the coming back, for what? If you’re coming back by unfulfilled desires and we are not free, is it not better to come back when all desires are completely resolved to help others to lift themselves up? So the choice in emergence is not reincarnation, the choice in emergence is resurrection, a transformation. An apple carries within itself the seeds of another apple. You plant the seeds and out come tomatoes. Interesting apple tree huh? Well no such deal, you must have the same pattern repeating itself. So reincarnation, or involvement again, is the repetition. Emergence is something else. Liberation is something else. We look at a caterpillar. It spins a cocoon but before it can do that it has to gorge itself while it’s in existence to satisfy its physical structure then it spins a cocoon. This is an interesting part. It deliberately knows how to die to its environment, like Paul, “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord.” Therefore Paul is conscious of a method of bringing about suspension. 0:24 Breath is linked with suspension. Breath is linked with action. So the Holy Breath is that process that revolves around the mechanism that brings about an internal suspension in order to emerge. Out from the caterpillar and the cocoon emerges a brand new species, something that does not even crawl no more. It flies and you know every other flying creature by their own natural gift of God to fly is not beautiful in comparison to that butterfly. Look at them, take a good look. Of all the flying creatures in the world by their natural gift of God to fly and look at the emergence from the caterpillar into the butterfly where the beauty is. It’s a distinct stamp of emergence, freedom, and it lives and when it appears to go into suspension, it does not decay. Has anyone seen a decaying, rotting butterfly? Yet other creatures that fly by the gift of God, when they go into suspension, or death, transition, they go through decay. 0:26 So we see emergence is based on that art of how to die consciously in the body while in this creation in order to gain liberation. Therefore Paul said, “I do it daily.” That means constantly he knew how to shut this thing down, this body, this mechanism. He was aware of shutting it down. It was a daily process with him. In our Book of Revelation they mention the seven candlesticks before the throne of God and in Eastern writings they mention the chakras and we know them as centers or vortices of energy along the spinal column. When the energy revolves around that area consciously, we are doing exactly what the caterpillar is doing by spinning its cocoon around itself to emerge as a butterfly, when we do it consciously. Now, Yukteswar said when He was in the body, “Man is Yogi at night when he’s sound asleep and gaining emergence in his Creator, but he’s a slow pace Yogi.” 0:28 And the word Yogi means an individual who is in union with God. Slow paced means he’s not fully conscious and is moving at a snail’s rate, but when man is conscious of this particular movement in his body, he emerges into God and become a Son of God. Therefore there must be some method that this body is performing when we are unconscious, when we are asleep, that is propelling us into God gradually and is something that has to be awakened to our conscious mind in order to propel us quicker in order to emerge from the pull of creation and the desire. When we are sound asleep this energy revolves around the spine. It’s pulled in and you feel you’re in a deep state of relaxation, but you have no control. So sleep is called the little death and the final sleep is called the final death, but what is that ability to live and die daily? What kind of death is that? 0:30 If sleep is unconscious and the final death leaves you unconscious, then to live and die daily must be a different kind of death. It must leave you something else. It can’t leave you unconscious. If it leaves you unconscious then they will bury you or cremate you. That type of death is conscious death. It is an art in which like the caterpillar spinning its own cocoon around itself emerges and when it emerges we see a distinct transformation cellular-wise. When the Soul is returning back to its Creator and emerging from the involvement by conscious death, the first distinct transformation of that being is cellular, not miracles. The first distinct indication of emergence is a cellular change. The scriptures talk of an emergence, a transformation, but it’s a cellular transformation. There’s a distinct physical change that occurs in the body. 0:32 When I was initiated by Swami Ananda, he told me an interesting story of this conscious death. He was initiated a boy of 14 years of age and he practiced his meditation for years until he was 65. During that time he never saw anything in his meditation or heard anything. It was totally darkness in there. Out of respect for his teacher that gave him the technique, he kept on doing it. At the age of 65, he went to see his teacher. Now his teacher was 45 when he was 14. Now he’s 65 and his teacher is still around, he’s a pretty young man you know. So he said to his teacher, “Sir I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, and I haven’t made any progress on the spiritual path in God. I’m not free from this involvement, this entrapment.” So the teacher said to him, “You have. You have.” He says no. Then he says, “Tell me how long can you meditate?” He says well I can… “Without fidgeting.” That’s interesting, without fidgeting. He says, “For two and a half hours.” So the teacher says, “Show me.” So he sat down and he started to meditate. After one hour… He was sitting like this, in this position, so his foot was crossed. The teacher took a nail and a hammer and nailed, it… the leg right to the floor, through the calf and waited. Now imagine in India they don’t have nice bright shiny nails you know. A good rusty one would give you gangrene anytime. 0:34 So the teacher nailed him to the floor and waited and after two and half hours, the Swami opened his eyes and looks around, “See teacher, I don’t see anything or hear anything.” Guru says, “Alright, look at your foot.” He looked at his foot and there it was nailed, he couldn’t pull it out. He says, “Well I’ll pull the nail out for you now. I’ll heal the foot, but I’ll leave the scar as a momento of how deep in God you are.” He felt no pain and knew no pain, but that was how deep the man was in God, totally liberated. If you see the Swami, and my wife has seen him, we were both initiated by him, the texture of the man’s skin is like a baby just born. There’s not a single grey hair on his head and he has the buoyancy of a young boy just bumbling with love. Now if I can reach 86 years and look like that, I’m very thankful that I followed the path of conscious death because this would mean I’ve learned how to free myself from the involvement, freed while living. Now if this is an indication of what lies ahead of higher and more emergence because when this body has thrown off corruption and taken on non-corruption, that’s a higher emergence. 0:36 We see in the case of Yogananda’s body, not subject to decay after death. There are many other cases like that. In the resurrected body of Jesus. Kabir, in the case of Kabir is interesting. Kabir came, like also like Guru Nanak, these two men came and they taught the Hindus and the Moslems and they tried to reconcile them. Well when Nanak died he was in the coffin and the Hindus said, “By our customs we cremate the dead.” The Mohammedans said, “By our customs we bury the dead.” While they were busy arguing the lid of the coffin flew off and up stood Kabir, up stood Guru Nanak. These two Masters were at the same time, teaching the same type of people, having the same identical experiences. He looked at them (can’t be heard) Kabir or Nanak, anyone, the two men. He looked at them and dematerialized in front of their eyes. He left in the coffin two bunches of roses. 0:38 The Hindus took their roses and cremated it. The Mohammedans took their roses and buried it and the war of Kashmir went on. Pakistan and India is a reality, but Guru Nanak or Kabir is a figment of imagination, just as much as Jesus might still be a figment of imagination for many people. It is not the genetic background of the nation that determines emergence in God. It is the conscious involvement of the Soul to demonstrate its superiority as Soul over the involvement in creation that determines what is God and why we are involved with God. Soul, when free while in the human form, is the highest expression Man can look up and have respect for God. If I was a cow, I would want a super-cow to be my god, something greater than the form I’m in. If I was a fish, I’d want a super-fish. If I was a tree, I’d want a super-tree, but I am made in the form of man then my highest ideal of God crystallizing Itself in creation and overcoming its involvement would be the super-man and what is the super-man? Not one who tries to impress me with his abilities to be with miraculous powers. One who transcends the normal breakdown rate of my form to which I’m subjected to when I’m involved with the creation. When that form can demonstrate its emergence then I am seeing God at the human level. This is the reason why Masters come on the Earth. They are called Avatars or descent of the Spirit, incarnates. We have the word Avatara or Emmanuel, the God in man, or God with us, the incarnate. 0:41 It is because of that, man needs some focal point to respect his Divinity. It’s difficult to worship God as an “It.” You can’t worship God as “It” because there is no feeling of intimacy with “It.” If we are made in the image of It-ness, then what intimacy has It-ness to do with “It?” Then I’m an “It.” Do you see? “But male and female created them.” This image has an intimacy. This is the image that brings forth the need of meeting God on the human level. That is why Masters are present on the Earth, to reach us at the human level, to demonstrate the qualities of the human level extended beyond the involvement of the creation. They extend those qualities. They seem to draw it out of us to help us realize that these qualities are embedded in us from the very instant we were projected out by the Creator. That we are all free men, lord of ourcells (ourselves) once we know the truth about ourcells. We don’t know the truth about ourcells, we don’t know why we are involved in a creation, we don’t know why we have to resolve ourcells in the creation, and we don’t know the origin of ourcells in the creation, then we are not free. 0:43 We will struggle in various blind alleys, with various theories and id’s (ideas), trying to find a solution to what is essentially locked up in ourcells (ourselves). God is eternal life in every aspect right down to the atom and if His embodiment in human form is any measurement of that eternal life then Jivanmutka, freed while living, is the highest form of emergence as religion or the Science of the Soul can offer man. Man truly is Spirit, Eternal Force, not created, not destroyed, ever existing, ever free. When crystallized in form, man is called “Sant” or Saint, sane for the first time, truly sane. He is not a derelict in creation. He’s not like the Wandering Dutchman on the high seas of life. He is truly aligned with his Creator. His role in life is one of peace. That’s why the only thing Jesus said that made any sense to my mind when I was studying the comparison between Christianity and Eastern teachings, “The peace I give, the world don’t give.” 0:45 If peace is truly psychological emergence, then transformation of the cells is biological emergence. If liberation to the highest form of Beingness, the eighth heaven, is Soul liberation and Saul went up there as Paul and Saul will tell you, “I was the worst among you” because he confessed it to his fellow man. He didn’t hide it, he told the world outright that he was the worst to be involved, but he made the effort to free himself. In the emergence comes the final link. We can’t emerge without help. Jesus went to John the Baptist and said to him, “Baptize me” and John the Baptist said to him, “You baptize me.” Now picture this at the river Jordan, two grown men arguing who should throw a little water on each other’s head. Ain’t that kinda strange? It’s only water, but what is the significance of the water? What is the whole purpose of the confrontation? But Jesus said to John, “Suffer it to be so,” in other words endure it at this moment in the involvement, “For this is the way of righteousness.” This is the way I can make it through your intercession, through your grace, through your contact, a human to human relationship. 0:47 Baptism is initiation, an introduction to the purpose, the way of how to cycle the energy in so that we can consciously die and emerge in God. When he was baptized or initiated by John, he went through the process and in the final process he emerged and rose on the third day to demonstrate to his disciples that this is the way back to the Creator, free-men or lord of themselves. Thomas was in doubt that such a thing had happened when he was told that a Master had emerged or resurrected. His mind could not accept. They were in a (can’t be heard) chamber and then low and behold the Master appeared to them and in that moment he questioned, “Are you apparition or are you real?” They knew the difference, they had to know the difference because they were accustomed to mediums, they were accustomed to psychic writings, they were accustomed to all the extrasensory studies from Egyptian time. Is it truly emergence or is this one big grand hoax of a hypnotic act. Jesus approached him and says, “Touch, make sure, it is emergence, it is liberation.” We see then the final role in the Science of the Soul is free-men all, lord of yourself. 0:49 We don’t have to hit anyone on the head to convince him or to convert him. We have to make the effort to discover it for ourcells (ourselves) and to experience it. It’s the experience for each one of us that is open to us and though “heaven and earth may pass away, not one jot and tittle of my word will pass away.” And jot is a full stop and a tittle is a comma, not even that will interfere with the fact that man will come down from this creative process, be involved, and will have to fight his way out to get back home. So if you want to use a model of the process, think of the prodigal son. The prodigal son is the Soul going forth from the father’s home, getting involved, squandering its sustenance, that is the use of its free will, entrapped, and suddenly coming to his senses decides to return and emerge, but here’s an interesting thing, on the return home to his father, on the process of emerging, it is said that the father did something when he saw his son coming, can anyone remember that, what did the father do? Audience: “He killed the fatted calf.” Adano: No, before he did that the father met him halfway. That is an important thing to remember in your emergence. 0:51 In emerging from this involvement, the father met the prodigal son halfway. That halfway mark when we are emerging, is at the heart center. The heart is opening up. If your heart don’t open up in any shape or form to get beyond the involvement of creation, we’re not going to be able to be free. God has to meet us at the halfway mark. The opening up of the heart, the opening up of compassion, the shedding of the desire, and the longing for the union with the Spirit, at the halfway mark. Here at the halfway mark, we are greeted. There the bell tolls within us. There is a bell that rings right inside of our consciousness at the halfway mark and as we hear it in our meditation, then the transformation begins, then the emergence begins, we start to rise and rising is like the cloak being put upon you, and the crown, and the fatted calf, and everything. You are at last becoming free, you are feasting now in the divine light. So if there is any doubt in the mind as to your emergence, remember God meets you at the halfway mark, but how He meets you at the halfway mark? Not by coming out of the sky and say, “I’m ready for you.” He meets you at the halfway mark through the aid of a God realized person who initiates you into that art. 0:53 John the Baptist meeting Jesus at the halfway mark. Jesus was from the age of 12 to the age of 30, no one knew where He was, but the moment He met John the Baptist that was the halfway mark. The two met and started the final conclusion of the emergence. It is that initiation, that inner contact between you and God that sets the final liberation. Thank you. (applause). Yes there are questions and answers or five minutes break? Audience: (can’t be heard) Adano: He was crucified. The involvement of the disciple determines the death of the Master. Audience: Could you repeat that please? Adano: The involvement of the disciples determine the death of the Master. A Master does not die because He wishes it, He fulfills the desires of those who wish His death. So their karma, their involvement is the one that determines how He dies. Remember He was with a group of people, His own people, “He came unto His own and they received Him not.” So in their rejection, they themselves in the involvement would determine His destruction. When they were offered a choice between Barabbas who was a guerrilla chieftain captured by the Romans and Jesus, what did they say? All they shouted was “Crucify Him” and when the disciples realized they were going to be strung up too, they all denied Him. So the death of a Master, anyone, is determined by the involvement of the disciples around that Master. 0:56 If you look back in the lives of all the Masters who died, very few die in Their beds. They’ve all died a violent death by the involvement with the disciple. There is the great Master, Guru Arjan, who was literally butchered to death by the involvement of His disciples where He came to teach them in Punjab. Buddha died by poisoning. Krishna died by being taken for a beautiful deer because His skin was blue. The auric light was so bright that the man who was hunting thought it was a beautiful deer walking and shot Him. So we don’t know of any real Master leaving this earth plane dying in bed. The involvement of their disciples determine their death. It seems tragic from the Western point that Jesus involvement brought a death on a cross, but the cross is not a Christian symbol. It was used centuries ago before by the Chaldeans, (can’t be heard) emphasize Christianity. Crucifixion was not a normal way to kill a man. It was only reserved for criminals, but even then they never nailed him, they would tie him on the post or the cross and let him hang out there and die a slow death and in the slowness of the death, they would gradually break the limbs to speed up the pain. Audience: As Christians experience illumination when they accept Jesus as Savior you’re saying they’re accepting Him as Master, would you make that statement? Adano: Yes, the word Savior and Master means the same because it comes from the word Guru, Messiah, He who lifts up, He who saves you from your frustrations. What is a Master for and what is a disciple? What constitutes the disciple? When you are totally frustrated that’s the only time you’re gonna need help, but as long as you don’t have frustrations you’re gonna think you’re pretty smart and get out of it yourself until you find yourself in a mental blind alley. It’s like the wild horse. He’s pretty smart as long as they keep chasing him, he’s gonna run the whole arroyo and all of the whole plain till they pin him up into one corner, then he’s frustrated and he may be lucky if he can turn around and charge into his opponents and throw them off guard and get away. Maybe when we can turn around in our mental whirl (world) and face our ids (ideas) just like that wild horse and surprise ourcells (ourselves), then we are free. A Master comes to us because He has solved these mental blocks, these behavioral patterns, achieving that total freedom by living it. He extends that to the student or the disciple so that he can turn now, solve that same frustration and come out. Otherwise there is no need for the Master. That’s why Jesus said, “The student should be as the Master.” The Master is frustration less, but the student is frustration total. You see? 1:00 Audience: Isn’t it rather conceited for an individual to identify himself as a Master or a Saint while in the body. It seems that this sort of thing would not be information that’s given to people in the body. Adano: Is it not conceitful for an individual to call himself a Master, to identify himself as a Master in the body? He who says he’s a Master is not and he who says he’s not a Master is not. Audience: Then who’s a Master? Adano: He who is Master of himself. Audience: And who is to determine who has mastered himself? Adano: God. Audience: So then it cannot be identified in the body who is a Master and who is not. Adano: Yes. He has an unusual ability when you’re in His presence, to answer your questions before you ask them. Audience: (can’t be heard) they are not of love, then they are not of God. Adano: His questions and His answers are always embedded in truth because He has lived them and will demonstrate them to you if you’re in doubt. He first must be able to walk the road before He can say or give an answer. Otherwise, He keeps His peace and that He gives you all the time while you are in His presence. 1:02 Audience: I know that Jesus said that (can’t be heard)… the most humble person is most likely to be the Master but would not identify Himself as Master while in the body. Adano: No, alright, the Master is servant truly. Is He the servant by providing food for you? Is He the servant by bathing you? Audience: If that be your need, it might be so. Adano: Then every Master has done it. He provides food for those who don’t have. He provides homes for those that don’t have. He provides companionship. He provides liberation. Truly He is the servant in every form because there is nothing you can give Him. He will always give you what you cannot begin to carry, more than you can carry. Even before you ask He will pour it into your lap, that’s why He’s Master. Audience: But there are many Masters among us for there are many who do this. Adano: Yes. Audience: We need to live on the principle of love then (can’t be heard)… Adano: Yes. Now you know what Master is. Audience: I would like to know about one’s diet. In India they don’t eat meat and when people study Yoga in the West, is it right to change over to a vegetarian diet in this climate. If one eats meat would it add more to their animalistic nature? Adano: I’ll have to answer you like Brother Thomas who I met in South Carolina. He said, “You know people ask me why I’m a vegetarian. So I said don’t ask me why I’m a vegetarian because I can go into all the pros and cons of the technical ends of it and all the pros and cons of not taking life. The only reason why I’m a vegetarian is it’s cheaper that way.” Let’s take the economics of India, why they are vegetarians. 1:04 Audience: What about the cows that run around and eat just what they want. Adano: How many cows do they have in proportion per capita of the population that they can afford to butcher them all up and eat them. They don’t have that tremendous ranching program going on in India, just a few in straggly little areas, but the reasons why the Hindus don’t eat meat, for centuries they have been following a spiritual path and they know that the human being and the animal have a bond. A human being can communicate with an animal and an animal can mimic and react like a human being and through the mimicry and the reaction, they have come to accept the animal as humanoid, close to the human level. The cow they accept as a second mother when the mother can’t give milk no more. Now they don’t eat the dog, some places they do. Some places they don’t eat the sheep. Some places they don’t eat the pig. Some places they do eat the pig. These are all varying changes of geographical calamities that cause them to be like that, but centuries ago they accepted the animal being close to human, therefore they would not consume a brother. 1:06 So they used to say “mother cow,” “brother goat,” “sister sheep,” and if you live on the reservations they do call these animals brother, sister, and mother like that. Now Western man is grown up into an environment where he eats meat without that type of association. To say that he should up and dump it to become a vegetarian overnight is not practical. I’ve tried every form of diet, the extreme to the non-extreme, I’ve found that on the spiritual path a simple diet helps. Meat has a tendency to… up to a certain point in your spiritual life in your meditation you can eat meat. After a certain level of meditation you can’t eat meat. I have an example. There was a man who got on a rooftop in the early days of Jesus, when Jesus passed on, and you may be familiar with his name, his name is Peter and he had a vision and he was supposed to visit someplace that they ate meat. He was then a vegetarian and saw all these things pouring into this sheet of cloth that was supposed to be eaten as food and he said, “Lord these things are unclean, can’t eat them.” But then he hear the consciousness saying, “Eat, everything I have made is clean.There is no unclean, providing.” At that level in meditation anyone who meditates he will see the astral forms of the animals that he had consumed or might consume. Here is the misguiding aspect of consciousness. The negative force of the consciousness can trick you at that moment to let you believe that if you consume the form, you can go higher up into God by telling you, “Everything I have made is clean.” Not until we are fully realized can we vouch for that experience. When we are in deep realization, we will not be pulled down by the object or the substance we eat, we will not come back to the lower tendencies. 1:09 Jesus did not eat the meat products while He was in the body. Only reference of His life having ate any flesh was after resurrection when they said someone fed them a piece of honeycomb and fish to His disciples and did eat. A Master can eat anything when He’s realized, but until that time He does not eat everything. There was a Swami that was in India not too long ago, it’s about 100 years ago. He was visiting a home in India and even in India they don’t know that Swamis, all of them don’t know that Swamis don’t eat meat. This may seem strange that a country where meat eating is not considered the spiritual form of food, yet they did not know. They fed the Swami with His students a dish of food and in it was meat. The Swami looked, He didn’t say anything, He ate. Now if you were reporting Him I’d say, “the Swami ate the meat so it’s good for us to eat the meat.” Equally true there was a boy in the group who said, “No wonder Swamiji has all the power to walk in the midday sun. He got the strength, He eats the meat. We are His students, we eat only fruits and vegetables and nuts. We don’t have pep, we don’t seem to be able to get up… keep up with Him.” 1:11 The Swami was able to read his mind and He said to the boy, “You think you can eat what I can eat?” The boy broadened up his shoulders, looked at the Master and he says, “Yes, I can eat.” “Ok, next time when we stop you will eat with me.” The next time they stopped they happened to be invited by a blacksmith and He told the blacksmith to give these disciples fruits, nuts, and vegetables and He in turn went over to the blacksmith’s pit where the fire was and started picking up hot charcoals, molten lead and nails, and start eating. Then He turned to the boy and says, “Come on, let’s eat.” You know what the disciple did? He took a fast run to the back room. He realized he was not there, but out of his ignorance he thought, by looking upon a human being, that he could measure up in consciousness. The Swami was a realized man, but He didn’t do that to go around and tell people that he could eat nails or fire or burning charcoals to convince them. It was that lesson for that boy. That boy got the lesson and he was healed. So it is not starting out to say that you should eat meat or not eat meat. It is what level of consciousness you are moving in. So if you’re a beginner on the path it is wise to gradually eliminate from your diet until you have come to some degree of realization where everything is possible. 1:13 I’ll give you another illustration. Yogananda was alive as a boy and His friend says, “Come on, you are initiated, don’t tell me you can eat anything.” And Yogananda says, “No, but by the grace of God’s Consciousness, it’s possible.” He says, “I still am a vegetarian.” So the boy says, “Alright, you tell me that God is in everything?” Yogananda said, “Yes.” “You mean to tell me that little mess that that dog puked up there, God is in it?” Yogananda says, “Yes.” He says, “You mean to tell me you can reach forward and eat it?” He says, “By the grace of God working in my consciousness, yes.” He says, “If you eat it, then I’ll join you.” And Yogananda ran up, picked the stuff up and start eating. The boy started to vomit and He grabbed the boy by the head and pushed it into his mouth, make sure he tasted it and when he did, the boy was pleasantly surprised, it was the most pleasant tasting food he ever had. That convinced him at what degree the Master was in in Consciousness. It cured the boy, but the boy became a lifelong disciple years after. He could not stand the shock that a student of his age and Yogananda of His age could be a teacher, but it was not until Yogananda entered the Swami order that the man came back a grown man, a doctor, that came on a visit to this country doing research, that went back in humble respect and realized that he was living with a Master. You see it was said that Jesus took a dove of clay while others were playing and threw His and His flew away when He was a child. In the consciousness, yes, but nevertheless when He was a full grown man then the Consciousness was truly working. Many of us come back into the world with an awakened Consciousness at early age and can do things. If we take advantage at that point, we’ll never go forward. If we do not take advantage and wait until that Consciousness is set and mature, then we can do anything, Free-man or Lord of Themselves, not until then. 1:15 So if they impose the restriction of not to eat meat in the ashrams or the retreats, there is a lesson to learn. When you are a beginner don’t try to reach too far. Any other question? Audience: (Can’t be heard.) At the time my brother lifts me, is he not my Master at that moment? Adano: Lifts me. Audience: If my brother helps me, at that moment if he raises me, is he not my Master? Adano: No. If you fall down and I lift you up that does not make me your Master because He who is Master must first reveal God to you. That which you seek the most in order to be God-like. Having not found God, how can one who haven’t found It give It to you? The Master’s role in life is to make you aware of God in yourself. That is why He is in the body. He is God personified in flesh, total Cosmic Consciousness. He comes among Man to make Man God Conscious. It is up to Man to recognize the God in the God-Man, but He never would use any way to force him into it. We have a story in the East, it goes like this. There was a student living at a retreat. He was fully realized with His Master and the Master said to him, “Tell me what would be the best thing now that you are realize would you want to do.” He says, “Oh Master with this I would like to go into the village and share it with my brother, with my sisters, the whole world.” And the Master says “Alright, you have my permission, go.” 1:18 Seven days the man returned. His teacher says, “What happened?” He says, “They don’t know me. Everywhere I went they were too involved with their own personal lives and in fact they call me crazy and threw stones at me and this is the result.” He pulled the garment and he was beaten up, full of scars. So it’s not so easy to know what is Master. Jesus came down from the mountain after He was fasting and passing the river Jordan John said to the group of disciples, only a few of them, “There goeth your Master.” He kept on walking. It is stated that three got up and walked behind Jesus. He never looked around and said, “Hi, I’m glad you recognize me, I’m a Master.” But it’s known that three got up and followed Jesus, but it took John to make the statement. It takes another Master to point out a Master to one who isn’t a Master. So He said, “There goeth your Master.” Then these three men who were studying with John got up and walked after Jesus. Then He went through the marketplace and He said to various people, “Follow me.” Now what is it that triggers the ignition or the recognition for the person to say, “I would want to follow you.” It has to be the Soul Nature, the God Nature, that one feels immediately in contact that pulls it. There has to be some flooding in of that Divine Love at that moment when the two people meet that one would instantaneously drop everything and rush and follow. 1:20 You know, Peter, James, and John dropped everything and ran after Jesus. There are lots of people doing it today. They’re dropping everything and running after their Masters or their Teachers. This is what it’s all about. Yes? Audience: It says in the Bible, “Thou shalt not kill.” Adano: Yes. Audience: So you go to (can’t be heard) and go the animals and you go down to the insects, but what about when one becomes a Master and very air is full of life? What about that? Adano: He kills. Audience: Huh? Adano: He kills, but everything He kills becomes a human being after. Audience: Well isn’t it sort of… Adano: Because He’s God manifest in form and everything He contacts in this creation is raised to a higher potential. A Master went walking… He’s a living Master right now, He has a very advanced student who is a doctor of philosophy. One day he was at this retreat and the Master came out of the retreat and He said to the doctor, He says, “Come with me, I want to take a trip into the woods.” They walked into the woods and in the woods the Master said, “Let’s take a turn around this bush.” The professor, he’s a doctor of philosophy, he turned. Master got out of the car and He walked around and all of a sudden, it took five six minutes, along came an old lion, hardly can walk, coming right up and he growled and look at Master, growl, growl. He’s bowing… so the Master says, “Had enough of killing? Alright, you want to go home, want to be a human being? Go on now.” Touched him and the lion fell over and died and He got back in the car and He went His way. 1:22 Now there was a man who was dying and he wanted to see the Master of this particular ashram in India, but he couldn’t because he was in hospital and people came to intercede. They say they can’t afford to keep him in the hospital, they don’t have the money and he’s old, but “he lingers on only because of love for You.” “Why don’t You release him and let him go?” The Master said, “Alright.” He visited the man in the hospital and He says, “You want to go home?” He says, “Yes Master.” “Then go on.” And the man died instantly. There was another one who climbed up a mountain searching for a Master called by the name of Babaji and he said to Him, “Alas I have found you. Without you I cannot get to the gates of heaven.” And the Master said to him, “In your present condition I can’t accept you as a disciple.” He said, “If You don’t accept me I’ll kill myself. I’ll jump over this mountain and kill myself.” The Master just looked at him and says, “Jump.” And he did jump and everyone says, “That’s a cruel act. That’s taking life.” And the Master says, “Bring his body now.” It was all mangled up and He touched it and He says, “Now you’re free, you’re immortal. No longer do you have to face death. Now you can be one of Us.” So when we say if a Master kills, He is God incarnate. Every act He performs is to raise you back to your true Divinity. Freeing you again from the Involvement. Yogananda was alive in the body and someone told me this. There was a ant nest in the pathway of the driveway of Mount Washington estate and everyday He would come along and look at the ants building their nest and one day He says, “You know, soon people will walk on your heads and you wouldn’t evolve and I might as well do it for you right now.” And they said Master squashed up all the ant nest. Now would you say that’s a cruel act or killing? The Involvement. 1:25 Now Jesus whipped the money changers out of the temple. That’s cruelty, but He was doing it to raise their level of awareness. They don’t do acts just to please Themselves or to please society. They’re doing it for the higher motive, the higher ideal of Emergence to restore the balance in the Being, to reunite him with the Divinity. So we can’t say what They tell us not to do and They do it… you know that’s the old cliche, when I was a priest, “Don’t do what I do, do what I tell you to do.” But it doesn’t work like that in a Master’s life. In the average man it could be, “Don’t do what I tell you to do” and then I go ahead and do it, but not in a Master’s life. When He does it rest assure that individual or whatever is done is raised back to its Divinity. Yes? Audience: May I ask you what were these ants supposed to evolve? Adano: Anytime a Master takes the life of a lower creature or any form, it’s raised back to a human being. It gains that opportunity to reunite itself through God in human form. Audience: So all these ants became human beings? Adano: Yes. They merit, they merit a human incarnation. Audience: Without the help of God or love… (can’t be heard) 1:27 Adano: It is the Love of God that was compassionate enough to raise them to that level because God when He erupts an earthquake or a volcano, you hate Him for it? Audience: Hate God… sometimes I might if… Adano: That’s only the mind not the Soul. The Soul cannot hate what is there. How can a Soul hate? Audience: The soul can hate, the soul can hate very much because hate is the opposite end of love. Adano: The Soul cannot hate. Audience: Many souls hate. Hate is a natural emotion and souls hate. We see hate every day. Adano: Alright… Audience: It is the soul that hates, not necessarily the body which hates. The soul is that which feels the emotion and it does the hating and of course this is the opposite of love. Adano: Are you Soul or do you have a Soul? Audience: My soul is a part of me when I’m in a body. I’m mind, body, and Soul. Adano: Alright, then you have a soul. Audience: My soul is me, part of me, when I’m in a body. I’m mind, body, and Soul. Adano: You see I don’t have a soul. Audience: Uhhh, you are… Adano: Then how can Soul hate? Audience: Well the soul is that which feels the emotion, the soul loves, it’s the soul that feels emotion and the soul then can also hate in the body. Adano: SOUL is the Spiritual Order of United Life. How can the Spiritual Order of United Life hate anything? Audience: United life? Please clarify that… Adano: Soul is the Spiritual Order of United Life… Audience: That needs clarification… Adano: Life is not chaotic or in disenchanted pieces hanging around like scraps. It’s in a state of unity. Audience: That’s mind, body, and soul within the entity, individual entity… Adano: (chuckles) Your Soul is you, the I AM. Audience: It’s part of me. Adano: It’s the I AM. Audience: Mind and body are also part of me when I’m in a body. Adano: No, you see that is the mind talking, not the Soul experiencing anything. Audience: Well the soul experiences love and the soul experiences hate. Emotions are of the soul. It is the soul that is the feeling part of the entity. The mind is the thinking part of the entity and the soul is that which feels. Adano: Alright. He who have eyes to see let him see and ears to hear let him hear… (long silence) Thank you. Audience: (Applause)

1971 December 18 Part 1 - Christ Intelligence Astro Symbology

Adano71_12_18_1ChristIntelAstroSymbologyQ3RR - Audience: Swami Nityananda teaches the unity of all religions with the emphasis on daily meditation. He is the minister of All Faith Fellowship in Tyler Texas and he has a retreat there. He is speaking this afternoon on Christ Consciousness and Astrological Symbology. This will be given in four parts: this afternoon part one, this evening at 7:30 part two, tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock part three, and tomorrow evening at 7:30 part four. We’d like to have you welcome Swami Nityananda. (Applause). Adano: (Inaudible then short meditation). Thank you. So let us calibrate our minds. If I’m not talking loud enough let me know. All right (short meditation). The lecture today is Christ Consciousness through Astrological Symbology but as I said before there are no lectures with Swamis, it’s Satsanga. Three things occur at Satsanga: a physical contact, a mental contact, and an extrasensory contact therefore your consciousness would be raised into levels of experience at the same time. This being the period of the Christ’s birth, Man is familiar in the western world that the journey to Bethlehem had to do with three wise men following a star. Now anytime you read anything pertaining to a star in any religious writing, metaphysical writing, automatically you’re drawn to the idea that there must be something to do with astrology. Why would three men who are kings in their own rights leave their homes in search of another individual via the guidance of a star? Certainly the orientals are not foolish to waste their time to follow a star in the heavens and search for another being, let alone if he was a western man with scientific equipment, there would have to be some meaning far reaching into it. To understand the Christ intelligence via the astrological symbology you must first understand Man, looking at Man. Man has been termed at one time a miniature universe in a greater universe. Now to look at this idea you must look at the human body and let us look at the human body. Here is the head and that’s the spine, let me say this is the neck, shoulder, (inaudible). Now according to eastern thinking the human body is divided up into certain centers or chakras and the first one is located in the base of the spine, it’s called the coccyx center and it’s also known as the earth center. Then the next center is called the sacral or regenerative center. Third called lumbar which is in line with the navel just below the rib cage. The fourth is called the dorsal, the mind and the heart. The fifth is called the cervical (inaudible). Six is called pituitary the point between the eyebrows or Christ center. And the top is called the pineal or master center. When viewed in astrological symbology we will see a very interesting illustration. It is stated that Jesus was born by astrologers in the Piscean age hence the symbol of the fish or fishes were associated with His works. Some of us can take the fish literally which is true that the Master did feed people, thousands of fishes and bread but when we look into this particular frame of reference we will see something very important, very far-reaching, when we deal with the Christ Intelligence, not the personality. In the Piscean age if you put pisces over here representing the upward movement of the cosmic clock and that would represent the downward movement of the cosmic clock in Man. A clock has an upward movement and a downward movement, 12 hours up, 12 hours down, in the cosmic we have the same principle going on, there is no separation. 0:10 And the next center, if we are in the Piscean age and He was born in the planet Earth… Piscean age then this is the starting point of the Christ intelligence in that age. The age is determined on the right side or the positive side of the earth sign in oriental (inaudible) as a starting point of the intelligent movement. The next sign following Pisces is Aries, the next sign following Aries is Taurus. The next sign following Taurus in Gemini, this is on the positive side of the clock. The next sign is Cancer. Now according to Sri Yukteswar in the the Autobiography of a Yogi, he says “Man is goverened by an inner universe to which all are united.” Therefore in an inner universe there have to be a movement (inaudible) the sun in relation to the Zodiac so Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, then the next one will be (inaudible). Now the Sun would be on top and that is Virgo and on the left side of (inaudible) we see Libra. On the left side of the heart we see (inaudible) and on the lumbar on the left side we see Sagittarius and sacral we have Capricorn and again on the other side we have Aquarius. Now now we are looking at a very strange arrangement within the cosmic Man, Jesus was born of a virgin of immaculate birth, this is what the symbology states. True, there is an immaculate birth, there was a virgin physically speaking that is true too, nothing is impossible with God but going into deeper understanding of the Christ intelligence in the astrological symbology which will always resolve itself when checked out in the age that the Master consciousness appears we will see Virgo, the Sun, the light is important, the pureness, the Christ’s intelligence in the Piscean Age on the Earth will have to come in astrologically speaking in Virgo, when the Sun was in Virgo if He came in on the Piscean age. Now his Sun is in Virgo, where would his moon be? In Leo, did he not come from royalty, from the house of David if his mother was a virgin and she was a descendant of the house of David and lion is royalty? If the moon is in Leo and Leo indicates heralding the news hence the idea that Gabriel (inaudible) the hell out of the news of the advent of the birth of a God-man to a virgin. Pisces is the symbol, Virgo is the Sun, Leo is the moon, the Christ intelligence is working on the inner realm already in that age, all men were being drawn. Now He was born in a manger among animals, in the cave of the rib, right (inaudible) below the heart looks like a ribcage and you will notice that animals seem to surrounded that area more than other areas in the astrological makeup. We have fish, Aries the lamb, Taurus the bull, Sagittarius half horse half man, Capricorn the goat and Aquarius life/water, born in a manger in the lower realm of the anatomy of the cosmic Man, the Christ intelligence came into existence. The Christ intelligence was appearing now in its full makeup within that reference in a manger. Now three wise men have to seek him, in astrology you know there are three very important signs but in fact there are four let us see if it is true were there really four wise men who sought Jesus, three found him at birth and one from him later? There is that knowledge existing in Catholic writings, in many metaphysical writings, that there were four wise men who sought the Master Jesus, three found Him at birth and one found Him later. Sagittarius in astrology is considered the philosopher, also religion. In Hindu philosophy Sagittarius is called the Guru, the teacher. Capricorn is also one of the spiritual signs in astrology representing organization, balance, and we have Aquarius. These three were seeking on the earth plane the Christ born in Pisces. Now the Pisces is also a spiritual sign in astrology and the fourth wise man had to be a Piscean too, he had to set out to seek the Christ. It is said in writings (inaudible) that one wise man brought gold, one brought frankincense, and one brought Myrrh. In astrology which of the planets would be capable of giving gold or governing gold? We find that in Sagittarius, the beneficent pull of Jupiter governs Sagittarius, gold would be attributed to Sagittarius. Frankincense the ministry, organization, in Saturn we find that governing Capricorn, discipline, order, a new order, a new idea (id?), a new renovation in Man, that is brought. Aquarius, life, myrrh is used only at death to ensure perpetuation of life in some form embalming, Aquarius means the new life, the renewal of life, the Christ in Man would eventually have to triumph over death. 0:20 The other wise man who didn’t come at birth now came after on the ascent, he would have to be a Piscean, he would have to have a dual purpose like a fish. He was a healer just like the Christ who embodied it in the Piscean Age was a healer but he healed with the mechanical methods which is the dual method whereas the Christ in the body healed with the spiritual method. One would have to be applying spiritual methods to heal and the other would be applying a mechanical method to heal, they would eventually have to meet later only at the point of death, it is written in certain writings that that particular wise man did meet the Jesus on the cross. Now I said before Virgo, the Sun, virgin or virgin birth, Leo the lion is in the moon, house of Judea, royalty, declaring something new, a lion roars or heralds its existence or its presence before it attacks. We must indicate to the world in some way our presence before we can have the right to strike out, this would be practical. In ancient times if a newsman was going to come into the town, a crier as we call them, and indicate some news they will ring a bell to create some type of clamor or sound to indicate to people, “Here I am, I have news by order of the king, or whatever it is, to tell you this.” Gabriel was a herald, a messenger, we see it in astrological symbology, Leo the lion roaring to indicate that. Now you see some other symbology locked up in Christ (inaudible), animals are in the manger, Aries/Ram, Taurus/Bull, Sagitarus is a type of half horse/half man, Capricorn/Goat, born in a manger, the Christ which is Piscean sign in the birth (inaudible) and below the lumbar region is indicated by the manger or cave. Now there is only one sign that is called the subtle beast, we don’t have a serpent in the astrological symbology but the closest thing to a serpent in the astrological symbolity is Scorpio, it carries almost the shape like a serpent it is not. A serpent has no legs but this (inaudible) seems to have a stinger but where is Scorpio located in this whole point of reference? Scorpio representing now in oriental philosophy the serpent is located on the left side of the hear. Now the Christ intelligence when it’s going to herald its sermon from the mount that is the mount in Man, the forehead, Sermon on the Mount, conciousness of the (inaudible) in Man comes up here at the point between the eyebrows and heralds the new to give a new thought, something of value. Now you know this Libra is in the throat, Libra is balance so to give out something new from the mount like the lion roaring or indicating, it’s going to indicate a balance, a balance between certain forces, Scorpio and Gemini are going to be balanced out in the heart center. Now in the Sermon on the Mount there is one line that goes this way, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall God.” Scorpio is the subtle force in this symbology and Gemini represents Man, male and female, (inaudible) because is there not such a thing in the scripture that did not say that Woman came out of Man? So where is Gemini, Gemini is the sign of Man, male/female, when we go on to our future discussion of the Christ in part two, we will show how Gemini will eventually fit into this whole frame of reference from the birth of creation with Adam and Eve. In this Piscean age, Scorpio the subtle symbology must be overcome and in the Sermon on the Mount it states when the pure in heart, they will see God. When Man is pure in heart, he will see God, when he’s not trapped by the subtle pull of desire or the serpent within himself the heart is purified, he will see God in the inner workings when Gemini and Scorpio are lined up. Now when Jesus, which is the Christ in the Piscean Age, fasted on the mountain He had to battle His dual nature, the man in Him, that’s Gemini in the heart and then He had to place behind Him, that is on the left side (inaudible) the subtleties, Satan or Scorpio. When these forces are resolved in the heart, where do we resolve most of our basic problems as they come up in us? You “take it to heart” when someone hurts you, you take it to the inward self and you try to resolve it. Who do you pray for? You pray for Christ, you pray to Jesus the personality of the Christ but when you finally resolve it in yourself where is the pang, where is the actual indication of the feeling, where does it occur? Is it in the top of the skull or is it closer to the heart? Why do you beat your chest? Among us when we were studying to be in the priesthood in the chapel you would beat your chest constantly, “Lord forgive me, Lord forgive me” and we find we are hitting at a center, a focal point for revolving and resolving these conditions. We are trying to resolve our physical self and our higher self by meeting at the heart and the pure in heart does see God. At this stage of the study we’ll use the heart as a center, later on as we continue in these series you’ll see something very important about the heart, why it becomes the resolving center in Man. The Christ Intelligence as we see it in terms of the nativity in astrological symbology is perfect, born in the Piscean age, the Sun in Virgo, the virgin birth and house of Judah, lion, royalty declaring balance, truth from the throat, resolving the pull within Himself between the Scorpio and the Gemini and out of the manger where the animals surround Him and the three wise men seeking the Christ on their journey westward, had to come from the left to the right. 0:30 If you’re looking at this position of the chart it would seem that over here is east, over here is West, the three wise men came from the far east moving across the earth out to the west searching for the Christ and they were led by a star, they were led by that inner light within themselves. Now Jesus when He was in the body made another reference, “If I be lifted up I will draw all Men unto me.” Now if the Piscean sign represents the Christ intelligence in the astrological symbology and it has to be lifted up, where does it have to be lifted up, to what part of the cosmic Man would it move to? (Inaudible) move from the base earth in an upward movement and Gemini represents Man, it will have to go past all these right up to the God center and in so doing it will pull up Gemini upwards. “If I be lifted up,” if Pisces be moved one step forward in this psychic movement you will see a strange phenomenon happening to Gemini. Let us just basically move it one step forward, Gemini will be up here and Pisces will move up, move up in line with the sacrum and if it’s moved up in line with the sacrum then control of the sexual forces is under the Christ intelligent Man. He who governs this particular aspect of his nature lifts himself up to his Godself, he starts the process of self-rejuvenation, the God-man begins to manifest in the material world when he controls his moral lustful nature by lifting up that particular aspect of the astrological symbology. Now what will happen, you will see Scorpio descending down, the subtle is moving down losing its power and what would happen? Aquarius would start moving in, we would have to see the Christ intelligence appearing more dynamically now in the Aquarian Age where the subtle forces are going to be truly unbalanced. When we look back in the Piscean Age we see the Christ intelligence here at the Earth point, Aries the Ram was at the sacral center. Now we also have a symbology that says “The lamb of God taketh away the sins of the world.” When we look into the astrological symbology we see a lamb, the sign of Aries, and that is in the Piscean Age located at the sacral center or the regenerative center. Now when the sexual forces are lamb-like, chaste, unpolluted then the Christ intelligence again is rising in Man then he is resolved then he is transforming his base material flesh into divine flesh, conscious immortality is an actuality now for the Christ-realized Man. No longer does Man have to wish for immortality after death but with a Christ’s intelligence awakened within him then that which is possible through lamb-like, gentle, docile abeyance of these forces, not the lustful aspect, then his Christ’s nature is rising. In astrological symbology we can see that very clearly how to bring about an abeyance of the sex energy by looking at Pisces in the earth center. Pisces represents the Christ in the Piscean Age and Virgo represents the virgin, immaculate birth, and Leo the heralding of the news, also David royalty. Taurus, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius all embodied around the manger, the wise men are the three important aspects on the left side in astrology, sagittarius/capricorn/aquarius and on the right side Pisces, these four signs at the end move in to represent the four wise men. Three are on record at birth, one is on record after birth. Gemini is the sign of Man, male/female, Scorpio is a subtle beast. Now as a catholic I’ve often seen the Virgin Mother standing on a serpent and it has always puzzled me why as a child, why does a woman stand on top of the serpent and not only with her right foot but her left foot is pressing on the head, that kind of puzzled me because you can stand on that snake and I know I’ve been around snakes and I’ve seen them, you don’t want to stand on their head too long (inaudible), they’ll bite you (inaudible). But Virgo in astrological symbology is in the sun sign, the light is permeating the cosmic Man. Scorpio the subtle form of the beast is on the downward plot on the right side of the heart which is life. Now what is greater in a woman than her maternal love? This is her great fortress of existence, her heart, the thing that is closest to heart. Now if she is treading on a deadly creature like the serpent, she is treading from the heart feeling, the devotion or the protection against some attack of some loved one, she would not risk her life against such a deadly creature unless there is some loved one involved. Scorpio the serpent is on a downward movement in (inaudible), Gemini is Man and Jesus often referred to Himself as the son of what? “Son of Man,” closest to her heart on the right side of the astrological symbology. We then see viewing it from this aspect the Christ’s intelligence is constantly at work. Now in eastern writing the Christ intelligence is called the “God in Man,” in the Hebrew writings He is known to be called “Emmanuel, God in Man.” Now the intelligence present in vibratory creation, every form of this or sign of this zodiac is a representation of vibratory creation and this intelligence within that vibratory creation has been called by the eastern Saints, “Christ Conscious Intelligence, Christ Consciousness,” not a person, it is a state of being within the vibratory structure of creation, it is the only level of existence within the vibratory structure that can perceive totally the origin and nature of the structure, that’s why it’s called “the only begotten Sun,” not S-O-N, the only begotten light from a virgin, from a pure pristine state, the sun being in Virgo. 0:40 In the Piscean age we have a master key now of studying all the ages when the Christ intelligence manifested throughout all of the ages in the various records of Man’s journey. Think of what I just said, in the Piscean age we have a master key to study all the ages when the Christ intelligence came into the manifestation of the Earth where men have realized the Christ in themselves and tonight’s lecture I will show by shifting the ages and the various men who demonstrated Christ’s intelligence how it balances out when their sun is centered up with the age in the earth plane they were existing. In relation to Jesus we find Him centered at Pisces but there is a statement that goes “Before Abraham was, I was.” “I” who, “I” Jesus or “I” the Christ’s intelligence in all vibratory creation? It is from the study of the Piscean position in the astrological makeup of Man we will see some interesting facts about the other great Masters that walked the earth who brought the Christ intelligence in their own mode of communication and in their particular era or age and their symbology having now a deeper meaning and why it will all lead up to our present day existence in the Aquarian age which we are calling ourselves or supposed to be entering in, what the Christ intelligence will really mean to us within this Aquarian age. Until we understand the Christ intelligence present in the Piscean age and some of the previous ages, we will not appreciate the Christ intelligence returning to us in the Aquarian age, you could not get the true grasp of the magnitude of the Christ power working within each one of us. “The things I do you shall do also and greater things shall you do” because we will see how it lines itself up in the cosmic Man, why greater things we shall do. “Know ye not that ye are sons of God,” each one of us is a spark of the Divine Light and when viewed in the astrological symbology and this relationship especially within the age we are now experiencing a comprehension of this movement, our own Christ consciousness becomes more important to us, it gives us more incentive to want to achieve it here and now. Not to achieve it now it would be like Jesus says “Death is the last enemy.” If death takes over now before you have achieved something about your own Christ consciousness, you have allowed the enemy to defeat you. If you defeat the enemy, that is if you apply your Christ’s intelligence to master the life principle within your makeup then you have overcome them, you can now do as a Master said it, Master Paul, “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord.” He knew how to call upon his own Christ consciousness and cause his own mechanism to go through conscious death, conscious immortality of the flesh. Resurrection is the goal of all mankind, we sell ourselves short by accepting reincarnation but reincarnation is a necessary school to propel us into resurrection, life eternal. We can’t appreciate one without the other, we have to have something to compare (inaudible). Now each Master within that Christ state has a specific responsiblity to engage into the group of people He is assigned to but the message is eternally the same, He does not bring a new message, He does not tear down anything, (inaudible due to loud tone on tape then applause). 0:50 And next one tonight is eight o’clock. I think there’s one tomorrow evening at three o’clock. We’re hoping with the help of the wonderful group here in Virginia Beach that when these lectures are over this charts will be put together for the benefit of everyone so that we can really can really come in and study the Christ intelligence in astrological symbology through the ages and to let you in a little sneak preview, wait until the Pisces is in the Sun. Audience: Then what? Adano: Then you’ll be able to prophesize ages ahead of time. Yes? Audience: Do each of these ages cover 2,000 years of time between (inaudible). Adano: Yes, see Sri Yukteswar has actually broken a great enigma in the astrological thinking by opening the doors to the inner astrology for the first time. In the Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda’s sister was ill and he went to see his teacher asked him to help her and he told him that the sister needed to have an unperforated pearl on a gold band struck to the ankle of her foot and also that the doctors have told her that she would have no children but rest assured that she would have two lovely children. Yogananda said to his Master “Is this an astrological delineation of my sister, her horoscope?” And the Master replied “No this is a deeper astrology based upon the inner Man,” that is which all of us are linked to regardless we know it or not, we are in the Aquarian Age, we’re going to be linked to it according to the setup. If we’re in the Piscean age we will be linked to it within that frame of reference so in order to understand the Aquarian Age, we would have to understand the Piscean Age, that the Age before us, and see it how it fits into the cosmic Man because Aquarius is on the rising but if we don’t establish its location we can’t understand it. How would Aquarius fit into the picture today if we don’t understand Pisces so we have to start back with Pisces and we have to start back with a life of a Christ-realized Master taking that as a measuring point to work out the positions and the symbology, it is must fit otherwise it would be incorrect. So the Piscean Age gives us a perfect master key to study back all the ages of all the great Masters now, you can see it why they they say it’s born a Virgin. Now I know in some minds physically speaking they say this is impossible especially (inaudible) but as we get more involved into understanding the mechanics of nature, the word impossible seems to disappear yet within the astrological symbology the symbols fit accurately within the cosmic Man. Now we have something to look deeper into the Christ’s intelligence with, the outer outer manifestation is the personality, the birth in Jerusalem of Master Jesus but if you look now at the deeper symbology and then go back into the ages when great men came professing the same awareness, we will see some interesting facts about their existence, why were they not then called the Christ in their time? We can understand now that Christ is not a person, it’s a level of existence within the age of time and they’re always going to be Christ-realized too all the time. So Jesus could not in his own frame of reference say that “I am the only son of God,” He never did, the church placed this upon Him by saying He was the only son of God. When we look into the deeper structure we see that the true Son of God is the intelligence manifesting in all the Ages so it’s the only intelligence that will recycle itself all the time and in the next lecture we will show how this recycling will occur. Yes? Audience: This two thousand years being an Age, is that two thousand years as we count time or is that an astrological time like Easter comes (inaudible). Adano: No, we must count it in terms of astrological time so I say solar time because the ancient Man did not deviate from that 28 days is one month then four and a half is 30 and therefore if you divide 30 into 2000 you get that much X years, they have a way of going back and checking it out, they are always guiding themselves by a 28 day lunar month, they don’t deviate from that. Now the reason why we have an extra 24 hours, an extra 40 minutes, which occur periodically every four years now, we call it Leap Year, this is based upon two other Christ-men who were responsible for the shift and we will see that as we go into their studies. Audience: It would be interesting to note that (inaudible) close to twelve thousand years, would that be halfway around the circle with Pisces? Adano: Alright, we are seeing something interesting. Remember they’re not going to change, you can move the clock forward and backwards and they will fall within the seven centers or seven days of creation. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: (Inaudible) to make us realize that there’s an inner anatomy at birth, through his indication that Man has 12 functions going on in this make-up, this top of the head is the Sun, this is the Moon this would never change and the signs of the Zodiac would revolve around on the throat all the time, it’s called the inner elliptical path. Now each human being is born in a particular Age but the Age lasts for two thousand years so if we can establish the Age and establish the personality of the Age, we then have a master key to work with. The best Age is we can take now to use as a master key was the last age which is the Piscean Age and the personality dominating that would be Jesus. The traditional history of it coming through would have all the symbolity involved in it and if we can read these symbologies correctly and line them up in the cosmic Man, now we have the Master key to work for us because it will be impractical to work beyond them. 1:00 If you can remember the events of yesterday then it’s easy to go back day after yesterday and keep going back with more accurate counting in other words more nitty-gritty. Yes? Audience: (inaudible) nuclear physics, the atomic structure and so on (inaudible) vibration can a person become conscious and aware of that vibration, its meaning, and accelerate this process? Things of that nature. Adano: Yes you can because the same Christ intelligence is locked up in it. You see it would be highly impossible to say no when the Christ intelligence is involved in everything but our ability to link into the Christ intelligence is what interferes with it but as soon as we can link into it or lock into it, our own Christ intelligence will trigger it off. “The Christ in me loves the Christ in you” but the Christ love in me will have to trigger off the Christ love in you for me so if we can understand that now, wherever you are located in this frame of reference it will trigger it off. For instance let me point out one thing, let’s say you are born, what sign of the Zodiac are you born? Audience: The 23rd of October. Adano: Well that would place you within… Audience: Libra, Scorpio? I’m on the cusp. Adano: You’re in Scorpio so if you were living in the Piscean Age and born in Scorpio and you were searching for the Christ intelligence, your basic nature at that time would be the lower propensities would not be dominant, the ideas concerning the lower nature, the physical nature will not dominate you as much, the ideas will be more towards a higher nature. In other words you’d be one of the few people at the time quick to rally to the Christ in the body existing to pay homage, you follow what I’m saying? Now if your nature was lower down then that nature (inaudible) would dominate, wherever you are in the age you’ll gradually gravitate to the Christ in form. Audience: Suppose you’re at the very peak of Virgo? Adano: Then you would be one of the few standing around. If you are at the very peak of Virgo I says you would be one of the very people standing around Him, you would be ministering to Him right there, you’ll be present at the original inception. Well there were other women around the birth of Jesus besides Mary you know and they would have to be of the Virgo symbol in astrology because they would be close to that of point of the vibrant life. Now who is the closest woman relative from Mary? Elizabeth and she was the wife of Zacharias who was the father of John the Baptist another (inaudible). He was shouting “Preparing ye the way!” He was like a lion challenging the world, the word John also means lamb in oriental language. Now we have lamb in many other languages and there is a name later on in the series you will see who is the new lion, we will talk of that lion later on. Audience: John was six months older than Jesus. Adano: Just above… he would still be in the Piscean Age, he would be kicking off the Piscean Age, he would be in the Piscean Age. Is there another question? Yes? Audience: Since history does not accurately record the exact year of Jesus birth then our present calendar is not in line with it. Adano: No it would not be in line with this present calendar. Audience: How far would it be? Adano: According to Sri Yukteswar we are already going through the cusp of the Aquarian Age, the Aquarian Age has a 200 year cusp and we have already gone through 200 years of it. Now if you look back 200 years and this is 1976, you would be in 1771. Now five years after 1771 what happened to this piece of Earth we’re standing on? Audience: We became a nation. Adano: But before it became a nation let’s go back another 46 years and see what happened in the European area and this area. The history will start appearing some interesting facts, 246 years of the Aquarian Age already was impressing itself upon us so it is from that reckoning that Sri Yukteswar takes His basis that if you are already 246 years in the entrance to Aquarius, then move back from that point exactly to 4 BC that means you have to walk back in time to 4 BC now and that would establish the birth (inaudible) in which the Piscean Age began (inaudible). Audience: How is the Christ intelligence manifesting now (inaudible)? Adano: It is manifesting both ways, in individuals as a group and in an individual as a fully realized man. Audience: Does that mean for the Aquarian Age there will again come a great leader like Jesus Christ. Adano: Yes but his role may not be like Jesus, his role may be fully realized like Jesus acting out in different activities. You would have a conflict if He came back in the garb of Jesus because we would look at Him and say we don’t accept the beard and the long hair and the sandals (inaudible) as a Christ realized man, suddenly that garb would not fit in the Aquarian Age. Now even if He demonstrated miracles as a means to impress us, we would not accept it easily. Now if He comes in an Ivy League suit with an attache case (inaudible), this don’t fit the garb of how we looked upon Him in time gone by. Audience: Would this be related to the words of Jesus in the last chapter of Matthew? In the King James version He said “Lo I am with you always until the end of the world” but in the original Greek version it’s “Lo I am with you always until the end of the age.” Adano: Ah! Big difference, that is a big difference, “Unto the end of the age” then it shows a different light on the subject that the Christ intelligence will come in human beings in each age when they awaken to it, that the Christ intelligence is always with us all the time, it never leaves us. Audience: But the bible says “I will come as you saw me go.” Adano: Alright, “I will come and you saw me go.” 1:10 Audience: Is that the same body that (inaudible) Adano: The Christ’s intelligence manifesting in any form would manifest in a Christ body. Now every human being in this room including myself has access to that body when we put it on. When this body has thrown off corruption and taken on non-corruption it will come and go at will. Immortality of the flesh is the Christ body that comes and goes at will throughout the end of time. Each one of us has access to that body when we lift up the Man in us and we lift up ourselves. Audience: How about the individual (inaudible), the individual manifestation of the Christ (inaudible). Adano: A woman? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: When we use the term “he” in religious thinking, we’re not thinking of man or males, we’re thinking of a positive principle that doesn’t deviate, it can manifest in both male and female, black, white, yellow, or green. Wherever that individual who has a pure heart and can see God, that manifestation is there but they termed it “he” because in English, not like other languages, we don’t have a way of identifying certain principles in terms of gender, we refer to God if you truly want to be technical you can say God is “It” because the moment you say “he” automatically you think of male, if you think of “she” you think of female and if God is neither form, or unmanifest, or has no personality then you would have to think of “it” and to think of “it” is aliens to a human being because a human being has a form and since he has a form, he would want a “he” if he’s a he and he want a “she” if she is a she, you see how the principle works? So English is very difficult to relate to a cosmic id (idea?) but a personality can manifest in any person once they have that awareness, it is not something that is one type of polarity. That’s why Jesus said, “The things that I do you can do also and greater things shall you do” and “he that seek truth, the truth make you free, free men all, lord of yourselves” but you will manifest your own Christ-self, there is no limitation. Audience: What must the indiviual do to lift up (inaudible). Adano: That is the next lecture tonight (laughter). In part two of the Christ intelligence in astrological symbology will show how to lift (inaudible). Yes? Audience: You make a reference to reincarnation and resurrection, do I understand you to mean that resurrection is the the last stage of the reincarnation? Adano: Resurrection is not the last stage, when you use the word last stage we are talking in terms of finality in the english structure. When we use the term resurrection we are talking of in terms of timelessness, that there is no return, no return to a finite state, you see. That does not say, like Sri Yukteswar said in Autobiography of a Yogi, even those who have resurrected on different realms will remain in those realms serving as messiahs or saviors to those individuals you have to be lifted up but even they would go on to another realm in service. So this res-sur-ection is constantly recycling, there is no end to it. Now Jesus would put it another way, “To him that overcometh I will not send forth a second time but I will make him a pillar in the house of my Lord.” Now a pillar is a fixture, it’s a permanent thing, resurrection indicates permanency, it’s a state where the body reaches permanency, where this particular mechanism can come and go by that Divine Love, unpolluted and would not have to go through breakdown anymore but we don’t call that the final state, that would be putting a limitation to its manifestation that God has reached the final state by making us all resurrected. It is a state of being to which we must aspire in order to perform our God-work properly. In this state we could not truly perform our God-work properly because this state is subject to disease, to cold, to heat, to hunger, to pain, limitation that you can’t even go through the wall when there are no doors and can’t even go from here to New York if there are no planes or trains, these are the limitations upon it but in that body form there are no limitations then the divine service to the creator begins for the first time in a truer sense of the word. The love of the Lord is greater then when there are no limitations upon the physical frame. You know a person with a toothache can’t love the Lord, either he takes the tooth out or curse the Lord. Thank you.

1971 December 18 Part 2 - Christ Intelligence Astro Symbology

Adano71_12_18_2ChristIntelAstroSymbologyQ3RR - For those of you who are here for the first time I’d like to give you some statistics. Reverend Adano Ley is a native of British Guyana, his father was Mongolian and his mother was Chinese, Spanish, and Indian heritage. He was brought up as a Roman Catholic and was trained for priesthood before embracing the eastern philosophies of his Father. He is an ordained minister of the All-faith Fellowship which has a retreat in Tyler Texas. He’s married to Zora Margaret Ley who is with us, she is a practicing chiropractic physician and a director of a Montessori school. Reverend Adano Ley was initiated into the ancient order of Saraswati at that time he was given the name of Swami Nityananda Saraswati. He is lovingly known by his friends as Swami Nitty Gritty because that’s what he always gets to. When he speaks he communicates on many many levels because we’re multi-level beings. I take great pleasure now in introducing to you Swami Nityananda Saraswati, the Reverend Adano Ley (applause). Adano: Thank you. Last time I was here a few hours ago I was asked to speak very loud, I hope you can hear me now. Okay as I’ve always said this is not a lecture for a Swami, there are no lectures for us, it is Satsanga, fellowship with the truth. Satsanga is a Sanskrit word meaning “fellowship with the truth” therefore to have fellowship with the truth we have to align our consciousness and we do that because the mind is restless from being in the outer world, having supper, driving here in the car, wondering what he’s going to say, if we’re going to miss out on something. So the mind is a state of fluctuation and to align the consciousness just center the eyes and let’s align our consciousness (short meditation). Thank you. Earlier in the evening I spoke on the Christ Intelligence in Astrological Symbology, I know this must have took quite a wallop for some people and this is going to be part two, imagine what part one was. Those who didn’t attend part one will find out that part two gets more complicated but we’re not going to make it too complicated, we have a Master key and for those who can see the blackboard please get closer to it. Early in the day we established a cosmic Man and I pointed out that the base of the spine is referred to as the earth center, in all eastern writings base of the spine is often referred to as the earth center in this cosmic Man. Man is a miniature universe in a greater universe and the study of the Soul is also the study of Man and it’s the study of the ages and the awakening and the lifting up of Man. Now in order to understand the symbology astrologically speaking, we have to establish the last age which is called the Piscean age and we have to establish the dynamic personality of that age of the Christ intelligence which is Jesus. According to Sri Yukteswar, a 19th century or 20th century Master who was fully Christ realized, He pointed out that we are in the ascendancy of Aquarius therefore Aquarius being on the other side of the earth sign which is the negative and if it’s in the center it will be moving towards the positive. So Pisces which is the sign ahead of it would establish pisces on the right side of the earth sign in the cosmic Man so this is established without doubt where Pisces would be located for the last age. Now moving up from Pisces we went to Aries which is in line with the sacral center and then to Taurus which is the lumbar center and we notice the rib cage shaped like the form of a cave and within this frame of work of the cosmic Man we find all the animals with their animal forms centered around that area: fish, ram, goat, over here is the goat Capricorn, Taurus the bull, Sagittarius half horse half man, Aquarius someone pouring water, all centered in this area. Now going above the cave point on the right side we have Gemini in line with the heart, on the opposite side we have Scorpio the only symbol that looks like a serpent but it’s not a serpent because we don’t have a serpent in the symbolism but it’s the only symbol that looks like a serpent so Scorpio would indicate the serpent in the symbolism. Then we have Cancer on the right side, regenerative in one way and degenerative in another way: On the right side of the cosmic Man it’s regenerative, on the left side it will be degenerative so Cancer is also known to be a degenerative sign. When it attacks you it starts to deteriorate everything, tears down, that’s why the disease of cancer is a degenerate disease, it feeds on the dirt but we see it on the positive side of the cosmic Man (inaudible) in the Aquarian age. Now on the other side of the throat we find Libra, balance. The (inaudible) pituitary is the Moon, that we find Leo is in the Moon. Now the Moon never changes its position so the Earth never changes its position, the Sun never changes its position that’s the pineal at the top and we find Virgo is in the Sun, everything is governed by the Sun sign in relation to the age, the age is Pisces and the governing sign is the Sun which would be Virgo. So the Christ intelligence in the Piscean age was born of the virgin, Piscean Virgo in the sun sign, its moon with Leo, lion, house of royalty, something that declares before it attacks, it roars heralding the news, “hail ye the virgin, blessed among all women,” blessed among all the signs of the zodiac, about to be born in the cycle of life, Piscean Christ-being. Now they said four wise men went out to seek the Christ: the four important signs of the zodiac are the last Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Sagittarius is the house of religion, philosophy, teacher. In Hindu philosophy it’s called Guru in the symbolism of astrology. Capricorn is organization and Aquarius is life regenerative and Pisces is the duality, the conflict, facing up to your daily obligations but remember the wise men brought gifts. 0:10 Now if the symbolism fits the gifts then they are all seeking the Christ intelligence. Sagittarius had to bring gold because Jupiter governs Sagittarius, beneficent, over abundant, had to be very very wealthy. The opulence of Jupiter is so great an outpouring and gold is a symbolism of abundance. Capricorn, that particular wise man, brought frankincense, ministry, order, organization, a new order, a new fragrance, clearing up the old, getting rid of the unwanted. Aquarius brought myrrh, something you use at death, life replenishing itself, myrrh is to indicate embalming, to preserve so Aquarius is life preserving itself over death, the Christ intelligence had to demonstrate now His ability of life over death. The earth sign is still the earth sign where the drama takes place but moving on to Pisces the fourth wise man. Now the first three are moving from east to west that is from minus the plus, they are in search at birth. The fourth one didn’t see Him until after death so death had to occur but the fourth one was a healer just like the Master Himself who was a healer. The fourth one brought the gift also, it was called the pearl of great price because there it was often used in ancient times a pearl for healing and the fourth wise man sold that pearl to heal someone. In the Piscean aspect we do give up our sacrifice for others, this is the great sacrifice even the Master Consciousness would do for His fellow man, no better love than any man would have that he would give up his life for his fellow man so we have Pisces establishing the age in the symbolism of the Christ intelligence in the last age and as I said before earlier this is the Master key we will use to understand the ages prior to the Piscean ages and leading up to the Aquarian age where we fit in with the Christ self otherwise we will not understand why the Christ intelligence is with us in the aquarian age and we will be searching for some other illusory figure and missing the mark in this relationship, what is going on in our inner consciousness. We have established Pisces and we will called Pisces the Christ, remember that, Pisces represent the Christ all the time. We will establish Gemini as Man because it’s male/female in Man but if you remember Gemini is twins and if you remember in Adam and Eve symbology where did Eve come up from apart from Man. Audience: Adam. Adano: So where is there an Eve? So why Gemini would fit perfectly as the Adam and Eve in the process. Now Scorpio we established as the subtle serpent, the tearing down force but yet Scorpio is supposed to represent the genitive organs in this symbology of astrology that means it’s supposed to identify with the sex region. Leo the lion, royalty, also indicating the chronicling of the news the declaration of something before it’s done, the roaring of the lion before the attack, the (inaudible) sign is Virgo and that’s the virgin. Now many symbolism you will find they say the serpent will devour the virgin, well you’ll have to locate that too to show you how can Scorpio mistreat Virgo and how can the virgin step upon the serpent and destroy it, how will Virgo step upon Scorpio to put it in its place. In the Piscean age, Virgo is in the sun and Scorpio is on the negative side of the heart and heart is indicating that purity indicating of eternal love, “The pure in heart sees God” and yet the maternal love of the mother is so strong she will put her life in place of her loved one to protect it. Her loved one would be her son but her son is the Son of Man, Gemini, “until the Son of Man is lifted up,” until it becomes moving up from this state and that’s why the Christ in the Piscean age says “If I be lifed up,” if Pisces be lifted up, “I will draw all Men onto Me.” So if Pisces move one level up, Gemini would move one level up, it will go one movement up towards the moon center which would then put the moon or Leo in the Sun center, Man would then be royal. Now if you move Pisces one step forward up, Man would be in his royal state where Man will be coming into his royal state in what age? Audience: Aquarius. Adano: In the age of Aquarius, has to be, couldn’t come into the fullness of humanness let alone his divinity except in the next age following, the Piscean age or the Christ that went before but that comes after, we have to establish the Master key first which is Pisces. Okay we now will establish the origin of Man tonight and tomorrow we will establish the fall of Man before we can see the redemption of Man via the Christ consciousness in astrology. Here is the Earth sign, here is the Moon, and this is the Sun sign, these don’t change. Now the elliptical path in the cosmic Man or in Man himself is the revolving around the seven centers or seven days of creation. Now in your studies with Casey and other studies you might have heard that Man has a physical body, an astral body or electrical body, now astral is star, something to do with the astrological movements, strange that the term astral body and then Man also has a causal or an ID (idea?) body and in composition he has a spiritual body. So if we are seeing a wonderful unfoldment of our astral relationship via the astrological symbols we can see how we are connected to the Christ self that we are never away from the Christ self, that we all started off in the Christ self and we all return in the Christ self, the only manifestation possible, only way back, “None come unto the Father but by Me,” not taken in the personality state but taken in his true cosmological state. Now we established Pisces already as the Christ, we established Gemini to represent Man. In creation if we go to the Sanskrit language we will see their term for the word Father or Creator, they use a word and it’s called “Sat” S-A-T. 0:20 Now let’s think for one moment, the Father is the Creator in english terminology and in Sanskrit “Sat” is the terminology for starting or creating and let’s look at the astrological symbolism which word or which sign in the zodiac seems to start off with something similar to “Sat.” Audience: Sagittarius. Adano: Sagittarius. Now in the Hindu astrology Sagittarius is called Guru, Master, how can something begin in creation unless there being a Master plan, there has to be a Master consciousness to put it together, to trigger it off, creation then begins in “Sat.” Now where are we going? In the Hindu philosophy again we are returning home to “Sat Khan” or “Sach Khand,” we are returning back to the centrum or the creative center which is “Sat” so we say God in Hindu philosophy, “Sat, Chit, Ananda,” the eternal existing conscious bliss and if Sagittarius is Guru and if the goal or the home is Sach Khand, we are all returning to the eternal “Sat,” the eternal centrum but we must understand the start in order to go back and we must understand why we need the Master key, a Christ principle recycling itself in every one of the movements to give us the direction to establish the origin let alone the fall and the return in the astrological movement. So Sagittarius is the origin so in the age of Sagittarius when we establish the age always on the positive side of the earth, that’s where you establish it on the positive side of the earth so we have Sagittarius right here. Now the next sign going up from Sagittarius on the positive side of the clock is Capricorn right? That’s the positive side of the generative organs. Now the next sign going up is Aquarius, that is in the lumbar region, life began in the waters and “Lo there was a firmament” and where does a goat live? On high areas, high ground, close to the clouds as much as possible and in line with the positive side of the heart we find Pisces. Now you see where the Christ would be at the origin of creation? “He sitteth on the right side of the Father?” “Before Adam was, I was,” I’m always on the right side of the Father, the Christ can’t go anyplace but be on the right side of the heart center and we move up to the throat and we have Aries which is the lamb, “The lamb of God take away the sins of the world,” but you see where it’s located, on the right side of the throat, it declares itself. Now in the moon we find Taurus, the moon governs the earth, its crops, its rotation, rainfall, and early Man in order for him to take anything out of the land, to harvest it, or to plow it up you would have to have what? Cattle, cows were the only way Man could plow the ground in ancient times, the animal had to come, Taurus was the moon, we used the cow, oxen plowing. Now the Sun, remember the Sun? Gemini, I said before Man is Gemini, “Male and female created He them,.” In the sun sign, in the pure light of God at the very centrum of the inner cosmic Man, there is Man centered, he hasn’t fallen yet, he’s pristine, he draws now from solar nutrition but if he drops down from that state he’s got to go by way of the moon, in the opposite direction, to draw his nutrition to sustain himself and then we find ourselves in the cycle of reincarnation. Go back to Mr. Casey and look up some of his readings you’ll see an interesting thing how it ties in. Now in the throat on the left side we find Cancer. When Man begins to fall, he’s ridded with plowing and disease, he’s ridded by the sweat of his brow, he’s got to eat his bread, and he’s (inaudible) by disease on the downward movement. Right now we’re establishing Man in his origin so we’re getting some insights into his fall already. The next on the negative side is Leo, you notice the Christ is directly opposite in royalty? Pisces is directly opposite to Leo, they are in polarity? Man in polarity is seeing God, his true royal state, “The pure in heart sees God,” “Sat, Chit, Ananda,” cosmic understanding is flowing through. The next is Virgo, you see Virgo is lined up with the pristine flow of life, the earth is virgin, there’s no pollution, they’re all lined up, rainfall is abundant. Libra, the sexual forces are in balance not out of, linear movement, they’re all lined up in total balance with Capricorn at its highest peak, something that is pure, pristine, the very highest morality possible Man is living now at the start of creation and the last is Scorpio, the antithesis of Sagittarius, God and His devil and the earth sign, the two now are looking down on the earth plane, the perfect balance, left and a right, negative and positive. Sagittarius the Guru, the creative force and Scorpio the adversary or the subtle force set up in its negative polarity, Sagittarius in its positive polarity. Earth is the battleground, earth is a playground. 0:30 Here we see Man as it started in the cosmic symbology, the Christ intelligence established before the Fall, you have from the key of Pisces the last age a way to set it up to observe how it will come out, it will come out accurately and it will reconcile itself all the time, astrology now becomes a very important science in a deeper way. Sagittarius is the age, it was a golden age, isn’t gold a symbol of Jupiter so creation began in the golden age. Capricorn highest morality. Aquarius the firmament, everything is pure flowing regenerative way. Pisces the Christ-self centered the Sun on the right side of the Father. Aries the lamb, the humbleness on the right side of the throat, the voice of God. Taurus in the moon where everything is not dependent on being plowed up to sustain Man, Man does not have to rely now on physical sustenance to sustain himself and the Pisces or the Christ would say, “It is written, Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God.” Man is Gemini in the Sun at the peak, at the highest point, Eden drawing from the Sun directly his sustenance not relying on Taurian methods or relying on Cancer conflicts, these are held in check as long as he stays here. Leo which is the royalty, the divine strength, is balanced out in the Christ. Virgo is on the virgin part where the land is returning to the bowel where you feed yourself, everything is in virgin, there is plenty of rainfall, there is no pollution, no depletion of the soil. Libra, balance of the sexual energies, morality at its highest, there is no destruction. Scorpio, the subtle beast in the field hiding down in the earth plane in the negative or nether regions and it takes Scorpio to throw the whole thing out of kilter now, then scorpio moves, otherwise creation is sterile right here, perfect, no change, you can’t change anything unless one of them make a move, do you realize that? You see why the devil had to trigger off, that’s another name for saying the subtle force had to trigger off the movement to throw the motion. The moment Scorpio moves forward to the earth in contra-action to Sagittarius, we have now the war in the heavens first before the fall of Man and the forces, or the angels as they say, would have to line up. So Scorpio which is a powerful aspect in the astrological makeup, the Christ intelligence would have to move up if scorpio moves across to take the position of Sagittarius and Man will drop down, Man will have to come down. Now if you reverse the position of Sagittarius in relation to Gemini we will see a very interesting phenomenon. Gemini/Sagittarius and if we reverse the position of Capricorn to Cancer and we reverse Aquarius to Leo, Pisces to Virgo, Libra to Aries, and Taurus to Scorpio you notice a strange thing has happened? Gemini is Man, Cancer is in the sexual region, Leo is in the bowel region, Virgo is on the right side of the heart, Libra is on the right side of the throat, and Scorpio suddenly is in the Moon but God is still in the Sun sign, Man has fallen but still Scorpio cannot just get into the Sun sign even with the fall of Man and if you move Gemini even backward to the negative side, Scorpio still can’t get into the Sun sign because Capricorn would be here, the highest morality is still maintained, there is no possibility that immorality can supersede morality, there is no possibility that unrighteousness can overtake righteousness. Even when Scorpio gets into the Sun, into the Sun sign, Taurus would move into Gemini and Moses will come back (Adano laughs). There is no way that the subtle beast can ever trick us in the cosmology or understanding of the inner astrology. If he tries to get into the sun sign to usurp and run the universe, Taurus will move in and Moses will come forth again you see and where would Libra be? 0:40 Libra would be in the Moon, law, but Sagittarius would move down into the throat but then Scorpio goes into the Sun, something has happened to Scorpio, Scorpio take on no longer the degenerate actions but it becomes refined in the Sun sign, it’s the principle of discipline therefore Mos-iac laws come into existence because Libra is in the Moon, the Mos-iac laws begin to exist, the codes begin to come into existence, there just ain’t no way that Scorpio can trine every rotation to get a head start in this creation. Even when it gets into the seat, the central Sun and think it can rule, it opposites of goodness begins to rise again, interesting to see Man before the fall. Now we can see some interesting reasons for the existence of Mos-iac laws let alone for Abraham. All right, if Taurus moves in and Gemini moves up, Man is on the ascent right? If you put Gemini back to where a Man is supposed to have fallen, Scorpio has to come down in the throat. It has a voice (inaudible) of Man’s fall but it doesn’t have dominion to keep Man or Gemini (inaudible). Audience: Wouldn’t Taurus be Abraham? Aries though is the lamb and the exodus is Moses. Adano: Taurus is Moses, Aries the ram. Audience: Well the ram is Moses. Adano: No, the ram was Abraham because Abraham had to sacrifice his son and then he was about to destroy his son the Lord stopped him. Audience: … became a calf… Adano: No, not a calf, a ram. Audience: But Abraham was before Moses. Adano: Yes, he was before, if we move one step forward and put the Scorpio here you will find Moses will come and no matter how Scorpio tries. You see we are looking at it in a backward movement, Pisces then Aquarius, going backwards. Now if they move it forward and put Taurus on this side, Scorpio would go into the sun sign but Scorpio would not be able to control Man or the Earth plane because some Christ intelligence will start manifesting again, Pisces would move down. If Taurus moves across here where would the Christ move into? The Christ would move into the generative organ area, Pisces would move here. Now in the Mos-iac period why Taurus is the symbol or the age and the Christ would be in the generative organs while they were in the desert they were bitten by the snake, the serpent again or the sexual force, kundalini, the (inaudible) practices but Moses had to lift up the serpent. So you have to put Scorpio in the sun sign, the brazen serpent, the transformation of Scorpio would be the regeneration of Man trying to find the Christ by negative methods because the Christ is on the negative side of the clock. Do you remember that story? That those who were in the wilderness they got bit by snakes and along came Moses and built a brazen serpent, held it up for them to look at and then they were all healed? The symbology is in the kundalini practices and at that time when Taurus was on this side of the scale and Moses was in body, the (inaudible) yoga techniques, the kundalini techniques were at its highest practices throughout all the countries. Even in India the practices of Maithuna was developed in that time. All the ancient techniques pertaining to the sex forces were developed and active on the negative side of the scale, they were present and that would put Aries over here at the earth sign and Pisces in the sex sign, it wouldn’t be the true Christ because they would be practicing the arousing of the energies in the lower regions and not trying to bring the Christ up but there would be no way for them unless the person who was the Master which is over here… so let me draw it so you get the picture of why Moses is in Taurus and we will see why Aries is Abraham because there are some interesting facts about that. We will give Scorpio an opportunity to go to the sun sign. Gemini and Pisces… Now we’ll put Scorpio in the sun sign and we will put Sagittarius on the left side of the throat, we put Capricorn and we put Aquarius (inaudible), and Gemini on the opposite side of the sex organ, Man is in opposition to the Christ in the sex region. Cancer in opposition to Aquarius, Leo in opposition to Capricorn, Virgo in opposition to Sagittarius, and Libra in the Moon. Scorpio has a chance, the brazen serpent, you’re using the term serpent but it’s not really a serpent but it’s the only form we have in astrology that looks like it. He’s in the sun sign, he has control over the cosmos yet in the sun sign there is no way for him to pollute the cosmos let alone Man because in the age of Taurus and the age begins on the right side of the earth, there we find the golden calf or the golden cow being worshipped. Yet the Master of the Christ consciousness at that time was Moses. Moses did some very important acts that ties in the symbology for us. Man taken out away from the earth plane and moving on into the sex region upward because he’s got to lift up and the son of Man is lifted up, you’ve got to lift up this regenerative energy but the Christ is on the opposite side and the Christ is on the downward pull so we’re finding that Man is being deluded in that period by the sex energy going down. 0:50 Now it is known in that period of Man that all the life techniques, all the various exercises pertaining to the sexual energy were developed to its highest and many were hurt, that’s why they say the serpent bit them. Now Moses was teaching a form of Hatha Yoga too. In order to help them to prevent their consciousness moving down, now they plow the earth with cattle, they raise the sheep, all their earth life sustenance are maintained by the cattle life and their desire patterns, their Christ intelligence, weaken in a decent activity, Man’s conscious evolution is in that energy area. Disease is prevalent, the life energies are being polluted, the reality of the heart is still on the right side, there is still hope for Man. Leo is royalty, now Moses is the Master, he was in royalty but the interesting thing about Moses, Moses did not descend from a house of royalty, he was adopted into a house of royalty, that would have to be in the heart. To descend from the house of royalty we will see only in the Christ in the Piscean age where the Sun Leo is in the Moon and Virgo is in the Sun as we saw a little while ago when we established Pisces as the Piscean age for the Christ, the moon had Leo and Virgo had the sun. In the Taurean age with Moses as the Master, Leo is in the right side of the heart to reach out, to adopt, to pull in. Virgo is on the right side therefore purity is rising again, Moses would have to purify himself and the throat is considered a parched area like a desert, purification goes in there reaching up to the highest point, going upwards to declare something of value. Libra the Moo, we see that in terms of a scale, law, order, justice. Now scorpio as we said is a subtle force that tears us down yet it can’t seem to tear down because it’s in the sun sign is being refined now from whatever color it is, to brazen in gold. It’s changing, the blazen serpent or golden serpent is lifted up, the serpent is lifted up and now Scorpio was in the Sun sign while in the Taurean age when Man worshipped the calf or the cattle or the image of the cattle as his only source of power and relied on no other form of power outside of them, the Christ intelligence in Moses again predominated and we see in terms of what occurred in the wilderness, each area where the symbology lines itself up in the cosmic land these incidents occur. Now Sagittarius is on the right side and that is again the symbol of the teaching, it’s on the descent but it’s in the throat, it’s declaring something golden, it’s declaring the negative the “do’s,” the “do’s” and the “don’ts,” the “do’s” and the “don’ts,” an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth and the law of karma is very predominant, either you maintain balance or forfeit in the throat area. Capricorn the goat is on the left side of the heart, their organization, we find that when Moses brought the people out and gave them their tablets to lead them and to give them some semblance of organization of government, he was denied by the Creative Intelligence even to enter the handiwork or the place where the handiwork was being formed, into the city where organization is recognized. He have to watch it from afar, he had to be outside, he’s in opposite polarity, he’s not in. Aquarius life energies are becoming polluted, the Christ is not recognized, it’s going down, Aries the ram is pushed down into the dirt. Now let’s see if we move one step forward, this step forward is one step backward in history so don’t get confused that when we say we’re going one step forward, we’re going one step forward in consciousness. We’re trying to establish the ages backwards by moving the clock forward into understanding so we have to use Pisces as a first age to read history backwards and then move that up forward you see to get the next age. Now, so what we did we brought Aries forward now, we brought Taurus forward to represent the Mos-iac period, we got to give the other period now which is the Abraham period we saw when Man began, we saw how Man is caught up in the Christ state, and we saw Man now caught up in the Mos-iac period, we have to see how Man is caught up in the Abraham period. Now Aries is the head, represents the head right? “A-Braham,” a Brahman, Brahminism, Brahman, the head is Sanskrit, it’s the oldest religion. Brahmanism is now taking a new shape, a new revival. Brahmanism has gone down to as its lowest state as Aries because all the Yogas then were in their decline state in the Earth plane so Brahminism is on the decline at its lowest state. Now Brahmanism is going to make an upsurge, a revival, (inaudible) of Brahmanism is born, Abraham coming up now and we see what will happen to Scorpio, Scorpio moves down. Audience: Abraham preceeded Moses. Adano: This why I’m reading the backwards, we just finished with Moses going backwards, now we’re going back to Abraham. We’re looking backwards now and we’re using the clock backwards but moving it forward on the cosmic Man. The clock in the cosmic Man works this way, the outer ring moves forward and the inner ring moves backwards, that is to say the outward movements of the cosmic clock when viewed from the inner realm is on the forward motion. When viewed from the psychological realm it’s on the backward motion so we are looking at something in reverse, we’re looking at the history of Man in reverse by moving the clock forward, this is a one of those type of wheels that go backward and forward. Moses did preceed Jesus but followed Abraham, in that order Abraham is first, Moses is second, Jesus is third, we are reading it backwards: Jesus first, Moses second, Abraham last, that’s all we’re doing, going back but we have to start off with Jesus or the Piscean age to move back to the Taurean age to the Arean age because it’s already set up that to come forward into the Aquarian age. So Aries is here and Pisces is now coming away from the sexual region down into the Earth region, the Christ is returning into the Earth region but it’s on a negative scale, it is on the rise, Brahmanism is going to take a new shape. 1:00 So we have Taurus is in the sex region on the up movement and Aquarius is on the down movement on the negative side of the sex movement. Again in those periods, the sex life, the animal life, the organic life was very predominant, they were predominant in the Ari-an age and the Christ was truly down in its lowest form because idolism is the highest now. Abraham was told to get rid of all his idols and start to search now for something new, something fresh, come forth with something, choose a new area. Moving out now Cancer, we learn how to… Gemini, Man has moved up away from the sex region now to the bread basket, Gemini represents Man, Man is on the up movement now, he’s going up no longer is he tying down here because Aries is rising, a new Man is coming now, a new change, Abraham is bringing a man. Now Man has to be sacrificed as food, you cook food, you slaughter it, you present it on the table and offer it up to the Gods to propitiate the harvest so let us take the son of Man, Isaac is the son of all. Abraham put him on the altar and prepared the sacrificial rite of offering him up. You notice something on the other side? opposition to Man? Capricorn, Capricorn is on the negative side of the bread basket in place of Man who’s going to be sacrificed by the Father, Abraham, now Capricorn is a scapegoat because Abraham could not kill his son Isaac, the Lord would not accept it but He had to put him to the test. Gemini would have to come in line of the altar of sacrifice where you destroyed in order to eat but something else will have to take its place because God does not want a human sacrifice. The Creative Principle cannot accept a sacrifice so we’re seeing now Capricorn would definitely fall and that was the shunting off point. Now Cancer is in the heart on the right side and Sagittarius is in the heart on the left side, the teacher is in the heart but on the left side and Abraham had something in his heart like a Cancer because he had two children: a legitimate and an illegitimate, Aries. In the age of Aries here we see Cancer, something tearing away at his heart though he’s a great teacher, a great revivalist yet here Cancer is eating away. Hagar and her son Ishmael and his own legitimate son Isaac, there we’re gonna have conflict. In the age of Aries it has to happen because Cancer is there on the right side of conflict with which one of the two should inherit the right. Now let’s see, Leo in the throat, one of them has got to be a king, one of them has got to inherit the heritage, one of them has got to take the lineage. Virgo is in the Moon, the child of the woman who is considered barren also like a virgin, never had any children, onto her in the Moon where the menstrual periods are concerned again you see Virgo had to. Now you see why Isaac fits the pattern, Virgo is in the moon, Libra is in the sun sign, balance is established at last again. The legitimate heir is accepted though he comes from a barren mother similar to like one who is a virgin but she is in the Moon, she is not in the sun sign. We see why Aries represents then the age of Abraham, it balances itself out with these positions in the astrological cosmology. Thank you. (Applause). I know I throw a host of information at you in a short space of time and some facts (inaudible). Audience: Would it be of value to assign any time frame to the ages that you referenced for instance the fall of Man? Adano: Well it wouldn’t really matter the time range because you would still have to establish it from the inner clock where they are in terms of the astrological sequence and by establishing it because you will discover sooner or later there is no beginning, there is no end and time does not have a measuring wheel in this process. This is an endless eternity, according to Sri Yukteswar we are rooted in eternity endlessly so it’s going on all the time. We are eternally forever, we’re never going to come to an end in ourselves, we are forever, God has become us, we are in the eternal cosmic cycle, you are forever. You know that statement, there is a TV program going on now called “You are Forever?” We are forever, we are infinite so we are going to continually going through it. The planets may come and go but the elliptical path where they pass through that doesn’t go any place, it’s still that we have to go through. Now these move, these represent the ages not the planets, the planets do not represent the ages, the elliptical path where the planets are at the time they’re in, that would represent the age. So the age according to Sri Yukteswar is more important because it has to do with our own personal development when we come into the Aquarian age to understand it, how we speed up our evolution into the Christ consciousness via the revolution of the consciousness and the vitality along the spinal column but until we can understand the Christ present in the movement and understand the origin of Man in the movement and the ages in where the Christ appeared in the downfalls of Man, we are never going to appreciate tomorrow’s lecture, why Man fell down from the top of the sun. We’re not really going to appreciate that, through these movements we will now appreciate why Man had to fall down because Scorpio was given every opportunity. When creation started on the Earth plane it was balanced negative, on the positive the God self, the Christ was already located in the heart, they’re all balanced out perfect. 1:10 Now He starts the revolution by trying to move this cosmic clock to suit himself, that’s why in Eastern philosophy he’s called “Kal,” he’s the time play, he plays with time, he’s the time confusion, time confuses us all the time so this game goes on. If he moves, the moment he makes a motion forward or backward to get up into the position of the Sun and even when he gets there to the Sun he is defeated by the Christ’s intelligence. The Christ intelligence moves out to counteract it all the time and through the ages we see when they’re lined up why he’s defeated. Now we can appreciate why he would want to tear Man down from his pristine state otherwise we could not appreciate him why he would tear a Man down. You see you would not appreciate why Man would fall from a high state to a low state there has been a fall from the highest state to the low state and the cosmos yes but to appreciate it is to understand why Man seem to be going through all these changes. Now when we establish that in tomorrow’s lecture we will see why in the Aquarium age all the things that occur to Man in the Aquarian age coming out for the first time. From the cosmic clock you can actually see into the next possible thousand, two thousand years the movements in the Aquarian age and from the Aquarian age we can even go to put the Christ in the Sun and from that point we can now have a projection into the next several thousand years and the Christ is in the sun sign, we will see some interesting phenomenas for thousands of years to come. Audience: When Jesus said that “I saw Lucifer fall from heaven,” does it have anything to do with this? Adano: Yes because He’s in the sun sign and where is He at? Pisces, He’s is in the opposite polarity of Lucifer. “Okay brother,” we are brothers, “we’ll take Father (inaudible) and sit up there and I gotta sit in the corner here and wait and see what happen. You’re fall down to where I am.” Mukunda, which was Yogananda, in the ashram of Sri Yukteswar was living there and a boy came in and wanted to be the top dog in the ashram, I don’t if you read the Autobiography, and the Teacher says “All right, Mukunda from now on you go to the bottom of the class, you’ll do the cooking and washing, take care of the place and we can make this boy a big shot and put in the top.” And he became a little tyrant but before you know it everyone, instead of going to him for counsel and guidance, were all going to Mukunda or Yogananda for guidance so regardless of having the highest point, the fall is evident and this occurred in an ashram in a very outward life let alone having it occur now in a deep cosmological movement. Audience: I think explain to them how the delineation of Moses and Jesus were figures that we know in history whereas Abraham and the fall of Man are not personalities or figures that we do know in history. It will kind of clear up some of their confusion about these times. That’s why I mentioned about Abraham, Abraham is a type not a… Adano: See Abraham brought in a revival of Brahmanism and that’s why the Jewish history states its origin as a movement point from Abraham, “Go to the Semitic race,” go away from that side of the earth sign. Now an interesting point on the cosmic Man, on the left side of the cosmic Man is called East, on the right side of the cosmic Man is called West. If we back up Aries into the position of Pisces, it’s on the East, Moses was in the East, Abraham was in the east. Now they had to move Westward so in the time of Abraham he lived in Chaldea and if he left Chaldea he couldn’t go further East because Brahmanism were really rocking then. He’d have to find a new ground, a new terrain, something virgin, something new, the Moon would have to be rising in that area. So he’d have to go westward so he came to “Middle East” so in this movement it will say that astrology really guides our lives, judging from this particular chart we got no say in the matter but we do have a say in the matter and that’s where we come in to understand the Aquarian age because when we get into that lecture we’ll see how we have a say in the matter with astrology. All these things seem to be preset and that we will fall into step with it or how can we alter it, how can we modify it, “The fault lies is not in the stars or Brutus but in us.” We will see how we can change that but we first have to understand where the Christ came in, understand the origin of Man, understand the various ages that Man went through before we can understand the fall of Man. Audience: You mentioned Abraham and Moses, how does Buddha fit into this picture? Adano: Buddha did not start a new race of people, Buddha came to His own people within their own frame of reference and showed by path of renunciation that He can overcome his worldly nature and be enlightened. Whereas Moses was a Jew by origin, born in an Egyptian country, adopted by Egyptians, went out to struggle for his own kind and then brought them out of a state of bondage into a new movement, that is Moses. Abraham was a Chaldean who was told to go out from his own and find a new group of people to start something working, he didn’t work with his own people. Huddha worked with his own people, Krishna worked with his own people, these are different movements. It is when someone who is out in the movement of the cosmic clock to start something different away from their own traditions then we have a different understanding of the cosmic clock. Now we are seeing something that is leading up to the Aquarian age, this country, its founding Fathers were who? Audience: Europeans. Adano: Europeans, they came from where? They made an exodus from one landmass to another with an ideal, to form a liberation of some type, a federation of some type, to give the world something of some type. Wait till we come in the Aquarium age, we will see some interesting facts about this country. Audience: (Inaudible) somebody mentioned some great change as we enter the new age. Adano: Yeah, a great change. When groups of people shift over from the negative side of the earth plane to the positive side of the earth plane, an age is occurring. There is a shift in human movement, do you follow (inaudible)? An age is always recognized to be in process when there’s a shifting of landmarks, a shifting of home boundary lines, home ties for something virgin, something new, the age begins all the time and we see it in recorded time whenever there is a shift. If you go into the theosophical readings you will see a new root race begins and in these new root race these new movements is a shift, we see the astrological ages lining up. Audience: I want to ask if you believe that some signs have more spiritual evolvement than others. Do you believe that people born under certain signs are more spiritually evolved than others? Adano: No, all signs are equal because the fault don’t lie in the signs themselves but lie on us with our own thinking. Audience: Well with the way people respond (inaudible). Adano: No when we are thrown into a particular sign, we’re thrown in there to learn the lesson of the sign. Each sign has a dual function, a tearing down function and a buildup function and we may need the lesson of that particular sign to round out our nature. 1:20 Now let’s say you don’t have in your physical nature, let’s say you were born in Capricorn but you don’t have the flexibility of mind to make quick decisions, think on your feet like the Gemini person, you would have to start developing that born in capricorn, you’re two staid, you’re too regimented. Audience: What would Gemini’s faults be then? Adano: Flights of fantasy, it needs now to take on some of the Capricorn staid stability so we need each one and yet we need to get rid of some of it in the other. Audience: Are we to be faced with the continual cycle of God realization and then a fall and then realization and then a fall indefinitely or can this be stabilized internally to a… Adano: You see how the mind is working? No matter how the mind tries to to get into the sun sign to bring about complete dominancy it don’t. The mind is trying to put everything on a staid condition, the Man is trying to re-establish Sagittarius in this part of the Earth sign and Scorpio in this part of the Earth sign on the Earth plane, it’s trying to put back the two in balance and when the mind, no matter how it tries to bring this back into balance, it can’t stay there because it will start triggering it. Now in the Hindu philosophy they call it the night of Brahman, God will withdraw all His activities back into Himself and go into rest then they end the book right there but one Sage says after the book was closed off there he said, “That is provided Brahman doesn’t want to wake up from His dream.” Audience: Do we have to keep going through this evolutionary process all over again all the time? Adano: We go through the evolutionary process not in terms of the Astral body or the Causal body, only in the physiological body until we establish our true God-self. Audience: And we fall back again? Adano: (Laughter). You know on this Earth there are people who have never made a change in their whole lifestyle and nature and behavior from the time this Earth was created? They were performing exactly the same habits and patterns exactly from the time the Earth was created and Man came in it, they are behaving in the same routine in the same manner and they’re not changing yet something has happened to their whole structure, their bodily structure is gradually diminishing in size because you can stay so long in one place, tapping the resources of that one spot until all its essential values are used up then a slow deterioration or erosion sets in physically, mentally, and then spiritually. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: They are in the jungles of all the world, in every part of the world where there is a jungle you’ll find one individual, a few of them (inaudible). In South America there are many like that, China, Africa, India, Himalayas there are a few who would not change, they are still going on in their own traditions all the time. Yet their stature is diminishing, at one time they were very big and bulky people, over the years and centuries they’ve just diminished and diminished and diminished, nature has a way. Now we will come in contact with them as the planetary movements go around, this is where our missionary actions come in, we do come in contact with them, we may be able to raise the level of their consciousness or we may be destroyed in the attempt or we may have to give up and leave them as they are. Master Jesus one time said this of a group of people, “With these people I can’t do anything,” they just would not change, they are that in consciousness. Now the crystallized God-body would not change too in a real God-body there is no change, it’s taking on non-corruption but let me assure you this according to Sri Yukteswar there is no mass exodus of Saints or mass production of Saints, we may have mass production of athletes, mechanics, doctors but no such thing as mass produced Saint. This is an individual growth and each one is a (inaudible) each one has to be. Audience: But isn’t it true that at least four of the great religions were founded in point of time on regular intervals, say several thousand years apart? Adano: Yes. Audience: Does that have anything to do with astrology, perhaps the founders came at regular intervals. Adano: Yes because the ages are governed, there are only 12,000 ascending years and 12,000 descending years, 12,000 going up, 12,000 coming down. The clock is 24,000 years rotation, this is a 24,000 year rotation, that’s all it is, it’s not 24 billion, it’s 24,000 years rotation twelve 12,000 ascending years and 12,000 descending broken up into the Hindu way of counting: a golden age or a “Sat” age, a silver age, a bronze or copper age, and an iron age, these are the four. They call it “Sat Yuga,” “Treita Yuga,” “Dvapara Yuga,” “Kal Yuga.” We in western astrology prefer instead of saying a golden age, a silver age, a copper age, and an iron age, we prefer to identify with the elliptical path that the planets follow as the age and therefore according to Yukteswar this is more accurate. By using this elliptical path as establishment for it because each one of these has a time position to be in that area and if you go back to Casey it states that the Soul, though embodied in its physical form while on this Earth plane, plane is making sojourns through the elliptical path gathering experiences. Now how is it going to gather experiences if it’s already entrapped in this physical frame unless it’s doing it via its internal electrical mechanism? Now those who are initiates of the Holy Breath, they make this nocturnal journey every day and every night by their daily meditations, they are gathering through what is called a time capsule method. According to Sri Yukteswar it takes one million years for the Soul to traverse the earth plane in a diseaseless body to obtain Cosmic Consciousness, you have to have a body that will last you one million years in a diseaseless state to achieve Cosmic Consciousness by natural living. Well that’s going to take a long time, not possible, Man would ever realize the Christ in himself and the planets are making this journey in millions of years over and over so it’s a long time. Now when it comes to Man speeding up his evolution, he can do this by a certain method that the Sages have discovered because the Creative Intelligence has already placed that method in Man to speed it up, to bring it into manifestation. So Man once he’s initiated into the method, he begins to speed up now and bring on the experiences that would take so many lifetimes to encounter. For the benefit of those who are initiates, every time you make one nocturnal revolution you bring one year’s confrontation into focus in two minutes. What you would have to face a year from now, you’re gonna face in two minutes when you set that thing in motion so if you want to wind it up quicker, you gotta face more, a very fascinating science. Thank you. (Applause).

1971 December 19 Part 3 - Christ Intelligence Astro Symbology

Adano71_12_19_3ChristIntelAstroSymbologyQ3RR - Audience: I’d like to welcome you once again to our gathering brothers and sisters and for those of you this is your first visit, you’re more than welcome and I’m sure you’ll feel the bliss and the joy that each of us do each time that Adano speaks to us. First of all the lectures or not lectures but the talks that Adano will be giving to us on the Christ Consciousness through Astrological sSymbology, this is the third in a series of four of the talks. It won’t be difficult to pick up on what has already been given, he has a chart to start off very well and keep us up to date on it. Adano’s background is Mongolian on his Father’s side and Spanish, Chinese, and Indian on his mother’s side. As a young child he was raised in the Catholic church from his mother’s background and so chose later to follow the Eastern beliefs of his Father, the Mongolian side. In his early training he was also being taught as a priest but then again and as he changed over to the Eastern belief he began his meditations and he meditated for 21 years and in 1969, along with his wife Margaret, was initiated into the household of Swami of Saraswati, the household of Saraswati and at that time he was given the name Swami Nityananda Saraswati. He is now a minister of the All Faith Fellowship in Tyler, Texas where there is retreat and all are welcome to visit and he goes by the name of Reverend Adano Ley. There is really no more necessary to be said for Adano, he speaks for himself and we all love him very much. May we welcome him now. (Applause). Adano: Thank you. I’ve always said that these are not lectures for Swamis, this is Satsanga and at the Satsanga many things are occurring, the mind is restless when you come in so we have to calibrate the mind. One you have a physical contact, two a mental contact, and three an extra sensory contact. In order to calibrate the mind you keep the consciousness of the point between the eyebrows. (Short meditation). Thank you. Am I loud enough? Ok, well we threw in a lot of information pertaining to the Christ Consciousness in Astrological Symbology but I think folks should move over this side so they can see on the blackboard, easier for them to see and understand. (Gap in tape). In the chart we’ll see for those who were not there before and those who were here, this is a outline of the cosmic Man in astrology utilizing the physical body as a reference point. The Earth sign in oriental spiritual studies and astrology is always the base of the spine, that’s where the Earth, the sun is the top of the head, the Moon is in the forehead. Now this has to do with the inner astral body, here’s the word comes again astral body, Man has an astral body, he has a physical body, an astral body or electrical body, that would be the new name now as we come into tonight’s lecture and he has an idea body or causal body. Now the inner astrology works different than the outer astrology, the inner astrology resolves itself mathematically all the time and there is where according to the Autobiography of a Yogi, Sri Yukteswar told his student Yogananda that everyone is deeply connected inwardly, that’s quite a statement, everyone is deeply connected inwardly, you and I are one inwardly in the inner astrology. Now to establish the age you’re in, that is again the incarnation you’re in, we have to establish it on the right side of the Earth plane which is the positive and we established that yesterday by studying the previous age. We are coming into Aquarius but we couldn’t know where Aquarius would come in on the inner Man until we study where the last age was in the inner Man. The last age was called the Piscean age and we are familiar with the personality of the Christ in that age as Jesus and we established some interesting facts why the symbolism revolving around His life stated that He was born in a manger and of a virgin and the heralding of the news by the angel and He was of royalty and also David, Lion of Judea, and some interesting facts were revealed and the child you know, immaculate conception seems acceptable, grow up as an adult in the householder life don’t seem so acceptable but that doesn’t say physiologically that is not true, scientists are going to prove that too but in astrological anatomy or astrological terminology we can see an interesting fact, if Pisces representing the Christ all the time in the astrological symbolism is located on the right side, Pisces is in here, Aries is over here. This is the Master key we have to work before we can understand today’s lecture which is the birth of Woman, fall of Man. Aries, Taurus all below the navel are that particular portion of the human anatomy that (inaudible) like a cave, have you looked at your own physical body? You have like a cave and that’s where it protrudes when it’s pregnant. Gemini, in astrological symbology, Pisces represents the Christ, Gemini represents Man, male/female heterogenous Soul, interesting the twin. Out of Man came (inaudible) but in astrological symbology Gemini is the representation of Man, it’s in the heart center on the right side of the inner Man. 0:10 Now we have Cancer in the throat, the Cancer is a crab having two qualities, a degenerate quality and a regenerate quality depending on what side of the cosmic Man it’s acting. When it’s on the right side it’s regenerative, from personal experience as a boy you cut off the leg of a crab it will grow another one back and there are certain techniques we know in South America to convert the crab into a scorpion. Interesting it’s the only symbol in the whole of astrological makeup that has a scorpion representing the beast and by certain techniques we can monitor that scorpion and direct it to sting you and it’s fatal. This may sound like some weird voodoo yet these are certain rules or laws that do exist and why would it seem to occur that way? Yet here we have an interesting setup in astrological symbology to show certain things can happen. The moon is in Leo: lion, Judea, royalty, a lion roars before he attacks therefore the heralding of an angel bringing in a message and bringing good news, advent, and the sun the clear light is a Virgo: purity, the virgin, so born of a virgin, immaculate, pure, no impurity in the sun sign, the Piscean age is being born coming in at the first apex on the Earth center on the rising side which is positive, which is west. Libra, balance, order being established in line with the regenerative principle of Cancer. Scorpio which represents the serpent or subtle force or the negative charge, the downward pull, is on the other side of the heart but you notice it’s opposite to Man all the time, always going to put you in conflict with yourself and in the heart center, the thing that is closest to you. There are certain feelings that are very close to Man in his makeup that a subtle force will try to tear down. Sagittarius, force and Man combination they call the Centaur or the Archer so again we find it in the lower region with the other animals and we find another creature called Capricorn, a goat, and we find finally Aquarius, life-giving. We have a delineation of the Christ in the astrological symbology coming forth now being born in a manger as a storage place for animals and a virgin birth, a sun sign being in Virgo and the Moon being Leo that means the mother’s side again, she was supposed to come from royalty, the House of David. Interesting, are these symbols just coincidental or are they planned for the age in which the Christ intelligence must appear? The personality can change, Jesus could have been called Avi you know or (inaudible) or He might have been called Chu or Chang or Smith but nevertheless the names won’t make any difference, the Christ intelligence would have had to flow in the Piscean age from the inner Man that way. We see once we’ve established the Master key, we can then study the ages behind that went on or ages ahead of us, we must establish the Master key to find it. We must establish the symbols that represent so the Pisces represents the Christ all the time, the Gemini represents the Man all the time, the Scorpio represents the subtle beast all the time, Leo royalty, Cancer regenerative or degenerative, Libra balance new law/rule, Virgo pristine/something new, untouched, unpolluted. Now we find three other interesting names, in Hindu philosophy Sagittarius is called Guru meaning teacher. Now they said there were three wise men who came from the East in search of the Christ, we will see three wise men because in astrology there are four signs that refer to the spiritual signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces but the first one brought gold. Well naturally Sagittarius is the beneficent sign and unto it is the planet Jupiter rules and gold is governed by Jupiter so we see that Sagittarius is that first wise man. Capricorn representing organization, ministry, we see now frankincense, some material substance that gives a sweet odor and Aquarius the sign that represents life giving brought myrrh, something you use at death to preserve or sustain life after death or preserve. So aquarius represented myrrh as the mastery of life over death. The Piscean wise man, there was a fourth wise man, three came at birth from the East to the West in a movement east to west in search of the Christ child. The fourth wise man came at death, that would mean he’d have to come after Aquarius, he was he brought another gift. History tells us and certain writings tell us that fourth wise man brought a pearl then the reference “pearl of great price.” Well if you look into Pisces it’s a water science, a marine life and pearl usually come from marine life and pearl is used in healing in the oriental countries. In Sri Yukteswar’s instruction to Yogananda in the Autobiography of a Yogi concerning Yogananda’s sister’s illness, he told him to get an unperforated pearl in a golden clasp and attach it to the foot and it will prevent paralysis which the sister was suffering from and she was healed, we have some interesting relationship. Now this is the Master key of the last age and we are constantly celebrating the birth of Christ all the time not understanding the deep significance but from this Master key we can understand previous ages going right back to the birth of the universe, the birth of Man, the birth of Woman and the fall of Man, the redemption of Man, and the future of Man. Today’s lecture, yesterday we went back and covered some of the fall, some of the various civilizations in biblical time and how they fit into the symbolity. A brief review, we know that Moses came in the age of Taurus because the golden bull was revered, the symbolism is the bull and if you put Taurus here this represents the age and move Gemini to this position, Man is in the sexual region, and if we move Cancer, Cancer is in the dorsal region or the navel region and then we put Leo in the heart center and then we put Virgo in the Moon, we’ll have to put Libra in the sun sign, your Mos-iac code, Virgo represents law, the Mos-iac. 0:20 Scorpio would be in the throat, it has a great say but let’s look at some interesting things if we write it out and go over it again just to get a brief review of the positions it’s better to write it out so you can see it clearly and then we’ll take the Birth of Woman / Fall of Man. (Writing on blackboard) Here is Taurus, here is Gemini, here is Cancer, here is Leo, here is Virgo, here is Libra, here is Scorpio, here is Sagittarius, here is Capricorn, here is Aquarius. Audience: You missed one of them. Adano: Yeah, I missed out one, which one is it, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, (inaudible). Audience: Capricorn. Adano: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Got it? Okay, the age of Taurus in the Mos-iac time, now Moses came and you notice the Moon is in Libra, a new law, and the Sun is in Scorpio, the subtle force or the brazen serpent being lifted up. Now no matter how the subtle force, the dark force will try to run the universe and the throne of God or the central Sun is the creative force, whenever it gets up in there, it becomes transmuted, the light of the Divine Consciousness transmutes the darkness. Now Gemini, Man is in the sexual region, Pisces the Christ is in the opposite side, it’s in that period of the Taurian age all the sexual practices were developed to awaken different type of psychic phenomena because the energy was going downwards, Pisces was going down, more of the earthy nature of the two animals Taurus and Aries were very predominant. We find that Man, idol worship, images, involved themselves with perverted sex acts or imitating acts, awakening false ideas about kundalini the life energy and got bitten by the serpent and I used to see as a boy and you turned a picture of Moses in the desert and a whole host of Israelites all bitten on this part of the leg by a serpent, I didn’t know why here, it says “up to the groin.” Well to understand it you see the strange setup in the inner Man, they were working on the principles of yoga awaking the life energy but it was distorted because it was pulling down and then Moses, the Christ in the man, the Christ in that particular period gave them the brazen serpent by raising it up in the desert so Scorpio which is the symbol that looks like a serpent is in the sun sign, brazen means it’s golden, polish, brilliant there just ain’t no darkness in it now, everything is wiped out, it’s the redeeming principle. Scorpion can be degenerate and can be regenerate and we have his companion, Cancer that can be regenerate and degenerate and as I said as a boy we knew of a technique of how to change a crab into a Scorpion but we never knew how to bring a Scorpion back into a crab, this was one thing we never learned but it is possible by a certain way to do it, physically speaking. Now interesting how in the Taurean age that Scorpio should end up in the sun sign and the brazen image lifted up as a redemptive principle. Taking the Piscean master key and studying it backwards now into the age we can study the Mos-iac age, the Mos-iac period. We see Libra representing law, the Moon that governs the earth, the predominant force that influences all activity, the Do’s and the Don’ts of Sagittarius the teacher comes in now, Virgo the virgin we see now that a new set of people have to come forth to have a new voice, Israelites being taken out from Egypt, it’s the first time they’ve come out of bondage. Yet Moses is a prince but not born a prince, adopted into the house of the Egyptians so Leo is in the heart center on the right side. Leo is royalty so then the Master or the Christ intelligence was an adopted being but opposite we have Capricorn which is he was made a scapegoat and had to flee out of Egypt because there’s a story that goes he fought with an Egyptian and have killed the Egyptian and then he was forced to leave Egypt and go out therefore the heart is affected which is the central point. Now we say the Christ is in Pisces well we have this as a guide, today’s lecture now we can take. I don’t want to go into Abraham which is the fault, the one that’s coming up behind you see that’s the age of Aries but let’s go on to the the origin of Woman and fall of Man, this brings us a little understanding of what today’s lecture involves. We know that Gemini represents Man, that is both male/female so we have to locate on the chart Gemini but we must understand in the origin of Man or origin of Woman now, they said Woman was made from the what of Man? Audience: (Inaudible). Well let’s look for a location in the cosmic Man that would represent the rib area either right or left. 0:30 Now right would have to be awake, left would be asleep on the negative side so we put Gemini and the Lord calls a great sleep to come over Man in that period to bring forth Eve the Woman from the rib of Man splitting for the first time the two forces up of the Soul, male/female. Now if we go down the scale Gemini, next sign after Gemini would be Cancer and the next sign going down would be (inaudible) and the next sign coming up would be Virgo, sign of the Woman, Woman being born coming forth. Libra, you notice where the subtle beast is situated now? On the opposite side of Man, He’s going to tamper with the Woman to cause Man to drop down. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, you see where the Christ is now? The Christ in the sun sign, Aries, Taurus. “Before Abraham was, before Adam was, before Eve was, I was and even into the nether regions I am Alpha and Omega,” Christ, the nether region (inaudible), the Christ is still ruling in the origin of Woman. Strange, the subtle force is on the right side. Now the subtle force is attacking where in the Woman, where in Man? Only that part that is in lower regions, only that part which you call solar plexus or pseudo brain. This is not a real brain, it acts like a brain sometimes and in astral projection shedding the body and seeing the self being naked or nude, devoid of the body, that’s why they fell you know, that’s when they were tempted, fell and they told the Lord that they no longer cannot face Him because they were nude. He says, “How you know that? Who told you that?” Scorpio is going to affect Gemini in a strange way, this is the origin of the Woman now, Virgo is under (inaudible) and the Christ intelligence is ruling supreme in the Sun center. We’re gonna create a diversion to upset the apple cart, we are told when the Woman is in the garden it was to be a help mate to the Man and we are told that they were supposed to eat of the fruit of the garden but not the one in the midst of the garden. If this is the root of a tree then the fruit is lower to the bottom, Man is like an upturned tree, the roots are in his head, the nervous system runs down like branches in reverse to a tree which which is out this way. We are going this way, we are drawing sustenance from the brain, from the cosmos like the roots draw sustenance from the ground. In this age the Christ is drawing sustenance directly from the Sun, the regenerative Man the true Christ Man does not need no food, no sustenance from Earth, not even in the nether region, He is drawing it strictly from the inner source of consciousness. Now the subtle beast is going to set up the motion of desire within Man so when you have a desire your stomach starts to churn, a craving begins in the stomach, in the bowel area for something, you want something, you don’t know why and if you don’t get what you want you go put something in your mouth to eat. Ever get frustrated to the extent that you can’t explode with your frustration? You got to go put something in the mouth, it’s a toothpick or a cigarette or a cup of water or coffee or alcohol something has got to go in to veer them out, strange yet an action is starting. Scorpio is going to tell Gemini, “If you eat of the fruit that is in the midst of the garden you won’t die.” Aquarius is in in the moon, Aquarius would regulate the function of the earth and regulate the function of Man or Woman and especially in the lower region of the physical frame it will regulate the menstrual cycle, it would regulate labor. “You won’t die, you would have a knowledge, a knowledge of life, of good and evil,” only a knowledge of good and evil but not a knowledge of life and death. It didn’t say to Gemini, Scorpio did not say to Gemini you would have a knowledge of life and death, that that you have a knowledge of good and evil, it’s a big difference, having a knowledge of good and evil and having a knowledge of life and death because only the Piscean or the Christ knows the knowledge of life and death, they are together now in the highest state in the formation of Woman and before when He was redeeming them, Pisces was here and Aquarius was over here in the Earth realm, remember we started out with that? That Pisces was here representing the Christ and on this side we had Aquarius the life principle, the third wise Man? Now they are close up in the Sun sign in the central portion of the brain and they are in harmony, in unity, so everything is in alliance so the Tree of Life is up here, the Tree of Good and Evil is down here. Scorpio is going to trigger off this action, desire is going to trigger off feeling now in modern terminology so we’ll shift and this is what they call “Fall of Man,” a downward movement. Gemini will down down in the sex region, feeling is going to be stimulated by Scorpio the subtle force, desire, to reach out, to experiment with a form of creative energy. Not the pure creative energy of consciousness but the storage battery of creative energy in the lower region so Gemini moves down into the sex region and Cancer moves into the outside. 0:40 Now you notice Cancer is supposed to be a degenerate and a regenerative symbol, if it moves into the Earth sign into the negative side disease will come forth by mal use or misuse of Man’s knowledge of the sex energy. Leo has shifted over to the positive side, Leo is on the ascent. Virgo is on the right side, Woman is on the right side but being pulled down. Libra the scale, the balance, is being tipped either to go up or to go down but look where Scorpio has positioned itself? The thing closest to the heart it attacks, Sagittarius the Guru has gone up into the throat and the Moon of my delight, the apple of my eye, is Capricorn the scapegoat. Man is made a scapegoat now by believing in Scorpio which attacks him closest to the heart, his other half but the Sun is in Aquarius. Still Man doesn’t learn life over death, all he got now is the knowledge of good and evil because the Pisces, the Christ, has moved on into the throat and Aries, “Behold the lamb of God will take away the sins of the world,” it has to go forth now. The Christ will have to go forth as a lamb to redeem the fall and then Man must plow the ground to feed himself because the Christ has shifted. Man in his pristine state, Women in the pristine state were drawing from that source but now they shift down and they have to plow the earth by the sweat of their brow, they’re going to eat bread. You see how we are constantly affected from an inner astrology more so than an outer astrology? Each one of us basically is living a rise and a fall every instant inwardly and each one of us will redeem ourselves and lift up ourselves. Now in the Piscean age Pisces was over here and Gemini was over here and Virgo was in the Sun sign and it states, “If I be lifted up” that is if Pisces move up towards the Sun center, if the Son of Man be lifted up, “I will draw all Men unto me.” “If I be lifted up, I will draw all Men unto Me.” If Pisces moves up Gemini will be redeemed but we see here Pisces has to come down to go and make the whole circle to pull up the fall of Man. The fallen Man is redeemed every time the Christ go forth as the lamb, the sacrifice, to bring back Man back to his pristine state. Now he’s fallen only because we say the birth of Woman caused it to move, now don’t blame the woman physically, these are laws that we are just living out (inaudible). Now let us look at an interesting fact before when Man was created in the pristine state, we will put Man in his pristine state, that is at the top of the cosmic Man, we place him there. Then we will place the others in line: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, you see where the woman’s appearing? Libra, balance in the sex region. See where the subtle force is supposed to be at the base of the Earth hidden on the nether side, negative side and now let’s see where the opposite force, the God-self, because God is “Sat” in Hindu theology, Hindu philosophy, “Sat Guru,” “Sat” means eternal self. Capricorn, Aquarius, see where the life principle and the Woman principle are positioned? Aquarius then we have Pisces in the heart, the Christ center again on the right side of the heart but it’s in line with Leo, the Son of God is on the right side ruling because it’s the only begotten Son. A son is a prince, a king, representative of the Father who is the ruler. Pisces, Aries, Taurus. Man in the Age of Sagittarius which is the birth of the universe or golden age as you would say, “Come let Us make this whole universe,” Man when made after all things were completed in the Sun sign we find Gemini in his pure pristine state, the universe is complete. He’s at his peak, here he is a solar being, “Come let us make Man in Our own image and likeness, male and female create He them,” androgenous being, “And God breathed into Man the breath of Life and Man became a living Soul.” Man is Soul, he doesn’t have a Soul, Man draws from the solar force directly into his body the energy he needs, the Christ reminds us of it on the sermon when He was up in the mountain going through the temptations and the first temptation was food. “It is written Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out in the mouth of God” it is written. 0:50 Now this is a quotation by Jesus from some source, a knowledge of something that is existing anti-dating Jesus so Man in his pristine state draws energy from that central Sun, the yogis have a technique of drawing the (inaudible) energy from the top of the brain to feed the body without eating. At a certain level of your growth as initiates you are taught that technique of absorbing the energy through the brain. These techniques are not new they are all existing within us as we become aware of them and turn them on but here in the pristine state is Man and we saw that the Christ is on the right side, Leo is royalty, he’s prince, he is the apple or a portion of their heart. The Father always fears for his son, the thing that is closest to his heart because he’s going to take over and run the place so the only begotten son has to go up, Pisces in the whole symbology is the only one chosen to make the redemption. Now Pisces symbolically looks like two fishes, one going in each direction. In oriental symbolism when a male child is born, they hang a flag out and on that flag there are two fishes or a fish to indicate he has to travel through the tides of confrontation, the channel, the subtle currents and become strong and lead and when the girl is born they put up a symbol of a doll, Virgo, life Aquarius on the opposite side. So we see interesting facts of how this thing is resolving itself that when Man in a pristine state in Gemini the Christ is on the right side of the Lord. When Man falls down to where Scorpio is, the subtle beast. Now Scorpio is not a bad sign, don’t view it in that sense, Scorpio is the direct opposition of the negative to the positive like two plates, you can’t have a positive without a negative and make a photograph. Sagittarius is the birth but he needs the opposition as balance, we need the adversary to stabilize this whole cosmic pattern. Now scorpio is envious that it can’t create like Sagittarius, the subtle force of desire when moving out is envious or rebellious that it can’t create from within like a dynamic principle of God. Now with all its envy we can even give Scorpio an opportunity to go way up to the Sun sign and let him be the king of the universe and something has happened to him. Take him out of his base region and put him in his most pristine region, he can’t be evil because Moses demonstrated that in a Taurian age by lifting it up to the highest point, he was a transmuter, he was a redeeming force. In the cosmology we see there is no way that this creative intelligence Jupiter made a mistake of allowing anything to take over, he’s got every safeguard built in that everything will reconcile itself, this is truly looking at cosmic energy recycling itself, a true conservation of forces going on all the time. Within each one of us we are connected but in the symbology of astrology we see it, in tonight’s lecture the Aquarian age which is the final that we are coming into, the symbology will be presented and then the new terminology presented for modern Man to see it and he will see something pertaining to the future of Man. Thank you. (Applause). Audience: Would you like to stand up and stretch and then I’m sure Adano would like to answer questions for you. (Gap in tape). Adano: I’ve been asked to state that there is meetings after these lectures are over tonight, those who want to get together and we will be discussing initiation and meetings are in Virginia here with folks who are initiates and for regular meditations. So after the lecture tonight those are interested in the initiation talk with (inaudible) or myself, we will be glad to discuss it, the possibility of initiation. Thank you. Any questions? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes there will be in the alcove there some paper and pencil who can’t be tonight and who would like to have some information regarding our work. They’ve been mailing you, keep your name and address and we’d like to mail you more information. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Oh the picture, isn’t He a marvelous man? That’s Christ of the Aquarian Age, it’s not a painting, it’s an actual photograph. Audience: Christ of the Aquarian Age? Adano: Yes. Audience: When? How was it made? Adano: In a chapel in South America there were a group of people praying and the minister or priest who was leading it prayed for a direct materialization of Christ, nothing short of it on Christmas day while they were having a group prayer meeting. Nothing short of direct materialization in that church, nothing short of that, they had to whip up enough devotion to get it because he believed that if Christ is in the resurrected body, He can come and prove it to them as he did to the disciples in the upper chamber. It so happened at that very moment there was a Baron from Germany with his young son visiting that area and the young boy he was the only one had a camera and in 1963 when they were praying so hard, lo and behold in the middle of the church there He stood and the boy photographed him. I’m very happy to be proud owner of the picture, it’s a copy of the original. Now I know for the Aquarian Age this is a great treasure. Audience: (Inaudible), but I never dared because I didn’t know what He looked like but when you first put it up there I was sure it would be Him. Would there be any chance of getting a copy? I could take a photograph of it. Adano: All right, surprise yourself. Audience: (Laughter). Adano: You know it has some peculiar qualities (inaudible). Remember this was generated out of love by human beings in the 20th century, not way back in some remote time and it was not painted by imagination, modern photographic equipment took it. 1:00 So the build up was a tremendous experience for those people and I and my wife we feel ourselves very fortunate in such a minute way to be able to have it here and we wanted it as a treat for the Virginia Beach believe me others have not had the opportunity. You’re really blessed for us to bring it, to show it, and we would have it for our Christmas meditation but that’s what we got., I know the picture speaks for itself. Audience: Are there any specific colors that go or are representative of the different signs of zodiac? Adano: Yes there are and tonight we’ll cover that in the Aquarian Age, the new terminology. Audience: Are you going to go into numerology? Adano: Well that would take us pretty long into the night you know, it would have to go on to some other lectures. The idea of tonight’s lecture is the Aquarian Age and how to view the astrological symbols in a new terminology. Remember this, we have an astral body, we have a physical body, we have a physical cosmos, and we have an astral cosmos or inner cosmos but we also have a third one, an ID (idea?) cosmos. The astrological names will take on their new names tonight to represent the ID (idea?) cosmos, what are the true ideas. You will not see them and recognize them as Capricorn or Scorpio or so forth, they will have their true ID (idea?) name because in the Aquarian Age we’re going into the very core of the atomic structure now and the deep psychological impact so the names are going to be far more significant to us from the idea realm, the spirituality would be more meaningful. I know the idea of astrological names being used tends to throw off a lot of people as to Christ being involved in such a thing. Audience: Is Hoffman’s “Head of Christ” similar to that? Adano: No, it’s a very good head of the Master but this is not. Audience: This is of this age now, it was taken when? Adano: ‘63. Audience: 1963. In other words when He manifests again this is what he looks like? Adano: Well I sure hope. (Laughter). Audience: Astrologically speaking (inaudible). Adano: Well if you put Pisces in the Sun center and we remember Leo was in the nether region or the other region, the dark region, coming and going the Christ in its pure state when it’s awakened in us, all darkness goes out of us. So when we look in and see the Christ fully centered in the Sun center of Man, each one of us when we have that inner experience every smidgen of darkness goes out of us. It’s that coming and going, it’s not the personality no more, it is that realization that comes in. The Christ is saying to us in that personality of Jesus that when each one of us take on this regenerative principle upon our consciousness, upon that Sun center, even the nethermost region where all ideas would be on the negative side would subside, even that will go out and the whole body will change over. If the astrological symbology in the cosmic Man can show you that by lining it up that Leo would eventually end up here, royalty, something good, then if you take this state of awareness psychologically now every smidgen of desire that is detrimental to you has to go out. The thief on the cross is one such individual so if you see me the same way I go as I came, it’s more than just that. If we want to see the Lord descending out to the clouds, I hope you don’t want that because such a mass conversion is not genuine out of fear. If we saw the great intelligence coming out of the cloud and “Lo and behold this is the day of judgment you earthworms,” everybody is going “Please Lord, I’ve been very good, I’ve been following that guy called Adano.” (Laughter). Do we wonder? He might be one of the false prophets that you mentioned to beware of. (Laughter). Audience: In Revelations when it says that Satan will be found for a thousand years, is that also in that time? Adano: Yes that’s when Scorpio goes back into this corner. Man is in his pristine stage, Man will live, now Man will live physiologically speaking his complete thousand-year purity in the physical body. Babaji, a living Master, an Avatar, lives with a physical body give and take a few hundred years let’s say 900 years. He’s still around, He hasn’t given it up, His body is youthful and alive, He draws from the cosmic energy. So if that is cosmic Man, that’s the pure Man, then Man returns to his pure state, it’s where he came from. Now Methuselah lived how many years? Audience: 500. Adano: All right we see these years are measured in solar time of 28 days to the month, 13 months to the year, give or take a day or two, 344 or 345, still a thousand, it makes no difference. Point is, in his pure pristine state he’s entitled to that thousand years then Scorpio will have to try to pull him down but in the meantime he’s there to live it out in service to the Creative Intelligence and Scorpio will stay over here subdued. Audience: Where does it all end? (Laughter). Adano: You know what He said, “Not one jot or tittle of My words will pass away, though Heaven and Earth shall pass away this is a world without end.” It other words there is no end. Thank you. (Applause). This person has a question. Audience: Tell us about the forth Wise Man? Adano: The fourth wise Man was a healer and a king in his own right and he set out, he had the awareness that the Christ was being born and he set off from his home bringing a pearl which was used in healing. Centuries ago they always used the pearl, they crush it up to make medicine and everything. In your future use of medicine, precious stones will be used in tinctures to heal diseases. So the he was bringing this because he used it in a homeoptic method and in various other methods and it was one great pearl as a gift to the Christ being born. On his journey as a physician, he couldn’t turn his back or his eyes against the suffering humanity crossing to the West. You know in those days you don’t go by locomotive you go by donkey or camel so especially you have to pass through the deserts and see people dying from various diseases, a physician at heart would have to reach out in whatever limited way he has. Nevertheless this gift was the one gift at great price he’d saved it, he’d used it so many times. Finally he had to dispose of the gift to save the life of a little child. 1:10 At the very moment he disposed of it, the Christ in the body made a remark about it. He said openly to the crowd, “The least you have done onto one of these, you have done it unto Me.” He was emphasizing bio-telepathic understanding and by His cosmic understanding the fact that this was occurring in time and it was being given up for him. Now if we can give up something that is so precious to us as a service to the Christ-self in the form of another human being, you’ve done it to the God self. If you reach out and help someone no matter how minute with something so precious to you, it has been done to the Christ-self and that was the fourth wise man’s life but he didn’t arrive until He was on the cross you see, he came after Jesus was already on the cross. Audience: Thank you. (Applause then gap in tape). Adano: Thank you very much. This is the last of the series and I hope to pack it all in and really give you a bombshell. Let us align our consciousness (short meditation). Thank you. I know we’re all aching in the breeches or chomping at the bit to get on to this last Age, this is the Age of Aquarius but before we go into the Age of Aquarius let us just review a few seconds of a few important things. I was asked yesterday and today again about where does Buddha and Krishna fit into all these. Well I’ve been keeping it for the last you know because they’re very important. We all know now from the few lectures before that Moses came in the Taurean Age right and also he lifted up the serpent, he gave forth a great rule, a Mos-iac law, and at his period there were great experiments in the sex energy by various schools of thought trying to arouse it. Interesting as it may seem, if we line up Buddha you will find that Buddha came in a Taurian age. From all the facts surrounding the life of Buddha we will see how He lines up in the Taurean age but before we line it up, we were saying earlier in the evening that Pisces is the Christ and in the uplifted Man when Man is in the pristine state, the Christ has power over all forces. You notice that Pisces is in the Christ on the heart side is above Aquarius which is life, which is water? What was the first miracle that the Christ did in the uplifted Man? Audience: He changed water into wine? Adano: What he did when the ship was about to sink? Audience: The storm? Adano: We’re seeing some interesting things huh? All right let’s line up again for Buddha before we take Krishna. As I said before Buddha had a similar age like Moses so Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries. Now Buddha is the Billy Graham of Brahmanism in his period, Brahma the what? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Brahman bull, you are familiar with the Brahman bull, holy cow of India, Taurus. He was a prince, not a king, was a royalty, Taurus. Audience: How long before Christ? Adano: In the astrology they take it from their reckoning of His birth in terms of their reckoning that He was of the Brahmin caste, they reckon on the inner Man to line up Buddha. That’s why we have to look at it in a Western view of Buddha, it’s a little different than in the Oriental astrology and the western astrology but to line Him up according to the chart we have to line Him up in terms of Taurus which is the bull because He is in the Brahmin caste, he is a royal birth and therefore to start Him off as the point of reference we have to use it as Taurus so it’s a little difficult for the Eastern reading because their symbols in their astrology differ than the Western symbols. See they use the rat, the cock, the rabbit, and a few different symbols. Now Taurus would be for the Brahmin bull, Brahmanism is on the upsurge, it’s a revival going on but if the incidents are rounded on the inner Man it’s important. He is of royalty therefore He’s lined up in the heart, He’s a prince, He’s not a king therefore there’s a big difference between Buddha now and Moses we notice was a prince of the royal house of Egypt but was not a king either therefore he’s on the right side of the heart, it’s precious to the throne but (inaudible). 1:20 Now Moses gave forth law or balance, that was in the Moon. Buddha gave forth the eightfold noble path of a spiritual discipline, Libra is in the Moon. Now Moses raised up the serpent indicating the awakening of the life of the psychic powers, the awakening the regenerative principles, the awakening of the kundalini, and the renewal of that consciousness. Buddha was called the Enlightened One because He was called the great renunciate. Scorpio is supposed to govern the subtle force, the sexual region, and when it is absorbed, it’s renounced, it’s celibacy it takes on the role of regeneration so He too lifted up in Scorpio being in the Sun sign therefore Scorpio in the Sun sign in a deep spiritual significance represents desirelessness. Buddha now shows that He was the desirelessness, He taught non-attachment, He taught detachment, He taught the great renunciation by living out the life of the great renunciation, He is emphasizing Scorpio at its highest point. As I said tonight we’re going to identify these symbols in terms that would be more familiar to us psychologically speaking. So Scorpio in the Sun sign for Buddha brought enlightenment, desirelessness, the one desire for God only, no other desire, non-attachment, Nirvana. He was a Brahman so the sign is in Taurus, He was a prince, Leo, and He gave forth the golden rule, the Eightfold Noble Path which everyone in Buddha religion or Buddhism do follow the Eightfold Noble Path so we see it can be tracked out while He’s there. Now we want to go to Krishna and just line Him up and see where Krishna fits in then we come back to the Aquarius Age. So Krishna was literally a king not a prince, literally was a king, crowned and ruled a certain part in India. When one literally is a king then he is in the Sun sign would be Leo, you gonna see some interesting things now. So His favorite consort was Radha, a virgin, we never see Krishna without Radha. She was a virgin, it was His beloved of all the devotees and she (inaudible). He gave a wonderful discourse between desirelessness and non-involvement and it’s a great compassion, people know it as the Bhagavad Gita, the discourse on the battlefield. Scorpio is centered in the middle part of the body and represents the subtle force, desire. It’s not located in the sexual region therefore the basic appetites, the basic desires are being held in check. Sagittarius is in the sex region and Capricorn is at the base of the feet at the Earth center. On the right side of the Earth center Aquarius is appearing, strange huh? And on the right side of the sex region Pisces and lumbar. Aries is not only humility but also is often associated with war, a battering ram, it’s associated with a planet Mars and you have to fight only because someone wants to take away your land, the part of the Earth that you want to live and feed yourself and Taurus the bull is in the heart center and the Brahmins were in great conflict between which is the right and which is the wrong way, the clashing of kinsmen. Gemini, Man, is aligned with the throat and Cancer the Moon. We see some interesting things about Krishna, Krishna is remembered because of Radha and the Gopis, milkmaids, precious to His heart. Krishna is supposed to have a confrontation at a battlefield where conscientious objection of fighting the kinsmen between Arjuna and his kinsmen, desire to kill or not to kill. 1:30 And Krishna is remembered for giving forth a great religious truth and He was called the Christ in his period, Gopal the Krishna a great teacher too, Sagittarius is the Teacher/Guru, Pisces is the Christ and also He had full control of the sexual forces, they were in balance but an interesting thing, we start the age in Aquarius, life control, Krishna gave forth a technique of life control by saying these very words, “Offering the in-going breath to the out-going breath and offering the out-going breath to the in-going breath the Yogi arrests decay and becomes immortal.” We have some interesting facts of Krishna. Now this age has been called Age of Aquarius, let’s see if some peculiar things are not repeating itself in the Age of Aquarius. What are those people call who shave their hair (inaudible) down the back, they wear an orange robe and they sing along the street there “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.” You know those people? They used to be Christians who didn’t like the Hindu people at one time. There used to be Christians who didn’t like the Hindus at one time and the Jesus freak. Hindus didn’t like the Christians at one time, we got to have them balanced out. The Krishna group, Jesus freak, as you want to call them if you don’t like the word Jesus freak but these religious movements are returning back to face themselves in the age, on a positive end of the scale, to resolve their differences, they have just shifted their roles. One has “the thing we hate is the thing we become,” “Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord,” “No one lay a hand upon Cain.” “He killed his brother Abel, I’ll take care of him” not put him in a position where he’ll know what it is to be Able. A battlefield is waging in the time of Krishna, all right let’s look back to a year called 1776. The Aquarian Age is not in its full flow according to Sri Yukteswar, you’ve just come to the cusp from the Piscean Age and the Piscean Age was here, Aquarius was here, it just moved across to come up so it’s just begun in the cusp so the Piscean Age has brought with it certain conditions. In 1776 something occurred in this landmass that we are living on, what happened then? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: We fought to become independent. All right let’s go back to 1492 when Pisceans were over there, Pisces was here and Aquarius was back there. There was a man who said he’s got to find a new route to what part of the world? Audience: India. Adano: India but he went from East to where? Audience: West. Adano: Okay, we end up coming on the West. Now along came with him followers who set out to colonize the West and brought with them the Conquistadors. We remember them by laying waste this hemisphere and in their wake followed their friends, who were once their friends, who were once their allies and then became their enemies and they all start fighting among themselves. All in the tail end of the Piscean Age going to the cusp of Aquarius. Now our descendants are our children, we are the descendants of someone that came from some place right? They had to migrate, they were in conflict, there was a great exodus, we notice that Ages seem to occur when exodus is in movement. Man seems to move out from one part, landmass, to another. The Europeans came and settled in the cusp period of Aquarius and here we see we’ve gone through from Aquarius being over here, Pisces was here from 1492 to about 1776 then it shifted and Aquarius came up, Pisces went up, and we’re in this position around 1776. Aries went up, Scorpio came down, they are lining up. Something is going to happen now, war is going to be in the shifting of the periods. If Aries go up and Scorpio come down there are periods of wars during the cusp from ‘76 on up to present state we’ve had a series of wars of the most brutal and technical we can think of, the shifting up, all over a trade balance, all over a land mass, all over food complex. Now let’s look at the cosmic Man pertaining to all present landmass that we live on and see some interesting things about before we fit it into the world. This country in 1776 was establishing in the cusp period its independence from the old world to the new world, the breaking away from over here to here, Aquarius is moving therefore the shift of humanity is moving towards something better. Now when Aries was located where Pisces is now, Taurus was in the belly. Now when Aquarius was over here and Pisces was below that was the period of the shifting, tail end of Pisces going to the cusp, our form of farming depended upon what? Oxen plowing the ground. Now to colonize and to develop this land mass, what is the most precious thing that we love when we go at Mcdonald’s? Audience: Hamburgers, fries (laughter). Adano: Through the period in the Aquarian Age the meat product has to go up close to the heart as a means of a stable diet, the frontier country and the Longhorn was native to this country which looked like a Brahman bull and we breed or cross breed the Braham bull to the long horn, interesting we’re doing some peculiar things with the cattle. Man which is Gemini has moved up and Virgo which was the favorite of Krishna in His day was an equal partner in the affairs of life. 1:40 You remember not too long ago someone shouted “Women’s Lib,” must have a voice in things. In the Age of Aquarius we’ve got to have a voice in things, we’re reliving now the age just like Krishna on the upward scale now, then we find here again that Leo is a king sign but a peculiar thing in that Leo is governed… its Moon is in Cancer that means it’s locking, it’s regenerative, our form of government is majestic but not monarch-ial or dictatorial, it is a collective like the crab with many legs, what have we got now? A federation, we have a federated form of government for the first time appearing and would have had the same thing in the time of Krishna but He was fully majestic but He united the brothers of the Pandava to fight the Kushas who were their cousins, that was a type of split federation, a great civil war between the brothers over the kingdom. Did we not have a similar split war in this country, over the middle path of the country, the bread area, the East and West across the Dixon Mason line, war went on. We’ve got the same reappearing here in the Aquarian Age. Now in the time of Krishna, Arjuna a man of noble birth and a prince did not want to fight and became on record the first conscientious objector. We see in the Aquarian Age how many people are revolting the idea of going to war for a government, burning draft cards, everything. We see the reason why they have to do it because Gemini which is Man is in the throat and must have a voice in the say of things what the government do with their lives if we a federated people. Do we have a freedom of choice, do we have a say in the way our lives are, moved or monitored or triggered off by the government? Now Virgo is on the opposite side and if we had to have men striving for an equal right as to what we do with our lives by the government then women must have an equal say as what will be done with their lives. We find now why the Women’s Lib comes into activity, they have a voice and they speak out both for the man and both for the women and in the age we see the same thing was true in the time of Krishna. He had Arjuna speaking up from him not wanting to destroy his life over war and Woman having an equal role in the house in Radha. Now an interesting thing will appear now in the Aquarian Age just as in the time of Krishna. Pisces is the Christ center and Krishna was the Christ of His time and we have Sagittarius which is the Guru sign in the Hindu astrology, these two are in balance in the sex region, religion is taking a new shape in the time of Krishna. Krishna told Arjuna “Take up your bow and fight,” Krishna was a married man and Arjuna was a married Man, Arjuna was never on record as a renunciate, he was a prince married. We find now if religion is taking a shape in the Aquarian Age then the householder teachers, the man and wife relationship is reappearing now in its true balance. Now we look at Gemini which is Man and we look at Virgo, a voice in things, women’s liberation, we are seeing now the perfect balance again in giving forth truth, the householder spiritual role is taking shape again, “I sent you out in pairs, go on to the lost sheep of the House of Israel and unto whose house you come and if they receive you, may your peace be upon them and if they don’t, depart from that city and brush the dust off your feet and withdraw your peace and take off” but in that time the pairs were two men or could be considered two women. In this age the pair is a husband and a wife so if you don’t want us, we will take our peace and go. Okay, interesting huh that the forces are balancing out in the Aquarian Age, the husband of life role is digging into a true meaning for the first time in the Aquarian Age. Now we’re seeing another interesting fact, where are we going in the Aquarian Age in terms of the economy because everyone thinks that not only in the Aquarian Age it’s got to be more abundance and abundance is like the stock market, we gauge the nation’s abundance by a rise and a fall a stock market. Now interesting that Libra represents the scale and that’s the heart, the thing closest to your heart next to your wife is what? Your pocketbook (laughter). See wherever we look at it in the Aquarian Age, we are going to find this particular condition occurring. Now let us look in the time of Krishna, India was at its highest peak of material prosperity in the time of Arjuna, Radha, and Krishna and was known at that time to be the light of the world, the light of Asia. Now we said a light, Yogananda called this country years ago when a man by the name of Columbus set out to look for India and ended up here calling it India, he said “This country is the new India, the new light of the world.” Now we have a statue out on Ellis Island, pigeons are invading it but what does the statue hold up? Audience: A torch, a light. Adano: Interesting how we seem to build all our traditional heritage symbology around ideas that are coming through from the inner consciousness yet it’s happening in the Aquarian Age. Now at the time of Krishna equality was down to the lowest peasant after the battle, the Mahabharata, the great battle was over, the great civil war, everyone was equal. In the founding of this country at the end of the civil war and the East and North and South started to rebuild but in the process equality had to work itself up. 1:50 Today we have the same identical thing occurring in the Aquarian Age to bring back the status of equality among Men, all nations, all colors rallying for the first time in service, we had the same identical thing in the time of Krishna/Arjun period, they also brought about that in their own country. Now many of you are familiar with the symbology of astrology, which symbol you think represents healing? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The healing art. Audience: Scorpio. Adano: Scorpio because we don’t have a serpent we have something similar, we have to remember we have something similar to represent it. The Ring Caduceus is supposed to be two winged serpents wrapped around a staff, all right on one side we find Scorpio on the other side we find Aries. Now Scorpio in the original position is down in the astrological symbology to be in the generative organs and Aries is supposed to be the head in the serpent (inaudible) his head up it’s like a winged Caduceus. They are in balance as the mainstay of the cosmic Man so your healing arts are going to be fantastically magnified in the Aquarian age, we are not even going to recognize the healing arts in a few more years to come they’re going to be so unbelievable that every art that was known from past times will start to suddenly mushroom out but let’s go back to Krishna/Arjun period. The healing art was at its highest also, Ayurvedic methods of medicine, there is none to compare with this, we don’t even have in this country anything as close to the Ayurvedic healing methods and they were their highest peak all in the time of the Krishna/Arjun period. Now Krishna was called also a lion king, Jesus was also called a lion king, modern Man is also looking for some individual as a teacher who has a name lion with his name as a king. Western Man is looking back to the East for some Guru, somebody over here on the Eastern side to be a spark plug. Only in India we find the names of men ending with the word lion but in their language it’s called Singh S-I-N-G-H meaning lion and a lion has a mane and the Singhs are only Eastern people who wear a beard, tie their heads up, carry a short sword, a silver bracelet, and a comb, and go out into the world as lions. The youngest religion of the earth known to Man today to have the fastest rise with the most converts is the Sikh religion, the religion of the lion, the royal religion, the religion in where the founders are all called Gurus. Guru Nanak 500 years ago founded the Sikh religion, its rise is fantastic that the writings of the Gurus we have none to compare even Western world with their writings of the inner life. They have all exemplified the Science of the Soul and they teach the same truth that we know today as the holy word, Jesus said “I go unto the Father but I’ll send you the Holy Spirit,” the Holy Life Current, the Holy Word, “who will remind you of all these things in My name.” The bursting fort in the Western world of the science of religion known as the Audible Life Current or Sound Current has suddenly hit the Western shores and was brought forth by lions of God known as Singh. The living Master in the present Christ state is not only a Sagittarian by birth, but he’s a Singh and he’s a lion and he’s a truly realized God-Man, his name is Charan Singh. Western men have written about Him, they call Him the Radiant One. The Earth is never at no time without a living Master or a living Christ-realized Man, they do exist all the time and they are of royalty because before the word Charan Singh, Lion of God, there’s another word that comes to indicate royalty, Maharaj, the great king “Maha” means great, “Raj” or “Raja” king. Now He is a king in His own right but He is a householder king because He’s a married man and He’s demonstrating in this Aquarian Age the householder path providing for His family and rendering service to the world in a Christ state. We are seeing now how religion is coming across for the first time in the Aquarian Age, we are seeing how the healing arts. Now which sign you think represents music? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You remember Krishna was a musician, He played upon a particular instrument to do what? Audience: Flute. Adano: Flute and therefore He attracted to him what animal? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: A cow, Taurus. As we’ll see, this country you know it as (Adano sings a country tune). Audience: (Laughter). Adano: You recognize how music has poured down by the early pioneers from the cowboy up to the most sophisticated form as we know it and it’s going to spread more because it’s closest to the heart. 2:00 “The music be the food of the Soul, play on.” Every nation in this country has given forth some contribution to music, every level of society has contributed to it and way back in Krishna period the Ragas and the Raginis, Indian music reaches highest point under the reign of the Pandavas so we see an interesting in music now. In India at that time music was used to heal, it was known as Kirtan’s, devotional singing, that’s why the only thing that the Krishna group shouts “Let us all sing and chant, praise the Lord, Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna, nothing else we need to enjoy God, sing and be happy.” They were healing themselves through mantra sounds, we’re going to find now that more and more as we go into musical therapy or some therapy we’re going to heal different types of diseases physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Now Saul was a king and when he was in the melancholy state or in the blues he had little David play upon his (Adano makes string music sounds). Audience: Harp. Adano: To ease the heart, to ease the pain. We’re finding the more we’re going to understand how because of their positions we can now not only understand and work with the healing art, work with the music, we’re going to work now male and female, (inaudible), the balance in their home life will be restored. We’ll also see now the wisdom that is necessary to lift us up, the life current, the recycling of the life current, the audible life current, the holy word. Also we’ll see now that color will begin to have a predominance, the science of color starts to predominate. Well if you look at all these symbols here which one you think is the most colorful if you had to take them and look at them? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Remember, let me throw a little clue in, color shifts and changes in moods. Audience: Cancer… Gemini… Adano: (Laughing) Our moods are determined by the Moon and therefore color is in Cancer, it’s a colorful object to see a crab and you stretch it out in the different tones and shapes of the bone (inaudible). We’ll start to really see color taken tremendous predominance even color therapy by light because remember it’s a form of light we’re working in the Moon and it’s filtering the Sun’s light, Leo majestic, color is so uplifting to the eyes and when used in a therapeutic way it will expand the consciousness and those who have resorted to the drug know that the brilliancy of colors when seen are so intense that they want to recapture the experience inside that’s why they resort to the drug to see the brilliancy in colors. Now Capricorn we noticed is the goat, you notice in what area of this the cosmic (inaudible), it’s on the nether region, negative end. Man is way up by the throat, he’s right next to color but he’s made a scapegoat by drugs of Capricorn consciousness thinking he can recapture color by that method, not realizing that he can see color by looking to his true majestic nature inside, his God nature which has all the brilliance of all the colors. Only by turning inward as the Christ said “When thine eyes are single,” now focus at the Moon center, “the whole body is full of light” but light is a collection of all colors. Man has selled himself short but we need to be sold short in order to appreciate what we’ve inherited or brought into manifestation. In our Aquarian Age we are going to reclaim some interesting things about ourselves, color and its therapeutic effects are going to start increasing. Now we are going to shift a few ideas into the idea world, the idea body, we are going to knock out symbol and replace one true id (idea?). We knocked out Libra and replaced karma and Moses when he was on the earth plane and Scorpio was in the Sun sign Libra was in the Moon. Thought “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” and Buddha when he came when Scorpio was in the Sun sign and Libra was in the Moon he said karma or kismet, cause and effect. So the idea world, we are a physical body chemically speaking, we are an astral body electrically speaking, we are a causal body idea speaking. So we can knock out now and start going into the id (idea) world, karma. Now the beast we don’t have a serpent to indicate it but Scorpio has been the only symbol to represent it and they say the beast or the serpent or form is the most subtlest of all the forces, of all the creatures. We will knock it out and give ourselves something more significantly important, knock out Scorpio and place desire. Now desire is twofold like Scorpion, regenerative and degenerative, desire can tear you down and desire can build you up because when you spell desire “DE-SIRE,” this way we’re going to see something interesting about the word. Sire is to foster or to generate of one’s own kind, “DE” is to divide but also sire is a term referring to royalty, no matter how Scorpio can divide us between ourselves, Scorpio can return to royalty, we can put it back in the Sun sign. If it goes down to the nether region it’s balanced, no matter where it plays along the scale it will always be reconciled so we see we can knock out Scorpio and place desire. 2:10 We’ll knock out Virgo and place a word very very very important to us, purity, you know we have been accused by Europeans (inaudible), the early people that came across they were called “Puri” what? Audience: Puritans. Adano: Stuck up virgins (laughter). I’ll tell you in this Aquarian Age we are seeing some wonderful things about ourselves, it’s great to be alive in it let alone going out to the other stars. All right we’ll knock out this one now, Aries, and place humility. Remember the Christ said “Meekly with a murmur not,” humility can defeat desire either way, humility can generate devotion which is a form of desire of the highest type. Buddha said this, Jesus put it first and let us quote Jesus “Meekly wait and murmur not,” that is remain in a state of humanity. Now Buddha anti-dated Jesus and He said this, “Murmur not at the dispensation of God for His wisdom is unbounded and His power is unlimited.” So meekly wait and don’t grumble, that’s Nitty Gritty way of saying it, I don’t want to grumble you see. Okay let us look at another one we will knock out, Taurus, and we will replace it with willpower or will, volition, you ever heard that term “man, don’t be bullheaded?” Because they will ram themselves through but you see willpower is necessary to knock out karma, if you don’t got the will to fight your confrontation, you can’t win it. You’ve got to have willpower to defeat your karma, to modify karma, to break down the pull of the law of karma on you. If you accept karma as fatalism then you don’t have willpower but if you execute willpower in the divine way, you knock out the karma, you can modify the karma, your sins are forgiven according to your alignment with the Divine Will, “Not my will be done but Thy will be done,” you knock it out and the pure in heart sees God that’s why they are lined up in the heart center. Now we’ll knock out Aquarius and we will put in the Holy Spirit or Audible Life Current which is called the Word. We are in the Age of the Holy Spirit and mass conversion by speaking in tongues are constantly popping up, more so in the history of Man than in any other time. In every church you know today practically everyone is reaching out and wanting to speak in tongues. In the ancient time only I think Peter and a few other spoke in tongues and just the one or two along the line but here in today’s ages… When looking back in Krishna’s time they had a similar outpouring of the spirit when the Gopis and all the people were chanting “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna” many found themselves speaking in different languages praising Lord Krishna, interesting. Now we’ll knock out Pisces and we will place the word “Christ Consciousness,” the Christ Consciousness, the intelligence in vibratory creation and it’s on the positive side of the creative force which is the sex act. Now we will knock out Sagittarius and we will give it Cosmic Consciousness, the Son of the Father, they’re holding the balance in the most creative part in the lower region but they are both of kingly nature holding the balance in the Sun. The balance is checked by Leo the Sun and that is knocked out and replaced by government or order. Order is the first law of the universe when in the Sun sign you have to govern, in the Aquarian Age government is going to reach its highest point of perfection, every form of government are going to go through various changes to raise up the level of Man. Even monarchial governments, dictatorial governments they are all going to go through a tremendous change. We only have a few left to be knocked out and I think by than we can pretty well guess it. We will knock out Man and we will give you sensory nature but what holds the balance of the five senses or the sensory nature? Good old purity, purify those five senses, “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” listen to no evil. In the aquarian age the refinement of the sensory nature leads to what, why are we down here in Virginia Beach trying to run after Mr. Casey? Audience: To be more aware? Adano: We’re down here looking for the extra sense of it, ain’t that what he is? Refinement of the sensory nature leads to the extra sensory in the Aquarium Age. 2:20 Now Cancer will knock it out and give ourself one word that makes it possible to do it in the Aquarian age. It takes that to make it work in the Aquarian Age, the tenacity, the stick to it, the do it yourself, what are we famous for throughout the world as the nation of the what? The Do It Yourselfer, therefore we want to do it yourself religion at the same time, we don’t want nobody pushing down the religion down our throat, we want to be able to do it, we want to know the mechanics of it, we want to be able to tear it apart, to put it back and come up capable of working it. In our cosmic Man the idea body is already now set up for us to work now, we can shift this around as we shift the astrological body and we can see how we can go off the track or we can see how we can correct the track. Now these particular ideas can be synchronized to electrical terms and this will go pretty long, I don’t want to take up your time. Audience: What about Capricorn? Adano: I know everybody would say something. (Laughter). See I’m glad people are watching otherwise I think I’m talking and not nobody is listening. Capricorn. Well let’s think, you should be able to spot what Capricorn should represent in this movement by now. Capricorn represents organization but you know at what area of the cosmic Man it’s in? So what have we got today? Audience: Discipline? Adano: Dis-organization, a constant tearing down of every organized form of life because she is located, organized life as (inaudible) coming down traditionally through the bison period, setting up even my good old catholic church who built (inaudible) when organization was in the sex region in the Piscean age now comes down to the Earth center and Aquarius moves across even her organization is tearing down. She has to go down but only by going to her knees is she reborn because the Cosmic Consciousness and the Christ Consciousness are in the area that holds the balance. The conflict between the priest and the pope, between marriage and celibacy is the conflict of the organization of life in the church. When it’s resolved then again we will have Man/Woman or the sensory nature be purified, we will see again that the priest and the wife will go out like ancient times, priest and priestess, working in harmony for the healing of the nation. Thank you. (Applause). Take a few minutes break and the ask some questions.

1971 December 20 - Guru Disciple Relationship

Adano71_12_20GuruDiscipleRelationshipQ3RR - Tomorrow night is an initiation all right. Just a few hints on what initiation is before we take up our subject tonight on the Guru/disciple relationship or the Master/disciple relationship what it’s all about, what is involved. Initiation or baptism which is the Oriental word is not just merely throwing water on each other’s head, you know Jesus went down to the river Jordan and said to John “You baptize me” and John says “No you baptize me” and Jesus says “No you baptize me” and John says “No you baptize me.” Imagine two grown men arguing over a little water, throwing at each other’s head, seems kind of petty argument but the word baptism means initiation and it infers that Jesus said to John “Suffer it to be so for this is the way of righteousness.” It is by this contact method the Soul reunites with God, not the mere putting of water on the head as a child because the child cannot gain cosmic consciousness when it’s born when the priest puts it and I’ve been around the priest and studying and I know you don’t get cosmic consciousness that way otherwise I would have had it the very first time I was baptized a Catholic but the real meaning of baptism is initiation. That is locking in of the sensory forces with the extra-sensory or the Master-current, it’s like putting in the key in an ignition switch and turning on the motor and these two forces are locked in for the first time and begin to flow and then John did initiate Jesus, they stated that “lo and behold” they saw a ray of light like a dove descending and the voice of God saying “This is My beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased” but it’s not a physical dove dropping off the sky. The initiates at the time around the river Jordan had the insight or the spiritual eye open to see the inner current manifesting in the man Jesus and the dove is a five-pointed star representing fire, air, earth, water, ether in profile upside down when it comes down. In the eastern country we call it the pranic star or divine light dove, as light comes down into the body and it’s like a sun, it’s the only sun from the central part of the brain that comes down. Now sometimes you see it as a little (inaudible) light or sometimes it’s very brilliant and very big, sometimes it’s all pervading and at times you may not see it but you may feel it, it’s heat, you feel the glow and your ears will be ringing for the balance of the day as if somebody had pulled out the stopper. Many things happen but these are some of the experiences that one goes through. Sometimes if you have been one of the individuals who laughed at the early Christians on the day of Pentecost because they spoke in tongues at initiation, you will go to that very same sensation, watch out for your karma. Don’t think that because those who’ve gone to be baptized in the Pentecostal Church and talk in tongues it’s their first time, it’s the ones who criticize and laugh they have to go through that in their karmic debt, the roles are reversed “As you sow, that you reap,” you don’t get something from nothing in this world, every experience is based upon where you think and behave and most of all especially when we come into an initiate life, a life of inner behavior. Everybody used to think that when you go to a Pentecostal Church and see… we had a group of people in South America they call them the Shakers you know and they go into these wild movements. My father always said “don’t laugh,” you know as a kid you giggle, see these people rolling in the dirt and shouting all types of sounds which were sounds of foreign languages but we were cautious not to laugh but you can’t help yourself (inaudible) but we learn later on in life there’s a vast meaning behind it all, that those very individuals were ones who laughed who were the early Jewish people who became Christians when they were going through that very same experience on that day so watch out. As Jesus said (inaudible), the law of karma is very very swift at times and sometimes it takes centuries to catch up with you but it works. Anyway initiation can have many interesting effects on the body, sometimes you may feel headaches, nausea before the initiation, you may get runny nose, a tummy ache, this is all cleaning up before the Christ-self comes in and some interesting dreams can occur before the actual initiation to indicate that the Christ-self is locking into you. Remember the Master Jesus says, “You haven’t chosen Me, I have chosen you” that is the bond of the Guru/disciple relationship, the Master chooses you can’t choose. You can hear the Master and reach out yes, but it’s still the Master’s decision. There’s a statement that goes like this “the sheep knows the voice of the shepherd but the shepherd knows his sheep,” this statement is where the Guru/disciple relationship is based on and not all the sheep belong to the one shepherd, not the whole of humanity can be drawn into the Christ-state immediately, they have to work out their own individual obligations and responsibilities and the realized Man knows that, that there are those who come into this state and those who can’t come in immediately. Now the whole of Virginia Beach is not in this room, they’re not interested in return to God by a Guru/disciple relationship technique. Remember when we begin to hear of the Guru/disciple relationship we are ready to return back home, not until that time, we are still dallying on the way. That’s why Jesus said to John “Suffer it to be so for this is the way of righteousness.” The moment the mind picks up the trend or the link and know that this linkage or connection is what it’s been seeking, its past propelling itself forward to it, that is when the senses wants to lock itself into the Christ-self by initiation then it’s on its way home. A ship coming into a harbor, the captain may not know the challenges, he may see a beacon as a guide but he still needs a pilot, a local pilot from that country, to come out and meet him and guide them through the channel so he doesn’t run aground. Equally true when the Soul is reaching out to God and guidance, God is reaching out by sending a pilot in some form of a human being to connect us by the link of initiation to guide us through the misconceptions of life around us and how we behave. 0:10 The guidance is in behavior, the world of life is laid out already around us by symbology, mechanical methods, but behavior is the key of going through that journey, going through this channel without crashing into them because every second you’re confronted when behavior is challenged and you’re not going to be judged because you smashed your neighbor’s car up, you’re going to be judged by your behavior inside. You may have to pay for that man’s car as a physical condition but inwardly your own behavior is going to finally take (inaudible). So equally true in spiritual life in the journey inward we need some sort of guidance and that is where the Guru/disciple relationship come in. Now if you are looking for a manual on a Guru/disciple relationship we can study the manual of the Christian scripture, the New Testament, the thing the Master Jesus and His disciples how they interrelated and reacted with each other and how the Guru acts. Now the word “Guru” is Sanskrit literally means “He who lifts up” or Savior, that’s the literal meaning, one who literally lifts you up. Now in the Western writings we say “Man is looking for a Savior,” a Savior means a liberator. Now the Hebrew people when they were in bondage in Egypt cried out to God for a liberator, a Savior, someone to liberate them from their bondage and the Lord responded in the form of Moses, a political Savior though, He liberated them from the political yolk of the Egyptian government, set them on the road to nationhood, and left them. Now when they arrived at the highest point of nationhood in the time of Solomon they felt they could do me wrong, ego again has to do with behavior. They were toppled down by the Romans and they were put into chains and their government became a prisoning government for the Roman. The burden of the Roman yoke by occupation again grind very hard and they cried out to the Lord or Higher Intelligence for another liberator but the liberator did not come as a political man driving out the Romans with sword and fire and horses, He came now as the liberator of behavior. The first liberation was the political one literally taking them out of Egypt, setting them on the road to nationhood from slavery to nationhood. When you’re at your highest point, you can fall if you lose sight of God. When the material sense gets too strong and you forget that it comes from the Divine Source then the Divine Source will pull the plug out from under us and we will go down the hill like a car without brakes so we end up on our nose. So back in the dirt they went but now they have to liberate themselves not by political effort but by behavioral effort, they have to learn to behave now. They were given rules to behave, some did some did not. Now when Jesus came into their lives, He chose the lowliest form to come as a liberator and work from that lowly behavior form to its highest form by confrontation of daily activity thus indicating He was Master of His nature, Master of His behavior, Master of His environment now this is the type Guru or liberator or one who truly lifts up. Now the example is very very important for all ages especially in the Western world, in the Eastern world the example has always been with Eastern Man, the link between the disciple and the Guru, the link between the Soul and God, the link between the husband and the wife, this is Guru/disciple relationship, this is Soul mating, God and Man but in the West it’s new. Remember Jesus was an Oriental, He was born in the Middle East of Jewish parents, His wisdom spread Westward by one of His Apostles, not a disciple, an Apostle by the name of Paul and as it spread Westward to the nations that were under bondage by the Roman government, how to behave so that they can throw off the yoke by their behavior, they would liberate themselves, they would lift up themselves, they would lift up their own humanity let alone their own divinity. So today after a thousand years close to maybe going on to 2,000 we are in turmoil as to what the life of Jesus really meant to us. Soon we are going to go through the behavior of celebrating the birthday in memory of it that we may not even know what the memory or what the purpose or why the necessary behavior in this age is for and we may go through next year in April another celebration of a death and a resurrection and may not even know the real meaning of the behavior behind it. Why these men would put themselves in harmony with such a Man and live but until we understand the relationship known as the Master/disciple relationship, we would never understand what devotion is. Now let’s take a few instances of the Master/disciple relationship, Jesus came to John at the River Jordan, He was initiated by John, He went up into the mountain to re-evaluate or fast or meditate and after conquering His lower sensory nature by behavioral methods, now let’s see some of the behavioral methods a Master must first learn to behave before He can teach another person how to behave to master his problems in order to lift up himself. So the very first behavioral problem was food, he was fasting right on the mountain? Why would he choose food as a first behavioral mastery? Isn’t that the first thing you put in your mouth when you’re born after you take your first breath? God has to provide milk in the mother’s breast by natural action so that you can live in this material world. So the behavioral principle comes right away as the first test from the ego, “Here buddy, here superstar, what’s the matter with you, who do you think you are? Stop fasting man and get with it, eat something, you’ve been born to eat so why you stop eating?” This in in today’s parlance. 0:20 In those days you can say Satan was tempting the man Jesus and asking Him to eat, “Here take stones, turn it into bread, you got power” but the reply from the higher self to the lower self is very simple, “It is written.” Think of those three words, “it is written that Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God,” that’s a fantastic behavior involving us now. “It is written,” where is it written, where is He quoting from, who is He quoting, is it anti-dating His existence, did He come across it before? Well we don’t have records from the church’s view between the age of 12 to 30 when He was initiated, He must have done something between 12 to 30. That’s 18 years, you just don’t hide yourself in some corner and then appear on the scene as a superstar from the age 12, it just don’t happen. You either do something to make yourself something, you don’t at 12 years of age appear at age 30 a doctor, you’ve got to study something, you got to do something, you either have to master something. So we know that He went back to the East to visit the very three wise men that came to visit Him at birth for they were Kings in their own right, they were truly Masters in their own right, they were God-realized in their own right, He would have to go back to them to pay His respects. Remember a man does not leave his home, let alone a king, to journey out to visit some little child in a manger just to give Him a gift and walk back home or ride back home and forget the whole incident, it just don’t add up. There got to be a whole lot more going on behind the scenes because if you say these men came from different countries how would Mary and Joseph, humble folks, know about them, is it because they respect King David and Solomon hundreds of years ago? (Inaudible) than that, He had to go back to these men and spend some time with them learning the inner art of life the inner behavior, so when He came back and went through initiation and started inward re-evaluation, His first behavior test was the tongue, Mastery of the tongue. You know because that’s the first thing we have at birth after we take the first breath, to put the breast to the mouth, we have to master appetite. Now the scripture says “He who would bridle the tongue would taketh the city” is that something (inaudible), have mastery over this part of the mechanism. All through the ages and before Jesus, men fasted and prayed, men denied their mouth and their stomach something to get some type of re-evaluation with themselves in God. Mahatma Gandhi did it and demonstrated how he could shift the might of the British Empire to give his country liberation, self-government, and Jesus also said “Ye that hungereth for righteousness sake shall inherit the kingdom” good, that means you got to deny some part of this mechanism. All right He mastered that by stating “Man did not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God” and He mastered every other condition of glory, status symbol, “Why don’t you bow down to me, I’ll give you all these things.” “If you attempt suicide…” Now don’t kid yourself, every one of us has got the suicidal nature in us, the ego wants us to die to prove ourselves immortal, the ego wants us to throw ourselves over a mountaintop dramatically and say “Hey friends, nobody loves me.” Inwardly we do have this, “They don’t like me, I can go and die and I’ll show them. They’re going to really love me after I commit suicide.” It’s part of the behavior, the death wish, pride only reverse these things but it’s the same thing we’re talking about, throw yourself over God will send angels to bear you up, but you see how He masters it, “Don’t tempt the Lord, get thee behind me Satan.” Nonsense, ego don’t kid yourself, to willingly destroy this physical frame is the most ridiculous attitude one can take, better to face all the trials and be of good cheer, you will overcome it than to die not trying because you’ll never know what would have happened if you had tried and you may be forced to face it again so that’s worse, you should have done it the first time. So you see it’s better to be happy that you can be in the body and face it and come out knowing it’s possible than to run from it. All right He mastered all the possible intricacies of the mechanism then He came down knowing fully well He is now competent to work. While He was passing the River Jordan, John made a remark just at that same time, “There goeth your Master.” Now he was speaking to a whole group of people sitting around the River Jordan, while Jesus came down from the same mountain not too far from Jordan and it’s recorded that three men got up and walked. Now Jesus did not look back and say “Hey I recognize you boys.” Now why did John tell the group “There goeth your Master,” why did the whole group get up and go, why did just three got up and walked? The term Master is not just literally thrown into the air like that, those three men who got up needed some tangible relationship and they knew it intuitively their devotion would reach up now to something great, they were able to lock in their inner consciousness so those three men got up, Peter, James, and John and they walked but He never looked around and said, “I’m glad I found you” or “I’m glad you found Me” either, He just kept on going until He came to a gate and he looked around and there was a man collecting tax yet He passed everybody you know and then He said to the fellow, “follow Me.” Now you just don’t tell somebody “follow me” and they’re going to drop everything and go along your way because you really can’t trust this guy, you don’t even know him from Adam let alone put your trust in him. There have to be some inner link, some behavioral contact, some sense of achievement occurring, some inner experience to make you feel a response of love. You don’t follow a person out of fear, you follow a person out of love either Jesus raised the level of love or turned on the level of love in the man but the man was able to recognize it and to get up and follow Him. There got to be love and a Master/disciple relationship is based on love, it’s not based on miracles and it is not based upon fear, it’s not based upon a slave and a Master relationship, it’s based upon a love brought on that would lift up the individual. 0:30 The individual knows when he sees that love it will lift him up, this is the love he’s looking for, a love that will lift him up, a true Master or a true savior or a Guru radiates a love that lifts up his fellow Man, that’s the relationship we’re looking for, a love that will lift you every step of the way it gives you more confidence in the love. After selecting several of His disciples and this is where the term comes, “You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you,” the Christ-self has triggered off the love in their hearts in this age that draws you in search of your higher self that’s why you’re following it, that’s why you’re seeking it, that’s why you’re hearing about it otherwise you would not be seeking it let alone hearing it let alone know of its existence. If this type of relationship would die out, the world would be sadly at a loss but because this type of relationship does not die out, it is continued age upon age, age upon age, some little individual taking that lonely road towards Bethlehem. You know the wise men made the journey through love so equally true when the individual feels the urge to make that journey in with love, you will need that knowledge, he would come across that information of that type of bond, that type of association, that type of life that envelopes a relationship between the Soul and God. Now at his highest aspect the Soul and God is a marriage, at the lowest aspect it’s a husband and wife as a marriage. Each relationship brings us into that bond yet that bond is called the Guru/disciple relationship, that love. No other love can supersede the Guru/disciple relationship love, it’s the unconditional love every other form of love has some little condition involved in it, there’s always some little thing added to it but in the Guru/disciple relationship it’s the only unconditional love that exists. As Sri Yukteswar said to Yogananda, those who have read The Autobiography of a Yogi to show this relationship, He said “I will not use you from My own personal benefit but if you see My head falling down from the highest point would you take My head and put it on your lap and bring Me back to God?” He’s asking His student to do that, you remember that statement? Now a teacher is asking a student if he would see him falling away from that high ideal back to the lower nature would he not take his head that means would he not try to encourage or state some fact, “Master please (inaudible) stay back from there” in other words this is what the unconditional love is involving to hold up the ideal between two individuals. Now during the period of Jesus and His own disciples are a sort of an exemplary way of the relationship, He said to them at one time “The disciple should be as the Master” that means the disciples should make every effort to master himself. “I no longer call you My disciples but I call you My friends” thus breaking that straining condition between the other individual as if Master would mean someone who pulls you by your nose. The Guru/disciple relationship is a relationship of love and friendship, it’s not the relationship of where one is a superior being in relation to the other, it’s a relationship of total equality yet there is an inherent respect in that condition. Then He goes on to say, “Call no man Master save the Lord which is within thee” first he has to lift up the ego to its true nature by becoming master of itself and then when the true Master consciousness recognize each other they act in harmony as friends then each one act as God-self, they are free-men lord of themselves. You don’t look at the physical body of Jesus as Master, it’s the God-self that’s why He says “Call no man Master.” He says “I no longer call you My disciples, I call you my friends.” Now once He calls the disciple the friend there is no more condemnation or criticism, a friend is a friend and that’s all there is to it, we shall see. One man denied Him, one man betrayed Him, and the rest of them ran away from Him. Did he condemn any of them? When the man came to betray Him what did He call him, when he reached out and kissed the Master as a signal to the people who were going to sieze Him? Did He not say “Friend why do you seek me out in the night like a thief?” You see the Master’s love is unconditional, a Master is aware inwardly from His own electrical nature, He’s aware of this internal body exactly what that person’s behavior will involve because he has the same betrayal mechanism in Himself but if He has mastered the betrayal mechanism, He can have compassion for the person who betrays Him. Did He not have a similar test up on the mountain when He was supposed to throw Himself over the mountain, that’s a betrayal to life? Which is the worst betrayal, to commit suicide or to have someone turn you over to the authorities for something that you didn’t do or did do? The worst betrayal is to throw yourself over the mountain, that’s a betrayal to God because you don’t create life, you didn’t make life, you didn’t make your own body, that’s the biggest betrayal you can have. So how could He condemn Judas for performing that simple act of selling Him out, He had to love him more. In fact in the mind of a Master, Judas is loved far more than people think but He still calls him friend. Now even when He’s at the table feeding them, He has already selected each person for their specific duties before that particular night at the table when they sat down to eat. He gave Judas the job of being the money changer or the treasury to keep all the money in which He would have to send him out occasionally to get things so he would have to leave the group to go and do the duties of the Master. So it would not be unfamiliar if the Master would say to Judas, “Do what thou hast to do.” It would be accepted among the other group of disciples that he was about the Master’s business for the benefit of the group so the Master would not embarrass Judas in front of the others at the very moment when He says “One of you will betray Me.” How could He embarrass Judas by pinpointing but He says “He who sops with Me” and they all look around and says (inaudible), everybody is condemning themselves, everybody is going through the condemnation, “I won’t, I won’t, I won’t” then He goes ahead and says “Go do what thou hast to do.” 0:40 In their minds, they could not jump to the conclusion that Judas is the man, you see how subtle behavior is going on to keep everyone within His own frame of reference and the love that no one can accuse the other but point the finger to himself. He has to point the finger to himself always (inaudible) he could never point the finger to judge his fellow Man. There is no way that a Master will put you in a situation where you will judge your fellow Man, the true Master consciousness will always make the finger point to you. We see that in the woman who was brought to Him that was committed in adultery when He made them face the realization that a woman caught committing adultery should be stoned to death. He’s going to throw them in the same identical situation with behavior, He picks up a stone and He points to everyone and tells them “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” He who can point to himself and say “I have mastered myself and know myself, I’ll take the responsibility now to strike out,” you couldn’t do it because you would not have love, you’ll be false to yourself. Love is that unique quality that is already compassionate and is forgiving so it will have to look to its own self so He says “No one here to condemn you sister, go your way. I don’t condemn you either.” All right the Guru/disciple relationship even his own disciples have to learn a lesson in that relationship. He sent them out to heal people and they came back saying some people they could heal others they could not heal. He didn’t condemn them for that but in the meantime in the crowd some of the disciples heard a man shouting “In the name of Jesus the Christ I heal you” and right away they got jealous, envious and they said “Master how can he heal in Your name?” Then the Master made a reply, “He that doeth the will of the Lord is My brother and My sister and he that followeth in My word is My disciple.” Now if “he that do the will of the Lord is My brother” and this is a literal sense in Jesus’s talking then is Jesus the only begotten son of God, don’t we see the truth of the Master/disciple relationship now that a God realized Man is a man with total Christ consciousness in a living state and is trying to help us to lift up ourselves by behavioral methods and is not trying to impose a superiority complex upon us by being a unique figurehead in the history of Man? And He will confuse us again or refute us by saying “The things I do you shall do also and greater things that you do,” this is to knock out that so-called conception that churchianity has developed. Hee was laying the groundwork of the Guru/disciple relationship for us to perceive it in times to come. All right the disciples were working on their (inaudible) inwardly by meditation, they did not achieve realization while He was in the body because they denied or they did not fully accept the inner confrontation with themselves. Now we only know of the relationship with the 12 disciples and we live under the impression that those were the only disciples that Jesus had and that is the only Guru/disciple relationship going on. It’s not true, the Guru/disciple relationship extended to many other people, many householders were Guru/disciple relationships were involved let me show you how that fits in. A man by the name of Nicodemus known by the public could not come to take the studies in the daytime in the public’s eye yet he wanted to follow the path, he wanted to know the truth of the inner life, and he was told by the Master “Unless you be born again you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven” and he in his own way of thinking says, “Master do I have to go back in the womb?” But Jesus was telling him in another way the subtle relationships of the Guru/disciple, initiation was going to be his, opening up the inner eye by going back to the source of beingness. Nicodemus came to Him at night for his instructions in meditation and he practiced it, there are many political people in this country who cannot afford to be involved in a Guru/disciple relationship outwardly because of their position in the government or in the particular field of endeavor but that does not say have are not taken to the part of initiation and are not practicing their initiation and are not practicing their techniques of meditation, interesting, right here in good old USA. Equally true we have another relationship, there is a rich man who came to Jesus and says, “Master what must I do to inherit the kingdom of heaven? That man’s name was Lazarus, there were two Lazarus, the rich Lazarus and the sick Lazarus, the one that was ill. The rich Lazarus was a young man of noble birth with two sisters and he asked, “What shall a man do to gain…” And He says “Go sell everything and follow Me.” Now that’s a pretty hard thing for a man who has possessions to do because as I said before you just turn up and dump anything and follow somebody if you don’t have any love, you gotta have some practical love, some practical conviction, something tangible for you to go and dump everything and follow Him. It’s got to be something more than just sheer affection, it’s got to be there to (inaudible). Nevertheless He stayed at the home of the rich Lazarus, how is He going to help that man? The man wants to be a disciple, the man wants to follow the path, He knows that the man could not literally up and dump everything out but He’s got to help that man, He’s got to show that man a behavioral way to overcome it. So He stays at the home of Lazarus then he decides to leave that home and on his very traveling all of a sudden message comes to Him “their brother is sick” and Jesus pays no attention. Then He keeps on traveling away from the home and the message comes “their brother is dead” then He openly makes a statement “This is not a death unto the death,” big deal. That’s playing with people’s life, unless you know what you’re doing in this divine relationship one don’t make statements like that. If He stayed at the home of the disciple and the disciple was so entrenched with His possessions, how is He going to help that disciple to overcome it? It’s just like a man said “I want to commit suicide.” How is He going to help that man commit suicide or prevent that man from committing suicide? He’s got to bring him to the point of either “Yea or Nea,” one way or the other like Babaji when the man went up on the mountain and says “Master You’re the one I’ve found, I’m glad to find You, would You accept me as a disciple?” You know that part of the story in the Autobiography? He says, “I can’t accept you in your present state.” He says “If you don’t accept me I will throw myself over the mountain.” Jump, who cares? If he hesitated then there is doubt. The moment the mental behavior became one of doubt, it broke the relationship but he jumped and all the rest were shocked because this is quite a task, a real test, unusual test but nevertheless he restored the man’s life. 0:50 Equally true Jesus had to do something to Lazarus, the only way you’re going to get a man with wealth spiritual, what’s the first thing you got to do to him? If you take it away from him and make him poor that’s not gonna make him spiritual, He may turn around and hate the world or renounce but that’s a poor excuse for becoming spiritual. The only way you can help him, you got to take him to death’s door where his money can’t do any good for him now, life is the only important thing. He has got to bring him to the point where he must experience death then there are no more attachments, all attachments end then so He speeded up the karma by His grace on that particular disciple and that disciple was a household disciple, he was not a renunciate like the other twelve, he’s a householder, man with wealth, relatives, sisters. He speeded it up, brought him to death’s door and He allowed him to die literally in the eyes of his sisters. Now, and then He says “This is not a death unto the death.” He must know something about life that He can turn it down otherwise you can’t say “a death unto the death,” then these are different degrees of death. So He shut down in the man’s mechanism some part of it to simulate the experience of death and when the sisters saw Him coming I know if I was one of those sisters the first thing I’d say in my mind, “Boy He’s the most ungrateful individual that stayed in our house, we sent Him a message that our brother died and He helped all those other people to get well and He wouldn’t come? I don’t want to see Him” but He read their minds that they put on a wonderful expression when they ran out to meet Him, “Master if you were here our brother would not be faring like this.” Can you just picture the relationship, how a Master is studying their behavior pattern, the subtle undercurrents of their thinking? They are disciples, they are not realized yet, He’s you’ve got to help them past their own problems, “Master if You were here, our brother would not be faring like this.” All right Master says, He looks at them, He’s going to go through the mockery of it because you know what He’s doing in the consciousness, He says “Where is the grave?” “But Master he’s been dead three days ago, he’s rotting, he’s stinking” who wants to go near the grave? “Show me where the grave is” so He comes to the grave and opens His mouth and He says “Lazarus come forth!” Then He turns around and in a small voice says “Father, I didn’t have to say it in a loud voice, only because of the people here.” Ain’t that kinda odd that a man is gonna shout with a loud voice to a dead man in the coffin or in the grave in the ground and then criticize Himself by saying “Father, I didn’t have to say it in a loud voice only because of the people here.” He’s got to know what He’s doing, there is a bond, a karmic link between Him and Lazarus the disciple, the man has wealth, the man has attachment, one of the toughest behavioral patterns to overcome let alone of freeing him to realize himself, to break this contact so that the only real attachment is the Divine Light. He has to bring him to the test or trial that will free him and at the same time He’s got to shake up the sisters to let them realize that He’s well aware that they would have criticized Him for not being there. He said He’s doing it in a loud voice to carry on the masquerade for them. By the time He heard the news of Lazarus, He could have think of it and brought Lazarus out of the grave, let alone go back and go through the charade of it. He’s doing it to help the disciple to gain the faith, that is what the relationship is being based on, gaining the faith, He does it in an openly way and Lazarus comes forth. That doesn’t say Lazarus is not going to die again but Lazarus is a new man in a different sense of the word now, the sense of attachment is gone, he is now master of himself, he now can turn loose, his home became a sort of an ashram. You know today we hear the Hindu people and the Chinese people building ashrams and this is a Satsanga place, it finally becomes an ashram after a while (inaudible then laughter). You can picture the same situation is going on in the home of Lazarus the night he came out from the grave, everybody is gathering there. This is exactly what is happening, the relationship is there, it has to be love. Now the Master Jesus had to perform feeding of his disciples, eating the Passover with them. Between them they didn’t have that much money to provide a sumptuous place, some other householder disciple had to make the provision and while they were busy debating where to eat the Passover, He called a few of them and says, “Go into the town and you’ll see someone with a white ass, tell him I’ll eat the Passover.” Don’t you see how that man was a householder disciple carrying on his duties and had to be in a way not in a position to be ostracized by his business partners or people around him that he was associated with that Jewish heretic or that Jewish beatnik, you know, or this new group of people that are forming? All these things are considered the great degree of compassion, the degree of realizing each man’s station in life of letting him work out the relationship with the Master consciousness. So the room was provided and He goes up, He’s eating the Passover, He’s even going to the most minute details in the presence of His disciples by telling Judas, “Go do what thou hast to do.” No man can point a finger “that’s the guy, that’s the guy who’s going to betray us.” Even up to him, the subtle currents are working in behavior, the love is working. All right let’s see a few more interesting Guru/disciple relationships. He’s on the boat, He’s sleeping, and the wind is blowing and the boat is tossing and everybody in the ship, their faith is being shaped, these are the disciples now and they cried out “Master we are drowning.” They’re drowning because of lack of faith, they’re not drowning because they’re in the presence of the Master, the Master certainly can’t drown in the ship, do you see it? (Inaudible) … his chosen twelve but that’s not true because others were chosen just the same, the householder (inaudible). Here they got to learn the lesson of being on their own, He’s in the ship and the ship is going through the… who really caused that wind to be there? He’s gonna put them to the test that can they really generate the faith or the love to stand on their own two feet. You know this is one of the things people complain when they come to Tyler Texas, the only thing they learn at this All Faith Fellowship is how to stand on your own two feet (laughter). One boy says to me, “If I ever learn anything for the short time I was here, I learned to stand on my two feet, I’m happy.” As my wife would say, “every pot has to sit on his own bottom.” (Laughter) but that is what life is you see. (Inaudible) So they are going to learn this lesson by being involved in a boat. He couldn’t let the boat sink because He would be sinking with it. He has to put them through that test, their lack of faith, but He stops the wind but He says, “Oh ye of little faith,” He rebukes them for they’re not having sufficient faith. 1:00 Again we see now there is another man who has a relationship with Him in a different way and that the a thief on the cross. He comes in at the last minute Guru/disciple relationship in a very subtle way, in a very profound way. There are two thieves on the cross now if these men give and take maybe five or eight years older or younger than Jesus, they might be boyhood friends, this can be assumed for the age bracket of the thieves on the cross because the conversation would bring up some strange relationships. One thief made the remark, Hey you buddy, why are you dying on a cross, why don’t you get off, you helped so many people, why can’t you help yourself?” This is only natural for someone to criticize another one if he has done something of public pain and now he’s put in the most ridiculous position, “why don’t he help himself?” The shoemaker never have shoes for his children and the baker don’t have bread for his family. You ever hear that story? And the candlemaker don’t have sufficient candles for his own people? The healer can never seem to heal himself? These are some peculiar aspects of the disciple relationship because “ego will” versus “divine will” is at work. Anyway one man is criticizing, now the Master is not saying anything He’s well aware that if you take up and if any man rail at a man of truth, before He has to answer someone would defend that man of truth. This is one of the unusual laws of life, if you are a man of truth or peace and truly live a life of creating peace and someone condemns you in some way, rest assured you don’t have to answer back, some other person will come to be the champion for you, the Lord has it all worked out with all the safety factors. Remember I said in the astrological makeup unrighteousness could never surpass righteousness, there is no way all the safety factors are all (inaudible) that something will come to work it off that you don’t have to get involved to commit yourself in rebuking the person. This is how that law worked, on the cross He’s hanging fully master of Himself, one individual is criticizing and throwing Him down and the other man is a criminal too and he immediately rebukes the other fella and says “We don’t have a right to condemn this man and we have a right to be hanging here or to be crucified, we’ve done something this man hasn’t done anything” then that shut up that man because the accusing finger point was pointed back to himself. The lord spoke through the man to put him in his place, instead of the Lord turning around and looking at him and says “Hey where do you know Me from that you can point your finger?” You see what I mean? The Lord didn’t have to do that, the Lord-consciousness or the Master-consciousness worked through another being to put the man in his right place, to give him the lesson of discipline. So that experience is a disciple relationship going on now and the first remark he makes to the Master Jesus is “Master,” he didn’t call him rabbi, he didn’t call Him teacher, he called him Master, he didn’t call Him Jesus Christ. When he used the word Master, he are not using it in the terms of “you are my Master and I’m your slave,” he had to have an awakening at that moment in consciousness but this was truly mastery of behavior, this is truly the way one works in consciousness, “Master remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” Now if this man is a disciple of His we will find out pretty soon, I’m going to repeat that statement “Master, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” (More loudly). “Master remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” You notice that I repeat the same words, which tone of voice did that man use? Think clearly, if the man is a disciple, (more softly) “Master remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” (regular tone of voice). “Master remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” Okay, otherwise the answer given back would not be the answer if he was not a disciple but because he was a disciple the answer that is given back indicates that he was a disciple. The first way of saying it is one of humility and respect of the bond, the second way of saying it is a demand as if you owe it to me right? So the answer that returns to show that the Master had a bond with the thief on the cross He said “Verily,” that means it shall be so right now and verity means truth. “Verily on this day,” at this very instant not this Friday the year of whatever it is in that (inaudible) time, verily at this moment in time “You and I shall be in paradise.” Now He has to take that disciple home to consciousness. Now paradise most of us think is some little place in cloud nine where harps are being strummed you know and people are flying around there, nothing is done, but the word paradise can be recognized as two words, “Para” and “Dise.” “Para” means beyond, it’s Greek already and “Dise” is desire, a behavioral state, this is a behavioral science, the Guru/disciple relationship is a behavioral science, it’s a behavioral process “so you and I at this very instant will enter beyond all desires into a profound state of God-ness” therefore in the Catholic church that thief was called from that day on the Saint of the Impossible because it would be highly impossible for Man in a state of mind like his as a thief to warrant or merit liberation if the Guru or the Master-consciousness did not recognize and reach out and extended His grace. So you see that the Master-consciousness can absolve all behavioral patterns if we would but reach out but it will not resolve if we don’t reach out and we see that only once in the life of Jesus when He went to help some people at a certain part and they would not reach out and He turned around and said, “With these people I can do nothing.” The Master-consciousness in any form, shape, or manner in any age or human being cannot do anything for those who don’t want it. That’s why this type of relationship is maintained on the basis of love all the time not by coercion, not by fear, it is when we want so badly to unite ourselves with the Creative Intelligence we will hear of this relationship, we will hear of it because our love ready to grow. Now you see what a (inaudible) relationship the Guru/disciple relationship is? It’s called today in the Aquarian Age “the life of the initiate” more so as the household life, the household initiate life because we can live this relationship now with our God’s-self in a physical way all the time between husband and wives, brothers and sisters, we can live in an everyday work-a-day life, the initiate life, it’s a life of peace and love. 1:10 There is no imposition of someone tying a chain or putting a ring in your nose and pulling you along and say “I’ll take you to heaven” let alone try to convert you by miracles because the Master didn’t convert His disciples by miracles, He chose them, there were no miracles when they decided to follow Him, the miracles that came after when they couldn’t handle their own emotional problems, He had to give drastic things to cure them, taking them on a ship and let them feel like they’re going to drown that’s pretty drastic (Adano laughs) but it’s clear the medicine sometimes is harsher than the illness you know, you ever hear that statement? The medicine is often more bitter than the the actual illness. So equally true in the curing of the behavioral indifferences, the behavioral problems that we have to face, the cure sometimes can be pretty rough but don’t let the mind dwell on the different types of problems that come up remember this, the bonuses far exceed the problems in the initiate life or the Guru/disciple relationship life for those who have been initiates they can tell you the bonuses exceed the trials. Another thing I want to tell you about in the initiate life that once you follow the path the first few weeks can be quite trying or what you say “earth shaking” because you are bringing into focus many years of suspended karmic bits that we faced in a few seconds. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: So it can be washed away (inaudible). Any questions? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes they do because when the Master consciousness reaches out to pluck you out you know, these things begin to occur and then you find yourself moving upstream to that point of contact. Jesus told His own disciples when He initiated them, “Unto you are given the keys of the Kingdom but unto the masses never.” It meant that the whole of Jerusalem or the whole of Palestine would not follow the path immediately but they had had experiences. Now the fishermen and the other people had experiences, they all knew of certain psychic phenomena before they even met Jesus otherwise they would not even hang around John the Baptist, they had to have certain experiences before but they were looking for a more detailed way of life to apply it, they wanted a practical approach for the spiritual life and He came to them with a more practical approach than John you see. John was saying when he grabbed ahold of the people, “I baptize you! Repent! Repent in the name of the Lord!” You know that’s kind of drastic to grab ahold of someone and dunk them in the water and make them want to repent. So those who can take that type of conversion or dunking would be alright but there were a few in that group who needed love, they couldn’t take the harsh discipline. Remember Yukteswar was a disciplinarian in his own life, you know he told Yogananda he says “You would have to have more love because the people in the West ain’t going to stand for this kind of dunking.” They don’t appreciate that. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Muktananda who was sitting in the room, you know he’s like a school teacher and you know there was a young kid sitting there meditating and he was supposed to go out of the room with the rest because he was just coming in and he wanted us to be by himself. He gave a one look with his eyes and that guy was like they pulled the rug out from under him, he got up and walked out without even saying a word. Just a look with his eyes and that was it, it was like somebody hit him on the head. This american fellow by the name of Alpert, he made the remark he says, “It’s not so easy for Americans to accept some of these Indian Swamis, they are very harsh at times because they don’t stand no nonsense when it comes to behavioral patterns.” It’s either there you do it or don’t because there’s no “ifs or buts,” like Jesus said “You can’t serve Mamon and the Lord at the same time, you take your choice and get out.” One time a boy was visiting Muktananda in his retreat and this friend of mine told me what happened she said she was there and they were all sitting down and this boy came here for the three days and all he had is a notebook writing notes, making notes and asking questions. So Muktananda looked across, “Say young fellow you’re too busy trying to make a book while you’re here, you better leave because you have no time for that. Either you want to practice meditation or go home.” She said they’re that blunt at times yet there are those who work a bit differently. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: There was a farmer who went farming and had a bag of seeds, he threw some into the air and some fell on hard ground, some fell on what you say, “good ground,” some fell on semi-fertile. When a farmer plants he doesn’t ask if the soil is good or bad, he plants, now a spiritual teacher is acting as a channel to give initiation he doesn’t ask you your faults, he’s not concerned with your faults, he’s concerned with the God-self, the love of you. If whatever little falls inside there to stimulate that love, it’s suffience for him to have served its purpose. Someday, even not in his presence, there will be someone who may come along and meet you or him or her who has fallen away and he says “Ah, this is the teacher I need, I didn’t need the first one, I need this one” and in his presence a strange thing will happen in the face of the new teacher he will see the face of the other man that initiated, then he will learn the universality of all Souls. There was a Swami that came to this country and there were a few friends that I know who were initiated by Yogananda and they had fallen away too and when they met this one they thought this was their teacher, really their teacher now and when they went for the initiating you know what happened? They all admit they couldn’t see any difference in his face but it was like they were looking at Yogananda all the time. His face came pronounced over the man’s face and after it was all over the Swami made a remark and this was the remark he said “God is universal isn’t He beautiful?” The Swami knew, the Swami didn’t usurp the position to tell them “I am your teacher,” the Swami acted as a mirror for their own consciousness. The seed fell on a certain part of their devotion but certain karmic ties pulled them away to work it out before that devotion got strong. Now the devotion got strong they were able to go back to the path and they practiced their meditation and it’s not the Swami they’re attached to, they found now that the true Swami is themselves but the true God-self is the thing they were looking for all the time but they didn’t realize what was happening to them when they first started out. 1:20 So one does not think of remorse or loss, one hopes that the individual will wake up to the reality of it that someday he will know that there is no difference in none of the teachers, they’re all in one with God and it’s love that holds us together and I’m glad you brought that question up because this is true among many people including myself, to find out that we all have to go that road sooner or later to find out that there is the universality among all teachers. God is in everything and when you find it then the source starts with joy, to know that someone was considerate enough to give you a gift but you may not know the use of the gift. Let’s say when Jesus got the gift from the three wise men, He didn’t know what to do it when He was born and He might not have used it up to 12 years of age, He might even forgot that the three wise men gave Him that gift you know what I mean but something might have triggered Him off that He went seeking from 12 to 30, He was fortunate He met those same three men but He might have met three other men who would have set Him back in the same idea. So we find that though we may seem to fall away there is always someone who comes to show us the way and when we get the experience it’s love. Now in the case of the disciples with Jesus they fell away before His death you remember? They went through the same thing, they denied it, they shut it off, they wouldn’t even put their head in the chopping block for Him yet one man went (inaudible) even to ask for the body, he didn’t care of the criticism, Joseph of Arimathea, he went as far as even offering knowing someday these other disciples even given the room to use after the Master had gone on to let them go through the melancholy, the despondency, the blue,s the loss, the bereavement, the self-criticism hoping they would eventually awaken. He was awakened fully to what was happening so it was no surprise to him that the Master would appear to them in that upper chamber otherwise he would have not gone ahead and offered his service. It takes a great heart to have compassion to be a leader or to be the head of some organization or to be any businessman, a businessman lives with the ups and downs of life more so than the average individual because he’s constantly providing work for other people so he’s working in the divine flow of sustenance like a teacher or a Master so he understands subtle laws more but he may be a hard-headed only because he’s dealing with dollars and cents but inwardly he has an understanding more than most people until it’s brought to the surface. In the case of Arimathea he had this understanding (inaudible) then when Jesus manifested in the upper chamber then those disciples were awakened, they began to see now and to show you even though they had the awakening more, petty jealousies still continued in the highest initiate. I’ll show something of the petty jealousies and rash actions, Peter after the Master passed on and now they are all baptized by the Holy Spirit and they’re going out to teach and they’re founding what we call All Faith Fellowship now or their little communes now, one person was supposed to put something in the kitty and a man and a woman was supposed to sell their property and put something into the kitty to help the group but between them Peter knowing their wealth and then he saw what they give in a rash moment he made a statement and both man and wife died, you see? And then remorse sets in but it’s too late. All right then he sees another person who is not a disciple, who has just been converted by a very rash method being knocked off a horse, struck blind and had to be taken and led by the hand to the home of a householder disciple, his name was Saul and that disciple now all of a sudden starts regaining his sight and starts talking of this Christ awareness but he’s not talking to Jewish people alone, he’s talking to Hebrew people, Greek people, Roman people, all nationalities he’s communicating in their lingo or in their frame of reference and Peter gets jealous because he was supposed to be the great loudspeaker for Jesus, he was supposed to be the boy after Jesus was gone and here Saul, which his Paul now, capturing the crowd talking to everybody about this great Christ principle. Again he’s upset and when he was asked to heal a man when this happened, he refused but again he had to curb his consciousness and go back and the very fact that he passed and his shadow fell on the man the second time after he reconciled himself, the man was instantly healed, do you see how this is a behavioral science? We do go through this, it’s devotion, our devotion. Yogananda had a chant that went like this (Adano chanting) “Do not dry the ocean of my devotion, fill me with love.” (Gap in tape). But don’t let the outward life interfere with the inward life, they have to perform their duty in the outward life. The Master, he came to this country, he is a lawyer in his outward life he used to be and now he’s a farmer and there are many people in Washington who in their outward life are in the government but they are initiates following the inner path. Occupation has nothing to do, the inner path is inside all the time. Audience: (Inaudible). Some people have questions but they don’t seem to be asked them (inaudible). Adano: (Laughing) Well look at the disciples, they took on certain responsibilities, did the wrath of God come down and hit them? God is allowing us through love to follow the path, love must shed the patterns that interfere, it’s love by love we shed the different things that hold us back, the so-called habit patterns that we’ve created and generated before you are initiated, by this love they will be shut off, they will be shook off. God is not going to condemn us, no Master is condemning us (inaudible), “Ah ha you misspoke today (inaudible), punish you.” The only problem we make it difficult for ourselves, everyone wants to follow the path, everyone wants to measure up and in the measuring up we tend to have a sense of self-punishment or condemnation, this should not be in the path of the initiate. Look at this light, this is a candle, it’s lit when it’s lit it’s burning straight up but a little wind and see it flicker? As long as this container is around it it won’t go out but once you initiated the light of consciousness wouldn’t go off from you, there may be a flicker here and there occasionally by your own internal habit patterns, you are still the light of the world while you are in the world. 1:30 The Master cannot leave you, God can’t leave you we may go far, farther in all the stars when but in your heart if you say “My Lord, I will be thine always,” God (inaudible). The prodigal son left the home, went down into the pigsties, did the Father reject him when he was on his way back home? Same thing with us, initiation is a way of retaining the link between Man and God and turning back to God by the initiate method or the initiate away is an assurance, it’s a sort of a built-in insurance but that doesn’t say we should take advantage of it and not perform the basic disciplines but we should be able to be rational to know by love that the habit patterns will go, we must make an attempt to resolve these habit patterns and ask for the strength overcome it. Once you ask the Christ intelligence to give you the strength to overcome the problem then to say “I want to quit,” the Christ intelligence may not want you to quit right away too because you may not be asking the right question or the right need. It may want you to go to be more humble in saying you need strength to cope with this type of a habitat pattern. If you say “Okay, I’ll take away your habit pattern” it’s like peeling off the shell of a chicken coming out, that doesn’t make the chicken strong, it makes it weak but if the chicken would say ‘Give me more strength to break the shell,” in other words “give me more time,” let the air work upon you, inwardly say to yourself “I need the inner strength, the time, the inner strength of time to cope with this thing. I know it’s not the (inaudible) but I want the strength,” by affirming the strength to do it more so than the removal of it instantaneously, you will find that you get the strength, the love will come, all of a sudden it will fall off, you will notice the urge seems to disappear. I know in my case the urge just dropped because the strength comes now to take the place of the urge. Audience: (Inaudible). What greater punishment can there be than to miss an opportunity of being close to God. Adano: In other words, to miss day is just prolonging the time between you and your beloved. The daily meditation we all know it’s only a minimum of two and a half hours in a whole day. How many things you do in the other twenty two and a half hours or twenty one and a half hours? But the fact years ago I would miss my meditation and I feel despondent and I said “I need the strength to sit down and meditate,” God even provided me the time to do eight hours a day and you know what? I found that even eight hours you can be twiddling your thumbs too, the meditation is one of love and devotion. You can be sitting like a lump on the floor there wishing for this thing to happen and no love, no love is coming, and you’re struggling but all of a sudden you will let go and lo and behold love flows in and the moment the love in you can sit there for hours without moving because it’s love but to sit there and struggle and no love, nothing is happening but just to come in and sit with love, to feel that love you can sit for hours and if you want to sit in the lotus posture that again is difficult at times but if you got love you can sit in the lotus posture in meditation for hours and it doesn’t bother you. It hinges on love and your greatest communion with this Divine Self is based on the love. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, no, no he’s sitting in the rose petal position now (laughter). The rose petal position? (Laughter), good old fashioned Western style, that comfortable and natural position is like the bed of roses you know, no no no pressure nothing, that’s what they call the bed of roses, I call it the rose petal position, it’s a relaxed comfortable position. I think the waterbed is better than the roses now (laughter). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well it’s not wise to meditate flat on the back because you’ll have a tendency to fall asleep and Jesus when He was in the body had a choice of three positions in meditating. One is to kneel down which the Catholics and the early Christians have all developed because it kept the mind more alert but then it was pretty rough on the kneecaps and the Hindus by tradition like to sit in the lotus position but then again for Western people we don’t have the body shape to always sit in that position. So yoga men realizing that resting man is designed a little different, gave us the rose petal position just a normal relaxed situation and comfortable. I call it the rose petal position because it’s so relaxing to just want to sit and if you feel more comfortable pull your legs up.

1971 December 22 - Satsanga Wedding Pendulum

Adano71_12_22SatsangaWeddingPendulumQ3RR - It’s better to mentally say it no matter how incorrect you may think you are saying it, it will eventually correct itself inside (inaudible) the whole mind will eventually start the correcting to pronounce it correctly, you’ll find your mind will gradually lead you to pronounce it correctly. See this is one of the peculiar safety factors of it that the inner Man will correct these things. Audience: Well what what is this now Hari Nama? Adano: “Hari” means hail and “Nama” means name. Audience. So this is nearly telling about the name, this is not the name. Adano: Or “praise be to the name.” Audience: And it says “Nama presided and will awaken the seeker but you need a teacher, a Guru to help you to hear the Nama in your heart. Adano: Right see “Nam” or name as it is called, Sat Nam is the name to hear that name being told to you from an oral point, that’s why they say you seek another human being to give it to you. To tell you the technique involved in it between taking it in vain or hollowing it you see? Now you can use any word for that matter if you want but any word would work providing if you did it in a hallowed state, do you follow what I’m trying to say? To say that that is the only name of God would be incorrect, you can take a name of any word or any language because many men would not be able to say but it’s the way it should be used that it would hollow it. Audience: We do a lot of exercises in the name of the Christ. Adano: Right and if you do it in the state of hollowing it, it’s just as effective (inaudible). Audience: Is this an East Indian name? Adano: No it’s Sanskrit but Sanskrit is this (Adano claps his hands). Audience: What do you mean? Adano: (Claps his hands again), that’s Sanskrit. If you could do that with your vocal cords, you would make my hand do that every time. (Adano claps his hands repeatedly). If you can only simulate with your vocal cords that sound, my hand will go like that all the time that’s the power of Sanskrit, “san-skrit” not written. Audience: “San-skrit” far out, really? Adano: We only write it in terms to relate, it’s all the sounds of creation because the whole universe is congealed sound. Now Man is imbued with the ability to make sound with his vocal cords but if he can intone those sounds correctly, mentally or orally to such a pitch he will cause these conditions to come about. Didn’t Caruso break glass with his voice? Well that’s only a small indication of what Sanskrit is. Audience: But it is written? Adano: Right, but it’s called Pali when it’s written, means abridged. Pali means abridged, it’s not in alliance and you have to learn to pronounce it. Audience: Would there be any translation from the Sanskrit? Adano: Well the translation would not give the indication of what it is, you see the the pineal gland is making that sound already. Now in your nostril there’s a sound going on in your nostril and that sound if you were to give it some physical word, it will sound like (Adano sniffing). Now if I wanted to write that down the only thing I can write down is hamsa or “So Hong” but that would be an incorrect way to indicate that sound. Now if I wanted to give a meaning all I can say is “I am, I am, I am, I am” so the word “So Hong” when translated from the oriental language into english means “I am” so english professor says “what big difference if I breathe in and breathe out, what makes the I am?” I am the breath there. See the thing is the sound itself and since Man has a tendency to want to communicate that sound by his voice, this is what the ancient Sages are calling “taking it in vain.” If he would bring his mind in alliance with the sound then he would be (inaudible) it, then he could beam it and creation is an ultrasonic form of concentration. Now Jesus demonstrated this when He was standing at the grave of Lazarus, He said “Lazarus come forth!” Then He turns around and says “Father I didn’t have to say in a loud voice, only because of the people around me.” This shows a tremendous indication of the power of that is inferred that if you understand the principle of the Holy Name, you can beam this thing like a laser beam with the intent and it will do its work and you don’t have to shout at the world. Audience: Had this experience with mental patients. Audience: Isn’t it true that in (inaudible) as we progress the time will come when some future age that we will be able to use the word as a creative word when we become co-creators with God? Adano: Yes. Audience: We’ll create through the sacred word. Adano: Yes we will. Well let’s get started, we have a ceremony to go through yet. Audience: (General inaudible conversation)… wedding ceremony… Adano: … the Masters bringing some form or manner, let alone people don’t know of it and when the masses do that the first person to contact me or invite me is the Master’s contact. That person I have an attunement with all the time, that person is the channel because that’s where the Master connects me up with that area. So in the Fellowship’s work I try to maintain that as a form of contact with each area I go into but in the past few weeks in our group in Tyler we’ve decided to call each one in the area the regional director of that area as a point of contact. When I came to Virginia Beach it was true a girl that I met in South Carolina who told me, her mother lived in Virginia Beach and was a member of ARE and would like me to come in this area. Well they tried and I know the Lord didn’t work it out for them until at the last moment when I did arrive and that was sometime in the month of February and this is my third return, no I gotta say it’s the fourth time in Virginia Beach in one year, which is unusual for me to be in any one spot. Well that person is Mrs. Hughes, Abbey Hughes, and I’m here strictly because Master’s current worked through her to bring me here and she was the first initiate and by our rules in the Fellowship that person is our original contact so that is on record in every one of the places. Now we have one in Dallas as an initiate which is the regional director but now he’s been moved up to the board of directors in the actual Fellowship itself in the board of trustees so his name is Mr. King. Eventually it is our wish that the regional directors become the ones that move into the board of trustees and then they in turn, working with the local group and those that work around them, would make up part of the local group and govern their own selves. 0:10 We don’t want to impose our will or no group, we want them to function totally within their own frame of reference and coordinate so Mrs. Hughes is regional director for the Virginia area. Now we have a corresponding secretary in every area to where news go to go out which we’ve assigned by the person work along and in this area we have chosen Mrs. Trope to be the corresponding secretary to coordinate activities, whatever it’s going to do like in this preparation for my coming and working and sending the advanced notice we sure appreciate it and I know my wife sure enjoyed that part so thank you all. Now someone I know this area every year collects money for my traveling funds because it’s very difficult, for myself I’d like to pay my own way instead of you folks having to dig out but we found that everyone wants to share so each area has some person who collects and arranges that part so they call that person the treasurer and I think by agreement with myself and wife and Masters I think Mrs. Johnson, Gene, would make a good choice. Don’t look around, it’s you. (Laughter). And every years is doing tapes because they want to keep a record of everything that goes on in the area I’m in and we’d like to share these tapes around or whatever people want to buy them so in this area tape director is Mr. Trope. He’s the only person that arranges the tapes and gets them all organized, technical knowledge. Ok takes care of the people we are primarily in contact all the time that doesn’t say the others are not going to be in contact with us. Audience: We’ll have plenty of jobs for you. Adano: John I gotta be really thankful that Virginia Beach has produced such a wonderful person. Audience: New York. Adano: Yes we have experienced tremendous differences in the people that come from various areas to Tyler and we are very impressed with those that come from Virginia Beach, they have something that Casey’s work has done for them, has laid the groundwork for them to understand the Master’s works and we’re very happy to see that in John. Audience: We have certainly notice the difference (inaudible). Adano: Even if I step on his feet once in a while. Audience: (Inaudible). I’m blushing. Adano: We’re gonna make you a traveling orderly, like Mutkananda he has his traveling troop. Anyway each area they have meetings and there is always an open meeting and a closed meeting, isn’t that true? Audience: Open meeting and a closed meeting. Adano: The closde meeting is for the initiates to get together and meditate solely which I hope every area is doing because that is the primary purpose of the group meditation at that night and closed meeting, once I know the night is assigned my consciousness is attuned and at that night also I hope every time it’s done there’s a rotation because each one in that group will get the blessing from the Master’s grace so no one is in a position to say that he’s hogging it up because we want everyone to share in that grace, to be a channel at that night for the initiates, we hope this can work for everyone so that we rotate that. The open meeting is different because these are newcomers coming in and this you can share among yourselves, if you’re you’re busy one night and so forth but in the initiates meeting we would like it rotated among the initiates every time so that they do get the grace to flow at that night because the consciousness is locked in them. Audience: Well some of them they do this rotation by alphabetical order (inaudible). Adano: Well you might get billions of “A’s” and no “B’s.” Audience: By rotation do you mean go to the various homes? Adano: No necessarily the homes if you have 25 initiates and the last name begin with “B” then they go down the line but most of us our last names don’t end with “B” so one may be Jones, one may be Williams, or Frank if you take them in alphabetical order and in that way out of the 25 each time you have a closed meeting one of the names will be or the person will lead the meditation. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Acts as a channel, yeah. Audience: Now if some person whose turn it is can’t do it that night, well it’s succeeding person could take it over or else they trade off with somebody. Adano: It’s not a rigid thing, it is to give each one a chance to be a channel at that night. See it’s not me who wanted initiates night meditation in the first place, this was brought into focus by the Masters who gave an experience to some of the initiates in their own meditation and dreams and inner revelation that we should have an initiates’ meditation night and they are the ones over the years have been asking for it so it has been set up that way. I don’t act until I’m directed so and in this way since each person will have a chance to be a channel then you can rotate it alphabetically among yourselves, whatever you want to do and you’ll be strangely surprised, it’s the Masters who will be selecting if you draw lots too so nothing to worry about, it’s just a matter of being a channel at that night. Now noticing one more interesting thing that when people send funds to us they write it down to Adano Ley, please don’t send funds to me, make any payment to the All Faith Fellowship. It isn’t that I would not accept it but I can’t accept it under the circumstances in which I’m associated with the Fellowship, it must be made out to the All Faith Fellowship. You see I have a vow to myself, I don’t want to be paid for my services in any way, shape, or form to the Fellowship and when checks are made to me, it puts me in an embarrassing position. I’d rather them be made out to the All Faith Fellowship and that way I know the Fellowship is being taken care of. I would contribute my own out of my own pocket when I work so that’s another thing. As far as tithing, again it’s all in All Faith Fellowship so you have a legitimate way to check your own self if you want to have Uncle Sam rebate you in some way, shape, or form. See I was told by someone in Tyler that you can write off your donations and even if you don’t want to have it rebated to you in your name, you can still rebate it back to the All Faith Fellowship. (Laughter). You see if you don’t even want to claim your refund on it, the taxman says you still can send it to the Fellowship even if you got 20% return and you don’t want to claim it back because it’s a donation given to the Church or something and you write that off and they rebate you, even that you can still put it back in that name and do it. He says that will free you from the guilt feeling that you are getting a return from Uncle Sam for giving a donation and this is legitimately legal from the law so in that way we kind of cleared up in most people who have that mental problem. Audience: Even though you have sent checks to Adano, it’s been endorsed “All Faith Fellowship” and you are listed as contributing on our record (inaudible) and an accountant audits the books and they are open anytime anybody wants to see them. 0:20 Adano: Ok, I think that takes care of most of the basic things we want to announce about the Fellowship and this regional area. I want to take this opportunity now to thank everyone instrumental in making the lectures a success and getting this place all fixed up by the grace of God and tonight. Audience: I think we should give everyone a standing ovation, thank you. (Applause and then inaudible conversation). Audience: And on behalf of everybody here I think that I should express to Adano, on behalf of everybody here I should think I should express to Adano and his good wife our very deep appreciation of their coming here and giving their time and their remarkable talents, a great blessing for all of us. (Applause). Audience: This is our privilege, thank the Masters. Adano: There are a few questions that do come up and I think if I’m in order to say it. One, every group has a problem with the healing technique right? Audience: Yes. Adano: Okay to avoid all future complications, Master like myself I like to make it simple. Take all the names of the people, put them all in one box, put it there and just sit around and each person sit in his own chair where he wants to sit and raise his left hand and stretch out his right hand towards the box, if the box is on the table and wherever you are with that attitude, and repeat your particular mental vibration. So if you got a hundred names in there, don’t bother to call the names no more, their names are in the pot and just say “Divine Will flowing through me will do whatever it is: eliminate, dissolve, rebuild, or strengthen, so forth and that’s it. In that way you eliminate all complications so if you have a name to bring and you want to put it in the box, throw it in the box and you don’t have to empty the names, you just keep adding to it because the more prayers you give them the more they get and don’t forget your own name. (Laughter). We all needed it too you see so that makes it a whole lot simpler for everyone. So you put it there and just repeat it and I think you would have had no complications because I know if someone sits in the chair and then you have a hundred hands reaching out for him before you know it the poor fellow be down on the floor. (Laughter). Audience: (Inaudible) yourself at home because we have a bible open in practically every room in the house because when you can see the vibrations that emanate from those holy scriptures, you want them pouring out as much as possible and I keep all my children, grandchildren, and special friends or anyone special for whom I’m praying, I keep them in my bible and just go by and just stop and put your hands in there, “Oh thank you Lord.” (Inaudible) and it does something to you. Adano: You see we all need help even every initiate needs it and if you know that others are praying for you it gets your ego out of the way because you’re praying for others. So if your name is in there don’t bother, you got hundreds of praying for you and you don’t have to worry about yourself, you’re praying for others. So I think the simplest way is take a box and just put the name of the person, put it in the box (inaudible) and just add to it and therefore at the initiates’ meeting everyone can offer to pray before going home, that can end the meeting that way and try to make that meeting one of the least amount of conversation because in channeling you have a whole lot of mental turmoil to combat in the first two hours you know, when you come in to meditate so you want your mind to be clear when you’re going to an initiates’ meditation that you’re going there to gather an alignment in consciousness not only your area but there are many in other areas who are lining up with you at the same time you see and the group in South Carolina is lining up, possibly the one in Dallas is lining up, myself in Tyler, Pascagoula, and many other places are all lining up so this is a tremendous alliance in consciousness and many experiences can begin to happen in consciousness when these are set up. Audience: Are you saying that even before the meditation there should be less gossip. Adano: Yes but get over the business first before the meditation, the meditation should be the honey, it’s the nectar that you’re coming for, the business can be taken care of immediately and be through but then get into that meditation and then end it up with that healing and carry that glow, that conscious light with you, I think that’s what keeps us together as a unit. Do you have something to say love? Audience: And even more important than not talking so much beforehand is not talking afterwards. Yogananda says it’s just like punching a hole in a bucket of milk, every word you say after meditation. Adano: It’s like letting the whole thing out. Audience: And then speaking of the box, we have at home a heart-shaped candy box. Adano: We chose the heart because it’s closest to your heart. Audience: We haven’t been going through the ceremony so much at home but that’s what I had for years. It’s a little bit battered now from many years but Valentines is coming up, you’ll find somebody to get you heart shaped boxing. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well is there any other question anyone would like to ask? Audience: While we’re here, could we have the translation of the chant, the meaning of the words of the chant? Adano: “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudeva.” “Om” is hail, “Namo” the name, “Hail to the name of the Lord “Bhagavate.” Vasudeva, “eternal preserver of light.” Audience: Would you repeat the words? Adano: “Om Namo” “namo” is name or “nama” is name, it depends on how you want to pronounce it, “namo” or “nama,” but it’s “Namo” in the chant itself. “Om Namo Bhagavate.” That’s where you get the word “Bhagavan,” Krishna was often called the Bhagavan, Christ was called Bhagavan or Lord. The Bhagavad Gita would be the Song of God. “Hail to name of Lord or God, eternal preserver of light,” Vasudeva. See God is light and at an initiation you are hooked to the light therefore the invocation is invoking the Current and the Sound in yourself so you got that? “Om Shivaya” is hail to the Lord as the regenerator because this is the regenerate life, the initiate life is a life of self regeneration by self effort. 0:30 In other words I ain’t going to meditate for none of you, you meditate for yourself, I can’t do it for you you know what I mean? Put it that way. This is a do-it-yourself process, everyone will be doing it himself, he’s given the keys he must do it. Now there’s another chant and I will chant it tonight it’s called “He Bhagavan” and that’s pronounced H-E-Y and the last word is Bhagavan, it means “Oh Lord.” Now that chant is a chant and it’s done in a lament, you know the feeling of a lament? When done in that tone it triggers the aspect of the mother principle of God because it’s like the whole universe is summing up a wailing to the Creative Intelligence so it’s done in a lament tone. The other chants you’re familiar with in English? Alright, any other question? Audience: I want to ask about healing, somebody told me that unless you were some special person that you’re not supposed to heal. Adano: Well let me clarify that again for initiates, initiates are not supposed to go out and convert anybody let alone to go and offer their service to heal people. Unless they are asked or they are told by someone that such-and-such a person is ill “would you pray for that person and think of that person” then the initiate can do it but to go on his own and look up for somebody to pray for them and do it without that person asking, we are in a sense trying to take the shell off the chicken and not giving it a chance to grow, he needs that illness in some degree to gain an inner strength. Now when someone makes a statement “we have such and such a friend and he’s been ill, could your group pray for us or pray for him?” Or you would offer that maybe we could pray for him… Audience: Well if he doesn’t know about it how about that? Adano: Well in that case you send the thought that he would ask. You see you don’t usurp the position of trying to jump the gun. If he would ask, it’s in this respect that’s why Jesus said when He went to a certain place “With these people I can do nothing,” no one was asking for it, they didn’t want it and every person He did help asked in some sense of the word. Audience: Supposed person is desperately ill and can’t ask? Adano: Then however the information gets to you is a form of asking, you see? However that information comes to you of the knowledge that that person is desperately ill, whoever brings that information to you is asking in proxy then the group can go ahead and do it. Audience: That really isn’t my question though. In this meeting I understand that one time you were supposed to have a healing service I wasn’t here (inaudible)… Audience: Different vibration though. Audience: You’re talking about when you opened up your apple? Audience: Yes, keep going. Audience: Four different types of… Audience: Yes that’s what I mean. Adano: Alright, good. Now those who have been initiated that have the apples I know. Okay well let’s look at some of them and then we’ll establish… The minimum time is about three months before we look at them so it has three months gone already? Audience: No. Adano: No so let it remain for a while, I will be back here on my way back through to Tyler and that will give you about three months period then. We normally don’t like to open them before three months because we want it to go through a certain condition to establish certain things. Audience: Well I thought this but everybody else said “open it.” Adano: No let me clarify that when the person is initiated and the apple, the minimum time is three months before you check it out and if it is still going good and firm after three months, don’t bother just leave it there on the shelf, surprise yourself for three or four years from now. Audience: Well what does it mean if it stays firm? Adano: That it’s doing good. Now there are four ways it breaks down, it’s not that you’re better than the other person or somebody is worse than you, these are just four ways that the current is established in your brain with the Christ principle. One way it will turn watery and mushy and the water will not go even for a year and it will stay that little residue of water still stay there, it’s a peculiar phenomena, that’s why they call it dissolving, is the principle to dissolve, it represents the principle to dissolve. The next way is that the apple will become a little squashy and get like a mold or powder all over it so it’s called powdery, that is the principle of eliminating. Now a third way the apple would actually shrivel hard like a prune, no water in it at all, dried up no powder of any kind, it’ll just look like a hard prune that is called to strengthen. Now the fourth way the after will remain firm, wouldn’t break down for seven eight months to a year, two years, three years then it will start to break down but after this past seven months it has established itself to rebuild. Now there’s a fifth way which would be unusual but not impossible, the apple would grow an extra quarter of an inch, the upper portion would be green just like it’s on the tree, the odor would be doubled its odor in the room, you would smell it so strong you couldn’t help smelling it and that never breaks down, it remains like that all the time. Audience: I smell mine all the time, everyday when I enter the room. Adano: Good! Audience: I do, I even mention it to my husband. Adano: All right so keep it and don’t worry because that apple indicates mastery of life over death, you see that’s a frequency. These are five frequencies that a Master has to achieve, it’s in the five fingers, this is the earth frequency which is mastery of life over depth, this is the frequency to rebuild, this is the frequency to strengthen, this is the frequency to eliminate, and this is the frequency to dissolve. Audience: So can a person (inaudible) on any of these frequencies or give a healing ministration? Adano: Yes he has this because when he reaches out the one is radiating out that he’s attuned but eventually he will be gradually working all five of them as he evolves himself in his meditation, all the five frequencies will start to flow out of his mechanism but he first has to establish the frequency he came in on then see how he’s advancing in all of them so he has something tangible to work with well. Well I think my wife wants to demonstrate now the holy breath and its effects on alcohol to see what the holy breath really can do and what are marvelous… Audience: (Inaudible then laughter then general conversation). Adano: You’ll begin to appreciate now what consecration is in the hands of an initiate at the holy communion. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Any gentleman around here want voluntary. Audience: You’re going to have a little more in there. We can put it back in, we won’t throw it out. (Inaudible). Someone want to read it? Audience: I can’t see, where does it show the readings? 0:40 Audience: (Inaudible). An initiate brought this and said this was this… (Inaudible) Audience: … you have to fill it up high and it sinks into the density, yes it’s got to be very much deeper. Audience: They had it all fixed up before and I didn’t do anything but just do the breath over it. Audience: Yes it’s the weight of it. Adano: You need a deeper glass or something. Audience: Mercy, let’s just put it back in the bottle. (Inaudible then general conversation). Audience: Liquor does cause such complications (laughter). Audience: Dave will you go upstairs and a tall glass, a clear one please. Audience: Or some tall container. Have y’all heard the little story I tell in connection with this about some initiates’ experience? Well Adano was away on a job and here I am with this group of initiates you know to try of work with while he’s gone and trying to explain some of these things to them so one day I said in desperation I said “bring some liquor with you” and I’ll show you something. Somebody bring it, I don’t want to touch it, bring some cups and so I had them pour out one cup that I did the breath over and then a little bitty taste, each one in a little cup and I did the breath and so that made just one registration and initiates know what I’m talking about. They tasted that and they tasted their own little taste in their cup and they could taste the difference that was made in it so I told them see if the whole breath will have that much effect on something as gross as liquor, how much more effect will it have on this extremely delicate responsive instrument which is the human body that has much of a Divine Consciousness working in it so that they could realize that this is not just a psychological something that we tell them to do or that the Masters have given us to satisfy the mind you know that something is occurring, it’s actually… (gap in tape then general conversation). Adano: (Inaudible) you got your red roses and white roses Gene? (Inaudible). Audience: Do you want to just to lift this round over there and you stand under there? Adano: Well this would be better if I can look this way. Audience: Look what we’ll do, we’ll get a couple of the fellas over here and get him to lift this where it’s right like that and Tracy can sit right there so Adano can stand here on the right, he has to read this, okay somebody on the other end? (Inaudible then general conversation). 0:50 All Chanting: “Om” (5x). “Thou art my life, Thou art my love, Thou art the sweetness which I do seek (2x). In the thought by my love brought (2x). I taste Thy name so sweet, so sweet. Devotee knows how sweet You are (2x). He knows whom You let know.” (all chanted 5x). Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, beloved Jesus, and the Masters and Saints and Sages of all religions be Thou present at this holy ceremony of marriage. You are the Divine Witness between two Souls who are joining themselves in divine union to pursue the spiritual path, the physical harmony, and the mental balance. May your presence grace be here present now as they are joined together in mutual spiritual marriage. Please close your eyes and let’s meditate on these thoughts. There are several principles upon which successful marriage is based. Father make this occasion holy and lasting in their hearts and minds, unite them in Thy sacred bondage of Divine Love, be the witness of this ceremony. The principles upon which successful marriage is based are unconditional love, friendship, helping each other, and spiritual living are the factors that make marriage harmonious and happy. These principles are embodied in your marriage ceremony and vows, realize that God and the Holy Ones are present and are witnessing your marriage ceremony. May the groom offer his red rose to the bride and repeat while holding it, “Dearly beloved, I offer you this rose as a symbol of my love for you.” Look into each other’s eyes please. “Our love I will express by kindness, respect, faith, and trust in you until the end of life.” The bride offer her white rose to the groom, holding onto it and looking into the eyes and repeat “Dearly beloved, I offer you this rose as a symbol of my love for you. A love I will express by kindness, respect, faith, and trust in you until the end of life.” Keep these petals as a reminder of this bond. Now place the hands as you exchange the roses (inaudible). Incense is the symbol of the eternal fire of God’s love, melting two Souls into one Soul, two minds into one mind, two hearts into one heart, two loves into one love, two lives into one life. Repeat after me by looking into each other’s eyes, “I am thine, thou art mine so that we may may merge unto God. Body, mind, and Soul we cast into the flame of love to be purified into Cosmic Love for all Mankind. We will cooperate with each other so that we may harmonize with the laws of truth. We will love each other so that we may know God’s love. We will merge our desires for the highest common good. We will love each other unconditionally. 1:00 Through our love we will forgive each other always. We will love each other in order to be loyal to Divine Love. May our half Souls join into the one spirit of God. We aspire to bring Souls on the Earth plane to worship God as newborn Souls. May our children serve as spiritual ushers to bring other Souls back from delusion’s home into the eternal freedom in God. May we love each other unselfishly, ever increasingly until our love become the love of God and the Masters. We aspire to be united by Spirit and by the bonds of inner liking, mutual intellectual affinity, and physical attraction. We will never cease to be friends even if our bodies are parted by death or other circumstances. We are united to fulfill the law of creation and through our perfect love to find the perfect love of God.” Since you don’t have rings yet (inaudible) by holding the hands instead. “I Bill take thee Jean Louise as my wife for worse and for better, to love, honor, cherish till death do us part.” We are going to reverse it now. “I Jean Louise take thee Bill for worse or for better as my husband to love, honor, and cherish till death do us part.” By the power vested in me I pronounce you both man and wife and in the name of God, Christ, and the Holy Masters They also pronounce you man and wife and a symbol of Their testimony these petals is Their blessings on the marriage. Now we come to the spiritual part of the fire ceremony. Fire is a symbol of Divine Will, it is also the flame and spiritual aspiration in Man for union with the Divine Will. Before we do this ceremony you can kiss the bride. Now the man will repeat after me and when they repeat as soon as you finish you will throw the match into the fire. (Inaudible). (Adano has the man chant several Sanskrit syllables) Adano: Throw your stick into the fire. (Adano has the woman chant several Sanskrit syllables). All the group will chant now. Chanting: “Listen, listen, listen to my heart song (2x). I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee (2x).” (All chanted 5x). Now it’s customary when the bridge and bridegroom leave their home to go and get the paternal blessing of the parents but since there are no parents there myself my wife would act as proxy for the parents and we give the blessing of the father and the mother (inaudible). And now you give back the blessing to your parents who made it possible to come into this world so that you could find your Soulmate. (Inaudible). Audience: Roses, roses, roses. Adano and Group: Roses to the left, roses to the right, roses front and behind. Roses, roses, roses. (Long lecture by somebody in the audience).

1971 December 23 - Margaret Adano Baptism Satsanga

Adano71_12_23MargaretAdanoBaptismSatsangaQ3RR - (Long lecture by somebody in the audience). 1:06 Audience: Adano would you explain to me (inaudible) what it signifies? Adano: The magnetic energies enter your left hand, you see this is the entrance and this is an exit through the right hand. So for centuries Man saw this from inside when he meditated, how the influx came in from the negative pole and went out through the positive poles and by learning to relax which is the basic key for transmission of any flow of life. See God is life and the Creative Intelligence flows in and has another entrance which is the key entrance, the medulla, so by identification and by sensitivity of feeling and you keep your hand like this you are locked… (Gap in tape). 1:15 Adano: Well you know last night we were looking at the Aquarian Age and you know Gemini is located at the throat on the right side and the Moon is in Cancer right? What day in the year did Man land on the Moon? Audience: July 20th, 1969. Adano: July 20th, 1969, that’s Cancer. Gemini is Man and Cancer is in the Moon so how would it be impossible for Man not to land on the Moon in the Age of Aquarius in the sign of Cancer? So you see the Yogis are way ahead before other people know what’s going on. By the inner astronomy or the inner workings of the astral body we know what’s going ahead, back in time and forward in time. You have a Master key within your own make-up independent of the heavenly bodies. As Yukteswar calls it He says, “If unwise men make a scrawl of the heavens, don’t blame them.” The inner wisdom is always locked up in your own body if you would look inside for it, that’s just one little clue of the Aquarian Age. There’s so much we can’t go into it, we’ll try to gradually present it more and more but we hope to put it into a big book to give you some good views on the Aquarian Age but that’s one interesting fact, that Man had to land on the Moon in the sign of Cancer in the Aquarium Age, there was no possible time plotted in the cosmic clock for him to do it. Now from the moon to the sun that’s what we call the journey to the stars. One of the Indian prophecies on this continent is that when Man begins to journey to the stars, it is the liberation of the American Indian. Audience: (Explanation of prophecies). 1:20 Adano: You see according to your Casey writings if we’re going to have Earth changes by the time the Earth changes begin to affect the planet, the areas where the Indians are confined to, the progress made by Man in space would have need of those resources and they would be the only people they would have to buy it from, that’s there liberation you see. Audience: (More explanation of prophecies). Adano: Yes the Indians do not accept their lot as something bad, they know they have done something wrong in time and they’re working it out in the humility and their prophets or their wise men have already assigned the time for their liberation but their liberation don’t come as what we think in terms of a hero coming down from the sky and knocking out the so-called enemy of the camp. You see the early Israelites wanted that against the Romans that some great hero would come down and free them from the Roman yoke but then the great deliberator or liberator came in the form of Jesus, they could not accept that kind of liberation. Audience: (More explanation of prophecies). Adano: Their new chief is a very young man and it was interesting to reactivate the campfires, the council fire is down in a grotto in Talaqua, one of their sacred spots, and when they gathered to reactivate it they went through their rituals all the old men who knew the rituals and it wouldn’t activate, it would not come up from the grotto from where it is and they could not understand and they went through the ceremony and there was a young boy in the group who shouted out, “You people don’t know nothing about your religion, all your rituals are a mess of nonsense, the veneer of the white eyes have killed your love for God” and then he started to dance in front of the fire and the old man says “What upstart do you think you are coming and tell us what…” but then he started to do the rituals in a few seconds out from the grotto came this flame shooting right up and they realized that he had to be the new leader for them so they crowned him the chief and he’s gone into inward training but they do have their rituals and they practice it. Audience: (Inaudible) Adano: Well there are many, several of the tribes the Kiowa, the Cherokees. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: In fact they have detailed markings on their artwork of the canals of Mars that they have recorded in their pottery and their jewelry. To understand it one has to be able to read how they’re hiding it as a code, passing it on through the centuries to their offspring. Audience: (More explanation of prophecies). Adano: Yes well the rainbow bridge is here, the Beatles call it the kaleidoscope eye, the Yogis call it the Eye of Shiva or the God-eye, and the Masons call it the one eye on the capstone of the pyramid but whatever eye you want to call it, it’s still here and you have to go inside to see it, the inner astral Man has everything locked up inside for all ages, it’s a matter of going in. Audience: (More explanation of prophecies). Adano: You see the Hewbrew people and the early Chaldeans were great astrological mystics and in all their wisdom they hid it in certain symbols so that throughout the ages it would be preserved and Man will come back someday to find it and we are gradually awakening in this age to some of these hidden symbols (gap in tape)… more and more but also there is the behavioral journey, there are two journeys going on in Man’s search inward (gap in tape)… and the behavioral journey. We can know life symbolically by reading it through the symbols that are left around us but how to behave while going through that journey, this is a different thing altogether. It is our personal behavior that gives us the liberation or leads us back to God realization. We have an environmental life but we also have an internal life. The environmental life is like your markings on the road, the exits, the entrances, the detours and so forth but your behavioral life is different you may be speeding along at 70 miles an hour and all of a sudden you see a marker says slow down detour and you’re gonna swear right away. You see your behavior life comes into a different action now, don’t blame the marker, the marker is there strictly as a indication of how the role is set up. Now our reaction to how we behave, that is the thing we’re going to be called to account for, our behavior on the journey inwards.

1971 - Recycling Diet

Adano71_RecyclingDietQ2 - (Copy of Adano68_10_12InitiateInstructionsQ1NW0 starting at 30 minutes).

1971 - Virginia Beach

Adano71_VABeachQ1 - Adano: No no no I’m just really saying these are chants that you have to know. Audience: During our weekly meetings we’ve noticed that we’d like to chant, if there is one (inaudible). Adano: That’s alright but actually when you come out of meditation you should come in silence see because if you come out in silence then the person can carry the silence and the peace or then if you end up with “It’s love, it’s love” you see “makes the world go ‘round.” That’s the chant for finalizing the evening, that’s the last chant you want to sing before you go. Audience: Adano, what is the best body position to meditate? Adano: Sitting down. Audience: Any particular ways (inaudible). Adano: No, it’s not important that’s only tradition just sit down like this and keep the spine straight. The important thing is to keep the spine straight and have the mind here, these here are necessary in the early stages of growth to get the mind here but the energy goes inside anyway and we’re not too concerned with the body, we’re concerned with the energy in here. See this energy here is only working like this all the time, the one in here is working like this. Audience: Are you supposed to keep your hands over your eyes, how long are you supposed to do this? Adano: Thirty minutes. Audience: (Inaudible), I can’t do it for 30 minutes. Adano: Well prop your hand up on a cushion you know or a pillow, it would be easy to do it. Enjoy it (laughter), that’s the purpose of the meditation, to enjoy. (Adano has a short meditation). See the presence is always around when you pull in consciousness, try to feel it more and listen because we are constantly in unity or communication from inside. That’s why you listen more and the more you listen, the more you’ll get the answers to your questions that are coming through your consciousness because it’s telegraphed by the love and sometimes you don’t need any answers for no questions because what is more important is that you feel love. See we don’t have enough love flowing to us in 24 hours and don’t even generate enough of it and when you can feel it and generate it then your whole body is transformed gradually, that’s the purpose of Darshan or Banderas or various contact with the spiritual guide to help you to feel more love. See it’s “love the Lord all the time with all your heart, mind, and Soul” so you begin to have the loving thankful nature which is pure devotion that everything is being taken care of and you’re just trust in this principle of love to take care of it and you will be given the guidance to act. Things fall into place, people come along and before you know it if you’re alert and aware you’re seeing it’s happening in the environment already to what you’re looking for, what you need. So it’s more of a photo finish existence, this is the purpose of the spiritual life because what is a miracle, just a photofinish experience but it happens all the time so expect the miracle and it’s always going to be there. See learning to feel love, feel peace, we don’t do much of this in our daily lives and we don’t have much organizations centered upon that type of thinking that you sit down and try to incorporate peace into your nature. You have to make it you know, “blessed are the peacemakers,” you’ve got to make this peace, you’ve got to manufacture it from within yourself by being conscious of it, “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” For they are always at the very center of the reservoir of a being as you try to bring yourself more into peace, you are always staying in that reservoir, you don’t go out of the reservoir, you move in the reservoir of peace and this insulates you against the environment, it strengthens you against the environmental pull, the tension of the environment, the repercussions from the environment as you stay within the center of the peace and it’s feeling more than thinking, you have to feel. See we hear but we seldom listen and meditation is one of listening not hearing, it’s one of feeling. The more you listen and feel, the more you become engulfed in the unity of the joy, you begin to glow in your own being and then the mind don’t wander as much, the mind doesn’t become restless or irritable, it begins to experience the calmness. Then when the mind is calm then you can direct it on anything you want to do without getting uptight or fatigue or in a state of frustration, you can really concentrate then. See you can’t concentrate if you relax, you first got to be tense then relax then concentrate, you first got to create a condition to relax from it in order to focus but to just start off relaxing to concentrate, it don’t work that way. That’s why you go through the periods of anxiety, tension, restlessness, then you begin to relax from that state. After you relax from the tension, the anxiety, then the mind is calm then it can focus. It’s a three-fold movement first tension, relaxation, concentration or centering or being but you gotta have first the resistance, the anxiety, to relax from, to let go from in order to flow or center. So just close the eyes and enjoy peace, enjoy the harmony of being. (Gap in tape). 0:10 The roses represent God realization and the blessings of the Masters in all their ceremonies and if you keep some of the petals where you meditate or in a locket, it carries the vibration of Their presence all the time and it helps you in your meditation. It’s another form of Prashad, instead of just being something that you eat now, it’s the contact point with the vibration of the initiation. It helps you to relive the experience of initiation every time and expand your consciousness out more. Audience: Is it alright to give a few petals to someone? Adano: Yes it’s all right to give a few petals to someone, it helps them to raise their consciousness but there are some things that are given to initiatives that are for the initiate’s own use then they should keep it, it has a special blessing for their own personal development, do you have any extra Prasad that we can bless for that? Audience: Yes. Adano: So that this would be for each individual person’s own spiritual development, he uses it himself. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well if you break it up we’ll share it with everyone. Audience: Adano what do you mean (inaudible). Adano: They have the vibration of Master, I didn’t say magnetized. They carry the vibration of the Masters and the blessings and can be used in your meditation. It helps to raise your vibration in meditation. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You can add some more to it if you buy it and add some more to it but that would be just for your own personal use, you don’t share that with nobody. Audience: Adano how does Prashad work? Adano: Eat it, that’s the answer the Master gave. How does the food in my mouth taste in yours? Audience: (Inaudible) We cannot share the experience of Prashad inside with others, this is something you have to discover for yourself. All right, I’ll give you a couple examples and then maybe you’ll understand Prasad. You’re hungry, you’re thirsty, you just had an enema but you’re told by the doctor don’t eat because you’re gonna get constipation yet the odor of the food seems to give you strength. Wherever you are, the odor of food gives you strength, you understand Prasad now? Audience: Sustenance from just from the fragrance of the food. Adano: See doctor said “don’t eat, you’ll have constipation,” you just have an enema so what’s inside of you? Audience: Nothing. Adano: But if the odor of food gives you strength, what have you got now? See? That’s as far as I can describe Prashad how it works. I’ll describe Darshan now. Audience: It’s very mystical. Adano: Some people asked the grandfather of the present teacher, Charan Singh, what is Darshan? And He said “go to the village, you’re gonna meet two people who’ll tell you what it is.” So they went to the village, they spent a whole month and all this saw was too crows and they came back and said “Sir, we went to the village, we didn’t see anybody but all we saw was too crows.” he said “I’m sorry, maybe next month they’ll be there go back.” So they went back the second time, they saw two swans, nobody in the village, they came back and they said, “Sir, we didn’t see anything but we saw two swans.” He said “I’m sorry, I don’t know, they got to be there, I would not be lying to you, go back this trip one more time just try, you’re gonna see somebody that will tell you what Darshan is.” They went the third time and saw two people there so they said “Oh you’re the people that will tell us about Darshan” and the two people says “Oh you’re the two people that came and saw us the first time when we were two crows, second time you came back we were too swans, now you come back and see us we’re two human beings, we’re glad you saw a Master.” Darshan is like Prashad, how are you going to explain it (inaudible). See you just had an enema, you’re told you can’t eat you’ll get constipated and everything you inhale makes you strong. (Inaudible). The keys to the kingdom are the Audible Life Stream, the techniques of doing the Holy Breath, techniques of repeating the Holy Name, and the technique of listening to the current inside the brain and seeing the light, these three techniques is the key to the kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you you see, (inaudible) pulls up your consciousness and the downward current brings out your karma.

1972 January 14 Part 1 - All Faith Fellowship

Adano72_01_14_1AllFaithFellowshipQ3RR - (General inaudible conversation). Now we’re going to have a prayer for some people who are in need of help, anybody got any names they want for us to pray for? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Chanting with group: “Om” 7x. Chanting: Om Namo Bhagavate. (5x) Om Namo Shivaya. (5x). Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Om. (5x) Chanting: Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee. (5x). Chants: Who is in my temple, who is in my temple. All the doors do open themselves, all the lights do light themselves. All the doors do open themselves, all the lights do light themselves. Darkness like a dark bird flies away o’ flies away. Darkness like a dark bird flies away o’ flies away. (3x). Chants: Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord. Night and day, I look for Thee night and day. Night and day, I look for Thee night and day. (5x). 0:15 Chants: We love you, we love you, our dear elementals we do. All beings of air, fire, and water, and beings of earth we love you. I AM presence free all elementals the great, the small. I AM presence through them give protection to all. (3x). It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes it round. It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes it round. It’s Love, Love, Love, Love, Love. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go around. It’s joy, joy, joy, joy, joy. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go around. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go around. It’s peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go around. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go around. It’s bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, friends, friends, friends, friends. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, God, God, God, God. (2x) Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, beloved Jesus, and Masters and Saints and Sages of all religions bless this meditation with your presence, open the spiritual eyes, and take us back home to Satch Khand. Lead us from darkness to light, from ignorance to truth, from mortality to immortality. Beloved Masters there are many friends who are in need that are in sickness and suffering, need your intercession of grace and if it be Thy will pour down this grace upon those individuals who are in need. 0:20 Now raise the left hand and mentally think of the person who is in need, if you want to call out the name it’s alright. Maya Graves, Tony Lamar. Feel the Holy Spirit is passing into your left hand flowing out to your right hand, let us repeat “Divine Will flowing through us will dissolve and eliminate all those conditions that interfere with the normal and harmonious flow of the individuals.” “Divine Will flowing through us will strengthen and rebuild all those conditions that are necessary for the normal and harmonious flow of those individuals. It has been said, it is done, so be it.” (Chanting OM 7x and then short meditation). Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Master Jesus, and the Saints and Sages of all religions. Permeate us with the fragrance of the rose, transform the bodily cells from the state of corruption into a state of non-corruption. Let us put on this body of immortality consciously, let us perceive the divine presence of bliss, and may the peace profound flow through us now and envelope us in a golden blue white light clearing all the brain fatigue, the brain fog, the brain darkness out, filling us with light. (Meditation). 0:32 Initiates can hallow the Holy Name, non-initiates can mentally repeat “Father I love you.” (Meditation). 0:40 Partially open the eyes. (Meditation). Now completely open the eyes and feel the Christ love flowing through them. The Christ in me loves your Christ in you. (Meditation). 0:42 Thank you. Audience: (General conversation). Adano: You know in the Hindu philosophy is when a man bathes the the Holy Ganges, all his sins leave him and go on top the leaves of the trees and wait for him to come out. Audience: And we got a lot more information about the symbology and particularly of the dove, the Holy Spirit there’s seven aspects and seven ways in which the dove is presented and at the chapel of the Holy Spirit they have this presented across the chapel and the base of the chapel and the ones (inaudible) and ours is the one that represents Godliness, the aspect of Godliness. Adano: And it’s exactly the blue ring and the three bars and the dove coming down, straight down. Audience: And the girl that did this knew nothing about it (inaudible). One of those coincidences. 0:50 See Divine Will is very simple to recognize, you’re at the right place at the right time for the right experience and see Krishna told Arjuna his kinsmen are dead before he even (inaudible) the bow and arrow. See if one can see into the electrical nature of the universe and the ideational part, before the actual physical thing occurs there’s a time lapse that’s why people who are clairvoyant are only seeing ahead of the time lapse between the actual and the suppository. The things are supposed to occur but when they do occur, it’s a time lapse between the two so actually if these kids were going to be sick by natural law they just coincide, if you want to call it coincidence, but it just aligns itself into that particular period in time that it works itself out so each one fits itself. Audience: Can it be changed? Adano: Everything can be changed, that’s why they say “forgiveness of sins” means modification of thought patterns by your own conscious love. We do have the right in God’s permissive will to alter the reactions of our thoughts. Audience: We set them up to begin with. Adano: As Bill Johnson says to you, you made your enemies you might as well love them. Audience: We go from here we leave here Saturday morning, drive to Wilson North Carolina there’s some 40-50 young people there waiting for Adano. There will be an all-night meditation Saturday night and then there be lectures Saturday afternoons, Saturday night all night meditation (inaudible) and Maryvale which is just out of Knoxville tennessee, there will be a meeting there that is being sponsored by Dr. Lupus Morrison of the Maryville College, that will be Wednesday night and Thursday night and then we leave Friday morning to drive to Pascagoula Mississippi. We’re meeting Friday night and then a wedding Saturday afternoon in a meeting Saturday (general conversation). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Tell me about it (laughter). Audience: (general conversation). 1:10 Adano: You see the problem we saw today would happen in years to come, the Cathedral in Washington is so isolated with other buildings all around it owned by various corporations that when that cathedral is finished it’s cut off from everything, this is a problem but just the grounds of the cathedral in which it is confined to that is their own but just across the road the entire area all around is owned by different cooperation so really the cathedral now loses its true importance as a place for what it was intended for so we figured that when we were going to build a retreat, the land around it should be owned by initiates of people who have the spiritual consciousness so that the area develops a spiritual vibratory rate, otherwise it’s just another show place and it doesn’t have the spiritual value. Audience: (Inaudible). Right here is Swan Lake. Adano: See the swan is the spiritual symbol of the Spirit and Paramahansa means the Supreme Swan, Hansa, Swan. Audience: (Inaudible) and this is sunny acres after Adano’s friend and of course here is the retreat. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: (Inaudible) …if you’re building a retreat and all around you is hemmed in with vibrations that are inconducive to the retreat, the retreat has no vibrations no more, very hard. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See we want to keep this strictly for the spiritual growth of the initiate and those who are preparing to become initiates. See initiation is more of a preparation too see and to spend that time gathering your consciousness to give you at least a week or two preparation for consciousness so they’re going to be people who are not interested in that part of their spiritual life so we rather have them on the other side of the road where they can go to the conservatory of arts and get acquainted with this subject then if they’re ready for initiation then we have the dormitory here where they can live for a little while to get the feel of their vibrations (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see the Mormon Church, here’s an interesting thing about the Mormon Church, you know you can’t even go into certain areas of the tabernacle until until you become an elder and that area is expressly dedicated to the elders and if you could get to the (inaudible) alone, the vibration is so strong that an ordinary person couldn’t stand it and they wouldn’t want the ordinary person to come into that sanctuary of their part of their tabernacle. See they have a very first tabernacle that you go to and sit around and you can attend the service but right in the main portion of the tabernacle itself, these are all the elders, the people who really live the science of the Soul, they really live it so those vibrations are tremendous when you get close to them. Audience: The head of the mormon see they have the apostle, they call it apostles, these men they have visions and revelations and… Adano: They’re very extrasensory people. Oh yes, they are aware of the Casey readings long before Casey came with his readings, they know exactly where the Earth changes are going. Audience: Now the house in Tyler, the chapel (inaudible)… that’s roughly the floor plan of the four unit apartment but this one downstairs over here all the partitions have been taken out. (Inaudible). Adano: Yeah they’re going to surprise us. The last time we left they put down carpeting. Audience: (Inaudible then general conversation). Friends of ours that bought this acreage, we tried to get everybody under the sun to buy it so finally some friends of ours from Houston bought it and… 1:21 Adano: That was the cousin of the fellow, his name is Sonny, he was a very good friend of mine, his cousin bought it. He wanted to give a donation to the fellowship for his cousin, see when his cousin died, and then he said “Well if I give a donation, I don’t really see where it goes so why don’t I buy the land across and then let the initiates who want to live in the area have it at a nominal price so that it can belong to the initiative, it will be developed for initiates use. So he brought that area and we bought this from him to build our home so he’s retaining this to develop as a commercial area for them to… Audience: He and his wife want to build there. Adano: They’re going to build next to it so the front will be used like if you are an artist or you have some type of craft or something, then you have access to the front which will be setup like a shop. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See I wish to get them to be self-supporting because I know you’re coming to Tyler to live then it takes you a while to get adjusted here. Audience: Everybody has the money to go in and buy a piece of land or put up a building for business. Adano: But this is this belongs to the Fellowship. It couldn’t work out you see, the Fellowship would try but it couldn’t work out that way so we rather that the initiates own it outright and it’s theirs without a little option that they don’t sell it unless we have a right to buy it first from them so it doesn’t go to someone who is not compatible to the ideals of the place. It isn’t that we want to restrain anyone but we rather know that it can be bought back by initiates who are living in the area. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: He realized that once the retreat goes in there, the land around is going to be pretty valuable that’s the reason why he bought it on an investment basis. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: This initiate who owns this front piece here is five acres and the other five fellas, this man and his wife they’re farming theirs organically, just turn the soil and plant. The land was just left there actually, you could go a whole 12 inches down, it has never been used you see. Audience: But there is some more land around if we can just get the owners you know and find out what he’s done. That man back down this way, he has 42 acres he wants to sell but he jumped his price. He had first said five hundred dollars an acre because it has two houses on it (inaudible). It’s sandy loam, this other soil is wonderful for fir trees and pine trees. Adano: I think Alida was there, you saw the place where your piece of land and then Ketford (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible) there’s several vegetable canneries around there. If somebody can come in and get some of that other property, we would sure be happy to see them do it. We would like to see a community there. (Inaudible). Adano: See the soil conservation agent gave us all the specifications, see that’s why it has to be an acre per person. Audience: Because we wanted to be sure and you cannot subdivide the lots (Inaudible). Adano: It’s a Satsanga, meditation. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well that’s up to your choice among yourself which you prefer, a closed meeting tomorrow or an open meeting. Audience: (Inaudible). 1:30 Adano: Since it’s the last meeting, we might as well give everybody a chance to come and meet, we’ll have meditation that’s for sure. Audience: If people have any special problems they want to talk about with Adano, they could do that after the meeting (inaudible). Audience: There will be a building committee that plans will have to be submitted to. No tin shacks you know and things like that (general conversation). Adano: He’s a man who can build and then again line up the artwork for it so the only thing we’re trying to stay clear of is square building, little boxes. Audience: We want things that blend with the terrain that are beautiful and make this a very beautiful community and with the facilities that will be available this can be done at a less cost than you were getting anywhere else so his fees will not be as expensive to initiates as it would be to other people if you want him to do it and of course you don’t have to I mean you can get somebody else as long as the plan conforms to sort of the general type of architecture. (Inaudible then general conversation). That’s right you are purchasing lots. 1:40 Adano: The land itself has one survey plot and each lot is boundaried off. See this measurement here and this measurement and that measurement is within this survey plot. So if this was having say 25 percent mineral rights from the owner, they are still holding on to 25 percent mineral rights. Audience: (inaudible). Well this is the reason why we got it in such a way that it wouldn’t be destroyed by drilling it up you see we had to go through all that with them first to get it all straightened out. That’s why it’s boundaried off in lots per acre, that has to adjust itself for the reason if a person wants to get a loan it has to be a minimum of an acre. They would not grant a loan even to build on less than an acre within that type of setup see. (Inaudible). You see we have the main road, this is the main road and this main road the water line is already here. All they do is just tap you in and put your meter there and from there you run to your to where you want it. Now it’s the same with electrical light. (Inaudible). But you see we have electricity both sides of the road. (Inaudible). When it’s not humid you don’t have no ocean around to give you humidity. There’s no humidity there, it’s dry land and you see where we are, we are close to 600 feet above sea level, you’re above sea level. Audience: Well I had just started my practice and of course I didn’t have many patients (inaudible). 1:50 Adano: This is what we had. You either got faith or you don’t got faith, that’s all, either believe or don’t believe. Audience: (General conversation). Adano: That’s what you call photo-finish miracles, photo-finish miracles. I’ll tell you we can write stories about this thing, everyday it’s a miracle. Audience: (General conversation). Adano: Well you can all those things fall in place, how it just comes. The day when we got the tiles for the ceiling, you know you left and we didn’t have no more for the back so I didn’t know how we’re going to finish it because we didn’t have anything and we saw we didn’t have any money for the 15th which was the following month for the quarterly payment and (inaudible), “how much tile do you need?” I says “we need at least four boxes to finish this ceiling.” He says, “ok, here is the money to buy four boxes.” Everyday it’s a miracle how it’s coming (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible then general conversation). Adano: I’ve got a boss. Audience: (Inaudible then general conversation).

1972 January 14 Part 2 Spirit World

Adano72_01_14_2SpiritWorldQ3RR - Are there any problems in in the meditation now? Audience: I don’t know where to begin. Adano: It’s very simple, you do the Holy Breath first then you repeat the Holy Name, you see the light, and hear the Sound Current, don’t you do that? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well I’ve been doing it eight hours a day dear lady for nearly twenty odd years. Audience: I really persevere and I can’t do it the whole half hour. Adano: That’s why we say get something to prop it up. Audience: I get on the edge of the bed, I get on the floor, I lay on my back. Adano: Take something that will prop it up. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The first sounds you hear are the bodily sounds then there’s a frequency above that sounds like a high-pitched whine, that is the carrier frequency or the extrasensory frequency that you lock your mind into, it’s that frequency the telepathic waves flow, that’s the one you got to link into. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: They come in on that frequency. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No no no, they ain’t no earthly things. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes it is music, it’s actual music. When you hear it inside you’re hearing music. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well if you just hear it you’re fortunate, imagine if you make the effort to hear it all the time. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: My dear lady, it took me ten years to hear the bells, you’re fortunate. I practiced for 10 years that technique to hear the bells and I know a man who was hearing it from the left side for 10 years, it took him a long time to shift it over to the right side. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: As long as you’re hearing it and it’s on the right side, it’s ok, don’t worry in the position where it is. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well the thing is this, when you meditate your spiritual experiences are greater. You do get some in dreams but you want to go past the dreams where you can actually experience it in meditation. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, see you start off with dreams, you have to have some type of dream to get your mind to start on the path. There comes a time then you go past the dreams, that your consciousness is working from inside so on the inside part where you’re conscious, in order that your mind is not a victim of hallucinations, then you have to keep repeating the Holy Name. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: An initiate is already initiated and if he’s going to hallow the name of God anything that is of any type of entity or any level, after five minutes he repeat the Holy Name if it stays after five minutes rest assured that’s a Master. If He can stay in that perimeter five minutes after you repeat the Holy Name, he’s a Master. If he can’t stay five minutes, he’s not a Master, no matter what you see. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see the Masters tell us one simple thing, if They come when you are meditating don’t trust them either. Audience: The Masters? Adano: Yeah if you see anyone, even if you see Jesus don’t believe it until you put him to the test. Audience: What test? Adano: Repeat the Holy Name five minutes and see if he stand up there. If he can stand up in the presence of the Holy Name for five minutes and let you see His body from toe to head, both feet, then you’re looking at the real Master, otherwise you’re seeing a hallucination. If he can’t stay there for five minutes in the presence of the Holy Name and let you see the whole body, not one foot in front of the other or one hand in front of the other, if he does this or does like this or has a robe that covers his feet, it’s all hallucination. You want the truth, if you want the truth use the rules. The Holy Name is there to get rid of them once and for all and if He’s got a resurrected body, if He really attained God He’s going to show it to you and you’re going to find out where the wounds really are in that body, He’s not going to pull no tricks. Equally any true Master like Buddha or any one of these Men and if they come to really give you some experience, They are going to show you a hundred percent themselves. They don’t need to be in no medium, that would be a violation in the first place to come down and talk through a medium, it’s in your scriptures. When King Saul went to the psychic of Endor he wore a disguise and in that disguise she call up the prophet Samuel and Samuel exposed them because this is a violation, that is using another person’s ectoplasm, it’s like pirating your mind, it’s hijack. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: And He admonished or disciplined Saul and exposed Saul to the psyche but He never allowed the psychic to use Him or He would never use a psychic’s body, He materialized in the room. See a Master is not going to play around, in fact He’s going to tell them off right there and the worst thing could happen to the psychic, He could turn off the energies for her, she’ll never be able to see no more in those realms. It’s strictly that what it is so when a person say they are seeing Lord Jesus, we want to be certain he’s really seeing Lord Jesus and how does he see it, does he see a half a body or a throat or a head or a full body? So the initiate is not taking any chances, he can’t afford to take chances, he’s been fooled for too long on this path of many books around the subject to find out if it’s a thought form acting as Jesus or if he’s having experiences from a super-sensory state that appears to be giving him the answer. So the Master’s say use the Holy Name of God and if he can stay, even he the Master can stay, any one of them can stand up five minutes in the presence of that Name, then He really is there. My wife will tell you a story of a man who is an initiate who went around playing around, he lives in Houston and this is a very interesting story. 0:10 Audience: Even before that our Master’s Master had an accident, broken his leg, and he had a vision (inaudible) and he saw his Master’s radiant form appeared to him and this form said well these were very unusual circumstances so he would allow him to eat meat. Now he did the Holy Name for five minutes (inaudible then general conversation). 0:20 Adano: That’s what you’re looking for, you’re looking for the blue light inside and the gold rings around it and inside there’s a five-pointed white star like a dove descending. It’s in that five-pointed white star the Masters come through, They have to come through that state but you don’t want to go until you test it. You’ve got to test, you can’t even trust your best friend in there. You know in the army they should say “don’t walk over the ground unless you step on the land mine” so they have to give you a thing to test along to walk. It’s the same thing, you got lots of landmines in there. You see the story of Odysseus and the sailors, you heard that story? The sirens are these forces who try to pull you down into the lower realm and sometimes they want to use the energy of your body so the Masters sometimes they would actually put a blinker that you don’t see nothing inside. You say, “Well Jesus I meditate all these years, I don’t see anything.” You’re fortunate because sometimes your subconscious mind is so weak it will be pulled down so you have to have some way to test it all the way and all the Masters say you must make sure that when you test it right after the last moment when you’re face to face with God, even then repeat His name because you don’t have any guarantee. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes if it explodes, if it stays there and comes out in the form of any teacher they would either have to be genuine. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It has to be a genuine experience. Yogananda used to say this “If Thomas could see Jesus,” he says, “why can’t we see it” so why are we worrying about trying to kid ourselves, why don’t we make up our mind and accept the truth that this is an actual science and go ahead and use it. You know he wouldn’t tolerate talking with Jesus, he wants to see Jesus. In fact he used to have everyday the Masters materialize and talk to him in a little garden that he had and he used to tell the disciples don’t come near that garden while he’s meditating and one boy used to be there to keep away the people and he was not allowed to see, the Master block him so he couldn’t see but he heard the two-way conversation going on in the garden all the time so he said to the Master he says, “Master you’re very fortunate that all the Masters can materialize and talk to you.” The Master says “Yes,” he says “but I still don’t trust them.” Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see the negative pull wants to create just like the positive pull and it’s what you call a carbon process. You know you have a carbon copy it’s never like the original so no matter how it tries, it’ll still be a carbon copy, it will never be the original so that particular function in your mechanism tries to trick you. So God Himself would not trick you so God has already built all the safety factors in it with His Holy Name and with His name He has created everything. That’s where you repeat the Holy Name outwardly you’re taking it in vain because there’s nothing here you can create with it that He didn’t already create. You see “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, thou shalt hallow it.” So by repeating it inwardly you are hollowing it because that would free you now from any mental makeup that the mind would try to trick you in believing that it’s that so you have a tremendous safety factor locked up in the Holy Name not to be fooled. That’s why Jesus kept repeating “Hallowed be Thy name,” He knew He had to hallow it. Now He was standing when they brought the man who was obsessed by spirits and even before He did anything the spirit says “we know who you are.” They are automatically recognized “we know who you are, let us go” because He was already cycling the Holy Name and His consciousness, they could not stand the vibration, they’d have to go away. So what did it do, they went out into the animal kingdom and then into the pigs, they have to be shunted out, they have to let go of the man. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: We just keep on repeating the Holy Name. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: But you don’t go away, the thing is let me point out something. Because you’re an initiate and you’re doing the meditation and the Holy Name inside, join in the group that do it, do you own personal inner meditation but let me point out something when that man came that my wife described to the room that day, he came in late and sat down. Whatever he was attempting to do, my meditation is just to repeat the Holy Name that’s all I do inside. If he had any awareness, whatever was working through him it couldn’t stay longer than five minutes because it would automatically rebound in him. That’s why he was knocked out into that state immediately to face his karma because this is what happens, this consciousness sends you back to where the energy comes from so it automatically goes back. Wherever you are if you’re meditating and if the group is experiencing negative experiences with the best of intentions that doesn’t say that they’re deliberately trying to do it but they don’t know it, you’re doing them a wonderful service because that will help to recycle them you see. Equally true when I was meditating the man came in and automatically he saw all the karma start coming forward then he realized that he was in the wrong. Now if you meditate with a group and he has these fears then you are actually helping that man to break through those fears. See that’s why I say… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well this is the thing, you’re helping the man to break it because it will start crowding in on him now. Alright, there was boy who met a Yogi and the Yogi was fasting for a long time and he handed the Yogi a bucket of quicklime and told him it was clabbered milk. The Yogi didn’t refuse it, he drank it and repeated the Holy Name. Now normally quicklime would kill you instantly so the boy cried out, “Help Yogi, help I’m dying.” He says “Scoffer, did you know your life and mine are one? You heal and go and don’t do it no more.” But the same thing had happened, when the man tried to parrot the consciousness of that initiate in Houston, he was thrown back into his body. 0:30 He did it again, followed the man to his house and he did it and he was thrown back. Now when is he going to learn? He had to learn the hard way so when he came the day, which was a Sunday, and sat down in the room in five minutes he was out. The only way you’re going to teach this man a lesson is let him face his karma once and for all, you pile the whole thing on his head, bust the bottle, and let it run out you know so “here buddy wake up, where are you, what are you doing to yourself?” Because they don’t realize, they have the best of intentions, they don’t realize. Now the man is very serious about initiation because he realized what he had done, that that he needs to clean up too, you couldn’t initiate a person like that immediately because there’s too much things that he had to work out. Equally true if you’re in this place and with this group of people and you’re placed there for a reason, with the best of his intentions that he knows how, you’re not trying to harm him but maybe he has to face certain things about himself and that’s why you are there and that’s why the Holy Name is (inaudible). Now you don’t have to trade anything for anything else because the proof is in the pudding you know. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The pronunciation would not make any difference as long as you are thinking of it and recycle it in your consciousness. There was a woman who didn’t know a certain Psalm and all that she could remember in that Psalm was feathers, “He would cover you in His feathers,” something like that. Well she was escaping the Gestapo in Germany this last war and she was in the train and they were searching every train for Jewish people and she was Jewish as she could look and all she could remember of that Psalm was “feather, feather, feather, feather, feather, feather, feather.” They walked past her and didn’t even know she was existing there. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Because I repeat the Holy Name inside, lots of them come too, three or four minutes they go away, that’s how you burn the karma out because they’ve got to come to the surface you see and the Holy Name, this science is a two-way thing. It expands your consciousness and brings up the karma and burns them out, it comes up but it can’t stay there longer than five minutes, five minutes is because of the five senses. See you encode it through your five senses, that’s why it can’t stay longer than five minutes, if it stays longer than five minutes rest assured he’s gone in the other room already. So you have to repeat it for five minutes to be certain that it’s not a hallucination of the senses or what you call some feedback or playback from your five senses so you have to keep at it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Keep going like the woman “feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers.” The important thing is to be certain that you can Master it because you’re meditating on… let’s say an experience comes up, I’ve seen this one time, a very beautiful form came into my consciousness one time meditating, beautiful music and beautiful odor, I’m not fooled so easy, maybe just keep repeating the Holy Name. Five minutes is gone, another one took its place, five minutes more that went too, another one took its place. After an hour each one taking its place you know (inaudible) burning up, there comes a time they don’t come no more because there’s nothing there to come, it’s exhausted. I had a wonderful meditation after a long while. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Inside, they’re coming inside, and sometimes they come outside too. Yogananda said this, I have a tape on that called, “How to see the Christ without fear.” See the Christ with your naked eyes, see Him inside of you first, you keep repeating the Name then till He comes out and stand in the room and then to the point where He talks to you and then to the point where He lets you touch Him but He has to stand the test of five minutes all the way through because if it goes away after five minutes then it’s not the real Christ and Masters will all tell you the same thing, even Yogananda says “If I come and you see me, test me because I’m not real till you put it to the test.” Now Yogananda didn’t want to be deceived by Yukteswar, you read the Autobiography of Yogi. Yukteswar, before he died do you remember when he was a young boy before he died he came in the room and he thought that was an apparition and he says “Wait a minute, I only kidding myself, you’re an apparition.” He says, “No I’m flesh and blood.” All right how does he know he’s flesh and blood? He gave him the experience then he told him what will happen he says, “I’ll meet you at the train and I’ll be walking behind a boy and you’ll recognize me,” then he headed to the railway station immediately after the experience and there he was, the train had just arrived and he was coming out of the train and little boy was walking in front of him. Now later on when he resurrected to Yogananda he still have to test him but this time Yogananda didn’t run and (inaudible), put his arms around him and really give him one of his bear hugs and he said “Please let go man, you’re squeezing too hard.” So we know that they’re talking of tangible things because all of us would be fooled if that was what it was. Audience: (Inaudible). 0:40 Adano: If you accept the fact that this form, ones that touch the solar plexus are allowed in to touch the solar plexus, that means giving in. Audience: What will it do to you? Adano: It will draw the ectoplasm out and use it, that’s how people become mediums. All mediums have what is called a psychic leak, their ectoplasm is drained off and therefore the entities use that as food that’s why they’re tired after they come out of a trance. Why is this medium or person who goes into that state so tired or depleted, because the ectoplasm has been drained off as food you see. The entity does not want to reincarnate to face the obligation of going through the physical birth of the womb therefore they stow away as pirates or hijack the ectoplasm with all types of alluring… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: They offer you all types of wonderful powers in place of it, that is to avoid their facing reincarnation. Now they have tremendous wonderful philosophy, they can talk about a good God, it’s very hard to show you a good God. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: All right that’s very good for them though, I got to give them credit they really can do it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well you’re never going to realize it… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yeah they’re paying for that but they see they don’t know that because you see there’s something which they don’t know about, being freed from the invocationary rights of the disembodied spirits. They’ll never learn that in books because that does not exist in books unless a person is initiate, only an initiate knows that. See a Master can free you from invocationary rights that entities cannot use your body even after you die or even when you’re alive, there is no way for a disembodied spirit to use you that’s one of the rights or laws. That’s why a Master could not come into a human body and talk to any medium, you see that particular principle exists. Now for instance let’s say someone is a medium and has entities using the body, a Master now can come along out of compassion or grace and cutoff that situation and weld it back and there’s no way that an entity can enter that person no more. You see that’s what they call freedom from the invocationary rights. See a medium has to invoke by certain principles the disembodied spirit to come in and that’s to invite them in to use the body. Now once they get entrance then they use the ectoplasm because they have to use ectoplasm to survive, it’s food for them. See what food is for the human body, the ectoplasm is food for the disembodied spirit because the disembodied spirit does not surrender its identity to take on a human form. Now every Master takes a human form whenever He comes into this world regardless of how much pain he has to go through to live it out in terms of being a Master, He does come into the world, He meets you the human level and talk to you at a human level and gives you the simple techniques. The techniques are what we call the Holy Breath, the Name, and seeing the light and that’s it but He comes and does it and live it to show you that this is what it is. Now He would never use you in any way from your ectoplasm to give you a message. So when somebody says you’re getting a message from this person, you got to wonder first if that person is really getting a true message or getting some feedback from some level but your own Soul seems to guard you or protect you in a strange way when you hear these things because it’s telling you inside if it’s true or not, you have your own built-in protective measure. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See that’s what we have is called a Dybbuk, a Dybbuk is that type of entity that feeds on another body and uses his body and you see the highest form of Dybbuk has been written about, Lapsong Rampa’s books (sp?) have all the works of the Dybbuk. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, he has taken the life of the other person and that person forfeit his life with that body and he’s using that body now to (inaudible) Dybbuk in it. Audience: (Inaudible). Well it’s like a zombie. Audience: …taking the body and not going through the birth process but does he have the karma involved? Adano: Well he’s got all the karma. Audience: What is he avoiding in the birth process? Adano: He’s avoiding the face that his karma may provide for him a body that is actually impractical for him to live in. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See the Dybbuk system is one of the oldest (inaudible) and actually if you go into some of the Hebrew writings you hear a great deal about the Dybbuk, the Egyptians did it too. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: These are what you call stowaways of the spiritual body, they don’t want to face the karmic debt because they don’t want to lose the power that they have. Now you have another problem, when you come into this particular study. When an entity gives you his wisdom from the other realm and he’s not realized, he’s giving you wisdom so that you may earn fame and recognition in a physical body, you realize that. Here you are one day, an ordinary person, you don’t have no realization. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well a person doesn’t have anything in this realm, she doesn’t have no recognition in this realm and all of a sudden she gets these experiences being given by these entities from the other realm who doesn’t want to come back in the body. She’s already lost two things: one she’s lost her own willpower to theirs because they are using her now to come through, that’s number one. The second thing is that she’s going to gain the physical prestige and recognition which she craves to be somebody of importance. 0:50 Now she has to pay that price, when she die she becomes the slaves of those entities that she used and there is no way to break the invocatory rights of that unless you’re a Master. In another realm she is their slave, she has to be their slave. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes. In this realm they are her slaves while she’s in the physical body, they have to give her what she wants, they are serving her to keep her status quo as she is because she did not have a status quo. Now when she passes on it’s just the law of karma, she has to reverse her position now so she has to serve them. Now only a Master can break that, there’s just no way that she could break that and God is not going to interfere, God has set his laws up already, this is what it is, ouch. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No you’re not going to hear of it and you’re not going to read about it because it’s not going to be in books. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see anytime you run across a poltergeist you always gonna run across a child. Audience: (Inaudible). So what have we got in a child? We got a tremendous distorted feedback so all his psychic forces are working in a distorted way. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Fear. You will always find those children are afraid and whenever they come in the room things happen because their fear has built to the point they’ve been hurt and they don’t want to be left alone. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No it’s kinetic energy they’re using, they don’t invite anything. The poltergeist, there’s not another entity working on them. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No it’s their own kinetic energy. Now telekinesis is objects moving across the room by the power of the mind, in the child he doesn’t have a control, it’s a feedback in which his mechanism, his chakras, are scattering all the telekinetic energy so everything starts flying around the room. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well that’s what the para-psychologist has got to work out. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, an initiate can do something too but you’ve got to be asked. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The kid has to be processed. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It takes time to do it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Oh yes as a ground but the thing is this to correct the particular chakra that is triggering off the telekinetic energy and you have the process the child then you have to pinpoint which child you see. Now there has to be some shock in that child’s life that would trigger that situation and it’s a matter of asking the child before the thing began to happen in his life what was his frame of mind at the time, what great disappointment did he have at the time before it began to happen. You have to establish that degree of shock and the color of the shock is very simple to establish, after you know that then you can recycle it. The child can tell you where the father or the mother disappointed or promised him something or did something and caused it to go into that state of shock or disappointment and then this begins to fire off itself. Now it will extend itself, it has a certain period where it will run itself out so the psychiatrist or the para-psychologist can experiment around for a long time in the meantime not getting anywhere then it will run out its course. That means it will peter out like a fire cracker, everything will splatter out and it will stop after he goes past a certain stage. It’s only happening within a certain time then it will shift. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No you have to see the person, you can’t do it by absentee. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well there must be something that you neighbor must have done to him. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well at what age were the parents divorced and what age was the boy… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Then these are the things we have to establish, what shock that register is so traumatic on the ganglia and how old was the boy, then we have what is called a feedback, a magnetic feedback, because telekinesis is distorted magnetism. The objects are flying around the room in the boy’s presence, two things attract each other or two opposite things attract each other and similar things reject each other, how does magnetism work? Opposites attract and likes repel so what does the poltergeist do when he comes in the room? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well people call people poltergeists so fast they don’t even know what happens in the presence of a poltergeist so (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Wait a minute, let’s find out one thing. If the boy is in the room, what happens in the room when the boy is there? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: A thing can’t move unless it’s a magnetic field and if it is a distorted magnetic field it either can attract or repel, it’s just that simple about it. This will either go that way or it will come flying into the boy. If it comes flying into the boy from the wall, flying towards him, then the action of the magnetic field is pulling it, if it’s flying away from him then he’s repelling it so the the degree of shock the boy is triggering off that particular telekinetic action. The doctor can play around as long as he wants till that thing peters out then there’s nothing for him to measure. Now once we establish what degree of shock the boy is in, automatically we know it had to be some parent involved with the shock to cause his ganglia to off to either to repel or attract. The boy can’t be in that state because it’s not an entity. Poltergeist means a distortion in polarity. There’s no little imp coming along and playing games that’s why I said lots of things that the initiate will learn is not going to learn in books because they’re not supposed to know in the public. Audience: (Inaudible).. who would be triggering them off? 1:00 Adano: A structure built can by its own magnetic positions become a firing agent that it doesn’t need a human being in there, the moment a human being comes in his body magnetism helps to speed it up but you can take a structure and create it and have what is called poltergeistic action or the poltergeist syndrome, that is objects will fly around but take away a human being from that room nothing will fly around. As soon as the human being comes into the orbit of that room it fires, it starts firing because his magnetic field is starting to trigger it otherwise if you leave the building, it’s not going to do anything. Yet the very structure can be so inadvertently put together, not that they consciously were aware when they put it together but it so lined up itself in a strange way. I can take a piece of rod and hold it and hit it with a hammer in a certain angle and it becomes a magnet and I don’t have to magnetize it, we’re dealing with magnetism. It’s the angle in which I put that rod in relation to the pole and hit it with a hammer that rod will magnetize, it will pick up objects drawing it or kicking it away. Now this is a natural magnetic principle let alone if you (inaudible) certain objects. Now why is the pyramid at one third degree up will the preserve objects? Because that particular angle is where it will do it, it’s all magnetism but these are very subtle laws of magnetism at work. So the building itself when it was constructed could inadvertently line up itself in such a way that it have this particular action and when a human being comes within it, it starts to magnify it but I don’t know of any poltergeist being a entity running around playing games, I know it’s a distorted magnetism. That’s why it will peter out and if you take that building and burrow a hole in the center of the roof, just one hole, that breaks the magnetism. Now if this house is haunted, you can change the magnetic field by breaking out a wall in it then the individual who’s supposed to haunt it don’t come back because you’re altering the magnetic field that pulls him so it’s by understanding the magnetic principle you can alter it. Audience: Are you’re familiar with the fact that some people (inaudible). Adano: Ok everybody is initiates now, how many you can wear your watches? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Because your body is altering its magnetic field, till it gets back to normal then you can wear it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Because the magnetic field is altering itself to bring it to another frequency and until your body is set in the proper frequency everything that is related in a magnetic way is gonna shut off gradually. It’ll come back as soon as the body lines itself up, there’s a distortion in the magnetic field in the body. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well same thing because it lines itself back up, it’s magnetism. Now you take for instance now all right here’s where the astrological bracelet comes in or the biomagnetic wave trap comes in. A person’s body is not working properly magnetically and the moment they put that on, this starts lining up the magnetic field in their body then objects that would not work properly in them like a watch will start lining up itself for the first time. If they were working very good before and the moment they put on one and they get initiated, it starts shutting off and it stops till that body lines itself up magnetically then it’ll come back because there is an overload in some way in that field force and it has to be corrected. So when we’re coming down to the poltergeist, I don’t know of any poltergeist being a spirit, I know of a distorted magnetic field that can be corrected because we’re dealing with a very subtle magnetic principle. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes the frequency is the gold of the vibration is exactly the frequency of the skin so you have to have the gold there because you have to have the same frequency as the skin. The silver is the frequency of the blood and the copper is the frequency of the magnetic transmission. So once they’re locked in together as a unit then you have a magnetic field build up because they’re relating to your body so you have these same vibrations in your body that set up the magnetic field. Now coral is a stone or a substance that goes in the ocean and is affected by the movement of tides so naturally you have the same identical thing occurring in the tidal movement of the bloodstream and at the same time the moon is responsible for tidal movement so you find a coral resonates in the frequency of the moon and since it’s in a liquid solution already growing in a liquid solution, when it’s contact with the human body it has exactly the same magnetic relationship like if it was in the ocean affected by the tides. Now your own birth stone has a specific frequency based upon the time cycle when you took the first breath because that is based on the breath so when that is set up, you have a particular frequency now that is relating to every breath you take so it has to resonate in relation to the breath. Now the three major metals that are used are gold, silver, and copper but there are two other metals that go along, it’s tin and lead, these are two other metals that are used and they are alloys in making anything that fuses anything, the lead and the tin so you have that as a composite. You can make a bracelet out of lead and silver all by itself and that’s for a specific purpose but when you’re using it for the general control of the mechanism then you have to have one that is lined up with the body as it sets from the gold, the silver, and the copper. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Silver is like your blood. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well that’s a specific disease. For instance you had a disease of the kidney coming up in say 28 days from now, before it starts to come up you strap-on on a bracelet made of silver and lead to offset the action of the kidneys to start the recycling of the kidneys. In the case of Yogananda, his kidneys were going to go bad on him and his teacher told him to get himself one out of lead and silver and when you make a bracelet out of lead and silver and each one has got to be over an ounce, it’s a pretty heavy thing to wear let alone the lead. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well when I get back to Tyler I’ll be making it in the next full moon in February. See it has to be made in the moon and it’s not so easy, people think it’s just a twist some wires together, everybody’s name has a musical note and it’s got to be set to the musical note and tone in consciousness and the metal has got to be able to feel that metal so if you can’t use too much mechanical (inaudible), you got to use your hand a lot and you have got to know the birthday. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No I don’t need the hour, I need your birthdate and I need your name, I don’t need the time. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See each name has certain musical notes. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: That’s providing the person has that specific problem. You see in a case of paralysis of the leg, there’s another type of material you use, certain diseases have certain metals they relate to. Doctors are soon going to find out how to create tinctures of the material to make a medicine. Audience: (Inaudible). 1:10 Adano: The homeopaths were using it for centuries and you see now we know that if let’s say you take a piece of material that has no therapeutic value, absolutely no therapeutic value, you can’t use it there’s no way to take it and then if you triturate it, that’s if you grind it and grind it and grind it so many thousands and thousands of revolutions until it reaches what is called a different frequency in the atomic scale, one tincture of that has tremendous therapeutic action now, they cannot understand this phenomenon. What was once not therapeutic suddenly becomes therapeutic, it’s grounded now, atomic ash which A.R.E. makes from carbon ash is a triturated process, it’s only made triturated by a mechanical process instead of hand doing it in a pestle with a mortar, this is done in a mechanical machine grinding, grinding the arc, the carbon ash and it’s coming out to produce this thing and it’ll work with the same thing to affect certain therapeutic action. Well it works similar like a ferret, never heard of a ferret, do you know what a ferret is? How do you think he kills his enemy? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well a ferret don’t bit his enemy. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: A ferret will hiss and the ultrasonic frequency of his hiss will kill his opponent because the frequency he sets up would kill him that’s what is called “ferreting.” So it’ll hiss and wherever the creature is that he’s going to kill, a frequency will go and knock him out, it’s what you call ultrasonic detection and it will knock it out. Now homeopathy is something similar like that, it will take a substance that has no therapeutic value right now, work through a triturated process and produce a therapeutic action. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It’s the same principle. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Not necessarily, not necessarily, knowledge can come to you from your higher self and not have to come from some other entity. When an entity comes to you and talks to you or try to use your body put you in a mediumistic trance that’s what we’re talking about. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The thing is though, once you have the Holy Name as an initiate, anytime you’re in doubt of what you’re doing you apply that holy name, that is your key. All right you know how to drive a car right? Now let me take away your key, how are you going to go home? The key is the thing, you know how to drive there’s no doubt that you know how to drive but you still need that key to put it in the ignition to turn it over. So you’re given the key to go in there, you’re given the instructions of what to look for so it’s not necessarily my body, the thing is that you have the key to work with. Now I can give you the instructions but if you don’t use the key what good is it? So you have the keys and you go inside there, you meditate and if you’re in doubt you test it so don’t take no chances. It’s one thing, my wife will tell you, as you’re studying to be a chiropractor a doctor give a demonstration of a urine analysis test? Audience: We have to study urine analysis and blood analysis and so on. So starting out you learn the objects you’re going to work with and the exact procedure, you watch him you do the same thing. So here we all turn up with a urine specimen that we’re finally going to get checked. Well that you know there’s a visual test, you examine for any precipitation of color and there’s a certain odor and so then he reaches in, he puts the finger in and then he does like this and you also supposed to that too. Adano: That’s what you call the oral test. Audience: So I stuck my finger in and did like that (screams) “you mean you do that?!” Did you all see what I did? Adano: But this is what the professor did you see and everybody well in the mind they can build up a whole big thing but this observation to the end don’t even trust the last action, put it in your mouth, but this is what we’re trying to point out if in the meditative life you can’t afford to drift around, you can’t wander otherwise you become mediumistic. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You are protected as an initiate and you have the Holy Name, that’s why Jesus says, “hallowed be Thy name” if you use it. Now you’re hungry eat, if you’re not hungry don’t eat, equally true in this science if you on the path going inwards and you have the key, check everything because these are some things you have to do for yourself and anything that comes there you check to be certain it’s not a manufacturing of your own mind and a genuine experience will always be a genuine experience. How would how would you know the difference if you took everything for granted inside there? You wouldn’t know if you arrive at God realization if you just wish for it. The scriptures don’t say “As a Man think he knows God, be thou silent and think that I am God.” He says, “Be thou silent and KNOW that I am God.” Thinking is computing, knowing is feeling and testing, you have to feel this thing and test it, that’s a big difference than thinking, thinking you’ll still be computing in your mind and God is not something that you can think of because that’s the first thing the Chinese get rid of, stop thinking and then Zen begins. That’s why they use the word Zen or Zenith, when you reach the zenith of thinking then the experience of satori will occur so when you stop to think about God then this inner forcefield comes to the surface, you begin to know. Audience: (Inaudible) … but sometimes five minutes can seem like an hour or an hour can be like five minutes. Adano: Then be patient, you got all eternity to find out. I’d rather be sure than step in quicksand because once you step in quicksand, you can’t come out, ain’t nobody gonna pull you out.

1972 January 15 Part 3/1 Satsanga

Adano72_01_15_3_1SatsangaQ2RR - … we’d like to thank the group here for bringing us, inviting us here during the holidays and on our way back. I know we sure enjoyed meeting all the new people so many of those who are gathering together in meditation and all the other people that you’ve told us about but we all owe it to the Masters, we don’t take no credit. The work we do is strictly to serve God and the Masters. I know there are many questions you want to ask but as I said before there is no new religion, we don’t have a new religion for anyone we only tell you what you are, why you’re involved in your life around you, and how to free yourself and go home to the Creator, it is that simple. The journey back to God is based on love, devotion, and by inner contact. The inner contact is strictly initiation, how you walk the journey inward after initiation is between you, God, and the Masters. The Masters are the teachers, They take you through the levels of consciousness. Man’s origin, he is Soul, he doesn’t have a Soul, it’s up to him to find that out for himself and prove it, don’t take my word for it, prove it to yourself. You’re given the keys of walking inward all the time, they won’t be changed because the same key the Masters themselves have to use. (Inaudible) tell you something that is not there, I wouldn’t be here in the first place. It’s very simple, when you go inside don’t even trust anything you see inside not even me if see inside, that is very important because you can’t trust the mind. Any experience you see inside you have to test it, you have to make sure it’s a genuine spiritual encounter with the Lord. You can go around in circles, you can kid yourself that you’re making headway inside but until you have genuine experiences inside that’s a different thing altogether. Any genuine experience that comes from inside carries a transformation, it carries such a transformation that it is right down into your atomic structure. Your daily meditations you have to do it, no one can do that for you. The (inaudible) meditations is simply to fulfill the law of amplification “when two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst.” This helps those who are more advanced and who are not so advanced to raise their level of consciousness up and when you get together to meditate in reality you are sitting in Satsanga. Satsanga means fellowship with the truth with the Lord. Three things happen all the time: conscious contact, mental contact, an extrasensory contact. In your meditations do not wander in the mind, it will put you in a state of (inaudible) experiences, you will drift off from the course. You sometimes are fortunate if you never see anything inside or hear anything inside in your meditation, if the little lights and little sounds you hear that comes in that can even steer you off the course of where you’re going. The journey is back to the Creator, it’s not such an easy journey but you have friends. That’s why in the ancient days they said “communion with the Saints,” this is a different type of communication between Man and God via the Saints. They are the ones who tread the path, they are the ones who come down and go up all the time, each level of consciousness from the very first level to the highest level they have true access to God. They’ll walk with you inside, they don’t fool you because you can see them, touch them, talk to them, They’re there inside. Modification of karmic debt, this you can do, that’s why it’s called forgiveness of sins, everyone can modify his karmic debt. The easiest way to modify the karmic debt is to face it, that’s the easiest way to modify the karmic debt, just simply face it. If you are in doubt as to your ability to face it, rest assured all these things only come to pass they don’t come to stay. With that in mind you can face any karma and all karma is not bad, there are good ones too. Divine Will works in you all the time and to recognize it and apply it in your everyday life is very simple, wherever you are you are at the right place, at the right time, it’s just that so simple and the experience you encounter is an experience in behavior, how you act in relation to the next person. God is only going to ask you one question when you kick the bucket, what did you do in the last few seconds before you left the body, it’s just that so simple. (Inaudible) how you’re using this breath. We can’t live without it, it’s coming in and going out and that’s the whole important thing about this mechanism, the very next breath and every time you get an extension on your life to take a next breath, you have the opportunity to face yourself and correct your karma. When He takes that breath from you, you may have to wait many lifetimes to correct it. Once you have the opportunity to take the next breath, you can correct it. The thief on the cross realized this and he simply said “Master remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” He took full advantage of the next breath afforded him and the Master took full advantage of the next breath by saying “Verily I say unto you on this day you and I shall be in paradise.” 0:10 Now two men took full advantage of the next breath and reconciled their consciousness in God’s. Now equally true we have the same opportunity, we are no less than a thief or no more than the Master, we are in the same position in terms of the next breath. What you do with it determines what you get out of it and if you can’t face yourself then, the lesson you’ll learn is that you’ll have to eat your words back some other place and those words and adjectives are pretty hard to swallow at times. So to modify your karmic debt you have it within your power to do it, face yourself. Life eternal, world without end, the atomic physicists have already satisfied your mind, energy is not created and it’s not destroyed, you are forever but then within this foreverness lies emergence, that is do you want to reincarnate or do you want to resurrect? That is within the permissive will of God and the cosmic will of God, in His permissive will you can reincarnate all the time you want, in His cosmic will you resurrect. Now Jesus had this choice when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He used His permissive will or cosmic will when He said “Father remove this cup.” Now in His permissive will He could apply His ability to disappear from that garden, He didn’t have to face crucifixion yet He said “Not My will but Thy will be done.” He accepted the cosmic will in His life to face the condition and liberate Himself. The final count in this whole process is what we do in that cosmic state, going back to the Creator either by creative action or by failing in the creative action. If we want to repeat the process over and over and over, we have that choice, God will not force it, if we want to liberate ourselves, it’s up to us. So there are no new religions, we can’t come and tell you something new that will make you more involved, they have to come and prove to you that this is where we are and that’s what we have to live. So Jesus would say in His words, “I don’t come to condemn, I come to fulfill.” When we realize what we are doing here in this commitment, this involvement, this environment then we can liberate ourselves but we must have a knowledge to some extent of where we’re going and where we came from. We all came out of the pure Beingness which is God and we are all returning back into that state, that’s why Jesus said to Mary, “Touch Me not, I’ve not yet ascended unto the Father,” that’s where the Beingness is acting on the Consciousness, in that state He’s ascended. When you are returning back into yourself, you’re starting off at the lowest level of your growth where Matter is acting on Matter and as you make some attempt to modify Matter you discover the subtle functions of Matter which is called Energy and as you become more aware, as your consciousness becomes alert then Consciousness begins to act on Matter, you begin to have certain qualities that come out to give you the ability to control Matter with your consciousness and as you advance up the ladder you discover Energy acting upon Energy. Now that’s what we call the halfway mark in the prodigal son, the Father met him halfway and lifted him up. In the halfway mark of going back home in the recycling of energy, there Cosmic Consciousness meets you and starts to pull you up. God does not come below the halfway mark, you have to come up to the halfway mark, you have to come up to where energy recycles itself inside of yourself, you have to meditate and go inside and get that particular experience where these two forces meet and work upon themselves and then you are beyond the time cycle. In that space you go back home to the Creator, you enter what is called the Master Consciousness or the Christ-head and from then on you go through the last two states of Beingness acting on Consciousness. The Christ state is Consciousness acting Consciousness, in that state there are no miracles, there are no phenomena, strictly the Divine Will at work in the ability to crystallize thought. A Master does not have no power, He lives in the world strictly by Divine Will and through your desires they become crystallized in His consciousness to you to free you of your karmic debts. If you have a malfunction in your body and you turn to Him for help, He’s not gonna perform miracles, He brings the consciousness into manifestation for you, the malfunction is removed, it’s your desire not His. So He frees you from it then the lesson you’ll learn is not to repeat it, not to make the same mistake again. He may give you certain disciplines, what to do, but if you don’t do them then He’s not going to be liable like the man who was told “go show and tell no man that he was being healed” and he was healed and what did he do? He blabbed all right (laughter). So we see the relationship is different than what we think it is, it’s a relationship of a very subtle nature, a very privileged nature between one and the Master consciousness and Spirit. One is blessed to have that relationship and to cherish it and nourish it like a light inside so that they can go back home. As we go inside, more and more we’re going to be confronted with different levels of awareness and different experiences. There comes a time there are no experiences inside and then you may say “well have I fallen away from God’s grace? I don’t see anything, what happened, where am I?” You have not fallen away, I’ll tell you a little story. The Swami that initiated my wife and myself into swamihood was initiated a boy at 14 years of age and from 14 until he was 60 some odd years of age he worked and fought alongside Gandhi, even built himself a newspaper empire. His son was about to be hanged for treason, he and Gandhi and all of them battled in courts and got the son out and when he was already in his late sixties and he ready to give up the world and renounce it, he decided to visit his teacher and out of respect for his teacher he said to him, “You know Sir, I’ve been meditating all these years and I’ll honestly tell you the truth, only because I respect you, I haven’t seen a single thing in here let alone heard anything. There’s no lights, no sound, nothing what people say they’re supposed to have seen in meditation, I haven’t seen it.” Well imagine from 14 to 60 odd years that’s lots of love, you got to have love in some little idea but the Teacher said to him, “How long can you meditate without fidgeting?” So he figured to play it safe, at the time when I met him he was in his 80s, he was gonna play it safe he says “two hours” meditate without fidgeting. So He says “show me,” Indian people are very practical you know, “if you can do it, show me.” All right so he sat down and he started meditating, after one hour the teacher took an old rusty nail and a hammer and nailed his calf into the floor and waited. 0:20 After the two hours he opened his eyes he says, “You see teacher, I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, I don’t feel anything.” (Laughter). The Teacher says, “Well look at your foot” so he looks at his foot and there’s the nail gone through. He says, “Do you see how far in God you are? Do you see how far in God you are?” He says “Now I’m going to heal it but I’m going to leave the scar so it will always remind you how far you are in God.” He pulled the nail out and he said that night when he went home his head was bursting like billions of suns, the whole creation was going on, he couldn’t sleep no more but the thing is this there is grace versus compassion. He was given the inner experience by grace not by compassion, there’s a big difference when you receive these spiritual experience from inside by grace and by compassion because by grace everything is showered upon you, by compassion there is a little price to pay. I’ll explain that so the thing when you meditate do not be alarmed if you don’t see anything because the grace of God will give it to you and if you’re rail at the gates of heaven, He may give it to you by compassion but then you’ll have to earn it in another way, you’ll have to work it out. Jesus said to His disciples when He returned from the grave, “Blessed are they who have not seen and believe than those who have seen and believe.” Now a Master does not say these words unless He has made a mistake in a previous life. “Blessed are they who have not seen and believe” is grace and “blessed are they that have seen and believe” that’s compassion. A Master will grant you the experience that you’re looking for inside out of compassion if you constantly prevail upon Him because He cannot help but give it to you, that’s His very nature it’s love but He knows exactly when to give it to you too before you ask and when He does it to you that way, you don’t have a karmic debt. Now in the case of Elijah and Elisha, Elisha was the student and his particular exuberance of meditation was so great he went to his own teacher and says “Why don’t you give me a double portion of your spirit?” Now this teacher realize the student is exceeding his boundary lines and He admonishes the students by saying, “You ask a hard thing” that is to say you don’t want to earn spiritual unfoldment by natural effort “but nevertheless if you see Me before I go,” this is compassion now, “it’s yours,” the mantle is yours. So He gave him the experience in Cosmic Consciousness in total waking state out of compassion and when his Master went on then the student carried on in that state but that student would have to pay a price by being born again as a realized man to live it out to serve others, this is where we get the word now Avatara or Emmanuel, God in Man. The God in Man must come down, he must take on the role of human form and he must go through the particular tribulations brought on by the karmic debt of the disciple so the karma of the disciple determines the birth and the death of the Master, all the time because He has that commitment. He was a Master in a previous life yes but He also drew unto Him people, if He had incurred some debt between grace and compassion because he asked his teacher for the experience without working for it by natural effort, then those disciples who he raised up, their karmic debt will also be responsible for him when he returns. Now a manifested Master’s life is predicted before He’s born that’s why we call it Avatara or Emmanuel, it just doesn’t come in the world by His own momentum, it’s always predicted before, it’s known before, and you can go find Him any time because the initiate can find Him. The initiate is given a way to go find the Master all the time, the three wise men that left their country were initiates of the highest order and they knew exactly where that path would be and they went and found Him. The truth is not lost, it’s not hidden, it’s very simple as long as you adhere to it, you can go find the truth yourself. When he came back he had to make sure that he did not instill the same mistakes in the minds of his own students, he had to warn them of the difference between compassion and grace in very subtle ways so that they would understand the truth about God realization. Here’s another statement between grace and compassion, “You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you.” How would you know a Master and go ask Him for help if you met one, would you know it? Are we so brazen to walk up to Him and says, “Okay you you got cosmic consciousness, why don’t you help me?” When we have some inkling of cosmic consciousness or some degree of awareness we may be presumptuous in asking, they cannot refuse to grant it to you or some experience in it as in the case of Yogananda. Yogananda was a boy who stayed with his teacher and while staying in the ashram the teacher would not give him the experience so he decided to leave the ashram and go away on his own and he walked all practically for miles through India until he came to a little paddy field and he heard of a man who’s supposed to be enlightened so he went there and in the encounter with the man while staying at the man’s house he could not sleep that night. So the man says “Why don’t you go to sleep?” He says “Who can sleep when lightening is flashing all around the room?” He says, “Well you’re fortunate to see the spiritual light but go to sleep.” He says, “Sir why don’t you grant me an experience in cosmic consciousness?” Now this is what we’re trying to point out between the consciousness of one trying to get it from a Master and the Master replied to him, “If I would only touch you, your whole body will go on fire you’ll burn up but when the time comes your teacher will give it to you. In the meantime I’ll bless you and relieve you of a particular karmic condition in your body.” He stretched His hands out and healed him of a disease then he sent him away from that place. Now in that case we see compassion was at work, he went back to his teacher kind of broken-hearted because the man would not give him the full experience in Cosmic Consciousness and he’s meditating in the teacher’s house then all of a sudden he hears the teacher calling him to come and he says “Master I am meditating in your room.” He says “Yes I know how you’re meditating with your mind wandering all over the place, come here, I’m going to give you your heart’s desire now.” So when he went there he was exposed because his mind was open to the Master, the Master by grace gave him the experience then after the experience was over he says “Now sweep the floor and (inaudible)” because he had to practice now after to really go into that state of awareness. We see that the same thing happens for everyone, consciousness will grant you, there are times when you’re meditating the consciousness will ask you a question “What do you want?” Many people have been asked this “what do you want” and we all fluff it because if you know what to ask for you never ask the right thing anyhow. If ever the consciousness should ask you such a question ask for wisdom and understanding. This was true of Solomon and he was asked what he wanted after spending days and days of meditation and he was told because he did not ask for anything else, he would get the understanding heart and more so he became a very wealthy man. It is only obvious that the Lord will open the doors to satisfy the material part of your life if you have that love by grace, the material side starts to flow. So anytime you’re meditating inwardly and if you don’t see no lights, you don’t hear no sounds, you don’t see no Master don’t stop, just keep on going because in a moment come that you may get it by grace, get the whole ball of wax. 0:30 See we have become so prone in this environment if you do two months meditation or six months meditation we’re supposed to be all God-realized. You know I was meditating 10 years before I ever heard a bell in my ears and then I heard the bell at one time, I didn’t even believe I was hearing the bells “I don’t even want to hear them, go away” but I couldn’t drive it away, it had to stay there. There are inner musics yes but as long as you don’t ask for them, they will come and you will be in that state but when you start asking or begging for these experiences, they will come yes, I can’t say they would not come but they are coming with a particular condition involved, out of compassion but then you have to work it out (inaudible). In the case of the prodigal son, if he had sent a letter back to his father and tell him he’s coming home, it is not that the Father would not have come down to meet him or send him some money to come out from where he was, this would be compassion from the father but the boy decided to turn around, that is the Soul decided to reevaluate its position and move back upwards and in so doing the grace, the love was there in the normal higher consciousness to move down and meet the Soul at the halfway mark. At the halfway mark they met, they embraced and then he gave him all there was to give him back again. We’re learning a tremendous lesson in Soul returning to God, if you’re going back don’t make the mistake of trying to go back to God by the path of compassion, go back by the path of grace. All the scriptures of the world says “it is not by good works we are lifted up, save by the grace of God” and this is literally putting it on the line. It literally means that by the grace of God we go back, it’s a very hard lesson to learn in the spiritual life but once you learn it you are free of forever. So don’t give up, if you find in your meditation as you’ve been studying all types of meditation and then all of a sudden nothing seems to be working now since you met Adano Ley, rest assured you’re in very good hands with the Lord. (Short meditation). When you meditate you will ask yourself all the time “how do I know I’m making progress, is my aura shining bright tonight or am I really perking up or something?” All the Masters say evidence of your spiritual progress is based on how long you can remain in the state of peace when you come out of the meditation. How long can you really stay in that state of peace, that will determine how much evolved you are in that state of God. That is why they say “if you cut out the tongues of men of peace, the very stones will shout peace.” Real inner peace is in the waking state, that’s the real advancement of the Soul, when this occurs everything is at peace (inaudible). The animals will love you, the plants will love you, the rocks will love you, the weather will love you, and everything will love you because you’re a man of peace and if you walk in that state of peace, you’re walking in grace. It’s to recognize it and now we come to Master Jesus, what does He come to give us? In His own word He says “I’ve come to give you peace, the peace I give, the world don’t give.” The realization or the recognition of making you aware of what development is in yourself is based on peace, how to know you are advancing spiritually. Spiritual advancement is this profound peace occurring in the cells in the waking state. You walk in a room and you feel that vibratory rate you know, it’s not based on how much miracles you can perform. A blow on the head can throw away all your miracles, you may not be able to perform another one, but if you have peace even a dead man will exude it, his very body will radiate a fragrance. So we’re talking of a different level of awareness and development, a profound change in the human mechanism must come. Now if you study the (inaudible) writings it tells you that the first thing begins with changing the body and mind is the builder so if that is so, it applies to the truth inside, you have to work on this physical frame. You don’t work on it what have you got? Spirituality is very simple, this physical body is the ground to work with and if you don’t work with it you got nothing else, all you would have would be intellect. Intellect we got lots, you can read all the books but if you don’t make one single change in this physical frame what have you got? You have to work with the mind, you have to get those particular ideas into this mechanism and start making the transformation in the physical body and be patient with yourself, this is not instant instant peace. God realization comes in its own way, if you are to merit an instant transformation, it’s because you’ve been denied it in a previous life and you deserve it now but most of us aren’t at that level anymore, we’ve long grown out of that level to have instant transformation. Many of us have progressed on the path towards knowing by conscious love we must go back to God. If we are lifted up by instant revelation, instant conversion, there is a tremendous hate, tremendous avoidance, resentment to the Creative Principle that we need such a measure to awaken us, to break the shell of doubt in us but when we return by conscious love, this is what is involved. The journey back to God is love or devotion that’s why Jesus says to love your Lord with all your mind, your heart, Soul, and neighbor as yourself but believe me this is pretty tough, far more tough than to be converted from ignorance, to really love your neighbor as yourself. They don’t sound so easy, you know it’s better that God hit you on the head and get rid of your ignorance and you wake up an enlightened individual than to say you want to love your neighbor as yourself because that’s a tremendous transformation for you. You see He wants you to change but love may seem as an easy thing to attempt to do but it brings out the best in you when you try to do it because it takes into consideration everything there is to take it because true love is unconditional, there are no conditions in this true love, and if God change you by some bolt of lightning on your head you’re fortunate that way because at least you walk out of it that way. Then you automatically change but then there’s always that peculiar sensation, “I’ve been pushed into it.” When it comes by love in a natural way where you love the Lord, it keeps you humble. That’s one of the keys in this spiritual life, to love the Lord or let Him work it by grace through your life, He’ll always keep you humble and humility is the cornerstone of your spiritual life. You have to build your life on a humble state, you have to build that inner life from a state of humility and don’t be in a hurry to go convert people. 0:40 One of the mottos of the All Faith Fellowship is “Convert yourself, don’t convert me.” You know Jesus said “Don’t remove the beam out of your brother’s eye or the mote out of your brother’s eye before you move the beam out of your own.” So if I can’t have cosmic consciousness, you can’t have it too see? If I can’t experience it how can I tell you to experience it, somebody’s got to experience it first, if we don’t change inside how can you help the other person to change. If we don’t find the inner love, the inner understanding of what’s going on, how can you help the other person to do it? Master Yogananda would say this, “Two blind men, spiritually blind, leading each other will fall into the pit of ignorance” because they’ll all be spouting opinions and opinions are no proof of truth but the general opinion of most men is still ignorance you see so if we are spouting opinions about what God really is, we don’t know, we have to live this thing. So if you find someone ornery in their ways, don’t try to hit them on their head, you gotta love them because that is what they may need to learn about themselves, how to overcome it. Are there any questions you want to ask, yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: If they’re ornery you better leave them because that’s what’s going to help them to overcome themselves. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Though they are ornery you still gotta love them, you can’t stop loving them. You know He said “Love thine enemy.” Well enemy, you don’t really have to hate him to the point that he wants to fight, you can look at ornery-ness in the individual a form of enemy to you, it’s breaking up your peace of mind or crashing with you like a file against a piece of metal so if a person don’t seem to get along with you, don’t go out right and hate them, you gotta love them but loving them… you know the Hindus say “love your enemies and kill them with kindness.” So if we have mother-in-laws that we can’t get along or father-in-laws that we can’t get along, we might as well bake that extra cake and take it but it’s a tangible action. Now meditation will generate love in you, prayer will generate love for the conditions to ameliorate itself but you got to feel this love flowing through your body, you’ve got gotta be able to feel this actual sensation coming through the body and when you go in the room, there is no wall between you and the other person, you can actually reach out to that person and embrace that person exactly like what Jesus did to the man who was obsessed with spirits. He came out from the graveyard you know, fully obsessed and all bent up but then he did not refuse to embrace the man, embrace or contact is release, this is one of the strange phenomenas of love. If you’ve seen a painting in the cathedral where they drew their hand of God and it’s touching Man, well how would an artist convey to another, what body language would he use to convey this feeling, only by some point of contact, two things meeting together. So in your own makeup that love has to reach out at some point where two people have to come together. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: So much the better. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Walk the extra mile He says, one man asked the Master Jesus, he says “Master how many times should a man forgive his fellow man,” what did he say? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Multiply that, all right how much is 70 times 70? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: 490 attempts and walk the extra mile before sundown. Now you gotta seek him out before sundown, confront him and go through 490 attempts to resolve it, has anyone ever done that? Look how long we carry the angers and the hates of our fellow Man in our heart and we move away still and go on and die and pass on in others incarnations still carrying it. 490 attempts, somewhere along the path in that 490 you’re going to have some resolving, it’s a matter of sticking it out and don’t blowing your cool. You know the young people like the modern day talks, I have to give it to them back. They want to realize this life, “all right you want to realize this life, 490 attempts,” don’t blow your stack and go face the situation, you’re gonna make it. Anyone who attempts even four attempts, something is going to happen you see? The mere idea that you’re going to turn around and face it and try to pull that individual into confrontation before the day out and within a 24-hour period, something is going to resolve itself. We have a president who lives in this country who demonstrate a little of that, when he got in there inaugurated as a president he says “We will not refuse to negotiate,” right? You remember that one statement he made, that is an indication of how to confront an individual. As long as you don’t refuse to face and talk, this will bring about communication. When the lines of communication breakdown between between two individuals, then it becomes difficult, you have to resort to more and more love, more inward awareness to get this thing to resolve itself but if the lines of communication are not broken and you can maintain the contact, sooner or later it will release itself. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well let me tell you the story of one of the trade ministers from this country that went to Japan, this happened not too long ago, he went to Japan and he met the trade minister in Japan and by custom when there’s what is called an “agreeable conference” the first thing when the visiting dignitary comes in, they would call for tea, they clap and tea would come in to be served. Well the trade minister of this country was sitting in the conference room, the trade minister of Japan is too busy and no tea is called, which is the custom. So he’s waiting for quite a while and he can sense the air is very charged because he’s going there to battle the trade situation so you know what he did? He began his own mantra, or affirmation, “The Christ in me loves the Christ in you,” that was his thoughts all the time, keep repeating it to himself. After a while the trade minister of Japan clapped his hand, tea was brought in and it was a very strained atmosphere you know because they’re trying to negotiate and bring this thing to resolution. When it was all over both parties were happy to a certain extent, the trade man of this country was going back to the plane to fly home. As soon as he was climbing up the ladder, along came the motor brigade with the Japanese police, out stepped out a man from the embassy car with a little gift for the trade minister of the United States. He got in the plane, he sat down, he opened the package and it was a teapot, two little cups that he had tea and a note inside, “The Christ in me loves the Christ in you too.” (Laughter). You see even at those levels with all the obligations, they still could resolve before the day was over so it isn’t that we can’t do it, even the obligations in any level can be pretty rough, we can resolve because you have to live with yourself sooner or later. Audience: (Inaudible).0:50 Adano: Well there would be to some extent you know because George Washington was an initiate, in fact he had a marvelous vision of this country and (inaudible) and Abraham Lincoln was an initiate but actually the guardian angel of this country is right over the tomb of Abraham Lincoln where the tomb is located that’s the focal point of the guardian angel of this country. Every country has got its own guardian force either there was marvelous insight or clairvoyant insight of the Divine or let’s say it’s a stroke of luck that they picked that spot. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Each country has its own guardian force, to say each state that would be a little stretching it, a little hard. Don’t cut down a nation of people because the government in vogue happens to be cruel or different in views, that doesn’t have to do with the angel guiding that particular area. The angel is concerned with the spiritual welfare of that area and they are going to be amidst the cruel people, spiritual people. You can’t cut off your left hand just to exist with your right hand only, you’ve got to face the fact that these two got to work. If they work together we have this, you know prayer, if we don’t work together we got this, fight. So in our world or in any country that we find ourselves there’s always that spiritual force field there and there’s always the opposite force field but it’s we the individuals who must see the truth and not be caught up in the force fields of ignorance, we must be able to detach ourselves to see the truth. That’s why all your great teachers tell us to love one another, love your enemy, it’s this great interflow of love but unless we can see that, we’re not able to do it, it makes it difficult. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: That’s chosen by God, not me. All right how many people in Virginia Beach are sitting down here listening to the relationship between God and Soul by the initiate life? Jesus said to His own disciples, “Unto you are given the keys of the kingdom and unto the multitudes never.” ow many people in Jerusalem or in the whole of Israel were sitting down nightly listening to Him talking about that relationship? It’s not a new relationship and don’t think I am the Master or anything, the relationship is simply this, to go back to God inwardly is devotion and contact, you must have a specific method to cycle the energy inside, it’s called the Holy Breath. Now Jesus came to His own disciples and they said, “He breathed upon His disciples the Holy Breath.” Now anybody read the Aquarian gospel, what do they mention in that gospel? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: But do you know it unless you’re an initiate? Audience: I know it now. Adano: Alright, yet the human body cannot exist without it, we all know that, unless the person is initiated he would never be able to turn it on. It’s like a car, if you don’t know how to drive it you can have the key is still not able to drive it and even when you know how to drive you still got to get permission from the police department to drive it legitimately. It’s just that simple, laws don’t change because we invent them, no divine law is just as accurate inside here as outside, we have to obey them. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Oh that’s a different thing altogether in the personal relationship, no that does nothing to do with it. The personal relationship of who move and who don’t move that doesn’t make that one person more important than the other. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Don’t you think your love will bring me back here, how did I come in the first place, did I come because people move who come down there or was love that brought me here in the first place? I couldn’t come on my own in the first place, if there was no love here to bring me, I wouldn’t come. Audience: (Inaudible). (Laughter). Adano: Now thing what the people in Boston are saying. One thing to remember in this spiritual science as initiates, out of sight is not out of mind, we’re all in attunement if we’d only sit down and lock it to the consciousness. The same love that you feel here, those in Tyler are feeling it right now just as much as those in Boston or those in Philadelphia or Chicago, they’re all feeling the same love. They don’t know why, I’m not in their presence but they’ll feel it just the same because love is a force field and the planet Earth is too small to limit it, only 28,000 miles in diameter you’re going to limit God’s love? All right suppose I’m upstairs and I’m meditating are you’re down here would you not feel the love? How many times people come in this place here and meditate and I’m way over there (inaudible) feeling, can you limit the consciousness? You know when I first encountered Yogananda, He was living in California and I was living in Canada and I said to myself “Master, this is the biggest meeting room I’m sitting in, I happen to be in the Canadian seat.” (Laughter). Equally true Lord Jesus, I says “This is the biggest meeting room, I happen to be in the Canadian seat, You were in calvary somewhere in Palestine.” Why limit the situations? You see the love is there because if you’re tuning in to that inner consciousness you’ll feel the love pour into you, it’s a matter of aligning your consciousness to the love and we were feeling that and I was talking to my wife, we can feel your love coming. This is what you’re feeling and once you recognize it, you line yourself up in consciousness. You know every Wednesday I’ve attended a few of the prayer meetings out at the A.R.E., that love is there whenever I go I can feel it at that particular instant in time. Once you’ve made the contact it’s there, you can know, you tune-in. The more you tune in on the various individuals meditating wherever they are in a 24 hour period or seven day week period, before you know it you’re going to feel that vibration so don’t let time and space limit your inner attunement. The Indians on the reservation don’t, they always says, “I’ll meet you on the rainbow bridge.” The rainbow bridge is the point between the eyebrows, the Beatles call it the “kaleidoscope eye.” Whatever you want to call it, still we can meet here if we tune in so don’t limit yourself, tune in and feel that inner love. (Short meditation). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The manifestation, I just received this letter that stated that there was a church in Alabama where this cross of light appeared. I’m on my way through there, I would like to see it, I haven’t seen it yet, I was just asked if I would go through that area to see it but on my way through I’ll try and go to the church to see it. Audience: (Inaudible). 1:00 Adano: Well yes they were all interrelated, let’s face it the whole universe is light you know, it can’t go way too far from that and any spiritual phenomena that will come true to raise our consciousness will come in a form of light except the one in the Yucatan church where Master Jesus Christ crystalized His body for them. You see they believe that as long as Thomas was able to have a materialization of the Christ’s body, why can’t we today in this modern age not have the same thing and they got it by compassion. Audience: But they had to pay for it. Adano: All right now you know what we’re talking about and they got it by compassion, the Master did materialize in the church but at the same time there was a baron who was an agnostic who had a son with him and they were touring the area. Now that man got it by grace because he didn’t go in that church that particular period time for it neither did the boy and the boy was the only boy that had the camera and when it occurred he photographed it. Normally you couldn’t photograph a thing like that so there is grace and compassion both at the same time. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well I wanted to know who it should go to and all of a sudden the thought came to go to Marvin and I brought it to Texas and gave it to Marvin but what is interesting about it between myself (inaudible) it would be all right but there are other people who have seen the cross and know nothing about it and they are getting their own awareness about it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: (Inaudibile) …started in 1948 but since I was a boy I grew up in an environment where it was constantly going on. Audience: (Inaudible)… communications with the Masters on the other planes? Adano: When I meditate I have only one thought in my mind, “Father I love You.” What He does or what He shows me is strictly by grace, I have no desire to go by compassion. I’ve been by the route of compassionate already.

1972 January 15 Part 3/2 Satsanga

Adano72_01_15_3_2SatsangaQ2RR - Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: If the Master shows it to me I see everything in detail, if He doesn’t show it to me I don’t ask Him either. I never ask, when He wants to show me I know He’s going to show me something right away whenever I meditate. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Oh yes by grace it comes all the time but I don’t ask for them. I used to ask years ago, years ago I used to ask and I know the difference between getting it by compassion and getting it by grace, there’s a vast difference between the two. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See when I meditate my consciousness is centered on God only and when I open my eyes, the meditation is over, she wants me to see the whole thing, I’m seeing it right now, I’m looking at you right now, I don’t have to go no place to see it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well let me put another thing clear, years ago I used to get all the visions I wanted to see but I never had the inner peace. Then one night I says “keep your visions, keep all your beautiful things, I rather never see another one as long as I live providing I have the inner peace. If you give it to me, give it to me when I’m wide awake and I don’t have to look around and meditate to do it. I’m going to know, I’m going to know it one way or the other, from now on I only want the inner peace.” It never came back, I never got another inner vision but anytime I’m supposed to see something, it’s clear for the whole day I can see the whole thing of it but I don’t want to see it. There are two reasons why I don’t want to see, number one the Lord does not come into our consciousness if we’re not invited and number two we have no right to impose our consciousness on other people’s freedom, let alone knowing the future of what’s going to happen to them. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well we must define what meditation means before you can say it’s the only thing, most people got different ideas of what meditation means. For me meditation is Mental Energy Directing Individual Thought Activities Towards an Intuitive Observation and Oneness with Noumena, what does it to you? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Mental energy or conscious energy so what we’re gonna shut out? Conscious energy directing your individual thinking, it’s conscious energy or mental energy directing your individual thought action towards an observation that is totally independent of the senses and a oneness with noumena so what what meditation now are you talking about, this is the one I know about. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well if you are one in that state, noumena is reality not phenomena, if you’re one with the noumena and not phenomena it is not a process it’s how you live, this is the thing you’re doing, this is the thing that’s happening to you. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Conscious direction of the vital forces in you is going on, it’s already renewing itself. All right renew yourself. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: What do you think, what is happening right now? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, what is happening to you right now? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: All right what are you feeling? Audience: (Inaudible). No, I can’t believe that anyone else can do what I can do for myself. Adano: Grace is not nobody doing anything, it’s simply grace. Audience: (Inaudible)… without me working, striving, and having the will (inaudible). Adano: Well let me explain something for you just in case you don’t know, you get back there in spite of yourself, He’s got it all worked out that way. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Because He has it all worked out to pull you back, you can’t escape Him. In His permissive will we can play all the games with ourselves, in His cosmic will it’s already designed that every Soul has got to come back. It may take longer in the permissive will to recognize the separation and it will take longer in the permissive will to feel the importance of doing it yourself but that is not how we get back. He’s already figured out, if ever there was an agnostic you’re looking at one. Audience: (Inaudible)… you’re almost better to let them go ahead and work their problems out because even though (inaudible). Adano: They can’t make the decision by themselves, number one, and they’re never going to be to the area or the place where they’ll hear of that particular knowledge number two, because they will still be out satisfying their five senses. Now when that person is really ready inside and he may not know he’s ready inside and the question comes up “what constitutes readiness?” There’s a saying in the East “When the student is ready, the Master will be there.” Right? There’s that saying, you’ve heard of that saying. 0:10 All right but what constitutes readiness in a disciple? Audience: Total frustration. (Laughter). Adano: All right you see I wrote the Master once that question you know and I asked Him what constitutes veriness in a disciple. I thought I was ready, okay what constitute my readiness? And He wrote that one word across a sheet of paper “frustration,” total frustration. Why do we need a Master or someone who has found His way out of frustration? Because once you find your way out of frustration there’s no more frustration to frustrate you so the student is frustrated and he does need that particular contact point to get out of the frustrations to be free and once he’s free from it then he realizes now that in spite of himself he’s going to get back there. The thing is that when we can wake up from this particular mental condition of shutting ourselves away, we are free, it’s when we wake up from it. Now I used to be a tremendous agnostic, I was studying to be a priest and I spoke the unpardonable question by asking my mentor I says, “How come we talk of Jesus but we don’t do His works.” Now you can’t get anything more rash than that as a young person trying to learn in the church and the priest says, “Young man you’ll never be a priest, you’re a mystic.” (Laughter) So right away I knew I would never make the grade there but I’ve come to realize that we may set out turning our backs on truth or we may think we have found some way in which we must do all these things ourself, that sense of feeling that you got to do it all is so strong in the human consciousness, that we got to do it. Good and fine, all of a sudden after a long while you run into a big statement in your scriptures and every scripture got it “Not by your own good works you’ll get there but by the grace of God” then this throws our monkey wrench in your good works. You’re like you’re barking up the wrong tree, it’s peculiar that one should we find himself barking up the wrong tree and then well “how does grace work” then you find out there are different levels in consciousness between grace/compassion. So meditation is not just merely something we do, in fact you know in your english scriptures the word meditation is being used 24 times, everybody think that Maharishi from India came here and gave the world something new, he is old compared to what the bible’s got. You take the very first verse of this Book of Psalms and in that verse do you know how many times a day you are supposed to meditate? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Right how many of us do it day and night? Now I didn’t make that up, that’s there, the time is allocated for how long you should meditate so if I was to say to you that meditation is the only way to God, I’d be wrong because the book is already saying this is what we got to do but unless we understand what meditation really means to the individual, he would not do it day and night. I said before it is conscious energy or mental energy, you can’t be unconscious, it’s conscious energy directing your individual thinking and its actions towards an independent state of awareness, independent of your five centuries and this will go on in 24 hours, this independent state and it’s a state of awareness and oneness, it’s not just an awareness, it’s a oneness. That means that there is a moment in your consciousness you begin to align yourself with these forces for the first time and then this thing works for you. Now we have a choice again to either ask for these things or let these things work for us. Now as long as we ask and we don’t know then when we do find out we don’t ask no more, you let grace work. Years ago, I say the honest truth, I used to ask because I couldn’t see why these things happen and when I would ask, I always pay a price for it in some way or shape it work itself out that you have to face it. When it begins to be given then I realized the true statement of the Master Jesus when He said “Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things will be added.” He used the word added, it’s a very important word, added means to give you without question “unto you,” it is something that is given to you like a sort of a bonus. Now what is the kingdom of God within you? Seek this particular identification with your God-self and let this permeation of peace be in you and all these other things will flow. Well it took me a long time to readjust my consciousness to want peace as a priority over other experiences inside, you know peace don’t seem as much as something dynamic but when you find out how dynamic it is you really wish you didn’t start off the other end of the road coming up looking for it. Peace is a very dynamic power, believe me it’s a very dynamic power when you begin to experience it because we don’t understand it so it seems that an individual “go and meditate and get peace,” to them that’s not satisfying. To meditate is to say “well I must see something and know what’s going on and Sophie gotta tell me what’s happening next year or what’s going on in the stock market or whose problems I can solve now.” This is what most of the mind wants to do in meditation but to say to the person “try and get peace,” that’s very hard yet today I can honestly say between the two levels of awareness, I rather take the peace than take the other one because I know a higher force works from a different level to give you all the things that you are struggling so hard to get when you ask for them. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Right thinking, right thinking, that means obeying the rules now, the basic disciplines of the inner laws of Man, of God. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” that is to say first look within your consciousness and the right laws of behavior because it’s a behavioral process, righteousness is a behavioral process. So if you look within and understand the behavioral process of consciousness then as you line up with this behavioral process, with the right motive the motive being peace, not acquisition of forces, that’s why Jesus would put it another way, “What would benefit a man gain the whole world,” gain means to acquire, “the whole world,” meaning knowledge of what’s going on around the different realms and still lose your Soul. The motives are different now, to acquire or to identify, and if you’ve got the right awareness or the right behavioral pattern inside then these things are added to you. I have to learn that the hard way too, I wanted to acquire just like any other individual wants to acquire, psychic (inaudible), something that you want to use. Good and fine, you’ll find out sooner or later that that route has a price on it just as much as waiting for it to come the other way. Now the life of the realized person they say is one of patience number one and love so if you’re going to be patient you got to wait on the Lord’s dispensation so Jesus gives you another statement to help you bear up with the patience He says “Meekly wait and murmur not,” sit down and do your daily attunement I don’t grumble, leave it to me to give it to you when it’s right but that’s a lesson you gotta learn. Well I’ll say this… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible)… are you asking in the roundabout way for compassion? (Laughter). 0:20 Adano: Anytime you ask for grace, it is understood within the consciousness that this is right for you to ask for grace. Grace is that particular force that we (inaudible). So in consciousness if we say “Father I love you,” automatically grace starts flowing, you see? Now every time you say “I thank you” grace flows again, anything that will trigger grace, it will flow. So in your inner communion with the Father consciousness, you want to put those thoughts that would trigger grace for you and don’t sell yourself short, believe me don’t sell yourself short, grace has much more to offer you in terms of inner experiences. You can’t begin to comprehend (inaudible) the inner experiences that come from grace because there are levels which Masters exist and that you go to strictly by the grace than to go by other methods. There are more to it in a certain way because there are subtle transformations in the flesh. When you get any lifting up by compassion, the cellular structure does not get the full reaction as when it’s lifted up by grace, remember the scripture says this “When this body has thrown off corruption and taken on non-corruption,” how is he going to do that? You know non-corruption means not to decay so grace has got to come down in a very strange way to transform these cells, God is really transforming His creation by grace which He wants to do. Now you look at the caterpillar, a caterpillar spins its own cocoon and turns out to be a butterfly but has anyone ever seen a rotten butterfly? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: All right that’s compassion so the butterfly dies, it can’t even fly and of all the creatures that can fly, there is nothing as beautiful as a butterfly, you know that? Of all the things that can fly, there is not a single thing as beautiful as a butterfly yet he comes from a lowly caterpillar. Of all the marvels that I have seen, there is none to compare with a human being because he will be immortal, the only creature that can become immortalized in flesh. Even an angel envy you because he has not felt pain, suffering, confrontation and when he comes into the flesh then he will become immortalized in flesh. See an angel is a specific creation of the Creator not having human form or never experiencing human form but when that being comes down to the lowest level like the caterpillar level to take on, an angel is supposed to fly, right? They gotta wings right? So you see of all the beings that the Creator… No, what you’re looking at in its true context, angelic beings are designs of the Creative Force, they don’t have no wings but the angelic beings which are created by the Divine Force, not experiencing physical form, do not have the highest realization as Man who comes into the physical form. All right if the Lord was going to send a Master down to the earth to lift back society up, why would He pick a human body, why didn’t He pick the form of an angel? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, because this is very important you see, this is an important aspect of the spiritual life, it’s like the butterfly versus the birds in the air that fly. All the birds are designed to fly, they are beautiful creatures when you see them all taking flight in the air yet they have never gone through the process of shifting over from one dimension to another and here is a worm or a caterpillar that makes the transition and it’s so beautiful it stands out as a specific mark to the Divinity. Man is exactly the same in terms of His other creation, he has the same cellular structure that will decompose like a caterpillar, he goes through the same transition period of what you call a shroud or death and yet within the same makeup lies the potentiality of resurrection, of going into that other realm totally free for the first time, far more freer than the angelic beings or other beings in the other realms. His freedom does not end at the feet of the Creator, it ends in the lap of the creator and that’s a big difference. Master Jesus once said this “If I throw myself over this, the Lord will send angels to minister to Me.” So if Man having a physical frame merit a higher degree of respect from these beings then Man also must respect the fact that the Creator gives them the highest privilege of becoming realized by using this very frame. It’s until we accept the frame as a measuring board for Divinity, we’re not going to really appreciate it and work it. We all want to work it yes, we all feel that we have to do it but the Creator knows very well that when He designed this thing grace is essential. So the prodigal son story is an interesting story to indicate what is involved in the makeup, God meets us at the halfway mark, the other half mark is that we do 25% and the Saints do 25%, you call them the Prophets of the world and the Prophets of the world go out or the Servants of God go out to arouse mankind. They are doing their 25% with their grace, their love, they are extending some degree of love and grace to mankind. Mankind has got to turn around and just do 25% of the work that is he’s got to clean up this mechanism, start with this mechanism, clean it up, line it up, and then lock-in with these exalted beings and they in turn will lock-in to the other half which is the God force but God is not coming down a whole 100% to meet you, He’s meeting only at the halfway mark because if you don’t do it or make some attempt to do it, we don’t appreciate it but we know we do need help, we can’t do it all by ourselves and we can’t left by ourselves. A certain portion of the work is being done which gives us the what you call cooperation or partnership, a sense of partnership with the Lord because you feel you’re taking part with it, there’s a sense of cooperative action. If you don’t feel you’re taking part with it then you feel it’s a sense of despondency or rejection then it’s not possible but because you feel this sense of cooperation then it pulls you up to get that action. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Paramahansa Yogananda? When He was in the body I wrote Him to go and see Him and He wrote me a letter and He says, “Don’t come and see my body, stay where you are and meditate.” So I did, then I wanted to go to India and He wrote and says “Don’t go to India, the best of India will come to you.” So I didn’t go to India and I wanted to become a Swami, He says, “Don’t go to India, it’ll come to you.” Well this was in the late 40s, now it’s a long time I could have gone to India and come back and do many things, it’s a matter of listening to what a teacher will say or do but I’ve lived through and seen that everything He said materialized by grace. 0:30 When I was living in Canada a brother disciple of mine, a friend, asked the Master Yogananda he says “Why don’t we bring this Adano Ley to study here at the retreat and help out because we do need help.” So he said the Master told him, this was told to me after, he said the Master looked out the window and He said “What’s he going to do here, look at the palm trees, he’s doing the work where he is. Well if you knew the kind of work I was doing you wouldn’t want to do it because I couldn’t sit down more than 10 minutes to meditate that was the work I was doing, trying to struggle all through the time to meditate. In the meantime I was working long hours too, physical work to earn my (inaudible). All right that’s for the first time he asked Him and he told me this after he said he asked the Master again in 1950 why don’t they bring me there to study and to help them and he said the Master gave him the exact same answer so he got kind of curious. Now he asked the Master a third time and it happened to be the day before the Master passed out of the body and the Master said the same thing so he was determined when the Master died, he was determined as to go see this man who the Master didn’t want to see (laughter) and we met in ‘55 it was funny. In ‘55 we met and after half an hour conversation he says “now I know why the Master didn’t want you to come.” (Laughter). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No from ‘48 to ‘55 was only seven years, I was still struggling but all the problems that he was having or having with his inner meditation or inner relating to himself and with people, I had solved them by living with people, how to relate with people and then he initiated me formally himself because I asked him I says “Well the Master… I couldn’t come to visit the Master to be initiated when the Master was in the body formally, though the Master wrote me a letter in ‘48 after I first heard of Him and I wrote him a letter, I wanted to study, and then He wrote me that He says “Prepare yourself for initiation.” Well imagine somebody writes you a letter like that what would you do? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well I did a very simple thing, it was a Saturday and I received the letter on a Wednesday and the initiation was going on in California, hundreds of people were being initiated and it was about 7:30 on the Saturday and all I did I took a bath and I sat down and says, “Well I’m ready” and honestly I felt a huge thumb pressed of my forehead and I knew a Master of Consciousness, time and space has nothing to do with it, if they’re going to give you something you get something. So I felt and I had an inner experienced wonderful but I still wanted to know the actual ritual of what they did in the initiation and when this brother disciple came in ‘55, he performed the actual ritual of initiation. Well at that time I was already pretty aware of what was going on inside to some extent. In ‘52 when the Master passed out of the body I received a cablegram and the cablegram and came and I read it, it said He had died and I was invited to the funeral (laughter). Now I wasn’t invited to see Him when He was alive, I was invited to see Him after He was dead. Well I said “Now you’re dead…” and I began to be angry you know and I start swearing. Oh yes I had to swear because I had it get off my chest, if I ever cried for anybody I cried for that man, for Master Yogananda and I gotta get off my chest and all of a sudden my eyes began to close down, I heard Him voice saying, “Who is dead? You know it all, why are you worrying?” But I’d never heard His voice before, I thought I was hearing something of my own mental imagination, in my eyes going on I could hear this you see, never realizing that is truly what His voice was. It was years after when I heard His voice on the record, that really shook me up that I really I heard His voice without a doubt and He don’t talk like how I talk you know, Master Yogananda talks like this, (Adano in a loud voice), “I Paramahansa Yogananda talking to you now listen!” So when I heard I heard, I heard records and tapes you know, this friend of mine who had a retreat in California and I asked him I says, “Is that the way He talks?” He says, “All the time,” he says, “that’s nothing, that’s mild.” He thought it was mild, he says, “You don’t argue with Him.” Well this friend of mine told me a story what happened, there’s a boy who came there, he had studied so much about metaphysics and he was having one of these verbal tussels with other students so the Master came along and then he brought up the thing to the Master and he kept talking, finding all types of debates. So the Master said to him “Son don’t argue with me, you’re wrong” but he says “Master…” He says “Son, don’t argue with me, you’re wrong.” He argued again the Master did like that, He didn’t touch him, just put his hand up like that and the boy went flying across the room and that shook the boy up and then He walked over (laughter), He walked over and put His arms around him and says, “No son you were wrong.” (Laughter). Well here’s another interesting story, this is from a sister disciple who told me this one. She lived there and there was a girl that went to live there and this girl was a Catholic at the time and she’d often heard of various miracles and in Her hearts she says, “Well all the Masters can do all these miracles” but she never heard of anyone feeding people you know because Jesus fed so many people and this was one of the miracles that she was thinking about the loaves. Anyway this day she was assigned to His office where He was writing and in case anyone came she was supposed to take care of them. Well 36 people showed up, you know like how they’re drop in in Tyler, Texas any time of the night or day, showed up. Well they showed up and the Master was talking away into the late hours of the night with them and then He said to the girl, “Would you please serve some carrot juice?” So the girl goes to the refrigerator, looks in the refrigerator, there’s only a small little jar like that and for 36 people it’s not gonna be enough. So she came back and says, “Master there is no carrot juice and everyplace is closed up and we don’t have anything else but a little.” He looked at her with a blank stare and He says “Please serve carrot juice.” Now you can imagine her mind, she’s praying now “Lord please, let’s have carrot juice for everybody.” So she take down 36 glasses, she’s gonna go through the motions, put them down, just to satisfy Yogananda and she’s pouring but to her surprise the bottle is not getting empty and the glasses are being filled, all 36. Now she’s a victim of mass hypnosis, tremendous mass hypnotic act because she’s convinced that this (inaudible). All right, she’s still going through the motions, she picks up the 36 glasses in the tray, she went in, and hand these 36 people, all drink their carrot juice, she put the tray down and in her mind she knows that it’s got to be a hypnotic thought, the Master would have this tremendous ability to block their mind, she don’t have a camera to prove it. 0:40 Anyway they drank the juice, everybody is satisfied, and then they were ready to leave and the Master just kept on writing, He didn’t bother to say anything to her. She found out she had 36 dirty glasses to wash because when carrot juice stains a glass it really stains it (laughter). So you can know she was scrubbing pretty long to get the stain off the glass but the Master never did this in the public you see, He did this primarily to help the students. Well there were two boys who told me this about themselves, they were staying there and they had never seen any miracles, they hardly ever saw the Master, He’d come and go and say hello, he touched them and say “good boys.” So one day He asked them to go up in the desert to fix a little house that they had in the desert so they went to the desert there and they’re by themselves fixing the house and in the middle of the day it’s pretty hot, they’re already finished and they’re hungry, no food is in the house except in the closest Dairy Queen. So they decided to go across to the Dairy Queen, nobody’s there but the two of them so naturally they eat what they want to eat so they got themselves a couple of hamburgers and milkshakes and they enjoyed themselves and they went back to work. Months passed after, it’s totally out of the minds of them and they’re back at another part of the Fellowship where they’re working in the garden and who should be coming along the garden is Yogananda and He’s porking at His plants you know and knocking out some sticks and then He comes around and looks, “very beautiful, very beautiful, next time when I send you to work don’t go eat hamburgers and malt shakes please.” Yeah just like that, kind of opened their consciousness to them but you see I don’t think a Master does this for the public, he does it just to help the student what he’s trying to do for them. I think my wife can tell you about a fellow named Ananda Moi, what he did to Ananda Moi? Audience: (Inaudible) … and he’s anticipating a life of sitting at the Master’s feet. Adano: That’s like Bo, anybody knows Bo? He says “I’ve ever worked in my life until I met Adano.” Audience: (Inaudible)… so he got put to work, Ananda Moi, they were sent out to 29 Palms, they were going to work on the place in 29 Palms… (Inaudible) and anyway one day Yogananda came and told Ananda Moi, “Why don’t you walk with me.” (Inaudible) and no sooner than they started walking off and then the Master says, “let’s see now your name is so-and-so, you’re from such and such a place in Switzerland and your mother and father is still living.” He says “yes” (inaudible)… then all of a sudden all the questions he had in mind, the answers started flooding into his consciousness. So he learned to quit asking questions. Adano: There is grace and compassion, you see what I’m trying to point out? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: There was a girl and her mother was staying at the retreat and she was telling me an interesting experience. When they arrived you know, the Master said to them after awhile, “I don’t want you to stick around here, you’ve been here too long” and they just came. He kept on, “don’t stick around here, you’ve been here too long” and every night he’d come for them to go for a walk and one would hold this hand and the other hold this hand and he’d walk with them up and down in the garden and all he’s telling the mother she’s been there too long and she should go away from this place. This is only a hospital for sick Souls, everything he’s telling to discourage the mother to stay and even the daughter and he says “what are you staying in this place for?” “But Master…” and every night practically for a while he would come and walk with them for an hour in the garden, they could not get a better companion to walk just the two of them and he’s driving them away all the time. Eventually when he left the body, it was no longer than 28 days, they couldn’t stand the vibration they had to get out. I have lots of friends who had experiences with Him. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yeah a little shrine. Well we have a couple of friends, the two young boys who gave the donation to start the Fellowship and they both grew up in the Malibu area of California and they would drive down past that spot every weekend and they see these two, they don’t even know what it is but the curiosity to go in the place and they wouldn’t go in and when I met them and they read the Autobiography of the Yogi then they decided to go in the place. It was comical when they went in for the first time, as soon as they got in the doorway one says “No I’m not going in this place, I’m gonna turn out, I’m too scared.” The other says “Well I’ve come this far, I’m gonna walk through it.” Well we were with them that day and normally the place is not open to the public, a part was open but there’s a section that was not open and I came along with them with another friend and we went to the little chapel and I was looking for a friend who was supposed to be in the area and his name was on the board and that he was supposed to be the brother of the day. 0:50 So I knocked at the back door and he came out and he says “Oh you’re just in time, how would you like to join us for lunch?” In the meantime the two brothers, they didn’t want to come in, they wanted to go out to eat so we sat down and I’m laughing because hear is the younger brother, his desire to eat is all being fulfilled and the bigger brother, his desire to meet some monk is now being fulfilled and we are sitting down in the plush area of the little shrine where all nobody’s allowed to go in there and all the different mementos of the Master’s life is all there so they can really examine it for their hearts content so when we came out after one boy says to me he says “Well I wouldn’t believe it, it’s only because you’re around here that’s why.” I says, “No, God works in strange ways, if you’re supposed to get it, you’ll get it” and he says he has passed that place and never went in to see it. I had another interesting experience with the Master Yogananda, he wrote several of his books in a place called 29 Palms you see and I used to stay out there and one day I went with a friend to search for the place where he wrote the book in 29 Palms. We drove all up in the mountains and we couldn’t locate the house, it was funny and several years passed we would go up there and make a trek all up in there and search and search and we could never find this little house. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Oh yes he did put up a mental shield block out my consciousness. Then one day, it was just about Easter, the Saturday before Easter Sunday and I had promised to do some work to transpose some work into tape. So that night we were staying at this friend’s house and the boy had an organ and I said let us transpose these works to tape and we did the transposition and the room was so charged up with vibrations that the next morning we headed to 29 Palms and on the way the sky was very clear, there was not a cloud in the sky and the boy said to me “Adano, where did Yogananda write his book.” I says I suspect it’s up in those mountains but I can never find the place and as soon as I said that there was a little cloud like a check mark over the mountains just like that and I said “Hey I’m gonna follow the cloud!” You know like “follow the star to Bethlehem?” That was exactly, I says “let’s head for the place.” We drove into town and by the time we got into town one boy says “let’s get some nuts because it’s up in the mountains, we may get hungry.” So we go into the drugstore, got the nuts, and come out the cloud is gone. I says “Well as far as I remember it’s over these mountains” and we went up the mountain and around and then came the interesting part, we’re going up to the edge of the mountain where we thought we saw it and the cloud came back just within the height of this little canopy and the way it pointed, it was just between some trees and the wind just moved the trees lightly and I can see a little cottage between the trees and there was a little sign marked “Ananda,” that was a place he was living. So I climbed over the fence, it wasn’t high it was just a fence about that height, you can imagine my hair and the wind blowing me I looked like the wild man from Borneo but what’s going to be the sticky situation is to convince anybody that’s in the place. You ever get the experience that somebody is looking at you, you don’t see them? Well I’m in the compound and I can feel some eyes looking at me. Well after awhile the door opens and out steps out two sisters. Now how are you gonna tell them that you’re looking for a place, only thing is to tell them the truth. I says, “Sister my name is Adano Ley, I studied Yogananda’s work and I know the Master brought me here because I was looking for the place for a long time and a cloud brought me here.” (Laughter). Either she accept it but that’s what I told her and she looked at me in a kind of puzzled way says “Well this is not open for people you know, this is closed up and since the Master died the place has now been closed and we are here, we just take care of the normal grounds but not that part where he writes his books.” I says “Could we just walk around and meditate a little while, we wouldn’t disturb, and we’ll go on our way but I’m happy to know this is the place.” She says “sure.” So we walked around and one boy is standing next to me and the other one went a little way to that wall and I’m standing here and I’m looking on the tree and I can see this bright sun coming down and I know the Master is standing right here but then this other fellow who don’t believe anything he’s nudging me he says “You seeing what I’m seeing?” I says “What are you worried about? Just accept the fact that you’re seeing it.” He said “but me of all people man, I’m a drunkard…” I says “accept it.” So he saw the Master standing there and then the Master disappeared then the door opened and out comes out the sister. She says “You know we were inside praying, Master must have really brought you people here because we got the urge to come and ask you to go and see the room, would you like to go and see it, it’s never been opened before but we just got the urge to come and ask you?” So the two boys says “No we don’t want to go in.” I says “The door is open for me, I’m going.” So they decided to go. Well they walked behind the girl and I was walking last, she opened the door in the little room where he wrote the books and they walked in and I was coming in last, it’s like trying to walk through an invisible curtain, the vibrations were that strong. You ever been behind a stage door where the curtain hangs down? You try to move it to find the exit? Well it’s like that, invisible waves. Well over the bed, he had a small bed where he slept and the window was covered with these blue drapes. All of a sudden the sun came so strong through the drapes right on the bed and you can feel this vibration and the sister is crying now, inside here I’m just going like a hundred miles an hour flipping all over (inaudible). Then we were able to look at the various artifacts in the room, I was very surprised that there was a piece of food that was sent to him the day he passed away from India and he had broken off just a piece of it. He was the type of fellow anything he got from anybody, he put their name and the date and the time and stick it there and this food came from India as a gift, it was shipped airfreight, he broke off a piece and ate it. You can see where it was broken and the other part is not decomposing. Now I saw a lemon given to him by the president of Sunkist company when it founded back in 1932 and it’s got his fingerprint pressed against the lemon, all the other part of the lemon is 100% perfect except where he touched it, you can see the big thumbprint and there were a lot of artifacts. There was a camera given to him by Mr. Eastman, one of the very first ones that they made then there’s a telescope given to him by Henry Ford and I saw a little typewriter. You would think he would type, he doesn’t type, everything he wrote was in long hand and he did his own editing but the way he edited, you would laugh. He wrote everything here in long hand this way and then when he edits, he edits this way. (Laughter) So anybody picks up a piece of paper to read it, you got your eyes going around in circles and they’re all stacked up, you think my place is bad, they just stacked up on the ground you know, he writes and just put it on the ground here and he never throw away a piece of paper in the garbage (inaudible). If he writes and it was no good, he just put it there and he wouldn’t mark off if it was wrong, he just write everything and correct it just leave it right there. 1:00 Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No I never heard, what I heard is an interesting story from Ananda Moi. He was known in that area as Mr. Ghosh and he lived next door to some man called Mr. Lord and he would always borrow Mr. Lord’s tools to work on the little cottage that he lived in and he’d have the boys go over and borrow the tools from Mr. Lord, come over and work, and after they finish work one day Ananda Moi was working and he had an orange he was playing with it and he said to Ananda Moi he says “When you take back the tools, take this and give it to the Lord,” that was the name of that man. So it was quite embarrassing for him to carry this orange and say “Mr. Ghosh sends you an orange” after borrowing his tools you know. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Mr. Lord had orange trees of his own. Anyway, he carries the orange and Mr. Lord took the orange he says “Thank you” and then he says “You know a pretty odd fellow that Ghosh, isn’t he? Mighty queer fellow.” He was an Englishman, this Lord was an Englishman and he says, “Mighty queer fellow that Mr. Ghosh, charming fellow.” He took the orange but then he realized that he’d observed that the Master was playing with that orange in a very playful way and he was actually imparting love in many ways into that orange and even if that man didn’t know what he was getting from Yogananda, in some way he would actually get an inner experience to wake him up but you see by borrowing the man’s tools he was actually working out karma for that man. Every time he would borrow a tool, sometimes it was so comical they borrow tools you know, they would have to take it back but these Masters have certain ways of working on the karmic debt of other people and to give them an uplift so by borrowing a tool from them and using it and sending it back by human contact and then to send him an orange you know, as if to say “Thanks I’m glad I used your tools now here I can feed you too” but it was more than that. The man when he passed on, now this is interesting, when the man passed on he had no heirs but before he died, two days before he died, he gave the whole building Mr. Ghosh. Yeah he donated the whole building to Mr. Ghosh, he had no heirs and they said they never saw the man at no meeting or he never came around here but all of a sudden they got the paper saying “this building will go to Mr. Ghosh” and they said he didn’t live more than two days after. The papers were all drawn up and signed and sent and he didn’t live two days after and they said the Master performed the crematory rights for him but this was interesting because they realized something had to be going on the inner realms between the two men, you see? That the Master and him had a different communication on the inside. Audience: (Inaudible). Well Ananda Moi told him something else when the monks were building the dormitory, Ananda Moi and one of his brothers were up on the second floor bricklaying and the other brother had gone down to fill his (inaudible) with bricks and bring them back up the ladder and when he got to the top of the ladder somehow he made a mismotion you know and the brick being so heavy and he grabbed the ladder and he started going back and he said that ladder had gone beyond the point there’s no return and the brother said, what was it? Adano: “Is that what you want Master?” Because he would have been a dead Man, “Is that what you want?” Well that’s what he say. Audience: (Inaudible) …and when the job was finished the contractor said “What goes on around here nobody could ever explain.” Adano: He said “Everybody that work in this place…” you see they were unskilled labor, he was the only skilled man you see. He says “Everybody here should be all dead, Nobody here should be alive” because he says he couldn’t figure out how much compensation you have to pay for the injuries that would happen to people. I remember one boy, he lives in Boston, this happened and he was initiated and he lives now in Brockton. Years ago I initiated this young man in Louisiana, anyway after the initiation and they got married, I married them myself, you know performed the marriage, he and his wife, and then they were going on a trip in their car with some friends and while they’re driving the rain is falling and the brakes give out and they’re sliding all the way down. I hear the news after from them, he says, “All we can think is well Brother Ananda Moi says ‘Is this what you want?’” and he says “Is this what you want Lord?” He said he start calling on all the different names that he knew, he said they slide and slide and slide and hit the ramp, nobody was injured, the car runs right into the ramp. When the policeman came and looked at the car he couldn’t figure out how they didn’t go over the embankment because just the lip of, what you call that the bumper, was held up by the edge of that piece of metal plate, it was just holding it and they should have gone right over the embankment. So sometimes some strange things happen to us in our own way. Audience: (Inaudible). 1:14 Adano: So you went through the time warp. Audience: I guess I did. (Inaudible). Adano: Well we all learn the hard way, if you let it be it’s the greatest joy. Audience: (Inaudible). 1:20 No, there’s an initiate ceremony for it before the cremation is done, it’s called the discussion between the Soul, God, and death. See God is supposed to be the divine resurrector and death is the divine brother and the Soul is the individual who is laying in the coffin and he’s coming home to the Father, which is the divine resurrector but he has to admit or accept his brother who is death as the process. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: (Laughter). Audience: Incidentally if you wish to be cremated it’s wise to say so in a will or in some letter… Adano: …because the law don’t permit it unless… you have to state it out in some paper. Audience: But even if you do it, your relatives can decide not to have the body cremated so it’s a very peculiar thing that way but the relatives have charge of the body, you have no rights. Audience: Speaking of kooky mothers (inaudible) and I told my oldest daughter that I wanted to be cremated and she said “no I have no intentions of doing so, I don’t believe in it” and I said “well if you don’t I’ll come back and I’ll haunt you.” (Laughter). She said “oh all right, that’s my kooky mother. I might as well do it because it’s just like you, you’ll do it!” Adano: Well why not do like that Yogi not too long ago you know, he he couldn’t afford to let the students pay for his cremation so he decided to do Yajna which is called the divine fire ceremony and he started burning from the foot, the cells started their own internal combustion from the feet coming up so you can imagine the consternation of the Delhi government, the Indian government and the police department, somebody cremating himself out in the public. Well they couldn’t do nothing because he was entitled, he sat down there in the hole with his students around him and the thing is coming up gradually burning, burning, burning all the time. He was burning all the way up and he’s coming all the way up and he can’t do nothing because he doesn’t have no gasoline there, there’s no match and they can’t stop it, he’s busy enjoying it and it’s coming all the way up. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: But we hope that the retreat would be eventually… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: But we hope that the area in the retreat forest area. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, well you see the average individual cannot sever it for a certain time, only a realized person can do that, that they can sever it. You see a realized person does not die the ordinary way, see there are four ways to die: one you die unconscious having no control over the mechanism and you go out the normal way in which you wait till the cord is cut by the Lord of Karma, they have to perform that cutting. Now there’s another way you die in which you are conscious but have no control over your will and that would be like an Asiatic cholera, some people die in that state because Asiatic cholera the patient does not die unconscious, they are conscious all the way but they have no volition. There’s a third way to die consciously and you know this at least three days before the time to come. In the autobiography of the Yogi it’s mentioned that Babaji sent a message to Lahiri the student and tell him by another man called Ram Gopal he says, “Go tell this man Lahiri, if you know him” he says “Yes.” He says “Well give him this message, tell him that the stored up karma of this incarnation is over” and when he got the message three days before he went in and cut the cord himself and just waited and went out of the body consciously. So this is a technique that’s locked up in the breathing, how to cut it off yourself, that’s why the initiate knows a way to leave the body eventually consciously. Yogananda did this when he was in California you see when he gave his last speech before the people in the hotel when he looked at them and then drew the current in the brain and cut it off, it’s called conscious exit, that’s the third way. The fourth way is dematerialization, that is the actual transformation of the cells immediately into the resurrected body. Now Babaji did this when his sister confronted Him and He was going to leave the body and His sister said to Him, “Deathless Master why do you have to give up the frame?” And He said “All right in that case then I don’t give it up” so He performed the recycling of the body through a conscious way so this is one way of doing it. Now Master Jesus He went through the actual conscious death by giving up the ghost, they say He gave up the ghost on the cross which He knew how to personally draw the energy up inside, severe it, and then recycle it within 36 hours or the 72 hours in the grave so it is an instantaneous transformation… (gap in tape) …talking of the atomic principle of light, that this consciousness is immersed with love in that light so when you really meditate you want to immerse yourself in that light inside. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well they bury the body and they have it in a crypt, they have it in a crypt, they’re keeping it in a crypt for a shrine. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yeah that’s a non-decay, well they’re depending on the laws of California to allow them to have it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No it’s in this country, it’s in this country. Well you see the thing is, well not too long after He passed on there was a man in Ceylon, a buddhist monk that went through the same thing and his students what they did to his body they melted gold and gilded the body and that was in your Ripley because Ripley went to see that when they did that so always watch out when you buy one of those Buddha. (Laughter). Don’t buy life sized, you may… Well they do that in Tibet, well there’s a reason for it to do that because the person is supposed to have reached that state of awareness and by gilding it, it’s determining what they call the golden aura now, he’s immersed in the holy spirit so they gild it in gold to preserve it. In your awareness of what is happening, the fact that they do that is to preserve them as a memory of that particular life that that Buddha did. Now in your case of Yogi Milarepa, one of Tibet’s greatest Masters, he used to teach in at least a dozen temples so you can imagine a dozen temples and when the time come for him to die what would happen, it would be a big argument right? So he was smart enough, he died in all dozen and gave them all a body to bury. Yeah they’re actually twelve coffins or twelve burial sites for Yogi Milarepa and each temple’s got one and they all claim that he died in their place. To say that you’re stretching the atomic structure of the human body in that state, it’s not a hard thing for them. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No that’s a different Master they’re talking about, Milarepa is a different man, his teacher will put him through some tough disciplines. 1:30 Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well carbon you see your basic structure is carbon to some extent and your body throws off the carbon because otherwise if you retain the carbon it’s burning up. Now if you burn an object, what is the residue called? Ash but it’s a carbon, it’s a carbon base so this body is 16 chemical elements plus trace elements and the base carbon is there, you have the the carbon base. Now when it breaks down by decomposition, the carbon base turns and becomes very foul so therefore we know this body is subject to corruption. Now how is this body going to be subject to non-corruption? It’s getting rid of the carbon but the carbon is only got rid of by the attitudes that you built up and the particular recycling techniques that the body will recycle itself, it’s is called the holy breath. Now you breathe and you throw off carbon dioxide, now as an initiate the holy breath is a recycling of this carbon dioxide so that the body does not go through that condition but this is an actual working inside. Now you have a automobile, you turn the ignition switch, you don’t shift the gears what would happen to the carburetor, what happens to the automobile? It’s going to get hot and it’s going to build up a tremendous amount of what? Carbon, so you’re realizing where what we’re saying now, you’re building up this carbon deposit in the system by internal combustion, you’re not shifting gears. Equally true in meditation, if you’re meditating and you’re not actually getting an internal recycling inside with the tissues then the body is going to build up this carbon deposit. Now meditation at no time should ever leave you depleted or tired, the moment this happens something is wrong with your meditation, this is one of the symptoms you have to look for but when you finish meditating you should feel tired, depleted, or that listless feeling it’s wrong, it can’t be. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: And that is wrong too, you should be awake. All right you had an all-night meditation here did you want to sleep after? Audience: No. Adano: Well this is what we’re talking about. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Ah, there we come back, you mentioned the most important thing. It isn’t that you needed sleep, there was a dehydration did you drink any liquids during the period of the day when you were supposed to fast? You see you need the liquids, you can’t fast like in the olden days no more, in the olden days you can fast without driving the toxins into the bone marrow, today you can’t do that because our nutrition is no longer as pure as it was in those days, we’ve got too many chemicals in the nutrition. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Alright but there there would be too much toxins in the system that is driving it so as you kept on drinking liquids then the body would have flushed it out and then the tiredness would not be there. You see you’re not supposed to get this tired feeling after meditation unless there’s an excess of carbon deposits or an excess of toxins which should be flushed out. Now that’s why today one should not fast without using liquids because the body will start to feel tired so if you’re fasting always drink water or diluted juice or some herb tea to break this sensation of sleep. This is the one thing that Jesus criticizes His disciples for, you see because sleeping is an indication that the body is overloading itself, it’s not recycling properly. Tiredness, these these are states that the body is indicating that it’s not functioning properly, the person who is meditating properly eventually arrives at a fatigue-less state, this is the evidence of his development, he’s got to arrive at these levels, the body has to recycle itself, the body is cool, it’s not hot, it’s not heated up, it’s always a moist, a softness, and a coolness, the texture of the skin is changing. These are the evidences of the actual development in the meditation so you know there is a transformation occurring and moving from a corrupt state to a non-corrupt state, this is the progress he’s making. So we are looking for more tangible experiences in terms of transformation instead of in terms of vision you see because those will leave you after a while but the transformation in here doesn’t leave you, it’s there. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well it’s energy and this is the evidence that when you do meditate the energy potential of the cells are built up to the point where it starts to release itself through the fingertips and it works magnetically so you know you are making progress because the vital life energy is charging itself up. Now Jesus says “Come on to me all ye that travail and are heavily laden and I will refresh you” but “all ye that travail” is a pair of eyes and nose, ears, mouth, these are the things He’s talking about and “Me” is the central focal point. Take these ten functions, these five functions in their positive and negative position and center them here in the Christ center which is the focal point and it will start a recycling or a refreshing action. Years ago I says, “don’t freshen up at 7-up” well when you meditate you don’t need any food because you can actually recycle the energy and the body will start to feel the energy coming out, you are making actual progress. Audience: There’s one more point about carbon dioxide (inaudible). Adano: Well it’s the carbon in there but then look what it does to the cells, the more carbon dioxide you put in, it inflates the cell, what do you inflate something with? Gas, so when the cells are distended by inflation then you’re actually creating more work on the heart and lungs and therefore it’s a harder thing to recycle. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well that would be very negligible in the sense because you are in the atmosphere already and you’re still going to be taking in the oxygen that will offset it you see so that would be offsetting itself. The only thing is if you’re taking it in terms of a liquid where it has to break up itself by implosion or explosion because in the liquid the gas breaks up, whereas if you’re taking it through the nostril by inhaling it, it’ll recycle itself by the atmosphere. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It’s part habit, it’s part toxin feedback, it’s part magnetic feedback and it’s a part of your particular level of awareness in which the brain is relating to can’t stand the frequencies that are building up. Now if you meditate with somebody more advanced than you, you’ll fall asleep. You meditate with somebody less advanced than you, they’ll fall asleep. These are all cyclic relationships in the frequencies. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well you can cancel each other out or balance each other out, that’s why the group meditation is important. The group meditation is important in this sense that those who are advanced tends to balance out the magnetic field of the other person or the less advanced so they sort of polarize themselves, gradually the whole group can meditate without falling asleep but you have come in you’ll find a newcomer who has never meditated before sits down in the group and starts yawning and gets irritable and he doesn’t know why because their brain waves on their cells are learning to adjust to the new frequencies of those who’ve been doing it. Now as it adjusts it’s good for them to go through that because it will help them to make an alignment in themselves. The only the same thing would happen with Jesus and His disciples, they meditated with Him they fell asleep, He didn’t fall asleep but nevertheless He didn’t prevent them or stop them or cut off Himself from meditating with them, He stayed with them until they were able to pull out of that level, we have to meditate by ourselves and by a group activity to get this stabilization. 1:40 Now if you fast before meditation, that’s why it’s not good to eat and meditate immediately, if you eat your supper say at six o’clock and you meditation at eight o’clock it’s okay but to eat immediately and then go and meditate, the life energy that is supposed to do the digestion of the food in the process of assimilation is now suddenly shunted away to go up the spinal column to go into the brain and to go up into what you call the chakras or the electrical centers so that cuts off and you become tired. So the overloading of the stomach tends to produce this feedback of tiredness so once you start meditating, you’re starting to pull this energy. Remember energy is being cycled back, meditation is a recycling of energy in and up the spinal column so eventually you realize you can’t eat a big meal and meditate. That’s why the way nature has got it set up, she’s provided only a certain amount of food that grow under the ground to eat so that you don’t eat too much at night and you spend the evening time to be in meditation to recycle this energy and in the morning she doesn’t give you too much to eat either, it’s the fruits and nuts and they’re very light and you should meditate before you eat anything. Audience: Is it not good to meditate immediately before going to sleep? Adano: No it’s perfect to meditate before going to sleep. Well when you are kids they tell you pray before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning pray, it means the same thing, it’s a recycling. You’re not learning anything new, it’s the same thing you’re gonna learn but you’re doing it with more awareness now. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: I agree, we are being programmed to do things because from a dimensional relationship our appearance are one size and we are one size by this dimensional position that puts them in the sense of being like a jolly green giant and we’re little asparagus so we have to accept what they tell us as children so our minds our minds can’t cope with it. Now when we make this dimensional shift in ourselves then we can so as an adult we learn now that the things that we were doing in a childish way have meaning when it’s set up correctly in the consciousness. So that is why we always try to rearrange the dimensional levels in your consciousness so to pray at night before going to bed or meditate at night going to bed it’s perfect. I do it before going to bed and I do it when I get up then after a while you find that everything is meditation because your consciousness is it, that’s why Jesus said “hallowed by Thy name” you see the hollowing of the name of the Lord becomes the whole process inside. You see you can’t take the name of the Lord in vain if you don’t know it that’s number one and you can’t hollow it if you don’t know it again and the only way you can hallow it, you’ve got to be initiated into it to cycle the energy. So “prayer unceasingly” is hollowing the name of the Lord so you find now in as much as I’m talking to you, the holy name is recycling in my brain, it goes on inside, there’s no way I can stop it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You can hold a whole business conversation (inaudible). This is what the Master Jesus meant He says “prayer unceasingly” and “hallowing the name of the Lord” because this peculiar action goes on in the mind while you’re carrying on your daily duties and it doesn’t break the track. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, the prayer beads are a mechanical representations of this thing.

1972 October Part 1 - Origins

Adano72_1OriginsQ1NW4 - Introduction 0:02 Those who don’t know, this is not a lecture for Swamis, we call this Satsanga. Satsanga means fellowship with truth and before we can start there are three things occurring in a Satsanga. One, we have a physical contact, two a mental, three an extrasensory, so let us calibrate the mind (brief pause), thank you. Consciousness of Man, this is very difficult to describe to most people because Man asks himself what is his origin and unless you know your origin, you really don’t understand why you have consciousness. In the Eastern scriptures or the Judo-Christian scriptures it tells us that Man’s origin began in creating or being the creation of the Creator, but most of us don’t even know what the Creator is, let alone look upon ourselves as a creation. 0:04 But if we look into all the scriptures we find that it states “God made Man in His own image and likeness, male and female created them, and God breathed into Man the breath of life and Man became a living soul.” Well we have our origin in that statement, Man is a living soul. It does not say that Man has a soul, it states that Man is living soul. Now for us to understand living soul, we have to understand the levels of creation and the levels of creation involve consciousness. We know it in our scriptural language as heaven, hell, different levels of purgatory, limbo, and so forth, these are only names that we have ascribed to certain levels of creation and Jesus refers to them as many mansions, “In My Father’s house there are many mansions.” Symbolically speaking, but being made in the image of God and the likeness of God, these are two things: image / likeness. The image of God is conscious energy, energy, you know it in the form of atoms. The likeness of God is intelligence, the all pervading omnidirectional awareness. The two in unity via the breath process brings forth soul. You look upon it and you call it Man. 0:06 Yet the English word Man comes from the Sanskrit word Manas, Man As, in Sanskrit Manas means organized thinking or mind, Man As he is, a thinking organism, therefore as we look at ourselves, we are thinking organisms. Then the scripture comes back and tells us “As a Man think in his heart, that is what he is.” We find ourselves returning to the origin of our nature, but we can’t understand this origin until we understand the levels of creation, how we come to be in this mechanism. If we had a blackboard… Do we have a blackboard? Alright, we will try to go without a blackboard. The very first level of consciousness or expression of the Creator at its lowest manifestation, can’t go any further than that, is called Matter. This is it, right around you, solid substance, matter. This matter is conscious energy, it took Einstein to convince us that matter around us is energy. 0:08 Now matter is held in a state by some intelligence working upon it. In your scriptures we refer to that state as hell, H-E-L-L, as if it is something bad, but in reality it’s H-E-L-D. Consciousness is held in a state of suspension called matter, the very first expression of Being, and since we are an expression of that Being, we are held in that state. So we don’t go to a place when we pass on called H-E-L-L, we are already in that state called H-E-L-D. Omar Khayyam was very wise and he made us aware of the fact, he said “I sent the Soul out into the invisible, a letter of the afterlife to spell, by and by the Soul came back and said, ‘I myself am Heaven and Hell.’” This removes the illusion or the fear of some remote region in time and space as a dungeon for unwanted Souls. If we are an expression of the Creator, then why would the Creative Intelligence doom us into extinction or exile us into some area to be tormented or punished. It’s because we don’t comprehend the terms that are being used in relation to the Soul. Man is Soul, he doesn’t have a Soul, but because he is Soul, he’s involved with levels of expressions or creations. These levels are to be realized or mastered. 0:10 Once we’ve mastered them we return back to the source. The source we came from is Creative Intelligence or pure Being, the state we’re in is matter. Now this first level is called “Matter acting on Matter” that’s the first level you’re in, but it’s the last level down from the Creator. It’s the first level of self-recognition, but the last level of total manifestation. As we see ourselves here, we are the last expression of the Creator, matter, as we look upon ourselves and try to realize it, it’s the first thing we can realize using the mind to realize our existence, this is what you call self realization, it’s not God realization yet. Self realization is not God realization, self realization is relating to what you are, God realization is relating to how you became what you are. What you are now is matter acting on matter, you perceive this through the senses, therefore we are in this state, we are held in this state and this state creates torment because of the frustrations that are involved in it, the friction between two material forces acting upon themselves. We pit ourselves against another physical substance, it creates a sensation, that sensation we perceive it in terms of pain or pleasure, our consciousness reacts. Therefore we try to run away from this level by trying to ascend to another level, there’s no other level below matter to go to, you are already in the state of matter, you are held in this state so where would you go down to, you can’t go any further than that. It’s here we are right now in the state of matter, we have to transcend matter or rise above matter on our journey back to the source which is the Creative Intelligence. 0:12 So the first level up now from Matter acting on Matter, or perception through contact with matter, is Energy acting on Matter. The scientist has now opened the doors for us to recognize energy. Centuries ago you were only aware of solid matter, you were not aware of properties of matter, we could not related in terms of properties of matter. Any attempt to related to the properties of matter by a few individuals they were called crazy crackpots, any attempt to write it down they had to use symbols to avoid ostracism let alone being strung up by the ignorant mind that was embedded or enmeshed in the structure of matter, no one could perceive centuries ago the properties of matter. As we become aware that matter contains certain properties and that these properties are no longer in the range of the five senses, they threaten our existence until we are intelligent enough to harness it. Benjamin Franklin discovered that a kite in the air and sending a key up the kite string, sparks begin to go off and electrical power is there. At that time no one could harness it, but the phenomena existed long before Franklin came along to prove it or demonstrate it, but because it was recognizable it was also a threat. 0:14 Once it becomes a threat those who don’t understand will destroy the person who presents the truth to them, but as we gain understanding, that is what we call cognition to some degree, we begin to cognize these forces that energy is acting on matter, then the world-mind or the group-mind is suddenly expanded. It takes the individual mind of Matter acting on Matter to raise other group-minds by first presenting certain facts about the environment and as these facts are presented, then the group-mind is raised and as we apply it the group-mind then moves toward a higher state of awareness, but it’s always an individual who moves the group-mind. We are involved with this, we don’t recognize it until we are hit by it and it hurts us. So the second level up in Man’s unfoldment back to the source is Energy acting on Matter, that is the state of cognition in you. Now the third level up, very few of us can employ Energy acting on Matter, some of us did not know how to employ it. 0:16 For instance we have a few examples of those who were able to employ Energy acting on Matter. We take some type of force like water and let it hit a waterwheel and as it hits the waterwheel and turns, then some energy is released to move other objects. We take the wind and let it turn a windmill and we have another form of energy occurring. These are gradual indications of how energy is acting then as we get more and more sophisticated, we start breaking down the substance itself and discharging the energy out of it in terms of heat and harnessing that heat now to drive other equipment like a steam engine, powerhouses, generators, and so forth. We have that type of unfoldment, consciousness is growing in Man, but that doesn’t take him back to the Source as yet, this is his unfoldment, this is what he’s transcending. Now the next level he has to move to is Consciousness acting on Matter, this we see when people pray. They pray in consciousness, they send up thoughts or IDs (ideas) and the ID crystallizes around that desire that they’re praying and then that desire is suddenly experienced. Well for example, a person has broken a bone or has a disease of the heart or lungs, kidney, gall bladder, and you can pray for that person. Now the lung or the heart or the bone is a solid substance, it’s matter as far as the mind will accept, prayer is an ideational communication and that’s consciousness and you’re sending it out into time and space and you’re looking for a result by the sustained repetition of the prayer. 0:18 You have no guarantee that some intelligent force responded, you only assume it responded when the action corrects itself in the person and you give thanks. In reality nothing is wrong with your assumption, in fact your assumption is genuine that some force went into work or went to manifest itself, but the confidence in that force has to be built up and the reality of how this force operates has to be understood and then the avoidance of a fanatism must take place within you otherwise you become egotistical and think you can change and alter every condition in the world by simply praying for it. There are many subtle forces at work in Consciousness acting on Matter. The mere idea that you can pray and correct this condition does not say that you are the sole doer of the action, you are the channel through of directing some degree of consciousness to exert its influence on matter because you are Soul, you carry this potential quality in yourself. It is the Divine Intelligence personalized in you that you are able to generate this devotion or attitude. 0:20 Now as you generate it and see it occurring, you pray and the prayer is answered and you realize it’s answered, that is exactly Consciousness acting on Matter. Now Consciousness acting on Matter takes place in time and space: it can be instantaneous, it can be at a distance, or it can take a prolonged time to occur, but nevertheless it is your concentrated consciousness exerting an influence on substance or matter to bring about a change. Many of us have done this knowingly or unknowingly and that is our third level of consciousness and our origin involved with it. Now comes the next level, many of us don’t get past this level now, we just remain there and act out our lives capable of monitoring matter in some degree by consciousness. Some of us can actually by telekinesis, that is focus the consciousness to shift material object into space, these are all levels of the Consciousness acting on Matter. 0:22 The fourth level is Energy acting on Energy, here the scientist doesn’t go any further because he doesn’t know how energy can act upon itself or reconcile itself. They’re in the process of discovering or working on them, they’re dealing with a very subtle power, energy acting upon itself. At that level the Saint or the Realized Man entered what is called rejuvenation. His body is a mass of energy and it is monitoring itself by its own internal mechanics so He’s living on direct energy. Normally we live by indirect forms of energy, by eating solids, liquids, breaking it down into a form of energy to sustain the body. When we enter that state of Energy acting on Energy, we are now altering the mechanism and teaching it to survive directly on pure energy. This would confirm what Jesus meant when He said, “It is written that Man does not live by bread alone,” that is since Man is Soul, he does not subside or sustain himself by solids and liquids, that’s “bread,” in a solid form of energy, “alone,” that means he does not rely on the indirect form of energy, “but by every word that proceed out of the Mouth of God.” Word is vibration and vibration is in an energy ratio, an energy movement. The human mechanism is sustained by vibrations constantly passing through it, all around it, as energy. The various levels of energy in which the mechanism can absorb and work and function, would indicate that Soul is now coming up to its fourth level of awareness. One of the outer symptoms of that state is the fatigueless state, being capable of working in the environment in a state of non-fatigue and minimizing the intake of substance and gradually to where there is no need for substance. This is evidence of the Soul’s ability. 0:24 Since we are Soul, our origin tells us that we must prove these qualities to ourselves sooner or later and we find ourselves evolving to a point everyday feeling no need for food, minimum amount of food, minimum amount of tiredness, more activity in ourselves. How come this sudden change in a progressive society happening to individuals who are not aware of it being a spiritual principle, suddenly you don’t follow any religious belief but then you find yourself not craving to eat large meals in the day, then you discover you don’t have the need for much sleep at night, then you discover that you seem to have abundant energy, vitality, more zest for existing, working, where does it come from? It simply does not come by just imagining, there are certain changes occurring already within our nature because you are unfolding as Soul, the more and more as we understand, we unfold. Now in this state you are working with knowledge for the first time. The very first level you are working is perception, which is Matter acting on Matter, the second level you are working with cognition, that is Energy acting on Matter, the third level you are working with intellect, that is Consciousness acting on Matter. Now the fourth level is Energy acting on Energy, you’re working now with knowledge. 0:26 It is written that Man does not live by bread alone, it’s a known knowledge, a known science of how the body can function independent of solids and liquids, a gradual state of Soul’s unfoldment. Man is Soul, he doesn’t have a Soul. When he labors under the illusion he has a Soul then he goes through the various levels of confusion and never find the source back because he would not know how to differentiate between the sensory life or the illusive life and the real life which is the intuitive life. The next level up the Soul travel is Consciousness acting on Energy. Here now Man is working with reason, Consciousness acting on Energy, he is using reason experimentation, Consciousness acting on Energy. He can take electrical power, work with his consciousness and direct it. He can take forms of energy and direct it with his consciousness by experimentation and reason, harness it to his own needs. Also he can go into the extrasensory nature by bringing his consciousness to vibrate now and perform what is called psychic surgery. Psychic surgery is actually passing the hand through the tissue of the body, separating it, taking out the diseased part, closing up the wound, and leaving no scar, it’s Consciousness acting on Energy. 0:28 Healing the blind with insignificant substances like spit and sand as Jesus did when He spit on the ground, rubbed it up with His feet, took it and put it on the man’s eye and then also raising the dead, all these different aspects occur in Consciousness acting on Energy. The experimentation of consciousness and the Divine Reason occurs in that level. The soul is unfolding, but that doesn’t make the soul in that state liberated as yet, the soul is still subject to time and space. Because the soul is subject to time and space at that level, it’s not liberated, it’s not free. Jesus said “As many as received Him to them gave He the power to become Sons of God.” Also He said, “Seek the truth, the truth will make you free, free men all, lord of yourself.” The Eastern scriptures say Man must be freed while living, not while dead, he must attain Jivanmutka or freedom while living, he must attain this higher state of freedom, freed from the sensory pull, free from the time-space relationship. This is the freedom they are talking of. Now it’s the next level up the freedom occurs where Consciousness is acting on Consciousness, you call it the Christ-Self or the intuitive awareness. Consciousness acting on Consciousness, it’s the teacher self, the God-Self or Christ-Self, not the Supreme God-Self, but it’s the Christ-Self, the intuitive self, it’s the Guru-Self or Master-Self, it’s that state where the consciousness is directing consciousness. 0:30 The Soul has now entered a level in which the Creator is personalized, in the Hebrew writings they call it Emanuel, God-in-Man, the intuitive level is the God-in-Man relationship, the consciousness permeating the physical being acting through that level. In pure Consciousness acting on Consciousness there is no error, there in that state you are free for the first time, free men or lord of the self. Now that is Self Realization right up to there, you have arrived at total Self Realization where consciousness is acting on consciousness or the intuitive self or Christ-Self. Now Jesus made a statement, He says “you see Me you see the Father.” Now it begins to become God Realization from there on up, the Self Realization is the stepping stone into God Realization, seeing the Christ is seeing the God-Self. It’s the next step up we enter now what is called Beingness acting on Consciousness. In that state it’s the Divine Wisdom, the Creative Intelligence, or Holy Spirit, that particular level of being that holds us as one with the Spirit or the Father, we are held in that state together with the Father. 0:32 In that state we inwardly hear the Divine Current resounding in ourselves, it’s called the Holy Comforter, it’s comforting to you because it transcends every other level of being to hold you in the luminosity of consciousness. When it occurs in there, there is wisdom for the first time, a luminous type of wisdom, a radiant type of wisdom, your whole being begins to glow with it. Every taint or every action that was once left over is all cleared out, even when you got to the Christ state, it’s all cleared out. Now in that state you’re pure and luminous, this is what they call Ascension, you would understand it as Ascension. Jesus told His disciple when she tried to touch Him, “Touch me not, I have not yet ascended unto the Father.” Her negative force field coming in contact with His positive force field would have short circuit and instantly kill her. He had to wait until these conscious levels were settled, established, and cured before He could allow even His own disciples to touch Him. When He came back to them in the upper chamber, He did not refuse to let them touch Him because He had already made the transition in consciousness. Then the final transition was to appear in front of them and ascend into this ascended state of Beingness acting on Consciousness, giving them the confirmation that their reality as soul is a valid experience for them whenever they make the ascension. That’s why He says, “I go unto the Father, but I send the Holy Comforter who will remind you of all these things in My name and in My Father’s house there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you. If it were not so I would tell you.” 0:34 If these levels were not actually there in levels of Beingness, then a Master who is working from Consciousness acting on Consciousness could not tell us that this is the way back to the Source. A Master is an individual who has mastered each level back to the source, He’s not an individual who pulls you by the nose and tells you “come along, I’m going to take you there” like a cow with a ring in his nose. A Master is that individual who has mastered the levels in order to take you back to the source. He is the wayfarer, that’s why He calls Himself, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.” He shows you how to walk backwards into consciousness from the level of Matter acting on Matter right back up to the last state now, Beingness acting on Beingness, Supreme Creative Intelligence, you see? 0:35 Now it is said that Jesus ascended on the third day unto the Father and He sat on the right hand of the Father, isn’t that what it says? Are you familiar with that statement, He sat on the right hand of the Father? Ask yourself, if the Father is the Omnipresent Creative Intelligence does He have a right hand and a left hand? Symbolically speaking what is He saying? The right hand of the Father is Beingness, the left hand of the Father is Consciousness and the Christ is that state of Consciousness acting on Consciousness. This state of intuitive development that the Master Jesus passed through, now He must go to the next level where He goes into Beingness, Beingness is superior than Consciousness. So Consciousness was a level in which He had control of, Consciousness acting on Consciousness, now He’s going to Beingness acting on Consciousness so Beingness is positive, Consciousness is negative at the seventh level up. So He ascended on the right and sat on the right hand meaning from Consciousness He went to Beingness working upon Consciousness, in that state He was in total ascension. Now no one becomes the Creator, no one becomes God, everyone becomes God Realized. So even Master Jesus is saying He is sitting on the right hand of the Father, He didn’t say He became the Father, He said, “If you see Me, you see the Father.” 0:37 If you can reach Consciousness acting on Consciousness, it is possible for you to experience some degree of Beingness, but from that level you have to transcend it to Beingness, but when you enter that Beingness state you are like saying “sitting on the right hand” or the positive charge of the Divine Intelligence and the Consciousness is the negative charge of the Divine Intelligence. The Father Itself is the Creative Intelligence that has become us all, even Master Jesus and all the great truth seekers, all the great Teachers of truth, this Creative Intelligence has become us all. There in that state Pure Beingness is total love, total compassion, total mercy, It’s devoid of all form, but It cannot communicate to Its creation which is Soul on an intimate level unless there is some form. Beingness cannot communicate to anything unless there’s a form. In pure Beingness if there is no form to communicate with, there is no communication because it’s total infinite love, total unconditional love, total unconditional grace, to whom will it communicate? It needs consciousness to communicate with because it’s Beingness. So the only level that Man as a being can aspire to is Beingness acting on Consciousness. Therefore the scripture says we become individuals who have dominion over the Universe, “Unto Man is given the power to have dominion over the universe,” that is Beingness acting upon Consciousness, it does not say that Man becomes the owner of the Universe. 0:39 There is no way, shape, or form that Man will ever become owner of the universe, he cannot say “I am God” but he can say that “I am God realized.” Now being God realized does not mean to advise them, His very presence is luminous to radiate peace, a peace that passes understanding, a peace that heals the consciousness because that’s what you want to heal, consciousness that is in a state of confusion, a state of restlessness, and peace entering consciousness from that pure Being state subsides all internal strife and you feel now you are in the presence of a Being who is emanating peace. Now one would have to arrive at this inner integration to feel it and recognize it then one knows without doubt that one is soul and soul is that reflected aspect of the pure intelligence, that effulgent light that emanantes through the body. Our origin is locked up in Beingness where we all came down from and the highest state we can return on the conscious level is Beingness acting on Consciousness because it must have consciousness to relate to and if there is no consciousness to relate to, we can’t understand Beingness, we would dissolve into the Beingness and the basic fear of human mind is that if he finds God he’s going to lose himself in God and he wants to hold onto his individuality. Isn’t that why we are afraid to look for God? Less we find ourselves like a sugar cube dissolving in water, but what becomes of the water when the sugar cube is dissolved into it? It gets sweet. 0:41 When the consciousness of the individual is dissolved in the ocean of Beingness, the consciousness of the individual becomes omnidirectional, that’s why they call it Cosmic Consciousness or liberated. There is no loss of identity, it’s the first time you have found your identity, it’s the first time you have found your oneness. “I and my Father are one.” It’s a state of being in which you live and function, you go into that state and you recognize it, you identify, and you come back down into the sensory level to live and living in the sensory level you have no desires, you function according to Divine Will. Now the Divine Will is God’s desire to be acted out by His creation. Creation must make the attempt to fulfill God’s will so Jesus is telling us, “Man ought to be perfect.” Man ought to bring into manifestation the perfected will of God by the right attitude. Knowing your origin, it makes it easier to bring this about in your life, not knowing your origin makes it difficult because you don’t know where you’re going, you don’t know why you are here, and you don’t know what is happening to you. If you know where you’re going, you know how you were constructed, then it becomes easy to live with the mistakes accumulated through the centuries of thinking, let alone the implications of your daily life, you will begin to see now the value of unfoldment, you will see the value of facing yourself. 0:43 This leads to an involvement in life. You could not be involved with life and love it or understand it if you don’t know your origin, but if you know your origin you can accept your involvement. Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon thee for it is light.” He had to indicate at some point of His mission where we are, who we are, what we are in order to be involved. So our true knowledge is necessary first as to our origin, we have to remove from the consciousness that we have a Soul, that we are Soul, and do not be afraid to admit it. The Realized Master only exists in the world primarily to refute the erroneous idea that Man has a Soul. He lives as an example of Man being Soul, total mastery of His origin. Now living in the world is called the God in flesh, the incarnate of the Divine Being into matter, this is what the term Emmanuel means, this is what the term Avatara in the Hindu scriptures mean, the descent of the Being or the Spirit into the flesh into the Godhead. This coming down from that pure state of being right down to Matter acting on Matter, the last level. This is also meaning, “He descended into Hell and rose on the third day and ascended into Heaven.” The Beingness of a Realized Man can go to the lowest level of Matter acting on Matter became He knows He’s Soul and ascend right back to the source of pure Being all within the course of one lifetime. 0:45 Soul is that reality in which we find ourselves involved with, we are the Soul, we don’t have a Soul. I’ll give you a little illustration. If you take flour, raisins, water, oil, and put it all together and you put it in a baking pan and you bake it what would you call it after it’s finished baking? (audience inaudible) Why don’t you call it “flour, raisin, water, cook?” Why do you suddenly give it a name? The ingredients are there, but you don’t call it that anymore, you suddenly give it a name. Man is Soul, but the ingredients of the Soul is a chemical body, an electrical or energy body, an idea or thought body or a causal body, these are the ingredients of Man that makes him up and that composition is called Soul. Man is this unique composition of a chemical structure of 16 basic elements and trace elements, an electrical composition of 19 elements, and an ideational or thought composition of 35 elements in the (inaudible) matrix, he’s classified by the Creative Intelligence as Soul, so he doesn’t have a Soul. 0:47 Now what breaks down in Man is the way he thinks, “As a man thinketh that is what he is.” His thinking sets the degenerative action going by not knowing his origin, by not knowing his true nature. As long as he thinks he has a soul, he starts the degenerative action moving already, he starts the aging process to go, he starts every action to break down the chemical body. All the emotional output, all the disturbances start going out because not knowing the origin. Now knowing the origin you will start recycling, you will start regenerating back, the whole process becomes back to its source so the body does not break down, the mind does not go into frenzy or restless states, and the spiritual equalities remain in the highest state of extra sensory attunement therefore the whole unit now is a luminous mirror of the Divine. Man is Soul, see? But he has to accept it and that’s very difficult after being told that you have a Soul and you’ve got to save it and you have to save it from being put into some limbo and when I was a kid I used to say, “Why would the devil want to use my soul as charcoal for his oven?” You see? He’s gonna send us into hell and the devil down there is going to poke us into an oven and burn us up? I couldn’t figure out why he was going to use my soul as charcoal, but when you’re a child you think like a child until you mature in consciousness and realize what it’s all about involving the Divine Consciousness. The Divine Consciousness has placed within this very structure all the punishments, all the rewards, and the salvation, not outside, it’s inside. We reward ourselves, we punish ourselves or we can liberate ourselves. 0:49 We can break the bubble of delusion around us, we can break that tremendous thought that we have a Soul and enter into Soul freedom and know without doubt that we are Soul. Jesus and all the great teachers of truth came as examples to show us how to break it, but until we know how we’re constructed inside, we are not going to break it, it becomes very difficult, but once we know how we’re constructed it becomes easy to resolve the complex. First we are Matter acting on Matter, that’s the first level we’re in. The second level is Energy acting on Matter. The third level is Consciousness acting on Matter. The fourth level is Energy acting on Energy. The fifth level is Consciousness acting on Energy. Up to that point, you’re involved with time, space, you’re involved with the Lord of Creation, not the Lord of Intelligence, the Lord of Creation, karma, up to that point there is karma. That means as you do unto others is done back unto you, as you sow that you reap, consciousness acting on the energy rhythms. Beyond that state lies liberation, it’s the next level up which you call the Teacher Level or the Master Level or the Intuitive Level or the Christ Level, Consciousness acting on Consciousness. There are not desires in that state, there is no time cycle in that state, it’s all timeless, for the first time you and the Father can have a face-to-face confrontation, for the first time you can have an experience in Beingness. 0:51 In that level now there is freedom, the shell is being broken, Consciousness acting on Consciousness. So some people say “I hear the voice of God talking to me, I hear His consciousness permeating me, therefore I am moved by the Spirit.” These are simple ways to indicate that Divine Consciousness working on your own consciousness, that intuitive nature acting on your own nature. Some people say when the telephone rings, “I know who is on the phone.” These are little smigens of Consciousness acting on Consciousness. We can pickup messages from people at various distances, these are small representations of Consciousness acting on Consciousness. The full magnitude of Consciousness acting on Consciousness is the ability to materialize your thoughts at will. Think for one moment the magnitude of power involved in that statement, when you have entered the pure intuitive conscious level of Consciousness acting on Consciousness that you are in possession of the power to crystalize thoughts at will. You see if you don’t have an ethical life, you can make a mess of creation? If you don’t live an ethical system what would happen having the power to crystalize thoughts? Good or bad is crystalized once you enter that state. 0:53 Now you could not enter that state if you were not ethical in the first place, it’s not possible. To become Christ Realized where Consciousness is acting on Consciousness, the Soul had shed the impurities out of the heart, “the pure in heart sees God.” At this level purification of the heart is complete, you are free for the first time, the internal feelings of the heart are pure, there are no unethical feelings in there, it’s magnifying itself now and glowing, it’s becoming sacred, it’s your inner sanctuary of your being. There in that state you would now possess this quality that someone has an urge or a craving and your consciousness vibrates at their level of craving and crystalize it for them. In that state you don’t have desires, in that state you have the power to crystalize desires, not yours, the desires of those who are in need. Now Jesus did not have a desire of His own to crystalize it, He didn’t have to crystalize water into wine for His own needs, but there was someone who needed it. He did not have to crystalize health for His own need, it was other people who had need of it. So in that state when the Soul has reached that level, there you and the Father are one, you are in that particular level of Beingness, you have this quality endowed into you, given to you. 0:55 Now the next level up is the ascension level, Beingness acting on Consciousness, the luminous wisdom. There you see yourself and you are on the right hand of God. Now we use the word right hand to symbolize Beingness, left hand to symbolize Consciousness, one is greater than the other in terms of experience. In that state you have total awareness not only in a chemical body, electrical body, ideational body, but in life and in death you are totally free, there is no limitation to your journey home to the source, there is no level of creation to which you are subject to, you are free men, lord of yourself. You have to arrive at that state to be truly free men, lord of yourself, and it must occur while in a physical frame. God Realization must be achieved while we’re in the body, not outside of the body, but it’s inside the body that gives magnitude to being outside of the body, it is that which makes it possible for us to glorify God outside in the impersonal nature and to recognize Him as the personal nature of Man. So when you look at your fellow Man, try to feel the God-ness flowing through him on a personal level and feel the peace that they emanate, that little smidgen of peace that one can feel in another’s presence is enough to transform consciousness. That’s why Jesus said, “You cut out the tongues of men of peace and the very stones would shout peace.” Knowing the origins of yourself as Soul and know the qualifications of the Soul radiating out as peace, that peace, that little peace that you would feel, that little contact is sufficient to make changes in your mechanism, it’s sufficient to change other people’s and affect them. 0:57 And the last state, Beingness acting on Beingness, this is the supreme Creative Intelligence which we are all one. We came from that source, we’re identified with it, and the peculiarity of that state sometimes is that you meet someone and you feel like you’ve known them all your life. We have a tendency to relate to that as karma or past life relationships, but don’t get yourself too fooled with that, the reason why you feel this tremendous intimacy “where have you been all my life” feeling, you have come from the source of Being of pure Love, we’re all sprang forth from that Oneness. This is greater in feeling once you realize its meaning that the oneness of all things comes from the source of Beingness and when you feel that, then you really understand what Jesus meant, “I and the Father are One.” The oneness of all things. Thank you. (Applause.) 0:58 Host: I know some of you are anxious to ask Adano some questions, who has the first one? Audience: I understand when you die you can think of something and it will materialize, does that mean that in this state you have reached Consciousness acting on Consciousness? Adano: No, when you die and you understand that you can think of something and see it materialize in that state that is a demonstration of Consciousness Acting on Energy. You see thoughts that we can generate at that point can come to haunt us or lift us up that is why they say Benediction or Holy Unction of the dying in bed of the individual would help to raise the consciousness. The early priests did it but did not understand what they were doing but they felt that if their mind could carry some impression of some degree of love or holiness, it would hold onto it while leaving the physical frame. The thought at death should be very pure and lift the consciousness up. Now there are two things that occur when you leave the body at death. One: the Lord of Creation is on your left side standing up and the Master is on the right side standing up. That means consciousness is personified in the Lord of Creation and Beingness is personified as the Master standing on the right side. Now when you’re ready to leave, the eyes are pulled up and goes out through the back in the medulla area. 1:00 Now the first person or the first expression or confrontation at death is the Lord of Creation which carries the accounting of your karma, you’ll have the see the things you have done or abused the Creative Intelligence, the Creative Forces, how you’ve used it, how you’ve abused it, and have to account for it. Now if you are not acquainted with any spiritual teaching during your lifetime then you go immediately into the current of consciousness to pay for your deeds, “As you sow, that you reap,” then reincarnation is a natural law to compensate for the action of abuse of the life energy. Now the Creative Intelligence is not going to interfere, the Creative Intelligence is a pure white light beaming down on you, but It has these two force fields flowing out as Consciousness and Beingness and we as matter structure working it out, we leave and account for how we abused the energy. Now if we have some type of framing and where we are aware of some Being who gives us a model of how to behave, then that Being comes over and assume the responsibility of the karma. He doesn’t take the karma but He assumes the responsibility of measuring it out periodically to you in your incarnations so that it doesn’t break you up too soon and see that you go into that particular home or life pattern where it’s easier to work it out than just to be thrown into a life form in which there is no compassion and it’s very difficult to work it out. So the Master Consciousness, if you’re trained in some religion, that consciousness of that Being will be there. 1:02 For a Buddhist he will see Buddha, for a Christian he will see Jesus, for a Hindu he will see Krishna, that Master form, God or personalized aspect of God, assumes the karmic responsibility of the Soul to work it out in a form that is more conducive with too much overload. Therefore the last thought is very important like the thief on the cross, he said “Master, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” Now if we even have that particular thought image in our consciousness when we are ready to vacate this physical frame, then we will have the assurance of what the Master gave the thief, He said “Verify verily I say unto thee on this day you and I shall be in paradise.” Paradise is not a place, para is the Sanskrit word that means beyond, dise means desire, you and I will be beyond desire levels, you and I will be beyond Consciousness acting on Energy, you and I will be in Consciousness acting on Consciousness, I will pull out your conscious Soul force, pass through the various levels of creation where you are subjected to time and space and take you where I remain as a Master Consciousness in the Divine State, Consciousness acting on Consciousness. Now we are free, we are granted salvation at death by grace if we have this mental image in our consciousness after failing. There is no one who can say he has achieved yet until he has experienced that and as long as he hasn’t experienced it, he is wise to be humble and ask to be remembered during the process of transition and then the Master Being if you are a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, that personal aspect of God will pull you right away through to that conscious level where you are beyond the pull of desire. 1:04 Audience: Adano, in the Catholic faith what is the purpose done when a priest is at the bedside of a dying man? What is that ceremony? Adano: Yes, that ceremony is the Holy Unction. Audience: And what does it do? Adano: It helps the individual to lift his consciousness in a forgiving state and achieve the benediction of grace that the personalized aspect of his belief would assume now the tangible sponsoring-ship of his Soul. In other words let say you don’t have no credit at the bank and you want to open credit, you would be required to have what? Colateral or a sponsor, isn’t that true? Now if you don’t have colateral then you have to have a sponsor, the sponsor would have to guarantee the bank that you would make payments or he would put up the money and make the notes easier for you to make the payments based upon your income. Equally true, this particular experience at death is to involve you and the personalized aspect of God that has embodied itself on the Earth as a sponsoring-ship of your divine credit in the bank of life so that you would handle your credit again to work it out in lesser aspects of turmoil, lesser aspects of tension, or breaking the body up too soon. This is a way of working it out. Now you are liberated by grace and pulled up if you can remember, by asking to remember. Now if we ask for remembrance then we are asking for grace and through this particular attitude we can be lifted up beyond the pull of our desires. 1:06 The only reason you can reincarnate, or that you do reincarnate, is the unfulfilled desire. Now if you don’t have no desires and you’re pulled beyond that level of creation by a sponsoring-ship of a Master’s consciousness then you are free, you’re liberated at death and there will be a change in your physical mechanism. Many people have died with a horror on their face and many have died with a glow on their face, this is what we’re talking about occurring in your being inside. Now there was a friend of mine who was an initiate whose father died and before he died he asked me to come and see his father, but I couldn’t make it in time so I said to him, “I’ll see your father before he goes” but he thought literally I’d get to the hospital to see the father. That day I meditated, it was four o’clock in the afternoon and then the phone rang and informed me the father had passed on and “I’m sorry you didn’t get to the hospital.” I said, “Are you sure?” He says, “Well no I’m not sure, a strange thing has happened just before father died.” I said, “Can you describe it.” He said, “Yes, he was in a coma all through the day and just about a quarter to two he opened his eyes and he looked to the room and he looked at me and all of a sudden his face went into a horror.” And he says “At that moment I felt your presence” and then he said, “My father’s face changed and there was a glow and a smile on his face and then as he smiled he looked at me, reached out and touched my hand, and he passed on.” I said, “Now you understand when I said I will see your father before he leaves. I did not say I would be present physically at your father’s death in the hospital.” 1:08 The Divine consciousness can reach out and lift your Soul past that point in that experience. Now the man when he passed out of the body, his face had a beautiful smile, the next day I was present to perform part of the ceremony with another minister and those who were able to see in the room saw the father standing at the head of the coffin and these were people who had no (inaudible) ideas or beliefs, they were good old fashioned church goers from the Catholic environment, yet they did have wonderful experiences in that chapel. Now what I’m trying to point out is one can help another individual in the last moments of death to raise the consciousness to a higher level by thinking of some individual who can lift them up or send them the thought of love that they are being lifted up. In the boy’s mind, he was constantly praying that the love of Christ would lift his father up and he was lifted up so it is possible that at death this happens and it’s very important that at those moments to even you know someone is passing on and you want to help them and there’s no priest around who you can turn to, then as an individual you can repeat in their right ear, “the Christ in me loves the Christ in you” and they will be lifted up. You see this is a way of sponsoring them. Your Christ consciousness sponsors them in that realm, you can be an asset to them passing out. 1:10 Audience: About the origin of how we got separated to begin with, would you help me that a little bit? Adano: The origin of how we got separated to begin with… The Creative Intelligence of pure Being craved out of His love nature to form a creation, remember He craves therefore desire is divine principle too, don’t look at desire as something bad. We would not inherit or have desire in our nature if it was not part of the creative structure to desire. The Creative Structure, the Creative Principle desires creation, desires a crystallization of love, love pure is total light. Now it has to have a form to interact on and that form must come out from craving, so craving in its pure state is God’s perfect will. His perfect will is to manifest a creation whereby the creation would adhere to perfect will and adhering to perfect will, would live according to perfect law of existence. Now the first indication of pure Divine Will is Beingness but because the Creative Intelligence could not leave us in that state of pure Beingness without testing His creation, He endowed us with choice or “I am”-ness. This is the next level down, Beingness acting on Consciousness, we are all from the ocean of pure Beingness acting on Beingness. Now for us to step out of this ocean of Beingness we have to have to step out of the Beingness acting on Consciousness, you see Consciousness is a different state and Consciousness is where choice is made, choice is not made in Beingness, you have to make it out of your Consciousness. 1:12 Audience: Well I thought at this higher level that our desires would be one with God’s desires. Adano: Yes it’s God’s desire but at the same time it’s freedom to choose to adhere to divine will. He has to test you at that point if you would adhere to divine will. He has a desire for you to be perfect, to remain perfect, a pure Being, He’s giving you a choice in the form of Consciousness. Now He’s telling you, “Obey My will, do My will.” Now if you don’t do the will the only sin we have is disobedience, we don’t have any other sin. Disobedience is the non-application of divine law, when we apply divine law we have perfect obedience, we obey the law, we are in tune with the Father all the time, we are perfect beings. When we disobey we are imperfect beings, then we are tainted with consciousness, we are tainted with the wrong use of choice in our consciousness. 1:14 Audience: Well then a lot of time you go through many of these different levels day by day, does that seem… And so Christ when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He had a choice? Adano: Yes. Audience: He was not predestined in other words to go through this particular event because His life led up to this? Adano: Predestined and God’s will act as one, choice or permissive will is the determining factor of adherence. God is already predestining His creation, let me show you what I mean. This building has to be prewired before the electrical company will allow the energy to flow through it, creation is preset by the Creator before He can allow His life power to flow through it as an actual thing. Now, you are permitted to pull the main switch and shutoff all the power and spoil all your food in the refrigerator or go and turn off the wall switch and (inaudible), this is a choice you have, but you don’t have a choice in determining the wiring, this has to be setup in order for the power to come in. Now the same is true of us, the karmic tendencies regenerated them and the responsibilities that incurred must be faced by us. Now we have the choice to avoid or face up to them and that’s what tonight’s lecture means, Involvement, how we come to be involved and to face them. Until we can face it up, we are not free from it, how we dropped out is a divergence from the divine will by wrong use of our permissive will or Christ will. 1:16 Now that is not something we are condemned for, it is not something that we are damned into infinity for, because we abused the use of it that doesn’t say the Creator would destroy us. If you have a child and you tell the child “don’t go in that room” because you have a bunch of objects on the floor that you’re painting and he may spoil it, the child comes in the room and everything is flared up, you’re going to spank the child and kill the child? You may admonish the child, but you’re not going to kill the child and you’ll start all over telling the child to pick it up and put it back into place. Equally true we are permitted to act in the creative forcefield, but we’re not damned to be destroyed because of our ignorance. We can regain our way back through the right choice just as much as we pulled ourselves away by the wrong choice (inaudible). Now the choice is determined by “I AM.” Every time you say “I am” you are triggering choice, you see, otherwise there wouldn’t be no need for it. “I AM” is consciousness, not being, “I am” a microphone, “I am” a recorder, “I am” a podium, “I am” Adano Ley, or “I am” Jack Smith, “I am,” “I am,” “I am,” Popeye the sailor man too, but this is the “I am”-ness that is constantly creating and separating us from the Creative Intelligence. It’s generating all the “I am”-ness in it to separate us, once we recognize that then we turn our face back to the source. We would not come away from the source if it was not designed that way. You see God has a purpose behind it, the Creative Intelligence real purpose for our existence is to follow Divine Law through obedience. 1:18 Now let’s say for one moment you had obeyed then we would all be in a state of pure love, you will not suffer the four deaths or the four births, but we disobeyed so we have to suffer them. Audience: Different things raise you in consciousness through the different levels, meditation is one, what about something maybe we are more familiar with, what is communion and how does that raise it, what is communion for? Adano: Different things raise you different levels of consciousness, meditation and so forth it is true and where does communion fit in? Communion is that particular level of awareness in which you are involved with the Christ Intelligence, Consciousness acting on Consciousness. Now of all the ceremonies in the church, communion is the most significant because it has the vibratory force brought down by angelic beings present there and those who can see it will see it first amassing itself into the chalice, into the wafer, and into the wine. Now a highly evolved individual partaking in that ritual or ceremony or that initiation, which it is really, will actually taste the wine as blood and taste the wafer as flesh, symbolically indicated by Jesus, but the actual taste relationship will be there for a fully evolved individual to experience. 1:20 Now the wafer represents the unity of matter, the wine represents the flow of the vitality of the spirit or energy into matter, and the when these two things fuse as one we have Beingness acting on Consciousness again. That’s why He says, “Do these things in remembrance of Me.” Every time you look upon the experience and see matter and energy fusing itself, you would have an integration in the Christ state. Now this brings you up to Beingness acting on Consciousness which is ascension, we must achieve ascension. You see the holy communion is given before the crucifixion, it was given as a preparation for resurrection leading to ascension and the individual is reminded that this is a bond that he has to adhere to, this is an initiation into another level of consciousness of Beingness acting on Consciousness. So once you experience it, even though you do it in a ritual way without any true understanding, there is that bond occurring in you and it’s lifting you up. 1:22 Now at the death bed, they do give holy communion to the dying individual as to insure that bond between the Soul and the Master Consciousness, that the Master Consciousness will pull it out of the levels of desire into that state of desireless in order to achieve Resurrection and into Ascension. You see we not only must Resurrect, but we must Ascend, “To him that overcometh I will not send forth a second time, but I will make him a pillar in the house of My Lord.” That is a permanent fixture in creation and a permanent fixture in creation is Beingness, we have to be some being in creation permanently established at that level. So communion is that locking in to lift you out of the desire levels which involve time and space, which is Consciousness acting on Energy, it pulls you up via the Christ awareness, which is Consciousness acting on Consciousness “in remembrance of me,” into Beingness acting on Consciousness, which is a permanency of your being. So we have what is called a tremendous gift of God via the communion in which man can be lifted up by God’s grace, not by God’s compassion, by God’s compassion is not what we want, we want His grace, to be lifted by His grace via these levels. By ourselves we cannot make it, it’s difficult for us to make it, there is too much pain and agony, yet by the grace impinging upon us by the Christ intelligence, we are pulled through from Consciousness acting on Energy, which is the highest level of human desire in this mechanism, into the Christ state, which is Consciousness acting Consciousness where there is no desire within the human mechanism, into the Beingness acting on Consciousness which is the ascended state which is the conclusion of the being. 1:24 Now we can have bodily assumption, not necessarily physical ascension, after resurrection. Bodily assumption can occur where your body is actually ascended without going through the throes of death as in the case of Mary and Enoch and the various great men and woman in past times and today in the whole religious life, there can be that particular experience of bodily assumption and it does occur, but the holy communion is that bond that takes us from the desire state to the desireless state to the established permanent state. That’s why we’re asked to do it in remembrance of the Christ, not in remembrance of Jesus. If it was in the remembrance of Jesus it would be a different thing, we’re asked to do this particular involvement in rememberance of the Christ intelligence because He says, “This is My body, this is My spirit or blood.” The Christ intelligence is involved in matter and it’s involved in energy and once it’s involved in matter and energy, it’s involved with desirelessness, there can be no desire in that state. 1:26 Audience: Well even those religions like Hindus or Buddhists who don’t have a communion… Adano: They have a communion, it is called a prashad, they have a communion, don’t think communion is a new invention, it’s not, it just so happens that Jesus used water or used wine and bread to indicate the ritual, the ritual is known in the East as the consecrated food of God. “This is My body which nourishes you, I am the Creator, the Divine Intelligence, Desirelessness (inaudible) free from all desires, totally free. Therefore eat prashada, eat the divine food of light and be absolved and be elevated.” This is not a new idea, Jesus just brought the idea and put it in a different context of utilizing bread and wine and trying to intimate that the Christ Intelligence is the thing, Krishna Consciousness means the same thing, it’s known in the East as prashada, the food that we eat, and everything there is consecrated. Now a true mystic, if he doesn’t eat food, the only thing that will go down his stomach or stay down in his stomach, is consecrated food, that is the holy communion of prashad. Once it’s blessed in that state, he can absorb it and it will stay down in his intestinal tract, if it’s not, it will come up back as in the case of the Catholic stigmatist, Therese Newman, she did not live on food for quite a long time, yet the only food that would stay down in her stomach was the daily communion that she took, the wafer and wine. Now in the East you have the same thing, you have mystics there that cannot eat anything or will not eat anything, but then they’re given prashad and it stays down, any other substance would come up. It has nothing to do with the religious names, it has to do with the principle behind it. So holy communion of prashada is that level that raises your consciousness from desire to desirelessness, forgiveness, or permanency, and this is the purpose of prashad or holy communion, that one would have this this consecrated food, it’s God’s love passing through and it’s tremendous if you ever encountered it, some people are healed by eating it or some people are healed by taking holy communion too, it’s that bond. (end of tape)

1972 October Part 2 - Involvement

Adano72_2InvolvementQ1NW4 - For Swamis there are no lectures, it is Satsanga, Satsanga means fellowship with the truth and there are three things occurring all the time, one a physical contact, two mental, three extrasensory. Before we can start, let us calibrate the mind (short meditation). Thank you. Earlier today I spoke on the Origin, before we can get to the second part which is called Involvement, let us review ourselves on the Origin of Man as consciousness. One is matter acting on matter, the very first level, two energy acting on matter, three consciousness acting on matter, four energy acting on energy, five consciousness acting on energy, six consciousness acting on consciousness, seven beingness acting on consciousness, eight beingness acting on beingness. Our origin is involved in these levels of creation and we have fallen down from those states, from beingness acting on beingness right down to matter acting on matter. 0:04 You know it as heaven and hell in your scriptural writings, in actual awareness of the mind and soul, it is beingness acting on beingness, the Creative Intelligence, the very source-field of our being, and matter acting on matter, the end result in which we are held in. Here we are in matter acting on matter, there is no lower step than that, we call it Hell. Actually it’s HELD not HELL, we are held in this state by the sensory contact of our nature. Now begins the turmoil of having stripped oneself as a being from pure intelligence, descending down all the way to matter acting on matter. While we could not come away from beingness acting on beingness if there was no desire, the Creative Intelligence has a desire, you call it a plan, a perfect plan, a perfect desire that the creation must go out through these eight levels of existence and return back completely untainted by obeying Divine Law or Cosmic Will. You know it as Divine Will or maintaining order through the process of coming down, but when we came away from that consciousness we were given choice, that is the problem, that creates the involvement. 0:06 We think that having choice we are free, we have nothing to be responsible to, we feel that we have this choice, we can do what we please. This is the very test that is designed by the Creative Desire to see if creation would obey. Now imagine given choice to do what you please and then told that you must follow a certain pattern of existence and go out and return. Many of us would obey and many of us would experiment and you ask yourself “Why did I experiment, why could I not obey?” Well if we all obey, we would not be searching for the way back to the (inaudible), the Creative knew this to be one of the principles of consciousness. He knew that in getting involved and obeying, the journey would be too simple, if we disobeyed the journey becomes more hair raising, it becomes more nerve wracking, it becomes more involved and that gives Him greater joy to see how His own creative principles will resolve themselves by this commitment and involvement. The Creator is not laughing at us, the Creative Intelligence is not sitting back and enjoying our misery, that’s not true. The Creative Intelligence is observing how we apply creative intelligence to resolve problems or trials, how we would draw on our creativity to surmount wrong choices, this is what gives us inner strength. 0:08 We would not know if this thing is strong enough if we never put it to the test. If you assume that I made this object according to the normal standard of melting the material down, shaping it, and putting it there and says “well now this is perfect, it will not deviate,” you have no guarantee until you put it to the test to see how strong this object will resist and when it does collapse you know the degree of strength in this object, then you will resolve it by fixing it again and giving it another opportunity. Equally true Creative Intelligence must test Its own creativeness within Its creation to see how much it can endure in its creativity and its commitment in order to give it liberation. This may sound very very sadistic, but it’s not sadistic, it’s the intended purpose. Perfection is achieved by trial, you can’t take the ore out of the ground and expect it would turn into gold immediately, you have to clean it up, you have to put it to fire, melt it down, and get the pure ore and then convert it into some piece of jewelry in order to use it. 0:10 Equally true the purity of this mechanism cannot just come out in the manifestation, be involved in levels of creation, and not lose its association with its source and expect it to return to the source completely free. You send your child to school, it doesn’t come back the same way it went out, it gets involved with other people, it takes up many impressions during the day, and when it returns it can confront you with questions and those very questions may not be the ones you might have asked your parents therefore you become very resentful to such questions. Equally true the Creative Intelligence, knowing fully well that He has placed His creative principle into us as Soul, must give us the freedom to go out into His creation and get involved in it and then turn around and rail at the Creator. Don’t we find ourselves doing that? Here we are down in the matter level, Matter acting on Matter, and we don’t have the total awareness anymore of our true nature, we can’t seem to remember what we are, we can’t seem to recall the source of our being, and our moments of frustration, restlessness, deep anxiety, bereavement, we turn around and rail. 0:12 We are in a state of Matter acting on Matter and we are railing at Beingness acting on Beingness and say “How dare you leave me down here, why don’t you lift me up, why don’t you do something?” But the Creative Intelligence has already placed within this structure its own salvation, the Creative Intelligence does not lift us out, It has given us creativity, It has given us free choice, It has given us the rules of coming down / going up back, it’s up to us to discover the model attitude. When we don’t have a model attitude then we are totally involved in our whirl of existence. Here comes the important aspect of involvement, the model attitude, whenever the Soul is caught up in the lowest aspects of life where Matter is acting on Matter and turns back and look at the Creative Source and wants to get home, it finds it difficult to do that. It may start experimenting, it may start crying out in prayer, it may start searching into psychic studies, still looking for the model attitude or the model behavior, then after a long series of agony or the darkness of the Soul or the night of the Soul as it is called, there comes an individual who is called God in Man, Master, a realized individual. 0:14 He in turn tells us at that level where we are caught that you don’t have a Soul, you are Soul, but in order to go back home to the source you need to follow a disciplined life, you need to have a model. So the term Emmanuel, meaning God in Man, and what the God in Man does is to give us a model of behavior. Now the model of behavior would be like the Beatitudes, attitudes of how to be. Remember we came down from Beingness acting on Beingness right down to Matter acting on Matter and between this eight levels we have fallen down by the wrong use of choice and have no model to go back up. We are floundering someway in the midpoint, we don’t seem to get any further than Energy acting on Energy and if we do get any further than that, it’s up to Consciousness acting on Energy which is as far as we get by our own efforts. Well here we see a peculiar parable having significance, the Prodigal Son. He was given his substance by the parent, he went out and the final end he ended up eating the food of the pig and that we would call Matter acting on Matter, the worst level possible that Man can arrive, slop in the form of food, material association. 0:16 Now the boy says to himself, “In my father’s house at least the servants eat better than I who grovel in this pigsty, I would go home and ask my father for a job. I don’t want to be accepted as his son, but I want to go back merely to serve my father as an employee, at least I’ll get three square meals a day, someplace to sleep.” So he turns around in consciousness. So we can say a Soul, endowed with the Creative Intelligence, has squandered the power of free choice and finds itself trapped in Matter acting on Matter, floundering in the senses. Now it comes to the senses to turn around and say “I want to return back to the Creative Source in order to live without making error by my choice. I’ve been making choices all through my physical life and they all turn out to be in error. They all seem to create dead-ends, repercussions, what I sow I reap. Here I’m involved with the total action and everything is turning out wrong. Lesson number one I’m eating my own words back, if I make a statement it turns around, I have to repeat the action.” Alright the prodigal son turns around and starts going home, on his way home the father notice someone coming up the highway and it is said in that parable the father met the boy halfway. 0:18 Now the father did not go out from his throne or his home to drag the boy out from the pigsty, he only met him halfway. It’s very important to understand that meaning of halfway, the Soul is never dragged out of a state of Matter acting on Matter by Divine Law, it must learn its own lesson of reconstructing its way back, but because it makes the turnaround, it will be met by the Creative Intelligence at the halfway mark. There we come now to the Master Consciousness, it is at the halfway mark we encounter the Master Consciousness. Now let us turn ourselves around and say Matter acting on Matter is the pigsty, we’re going back home now, the next step up is Energy acting on Matter, the next step up is Consciousness acting on Matter, the next step is Energy acting on Energy, that’s the fourth step up, that’s the halfway mark, Energy acting on Energy, then Consciousness acting on Energy. Beingness is having some compassion to come forward towards the halfway mark to greet the Soul, Consciousness is permeating, Beingness is getting the feeling to be concerned of seeing the Soul coming back. God only meets us halfway, He does not meet us the full way. Through this particular arrangement we need a God in Man, the God in Man is the Son or the Christ Intelligence. 0:20 This is why “none cometh unto the Father but by Me,” this is the reason the statement was made. Consciousness acting on Energy cannot go back now to Beingness unless it encounters Consciousness acting on Consciousness which is the sixth level up. This Consciousness acting on Consciousness is called in the ancient writings the Guru Consciousness, the Master Consciousness, or the Christ Consciousness, in scientific language it’s called the Intuitive Awareness consciousness. Here at this level choice is unerring, there is no failure in your involvement, whatever you do you can choose correctly for the first time, whatever you have done and made mistakes can now be corrected by making right choices because it’s extrasensory. You know without doubt how to choose in the levels of consciousness because in that state you are free, Consciousness acting on Consciousness, the Christ is working in that state in us. We are experiencing the Christ state, a state in which there is no error, “Unto the Son is given the power to forgive, the Father condemeth no man.” Beingness cannot condemn Soul, it’s not possible because Soul is already Being, but Consciousness would chastise Beingness at its lowest level. It takes Consciousness to resolve the mistakes of Being in the lower level. So Consciousness acting on Consciousness would correct this Being making mistakes due to the wrong use of choice. 0:22 We’re caught up in this involvement and we don’t understand why we are caught up in it, it is because we have come down by Divine desire, misused the principle of choice, find ourselves trapped in the lower levels of Matter acting on Matter, Energy acting on Matter, Consciousness acting on Matter, Energy acting on Energy, Consciousness acting on Energy, we are trapped, this is our involvement and the highest we can ever go by our own momentum is Consciousness acting on Energy, we are involved with time. In the Christ state there is no time, this is the first actual exposure to freedom, there is no involvement there, it is all love, below this state it’s involvement, it’s an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, as you sow that you reap, all the laws of karma are locked up up to that point, though the Soul itself has the brilliance of 9 million suns, it cannot penetrate beyond Consciousness acting on Consciousness by itself, it cannot penetrate the Christ intelligence by itself, it must have the guidance of a Christ intelligent individual to lift it up. When the Soul has achieved this state of awareness, then it will experience realization, but we need the model, we need an individual whose Soul is pure in heart, whose mere innocence, mere transformation is from animal mind into the God-mind to guide us. 0:24 We have to use the model behavior to mold us and lift us out from our commitments, our attachments, our desires of being trapped in these lower levels of creation. We don’t recognize it until we see the mistakes, how they occur from our thought patterns surrounding us, but as soon as we realize that and turn to that model then we can go back home. Now let us use the model of Jesus, the Beatitudes is a model of how to behave, the Lord’s Prayer is a model of how to live, all the various rules of looking inward are models of behavior, the God-man only tells us how to behave in order to be free from our involvement with the lower levels. Now in the Prodigal Son, the father or the Being-consciousness is meeting the boy at the halfway mark and he recognizes the boy as his son. Jesus said, “You see me, you see the Father,” a Christ-realized man is often regarded by the devotee or the soul or the student as the living Father of God, as the Lord made manifest, we regard the Master as a true God-father, a true God-parent. He alone can lift us up, He alone has the transcending grace that permeates the human form to dissolve the reactions and commitments of wrong thought, wrong behavior. 0:26 He alone can dissolve this, He alone can reach out and embrace us and accept us. Therefore the halfway mark is the meeting point, there Master consciousness or Consciousness acting on Consciousness or the Christ intelligence meets us, that’s why the statement is “None come unto the Father, but by Me.” Consciousness at its lowest level cannot enter total beingness at its highest level unless it encounters Consciousness acting on Consciousness, they have to meet at some point and resolve themselves. Now it says when the boy was taken home he was given the robe and the fatted calf and they had a banquet, well naturally once you enter Consciousness acting on Consciousness this is the full commitment of a Master and His involvement with you. He is supposed to bring you to this level where you are no longer in the realm of desire, everything is given now, you don’t pray, the boy did not pray for the mantle, the boy did not pray for the ring and the fatted calf, these were things given to the boy. The Soul has no more craving at Consciousness acting on Consciousness, there in that state the Divine power is bestowed upon the Soul, the power to crystallize thoughts at will, this is what the Christ intelligence embodies, the power to crystallize thoughts at will. Now think for one moment, you are in the possession of such a power, you don’t need anything else in this universe except that one gift, do you see that miracles are mere byproducts of the mind when you are in possession of the power to crystallize thought? 0:28 This is given to you without craving at the state of Consciousness acting on Consciousness which is called the Christ Consciousness, this power is transferred to you by Divine Law or Divine Grace. Now comes the other level up, they say there was another brother who remained at home and became envious of the one that returned home and questioned the father. There is a level between Consciousness acting on Consciousness and Beingness acting on Beingness, the level in between is called Beingness acting on Consciousness. In that state there is a degree of awareness that remains in the Divine Consciousness never going out, it’s called the Ascended state. This brother was told, “you’ve been with me, you’ve never asked, everything was yours.” Beingness acting on Consciousness, that is part of the creative forcefield, Beingness, and Consciousness is a part of the outward forcefield and the Creator being Beingness acting on Beingness, therefore the level down which is the son that remained home, is partaking of the father’s fortune without question, that is Beingness. Now when the return of the Soul comes back, Consciousness acting on Consciousness is confronting it, the Consciousness that is being acted upon by Beingness begins to question. Do you follow me so far? 0:30 The highest level is called Beingness acting on Beingness, these two words are the same, this is Divine Intelligence all the time. The next level down is Beingness acting on Consciousness, these are two different words. The third level down is Consciousness acting on Consciousness, two identical words. So we have the third and the first being identical in names, only the middle one is split, one is Beingness and one is Consciousness, one part of it is God, one part of it is involvement with God, outside of God, that’s the conscious part because it has to relate consciously, mind. So he says the second brother or the first brother, the eldest brother because it’s closest to the father, is questioning the father now, he’s using his mind, “why you do this for this other child, why don’t you do it for me?” Because the one further down is only Consciousness acting on Consciousness, the Christ Intelligence part is Consciousness acting on Consciousness, that is the active state in which the Master lives in the physical world, that you see the living Master, He’s in a state called Consciousness acting on Consciousness. When He ascends, He’s part God and part physical consciousness, that is to say it’s possible to see the Master Jesus with His physical body as a resurrected mechanism, that’s consciousness which your consciousness can recognize. He being God, manifest, pure, that is He is Beingness too, you can touch His manifested body, you can touch His resurrected body and realize it’s not an illusion of mind because it has both qualities, it has the permanency of God which is Being and it has the communicative quality of consciousness which requires your mind to recognize it. 0:32 Now this state is a state that is challenging the Father consciousness, “why do you do these things for only Consciousness acting on Consciousness,” and the Father is saying, Beingness saying to Beingness now, Beingness acting on Beingness is saying to Beingness saying to Consciousness, “you have been with me, you have never asked” because in such close proximity, these two states are in close proximity with each other, there is no need to ask. Now if one child stays home in your house and never questions why he cannot go into the refrigerator to take out what he needs, you don’t put a padlock on the refrigerator. So he’s hungry, he goes into the refrigerator, takes what he needs, he accepts this is his home, he doesn’t question, this is his (inaudible) behavior. The other brother went away and the other brother is returning now and he arrives and he’s just being dressed up a little, therefore there’s a banquet coming on. The one who remains at home who has everything, who never had no friends to go out to, to get involved doesn’t ask, but here is one who has been away and now everything has been given to him, the question of envy will come up. But it’s not a matter of envy, it’s a matter of involvement, the one that remained home never got involved. The Ascended state of God is a non-involved state, the Consciousness acting on Consciousness or the Christ state is a state of involvement, it’s a state that (inaudible) compassion to come out and meet you and try to lift you up, to lift you up to an ascended state. 0:34 The Christ state must lift you up from your problem, from your low levels of consciousness to a higher state and in so doing, it becomes involved, in so doing its mechanics, its body, is subjected to involvement. Now we can’t run away from involvement, let’s see how we can’t run away from it. Jesus is a realized Master of pure Beingness coming down from Beingness into Consciousness and having compassion and this Consciousness acting on Consciousness, these two are here. He must now accept a human body so He comes all the way down right to where Matter is acting on Matter, but the problem is this, He does not lose the association of His memory that He is Soul, that He is God-realized, this He does not lose, this He does not forget. Though He’s born a baby under unusual circumstances, He still retains this link back to the true Source. Now many of us are born and these are the ways we are born, being born without no memory of our past life. How many of us are being born now with a memory of past life, you see we haven’t even advanced anywhere yet because the four births are here. The Soul takes birth into physical life having no memory of past life, that’s the lowest form of birth, no memory of past life. Then born with memory of past life, there is some degree of retaining one’s memory patterns. 0:36 Then immaculate birth or immaculate conception or extrasensory insemination where total memory of all past lives, true nature of God, is maintained. And the fourth is direct materialization, fully 21 years of age, doesn’t need a physical body to come forth and walks into the universe, these are the four stages of birth. Now there are four stages of death, to die and decompose after you die, to die and not to decompose after you die, to die and resurrect your body and take it with you, and fourth to dematerialize your body at will and take it with you without dying. In your scriptures they have all, in all the world’s scriptures you’ll find these four births and these four deaths, it is nothing new, it is that the reality of our existence is involved in these four levels and the Christ-man comes down with this quality retained in His nature to lift us up, He becomes the model. Now whatever (inaudible) He gives, He’s giving it from the intuitive level, He’s not giving it from the sensory level. From the intuitive level He tells us we should do and what we should not do, in that way we’ll start pruning back the conditions that keep us trapped by the desires we’re generating. We are involved with life due to our desires and Jesus came down, all great Masters of the East come down, to be involved in life, but they are not bound by any karmic law because they act out the model behavior of loving their neighbor as themselves and loving the Lord with all their mind, heart, and soul. 0:38 Now when we don’t do that then we become trapped, a Master is not trapped in the lower levels of consciousness. He’s the only individual who can get out of the lower levels of consciousness by remembering one basic truth, “He that doeth the will of the Lord is My brother and My sister and he that followeth in My word is My disciple.” Following in the footsteps of a Master and His words binds you to Him and then He brings you up to where you become Christ conscious. Now Jesus has to do this to His disciples, He has to raise them up by binding them to certain disciplines, bringing them to Matter acting on Matter which they’re not involved with, they got trapped in it, raising them to the next level of Energy acting on Matter, raising them to the next level of Consciousness acting on Matter, raising them up to Energy acting on Matter, and raising them up to Consciousness acting on Energy, and finally up to Consciousness acting on Consciousness, and these are His words of how He raised them up, “If you follow in My words, you are My disciple, but I no longer call you My disciples…” He brought them to the apex now of how far they can go with Him, “…but My friends and call no man Master save the Lord which is in thee.” He has raised the Soul from Matter acting on Matter right up to Consciousness acting on Consciousness, they are equal now. 0:40 A friend is on an equal base, the recognition of God in each one of us is an equal statement, and we are interlocking for the first time and each man is then committed to act out the will of the Lord, each one of us now becomes a brother in the Divine Consciousness. Then we go back home into the next level up Beingness acting on Consciousness, we ascend, we can’t ascend until we enter the Christ state, not the man Jesus, the true Christ state of Consciousness acting on Consciousness. We have to arrive at the state of Divine Oneness through this eternal brotherhood, through this freedom, through this detachment, and it takes a model of consciousness with a model behavior to free us from our involvement, to bring us to that point. We are trapped in our environment only because of three basic things: choice which we abused, wrong use of the will, and desire. Now these three things trigger everything you know as karma. There would be no karma if there was no wrong use of choice, disobedience to the Divine Will, and un-fulfillment of the Divine Desire. 0:42 Now Jesus tells us what is the Divine Desire? The Divine Desire is “Man ought to be perfect even as his Father which is in heaven is perfect,” this is your Divine Desire. We detain or hold back the Divine Principle of perfection by avoidance, we ourselves block it out. Now we can hide behind a great deal of mental excuses because the mind is very very prone to make excuses for Beingness. Beingness is the most peculiar force in you, not too many of us are involved with It yet because we don’t know what it is we’re feeling in Beingness, you sense you do exist, you sense that your existence is eternal, but if you’re afraid of your existence if you die. You’re afraid that something is going to be lost in you if you die and the strange thing is when you go to sleep, you don’t know if you’re a man or a woman. Think of it, when you’re sound asleep if you know beyond all reasonable doubt that you’re a man or a woman. Yet in your dream you either dream that you’re a man or a woman because of identifications and sometimes it puzzles you why you should be dreaming you’re a woman in a dream or dreaming you’re a man in a dream and yet when you wake up, you’re happy to find you’re still a man or a woman, yet in a state of dream or a state of sleep there is no memory of you being man or woman. What has happened to you in consciousness, where have you gone in consciousness? Now if you never woke up in that state, that terminates your physical existence and since it terminates your physical existence, you don’t have no continuity of memory, you must reincarnate. It’s that obvious, it’s that simple. 0:44 Since we can’t recall who we are and what commitments we’ve made to get involved in our lives in a physical world, in sleep we are given an opportunity to make restitution before we actually die when this mechanism is shutoff and must face the reality of its commitment. Here we are, unaware of who we are when we are sound asleep, then all of a sudden caught up in the reality that you can’t wake up. A person can get into an accident and go into a coma or a state of unconsciousness, he doesn’t remember that this body, what has happened to it, yet before he went into the state of unconsciousness, there has to be some desire in his mind. Let’s say you’re driving down the highway and your desire was to go and bank that hundred dollars before the check that you issued bounced, you realize what a predicament your mind is? All of a sudden, smash, you have an accident and can’t wake up and then don’t know what is the outcome? You’ve died in that state or you’re in a state of unconsciousness with this particular desire to be at the bank to make the deposit before the check bounces, this is left in your consciousness. Alright, it’s in your consciousness, you’re in an unconscious state in the hospital, all your loved ones are there. They may find the check and go ahead and deposit it, but that doesn’t relieve the mind of the desire, you’re trapped and involved in it, you can’t get out of it. There is no human being here who’s going to extract your soul force and say “Ok brother, I will now sponsor you in the Divine Principle and free your mind from this desire and let you go on or bring you back to a state of awareness, free from this desire relationship.” 0:46 It takes a Master consciousness to implant this in your mind, to free you from it. Now if you don’t wake up, they bury you and the electrical nature of your mechanism carries this last desire, “that I failed to be at the bank to make the deposit.” Alright, this life principle is carrying this last desire plus a whole host of desires that are incomplete, suddenly consciousness is reactivated into a physical mechanism for you to remember, but it turns out that you remember all of a sudden now in an eight and a half pound body, you might be a caucasian and suddenly find yourself now an American Indian and you’re out on some reservation and some midwife is doing the delivery. The shock is not because the doctor smacked you and make you cry to tell the world that you’re alive, the great shock is that you’ve got a body that can’t fulfill its commitments, you’re going to cry, you have been cheated. What a horrible shock to be cheated of fulfilling your desire in your six foot body, 180 pounds, now to find the commitment sapped and conditioned down to an eight pound body, twelve and a half inches, waiting to live out 21 years to go and catch up with that thought, the whole mind is in turmoil. Now this is dealing on the level where death occurs, let’s deal with it where it is possible to modify this in consciousness. 0:48 Here you were in a accident, you’re unconscious and during the unconscious state you remember that you must fulfill that desire of putting that money in the bank so that the check does not bounce. You’re in a state of unconsciousness for several days, yet when you open your eyes, to you it doesn’t seem like days, it seems like hours of lapse of time in your consciousness. Everyone around you says you were out unconscious for six-seven days, they almost give you up several times, but the doctors were very patient and they work with you to keep you alive and you came back. Now your mind is happy, number one, that you got your six foot body, 180 pounds, but then you have the tremendous shock to go through to make sure that money doesn’t bounce, that check won’t bounce, you see how the desire predominates (inaudible). Although you’re happy to be alive, you’re happy to know you’re still here intact in your own physical frame, you’re going to generate a desire to make sure and ask, “What happened to my check” and you start searching for it. Consciousness is going to generate desire right there because you don’t release it. Since you did not release it in an unconscious state and coming back in your own physical frame to re-experience the commitment or the involvement, fear starts building up again, the desire is so strong to generate this fear. Now what is worse is not to wake up in your six foot body, 180 pounds, but to wake up now in an 8 pound body in some remote region of the world, looking for a commitment and still carrying the longing inside. You see what happens? 0:50 Now how do we free ourselves, this has to be free, otherwise we have this vicious cycle called reincarnation because we have an involvement of commitment and may we have to correct it, we have to resolve it, how is it resolved? Your loved ones may find you and they may have a concern, take the check, take it to the bank, deposit it, freeing you, but it does not free you internally in the terms of the desire mechanism. They may complete the action in proxy for you, but they do not complete the action in the desire relationship to you. It takes a realized person now to enter your consciousness and raise you to the point where you can see this correction and that is what the Christ Intelligence does for us. The Christ Intelligence in a realized individual becomes present in that state when we are dying and can no longer function in this physical frame, we go through the last groan and movement and there can be an expression of joy in the face even in the person who is unconscious because there we can generate the consciousness to lock in to your consciousness and release you of the desire. Now a person is dying with this tremendous desire and let’s say there’s one person in the room who understands the principle and goes over to the dying man, or the unconscious man, and repeats in the ear of the man, the right ear, that “the check did not bounce and everything is ok and the Christ in me loves the Christ in you.” That desire mechanism is suddenly corrected inside and that unconscious person will either groan, make a sigh, or quiver, and pass on. 0:52 Now doctors are getting more conscious there are certain peculiarities of death, they are even allowing the loved ones to very close at the last minute. It is this we can help the individual to pass over in consciousness, otherwise that consciousness is still trapped and must come back in some agony state to work out. Now if we can recognize this, we can elevate the consciousness and keep it in that higher state. Now the Christ Consciousness in you is Consciousness acting on Consciousness, you may say to yourself, “I don’t have the ability to be Christ Conscious, I don’t know what Christ Consciousness is. I don’t think I can do this. Why should I do this to some person and kid myself?” Well let’s go to the Master model, what does He say? He says this in His own words, “When two or three are gathered in My name there am I in their midst and the things I do you do also and greater things shall you do.” Then how come can you say to yourself you don’t have the right to do it? Because it’s too simple a remedy for such as complicated process that makes us feel inadequate, do you see it? The action is too simple, you can’t accept such a simple way to free you from all this total involvement. Yet if you can accept it, you can be freed and you can lift up the next individual. 0:54 Your own Christ Consciousness will come into focus and pull it up and you don’t have to reason why or wonder why what is occurring on the inside, it’s the Christ Intelligence that does it, but you have fulfilled your part of the contract of gathering in the name of the Consciousness acting on Consciousness and carrying over the thought relationship between you and the person that is involved. Equally true when you pray for someone who is ill, only in that state you have the Christ Consciousness working on you and on the other individual and freeing you from an involvement and the involvement is cutting the desire threads so that you don’t have to repeat them over again. Now Jesus said, “To him that overcometh I will not send forth a second time, but I’ll make him a pillar in the house of my Lord.” If we gather in this Christ Intelligence state and help the individual in that low emotional tone or mental tone to raise his Christ Intelligence state up by merely hearing it, he would not have to repeat that a second time. In other words, here you’re dying in a conscious state and someone tells you “The Christ in them loves the Christ in you, do not worry, the bill is paid, you have nothing to fear.” Then you in turn hearing this inside, though every other function appears not to respond, the only thing that will keep responding is the sound of hearing. 0:56 If you’re in doubt, and now I’m telling you this from personal experience. When I was in the hospital after 54 compound fracture fall, I’m on my back and the doctors are saying, “If he doesn’t live now, he’ll never live.” The moment they said “If he doesn’t live now, he’ll never live,” everything start shutting down faster, I couldn’t feel my hands, I could not feel my feet, yet I could still hear their voice and one says “Uh oh, he’s gone too far.” Every time they said something negative I got weaker, then a nurse said “well he’s showing some movement, he must have life in him,” my energy came back stronger. I learned from being in that state that the very thoughts outside were killing me quicker than my desire to be dead inside myself and the only way I could get out from being trapped by their negative thinking was to shout, “Who the hell is dying!” (laughter), and in so doing I exerted the will, I couldn’t see myself being used as carrion for some (inaudible), I shook out the pauper in my consciousness and shouted out with some vehemence to create energy to move. Having moved the body my eyes opened up and I saw the room, I realize I was still alive and then the doctors said, “Well I guess he ain’t gonna die now” (laughter), now that made more energy flow into me. Now had they used the right terms or the right ideas in my state in which the body was hurt, they could have pulled me out quicker, but they did not. In fact, the constant bickering between themselves kept me in a conquered state, I could not make decisions inside because it was not possible in this conquered state, I became over-involved in weakness or over-involved in strength. 0:58 Now if the doctors were saying “he’s showing signs of progress, he should be coming out of it now,” automatically my body would made the effort to move forward from within, the energy would start to flow in more. So we find that if we are involved with some loved one who is ill or knowing what their basic problems were before they got into the hospital, is to find out from them what is their desire, what is it they’re holding onto, not to let them die with these desires in their consciousness. Though they’re ill and there is no hope, do not impress on the mind that there is no hope, find out what desires they have, resolve those desires for them by giving them the encouragement to break them free and this will help them to rise into that Christ state. We can help the individual in these critical moments to break through the desire levels of consciousness acting on the energy. Why? Their consciousness acting on my energy got weaker every time they said something negative, you see it, and it got stronger every time they said something positive, but it never acted on my consciousness because they never used their right consciousness to pull me out from my desire state. Had they said, “Well the Christ in us love the Christ in you and you will be alright,” the two consciousness reacting I would have opened my eyes and moved on in a pure conscious state, but they did not. Realizing that they did not understand the mechanics inside, they were actually killing me quicker. With their best intentions, we are dying in our hospitals at a fast rate, we’re actually killing our loved ones by negative thought patterns in the room. 1:00 Even when a person is ill and you start feeling mournful and sorrowful for that person, we are in a sense dropping down their energy ratio. Now once we understand what we are doing, there’s no magic, it’s no miracle, it is full use of the divine principle in us. We are Soul, we are the direct image of the Creative Principle, and we must employ these rules if we want to realize the Creator in the body. There is no magic, there is no miracles, but there is the eternal love, order, and commitment. It takes great love to feel commitment to another individual in this state of illness to tell them, “The Christ in me loves the Christ in you, you can pull it through.” It takes great commitment for Jesus to come down and say “Father remove this cup, but not My will but Thy will be done,” these are the involvements. We’re caught up with karma, we’re caught up with the various wrong desires, misuse of the choice, will, misuse of many things but anyway we can still correct it if we accept the involvement. We should not run from anything, we should confront it, the more you confront it, the quicker you dissolve it, when you run from it the longer it takes to dissolve and then it gets weaker and weaker, you’re not able to control it no more, it’s gone out of your range of experience. Finally involvement comes from self chosen seclusion, this is an unusual statement, self chosen seclusion is essential for the Soul to gather momentum in a state of turmoil. 1:02 There are periods in your life where you have to go into a corner or some area to calm your mind, to take full stock of what you are involved with and reevaluate, and during that period you get some sense of direction. Now once you reevaluate what you are doing and you get some sense of direction, you are forced to make a decision and that’s what Jesus meant when He said, “You can’t be for Me or for Mammon,” you have to make a decision (gap in tape)… it helps you to lift yourself away from the lower levels and surrender to the higher consciousness or intuitive level, you allow the Christ principle to filter into you. Jesus went away from the crowd you know, whenever He was bogged down by the people, He took off and went to the seashore. Although He was committed with Man and although He helped them, although He came to areas where he couldn’t even help them He said, “with these people I can do nothing,” even then He still took off and found a period of self chosen seclusion to reevaluate Himself. Once we are involved, we all need some moment of withdrawal to reevaluate and we are involved with living, we’re involved with Matter acting on Matter, we’re involved with Energy acting on Matter, we’re involved with Consciousness acting on Matter, we’re involved with Energy acting on Energy, we’re involved with Consciousness acting on Energy, up to this point we are involved and then we withdraw to reevaluate that Consciousness is acting on our Consciousness for the first time, we are experiencing a contact with the Christ in us. 1:04 So don’t be afraid to feel involved with life, the more you face it, the quicker you will arrive at the Christ state. The Christ state demands involvement, therefore He says “Pick up your cross and follow Me,” that’s an involvement. “Take My yoke upon you for it is light,” that’s an involvement. Any time we take on something upon ourselves or commit ourselves to an involvement, we will have the Christ consciousness acting through us right away and the first experience of this deliverance is that you begin to feel that you are in a fatigue-less state, your body seems to have untold energy, the (inaudible) of the mind begins to open up, you begin to feel extrasensory in your consciousness. These are the first experiences that start to precipitate down as you start to accept the Christ intelligence in you. Consciousness starts to work on you now, before you know it this whole body starts the purification and the evidence is the peace that stays with you, you are now going through a transforming effect and tranquility, serenity, harmony, begins to manifest. These are the outward symptoms or conditions that begin to appear when we take stock of ourselves. 1:06 So do not be afraid of the involvement, we are involved, we came out of the Creative Intelligence to fulfill the Creative Desire, we made mistakes, we want to correct them, we should not feel despondent because things didn’t go the way they ought to go. Now we’re correcting it by trying to align our consciousness with Divine Will. Divine Will can best be understood in the light of involvement in this way: you may say, “How do I know I am doing Divine Will? How do I know that this is my action and it’s not my ego and it’s not Divine Will.” Well Divine Will can be best experienced as you are always at the right place, at the right time, for the right experience. No experience is good or bad, but an opportunity to test your behavior, this is Divine Will in action. I’ll repeat it, Divine Will is to recognize you are at the right place at this very instant in time, this very moment in time, the right place, the right time, the right experience, a confrontation, and is an opportunity to test your attitude that this confrontation or experience is neither good nor bad, it’s strictly an opportunity to test your attitude. 1:08 So every moment of life is Divine Will under those particular set of rules. Once you recognize it and you apply it, you will see that you are vibrating or responding to the Divine Will and there is no confusion in the mind as to the acting outside of Divine Will, you will not have this conflict in mind that “I do not know that I am performing Divine Will,” you do not have the conflict of making a decision. Anytime something presents itself as an experience, and whatever place it presents itself, that is the Divine Will to recognize it and to test the attitude at that very moment and how you respond to it. Now if you accept it and accept the involvement, miracles begin to happen, some people say “everything seems to fall into place as if God has prearranged it all for you” and it’s a wonderful arrangement, it becomes easier for you to work it or to experience it. So Divine Will is being in the right place, or recognizing it as the right place, it’s the right time, the experience is perfect, neither good nor bad, it’s an opportunity to test your behavior. Under those circumstances you are always free and you do not have the repercussion of being involved, you will not be afraid to be involved, for the first time you can take on the responsibility of being involved. If you can accept that wherever you are, you are at the right place, it’s the right time, and the experience is correct for you and that it is neither good nor bad to be involved with it, then you have no mental illusions going on, no doubts, no fears, no repercussions from desire, because it is testing your behavior and there’s only one way to behave and that is to love. Thank you. (Applause). Audience: Now I mentioned earlier that when I listen to him speak I have different experiences and I was just listening to him speak and I thought that he was talking about involvement, I said “well, darn I want to get out there and be involved now.” We will have about a five minute break and then come back and Adano will answer some questions. (Gap in tape). 1:11 Audience: Once again I’d like to introduce Swami Adano Ley and have some questions and answers. Adano: Yes? Audience: You talked about all the different levels of consciousness that we can attain, how does Man know that he is slipping from one level to the next, raising up? Adano: Alright, the first level up is Energy acting on Matter. Now in the outer world the first recognition is the properties of matter when the mind begins to recognize that matter has certain internal properties like electrical waves, radio waves, this is in the realm of energy. In the human being, when you start to shutdown in meditation, the first sensation you feel is a tingling sensation in the body and this is indication that life is flowing through you. Now meditation is not transmission, it’s reception, prayer is transmission, prayer is Man’s SOS to the Creative Intelligence for help, meditation is Man’s attunement to the Creative Intelligence to look at creation as it really is. For instance when you turn on the TV set, you are receiving, you don’t tell the broadcasting people how to run their program, you don’t know what the program is, you just turn it on and receive. When you close down inside with your eyes, God is the creative light here in the brain. Now Jesus said, “When the eyes are single” or that means when the eyes are focused to the point between the eyebrows, “the whole body is full of light,” you are on the receptive end. 1:13 Now you’re bound to see light if you watch inside after awhile, there is a light. Now He goes on to tell you, “the light is shining in the darkness.” In the brain there is light shining there, if you are in doubt all you have to do is hit your head and see if the stars don’t come out, just bump it and you’ll see light. Then you ask yourself, “what is this light doing here,” but then you pay no attention to it, then we can go around in language and try to explain it away, but He says, “the light is shining in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.” You can explain it away because you don’t understand it, you don’t comprehend it, you don’t know the reason for its existence. Science will come along someday and says, “Well it exists because you’re energy, you’re matter, and energy is light,” so big deal, what is it? But then He goes on to say, “let your light so shine before Men that they may see your good works and glorify the Father which is in Me.” Now this is the experience that comes now, it takes a great deal of attunement to that light to unfold so you not only see the light, you feel it now, an electrical wave, and “let your light so shine before Men that they may see the good works” that means your mind now has to focus inside. So Consciousness acting on Matter is there now, consciousness acting, you’re starting to focus this light up in your being. As it radiates out of your being now it begins to affect objects, it affects creatures as a form of peace, as a wave of heat, or a cooling sensation, then the cells begin to glow, people notice there’s a change in you, you seem to look younger, fresh, more at ease with yourself, these are the outward changes that are occurring in that consciousness. 1:15 Then the next level up is Energy acting on Energy. Here in this state you begin to draw from the atmosphere into your body energy that recharges you. Now Jesus said in His work, “Come unto Me all ye that travail and are heavily laden and I will refresh you,” which really means drawing on the pure life energy around you into the focal point of the brain and refreshing your body. You have to be able to draw this energy from the atmosphere, you draw it in the body in the form of breathing, but that’s only a certain amount of energy that you’re getting in in the form of oxygen, but when you’re drawing this energy directly into the medulla and that’s the only area they cannot operate on because you would be dead instantly, you have to be able to sensitize that area by consciousness and feel the energy impinging on that area and then the energy impinges in that area, you are drawing it in directly and then there comes a change in your body you don’t want to eat, you seem to have more vitality, more aliveness, and this is the energy recycling itself now, it’s rejuvenating, it’s refreshing, revitalizing. So “freshen up with 7-Up,” and then freshen up with vital consciousness you see. For the first time energy is acting on energy, this is the first experience we begin to experience. 1:17 Then in the throat, you will have the saliva tasting like honey which is called nectar, it starts descending from the top part of the brain and the taste of it passes through the whole body like nectar or the taste of honey and there is a tingling sensation, this occurs in that state of awareness. Now you go on to Consciousness acting on Energy where you have the ability now to move physical objects with your consciousness, all around you physical objects will respond, animals respond, nature responds. At that level the time cycles responds to you, in the very first experiences that you can actually see a cloud and concentrate and pop it, you can have a cloudless sky and chant and rain will fall so the American Indians have been applying Consciousness acting on Energy a long time. They do their rain chant and those who’ve been (inaudible) have seen some demonstration of the rain chant because it is Consciousness acting on Energy. Now as you leave that state and enter Consciousness acting Consciousness, you are suddenly in possession of the power to materialize desire or thought at will, the power to materialize the desire or thought at will. Now not your desire because your desire ends at the level below, your desire may end right at Consciousness acting on Energy, but where Consciousness is acting on Consciousness, you are free from desire, you don’t have personal desires no more. Buddha says you must be desireless and Christ says the same thing, you must be identified with the Father, the Father only has one desire, His desire for perfection, that creation is perfected. In that state you don’t have personal desires, you have the power to crystallize other people’s desires. 1:19 Now people that came to Jesus when He came down from the mountain, the first exposure of His desire-less state was when He was sitting in the wedding, you remember the wedding, that story? Here He’s sitting down as a guest at the wedding, having no desires, He’s in the Christ state. The mother comes to Him and says, “Son there is no wine” and He replies “Woman what is that to Me, My time has not yet come.” You realize right away that if He exerted ego to satisfy His own desire pattern, He would still be exerting a time consciousness but telling her, “My time has not yet come” meaning that He now has to wait on the timeless state to trigger off within His consciousness the exact relationship of the desire of their needs so that it will crystallize to them. The mother then goes on to trigger the desire of nature, she turns to the servant and says, “Do what he tells you.” Remember whose desire in the first place, her kinsfolk having no wine, her desire to say, “Here’s my son the doctor, my son the magic man, my son the Master, come see Him, He pulled off one big fat trick tonight.” She was a great barker you know, in her consciousness. It’s only natural for a mother’s desire to see her son do something constructive, she senses it. Her craving is strong, she wants to see her son do something to impress, He wants the teach her a lesson that it’s no impression in consciousness, there is no magic going on, it’s strictly love of God. 1:21 Now she turns around and tells the servants, “Do what He tells you” and goes off, so the atmosphere is set with the desire. These people were drunk already with wine and now lack of wine she’s asking for more. If He has a desire, He would be the first person to bring wine there, having no desire He is going to satisfy the mother’s wish that He doesn’t let her down before her kinsfolk, but then He’s going to admonish her at the same time of the right use of the law and He’s going to leave the room after He’s finished because He is not out to impress no one. So when they brought, the servants came to Him, He turned to them and said, “fill the jugs.” It’s the mother’s desire, the kinsfolk desire all being crystallized now by His consciousness. The servants just acted it out and took it and they gave it to the governor of the place and the governor made a comment for the bridegroom, “Why did He keep the good wine for now when everybody drinks good wine at the start of the wedding and the bad one you can slip in and nobody will notice it because they’re all drunk. Here you give us all the lousy wine and now here is the good one coming in.” But new wine it is not fermented wine, one of the mysteries of it, fermented wine is called old wine, new wine is grape juice. Now in Israel today they ship something called new wine for this country, it looks like wine, it smells like wine, it tastes like wine, but it ain’t wine, it has no alcoholic content, it is pure grape juice. And you can buy it from your import house when it comes to this country now it’s called new wine. 1:23 Jesus just fulfilled their conscious desire for wine but He didn’t fulfill what type of wine they wanted, he just gave them that feeling in it. Now He got up and left, in that state the Christ Conscious state is working. Now the other states, let us try to get to this state first, when you get to this state the other states are easy to understand, the other states you wouldn’t understand them on a physical relationship because the subtleness of it, it requires extra sensory awareness to understand this, the other states, and unless the extrasensory nature is open to see the chakras inside, which are the seven golden candlesticks mentioned in the Book of Revelation, you cannot understand the other two states that is Beingness acting on Consciousness and Beingness acting on Beingness, this has to be open, inner eye has to be open to see that. Now we as human beings can bring ourselves up to the Christ state or the Master state, we must attain Masterhood, we have to obtain this state, “None come unto the Father, but by Me.” We all have to come to that state of development then from that state inward it is God Himself, the Creative Intelligence that pulls us up, we have a physical lift from the body itself and you may find yourself lifting off the ground going through these states or you may see internally how the electrical structure is developed and you go into what is called rapture or liberation but this is internal, one can’t see this on a physical level, one has to see it in the extrasensory level. 1:25 Now you may see something around the individual while He’s speaking, you can see the aura, you can see the radiance, you can even see the Archangels around that person, these are all levels of the Christ state, you see that, but until we get to that state we can’t discuss the aura in terms of tangible observation, there is no way to do that. When you’re in the Christ state it’s not the miracle that we’re looking for or the mere fact that you can crystallize desires at will, the greatest power of the Christ state is the peace. Remember the Christ state is the state of “the peace I give the world do not give.” When you feel this inner peace coming through you and it remains with you 24 hours a day and there is no internal conflict, you have arrived. The evidence of having arrived at the Christ state is when you can retain the state of peace 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, you have arrived and the other virtue or gift would be to crystallize thoughts at will, these are the outward symptoms. Now coming up again, Energy acting on Matter, which is the first experience of meditation, to feel this energy you begin to feel the body tingling also you find that you don’t crave solids and liquids as much and the body seems to be less fatigued, less tense, these are the outward symptoms of the change. Inner wisdom starts to permeate you, a surety of consciousness permeates you. Consciousness acting on Matter, you have some inner integrity, some transformation of an ethical awareness. 1:27 This begins to occur in you because the ethical life has to develop prior to arriving at Consciousness acting Consciousness, you cannot be unethical in the Christ state, there is no way for you to be that. You can be unethical up to Consciousness acting on Energy but you can’t be unethical where Consciousness is acting on Consciousness. Every unethical condition ends at Consciousness acting on Energy because you’re still involved with time. Now when you get out of time and your consciousness is perceiving pure consciousness, there is no unethical nature there, your ten commandments become the bedrock of your existence. So Jesus did not come to condemn, He came to fulfill and the whole basis of the ethical life is based upon the new commandment He gave, loving the Lord with all your mind, heart, and Soul and your neighbor as yourself. This is the result of a long evaluation of ethical living that brings you into Consciousness acting on Consciousness, so it acts like a cushion to you then you are able to recognize what is happening. And don’t judge your spiritual growth by miracles because “what doth it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his Soul.” You can’t judge your spiritual development by miracles, you judge your spiritual development by the length of time that the peace remains with you in a conscious state of having immersed in your Christ life, how it remains with you in a conscious state, how you get up and work with your fellow man, how long this peace when it can remain if you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, you have arrived in that state, that peace is permanent now. It’s the peace that passes all understanding, it’s an end result of the integration of your ethical life. 1:29 The ethical life is very important to make this internal transformation. Audience: How rare is it to meet people that have arrived at the point of consciousness that can carry this through seven days a week, 365 days in a year. Adano: Those people do exist. Audience: I know they do but I mean really is it as rare as we seem to believe on the whole? Are there more and more of these people today? Adano: Yes there are more and more of these people today but let’s look at our hand, you know there’s something unusual about it, where the four fingers are and where the thumb is? A Christ Realized man is like a thumb on the hand of society, the non-Christ realized individual are like the four fingers of society, they huddle together because they are afraid. The thumb is separate and stands alone because it’s acting as Divine Consciousness. The four fingers acting as society may feel very strong and important but it’s very weak until you take the thumb which is a God-Man and give it importance. This is not a strong movement, it takes the whole thing, the whole society as one, this is why the God-Man is important. 1:31 Now in this position we have strength in unity, in this position we have destruction because you can snap the thumb, you see. You can break the thumb this way, off, with the four fingers around it but this way you can’t. It’s a rare individual yes, but an important individual to society as a whole because you see the spectrum of the power permeates society, it takes one to change society. So every day one individual is gradually rising to that state and affecting society, he does not have to come out into society to tell us that he is there, we can sense it and we can know it because wherever he goes he’s bringing this peace and when you feel peace and you feel animals and other human beings responding to your peace, you are like that, holding the bond. Now you are the light of the world while you’re in the world because you have the peace that permeates you and that is what the Christ Realized person is, He is an individual that has peace permeating Him and He radiates, plants respond, animals respond, the weather responds, human beings respond and it’s not quantity, remember Jesus only had one individual in the last minute, all the rest ran away you know. Though there were many people around Him and many people who vowed not to run from Him, when it came to the final showdown who was there? Quantity has nothing to do, it’s an inner quality that has to do with the relationship between a Christ-realized individual. Once you meet the individual and feel that interlocking peace, you know what Christ Consciousness is because your own Christ Consciousness will start rising. 1:33 You will start to feel it, it’s the peace. Audience: Does the soul leave the body at different times in different bodies? How long does the soul linger before it leaves the body when you die? Audience: Man is Soul, he doesn’t have a soul. The chemical form breaks down, the electrical or astral form and the causal or ideational form remains. Now the length between the electrical form and the chemical form is a matter of 72 hours before the (inaudible). You don’t have a soul, you are Soul, you are a composite of three things. Audience: You said that Christ meets us halfway, but it seems like there are some people who are really at the gutter of life and it seems like they come face to face with Jesus Christ and all of a sudden, wham, it makes them changed people. Adano: Nobody is changed, they have to make a decision inside. I know of a man, this is a young man who took drugs, he killed, performer rape, and did many things, he was put in isolation in Canada. He was locked up and in that very dungeon he had to come to a soul searching reevaluation of himself, it was superimposed seclusion. That was not self-chosen seclusion, he didn’t choose to put himself there, it was imposed upon his consciousness by society to put him in a dungeon and within that dungeon in isolation and in those moments of isolation he decided to pray. 1:35 Now if he doesn’t decide to pray he can’t make the adjustment, he has to make the decision because Jesus cannot or the Christ intelligence cannot force itself upon us, there must be some mental acceptance or adjustment. So when he did decide to pray and he was in isolation for nearly 21 days, all he was left in that isolation room was his jock strap because anything else he would hang himself, they would be afraid he would commit suicide. So he was only in his shorts and his food was pushed into him on a paddle and it was put on a paper plate so he wouldn’t kill himself and all his meal was water and hard bread, but he was in this room for 21 days and he prayed for forgiveness and in the end of the 20th day he saw a light as if the whole sun was coming into the room and in this light he heard a voice saying, “none come unto the Father but by Me” and then he saw Jesus standing and he was praying to Jesus, he was a good Christian and he kept praying and he began to cry and he pledged, he says “if I can only get out of this place I will dedicate my life to You” and the Christ radiated His light into the boy. All right 21 days were up, they came to take him to the court but they have to photograph him and fingerprint him again because he’s an American and he’s in a Canadian jail and they have to ship him back by extradition law but he has to pay a certain penalty. 1:37 When they came to fingerprint him, the prints were not the same as the ones they did before, they were entirely different, they have the wrong man, they cannot understand it. This is true, he’s on record, he’s a living man, and he goes around the country teaching people, but the new prints on his body are not the same prints of what he was when he entered into prison. So he himself will tell you Christ met him at the halfway mark, he had to make the initial impetus of trying to want to be forgiven though he was down in the dungeon. Now once you realize what I’m saying, no matter how far you go into matter, especially enmeshed in it, you still have to mentally make the turn around to be pulled out and it can be very dramatic and in most cases it is dramatic but sometimes it is a gradual process for other people who don’t need a dramatic change. Some people need a dramatic change to give them the faith, others do not need a dramatic change to give them the faith, they may need more love to give them the faith. Some people need more love than somebody hitting you on their head and saying, “I’ll change them,” or some actual miracle of change, love can be the transformation. Audience: Well are most people reincarnated or do most people go into Christ? Adano: When Christ pulls you out, He brings you up to that level of Consciousness acting on Consciousness. 1:39 Now you still have free choice, you still can drop back down, you still can deny the Christ, even though you accept the Christ it is you who can deny Him. Peter accepted Christ, the twelve disciples accepted Christ and the same twelve denied Him and they lived in close proximity with Him, let alone us who must rely on the resurrected body of Christ to lift us out. We can accept the impact of that consciousness on ours and transform us, yet because our desire nature can be stronger than the transformation, we can still drop back down. So it’s still up to us again to hold on in that state, we have to hold on. Audience: What about Paul who didn’t pray (inaudible). Adano: When Paul had the halfway mark, he fell off his horse and was blind, he was a bounty hunter for the Roman government. He earned his living by rounding up the Jewish people who were calling themselves Christian, what could be worse than to sell your brother into slavery or to be eaten by lions. So the halfway mark, he was going towards Damascus to round up these people. Now his own consciousness went into conflict when he had this shock and he heard the voice saying within his consciousness, “Paul Paul or Saul Saul, why doth thou persecuteth Me?” Audience: Well that’s more than halfway, isn’t it? Adano: No no no, that’s still the halfway mark because he was struck blind and he had to be led by the hand by one of the disciples of Jesus, a householder disciple by the name of Ananias. 1:41 Audience: But he wasn’t seeking. Adano: No one seeks when they are in that state of total enmeshment, just like the man who… Audience: I thought you said in the first half that we have to be seeking. Adano: No, He meets you halfway when you can be angry at Him and persecuting Him or you can be in a state of forgiveness, He’s still got to meet you somewhere. You see Paul, you gotta realize Paul’s background, why was he persecuting these people, why was he doing it? Remember he was Jewish, number one, he had a tremendous education as a Roman citizen and in Greek philosophy, he was a very well educated man, he wasn’t just an ordinary bounty hunter. He refused to accept the ideas when he started out rounding them up, he was the type of man who was in psychological conflict, he wasn’t doing out of strict money making. He could not accept their sudden translation, it’s like a person in the White House looking down or out through the window and see a young kid today with long beard, long hair, dirty clothes, walking down the street in front of the White House, he’ll get aggravated, “why is my children doing that?” So we have what is called a conflict, he cannot accept the new group of people or the new thinking. So Saul was in that state, he was against that type of a change that was happening (inaudible), the impact of Christianity was taking too much out of (inaudible). So he worked for the Roman government by trying to round them up but it is his own internal conflicts that generated, this is not his first journey to Damascus to round them up, he made many journeys rounding up these people but every time he would do it there was internal conflicts. 1:43 You see that the thought that’s stuck him is “Saul Saul why doth thou persecuteth Me?” That means he’s been doing this thing over and over and with mental remorse. He was asking himself, he’s trying to be a good Jew, a good Roman citizen in his frame of reference but again internal conflicts were occurring in his subconscious mind. He would have to have internal conflicts otherwise he could not have his particular reaction, there had to be internal conflicts, he was thinking his action was the right action to obey Roman law and to eradicate this new group of people but the internal actions were too strong or what they say, reacted upon him that he had an internal experience. Saul in a true sense was searching too, he was trying to define in his mind if truly Christianity was real or valuable or if his orthodox Judaism was valid or if Roman law or Greek philosophy was valid. He was caught up in the land of comparative ideas, so in his writings to show that this man has a tremendous understanding of religion from all aspects: Greek, Roman, and the Hebrew. He was able to put them down in his own words to (inaudible). Audience: You’re saying the voice was his own consciousness, not an outside voice. Adano: It was his own Christ consciousness, the consciousness acting upon his consciousness, his own higher self or intuitive self acting upon his lower nature to trigger him into it. You see he was in that state when he was searching, he was searching for what you say, release from the confusion of ideas. 1:45 Many of us start out being rebellious against the church, we don’t care for what the church has to offer us, it doesn’t mean anything to us, so all of a sudden we try to tear down the establishment. In our minds we are confused, “is there a God, is there no God, is this the true Messiah, the truth that we’ve been told,” and we have all kind of conflicts going on. They’re going to be a sort of mental bubbling or mental volcanic action occurring until this thing fits or explodes. Saul was one such man caught up in his internal struggle and he made it active by trying to actually round the people up and persecuting them and bringing them to justice, but at the same time he had internal conflicts as to their beliefs. He could not have a sudden transformation without internal conflicts, he was searching for truth. You see he had to know a certain degree of truth but he was not sure as to where and how this truth was working. He was confused between the orthodox Judaism, the Roman ideas, Greek ideas and then all of a sudden this new idea of Christ in Man, he’s caught up in the conflict. So he’s trying to destroy something that he doesn’t understand, internally the conflict reached a point and he had to experience some change. So he was met also at what you call the halfway point in consciousness. 1:47 Audience: But when these changes occur are they in the physical state that we are in now or are they in the mental state after we die. Adano: They are both in the physical and in the mental, in the body and (inaudible) but you see you don’t want to wait till you die to make changes, you want to make changes when you’re alive that’s the difference. You see when you die, you don’t have a physical body to correct, to account for, when we’re alive we have our fellow man to face and account for it, this is the reason why we must publicly accept and declare this in the physical frame. To accept God publicly means to accept God in your physical sense of the consciousness not a mental sense or in a hidden sense, you must accept truth openly, not in a hidden way, so changes must also occur openly not in the hidden world. So when you pray you don’t have to shout at the top of your voice to tell God that you’re praying but you must do it consciously, openly with the physical model so that changes can occur openly or physically in the body and not to be afraid to do it. 1:49 Audience: When you were saying you were ill and doctors were talking, suppose you had wanted to die and the other person was given a lot of positive stuff, now would that be interfering with your will? Adano: When I fell off the building I left my body and I saw the physical part lying there, my electrical and ideational parts went out into time and space and I said to myself, “If this is death, I enjoy it, it’s the greatest thing possible because there’s nothing here to be afraid of, it’s all me,” and that’s the realization, “I and the Father are one.” Now the Higher Consciousness said “No, go back into the body, you have some unfinished work to do to show Mankind how to work with pain.” So I found myself slipping back into the body. Now the body became numb from the feet up while the Higher Consciousness begins to tell me if the numbness will get past the eyes, there will be no hope for me in this physical frame before medical attention, but I must stay conscious until medical attention comes and not to let the pain or the numbness go past the eyes. Now how can you stop the numbness from rising up? You don’t have no movement in the foot, it’s paralyzed, you can’t move it, the energies are not going and the hands are not going but with tremendous willpower I took the finger and put it in my mouth to generate pain and I began to fight because this is matter and this is matter and I am living in a matter state, the very first level of perception. 1:51 So by putting the finger in the mouth I began to apply pressure thus causing a reaction through the teeth, up the jaw bone, back to the skull into the brain to keep consciousness alert and to keep the pain from rising above the chin. From here on the pain and the numbness had all come up, this whole body was numb right up to this point and as I kept biting, the pain was generating from the finger was biting, I held onto that state. Now when I arrived in the hospital, I was put in a stretcher, the sound of the siren in the ambulance will kill you faster because that vibration is so strong you want to die because it intensifies every other vibration in your body, it made every other vibration react. Now one thing to die is avoidance, we have no right to want to die, we have a right to fulfill Divine Law and Divine Law responds to us if we should live or we should not live. It’s not for us to decide when our body wants to die, it is up to us to accept Divine Law or Divine Will that it is time to go. I accepted it when I fell on the ground, “Well if this is death, alright I am ready to go,” and then the thought says “No, it’s not time” then I accepted the other reaction entering back. Divine Law is Divine Will that tells you what you must do and what you should not do, this comes from the intuitive nature and if you respond that’s the very first behavior of the spiritual life to obey, don’t fight it because it knows what to do. 1:53 I obeyed and in obeying the miracles began to happen, I began perceiving all past life activities, the reasons for my fall. I arrived at the hospital and while they were trying to work on me in the emergency ward, the elevator came down right there and out stepped an elderly gentleman, he was a doctor, and he walked over and he said, “this boy is dying” and then he took away the implement from them and stuck it under my ribs and let the air out and then he said, “you know young man, normally I never come down this elevator, but the one I was coming down tonight which is my normal routine got stuck and I have to go to a meeting and therefore I came down this elevator.” I said in my mind, “Fooey, it’s stuck.” I realized what was happening, he thinks it’s stuck by natural law, I accept it as Divine intervention working for my good. I needed his knowledge, the Creative Intelligence has to work through his knowledge of the laws of this body to help me at that critical moment. The young intern did not know what they were doing and they were trying their best under their present knowledge they were trying their best and left to them I would have been dead, you see. So the elevator being stuck in his mind is good for him and is a disappointment at the same time. In my mind it’s God acting through it to block it that I would not be mal-treated by the doctors who were learning and have somebody who had competency and knowledge and experience work with me. So Divine Law works in many ways, it’s a matter of recognizing it. 1:55 So I did not say, “I want to die,” that would be again trying to commit suicide. We have no right to want to die, we have a right to live each moment and let the Divine Law itself take us out. We have a right to face even those who are saying, “if he don’t live now, he ain’t gonna live,” even that we have to face it and work with it and when they said, I began to use my will to break it because that was a test. Audience: Adano when your energies left your body, did you life flash before you? Adano: Yes, you can live all your lives in one split second and all your horrors and goodness all at the same time. Audience: You didn’t go as far as George did, he said the Lord asked him what he had done with his life, did you get that far? Adano: Well I saw myself in oneness with it, you see I saw the oneness of everything (inaudible). Audience: Did you see God? Adano: That’s what God is, the Oneness, He doesn’t have a form. All the realized Masters were there, I saw them, but They don’t interfere with your experience, They make you realize you’re one with God. I became the tree, I became the earth, I became everything, in that state I only heard Oneness, “You and I are one, you and I are one,” but then can I stay here in this Oneness which is what I wanted. I said “If this is death, if this is really what happens in death, then I accept it.” I’m not afraid or worried of coming back, I said “If this is where I have to stay now, the physical body is there on the ground and I’m looking at it, here I am in everything, the galaxies are all over, you look at the sky all around you’re in it, like if I’m seeing myself on many other planets having the same experience, it’s happening inside. It looks like as if I was crazy too, I was laughing inside. 1:57 Yet I’m saying, “If this is really what death is all about then I accept it,” but the Consciousness says, “No, you must go back.” Then with this command from Consciousness I accepted. Alright, this is the first rules in that Consciousness, to accept, because you’re living by Divine Will. Now what I have done with my life (inaudible) because all through my studies I was trying to live according to this Divine Law. Now my highest test would be do I go back into the body or do I avoid the involvement with the body? Normally we don’t want to be involved with the body because we’re trained not to be involved. Audience: But you had a choice. Adano: I had this choice to accept or reject. If I reject it then I will be the one who will suffer, not the Divine Intelligence. The Divine Intelligence knows exactly what I’m supposed to live out and therefore I went back in to live out these principles again on a conscious level. Audience: (Inaudible, then laughter). Adano: I already explained it to you. If you put your hand into a glove and it fits you perfectly, you don’t notice any difference. Now you pull the glove off but before you pull the glove let’s say you bumped your hand but your hand won’t swell fast enough by time you pull the glove off but it’s not swollen to some degree, try to put your hand back into the glove, what will be the sensation? It seems like it can’t pass through, getting back into your body seems to be you’re oversized, you’re entering into an undersized garment. The sensation is that your body is undersized in terms of the immensity of your nature, that is the feeling you have. 1:59 Everything that is truly you is so oversized compared to the little physical body, in the first place you ask yourself how did you ever got in there in the first place? That’s why you feel so happy to get out of it. The reason you feel happy when you’re outside of the body is because this particular enclosure has lost its restriction when you’re outside. Now when you want to go back in it’s like a swollen hand trying to get back into a glove that once fit snugly, it’s very difficult to push it in back but when it slips back it fits and you have to accept it. Now that doesn’t say you can’t go in and go out, you can go in and go out, but it’s the peculiarity of just slipping back into it under a condition like that, my condition was under impact of shock. When we consciously go out by our own shutdown in meditation, we slide in and slide out like that without any problem you see but in a case where I was shocked, jolted out of the mechanism by the fall and trying to enter it again, the immensity was too great in comparison to the mechanical changes or what they say, the physiological changes, that are occurring in a broken body. The physical body is already making changes for the brief moment I was outside so it felt like the hand was bigger than the glove, you see what I’m saying 2:01 Audience: Are you saying that if we get to the point that we have met the karma, that we have resolved the things that we’ve needed to resolve, the test of needing it is the choice to come back to help the rest of the creatures, (inaudible). Adano: Yes, you will not return by forceful command of your own personal karma or craving, you are returning by divine command to fulfill divine craving. I did not enter back because of having a personal craving, I accepted death, I accepted the release of the body as what it is, it’s a Divine Intelligence that says you must go back. Now coming back I accept this and if I didn’t accept it then I am blocking it then I will die and I’ll have to take up again another little body to start over the particular experience. Now by accepting it I was given back the physical body, the broken physical body, to work with. Now I was in a state of unconsciousness when I arrived in hospital after, when the doctor came down and stuck me in the rib and then he said, “I’m going to give you a hypodermic and let you go to sleep.” Well this happened on Wednesday night at 10 o’clock and I went into the state of unconsciousness but the only thought I kept in my mind is that I owned the store and I had employees to pay and at the end of the week their wages were coming due and I said to myself, “I must open my store tomorrow at 8 o’clock in the morning.” I did not realize the full extent of the damage to the physical body because of the shock so I kept my mind picturing a clock, long arm at 12, short hand at 7 and by impressing the mind with that I began to become unconscious. Well physically speaking I was unconscious from Wednesday to Saturday four o’clock in the afternoon, mentally speaking it was seven o’clock for me in the morning in my mind, I can see this big clock inside like you know Alice in Wonderland. Everywhere I turned I saw this clock and it’s singing bong, bong, bong seven o’clock wake up, bong, bong seven o’clock wake up and that’s all I’m remembering inside because that’s the last thought the mind had impressed. I’m hearing their thoughts of dying or not dying and then I pushed against their ideas and I barely opened the eyes, a friend was standing in the room. As far as the mind is concerned I’m assuming that I’m in my own home and that is still seven o’clock Thursday morning because I know this actually occurred Wednesday night. My mind is still asleep, it’s Thursday morning seven o’clock and I see my friend standing and I’m saying to myself, “How did he get inside?” So I said, “What are you doing in the house?” He says, “We’re not in the house…”

1972 October Part 3 - Emergence

Adano72_3EmergenceQ1NW4 - 0:02 As you know this is Satsanga and Satsanga we calibrate our consciousness before we start (short meditation). Thank you. Today we’re discussing the emergence but we’ll backtrack again just for those who weren’t here to keep us in line with what we’re talking about. The eight levels in which Man must return back to the Creative Source and is the very same eight levels he came down from. The first level coming down from the Creator is Beingness acting on Beingness. There we all are equal, we are all one and the sense of oneness is very imminent for those who can remember it and those who have some glimmers of it and those who rediscover it, those who carry that memory of oneness never lose it, incarnation after incarnation we still retain the oneness. This is what Jesus is telling and all the great Teachers are telling us, that oneness with the Father. You see someone in the room and you don’t know why you suddenly gravitate to them but it’s that oneness, that sense of bond that holds us together, the love. 0:04 Though we may know each other in many incarnations yet behind the incarnations that bond of oneness does exist. So don’t be carried away with the fact that we have incarnated, separated, and recognizing each other, in reality it’s the oneness that pulls us back together, that is the real true feeling and true experience when your memory is fully opened up. So the first level coming down is Beingness acting on Beingness, the next level down is Beingness acting on Consciousness. Here we find Consciousness appearing and the sense of the I AM, if there is no I AM-ness, there would be no separateness. It’s easy to come away from the Lord or the Pure Being and say I am a being but difficult to return back to the Pure Being and say, “Here Being, I am being.” It takes mind to recognize Being but Being does not accept mind, mind has to surrender to Being. In Beingness acting on Beingness there is no mind, it is all oneness therefore in oneness there is no separateness and the feeling of separateness only occurs in the mind, it doesn’t occur in the Beingness of you. That’s why Man feels separated in God only by his mind, not in his Beingness, there is no such experience. It’s torture to be separated from the Lord and to live in that nightmare of the mind, that is why we’re coming down but because we’re given choice we can rectify the separateness. 0:06 The choice is to follow Divine Will. The Divine Will is that we do respond to His desire of perfection. Now if we don’t respond to it then we retard perfection or we delay it and then the separateness becomes intense, then we start wandering, making mistakes by our choice, then we go down to the next level, Consciousness acting on Consciousness. We sense our Beingness slipping away from us but we only have Consciousness now to act with. There up to that point the Divine Desire is still working through us, we as a being don’t have any personal desire, we still maintain a sort of link with the Creator, we still obey His Divine Will, that is called the Christ Intelligence state, it still maintains that link, I and the Father are one. Up to that point that oneness is still maintained but you see it’s Consciousness acting on Consciousness, it takes your consciousness to reinforce your own inner consciousness of the oneness. Now as long it keeps reinforcing, you are in a timeless state and there is no more desires in that state, it’s when we leave that state then the real difficulty begins for the Soul. Up to that point the Soul is free, the Soul is still capable of looking back to Its source, the Creator, and saying Father I ascend to You wherever You allow me to be in Your Beingness, there I will recline. 0:08 That is why Jesus said, “Touch Me not, I ascend unto the Father” and He ascended unto the right hand, which is the positive pole of pure being but He had to retain a link by retaining His Godness in Him. Now when we come away from that point, we enter what is called the time cycle, the first aspect of pure creation. Creation has four builders before the throne as they are mentioned in the Book of Revelation, the four builders are space, time, light, and sound. These four builders maintain an interplay upon the Soul. Coming down we are caught in the turmoil of choice between time, space, sound, and light, we don’t know how to dissociate ourselves. Sometimes we gravitate to the light, sometimes we gravitate to the sound, sometimes we gravitate to the space, sometimes we gravitate to the time. Here in this particular sphere, Consciousness acting on Energy, that is the sphere of time, that is where the Lord of Creation or Shiva mentioned in your Hindu scriptures begins the dance of creation, the rhythms, the time cycles. So the Hindu people say that at this level Man is truly separated from the Creator and is caught in the time cycle. There he has all the difficulties of desires, there is where his own personal desires begin to increase, whereas the Divine Desire for his perfected life or Divine Will starts to diminish and remains in the background of his mind because only Consciousness acting on Energy. 0:10 He sees Creation as light, he sees Creation as sound, he sees Creation as space and as time and he’s caught up in this involvement, this becomes his delusion, this becomes his mental turmoil, and the waves of energy starts to flow in upon him and keeps him trapped. Now his only enemy, or what you say opposition, is time in this act of creation because there’s not enough time to live out your personal desires. So coming into that state you begin to generate more desires to work out more desires and you crave more time to complete more desires, so it’s a vicious circle in this level. Now it’s very difficult to go back up, so it’s easy to go down than to come up, so the Soul instead of trying to return back to the Christ Intelligence, decides to go one step further down, getting more involved and the involvement is karma, it goes into the level now known as Energy acting on Energy, as you sow that you reap, for every action equal reaction, the energy rhythms, the interplays keeps you bogged down. So the Soul finds some sort of a resting place in this Energy acting upon Energy level, it feels that this is the only place it could accept itself but it’s deluding itself in that state. Because it’s deluding itself in that state it cannot look upon its true nature as Being and go back. 0:12 So it looks downward one step to see if there is something more pleasing for it, strange as we look at ourselves, the downward shift keeps more appealing than the upward pull. God seems to be more and more difficult to accept and nature seems more and more alluring to accept. So the downward pull is Consciousness acting now on Matter, we are reaching out for sensory stimulation. So karma needs physical vehicles to work out, the consciousness needs some contact with a physical vehicle to work out the retribution or the compensations. So it starts going downward now to the next level which is Consciousness acting on Matter, something tangible to relate to. Here we tell ourselves we can correct ourselves if we make mistakes and the Lord will forgive us, here we make all mental excuses because they are tangible enough to do, they are within the range of personal contact. We’re quick to accept this type of avoidance from looking back to our true self, we look now to the tangible things as a means of correcting it, then the involvement gets greater. We can’t seem to resolve it, then we find ourselves drifting down one level more Energy acting on Matter. Here the qualities of matter are more alluring, matter seems to have certain magical properties or what you say, unseen forces that tend to stimulate the sensory nature and tend to manipulate the sensory nature. We feel now important in this state, we feel now that we can regulate to some degree our environment by its inherent quality. 0:14 The Soul being trapped now realizes the horrible mistake of the involvement, wanting to turn around and realizing how far it has drifted away from its source, sees the difficulty. Now it has one more decision to make, to go back up the ladder and reclaim its true nature or to make the final plunge and remain stagnant in it. Well what does it do? It makes the final plunge into Matter acting on Matter, here is the sounding board or the final springboard, it ends up in the material casing floundering now with the illusion, “I have to save my Soul.” So it looks to matter as a sort of a redeeming process to bring the Soul back to the Creator, when in reality you are Soul but you go wrong with the illusion that you have to save your Soul. There is no more way to go now because you’re entrapped, here we keep on meshing around, plowing around, getting more and more frantic, searching for all types of material ideas to correct the delusion that we have to save the Soul. Well when we cry out in our despair at that bottomless pit as you would say or hell if you want to call it that in that matter state, then the inner consciousness starts to ring out, the idea that you must return begins to seep in. This is the level that we are coming today now, how do we emerge back. 0:16 First we know our origin, we came from Beingness acting on Beingness, right down to Matter acting on Matter and during the process of descent we got involved because of desire, wrong use of the will and choice, emergence must come back now by the same road, it must come back by the very same things we refuse to do in the first place. We have to return by a certain type of desire, by a certain type of will attitude, and by a particular choice. The same way we came down, the same way we’d have to go back up, but now we have to discipline the desire, we have to discipline the will, and we have to discipline the choice. Now this makes it difficult for us who are floundering in Matter acting on Matter because the senses are saturated, they’re overloaded, and therefore we find ourselves trapped in what is called habit patterns. Certain types of habit patterns refuse to allow us to shear them off or prune them off in order to go back up the ladder. We become like the worm or the caterpillar who grovels in the physical matter, eating itself finally to death, spinning a cocoon, but then lo and behold the caterpillar emerges as a butterfly, we have a living example now to take back in terms of creation. We also have the living example of a human being to take back in the form of the Teacher or the Master who comes down into the same physical realm with us, partakes of the same physical activities, and resort to certain desire pattern, certain will behavior, and certain choice decisions and He too spins the cocoon or crucifies or dies and emerge into the resurrected body. 0:18 The emergence then is the road back, resurrection is the deliverance, reincarnation is the entrapment. Once we realize that we are trying to return back to the source and that we don’t want to repeat the thing over and over, then the necessary disciplines must be adhered to. Now the word discipline to a mind that is subjected to sensory habits and over stimulated habits seems as a sort of a mental aversion as if I’m going to lose everything, it seems to threaten your material security, we are afraid to face discipline because we are too over involved. Do not be afraid, this is what Jesus is saying to us, “Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” The same is true for you and me and anyone on the way back up, fear deters from the transition, acceptance brings about the transition faster. 0:20 Now what are we to accept? We’re not to accept the fact that we did something bad, we are going to be punished by the Creator or we did something good that He is going to make us a living example and say, “Ah one beautiful Soul, I brush him up now and stick him on a little mantle, show the rest of all Souls you’re a bright boy.” No, we are supposed to accept our inherent Divinity as Soul number one, we are supposed to accept that fact that we are Soul and that we don’t have a Soul. With that in our minds the mental blocks, the mental aversions to hold back ourselves begins to diminish, we are not bogged down now with ifs, buts, whys, and wherefores, we have made a stand, as Jesus says, “Choose Me or choose Mammon.” Choose Consciousness acting on Consciousness or choose Matter acting on Matter, pick your choice, where do you stand in this re-evaluation? So if we pick Consciousness acting on Consciousness then we have accepted that we are Soul. If we choose Mammon then we accept the fact that we got to save our Soul, you see? So we don’t have to save it, we got to realize it’s us on our way back by a certain decision. Now on the way back the decision is desire, what is the fundamental desire? The fundamental desire or primary desire is to accept that the Creator’s creation is imperfect so long as we detain it by remaining imperfect to our true ideal. As long as we keep telling ourselves we have a Soul, we are delaying the perfection. If we keep reinforcing the fact that we are Soul, we bring on the perfection. Do you see now what is the easiest route back, why Jesus says, “Man ought to be perfect even as His Father is in heaven?” 0:22 As long as you keep delaying over and over programming the mind that you have a Soul to be saved, you will keep on this imperfection. If you don’t carry that in the mind and establish the fact or affirm the fact that you ARE Soul then the Divine Desire for the Creation to be perfect begins to express its perfection, you begin to release from within your nature the Soul force, the Soul quality, this comes to the surface. Now this is the desire you have to establish, that you ARE Soul, you accept the fact it is you, and you accept that the perfection begins from this acceptance that you are Soul. Now what is the correct will pattern for the Soul, “Thy will be done,” it’s the Creator’s will that must be applied all the time. Now how can we apply it since we find ourselves trapped in matter, how can we apply it in order to emerge out of it? Well Jesus gave an example by saying, “He that doeth the will of the Lord is My brother and My sister and he that followeth in My word is My disciple.” All right but this doesn’t tell us how to apply the will yet, we first have to understand how will works so that we can recognize it and then apply it properly. 0:24 The first demonstration of will is observed when a child is being born, the moment it takes the breath the automatic will starts to release from within the lungs, absorbing the oxygen, and the child lets out a cry. This is the first expression of will or volition, it’s called automatic will, it’s built in and a particular reaction triggers it off. Now the second expression of the will is called unthinking will, the baby is born it cannot think for itself, the parent has to think for the baby, it has to direct its volition, it has to direct it in a point where it can react. So it directs it, it directs the choice of the child up to a certain age then when it reaches say teen, eleven, twelve, the child now wants to make choices. As soon as it does do that, it doesn’t have the wisdom of correct choice, it is only doing choice out of inner nature, inner craving, out of revolutionary action. So we have now the third aspect of the will which we call blind will, we want to do things without realizing what we are doing, we are making blind reactions. So we first have automatic will, unthinking will, blind will, but the parent has to allow the child to make all the mistakes in blind will to settle down and find out that there’s only so long you can go with blind will before you discover that there’s something called thinking will, that is every time you make a mistake you hate yourself and you always say, “Why couldn’t I do it right the first time?” 0:26 Blind will teaches us by mistakes, wrong choice of blind will brings about mistakes, mistakes brings about thinking will (gap in tape)… having no sense of direction so they begin to think because they’ve made mistakes and then they settle down. Now the greater portion of humanity remain in the thinking will, they are selective now, they don’t like to get hurt, they have very very discriminative qualities and they remain in this thinking will but they don’t generate now Divine Will because there are too many interactions, too many false dreams or false hopes or too many dreams all collapsing and then we say to ourselves, “What is it? Here we are already 60 years of age, what have we done with our lives, what have we got to show that we have learned anything from an internal knowledge of our true nature.” Here we are reaching out now for that last link in the Will, Divine Will, Divine Will now comes in as a dynamic process in us. How to recognize this dynamic process? We hear, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” have you ever heard that statement? So if there is a way for every time you Will something, you will put in action, you will have to put in some effort behind it. Now effort is something many of us don’t want to do or even want to expend because it’s too expensive, we want somebody else to do it for us. Well it’s not possible in the spiritual life, no one can expend his spiritual life to pull you up, you have to expend your own spiritual Will to pull you up. 0:28 Another person can take on a certain degree of your karmic patterns to alleviate the pressure but that’s again a certain responsibility, we ourselves have to work it out, it is better for us to work it out because we stand on our own two feet after. If someone takes it from us we may appreciate it but we do not have the strength, we would not understand the mechanics of it properly not to repeat the same mistakes again, but when we work it out we have emerged, truly emerge, free Man or Lord of Yourself, there is the difference in the Divine Will. Divine Will then places a particular picture for us to work from, the Soul must accept itself as Soul, it must not say to itself, “I have a Soul, I have to save it.” Then it must say, “Wherever I am in time and space,” which is the four builders now, light and unconsciousness or light and sound, it’s saying to himself, “Wherever I am, this is the right time, this is the right place. Whatever experience I have to encounter in this relationship with my fellow Man it’s correct time, it’s correct place, and it’s the correct experience. The experience is neither good nor bad, that is to say it doesn’t have good qualities or bad qualities, it is simply the opportunity at this particular moment in my life stream to exert a certain attitude and the attitude is one of love.” 0:30 Now if we exert the attitude of negativeness or hate or destruction then we don’t apply or comprehend the Divine Will, the Divine Will is for perfection through us, that’s the major function of the Divine Will that we act out a perfect behavior, but how can we act out a perfect behavior if we don’t accept ourselves to what we really are? If we don’t accept ourselves as Soul and if we don’t accept that where we are is the right place, right time, and if we don’t accept the experience as a necessary lesson in unfoldment, then we don’t understand Divine Will, we could not work out Divine Will. As soon as we accept it then there is an influx of vital energy, an influx of peace, an influx of strength and courage that seems to sustain you like a life belt amidst the ups and downs of the sensory desires that tends to pull you away. Sooner or later the mind starts to focus back, away from Matter acting on Matter and starts to draw itself away from Energy acting on Matter and draws itself back from Consciousness acting on Matter and draws itself from Energy acting on Energy and draws itself from Consciousness acting on Energy and then centers itself fully on the Christ’s Intelligence or Consciousness acting on Consciousness. It has drawn itself back from these levels that tend to dissipate it, so as soon as it centers itself back on the Christ Principle which is the Consciousness acting on Consciousness then the Soul force starts moving back up, you start to experience joyousness, you start to see life going like miracles around you, everything falling in place, it couldn’t be better arranged. 0:32 Well that is another way to say it’s predestined that you should be a happy person, it’s predestined that everything shall fall in place for you, what better predestination can you have to know that everything is going honky dory. As soon as you get the right perspective of Divine Will, predestination is a joyous way to live. If you have the wrong perspective of Divine Will, predestination is a horrible way to live, do you get it? It would seem horrible if you have the wrong perspective, you would see it’s not possible to accept this predestined principle but if you have the right perspective everything seems to fall in place, it’s well arranged, it’s well timed that you should have these wonderful experiences of joyousness, abundance on your way back. Proportionately the Divine Will releases the abundance as you lined up with the right perspective, therefore predestination is not a horrible life when Divine Will is accepted. it’s a beautiful life, it’s horrible when it’s not lined up with the right attitude or the right Will. Now we come to the choice, we know how to apply Divine Will, we know what is the Divine desire, the Divine desire is the acceptance that we are Soul, the Divine Will is to accept wherever we are we’re at the right place, the right time, for the right experience and the experience is neither good nor bad, it’s an opportunity to express love. 0:34 All right we have these three, these two in fact, conditions lined up in our minds we know where we’re going, the third thing becomes important now, choice. Here we are forced to recognize choice by extrasensory guidance or choice by reason / logic guidance. We make choices out of our reason and logic because we’ve made mistakes previous when we made the first wrong choice, something tells you “I don’t want to make that choice no more so I try something else” and when you try something else it goes wrong then you try something else and you keep trying trying by reason and logic and every time you get hurt you say “Wait a minute what is happening to me?” Choice then must have some higher guidance, it must come from an extrasensory nature, so extrasensory choice must come from the Christ nature in Man. Now Jesus tells us “You haven’t chosen Me, I have chosen you.” Now if Jesus has chosen us or the Master chosen us or the Christ’s Intelligence has chosen the Soul to return, then the Soul must accept the choice being already lined up for Its return, that the choice is strictly to surrender to the Christ Intelligence and if we surrender to It then It will maintain an extrasensory flow that will appear like a miracle every time you make a decision and you will slide back into that wonderful experience again. So choice as far as the Soul is concerned is to accept the Christ Intelligence working through it, this is the true choice, this is the real choice that the Soul must rely on, that the Christ Intelligence is pulling It back up, that “none can come unto the Father but by Me.” Therefore the Christ Intelligence has already made the choice of extracting us out of Matter acting on Matter in order for us to emerge. 0:36 The Christ Intelligence is saying, “Come let us go make fishers of Men.” He tells the disciple to go out and gather in the people, not in an evangelistic way, that is not what is intended, the Christ Intelligence is saying to the disciplined mind, “I am making the right choice for the Soul return back to the Creator if the Soul would accept the discipline.” If the Soul accepted discipline, then It’s aligning itself with the right choice, it’s an extensory choice based upon successful return, based upon a non-mistake return. So when the Soul can recognize that It has been chosen to return back to the Christ Intelligence, It starts emerging. There the Christ is working in us, we begin to see the choice is being made for us, as far as our desires are working out now, we should not be afraid, wherever we are we are at the right place, at the right time, for the right experience. This becomes easy to live day to day, moment to moment. What is best for you will come all the time and may at the moment seem very difficult, but it’s the best for you. It’s interesting to see, that some people generate desires and then they’re in a quandary when these desires don’t fall into place, but if they say to themselves, “Divine Father or Christ Intelligence, Thy will be done, I am in the right place, at the right time, for the right experience,” lo and behold many things begin to happen. 0:38 People suddenly get friends telling them of information that they need to know. Well let’s take one simple example, a person is looking for a job and he has many ways to look for this job, he looks in the newspaper, talks with his friends, and it may not be the type of job he wants or would like to do, then if he turns it over to this Intelligence, someone comes along and tells him something and he goes and checks it out and would be the exact thing he’s looking for. This is no “once in a while” experience, this happens all the time, this is just as miraculous as changing water into wine, the same principle that change water into wine is the same principle that brought about these two forces of two people meeting and having the right job at the right time, the same Christ Intelligence is working. We don’t have to perform all the type of miracles in the scripture to prove to ourselves that Christ Intelligence is working, Christ Intelligence is working all the time in little incidences all around us, it’s to be able to relate to it and see how the whole pattern of your life is emerging out from Matter acting on Matter, how you’re coming out of this drudgery for the first time, how you’re getting out of the pull of the desire nature that holds you down and give you a deeper perspective of your Divinity. When we emerge out of that, we become like the butterfly, we are not strapped back into the consciousness with fear, we are not held down with a doubt that liberation is some never never land, liberation is here, now within us as the unfoldment of consciousness. 0:40 Now Emergence goes into a higher level of experience, it goes into the art of dying. After we have emerged from desire, from Divine Will, and choice, we have to emerge now from our final enemy. Jesus said “death is your last enemy” and “to him that overcometh, I will not send forth a second time.” So these are the challenges of the emergence, we have overcome desire, we have overcome will, we have overcome choice by understanding what type of desire we must maintain, what type of will attitude we should maintain, and what type of choice is involved. Now the last enemy is death because if we living our life true in a beautiful state, we got to expect that this body will break down someday. Even great Masters die and one will say, “Well how come they can solve all the miracles of the world, why should They die?” The only reason They die is to show that they are Masters of death because that is the last enemy, how else can They prove to the world of Matter acting on Matter that They are in a state of Consciousness acting on Consciousness unless They take on the final challenge. The final challenge is the biggest threat, the biggest fear, we are all afraid to die. Do you know of anyone who loves to die? All right since we know of no one who loves to die, then death offers a threat but it’s no threat if you realize what you’re doing and where you’re going, then it becomes a challenge towards the consciousness.” 0:42 Paul said, “I live and die daily in the Lord.” That is he knew a special method of shutting down the energy in the body and emerging out into another dimension of awareness. Jesus said, “No Man take My life from Me, I have the power to lay down, pick it up.” So if no Man can take the life away from Jesus, He has the power to lay down and pick it up, then certainly He did not die on the cross. There is no mention in any of the scriptures where they say “Jesus died on the cross,” all that is mentioned about Jesus on the cross “He gave up the ghost.” He was nailed to the cross at nine o’clock in the morning and at five o’clock in the evening He gave up the ghost. Now this puzzled the Romans because they know crucifixion cannot cause a person to die in a matter of that short time, it takes about 72 hours of slow torture and dehydration to let a person die from crucifixion. The purpose was to prolong the agony in the body and they would have to daily break the bones, set in the gangrene, in order for that person to die, so this puzzled them that the Man would be nailed up on the cross from five in the morning and then die, or nine o’clock in the morning, and die at five in the evening. So they sent their soldiers to check it lest they be faking it because it was customary in those days when the enemy was run over by the Roman soldiers, they would lie on the ground pretending to be dead and get up and stab the soldiers in the back. So they would have these individuals who would go around with spears poking the dead men to make sure they were dead. 0:44 So such a man came along with a spear and stuck it into Jesus to be certain that Jesus would not groan and if He groaned then He wasn’t dead, He was still alive and since He did not groan then he had to accept the evidence that this man was dead, that is how they view death at that time, this would be true of us today without any technical knowledge of death. They stuck the body but what occurred? Blood and water came out, proving that the body was not dead but they did not know the difference, as long as He did not groan that was sufficient, you know. As long as you don’t breathe you’re dead and they bury you, not knowing you might be in a very deep state of suspension. So equally true was in Jesus case on the cross, He “gave up the ghost” which meant He withdrew the energy up into the brain, suspended the body, and remain in that high state of awareness. Now when they took Him down and put Him in the grave, He was able to reactivate his own being. This is what we’re talking about, having the power to lay down the life or turn down the volume of life in the body and raise it up back. Now once we accept that we are Soul and Soul is eternal life, then we must trust in the Beingness of it to perform the actions. Now once we accept Divine Will that we are in the right place, at the right time, for the right experience and act it out in love, we must again trust the Divine Beingness to make the corrections in the Soul. Jesus accept in the Garden of Gethsemane that this was His cup, He had to live it out and He had to trust now the Divine Beingness to absolve Him. 0:46 It’s learning how to trust. Only at the death principle or the death level that a trust becomes more and more intense, the faith becomes more intense. Can we really trust the Divine Beingness to absolve us from these fears? I am certain that any living person would be afraid of death, let alone laying it down in such a horrible way, but again having to trust in the Divine Beingness to pull us up. One does not know how this would work inside, one might have a working knowledge of shutting down this body by consciousness when there is no damage done to the body, one can say, “All right, I can shut down and perform suspended animation in my body and I can be buried and I can trust that my body will reactivate itself, but I don’t know if you decided to chop me up after I shut down, I can’t tell that until I’ve tried to trust this energy again.” You see Jesus does not know what is going to happen until He trusts that energy to reactivate itself. Equally true we have to trust, if we’re going to trust ourselves inside to overcome death the final enemy, then we have to go one step further, we have to rely on this Divine Love to pull us out of that state. All right, Jesus is trusting that He’s being pulled out of the death state by Divine Love, He’s trusting again that His mechanism is in a state of perfect control. So Divine Will is involved, Divine Choice is involved, Divine Perfection now is involved, all three must occur in that body of Jesus at that final test, the Divine Perfection is mastery over death. 0:48 He has to prove that He is Master over death, He has to live through the experience that death is the last enemy, that death is one of the principles, that the Divine Law of the Creator has created a Soul to experience and emerge from. Now Man is very prone to be afraid to put himself to that test but let him take heart and courage that a caterpillar is doing that for him already. Every time you see the caterpillar, the caterpillar is an encouragement of that Divine Trust. Do you see a caterpillar groveling its way through the world then spinning the cocoon and coming out as a butterfly? It has divine trust in its mechanism. Man now has to have divine trust in the same Divine Beingness of his Soul to bring about this transition. How many have seen a rotten butterfly? But you have seen a rotten caterpillar. You see non-decomposition of the butterfly is non-corruption mentioned in your scriptures, it’s resurrection mentioned in the scriptures, it’s called metamorphosis. This is not a new rule, it’s not a new religious idea, it is one of the evidences of the Creator already set up in the Soul for Man to demonstrate to himself the true perfection of what is intended for Man. 0:50 Man is an immortal being as long as he reaches back to where Consciousness is acting on Consciousness (gap in tape)… he stays where Matter is acting on Matter and he has to emerge from that mortal state of Matter acting on Matter going back to Consciousness acting on Consciousness. When he gets back to that point then he becomes the immortal being, then the signature of the Creator is impressed upon his being, death is the last test for that being, it is in death we find the highest manifestation. Great men have all passed through that state, Master Jesus was one of them, many other great men have gone through that state. We are now facing the same reality but we are trying to understand it on a practical level for the first time so that the fears that are locked up in the knowledge pertaining to the emergence of our Soul from matter and the involvement in matter, no longer interferes with the return. We’re trying to prune off the unessential ideas and get to the core and realize that we are immortal but how this immortalness can come about in us. We have done many things in our lives which we will feel ashamed of and we feel that we are not competent to do it in one lifetime, that we will need more lifetimes. Yes we would need more lifetimes if we were never told, once we are told then the opportunity to begin and the opportunity to arrive is possible in one lifetime. 0:52 I remember (gap in tape)… what does she need this type of knowledge, she’s so old already, is wasting the time. The Master read their mind and He looked at them after He initiated the woman and He said, “She will make it in this incarnation, you will do it twice.” He read their whole life in one reading, the woman has actually liberated herself in this life while these are struggling with their same habit patterns, fears, and anxieties because they could not grasp. Once we are told what is involved and if we can accept, emergence becomes possible in one lifetime, it’s when we can’t accept then we delay the emergence. Thank you. (Applause.) (Gap in tape.) 0:54 Audience: I’d like to ask a couple of questions related to what you mentioned about this death of Jesus on the cross. It was always a very interesting thing when you look in the hymnal books of the church (inaudible) they profess that He died. When you take the confession of Nicaea (inaudible) they circumvent from saying that He died. So you basically agree with the statement of Nicaea. Adano: Yes. Audience: They put this spear in the side of Jesus and there was water and blood coming out. Some people have explained to me in the past that was a sign that the blood had separated, (inaudible) that the syrum and blood bodies had separated in Jesus (inaudible). What do you say about that explanation? Adano: Well anyone… remember He performed what we call Mahasamadi, the great shutdown of conscious exit. He consciously performed conscious sensory motor organic relaxation, by His own volition He shut down the cells. Now when this occurs under hypnosis and you stick a person with a sharp instrument, you have exactly the same thing coming out of the body, blood and water, that proves that the person is not dead under hypnosis. 0:56 Now under anaesthesia you have the same thing, so if you have a person who is capable of inducing this by conscious volition, you would have the exact same experience that there would be blood and water. Now the soldier didn’t know the difference, a common man in the field who has been trained to fight, he doesn’t know the difference between a living man and a dead man, as long as he doesn’t groan he’s dead, that’s all he’s concerned with in fighting. The enemy is the enemy and if you stick him and he doesn’t move, that’s death, if he moves he’s still living, keep sticking (laughter). So the disciples who were aware of their Master’s ability, they recorded that the Master had already gone in, that’s why they used the word “He gave up the ghost.” They never said He died on the cross, they said He gave up the ghost, and that is the true interpretation of Mahasamadi, conscious exit from the body of all these levels right up to here in the brain. Now in the brain it stays there shut down and you can perceive in all the dimensions, now when they cut the body down from that state, the electrical cord which you call the silver core that connects the physical body or chemical body to the electrical body that’s not severed, that isn’t severed until about 72 hours. That’s why for three days this transition would occur, that is the same thing when He brought Lazarus back from the dead, the chemical body can go through decomposition prior to 72 hours but that would not prevent the electrical body from activating the cells again. 0:58 So in the case of Lazarus, He knew how to shut down that energy, but in the case of Lazarus which we will go into tonight on the Science of the Soul, He actually shut down Lazarus, He was responsible for bringing Lazarus to the state of death, He did this to Lazarus, we have to understand the Guru disciple relationship in the Science of the Soul to understand what He did for Lazarus. Now in His own make up He Himself shut it down to the point where the soldier was fooled that there was no groaning, no movement, and the soldier accepted that as tangible death. The disciples who were aware of what was happening in these levels of behavior, they took the body and wrapped it up in the necessary herbs and let the process continue. Therefore the Shroud of Turin is an evidence that the Master finally resurrected out from the shroud Himself by bringing about dematerialization within the material, you see. The scientific evidence of the shroud is there existing today that the Master was in a certain state of awareness and then as He brought it to the highest point of realization, He went through the atomic structure and free Himself from the shroud. Audience: Someone in the Catholic Church knew the truth… Adano: …knowing the truth. When we say “knowing the truth” we’ve got to look at some other facts. The original initiates or disciples understood the Science of the Soul up to the time of Timothy, after Timothy they did not understand the Science of the Soul, that was the end of the Science of the Soul. The Science of the Soul continued to flourish up to the time of Timothy. 1:00 Audience: They understood this even before the resurrection? Adano: Yes. Audience: (Inaudible) Why did orthodox Christianity find it necessary to change the facts? Adano: No, orthodox Christianity did not change the facts until the political popes came into existence in the time of the Medicis. The political popes were the ones who actually started the change because they were the ones who were building up the theology, not the Christianity, the non-political popes prior to that time were the ones who were maintaining the initiate life, but from that time as soon as the first political pope became the head of the church, there were no more initiate life. The initiate life went into the underground, the initiate life died out and remained in the underground as a threat, so the church then divided into two segments, the apostolic end and the monastic end. The apostolic end was the one that would go out now with the new theology of Paul and bombard you on the brain with a 2x4 and get you into the church and the monastic end would go away and live in monasteries to pursue the mystic inner life. So they were no longer accountable to the pope, that’s why your monastic end is not accountable to the pope, they accept him as a titular head but they are not accountable and they do not rely on the Vatican for sustenance. Whereas the apostolic end is in full accordance with the pope and must accept the rules of the pope. 1:02 So what we have today as a church acting is the apostolic end, not the monastic end. The monastic end exists as a way of life just because that portion has not really cut off but remain underground, your monks, the Trappist monks, your various Jesuit monks, your Dominican monks, they’re all under their own supervision, they only accept the pope as a titular head but he doesn’t regulate their existence. Audience: The belief in reincarnation also up until the time of Timothy? Adano: Up to the point of Pope Irene, Pope Irene was the man who first started dissecting what you call a bible, see the bible means portable library, bibliotec is also a french word for library. Now the book is a compilation of all books put together and now held in one big book and it’s called library, a library of the scriptural writings or recorded writings of the various teachings of the great prophets. So he began a re-editing of the time and then slowly segment out the part that referred to reincarnation for two reasons: one, the communes that were trying to be Christians were lax, they were not devoting enough time to be Christians, they would do like what the modern day commune is doing, sitting down and let somebody else do the job for them. You go in a modern day commune and you find four or five people doing all the work and eight or twelve is sitting over there (Adano sniffs) like that (laughter). So after a while Pope Irene realized that this is a waste of time and the ones that do like this, “Well that’s my karma, that’s my reincarnation,” and the other four are busy hustling preparing the food so conflicts set up in these communes. 1:04 So Irene decided a revamping and in revamping the books, he eliminated all the things that would retard what is called an “active conversion” or an “active growth” but he couldn’t dissect everything or cut out everything in the New Testament, there were too many things in the New Testament that had to remain. As far as the Old Testament was concerned, he cut out all of that and then even went as far as to prevent the Church from using the Old Testament. It became one of the Papal Bull that the Old Testament was not to be used because he says, “that’s only Jewish traditions.” You see he was a very aggressive man, he wanted that people that got into the Church were to be good active Christians getting on with the job of salvation right now, but he did not take into consideration that this would be back tracking on himself, it will pile up sooner or later that the very people would ask the very same questions, like you would ask, “Was I here before?” Many of the early Christians were born with this particular heritage wondering if it was their first time or not and they were caught up and another problem that came along was Baptism. The parents were being destroyed by the arena, you know in those days they take the parents and push them in the arena and many were abandoned so what would they do with the children? Was there any hope or salvation for them because initiation was only given to an adult, not to a child, which was what we call Baptism, initiating the person into the spiritual light. 1:06 Now Irene realized that the young people would be at loss because they need every person to be a part of the growing band of Christians, so he then instituted the Baptism for the child with the godparent. That means that individual who was an initiate of truth would stand as a responsible agent that when the child came of age for initiation, they would go to the godparent to be initiated, but then they lost the techniques and then it was reorganized to be called Confirmation leading to Holy Communion. We developed a doxology, a liturgy, and all these things to maintain now a churchianistic development of Christianity whereas the pure Christianity started to go into the underground with the monks. The monks then started to cut themselves away from the mainstream but they remain in the background living in their own little communes and pursuing the meditative life, the contemplative life, this is the problem that has grown up over the years. So when we’re looking at the Church of today we are looking at churchianity not Christianity yet, Christianity is on its upsurge, it’s starting to come back now for the first time. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: They grieved in this respect, remember they were not Christ-realized men, they were on their way to become Christ-realized. Alright they grieved in the respect that they denied Him, number one, that was their biggest grief, that they did not stand up or take a stand for Him. They grieved in the respect that He appeared to be dead on the cross and that He was put into the coffin and into the gravesite, this grief hang heavy on their minds. 1:08 But what took the greatest impact was their denial, there’s nothing more, we call it damaging to your psyche than the fact that you have a loved one and you saw him blameless and you turn against him. You could accept the person being assassinated but you can’t accept easily you have been a part in the denial of the person, you didn’t take part in trying to protect the person, you see, this was what was difficult for them to accept, this was human grief. So they lingered around in the upper chamber in their grief and they tried to recall the many teachings He gave them, the many ideas He spoke about what would happen and they were hoping beyond hope that something would happen, they were not certain that they had followed a real Master yet. Jesus was a Master, very true, a fully realized Master but even they themselves, even Peter was not confident or fully convinced that his Master had actually arrived at the highest realm of awareness and would actually give him the experience of resurrection, He spoke of it but He didn’t say, “I’ll come back and prove it to you.” So they were lingering in this doubt and shame and it’s when they got the news from Mary that she has seen the Master, it gave them a real hope that it’s possible that He must have reached that higher level that they were striving for. Now as they had the confrontation in the room with Him, this broke the grief, then they took heart and made now a final plunge that they want to get up there. 1:10 Well let’s put it this way, Jesus is at Consciousness acting on Consciousness, this is the level He’s living in, and the disciples were living in Consciousness acting on Matter, and they were not capable of reaching up to Consciousness acting on Consciousness, a few glimpses were revealed to them from their inner attempt in the case of Peter when he said, “Thou art Christ” and Jesus said, “I didn’t tell you that, the Father which is in thee reveal it to you. Now upon this rock I will build My church.” Upon this awareness in a human being it is possible to build something, but Peter was not in that state, he was not confirmed in that state, he was not secure like a rock, but it’s necessary to get to that state to be anchored in it and not to waver. So Peter was struggling, because he denied it showed that he was weak, he didn’t go from Energy acting to Energy, Consciousness acting to Energy, he did not master these two states because in his later life show the mistakes he made that he was not anchored in those states. So when the Master was crucified, he was in a quandary, the Master came back, now when the Master came back and convinced them that He was truly in that state, now they make the initial push, but their initial push was still weak, they needed help. So He says, “I go unto the Father, I send you the Holy Comforter,” He couldn’t stick around to pull them up like babies, He had to give them another level. So the Holy Spirit had to come down into where Consciousness is acting on Energy to give them boost that they will make this sudden upsurge now in consciousness and then they can try to reach the Christ Consciousness from that upsurge because Consciousness acting on Energy is the Holy Spirit level where they are reminded that they must make the next level. “I go unto the Father but I send you the Holy Comforter,” the Holy Energy, the Holy Spirit, our Conscious Energy. “I send you this, I let this come to you to remind you that you hold fast, that the next level is yet to be made, in My name that if you only hold fast and this Consciousness acting on Energy, you will make Consciousness acting on Consciousness.” Do you see what He’s trying to tell? 1:12 Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes so they eventually they did make it because on the day of Pentecost they were given the next boost to the next level, they held on to that level, and in their own growth they were able to go on to the Christ state. As the disciples later on wrote in their own writings that they were already getting into that state because they were able to do the things He did and greater things too because they were already reaching that state but you see we are not left here or abandoned here by the Intelligence or the great Teachers of Truth, we are not abandoned. There is tremendous concern for us from all the way down from Matter acting on Matter all the way up to Beingness acting on Beingness and I couldn’t make it without Their grace either, so you’re not abandoned, rest assured. Audience: You are saying that Jesus, after the resurrection, was wearing the same physical body as on the cross? Adano: Yes, it’s the same physical body that has been transmuted by His consciousness. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, there’s a difference in the resurrected body than the one before the death. Before the death His body would cast a shadow and leave a footprint and after the death, which is the Mahasamadhi and the transference of the cells by the consciousness, the body will cast no shadow, leave no footprint, and will have the odor of roses, but it will eat like you and I would eat. The only difference, it will not use the mouth, it will use the mouth just to convince us that the mouth is an organ to eat because you’re accustomed to see a human being eating by the mouth but in the resurrected body it is not required to use the mouth, it is by intravenous method by contact. 1:14 You touch the substance and the substance is transmuted through the cells and in one split second you see the whole process of assimilation, digestion, and elimination, it comes in through the right and goes out through the left. This is the normal process of a resurrected body but that is to convince the student that He is in that state but because we are accustomed to seeing someone eating by the mouth, He will say, “Okay, I will eat with the mouth,” but you know today that we can give intravenous and feed a human being. In the resurrected body it’s not required to use the mouth because a Master has mastered the senses already, seeing, smelling, taste, and touch, so these senses don’t work no more, Their eyes are always locked in and Their contact point is Their hands, so the human being in that state is fully realized. The ability He has is that He can come and go at will, there is no limitation in the sensory world for Him, He is just as here in this dimension as much as much as Venus or Mars or in some part of Peru because He’s is all consciousness. He’s moving at the speed of light squared so you can imagine how fast He’s moving already and yet He is in the ever-now, this is what the meaning of the resurrected body, the body is not limited. Now the nearest thing one can get a mental picture of is those who’ve seen the thing called Star Trek, the energization of one body is exactly this, the science fiction is giving you a glimpse of the possibility of what the actual thing about the resurrected body is doing. So we don’t have to worry about science fiction, let us worry about getting the Soul to do it. 1:16 Audience: Do you accept the truth of the Shroud that was found in Turin? It is a valid shroud? Adano: Yes it is a valid shroud. Audience: (Inaudible) facial features and so on of the Christ we are used to seeing in the old religious paintings by famous painters? Adano: The only problem you see, remember a person who is dead or in a state of suspended animation, the face gets flat and the muscles are pulled back and therefore it would look very unusual, when the faces are pulled forward in a life state it’s a little more like this one in the picture here. Now the actual imprints is in the wrist you see, you couldn’t nail a man in this part, it will break the bone, anatomy wise this would be the correct place therefore the shroud is accurate. Now the artist who have never actually seen the resurrected body labored under the illusion that He was nailed in the palm but the mystics who have actually had the experience it was always in the wrist and in the case of Therese Newman who was the stigmatist, the wound was in the wrist. See she lived not too long ago up to 1952, no 1958, I’m sorry 58 and the wound was always in the wrist, it bled from the wrist. Audience: There’s not enough support. Adano: Right that is true. Audience: That’s a most interesting book that has been written by (inaudible), I can’t think of the title. Adano: The Shroud of Turin. Audience: Can you buy it now? Adano: The Shroud of Turin? Yes you can find it, I think the Casey Foundation sells it, A-R-E sells it. 1:18 Audience: When you reincarnate do you take on almost the same body? Adano: No no no no no no, what reincarnates is the first thing you have to ask yourself, the electrical body and the ideational body, these are the two bodies that return with the memory patterns of the chemical body. The chemical body has abused the vital energy in desires, cravings, wrong choice, now the results are imprinted like a negative plate on the electrical body or astral body and imprinted on the ideational body or the thought body, now this remains while the chemical body decomposes. Now as long as the chemical body decomposes that proves that the individual has not attained realization and he has to go through a process of repeating it. Now when he comes back with another chemical body having the memory of these impressions of what he did wrong, he’s given the opportunity with the chemical body to correct, he must make the correction in the chemical body. The unfinished impressions that are left in the electrical body and the idea body, these are transferred upon the chemical body as his karma, they are to be resolved in that physical body or chemical body. When they are resolved or overcome in that chemical body then that chemical body is made sanctified or pure then it would not decompose at death, therefore we know that that individual has achieved now realization. 1:20 See there are four ways to die, one to die and decompose, two to die and do not decompose, three to die and resurrect the body and take it with you, four to dematerialize the body with bodily assumption and lift it up into the atmosphere and right in front of everyone. Audience: Who chooses what you are going to work on in a lifetime, you or…? Adano: You, you always choose because as you think so you are, as you sow that you reap. Now there is no death, it’s all birth. We are born into a chemical realm because we have to leave the electrical and the ideational realm to come and complete the unfinished work. Therefore the subtle forces are very weak, the dominant forces are strong in this realm, when you’re born as a child all the dominant forces of agitation and anger are stronger. Now when you’re getting ready to be born in the electrical realm, all the subtle forces become strong and the aggressive ones start to diminish, you don’t have the pep and go, you become very selective now because you know that you’re reaching a critical point in age and mechanism but you are preparing to be born into the other realm therefore the subtle forces are getting stronger now because that’s the force that has to be used in the other realm. So there is no death it’s just a transference from one realm and it’s all birth in each realm. Audience: And you could reappear anywhere in the world, in any other race or any other sex. Adano: Yes. 1:22 Audience: Well if we’re the ones that choose what we’ll work on, how is it that everybody is so much in doubt about what it we should do? Adano: (Laughing) Loss of memory was a prerequisite by the Lord of Creation or the Lord of Karma. You see God is not judging no man, “Unto the Son is given the power to judge and absolve as the mediator,” the Christ Intelligence. Pure Being is not interfering with the Soul’s growth, Pure Being has administered all the responsibility to Consciousness acting on Consciousness as the mediator and Pure Being has administered to Consciousness acting on Energy as the Creator. Now this Lord of Karma which you may want to call the manager of the universe, that part of the Creator comes and sets up the creation and is locked up in the time cycle. Now as long as that intelligent part of God functions in creation as time, we are given time to work it, but we are given the choice to choose when and where to work it out. Now He would not interfere, that part of the God nature would not interfere because that is a responsibility God allocates out of His nature to that portion of creation. Yet nevertheless it must maintain some degree of control, the degree of control that the creative (gap in tape) but this is the thing, to delay the issue so that we work it out by forgiveness, not by precognition or preview of the past life, if we have all the previews of past life we will not ask forgiveness, we will go and do the corrections right away so what good is it to come back in the physical body having total memory and not making up for forgiveness. The only person who is granted the total memory is the person who has lived out a life of forgiveness in a previous life and that’s what they call a Master as in the case of Elisha who was a student of Elijah. 1:24 Now Elijah is John in this present incarnation, Elisha was Jesus, but Elisha made a mistake in a previous life, he went to his teacher and said, “Give me a double portion of your power, of your spirit.” Well he was asking for something that he didn’t earn you see and the teacher said to him “You ask a hard thing,” that means to say that you don’t want to work for it, “You want me to give you all the spiritual power, the spiritual knowledge, and you don’t want to spend time but you put me in a very difficult situation, I’m a teacher and out of compassion I’m forced to respond.” So the teacher says to him “Nevertheless if you see me before I go, the mantle is yours” this spiritual power is yours, but the teacher put him in a predicament because he says “if you see me before I go.” Now the boy is not developed enough to outwit the teacher, he can never tell when the teacher is going to leave the body. So he couldn’t leave the presence of the teacher and he can’t even go to the bathroom, he can’t even fall asleep because he would not know what time the teacher would leave the body. So he really had to work now to get to that state where all bodily functions would have to shut down to be holding on to the consciousness of his teacher. So when he did earn to some degree under compassion, the teacher then gave him the the spiritual qualities but with admonishment. He realized that he did not earn it in the true sense of the word, he had to return now in a next incarnation to take over that mantle on a better footing. So when he came back as Jesus and Elijah return as John, he still had to go and pay respect to the teacher by asking him now to initiate him and then set him on the road again, so the teacher was willing to give him the experience. So we find now that he was born having memory, he was born attracting, and his life being predicted ahead because he was coming back now to fulfill this role. 1:26 But in having the memory and having no karma to work out on his own, he still had to go and look up for the teacher who was a lesser role now, was just an ordinary man and not as great in the eyes of people, he still had to go and humble himself to get this particular experience. You see the teacher had to be in that way so that the boy would learn humility in his new life, in his previous life he was a little bombastic by asking for something he didn’t earn and the teacher gave it to him by compassion. Now when the roles were reversed he had to go and humble himself and ask for it then the teacher gave it to him by saying “you baptize me,” he said “no, you baptize me” and then they argue then the teacher says all right but the role was accepted. So Jesus then fulfilled the last vestige of karma in that life by accepting the humble role and then going on the mountain to work out the inner pulls of the ego. On the forty days and forty nights he struggled out with himself and then when he came down fully entrenched in the Christ state, he then went to the first place which was a wedding and there you know from the question and answer that occurred between the mother, she said “Son there is no wine” and he says “My time has not yet come.” This is to tell her right away that he was not in that state of consciousness where he would automatically exert ego, there is no more ego now, he got rid of all of that by being humble to the teacher and by going up to the mountain and working it out, now when he’s confronted with desires which he doesn’t have any for, their desires, he’s still got to be awake now to listen to the God-self to tell him when to act and that he should not up and act spontaneously at a spur at the moment because he has a volition or a power at his control, he must act now by divine love, the divine need, and then he is telling the mother the time is not there yet. So you see time still regulates. 1:28 Audience: How long does it take and what happens to you when you’ve perfected everything? Adano: Let us get there first. (Laughter). Audience: Can you talk a little bit about the astral life? Adano: The astral life is very beautiful, it is in an exact counterpart of this physical life but it does not have at certain levels all the problems that we have. It’s called the electrical world, electrical bodies. This physical body, you ever seen the shadow? Let’s say the shadow would represent the electrical or astral body, it’s always with you and it moves at the speed of light, there is no limitation there and there is no sensation in what we call pain as a human body. There is a sensation of pain in terms of wrong choice, there’s a sensation of pain in terms of wrong language structure, there’s a sensation of pain by wrong desire reactions, but to say you cut your hand and feel pain there’s no such thing there. What would be painful to you if someone use abusive language in that atmosphere, it would be like a volcano went off. Someone tell you that a volcano or an earthquake went off in this material world and so many people are being hurt, abusive language or abusive thoughts or negative thought patterns would be like that in that realm, it will create a ricocheting action throughout that field. 1:30 Now there are many levels of the electrical world, there you have the perennial spring, that is the whole atmosphere in there is like a perennial spring. In some areas you will see snow but there is no sensation of cold since you don’t have a chemical body to feel cold. Now the electrical body does not eat the way we eat, the electrical body is composed of 19 elements, our physical body is composed of 16, but the electrical body would bring into manifestation what it needs by crystallizing it and it crystallizes what you call the essences of it. Supposing you wanted to have an apple, here you would have to grow the apple, pick it, eat it, before you can get the actual essence of it, there in the electrical world you think of the apple, it crystallizes in that realm, it’s tangible just like this one, but in a different way, it has an essence, an odor, and you will inhale it and it will shrink down. As you keep inhaling it, it will diminish itself into nothingness so you are absorbing the essences in the electrical realm. Audience: Can this body continue to grow? Adano: No, no, electrical body has its own karma by the abuse. When we abuse psychic abilities in the chemical body they are registered in the electrical body and that karma has to be worked out. 1:32 When we abuse thought patterns like if we say to someone, we give our word and we didn’t keep our word, those thought patterns will confront us. In the electrical body realm, our karma is strictly how honest we are, how ethical we are, these problems we have to face in the electrical realm. They they appear as images, as electrical images, hate appears as an image of light looking like a sort of a monstrosity, love appears as an image of pink looking very beautiful. Now if your love for your husband was very wonderful on the earth plane, physically you will love him and embrace him. In the astral world you would see that love in the shape of a rose and the face of your husband would be embedded in that rose and his whole structure would be like locked up in that rose, that would be the astral relationship of your love in there. Now in what you call Valentine’s day, you know you have a heart? Now many of us send gifts to other people and on a physical level we send you a valentine which is in the shape of a heart, in the astral realm if you were to see that everyone that you did that, you’ve actually built a heart around them (inaudible) and they will feel this in that electrical realm. Now if you want to build hate, it looks like a octopus and encountering the whole person, it’s like it’s encrusted around the person because these are energies we are releasing from the brain and it’s remaining in the electrical realm. 1:34 So the teachers of truth tells us not to dwell in the electrical realm too much for two reasons, there is more negative images in there than there are positive images and since we don’t have the strength and the understanding of God yet, we’re going to be pulled down in that state. So if you think of that story where Odysseus was traveling up the River Styx, he was the Guru. It’s the Greek way of describing the journey back to God, he was the Guru, the sailors were the Soul or the students, the River Styx is life or the spinal canal of the human spine, and the sirens were the sensory natures of the electrical realm pulling. Now once the disciples or the consciousness would start deviating away from the source inside, it would be pulled back so he had to stop their ears up to prevent that. The disciple, once he’s initiated in the spiritual light, his consciousness is kept now on the light inside which is the God light and does not deviate down into the lower realms. So sometimes in doing your meditation after you’re initiated into that consciousness, you may not see anything in the astral realm, it’s because the Master has placed blinkers over your consciousness to keep you on a straight path. It’s like bringing a horse up the mountain, it will put blinkers there so it does not look down and fall off the mountain. Sometimes we meditate and don’t see anything, I’ll give you an illustration. 1:36 Anand Swami Maharaj, the one that initiated me into Swamihood told me that he was initiated as a boy at 14 years of age into the science of meditation and up to the age of 65 he did not see a single thing in his meditation. Imagine a man, 65 years of age, saw nothing, heard nothing, but out of love for his teacher who gave him the technique of meditation, he went to visit him at the age of 65 and he said to him he said, “Sir, I’ve been very faithful with the technique that you taught me how to meditate but I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, and all other people who have come and studied with you have so much wonderful experiences. Out of love for you I’ve still continued and I am at this age and I know I don’t have long to live, I’m asking your blessing in some way that I can see something of what God is.” Well you imagine from 40 to 65, you would have give up a long time, but the teacher said to him, “Tell me son…” Now you imagine the teacher was 45 years of age when he the boy was initiated at 14, you can imagine how old the teacher is now, he’s calling a 65 year old man “son.” He says, “Tell me my son how long can you meditate without fidgeting?” So Anand Swami said to me, and at that time Anand Swami was in his 80s, he is 86 now, he said to me, “To play it safe I told him two hours” and he was playing it safe. He could meditate for hours this man but he said, “I was playing it safe so I said to the teacher two hours.” He says, “Okay son show me.” These Indians are very practical people you know, they don’t waste words, “show me.” So he said he sat down and after one hour, he didn’t know, the teacher took a nail and a nail in India it’s got to be a rusty one, there’s no brand new nails, and nailed his leg right through the thigh, no right through the calf, into the floor and waited.” 1:38 So after two hours Anand Swami opened his eyes and said, “You see teacher, I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything.” So the teacher said to him, “Well look at your foot.” So he looked at his foot and there’s the nail run right through, he can’t get it out. Well you could imagine it’s a rusty nail, you’re gonna get gangrene so the thought doesn’t come to the man, he says “All right,” he says “I’ll take the nail out now, I’ll heal you but I’ll leave the scar to tell you and remind you how deep in God you are” and he pulled out the nail from the man’s foot, healed it, there was no blood, just pass the hand over it, the flesh pulled back, and he told him, “Now go back into the world and live and don’t come up here no more.” Now this was his second visit to the man and that was how rigid his teacher was, he says “You go back,” he said that night he went home and his whole head was like the universe had exploded, he could not shut his eyes, he couldn’t sleep, everything had started happening, he said that he was so happy then that he didn’t have it years ago, he might have gone out of his mind, you see. The inner worlds were too shocking, he wasn’t prepared, he wasn’t matured enough to handle it, and the teacher was actually protecting him in the growth until he came to the point where the teacher was able to let him experience it. Audience: Adano, when the astral body is in this dimension, what happens to the causal body? Adano: The causal body is still in the background feeling all the repercussions, it doesn’t interfere, you have all three working together, they’re not just one at a time, they’re all working together. 1:40 Well let me show you something, let me show you how they’re all working together: thought, word, deed, you know these three statements? The idea body or the causal body is the mere thought, let’s say you have the thought of going to Howard Johnson for ice cream, that’s just a thought but that has registered already in the causal body. You picture the ice cream you want to eat, say you want to eat walnut, then you say to a friend “Let us go to Howard Johnson and eat some walnut ice cream,” that’s word, this has occurred now in the electrical body therefore it’s a stronger imprint, you have released energy on a different level now. Now let’s say now your friend says, “Well I don’t feel to go, let us avoid it.” You have the tremendous physical craving for ice cream and you feel despondent, you want to please your friend, if you go then it’s the action, the chemical body fulfills it, if you don’t go there’s repercussion and the repercussion will occur between the idea body and the electrical body, between the word or the statement of going to eat the ice cream and the idea of thinking of it, you have an inner reaction. Have you ever had such a thing happen to you, you plan to do something and then you got disappointed? Now this is how it works inside. Now the moment you complete it then there is a complete flow between the idea body, the electrical body, and the chemical body but anytime there is a interruption or a suspension, then in the other two there is friction, there is an internal conflict so it reacts in your body as a shock and you will always remember your friend has been the one who didn’t let you go eat your ice cream. 1:42 So now if you pass out of the body, this is where the problem of the karma comes in now, on the electrical realm and the idea realm. In the electrical realm you will see that particular beautiful walnut ice cream hanging there and in the idea realm you would see the idea or the craving for it floating around there as a force field. Now this has to be resolved, you have to resolve it. Now if you don’t resolve it in consciousness, then we are thrown back into a chemical body with a tremendous craving for walnut ice cream. Do you find some time you have craving for certain foods? This is what has happened because someone has actually interfered in the completion of the thought patterns for you. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes meditation is to help you discharge it. You’re supposed to meditate on the idea and see it and try to dissolve it in the consciousness and there are techniques to dissolve it, it’s called image therapy, you dissolve the images in your consciousness by meditation, we explode them, and that would be like a tape recorder. A tape recorder, the old-fashioned tape recorder, when you tape you had to erase the whole tape before you can tape back on top of it. Today you don’t have that problem, today you tape and if you don’t want the information you just record on top of it and that is automatically pushed out. 1:44 Equally true in consciousness, in the olden days when Man did not know how to correct his consciousness he went for confession and confession was a means of correcting it by speaking out the whole thing in front of a priest and that would be like the old-fashioned tape recorder, erasing it, and then he would give you a bunch of Hail Marys and Our Fathers and different other vespers to perform and that would alleviate it. Today we don’t have to do that, today the same type of confession has taken a more mature outlook, it becomes image therapy, you can take those images and recorrect them by various color ratios in the mind and explode them, therefore you don’t have the internal conflicts no more. Audience: What’s the advantage of color? Adano: Very important because light is color, you see the light all the time in different colors and each color has a particular impact on the mechanism especially in the electrical mechanism, it determines what degree the impact is in the electrical mechanism and it also determines what level or mood you’re in and what degree of shock the body is in. All right here’s a good experience, close your eyes, think of your mother being pregnant with you and tell me what color comes to your mind. Audience: Blue. Adano: All right, you didn’t imagine it. Audience: I know that color is something (inaudible). Adano: You see the shock is already established by the impact of the Consciousness acting on Matter and therefore it is registered in your cells for the balance of your life until it is recycled out of you, no matter how. So everything that has happened in the nine months of pregnancy are all registered (inaudible) and the color has already determined the degree of shock the cells (inaudible). Audience: Let’s save our questions for tonight and we know you’ll all be here (end of tape).

1972 Part 4 - Richmond for Initiates/Chart

Adano72_4RichmondforInitiates_ChartQ1NW4 - (Chanting) Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Om. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Om. Om Namo Shivaya. Om Namo Shivaya. Om Namo Shivaya. Om Namo Shivaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Om. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay Om. (Chanting) Who is in my temple? Who is in my temple? All the doors do open themselves. All the lights do light themselves. All the doors do open themselves. All the lights do light themselves. Darkness like a dark bird, flies away o’ flies away. Darkness like a dark bird, flies away o’ flies away. (x2) flies away o’ flies away. (Chanting) Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. (x2) (Chanting) Om Christ, Om Christ, Om Christ, Om. (x5) (Chanting) We love you, we love you, we love you. Our dear elementals we do. All beings of Air, Fire, and Water. And beings of Earth we love you. I AM presence, free all elementals the great the small. I AM presence, through them give protection to all. (x5) 0:12 Now let’s do the Holy Breath fourteen times. (Meditation). 0:18 Mentally repeat the holy name. (Meditation). 0:29 Let’s see the light and hear the Sound Current. (Meditation). 0:41 Audience: Adano would you please explain again why you put your fingers on your eyes. Adano: The thumb goes in the ears, the first finger on the eye. Audience: With a lot of pressure? Adano: So as to prevent the eyeball from moving, that’s the reason it’s there, to prevent it from moving, keep it steady. Once you’ve got it steady, you can see the ring of gold and the blue light and the dove when you take it away. Then you should hear the Sound Current inside. Audience: Should it hurt? Adano: Well it will hurt to start with because your eyes are not accustomed to it but then your eyes become accustomed to it. Audience: Well tell me this, after I’m done with Holy Breath and repeating the Names, my head starts doing this. Adano: Yes because it’s starting to rise up in the current, this is inner travel, you’re actually going into orbit just like a satellite goes into orbit, you’re blasting off exactly like when you blast off in Cape Canaveral and you’re shooting right through the brain. Audience: I couldn’t feel anything from here. Adano: That’s because you constantly… after a while you’re gonna fly yourself going out through the pineal gland. Audience: What happens when you begin to get a headache right here? Adano: Just keep on repeating the Holy Names, don’t let go of the Holy Names, that’s your safety belt, that’s your life belt all the way back in and out from here to infinity and back. Audience: When we’re doing this, are we repeating the Holy Name? Adano: No, not that time, anytime you get a swirling sensation, you’re calling the Holy Name. You find you’re starting to swirl away to some different eddy currents or you’re drifting down into any particular level of awareness, you use the Holy Name to bring your back steady. Anytime there is any variation from centering, you use the Holy Name, the Holy Name is a brake and it’s an accelerator, it’s your life belt and everything. Audience: What about nausea? Adano: It will stop it too. Audience: Could you explain again how to do the Holy Breath (inaudible). Adano: Yes “AW” and “EE.” Audience: And do we concentrate on the spine at all? Adano: No you have nothing to do with the opening up of the centers, the Masters open it, the Masters tune it up. Your centers are like a carburetor, you don’t have a single thing to do with it. Anytime you attempt to do it, you’re playing around with the machinery that’s why the chant is “Who is in my temple, all the doors open by themselves, all the lights go on by themselves,” it’s the Masters Themselves who turn it and time it. The Book of Revelations tells you in there that the golden seals are opened from inside, the angels themselves (inaudible) Master Consciousness opens it, we are not supposed to tamper with it. Any time we tamper with it, we don’t know what we’re doing, our commitment is just to repeat these things and (inaudible) from inside. Audience: Can we do that more than 14 times? Adano: No, don’t be like me years ago and try to do more than 14 (inaudible), do the required amount, after 14 it doesn’t register. At the end of four years we will give you another quantity to do. Audience: You say it’s supposed to be consciously done as you do when you’re sleeping but those are real long breaths. Adano: Very slow, no rush, take your time in between, you can even breathe in between and take a break. Audience: But then do you consciously force all the air of you? Adano: No, this is a very slow, gradual process, being conscious of it and not to rush it, not to strain. There should be no strain, it should be just be (inaudible). Audience: And it should take 12 minutes to do it? Adano: The minimum (inaudible) 10-12 minutes, you do it very gradual without any rush. You’re not in a hurry to go nowhere so take your time. Is that clear young lade? You don’t do more than 14 at a time not because you’re going to increase your consciousness one year evolution, you want to get there faster, you don’t get there any faster. There are three things why you can’t put on more, it’s like a carburetor again if you over flood it what would? Audience: It would stall. Adano: Stall, if you put too much discharge energy in your lungs, you flare up the the toxins in your system. This is one sign you obey the instructions all the time, don’t monkey around with it. The Masters have it very specific, They don’t want us to monkey around because we don’t have a single thing to do with it, this is a science of total obedience inside. That’s why you’re freed from that particular first mistake we made with the apple, what was the actual sin in the Garden of Eden? Disobedience, there is no other sin in the spiritual path. Now God doesn’t punish nobody for karma, we read a lot about karma but we don’t want to get down to the nitty gritty of doing it, we find out (inaudible). We dissolve our own karma as an initiate, the non-initiate will live in the illusion that he got to go to hell, he will live in the illusion he’s got to get somebody on a throne to absolve him of his sins, that’s because he’s a non-initiate. The initiate is the only person who knows what’s going on inside, he’s the one that is going to burn up his own karma, he’s the one who’s going to raise his own evolution, and he’s the one that is committed to God to total obedience all the time. There is no sin in the universe save the sin of disobedience, simply that, and the initiate keeps his peace, he doesn’t go and tell his people, he isn’t suppose to tell no one, he has to leave them until they are ready to accept the truth. They got to break away from their illusions that they got a Soul to save and when they’re ready to accept the real truth about themselves, then the road back to God is strictly obedience. It’s a very simple journey, they don’t make it complicated, the Masters are trying to teach us simplicity, humility, patience putting us through a process. We cannot make that growth by thinking of it or intellectualizing it, we can only make the growth by obeying it, it’s a peculiar process but that’s how it works inside. Now this is not going to be found in books, you got to live it to find out about it that’s the reason why they don’t have it written down in books, it’s a process that you have to live inside, it’s a journey of an inward movement inside the mechanism. Outside of your skin on this side of the wall of the skin, the five forces of the universe are in a state of conflict or war: earth, water, air, ether, fire, they are constantly in battle with each other. On the other wall of the skin inside of your body where the blood is, they are in a state of unity or harmony for the first time. The only thing that separates them from fighting each other is this skin, this is what they call “God made flesh,” that’s the miracle of the universe. It’s a powerful force field that separates them all, a thing called skin, flesh, “God became flesh.” 0:50 The mystery He has made is keeping all these forces in the balance by a wall of skin. Now if you look at a piece of tissue under a microscope what do you see? Nothing but a spongy porous substance and how can this spongy porous substance hold back violent forces outside and keep them in check inside, isn’t that a mystery? A fantastic mystery, yet that is the whole essence of this inward journey. Now the holy breath is already set up inside to organize this movement back in and we are not supposed to go and jigger around with it and monkey around with it, that’s why they say you must have a teacher. The awakening of the kundalini always has an admonition when you get down to the real nitty gritty of it you find out what it’s all involved, it’s involved with simple obedience to let God, the inner consciousness, open up from inside simply by letting the consciousness work. This is why they say after a certain period, the quantity of the breath will change and you don’t change it, it is given at a certain time because there’s another initiation (inaudible). So we are not concerned with that now, we are concerned to get this thing moving inside when you get to the next initiation, you’re well on your way. Okay in the chart you’ll see there’s a drawing on the left side, it’s called Man’s Basic Self and below that you’ll see some lines running down, that’s why I wanted everyone to have to their own chart (inaudible). You have a little paper, it’s called Additions to the Initiates Requirement’s Chart

Initiates Requirement's Chart

(Gap in tape)… it’s the balancing point between the Son of God and the Son of Man aspect in you, always the conscious level, it’s this meeting point. Now before we can understand the Son of God level which is the line moving up from the breath, we must understand the Son of Man level that’s the line moving down. You see it’s called Conscious Degeneration, we consciously break down ourselves and this is the reason why Jesus told Peter “You have been with Me so long in the regenerative life and know me not.” Peter did not awaken enough of the regenerative forces in his body, he was too involved with the conscious breakdown of his body. Now and you notice the next point is Conscience Contact, we don’t have a conscious contact with God, we have a conscience contact. In the downward pull, we pollute ourselves and therefore the conscience contact is the breaking down process. You never hear of the word guilt conscious, it’s guilt conscience, these two words go together. It’s never guilt conscious or guilt consciousness, it’s guilt conscience. The conscience is a different aspect of your being, as you meditate you’re trying to search out in the mind makeup for the conscience, your meditation inward which is the Holy Breath, repeating the Holy Name and looking for the light and seeing the Sound Current or hearing the Sound Current is to lock into where the conscience is swirling, it’s a force field inside of you, there you can see it now, it’s called the Wheel of the 84. The conscience is called the Wheel of the 84 in the Hindu writings or in the Yoga writings, it has 84 movements and each movement there is a thousand variations. How come we get the idea that there are 84 basic postures in Hatha Yoga and a thousand variations for each basic posture. You study Hatha Yoga, how many postures are there? There are 84 basic postures and a thousand variations for each posture, each variation is a level of conscious reaction and is stored up in the conscience makeup of the being. A fully realized person can do all 84,000 postures without ever studying Hatha Yoga because he can enter any one of the positions, his body would automatically go into that by strictly the force field of consciousness. Great Saints, some of them are 80 and 90 years of age can be seen standing on their heads for hours, standing on their thumb alone with their feet up for hours. They can be bend in the most fantastic postures that would defy a very young man to do, strictly that he has entered the Wheel of the 84 force field and the body is nothing but a plastic movement. You will say to yourself “but he doesn’t have bones” but it ain’t true. One time there was a boy who wanted to do the postures to impress Yogananda, Yogananda was having a public meeting when they were dedicating the Lake Shrine in California, there were six boys who were trained to do the demonstration. The seventh boy felt he had learned enough and he came to Yogananda and he said “Master, can I join the group and do the postures?” And the Master look at him He says you’re not sufficiently developed but he says “Master, I’ve been studying for four years.” He said “That does not account for what I have just said. So the boy says “Well Master with Your grace I can do it.” Our of compassion He says “all right join the group,” He’s going to teach the young man one good lesson in life and never forget. The Master never calls out the postures in English, that’s number one though he taught them in English words. Well he started right in front of lieutenant governor Goodwin Knight and now everybody, all the big dignitaries, He starts calling out their postures in Sanskrit. The six boys all got into the postures and do it, the other one started to join in too. Gradually He comes to a very difficult posture and calls it out in Sanskrit, all six fellas went like that right into it, this boy couldn’t get into it and He watched and then He released the consciousness of the boy and the boy went right into it and the boy held the posture. He called out another posture but He shut off the energy from the boy and left him in his posture and allowed the other six to go on doing their postures and complete the show. When the show is over, the boy is still stuck in his posture, he can’t come out, the whole program is over and he’s sitting down there in the posture and everybody’s looking at him, he must see some super wizard sitting in this posture for a long time. He wasn’t no super wizard, he was cut off into that posture and left there to learn his lesson but he can’t go into the posture merely by sheer willpower, that the grace of a Master is very important for it. Then the Master came along and says, “You had enough now?” And He touched him on the head and he fell out of the posture. (Laughter). So I know the person very well and he was telling the story, he says “after that day he found out that Hatha Yoga is not what you think it is, it’s not just a mere exercise, not when you’re living with the people who understand what it’s all about inside.” 1:00 It has to do with the conscience inside, the conscience is built like an 84 cogwheel, a cogwheel with 84 ends like notches and each one regulates certain functions in the body and there are a thousand variations to each one of them, they’re hooked in but because it’s hooked in, it controls the breakdown rate of the body that’s why they say Hatha Yoga can build up your body and prevent you from breaking down, that’s why they say it’s a preventative form of exercise. Looking at it as strictly as a physical culture so looking at it from a standpoint of inner development of the Soul, it’s a fantastic process so it regulates the conscience contact from breakdown which you call pollution. Now let us look at the lines in which it controls and we will see what happens (gap in tape) …un-ending patience, that a Saint is a replica or some representation of on ending patience. Audience: In other words being free of time. Adano: Yes patience is being free of time, there’s no more pull on the mechanism, there’s no way the mechanism is going to come down into the time state. See that’s what the Master consciousness is because it’s intuitive now, it’s above the time cycle, it’s independent of the senses that rely on time so if you don’t rely on time then you can’t be pulled back into time. Audience: Does this mean that you are in the state of cheerfulness and buy a watermelon and drop it, you will still be cheerful? Adano: Yes. (Laughter). Audience: Or does it mean you won’t drop the watermelon? (Laughter). Adano: You will be patient because you will laugh at the comedy of how it falls out of your hand. Audience: Right, it doesn’t mean that it you won’t drop it. Adano: No. Audience: It just means that when it drops you will accept it for what it is. Adano: Right, right that exactly what we are saying. Now we have to go up gradually in the scale through mercifulness, equanimity, bliss, and ecstasy but these are all states that are conferred upon us, these states are conferred and they’re strengthening in us in the refinement. Now in the refinement process you’ll notice certain things must be done to ensure it and you look below the line you’ll notice it says now “affirmation,” you gain this maturity or refinement through affirmation, analysis, prayer, experimentation, nutrition, fasting, and elimination, energization, sex sublimation. These are the forces that stabilizes the refinement or which the refinement is constantly revolving itself around: concentration, introspection, visualization, image therapy. Then meditation which is Mental Energy Directing Individual Thought Activities Towards an Intuitive Observation and Oneness of Noumena or reality. This refinement process is revolving around these principles to stabilize it or make it stay active then… yeah? Audience: What is image therapy? Adano: God made Man in His own image and likeness, male and female created He them” and if you have the wrong distorted image of yourself, you have to correct it. Therapy means to correct or heal, you have to heal your self-image all the time so the refinement process is a image correction of yourself that you are Soul, you don’t have a Soul, you’ve got to constantly bring this about in the consciousness everyday when you keep slipping away with that idea that you have a Soul and you’re trying to protect it or save it then you you don’t have the correct understanding of your true image. Now the image body of God is like a diamond, let’s say it’s white light, luminous and luminous wisdom is oozing out so a diamond is a very hard carbon that illumines or gives off light or diffuses light. The body is carbon based already and we throw off carbon dioxide when we breathe so our true image is to take this carbon base that refuses now to shine light from the downward pull of the degenerate movements which is called the Son of Man movements like a charcoal now and try to bring it up to the refinement process which is the Son of God movement and diamond-ize it. Now the story called “The Secret of the Golden Flower” is mentioned that the purpose of it was to diamond-ize the body to arrive at the diamond body. If you read the book they’re looking for the diamond but the diamond body is the refinement body, is the body that radiates from the carbon base so you are in a sense building back your true image for the first time. Now the next thing is contemplation in which we enter the Master consciousness or the Radiant Form, that when you close your eyes to meditate it is called communion with the Saints, you want to see those radiant forms within you, the Master consciousness. Those Masters who have lived in the body, who have resurrected, and those who are still to come, their radiant form is still there, it’s never lost, that means they are eternally alive that’s what the contemplative part is that you will have this inner communion, you’re working towards that conviction. Then finally you’re working to life over death which is life control which you must resurrect. You see Jesus says we don’t have to reincarnate, we got to resurrect and a butterfly is doing it all the time so that is the very source we are going to, we are going to resurrection via a love nature, a love refinement of the physical cells. So now this refinement process rotates or revolve around these movements under that straight line. Now you’ll notice at the very top underneath the Initiate Requirements Chart there are some words, these are the things that are starting to appear in the early stages of established refinement: integrity, honesty, open mind, desire, service, willpower, humility, self-control, silence. These forces begin to become dominant energies in the body, they are the dominant energies of the body, they appear on the surface now. Audience: Desire? Adano: Only one desire is to fulfill God’s desire, that’s the only desire you have. Audience: That’s the one that’s supposed to come through? Adano: Yeah. All right, now in the right hand corner we see what is called the 35-day resistance cycle, this corresponds exactly with the breath, there are 16 little dots at the bottom of the ring and there are 19 dots at the top of the ring which gives it 35. Now the upward part is the electrical body, the electrical body how it’s composed of, it’s composed of the five instruments of knowledge, the five instruments of action, and the five instruments of life force and then it’s composed of feeling, intelligence, and ego and mind function which is 19 and the lower mechanism which is the chemical body is composed of 16 elements plus the trace elements, these are constantly revolving around in 24 or 28 days one lunar cycle, these forces are constantly making a motion. Now when we clean up the body, within 35 days of normal rational living by solar nutrition, we pull these forces in alignment in ourselves so the person who is going off of meat and all the different substances from the animal kingdom, the first 35 days after he goes off are the most difficult ones. 1:10 Now in Russia they’ve done some researches for people who are suffering from mental diseases, they’ve placed them on a meatless diet, starchless diet, and they have found it takes exactly 35 days to bring about correction in them. It’s amazing and I was surprised when they came up with the act of number of days that they made the results of testing it and pulling the person and observing, including the vitamin principle in the diet, to see how it corrected these states of mind, it took them 35 days to rehabilitate the person and set them back onto the society again. So we see that the Inner Man does carry the force fields and more and more science becomes aware of the refinement process, mental diseases are being corrected now by nutritional balance. All right we’re going back over to the left hand corner now at the top and there we come into what is called the Cosmic Time Influence and the Cosmic Time Influence involves all movements, it involves the prenatal or past accumulative conditions of our lives, it also involves our present or postnatal cognitive actions of our lives. So in a prenatal state, that’s before you’re born, the nine months of pregnancy is very important to the child and what occurs, the angers, the tensions between the parents, these have a lot to do in a time cycle that affects the body. The postnatal is after the child is born from the time the parent is going to be responsible to take care of it, that again is programmed into the body so a human being has at least two major movements dominating his life movement. Now future action or future involvement is the individual when he exerts his own choice, his own will, and takes his own responsibility by himself so your future karma don’t materialize in this life, it materializes in your next life you see. Audience: There is no such thing as instant karma. Adano: No (laughter), you see the things we take over on our personal responsibilities don’t come into materialization in this life, these are what you call future investments you know. You can buy at the stock market some stocks for future investment but you may not cash in right away on them and then you pass and your heirs begin to cash in on it. Our future thought patterns is the ones we generate for our own personal responsibility, our past thought patterns are the ones that come from prenatal and the postnatal state until we are actively involved on our own responsibility. Now the Masters tell us this, if we get past, you notice there’s a square box right above that stairway, the law of Cause and Effect or Karmic Principle? There’s a little square box there and you see a big vortex in there like it has a whirlpool, it’s called what? Audience: Tension. Adano: All right if we can get past the tension which is the world pool of all these forces in one incarnation, we can free ourselves. Now I’ll give you an indication of how you recognize that word “Pull of Tension,” the moment you start to meditate what do you feel in the forehead? Audience: Tension. Adano: Now that’s that’s the thing you’re looking for, this is why that tension is there. That tension is the whirlpool of pulling all these three forces: Past, Present, and Future thought patterns to the focal point and that whirlpool will start pulling, the Holy Name, the Holy Breath, seeing the light and hearing the Sound Current is to pull you through with a safety belt so that you don’t get lost in Hurricane Agnes. (Laughter). The whirlpool of karmic action would carry us down into a lower level of existence if we don’t have some reinforcing condition to pull us out. That’s why Jesus said “None come unto the Father but by Me.” He’s using the term not only in the literal sense of the word as Master Jesus was in the body but in the extrasensory sense, we can’t pull free from the karmic pull unless we stay at the Christ Center and hallow that current to pull us free from it, you see it’s something that you pull free from. So there in that vortex of energy which is called Tension, that’s why we must not be afraid of tension, we must try to understand tension, as we try to understand tension we will pull free. Now you notice above the triangle that is going up there are three words “Relax, Relax, Relax?” This is the key of pulling free as you repeat the Holy Name and relax and relax and shut down you’re pulling free from the vortex. Now as soon as you pull free you will automatically start going up into the spheres of Beingness: Matter acting on Matter, Energy acting on Matter, Consciousness acting on Matter, Energy acting on Energy, Consciousness acting on Energy, Consciousness acting on Consciousness, Beingness acting on Consciousness, and Beingness acting on Beingness, you pull free. As soon as you relax and start repeating the Holy Name, that tension starts dissolving itself and then you feel now the peace because you pull free. This is what the people call Transcendental Meditation, you’re transcending now the pull of the vortex. On the opposite side of the circle the words are in Sanskrit but on the right hand side the words are in English but you are pulling free… Audience: This is what? Adano: This is the Sanskrit equivalent, you are pulling free from the vortex of the accumulated thought patterns which is karma. Now remember this, God don’t condemn us, He doesn’t punish us, we who are identified in the Christ Intelligence burn up our own karma, we at the same time pull free by keeping our mind on the Christ Intelligence from the tension of the karma. So Man himself is his own liberator from the pull of his own mistakes. Audience: Say there are 4.5 billion people on the Earth now, what percent of of those people would be likely to overcome all this in this lifetime. Just a real rough figure to give you some idea of how arduous, how difficult it is. Would you say a thousand of these 4.5 billion will success in this lifetime? Adano: It’s like my thumb and my four fingers, four fourths, nearly only one percent break free, one percent. There’s a reason for it. Audience: That’s one out of every hundred. Adano: Yes. Now the Bhagavad Gita says this: “Out of a million people that seek Me,” now this is the percentage that the Bhagavad Gita had it written down “out of a million that seek Me, one finds me. Out of a million that find me, one recognize me. Out of a million that recognize me, one knows me. Out of a million that knows Me, one understands Me. Out of a million that understands Me, one has become Me.” 1:20 So that’s the percentage, it’s written in Bhagavad Gita like that. Audience: They’ve narrowed it down. Adano: Yeah they narrowed it down and in the Bhagavad Gita they’re narrow down to that. Audience: You’re into the negative numbers. (Laughter). Adano: But it’s said in the Bhagavad Gita like that and when I read that I said “Wow the chances of really getting there is really rough.” Audience: Where is it in the Gita. Adano: It’s in the middle section where He’s talking to Arjuna on the battlefield, telling Arjuna and Arjuna asking “Lord who can find you in this maze of karma?” And then He started telling him how to find Him, He said “out of a million that looks for Him, one finds Him.” Audience: Is that what’s meant by the camel going through… Adano: …the needle’s eye, the same thing true. Now there are two interpretations for that in the Aramaic they will say “the rope goes through the needle eye,” the same word for camel is rope in Aramaic you see so it’s it’s easier for a rope to pass through a needle and then a man get into heaven but at the same time there was a place called the “Needle’s Eye” in that area which is the unloading customs gate so both interpretations are correct you see and if we understand it now to run a rope through needle’s eye would be a little off in proportion but if you’re living in the area and knowing that there was an actual hole in the wall referred to as needle’s eye and it was a customs hole where everything was checked for contraband or anything then you can understand why they will use that symbology. Audience: How do we know where we are on these levels, do we have any signposts. Adano: The moment you’re initiated you’re hooked to the Master Current number one. The movements in you are set from the karmic pattern, the first signs of refinement is your increase in patience, these are the first signs of patience starting to show up, patience and trust. As that begins to become evident in the daily life then you’re realizing that you’re moving up now. Audience: Trust in what? Adano: You’re trusting in the techniques that you are working with to insulate you and pull you up in other words you’re relying on something now to work for you inside and it pulls you up and then you’ll notice the patience and the adjustment to the environmental pull of the tension is starting to get weaker and weaker, you are getting stronger and stronger internally and the outer movements get weaker and weaker so then you know without doubt that you are progressing. Now Yukteswar mentioned this he says, “Don’t measure your spiritual growth by the inner lights, by the inner sounds, or by the psychic abilities,” he says “those can come and go because the Lord of Karma still has sway over that,” that’s his realm. He says “Measure your spiritual growth by the length of time the peace remains with you in a waking state.” He says “This is gradually going to become 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year in waking, sleeping, and everything, this will now become timeless.” The peace, he says, measure it by that. Now when we finish meditating when you come out of your meditation in that hour’s activity and you see how long this body stays calm, cool, collective, and peaceful, clear in attitude, and go about and does his daily service, you are making the progress, it’s that what you measure now. He says that same peace that you feel is extrasensory, that same peace is extrasensory, and that very same peace would give you now the power to crystallize your thoughts. He says before you even begin to move in the outer world, this very same force field of peace starts to correct things for you. Now he says “the deeper your realization” means the deeper you’re holding on of it that means concreting the experience, the greater your power will be in influencing the environment you live in. Now that’s a tremendous statement. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It’s in Autobiography of a Yogi. Audience: What kind of influence? Adano: Well you want the rain to fall, single the rain chant. (Laughter). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Here is the part where he mentions it. Audience: (Inaudible general conversation). Audience: Will we be at the point that we’ll know when we shouldn’t affect the environment? Unless we’re ready and know what we’re doing, right? Well my husband already told me tonight I was magic and I don’t really believe it but I still haven’t figured out what’s going on. Adano: (Gap in tape then reading from Autobiography of a Yogi). “…miraculous powers is proof one has found God. No one might gain the power to control the whole universe yet find the Lord elusive still, spiritual advancement is not to be measured by one’s display of outer powers but solely by the depth of his bliss in meditation. Ever-new joy is God, He is inexhaustible as you continue your meditations during the years, He will beguile you with an infinite ingenuity. Devotees like yourself who have found the way to God never dream of exchanging him for any other happiness, He is seductive beyond thought and competition. How quickly we weary of earthly pleasures, desire for material things is endless, Man is never satisfied completely and pursue one goal after another. The something else he seeks is the Lord who alone can grant the lasting joy.” You see it’s measured by that feeling after meditation and the depth of it. Now your control of your environment again is built from that force field so we will see lights inside, we will see all the levels of being inside the various levels but don’t count on that as the advancement, count on this bliss that stays with you all the time because even when you lose that with a blow on their head, you never lose the bliss, you see? It’s a peculiar phenomenon, a man can get a blow in their head and go into a state of amnesia and lose all the inner experiences but he can’t lose the bliss, the very bliss will correct the amnesia, it has the power to pull it back, the very same bliss has the power to pull it back. 1:30 I think we got lots of work there but once you understand that your makeup, your structure is not a bad thing that this body is not something to be discarded, that it has all the potentials of unfoldment from the Son of Man state to the Son of God state then it becomes easy for you to accept obedience in the inner movements. Audience: I get a picture of two different people trying to unite but is that a good illustration of what you’re trying… Adano: The Son of Man and the Son of God? Audience: But then I feel like I’m standing on the outside looking and it all happened, where have I been? Adano: We are a three-fold mechanism: electrical, ideational, chemical. The electrical is the Lord of Karma, the ideational is the Son of God, you follow me? And the chemical is you, Son of Man. Now the three are important, each one is important, none is more important than the other that’s why they say it’s like a three legged stool, none of the three forces take precedence over each other, they have their particular function. The chemical part of you which is the Son of Man has it’s particular function, that’s the humanness of yourself. The electrical part which is the Karma (inaudible) storing up of the time cycles, that has a particular function. The ideational or the God part of you has its function. Now the purpose of them acting together as one is what this whole resurrected process is, it’s to bring these three forces in as one that’s why they call the word Yoga or union, yoking it by linking them together and let them work together, harnessing them so now you are not outside looking in or inside looking out, you are part of the process. See that humanness of you which is the chemical part of you is the part that is looking on and feeling that “well all these other things are working (inaudible)” but they say that unless we change the humanness of ourselves into a divineness of ourselves, we have to repeat the process over and over. So the butterfly from a caterpillar is a constant reminder that the chemical part or the humanness of ourselves must make this transition so it is there all the time as a reminder of the law. Audience: The thought comes that a diamond is made up of millions of years of pressure. Adano: All right now you have the understanding of the Diamond Body. See the Secret of the Golden Flower is this particular idea there is the technique in that, it’s a very simple technique and it has to do with the Holy Breath and people can read the book Secret of the Golden Flower and never find the technique in it yet there’s constant mention of the Holy Breath. Many of your mystical schools existing today these are the three things that are missing in them: the Holy Breath, the Holy Name, seeing the light and hearing the Sound Current yet all the mystical schools talk of a philosophy pertaining to going back to the Creator but the core of the thing how to make it work or shift gears inside that’s the whole thing that was missing and the initiates were the only ones that kept it that’s why they were called the Essenes or the essences. There of all the various religions there was always that essential group, the one of two of each that held on to the basic techniques so among the Hebrew people the Essenes were, among the Hindus the Yogis were it, among the Buddhists it was the Zen teachers who held onto it so there is that essential group, today is called the Initiate Life. Audience: The West just doesn’t have a hanging onto it. Adano: They’re not hanging onto it because you’ve got it to hang onto now. Audience: It just began there, compared to the others I guess we’re a young country. Adano: Yes in that sense but then we compare again to the people who are hanging onto it we’re pretty old because we come back to take care of it, we are the incarnates who know about it from a previous life. The oldest Souls coming back to preserve the spiritual light for the younger Souls caught up in their karma. Audience: You mean we’ve been here before? Adano: Yeah, this is not the first and last time. Audience: Is it true that that Souls come back with people they were with, the same circles? Adano: Yes, we have what is called the group karma and the group of growth just as much as we have the national karma and national growth and then we have the individual karma and the individual growth, they’re all part of it. We have to because you see there is what is called that bond or link of communication, we are interchanging… now here’s another thing to understand when a man marries a woman there is an interlocking of the auric fields. Now when three or four people get together as a group there is an interlocking of their aura fields, when four or twenty people get together to form a community there’s an interlocking with their aura fields, when 20 or 100 people get together to form a community there’s an interlocking with their aura fields. Now if a community starts interlocking with a thousand people, that’s an aura field building up but it starts off with two people building itself up so you have a group karma where 20 or 30 people can be in an airplane and that airplane can blow up that’s a group karma because they’re interlocking, they’re drawn back together. Now I remember a story when I was a boy, do you remember the woman called Lombard she was a actress, Carol Lombard and she died in an airplane crash and there was a letter left, she left a letter that she didn’t want to go on that plane but because it was an emergency she went, she was going on this plane but her our own inner self was against going it, she had a sort of premonition not to go but she’s going nevertheless and that was found after among her works in her belongings but there you can see how group karma was pulled, she had to be with that group of people to go. Now the Titanic is the same thing, the people on the Titanic were all grouped in and yet the captain had a premonition and a warning that something would have gone wrong with the ship. He was warned but he didn’t know how to react, he couldn’t accept that the ship was built that it would run into an iceberg the very first time but it was too late, by the time they had hit he knew that he was going to die on that ship. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well Lahiri Mahasaya said here in this book you know, one day He was meditating and He looked at his disciple and He says “I’m drowning off the coast of Japan in many bodies.” You know you read that in the Autobiography because of the sense of oneness. When you reach this state here which is called the patience level then the Christ Consciousness starts opening up, your sense of oneness feels it. One time myself and Margaret were meditating one morning and there was a boy, he and his friend were driving, two initiates were driving from New York to South Carolina and all of a sudden Margaret says, “Oh I feel so sick right in my left foot like if it’s broken” and she was driveing the car and I pull over the car and says, “What’s the matter?” She says “I’m feeling all over and I feel like my Tommy, the name Tommy coming.” So I knew my stepson was Tommy and thought he got it an accident or something so we sat down and we start tuning in and we can feel right in the left foot the pain and name Tommy coming in very strong so that afternoon we try to contact his real father but they couldn’t located him. Later on in the day we had a phone call from South Carolina that one of the initiates or two of them, one of them by the name of Tommy was in an accident with another one and the other boy’s name was Warren and that he was killed in the accident. 1:40 But this was interesting, Tommy broke his left leg, Warren was pinned under the wheel. He said to Tommy “the Masters are here, Margaret and Adano are standing here.” He says “but I am leaving, I don’t have anything to remain in this world, they’re taking me, the Master said my time is finished.” He says “before the ambulance gets here, I’ll go on in the meantime you keep quiet, don’t talk, and let me do the talking.” And all the time he was under this, there was no pain, he said he felt no pain but he was pinned under the wheel and he kept talking to Tommy describing what was happening on the inner realm and then by the time the ambulance got close, you can hear siren coming, he looked at Tommy and said “Well so long partner and he left.” Well this was Wednesday that Wednesday night we prayed and the Thursday morning myself, Margaret, a boy by the name of Bobby Johnson, and another fellow named Chuck, we were sitting down meditating. Chuck did not know of the incident, he came in and he saw Bobby Johnson sitting on a piano stool then Bobby got off the piano stool and sat on the floor but Chuck close the door from inside and pull the bolt so the door can’t be opened from the outside, just the four of us meditating. Halfway through the meditation I can see Warren, this is a Thursday, come right through the door come over to me, embrace me and go to the Margaret and embrace her, and go and sit on the piano stool in the lotus position and start meditating and after the meditation was over then Warren took off. Chuck opens his eyes and says, “Somebody’s missing.” So we says, “What do you mean somebody’s missing, there’s only four of us?” He says “No, there’s a guy walked in this room here and I locked that door and he came in and he hugged you, hugged Margaret, and he sat down over there and meditated, where is he gone?” I says, “What guy?” He says “I will swear that there’s a boy walked in here.” So I says “Well describe him to us.” Now he described Warren to a T and I says, “That’s an initiate just got killed yesterday.” Now that night we held a Bardo, a religious ceremony for the fellow and there were people present at the meditation, 12 people gave exact descriptions of Warren in the room standing up with the Masters at the meditation and they described how perfect because at the Bardo we asked for those who had any loved ones that passed over that were not initiates that they could call out the names and these 12 people described what they saw, they saw Warren walked in front of the four Masters and as they were calling out the names of their loved ones who had passed on, they saw these loved ones being pulled out of the darkness into the light and Warren was giving them instruction how to salute the Masters and then when the whole meditation was over, they all took off with the Masters and the friend said to us, “You need to tell me that loved ones remain in the darkness until they’re pulled out.” I said “Yes the darkness is in the realm of the karma, they stay there looking at the responsible karma they have, when they’re pulled out in what is called a Requiem Mass or a Bardo as it’s called, they are brought into the ring of light and then the Master takes on the karma now or sponsors it like you sponsor somebody at a bank, we extend them spiritual credit and sets them up in the reincarnation cycle so that they can reincarnate in a better home. In the case with Warren he’s not reincarnating, he’s just acting like a little altar boy for the Masters on the other side now but it was interesting for 12 people to see it and 8 other people heard music and they heard the angelic chorus singing in the room. Some could have seen it and some heard and it was interesting for them to have the experience because it taught them an interesting lesson that the initiate is linked to the Masters all the time and he’s not subject to the laws of karma. Though we have generated karma, our karma is mitigated or made easy for us to handle through the spiritual credit of the Master contact, it’s not in the same way that most people who are not initiates pass on and have to pay for their karma, this is the only difference so it’s an unusual life inside. Audience: Adano when you say that you decided to get all your karma at once how come a Master didn’t stop you? Adano: No, when you’re ignorant, you’re ignorant He’s not gonna stop you from stumping your toe, He’s gonna rub your toes after you’ve stumped it and then give you a good lesson in (inaudible). Well here was an interesting story, there’s a man you know he was an initiate and his teacher told him God is in everything and he took that to be his holy mantra and he went around repeating “God is in everything. God is in everything.” One day he’s walking through a bazaar and an elephant was coming along and the man who was riding the elephant kept shouting “Get out of the way, elephant gone mad. Get out of the way, elephant gone mad.” So he says “Well God is in everything, God is in the elephant, he won’t bother me.” So he kept on walking. Along came the elephant, wrapped his trunk around the man, took him, and threw him in a corner. He hurt himself, he was out cold and he when he came to he saw his teacher and some of his brother disciples, you know initiates, all rubbing his face and trying to get him some hot water to drink. So he said to his teacher, “What happened, what did I do wrong, I believe in what you are saying God is in everything.” He says “You stupid fool, didn’t you realize that God is in you, God is in the elephant, what about the God in the driver? You forgot that God too and the God is telling Get out of the way, elephant gone mad.” Audience: Adano, what characteristics did those people have to have to enable them (inaudible). Adano: Oh yes, they were initiates but they had spent a great deal of time in their own meditation, some of them would have been practicing meditation for a long time and before I met some of them they used to get these experiences, they were able to see certain things. Audience: That doesn’t come easy though. Audience: It does to some people but that’s not significant, is it? Adano: No that’s not significant. The important thing is that they can recognize it and it gives confirmation for people on the path you see. Audience: Adano, I have a question about the Soul, when the Soul reincarnates is this the entire Soul that had all these experiences before or is it a projection or a part of the Soul? Maybe I’m not making myself clear but I don’t quite understand this. Adano: Let me explain something, I’ll give you an example let’s say you have a dress and ink spills on it. Now you don’t wash it, every time you look at the dress what would you say to yourself? It has ink, right? Okay. Providing you don’t wash it, you’re always going to be reminded of the ink stain on the dress. Now you wouldn’t want to wear it every day because it looks kind of dirty to you and this will bother you, this ink spot on the dress will bother you but there comes a time that you have to wear that dress because the color is important for a particular occasion but you may have to wash out that ink stain and when you wash out that ink stain, some physical action is involved to wash it and press it so that you can wear it. Now it’s clean, you go to the banquet but in the mind you’ll always remember that it was once dirty by ink but it’s not bothering you to go to the banquet anymore, you can wear it with a free heart that nobody recognizes that it has been stained with in, only you know it. 1:50 The Soul is the same thing, it walks into this universe and takes over a physical body, the physical body makes all kind of mistakes like ink splattered on the dress, the dress now is the electrical body and the idea body so in one incarnation all the thought patterns and mistakes you’ve made in your chemical body are stored up in it, you leave the frame now and that chemical body is discarded so there comes a time when the chemical body would be necessary as a condition to work out that particular problem so you’re given a chemical body again but you remember that this dirt or this ink is still there at this particular occasion and you gotta wash it out so that chemical body is that opportunity of washing it out. Now as soon as you wash it out, the memory is only for you not for the others it’s like when you put on this washed dress now at this banquet, nobody sees where the ink was but you know where the ink was, you understand? So in your mind, in your cosmic mind, the memory of wrong actions from past life keeps coming back but in the physical realm no one sees that because they don’t know where that is but you are working it out by washing it out so this is what is going on all the time. So every time you wash off one only the retention of the impact is there but it’s not offending because it’s perfect for where it is. Every occasion you put on that dress, it’s perfect because no one sees a stain on it but only in your consciousness you remember how many times you stained it, how many times you had to wash it but that is not leaving any impact from the outside world or in the other realm to offend it. So equally true the Soul is coming back over and over to work out thought patterns in a chemical body and only the memory of it so when you say certain things happen in the past, you have to dig it up from the memory from the Akashic record that’s why we go into the Akashic record or the memory record to dig it up. So Masters will say “Don’t worry about the past, it done happened already, the important thing is take advantage of the clean dress now,” that’s the new body pattern that you have and work to that higher state of experience. Now you can do one thing with that dress that’s been stained, you can dye it and then you don’t have to worry about it no more you see, you can dye it into the color that the ink was or pick some particular color, it’s dyed and that’s what we call resurrecting, in that one opportunity you can change the whole thing now. So the Master is saying we have many impressions in the mechanism by desire but get one particular new desire now and change that whole thing into that one desire so to dye the whole mechanism into the Divine Love. Audience: Adano, I’m not sure I know what she’s talking about when the Lord says “leave tonight.” What was the vision of Fatima? Adano: Well the vision of Fatima is the young children that they saw this Virgin standing off here and it was appearing over (inaudible) indicating that the Jews and the world is going to be in tremendous pain and sorrow and it would come from the Middle East, third world war starts off, would trigger off from somewhere in the Middle East and a great deal of famine and tears of misery will come and that’s what the vision of Fatima was, warning the world that possible violence will start up again in the Middle East. Audience: What could be done about it? Adano: We gotta generate love, for the amount of hate that they’re generating we have to generate love. All right, all right in one camp in the Arab camp and in the Hebrew camp there is tremendous hatred and fears going over vibrating across each other but very little love is flooding the area. How many people are gathering in a group and thinking of that area and sending love, sending corrective force fields to lessen the impact of the hate and bring about some type of a negotiation or understanding. Audience: (Inaudible) …the Jewish people are praying. Adano: Yes they are praying, I’m not saying they’re not praying but that it needs another force apart from them who doesn’t take sides. They’re praying for their own security and much as the Arabs are praying for their security, he is establishing his rights and the Hebrew person is establishing his rights, now it needs somebody who is neither Hebrew nor Arab in rights, strictly a third force field of love and understanding to radiate in that area. Audience: It’s amazing how some of these areas of conflict geographically that have such a long duration: India, the Mideast, even Ireland. Adano: Good, now here’s an interesting thing, the Hindu and the Muslim from the time of Mohammad have not rescinded the hate, it has been continuous and it’s continuing right up to this day to the point where there became political aspects of Pakistan and India. Now equally true Irish the free state, look how long that is in existence but go take away the political aspect of the Irish free state and go back to the religious hate of Protestant and Catholic originating in the time of Henry the 8th, you see where it goes? The hate goes back till there you see and you have the same thing occurring in the Arab states from Ishmael and Isaac, the hate originated at that point. Now you have the same thing in China between the Communist and the Nationalists but where did that originate? That originated way back in Genghis Khan’s time, the northern Chinese never liked the Southern Chinese. Audience: Well how much love would it take to overcome them, it would take years and years. Adano: You see the cumulative hate in the atmosphere is so strong and we don’t have an era of a cumulative love. Now look at the history of Europe, the 100 year war you know that was a tremendous period of hate. Now take the time of William the Conqueror, out of hate he burnt a whole area called Nottingham because he wanted to squench the people and the invasion of Normandy from the William the Conqueror right through that whole period, the starting of the British Empire by William the Conqueror, that’s all hate. Audience: When do you see things (inaudible). Adano: There is no such condition Sheldon at present for what is called a total peace among men because Man has to discover himself first before he can have some period of peace. Now we may have what is called an enforced peace within certain areas of humanity but not in the total area of humanity, they is going to always be the cannibal, there is always going to be the semi-primitive, the semi-civilized, and then the civilized and there only be little areas of this peace falling in. Now if you look at when Jesus was on this Earth, there was only a little area of the Earth that got His vibrations of peace and even then it not enough. If He does come back again in this particular Aquarian Age, what areas of peace is He going to affect? This Maharaji Yogi boy, 16 year kid, from the time he’s starting is he affecting the whole world? His message is peace. Audience: You mean this young fellow who is in Washington? Adano: But even still he is not affecting the peace, even if the great Master Jesus come back, how many people is He going to affect? Audience: If he heals the blind or raises the dead this young boy, he would affect the peace. We’ve got communication systems now that we didn’t have in Christ’s time… Adano: Even so, when Sputnik went up the first time and the world saw it on TV and the man landed on the moon, how many people still believe it was a hoax? Audience: No literate person believes it was a hoax. Adano: Equally true, raising the dead the intellectual mind, the primitive mind all is still going to be against it. Peace is not something that spreads on a global scale

1972 May 6 Part 1 - Meditation Techniques

Adano72_05_06_1MeditationTechniquesQ1RR - Audience: The evening lecture is at the Mariner hotel at 67th and Atlantic, “Recognizing the Christ Consciousness” and that’s at eight o’clock. What a privilege it is to introduce our dear Swamiji, he needs no introduction to many of you but since his life is so interesting I want to read this again and share it also with those of you who are here for the first time. The Reverend Adano Christopher Ley is a native of British Guiana and came to the United States when he was 15 years old. He was brought up in the Roman Catholic church and studied for the priesthood before embracing the Eastern philosophies of his Mongolian father. He has done extensive research on the prayer healing techniques of the American and Canadian Indians and also spent time in Mexico with the Mayan and Aztec people. He is an ordained minister of the All Faith Fellowship in Tyler and is married to Margaret Ley, a practicing chiropractor and director of a Montessori school for children. They’re building a spiritual retreat and community there in Tyler. Reverend Ley was initiated into the ancient Yogic order of Saraswati in 1969 and that was after meditating for eight hours a day for 21 years. Saraswati indicates a spiritual path through the intellect and Nityananda suggests the characteristic of getting down to the fundamental details of truth, many of us call him Swami Nitty Gritty. I was reading through Yogananda’s book, “The Master Said” and picked this up, “Let this meeting house remind us of our own cathedral within and let us open our spiritual ears to hear the truth.” Swami Nityananda Saraswati. (Applause). Adano: Thank you. Before we start let us just calibrate our minds. (Short Meditation). Thank you. Meditation techniques for awakening consciousness, the first thing we must have a definition and this word is very difficult for most people to understand they say “How do I meditate, how do I awaken my consciousness, and how many types of meditation are there, and what is it going to do for me, is there any shortcut method to realization?” My answer it’s no, there is no shortcut method to realization but if you understand the mechanics then you can participate in an awakening and an unfoldment of your own consciousness. The word meditation is an acronym, that means it’s a word comprised of many other words utilizing the very first letter of the word and we are stuck with the unique science in a strange way all through the centuries to awaken consciousness. Let’s take the word meditation the first letter is “M,” we’re dealing with mind, this is a peculiar function of our being. According to Mr. Casey he said “mind is the builder,” well we do have mind, it’s kind of irritable, we do have mind or consciousness and unless we understand what mind and consciousness are, we don’t really get an experience. Mind can function as the five senses, mind can function as memory, logical computing, mind can function as intuition. We’re speaking of the totalness of mind hence we’re speaking of total consciousness and the oriental people believe that creation is total consciousness but not solely total consciousness, there must be a counterpart or some function to make it manifest and we look around ourselves and we see that science is in agreement that there is consciousness, there is this creative intelligence but there is also another part of existence that we are now trying to understand and that part is called energy. So we have “M-E” mind or consciousness, “E” energy. You know energy as the force in all substances in the East they may call it spirit or in the scriptures they call it spirit so these two things are actually existing and are responsible in myriads of ways for our creation or our physical existence, conscious energy. Now energy is not moving blindly, it is always moving and acting in a conscious way, you recognize consciousness in terms of symbols, ideas, thoughts only because you associate these ideas and thoughts. Well take for instance a snowflake, you look at a snowflake under a microscope and you see a geometrical formation but it’s not geometrical to you in your frame of reference until you had something to compare it with, if you did not see angles and movements, lines connecting themselves and having some meaning, they would be absolutely meaningless from mere observation that a snowflake would have geometrical lines. So telling yourself, that’s where we get the word “In-Tell-Ect” to tell back to yourself on a conscious level what is occurring as it is, is the first level of awareness, you cannot begin the first level of awareness until you tell yourself back. Now if you hit your leg, you don’t know what it means to you until someone tells you that that sensation is pain, they can tell you that sensation is joy and every time you bump yourself it’s joy and the next time you do like this and stretch your lips up they tell you that’s pain and you will go on doing that whenever they say it’s pain, you see? You will “In-Tell,” you will tell back to yourself what it means to you in terms from the environment. 0:10 Experiments have shown that if you take some eggs and put it in an incubator and hatch it and let no one of the chickens see any human being but you just put your hand inside the incubator, they haven’t seen their mother but they put their hand in the incubator and on their hand wear some gaudy looking stone, their first impression of that gaudy stone moving around touching them would make them feel that is mother, you take your hands out and put all the chickens on the floor and you know they begin to follow wherever that gaudy stone goes. You can put the stone on a mechanical gadget and let it move, they will totally ignore you to follow the stone. They are telling themselves back internally that is their first contact so consciousness is doing this to us via a retinal photography of the brain. Until we can understand this we don’t see why the third letter in the word meditation is important, we have mental or mind or consciousness, we have energy the force field, now “D” direction or distribution. Energy is not stagnant, it’s moving, it’s constantly distributing itself, constantly manifesting and behaving according to some pattern or rhythm so our universe as it appears to us is the result of this distribution process going on. Not too long ago some scientists have come to the conclusion that this is a universe based on a triune principle, the scriptures a long time ago said this whole universe is a trinity in a unity, a three-in-one God but that was for religion it was not for science. Until we saw the birth of the geodesic dome we did not begin to think in terms of a triune force field not a three-dimensional universe but a triune force field but everything centers on consciousness which is idea (id?) then the necessary output energy then the sustained force of that energy how it is being utilized. If you buy a house that’s the idea you have in your mind, it’s a desire. How you take care of it inside, that’s the output energy and if you go in and out of it daily that’s how you are utilizing it. You don’t live in your house all the time and you don’t live outside of the house all the time and your mind relates to your home when you’re away from it and your mind relates away from it when you’re inside the home. You’re busy thinking of the restaurant away from your home while you’re in the home and you’re thinking of your home while you’re in the restaurant at the same time, see how your mind is flipping back? You’re never staying in the area where the body is most of the time. Now here we are in this room, we’re in this room, we came here with a certain desire, motivation, we are partaking yet the mind was restless prior to entering the room for the brief moment you sat down, the mind is still relating to outside, the mind is not relating here, it is not distributing the energy necessary to stay here. As the mind becomes aware of where it is in terms of the physical body then we have now a distribution process going on inside, until we accept this, we will not be able to shift into levels of consciousness naturally. It is natural to shift into levels of consciousness, we do this all the time and don’t recognize it. Alright we have mind or consciousness, we have energy, we have direction or flow so the energy is moving according to the pattern that is set up. Now the next letter is “I” and this is the first thing we hear when we philosophically approach meditation, “Don’t bother about your I,” your little I and this is the first I. It’s true from the philosophical level we are not too concerned with our individual “I” yet in another school of thought it tells you “You must worry about your I, it’s all there is, it is you. You must devote more time to this I because there’s nothing else accept yourself as you are.” Then these two schools of thought are in conflict to push the I away or to emphasize the I and let us see what the Yogis tell us. They say both are necessary if we understand the next letter in the word meditation otherwise it would not be necessary, you can eliminate one and keep the other, you can eliminate the I and live without it or you can eliminate the idea of not having an I and live with the idea having an I but it’s the next letter in the word that makes all the difference, “T” thinking. This is the only important true function of the mechanism, to think, as a man think in his heart that is what he is, it is thinking that makes it important. You go to sleep, thinking is shut down in certain levels and if you do dream you are still thinking but if you’re not conscious that you’re dreaming that doesn’t say you’re not thinking, thinking is still going on, it’s going on in levels that you’re not totally aware of but it’s going on just the same. When you wake up the mind thinks, it has to relate, it has to distribute energy, it has to consciously move itself and exert willpower but at the same time this thinking that is going on in you is dualistic, that’s where we get the next letter now “A” activity. We have an outward action and we have an inward action, we will see now why the thinking and its activity determines the little “I” being important, not important, or it’s the collective function of the “I.” The activity that’s going on in the brain are millions and millions, just to give you an example of how this activity is an asset or a detriment to the I. You go to work tomorrow and the boss tells you “John you’ve been so long with us, we are very very pleased with your work, we’re going to give you a raise” and automatically your “I,” your whole mental world pattern starts expanding, everything becomes cheerful, rosy, and possible. 0:20 Let’s reverse the process, you go to work tomorrow and they tell you “John you’ve been so long with us and we’re totally disgusted with your work, we’ll have to let you go.” Now your whole I starts to crumble, you see only one escape out of this, suicide, see what happens? The “I” now is suddenly made to fall apart, before it was made to grow now it seems to collapse. We realize that we are a victim of this interplay of the thinking and we are not in full control of the “I.” If we are in full control, we would go on towards harmonizing with the environment, synchronizing with it, and make a new change a new alteration in consciousness. All right, we have “M” which is mind or mental, “E” which is energy going through you, “D” which is direction or distributing, “I” which is the individual ego, “T: is a thought or the thinking functions of the mind, “A” the activities the interplay, they’re dualistic. Well let’s see now this activity principle, here we get caught up in the mental block of a free will and a Divine Will: we can think, we can act therefore we’re free agents, we can choose and nobody has the right to tell us what to do and therefore who is God, who needs Him? The thinking has reached a point where there is no need to rely on a Divinity because the thinking has suddenly out analyzed itself and we are now the victims of over self-analysis in the interplay of thought activity, we come to what is called a dead end in the thought play, there is no more hope and like one great actor said “Life is boring therefore I’ll blow my brains out.” He has reached the end of the interplay but to the spiritual Man that is the first prerequisite to be a disciple. When you reach the end of the thought play, the game play inside and come to what we call total frustration, this is the readiness of a disciple. When I asked my teacher one time for Paramahansa Yogananda in a letter “What constitutes readiness in the disciple?” In the East they say “When a student is ready, a Master will appear.” Well I had the wrong illusion or notion that readiness meant I should do everything possible, clean up, get ready, and he is there and then he touched me on the head and he says “Hi boy, you did a wonderful job now you don’t have to worry.” Then he wrote me back a simple letter with one word this way, this way, this way, the one word “frustration” then I knew I was ready because a Master is only one who has overcome frustration. He has no more frustrations, he has mastered the interplay of the “I,” the thought activity inside therefore they do not lead him to frustration levels of behavior. Once mastering it or getting out of the maze of the frustration levels of feeling, one begins to enter now new levels of feeling in consciousness, meditation is to open up for us new levels of feeling and behavior in order to transform the physical form so we come to the next letter in the word meditation “m-e-d-I-t-a-t” that is now the time cycle towards something. That is the most aggravating period, the time cycle in meditation. You may start out today and after 40 years of assiduous meditation you say to yourself you’re a failure and after 100 years more you’re still a failure, after 100 lifetimes you still say it’s a failure, when would this culmination point ever occur? The time cycle, not enough time to meditate, everybody is bugging me “I want to meditate, I want to go off and meditate” so? You know peculiar behavior, you recognize some people in your friends? Time, he is the guy that’s whipping you along and in the Eastern teaching they call him “Kal,” you might as well call him “Satan” too, it is that particular function that hangs heavy on the mind, we want instant this, instant that, instant this but when it comes to meditation and altering consciousness, it doesn’t work that way. This is the first time you learn that time must work for you and not you to work for time, it’s a reverse. Years ago I used to always be late and people would be aggravated and every time I was late I’d hang heavy in my thoughts, “I’ll be late, I’ll be late.” So one day I says “why am I beating my brains out, can’t they ever be late too? Is it not possible for them, are they that hundred percent mechanical, accurate, perfect machine punching the clock without failure, even a computer breaks down and a human being is the most delicate computer, he can be off.” I says “From now on, they are late, whenever I arrive it’s early enough for everybody.” (Laughter) Strange thing, I’ve seen too many evidence of this phenomenon, of late and being early, it all comes together, you may say coincidence but there are no coincidence, it is the thought and the action. Realizing the mechanics, realizing the environment or the sphere of behavior you’re working with, for the first time we can now have some tangible experiences in meditation. The next letter is “I,” “m-e-d-I-t-a-t-I.” You notice this word has only two “I”s, the first I is very individual, egotistical, or self-centered and does not have much to do with a higher principle of behavior but it’s the first one you come in confrontation with, the second “I” is the real “I.” Now you go into Yogic studies or metaphysical studies they always tell you “Try to find the real I, try to understand the I of Jesus, ‘I and My Father are one’ I, I, I, I.” Alright the real “I” how does that real “I” work in us? If we want to recognize it then it must have some behavior, if we don’t recognize it, it has no behavior for us, it’s just another word and in fact if you were to paint yourself into the corner of your mind with all the verbs and adjectives in the various languages of the world, there’s only one word will get you out. Think of it, only one word in all the languages of the world will get you out of the corner of your mind, remember frustration is being painted into a corner, you were painting this room and that’s the door and if you paint it up to here there and is no door here you won’t get out, you’ll be standing there looking at the wet paint. Thought activities or thinking relationships are like that in the brain, we want to get out to a new insight or a new level of awareness but we have placed a whole display of verbs, adjectives in front of us never truly getting out. The only way we can get out is like the Zen Buddhist who said to the boy when he was reaching out for him, the boy was hanging on a limb and he looked down and he saw the bottom of the mountain and all that he’s holding on is with a little limb sticking out at the edge of the cliff. He said, “If you let go you’ll be nothing but a mess of bones and all you need to liberate yourself is to say I.” 0:30 Well think of it, “I” every time you say “I” there’s an influx of energy, the moment he was told to say “I” he broke the illusion of his helplessness and how much he could relate and alter his consciousness via the hands to the limb, the limb would absorb his consciousness and retain enough strength to hold the boy till the other man would give enough time to reach and pull the boy up, it was a matter of time play but if he panicked his “I” will start to diminish in his hands and then the rock will start to loosen up, the branch would come down, and he’ll go on down to the ground, there would not be enough time for the other man to draw him up but because he was told by the teacher “say I,” I would start a reinforcement in you, it will start a sudden flow of force in your field of existence or awareness and you will go beyond the sensory nature. This real “I” is called the intuitive “I” in you, the “I” that knows independent of the senses, for the first time you can sense something beyond the normal range, intuition is that ability to know independent of the senses. In meditation this is what we are trying to release, we are trying to release the intuitive nature in order for it to observe where we are and after we observe then we can become one with it or identified with it. So in Eastern teachings they tell us meditation is a twofold nature that is exists with seed and no seed. Well a seed is an object, no seed is no object what they’re trying to say is this, that when you are meditating on yourself you can either be objectively looking or you can be objectively absorbing or becoming one so there is the difference between sensing as an observer or sensing as part of the thing. So intuition is what we’re trying to awaken in meditation so intuition of what? The next letter is “O,” this “O” is dualistic, observation of ourselves as we are and oneness of ourselves as we really are, it’s to be one for the first time, one with the vital life impulse. Now we can see this condition in terms of Consciousness and Beingness, when you observe something of yourself you are conscious, when you are being yourself there is no consciousness and this happens when you have mastered something. When you start out to drive a car you’re very conscious of how many people are around you, the shifting of the gears and everything, very very conscious, very very oversensitive. As soon as that consciousness dips down into what you call con-fi-dence or you become com-petent, when consciousness now shifts into the levels of Beingness you are now for the first time letting go of the ultra sensitivity of yourself and flowing. Therefore it comes second nature is another term, you tell yourself in-telling yourself, you see you’re telling back to yourself what has happened to you, you are actually relating back to yourself, “Hey wait a minute, for a moment I was pretty nervous, now I’m not nervous” but the fine line between extra nervousness and no nervousness or calmness, how did it happen, who changed it, who suddenly made this sudden shift and erased all this sudden fear out of our minds, how did it suddenly move over from a sensory nature of being conscious to all of a sudden a nature “I know, so what am I worrying about, I can drive” and the first thing you shout is “Ah I can drive, I know, I can do this, I can do that.” Why? Because it has precipitated into the Beingness of you from a conscious level, your consciousness has suddenly shifted into the Beingness of you, you are now flowing for the first time. This takes time I admit otherwise we’d all be living in that state just like the chicken in the egg, we are all conscious of the fact that eggs are responsible for chickens and at the same time we argue that chickens are responsible for eggs. Alright where is the egg, where is the chicken? Nobody wants to admit that the mother hen’s heat is responsible for the whole thing, she has to sit down on that egg otherwise no chicken is going to come out and then the chicken, she knows exactly how long to sit on the egg for 21 days and then all of a sudden the egg breaks open, out pops out the chicken. We are seeing consciousness and beingness, we are seeing a shift between observation and the oneness, for the first time we are seeing this movement inside, this is an intuitive pull within ourselves. The last letter in the word meditation is “N,” noumena not phenomena, it’s a big difference between noumena and phenomena, phenomena we are aware of by a constant observation of creation around us, there are always waves of phenomena changing and changing all the time but coming into noumena it is the actual transition of this mechanism, the reality of who you are. So we can sum up meditation as a descriptive way to ourselves as Mental Energy Directing Individual Thinking or Thought Activities Towards an Intuitive Observation and Oneness with Noumena. Having this understanding for the first time it frees us from a whole host of mental doubts about ourselves then we can start the process of technique and use but until that time technique is absolutely futile, use again is limited because if you don’t handle the mechanics we can’t work with it. If we don’t know how to turn the ignition switch in a car and understand how the gears shift inside, we would be absolutely frustrated in trying to drive a car. The first time you go to learn you have to learn it’s A-B-Cs, its mechanics, and the driver who is teaching you has to tell you that this is forward, this is first, this is second, this is third, this is reverse and how you press in the clutch and release, now you have automatic transmission but even that again is total flow. Meditation is the same, if we understand what is happening around us, what this shell of life or environmental existence is comprised of, then it becomes possible to flow into it. Before we got into this shell, we were traveling along a certain thought pattern in terms of prayer, if ever there is a frustration level we resort to prayer and when the prayer don’t work, we get a little bolder and we resort to analysis, we start analyzing, we start picking ourselves apart, do you recognize it? As soon as you’ve got some frustration level, the first thing you want to pray and when you find that don’t work now you say, “to heck with the prayer, let me get down to some tangible activity,” nature’s pushing you to analyze it, “why am I this, why am I that, what is its cause?” Then after a while you get some relief but then it comes back again, it’s not releasing itself totally, it’s not discharging itself out of your system, the frustration is not going away, the hostility is not going then you come to the next level that is meditation. All right we understand the mechanics, now we need technique. Prayer is a Soul’s S-O-S, (laughter), you know what an “S-O-S” is? It’s a distress signal transmitting that you’re drowning but you need help, you’re drowning in the ocean of words. 0:40 All of us are drowning in the ocean of words which make up behavior patterns for us: kill, walk, talk, steal these are words but they have behavioral patterns, behavioral movements, we are drowning in them, we need help who are we telegraphing to? We’re telegraphing to intuition, the guy who don’t make no mistakes and knows the exact word to pluck out like a lifebelt and pull you out of this ocean of words so you don’t drown. So he said “if I only had the right word or the right idea, I wouldn’t be in this predicament right now, I’d know exactly what to go and do.” We’re telling ourselves that all the time, well who do we want to give it to us? The psychic has his opened up when we don’t open ours so we have to rely on the psychic or we have to rely on some other person who has his intuitive nature opened up. Why not open your own? This is what the whole thing is. We say now “prayer is only the Soul’s way to telegraph or transmit outwardly for help to the intuitive nature” so we can sum up prayer simply as the privilege of the Soul to communicate with its Creator on a S-O-S basis, that is on a projective basis. Very few of us communicate with the Creative Source on a receptive basis, a receptive basis of communication is adult prayer, juvenile prayer is transmission, adult prayer is reception, you know it now as meditation. Meditation is trying to receive not trying to transmit, you’re not transmitting in meditation, you’re trying to receive so technique must be based upon the mechanics involved. Jesus taught people how to pray, He told them when they want to pray go into the innermost chamber which is a toilet or middle room in the house or some other area but that’s projecting out. Bringing it back in is what is important, how do you bring this energy back in? If you don’t know the technique you can’t bring it back in, you can go around in circles thinking you’re meditating and most of us think we are meditating, no one is going to tell them they’re not. You know good many people take meditation and all they’re doing is like sticking a key into an ignition switch of a car and turning it on, never shifting the gears but the car is running and they’re going, we’re going someplace, you ever see that? They’re going someplace yes, it’s all going someplace but the car is never going anywhere, sooner or later the gas runs out and then meditation becomes a very futile thing. It runs out because it does not satisfy what truly is involved, it does not get into the true regions of the consciousness. The car may go through all types of vibrations and feel in itself that it’s going someplace, we do have this we have a whole host of imaginary travels when we turn on the ignition switch of a car and go to a place even to the extent you go to those little Coney Island place and you know they turn it on and let you bump around but somebody there hase a big major switch when he knows to shut it off and all the equipment stop, this is as far as we get with it. When we go in to meditation we are trying to receive for the first time therefore technique is a necessary process. Now if the teachers of truth did not give us technique then we would be wasting our time, they did give us techniques, very simple techniques, it’s so simple that we don’t even recognize it. The very first technique they gave us was to look inside and we can quote Master Jesus, He said “When the eyes are single, the whole body is full of light.” I was speaking earlier about energy, we’re talking of energy as light now, Jesus is talking of the same energy as light, atomic physics, He’s not talking of random words. This whole universe is a play, a retinal photography on the brain relating to atomic physics and it’s the first time you see creation as it is in light as you look inside, you are a miniature universe in a bigger universe, you are this light inside, right in here when the eyes are centered. Now as you look the light takes different shapes and different colors but Jesus went on to elaborate on the technique, He says “The light is shining in the darkness” that means the light is already glowing in you, you don’t turn it on, you have nothing to do with turning it on, all you have to do is recognize it and observe it as it occurs in your brain. This is why when you go to a movie house you don’t tell the people who sell you the ticket what type of program they should run on their screen, the program is advertised outside, you pay your money, you sit down, and you let them play the program for you to look. Equally true God has advertised His program, it’s called Cosmic Awareness, seeing creation as it is for the first time inside you mechanism, cosmic light in the myriad shapes and atomic movements mathematically moving color-wise sound and everything, all going to play inside of you. This is the first time you’re going to experience it, you’re going to go in and experience it. Now if you don’t have the experience you don’t know what it is, you can be assuming a lot of it, it’s when you go inside and start to see it for the first time coming in, this light is shining inside but it’s shining in the darkness of the brain. Now many people say “how is that possible?” Well you hit them on a nose bridge and they see light, who put the light there? Now that light seems very insignificant to them that this can be God, they never give it a chance to reveal itself and that’s where the workload comes in, it’s the next part of the technique. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see the good works and glorify the Father which is in thee.” You got to work at it, you’ve got to actually bring this light to the surface, you’ve got to make this thing work inside, you’ve got to constantly merge with this light in order for this light to open up and as soon as it open up, it will flow out through you. Now if you’re in doubt as to that, that is where usage comes in now, how are we going to use this light, where are we going to use it, how are we going to recognize that we are… (gap in tape) …got out of it. The person who is constantly crying about their frustrations is making progress so don’t knock your frustrations they are necessary, as long as you recognize them you’re making progress. You need that frustration, you need that agony to give you more drive, more push, more devotion to overcome, this is what they call “the good works” now, you’re churning. Meditation is reception. Now if you’re going to say a four and a half hour movie, there’s an intermission period if there is, if there’s none you have to sit through the four hours and you may squirm all the way through and you may be aggravated all the way through, you may go into some of the feelings of the movie, you may even say “Move, watch out, he’s going to kill you!” You may even get so engrossed with the act, “watch out there’s a car coming!” I’ve seen it that people get into the act. Equally true inside, this gradual need for identification begins to occur. As we look inside more and more, we can become one with the movement. Becoming one with the movement is the whole essence of the movie, it is the whole essence of this existence, becoming one with it because you are participating for the first time, you are not merely an observer but you are participating. Meditation is to help us to participate on a receptive level of the inward movements of our makeup. Now here is an interesting experience for some of us, who is in this room has never had a disappointment can you raise your hand? All right, everyone has had disappointments right, can you remember the first one? When they wanted to buy you something from Santa Claus and then they couldn’t afford it and then they said, “No we didn’t buy it” and then you get all angry? All right we’re going to use meditation now, how are we going to use meditation to alter consciousness? 0:50 Most people want to meditate so that they can be God-realized, that it’s true we become God-realized through meditation but using meditation on a level where it is going to help us now to work out some of the deep-rooted, deep-seated shocks, feelings, that aren’t coming out and you look at your neighbor and says “I forgive you” but in a biological level you can’t forget them, every time you see them it’s agony. So this is what we’re talking about, meditation now being a media of receptivity to clean out some of the ingrained patterns in the mechanism, trying to use it now on a tangible basis. Think of your disappointment so if you’re thinking of it you have to close the eyes and recall it. If you recall it, you can observe it, wait until you can re-identify with it. If you can re-identify without disappointment a strange phenomenon will occur now, you will shift over from observation into oneness and the pain will come back. As soon as the pain come back, as soon as that pain returns to you then you will find if you can flush it out of your system, if you can actually use meditation now to flush this out from your system, if you can draw from your survival makeup which is the God in you or the intuitive level make up in you and bring this agony out on a conscious level and really release it, you have done the first real meditation that is of value to yourself. Health which is vitality, health which is awareness or shifting of consciousness has begun for the first time, you have shifted a level of consciousness from the one point of isolation to another point of flow, you’re no longer mentally or biologically relating to an agony that is there, for the first time you are releasing it, it’s flowing out from yourself. Take one disappointment, we ask ourselves what should we meditate on, many people ask that, some people “I should meditate on God, I should do this. All right what is God for all of us? God is bliss, the highest experience possible that Man can have in his physical mechanism as a human being. Bliss is joy, we don’t pray to God for more suffering yet we have suffered a great deal by our over exposure to environment. We are given a process of how to unlock the joy in us, how to release the joy in us, how to transcend these shocks, these particular pain relationships from our inner mechanism and if you take one disappointment, just think of one no matter how insignificant, and let it flow out of your system you have altered, you’ve actually shifted your consciousness on an actual level inside to produce now joy. It’s the uses of meditation that must become simple now, if we don’t simplify their uses then it’s up in never never land. We can say transcendental meditation, we are avoiding all our pains and going off into some region, true and fine, pin it down to what is actually occurring inside and objectively look at it then you wouldn’t need the words, the flowery words to hide behind. You’ll see now for the first time you are consciously shifting out of your mechanism levels of agony frustration into levels of joy with relaxation and when this occurs you’ve got real-ization, something real, concrete occurring within you as a result of a shift of the feedback within your mechanism for the first time. There is no pain flow, you have taken a condition that has given you pain and agony, you look at it for the first time, observe it, and then you have resolved it by the receptivity of the consciousness to look at it. God is there, He’s not a person telling you what to do, He is that vital life power locked up in you waiting to be released from the very disappointment, the very grief to a surface level in terms of joy. Now most people know that when they go to church and do confession, you know the ancient days they say you must come and confess, somebody has done you something and there’s agony inside and if you talk it out you release it. Meditation is to bring this to the surface, something that is done in there and bring it to the surface and release it when it’s released it’s over. Anyone who is meditating will tell you after a long time they are becoming more and more peaceful, more and more conscious, stronger and stronger within. The evidence of a valid meditative growth is the strength to face the interplay of the thoughts in your consciousness daily, this is the evidence of a real meditative growth, the inner strength to face the thought play that is occurring in your consciousness every moment then you know without doubt, without anybody interceding or dominating your consciousness, you have unraveled the actual force, the actual power, spirit, the divine impulse, and bring it to the surface to give you that conscious release. In other words you would be fulfilling this parable of the prodigal son, you are looking at the object or the problem halfway within yourself by facing it and God the vital power, life itself, is meeting you halfway by releasing you from it. If you got any ache or pain in you or any doubt or anxiety or somebody who you haven’t forgiven then put meditation to the test on a practical tangible basis, not just merely saying “oh I forgive them and I pray Lord forgive them, forgive them” it don’t work that way. We have to go inside and look at the thing and see it and then try and release it. When we can identify again the flow out is possible, the agony will go out and the tension will go out because this is the actual uses of good meditation. We want to meditate on God with Creative Intelligence coming into us but we must also realize that when we meditate we are on the receiving end, the receiving end is bliss but before we can have bliss, we’re gonna have more pain. Many people who have gone through genuine meditation break down in tears, some people say “How can that be? I sit down I’m supposed to be very peaceful after my meditation.” Yes you do have peace if you just sit down and don’t have any interaction this is a form of immunization, nothing is really occurring inside yet. When you really get in and take some problem and try to relive that problem and then try to release that problem and feel the end result of that problem being true bliss, you are never bothered it and in fact whoever that person is they’re getting a healing too and you’re getting a healing. Meditation brings in a healing as an actual force field when we identify with any problem and live it out again. We can do this in terms like Shakespeare, Shakespeare said this, “The world is but a stage and we are merely actors, we have our entrances and exits.” Good, somebody done you something put yourself in their shoes for a brief moment in your mind and see how it feels. How it feels for them to do you something and how it would feel for you to do them back something. You know we’re so wonderful people, I wouldn’t strike my neighbor because Jesus said “Turn your left cheek and the right cheek” but you know we’re a bunch of hypocrites? You want to strike so badly so desperately you kid yourself into death when in reality this inner mechanism has to release itself some way. We don’t have the right to go kill anyone or we don’t have to physically go hit them on their head but we can psychologically recycle this attitude by an inward meditation according to the rules of Madison Square Garden and Jesus Christ is the referee. 1:00 Put the other guy in your shoes and you get a good pair of hands and give him a good whacking and always remember Jesus says don’t kill him and get it out of your system, it’s all right, you’re released because this empathy, this feeling, this remorse has a chance to go out but you don’t have physically to go and hit him on the head, you can see this in your consciousness for the first time. That which you have suppressed, you reverse the role and look at it now for the first time objectively and then feel what it feels like, the feeling that you were subjected to, you know them because you retain them. Now turn it around and see that other person going through the squirming, it’s only an image play but in the end it’s played it’s release, it’s freedom. Meditation now brings peace because it will dissolve itself, the peace will flow for the first time and you may break down with a hearty cry, big as you are or small as you are you release and when we cry, we’re happy because it gets it off the chest. Thank you. (Applause). Are there’s any questions that you’d like to ask. Audience: Let’s have a five minute break first then come back. (Gap in tape). Someone had a question they wanted to ask, yeah? Audience: You’re in meditation. Adano: Yes. Audience: And you recall something which has been bothering you, you look at this first objectively then identify yourself with this inwardly so that you actually feel the same distress and unpleasant feelings you had before about this situation then what is the next step, what is the next thing you do to let this go? Adano: Well I said before you are like in Madison Square Garden and the referee is Jesus, you have to have someone who must know the rules all the way from start to end and you have a confrontation, you see the person with you in front of you, you’re reversing the roles, you know how it felt to be hurt by them so you are giving back that as a release. It’s like boxing and you’re boxing according to the rules you know, the umpire comes in there or the referee comes in and says “Now gentlemen this is according to the rules” and you spar and get off and now and you go off into your corner and it’s resolved on the decision of forgiveness. It’s an inward forgiveness that must come from a level of respect. We say to ourselves we forgive people, verbally true we do, biologically we don’t, deep down in our survival mechanism we would like to clobber the guy on the head but because we are not allowed by society to do that anymore, we don’t do it so we suppress it. In ancient days you’d walk with your war club and wait to find them in a dark alley and clobber the fella but then you don’t have a refereeing or a sort of a point of reference for equalization so the agony stays on and you get more and more frustrated and life becomes very very difficult in terms of making decisions. Your decisions are totally thrown into all streams of internal conflict to a point where you can’t decide no more. All right, if you have Christ and His approach to the problem then you can resolve it. Remember He said “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” By slugging it out inside then when you’re totally released of the agony you’re going to feel this sudden rush of a want and then relating to Christ as the forgiving principle, first you’re forgiving the other man and you’re forgiving yourself and both of you are forgiving each other in a way tears will start to flow and you are releasing yourself. This is what we call recognizing the Christ consciousness in you, that’s tonight’s lecture, that’s one of the ways you recognize it, this inward release that comes from an intimate participation in a meditation not just a mere meditation where you observe something and do not become part of the process. When something has intimately occurred in you to alter some level of feeling or conscious awareness in terms of release, you have tapped the true inner Christ in yourself. Yes? Audience: So how does this awaken intuition? Adano: It awakens intuition because for the first time you’re going to be aware of that person feeling it in release and you’re going to have a sort of a feeling of knowing independent of the senses and if you do meet that person, they would be the first one to start making some reaction to you without you trying even to impress them. That means it has transcended your five senses to communicate back to them a release and you may say “a miracle” if they suddenly turn around and start a conversation with you on a more friendly basis. You would not recognize it but those who have had the experience can tell you a month may not go by before you suddenly find that person is coming knocking at your door looking you up and you may not know why he’s looking you up or want to talk to you or her but they seem to be drawn or both of you seem to be drawn for the first time in close proximity. For years you may not even have anything to do with that person, you can’t say it’s coincidence now, you’re entitled to say that if you want that these two people suddenly meet in such a short space of time after this internal release and then on a verbal level have a friendly communication and the old hurts are suddenly diminished and they may be the first one to make excuses for ever having hurt you. Audience: Is that what you call intuition? Adano: It’s the highest form of intuition, it knows independent of the senses, they don’t know it, you recognize it, you know it and for the first time it pulls, it’s knowing from within yourself independent of the senses that they have been released. If you know from inside that you hurt me and you have this release go out, wherever I am I will feel it, this is a peculiar awareness. Audience: That’s ESP, isn’t it? Adano: Well what is ESP and what is intuition? Extra Sensory Perception is the word called “ESP.” How many senses do you have? Audience: Five. Adano: All right intuition is knowing independent of the senses. HHow many senses do you have? All right so if you have five senses and for the first time you know independent of them, their extra function. The word extra don’t mean you have an added function, it means for the first time that these functions have been speeded up. In other words the term acceleration is the correct interpretation of these forces. My five senses are limited to here right? Now if I wanted to go into an accelerated state I would know what’s going on outside without having to go outside and you may use the term extra sensory but there is no extra sense, it’s an accelerated function of those senses. Take a microscope, a microscope is only a magnification of something you don’t see with the ordinary range of the eyes and then you see someone who doesn’t have a microscope to work with can suddenly see the microbes, how does he see it? By magic or because the magnification on the acceleration of sight to suddenly allow him to see what you would not normally see and would need a microscope to see. 1:10 Or a telescope is the same thing, telescoping/microscoping are extensions of your five senses, x-ray and radar and all these are extension of the five senses to the range of where the normal sense does not communicate back but when accelerated for the first time can pick up so intuition is an acceleration, it’s a knowing independent of the senses. I’ll give you another illustration of what I’m talking about have you ever seen a venetian blind? Alright when the blind is down you have the slots right? If you turn one slot what would happen to pass through if there’s sunlight outside? A little light will pass through one slot right? All right you turn a second slot, you have a little more light coming into the room right and gradually every slot you turn you have more light coming in. Through your five senses you are allowing light to pass through into your mechanism and by turning these slots you can have light. Now if you pull the blind in such a way that all the slots are open, for the first time you will have a great flood of light in the room but there is always a shade or a shadow because the slots are like that, they’re blocking so whatever light that passes through it will look like it’s slightly diffused, it’s not 100% pure light there’s always that shade. So sometimes people with extra sensory abilities don’t have the true picture but nevertheless they do have understanding of what is passing through. Now take the cord and pull the whole blind right up to the top of the ceiling and let all the light flood right through. Now we have for the first time intuition, knowing now totally independent of the senses because you have to yank this consciousness out and shut up all the slots of that venetian blind and pull it all the way up and let the whole light flood in. Now Jesus is teaching us this by the very fact He tells us in meditation and He’s saying it “What it prophet a man to gain the whole world and lose his Soul?” We can have these psychic abilities like the finger, like your slots the light will pass through here but it’s blocked wherever a slot is, only that much is passing. It is when you move away the finger you have the whole force field so we say shut down the senses for the first time and let the light pass through. As you shut down the senses, the light will pass through, meditation is to help you to shut down the senses that it will perceive and you are seeing it from inside of yourself now for the first time independent of the senses. Audience: And the way to do this is to keep releasing all these things then the light can shine through? Adano: Yes for the first time you’re becoming a human being because if you keep the suppressed thoughts in you, those thoughts will eat away at you and you are no longer going to act like a human being, right? Now didn’t Jesus said you must forgive your fellow man and if you’re going to forgive, you have to release it all to be whole, complete, human? It’s essential to let it out, very very important to let it out before it can release you. Spirituality is health at its highest when it’s released, there are no hostilities in there now. Audience: And this took eight hours a day? Adano: It can take more than a lifetime lady. Sometimes many of us can break through it you know, many of us may not be able to break through some of those things. Audience: And speaking of seeing the light, does it help to actually physically turn the eyes inward and it just sufficient to concentrate the energy. Adano: No you have to close the lids, it’s like going to a movie house they shut down the light in the movie house in order to project on the screen. Well if you shut down the eyelids but don’t fall asleep this is what we’re trying to get across to our minds, do not fall asleep you just shut down and watch. Now while you’re watching inside, the light will start to manifest inside and as you watch the light now you don’t tell the light anything. So what you’re really doing inside is like this, “From TV station J-O-Y, program L-O-V-E is coming in to S-O-U-L in the form of L-I-G-H-T / S-O-U-N-D.” Audience: I mean physically I’ve seen some photographs of Yogi physically putting their eyes up like that, is that helpful? Adano: There are three positions that the eyes can be in: down, up, or forward. Now technically speaking when you observe the individual when he’s hypnotized, the eyeballs have a tendency to turn up, he’s in a different range of awareness. Now when he’s looking out in the outer realm, his eyes are wide expanded out. Now when you’re asleep and you’re not dreaming, the eyes have a tendency to turn down, when you’re dreaming it starts pulling back up. Now if you’re in a trance, the eyes will pull themselves up, if you’re not in a trance and you’re just merely closing your eyes and cat napping, the eyeballs will go down. So if you say the Yogis have their eyes up, it’s only a physiological pull. Now this is a strain on the brain for most people because they’re not accustomed to being in that state, we’re trying to impart to you don’t force the eyes up too quick and if you look at paintings of Saints, you ever look at their eyes, what position are their eyes in? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Why? Because when you start out looking forward and you close your eyelids, sooner or later the light seems to be just above the nose bridge and it seems to taper up and you want to look slightly at a 45 degree angle, the light is always here at this point, it’s not dead center here, it’s just about this point. So if you see the image of Buddha with a little knob on his forehead, you may think it’s a mole but it’s a representation of the third eye and it’s just a slight elevation point that you’re looking at but don’t force it. When you close the eyes nature itself will pull the eyes up slightly to let you look at it and that’s what you’re looking at. It will pull itself, you do not have to force it. Anything else? Audience: Would you also call it recycling, pretty much like the recycling we were doing? Adano: Yes to some extent but that is different, you’re meditating and you want to have an experience of a conscious identification with some thought pattern to release it and if you’re meditating strictly on the light inside, the light will break up into many colors and the colors are important in the meditation. There is a gold ring, there’s blue and white, there are many other colors but these three colors are important in the meditation because if you strike a match you will see these three colors, this is the light you’re looking at inside. 1:20 Now how you feel inside, if you have any anguish or pain you may want this to suddenly go up into the light and flush it out, you can do that but you want to see this light and go with it because that light will start drawing you inward. Now you’ll also hear a sound because Man is sound and you will hear this sound, the sound will start pulling him up. The moment you hear the sound inside you will start ascending, “In the beginning was the word,” which is sound “and the word was with God,” it’s in consciousness already “and the word IS God,” makes all the difference now. The word, the sound, the audible life current is God. See He doesn’t have a form, the highest form He can take is yourself but then you can’t accept that because no one wants to accept he’s God but then he can be very egotistical and shout “I am God too!” But that’s the final culmination of the form of God, like Man. Now “the word IS God,” the audible life current is God “and the word was made flesh,” audible life current became us “and dwelt in Man.” So we have a direct link to God all the time via an internal retinal photography so as we look inside we reverse this process and we can hear this sound going on inside. Yes? Audience: What if you hear more than one sound? Adano: Enjoy it. Enjoy it. There are sounds that you will want to hear eventually, the first is the sound of the bees then there’s sound it sounds like grasshopper chirping and then you may hear the sound of the flute, Krishna flute blowing, or you may hear a trumpet, all the reed instruments will play then you may hear the sound of the harps and then you may hear the sound of the bells, a whole carillon playing inside then you may hear the sound of the ocean or conch shell blowing, the roar of the ocean, you may hear thunder inside and finally you will hear like a drum too but then finally you’ll hear like bagpipes are blowing, they’re all inside of you then the whole thing becomes a symphony. God is the music of the spheres or the atoms in motion but this is the cosmic sound that you’re listening for or hearing. It changes you because you will recognize some changes in yourself when you hear it, there are lots of things that happen in your body when you hear it. Not long not too long ago I met a young man who had just come back from India, he was standing under a veranda of an ashram and the Swami was passing on this veranda and he and his wife was downstairs under the veranda and two other people and the Swami was just walking across the veranda above and he said to his wife, “Don’t you hear the the flute blowing?” She says, “What flute?” Knocked the other fella he says, “Don’t you hear the flute blowing?” He says, “I don’t hear anything.” Knocked the fourth person, none of them heard the flute yet he heard the flute so he’s puzzled, the Swami walked across the balcony and went down to the end of the balcony and he would hear this flute going on. Later in the evening when they were introduced to the Swami and they sat down to eat, he said to the Swami, “Can you explain to me why I heard a flute blowing today?” And the Swami looked at him and He said, “It’s obvious young man that you’re hearing God. Were you in the days of Elijah or Isaiah or one of the old prophets you might be saying ‘Lo I turned to the East and heard the voice of God like a trumpet blowing and it was like the voice of many waters, like the ocean flowing.’ You were fortunate to hear the audible life current flowing in your body.” The Swami just emphasized it to make the man realize he was hearing God so he asked the Swami “Then God has a form if music is all around?” And the Swami said “Yes look at yourself in the mirror.” He said “That’s the form, you.” Eventually as you meditate this inner consciousness will open up, you have to meditate. Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: This release can come. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Oh yes, I just gave you one example and don’t think that the release don’t come by other methods, I just gave you an example of releasing a problem with you and someone else. You know the Hindus have a saying and the Indians on the reservation have a saying, “You don’t know the load of another person’s back until you put it on and the Indians on the reservation says “You don’t know another man’s agony until you walk in his moccasins.” So you don’t know what it is when someone hurts you until you try to live and feel what hurts them, you see? Now it’s a feeling principle, meditation is a feeling principle, you’re trying to relate back into feeling to use feeling as a means of releasing. Now the greater love or the greater bliss that comes from meditation is not just sitting down and closing the eyes you know and nothing happening to you. This is one form of bliss, yes it’s true, it’s there, you can sit down and close your eyes and feel this bliss, there is nothing else but that, that’s just one level of the consciousness. Now the next level in where you want deeper bliss, bliss that is truly engrossing to the extent that you know now what oneness is with God is when you take part in a particular life experience and reverse this process inside and feel it. Audience: Could you have done it on an unconscious level, not work at it, just to occur? Adano: Yes but you wouldn’t know it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well let me show you how you will always remember it, have you ever had a dream where you hurt yourself and then you wake up that particular spot of where you hurt yourself pains you? Audience: No. Adano: You know if you see yourself in a dream and you stomp your toe or you kick something or you hit yourself and when you wake up right in that spot there’s a sensation in the waking state? If you had such a dream then you have already shifted consciousness. Now it’s to go back into that same experience and look at it objectively for the first time and release it. If you can have a dream in where you are running and fall down and stump your toe then all of a sudden wake up out of the dream and know it’s a dream and still feel your toe hurting, you had quite an experience. Audience: Could it not very well be if you have this without putting the effort into it that the other person does the releasing? (Laughter). Adano: All right good, that’s true too. They can have it. See it’s not necessarily you alone, they can have that release too, they do have it at times. Yes? Audience: Well then when does meditation become contemplation? Adano: Contemplation is before meditation madam. Most of us have got the cart before the horse by saying meditation comes before contemplation. Meditation is direct oneness with God, contemplation is hoping to become one with God, you’re contemplating the possibilities, you’re not involving yourself with it finally. See to contemplate on the thing is not actually living it, you want to be one with it, you want to have the force field moving inside. The mystic contemplates before what he wants to contemplate on before he goes into the meditation. Let’s say for instance I’m contemplating what happened to me in 1959 in the month of December. I go and contemplate this whole process but I’m not involved with it as an actual experiences as yet, I have to go back now and try and bring all the movements inside to live it and the moment I live it for the first time, live through that whole process then I have brought back an actual meditative release. You know we can contemplate all our lives and never get a release and yet when you’re faced with an actual meditation that opens you to release it, that’s the first time you have something tangible because remember the the description of meditation is very simple: Mental Energy Directing Individual Thought Activities Towards an Intuitive Observation and Oneness within the Noumena. That is the actual thing that happened there inside of you and you actually having a oneness for the first time. There was an archbishop who wrote this before he died years ago in England he said, “When you can feel the joys of another in yourself and feel your joys in them and feel their pains in you and your pains in them, you have meditated my son.” He was telling the early novitiates who are growing up to be in the church, the bishops, he was actually telling them the results of his meditation, “When you can feel it.” He didn’t say when you can think of it, he said when you can feel their pains and joys in yourself and relive these experiences then you have had a meditation. There was also a Catholic Saint by the name of Anselmo who lived many years, there are very few writings about him and he said the same thing, “Meditation is that particular experience in which all things are in you and you are in it.” So they’re talking of an actual oneness with experience and it’s not on a conscious computing level, it’s on a beingness level you see? There’s a difference. Yes? Audience: Concerning meditation techniques, two questions one is it helpful to concentrate on a chakra or a nerve energy center? Two, what about breathing exercises, are they helpful previous to going into meditation? Adano: Let us observe what you’re trying to accomplish then you will see if it’s practical or impractical or if it’s good or not good. What are you trying to accomplish by concentrating on a nerve center? Audience: You’re asking me now? Adano: Yeah, what do you think you’re doing? Audience: Well as I understand it, I’m only a non-experienced… Adano: You see your answer is in your question, if you only look at the question you ask, the answer is there. If you are concentrating on a particular nerve center, what are you trying to accomplish by concentrating there? Remember meditation is to bring you into a state of oneness. Now if you’re concentrating on a nerve center are you trying to accomplish oneness there or are you just practicing concentration as a means to steady the mind.

1972 May 6 Part 2 - Recognizing the Christ Consciousness

Adano72_05_06_2RecognizingChristConsciousnessQ1RR - Audience: It’s my privilege to introduce him to you and tell you a little something about you about him. He is the founder of the All Faith Fellowship which is building rapidly in Tyler Texas. He and his wife work towards this end, his wife is Margaret Ley who was made of Swamini in 1969 with Reverend Adano Ley and were both initiated into the ancient Indian order of the Saraswati. Adano was given the name of Nityananda Saraswati. He is going to speak this evening on Recognizing the Christ Consciousness and I would like to announce at this time that tomorrow at two o’clock he will be speaking about Techniques in Prayer Healing. It is with great pleasure introduce Swami Nityananda. Adano: Thank you Larry. Before we start, let us just calibrate our minds for a few minutes. (Short meditation). Thank you. I know this subject has tremendous implications, Recognizing the Christ Consciousness. Before we can discuss the Christ Consciousness and let alone recognize it, we have to be aware of what we’re talking about in terms of creation. The Hindu philosophy tells us of a trinity and the Western philosophy or Christian philosophy also speak of a trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the Hindus: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. For the Hindus Krishna is the word they use to represent the descent of this spirit into the flesh. In the West we use the word Emmanuel, God in Man, scientifically speaking what are we saying to ourselves? We are all saying that there is a Creative Intelligence present, inherent in human form. If this is true then we can try to understand the nature of this Creative Intelligence and then begin to recognize it around us. If we can understand what it is, how it’s functioning then we can also partake of it, otherwise it’s just a bunch of words having no real meaning and then we will be caught up in a personality more than a reality of a cosmic principle. To a Hindu Krishna is a reality, to a Christian Christ or Jesus is a reality yet what are they saying to each other? They’re both saying that God is in Man but first we have to understand what God means to each man in order to accept God in Man and let alone recognize it working around us and become identified with it. No man wants pain, it’s very simple to realize that. A dying man wants life and when he gets his life back it’s joy to him. A sick man wants his health back, when he gets that back it’s joy to him. A poor man if he gets money that’s joy to him. To a spiritual person trying to realize the truth about himself, it’s the constant ever-new joy that passes through him. So in reality Man is reaching out to the Creative Intelligence in the form of joy, bliss, but this bliss is only realizable to its fullest extent when the Creative Intelligence would come down and focus through a human being. Now this is very difficult for a man to accept, it’s easy for men to accept God as unmanifest somewhere in some remote region but not so easy to accept God as this Creative Principle coming down and participating in human form. When we do accept this, we are going to be liable for idolatry or hero worship or are we going to be vulnerable for fanaticism, that is we will go and chop off heads of others to convince them that we have the one true God. It is not that God is not flowing down through Man and let alone God becoming active in Man, the problem is Man at his level of comprehension cannot see God functioning directly through Man unless Man must be a superman. If you are a cow you want a bigger cow to worship, if you’re a dog you want a super dog to worship, if you’re a man the ideal God-man would be a superman. We have already set up what God is supposed to do for us in the man not realizing how this principle is working in us when the very God-man will tell you “I of myself can do nothing but the Father which is in me doeth everything” this eliminates any type of ego in the realized man. In Eastern thinking they do not like to use the word God because it tends to create too much of an image, they rather use the word “absolute,” the supreme absolute, the supreme beingness, and supreme beingness can only work in His creation or Its creation by channeling down through some form. The form that It will take is the one that we can recognize and that is human, it would not take the form of a plant or the form of a rock or an animal as the ideal channel for Its existence so it takes Man as the ideal channel for Its existence. If it takes Man as the ideal channel for its existence, then what label or name would you classify this ideal? In the East they call that label or classification Krishna but it’s not spelled k-r-I-s-h-n-a, it’s spelt “K,S,N,A” you see an interesting thing, Krishna is not a person, Krishna is a state of awareness, it’s a principle where the Creative Intelligence flows through personalized form. 0:10 We can say then that Krishna represents Cosmic Consciousness or Christ consciousness or Krishna consciousness, vibratory or vibrating throughout creation. Christ consciousness is that state of awareness that vibrates through vibratory creation, it is that Creative Intelligence that is flowing through creation. Now in the East they refer to this Creative Intelligence as the personal aspect of God because Man is the only creature that wants to relate to God on a personal level. they will also use the word Avatara meaning descent, a descent of this consciousness into flesh, a descent of the consciousness through matter. When we do that we are saying to ourselves that the Creative Intelligence does function through matter. Well in the Hindu trinity we have Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver, and Shiva the renovator. God the creator is Brahma which has no shape, no form yet the Hindus are so methodical in their thinking they even went and made some figure to look like Brahma and there’s only one temple dedicated to the Brahma, that is a sculpture with four heads: one facing north, one facing south, one east, one west. A four headed figure looking in four different directions yet the word Brahma means head, the head, this is the portion of the human mechanism that creates or centers thought patterns and centers consciousness. Objectively looking at this minus the symbology we can say that Creative Intelligence is pure cosmic awareness devoid of all forms, omnidirectional, meaning it can look in any direction now it’s not limited in any direction, it’s an omnidirectional or all directional awareness. How does this omnidirectional awareness affect creation? The only way it can affect creation it must come down to some form so they say the next level of this omnidirectional awareness is Vishnu the preserver. All right if you create something out of your mind you take it from some inspirational point of your being you will get joy, the greater joy will come now from trying to preserve it or maintain it, if you don’t maintain it you’ll throw it away. How many of us when they make something throw it away immediately? You create something and you look at it and there’s joy, you maintain it, polish it, take care of it there is more joy because it’s using itself, you are using it, it’s acting. The greatest joy would come if you smash it all up and remodel it because you would put a new model into effect, this is consciousness at work, this is the creative principle at work. Now this Creative Principle must come down on a human level no matter how we try, it must work through us as human beings, we have it in us as human beings, it is for us to recognize it. Now when we start to recognize it from the Hindu trinity we see Vishnu, which is the maintaining aspect of this consciousness, sends out Saviors or Avatars. A Savior is someone who tries to maintain a balance, one who lifts up to prevent people from becoming unrighteous so the word Avatara, descent into the spirit into the flesh, that descent of spirit into the flesh is maintained so we see great beings like Rama, men like Gopal or Govinda, men like Buddha, Moses, Elijah these are all Avataras on a long line of maintaining. They are expressions of this personal aspect of the Creative Intelligence right down to Jesus. Jesus was an Avatara and the word used was Emmanuel, God in Man, so we don’t see any conflict between the Hindu concept and the Christian concept as to what this Creative Intelligence is doing on a personal level. It is how this Creative Principle works inside the personal level that’s very very difficult to comprehend. Where does it work in us? How can we recognize it’s working in us? Because we have many statements pertaining to it. Since the Creative Intelligence working through a personal level is called the Christ Consciousness or the Krishna Consciousness, it is that particular creative force field that is responsible for the behavior of matter. We look at matter and we see it, it follows certain behavioral patterns yet we are not relating to it as a whole, we are only relating to it as parts and if you see certain behaviors in one little object, this is what we will tag it not fully realizing that consciousness is flowing as a whole. Matter as we see it according to Einstein is energy, according to the mystic it is the lowest expression of pure consciousness, it’s the lowest expression of pure consciousness. If you’re in doubt Dr. Baxter with his experiment on plants tell you plants think, have you read of that, are you familiar with that? Well if he on this level just now breaking through the veils that are acting in matter to make us conscious of a behavior going on and that there’s an intimacy, then until we understand that we do not understand what the Christ consciousness is working in us. The Christ consciousness is the collective Creative Principle directing the total behavior of the structure of matter and the human brain is the only mechanism capable of monitoring it. As long as the human mechanism removes the sense of focus or sense of identity from the five senses or lower mechanism to the higher or intuitive mechanism then that Christ Consciousness will begin to manifest itself, we have to surrender the sensory nature and focus upon the intuitive nature. We are given indications by Jesus when He said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me” and if the Son of Man be lifted up, the Son of Man is your sensory nature. 0:20 If you withdraw from your sensory nature and center it on the intuitive nature, for the first time you will start locking in to the true behavior pattern of creation around you, this is the Christ consciousness that you’re trying to lock into because once you lock into it there is no limitation. Christ consciousness, in order to recognize it now in a human being is that capacity to crystallize thoughts at will. If when you think certain thoughts and a plant can pick it up and respond but you are not aware that the plant is picking it up, the lack of your awareness does not normally distort the plant yet the very thought that you triggered off can distort the behavior of the plant, either the plant will grow better or it will shrivel up and die. This is proven because you can send love to a plant and send hate to another one and keep them all growing side by side and before you know it the one that has love seems to bloom, the one that has hate shrivels up. Now if we can do this on a conscious level without even capable of monitoring the vibratory rate on a conscious way, realize if you can generate this ability and monitor it, what is happening? Your consciousness can lock in and trigger for the first time actual movements, you can actually sense these movements, send them out, you can actually feel them and make the plant behave or object behave in terms of this thought. The Christ consciousness is that Creative Principle working as a collective whole in all creation, when you identify with it you can monitor it now by thinking otherwise you’ll just have a feedback from your thought waves and they will to some degree affect the objects around you but when you’re fully conscious in terms of identification with the vital life power in your being then you not only move the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, or mineral kingdom or human kingdom but you cause within their very structure now to vibrate and obey the thought patterns set up within themselves now becoming crystallized by your concentration. The Christ conscious man does not generate desires therefore he feels your desires first, he identifies with your mechanism first, and then brings these desires into crystallization and as they crystallize, you have an experience now of their Christ consciousness in your life. So think what I’m saying, how do you recognize it in your own life? When a desire begins to crystallize in your life that you might trigger off at some time not fully conscious of how you’re triggering it off and when it does crystallize you may assume that some unseen power brought it into manifestation when in reality it is the Christ’s intelligence, the Collective Whole force field that is existing in creation causing this internal desire to crystallize within you, around you. You are in a sense bringing into manifestation your own desires by locking in to the collective whole of the universal Creative Principle, if you don’t lock into it then your desires take a long time to materialize, sometimes they don’t materialize. Now a fully realized individual who can sense this whole force field can then cause this consciousness now to precipitate other people’s desires immediately, what they do is that they shrink down time for the first time. A man living in the full state of Consciousness acting on Consciousness which is Christ consciousness now, one of the levels of creation, when Consciousness is acting on Consciousness, that individual now has the capacity by his own intimacy of his being to shorten the function of time. Now why does he shorten the function of time? Because it is time that makes it seem impossible for us who are unrealized to bring about any manifestation of a desire at will. If you desire something and you cannot crystallize it at will instantaneously, there is a time factor that is involved. If the thought can crystallize into reality at will we can see now the Christ’s Intelligence is working through you faster. In the experience of prayer for healing, when you pray to heal someone and if the healing occurs instantaneously your own consciousness has locked in to the Christ Intelligence, the Collective Whole force field in the vibratory nature of matter and cause a shrinking of the time cycle into manifestation so we say you’ve had an instantaneous healing. Then you realize it is not you who have done it but the Creative Intelligence within you that did it, “I of myself can do nothing but the Father which is within me doeth everything,” the sense of ego goes out more and more as we are capable of instantaneously crystallizing the desire action yet there is a danger in it too. As soon as we start crystallizing thought patterns instantaneously too often, we are going to develop a craving to exhibit it because you will think in your mind there is nothing in this world you cannot do. Right there and then you would be caught up in one of the functions that Jesus mentioned “What it profit a man to gain his whole world and lose his Soul” because right there this craving urge to demonstrate will become strong. The Christ intelligence in Man and in the whole creative force field works primarily for the good of each individual, it works through the individual, it works to help the individual resolve certain thought patterns, certain cravings. Yet at the same time it may not do a single thing for anybody, the Christ Intelligence may not even release or crystallize a desire for no one. If you realize that Master Jesus went to a certain place and then He came back and He said “With these people I can do nothing.” They had desires, they had wishes and cravings yet when He tuned in to their own creative structure, their intensified doubt and hardening of their mind as to the reality of the possibility of this force coming through them, they blocked it out. Now there is no experience in Christ Consciousness occurring for any human being without we the individual setting up the necessary conditions to receive it, we have to set up the necessary conditions to receive it, we have to want it. All right let’s see if the necessary conditions of wanting are not important. There was a woman who suffered from an issue of blood, she saw the Master walking yet she says in her mind, she has to put these conditions in her mind, “If I would but touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole.” 0:30 Now you realize what we’re talking about, she says the hem of His garment, that’s a piece of material a person is wearing around his body. A little while ago I’m talking about the structure of creation, this woman may not be a scientist in her mind by any training yet her inward feeling is that since this Christ principle is passing through this physical form then there would be no limitation to this Creative force flowing to her. Her own innate Christ self is recognizing the expanded magnified Christ-self in the man Jesus and is reaching out to set the stage for receptivity. Your Christ self must set the stage for the Christ that must come into this world, isn’t that what Casey said? You have to make it possible, if you don’t make it it’ll never come so it is you who must set the stage of receptivity for a Christ-realized individual to flow, the woman is setting the stage in her consciousness to be able to receive let alone recognize. When she touches the garment of Jesus she is made whole but a strange conversation occurs just at that time, the Master said “Someone has touched me.” According to the King James version that was the word they translate, “touch,” the newer editions or newer translations they use the word push. Well we will see where push and touch have different meanings and different responses in the science of the Soul. Peter replied and said “Master everyone is touching you.” In the new editions we can say “Master everyone is pushing against you” but then the Master replies “No, power has gone out of Me.” The newer editions of different translators say “virtue has gone out of Me,” it’s a big difference when you’re looking in terms of the Science of the Soul, what really goes out and what is supposed to go out. The Christ’s intelligence is the Creative force field, we’re saying force field present and directing the structure of creation so if the man who is realized comprehends its mechanics, if he was saying virtue then this would be incorrect, if he’s saying power then he is correct. Power went out of Him but to show that He knew that power went out of Him because he’s identified, he’s not merely wearing a garment by conscious association, He is identified with the garment by the power relationship of the structure of matter within His being. This is what the man is saying, power went out, “You have drawn from my source of relationship by setting up the necessary conditions of the mind” so He looks around and by looking around He points out the culprit. Now if He did not do that we could say virtue really went out of the man and by a lucky stroke of awareness, He picked up that woman’s thought waves and helped her. He identified the woman and He said to her, “Your faith have made thee whole.” “Your alignment of consciousness to the reality of your being from within yourself made it possible for these two force fields to meet under the desire nature of yourself. If you did not crave for a healing and set up this alliance in your mind, you could not bring about this release from within me to you or from within your own makeup the necessary experience that is occurring now, you have to make this association inside.” She then recognize beyond all doubt Christ consciousness flowing through a realized man. Within us when we are striving to recognize Christ consciousness in ourselves, we can do this by setting up the right mental relationships. The moment you begin to do that many things occur in your life, you begin to see such things like some of your desires materializing in a strange way. I know many people who can vouch for that, they have thought and wanted many things when they were young and the moment they began to recognize the intimacy of consciousness in matter with themselves, their desires began to crystallize in miraculous ways. A friend of mine told me this one time, he had a fountain pen and he refused to buy one and regardless of where he went the pen would leak but he would still use it, he was a minister but he would not buy another pen because “waste not, want not,” he’s a very frugal man but he says if the Christ is so marvelous in all things, the Christ will provide me a pen. He went on a tour to Europe, on his way back home to America all the gifts that were given to him by all the places he visited was a Parker fountain pen. (Laughter). Strange, everywhere no one knew what he wanted but they all brought him a Parker fountain pen, the same like the one he was writing with. Somebody took pity on him you may say or is the Creative Intelligence working to crystallize from within. We have this happening to us in many ways in simple things around us every day, you go out and you’re in a mental quandary what to do about your life, you set up the necessary desire pattern inside for some guidance and you may say to yourself, “I better play it by ear” so you’re on the alert for guidance. You run into people and if you’re conscious, that’s making the necessary preparation, before the day is over some individual seems to come along and give you some information to go where you supposed to go and then you thank God. Well you know you tell your wife or your husband, “Today I met such and such a person and she gave me the answer what I was looking for,” not fully realizing that the person is only the focal point for the Creative Intelligent force which is already locked up in you pulling back to bring it about into manifestation. Just as much as you send out love to a plant and it will respond and you need an instrument to give you some validity of its response, think of it on the basis of human beings to human beings, how faster, how fantastic the time cycle can be diminished. You can actually diminish the time lapse among human beings to bring about an experience in the Christ consciousness. The Christ consciousness can now be recognized not as a human being but as the Creative force field that works through human beings, God is meeting you now on a personal level. Here for the first time you are seeing this Divine Law not as a figment of imagination or some illusionary world but as a factual exposure to Divine Life in action. The more love you seem to emit towards it or to emit to another human being, the faster this crystallization comes about. If you set up the attitude of the day is that “I love all Men and I’m going out, I may have many business problems, where do I turn?” The Creative Intelligence is there locked up as the Christ principle in all Men but your love setting it up for receptivity triggers this in motion and brings this crystallization. Before you know it you are drawn or they are drawn into your sphere of existence to have a release or a confrontation or an experience of crystallization or materialization. 0:40 In the East we say devotion to God via the personal form enhances the Christ principle or the Krishna consciousness. Well we got lots of people shouting Krishna consciousness and then on this side of the Atlantic or the Pacific we got lots of us shouting Christ consciousness and the two are clashing each other’s heads you know, banging away at each other, that is not the true comprehension of the Christ consciousness. Where the true comprehension of the Christ consciousness comes in is our moment-to-moment participation with the desire action of the mechanism in relation to others around us. We cannot live without desire, we cannot suddenly cut off all desire yet every desire must have an action to be fulfilled or be eliminated. If you have a desire for a cigarette it will be fulfilled, if you have a desire to get rid of it, it will be eliminated so the desire action within the frame of your consciousness working can now draw upon the collective force field all around you to release you or elevate you instantaneously, you have to trust it now just as much as the woman trusted that if she only touched the garment, not the man’s body, the physical garment that He wore to bring about this release, we have to trust now in the Creative Intelligence inherent in the structure of matter around us to bring about the crystallization of thoughts as a reality for the first time. Don’t look at the world around you in some form of disgust as to say it’s immaterial or material, nothing is immaterial or nothing here in this world is material in the true sense of the word. In the true sense of the word everything here is a crystallization of a cosmic desire otherwise we would not be here in the first place. God had to desire to make a creation, He had to set it into action and the action is the end result we see and that end result is us when we look back at it. Now when we accept the responsibility of trying to unite, to get back on a personal level, then we will have the experiences of facing God in the levels of descent, the Eastern people call it Avatara, the Western scriptures call it Emmanuel, the God in Man. As we prepare the mind to make this possible confrontation of God on a personal level then we will be able to experience more and more of the Christ consciousness within ourselves in time reduction experiences which you call instantaneous. One wise man said, “The greater the realization of the individual,” that is to say the greater the comprehension of a human being about his self and his environment, the greater his impact or control over the environment, you realize what is happening? If you are aware of yourself more and more leaving the primitive sense of awareness in terms of “this is a tree” and realizing a tree now is no longer a tree but it’s energy and energy is consciousness, once you have this sudden altered attitude to this object for the first time and start to see in the whole perspective and to realize that your thoughts are triggering and causing some crystallization to occur, you will experience Christ awareness. Among the Indians on the reservations there is a particular ritual they have when there is no rain. Now we all know what rain is, it’s that beautiful dirty water that falls from our polluted skies (Laughter). All right but it’s there in its clouds and then it comes down. On a day when there is no clouds, remember a day where there is no clouds these Indians get together and try to send up prayer thoughts for the release of rain on the Earth. Now this is not imagination, this is a very very powerful science at work, those people who really pray for that rain many of them are very very devoted to a higher awareness and they will start praying and before their prayers are almost complete, out of that clear blue sky you may need an umbrella to cover your head before you get flushed out, rain comes down. Now one may say “Well jee whiz if you’re so great and can pray anytime to get rain why the heck we got to have bad crops, why should there be drought in certain areas? We can just take this group of people on a bus or a plane and put them over here pray, go around and do the next prayer.” Well all right this is a sort of mass producing it, we have broken the true contact for the use of the Christ Intelligence. I said before we cannot do that type of consciousness, there must be a desire within the framework of the being and when this desire is set up and need is brought into focus, then it will crystallize. To (inaudible) and pray and let water fall from the heavens and then suddenly because there’s a drought over there or there’s none falling there and nobody is asking for it, you take a group of people to take them over to the other side and pray for them and then released it there and then you take and go someplace else, you’re actually violating this principle. If we look at the guidelines of the realized Masters who have recognized this Christ Intelligence, we will see they do not bring about the manifestation or the crystallization of the desires unless there is that basic connection with them and the individual involved. After Jesus turned water into wine to satisfy His mother, who in turn was trying to satisfy the desires of her kinfolk, He did not go on to be the number one winemaker. (Laughter) You see there is what we’re looking at, He did the act, He recognized the reality of His Christ awareness, his Christ consciousness, and brought it into focus their desire, satisfied their desire and left. Equally true any other realized individual, any one of us in this room that can relate to this consciousness, the moment we can relate to this Christ consciousness within ourselves and cause a desire to crystallize, we will see that you have to be asked on certain levels for it to crystallize otherwise you will run into dead ends, blind alleys. When you ask an individual to tune in on that Creative Intelligence and bring about a result in your life, there must be some bond, some unfinished commitment, some lesson, some behavioral release causing it or occurring within you to have it as an experience. 0:50 Each one would like to see more wine made without effort and everyone would also want, “How can I do it?” But ask yourself, making more wine without any effort and for whose benefit? Do you see you can make a mess of this Creative force field for the first time? If you’re going into wine making for a material profit by selling it then you’re wasting your time, why not create the whole ocean into one big wine vat, you see? If you want to dole it out in terms of dollars and cents then what are you really craving, are you craving dollars and cents, are you craving the show of being capable of converting water into wine? This is the integrity of the thing, to be able to recognize that when you are in that state how to apply it for the benefit of those that need it. We cannot force Christ awareness upon people, we cannot make their misery or their trials less than they are willing to turn it loose, they must make the trials and the tribulations a part of their life, Jesus said it, “Take up your cross and follow Me.” It is essential that we do work out some of these problems but at the same time it’s essential for us to recognize the God in Man capable of crystallizing a desire and freeing us from the implications of those desires, that will make us more conscious of our own inner divinity. Now in the East they made a painting of the man Gopal would they call the Krishna of India at the time, a Christ realized man and it’s a peculiar thing that they paint His entire body blue. There has never been any painting out of India that depicted Krishna other than blue. Now isn’t that strange? Now we come down to Jesus now, if they were going to paint Master Jesus, they’ll paint Him blue too, they’ll take this Jewish figure and paint it in blue and said this is the Jewish Christ. To a person looking at it that’s a disfigurement, He’s a Jewish Man and He’s caucasian, to them that’s unimportant, it’s blue then you ask yourself why do they paint it blue, what does the blue represent? In creation in the structure of light there are many colors, the most predominant color outside of white is blue. Now they paint Krishna blue, the whole body, to represent this Christ intelligence in matter if you were to look to the heavens, which we do when we raise our hands or our eyes to God, which is the most predominant color you see? Blue, has anyone ever penetrate with his eyes into the infinity of blue? You can look for long hours and still never go out to the end of where the blue is and if you travel in space, you’ll get the queer feeling that there is no blue there. Huh? Which astronaut says that when he’s traveling in space outside is blue? Everyone came back and said it’s total darkness out there. How did this total darkness suddenly disappear while they’re in space moving or when we’re on the Earth looking at it seeing it as blue? Then we have a beautiful answer for it because the ocean is blue therefore the sky is blue but the rocks in the ocean aren’t blue either. Then we say the sun diffuses therefore the sky is blue. How does the sky suddenly get the blueness and when the astronaut is in space, the blueness disappears and turns black? The Hindus have said that because the Creative Intelligence or the Divine Artist is flowing through creation and since blue appears to be the predominant color, that blue is the radiant form, the radiant form of the Christ intelligence. Now anyone having an experience inside with any spiritual person will see the radiant form as blue. Now in the brain we have light and the light has three colors: gold, blue, and white and the most predominant color inside is blue. This blue, once you lock into it, for the first time your consciousness is vibrating in all things, that is the level we call Consciousness acting on Consciousness. You begin to sense (loud feedback from the speakers) …but that sound is the sound of the Audible Life Current. You don’t recognize it, God is consciousness, light, and sound passing through this human mechanism in a total level, when we lock into it we can hear it, we can see it, and we can be aware of it, of the Consciousness acting on the Consciousness. We must realize that when we use the term Christ, we are not talking of a man, we are talking of the descent of the spirit into the man. Now to see it in that radiant form within, blue is the obvious color that comes around it, anyone who has had any inner experience will tell you the Christ, the man Jesus appears in a blue light surrounding His body. When we try to understand the Christ Consciousness at our level which is the level we want to understand it and use it, it becomes important to understand a particular function of this country. In this country we have a saying, “Any man can become the President of the United States,” the presidency is an office, the man in that office is the President. All right, the power vested in that office is accepted to be the highest power released to a single individual. If he signs into effect a law, the nation is supposed to obey it, we are looking at the Divine Principle working now in terms of the Christ. The Christ intelligence in vibratory creation is like the cosmic presidency of this world and any man can become Christ-realized and function from that level, each one of us are potentially Christ-realized when we are awakened, each one of us has this potential, each one of us then can be elected President of the United States, each one of us can become Christ-realized, this is something that you can become. 1:00 Now if Mr. Kennedy signs into effect a law or Mr. Lincoln signs a law into effect or Mr. Nixon signs a law into effect or let’s say Mr. Washington, these three men are no different in terms of the Presidency as far as their power to act from that office but you cannot say to yourself that Washington is less important than Kennedy or less important than Abraham Lincoln or less important than Mr. Nixon, the four men do not have the same identical problems to face, the same relationships to face or associations to face, they all differ yet each one the moment they put their signature to some document, it is ratified and accepted as legal. The same thing is true of all the Christ-realized men that walk this Earth, Buddha is no different than Jesus and Jesus is not different than Govinda or Gopal and Gopal is no different than Rama or any of the other great teachers that came on this Earth, they are in their particular time, their particular sphere of actions, conditions, people and they had to work it out. Now Jesus died on a cross, Krishna was poisoned, Buddha was poisoned interesting that these men did not die normal deaths in their beds, the Christ Consciousness does not necessarily perform miracles but this is one of its side products. When you’re in office like the president in the country, you can either get involved in a war or you may never get involved in the war, there are presidents who had no chance to ever get involved with the war and there are presidents who got involved with wars. Equally true the Christ-realized man may never get involved with any action pertaining to violence or He may get involved with actions pertaining to violence. We come to realize He may neither have to perform a miracle or he may have to perform miracles, the same is true So if we look at the Christ-realized man and we’re looking to recognize it in a human being, the things we don’t look for is the miracles, we don’t look for the superiority of the intellect, we don’t look for the difference in philosophies, we look for the central message of all of them and the central behavior of all of them. The central message of the Christ-realized man is love and peace, the central behavior of the Christ-realized man is to crystallize your thoughts for you if you have a need. Many great Masters when the students came to Them with their desires were crystallized for them in their own life for them and they did not have to go out and tell the world that this occurred in them, they were even cautioned not to go and say anything. You remember in the life of Jesus the man who was healed from leprosy? He was even cautioned not to go and expose or say anything, They do not want a show and They may even heal us without the show. They can lift our minds up into a state of peace, They can heal us without even reaching out and touching us strictly because we have a desire that has to be crystallized. A third thing in recognizing the Christ-realized man and to recognize you are entering that state yourself, how to recognize you are entering the Christ conscious state in yourself and that is the peace you feel throughout the body when you generate love to your fellow man and how long it remains with you. The peace you feel when you generate love for your fellow man and how long it remains with you, if you send love out to someone and feel the inner peace, how long that peace remains with you in the waking state, not in the sleep state in the waking state, you are now tapping in on your Christ consciousness because you are going to effect the environment and you’re going to effect your fellow man. Jesus put it another way when He said, “As many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become Sons of God.” “The peace I give the world don’t give” and “If you cut out the tongues of men of peace the stones themselves will shout peace.” Christ consciousness can best be experienced and realized on a conscious level by the sustained peace within 24 hours and seven days a week, 365 days a year you know you have arrived. Now your mere Beingness can create miracles, it can crystallize desires and we see that in the case of Peter. Peter was a very hard man at times, he was not 100% peaceful, he was trying to get to that peaceful state. They might be hours when the peace was gone from him and they might be hours when he was sustaining the peace and we see in a peculiar situation. He was standing in the room where Paul was lecturing and his peace went away from him all of a sudden, he felt envious of Paul and he walked out of the room trying to regain his composure of peace again and he passed a blind man and the blind man said to him, “Heal me!” He paid no attention to the blind man yet when he regained his composure and returned back, his shadow fell on the man. He didn’t even know his shadow was falling on the man and the man regained his sight. Do you understand what I’m talking now, how the Christ consciousness is a collective principle in the whole of the creative force field working through us and when we relate to it, it will begin to make an impression on the environment around us, it is not the man Jesus. The next in line to the presidency is the vice presidency, this individual has the same functions when the President is absent that he can step in and perform, yet he may not be the competent individual, he may not be elected as yet into the presidency but he has to be acquainted with the functions of that office. Equally true when we are striving to become aware of the Christ’s intelligence in the whole force field around us, we may not be living completely at an ethical level for it to occur 100% in us but nevertheless whatever percent, this force field is working through us this is to encourage us to move towards that total involvement, that total surrender with it, when we make that total surrender then it flows 100%. 1:10 So to finalize the recognition of the Christ consciousness in all things, look for the peace that you feel in a conscious state all the time because in that state even your mere shadow can do many things. You can walk through a garden and you can affect the plants, you can come close to a sick squirrel and just radiate peace to it and the squirrel will be gaining its strength back or a sick possum. (Laughter). So it’s the love that you are feeling inside manifesting as a peace state. Thank you. (Applause then gap in tape). Some people have some questions they want to ask, there’s one gentleman who’s going to ask a question. Audience: I asked you in the break if a person could use another individual that had progressed ahead to help direct the force so that they could realize the Christ in their selves or do they have to do it completely by themselves? Adano: Both, you can do it by yourself, it will take you a long time and by the grace of another who is in that state, he can help you to recognize it faster. All right a candle can’t light itself, it takes another lit candle to light it up. An egg cannot become a chicken unless a mother hen sit on it but the fruit on a tree grows gradually and then one day the tree weans itself from the fruit or weans the fruit from the tree. So there we see the tree is growing by itself, the fruit is growing by itself but then within the tree this weaning process occurs. The candle can’t light itself and the chicken can’t come out of the egg by itself so we need both, we need the aid of the inherent power within to make the fruit come into fruition and let the tree dispense of it just as much we need the heat of the hen sitting on the egg to bring out the chicken or someone lifting a lit candle to light another one, we need both so one alone is insufficient. For this reason Master Jesus came to His disciples otherwise they by themselves would take a long time to suddenly come into realization, by His aid these disciples were able to gain the realization. Yes? Audience: I’m curious can you tell how the Master Jesus choose the disciples, the twelve? Adano: He said, “You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you.” All right, His awareness of the Christ intelligence within Himself radiated out to those who were bordering on that particular ability but were incapable of bringing it to fruition. So there is a saying in your scriptures, “The shepherd knows its sheep and the sheep knows its shepherd,” there is a sense of knowingness that occurs between an individual and the Master. When Jesus came down from the mountain after He was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights, He was passing in front of the River Jordan and John said “There goeth your Master.” Now a whole host of people were sitting there around the Jordan listening to John the Baptist and John the Baptist said “There goeth your Master.” It is said that three men got up and followed Jesus but He never looked around and said “Hi I’m glad you recognized me.” The man who pointed out these men’s teacher was a man who was aware too because Jesus went to that man to be baptized by Him and imagine when they met what they said to each other, “You baptize me.” “No you baptize me.” “No you baptize me.” “No you baptize me.” Two grown-up individuals arguing who should throw water on each other’s head, sounds kind of games but Jesus made a remark that was very significant, “Suffer it to be so for this is the way of righteousness,” there is a link of recognition occurring between the two men, on consciousness within themselves. So John went ahead and performed the ritual but John was also saying to the men around the River Jordan, “There goeth your Master” and it’s noted that three men got up and followed Him and He went about selecting the rest, gathering to Him the spiritual man that He needed. Now we only know or would relate to these 12 men because they were appearing to be what you call renunciates, not involved with the worldly affairs of life but this is not true in a spiritual life, the spiritual life is both householder and renunciate and Jesus had many householder disciples, far more in elevation than those that were following Him but they were not recorded or appear to have been significant in the writings of the life of Jesus yet their very life carried many great spiritual truths. In the life of Lazarus, he was a disciple, a householder disciple, a very unusual disciple in the sense that he was relieved of a karmic condition called attachment. There were two Lazaruses, a rich one and a poor one, the poor one was the one that had all the diseases, the rich one is the one that Jesus stayed at his house but had two sisters but that one was subject to attachment, he could not break loose from it. So the Master left his home and when He left his home they said a strange illness came upon Lazarus and then when He was told that Lazarus was ill He paid no attention, He kept on going and finally He was told by a message that Lazarus is dead. 1:20 Then He makes a tremendous remark and says “This is not a death unto the death,” indicating He knew very well the principles of life control because there are many levels of death. Yet He went back and when the sisters came you could imagine two householder sisters what they were saying in their minds before they meet the Teacher, “Boy you stayed at our house and ate all our food and this is the way you repay us? You wouldn’t even come when we sent a message to you?” I know I would but they suppressed all these and in a very pleasant way they said “Master if you were here our brother wouldn’t be faring thus,” it’s a strange way you tell someone not relating and at the same time you’re communicating subtle thought patterns. The Master could read their minds very well but then He teaches them another lesson in disciple-hood, He says “Where is the body?” “But Master he is dead, he has been dead three days.” “Where is the grave?” “Master he is buried for three days.” He’s gonna pull them out now, He’s putting them through the ropes so He goes to the grave and He makes a big statement, “Lazarus come forth!” In a loud voice but then He says again, “Father I did not have to say it in a loud voice, only because of the people around.” If you understand the subtle play between a disciple and a Guru or a teacher then we know what is going on in this principle of the Christ consciousness in man. Jesus was fully Christ realized but He was trying to make these disciples awaken to their own Christ consciousness so He had to put them through the paces to get them to wake up to it. So when Lazarus came out, Lazarus was a changed man, he opened his home to many that were there for the first time and you might say according to Paul this was our first humanitarian or philanthropist, he became a very charitable man. You know Paul says of all the three virtues which is the most important? Charity. Lazarus might not have had the opportunity in a lifetime to be charitable until he was put to the test of death, these subtle references in many writings indicate what is happening yet other disciples that live with Jesus that are recorded performed many miracles but that doesn’t say that those other disciples in their householder chores were not capable of performing miracles, they were but we’re not judging the spiritual life by the miracle, a blow on the head and the end of your ability to perform miracles. It’s your peace that passes all understanding, that permeates your body to the grave and beyond the grave, this is the evidence of spirituality. “The peace I give the world don’t give” that’s what He’s talking about. If we have that in us these cells are transformed because these cells will throw off the ability to break down after death, this is what is meant by “when this body throws off corruption and takes on non-corruption.” When the disciple accepts the Christ in himself, he would not have to overcome the breakdown of the cells, it’s a natural law just as much as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it’s natural for us to arrive at that state once we recognize it. No more questions? Yes? Audience: You know how the early Christians lived in community, in Acts how they lived together in communes and they prayed together and they had great power and this is part of the (inaudible) movement today. Do you think that Christ consciousness can be raised in this kind of living experience of Christians living together in a community so that they are living as a body of believers (inaudible) the body of Christ and that this would extend this consciousness to the whole group rather than an individual trying to reach Christ consciousness, the whole group is strengthened by the power of the prayers together? Adano: All right they are only fulfilling the discipline of their Teacher who said to them while He was in the body, “When two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in their midst.” They were performing group meditation or group participation but with what, was it the Christ consciousness or something else? Remember He said, “I go unto the Father but I send you the Holy Comforter and He will remind you of all these things in My name.” The Holy Spirit descending upon these people reassured these people that they were still lock into the Christ consciousness within themselves and unless they had some tangible experience of the Holy Comforter that gave them that assurance, they would have fallen apart. We would fall apart too if we have no assurance of these particular abilities that the Christ is with us. Where we don’t need the abilities to make the assurance because He told His disciples when He came back from the grave, “Blessed are they who do not see and believe then they who see and believe.” The assurance must come from a surrender of devotion within yourself to the Christ working within all things, this devotion is greater, this devotion is the true strength you’re looking for because a blow on the head would not deprive you of that devotion or any injury would not deprive you of that devotion whereas the gifts of the spirit can be suddenly taken away by any injury to this physical mechanism you see? So if they get together and pray it is good, don’t get me wrong it’s good, they need it, we all need it, we should get together and pray and meditate, this makes the way possible now for the Christ to come back through us and the Being will come down. He may not necessarily be a Jew the next time or a Chinaman or a Hindu, you don’t know what nationality He may pick now and He may not necessarily wear a robe with a beard or He may not wear an Ivy League suit and carry an attache case. We don’t know what form the Being is going to take now to crystallize but nevertheless if we make it possible for this consciousness to come down, we can have that experience, He can materialize in our realm, He can actually be among us to satisfy us but don’t think that the Christ-realized man Jesus, His resurrected body is somewhere in never never land, it’s here with us, it’s always been with us. The only difference between His body and yours is that your body casts a shadow and leave a footprint, His body is flesh and blood like yours and mine but it don’t cast no shadow and leave no footprint and it does not need to eat food like you and I because it has mastered the five senses, it absorbs pure light through the medula. So what can be more thrilling even in a Pentecostal movement to suddenly have the Master Jesus bring out His resurrected body and stand up in the midst like the night when He appeared to the people up in the upper room, the disciples, you understand? That is more thrilling because you have a tangible contact now, the holy gift of the spirit to perform or talk in tongues don’t get me wrong they’re good but the actual experience of the Christ, Jesus the man who was realized as Christ, standing there giving a confirmation of that state. All other great teachers who are realized their disciples saw them after death, they’ve had the experience. 1:30 We may not have the books in this part of the world to confirm it because it’s written in other languages yet anyone who has studied the Oriental religions and know anything about the relationship between the Master and the disciple, on what basis that relationship is based on, do you know that their Master appears to them even after death and gives them an experience of that state of Beingness that we should strive for, that is the Christ state we’re striving for where this body is no longer breaking down. Yes? Audience: Would you define intuition? Adano: Intuition is an ability to know independent of the senses, it is your true self, that part of you that knows independent of the senses. Now if you know anything or perceive anything in your environment, you have to use the five senses and then to make sure that you’re not losing your marbles you want to have some tangible factual evidence to satisfy your five senses so you use logic. Yet if you want to transcend the limitation of the wall, you have to extend the five senses via equipment: x-ray, telescope, radar all utilizing energy yet your five senses uses energy. Intuition is using an accelerated state of that energy now for the first time independent of the contact point of limitation. So when a person say they are clairvoyant that is only one aspect of that intuitive level working through them on the vision spectrum that they may see now into space and time events occurring. Yet if they are aware without relying on clairvoyance then they are aware at all time because that is what Cosmic Consciousness is, omnidirectional awareness, there is no limitation to that. Yes? Audience: Is self-realization a process where a separate individual consciousness recognizes an omnipresent, omnidirectional consciousness existing and flowing through him but that the two are separate or is it that the self-realization process is that one realizes that he is the same as that omnidirectional, omnipresent consciousness and that his feeling of individuality is just an illusion? Adano: I’ll give you an example, there is one moon in the sky and you have a dozen different glasses of water of different sizes and colors and different quantities of water and if you see a dozen reflections in the dozen glasses, how many moons do you have? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Why do you come to the conclusion you had one moon? Audience: Because you know it’s one moon. Adano: (Laughing) So you see realization is what? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Extension of your awareness to the source of Being therefore you and the Father are one, the knowledge of yourself, to see you is to see the Father. To see the image in the glass of water is to see the moon that is responsible for the image yet that doesn’t say there are 12 moons, there are 12 expressions of the one moon, there are 40 or 60 or 80 people in this room that doesn’t say they’re sixty or eighty self-realized or sixty or eighty Christ consciousness, it’s one Christ consciousness passing through all of us, it’s one God-self passing through all of us. It’s like the current in this room, the current in this room is already preset by the wiring and the power station that connects to this building. Now the main switch downstairs is a contact point and if the people in this building don’t pay their bills, they’ll cut it off and if they don’t make a contract with them, they can’t get any. So you know you recognize karma pretty fast, you don’t pay your bills the Lord will take care of you pretty fast and you got a contract with Him to live in this world plane because that’s where we come to living as a tenant in the body, the wires are the nerves they’re all preset, your nose is not over here and your lips are not up here, they’re all preset shaped, the current is hooked into you at the medulla. Now you have a switch just like that switch on the wall to turn off and on this power or plug in electrical equipment but you don’t go and pull the main switch to turn it off and spoil all the food in the refrigerator. So this so-called ability to play around with the switch is the pituitary gland, you play around with it as much as you want and make movements but no one would trust you to play around with your heart or your lungs or your kidneys, the Creative Intelligence would not suddenly turn over power to your conscious mind to switch it on or off. If you get a shock or some bad news and your conscious mind gets rattled, your heart would quiver and you would not know what to do to send more blood or less blood or to stop it or stop breathing or slow down your breathing because it starts quivering too fast and the survival mechanism would have to bring about a dictatorial command on your mechanism to slow down. It may put you in a state of a coma or put you into a state of unconsciousness or do something to you to make you realize that you consciously don’t control it. Now when you consciously control it from an ethical level then you can say like the Master said “No man take My life from Me, I have the power to lay it down, I have the power to pick it up.” Until that time we don’t have the power to lay down, we don’t have the power to pick it up. Yes? Audience: Could you speak how total frustration powers up your meditation? Adano: The search for realization begins in total frustration, if you weren’t frustrated you would not be searching. In the Eastern country they say “when a student is ready, a Master will be there,” the question is what constitutes readiness in a student for a Master and what is the Master supposed to do? The student cannot say he’s ready because he’s read books, he cannot say he’s ready because he loves God so great that God should suddenly come and give him knowledge, the student cannot say that he’s been more holy than thou or any other individual, he’s been obeying all the rules of the game and suddenly now he’s ready for the the grace of some realized individual. These would be incomplete ,incorrect forms of readiness because the term Master means one who has mastered himself and therefore have no frustrations, He is totally free for the first time He’s a free man, lord of himself. 1:40 He has freedom therefore he doesn’t have frustration and having this freedom, He can lead you now who has frustration and would be the very measuring stick of your readiness. When you are ready and you are frustrated and you have all the information in front of you and you can’t make it work, then you do like what they stick those tags on the wall “When everything else fails, follow instructions” and that’s what a disciple becomes, he follows the instructions of someone who has mastered the behavior patterns of his nature for the first time, that’s why they call him a disciple, he is now going to follow instructions. What type of instructions should he follow? We see from every teacher of truth the instructions are the same, ethical laws of how to behave leading towards an inner peace, a profound transformation of the cellular structure. There is no conflict in none of the teachings of the truth concerning the life of the disciple and a teacher, they’re all saying the same thing. So readiness of a disciple is total frustration. Yes? Audience: Someone has told me recently if you are going to be initiated and the question in my mind was “why are you going to be initiated.” Now I don’t know what that term implies, “initiated.” I haven’t been told and I don’t understand but the question (inaudible) “why are you going to be initiated?” What is that? Adano: Ask yourself why did Jesus, a great man, went to a man like John the Baptist who wasn’t supposed to be any greater than Jesus and asked him to throw water on His head? Do you know that scenery, that particular incident in Jesus’ life? He was a great man, all of a sudden He decides to go to someone who has no qualifications as far as just being some derelict in the wilderness shouting “Confess, confess, prepare ye the way!” So imagine walking up to a man like that and saying “Baptize me” and the other guy says “No you baptize me,” he says, “No you baptize me,” “no you baptize me,” a tug of war of wits but He says “Suffer it to be so for this is the way of righteousness.” Now the word baptism means initiation, that’s what it means, it does not have to do with a child being blessed in the church, that came years after when they did not know what to do with the children who were going to be slaughtered by the various governments at that time because the parents were being rounded up and herded into the arena to be eaten up by lions or something and many of the children were abandoned and they were shot so they had to come to some decision in their minds that these children had need of some type of expiation for thought patterns that they might incur or may not incur so they came to that conclusion that we should baptize children. So the adult after a while was no longer necessary to be baptized, it became only children so a long lineage of children being baptized today. What the true thing involved at baptism you realize that at baptism there is such a covenant as Godparents, why did he use the term Godparent? A Godparent is only that individual who will make it possible for that child to recognize God but now when you take it in the ritual life of the church and don’t confuse churchianity with Christianity, Christianity has nothing to do with churchianity. In the ritual life of the church the God-parent pledges when the child reaches 13 years of age, it will come for confirmation. In the mystic life the God parent is the Guru or the Master, Jesus was the God parent of His twelve disciples, He was a parent unto them, He made the way clear for them to show them how to live an ethical life and He first going to John to be baptized or initiated had to open the road in consciousness so when those came who gathered around Him, He was able to lift them. So initiation is not something you can buy, it’s a gift that’s why He said to His disciple, “You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you.” A Master gives us this as a gift because that is what it’s all for, it is to contact you or connect you back to your higher self. So to say that one is searching for it or hearing about it, let us put it this way if you weren’t ready for it, you would never hear of it and even when the day that it’s available for you to have it and the Lord don’t want you to be there come hell or high water you’ll never make it and if He wants you to have it, come hell or rainstorm or thunder you will be in that door where that initiation is being given as a gift, this is how it works. In other words, it has not to do with you, it has to do with your higher consciousness, the Christ in you pulling you back through a certain road inward. So when the time comes if you’re gonna have this particular experience no matter what you do, you will be there or you would not be there, it’s as simple as that. I let you folks go home, I know you want to go home, gosh. (Applause).

1972 May 7 Part 1 - Techniques in Prayer Healing

Adano72_05_07_1TechniquesInPrayerHealingQ1RR - Audience: Good afternoon, I’m Jeffrey First and it’s my pleasure to introduce our speaker today. We’ve just turned on the air conditioner and the question in our mind somewhat is can the people in the back hear perfectly all well over the noise of the air conditioner. If it gets difficult we can turn it off. It’s always been fascinating to me to see the mixture of the Eastern and Western philosophies that have intermingled and come to re-synthesize into the basic truths in recent years. Our speaker today Reverend Adano Christopher Ley is a product of Eastern and Western thought and ancestry having an Oriental father and a South American mother. It’s kind of awesome to end up introducing someone who spent some 21 years meditating at least eight hours a day and thinking how difficult it is for some of us to apply these disciplines for even much shorter periods of time but as he will tell you that where it is is in the application of these truths and today he’s going to be speaking on techniques in prayer healing. Interestingly enough last night on the evening news CBS had a about a five minute film clip of a man in England, an Anglican minister also named Christopher, last name Neil-Smith, who does spiritual prayer healing and exorcising sponsored by the Anglican church with their approval, has done over a thousand exorcisms in England. Now when the Church of England gets to that point and some of the other things that we’ve seen both in Virginia Beach and elsewhere around the country insofar as prayer and healing of what it can do, I think we can all share and learn a little bit more from Swami Nityananda Saraswati. Thank you. (Applause). Adano: Thank you Jeffrey. Can you hear me? I’m always accused of speaking very low you know. Before we start let us calibrate our minds especially for today we are dealing with healing and calibration of the mind is a form of healing, if you line up your consciousness, you will get it immediately. (Short meditation). Thank you. This is a very fascinating part of a spiritual research, healing, because every teacher of spiritual life has often been known to demonstrate healing qualities and when I’ve investigated most of it, I discovered that it’s not the person that is doing the healing, that there is one central force behind it all that is doing the healing and that is the Divine Life Energy. Remember what I just said, there is one central force or power behind all healing, the Divine Life Energy. This Divine Life Energy has become us all and we are either using it in lesser or greater degrees. If we don’t use it sufficiently then there must be some reason that is blocking it and that reason you call “dis-ease,” you’re “out of ease,” out of flow with that Creative Life Energy. Now you want to get back in a state of ease therefore the most natural thing that we would do is to try and utter words so if you’re in pain, the first thing you do is (Adano groans repeatedly), giving release. In so doing the life energy seems to respond to the groaning or the sound emitted by the human mechanism yet within that very behavior pattern lies one of the most unique methods or techniques of bringing about a healing. Now don’t think this is the only technique, there are many many techniques to bring about healing but this is the first natural expression brought to the surface by a mechanism “out of ease,” that is to grown. We fail to realize that groaning when developed properly is a scientific method for healing. Let’s think of it, the baby groans and we rush over to massage it but yet the growning is essential, the mother is pregnant and she’s growning too, the groaning is essential. When you bang any portion of the mechanism, you grunt and groan but that is essential because it releases stress, it releases the basic shock within the cells. If we can get this shock to continue to dissipate from that natural movement or natural sound, we can start the trend of bringing the life force back in balance within ourselves but because we’re afraid and we don’t know and environmental training, we seek some other form of therapy to heal it or to ease the ache not fully realizing that that groaning lies a very important principle. Groaning is sound and what is prayer? Prayer is sound, we are praying to the unseen force, it’s the same Creative Life Force we are praying to, that we’re sending sounds to, we’re channeling ideas to that Creative Life Impulse to correct the imbalance in the body. Yet if you could realize that a groan is a natural sound and if you could understand Sanskrit, that groan is a Sanskrit mantra, see interesting things. Sanskrit is the language of nature itself, the very sound power, sound potency locked up in the human mechanism and in all creation and within this human mechanism we have the letters of the alphabet of Sanskrit all placed in there by the Creator and the ancient men when they looked inside, they saw these symbols and at the same time they recognized the various sound potencies in us. 0:10 Now let us take anyone in the room who’s got some ache and let us try what is called the first experience of the groan. Just close the eyes and think of some ache that you want to release from the mechanism and let the consciousness groan. It’s not something to be ashamed of, in fact you’re applying an actual technique to release inner tension. If it’s easy or loud however you want it, let it be, let it flow out of your system. This is a way of discharging the pent-up tension from the ache or the pain in the body, the mere groan and it comes to you naturally what sound you will make. You don’t have to invent sounds for groaning, the mere body ache is a mantra and a mantra when repeated is release, that’s the power of a mantra. The power within a mantra is repetition, the mantra is the sound, the sound is within the mechanism, whatever the sound the mechanism wants to release then just repeat it. This is a natural thing children do yet we seem to lose it, to feel and whatever the sound is for that particular ache it comes to your mind either an “ah” or an “ooh” or “ahn,” some kind of a vowel sound will come up and that’s sufficient enough to indicate what that mantra is or sound is or prayer is and the mere repetition brings about identification, identification brings release, release is therapy. Okay? Now you can practice at home with it. The next technique that human being can apply naturally and it’s prayer in terms of healing and that is affirmation, to affirm. Some of us know that to mean positive thinking, well positive thinking means that you send the thought out with complete understanding, affirm it, and let it come into manifestation but remember this not all of us has the capacity or have the capacity to be positive right away. You know we can think positive but we don’t live positive right away, that’s the problem too. If you think of a positive thought and you try to bring your mind to it, it always seems something comes along and block it and then you don’t release, living positively and thinking positively are two different things all together. When we affirm a positive thought, we have to have an ideal, some ideal that has the behavior that will help us to live it now positive so we must look for an ideal. We can’t look to the tree as an ideal, we can’t look to an animal as an ideal, we can’t look to the sky for an ideal, we have to look a human being as the ideal. What is the ideal behavior behind the thought or affirmation? Well since we’re involved from the religious science, the greatest ideals are your religious teachers of truth, they have given the affirmations and they have given the behaviors and we can now incorporate the action with the thought. Let us take Master Jesus and use one of His affirmations pertaining to health, “Come on to Me all ye that travail and are heavily laden and I will refresh you.” I’ll repeat it again, you’ll notice there is no negative implication in those words, “Come unto Me,” leave what you’re doing, leave the very association with the negative thought condition and “come” that means surrender onto your Christ-self within you. You have an ache and a pain, the ache or the pain can be very very depressing, the attachment to it because of association from previous aches and pains, you may not automatically want to release or let go but “come unto Me” means drop it, detach for a second and let your consciousness go up to the vital life power, which is the Christ in you the God power, and let it regenerate you, regenerate those areas of your mechanism that are clogged up, blocked up, overworked and fatigued. So what can be clogged up or blocked up in this mechanism except the sensory nature, the very sensory nature that is relating or telegraphing ache or pain to the mind. I bang my hand and there’s a sensation here so my sense is remember, I saw I did it, I felt I did it, I heard I did it, I can smell it too it’s possible or even taste it but you know among the Indians on the reservation if you bang your hand they say lick it. Well I want to ask “why you say lick it?” They say saliva is good, what does a dog do when he bangs a portion of his body, he licks it. To the human being this seems like a piece of dirtiness but that is because we don’t comprehend what is working inside. To merely take the hand and lick it would seem to release stress, later on as we got more sophisticated equipment we will see saliva is a form of electrolytic discharge for pain. As soon as equipment is developed to prove that to you, you will start licking most of the pains off your body but this is an electrolytic discharge for the pain. In time we will become aware of it, it’s a healing and the mere gesture movement is a prayer. Prayer don’t necessarily mean only the words you know, it’s the intent and the identity that brings the healing, that brings the release. Jesus is saying to us “Come unto Me all ye that travail and are heavily laden and I will refresh you,” I will give you release, I will revitalize you. Well all right let us put this into effect, an affirmation in which we can participate right now. Anytime you look at a statue of Jesus, which is the most unique gesture that you gravitate to, can anyone demonstrate it? Right? Isn’t that the most one when you seem love to rush up to Him, this hand when He’s doing that you don’t want to go too close Him or when He’s like this you don’t want to go close but this is a strange expression yet let us take the gesture, the relationship of the gesture, and identify for a few minutes right here in the chair and see if you will not get release from it in your being. 0:20 You are actually coming back to the Creative Principle in yourself which is causing now discharge of the pent up emotions, the tensions flowing out from the endocrine system going out from the sensory nature of the body and the fingers begin to tingle. Now taking this gesture and taking another affirmation to bring about greater intensification, we can go to what Master Jesus said “I and My Father are one” and the sense of oneness is also healing, this sense of oneness is healing, this sense of oneness is identity and God being the pure life, the pure vitality, starts to pass through you flushing out that mechanism. Now as you bring your hands down try to hold on to the feeling that is passing through you. By holding on to the feeling you start the precipitation action in yourself, you cause something to precipitate within you, that level of buoyancy that you feel is starting to precipitate now and you’re holding on, it’s a feeling of ease. As you hold on to it you will feel the tension, the stress gradually flowing out from the body. Now you will feel like if you’re very light, you’ll feel like if you absolutely have no weight in your body, the whole body seems to be like it’s buoyant, there is the vitality flowing for the first time without any interruption, that buoyant feeling. Now if you start flipping back from that state to old ideas or all affirmations about yourself then you will disturb the result of the new affirmation about yourself. Therefore don’t flip back or don’t call back old affirmations about yourself but try to maintain the new affirmation of yourself. Don’t let the mind go back to old thought habits about yourself, let it stay in a new thought makeup of the self and let it permeate you. The longer it permeates you it’s like when cement is poured into a framing or a sort of a casing, it has to gradually dry, cure, and harden. Equally true an affirmation must go through these basic conditions within to have some tangible result, a hardening result of a new change in yourself otherwise you will flip back into the old routine. The third prayer technique, we took first the groan then we took affirmation let us take now a third prayer technique. The third prayer technique that one can have is chanting. In the East music has been known to relieve stress and bring about healing. In the West we know it as singing in the choir and participating in musical therapy, music is very important to releasing the stresses in the body and bringing about healing, that is to bring about a flow of the vital life power through the mechanism that is now willing to accept it. If we chant, we can start the same process in ourselves so in the East we have what is called chanting or Kirtan. Now those who have seen the Krishna conscious group people they’re always singing and chanting so if they got any worries, the worries don’t bother them no more and they are happy and then we go down and in Mississippi we says “sing away your blues brother, sing away those blues” and then Saul calls upon David to play upon his harp. You go down in some of the… what do we call it… the churches there where they they go into the spirituals. The mere gyration and rhythmic identification is a form of chanting or prayer healing. If you go on the reservations you know (Adano chants “hi ho” repeatedly) and the early pioneers they were so doggone worried at night when they were beating the tomtoms, “when are those people gonna stop?” They don’t know why the tomtoms are beating all night you know, they were working up into a prayer chant to become identified with themselves. Equally true we have many types of tensions and aggravations, frustrations from the daily activity around us, far more intense than our ancestors because in our ancestors time we could clobber the guy in the head and take off, today your clobber him with words or with expressions or suppress it so we have more to release. There was a time “Sing Along With Mitch” was doing a great deal for the country, he didn’t know what good he was doing but he was doing good if they’d only caught on. Well let us look at chanting as a means of releasing stress, I’ll chant a chant and you can join me, I’ll go ahead first, the words are very simple and it pertains to unloading this inner stress. It goes like this: “Who is in my temple? Who is in my temple? All the doors do open themselves, all the lights do light themselves. All the doors do open themselves, all the lights do light themselves. Darkness like a dark bird flies away o’ flies away. Darkness like a dark bird flies away o’ flies away.” (Adano chants with audience three times). 0:30 Feel, that is the important thing after a chant when using it as therapy is to feel. You are chanting primarily to increase the depth of feeling, at the same time bringing about release of the vital life power within the body giving you release, giving you back health. There are many chants and they’re so numerous that you can pick out any one you want, among the Christian hymns there are many wonderful chants. I know this one is very beautiful if you familiar with it: “And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own and the joys we shared as we tarry there none other has ever known.” You see the mere idea that you’re shifting away from your aches and pains to be identified with the rhythm, this is starting release/discharge in the body and bringing about therapy. The fourth prayer technique is suggestion. Many of us are not aware that suggestion plays a very important part in our lives and suggestion can be used as a prayer technique because Man perceives through his senses and he has to be receptive to the outside world and whatever the outside world will program for him, he will respond. Good salesmanship is good suggestions. Now wrong suggestions can make you sick yet good suggestions can make you feel well. Supposing you walk in the room and on that sign on the door says “The food in here is for the dogs.” Right away that suggestion can leave an impression on your mind and yet some places would advertise “This is the only greasy spoon restaurant.” This is how suggestion can play marvelous tricks on the mind. One place calls itself the greasy spoon and it can be very clean, another calls itself “the food is good for the dogs.” The mind may accept these as games yet when the mind can accept suggestion in terms of therapy then it can do wonders. You know some people can’t take novocaine when they go to the dentist, they have a violent reaction and a dentist may have to use suggestive therapeutics or suggestive methods or ideas to relax the person in order to give them the necessary therapy to take the tooth out. Once we understand how suggestion work, we can now trigger the life force to move. If you’re a lethargic person, it’ll take you a while to get suggestion to react in your body let alone in your mind because if you’re very lethargic, very indifferent you try to shut out so you don’t want to hear, you don’t want to listen and suggestion depends upon listening for it to be effective. So you find it’s not the person who is the most educated that is the least susceptible to suggestion, he’s the most susceptible to suggestion because he wants to listen more. It’s the person who doesn’t want to listen, doesn’t want to get involved with anything that person is difficult to suggest anything. So we as individuals who have a higher awareness, a higher sensitivity, a higher involvement with things, a higher participation are quick to respond to suggestion therefore suggestion will work faster for us than for other people who don’t get involved. It’s difficult for them to accept because if you can understand some of the mechanics involved in thinking then suggestion becomes easy for you to do it. It’s when you don’t understand then you are fearful, then you’re in doubt, then you set up blocks or walls, therefore you’re indifferent. So suggestion becomes easy now for individuals who have a higher sensitivity, a higher participation level than others who don’t have a high participation level or sensitivity level, the more you can participate, the greater the effect of suggestion working for you. Suggestion is like a lever that can pry loose the blocked up energy in some part of the mechanism and cause it to move. Most of our suppressed thought patterns are actually suggestions at one time and we suppress them because we don’t have any need for them or we’re afraid to release them or we get too bogged down and therefore we can’t empty it out or discharge it, we need counter suggestions to help us discharge. Well let us see how we can apply suggestion now in terms of releasing stress, anxiety in ourselves. Suggestion usually comes in terms of sound, symbols but here is a way that we can use suggestion that is very simple and we will go back to Master Jesus with the healing technique how He use suggestion and see if we can’t participate in His suggestive technique. He said to a certain man when He healed him, “Go tell no man,” that was a suggestion. He says “Go tell no man,” He was suggesting to this individual that was healed not to tell anything and what was the result? The man went and spilled the beans. You see a peculiar phenomenal suggestion? To tell someone not to do something is to make them do something, “Don’t eat the apple” make you eat the apple. So what are we learning from a suggestion? If we want to get results what must we tell ourselves? “Don’t get well, remain sick. Love your misery, enjoy it.” Sooner or later this subconscious part of you say “Hey wait a minute buddy, you ain’t running this mechanism, it’s I who is running it. I don’t want to have this ache and pain.” Suggestion will start releasing. The first time it happened to me I thought I was crazy that something like this would work in reverse but after a while I found out it was one of the natural laws of suggestion, that on a verbal level and a survival level there is a cross flow. That if you tell yourself something, something back of your mind says “Who are you kidding?” But if you want that particular portion of your mechanism to do the thing that is supposed to be done for your benefit, don’t suggest to it the opposite, otherwise it will reverse it, you have to suggest something that it does not want to do consciously but will do subconsciously. In other words, don’t tell yourself you want to get well, tell yourself you want to get sicker and sicker before you know it the subconscious mind will want to go the opposite direction. The moment you say you want to get well, do you notice what happens? Everybody seems to get sicker more, things seem to come crashing in. You say you want to get spiritual and what happens, you get more materialistic. 0:40 You don’t want to get materialistic, you suddenly seems to get spiritual, it is a peculiar phenomena in this suggestive movement. Now that doesn’t say all the time this will work, it will work a great portion of the time depending upon your own mental relationship. There are times when the suggestion is a suggestion and when released gives the exact result, it is a matter of recognizing that too, that when you say to yourself “I want to do this” and then the energy is released. That type of suggestion is linked in with willpower, that is the ability to lock desire to willpower, this is a different type of suggestion, it’s not a suggestion that is dependent upon the survival nature of the mechanism to respond in contrary to this suggestion, the one that Jesus gave was contrary to the man’s makeup so the man did the opposite. Now we want to do the suggestion that is in accordance with willpower so if we give a suggestion in accordance with willpower then we will find that this is different. Willpower is the energy triggered off by the desire, you see the word “power” is there, life power and will is the craving or the desire, these two forces are locked in now depending upon the idea or the suggestion. Once you place the suggestion, you must execute some type of activity or maintain some type of pressure to bring about results, that’s where they get the suggestion now “where there is a will, there’s a way.” You see it? This is a positive suggestion utilizing willpower, “where there is a will, there is a way,” where there is a suggestive force, there is a driving force but this is employed or released on a conscious level and you have to sustain it. If you don’t sustain it, it will not come into manifestation so we can see then suggestion when it’s applied utilizing willpower and to sustain it, it’s hinging on a particular principle, “the greater the desire, the greater the flow of the energy.” “The greater the desire, the greater the flow of the energy” so suggestion, the idea must be there and you must have this desire for it and you must execute this persistency to release it and have the experience. Not too long ago I met a young man who had an automobile accident and injured his back in New Jersey five years ago and could not get up out of the wheelchair. Now the time allotted to me to work with him was very short, he could not get out of the chair himself, he had to be helped and put in. According to the doctors he is not paralyzed, the cord is not damaged but some of the nerves have been in a state of shock. Normally he should be able to get up and walk but there is no way by therapy known to release this particular condition. After one year of his accident they found out that he had the spine twisted and didn’t even know it, the doctors found that out after a year of x-rays that the spine was twisted. When I met him they told me his situation, I knew that I could not help this man unless this man was willing to exert some degree of will so I told him that the will releases the energy and once we can release this energy by the will, he will be able to stand up and move but it will take him time to walk, to get his body to correct itself. After working with him for an hour or two getting him to relate to the suggestion that nothing physically according to the doctors are out of order but strictly within him is a lack of the will to move the body. I couldn’t tell him to walk is to sit down, that would be the reverse you know, that particular technique wouldn’t work so if I said to him “sit down and enjoy your wheelchair,” he may get up, get angry, and say “I can prove it to you now,” you know, that’s what I call daring the person but I could not do that because it wouldn’t work on him. By making him realize he has the willpower within him and the willpower within him is the Divine Willpower, all he has to do is exercise it. So we prayed and he closed his eyes and began to accept now that his will power, not the Divine Power that’s going to heal him, his own willpower is going to be raised up now for the first time, he’s going to raise the maximum ability of his willpower to work for him. We can’t treat the illness, we have to treat the thing that is necessary within him to give him the strength or the confidence in himself. So we prayed that his willpower would increase, we did not pray that he would get up to walk, we did not pray that the illness go away, we prayed that his willpower will increase so that he can release that particular block in his mind and let this energy flow. While praying for the will to increase, the man relived the entire accident in the automobile, he went through every physical motion of getting in the car, you can see the body going through body language movements, going up to the point where he crashed into the truck and groans. Well you know this may sound pretty horrible but you let the man groan too so I waited and he groaned and groaned to the point where all the grown precipitated out of his system and he realized that he was in the hospital and the doctors were working on him and then he remembered what they said, that they can do nothing, he can’t walk but they don’t find anything wrong with him, he had to get even that out of his system, that type of suggestion of his system and we kept on praying for him to accept his will because the will itself would not respond. When he could accept the will, his mother was standing in the room with his brother and he raised himself on the chair, they were rushed to help him I says, “No leave him. If he make it, he make it, if he don’t make it, try next time” and he struggled, struggled and you see it’s like a chicken trying to break out of a shell and those looking on might say to themselves Adano is a very cruel man, he doesn’t give a helping hand to this person but you can’t interfere, you have to let that will work, really work from inside. So he struggled, struggling, and all he’s repeating “I have more will, I have more will,” he’s suggesting, this is the suggestion, “I have more will.” As he struggled repeating the word and he wasn’t talking too good that you could understand because his tongue, his neck was twisted and the voice is struggling to even suggest to the mind “I have more will.” Eventually he got up straight upright for the first time and held onto the chair with his eyes open and looked around. Then we asked him if he could make one step forward and this was the most crucial pain in his mind but he barely could lift the leg but he couldn’t move them forward and he kept on saying “I have more” and we said that was sufficient for today, you have overcome a great obstacle in releasing this energy through the spine and he was able to sit back down and he went home. That night they said for the first time the man could sleep, his body began to relax. 0:50 The next day when I saw him he was able again to get up on his own, standing up on the wheelchair and sitting back down and making efforts to move the feet forward. As my time was limited, all that was left for him to do if those are around him would maintain the atmosphere of increasing his will, I would say in a short space of that time to come the man will walk. Now there is no miracle yet it is a miracle, here is the spiritual principle working for the first time. His prayers for greater will started to increase and he was able to manually move his body and put it into application so suggestion as a technique in prayer healing is very very important. Now we come to another technique in prayer healing, that was suggestion and suggestion with willpower. The next technique in prayer healing is calling on Divine Will to flow through you because in your scriptures they say “nothing moves except by Divine Will” but when you are ill many of us do not know what Divine Will is and many of us are in doubt as to its results yet many of us reach out to a Divine Principle asking for intervention, if we understand what Divine Will is and how it functions in us then we can draw on this Divine Will to bring about healing. If we pray for anyone that is ill we usually end up saying “Thy will be done.” You heard what I just said? If you’re going to pray for someone, you usually end up saying “Thy will be done,” never for one moment realizing what we are actually triggering off yet this Divine Will must flow through us to bring about healing in certain ways. When we pray for someone and merely end up saying “Thy will be done,” we are in a sense praying in a type of spiritual blanket, we are sending out this particular love, asking for a response from the vital power to intercede in the illness of the individual but not really aware of which one of the frequencies of this vital power has actually flowed in and corrected the individual. Modern science has gone as far as to show that Man’s thoughts do affect plant life and in certain ways whatever thought you impress upon a plant that plant will begin to take it and shape itself. If you pray and send hate to this flower, this flower will start to shrivel up, if you send love it will start to bloom yet researchers have shown that individuals can pray love over some things and it die and others can pray hate over some things and it grow and some will pray neither hate nor love would affect it, one day you can pray love and one day you can pray hate and nothing will happen to the seeds. When you realize that not all of us are working on the same frequency to use Divine Will, Divine Will flow through us in different frequencies. It will be just like 110 power is passing through this building from the main switch yet the bulbs in the building can have different wattages, each one of us can be a expression of this power according to certain wattage or a certain release. That doesn’t say one person is more superior than the other no, in the brain this is happening that we release this power differently at different times for different uses and we are all distinct, all unique. When this power flows through you on a conscious level you first have to be able to calibrate that to know on what frequency the brain is in in order to have that particular result, otherwise we would be praying and saying for the individual “Thy will be done.” We can go through many types of prayers and at the same time end up saying “Thy will be done” but if we know exactly what frequency the brain is lined up for to utilize Divine Will then that particular image for manifestation will begin to occur, you know now what frequency Divine Will flows through you. Divine Will flows through us first in the frequency of dissolving. The second frequency it flows through us is elimination. The fourth frequency is to strengthen, the third I mean is to strengthen, and the fourth is to rebuild but you don’t know which one of these four you are utilizing, all you know that when you pray Divine Will be done for this person and all of a sudden either the person gets well, gets strong, his body starts rebuilding but you don’t know which one went out. If the person suddenly starts to discharge certain substances out of the body when you pray for them, you don’t know which one has caused it. Until you can calibrate your brain or have the experience of where the brain is calibrated to find out which one of the frequencies Divine Will is flowing through you then that would be your particular brainwave charge to direct the healing. Now Master Jesus knew all five, the fifth one is life over death, there are four that we are aware of and the fifth one is rare. Divine Will flows through us first as to eliminate or dissolve, dissolving first, it dissolves all problems that are there like it flushes it out, causes it to break down. Eliminate, it causes it to dehydrate out of the system. To strengthen is to restore strength in the mechanism and to rebuild, set the molecules of the body to rebuild themselves and finally life over death, these are the five forces the Divine Will flows through us. Now if we don’t know which one of the five and we say “Thy will be done,” something will happen in that person’s life and they are well but you don’t know which one so Divine Will is important. When we are familiar with this particular one we’re working with as we understand plant research and see how thoughts affect them, we will find now that our own particular frequency is the channel for Divine Will to flow through us. We have to discover that for ourselves otherwise we would simply be saying “Thy will be done” and leave it to the Divine Intelligence to bring it into manifestation. It isn’t that we should not be aware of our own specific flow and leave Divine Will to carry on, it is that we should be aware of the specific flow and understand how it’s carried on by the Divine Principle. We must participate and by participating we become masters of ourselves, prayer techniques help us to become masters of ourselves. There is also healing techniques through imagination. Now in imagination we use symbols and we can get into a prayer group and we often close our eyes and imagine we are in a hole and each one of us is traveling up this hole or a cave towards a light and the cave can represent the illness, the mental depression. 1:00 Along this cave towards the light there is a dragon, that is your so-called confrontation and you will be given a shield or sword or some weapon to go ahead and cut your way out between you and the dragon to the clear light, this internal imagery can cause release now. If you want to try it out and see what is the result of healing by imagination, we can do that in a matter of a few seconds. Let us close our eyes and see inside the brain, it’s a dark hole, and furthermost end of the darkness it’s an opening representing health or release or light and from where you’re watching to that opening in the darkness is the distance you have to travel so the ache or the pain is that particular dragon or creature that is lurking in the darkness, the sword and the shield is your willpower and you want more willpower to face this particular mental block. Now you can use the Christ ideal and that would be like Jesus driving out the money changers out of the temple. Now He drove them out but he did not kill them so He gave them a good spanking and drove them out. Equally true in this imagination process you can see yourself now giving all these thought patterns a good spanking and driving them out, out of your mental temple. Various angers, fears, doubts, resentments, tension, shortcomings, they’re only representative of creatures like bugs, some of them may look like animals and if you don’t want to spank because some of us are so over programmed that we shouldn’t strike, then take a hose and turn it on and swash it out with some good disinfectant, just hose down the inside of the mind, flowing it out, flowing it out. (Short meditation). Okay? To finalize our discussion there are many many techniques but I’ll give you one more that you can use for prayer healing. In thoughts, most of us don’t realize we don’t think in words, we all think in pictures, even when we want to think of God it will be a mental picture or a mental image. An illness also has an image or some shape or form and if you were to relate to someone, the illness, you would have to draw it and that can be expressed in terms of color since we are individuals who think in images or pictures, we think also in color. Now there are seven colors in your spectrum and the ones that we are concerned with are lined up along the spinal column. From the base of the spine to the top of the head we are concerned with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet. If we take some ache or pain that we know of or some deep seated feeling that we haven’t resolved in ourselves and we want to bring about a healing, we can start what is called the color prayer, the prayer in colors. So you think of that particular incident in the color of red and see it gradually dissolving itself and flowing out of your system in red, let’s try it because action speaks louder than words. Take some thought, some incident, if you can see it all right and try to recall it and see it flowing out in the color of red out of the spine into a red garbage bin. The shock, the anxiety, the tension, the resentment, all flowing out of the body into a red garbage bin and the Christ is standing in the room sending you love and forgiveness and you in turn is sending love and forgiveness to the individual you had the confrontation with and all of this is flowing out into a red garbage bin. Now the whole scenery will change into orange, if you see the orange it’s okay, if you don’t see it it’s occurring in the orange spectrum of the consciousness and you will relive the same experience again and feel it flowing out of your system into an orange garbage bin. All the tension, all the shock, all the hostility, and the resentment flowing out and the Christ is standing in the room sending you back love and forgiveness and you in turn sending love and forgiveness to the individual that you have the confrontation with and all of this is flowing out of the system into an orange garbage bin. Now the whole scenery is going to change into yellow, if you see the yellow it’s okay, if not it’s occurring in the yellow spectrum of your consciousness and again you will relive the entire experience, the confrontation, the anxiety, the tension, the stress and all of this will flow out of you into a yellow garbage bin and the Christ principle is standing in the room sending you love and forgiveness and you in turn sending love and forgiveness to the individual or individuals that you had the confrontation with and it’s all flowing out of you like a hot hot heat into a yellow garbage bin. 1:10 Now the scenery is going to change into green and green is in line with the heart and you’re going to relive those same experiences flowing it out from the heart. All the tension, the anxiety, the stress, the confrontation with the individual or individuals flowing away from the heart and the Christ is standing in the room sending you back love and forgiveness and you in turn is sending love and forgiveness to the individual and it’s flowing away from the heart. The scenery will change again now into blue surrounding the throat and from the throat you will relive the entire experience again, the pain, the anguish, the grief, the disappointment, and all of this is flowing away from the throat like a heat and the Christ is in the room sending you love and forgiveness and you in turn sending love and forgiveness to the individual or individuals in that blue light away from the throat. Now the whole scenery will start to change into purple in line with the medulla oblongata or the back of the head and you will relive the experience again, the anguish, the tension, the resentment, the grief, and all that flow out from that part of the brain and the Christ is in the room sending you back love and forgiveness and you are sending the love and forgiveness back to the individual and all of it is going out the back of the brain into a purple light. Gradually the whole scenery will change into violet and that is in the forehead now. If you see the violet okay, if not it’s still occurring in the violet spectrum and you will relive the entire experience, the anguish, the pain, the grief, the disappointment, and all of this is flowing out of you from the forehead and the Christ is standing in the room sending you love and forgiveness and you in turn sending love and forgiveness to the individual. Now everything will start to diminish in size except you and the Christ, the scenery, the person you have the confrontation with, the problem, will all diminish now right down to the size of a penny. You and the Christ will start to get taller, taller, and taller bigger, bigger, and bigger and your arm will get very strong especially the right arm, very strong and you can reach up now and take that little penny of violet light wherever it is even if you don’t see it just reach up to the forehead where it is and take it from that spot like a hot heat and throw it away from you and see it explode into white light. As you throw it, it’ll explode like white light and flow in like healing power into your body. If you hold on to it then you’re not letting go but to make the physical movement of reaching up and throwing it is to cause the release by gesture and therefore the white light or flowing energy will start flowing into the body. It’s flowing into your body right now, correcting the tension from the pineal gland, the tension from the pituitary gland or forehead, from the medulla in the back of the head, all the eyes, ears, nose, lips this energy is starting to descend and yawning is a very first symptom of release, crying is even greater release, heavy sighing is even a greater release of its stress and the tension and is flowing out, flowing out of the body, and more and more energy is coming in all the way down the neck through the shoulder blades into the arms, into the feet and now this energy will start rising back up through your body in waves of laughter and your whole body will start to laugh and I want you to have a good laugh. Believe me it’s very important to laugh, you look at each other and let this laughter be infectious. Enjoy it, enjoy the laughter because it’s infectious. (Audience laughing). Thank you. (Applause). Audience: A word about this evening’s lecture which will be the last of the weekend series, it’ll be here at eight o’clock and the title is Devotion Key to Realization, total recall and if you have any question about Adano and his activities later on this week you could check with June Trop. June probably some of them don’t know you on site, would you stand up June. You can check with June. We’ll take about a five minute break. (Gap in tape). Adano: We would like to send out a special healing to a friend who has a problem with the heart. Tonight we’ll try out a very unusual technique, everyone’s heart is vibrating within him normally and magnetically each one of us is connected to one another by the breath. As long as that individual is breathing, we are all connected, life connects us and to bring about the healing utilizing the heart, we’re going to center our minds on the heart and it’s rhythm. What we’re trying to establish magnetically and electrically in that individual that needs it is a balanced rhythm in the heart right now, there is a need for it. 1:20 So understanding the mechanics or what will be involved your own balanced rhythm of the heart will start to stabilize the unbalanced rhythm magnetically of the individual who is in the need and by centering the mind on the heart in the color of green, think of the color green because it controls this section and just breathe normally and feel this divine rhythm that controls all hearts is magnetically flowing out and the individual’s name is John. So as we close our eyes and breathe normally and let the natural rhythm of the heart flow and carry itself magnetically towards John. The Divine Will is already passing through you, you don’t have to say anything or interfere with it, you allow it to flow through you, through the heart in its natural rhythm and it’s flowing out magnetically to John wherever he is and he is becoming magnetically aligned with the natural heart rhythm. (Short meditation). The secret of the success lies in the ability to let go and let the natural heart rhythm magnetically telegraph to John’s heart rhythm. (Short meditation). Okay so the Christ is standing in the room and His sacred heart is synchronizing all the hearts and John’s heart rhythm in the one rhythm so (Adano chants): “Listen listen listen to my heart song. Listen listen listen to my heart song. I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee. I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee.” (Chanted 3 times). Beloved Christ consciousness we thank You for manifesting this in our lives now. (Adano chants “Om” 5 times). Thank you. Any questions you want to ask? Audience: Is it just as effective to lay your hands on someone or just to send out mentally? Adano: Both, some people may resent the fact that you touched them. If they are accepted then so much the better, you always have to give them that right. If they participate which is very good, they should, then the laying on of the hands is important, Master Jesus did it. Audience: We also have to believe that they’re going to be healed, is this absolutely necessary because some people say well you know if you want to heal me, fine do I have to believe and I and I always answer, it helps. Adano: Well this is the question that Master Jesus did not do anything until He was asked therefore offering no resistance yet He went to a place to help them and they did not ask yet He said “With these people I can do nothing.” So you see asking is a necessary prerequisite for healing but if we go primarily to do something in an area and there is the doubt and the hostility, the resentment, we might as well do like Master Jesus admit that these people love their illness. Don’t you know lots of people who love their illness, they don’t want to get rid of it because that’s the only means they can hold on to you? Audience: Supposing you you didn’t go to heal now and the person never asked you (inaudible). Adano: Grace. Audience: I never asked. Adano: Grace, you see is that wonderful blessing that comes to you without asking, see? Audience: I wanted to ask this last night but I never got the chance. You were talking about we don’t want to accept God (inaudible). Adano: Well it has to do with healing, God and His conditions bring sometimes agony first before relief, brings tremendous impact before you have realization. We are trying to regulate how God should give us the relief, how God should give us the realization, we are too busy trying to set it up according to our own prescribed way of experience. Now when it comes to you, Master Jesus said “It will come like a thief in the night.” A thief does not tell you when he’s gonna come and rob you but after the robbery is over you say what a fool you are not to sit up all night and wait for him. So God’s way of giving us anything is unanticipatory, we cannot anticipate how God gives us things. You realize now? Yes? 1:30 Audience: When a person’s pride stands in the way of his (inaudible). Adano: Well then he has to pray for the Lord to remove the pride. Audience: But he doesn’t realize this pride. Adano: Oh yes he realizes it because he knows he doesn’t want to lose face, he knows. Audience: But no one else can pray for that person. Adano: You can pray for the person to recognize he has the pride, you can pray for the person to suddenly get an illumination that pride is the thing he has to let go of but you don’t pray to remove his illness. If pride is blocking his illness then remove the very first thing that is blocking it, pray for him to get the awakening to accept that this pride is blocking and when this pride is no longer there he will see the condition. Audience: Would you comment on where someone is say unconscious from an auto accident and you can’t ask for (inaudible). Adano: Yes, as long as someone has asked for it. There are many people on the highway knocked over by automobiles and are unconscious, you’re not aware of it, he’s not aware of it but if someone should say to you “such and such a person just had an auto accident, could be do something, pray?” Yes, then they will get the benefit but we don’t just jump and say we pray for the whole world of unconscious people in auto accidents because we’re not going to help them that way. Now if we are deeply concerned from a prayer technique for the benefit of the individual, we should be praying that individuals are more aware of themselves when they enter the highway to drive. This should be something that we call “creating the environment” now. We have a right to create an environment of safety in consciousness just as much as a policeman has a right to regulate traffic for the benefit of the individual, we as individuals have a right to generate a safety consciousness environment. In other words we can take part in things that are essential to make individuals more responsible in their growth, this will be doing more for them. See if we pray, let’s say now out there people are driving their automobile, some are not too conscious of what they’re doing or responsible for what they’re doing, they’re taking chances. We can then pray for the healing vibrations to flow in the atmosphere all the time to make individuals responsible of their obligations. Now we’re not going to prevent them from getting into accidents or we not going to pray and say that if they get into an accident they’re going to be well, that’s not what we’re doing. We’re trying to set up a safety conscious environment and a response to the responsibility involved in driving. It’s equally true we can set up what is called a health conscious environment of individuals taking more active part in their health. We can establish the environmental field, “as you think that is what you are” so if you’re conscious of your own home and set up in your own home this environment for health safety then this can extend out now to include others in that way many people will be suddenly awakening from the ignorance. All right look at it… Audience: Can karma sometimes prevent the effectiveness of (inaudible). Adano: Yes it can, it can, the karma can. You see the karma can block it because the karma is so strong in some people and so deep seated in them they can’t turn loose even when they want the healing they are still blocking. Yes? Audience: Swamiji are we obstructing karma’s natural path if we direct the energies to heal someone else? Adano: Well remember this, individuals who take upon themselves to heal if it’s a profession like the medical profession they are using certain laws to bring about healing of the individual. Now the doctor may not fully aware it’s all karma, he is doing the best he can under the circumstances to bring about that healing. If we’re dealing with healing by prayer thoughts then we’re dealing with a different force field all together now, we’re dealing with thought patterns that traded these results in that individual. The doctor is not concerned with the thought pattern right away, the individual is ill, he’s brought to the doctor as a last resort, the doctor does what he can to alleviate the pain but when he digs into the history of the man’s illness, he may find it goes beyond mere physical laws, it may go into the super-physical laws or metaphysical laws and there he’s running into karma true but he is already placed in the position by the patient and the patient’s relatives to be on demand to be involved with it. Now when you’re on demand and to be involved with it then you have that particular responsibility to carry. Jesus did not take on what He did not commit himself to, He committed Himself whenever they ask so we are not blocking karma or taking it on or the karma is responsible, we are simply being a channel now to relieve it whenever it’s asked of us so it’s necessary that we may ask you see. Audience: What would you suggest for persons who are no longer sure of their rational judgment? The reason I’m asking, I lost two brothers to a drug culture and neither one of them desired a more spiritual real life (inaudible) they don’t know whether they are hallucinating (inaudible). Adano: You have three choices: take over their responsibility and run their life for them one. Two, they have to ask you and if they don’t have the capacity to ask and you have concern then you have to work with that choice of being the go-between to get them back in a rational way, after all they are living beings or your brother, they’re related to you. The third is the collective help of others, through their concern if you turn to others with this concern and those who are competent to participate they can help you now with the person. These are the three ways you’ll find yourself eventually facing. As long as they are no longer competent of doing anything you may have to assume that responsibility. Now remember when you assume the responsibility if you think the responsibility is going to make us weaker then that is what you don’t want to involve yourself with but if the responsibility would make you stronger, give you more insight into your fellow Man then I’d say take it because “greater responsibility, greater the person.” Karma is not fatalistic or any condition in this world is fatalistic, it’s an opportunity to test ourselves if we can rise above it and do something constructive, though they may hate you after you make them well. But that’s all right, better to be hated for making them well than not to have tried, you see what I mean? 1:40 Audience: If you find yourself in an illness and you know everyone’s praying and expect for the illness to be eliminated, you know something to be eliminated, then you resign yourself and say “I’m at the right place at the right time for the right experience?” Uou know you gotta go through it? Adano: Yes, that’s Divine Will, you’re working with it and don’t back down, ask for the courage to face it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No don’t refuse help, never refuse help. Remember you don’t refuse anybody any kind of help, they need help sometimes, they may not be rational enough to ask for their help. Now remember you’re taking the chance of the responsibility, when you take that responsibility you must be concerned with the implications in it because whenever you react with it, you’re the one that will say to yourself you wish you never got into it but don’t make that the remark after you get into it, you see because you don’t want that to be some escape. Once you get into the thing, once you accept the thing which is confrontation or commitment, once you make a commitment then you want all the help you can to resolve it even though that person may detest you after you make them well. You don’t know if they’ll detest you or they may love you. Granted they may love you which you anticipate they should do but are those who may hate you even after you make them well, they’ll say, “Why don’t you leave me in my misery?” You see, all right good, you did that, you got strength out of it but if the individual is not bent on destroying himself after you pull them out, you try your best, you can only send them love and you have to do like Jesus, “With these people I can do nothing.” They are so bent, they are so imprisoned in their thought patterns to destroy themselves and you know you’re trying your best and others around you are equipped to do it, trying their best and the person still continues. Yes? Audience: My father has been on a list for a year, he has emphysema but I talked to him before and he said, “How do I get on that list, what do you do to get on a prayer list?” You know like the one we had and so he did ask but I wondered if this was karmic, emphysema is any particular karma… Adano: If he asked, if he asked, if he asked then we can respond and it’s very simple to respond. Remember healthy people breathe through their lungs, unhealthy people have a blockage in their lungs right? Now God is breath of life so the technique would be very simple, as a group let us all center our minds on the lungs. Magnetically this will flow back to that man wherever he is your father, it will magnetically flow back to him because there is a rhythm in everything and the Christ is the Divine Power already in the physical form. God has already set His creative force field in the form of the Christ in the personalized aspect of creation. That is why so we can go to God immediately which is outside of creation, God within creation is a personalized aspect called the Christ, “Come unto Me,” come unto the Christ principle when you’re lined up. So your lungs and his lungs are lined up with a rhythm, you have a normal lung movement and he has an abnormal, you want to line up. By lining this up now, you want this thing to flow back. Now the Christ is that Divine Principle that breathes upon the process of this mechanism, bring that into focus. Now we don’t have disease unless we’ve broken some natural law so a disease is a result of a violation of something so we can say it’s karma, if that’s the word we want to use, it’s karma but even though we call it karma or violation, the importance of this alignment is forgiveness. We don’t know what it is he did to cause him to have the emphysema, we’re not concerned about that, we’re concerned with the fact that we can line up our lungs with his lungs on a rhythmic base. We are breathing therefore he needs to breathe, we are connected by air and the Christ principle is involved in all of us. We are not concerned with the cause of it, we’re concerned primarily of the association to bring about a balance because he asked. So Jesus would say “Your sins are forgiven you,” don’t worry about it, just let it flow so if you line the lungs up and think of his lungs, this is a relationship with the flow back. Many people who have done this type of attunement sometimes even feel the very symptoms of the illness in their body and then it disappears out of their system. When you bring a Christ into it and focus it, after a while those symptoms begin to go out of the body. Now if you feel the symptoms going out of your own body, you know a healing is going back there. Yes? Audience: How could you help in a case of possession? Adano: When you say possession which one you’re inferring? Audience: I mean possessed by a disincarnate entity. Adano: Well first we have to know if it’s a disincarnate entity really possessing him or his own thought patterns feeding back and acting it out. See many of us appear to have the symptoms of possessiveness or obsession from some disincarnate being when in reality the being will be totally blameless and not be there, we have to find out what we’re talking about. This discharge of energy can take on that particular condition, the negative forces in us can take on that, it can take on all types of shapes and behavior and give us all the behavior, make us crawl on the floor, squirm, and do everything and you may believe you’re totally obsessed by some being from some other dimension, we don’t even know how this mechanism will go through it. This mechanism is capable of putting itself into 84,000 positions and you’ll think you got 84,000 disincarnate beings in you. So as to find out which one we’re talking about, if truly you’re obsessed or possessed by some being or if the negative energy is so locked up in you that it is causing this malfunction to appear and you may appear to be talking in all types of sounds, you may hear all kinds of voices strictly coming all from the suppressed mechanism so it’s a matter of knowing which we’re dealing with. In the case with Jesus and the man who lived in the cemetery, when he was brought to Jesus the first remark they made to Jesus, “We know who you are, let us go.” Jesus was an initiate and if it’s an incarnate entity in that man’s body, if that entity was there, that entity is not an initiate therefore it cannot stand within the frequency of Jesus. So it would not want to be exposed so it will immediately go out and then it will seek exit into another body form so it chose the swine to go into. Now if the person is possessed we can pray to exorcise that person and create a healing but we have to be certain if that is truly what we are driving out and maybe not that we’re driving up, maybe we’re actually released for the first time pent up negative charges which gives the person release, we have to realize what is happening you see? 1:50 Now how do you know the person is obsessed? Was he dabbling in any kind of metaphysical practice that would cause him to be obsessed? You see these are things we have to check into first before we can say he is obsessed. It isn’t that they don’t exist, don’t get me wrong, they do exist but to still be certain that this is what is occurring before we go say that’s what it is. Now Jesus, if you’re in doubt that it’s not negative force field suppressed, if you think it is an entity possessing the person then do the exorcism of the early churches by walking around the body and commanding the spirit to leave the body in the name of the Christ and if this being that is supposed to be talking through this body would admit that Christ was in the human body, that this Christ consciousness came into the human body at one time, if it will admit that that Jesus was a realized Man then the mere thought would start the process changing, you can drive it out and an energy force will come in to correct it. Now we have the angels, these are energy forces that were designed by the Creator to minister unto Man, you can call on these forces to participate in driving out that entity in the body. Now if there aren’t no entity to deal with, this is what we’re trying to establish, if there is an entity we can call on the Christ to correct it, if there aren’t no entities then we have to call on something else first before we can correct it, we have to know exactly what is going on inside. Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You know some Masters would tell you to go see a doctor. Don’t run from the doctor until you know, he may have a quick remedy for the allergy too, sometimes when they can’t do it then you may go to a prayer technique. All right we are confronted with something, we’re afraid to go to the doctor because it costs too much money, that’s number one, that’s our basic fear. Number two we’re afraid to go to the doctor because we don’t know what they’re doing and it’s easier to get down on your knees and pray because this seems to be the quickest way and would be a more wholesome way yet you may not realize that going to the doctor that’s one way God is working through doctors too but the particular problem you have to solve may have to be resolved by that method too. Many methods are there to resolve it and if you want to resolve it, always check it out first. If you want to use prayer then remember that God has no blemish, God is pure light. In your consciousness if you have a thought that is impeding and can’t release it then it’s going to come out as a blemish. Now before your particular symptom appeared, can you remember of having any shock or disappointment? Before it occurred in your body, was there any shock, any disappointment in your life? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see many of these allergies are not necessarily karma too, it’s not necessarily we did anything, remember there was a blind man that came to Jesus and they brought him and he says “Who sinned, the parent or the man?” And He said “neither” so if neither were involved then it’s nothing to do with karma let alone nothing to do with heredity. Each case is different but we can pray (inaudible), we can pray and ask for help and sometimes if it works that prayer that releases it may be the one that is necessary, if it doesn’t work then we have to look for something else. So keep the prayer in mind of “you and your Father are one.” If you have this prayer in mind, a release but better than that is to not ask for the release of the problem, ask for the knowledge or the understanding what caused the problem. Once you get that understanding or a dream, ask for a dream, it’s possible for a dream to show up in a dream. If you can ask for that then it will give you an insight to where the problem really is then when you have the insight to the problem then that problem would go away completely and you would not be bothered with it. So if I was going to have this, I would ask for a dream to show me what caused it, where it came from and from the dream I may get an insight then I can correct it (inaudible). Yes? Audience: Is it ethical to take on someone yes responsibility when they’re not capable and if so if it is ethical, is that taking on someone’s karma? Adano: When a child bangs its knee and you’re an adult, would it be unethical to take its knee and clean it up? Audience: No but I was thinking of an older person that could ask but does not ask because they’re not capable? Is it alright in that case to help the healing when you’re not asked? Adano: I think we’re going to be too over concerned and find ourselves out on a limb trying to be a hundred percent “Mary Nightingale.” All right, what’s her name? “Florence Nightingale?” (Laughter). But that doesn’t say Florence Nightingale did not have concern for her fellow Man, she did and she did do something. We do have a right yes but remember in the right when we’re involving with healing and with individuals, we’re still going to be liable to some extent. Now if you accept, remember you have to accept the fact that if you take on the condition of getting involved with that person if they don’t ask, you must be prepared that they may be hostile to you when you heal them or help them or they may love you for it, you’ve got to be prepared for both so that you can say to yourself “I did this for this person, look what they did back to me” or look what they’re doing, you should not be in that particular frame of mind after it’s happened. You have to take on that responsibility and say this is what you brought into and this is what it is so you have to love them in spite of themselves. Audience: So that if someone is sick and is not capable of helping themselves, you can step in if they don’t ask you? Adano: Yes you can step in. Many people were drowning one time and a man plunged in to help them to save them and you know what happened? He drowned with them too but we don’t have to do that all the time because some of us are not going to be thankful. We have to take that into consideration that whenever we commit ourselves with another person when we not asked, we cannot expect them to love us if they don’t want even though they’ve been helped and gained their health back so even Jesus knew that so we got to be prepared for this. We have a right to jump in and help the individual but we also must be prepared for the… what you call the ingratitude of it. You know the statement say the hand by the pot or something like that “the pot by the hand” or “wash the pot” or something I don’t know how it is. Audience: “Bite the hand that feeds you.” Adano: “Bite the hand that feeds it?” All right, we have many people like that so do not feel that when you do something for someone and they are ungrateful… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Right. In the case of what you say “national emergency,” the government don’t care a hoot about if you love them, they’re gonna go in and do what they’re supposed to do and you like it or not, you can curse them after. If you’re infested with rats and gonna create a pestilence and affect the national safety of individuals, the government is not going to say “it’s your karma,” they’re going to go in there and do something so we have to be prepared to act on that premise too. We want to do things for people and if they don’t ask, we have to be prepared for their reaction to us and if we are prepared for that then we don’t have to worry about the result, we will not be taking on the karma. If you’re not prepared for it then you will be because you will be in a state of depression, you will start to feel remorse, you’ll start saying to yourself “I wish I never got into these things,” these are remorse but if you’re prepared for all eventualities and take it and go in and do something then there is no reaction, this you must realize when you take on healing or trying to help people. Audience: Is this what you say would be psychic abuse? If you resent, if you have resentments, if you weren’t going in with a loving feeling (inaudible). Adano: Yes. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: We should always pray to be healed but we should pray for something greater than the healing, we should pray to know the cause of the malady or the problem, we should pray to know what we have done so that we can resolve it. If we pray to know what we have done in order to resolve it, we don’t have it but to merely pray to get rid of the illness to go back and do it all over again, what good is he praying? So sometimes God holds back the healing because He knows darn well you are gonna go back and do it all over again. Audience: You think it’s maybe old age? Adano: You know not too long ago I met him man, he’s 156 years young. He’s a living man. (Applause).

1972 May 7 Part 2 - Devotion Key To Realization

Adano72_05_07_2DevotionKeyToRealizationQ1RR - Thank you Mr. Straw. Before we start, let us calibrate our minds. Thank you. Tonight we’re discussing one of the most important aspect of the spiritual life. I think it’s the most important because it’s the basis of realization and that is devotion. Many techniques can be taught about realization and long hours can be spent in trying to acquire it but there is no technique for devotion, devotion is simply love. Master Jesus’ whole mission was one of love, it is the mission of devotion. We cannot really enter a state of complete oneness with life until we understand love not merely as something we give and expect from others but as a whole integral process of becoming love itself. It is a way in which we are transformed by some form of dedication, commitment, and action, these three things are part of love: dedication commitment, action. Jesus said to His disciples “Love ye one another,” that is a commitment. A dedication, “When two or three are gathered in My Name, there am I in their midst.” An action, “Go ye unto the nations, spread the word,” live it, this is devotion, this is realization, this is the living vitality of the spirit. Two or three getting together amplifies the spirit, loving one another is touching each other immediately, the fear of another person kills love, kills realization, kills devotion. If we are not afraid to touch, we will never cease to realize ourselves but once we are afraid to touch, realization will die out in us. If we are afraid to get together to face each other in a room, two or three in a common issue, realization will die out, the common bond is to face one another. Going among the nations trying to be in union with them, this is the action, this is the realization on a total existence, life with all beings wherever they are you are part of it you are thrilling, vibrating, becoming one, no technique is needed for this, devotion is simply living. I cannot emphasize it too much because I know it may sound like a divine madness but I’d rather be on this side of divine madness than no madness at all, it is the only madness I know that has value, devotion. We often want some personal aspect of God to tell ourselves we have to be devoted but if we don’t have some personal aspect to relate to we would not know what to generate in our devotion. If I don’t see God in some physical aspect, I would not know the basic qualities of my human body I cannot experience love on an intimate basis. The Master jesus was a human being, it required a human form to generate intimacy. Years ago when I saw His figure I hated it because I did not understand what intimacy meant, I grew up trying to be a Catholic priest and found myself straying way away from the reality of what it meant. I saw brothers and sisters kneeling and praying before statues and I said in my mind “bunch of idol worshippers.” I began to study Oriental teachings thinking I was wiser than them, ended up they are the biggest idol worshipers. I come back today and I find myself I’m a super idol worshiper, I carry him around with me. (Laughter). Truly how can we ever really experience love if we don’t have intimacy. A man loves his wife because that’s intimate to him, a woman loves her husband because that’s intimate to her. Man and God must come on an intimate basis because devotion is centered in that, “When two or three are gathered in my name” again that is the centering point, “Love ye one another,” intimacy, “Go unto the nations,” intimacy. Can we escape devotion, do we need techniques to be exclusive or isolated from others? No we can’t, it’s not possible, I cannot tell you how I can escape being involved with you, I may tell you you can escape me because you can go anywhere you want to go but out of sight is not out of mind, you are with me. So devotion is my life, it is the key of realization and realization is to make real, to make tangible, to make active. If nothing is real or active to you, you don’t have anything, it’s wishing, it’s wanting, craving, not really getting down to the reality of experience. Devotion must give you experience on a basis in which you must be part of everything that is going on not isolating yourself, not shutting out, not denying, it is being more amenable, more applicable, more involved because you want to see this reality. The disciples of Jesus and all the disciples of great Teachers found this out to be the only safe platform for a spiritual life. I use the word safe, it’s when something is safe there’s a sense of insurance locked up in it. You know we buy an automobile but we are not too safe until we insure it. Equally true we take out life into this physical mechanism but we don’t feel too safe in it until some assurance or insurance or relationship to God in some form. The Hindus want their Krishna, the Christians want Jesus, the Buddhists want their Buddha, Man wants God in the form of Man, this is the real assurance. We are praying for another coming of Christ, are we praying for electrical form, an ideational form, or are we praying for another human form? An animal wouldn’t satisfy us, a tree won’t, a plant won’t, a mineral wouldn’t. Human form and why human form? It is the challenge, the greatest challenge that you can look at human form and say truly this is divinity, this is a possibility that we in human form can relate by intimacy, by bond of common touch. Mary want the common touch at the feet of her Master, many disciples want the common touch of their Masters or their teachers, the common touch is devotion, it’s the opening up of the heart so great that there is no boundary lines no more, everything fade in this oneness. You and I reach out in many ways, present in the body, present in the mind, present in the spirit, by letters by telephone we reach out, we communicate, we are identified. Devotion is that key, devotion is that bond. 0:10 Yet devotion must go deeper than just that, it must go to the bonds of silence, the intimacy of silence with yourself because God is not only personal, He’s impersonal and the impersonalness of God is the bond of silence, the dedication to silence, a research into the silence of your nature. This research into your own nature makes it possible now to reach out beyond the boundary lines of human contact into the superhuman contact. This superhuman contact requires self-chosen seclusion that is a price we have to pay for devotion, moments of withdrawal from our fellow men in order to gain inner strength. This type of devotion may seem erratic at times, it may seem detrimental to family life, detrimental to social life, detrimental even to national life but yet it is highly important that all men look inside for this intimacy of the Divine. No one can give it to you, you can only give it to yourself so more and more as Man reaches out for the intimacy of God within himself, he will seek the inner solitude as a means to raise this devotion. Getting together on global scale or national scale or group of friends, this again is that intimacy of silence. In some countries even this countries there used to be days of silence or moments of silence. I remember when I was a boy on the day when 11th of November came around they said it was a moment of silence and the whole country got silent for a few minutes and it always puzzled me while listening to that intense silence it would seem like all the minds of the people were clicking away like the keys of a typewriter. No one was talking yet I seem to sense their minds clicking away like a typewriter in the back of my mind and I often wondered what it meant, what was it, what type of communication was going on. Years after I realized there was a deep inner communication, a deep inner bond going on, a bond of remembrance with those who have passed on. If we can extend this research now into daily life and reach into it, we can bring about greater realization and the greater bond of the spirit. Devotion is not an outward motion only, it’s an inward motion, it’s an inward motion that requires some degree of time to be aware of yourself and we find this is possible in the churches, the churches were built around us to give us that time for devotion. We come into the church, we get into the atmosphere, we’re reminded of its importance, its purpose, and we are suddenly pulled in by association but we don’t extend this boundary line of association, we don’t increase the intensity of the silence within ourselves, we don’t bring it to fruition with a direct experience with beings who exist in this silence, who exist in the very actual structure of creation. You may call them Saints, Angels, or Divine Beings, they are there, they are around us. When we are aware of them and we make the attempt through devotion to identify or connect with them then we too have a greater realization and a part we play in our existence. If we don’t understand that and if we don’t have the opportunity in the church to practice it then we have to apply it on our own initiative, we must apply our own initiative to get it that’s why Jesus emphasized the fact “when two or three are gathered in My name.” Now we can contact Jesus, He did not say it was impossible, He said it was possible if you get together and lock in on an intimacy basis internally within yourself and bring about this experience for your own self. In the Eastern country the Science of the Soul has laid this out as a way in which we can make this contact. They did not even generate any technique for devotion, they started out by simply saying “find yourself a spot, close your eyes, and take your ideal with you within.” Now Buddhists will see Buddha, Christians will see Christ, Hindus will see Krishna, Mohammedans will seen Mohammad, all the religions see their great patron Saint, even Saint Patrick. So take your ideal within you and look in, this is the bond of intimacy from within. The Saint has lived His life by trying out many techniques finally to He became techniqueless by becoming devotion then members of the human race remember Him and take Him to heart so the Saint lives on in the minds of Men. Devotion can continue within us if we take the ideal that is great/important to us and cause it to come alive for the first time inside. Taking that ideal and bringing it alive and nourishing it every day is reality, is realization. You are in doubt that this can do something for you, don’t doubt it, that ideal, that particular form will follow you all the way to all the levels of consciousness, it will pull you up to any level that you are capable of going and that ideal again will make you see yourself within that ideal and finally the ideal will be you. Your own internal experience of devotion comes from a conquest of the mind by the spirit of Love, you will conquer the mind through the spirit of Love and by facing the ideal moment to moment within yourself in consciousness and then you will realize the reality of an inner communion with a spirit. There is no greater conquest of the mind by love, I have tried many techniques and I’ll tell you the honest truth, the easiest technique which is not a technique is simply love. To generate this devotional love I found sound/music to be the key because I am sound, I am a crystallized form of sound. True chanting, the devotional nature is raised up, it brings us into an inner bond with ourselves, why? It’s easy for you to be Caruso in the bathtub or take off on a Pagliacci or something and let go of all the inhibitions within yourself but the moment you let go of something, you’re entering a state of realization of something else so you see devotion has no technique, it simply allows you to become the ideal. 0:20 You can become the ideal, the Master by simple love to Him within yourself. I’ve heard many chants in my studies and there is one chant which I’m very fond of that generates the greatest devotion to the master. If you would like to join me we can go into it. (Chanting with group). “Om Christ, Om Christ, Om Christ, Om.” (Repeated many times). “Come Christ, come Christ, come Christ, come.” (Repeated many times). “Om Christ, Om Christ, Om Christ, Om.” (Repeated many times). “Come Christ, come Christ, come Christ, come.” (Repeated many times). 0:27 Devotion is intimacy and feeling is intimacy and feeling the presence of the Christ surrounding you in a blue light and feeling that presence permeating you, you love spreads out through all the pores into the room, into the walls of this building, into the very city to every home in this community. (Short meditation). You are feeling more than any time you can feel and that is Now. At this very moment you are feeling the most, you’re feeling the oneness of the Spirit. The calmness of the mind is the love and the devotion that is becoming real in a tangible way keeping the body very calm, very relaxed, very serene. All inner hostilities are flowed out and the sense of oneness, the sense of the presence of the Christ permeates us all and that permeation of peace, that precipitation of the peace will flow out through our eyes as we open them gradually. How long you hold onto that precipitation, this is the measurement of your realization. The great Sage Sri Yukteswar said “Realization or spiritual advancement is measured by the depth of your peace in the waking state after meditation or after a devotion chant.” Any time you can come out and maintain that peace, maintain that inner composure in the waking state, you have raised the stature, you have enlarged the boundary line of your realization. One may not see anything strange or new about the realization, rest assured that this sudden electrical tingling sensation that is passing through your body has a magnetic quality to directly affect the environment and if you maintain the inner composure while handing your business affairs, you will see some strange miracles occurring in your life. 0:30 The things you thought not possible suddenly falling into place, life seems to fit and your seem to fit into your body for the first time. You know many of us are alien to our bodies but devotion is that experience that allows us to fit into our bodies for the first time, It’s a sense of oneness. Going deeper into devotion depends upon repetition. The more we are devoted, the more we want to repeat the process, the more we want to feel the love. Now this may seem monotonous that you have to keep repeating it, but if you if ask yourself when a person loves someone, doesn’t he not or she see that individual in their mind night and day? Don’t they keep thinking about that person in their minds night and day? The impression is so strong and if the impression is so strong, it is fed by repetition, devotion is that same principle. When we see the Christ ideal or the Buddha ideal or the Krishna ideal or the Mohammed ideal, whatever the ideal is within the mind and we feed it or nurture it by repetition, it becomes ourselves. At a certain level of your devotion when you’re within yourself in meditation and you have to cross certain mental boundary lines or levels of consciousness, it is that ideal that’s within you that will allow you to go past those boundary lines. The Masters or the ideals are the way sure, They go ahead of you, They travel inward ahead of you in consciousness, it is Their vibratory rate, Their devotional control that helps you to overcome your inner hostilities, your inattentions, your inner anxieties. By relating to one of Them or any amount of Them or all of Them, you can go through your inner consciousness without being torn down by any of these mental conditions or hostilities. Many of us may not want to associate with an ideal in devotion and feel that “I am a human being, I am the ideal, how do I relate now?” All right such a type of devotion would indicate that you have to look at this body as a temple and this temple has certain centers and these centers either act negatively or positively in terms of attitude. The ideal attitude, how many of us know what it is? But the wrong attitudes a great many of us are familiar with because we’ve had too many conflicts due to the wrong attitudes. If we don’t know what the ideal attitude is inside in the centers, how can we cause them to come forward to transform us? How can we make this a reality, how would devotion suddenly release it? We don’t know, we will be constantly assuming that we have the right attitude, we are constantly assuming that we have the right ideal from inside. We have to relate to someone, some physical form that has applied the right ideal to give us some sense of calibration, some sense of direction. For Christians we need Jesus, for Buddhist need Buddha or Krishna or any one of the great Teachers, each man in his own ethnic background must have some ideal to relate to. So it is not wrong to start out with the ideal and then try to go through the centers feeling their release within you. The centers are there within you and we are going to have to pass through those centers in our deepest devotions. Without an ideal to guide us, passing through that experience can be called the Night of the Soul, it’s a term used by a great Saint who had every type of nightmare, mental anguish, turmoil trying to go through by himself in the early stages of his growth. When he decided to take the ideal with him along, then the nightmares begin to diminish, the problems of the inner life begin to disappear. Years ago when I was practicing meditation I too did not want an ideal because I cannot see the possibility of wanting to relate to an idol or form but all my researches have brought me back to my highest experience in devotion to an ideal because the human mind does not know what the true ideal is unless the human mind can relate to some form or being who lives the ideal. Therefore I accept every Saint, Sage, God-realized man to be an ideal because each one either in the body or out of the body or yet to be born are all living the simple principle of devotion. Last year I met a Swami from India, His name was Muktananda. He did not say much in our presence but whatever He said was an indication of a tremendous lesson in devotion. He said “grace of Guru,” those three words made all the difference, to some people it made nothing at all, no impression. When I read His autobiography not too long ago published, when He started out to meditate, He only met His teacher once and after many years of research in all the levels of the chakras, all the way up in the inner consciousness, the form that was most rewarding to Him in His moments of spiritual nightmares, anguish, the only form that was really comforting to Him was the teacher and when He went to the highest point possible to really break the bubble of illusion who did He see greeting Him? The form of His teacher. This is true, you take the ideal be it Jesus or any one of the great Teachers and go all the way in relating, loving, They will meet you all the way to the highest point when you break the illusion and you will see that that ideal is there and the lesson you will learn from the ideal is “God and the Ideal are one.” 0:40 When Jesus said, “I and my Father are one” He spoke the highest realization founded on devotion. When you see yourself within the Divinity and see yourself as the Divinity now that is the ideal form, you have come to that realization based upon your devotion. The form of a great Sage or Saint helps you to raise your devotion to be like the Saint then eventually you and this Creative Principle must become one, you and the Father must become one, the devotion must culminate in this final realization that you and the Father are one. Jesus told His disciples, “Call no man Master save the Lord that is within thee and Therefore I call you no longer my disciples but my friends.” He too would not want you at the highest point of realization to accept His physical form as a limitation upon yourself but He would feel honored if you used His image as a guideline towards your own realization founded on the devotion within yourself. I heard one time a great doctor, his name was Doctor Cooley, the second best they may call him the best today in heart surgery, he was a student of another doctor who was the leading specialist in Texas and he made this statement, he said, “If you want to be the best imitate the next best and when you have imitated it long enough, try to originate.” What is he saying? He is saying identically the same thing, start out with the ideal, work to the point when you and the principle become one, you are projecting for yourself. Jesus said the same thing, “As many as received Him” as many would accept the Ideal, “to them gave He the devotion” or the power to stick with it. You have to stick with it inside and each one of us will become identified in the Creative Principle, Sons of God. Each one of you would now see yourself identified in God and that is the realization, the realization that is based on devotion and accepting some ideal as a guideline, it simplifies for many people who are caught up in the conflict of what to do to realize themselves. When we remove the conflicts that impede us in realizing our cells (selves?) and take an ideal simply on the foundation of love, we will then realize our own cells (selves?) immersed in that truth. There was a Catholic Saint by the name of Catherine, she started out her meditations and her devotions not wanting to see anything but the true form of God, at first I said, “Here I have found someone like me.” I read and I read and I read and then when she has seen all these different forms and she kept pushing them away more and more till she reached what is called the “nightmare of the Soul” or the “dark night of the Soul.” One day just about dawn, she had the experience of seeing Catherine herself in the Light. She could not understand why she was looking at her own self, she thought she had an out of body experience and this Consciousness said and related to her, “You and I are one.” “No, no, no, no, this is too much” and she tried to shut it out but as every time she shut it out, the form was there. Finally she broke down in the devotion and accepted that when the Lord wants you to see the truth about yourself, there is nothing you can do but accept. Yogananda had the same type of experience, he searched by looking into the sky everywhere for the ideal form, he loved Jesus, he loved Buddha, and all of them and He kept searching for the form, maintaining His devotion. Finally when the true experience came and the Light broke open upon Him this is what He heard within the Light, “Hello playmate, you and I are one.” There was no more fear, the realization brought to Him now out of the devotion, the reality about Himself. Jesus accepted it, He came back, He told Man that this is what Man has to face. “I and the Father are one. You see me, you see the Father.” Look at yourself and when you get the realization based upon the devotion, you will notice beyond all doubt and that you are free. Now don’t judge yourself after the realization come that you may be incompetent of performing miracles, that is not what is intended. The true realization of yourself based upon devotion is peace, peace that passes all understanding, the magnitude of this peace you couldn’t begin to comprehend it even if you try, there is no way to relate this peace. In the most difficult moments of your life when everything is crashing around you, this peace seems to sustain you. Even if you have the power to stop the ocean, stop a mad elephant in its track, or stop a train in its track, still this peace would supersede it and you would have to use the word, “Peace, be still.” The waves were crashing in on the little ship that the disciples were living in or fishing and when they were in a state of panic, they called upon their Ideal. Why? Because they were afraid and even when the Master awoke and looked, what did He say? “Peace, be still.” The power of realization when fully precipitated into the body is peace this is true realization based on devotion. Thank you. (Applause then gap in tape). I said before, the ideal of all beliefs all bring you to the same experience, oneness with the Spirit but that is where our journey begins, it does not end there, devotion begins now to have value when you are one with the Spirit. Many of us think that after our ideal has brought us to oneness with the Spirit, the job is over. No, the job is not over, the job has now begun for Man. Man has to involve himself with his fellow Man on a global nature, on a universal nature, he has to work with this oneness of the Spirit. It is only by taking up the greater commitment, the greater challenge of life that the oneness of Spirit has meaning. If when Jesus or Buddha and all these men found the oneness of the Spirit in themselves and remained in the mountain caves, isolated themselves from society, would you know of them? Would you ever hear of them? Not possible. It is only because they took upon themselves to get involved on a global nature, a universal nature, that their impact had value. 0:50 Each one of us is moving towards that identification of the Spirit and when that occurs in all of us then each one of us from that time must get involved. The Spirit will have to move you forward to be involved with others, this is the challenge and this is the greater realization, the involvement with Mankind as a whole. We don’t know how this involvement will affect society in years to come but since we are accepting that this is going be the Aquarian Age, an age of unfoldment, an age of enlightenment, it is the age of participation. As we become identified with the Spirit, we are going to be forced to demonstrate the Spirit by being human beings for the first time and respecting another human being and within your own consciousness you can say of all the marvels that you have seen, there is nothing to compare with a human being because the true human being is one with the Spirit, he is devoid of all dross, all negativeness, all impurities. I remember reading one time Abraham Lincoln saying, “I would like at least to see one human being” and when looking out over the White House, a man was passing just about that time along the walkway. No one knew who he was but it later turned out at that time when Lincoln said it, the man was Walt Whitman walking past the White House. Those who have read The Leaves of Grass know that Mr. Whitman was in a full state of Cosmic Consciousness. He lived and died in this country a marvelous human being and he said, “I go on and I hope that the great Saints and Sages will look down upon me and think if I am worthy to be among Them.” He also realized what it is to be one with the Spirit, he involved himself in his writing. Wherever you involve yourself after you identify with the Spirit, this would your great contribution to the world around you no matter what it is. If there are any questions you want to ask, I’d be glad to answer them now. Yes? Audience: I want to ask about the picture. Adano: Alright in 1963 there was in Yucatan a church and the people there were praying on a Good Friday and they reasoned like everyone else if Thomas can see the body of Jesus and if the body of Jesus is genuine, why can they not see it themselves since He didn’t go anyplace but remain here in the universal creation? And the priest was very factual too since he was dealing with very factual people he said, “If you have the devotion, He will come.” So they decided to whump up a good devotion that Sunday or that Good Friday, and they worked at it, they worked at it and to their amazement there was a light right in the middle of the church and there stood the Master fully from head to toe and there was a German man, a baron I understood, he and his son was in the church at the time and the son had a camera and he snapped the picture. Well the original picture is about this size, I was fortunate to get the enlargement through a friend that knew them all the way so I have a copy of it but this is a fulfillment again of a very greedy wish. You see years ago I did not want to keep a picture of the Master because it was painted by other human beings, I didn’t want to carry a painting let alone be attached to it. The only painting that did some stirrings in my heart was the head of Hofmann but I never latched on to one. I always wanted to know if it’s possible to have a photograph and I seen even photographs where the apparent face of Jesus was on the snow and some Chinese newspaper fellow during the war had photographed it, this face appearing in the snow. Even some artists, an aviator in fact, who was flying in the air and saw this light and photographed it and it turned out to be the face of Jesus, even that I didn’t consider worth to carry but when this came my way I says, “Now you keep your big mouth shut.” So I have to live with it. Yes? Audience: You spoke of inner peace, is it possible to have the inner peace and it would leave? Adano: And leave? No, no, you can have miracle and the powers to perform it and that can leave you if you have a blow on the head but the inner peace is rooted in the atomic structure of your nature, right into the cells itself. Audience: (inaudible). Adano: Well the first evidence of the inner peace is a gradual shedding of the grossness of the physical body, the body becomes soft and smooth, it becomes like velvety feeling, you begin to notice this transformation occurring in the cells and you begin to notice that the hostility of the mind is going out. It’s an inner peace that is brought about within the cellular structure so that when you have it completely you can be 100 years of age and have a physical body under medical examination equivalent to a baby, we’re talking of that kind of peace. Not too long ago I was fortunate to meet a man give and take a few years, they say he’s 150 but I say 100 and he was examined by an American doctor and the doctor is amazed that this man’s body function, skin, texture, and everything is like a little child and he does radiate this peace so we’re talking of an inner peace brought about by a biological transformation. If it’s psychological, it’ll go away. Yes? Audience: Swami you mentioned the feeling of electrical vibrations entering into the body, can you explain what this is? Adano: God is life and life is energy. Now how would you experience energy, what would be the sensation? You’re familiar with energy in the form of electricity, right? Now how would you know it’s really electricity? The best test is to put your finger in the socket, what would it feel like, huh (laughter from audience), a tingling shock? Well those who have had any type of spiritual healing will tell you their whole body quivers, sometimes they’re knocked out cold with it so we don’t want to lose our composure in a group meeting or go off into some frenzy or hysteria. So the mere fact that you can feel this electrical impulse which is life pulsating and passing through is an indication to you that you’re on the wavelength of that Divine Current. Now it’s a matter of identifying and living with it consciously then as you live with it consciously, your whole body will be vibrating with it all the time. Now when the Holy Spirit descended upon the twelve disciples, or the eleven at the time, they also felt this wave of current in their bodies and I’ve seen Pentecostal conversion, it’s a wave that comes right through. 1:00 I met a woman one time, she was a nurse and she was baptized by the Holy Spirit through Pentecostal and she went on to do more studies in spiritual life until she was ready for initiation and the night we were initiating her when I touched her she almost went into this state again but because of her pride and the people in the room, she held on and refused to go into the state. When she was all over she said to me, “You know I could’ve gone back again talking in tongues because it was the same feeling but I didn’t want to make myself look like a fool in front of everybody so I held on and started to bite my teeth, squirm in my shoes so that I wouldn’t have the sensation and then it stopped.” I said, “Oh you foolish woman, when the Lord wants to give you His joy, why you block it?” It was only a confirmation of having it here or having it on the Pentecostal experience, the fact that Spirit is Spirit. I said, “You might have blocked out a marvelous experience or a communication or some message for many people who might have needed that message simply because of your pride and being afraid to go through the experience.” So I says, “Next time when you’re having some gift from God, don’t block it.” But she describes it just as an electrical wave. Yes? Audience: Earlier today you spoke about the saliva in the mouth creating (inaudible), you said you were going to expand upon it? Adano: The saliva in the mouth, if you have a blow on that spot, there’s a shock there and if you take the tongue and pass it over that spot or the saliva, it will start to alleviate and the electrical polarity will start a release. Gradually there is some form of electrolytic action occurring in that spot. Now you notice little children when they bang their knees, mother comes over and rubs it and then (Adano makes a sound), does something like that and baby is all right. All right, don’t you see animals doing the same thing too, they lick their wound in some form? The saliva is medicinal in some form and it does neutralize, let’s see how the saliva is very potent in a realized person. There was a blind man that was brought to Jesus and He spit on the ground. Now you imagine you standing there and looking at Him and let’s say you’re a Greek Centurion or a Roman Centurion and all the rest are all native Hebrew people and being a man of authority looking at this exhibition of saliva being spit on the ground, take His finger and (inaudible) with it and make a putty and stick it on a man’s eye and then the guy eyes open up. You’d say to yourself, “How crude, how uncouth, dirtiness,” but heal. I heard an interesting statement made to a young man by a certain teacher. He went to this man and asked for a healing, you know what the man told him to get? He says, “You get yourself some pigeons and get the hot blood and squirt it in your back and you’ll be well.” Now this is a modern city where this information was given to the man but the man didn’t attempt it yet, you see? Now imagine if someone went to Mr. Cayce when he was having his readings and then he was told by him, “Well I’ll tell you what, get your mother to spit in the ground and massage your back.” (Adano laughing). You may say, “What’s wrong with Mr. Cayce?” But certain things do require the most unorthodox ways of getting it done. All right in the case of Sri Yukteswar and His teacher, Sri Yukteswar went to his teacher and told his teacher that “a brother disciple is dying, we need your help.” So the teacher looked at him and says, “He will be well, he will be well, the doctors are doing their job, he will be well.” So he went back and when he went back the man was almost dead and the doctor says, “There is nothing we can do for him, your friend will be dead in a few minutes.” So the man died and Sri Yukteswar was torn up and he went to see his teacher and he blurted out his information, he says, “See I came to you and I asked for help and now the man is dead. What good is it?” So the teacher says, “I didn’t know you wanted something from me specifically. Alright, I told you he would be well but I didn’t understand you. I’ll tell you what you do, you take that castor oil over there and go put seven drops in his mouth, he’ll come back alive.” So Sri Yukteswar look at castor oil and you know according to Cayce you can put it in your tummy and put some heat packs. Well here is somebody telling him to go put seven drops in the dead man’s mouth, he takes the seven drops and puts it in the dead man’s mouth, the man gets up and he goes and sees Sri Yukteswar and he goes and sees the teacher, Sri Yukteswar. Well Sri Yukteswar is puzzled, He says, “How come seven drops of castor oil did that?” So the teacher said, “In the future now anytime you see a dead man just put seven drops of castor oil in his mouth.” As if seven drops of castor oil would immediately heal him. When certain unusual techniques are given by people for certain conditions, it is simply to establish a link but magnetically speaking and electrically speaking, the saliva can release tension and at the same time can heal a wound, I’ve seen it done and so I know it does heal the wound. Yes? Audience: Is that why your mouth feels electrified at times, your saliva? Adano: Well in certain states of meditation, in certain states of meditation your mouth does feel like an electrical charge inside and the saliva feels very thick and if you keep on meditating then the saliva becomes now very sweet. Yes, it becomes sweet after a long period of meditation and this sweetness is exactly like the nectar from a flower. Now you know in the ancient days they said the Greeks lived on nectar or ambrosia, the gods, the Greek gods were living on it. Now let’s look at it in terms of a man who has attained realization by method of love, devotion, or meditation. This nectar will flow down, it’s within the brain, it comes down into the mouth and you can experience it. Now they say when you die you will go to the land of where? Milk and honey, pretty sticky, but this is what they say in your scriptures, you want to die to go to the land of milk and honey but we have to look at that symbology very clearly in terms of healing. When we die to the senses within this mechanism our consciousness is drawn up to the pineal gland and in the pineal gland there is a viscous substance just like honey, the color of honey, and the taste of honey that is secreted by the gland and in the medulla there is a white liquid the color of milk, the texture of milk, these two combine now and flow down. When they flow down the body is nourished. 1:00 Those Yogis or Saints who have practiced the Holy Breath long enough to trigger it off can then live without eating, they may eat or they may not eat or they may just continue their lives with just drinking a little water or liquid to stay in the body to show you that they’re here and they exist. Now Jesus said, “I have meat that you know not of.” He also knew how to tap this energy down and bring it down and it’s all locked up in the saliva too. Now we know in the saliva there are certain properties, enzymes in them that breaks down substances yet we don’t know enough of the enzymes what they will do, we only know of what appears to be happening when food goes in. If there is no food in the system, the enzymes have a different work to do, instead of breaking down food for energy now, they begin to release energy but then we will need experiment to verify that, the enzymes will begin to feed you now, they will start emitting a different chemical into the body to feed you. Whatever they will do on a physical level, they can do on an extrasensory level, it’s all locked up in there. The same body odor that is (gap in tape)… reverse action of devotion. Now if you are in a state of anger or tension, they say the body odor is very foul, right? You know those advertisement, the only reason you need Ban is because you got tension, and that’s a body odor deodorant you know? Alright, it’s because you have tension, no tension how would the body odor be? It should be sweet, clean. If there is no impurities in this mechanism as a human being, the glandular system will secrete the opposite just as much as your endocrine system will secrete certain chemicals to generate hostility, they can now secrete chemicals to generate opposite of hostility, the saliva is the same. If you know that this person is injured and you can concentrate and release the saliva, you can do something with it, it has a certain magnetic charge that will work. Yes? Audience: Swami you mentioned to meditation upon a form of God that you hold dear, you mentioned the Christians have Christ, the Hindus have Krishna, etc. What form of God should a person of the Jewish faith meditate upon which holds God as formless? Adano: If you go back to the Talmud it tells you, “No man has seen God but His…” What? Light. Man has seen the Light of God. Now in the early days when they were carrying the Ark and around the Ark they saw a light like a cloud surrounding the Ark and that was to tell the people that God was present. Now the Hindus also believed just like the Hebrew people, some of them don’t want any form of God but they all admit whoever they are, the formless God is Light. Now let’s look at the man Jesus, He tried to remove the glorification of His body by saying, “When thine eyes are single, your whole body is full of light.” Meditation is to focus the eyes or to steady the mind in order to see light. Einstein comes along and says, “This is light! Atomic energy, matter.” Energy is equal to this mass times the velocity of light squared, light, atomic light so when you close your eyes, light is there. Now Jesus is giving us the indication of what is happening inside, if you don’t want the form and when you see your Higher Self, you will see light, this form is there too, the light is there and the Light is shining in the Darkness that means God’s Light, which is His true nature, is already shining within you, the darkness of the brain. “And the darkness comprehends it not,” the five senses does not understand why there should be light in the brain but if you doubt in your mind that there’s any light in your brain, it’s very easy to convince yourself by giving you a karate chop on the nostril and you see the light pretty fast. (Laughter from audience). So that is the evidence on a physical level that light is there, “But let your light so shine before men that they may see the good works now and glorify the Father which is in thee.” The Father in thee is the light, the total structure of this mechanism. On a conscious level when you close your eyes you see some vague movement of a light or a color in there, not conscious of what it represent you pay no attention to it, when the mind is steady enough to look at it objectively without fear, then you and the light become one. Now if you and the light become one, what would be obvious picture you would see in the end? You will see yourself, you are made in the image of that light and if you look at your image, your true self is for the first time looking at yourself then you can say without doubt, “I and my Father are one,” that is the ideal image in the end. Now the Hebrew and many Hindus start off worshipping God as Light, finally coming to the full realization and shouting to the top of their head, “I and my Father are one.” Eventually Moses had to experience that, Moses said he saw a burning bush, What is a burning bush? It’s a light, this is the only symbology they could relate, he closed his eyes and saw this light burning from here in the Arjuna center or the third eye center and as he saw the light inside he constantly meditated upon it. As he meditated upon that, which you call Mount Sinai, it’s the mountain here, as he looked inside within his own consciousness and the light became brighter and brighter then he said “Who are thee Lord? What is Your name?” And the voice came back from his own inner being saying, “I am that I am.” You and I are the one in other words, I am you and you are me, you are light and I am light, we are all light, If you are seeing this you are seeing the light. Now it’s difficult for Moses to go down and tell the people in captivity that the God name is “I AM,” they would not accept that because they did not have the inner experience that their own God self was functioning in them, they had to have some relationship, some thing to relate to. So Moses had to come down another level, he had to meet the people at a level that they could communicate with so he said Yehovah, the Lord. Yet it shows that even they who lived so long in captivity could not accept Yehovah / Lord even when they were lead out of the captivity they had to latch on some other form to build up devotion. While Moses was up in the mountain trying to bring down more consciousness, the people then chose a form that was obvious they melted down all the gold and made themselves a golden calf, a form to relate to because they so ingrained in their captivity to some form. Finally, when it was all smashed up and the forms were all destroyed, they had to face themselves so the very first commandment is, “Thou shall have no other gods or graven image before Me.” Me who? Me Light, the Cosmic Principle, the Creative Intelligence so the final résumé is that when you look inside yourself as a human being devoid of every religious heritage since some of us don’t want to be affiliated with religious heritages anymore, we want to look at ourselves as Human Beings (Adano emphasizes these words) then we have to look at ourselves in the atomic nature now for the first time, we have to accept our atomic structure, if we accept it then we will see ourselves as pure light. 1:20 Now in terms of intimacy in that pure light, you will still have to look at a human being which is yourself, see? God, though He is impersonal and though He is permeating you and you a human being will hanker or yearn for intimacy, you see? So it is nothing wrong to accept the form of human being, it is not degrading you, in fact it is extending your comprehension of yourself to see that God is recognizable in human form as a ideal way to relate, it’s unimportant if one chooses Jesus, Mohammed, or Buddha, or anyone, the important thing is all these eventually say, “I and my Father are one.” When it happened to Kabir, Kabir was a Saint who lived many years ago and He had studied all the various religions in the world at the time, he embraced them all. Finally when the final devotion came for Him to practice devotion, one day He woke up out of His meditation and shouted, “I am He! I am He!” And he ran through the marketplace shouting, “I am He!” And they all thought He was crazy then one priest says, “Yes, me too.” (Laughter from audience). And this is true, the final realization is the “I am He.” We’re understanding it deeper everyday that realization of God is looking at your higher self and don’t be afraid of it. Yes? Audience: (inaudible)… interesting point that I’ve never heard before about God the creative light having a form like ours. He said that beyond light (inaudible)… he couldn’t explain it either (inaudible)… call it pure Spirit and there is something beyond that even and it really threw some of us because we thought if we get involved with this light, we’ve got it made, It might take several lifetimes. Adano: I said before, remember the words are very specific, “No man has seen his God but has seen His Light.” Now I’ll tell you something else which is entirely different to what I’ve said, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word IS God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man.” That’s a big difference than the light, he did not say the light is God, “No man has seen God, but His light” and I’m saying now that the Word is God. The Audible Life Current, the Shabda or the Holy Name or Cosmic Sound, the Divine Presence is God, that is heard, not seen, big difference. One has to hear God, one may not see God but see His light so the sound precedes the light but God is all music that’s why It’s beyond the light. What is beyond the light is this cosmic sound that is responsible for the light being existing. In the highest state of awareness, Anaam Loka (sp?) where Man fully sees God as himself there He is the eternal sound vibrating. In Anaam Lok it is called the state of the eternal mercy, without it there is no compassion, there is no grace and it’s in that state the unutterable Naam (sp?) or sound is made audible for Man for the first time and from that state descends light coming down like a golden rain causing creation to begin and the first expression of creation is Beingness acting on Beingness then the next level down is Beingness acting on Consciousness. The third level down is Consciousness acting on Consciousness. The fourth level down is Consciousness acting on Energy. The fifth level down is Energy acting on Energy. The sixth level down is Consciousness acting on Matter. The seventh level down is Energy acting on Matter and the final level down is where we are, Matter acting on Matter. Do you see where you are in creation? But Anaam Lok, the eternal mercy, is the pure cosmic audible sound, it is the God process, you call it the Logos or your call it the Amen, whatever name you want to call it but it’s the Audible Life Current. It’s this life, Creative Intelligence, that is audible for the first time and it’s heard, not seen. The only level you can see it is when it starts to radiate down as light therefore in the pineal gland, the sound is vibrating, at a level of experience at the point between the eyebrow it’s light, it’s shining in the darkness. Turning the senses in and looking in for the first time that is what we see, the light, but it’s not the light that gets us back to God because the light is not God, the light is the image of God, it’s the sound, the actual vibratory power that is God. Through that we are drawn back up and we have to experience it so that’s the big difference between the light and the sound. Yes? Audience: Have you had an experience (inaudible). I mean would you describe that experience? Adano: (Adano gives Darshan). Master Jesus said, “Those who have eyes to see let them see and ears to hear let them hear.” This is my answer. Yes? Audience: (Can’t be heard) Adano: If it’s interference, there is something beyond it all and you can hear it right in this room, it’s right behind. There’s a big difference between hearing and listening but you can hear it, the audible Life Current inside. Yes? Audience: You said (inaudible) but the way I understand it the Eastern religions say we should become involved in Mankind (inaudible). Adano: Eastern religion is highly involved in Mankind, in fact there was one scientist who said, “the Easterner is more materialistic than the Westerner” because the Westerner is not materialistic, he’s spiritual, he destroys everything and hope God will replace it (laughter from audience) but the Easterner is too concerned that destroying anything, he can’t afford for God to replace it, see? We pollute everything and pray to God to replace it so that’s our Western approach, our Eastern approach we dare not destroy anything, we dare not pollute anything because we don’t know if He gonna replace it so who’s more materialistic? Audience: But I’m not talking about materialism, I’m talking about involvement. Adano: Well the involvement, this is what we’re talking of the involvement, is not to destroy, it’s to get into the whole movement. The more we are involved with it, the more we get to touch the thing and handle it and get involved, this is what we’re talking. The Eastern teachers came out of their caves to get involved with Mankind, this is what they’ve done, they’ve come out of their caves and they’re involving themselves with Mankind. You know, Jesus was an Easterner you know, He wasn’t a Westerner, did you know that? He was born in the Middle East so we are kind of afraid to look at the thing about spiritual teachers. 1:30 All the great teachers of truth were Orientals, we are hoping that the next teacher of truth will be a Westerner, this is not to criticize, we hope that this will happen. Now when Ramakrishna was in the body, this was an Eastern teacher, he was the teacher of a man called Swami Vivekananda who was the first Indian Master to come to this country at the invitation of the Parliament of Religions and before he died his disciples asked him, “Sir, can you tell us where you will be born in your next incarnation?” And they said He looked over the Ganges from the rooftop of the house and for a long time then he turned around and says, “I have not yet visited the West.” So Vivekananda understood what that meant that to lay the groundwork for the Master again, or his Master, was to come to the West and the Vivekananda Society, which is the Vedanta Society, has spread a great deal in this country and in Europe, laying the groundwork that someday those students of truth may be the fortunate parent of Ramakrishna whenever He decides to come to the West or born in the West. We will have many masters born in the West of caucasian body. Yes? Audience: Is there none already born in the West of the stature of Ramakrishna? Adano: Not yet, we are are hoping. Audience: (inaudible). Adano: Life itself, life makes this rose possible, the vital power of the universe makes this rose possible yet this vital power is audible, it can be heard and it will take the shape of the human voice and communicate to us. Yogananda one time said, he was visiting with a Saint in India and while they were meditating they heard constantly the voice of God talking to the Saint, that this audible current was giving out the different levels of consciousness to Him and whenever He asked a question, this audible sound was loud in the room and at that time He was not even evolved enough to even to hear it himself but this was occurring very loud and clear around this Saint. Years after when He was able to listen to the sound within Himself and hear it, it began to occur around Him. Not too long, I visited with a disciple of his, an American, who knew that the Master Yogananda would go into the back of the garden where He lived in California and He would tell the disciple, “Don’t let no one disturb me.” Now the boy knew that there were no other beings in the back of that garden except Yogananda so he would stand up there and between the hedge and Yogananda, he would be there to prevent anyone going into the garden and he said he heard the voices of Saints talking to Yogananda and some of the voices he recognized because when Yogananda addressed them as They appeared to him and communication went on between the two of Them, human voices were going on. One time he said he heard Yogananda says, “I’m happy to greet you O Guru Nanak” and the voice says, “Yes, I’m happy to greet you now since you’ve made every effort to come to this level.” And many such conversations occurred as Saints appeared to Him and this boy was fortunate to hear it. Now he said he could actually describe these voices, they were so resonant and different in every time They spoke, so he heard. Now if he had seen, this would be different too. Now there was another teacher that came not too long from India and he was somewhere back East here and he was sitting on a rock and they saw him talking just to the empty tree, between the tree and the rock. So his student ventured to go out and ask Him, “Sir, who are you talking to?” And He replied, “I’m speaking to Kabir.” So the student says, “I don’t see him.” Well the teacher said, “Alright, you shall have the blessing” and he touched the boy on the head. He not only saw Kabir standing there but he heard Kabir held a lengthy discourse on the inner realms with the man and what was going on in the inner realms and the first time he saw Kabir, he was in doubt of hallucination, he was in doubt that he might be hypnotized by the teacher. It was until a week after someone had a picture of what Kabir looked like and it was the same man he had seen. Now Kabir spoke very thick accent in His language and those who grew up in the area of where Kabir was supposed to grow up, the boy was fortunate to go back and visit that area in India and that very area and he tried to investigate and they knew of the Saint Kabir where He lived and they told him from the language and from the people in that area, they all spoke with the same type of accent. So God is not only light, He is Sound but this is the sound that became flesh because they said the Word became flesh and dwelt in Man, this audible life current is in Man. We have to make the attempt to get it. Ok? (Applause) 1:37 (inaudible) … for attending and my generous host and his wife for having us here and all the friends. Also we’re looking forward to a few days we are here and that we’re having an initiation and if the Lord willing you may show up. Thank you.

1972 May 8 Part 1 - The Initiate Life

Adano72_05_08_1TheInitiateLifeQ1RR - (Group chanting). “It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes world go around. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes world go around. It’s bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go around. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go around. It’s friends, friends, friends, friends, friends. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go around. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go around. It’s God, God, God, God, God. It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the around. It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the around. It’s love, love, love, love, love. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, joy, joy, joy, joy. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.” “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear (inaudible). Happy birthday to you.” “It couldn’t be a happier one, unless he told me he noticed my new hairdo.” Adano: I deserved that one. You husbands to be and all you who are husbands already make sure you notice your wife’s hairdo. (Laughter). Thank you. Audience: Did you hear about John’s heart? Audience: No I’m waiting for you to tell it. Audience: The doctors came in around four o’clock at the hospital and his heart already started pacing by itself so it is beating beautifully. Adano: Thank You Lord. Audience: Have you told them what that chant means? Adano: Well the chant is “Listen listen to my heart song” you see. “I’ll never forget you, I’ll never forsake you” but it’s not you telling God to listen to your heart song and that you wouldn’t forget Him or forsake Him, it’s God telling you to listen to His heart song and that He doesn’t forget you or forsake you. So once you’re listening to your own heartbeat, you’re listening to God talking through you so when you chant it even as a healing therapy for people with heart problems, you are putting your heart beat in synchronization with the Divine Beat and then you link in to the person who is having a heart problem, before you know it their heart will start synchronizing through the Christ consciousness. Every one of us is linked to the Christ consciousness inside but we have to recognize it so it’s easy for us to link into the God-self by chanting or by identifying and as long as you recognize that the sacred heart of Christ is in harmony already and that is the heart song that is passing to you and that you don’t forget it, then you in turn can feel out for those whose heartbeat is off and you can pull them back in by magnetic love. So let us chant “Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee.” (repeated 4 times). When you center the mind on the heart, you can hear if you listen you’ll actually hear the bells tolling from within, that is the sound that is made by the heart chakra within yourself, the tolling of the bells and by feeling your consciousness of the heart and listening, God is not forsaking you or forgetting you but making you conscious of His existence by the inner ringing of the bells within yourself, if you hear the bells, you are locked into the heart song. (Short meditation). 0:10 “So do Thou my Lord, so do Thou my Lord. Thou and I never apart, Thou and I never apart. Wave of the sea, dissolve in the sea. Wave of the sea, dissolve in the sea. I am the bubble make, make me the sea. I am the bubble make, make me the sea. Make me make the sea, O make me the sea. Make me make the sea, O make me the sea. I am the bubble make, make me the sea. I am the bubble make, make me the sea.” (Chanted 2 times). Adano: Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, beloved Jesus, the Masters, Saints and Sages of all religions be Thou present at this meditation and Bardo. Our initiate friend Margaret Barker, we send her our love and all those who have any loved ones that they want to be remembered can repeat the name aloud. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Beloved Masters these names are called of all these loved ones by those who are associated with them and draw them within the circle of light and the Angelic Hosts be thou present and take them on to their highest expression, opening their consciousness to the inner light, the inner experiences of the Soul. As they pass through the first Bardo shedding all attachments to the Earth plane, all attachments to the five senses, we send them our love for their highest good. Now as they pass through the second plane of consciousness, we send them our joy, our peace relieving them of all distress, emotional anxiety, all their commitments, giving them the strength to go on to higher realizations. As they go on to the third Bardo, freeing them from the fear of the after death states, passing through the phases of first light, moving on through the Sound Current. Beloved Masters and Angelic Hosts, your grace and blessings pour down upon them and sponsor them into a higher reincarnation or level of understanding. Moving on to the fourth Bardo freeing them from all association with the air, the breath, freeing them from the repercussions of the use of the breath and the various alterations of consciousness by breath. May they remember to follow the path to the Holy Breath. Moving on to the fifth Bardo freeing them from the ether, opening up their consciousness that they may be drawn back into the homes of initiates who will tell them of the initiate life giving them a head start on the road to realization. Beloved Masters we thank You, pouring your blessings upon those Souls and taking them on through the light, not through the Sound Current, to the Divine Creative Source and then to their own respective incarnations or levels of Being and through the love of the loved ones here radiating out to them may they go on gloriously without being drawn back by anguish, remorse, attachment, and fear and we who are behind sending our love may unite in consciousness and the peace of the spirit. 0:20 (Group chanting). “Om, Om, Om, Om, Om.” (Short meditation). Adano: The Holy Spirit, Divine Comforter flowing around us now, permeating each one, the Divine Strength and the Light. Enjoy. (Long meditation). 0:41 Partially open the eyes. Completely open the eyes. Thank you. Tonight we are discussing what is the initiate life for the benefit of those who do not know what it is and what it leads to, how it leads towards initiation. The initiate life is the household of life, it’s the journey between the husband and the wife back towards realization and it involves five basic disciplines. The fifth one is not really a discipline, it’s a way of life but the first four are the actual disciplines of the initiate life. The first discipline has to do with what we eat, many of us often ask why is the food so important in the initiate life, why do we make such a big issue over it? There are many valid reasons behind it: physical, mental, and spiritual. One, we’re not trying to get out of nature, we’re trying to live in tune with nature and nature already has food set up for Man’s existence according to the structure of food and its properties. A complete diet must have protein, carbohydrate, fat, water and you must eat at least three times a day. The initiate is not trying to get on a marathon right away, he’s going about a scientific process towards realization and nutrition is based on a solar principle therefore this way of eating is called Solar Nutrition. The Earth we live on revolves and draws its strength and vitality from the rays of the sun and therefore certain types of food are affected by those rays, our physical bodies also. We secrete certain chemicals at certain times of the day to handle the basic composition of food which is protein, fat, carbohydrate, water. So dawn, which is the first meal, the human body is supposed to have protein and we have it in the form of nuts growing high off the trees where the indirect rays of the sun are hitting it and the fruits on the trees also we have the liquid in the fruit and the fat in the nut or oil. Our bodies will utilize that easily because nature would secrete those type of elements in the intestinal tract to handle it. Now towards the middle of the day when the rays of the sun are directly overhead, nature has provided food in a large abundance especially when we are active, flooding our intestinal tract with tremendous amount of chemicals to be active then. Those food that grow on the surface of the earth, not on the trees now but on the surface of the earth and there you have a complete composition again of protein, fat, carbohydrate, water. You have your protein now in the form of your beans, you have your fat also in your different seeds, you have your water in the juices, the carbohydrate is also there, you have a larger selection of food in the middle of the day. Now at night nature did not intend us to eat too much because it was designed for us to align ourselves with the Divine Consciousness in meditation and even then nature has provided us a complete diet of protein, fat, water, carbohydrate. We have the protein in the form of the peanut, potato, we have the carbohydrate and the vegetables that grow under the ground and their juices as water and if you’ll study all the three phases of where food grow: high on the trees, above the surface of the ground, and under the earth you have protein, fat, carbohydrate, water. Now if you’re interested in color scheme you couldn’t be better supplied with a color scheme in each ratio or level or time of the day. The colors are marvelous when you look at them and you put them on a plate to see how palatable, how enticing it is to the appetite. Your baked potatoes, your sweet ordinary potato which is your sweet potato and ordinary white potato, one is orange looking, one is white. You have carrots, beautiful color, your beets red vitality, your artichokes, your peanut, your radishes, your onions, the color scheme is so marvelous and the various ways of preparation. Above the ground you have all the various greens, corn is yellow, okra is green, your peppers are green bell pepper, your cauliflowers, your broccoli then you have tomato but tomato is a part fruit part vegetable and then in the afternoon you also have fruits that grow on the ground like your melons, your strawberries and berries, you even have your olives, you have all the various colored beans, it’s a marvelous display of colors. 0:50 In the morning you have all the fruits that grow high in the trees and there are various colors and the nuts. So in color scheme alone by their vibratory rate and their particular combinations we have one of the most unique system laid out by nature to eat. Now if you have to eat the meat then in the middle of the day you have your four-legged creatures and your two-legged ones and at night you have those that live under the water that have no legs and the one that live inside the bird which is an egg so you still have protein if you think that meat gives you protein or egg give you protein, you got more protein than you want now. Yet these creatures must eat plant life to get protein and they have to transform it in their system to get amino acids yet amino acids are found in all three times of the day, in all three types of food, when you combine them all in 24 hours you’ve got your amino acid. And every fruit has mineral or has vitamins so you have it there and vegetables have minerals, vitamins so each portion of the day you’re having minerals and vitamins also. Now this is the basic of the diet, what is it leading us to? It is leading us not to the fact that we don’t eat meat or we don’t want to eat meat because the animal dies in pain, the animal does die in pain and secretes certain toxins to the system or because animal meat is not digested but decomposes in the intestinal tract by intestinal heat, if we were digesting meat products, we would be already digesting our intestinal tract. It decomposes by the intestinal heat, hydrochloric acid, and goes through decomposition and finally passes out of us but that is not the main reason why we don’t eat the meat. The main reason why we don’t eat the meat is that it takes a long time to get those tendencies of the animal kingdom out from our system, the electrical body of the animal which carries the tendencies, the potencies, the patterns of behavior that imposes the cell itself upon our electrical body. We say Peter was told by the Lord to eat everything that He made because there was nothing unclean, I say Peter was tricked by the Lord of Creation or Karma, not the true Lord of the Universe but that Lord that governs the animal kingdom that put Peter to the test between his electrical body and the electrical bodies of the animals. When the electrical body of the animal dominates the electrical body of the human being Man still has animal tendencies and we see after he did pursue eating that type of food, he did something that illustrated the animal tendency was predominant. There was a community being built by the early initiates and while gathering funds a man and his wife put some funds into the basket and Peter knew that these were wealthy people and made a remark that they should be dead and the two people dropped down and died. His power was abused, he released the energy too fast causing the death of the two people and then he had remorse, the animal tendency was too strong, he had succumbed to it. Another instance is when he saw Paul teaching and he became envious of Paul, the beast in him was stronger than the man in him because of the tendencies incorporated electrically into his body by the nutrition. He came out of the room and a blind man said to him “Heal me” and he walked away pay no attention to the blind man but when he was sufficiently penitent in consciousness and started to realize what is happening to him then he walked back and passing the man his shadow fell upon the man and the man was healed. We have some unique instances like this in many of the various teachings of the East where the animal tendency predominates or try to predominate in the human life. We often see pictures where Yogis are meditating on animal skins and if they are so loving why should they meditate on an animal’s skin, let alone a tiger but if you inquire you’ll find out it’s not any ordinary tiger they’re meditating on. It is a tiger yes but a tiger that has destroyed a human life, they seek out that tiger by mutual consent of the community to perform what is called justice. He’s hunted down like an ordinary criminal and he’s killed like an ordinary criminal like capital punishment then his hide is then taken, dried, and given to some spiritual person to meditate on to set the balance of the electrical forces between the animal kingdom and the human kingdom. There should be no time when the animal tendencies dominate human tendencies, if we allow that then we will have like in the ancient days when the Lord looked down and saw the people were becoming worse than the beast in the field after living off the beast in the field and therefore decided to destroy them by drowning them all out. It’s interesting that what is involved in the animal not because the animal is designed to suffer pain we should not eat it nor because the animal does not decompose or digest, it decomposes in fact, it does not digest in the intestinal tract. These two things are enough but the most important thing is the animal tendencies, the electrical potencies that tend to dominate our electrical body. Another thing is you may not remove all the animal tendencies out of your system in one incarnation and you may have to come back and work it out in many incarnations because it takes a long time to work out the animal tendencies electrically, the physical body may pass it out in the form of residue but the electrical body retains it. If those are in doubt that this is not possible, there’s enough evidence in research and working in processing or recycling an individual. If an individual hurts an animal and the memory of the hurt is there or the animal has hurt the individual by cycling the consciousness, we can see all the agony that is retained in the subconscious part of the human being and it will take a long time to get that out of the system. Not too long ago I was working with somebody and recycling them who had taken an ewe, you know what an ewe is? A lamb, by the neck and dragged it up on a truck, the lamb run for its life fearing death, this individual held on and held on as long as he could and the ewe kept pulling, pulling, and tugging hoping that he would escape and eventually he flipped the man but it did not throw the man completely loosely from him but he flipped the man over enough to injure the man but the man held on just the same and put the ewe in the truck and took it to the farm. 1:00 Later on that man had tremendous aches and pains but then the pain subsided, a few years after the man would complain with an ache in his shoulder and inquiring into him I found out that this pain only occurred when he was wrestling with a ewe. We tried to cycle it out of him, it went out to some degree but there was a small ache there. As we started to work on him, it turned out to be that the pain suffered by the lamb was persisting now, not the man’s pain. The dignity of the lamb was dominating the electrical mechanism of the man and as long as the man did not resolve this condition with the dignity of the lamb, the lamb’s dignity dominated and maintained the pain in the man’s body. Until that was restored and the lamb knew from an electrical relationship that there was nothing to fear from the man, the pain stopped. Now this was fortunate for the man that he could re-experience and work out the tendencies in his body on a conscious level, let us think for one moment when the lamb is dead and the man is dead and never worked it out then we understand what the Lord meant, “Vengeance is mind sayeth the Lord,’ it goes into every form of life, we are affected in a strange way. There are many instances of this relationship with the animal kingdom trying to dominate the human kingdom electrically so we are not trying to tell you to quit eating the animal product immediately but getting into the spiritual life you have to understand where you’re going, why you’re going that way, and what is involved. We are all going back to the Creative Source, light, to live off of pure energy eventually, “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out in the mouth of God,” cosmic energy but he can’t get back there right away, he has to go back gradually through a process of elimination and in the elimination of the products of the animal kingdom, bird kingdom, marine life, and the egg process he must go back gradually because he is the product of a gradual growth, he’s a product of a genetic process too. So he must diminish quantity first, the gradual quantity must be diminished slowly so if you’re accustomed to your 15 pounds of beef a week, you can diminish that quantity slowly or 10 pounds of fish, 14 pounds of chicken, don’t we all eat that much a week, seven days a week, three hamburgers a day plus a chicken at night and plus the egg for breakfast (audience laughing), shrimp cocktail? All these things pile up at the end of the week and you look at it seven days is a lot of… We must diminish quantity first before type, the quantity we diminish versus the four-legged ones, we start with the four-legged ones so some people used to eat horse meat you know, yeah it’s during the war time they ate horse but it’s diminishing the quantity and then the type. Remember Man has fallen from a high state to where he actually ate man too you know, Man hasn’t gone that far that he cannot say he did not eat man at one time. We have come up a tremendous process in time and these are all karmic obligations to which we are confronted with and many of the diseases that come back from karma into our present life hinges on the four disciplines. So we have to watch the quantity first then the type and the worst when you first get rid in the four-legged one is that pig, you always try to get rid of him first. You see he was the only creature designed by Noah to take care of the feces in the ark because Noah had a problem, he didn’t know what to do when he had a pair of everything, what’s he going to do with the excrement? So he designed the pig, he was a wise man and a pig is an unusual looking creature, he had to provide some way to clean it up therefore it was called swine, scavenger, it was not allowed to be used even before or after the ark. So the swine is the first one we try to eliminate from our system not because of trichinosis which is a particular worm that lives in the swine and my wife can tell you most of us who’ve eaten meat have some type of worm or parasite in our bodies. It takes a long time to get them out but those are the first ones you want to get rid of, the swine then four legged ones like the cow or the rabbit and then the two legged ones, quantity first and type. Gradually going back to where you’re going now from meat form to plant form, the solid plant will eventually diminish now into pulp form then it will diminish down into liquid form then it will diminish down into mineral form. We are partially doing that now by eating the bulk vegetable raw then pulverizing it into puree then reducing it into a liquid form like juice and then we are dehydrating it down into mineral form like tablets so like the other day they said this movie actor is living on over 500 tablets a day? So Man is getting gradually towards this condition but more and more as he diminishes, he will learn to go back naturally until he will learn to live directly on the solar energy but he can’t rush it, it takes time, he must realize where he’s going and why he’s going there because this is his natural evolution. All right the second discipline is alcohol, the initiate does not use the alcohol because the alcohol has a tendency to throw off the gyroscopic action of the brain and you need you need that gyroscopic action when you go into intense meditation, you need that balance inside to stick with the sound current and the light less the various actions and tendencies of the mechanism tend to throw you off and you get scared inside and God is not going to come so easy to you know, He’s going to give you all the symptoms of illness because Cosmic Consciousness is involved with these symptoms, the only difference between the sick man and the spiritual man is that he’s passed through all these symptoms but he retains a rationality of behavior and he has the health in the end otherwise you would be on the other side of the scale, he would have all types of symptoms of illness but the alcohol primarily is to prevent you from throwing off the gyroscopic of the brain that’s the reason why we don’t use it. Now the bliss that you may get from the bottle is not the bliss you’ll get from from meditation, you know they all say spirit and Man is looking for the bottle bliss, this is not what we’re trying to accomplish, we’re trying to get bliss from within our own mechanism. 1:10 Now the third discipline is the drugs and I don’t mean it in terms of medicine for the body if you have a cut where you’re going to some medical person to give you the drugs, I do not mean that. It’s to use drugs orally or some form to hallucinate in order to get what we call psychic experiences because no drug will give you God realization, number one, and what you’re doing to the body is sometimes not repairable even in one incarnation, you may have to relive a lifetime to correct it, when you hotrod the brain and throw it off. Now the brain once it’s hot rodded by the drug fractures the auric web, the actual sheet that protects you against entities and you can become very mediumistic and very susceptible to obsession and the lower entities will try to latch on to you from the leaking ectoplasm out of your body therefore many people tend to be very irritable, restless after the drug act has taken over. Also the face loses its luster, there is very little glow there, it seems like a sort of a waxy looking expression, very glum, you can always see their movements and their desire to sleep all day and their desire to avoid action so we know that it is not doing them any good. Also it is the danger of being vulnerable to the entities around us that are refusing to return into a physical body by logical law to work out their unfulfilled desires therefore they would latch on to the human being and use his body plasma, his body force field to talk through or indicate to him what is going on on the other side too. So when we become susceptible to them and we are serving or using them to guide us, in turn when we pass on we will have to serve them now. This is the condemnation of Samuel to Saul and the witch of Endor because no realized Master will come through a medium or any mediumistic practice to indicate to the student this is the way to God. The way to God is not through that, the way to God is through realization and the opening up of your own inner forces yourself through meditation and prayer. The fourth discipline is a normal married life with your husband or wife and the understanding of the laws involved in that moral life. When the act is performed without consent by violence, the aura is black and even the law will go to the extent to grant abortion lest the child turn out to be an invalid or distorted in some shape or form because these forces that are so strong within us can set up tremendous reactions in the system under violence. When is performed without consent of the parent by revolt, the order is gray/green and there again the child can either be deformed or alienated in many ways and go through many different type of temperamental attitudes and feel itself estranged from the parent, sometimes there can be invalids too. When the act is performed with consent and with your loved one, the aura is pink because there is no guilt, no fear, and this is a natural law and realized Masters do not born in the homes of non-initiates because they themselves are initiates and since they are initiates they tow the initiate life, they follow the initiate life, they live the initiate life so they have to be born in a home of initiates. In the life of Mary and Joseph they were initiates and only in initiate life you will find immaculate conception a possibility because there are four ways to be born. One, you’re born having no memory of your past life by decree of the Lord of Karma that you should not know your past life. Two, born having knowledge of your past life decree of Divine Light, you have earned that. Three, immaculate conception or extrasensory insemination, this is possible by the initiate life or four, a direct materialization, Man was that when he was created, a direct materialization of the Cosmic Will. So we have fallen down to where we are being born without memory of past life, we are now barely returning or retracing our steps to being born with some memory of past lives. So the fourth life or discipline, the fourth principle or discipline is a normal happy life with your loved one, not always possible at times you know, I know it’s difficult. The fifth discipline is that you must meditate a minimum of two and a half hours a day which is one tenth portion of 24 hours and that is the origin of tithing. Tithing is not necessarily what you give out of your pocket though we should give charity but the truth tithing or the basis of it is based on meditative life. A Book of Psalms in your very first verse it tells you there, psalm number one, “A man should meditate day and night on the right law of the Lord” and therefore when you meditate day and night that’s two and a half hours, an hour in the morning, an hour at night, and a half an hour in the middle of the day and that’s one tenth portion of 24 hours because we owe the Creative Forcefield our existence because we cannot exist without the next breath and if we don’t take it, they’ll either cremate us or bury us so in 24 hours if you using breath as a means of survival in terms of pursuing your unfinished desires and without having any consideration for the source of that power, then you are in a sense holding back your spiritual unfoldment but one tenth portion of the day given to that according to the great Master Babaji, He said “A little of this meditation will free you of the after death states and their effects.” 1:20 The after-death states have the tremendous impact upon us, many of us do not know the journey beyond the grave because the Lords of Karma don’t want us to know what goes on behind the veil curtain of birth and death. There is really no death but there’s a birth into another reality just as there was a birth into this reality. If we were to know what was going to happen to us in this side of life when we came in, we would never come in and if we’re going to know what is going to happen to us on the other side because we didn’t fulfill what we’re supposed to fulfill, we wouldn’t want to go out (laughter) but that’s because the laws of karma are designated that particular responsibility to block us so that we go from birth to birth, level to level, in a state of lamb-like attitudes but a realized person must do like Paul, “live and die daily,” he must have the experience of the divine spirituality in himself, he must experience this conscious death going in and out of the mechanism and understanding the reality behind it and gaining the freedom. So life control is that particular method that the initiate employs in order to realize God so that disciplines are very simple, they are not imposed upon us by any dictatorial principle, it’s simply that it’s the natural law of creation for us to live an ethical life. Now after hearing all this, you don’t want to be initiated believe me you’re better off not to get initiated (Adano laughing) because after initiated you say you wish you never met this guy because all the problems start to begin to happen then, you see? I don’t promise you that God’s gonna make it easy after initiation because He doesn’t make it easier, the more it gets difficult and the more people dislike you after initiation, the quicker you get into God because God alone, nobody else, you and God, it’s going to be a hard struggle but this is what happens at times. That doesn’t say you will not have your friends back but you first got to find yourself in the journey then all the people come back but when you start out you may find that many of your friends suddenly start to dislike you, many of them suddenly gravitating to you, either way it’s a difficult process and it’s not intended to make it happy because “greater the obstacles, greater the person” and a spiritual life is such a process demanding tremendous tests and trials all the way. We’re gonna be tested, in fact before initiation you were not really tested, if you think you were tested before initiation you only kidding yourself, we haven’t been tested yet, it’s after initiation you begin to find out how you’re tested, why? Because all those unfinished karma that is supposed to come due in several incarnations suddenly start to come due now, you see? If you’re going towards God, you got to pay your bills. Audience: (Laughing). You didn’t tell us. Now he tells us. Adano: The thing is this, because you hear of it now you want to go back. Audience: (Inaudible then laughter). Adano: Good, that’s why I changed the marriage vows in the marriage ceremony for the initiate. Years ago I used to hear “for better and for worse” and because we are programmed at this ceremony and for sure it turns out for worse so I change it now “for worse and for better” so in the initial stages of your life you’re going to get all the worse and then it starts getting better because if you anticipate the better, the better will come, if you are anticipating the worse, the worst comes. So equally true in the spiritual path the initiate life “the best is always coming, more and more,” that’s why they say God is unanticipatory joy. You cannot begin to anticipate the next level of joy as (inaudible) evolved in it, the joy gets greater, the experiences get more profound otherwise we’ll get bored if we can anticipate God’s joy or God’s gifts see? So spiritual life is designed in such a way to trim off the excess behavior patterns that hold us back. Now it may be called by the young people “the straight life,” it’s kind of a straight/square life well it’s not a straight/square life because to find a true human being who can live these laws is pretty difficult to find, there aren’t too many, they’re like thumbs on the hand, you see how close your thumb is to the four fingers? Misery love company, the four fingers, the further you’re away from misery, you’re closer to God like a thumb. Those who don’t like you push you away but the four fingers can’t work, you look at them, absolutely weak. You take that thumb and put it there and apply a little pressure and you got strength, it takes spiritual life of some type of dedication to bring strength into your life otherwise it’s just like those four fingers, they’re very weak. Those four disciplines that we can describe aren’t as powerful until you put in the two and a half hours of meditation, they wouldn’t be powerful for you if you don’t put in the meditation, the meditation makes those four principles live or vibrate as a power in the human life, the initiate finds that he must meditate. Now there are two ways to meditate, by yourself and in a group, some of us may feel that we don’t want to meditate by ourselves and seek out the group, others don’t want to meditate in the group and do it by themselves but it’s like the two hands on the body or like the two wings on a bird, they can’t fly by themselves, the bird can’t fly with one wing, real realized people meditate by themselves first and they meditate in group because that’s what brings the balance. True Masters live with the group but first live with themselves, they first had to acquire some realization by themselves and then live with others to pass it on, raise the vibration so we can help each other to raise the level of our consciousness in a group meditation and it’s very important to have the group meditation because group meditation sets the tone and the attitude for your inner life. 1:30 Because if the atmosphere and the idea of realizing that God and the presence of God and all the Holy Ones are around you in the atmosphere and acting as a group, you intensify that atmosphere and by intensifying the atmosphere with the presence of God and the Holy Ones, you can just walk in and just sit down in that room and in a split second you will be in that state of awareness because His strength is pulling, you are pulling in more strength more and more, that consciousness is pulling you up more and more. If everybody in the room meditates and they are pulling up on that same ideal, that whole room is impregnated now with the presence and when you step into it you start pulling it. It’s not how long or how deep you meditate, see many of us can meditate for long hours and not getting very deep and many of us can meditate very short and get very deep, you’ll discover this at times in your meditation there are times you can go very long hours not getting deep, you go a short time and get very deep and there are times you can go short and never get deep and you have to go long to get deep so this is going to vary because we live in what is called biorhythms of the body and environmental rhythms. These biorhythms of the body and the environmental rhythms take their toll upon us and there is where the Masters come in now with the idea that we can block out the environmental pressures through the use of certain equipment on the body which we call astrological bracelets to shut that off and therefore allow us to meditate with more ease, more freedom, it’s like fitting a house with an electrical rod to shunt off the magnetic waves. As we get deeper into the meditation, more and more you begin to realize that the meditation is centered upon returning back to the God-hood in you, returning back to that God-self within yourself. Now many of us come to meditation and we are very troubled, very aggravated and if we maintain the attitude of anger/tension then the meditation is not going to do anything and if we over talk then we create too much tension in the atmosphere. The meditation should always be one of silence, one of inner communion and getting together should always be in that attitude that you come and try to get into that mood, try to feel that vibration in the room, and try to go into it and as initiates this is the primary purpose of getting together once a week or whatever you want to do, to have that bond or communion of the Spirit because an initiate is linked up automatically to all initiates by the same Master Current, no matter where he is is linked up like the heart. The sacred heart of Jesus or the Christ consciousness passes through us to everyone and if we link into the heart, we are locked into all the force fields. That’s why Jesus said, “When two or three are gathered in My Name there am I in the midst,” this is group meditation and when you retreat into your innermost chamber that is individual meditation. So if you have any questions pertaining to what initiation or what it entails, this is what it is, it entails these four basic disciplines and the fifth being to meditate two and a half hours a day. Now if the Lord wants you to come tomorrow, come hail or storm or rain or wind if you’re gonna be here, you’re gonna be here, if you ain’t gonna be here you ain’t gonna be here but if you do come bring an apple with you. Any questions? Yes? Adano: How does fasting help meditation? Adano: Fasting helps meditation by giving the body a chance to rest and it is not the fast of abstaining from food that helps the meditation, it is the concept of fast to abstain that helps meditation. Now if you fast from food it is physical health, if you fast from talking that releases pressure in your throat, if you fast from looking that releases pressure from the eyes, if you fast from listening that releases vibratory oscillation in the brain. Now, but if you can fast from thinking that is that you don’t have verbal games in your brain then you have now the result of good meditation. You see it’s not the food, it is what the word fast implies, that we must bring these things into abeyance or in check so we must look at the word fast in terms as a process now of elimination from the five senses and their implications and their applications or uses. The mouth is used to eat so if we shut down there for one 24 hour period and the eyes are used to see, we shut down that for 24 hour period, the ears are used to hear we shut down that for 24 hours, and the touch we shut it down for 24 hours, the brain is used for thinking and you know your brain can think a million different things. Now try this for fasting tonight when you go home, don’t think of monkeys. Audience: (Laughter). Now we’re going to think about monkeys. Adano: You see you don’t fast and if you fast on monkeys that means you don’t think of monkeys you see. There was a man who developed an instrument it was called the Winchester, it was a gun, and if you ever heard the history of how this gun was developed it was developed by a man in prison. He wanted to get out so badly that all he could think of was a gun and all night he had nightmares of all types of guns, he could see them coming into his mind, the more he stopped thinking of it, the more the guns came into his mind and he kept on thinking so what could he do? Eventually the whole mechanics of the gun came to his mind and he did make it from this particular mental process. If you tell yourself you don’t want to do something which is a fast, “I don’t want to eat today,” you know what gonna happen? Audience: You’ll be at the refrigerator all day. Adano: You tell yourself you don’t want to think of certain things… now how you trick yourself back, tell yourself you want to fast? Tell yourself I don’t want to fast. See if you tell yourself you don’t want to fast before you know it you don’t feel to eat so people who say they want to lose weight, they’re not losing weight, tell themselves they want to gain weight, they want to gain weight, they hardly want to eat. 1:40 It’s a peculiar thing tell the man not eat the fruit in the Garden of Eden, what do he do? Audience: He ate it. Adano: He ate it, peculiar psychology but it works, as long as you don’t want to do something you’ll be doing it, strange but that’s how it works. Audience: That’s what I want to ask you about the other what day when you mentioned that same thing, why do we have this perverseness in us, it’s just it’s automatic (inaudible), where does it come from? Adano: That’s lesson number one in the spiritual path, it’s called eating your words back. You see when you become an initiate that is the first thing you begin to observe, it’s called eating your words back and sometimes the verbs and the adjectives stick pretty difficult in the throat there you know, you say something “I don’t want” and boom it comes back. Audience: Adano, after I left Texas I began eating eggs everyday and a month and a half, I have to say that eggs have no taste anymore, they taste like water so I concluded to give them up. Adano: Well good for you. Audience: Adano, (inaudible), do they judge you by degrees or just black and white because the emotional setup of a person because just like last night I rode home in a car with four people who aren’t initiates, they asked me what initiation was and I had confronted this woman before so I knew if I told her it was a gift of God, she would get mad. If I told her I’m not going to tell you what it is, she’ll get mad so then I get hostile when people have jumped me so much about it and they keep jumping you know and I was so tense that I can’t even meditate now so I don’t even know what to do about the situation. (Inaudible) but what I mean is well how do they judge you, by your strengths or how much you’re fighting, you’re surviving. Adano: You’re lucky because you got all these trials. Audience: (Laughter). Adano: Without the trials how would you be in a corner to keep your mouth shut? Audience: Huh? Adano: How would you get into a corner to keep your mouth shut? Well this is why I say you’re lucky because this is the first time your mouth will get a chance to fast Audience: (Laughter). Adano: You just give the answer, you don’t want to waste the breath because it’s precious to you. God will show you by putting all these trials in front of you, you’re going to learn now to respect the breath, you’re going to respect it for the first time and you’re going to conserve your energies. Audience: It’s really hard. (Inaudible). And even the office, I’ve been waiting since Christmas to see Adano again and we never work (inaudible) and we have to work tonight. Adano: Good, so you see how lucky you are? Audience: (Inaudible) I really need that strength. (Laughter). Audience: Don’t worry about Wednesday night, Adano won’t be here. He’ll be back Thursday. Adano: Well I didn’t know my schedule suddenly changed. Audience: Well now we know why you got married. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well you have someone you want to mention? Audience: Well I mentioned my son, that’s who I’m worried about (inaudible). Audience: (Laughter). Adano: Well that’s not to worry about. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Saint Paul said something like that too, “we’re dead in the Spirit until we’re born” so he is dead in spirit now, he’s born now. Audience: Adano in the second discipline you mentioned, what part can wine play if any? Adano: There was a man who was a minister and he was forced to drink all the remains of the cup after the people came to church so he got pretty peeved because he wanted to obey the discipline and then he was told “don’t worry.” Now the next day there were more people appearing to take communion there was nothing left in the cup for him to drink so if you’re worrying about the alcohol coming, it’s always going to find a way that it’s gonna be relieved from it. Now if you’re drinking it then start to slowly get it out of the system but don’t drop it all up, take your time and go off of it. Audience: Well the reason I asked the question is because wine does play a part in much of the ritual of the biblical era and even today in religious ceremonies. Adano: Well in the early days they used what we called “new wine” which is grape juice, fermented wine was called “old wine.” The word wine always referred to the juice of the grape you see and the new wine was considered the juice that was just pressed from the grape and the old one was considered the aged juice that’s why it says “don’t put old wine into new wine skins,” they didn’t say “don’t put new wine into old wine skins.” See the wine was always aged if you call it old wine but new wine was supposed to be the juice itself and that wasn’t fermented, see the fermented one was aged a long time to bring it to that state. Now if you are attuning yourself inside and you are using the wine, I’d say go off of it gradually because it’s the alcoholic content in the wine that we’re concerned about. Now my wife will tell you some strange incidences with alcohol with the initiate and I’ll let her tell you some experiments or experiences with it. 1:50 Audience: Well the initiation has to do with learning how to control breath a certain technique of breathing which in turn helps one to control the electromagnetic forces in the body in order to produce certain effects. (Inaudible). He will be speaking Wednesday night Richmond Virginia at the War Memorial auditorium there to quite a few people, we’re most anxious to hear him in Richmond Virginia. Adano: I’ll be leaving there in the morning so it takes about two and a half hours to get there. Audience: (General conversation).

1972 May 8 Part 2 - The Initiate Life

Adano72_05_08_2TheInitiateLifeQ1RR - Audience: Metho-psychosis (inaudible). Adano: That is a transferring from one state to another, it takes a great deal of pain inflicted upon another human being to create this condition in this being to go from one state to another. Audience: You mean from a state of being a man into an animal? Adano: That takes a long, long time. Man is a creation, he’s not supposed to go back into the animal kingdom but the only way he can go back into that he would have to do tremendous sufferings or inflict tremendous sufferings in another human being before that can happen. Audience: That’s because there is no Soul lost, it has a chance again is that it? Adano: Yes. Audience: Now you mentioned something I think I heard it from you but Yogananda who took this man into the forest and met this old lion, was it you who was saying? Adano: No, not Yogananda, it was a living Master and He took His secretary with Him into this into the forest and when He came to a little lane, He got out of the car and then all of a sudden an old lion came towards Him and started growling then He said to the lion “Had enough of killing?” The lion growl back, He says now go on and to your next incarnation and the lion walked and keeled over and died. Audience: What does that mean? Adano: He raised the evolution of the lion by His grace into the next body form but he doesn’t come into civilized life, that entity will be born in the most primitive form of human life because he has to survive on that level first gradually going through his evolution so he would be born with the animal tendencies in him very strong and he will be born very close to nature in a very primitive society, see? So remember primitive Man has children too so how is he going to have children if they don’t have these entity forces moving into them. You take the Jivaro Indian and the head hunters and the cannibal type people, they still have children but their children have to come in from those particular levels. Now you don’t go back to that level unless you’ve inflicted tremendous injuries and sufferings on another human being and that’ll take many many many lives to do that, eons of lives to do that, to go back let alone transfer from one level to the next, that’s very very rare you see. Audience: Adano, he said once you reach the human evolution, there’s no transmigration back? Adano: You can only go back if you impose agony or pain consistently on another human being, there is no way to go back except by that method. In other words if any every incarnation you decide to be a cruel individual seven days a week, 365 days a year, 81 years you keep killing, you’ll keep going back yes into different shapes, you’ll be born invalid without your eyes may be born invalid without your arms, you may be born invalid without your feet but if you keep it up, still as aggravating as you can be and with your invalid state still trying to do that, imposing agonies on others, it will still take you a long time because the Creative Intelligence will still give you an opportunity in a human body form even if you’re born armless or feetless just like a little egg and your anxiety to hurt is there, it will still have that opportunity but it’ll take you a long time before you ever go back into the animal form. You just don’t go back into animal form that easy, you can come up from animal forms into human forms but you cannot go back that easy. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, this is a transgression, it’s a transgression of a natural law “Thou shalt not hurt or kill,” it’s a transgression of the law of life and once you transgress it, you’re given many many lives, many many opportunities because the Lord says “Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord.” When you have worked out all the possibilities of being human by hurting human and continue to hurt human then you deserve the possibility of finding out what it is to be animal, you would not have that opportunity to be animal until you destroyed all the possibilities of being human, you can’t go back that easily, you can come forward from the animal kingdom into human kingdom but to go backwards this means you have to exert tremendous violence all the time to warrant it. The human being has discrimination, he has certain force fields locked up in him once he becomes a human being, no matter how primitive he is, no matter what primitive form you find him, an Eskimo or a Hottentot in the woods, he is still a human being, he’s got certain qualities implanted in him but if he lives very close to those primitive lives, he still has to suffer a great deal before he ever can go back into the animal kingdom. Even a primitive Man has children born with tremendous deformity that a mother will love and a Father will have to love so love is still permeating primitive Man, though their lifespan can be short but still they are forced to generate this love you see? Now their taboos and traditions are what make the possibility of the survival of that child, now if you were born in South America like I was, they take you the moment you born and throw you in the river and if you float, good and fine if you don’t to heck with you. That’s just how they live because they feel you couldn’t survive in this world, you see it depended on if you survive by floating, if you didn’t float, you’re not going to make it, the life is too rough for the survival. Audience: Adano, several years ago I was in an automobile accident and I suffered from several cracked version along my back and it’s supposed healed now and sometimes the pain comes back and I’ve come and listened to you other times before in Charleston South Carolina and always when I come and hear you speak my back really hurts me, there’s this pain. I wondered why that is? 0:10 (Adano and the audience laughing). Well how did you get into the accident? Audience: I was in a band and we were going to play a job out of town, it was raining and we slid off the highway. Adano: All right, the important thing is what happened when the accident occurred, how was your thoughts to your car? Audience: Well when we first hit the tree, everybody else seemed to be a lot worse off than I was, I wasn’t aware of any pain or anything and I tried to get everybody out of the car then afterwards I found out I was the one. Adano: But did you swear or curse at the car or swear when you got into the accident, did you let out any hostility? Audience: Well, I was saying the Lord’s Prayer when I was skidding. Adano: But you didn’t forgive the car. Did you swear at the car? Audience: I didn’t even forgive the driver. Adano: It has to do with the inability to forget biologically, you are remembering it biologically therefore it’s paining you. You need to be recycled out of it. Audience: When I was initiated by you in Charleston is when it hurt the worst. (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, see the vital life current is moving through the spine at that spot to go up and since it’s in a state of shock, it’s reacting back, we can cycle it out if you want, do you want to sit in a chair? Audience: I have a question, (inaudible) if their husband or wife does not go along with your beliefs, is there any difference here, you understand I’m saying? Adano: I’m saying that this is a household study and sometimes your husband may not accept what the wife believe and the wife may not accept what the husband believe, that’s not what I’m referring to in the fourth discipline. The fourth discipline is just the married life in terms of the relationship in the sex life. Audience: Oh I thought you meant in all aspects. Adano: We’re not interfering with other person’s belief, in fact if you don’t eat meat, feed him all the meat he wants, make it more comfortable for him to enjoy it, find all new recipes, give him more. I know one initiate he’s a colonel, his wife don’t believe in none of these things but you know he can’t get a better woman to prepare all the good foods for him, she makes sure that he gets all the nice vegetables, everything but she loves her cigars, she love her schnapps, she loves her steaks, she’s not changing anything and he, he’s not changing anything. No we’re not trying to create any imbalance in the home by forcing the other person into anything, what they want to follow, let them follow, it’s what you want to follow. Audience: No I realized that but I just thought maybe there might be some type of a conflict. Adano: No no, there’s no real conflict. You want to realize that you’re trying to pursue a spiritual life and to help the other person, that’s the thing. You have to realize that the next party, he can’t come along immediately the way you believe and therefore you don’t try to impose your thoughts upon him, you live your normal married life and serve him and whenever he feels to come along, he’ll come along. The initiate don’t convert, see he has no way to convert, all he does is try to bring love to the other person by the diet, it’s through food you can also bring love. Audience: No I have never tried (inaudible). Adano: No you don’t have no problem, you’re not trying to change the other person so there’s no real problem, you don’t have any real problem. Okay friend, I want you to think of the accident, close your eyes and tell me what color you see. Audience: Black. Adano: Okay, you’re starting to drive your car, you and the friends, and you’re gonna see the entire scenery all over again, the rain, and if you want to go through the motions of driving it, putting on the brakes and skidding, go on completely and relive the entire experience and all the pain and the shock and the tension gonna start to float your body now right through that spot where the pain is like a hot hot heat into a red garbage bin. The pain is coming on very strong, tension, the crash, you getting up and help your friends, and starting to flow out of you, all the shock, the anxiety, out through that very spot like a hot hot heat into a red garbage bin and the Christ is standing in the room and He’s massaging your spine for the first time and you’re feeling the heat is going there, relieving the shock, the tension, the anxiety, and the pain and the whole scenery is now changing into orange. If you see the orange, it’s okay if not it’s occurring in the orange spectrum of your mind and you’re going to relive the entire experience all over again in detail and if you want to groan from the shock, the pain, let it all come out, it’s all coming back out. It’s coming out, coming out from the spine, the breathing is getting very deep, very deep and you’re driving and you’re crashing into the tree or the side of the road, wherever it was you’re reliving the whole experience and you’re breathing very deep and the pain is coming back now more and more, it’s very intense, very intense, very intense and it’s flowing out of your body now like a hot hot heat from all the muscles in the back, out from the mind, out through the spine into an orange garbage bin. 0:20 Going on very fast and the Christ is standing in the room sending love, forgiveness, and healing light to you and you in turn are sending love and forgiveness to everyone, the car, the rain, all your friends and all is it flowing out through the spine into an orange garbage bin and gradually the whole scenery is changing now into yellow, if you see the yellow it’s okay, if not it’s occurring in the yellow spectrum of your consciousness. Now you’re gonna relive the entire experience all over in yellow and when I count from one to three, the pain is going to start increasing very strong, the total memory of it is coming back. One two three, your whole body is starting to work in the pain now and starting to move with the pain, it’s gonna start getting stronger now, your back, and you’re gonna feel it more and more and more and more and if you want to groan go ahead and groan, let it all out, let it all flow out. If you want to cry it’s okay, it’ll come out, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, let all the tension come out, all the stress all the anxiety, all the shock, all the pain is coming out more and more, coming out of the body more and more, more, it’s coming out, it’s coming out from the spine more and more, you’re stretching and moving it, the nerves are relaxing themselves more and more, the pain is getting stronger and relaxing itself. Coming out, coming out very strong, very strong and the Christ is standing in the room sending healing light and love to you and all of this is flowing out from your spine now like a hot hot heat into a yellow garbage bin. Gradually the whole scenery is changing now into green, green is health, new life, a new chance, a new opportunity and the whole body is correcting itself now by reliving the entire experience and the spine is starting to be in a state of joy, your spine is being adjusted now and stretching back, the shoulder is pulling back, the head is pulling back, the hips are pulling back, and you’re stretching it out, stretching out, and all the pain is going out and it’s all joy in that area, all the nerves are relaxing itself, the body is starting to get joy now for the first time. The joy is coming in, all along the spinal cord, there’s no shock in the muscles, moving up more and more, let this strength flow up, let it come, feel the Christ power pouring into you, healing you, stronger and stronger, stronger and stronger, and you’re being adjusted inside and your body is being massaged, all the adrenals are being massaged for the first time where the shock is, all the head, the neck, the hips, more and more and all of it is flowing out now like a hot hot heat from the back into a green garbage bin. Gradually the whole scenery is changing now into blue, if you see the blue it’s okay, if not it’s occurring in the blue spectrum of your mind and you’re going back all the way back through matter, through energy, through consciousness, through beingness, and the whole body is releasing all the tension and the shock and the whole body is starting to feel joy, starting to feel joy for the first time, the whole body is feeling joy, it’s rising up in the spine right up to the head and the whole body is feeling the joy coming up stronger and stronger, going up stronger and stronger, and all of it is flowing out from the spine into a blue garbage bin and the Christ is standing in the room releasing you, massaging you, taking out all the shock and the pain and bringing back normal flow, eliminating and dissolving all the conditions that interfere with the normal flow, strengthening and rebuilding every condition that is necessary for the normal flow and all of this is flowing out now into a blue garbage bin. Gradually the whole scenery is changing into purple, if you see the purple it’s okay, if not it’s occurring in the purple spectrum of your mind and you’re going to relive the entire car accident all over again and there is no pain, there is no shock, there is no tension, the memory is all releasing itself, flowing out, flowing out, all the pain is going out, and the whole body is starting to be in a state of joy, coming back to its normal state of health and all flowing out, flowing out for the first time, all the stiffness is going out, all from the hips and the shoulder blade and from the toes and the feet and all of this is flowing out and the Christ is massaging you, sending you light and love and forgiveness and you are sending out love and forgiveness, all the tension, the shock is going out to your body, out through back into a purple garbage bin. Gradually the whole scene is changing into violet, violet is the I AM presence, the God-self, it’s starting to flow into you now and you’re reliving the entire experience now completely in control of the car, you’re driving the car, you’re back on the road with your friends for the first time and the whole body is driving, complete, complete, and you’re moving the body now and the body’s breathing and all the pain is gone and the joy is coming in now. Everything will start to diminish: the car, you and your friends, everything will start to diminish except you and Christ, everything will get smaller and smaller and smaller, the accident, the shock of the body all gets smaller except you and Christ. Everything will get smaller right down to the size of a penny, you and the Christ will start to get taller and taller and stronger and stronger, joyful and joyful, stronger and stronger, and the energy is going to come into your right hand very strong. I want you to reach up and take that little penny of violet light and throw it and see it explode into white light, reach up and take it and throw it and see it explode into white light taking all the pain out. The white light is pouring in very strong, blinding, blinding, bright, brilliant, healing light coming in the whole body from the head, removing all the shock, the paralysis, the brain fatigue, the memory, removing it all, dissolving it all, correcting the pineal, the pituitary, the medulla. Brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter, the whole face irradiating light, health, the nose, the ears, the jaw, the lips, the shoulder blades, all in the neck, all the chest for the first time loosening up all the tension all along the spine now for the first time in the back there is no pain, it’s all gone now, all down through the hips, the energy is going down, right down into the hands now into the calves, right down into the toes and it’s starting to rise up back now like a hot golden light coming up, coming up right through your toes, right up the groin, right through the spine, completely right up to the top of the head, flowing up, flowing up in waves of laughter, in waves of laughter, your whole body is laughing for the first time, for the first time your whole body is laughing, laughing, and you can remember everything that makes you laugh, your whole body, your whole face, and start to laugh. Let it laugh, enjoy it, enjoy it, have a good laugh, it’s good to be in an accident. (Laughter). How you feel? Audience: Lighter. Adano: Can you stand up and see? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Tonight you’re gonna sleep good. Audience: Thank you. Adano: You’re welcome. So you see initiation is very important at times. Audience: When I was initiated, all I was aware of was the pain (inaudible). Adano: Thank the Lord. 0:30 Audience: You were talking a little while ago about people if you wanted to get certain things done, if you want to lose weight say you want to eat. Is this a universal law, is this Man’s rebellion against authority? Adano: Well the very first thing that Man did was to… you call it disobedience, this is the actual principle, disobedience. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well you know don’t you see signs today hanging around in offices, “When everything else fail, follow instructions,” you ever seen those little signs? Well the following instructions is just learning how to obey, obedience is the first ethical expression of the creative life. It’s difficult to obey because when we obey we think we are bogged down or shut out, when we don’t obey we feel we are exploring and becoming creative but you see it’s by obedience one learns the truth, we’re forced to open up higher levels of consciousness and it’s that particular principle that frees us from feedback or repercussions. It’s hard to obey and very easy to disobey, the Creative Intelligence knew that but how would He set this creation in motion if He didn’t make it that way? It’s necessary for us to disobey to start the whole cycle of karma, there will be no karma if we all obey, right? Then there will be no need for a universe. If we all were obedient individuals why would we be suddenly given a universe to come into play or experiment? We would always be with the Creative Intelligence which is total obedience, He obeys His own laws so since He obeys His own laws there is no need for us to to go out and experiment but this is what He’s putting us to the test, “Go out and experiment by disobeying in order you will come back to Me through obedience.” You first got to disobey to return by obedience, if you obey then you’re not going anyplace, Creative Intelligence knew that, that’s one of the law’s design. Audience: It is a law then? Adano: Yeah. Audience: Adano, I had a postcard in the mail today from somebody I hadn’t seen for years and years and years and it had a picture of Meher Baba, it just came in the mail today and I was wondering if you knew anything about him. Adano: Yes I’ve been to Meher Baba’s retreat in South Carolina. He has a retreat there in South Carolina, he’s dead now, he died a few years ago but he has a retreat in South Carolina. He’s a realized man. Audience: I was just curious. Adano: See all teachers are true men of God you know, they have to live the thing some level and teach it and as one teacher says they can give you millions and millions of teachings but if you don’t live one of it, it ain’t worth nothing, you see? The idea behind it all is to be able to live it, living is the test of any truth. We can read the scriptures but to be a living example of the scripture is greater than all the books that are written on it because Yogananda once said “If a human being could only live one verse or one line of the scriptures he would change his environment.” If you only took one single verse or line from the scripture and lived it and made that your mantra or your motto of existence, you can alter your environment. You know let’s take one of the Beatitudes, just live one of those attitudes, live by that model, you can alter the environment. Audience: Is that what Christ meant when He said that faith would move mountains? Adano: Yes, by trying to live one simple example. You see the moment you pick on something and try to live it and it’s based on the principle “as you think, that is what you are.” We are constantly setting out thoughts into the atmosphere and these thoughts come back to us and they come back to us we have to experience them in some form or shape so “As we sow, we reap” so if you’re sowing goodness you will reap goodness, you sow anger you reap anger. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No no no, you don’t get more than you can bear and all these things come to pass but not to stay. Audience: But I’m just curious. Adano: No no no, you didn’t understand what I said, you don’t get more than you can bear and all these things come to pass but not to stay. Well it’s staying only because because you need more. As soon as you stop worrying about it, they will cease to bother you. If you don’t worry about the hostility around you, if you don’t worry about people trying to be hostile to you, it will cease to bother you, you see? Audience: Let’s tell her about the day I decided that I was going to accept my work situation. Adano: You tell her. Audience: Well I was working in Dallas and I’ve been wanting to go out and live on the retreat for a long time but I wasn’t ready to go or there was something going on. Anyways I was in a very high management position and I was getting ready to be promoted and everything but I really hated the situation and every day I’d pray you know that I’d get alleviated from the problem you know and the work situation and I could go live in Tyler you know and be with Adano and I’d get another raise you know it was really strange and so one day I just said, it was on a Tuesday I said to my roommate before I left for work I said “The only way that I could possibly know it’s right for me to move to Tyler is if I get fired” and there’s no way for me to get fired because I was like almost a partner in the business and when I got to work I was really hassled that day by several things that happened, several people, but I just told myself “No, this isn’t going to bother me, I’m just going to accept the work situation whatever God wants me to do will be okay.” Friday night I came home just as happy as I’d ever been in my life and it was because the owner of the company had come in and wanted to talk to me that night and said to me these words exactly and it was in my mind that I wanted to go to Tyler. He said “I’m letting you go” just like that and I was really good friends with him and I asked him “Why?” and he said he didn’t know but he just knew that something was wrong and this was the best thing for me and for the company and we just split. Then gave me a bunch of money to exist on until I found another job, he took me home and the whole bit and I asked him I said “When did you make up your mind that you were going to do this?” And he said “Tuesday” and I called Adano a couple of nights later in Houston, I’d been trying to find him, he’s on tour, he’s in Charleston and I said “Well should I go to Tyler” and he says “Yeah go to Tyler.” 0:40 So the next day after I talked to him I had all my things packed up and that next evening I was in Tyler and then it’s just like a dream come true. It all happened at once but I think the real key to it was when I decided that I was just going to love everybody and work and accept the work situation and not worry about it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see the thing is this, come hail or storm, lightning or dry weather, if he’s going to be here the Masters will bring him if not they’ll keep him away. We don’t bring people, number one, we don’t have to explain to them too much about it. If they don’t get an inner experience from the Masters, they wouldn’t be drawn to it. Audience: (Inaudible), it seems like people will try to provoke. Adano: That’s all right that’s because this is one of the tests, this is one of the tests. Audience: I took a guy from work who’s been hassling me about it to see Adano when he’s at my house, just like hundreds of people he was just in total awe at the fact that all these people were coming to see Adano. He couldn’t understand it, the cars were parked out all over the blocks and there was nobody talking and you couldn’t get in the house, people were sitting out on the porch and it was freezing rain and the guy sat there and he’s talking about all this religion and he’s agreeing with me on everything and then a few days later a friend of mine said “Hey I understand you saw Adano.” And he said, “Yeah, I met the guy” and that was his whole experience and that was all I could get from him. And he was agreeing with me about Jesus and God and everything and the Masters and when he met Adano, “Yeah I met the guy.” So some people are going to get it and some people aren’t. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No no you need that to gain strength, it’s those type of confrontations that give you the strength. Otherwise you will never get strength how are you going to know? Now if you don’t get that kind of strength how you going to help somebody in that same situation? When you gain the strength from that situation by living through with it and resolving it by as I say the Lord forces you to keep your mouth shut and just be yourself, sooner or later some people will come with the same problem and then you can say “Well this is what you got to do,” keep your mouth shut. Audience: I’ve been trying. Adano: Well silence is golden. Audience: Just don’t answer, right? Adano: What can you tell them? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well what did Jesus do when He was asked what is truth? He kept his mouth shut. Audience: (Inaudible) and then I told her the other day that she had to keep quiet you know because she was getting the same problem I was. Audience: I found myself doing the same thing, I was asking her a question, I mean I was genuinely interested and yet she was sort of afraid and she didn’t know whether to answer, what to say. (Inaudible). Adano: The thing is this, the initiate does not go out to convert nobody, number one, and he’s going to be tested by the individuals around asking him what is initiation but this is going to be his first time he’s going to learn to keep his mouth shut because you know the hardest thing to do is to keep a secret or the hardest thing to do is to be able to say “no.” So because he is forced to do that he has learned a strength that he will never learn anywhere else, the art of saying “No” by keeping his mouth shut. Who is going to teach you that unless you’re forced to live it. The moment you’re forced to live it you have learned something that is very difficult to learn from the books. So the initiate is thrown into that particular life experience to learn that lesson, that’s what the Masters are teaching us, how to behave and They have to use these wonderful people with all their questions like harpoons and fire it at you like a bow and arrow you know and use you like a pin cushion and every barb that is sticking to you makes the joy sweeter but this is what they do. Audience: Adano could you explain how the disciplines and everything trying to make us have discrimination and how discrimination is the will of God so we’re actually trying to align our will with God’s will? Could you explain how that works and how the different disciplines are aimed at giving us (inaudible). Adano: Yes the disciplines are designed to help us to realize that these are all opportunities to test our behavior. You see here is somebody nagging you or pulling your leg or they may be aggravating you and you want to do your best to tell them something right? But remember I said Divine Will is to be the right place, at the right time, for the right experience and the experience is neither good not bad but just to test your behavior so you see how Divine Will was working last night for you? It was testing your behavior. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well then you learn, you see what did you learn? You learn to retain your inner composure and became a human being and not get into the frenzy like an animal and allow the animal tendencies within you to get aggravated or flare up and then become hostile and try to exhibit ego. Audience: Suppose you just store it up, that’s worse for you isn’t it? Adano: If you’re worried about storing up in resentment then you don’t understand the purpose of the experience. The purpose of the experience is not just to represent, the purpose of the experience is to behave, learning to behave. Now you’re not storing up anything, you’re simply learning how to behave, the person can aggravate you and aggravate you but as long as you know how to behave they will stop sooner or later, that’s the difference between the the sinner and the Saint. The Saint has no magic except He knows how to behave and the sinner is one who is constantly aggravating you to the extent that he gives up in the long run. Now it’s like what Jesus says you turn the right cheek when they hit you in the left one, in other words we have to suddenly learn how to behave, we’re forced to behave. If we don’t behave we don’t know what it is, if you’re so easily hurt by everything somebody says then we don’t know how to behave, we don’t really have any strength. 0:50 The person is aggravating you and trying to make you irritable by telling you what is it, they’re forcing you through their games, they’re making all kind of games to pick your brains or to ridicule you. Well you know what Jesus said, “Many of our friends are wolves in sheep’s clothing” or “many of our friends are sheep in wolf clothing.” (Laughter). Audience: Swamiji, you said before we need these experiences to grow and we need these things, what happens when you don’t have any and you beg for some? Audience: (Laughter). You’ll get them. Audience: I don’t see them, do you know what I mean? Adano: I know what you mean. You see you have already learned what is called acceptance so there is nothing to test you. Audience: Well what happened to my karma? Adano: Well this is what acceptance is, as long as you accept then everything is already a trial. Audience: Well I thought maybe I was getting you know senile. Adano: No no everything you accept is truth, you see you are accepting it, you learn to accept, you have learned to “let God,” you have learned to accept God’s will therefore you don’t look at it as trials no more. You see every ache and pain you’ve accepted, you’ve accepted it and therefore you accept it without hostility or resentment and because you’ve accepted it without hostility and resentment you are growing and therefore the optimism and the humor in you is stronger, the outlook of life is greater. So in your frame of reference you don’t see no more obstacles therefore for you want more opportunities to go through, the others see it as obstacles, see it as tremendous blocks only because they got hostility to this principle. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You were fortunate to come to that level of awareness already, this is what you’re learning: acceptance/surrender. You know we ask ourselves how do we surrender to God but the surrender to God is the acceptance of His will in our lives and that is wherever the aggravation or the hostility is we don’t fight back, we just let it pass and flow. Audience: Do you think the person can accept it in one phase of their life like in the illness that I’ve had, I accept anything that happened to me but this was an idea and ideas to me are something else you know but I see you have to handle that. You see I didn’t know that because these were principles involved, people that had never seen you that were ridiculing you, sometimes you want to take another person’s part rather than your own and then of course you get it when you take the other person, right? Audience: But not only that, the reason you got into a problem there number one it was personal, number two you were told in the study group that when somebody asked you a question you should never lie or ignore it, you should always tell the truth and that’s what started it but you can be silent, he says you can be silent so from now on just be silent, don’t answer or what Adano said the other day which was so beautiful, “Those who have eyes to see, let them see.” Adano: Well let me point out something about such people, if they’re aggravated or hostile because you make a remark, number one there’s a saying in the East, “Many have come to scoff and remain to pray” and you may have brought them for the first exposure to something that they may scoff and someday may remain to pray. So you might have done those people a great service of exposing them to one little calibration whatever that little calibration does for them, they may get down on their knees someday and pray see so don’t feel that you’ve done them any injustice or you haven’t done them any service, you have done them the greatest service because how else would they get an exposure but you can’t expect everybody that comes immediately to accept, it’s not possible. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You know you’re fortunate, very fortunate that God loves you so much He’s giving you all these tests. You see if you stay in a place where they all love you and never give you any static, you will believe that you have arrived but then you would be like the ostrich with your head in the ground. The moment they start giving you static, you’re starting to grow that’s why I welcome confrontations / involvements, the greater the obstacle the greater the person, no obstacles, a very weak person. This is the essence of the spiritual life. Audience: That’s true the ones that attacked and really want to tear you down (inaudible), they really want to know, they’re really searching. Audience: One thought, isn’t this kind of like what Jesus did showed how He was able to calm the lake. In other words, it’s this mastering self-realization and I broke the wrist but for four months before I felt that pain was mental, it’s as simple as that, it’s not a physical thing, it is simply a state of mind and if we project (inaudible) it’s going to fight us and this is how we feel it but using the reverse technique I’m completely relaxed. I sew saw myself completely still and that wrist was in over 30 pieces when it happened, I knew that the good Lord was proving it out for me and I had no pain and yet boy they were warning me, they’re in the hospital “When you get out you’re going to be in the worst pain for days and I had no pain through the entire experience. Now a couple of times it was just like a little sliver, it was trying to enter and I just completely relaxed. So I think there’s no doubt about it, this is proof. 1:00 Adano: That is true because you had the confrontation, you were able to face it and live with it, you see that’s where we get this strength, you get the strength from the actual confrontation otherwise we don’t have any strength. Now if everything is going absolutely 100% and then you start feeling “well nothing can go wrong” and all of a sudden something comes around and really shake you up, you find your whole world crumbling all around you, you feel so helpless, so stupid, so useless because you never had a confrontation but if you let it flow and you face it, it works itself out. Audience: On Friday night I left after your lecture, I started to drive home and my car was cracked up and you know I realized I’m sitting there in the police car, there wasn’t even a ripple, it didn’t bother me at all. The day I got the estimate was over 334 dollars worth of work and this woman, she was tight, she just didn’t see the stoplight and I was being too careful, I went to a stoplight to make sure I go out but the test was really I believe it was to see how I was going to react. Adano: That’s what the whole thing is, you have a confrontation every day we all have it but it’s how we behave at that moment that is where we say we have learned the principle, that is what Divine Will is, learning to behave all the time because this is what we have to be accounted for in ourselves, this is what we got to live with, how did I behave under those conditions, you get it? How did I really behave, how did I react? Good night. Lots of juice, apple juice, marvelous.

1972 May - Healing and Prayer Technique

Adano72_05HealingandPrayerTechniqueQ3 - (same as Adano72_05_07_1TechniquesInPrayerHealingQ1RR - 1972 May 7 - Part 1 Techniques in Prayer Healing)

1972 June 10 - Tyler Retreat

Adano72_06_10TylerRetreatQ3 - Adano: I understand there are two people out in the driveway there standing outside wanting to come in? They’re outside Jimmy, they’re out there. Today we are starting to celebrate our third anniversary of the forming of the All Faith Fellowship. Does the air conditioner interfere, can you hear me okay? When we started it was just a fulfillment of a Master’s dream and another person’s dream and vision but it has come a long way in a short space of time on solid ground, slowly building itself and the nickels and dimes and the generous love of everyone. We have a long way to go but we are building primarily ourselves first and the environment in which to grow. There are four basic things that are important in a spiritual life. One, environment, the nine months when the person is in the womb, that is conditioned by the parents, the action and reaction of two human beings in marriage and when they are pregnant during those nine months, all their suppressed emotions and anxiety are electrically carried over into the offspring. So we in turn are in a way conditioned by the environment, this is very difficult to break, it’s not so easy, one can wish for it to break, one can hope and pray for it to break but even Nicodemus had to go to Master Jesus and ask Him, “How does a person enter consciousness” and He told him, “Unless he be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of consciousness or God.” In today’s language you can say unless a Man does not understand the prenatal state of his existence and its implications, it is not possible for him to break the magnetic field force surrounding him like an eggshell so Jesus told him he had to be born again. Most of us interpret that to mean born of the spirit, going through some type of baptism or so forth, born again when Nicodemus said to Him… come on, can you hear me? There’s lots of room in front here. He told Nicodemus he has to be born again and Nicodemus said to Him, “Do I have to go back into the womb a second time? And the Master said “No, born of the spirit” but that is a definite process of breaking the prenatal state and then you have 21 years after you’re born conditioned by environment in which you live in so actually it’s very difficult to pursue a spiritual life if you are preconditioned by these forces and the very first thing we have to prepare is our environment because environment is stronger than our willpower. The next principle is the breath, that was the very first thing you took at birth, Man could not live without the breath. “God breathed into Man the breath of life and Man became a living Soul.” Man does not have a Soul, he is Soul. He has a chemical body comprising of 16 basic chemical elements and he has an electrical body and an ideational body. The three acting as one is Soul, a direct image of the Creator which is a three-fold principle Itself. We are linked to the Creator by breath, it’s the only important thing in our lives here and now. If you do not take the next breath, they either cremate you or bury you that is how simple spiritual life is, it’s not complicated, it’s involved with Now-ness, it’s involved with Being but there was a sound made when you breathe the air, you cry and that is sound, that is Word, that is communication. We are expressing the Divine Desire in the form of sound through the human body and that sound telegraphs to creation a need, a concern, a responsibility. Many of us may not be able to respond, recognize, or act upon that communication but nature has worked its own way that we must be fed so we notice that the baby is placed to the breast of the mother. Equally true nutrition plays an important part in the spiritual life, it plays a part in building a spirital temple. Then there is discipline, during the period of 1 to 21 we go through four phases of acting out our willpower. The first phase is the automatic willpower which occurs in us at the moment we take the breath and respond to the environment, up to a certain stage the willpower after that moment is unthinking will. Beyond thinking will power then is regulated and guided by the thinking will power the parent, we live out beyond thinking state, we don’t think for ourselves when we’re children at a certain stage, we are guided from nine months on right through to a certain stage where we are hurt and must respond. Equally true in the spiritual life we have to be guided on through a certain level, we have to have our heartaches before we begin to think. From the unthinking state we go into what is called a blind rash act of will and most of us have passed through that blind act of will and trying to push our way around, not responding to the thinking will of others. Then we begin to get some hard knocks, we start to slow down, we start to take stock of ourselves, this is the birth of the thinking will, the reasoning will then we are at par with our parents, we can think, from here on in very few go beyond the thinking will. Equally true in a spiritual path, we start out with breath, nutrition, guidance by discipline until we come to a point when we can think objectively in a spiritual way. (Short meditation then gap in tape)… the thinking way in the spiritual life, we study the lives of the Masters that have passed on and those who are alive and have passed on in a thinking way objectively, then comes the Divine Will or dynamic will in a human being being masked of oneself. 0:10 Equally true in a spiritual way we must make contact with other human beings who are vibrating or thinking in that dynamic will, this process is the result of spiritual life. Our idea is to create this environment, grow in the environment, discipline ourselves in the environment by actually living the responsible life and raising the thinking consciousness to the dynamic will of a self-realized person. To speak of it, it’s okay to read it it’s okay to write about it it’s okay to talk about it it’s okay to hear about it okay, to do it is the only important thing and the very last action you do before you kick the bucket, that’s the one that makes the biggest tally. You can have a whole host of negative karma prior to that last act, it can pull you out like the thief on the cross, it requires a tremendous amount of conscious action to recognize and react. Officially the retreat starts tonight and those who are not familiar with the program, we’ll go over it, clear up our minds. In the morning our first meditation, sunrise, begins out on the retreat grounds at four o’clock and it goes up to 6:30, is that it? And then we’ll have breakfast at 7 out there in the retreat and after breakfast about 8 o’clock everyone will be assigned their Seva for the day. Seva is the service to the Lord, God is the only employer, you don’t have any employer but God. If we are creating the environment, we are creating the environment to be self-employed by the Creator Himself. Who are we working for? Not for me or my wife or for yourself, you are striving to serve the Lord who is the Creator and the employer and the paymaster. The dollars and cents that He gives us in this physical world are nothing in comparison to the inner awareness through Seva, Seva is the key to devotion too, that devotion then leads to realization. If you can perform Seva with the right attitude, you have raised yourself beyond measure because Seva transcends charity, Seva is the charity in action. Charity is not necessarily giving or expecting, charity is Seva in action which is service, this is the channeling of yourself. So since the process is to learn and we’re learning at various levels, at various speeds, with various interactions, we will discover that we have tremendous mental blocks and we have to unravel them and we find out sooner or later in Seva that you can unravel it pretty fast. Many of you will feel some strange odd headaches, upset stomach, and some funny sensations while you’re at this retreat, rest assured your karma is being burnt up. To attend the retreat just for the session in which you’re involved, the mere exposure to the vibratory forces of Seva burns up karma. Even when you left your homes to come by airplane or by traveling on a car, Seva was already in action. The vibratory force is an action already because it is the main purpose of bringing about devotion. Now Jesus said we weed out the sheep from the goat, the only way you can prove this to yourself is through Seva if we can weed out those who can stick it out or those who have to run. Seva is not a dictatorial process, it is not something that someone is pulling you by the nose to perform, it is your responsive relationship to the environment to function efficiently at the same time with the attitude of love. Therefore Seva is skill in action, the mere skill to perform an action, the mere loves to perform the action, what better way to perform the action than chanting or singing? In the olden days when they would lower or bring a ship down to the river or to the sea they would do what? They would sing to pull because the vibratory rate of chanting could actually cause certain vibrations to cause that wood or object to levitate. You will find through Seva some strange miracles will happen, telekinesis will occur through Seva, many different forms of extrasensory forces can start occurring around you through Seva, them this is the way the Lord will teach us that our vibratory power of the mind can regulate matter. Now the very first level that the initiate or the individual is trying to master is Energy acting on Matter, we are matter already and we exert some influence on it mechanically through the physical body but when we exert energy, that is a conscious control of the forces within the mechanism by channeling the mind through chanting, through song, then we execute now Energy acting on Matter, we then can do things with the energy in ourselves. The human body is your battery it has to be recharged, it’s recharged by resting itself, it’s recharged by meditating, and it’s recharged by working, it’s recharged by Seva, it’s recharged by exercise. Seva is a composite of all the other forms of recharging, it’s a composite of meditation, working, chanting, concentrating, contemplating, it is the one process that pulls all the loose ends together in you. It releases all the toxins out of your system at the same time and you find out pretty soon how clumsy you are because Seva makes you recognize your shortcomings and you want to improve upon it and pretty soon you find out how you love your neighbor or your dislike him, that’s the interesting part of Seva or service, this is known to be the transforming power of conscious action. After Seva there is lunch at the kitchen then in the afternoon we have classes, the awareness classes will be carried on here and then we have a period of exercise and dinner at the kitchen then the evening meditation and classes, during that time we may have different people saying out their own personal observations on their own awarenesses. To follow the spiritual path you have to consider all facets of it, not the mere renunciation of the world or the mere involvement of the world but you have to consider your equanimity of all things. When we renounce, we can sit in a corner and don’t do anything and we can be pretty smug about our holiness, it didn’t work two cents, that’s as far as the holiness goes. It’s like a man sleeping in a bedsheet or like an ostrich with his head in the ground but if he takes the same relationship and apply it to the outside world then he’s got some balance but then there is conflict, he has to reconcile the conflict. If he’s too over involved outside and he doesn’t spend some time inside then he’s going to get in tremendous offshoots but if he brings the balance between action and self-chosen seclusion then we have equanimity/realization, we have a force field for the first time. During a retreat the mind must have some particular thought for the day otherwise it wanders into lots of different cross currents of thinking. Silence is a great part of our inner awareness, it requires a great deal of silence to be inner aware and to be able to be silent consciously to do that you need some thought or idea for the day. In the Eastern country they’ve used mantra or affirmation. 0:20 Equally true in English you can take some affirmation or thought pattern and make it the thought of the day but the thought of the day is not powerful enough until you begin to express it during the day. To merely repeat it no matter what it is, to merely repeat it alone is not enough you must express it in some form, you must be able to register it on some other human being: a plant, a stone, a human being, or the elements around you, you must be able to bring this idea into effect, you must be able to have some extra sensory occurrence within the 24 hours to know that energy which is the conscious spirit is working through you in the environment. Each of us is in the process of pruning off our churchianity to discover our Christianity, we all come from different types of churchianity but very few of us have found the grassroots of Christianity and Christianity does not begin with Jesus, it goes way back into cosmic time, the Christ intelligence and Man but we are caught up in the various church movements, we have different relationships, we have to prune them back. Pruning back the tree does not destroy the tree, pruning off the consciousness of the church-in-istic concepts of religion does not destroy the religion of Man, it’s the first time Man discovers a science in his religion, an actual method or principle which he can work with to bring about internal changes of his physical mechanism. Now I shot my wad as they say in the Kawaii language, now it’s up to you to ask questions before we have a little meditation, any questions you want to ask? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Let’s look at it this way, we have to get there by four or four thirty the latest because it takes a little while to get there so by time time everybody gets up and around we head off in direction, we’re allowing a little time to be but we want to be there at least four because that’s the time the vibrations are very strong. You see the Masters in the Himalayas are beaming all the time to the world but they also have an unbroken link with themselves in their own meditative process and that particular time is ideal from three to six, you see? Within that time we usually get your two and a half hour meditation. You see you first start out a little meditation then eventually you work up to your first one-tenth portion to the Lord, you’re tithing, and that’s the ideal time to perform tithing, tithing is giving back to the Lord the tenth portion of His breath to us so between three and six you have two and a half hours to work with to give you enough time to get around, the time we do our exercises and finish the meditation. Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes nine months you’re in the womb you went into many different postures, in fact the eighty four thousand postures of Hatha Yoga can be seen inside the womb. A human being is the most unique creature and a woman especially carries another offspring, carries everything in this universe locked up inside, from the time the sperm made contact with the ovum a vast change has occurred. It does not occur in a man because a man cannot be pregnant but occurs in a woman, the 84,000 life forms, we have the 84,000 and Hatha Yoga has 84 basic postures and a thousand variation for each postures so the human fetus goes through all 84,000 before it becomes a complete human being at the end of nine months or in the case of premature birth but never before seven months, seven months is the permissible premature period. So posture is not just something somebody invented, posture is a process the Creator organized in His creation to indicate various levels of consciousness in the creation. When we can realize this, a person may not be able to perform a posture yet if he enters a high state of consciousness you can see him in a posture that the yogis do consciously. This is because he has done it already in the fetus right through the pregnancy stage, he has done all of them in the process of changing and forming, this occurs. Various movements are inside there and if you look at some strange fetus that they throw away or in alcoholic jars, you’ll see some of them are biting their toes, some of them (inaudible) locked around their head, some are twist from heel to head, and all the shapes are possible in that state but what is necessary in the meditative process is certain basic ones to keep the body healthy and we do emphasize that at a retreat the primary purpose of the retreat is to keep building from the time you start to the end of the session that consciousness to really get the full impact of it. We will cover a great deal of therapy in many forms and lots of us are going to burn up a great deal of karma. Audience: (Inaudible). Is this the karma from not eating properly or (inaudible). Adano: The karma that is occurring in a retreat is the unfinished karma of your past life that is being brought to the surface to be burnt out at the retreat. You are the result of your last life desires, those unfinished ones must come to the surface through this life form during this particular incarnation. Now the moment you are on the spiritual path those conditions or causes come to the surface quicker by the exposure to a spiritual life and an exposure to a retreat process so they come to the surface quicker. Again if you’re an initiate it speeds up faster too because the process of initiation tells you what will occur in one year from now, occurs exactly in one holy breath from now, right? So you’ll find that you are facing the karma that is unfinished, coming to the surface, and releasing itself but it’s better to work it out now in the physical frame than to wait until you are in a physical condition when you can’t handle it. You might have abused the body to a point where you can’t handle it then who can you turn to? Maybe somebody can turn to it but you have to look at it this way, you could not be exposed to this particular process if you weren’t ready for it. The initiate life is not for everybody right away, they have to come to it and we don’t go out and convert people to bring them to it. Our motto is not to convert people, convert ourselves, and you will be brought to this process by the Masters themselves, we don’t choose the Master, the Master chooses us, They are the ones who know if we have the capacity to work with Them or we have a stubborn will that will block Them then They will hit us on our head or pull the rug out from under us. Many times I had the rug pulled out from under me, lesson number one in spiritual life, you eat your words back Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Can somebody repeat the question? Audience: What about karma you have generated in this life, can you work it off? 0:30 Adano: Yes, it’s possible to work it off in this life and if you don’t work it off it’s like an investment that didn’t pay off and you die before it payed off and your heirs may have to collect it but in karma there are no inheritors, you are the inheritor. You see we generate a desire and the desire may not come into fulfillment while you’re alive and we pass out to the frame, how is that desire going to complete itself? We’re using energy just as much as we use this power in this house. Energy in this universe is endless, it’s infinite, it can’t be lost, it can be destroyed so definitely it stands to reason that if we monitor it by the mere thought, the mere idea of doing something and have this energy released and then physically incapable to complete it and leave the frame, that energy would have to recycle itself in some way, it has to come back. Well for those who don’t understand too much about it let me explain, if you were to cut this hand off I will still feel these five fingers in the hand because the electrical nature of my hand will be there. Anyone who has had that experience, people can tell you that their fingernails get dirty, I think there’s someone here whose father can vouch for that, right? Okay, the finger is missing but he still feels dirt in that invisible nail, if this is an actual thing that is going on the electrical power can’t die and that electrical power is still feeling and is still relating and correcting and directing itself so even if this physical frame is all chopped up into hamburger meat, you will still be there. You’re just carrying it to one degree further from losing a finger to the mashing the whole body up into pulp, the energy is still there, it cannot go away because the craving is there, we’re dealing with thought force, creative power. Man is a creative process, he is Soul, he doesn’t have a Soul. Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, all right, thought is infinite, we are a thought. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well that is the wrong term, we are not annihilating our thought forms, we’re not trying to do that to ourselves, we’re trying to re-evaluate the usage of the Creative Force in our cells (ourselves?) which is thought power, how we abused it, how we misused it to generate an environment that is hostile for us to exist in. The hostility of the environment is the result of our internal wrong use of the creative power otherwise the environment cannot be hostile to us. You know they said until Cain and Abel or Adam and Eve did something wrong the animals went with into chaos, before that all the animals sat down together, the lions sat down together with the sheep sat down together, they never killed each other but when Adam and Eve made some mistake through their desire pattern everything started to change. What it’s saying is this, hostility in an environment cannot exist if there is no malfunctioning in the thinking, it can only exist if there is malfunctioning in thinking because the thinking is utilizing creative energy and creative energy would automatically result how you abuse it and you will get that particular result facing you. If you sat down near a lion, he knows only one thing you want to eat him because he smells the fact that you are an eater of animals, his life is at stake in your presence. Now if you have no craving physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual to consume the flesh of the animal he can’t smell that, he can’t even begin to generate hostility to you because you are generating a concern for his existence and because you have a concern for his existence, he is satisfied therefore he cannot react in a state of hostility, he can only react in a state of calmness, love (gap in tape then very poor quality). … “but by every word,” Audible Life Current/light, “that passes through the mouth of God,” medulla oblongata/hypothalamus in the brain. (Inaudible). He has written it a long time ago and we are actors and we have our entrances and exits, we don’t have bad karma, we have bad actors. (Laughter). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Satch Kand, “Kand” is abode of God and “Sat” is the eternal abode of God, it came from the central source of cosmic energy beyond creation. God the Father, our Soul progenitor, exist in creation as a Christ principle. Beyond creation He is the sole source of unending mercy. We are his offspring but we can’t get back to Him unless we pass through the Christ principle, this is the dividing line between us and Him. We must regain our kinship with Him, this is something we have neglected so we’re always coming back (inaudible) but we have to build a process on the very level we fell from and build a system within the environment in which we can work back. In a new age you need a new environment, a new education, the world itself as a school, a new motivation, our heavenly home, our instructor are ourselves, how we react to people therefore all life is Seva, all life is learning. We’re all going back home. You know they say the shepherd knows his sheep and the sheep knows his shepherd and we can have a flock of sheep, three or four different flocks, and three different shepherds or one shepherd or three flocks belonging to three different shepherds and one shepherd standing in their midst yet the flock that belongs to that one shepherd will gather around him, the other two will never go near him. 0:40 That is the same way the Creator has it setup, the Father is the shepherd, we are the flock, we gather around Him because we know the Father by initiation otherwise we stay away from Him. (Group chanting) “Om.” (5 times). Let’s calibrate our consciousness. (Meditation). Adano: Today’s talk will be on what is an image that an initiate must carry in his mind. The question came up today about the Buddhist teaching which states that they believe in reincarnation but don’t accept the Soul as existing, how can these two things reconcile themselves, is that it? There is a moon in the sky, it is shining on the ground, I take 10 glasses made of different colors, different shapes, different sizes, different thickness, I put different quantities of water in them, how many moons do I have? Audience: You only have one moon but you have a lot of reflections. Adano: Right, you only have one moon but 10 reflections, now you see how the Buddha was conveying His knowledge? Our reflections are our incarnations of one God so why do we reincarnate, what causes us to reincarnate, what causes the moon to reflect in the glass, the water? 0:50 What causes us to reincarnate is the fluctuations of mind, desire, we have to break that. Now if we break the glass with the water, what becomes of the reflections? They are gone and the one moon remains. When we break the desires in our body and become desire-less, the one God principle remains therefore there is no more reincarnation but when you break the glass the water is gone where? Back into the atmosphere and the glass has to recycle itself back so it goes back to pure energy, consciousness. Equally true when you break the desire patterns of this mechanism and become desire-less, unattached, we enter now immortality or resurrection, there is no more reincarnation. So the Soul is an image of the Creator, “Come let Us make Man in Our own image,” so if we are an image of the Creator then that image is held strictly by desire, the Creator has to desire us, you realize that now? When you break that desire by realizing yourself you have liberated your will, you have returned back to your true image, you resurrect, immortality is a reality but we have to realize the process to become immortal. Now the Creator cannot start a process without leaving an example so all around us He has placed many examples of immortality. Have you ever seen petrified wood as the very first expression of immortality, let’s think of it. It’s neither wood and it’s neither stone but it’s petrified, it does not decompose so its immortality is (inaudible), it cannot reproduce itself yet it adheres to the shape of a tree and seems to acquire some of the qualities of the stone. Now let’s go to the caterpillar, it’s cellular life and it eats its way to life and one day it starts to spin its own cocoon or shroud around itself. When it does that, it goes into a state of metamorphosis and comes out now a butterfly. It’s a cellular object, yet that object does not decompose, there is no such thing as a rotten butterfly. A change has occurred in us, the body has become immortal, the caterpillar has become immortal in the butterfly, it’s permanent so we have immortality now in the cells, we have immortality in the plant in the form of the petrified wood, we have immortality in the cells of the worm or cellular life in the form of the butterfly from the caterpillar. Now we must come to the primate, Man, is it possible for a man to be immortal or is it that he is destined to recycle or rebirth. The Buddha says you get off the wheel of 84 or the wheel of life when you cease to have desires but what do you become? You don’t reincarnate no more but what happens to you now, what physiological change occurs? This is teachings of the Buddha that has not been carried further on by the various followers of Buddha, they did not go into the details of understanding immortality so they did not write about it, they just said “Man enters nirvana” but they are talking of immortality only they did not go into (inaudible). So we have immortality now again as the image. (Laughter). Thank you Buddha, you’re teaching me you did teach immortality but your people did not understand it, is that it? Do not blame the Buddha, blame the restless mind, what more proof can we have? The restless mind can create all types of images so the image we carry in ourselves and that’s what we’re discussing today in our awareness, what is the image we carry in ourselves? It’s not the image of reincarnation, it’s the image of immortality/resurrection, this is the mental image we have to carry. 1:00 I go over again about the example, if you have one moon in the sky and you take 10 glasses different sizes, different shapes, different colors, different thicknesses and weights, and fill them with different quantities of water, you’ll still have one moon but 10 reflections in the glasses. We are merely a reflection in the mind of the image but in the whole structure we are the one Sun or the one Moon in the sky, we and the Father are one all the time. The Father is playing His wonderful game with Himself, He loves to entertain us with His games of immortality so the Soul is eternal, we don’t have a Soul we are. Therefore when reflected into the mind function of this universe it appears there are many Souls here but it’s all one, one big universal Soul, there is really no separation, it is all functioning here. The image you carry in the mind is immortality, it is this image of immortality that made Master Jesus say these words, “No man take My life from Me, I have the power to it lay down and pick it up.” He is speaking of a confidence in certain principles embodied in creation and because these principles are universal, they can be realized as soon as we identify with them but you cannot identify if you don’t have the right image, the image is very important. Now let’s take the word “image,” we will see some interesting facts about it. One the letter “I” is the first letter in it, let’s put the hyphen, (Adano writing on blackboard), we have “I-M-AGE.” Now we’re going to expand our awareness. “I=M-AGE.” If you look at the word, the sounds are very familiar “I” or “One” is the universal awareness, God is I, God is I AM, you notice “M” is following it and God is the eternal age, who can be older than God? And yet “I” by itself is still the one God and the word “Mage,” wise, three white men are the three Mages. In your I-ness, all the wisdom exists, all your wiseness exists, and only in your I-ness can you draw wisdom from, you cannot draw wisdom from no other source but from your I-ness. It is in your I-ness you carry the wisdom, “I AM that I AM.” Now we can adjust our awareness to another level of awareness by identifying with the “I.” Now we take the word immortality, we find we’re running into another “I.” (Adano writing on blackboard). Here we have the “I,” “M,” the I AM, the I image, the I AM-ness of ourselves, mortal is something that breaks down, age is something that breaks down, yet in the same wiseness of the I AM, we have continuity, endless age, endless existence, do you see? Within yourself, nowhere else but within yourself endless existence continues to be within you, it is being able to draw from it. The purpose of existing is to shift your awareness, shift it back to its true image. What is the true image? 1:10 The true image is body which is physical, electrical or astral or will, causal or ideational with the spirit. We are made in that image, we are made in that composite of a physical comprised of 16 elements plus trace elements, an astral or electrical comprised of 19 elements, and a causal or ideational comprised of 35 elements. Our Creator then place those 35 in a state of polarity and we have 70, that’s an inner and outer universe in polarity and this polarity is sustained by a dualistic process so 35+35 inner and outer gives us 70, the dualistic process gives us two, that’s 72. In the Hebrew Kabbalah there are 72 names for God or 72 aspects of God-self. We are made in that image and sustained by that image all the time so we’re going back and try to understand what the composition is. As we understand the composition then we can understand the process, if we don’t understand the composition we can’t understand the process. We have to have first the image before we can break down and find out this composition then we must have the necessary process to bring about a change in the human mechanism. The human mechanism primarily is a composite of carbon, that is the major portion of our mechanism, a carbon base. Now in your scriptural language you know it as (Adano writing on blackboard) ash, are you familiar with a wonderful statement “ashes to ashes, dust for dust?” We are a carbon-based mechanism, because of that it carries age, how do we measure the age of our planet or any object now? By a carbon reading so do you see now interesting thing about image and immortality? Science hasn’t gone too far and scriptures haven’t gone too far, something is occurring, they are (inaudible) for the first time, they are merging for the first time. Because they’re merging for the first time, we have to be able to prune off the churchianity of religion and the extremism of science to get a new perspective of the true existence as one. The scientists and the Saint both seek to know the truth no matter what the cost is, scientists experiment in the outer realm, the Saint experiments in the inner realm but there’s a point where they will meet and they will always meet in the “I,” there is nowhere else for them to meet but in the “I.” The “I” is the leveling ground or meeting place for the scientists and the Saint or Master that’s why Jesus said “I and My Father are one,” “You see me, you see the Father.” The Mystic and the scientists must eventually merge or meet in the I-ness. Once we understand this then we are ready for the next process, the process is the most intricate thing. 1:20 We can break it down and find out that we are carbon and we can recognize this carbon base and if you burn any object, burn any object, the result is an ash and the ash is carbon, charcoal is produced from burning plant life, when you burn plant life or any object you get charcoal, it’s a carbon, an ash. Okay but charcoal cannot reflect light, it doesn’t allow light to pass yet there is another type of carbon, charcoal is very soft, it will powder in your hands, there’s another type of carbon that will not powder in your hand, in fact it’s the hardest carbon possible, it’s a diamond. Now in the diamond you’ll see something, do you notice something? “D” hyphen, “I” hyphen, “AM” hyphen, “O,” “N” hypen, “D?” We have suddenly awakened our consciousness to this carbon, how did this carbon come into existence? The dualistic nature inherent in creation within the I AM-ness organized the diamond, brought about a divinity in the diamond, a divinity in the carbon, it brought about an immortality in the carbon by the intense heat. You notice I use the word “heat,” it’s going to be very important in the process to understand this term heat, how we bring about changes in ourselves, changes in the image. There are two ways to preserve something, freeze it or cook it, those are the two ways you can preserve something and preservation is immortality because you are suspending it indefinitely. The whole universe around us is cold according to the astronauts yet the planets that are giving off light are all burning, the stars at night they’re all burning, the Sun is burning so we have hot and cold in constant conflict. It is when we come to Man as a physical being, we find the hot and the cold are in a state of truce in the human body. If you’re too hot they call it a fever, if you’re too cold you have the chills, there has to be a specific balance between the hot and the cold in the human body to be in balance but in nature there is no such thing. In nature the universe is throwing off all the radiation and throwing off all the freezing at the same time. Yet if we were to break through what is called the norm of nature in the cosmic way, we will move through both heat and cold. The scientist is hoping to pass through tremendous heat waves or radiation waves, tremendous cold waves with different insulated material, material that will resist one to the other. The Saint is doing the same thing too, He is bringing about an immunization process by both temperatures. Now if the Creator would make us and not place all these principles in us, we would not be able to recognize Him. He has placed hot and cold in us, most of us breathe in hot and let out cold, right? We breathe in cold and let out hot.

1972 June 11 Part 1 - Tyler Retreat Reincarnation

Adano72_06_11_1TylerRetreatReincarnationQ3 - In Sanskrit it simply means, “I am,” Soham literally translating into English means “I am.” “The Secret of the Golden Flower” is Soham and it means “I am” and to change this carbon based body into a diamond body is to identify with the Soham or the “I AM,” it is the leveling mark within the physical structure of creation in our time cycle. Here within the time cycle we have the I AM, that’s why we say God is in the world and He is outside of His world. He is in the world as I AM, in the world as I AM, outside of the world He is “Be,” the I AM-ness of the I AM, “The Bee of My Mind,” do you know that chant? I’m engrossed in the blue lotus, the bee is an unusual insect, it extracts nectar from the flower and produces a substance called honey and your scriptures say when Man dies he will go to a land of milk and honey, a pretty sticky place but they’re talking of an inner awareness. In the pineal gland we have a substance which has the viscosity of honey and the color of honey, it’s exactly the same color and the same viscosity that’s why they call it honey and in the medulla or the pituitary area there is another substance like milk, white. These two forces are joined together in the inner consciousness of Man, these two secretions. Now when these two secretions merge in the I AM-ness, we have a term occurring now in this Science of the Soul, “Nectar of the Gods.” A realized man lives on the nectar of the Gods, He has become a Divine bee. Now of all the workers in our universe, which is the most industrious? So the bee is a very good example of Seva which we were discussing last night, we are in ourselves performing the process of becoming a Divine bee, by this transformation we will now earn our nectar, we will feed off the nectar in the brain. In the Hindu scriptures they call Ojasic energy, that energy comes down and precipitates into the cells, it’s also known as Amrit. Sai Baba, this picture over here, this Master, materializes Amrit all the time, also He materializes Vibuti, Holy Ash, and this is His normal (inaudible) that He gives out to everyone, Amrit or Vibuti or Ash. Normally the ash may not have a taste or an odor, in some cases when materialized it’s suddenly in the home of the devotee, they began to smell like roses, sandalwood, jasmine, and then it began to taste like honey and the bees and the ants and flies all came and not too long ago in some home in India where this ash was sitting on the altar and the bees and the ants were attracted and primarily when they got it there was no order, it had no taste, and it in home it began to change its taste and it changed odor. The Amrit is a white substance just like a nectar out of a flower but this Amrit has an electrifying process in the body and we do secrete it from our own brains. God is in Man already, he does not have to look for it, he has to know the process to bring it about by awakening this consciousness and Jesus said, “Know ye not that ye are Gods?” Don’t you know you don’t belong to this planetary system, that this is only a dumping ground for unwanted Souls? Those Souls who have failed to recognize their true image will end up here going through the process of reincarnation, that’s why we are on the earth plane, we are here in the process to find out for ourselves. The earth plane is the lowest plane, that’s where Matter is acting on Matter. Here is the process that we are involved, trying to eke out a livelihood through physical methods but we have to start at that very bottom to warrant our divinity back. Remember we shut off our awareness of our divinity a long time ago when we broke the image, we broke the image of ourselves, we broke the image of our immortality in ourselves, no one did this to us. I started before to say that if you have the moon in the sky and you have many bottles or glasses or containers made of glass of different colors and different quantities of water, different thicknesses this represents the various natures of their mentalities. If the water is cloudy it will not reflect the true image, if the water is shaking there will be no image in the container, and if you break the glass or the container the water will flow out there’ll be no image, the same thing is happening to us. When the mind is restless or moving around, there is no true focusing on the image. When the mind is cloudy with desire there is no true focusing on the image and when we break the body of the temple and free ourselves of the illusion, there’ll be no more image but the one true image of ourselves, we and the Father are one, that is the only true image we have, our oneness with life. Desire is the cloudy mind, the restless mind is the water moving and shaking up in the glass, there can be no reflection of your oneness. 0:10 The bodily attachment which contains the water, when that is broken there is no more image so when we break the attachment to the physical frame of its mortal aspect, we then discover our immortal aspect, our divine aspect, our diamond body. We need to know a process to get back and the process is involved with the environment very very important, with the breath, with the nutrition. Also the illusion of the feeling that is acquired from the imitation spirit, we use the word spirit, Man is spirit, yet they have the bottle spirit and the feeling that we get is identical from the bottle and from meditation. Are you familiar with that cheap high or expensive high? Bliss is the feeling of the spirit, it can be acquired naturally or by extraneous methods. Then comes the pollution of the body by degenerating it, if we have pollution going on in the atmosphere, the worst pollution we have is the bodily temple, the polluting of the bodily temple, there is no greater pollution than the bodily temple. You can tolerate a dirty sink, you can tolerate it a dirty stream or a smoggy environment, how long can you tolerate a polluted body before your very vitality will be taken away from you? There is no way you can constantly pollute the physical body and get away with it, the body is the temple of the Divine Life Principle and it has to be cleaned up and the cleaning up process goes back to the very fundamentals of breadth and nutrition. In the process of nutrition and breath you are forced to think so your thinking or your thoughts direct the action of breathing and nutrition, the three are interlocked now. Thought, word, deed: the thought of what you should do, the breath helps you to express what you should do that’s the word, without the breath you can’t speak. The thought is there, what you think you can do, the breath is there to give you the power to speak it or say it but the action is what you put into it so we find thought, word, deed, this is the rational process: in your thoughts, in your word,s and in your actions. If you can’t build the environment around these three then the process is not possible, there will be no way to bring about the process of transforming a carbon body of a decomposing nature into a carbon body of a non-decomposing nature. Someone said to me not too long ago, “All that’s good and fine Adano but how about little joy in between?” It’s too long and dreary to wait for immortality and it’s too fast that we’re burning up so quick could we have a little joy in between? There’s a big difference between joy and pleasure, pleasure you are burning up your senses, real joy is harnessing the senses. Harnessing the senses don’t mean limiting them or don’t need to curtail them and abstain and submerge them, it means to channel them so it works not on a compulsory basis but it works on a natural basis. We can harness our consciousness to make it flow therefore the image we are carrying with us and what we are striving to keep in mind is that we are essentially immortal beings. Sometimes desire and ideas come along to upset, it’s like a wind that’s blowing upon the glass of water the water, the water is quiet if the object it is contained in and if it’s not moving on any other container so the water is quiet. If you blow a little wind on it, the water will move, it depends on how strong you blow the wind the water will move, this is equally true inside in the process of becoming yourself. You’re striving to become as calm as possible therefore we are forced to start the process in thinking, the process begins with thinking, the thought. Now thinking involves communication and we say to ourselves we are communicating with our higher self, our creative self. Now communication is transmission and reception, you know it as prayer and meditation, the church is open for prayer and meditation. Prayer we know, meditation we don’t have too much of an idea about, just close our eyes for a few seconds and that’s it, start all over again but prayer is transmission, it’s the SOS of the Soul. The Soul is sending out an SOS in the form of prayer when it’s drowning in the world of ideas so anytime we find ourselves transmitting, we are sending out some distress signal to have some attention to focus upon us. We send out this distress signal in terms of what we need and again in terms of thanks/affirmation but when we come to meditation it is God now who is sending out His distress signal of His creation, it’s the reverse, God is signaling back to us, “Hey you out there, don’t get too far before I squash the whole civilization up. You’re getting drowned in your desire patterns, you’re getting too overinvolved in your desire makeup and if you become worse than the beast in the field, I may have to rub you out,” this is the reverse process. 0:20 It is stated in the scriptures that when God looked down or this Creative Intelligence looked down and saw Man worse than the beasts of the field, He decided to wipe them out and cause them to be destroyed by a flood. This is symbolically speaking, what it’s really saying from the mystic point of truth, it is that when the desired patterns of a human mechanism gets entrapped with the desired patterns of the animal mechanism to the point that humanism dies out and animism takes over then the intuitive self or the God-self must erase it or bring about a new set of evaluation principles by putting it through a process of self-purification. Therefore the prophets who foresee this purification process warns us of our behavior constantly before it occurs. Lucifer in your Hebrew bible or Kal in your Hindu writings represents the adversary or the opposing force, a negative charge which moves out all the time. God or Brahama, a supreme Braham, is the impelling force or the (inaudible) pulling back force, these two forces are holding the universe in check. One get above the other and knock it out, we cannot allow one to transcend, they have to hold the balance all the time because both are representative of the one true nature. The Creator Himself has a dualistic function to perform, there is no such individual as Lucifer or Kal but there is a dualistic function within this structure. The Creator utilizes a dualistic function of time and Master of Time, as Lucifer of Christ, these are forces or names to relate to polarity. Our universe is a polaristic existence, you could not have an electrical field without polarity therefore if the idea is set up in the mind to work around us, we then have to have the poles, the push and the pull, these are the energy rhythms necessary for the growth, this is necessary for the raising of the consciousness, the push and the pull. If nobody never confronts you or put you in a state of conflict, you will not know this tremendous inner working. We can’t run away from life, we have to live it but living it requires a process and the process also requires time therefore we’re going to be subject to the negative force, time, we cannot escape time. We live in it, we are an atomic manifestation of time so as long as we live in the atomic manifestation of time, the greater portion of our mechanism is negative charge, electrons, a smaller portion of it is protons, positive charge but the poor portion does not indicate its strength not because the negative charge has more quantity it’s stronger than the positive charges with a little quantity, little David knocked down Goliath you know. The strength is not in the size being more, the strength is in the compression, the condensation, the compactness, it’s like concrete then, it’s got and more congealed. So internally this positive force is brought to bear through a process of compressing like a coil spring, you pull it down more and more it brings back the energy to release it, meditation is to go in and listen to the Creative Silence around you. The Creative Sound came out of the Creative Silence that’s why they say “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word is God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man.” You notice thought, word, and deed is locked up in that statement? “In the beginning” that’s the thought, “was the word” that’s the projection or the communication, “and the word was with God” it was in this inner being, “and the word was made flesh” this is an action, “and dwelt in Man.” Man is the epitome of thought, word, and deed. As we try to build this process outside we can now open our consciousness for the first time. Our id (idea?) of ourselves is the image, “Come let Us make Man in Our own image” it’s that image, that I AM-ness principle. “Let there be no other God before the Me,” the one God, the one true image again is Itself. Once the image is established then comes the projected Word, we must decide how to work this image, once we decide that then we can live in out in the form of an action. We’ll all participate in an expansion of our consciousness now, from thought into word into action. I want you to think of your hand and think of it but don’t move it and at the same time do not send no energy to causes of tingle. Just think of it and suddenly discover the absence of its feeling yet you can see it and know it’s there, it exists yet there is no sensation in it. It’s just a piece of matter only in thinking, absolutely nothing else, to merely think of the hand there and do nothing else just to think, the sensation is suspension, there is no sensation and in this suspension you have infinity, thought is infinite, thought is eternal existence, very impersonal. 0:30 Now try to feel the palm of the hand and see what happens now, try to arouse sensation in the palm of the hands. You notice it is like a twitching, pulling, or throbbing to the center? Yet although it exists as an id (idea?) and some folks feel it throbbing in there because you’re commanding it to feel, there is no action yet in terms of application. In terms of application as an action now, try to close the fingers, bring them together and see how this forcefield is starting to increase in the substance. You notice that the air around the fingers are getting… like you’re actually compressing the air in against the fingers as you bring it closer and closer into a fist? You’ve actually compressed the air in and you gotta hold that air in with that compression. Now you let go, what happens? (Inaudible) the air flow out against the surface of the skin? Try it again, it exists merely as a thought, the hand, as a command that energy or feeling goes to it, you command it to feel then to pull the fingers together in terms of a physical action. Now by holding the fist through the sustained desire because you have to crave to hold that fist, energy begins to increase therefore you are executing now willpower to hold the fist. You have actually experienced the very fundamentals of an inner workings of consciousness. One, existence in terms of the thought. Two, feeling in terms of the communication. Three, in the compression of the fingers by action. Four, sustain desire and the power to hold it, willpower. Once you have done this simple action, you have discovered the basis of all actions and the triggering agent of all actions then, greater the desire greater the action. Greater the desire greater the action, if there is no desire you can’t sustain action and if the desire is not great enough you can’t have a greater action so the process becomes now total commitment. You can’t just have us a little involvement, in a spiritual life there is no such thing as a little involvement otherwise we are only fooling ourselves. In the spiritual life it’s a total involvement, a total commitment in body, mind, and spirit. Jesus puts it another way “If you ain’t for Me buddy, you’re for the other guy” and you can’t worship two individuals at the same time, you can’t be hanging at the fence so it’s total commitment or total involvement on a physical level, electrical level, and an ideational level, this is the foundation of the force field in ourselves. When we alter our awareness and expand it, we find that sooner or later we’re going to run into conflicts, that is very natural. Whenever we decide, because we have to make a decision before we can have a total commitment, you can’t make a total commitment without a decision, you have to make some statement that I gonna be either be for this side or that side, the moment you make a statement you’re running into conflict and all his brothers. (Laughter). You know why because they are like little ping-pong balls on a rat trap and the spring is set with the ping-pong ball acting as a cheese and they’re all in one big room locked up and you take one ping-pong ball and throw it inside that room and look through this whole room made of glass, just picture a whole room made out of glass four sides, a cube made out of glass and all lined up rat traps, the whole floor and they all got ping-pong balls and they just slip one in through a chute, let it hit and you can sit down and look at the long process of jumping around inside there (laughter) because they will collide and bounce, collide and bounce, it will never stop because it’s bouncing across itself, it goes on. So exactly this is what decision does to us, the moment we decide for a commitment to spiritual life we have already triggered our conflict. Now if you’re in a boat and you ever seen those boats that they do the races where they have to four row together and then in front they have one man with a fog horn and one with the tiller? Well all right, let’s say we’re all rowing and the fella in front is giving the orders and all of a sudden one of us gets tired and fall asleep on the oar, what happens? And the oar goes in the opposite direction, start pulling back, before you know it everybody is pulling against you, everybody will be knocking each other with their oars so this would be a game, this would be the relationship. You are living with a family of five or six people and all of a sudden one day you says “Oh no I stopped eating meat,” you know what they’ll tell you? What am I going to do with what’s in the Frigidaire? You can’t stop eating meat, you got other six other people to try to tell you to not stop eating it. “Oh I stopped drinking alcohol,” you got six other people tell you can’t stop drinking alcohol. Anytime you say you’re gonna stop doing something, you got six more to tell you you can’t (laughter) because you make the seventh person you see? You gotta have your six friends to follow you around because one out the seven don’t sound right. There’s no way they’re gonna let you be so in this process of total commitment, the closer you get to being involved in a physical action, you ain’t going to get too many friends because those who you call your friends all of a sudden turn out to be the people who are holding you back and those who want to go along with you, they are not the friends you may want to go along because they may be over critical too because you don’t know their personality too. 0:40 See you can live with somebody and says, “He’s my friend, he thinks the way I think but let’s get together and work it out and see. He ain’t pulling his share, he ain’t cleaning up the place, he’s leaving the dishes dirty, leaving the bathroom dirty and not even take care of it but he thinks like me. He loves me so much, he’s my best friend, he goes along with my philosophy but the whole place is all crumbling and falling down, he’s off in cloud nine.” So who’s your real friend? Your real friend is your I AM but it’s the I AM-ness in the other person and he sees that then he and you are one for the first time, he has a sense of respect for you now. We are here to awaken the I AM-ness of each individual so that we have a true commitment to each other, otherwise we don’t have a commitment to one another, we don’t have a sense of fellowship with one another, there is no alteration, there is no altering of consciousness. The Christ in me loves the Christ in you, the Christ in you would love the Christ in me, then we have (inaudible). You see it’s the I AM-ness, the true nature so if you find your friend who loves you so much and believes in your philosophy and follow you on the way, all of a sudden he is not pulling his share you will get angry you see, strange phenomena. But but we need to know how to correct it, if we need to know how to correct the image then we can have some type of progress or agreement between individuals. Let us take a break and we will come back to questions and answers. (Gap in tape). Audience: You said the moon is reflected within the ten different looking vessels before, the same substance, the same reflections of the one moon but to carry it further into reincarnation, is this spirit that which… in other words something must reincarnate because if you had a past lifetime, it wasn’t my past lifestyle, there is a separation or at least is this separation? In other words what carries through, the vessel doesn’t carry through. Adano: In other words what incarnates, now we come to the important question, what reincarnates? Audience: You see what I read and what really confused me is they said there’s no there’s no difference between something and essence, if you take a bicycle and you take it all the pieces and scatter them about there will be no more bicycle so if you take away the personality and the ego then there’s nothing left and I just couldn’t understand if there is nothing left then what is it that can reincarnate? I mean obviously on an absolute scale… Adano: Well the question is this, is reincarnation and what reincarnates and why we reincarnate? See you must know what reincarnation is, then you must know what reincarnates, then you must know why it reincarnates so the first thing we have to establish, what is reincarnation? Reincarnation is to repeat experiences in its energy so since the structured thought that the energy can go away then essentially what are we, aren’t we thought and energy, aren’t we an expression of creative energy? But this creative energy needs of vessel which is a heaven and earth play to go through the drama but before you can link up the heaven and earth play and the creative energy or the thought energy, before these two things can come together as one, you have to desire so let us look at the blackboard and see now what reincarnates. We have id (idea?), we have energy, these are the two things we are created from, we are a composite of these two things. Now id (idea?) and energy moves down to form body, in the body these two forces meet by a principle called desire, you can’t have this mechanism without desire now because desire is involved with karma, “As you sow, you reap.” Karma, well let’s spell the word this way KAR-MA, in English we use the word “MA” to represent what? Mother, all right mother is reproductive right? She is the one that carries the offspring, that means repetition is already locked up in MA or mother, Mother Nature and KAR is also noticed in the word to crave so from craving, which is the father, this is the mother or reproductive principle and this is the father or the craving principle, we have son or child. We must have a projecting force and a receptive force, the id (idea?) is the creative principle, the energy is the mother, and it’s crystallized in creation or body, heaven and earth. Now this will break up and if this is broken up what goes away from it? Remember this id (idea?) enters by desire, energy enters by desire into this body form, they are hooked together in a body form. 0:50 Now you notice an interesting thing about the bulb? We call this the body bulb which lights up, the body is a bulb, it’s also a bulb, it’s the temple it lights up. Now in the temple bulb we have a filament where the meeting of the poles of the charge come in and light it up, you have the same thing inside of you now for the first time. Now once lit up you, are a being but you’re lit up by what? Desire, whose desire? If you be the first being on this earth and there was no other being before you and you having no desire to come forth, whose desire brought you forth? Audience: Parents. Adano: Parents desire, right? So the very first individual had no what? No karma, okay. Since he had no karma then he is a free agent when this is separated now, we put a dividing line between the two desire patterns representing id (idea?) and energy and we say now “There you go, I’ve just created you a free agent, move on. You carry within yourself My polarities, you carry the power to choose right or wrong. Go meet another individual in the same relationship.” It’s when you meet this next individual you’re going to find karma. (Laughter). If you don’t meet the next individual there is no karma because you don’t have to choose, there is nothing to choose from, there’s nothing to react to, there’s no conflict. The moment these two things come to have interaction between themselves then how we interact, how we use this desire relationship inside of ourselves is the interacting principle then we are sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping. Now if this is Man and this is Woman, let’s take Cain and Abel for example, here’s Cain, here is Abel, they’re interacting for the first time, they’re all created out and interacting. So Cain didn’t like Abel and Cain bumped off Abel, when is Abel going to be able to get back at Cain? Should Cain go scot-free and should Abel remain not to have an opportunity to get back even, do you see what is happening now? Now Abel can’t come back as Abel because he doesn’t have Abel’s body but Abel to come back as what? Craving to get back at Cain but what is the new body? So let me call this the next body let’s say now when… here is Abel and this particular point in Abel is the desire pattern between is id (idea?) and energy. Abel is dead now so dead means to take away his body form and release him, this area represents this point right? This “V” here is the continuation of the desire principle, this is what is left hanging in the atmosphere. In the meantime this part has gone, which you call the body, into the atmosphere, dust to dust, ashes to ashes gone back. All that remains of so-called Abel as a memory in Cain’s mind is the desire id (idea?) and the desire energy. Now this goes back into this force field, it has to go up so “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” “I have a way to take care of brother Cain, I’m gonna send back now brother Joe over here, I’m going to take some more dust and ashes and make brother Joe to confront brother Cain with the same particular idea of burning lambs as an offering.” And as often as Cain sees people burning offerings is as often as he’s gonna want to kill them or he’s gonna have more confrontation with something. So what is coming back? Audience: Desire. Adano: Desire now okay, the first desire is called Abel in the first physical form before it was killed by Cain but then it was pulled back into the father/mother desire or the Creative Desire which is the Father Himself but remember Cain is carrying what in him as a desire, is he not carrying the same desire as Abel, the same connecting link? We’re all carry the same connecting link in our cells, the same connection between id (idea?) and energy, we are both carrying it, everyone is carrying it but this is always pulled back into the Creative Source only to go down back into a form that’s like that, in a shape without… this body form this can be made up many ways, you can call them different names, it can be male or female, only waiting for the id (idea?) energy to come back down into it. So the idea energy, which is the driving force of karma, returns over and over in various body forms to do what? To confront brother Cain, brother Cain is going to be confronted so “what we sow, we reap.” Well let’s say how is Cain going to get back? The Lord says, “No man lay a hand on Cain, I am the Lord of Vengeance, I have a way to get back at Cain. My way of getting back at Cain is producing as many brother Joe with the craving of brother Abel.” Get the idea? Many of us are produced biologically with the craving of brother Abel to confront brother Cain and this is the apparent return so what is returning? The Creator is returning in His desire makeup in a chemical body to confront the wrong actions of the physical body that broke those laws from a desire pattern. The misuse of these two forces must be confronted by the wrong or right use of these forces, it’s the same two forces have to confront them both, the same thing has to face them so we said unfinished desires are the cause of our reincarnating. Now the memory comes in as an important thing now, if brother JOe over here remembers that this link here between the Creative Force pre-existed in brother Abel over here now, that is suddenly liberated from this body and he says “Well hey wait a minute, you know I got a dream last night my name was Abel in my dream and I lived about 30 years ago, then how come I’m born in this family and my brother’s name is Cain.” Let’s say we don’t carry the family too big, just mother Eve and Father Adam, brother Cain and brother Abel. Cain kills Abel, Abel’s body is disintegrated, the desire forcefield of energy and id (idea?) returns back to the Creative Force so Cain is not supposed to be punished by nobody, not even his parents, “No man lay a hand on Cain,” the Lord has a way to take care of him so He takes another child between Adam and Eve and confronts Cain with the same craving of Abel, that is to make burnt offerings out of animals and every time brother Cain gets a brother and he kills it, the more he will have brothers facing him with the same. So the Lord is using now Abel by giving him more body forms to confront Cain. Why is he doing it? In the first place Cain gave his offering of vegetables and fruits, Abel gave his offering of the animals, a fire came down heaven and consumed the animal. All right Cain was jealous, he was supposed to be the first born and supposed to have divine contact and he went and asked the Creative Intelligence, “How come?” Creative Intelligence told him, “If you do right, your brother serve you.” Now remember this statement, “If you do right, your brother serve you.” 1:00 Now Cain was given an opportunity to experience a great realization of doing right but he didn’t do right, what did he do? He went and killed his brother that means he violated that particular trust or consciousness and did wrong. Now having done wrong, Cain triggered the very first act of karmic law to bring about reincarnation which is a punishment for Cain. “Vengence is Mine sayeth the Lord,” how is He going to punish Cain, He gave Cain an opportunity “Here’s your opportunity Cain, don’t touch your brother, don’t do it. If you do right, if you live and accept that I have blessed this man not because he’s favorite or not, the blessing is pouring out to him but if you do right, if you continue the way you are, still loving and praying, this man eventually have to serve you, one day will come when he will be your servant. Now you feel neglected, you feel left out because I didn’t bless your offering.” All right Cain don’t accept that, he walks away grumbling in some way so he decides to bump off Abel, if he bumps off Abel then he didn’t do according to the instructions of doing right so when he bumped off Abel, this is what happened. It said that “No man lay a hand on Cain,” otherwise the parents cannot, you see there are only four people we’re talking about, “No one of you touch or punished Cain, I will punish him.” How would I go about punishing this, remember He created Adam and Eve, they don’t have this situation. Now Cain kills Abel, how am I going to reward Abel, how are am I going to punish Cain and reward Abel so He says, “No man lay a hand on Cain.” All right because Abel is part of the creative force and Cain is the same creative force but one abused the creative force by destroying the bodily temple of the other one. Now the creative force is still returning back up here and then the punishment is this, is to confront him with the same situation over and over until he wakes up to the truth about himself, that he must do right, which is the very first request made of him, do you get it? The very first thing that was asked of him is to do right. Now he didn’t do right, he killed the brother which is to destroy the bodily temple because of the desire pattern in him, he abused the desire principle so the Creative Intelligence just confronted him again by presenting another body temple with the same idea of burning more animals to offer up to make him do right. Now if one die, three live, there are only four people, two are created, two are born, one kills one then three are left and one dies, let’s say we end creation right there, there’s no more creation going on. The one that goes back to the source, how is the punishment to be meted out, he violated, he didn’t do right, (inaudible) so I’m going to take Abel and send him back in the shape of… (Gap in tape then group chanting). “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om, Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om. (5 times). Om Namo Shivaya Om.” (5 times). Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om, Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om.” (3 times) “Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee.” (5 times). “Who is in my temple? Who is in my temple? All the doors do open themselves. All the lights who light themselves. Darkness like a dark bird flies away O’ flies away. Darkness like a dark bird flies away O’ flies away.” (3 times). 1:10 “It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the world go round. It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the world go round. It’s love, love, love, love, love. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, joy, joy, joy, joy. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, friends, friends, friends, friends. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, God, God, God, God.” (2x times). “Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jai, Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai, Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times).” (2 times). “Babaji, Babaji, Jai Guru Jair. Babaji, Babaji, Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). 1:20 “So silently and sweetly the Master comes to me. His love and joy enfolds me in bliss and ecstasy. My mind is calm and peaceful all cares are swept away. And in His omnipresence I know that I am free. So sweet the sound of Om ‘Tis Master’s voice I hear. In all pervading silence He whispers I am here. My heart with joy is flowing It sings eternally. There is no other love like the Master’s love for me.” (3 times). “Lord I want to be an initiate in my heart, in my heart. Lord I want to be an initiate in my heart, in my heart. In my heart, in my heart, Lord I want to be an initiate in my heart.” 1:30 “Door of my heart, open wide I keep for Thee. Door of my heart, open wide I keep for Thee. Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come? Just for once come to me? Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come? Just for once come to me? Will my days fly away without seeing Thee, my Lord? Will my days fly away without seeing Thee, my Lord? Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day.” (5 times). “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil one. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.” 1:40 Adano: Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, beloved Jesus, the Masters and Saints and Sages of all religions, and the Angelic hosts be Thou present, bless this meditation. Place a ring of light around this building and seal us off from the lower entities. lead us from darkness to light, from ignorance to truth, from mortality to immortality, and take us back home to Satch Khand. Teach us by dream, by vision, by revelation, and by direct materialization. We will reason, we will will, and we will act but guide Thou our reason, will, and to the right place for right experience. And may Thy love shine on the sanctuary of our devotion that we may be able to awaken this love in all hearts and let those that are spiritually Your own come unto. Us free our lives from all obstacles and bless us with spiritual, mental, and physical unfoldment. (Chanting). Om. (12 times). Initiates practice their Holy Breath, non-initiates watch the breath coming in and going out. When it comes in repeat “Hong” and when it goes out repeat “Sau.” The incoming breath is “Hong” like h-o-n-g and the outgoing breath is “Sau,” “Sau Hong,” it means “I am he.” (Meditation). Beloved Masters, radiate this blessing to all the regional directors and all the other initiates wherever they are. We are gathered in consciousness, may the love flow and the light and the healing power to them all. (Gap in tape). …wants to know what reincarnation is and then what reincarnates and the causes of it in order to be free from it. Reincarnation, we have spoken before means to repeat again, to do over one time, second time, third time, simply to do over something. Now, but you can’t have reincarnation without karma, that is the root cause, there must be a cause before there can be such a thing of reincarnation and in the cause we find that desire is the real cause for reincarnation, the reason we reincarnate is due to unfulfilled desire. Now the question comes up in our minds “whose unfulfilled desires,” my unfulfilled desires or the Creative Consciousness/Intelligence unfulfilled desires. If it’s my unfulfilled desires, how did I start it? If it’s the Creator’s unfulfilled desires then I’m responsible for it, let’s see how this is true, what actually reincarnates, is it the body or is it the id (idea?) or is it the electrical force field? God created Man, male and female, they were placed in an area to obey His will. Now if they obey His will then His desire is fulfilled because He created us, if He didn’t create us then He doesn’t have no desire. For us to be in existence, God had to create us, God had to desire us so it’s His desire number one. God desire a universe and desire us to come into existence to work out His unfulfilled desire, His plan. 1:50 Now the first pair were placed and told a certain discipline, “Do not eat of the fruit in the midst of the garden” that is a request, that’s the Creator’s desire that we do not violate His desire or His will. Now the couple disobeyed, that’s the very first alteration of the Divine desire, the moment that alteration has changed we have now an unfulfilled desire of the Creator in action. Now the offspring of the couple, we have Cain and Abel, Cain was called the child of God, Abel was called a man-child, a child of a human lust or nature. Both children offered up sacrifice, in Cain’s case his sacrifice was vegetables, in Abel it was the animal yet it was not accepted, Cain’s sacrifice was not accepted, Abel’s was accepted, why? Cain was supposed to be the eldest, he should be accepted over the youngest which is Abel but he was not accepted. The Father or the Creative Intelligence heard the plea from Cain and he said “Why have you not accepted my sacrifice?” And he was told because that plea that Cain sent out was a great desire to know the truth, why his was not accepted and if he asked then that’s a desire to know and if he asked he must be made accounted for the answer either to obey again or disobey. The answer was “If you do right, your brother will serve you.” Now that is the request, that is the desire of the Creative Intelligence for the individual to do because he asked why his sacrifice was not accepted but he was told “If you do right, your brother will serve you.” The Creative Intelligence knows the limited mind in the physical frame and all the complexities of consciousness locked up in the desire working mechanism so It craved to prevent Cain from making the mistakes of dropping down into the lower emotional levels. Cain was still angry and still jealous of his brother and slew his brother therefore his desire was fulfilled but God’s desire was not fulfilled, we have the fulfillment of Man and the non-fulfillment of God, Cain has to account for his brother’s death. Now the life impulse of Abel cries out to the Lord for some recompense and the Lord replies “Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord,” I have a way to deal with disobedient people, My unfulfilled desire will work itself out through My own process, I will bring about a special process for completing My desire that is what the Creative Intelligence is saying therefore “No Man lay a hand on Cain.” Now if we have Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Cain kills Abel then the parent cannot lay their hands to destroy Cain. What is the unfulfilled desire of the Lord? It’s to make sure that Cain, He says “Vengeance is mine” therefore He has a way to alter and bring about His unfulfilled desire back into order by correction, “Vengeance is Mine, no Man lay a hand on Cain.” His method is simply this, to confront Cain with many more body forms with the same tendencies of Abel to put Cain in conflict and confrontation with himself and as many Abels that he can kill or destroy, the more the Creator will generate bodies to face Cain with the same type of conflict, Cain sooner or later will have to stop killing. When he stops the killing, who is he killing? The bodies that are provided or the tendencies that he is resenting from the very start? Cain is that particular behavior pattern in Man that represents resentment, it’s that particular level of indifference in us, that particular level of self-centeredness in us, it strikes out at anything that it cannot understand. When it was told “If you do right, your brother will serve you,” because it cannot understand that and it cannot wait, indifference and self-centeredness is locked up with impatience. When you’re impatient and you’re indifferent, very self-centered you’re going to be violent sooner or later and you will strike out to an individual confronting you representing non-understanding. So Abel was non-understanding in contrast to Cain, he could not understand why Abel was accepted but this was his conflict. When he striked out at those tendencies, he had to face another body form to work it out. I’ll show you now the chart, what we’re talking about so we can understand what is reincarnating. (Gap in tape then chanting). Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jai, Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times).” (2 times). Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai, Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times).” (2 times). Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jai, Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). 2:00 Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai, Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times).” (2 times). I’ve got the joy, joy, joy down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. I’ve got the love of Swami Nityananda down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. (2 times). Down in heart to stay. I’ve got the love of all initiates down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. (2 times). Down in heart to stay. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget thee, I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee. I will never forget thee, I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee. (3 times).

1972 June 11 Part 2 - Tyler Retreat

Adano72_06_11_2TylerRetreatQ3 - (Group singing). It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, joy, joy, joy, joy. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, friends, friends, friends, friends. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, God, God, God, God. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. I’ve got the peace that passes understanding down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. I’ve got the love of Masters down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the love of Masters down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. I’ve got the love of Swami Nityananda down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the love of Swami Nityananda down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. I’ve got the love of Christ down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the love of Christ down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. I’ve got the love of all things down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the love of all things down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy down in my down heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. So sweet the sound of OM. ‘Tis Master’s voice I hear. In all-pervading silence He whispers: “I am here.” My heart with joy is flowing, it sings eternally: “There is no other love like the Master’s Love for me.” (3 times). 0:10 (Group sings “I’ve got the whole world in His hands). (Group singing). Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. (3 times) 0:22 Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Beloved Jesus, and the Masters and Saints and Sages of all religions and the Angelic Hosts: Michael, Gabriel, Istrapheal (sp?), Uriel, Raphael, Asiel (sp?) place a ring of light around this room and seal it off against the entities of the lower consciousness. Free our lives from all obstacles and bless us with a spiritual, mental, and physical unfoldment, lead us from darkness to light, ignorance the truth, mortality to immortality. Teaches us by dream, by vision, by revelation, and by direct materialization and let those that are spiritually eroded come unto us. They will reason, they will will, and they will act and guide Thou our reason, will, and acts to the right place for the right experience and may our love shine upon us, the sanctuary of our devotion that we may be able to awaken love in all hearts. Om, Shanti, Peace. Amen. Adanai, Elohim, Adenai. Adanai, Elohim, Adenai. Adanai, Elohim, Adenai. Om Mane Pad Mane Om. Om Mane Pad Mane Om. Om Mane Pad Mane Om. (Meditation then gap in tape). The kingdom is that cosmic vibration, that universal principle, this whole cosmic principle, coming forth is hearing it within yourself. You want to hear the sound, you want to hear those sounds coming forth from within the structures of your being and be capable of identifying with it. It’s responsible for the whole of creation, the atoms, every form of life, It’s the Audible Life Stream, you want to hear it. The more you hear it, the more you become identified with it and as you become identified with it, you begin to experience the bliss. The joy must follow, it is in that state that Jesus meant “God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit.” God is vibratory forcefield or intelligent forcefield and must be experienced in an intimate way. In a very intimate way you must feel this forcefield within you, you must feel this bond, this glow, the shutting down of the senses and transcending to that spiritual plateau where you can feel the oneness. After you arrive at that particular intimate bond, your next experience is “Thy will be done.” You know for the first time that it is not your will that is coming forward, it’s God’s will, His desire for a perfected creation. The perfected creation is something that we have to live out, we have to live out His perfection. He has already designed the creation and we have strayed away from the creation by avoiding living out the will of Lord. We have used the permissive will which is the free choice to satisfy our own personal desires but we have not used it to satisfy the one desire of God that creation remained perfect. Our sole purpose is to align ourselves with that will, our sole purpose is to complete this creation, do you realize now why the Divine Will becomes important in your life? It is not a dictatorial will, it’s not intended as such, that God will be dictatorial in your life and command you to scrape and grovel in the dirt and to endure all your trials without a reason. We endure our trials for a reason, our tribulations have a purpose, it is to complete that Divine Will, that Divine Pattern of perfection laid out for our existence. It took us a long time to get to the realization that our will must ally itself with God’s Will. This is very important, when you begin to see why every action is synchronized to His will. At certain levels of thinking you may say that is very dictatorial, that is predestined but naturally predestination in a cosmic sense is Divine Will, this building had to be wired before they could put the power into it, the electricians had to set it up or else the powerhouse would not turn on the power in it. The Creator had to pre-wire our mechanism with certain principles, He had to set his cosmic desire into motion. Therefore our relationship is a surrender to that Will, it’s necessary for us to surrender in order to achieve forgiveness. We don’t know what it is to be forgiven yet, we think we are being forgiven or we can forgive but until we surrender this sensory will then God’s forgiveness flows in and you feel yourself swelling up, getting bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger, taller and taller, wider and wider into infinity. For the first time you understand what is being given forth, why is force is given to you for a purpose to fill you with His love, to make you aware of His love, you become identified with Him more and more. Jesus said, “He that do the will of the Lord is my brother and my sister,” it places a great responsibility for each one of us as individuals, why? We must recognize Divine Will governing and regulating our entire activity. There is no better way to make the Divine Will come into manifestation quicker than by being involved with Seva. 0:30 Seva helps you to bring this into relationship, into manifestation, you begin to see the joyousness of it with all the bunged up kneecaps and ankles, it’s still joyful, hammering your finger when you’re hammering the nail, rooting up the wrong vegetable, (laughter), leaving the door open. This is the Seva which makes us realize ourselves, Lucky’s enjoying the rain out there but you see how Divine Will will be brought into perfection or demonstrated, it’s being done that means the action is experienced. This is an active life, I don’t give you the illusion that you can come and sit down and waste your time, the (inaudible) doesn’t meditate, here we are working our way back to the Creator on our own two feet but the joyousness of the activity supersedes every other joy that is inactive. It’s all right to sit down and think of God all day and drum up all type of mental images, it’s okay to listen to the Word inside and be enraptured by it but you know what is greater? It’s to live out the Word in a physical act because then you find out your own shortcomings, then you need greater love to come in in the form of grace to lift you up. You know that song when nothing else would work, can we chant it? (Group chanting) I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more; But the Masters of the sea heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me now safe am I. Love lifted me, Love lifted me, When nothing else could help, Love lifted me; Love lifted me, Love lifted me, When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. Adano: Yes, there is the emphasis, that is what we’re trying to understand about ourselves in the spiritual life, where to look for the emphasis, where to place the feet on the right rock. The whole life is full of quicksand, full of all kind of animals ready to pray upon us and they say when Jesus walk across the water He might have known on which stone to step on so He didn’t slip off but this is what I’m trying to say knowing what spiritual quality to place your consciousness on and strive to maintain it, that is the love, you’re trying to feel love that lifts you up every time. Now “Thy Will be done” is always going to be on earth as an active state, as a state of confrontation, as a state of completion because it’s designed as it is in heaven. “As it is in heaven” means the design is already set up, if the Divine Will already set up in the Divine Principle within to be perfect. The architect draws up his plans and then he projects it out and gives the contractor to go ahead and get the material but it’s the little Joe like me and you and everybody who got to take the nails and the hammer and the mortar and put it all together make that beautiful dream come alive. Equally true, we as Souls have to make the reality of God’s dream come alive by living out the Will on the earth plane. The earth plane is not a place to run from, it’s not a place to be afraid of, it was primarily designed for a place to enjoy God’s grace, no one ever told you that huh? You didn’t realize that it was for in the first place? Most of us are running away from it because you’re afraid to come back to it. If we live the Will of the Lord this earth is a paradise, this earth is the completion of His desire, of his great Will in the heaven consciousness now made manifest on the material level, this is where the joyousness is experienced. Yogananda said “If you can’t make your body a portable paradise, you would not know one and you arrived there.” You wouldn’t know what paradise would be in the first place if you never experienced it here in the physical realm. Experiencing the joyousness of learning to function according to Divine Will on a physical level then you would synchronize with the Divine Will on the inner level, the two now are in state of balance, that is the reason why we must complete the creation within ourselves (our cells?). Now there are necessary things to be done to bring about this completion, one our daily sustenance must be given to us that this moment of the moment vibratory energy must sustain us directly through the medulla oblongata, we have to live directly by that vital power. “Give us this day our daily bread” that is moment to moment constantly we must be sustained by the direct cosmic energy so “Divine Mother teach us to live more and more on direct cosmic energy and less and less on solids and liquids” because this is where we’re supposed to be nursed. A baby nurses from its mother, we as physical entities nurse from the Creative Source via the medulla oblongata, the mouth of God, where the sustenance is coming in by the principle of photosynthesis thus keeping us alive to function now according to Divine Law. So that’s number one thing that is necessary for us to perform the perfected Will, to bring about the perfected will, to bring about God’s desire of perfection in the world is to complete His perfected world. “Give us this day our daily bread” so He has to sustain us so that’s His responsibility, to sustain us, it’s our responsibility to draw on it just like the mother’s breast is filled with the milk, it’s still the baby that must nurse and draw from it, it’s a two-way action. “And forgive us our trespasses” now that again is the Divine responsibility to level out the misuse of the will “As we forgive them that trespass against us,” as we in a physical way learn to prune off all mistakes of abusing this will that delays us from fulfilling the desire of the Creator. 0:40 The desire of the Creator is the perfected world according to His Will but if we avoid it, disobey it, delay it then we have to seek forgiveness from some source just as much as others who offend us would have to seek forgiveness from us because they may be offending us in a sense that they are not complying to our wishes or our desire pattern just as much we are offending the Creator by not complying to His command. You see why He has to provide us with a forgiving process and while we also must provide others with the forgiving process to complete the plan. “And lead us not into temptation,” well naturally the whole world is designed to test us and if it’s designed to test us it’s also designed for us to obey and it’s designed also to find out if you will disobey. Now if you obey by following the Will then the temptation can be transcended, if you don’t obey then the temptations begin to increase, once you break one condition then more temptations come up for you to break it, do you see? If you obey the very first time then temptation don’t have a chance to get stronger than you, Divine Will gets stronger than the temptation, Divine Will gets stronger than the environment. The moment you disobey, the very first time, then environment gets stronger than your own Divine Will in you, it starts to increase now proportionately to the Divine Will until you accept the obedience and then correct it. If you don’t accept that then you can’t correct it, it’s not possible, you’re going to find a tremendous tug of war going on inside. So “lead us not into temptation” is to help us to realize that we must obey the Divine Will in order to gain the strength to overcome the trials and endure them because all trials only come to pass, they don’t come to stay, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” you see, you will transcend, you will be lifted up if you obey, you will get the strength to resist the environmental pull, it’s natural for you to have this deliverance from that natural environmental pull. “Evil” is l-i-v-e spelled backwards so if you live it up, you naturally are disobeying, if you channel your consciousness and live correctly then you are transcending, you are gaining the strength to obey and work the plan, bring about the perfection in yourself. So the whole prayer becomes a way of life for the first time that a human being can now have a sort of a guideline in behavior that will alter his mechanism. The ethical life alters molecules all the time, we see it every day you can see it every day in persons who begin to follow the ethical life, begin to follow the spiritual mood, the cells begin to change, the whole body becomes soft and pliable, becomes smooth, radiant. The evidence is there because the tensions are slowly being released, for the first time the inner love is coming to the surface. That inner love is what you call the power, the vibrancy, the movement within the mechanism, it glows that’s why they say “power and glory,” radiant, it glows all over and it’s a world without end because we are forever, eternally the I AM principal. The I AM principle has no beginning, it has no end, out of this one understanding you have your total freedom. The emphasis then is trying to obey the Divine Law in order to fulfill the cosmic desire for perfection. The Creator has set this creation up, this is where meditation comes in, meditation is receptivity, God is transmitting to you as the Sound Current, the Light, and the bliss, when we receive it we can only receive according to our degree of calmness, our degree of obedience, our receptivity is geared proportionately to the degree of obedience, amazing when you think of it and you begin to realize its activity. That degree of receptivity is proportionately released according to the obedience inside, obedience to the Divine Principle because obedience demands surrender, it demands “letting go, let God” you see? If we don’t let go and let God then we are blocking Him, if you block Him then there’s nothing flowing then there’s turmoil, there’s irritability, there’s restlessness, there’s all types of picking, analyzing, computing, and before you know it you’re one frustrated individual, you’re filled to the neck with boredom but if you let go then everything becomes possible because the joy passes through you. Now joy can come in many ways, in the form of a dream, a vision, a revelation, or the direct materialization of the Lord so you see when we surrender His Will is done, His Will for us to experience the perfect creation. Would you like to see something (inaudible), throw some ideas for them to think about, share some ideas with them? Audience: There’s a new translation of the Lord’s Prayer, does it carry the same impact as the King James? Adano: The Saint James is the closest metaphysically ever translated by the great initiates of mystics with the true impact. The modern day one throws a great deal of detraction from what is important about it. You see for instance in the King James version the healing of the woman that had an issue of the blood it goes like this, “If I would but touch the hem of His garment, I would be made whole.” She touched and He said “Power left Me” or “Power went out of Me.” 0:50 The newer translations by different men they all say “virtue or quality,” that’s gone out of Him and they use the word “push,” this distorts the whole thing. Consciousness in a state of Oneness is energy because this substance is energy, it’s power, it’s a forcefield, it requires power, a tremendous intensity to alter the cellular structure of the individual who is tapping in. Now if it was not power that went out of Him, He would not be able to identify the individual who drew the power, you see, if it’s just virtue how does that go out? So He was able to point out to the woman and said “Your faith has made thee whole,” it was a definite energy release from His body mechanism, He knew there was a drain of energy that went out in some way affected the woman. Now touching the hem of the garment of an individual would have to be energy and not virtue because the garment is a manifestation of matter which is energy and His intelligence identified with that energy would be the Christ principle locked up in it that would perform the correction of the karmic responsibility in that woman. She is reaching out for forgiveness by saying to herself “If I were to touch the hem of His garment, I would be made whole,” she is bringing her limited will or permissive will that she abused back into His Divine Will or His own Christ Will that is aligned with the Divine Will, she had to line up her Will so in this way power must go out so the scripture says “Nothing moves except by Divine Will,” not a single thing can set itself into motion except by Divine Will. Now this covers a whole tremendous scientific relationship of our existence, that not a single thing could move or vibrate except be done by Divine Will, no thing, no vibratory force sets itself in motion except by Divine Will, yet that same vibratory force possesses a permissive will, a Will to choose, to delay the action or to complete the action. As usual our friends are on time and the rain is softening up the ground for us again and we expect everybody here on time in the morning to meditate so it will be as usual here in the chapel. Thank you Masters and loving Elementals. Audience: Can we sing the song “We love you, we love you, we love you?” Adano: Yes we are going to sing it right now. (Gap in tape). (Group chanting). Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna. Krishna, Krishna. Hare Hare. Hare Rama. Hare Rama. Rama Rama. Hare Hare. (3 times). (Gap in tape). Adano: … because the way the movement is set and if you were to draw the one in gradual, at each edge you were just a trifle different and when you flip the pages, it will look like if a cross is forming yet there is no cross, there is just a slight alteration of the line, how you put it at the edges of the page to give it motion. Audience: They used have little books that had little tiny motion pictures in the corner that you could flip… Adano: And then if you took each one, you’ll never notice the difference. This is exactly what is happening to us, we are all the result of this marvelous Divine Will which is in motion but slightly bending, bending, bending, bending, and then you flip the whole thing, you see the whole thing spins and then you say now that Man now is moving, the horse is walking. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Right, so slow motion is the various desired patterns slightly bent. Our desire to move from here to here is the same hand with slight gradation, it’s the same hand but you are… let’s say for every gradation is one page, every gradation is another page, next next next so let’s count them. This is the first page with this particular degree of the hand, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. From this position of the 90 degree angle to this position of the 90 degree angle there are 15 gradiations of the same hand. Flip those 15 gradiations and you see this, the hand has moved, in reality the hand doesn’t move, there are only fixed gradiation. From God’s Will to God’s Will is a 90 degree movement, the gradiations are all God’s Will, the uniqueness of God’s Will acting as Man’s will is this (Adano makes a movement). You get the idea? So we believe now we have free will, this is because of the identification with the degrees of gradiation because here is a freedom, here’s the freedom, here’s a freedom, freedom freedom freedom back but each one is still an angle to 90 degrees however you look at it in a circle but the moment you set some action to spin it, that’s what “Love makes the world go round,” God makes the world go round you see? Something that makes a circular movement in that gradiation we now feel and recognize it as free will. All right, lift your right hand up, just look at it for one moment, put it back down at a 90 degree angle from the body. Now to bring it to another angle it takes so many different gradiations to come to that and hold it there at this 45 degree angle. 1:00 Now you carry it back down, it’s 45 degree angle yet you’re moving it simply by desiring the action, desiring the energy to move it so because the desire to move it and the energy to flow gives you free will, it is your free will that you say “Well I can move my hand, I am moving my hand.” Now if somebody was to just pull it up, see? An external force exerting to pull it up, it will fall back so this other force is exerting upon it is free will in its own right, when it lets go it falls back into place. Now when this hand wants to come to this position it has to move through those various degrees of angles and that’s again free will so when you look at the film of a motion picture, the slight variations of the particular image once that variation is set into motion, it gives the image the apparent appearance of independence of action therefore we say “the apparent appearance of action now is the image own free will,” do you follow? It appears to be moving, it appears to be demonstrating motion so we are saying that the image now that is appearing to be moving has the quality of free will when in reality the image has no free will, strictly various degrees of the same image from a different angle to another angle, from one angle to another angle. The face is looking here and it must look in this direction so for it to turn at an angle and back, it appears to be doing like this independently, there’s so many gradiations of my face being twisted around, you’d have to draw it with such subtle, unnoticeable changes until it becomes… if it takes 100 repetitions or copies of the face in a slight degree from where it started, we will see this now is the apparent free will in the mechanism so when a mechanism is infused with life movement or life energy like a movie film, it appears now to be alive, animated then it appears to have this power of free motion or free will is the result of a preset condition in this mechanism therefore God’s Will is the only Will. God’s Will is the particular gradiation, the hand is here or the hand is here and between this angle to this angle there are different gradiations all drawn off, each one is all drawn up to demonstrate like spokes in a wheel, very simple to understand. Here’s a line, here’s “A” and let’s call the line “A-B.” Now we want to go to “C,” our idea is to go in this direction so if we shift the line, it’s “A-B” shifting its position all the time. Going down in that same angle, going down, going down, “A-B” going across, “A-B” going across. It’s one line, the same measurement yet look what we have, like a fan right? Yet if you were to just drop, take all these gradations and let’s count them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24, it will take 24 lines of “A-B” to produce contact with “C” or put it in this position of like “B-C.” It will take 24 “A-B” to look like one “B-C,” get the idea? It requires 24 of “A-B” to look like one “B-C” in angles of gradation. Now looking at it with the ordinary eye, it looks like 24 images of “A-B” because of time, now if you were to drop it, it would look like only one “A-B” became one “B-C” from a time principle so slow motion and when you see a slow motion picture you always see many multiple forms of the same thing going through and when the thing is actually moved up to normal time, which you call retinal time, everything looks like one smooth movement because that is the familiarity of your eyes, you’re familiar to see the thing go right through and it’s moving at so many frames per second or so many “A-Bs” per second to give you the retinal time so because of that then you see now this so-called illusion, that’s why it’s called optical illusion, this so-called illusion of the optic gives the mind the sensation or the feeling of independence and so it gets this feeling of independence, it makes a statement to itself by saying “My will. I am free. I can do what I want,” you see? Where in reality it’s only time motion so our so-called free will is the result of time motion, a certain motion to register as a certain time of one particular condition in life. My hand to go from this knee to this knee must make a motion like a curve and it must go through within a measurement called time, it takes that seconds to move across. If I did this, after awhile what happened, you see my hand (inaudible) becoming one, there would be no point of… If I was to keep up the action faster and faster between these two points, between the two knees, my hand after a while would be appearing to do like this, it’s just like the spokes in the wheel. When I look at a wheel and the spokes are all radiating out, you see all the spokes, they’re all radiating out from the center and if you spin the wheel slowly the spokes appear to be moving right? Then at it increase in speed, what happened to the spokes, where did they go to? So invisibility to the retinal vision or optical vision is the result of a heightened state of motion of various radiations, do you see it? 1:10 Audience: It goes through a couple of phases there, it gets to one point where it looks like it’s staying still and gets to another point it’s going backwards. Adano: Well all right, these are all the various illusions of free will. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Correct and therefore the mind is being not steady, that’s why Jesus says “When thine eyes are single,” He’s really saying “When the mind is steady,” like the putting the fingers over the eyeballs to keep it steady so by keeping it steady it doesn’t quiver no more so you can see the light inside better, you have a better optical view of the light inside. By keeping the finger in the ears, the hearing becomes steady so you get a deeper receptivity to the Sound. This particular experience is to induce or produce the steadiness of the consciousness and that is what you call focusing, you’re actually focusing light from the retina and focusing the Sound from the tymphany so that it stays steady. In other words you don’t want oscillation, you’re trying to maintain steadiness and not oscillation and the oscillation would break it up whereas the steadiness would give it the direct image, it will hold its form. So they says, “When thine eyes are single,” yes there are two, they’re centered, they’re focused to the one point, turned in to a central point or a single eye but the internal condition is of a steadiness that must occur in the watching so that the mind does not drift because the mind has a tendency to drift and equally true the mind has a tendency to wander in the hearing so you want to watch and hear, which is reception now, in a very relaxed state. There is where I think Tai Chi is a better form of exercise for bringing about the looseness of the body prior to meditation than the yoga posture. The yoga posture does recharge the body but it doesn’t leave it in that loose free-flowing state of buoyancy whereas Tai Chi, you understand, gives you the buoyancy feeling, the conscious gradation of motion. You are actually pushing the air with the body to make a motion and by doing that you are breaking what is called the magnetic restrictions of the mechanism so the mechanism feels buoyant, let’s try it. Try the heavy movement and the heavy movement and holding it in one position and then to come back now and push against the air. You see pushing against the air leaves it buoyant, it’s ready for flight, it’s ready for flow, you see, and because it’s ready for flow it’s more receptive so the whole body now it’s pressing against the airflow of receptivity. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: (Laughing) Because now Energy is acting on Matter, for the first time you’re becoming conscious of the Energy acting on Matter. Audience: How old is Tai Chi? Adano: Tai Chi is old as the origin of acupuncture. Audience: Yoga then would be older. Adano: Well it’s a Chinese yoga. Audience: But I mean it seems like Tai Chi is more applicable to us nowadays then the yoga. Adano: Well you see yoga is Matter acting on Matter, it’s Matter acting on the Matter. Tai Chi is Energy acting on the Matter and Consciousness acting on Matter is the actual holding the hand and feeling now that your hand has lost its sensation of weight. You see there is no sensation of weight, see your hand has no sensation of weight, it just stays there so as long as sensation is no longer pushing or pulling then this is consciousness that is holding it here, it’s mere consciousness to hold it. Now are you focused consciousness, touch it and see how it is almost getting devoid of feeling, it seems to be semi-numb, right? You are actually making the whole matter structure consciousness therefore producing self-anesthesia. Audience: This is how I can react in the dentist. Adano: Right because consciousness now of all the cells present here have taken over on the matter structure and identified throughout but there is no reaction no more. Audience: I find myself saying my hand is moving (inaudible). Audience: This would be helpful because you’re really exercising your consciousness. Adano: Yes, you’re exercising your consciousness and you’re raising the alpha rhythms of the brain now because it’s Consciousness acting on Matter, controlling the matter in where matter and consciousness are arriving at the state of oneness and the oneness is a state of suspension of feeling. Now this suspended feeling would be the equivalent of anesthesia in the cell, the same thing is induced by an aesthetic process so there is no sensation, there is no registration, and you can push your needle or whatever you can work on it, there is no registration because consciousness is now fully acting in that area, acting on matter you see? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: During the period of Consciousness acting on Matter there is no feeling, when the consciousness withdraws from the matter and the energy flows back into the level and then matter becomes matter again, you drop to the next level down, then the sensation comes back, then the redness of that spot starts showing up and then you know that somebody is really giving you working over. Yes? Audience: Is this what Yogananda called “life force control?” Adano: “Life force control” this is the technique of life force control, consciousness acting on the matter but that’s only the preliminary stages of it, life control in its fullest control is Consciousness acting on Energy, that’s the complete control of it. See you have to arrive at Consciousness acting on Energy then Consciousness acting Consciousness it’s more and more refined but that is a preparation to life control that the consciousness is controlling matter then it must control energy because life is conscious energy. 1:20 Well it’s a few minutes that we have a little meditation and take off and give ourselves (inaudible). (Meditation).

1972 June 11 Part 3 - Tyler Retreat

Adano72_06_11_3TylerRetreatQ3 - (Group singing). Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. I will never forget Thee, I will never forsake Thee. (Repeated 4 times). I will sing Thy name, I will drink Thy name, And get all drunk, Oh, with Thy name! (5 times). How sweet the sound of Om, ‘Tis Master’s voice I hear. In all pervading silence He whispers I am here. My heart is all a-glowing, it sings eternally. There is no other love like the Master’s love for me. (3 times). Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Jai. (2 times). Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jai, Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai, Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jai, Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai, Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. 0:10 Who is in my temple? Who is in my temple? Who is in my temple? Who is in my temple? All the door do open themselves. All the lights do light themselves. All the door do open themselves. All the lights do light themselves. Darkness like a dark bird, flies away, O flies away. Darkness like a dark bird, flies away, O flies away. (3 times). Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Door of my heart open wide I keep for thee. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Wilt thou come, wilt thou come, wilt thou come, just for once come to me. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. (3 times). It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the world go round. It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the world go round. It’s love, love, love, love, love. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, it’s joy, it’s joy that makes the world go round. It’s joy, joy, joy, joy, joy. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, it’s peace, it’s peace that makes the world go round. It’s peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, it’s bliss, it’s bliss that makes the world go round. It’s bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, it’s friends, it’s friends that makes the world go round. It’s friends, friends, friends, friends, friends. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, it’s God, it’s God that makes the world go round. It’s God, God, God, God, God. (3 times). 0:23 Audience: I’d like for everybody to sing this with me, it’s not meant to be solo. I would like everybody to learn it. Group singing: Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me. Place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see. Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine! (3 times). (Meditation). Adano: …explain the chart. Last time I saw my chart was supposed to be in the herb shop but I haven’t seen it since then, I have to check it out. There may be one upstairs, it’s in the office right at the side against the wall June. I have one that is already framed out, it’s supposed to be in the herb shop. 0:30 You’re looking at the chart that is the condensation of all that you’re learning condensed into a chart form and your progress in every level. Number one, this is the head of the human being, it represents the thinking sphere of Man. There are three parts in the brain that are very important that represents the whole physical impact of the spiritual life: the pineal area, pituitary, medulla or thalamus but before we can use any one of these forces in a spiritual way we must know our basic self. Many of us want to get to God but very few of us ever get there, the journey is long, narrow, and very very rough because each one of us is the result of karma, we have great intentions but do we have great endurance? Many women start off before men and men start off after and many men catch up, pass the women and go on, it’s one of those laws of endurance and if you can’t prove endurance when you start out with the basic simple things given to you in your environment, you’re not going to make it because that’s the very first thing the consciousness is testing you, even with a living Master, He can’t use people who don’t have endurance. The spiritual Master is God and He is eternal endurance, who can out-endure God, do you realize what we’re in? God is infinite endurance, there’s no backing up for Him so when we start out and though we have tremendous mental images about ourselves, they’re all images but not the true image because God’s image of Himself is total commitment, total endurance, and in our basic self we have to learn about our basic self and that’s what we’re trying to discover, what is our basic self? In Hindu writings when we use Sanskrit they have not laid out any basic structure or chart, they have given how they see this in our principle even in the west we don’t have a structured chart for the basic self but the initiates have had at all times carried a structured chart. Master Jesus often said what He was teaching was written, it had to be written down someplace, “It is written that Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God.” Our sole purpose here is to return back to that Divine Light through direct process but if we don’t know how to do it, we’re gonna find ourselves floundering all over the place. Living Masters come primarily to coax us to go back to that Light, They take on the responsibility of trying to help us with the karma, They don’t take the karma, They only assume the responsibility of adjusting it for you. That is to say for instance you want a loan from the bank and you don’t have a credit of the bank, all they will do is sponsor you but you pay for that loan, somebody can sponsor you as a co-signer and you pay for the loan but because he’s a cosigner he can look into your ability to pay it and how is your ability? If you’re only making a small amount of money and according to the way the bank wants their money back, you may not be able to pay it that way but a co-signer can, by his tremendous resources in the bank, he can say “Well let’s cut this thing down in half” or let’s say “I sign over the thing to me and I now dole it out to you a little at a time that you can take it the way it should be taken.” He’s going to give you castor oil but instead of one big tablespoon now in drops or in teaspoons or half teaspoon size but you’re gonna take the castor oil so no karma is being shifted to anybody, we’re just adjusting the load. It’s like carrying a knapsack on your back, it’s hanging down here and the load is heavy to pull and walk with it, you can’t bear it because we don’t seem to generate the endurance to bear it and carry it, it’s strung on us by our own wrong hanging the knapsack on but He comes along and says, “Okay I’ll just pull it up a little more and shift it around so it doesn’t cut in on the shoulders and it feels good.” “Oh boy Master sure did something good for me, He took away my karma.” Phooey, He didn’t take anything, He just adjusted the pressure on your mechanism but if you know what the mechanism is then you don’t make Masters or human beings the agent of the adjustment, you realize that God is the only true Master and the adjustment is within yourself, your basic self the way it is structured out. It’s in your own structure that you make the adjustment and then you get the tremendous sigh of relief because when you begin to see Master now as an example of how He carried His own world. Jesus carried His own cross too you know, another man came along to help Him but still He had to carry the load. The basic self is structured out first with resentments, it’s interesting that anybody says something to you, you either accept or you reject and nine times out of ten the very first reaction is a resentment because we don’t know why we resent something being said to us. Now resentment is not something bad, it’s a structured function of our mechanism, it’s part of our basic structure that we vibrate energy into it but you notice there’s a cross line, a top cross line from the throat where the Will center is. The pineal is the God center that is hooked right up to the whole Cosmic Creation. The medulla is the center where all the energy is feeding the body directly. 0:40 The pineal is the Christ center so we have the God center which is pineal, the Holy Spirit is the medulla, the Christ center in the pituitary. Now pituitary is the Christ center, the pineal is the God center, and the medulla oblongata is the Holy Spirit and in the throat we have the Will center, your free choice, something to do but can’t do, and we’d say a lot but don’t do anything that’s the predicament and the bar that goes across the throat, the very first bar is called selfish. The free choice that we have, the very first thing you do is you always do it for yourself, you don’t even know why you’re doing it. Selfishness is already locked up in you and you’re going to be forced to act out selfishness, you’re going to be forced to act as a very selfish individual from this structure, it’s part of the structure, you can’t cut it out, you cannot cut out selfishness, it’s not something you can cut out, it’s something you’ll be forced to live through until you understand it, that it is part of the structure. Now remember Jesus didn’t say we can get rid of anything, He said “As you sow that you reap” and “Unto the Son is given the power to forgive sins,” He didn’t say get rid of them. He gave us the beatitudes, blessed are those who do such and such, blessed are those who do such and such things, these are attitudes of behavior for the structure. The initiate knows the structure by understanding this makeup that he has this within himself, there is such a thing as positiveness and negativeness, a positive selfishness and a negative selfishness. A positive self-centeredness or a negative self-centeredness, these two cross lines regulate the will. Your will is going to vibrate and perform regardless if you want to or not because free choice has to confront polarities, dualities, the Creator made it that way, how else can He keep His creation in check, how is He going to keep tabs on you? You don’t have a single thing to to call free will, we have a permissive will but we don’t have real free will, we are permitted to do certain things. For example the powerhouse in this city sends power like this big sphere of light here coming down and the contact point to this building that I have to pay electrical power to is where the meter is and the main switch and that is the main switch in here, there’s a transformer out there that transforms down the energy that comes into this building. Now before they can put in the power to this building, that’s the powerhouse, the electrician has to wire the building and he has to be in agreement with the amount of power I need to draw in and I require the use of the appliances, we have 110 or 120 line and 220 line or whatever the line we need. These are predetermined therefore they are predestined already, they are pre-wired, your body is preset by the structural laws of creation, you can’t change that. If you pull out the wiring you don’t have anything, no powerhouse will let you in any power because where are you going to run the power into? So you don’t have a free will yet, this is an assumption that we have a free will, we don’t have a free will. All right power comes into you in the form of life, everything has to be wired and set up in this building, all the switches and everything, the inlets and the outlets. Now comes the situation, there is one main switch that regulates this entire house and that’s where the fuse box is allowing the power to stay circulating inside and that one main switch in us is the medulla oblongata, we dare not tamper with it or we blow the whole circuitry. The power comes down through the various circuits, the various setup, all preset in us in the form of selfishness, centeredness, fear, pride, intolerance, criticism, hypocrisy, all these things (gap in tape) …either to break down, maintain, this electrical power can kill you or it can cook your food or keep you comfortable. Equally true that life power coming into your brain is set up the same way. Now the only thing you can do which you can call free will if you want to call it, is go play with the switch on the wall, there ain’t nothing else you can do, the main switch. You would automatically spoil all the food in the refrigerator so God can’t trust you, the powerhouse can’t trust you if you’re going to go in terms of survival now. In terms of survival means how this mechanism is sustained like the heart, the lungs, the kidney, the gallbladder, and all these things are not in your power to control as an unethical individual. An unethical individual cannot be in control of that power, how to regulate his heart, how to regulate and do all these things, to stop them or start them. He wouldn’t know if he got a shock and he cuts himself, do you know what chemical by your conscience brain to send from the mechanism to go and heal it? You say we have free will, all right let’s see how free will you got, do you see how limited a creature you are that your free will is just a game to encourage us to have respect for God? All we’ve got is the little switch of turning it off and go to bed and go to sleep, pick up something mechanically and a shock comes along, you can’t even stop your hair from getting gray with all your conscious will, see? So the free will is not really a free will, it is a permissive will to work with the mechanism. We can’t understand the life of a living Master until we understand the principles that are made up. It’s like any science, you first got to get your BA, you got to get your MA, then you get your PhD, in the Science of the Soul you have the same thing. The BA is all the studies that you read about like your Casey writings, all your various metaphysical schools that are around, that is your BA studies and you should have a ground work in them, you should have already read that part, Aquarian Age gospel and so forth, all those books, you should have been reading, Cosmic Consciousness by book. Then your MA studies is the life of Jesus and the realized Masters who have passed on and when you know that thoroughly, then you’re ready for your PhD studies, that’s contact with a living Master because He got no time to play around no more. He hope you’ve got your lessons all learned when you come to Him so those who are ready gets the most, those who don’t ready they get what they get. How can a child expect the professor or the dean of university to teach him calculus if he’s only studying arithmetic, do you see the ridiculousness of searching and saying “I got a good Guru and you got a Guru and my Guru is better than your Guru.” (Laughter). 0:50 The whole thing is a step by step process, if it was not like that we’d all be flocking at the feet of Jesus a long time ago or all the living Masters if you can find them and say, Here take me.” What are you gonna tell you, “I’ll take you where?” But if you understand what you are doing, it’s like those who go to pentecostal prayer meetings they join in the movement and they start getting into revelry and rapture and they start talking in tongues and when you translate it, they’re all saying “Praise be to Thee Lord, praise be to Thee Lord, praise be to Thee Lord” in all type of languages. All right so I said to them one day “Did you learn anything from that after going through that experience?” “Oh I spoke in town.” I said “Good, you understand what you said?” “No.” “You feel good?” “Yes.” I says “Aren’t you frustrated?” “Yes.” “But you still feel good?” “Yes.” (Laughter). So I says, “What good is this science, what good is this big exposure now?” One minister who is a pentecostal minister said to a friend of mine “I have been given the gift of tongues, I rather trade it for the gift of understanding.” Yes, this is a minister who has been in the pentecostal movement for most of his life, he’s an older man now in his eighties, he’s ready to give up and he says not too long ago “I’d rather trade my gift of tongues for the gift of understanding.” It’s a big difference between the gifts, what they are and what you really know about it. Solomon asked for understanding and wisdom and that’s why he knew what he was doing, equally true in the life of the initiate. I’m not trying to make you into something else that I am not trying to be, I want understanding more than anything else about this science. God is around me all the time but if I don’t understand Him, what good it is to me? I’ll come back again and again still looking for Him as a word “Thanks be to Thee Father, where are you, what are you?” I want to understand and if I want to understand I must look for the understanding how I function inside so between the east and western approach it is only by working out their methods and going back to the true initiate process we find out that true initiation is occurring inside also, the unfolding. That’s why all the teachers are saying east and west must get together but get together and do what? Get together and trade with what or exchange what, unfold in what, understand what? If you don’t understand what each one is saying and each one has got its own particular pull then we have nothing to talk about, we’re saying the same thing over and over, we’re trying to get an understanding of something that we can work from inside. Now Jesus says “No man take My life from Me, I have the power to lay down and pick it up,” that’s a big difference when you’re talking in those terms because you’re talking of this particular process, you have to know from inside. The power is coming through this house and we are permitted to play with the switch but let’s say you have a hot plate on and you’re an adult you know how to operate that hot plate and you have a two-year-old child, are you going to allow that child to go and play around the equipment? Why? He does not understand, it isn’t that the equipment is something for him not to touch or not be aware of, understanding is the fact that you do not want him to touch it, you know there is something about that equipment that is not practical for that child to touch at his level of understanding. So equally true all the yoga writings are like different levels for different people until you get into initiate life then you’ll be getting more adult now, you’re gonna mature now, it’s what you call aging up of the consciousness. All right the basic self may appear to be a very very negative structure that is because it has restlessness or resentment in it, it has criticism in it, it has pride, it has intolerance, fear, dishonesty, hypocrisy, self-pity, guilt, flattery, jealousness, possessiveness, worry, and if you worry that’s gonna kill you sooner or later so it’s got to have all these things in your basic self. Now our basic self is what you call the animal self, “AN-I-MAL,” “MAL” is “bad” in French and the “I” is that lower “I” that has its tendency of tearing itself down or degenerating itself and I am an animal in my lower nature if I tear down myself, if I allow these tendencies to tear me down, that is the detrimental effect of the lower self, that’s why it’s called “an-i-mal,” it is not lifting me up, it’s getting like the beast in the field but this is part of how we are structured out already like that switch. We can’t pull out the wiring and take this air conditioner, when it was given to us we still had to get this power to hook it up and I know of many people had to sit down there and wait in the hot room until it was hooked up to get that power to go to it and all that is there between the outlet and the switch is the permissive function of the air conditioner but you turn off the power in the room everything goes off, even the food in the refrigerator will start decomposing so we see God the Divine Power coming down that is controlling our survival nature directs, it’s His Will must be done all the time. Every time we violate, we are not carrying out His Will therefore His creation will not remain perfect and our only violation is disobedience, we don’t have no other violation, this is ignorance, ignorance is the opposite of understanding so you don’t have any sin as damnation, you have what is called the reaction to understanding in the form of ignorance by ignoring yourself and once you ignore yourself then you don’t know how to respond to it and you can’t function with it then you sooner or later use rabbit foot existences, “Give me this, give me that, get somebody to take my problems, look for a crutch” and so on fourth and then Jesus come along hit you on the head and says, “He that doeth the Will of the Lord is My brother and My sister, He that followeth in My Word is My disciple” and then all of a sudden “You’re no longer my disciple,” stand up on your two feet, every pot stands on his own two legs, get up and be a man or a woman, start realizing yourself, understanding yourself, you’re forced to recognize it. The initiate is the individual that is forced to stand upon his two feet and recognize the Master consciousness working within him structured out by Divine Law. Not by any form of coercion, God doesn’t force us, it’s the only thing He cannot do to get us back to Him, we can only go back to Him by His natural laws which we have broken or didn’t fulfill. We are given everything including Love, only one thing we can withhold from Him is Love, we cannot withhold anything from Him, He takes it all back, even the living Masters He will take Them back, He’ll take the dead ones back too to Himself because it’s Love but They don’t hold back Their Love for God, the Creative Self therefore They exist eternally, we hold back our Love for Him therefore we have a temporary existence and then we pass on and come back again. 1:00 The reason we are reincarnating too when you look at it in his true aspect is because you’re holding back a little of the Love if you surrender this Love totally, He can’t hold back, He can’t make your incarnate, He’s got to give it to you because He is Love, you realize that? You’re holding back the Love, right, once you don’t hold back you are “free man, Lord of yourself,” that’s why He said, “Love the Lord with all your mind, heart, and Soul,” don’t holds it back. The basic self is structured out like this whole mechanism in this building and the survival pattern is God’s Will so you may call it predestination, God’s Will is predestination, it’s predetermined before you came into existence. As soon as you come into existence you have permissive will then between the two you have ignorance, that’s the interplay that your daily life is spent in talking and yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping and then you’re not really learning anything because it’s wasted in trying to satisfy permissive will against Divine Will or Cosmic Will, you’re constantly pulling all the negativeness down into the lower self. The higher self is different, the lower self you will notice has all the problems in it for degenerating Man. Now the initiate is not trying to make a conscious contact with God, most people who study God realization are trying to make a conscious contact with God, the initiate is trying to make a “conscience” contact with God, a vast difference. My contact with God is my conscience, not a conscious contact with It, my conscience inside of me is my contact with Him that’s the contact I’m talking about that the initiate is working to, a “conscience” contact with God not a “conscious” contact with God, a conscious contact with God would be to look outside, close my eyes and dream, wander away in nothing land, try all kind of experiments to get all kind of experiences, really never discovering what the conscience is all about, never finding God, wasting conscience. Now we have heard the term you have a guilty what? Audience: Conscience. Adano: Have you ever heard the term, a guilty conscious or guilty consciousness, do you think when Man first tagged the truth about ourselves that he made a mistake? He didn’t make no mistake, the very first Masters or Truth or Men of Truth did not make a mistake when they tagged what is the thing that we’re guilty of, it’s in “conscience” that we know God, not in “consciousness” because we transcend consciousness. Conscience is Beingness, it’s only in your conscience can you really find your Beingness and that’s what you have to try to understand that to be is to be in a state of conscience. If you have a problem you may twist and turn with it all night trying to find a solution to make a decision but you know what will make that decision eventually, what? Your conscience because that is your deciding factor of evaluation, you have to evaluate that decision on that basis and when you make that decision and commit yourself to it then you are acting out a God principle. Otherwise if we’re going to make decisions strictly on consciousness, you’d find that everything you say, you wouldn’t act it out because we say things that we don’t act out yet they come back pretty fast to eat our own words back. Now you know why you’re eating your words back, if I say “I’m not going to do this” and all of a sudden you find yourself doing it, this is because you don’t understand conscience and consciousness. So the first thing that a spiritual person is learning on the path is to differentiate between consciousness and conscience, his conscience is the key, it’s that point of contact with God. The lower self or the basic self will allow you to go down in all the lower forces of the consciousness and those lower forces are like bigotry, arrogance, grief, lust, hate, betrayal, maliciousness, doubt, revengefulness, apathy, violence, and self annihilation, and you have the cross points again in envy, greed, ingratitude, anger, indifference, melancholy, boredom, tension, dogmatic, how many of us are not experiencing this? Good many of us are experiencing all because that’s part of your basic nature. The moment you start getting on a spiritual path is like this house, how many times you light up your bulb and all of a sudden the bulb that you just bought burns out? You paid your 50 cents bulb or your 75 cents bulb or your dollar bulb and they’re all burning out. It’s like that, inside you’re short circuiting, going out, burning up very fast so you have a breakdown which is called a pollution process and it leads eventually through all the boredoms and tensions and aggravations right away down where you may have to repeat the whole process all over again, it’s called reincarnation and the worst part of it all is self annihilation because in the lower levels of the conscience contact there is nothing else you would end up doing but destroying yourself. Now the initiate can tell by the progressional breakdown of an individual’s reaction to his environment where he will end up long before he ends up there and you may think that the initiate is psychic or prophetic, phooey. (Laughter). We don’t depend on a prophecy or something to tell a person where he’s going to go and end up in that behavior pattern, by observing this movement and training ourselves gradually if we see too many persistent repetitions of these movement, we can automatically realize and that we don’t wish it either for it to happen but you can see the gradual breaking down of that person where he’s going, sooner or later he comes to suicide. So it’s a very subtle science because it’s already structured out already for how you’re going to act, it’s like a person playing around, what you say, in his laboratory and he’s trying to solve some stuff but he jammed two wires together and what happens, blow out the fuse, that’s called suicide too in the house, knock out the switch. Yet if you understand what you’re doing, you can start the process of going up now regenerating yourself and Jesus called Peter and told him, “You have been so long with Me in the regenerative life,” in the mechanics of it, “but you understand Me not” or “you know Me not,” you don’t even know, being surrounded with it and still don’t even know what’s going on inside because knowing from inside is a very important thing, the process is growing up. When we are children we are given candy to keep us quiet, that’s the sugar coated churchianity. When we become adults we are given the contact of our conscience with God, we have to face the Creator now on His own terms, we have to live up to Him by understanding. That’s why He has given us infinity and He had given us immortal life but we must understand how it must work for Him by doing His will and the understanding will come. 1:10 All the time cycles or laws of creation are set up, the first function that we are passing through is Matter acting on Matter and the second level up in creation, or back to the Creator in face, because Matter acting on Matter is hell, this is the last state you’re in. Here we are held captives by our own ignorance in a state of matter, we are brought down right down into this last particular structure of matter, Matter acting on Matter. The second level up on our way back home from the Source is Energy acting on Matter, you have to master each level up that’s why they call you a Master when you get up there because at each level the examiner is going to ask you the same questions and if you pass them, you can go on to your next classroom, if you don’t pass then you go back down and study all over again. So when it say that a man is a Master you’ve got to realize what you’re talking about, we’re talking of an individual who has mastered these forces in Himself, He has spent the time to understand and work it out, He’s got to know it, if he doesn’t know it then he’s just talking about it, matter acting on Matter is the very first level because we’re in it. Energy acting on Matter is the second level, Consciousness acting on Matter is the third level. There are Sanskrit names for them, they are called names of God too or levels of God but they are actually in literal translation the levels of Creation, each level of Creation carries an intelligent function. When you read The Tiger Fang, he talks about different levels and different gods in each level and different intelligence, it literally means that pervading aspect of creativity at that particular plane of existence which you have to become identified with so the initiate has got lots of work laid out for him already. It’s a marvelous goal when you got friends going home together that you’re all helping to pull the load together because when you’re going it by yourself then it’s rough, you don’t have anyone to go with them it’s pretty rough then but you have people going along with you, it’s not so bad because then each one can help along and give you a lift. Consciousness acting on Matter is the third way up then Energy acting on Energy is what we call the halfway mark. Consciousness acting on Energy is the next round up. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Consciousness acting on Energy is the last way that is connected with this earth plane because Consciousness acting on Energy is involved with time, Kal, that’s the word meaning time or Satan, adversary, we live in a time cycle and we’re a slave to time because it’s already half past nine and you’re wondering when you’re going to get up then you’re worrying when you’re going to die, when you’re going to be born again, wondering if your Guru is going to accept you, what time is He going to take you up, what time He’s going to take you back to God. (Laughter). Isn’t that what’s going on in your mind, how are you are a victim to time? That proves you haven’t mastered that that cycle yet, you haven’t gone up to master it. A Master don’t have such thoughts because He’s gone past that state, He lives in the next state it’s called the Christ consciousness or the timeless state, Consciousness acting on Consciousness because in Consciousness acting on Consciousness there is no time, He’s timeless. “Before Abraham was,” that’s a statement of time, “I was,” do you understand the statement? “Before Abraham was, I was” before everything was I was, “everything was” is a time point of starting and before is a time point of timelessness. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: “Before Abraham was, I am?” Well “I am” would be the eternalness of time as “I was” would be the eternalness of time. He had to be before Abraham in His eternalness, the “I AM”-ness would be there. Audience: Can we function as we are functioning right now in our present society and have that attitude of (inaudible). Adano: That’s the first thing you have to master, fatiguelessness. Audience: No I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about making appointments, you still have to live by the clock. Adano: All right, “Render unto the time cycle, what is due to the time cycle,” if you live by time, you have to act by time. Years ago I used to say “I got to be on time, I’ve always got to be on time” and I’m busy trying to get there in time and I’m always late then one day I said “How come I gotta be on time and they got can’t be on time. They’re on time and they can’t be late too?” So from now on they are late, I’m always early. (Laughter). It always turns out they are late and I am early too. Audience: Guru standard time? Adano: Yes, Guru standard time. (Audience laughter). One time I was in Dallas, you know Mr. King, Burl? Alright we’re going to see Mutkananada and he was worried about getting to work because he had an appointment for 10 o’clock and we got up and we’re having breakfast and the rain is falling and he’s looking at his clock and I said “Burl, why are you worrying, the other man is late, you are early. You want to go and see Mutkananada?” “Okay if you say so.” We drove down and it’s about already 9:30, his appoint is nine o’clock you know. The rain is falling like crazy, he gets on the phone and he calls the other guy. The other guy says “Look, I was just trying to get you on the phone to tell you cancel because I can’t see you before two o’clock.” He says, “So many things came up, (inaudible).” So Burl comes back and hands the phone up he says, “Let’s go see Mutkananada.” (Audience laughter). I says, “What are you worrying about, whose time is this all about in the first place? It’s not your time or my time it’s the Creator’s time.” It depends on how you want to work with the Creator, the Creator always going to confuse us. You never see the Creator plant corn in a row, mangos is in a row, oak trees in a row, pine trees in a row. (Audience laughter). He’s got them all scattered up, that’s His time, that’s the way He plants. He is the most confused, organized times, it’s all confused for us but organized for Him and we are trying to make order out of His confusion and calling it order and then we get more confused and find ourselves all hung up, strung out on some kind of a problem. “Please Lord help me” and then He turns around and turn the thing all back in the opposite way but that’s not the way to do it, that’s the realization we come to, it’s so comical that we end up saying the same thing to ourselves but that’s not the way to do it. (Audience laughter). The time cycle is difficult and different for everyone. 1:20 Consciousness acting Consciousness is when you transcend the time cycle and you’re now entering the Christ state, “Thy will be done.” There you have all subtle little evidences always popping around you, some strange things, you call them miracles, they’re not miracles it’s because you understand now how God works therefore you keep in tune with Him then the next level up is Beingness acting on Consciousness, this is the ascension and finally Beingness acting on Beingness, liberation but look at the beautiful joyous journey long before you even get up there, what is happening on the regenerative scale of your life. In the regenerative scale of your life you have all the appreciation, the patience that you got to have from birth to death and back again, the tranquility, the serenity, the joy, the ecstasy, happiness, all these are things all structured out inside for you to experience on the regenerative scale all the way finally up to resurrection, these are all structured out for you to go. Now at the top of the line where the eyes are, we see a straight line running across, where your heart is or where your mind is or the thing that is almost in your mind, your heart is going to be there but for something to be upper mostly in your mind, it has to be from your vision so what is your motive? That’s the thing that drives you on, the forward movement of Man’s whole existence is facing yourself, this is your whole driving force between up or down. Up or down is laid out like the hot wire in this room and the cold wire in this room for the electrical power, pulling the switch on and off to turn it on is the permissive will, not tampering with the main switch is facing yourself, realizing the responsibility that you can’t pull the main switch and spoil the food inside the building. So the initiate is not a person who runs from life, it is a person who is facing life and facing himself every second in fact he faces himself by constant confrontation with the next breath, his next breath is where he’s facing himself all the time. That little ring, that little gadget there that you call the car wheel, the main car wheel or the main spring of your existence is that next breath that’s why it’s called the next breath, it’s in that main spring you have everything assigned to you. The main spring is hooked up to this complete universal spring, what you have here is 19 and 16 forces, what you have here is 19 and 16 forces. In the lower circle you have 16 basic elements and trace elements representing your chemical body, in the breath you have the same thing in minuture form. Above you have 35 representing your electrical body, 35 elements, in the breath you have 19 movements, the two together make 35, the electrical and the chemical added together makes 35 so we have a 35-day resistance cycle. Now Masonry only goes up to what degree? Audience: 33. Adano: But then they say they’re two honorary degrees too, right? They’re also two honorary degrees that’s conferred on them by the unseen master, that makes up for the 35 degrees of consciousness, you have 33 degrees that you go up physically that they know of and then they say well we’re still looking for the “lost word,” they’re looking for the “lost word” and they’ll keep on looking. Audience: They keep playing those games and don’t get down to meditation. Adano: All right, the last two are conferred on them and that is where the initiates comes in now, there are 35 functions of recycling ourselves but it’s locked up in the breath. You have to face yourself every time you take that breath and that is your basic key. Now you can win this race and the only time you can win it is now, there’s no possible way you’re gonna get it tomorrow, anytime you win the race it’s going to happen in the present tense, now, you’re going to understand (inaudible) yourself now. This chart covers many many lives of forms of principles, you’re looking at a very condensed form set up in such a way that you can go progressively up the ladder, you can’t learn the whole thing overnight or one night, one second, it’s highly impossible because we’re involved with too many structures in ourselves and since I have to process three people tonight that means I have to recycle three people, this is a resistance recycling principle but apart from that what is laid out here if you read it gradually and try to ingest a few of its points more and more as we meet, you will gradually learn more of it. Serfdom or slavery is found in denial and this is the thing that Judas was guilty of, he became enslaved to his lower forces and ended up denying the Christ principle and what was the outcome of the movement? Self-annihilation, there is no way that the principle of denial continuing on down into betrayal and into apathy, eventually being over dogmatic and becoming self-destructive. The other way to freedom is by grace and understanding, first the grace, you don’t get the understanding first, don’t think you get the understanding first, you get the grace first, you can’t understand nothing without the grace so the initiate is always asking for the grace so that the understanding will flow to him, “By the grace of God there go my self,” right? So you understand more by the grace. There is where the freedom is but you know freed f-r-e-e and hyphen “d” hyphen “om,” “Om” is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is free already, you can’t confine it but it’s distributing therefore the “d” is there, it’s the distributor like in a car, it’s the main dividing line between Christ consciousness and God consciousness in yourself. Jesus said “I go unto the Father” that is the Christ intelligence rising back up to the higher consciousness “But I send you the Holy Comforter,” that’s what you call it “the Holy Comforter,” not Holy Spirit, there’s a big difference between a Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit. God is Spirit total, He is Holy total but in His manifested expressions He is comforter, that is something that is comforting you in the sound current, the audible life part is the comforting sound because it’s music, all the atoms are singing for the first time in your body. If you listen to them they are singing, it’s energy, it’s tingling through your body, it’s comforting, can you stand goose pimples through your body 24 hours a day? Audience: No. Audience: Yes. Adano: Do you like it? The feeling when you play music how it travels up your spine and gives you chilly bumps, yeah? Good, now imagine it going through your body all the time, it’s comforting, it’s exhilarating, it’s ecstatic but that is exactly what it is. You can search in all your books you’ll never find it because nobody can tell you it. So don’t be in a rush, read it up, and look at it as an initiate, gradually it will come to your consciousness.

1972 June 11 Part 4 - Tyler Retreat

Adano72_06_11_4TylerRetreatQ2 - They’re waiting to bring Master to Austin so they can have Him all to themselves, somebody who went as far as New Mexico to see if they can ride with Him. He arrives, the plane has to shut down and slow down for 45 minutes in Dallas, I only saw Master for 45 minutes. If He can’t give you what you’re supposed to get in 45 minutes, He’s never going to give it to you your whole lifetime, that’s what it boils down to. If He can’t give it to you while you’re alive, when are you going to get it? So there we were at the airport sitting down and the Master walked in and He went and sit down and He looked all around, you remember that day sister? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: All right, what did He say? The whole conversation was “did I get books.” Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: (Laughing). You see people didn’t understand you see, Master was so subtle in His way, He looked around all these initiates and then He says, “I’ve seen many of them before at the Dera.” (Laughing). That is when I laughed, if these people could only realize that He’s already seen all these people sitting right there in the room and none of them have ever met the Master, He’s saying “I’ve seen many of you at the Dera.” Audience: I didn’t even hear of Him until the day before, I didn’t know what He was. Adano: Right and this is what the thing is all about you see, Master consciousness is all over, we are one and then when a person says to the Master “Are you going to initiate?” He says, “I don’t have no plans for that right now in this country but if you want come and see me, where’s the nearest place we’re going to have a meeting?” You says “Chicago.” He says “Come and see me.” He left it like that, He didn’t say I will initiate, He says “You come.” Some people understood what He meant, they got in their car and they drove all the way to Chicago and they got initiated. Others just sat down hoping “Well Master is not going to initiate.” He never comes out and says, “I will do this” or “I’ll do that,” no living Master does that, the truth is that They’ll leave you to realize what it’s all about. It is bliss, while you’re in His presence you feel the bliss and if you don’t feel it, you’ll never feel it. That’s the whole thing about it then one woman asked Him, “Master when I meditate how do I know I’m getting any results?” He says, “Don’t you feel anything up here yet?” This is where He points, up to the head, He says “Don’t you feel here?” He’s making her realize that bliss is progress, right here in the forehead, the maddening band. Now it came from the horse’s mouth you know. Audience: What’s so strange is that you’re completely unaware of what you are feeling. You feel different, you feel weird then suddenly it dawns on you you’re happy, you know something tremendous has happened to you and you don’t even realize it. We have to be going. Adano: You’re going already? Glad you’re came, have a safe journey. The feeling is bliss. To tell a person what bliss is, they can’t understand it, there’s no way to describe bliss. When you start to meditate you feel it, you can’t describe it and when you see the living bliss you can’t even describe it to yourself. A Master is the physical expression of a living bliss, sitting in His presence you will feel this glow, it’s darshan, this is the thing but if you don’t understand what it’s all about then you don’t get anything then when He’s gone then a couple of days after some people start tingling all over inside, something like that happened to them, that is because it permeated into their being. See God is Bliss, Ananda, you can’t think of Him, you have to feel Him so if you sit down in front of a picture of the Master, living or passed on and you have a rapport of bliss, you are in that state of Oneness. If you sit down in a physical presence with Him, don’t bug Him with words, try to feel because He’s pouring out the bliss, He’s radiating the bliss and you will feel it lifting you up, lifting you into that state where bliss can remain with you now in 24 hours, a blissful state, (inaudible), reverie, rapture, the divine rapture, this is what you’re trying to get to and hold on to that you’re always in that state. Now Yogananda made a chant to describe that state. (Adano chanting). Thou art my life, Thou art my love. You see what He says “Thou art my life,” your physical life that you have is God, your love that you are radiating is God. (Adano chanting). “Thou art my life, Thou art my love, Thou art the sweetness which I do seek.” The bliss because the bliss is sweet, it’s elevating, it’s what you call inexpensive high. (Laughter). That’s the sweetness now, now you know what the sweetness is but you’re seeking it all the time, you’re looking for that inexpensive high. (Adano chanting). “Thou art my life, Thou art my love, Thou art the sweetness which I do seek. In the thought by my love brought.” I gotta generate the love and bring it to that level of consciousness to recognize this inexpensive high, do you get it now? You have to generate the love to look for it, you got to generate this feeling to want to feel bliss, you got to generate the quest, the sensation to want to feel it. (Adano chanting). “In the thought my love brought.” You see God can’t force us to love Him, we got to bring the love to Him. (Adano chanting). “In the thought my love brought, I taste Thy name,” the Nam, the Sound Current, if you’re there when you’re feeling it now the Sound Current is strong in your ears, it’s blasting you all over the place. Now you you said something is buzzing in your ears, you’re hearing it now for the first time, “Zoooooommmmmmm,” vibrating, you’re like on cloud nine now. (Adano chanting). “Thou art my life, Thou art my love, Thou art the sweetness which I do seek. In the thought by my love brought, I taste Thy name…” the tasting it is actually hearing you see, enjoying it, and this is what it tastes, the feeling. (Adano chanting). “My name so sweet, so sweet. Devotee knows how sweet You are. Devotee knows how sweet Thou art. He knows whom You let know, He knows whom You let know.” You can’t how sweet that Sound Current is until the Master blasts you with the feeling, “Zoooooommmmmmm,” you know. Many people come in the room you know the first time when they get initiated and they hear this buzzing sound but how did they get it? They said, “But I’ve be hearing that all my life” and I say “Yeah but what are you doing with it?” The Nam or the Sound Current is that energy, this is God, this is vibratory force, the Name that’s the Name, the Sound Current coming in so devotee knows that’s the individual who is bringing his love, he knows how sweet this thing would be if he can only sit back and let it flow in because we’re dealing with bliss, with sound, with light, with love. You are living this particular experience all the time in a physical way with someone, in a mental way with a person, equally true this bliss is coming on all the time, all the little innuendos, the little wrong movements they’re all blissful. So God then is ever new joy, that’s a big difference now, who would get tired of a new joy, you see? God is not a person, God is a state of being, God realization is that state of being, ever new joy so every realized person has some aspect of that ever new joy vibrating through them and that aspect is indicated to be the triggering agent. That’s why when they give a Swami a name, Ananda means bliss or God joy, and the name before it indicates what triggers it for him. So Nitty Gritty triggers mine (audience laughing), Ananda is bliss and Nityananda means the new bliss or the first bliss or the nitty gritty of it but this is what we’re talking about, something that brings this bliss into focus. So the chant is beautiful once you understand them because Yogananda has made the spiritual life that we are striving for on a practical down to earth living for the first time that we can apply it in the environment. This is the reason why we learn about the Masters before we make contact with the living Master otherwise we cannot understand what the living Master is doing. Understanding these Masters first, we are then ready to understand the living Master because when you see the living Master you can get pretty drunk in His presence you know, you talk about drunk. We got one fella his name is Ray Angona, he’s drunk every time he sees Master, he walks around as if he’s drunk because the vibration is so strong for Ray, he can’t stand the living Master’s presence and he looks at you and you think he must have drank a bottle of alcohol. You met Ray Angola. Audience: (Laughter). He follows Master. Adano: Yeah like a little puppy dog. Audience: (Inaudible) and he came back to Dallas and he came back to meditation one night and he was sitting here and he was just one big grin from here to here. Adano: He’s on what you call a “constant laughing jag” but that’s what it is when you see the living bliss, there’s nothing else but laughter, God is all laughter. Audience: You see it all working. Adano: Yes but it’s in the environment and once you’re hearing this it’s happening to you, this is what you have to realize it’s all around you and realizing it, this Divine Sound. So the chant or purpose of keeping the mind centered on God as we start off to realize ourselves, that chant “Polestar of my mind” is like the compass pointing north. Audience: Is that in the Yogananda book of chants? Adano: Yeah, Cosmic Chants. Cosmic Chants, Cosmic Kitchen. Well I think we’ll take a break off and let everybody go rest. (Gap in tape). Adano: Don’t do what you want to do then you will be able to do what you like to do and you will achieve liberation in this lifetime. Do not do what you want to do but do what you like to do. Audience: What I want to do is the Will of God, wherever that is. Adano: The Will of God is wherever you are right now, this particular time, in this particular experience, that is the will of God. The Will of God is time, place, consciousness in action. God’s consciousness or God’s Will is your will acting out through you at that particular time and place with that particular experience. The test of the experience is your attitude, whatever your attitude is, whatever comes your way at that particular time and place, that attitude is liberation. We only return to the world because of unfulfilled desire because we haven’t got the right attitude. Once we have the right attitude there is no return, it’s liberation. Mutkananda means bliss through liberation, how does one achieve mutkananda or moksha, by not doing what he wants to do but doing what he needs to do, see in that way he will be able to do the things he would like to do. Now when you do the things you want to do, you’re doing them out of your own desire, out of your own craving so if you don’t do these things out of your own craving and you don’t have lapses of memory to drift away in conversation and you keep your mind clear, centered on the Divine id (idea?), you will have the liberation. 0:20 Audience: Charan Singh would say “Don’t try to follow the world’s problems but just try to rise above them. Adano: That means don’t do what you want to do, you see because you want to change the world. Whoever needs to change the world, tell me somebody who needs to change the world? Anyone who wants to change the world is a want, nobody needs to change the world, anytime you hear somebody say they’re gonna go out and change the world that’s a want. We don’t know of anybody who needs to change the world therefore you can’t change the world, you can only change yourself. You see the things you need to do is self, the things you want to do is somebody else so I said don’t do the things you want to do then you will be able to do the things you need to do. It’s not possible to change people, they can only change themselves and if they don’t change that’s where they are and that’s where they’ll always be. So Master is saying to rise above it means don’t want to correct it, just concentrate what you need to do. Now what you need to do is to recognize where you are right now, that is your need because you can’t take more than one breath at a time, your body don’t need no more than one breath at a time, it can’t utilize two breaths at the same time. You may want more breath but your body can only need or utilize one breath at a time so what you need to do is to realize where you are right now that the next breath is the all-important thing that brings liberation and your attitude is involved in that next breath. Wanting to do something and needing to do something is involved in living and liberation is involved with attitude. When brought down into mechanical living or actual living, it is your attitude at that very moment. What is your attitude right now, that is what makes for liberation. If it is to gossip, idle talk which we’re going to be accounted for, if it is to wander all over the place with the mind searching for all type of new cravings then we’re not going to be liberated. If it’s to talk back, resent, all our negative forces coming up to us, this would not bring liberation. The attitude is one of calm, silence, love, this brings liberation. God is ever new joy but you can’t think of God you have to feel God, you can’t think of liberation you have to feel liberation, and liberation is attitude so what your attitude is right now to yourself, that is what makes for freedom. Now you understand what Charan Singh is talking about? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well the question is how do you rise above the world? It’s a good statement, “Don’t change the world but try to rise above it,” how are you going to rise above it? You have to have the right yeast, what good is bread that can’t rise, it’s to tell flour “rise above,” pour water, can’t rise, it needs a certain ingredient that’s what they call me Nitty Gritty for, I want to know what’s the ingredient you have to put in the flour and the water that makes it rise above the environment, rise outside the pan. It’s all right and good enough to take flour and water put it together, put it in a pan but can rise above the pan? You need an extra ingredient, patience, that’s the ingredient, that’s the yeast, develop the attitude of patience to rise above the environment. Telling a person to rise above the environment and don’t tell them the ingredient to use ain’t going to rise above the environment so you want to know that patience is the attitude that masters environment. That’s number one ingredient to rise above the environment, patience. Number two ingredient, since you can’t change people you gotta change yourself then what is responsible for changing yourself? Attitude, accept where you are right now as the right place, the right time for the experience, the experience is neither good nor bad then you don’t have to change people, you are automatically changing within yourself, you are liberated. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well He ain’t telling you anything different. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Now after hearing all these beautiful instructions, what are you going to do about it? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: We have to live it, to live it is the important thing but living it is difficult because environment is stronger than willpower. You see all these information and books are good, they’re like beautiful gems but they all got a hole in them, they’re so beautiful and brilliant they’re so valuable but they all got a hole in them, the hole is practicality, how you make it work. You know this is why years ago I stopped reading the books and I tried to find out for myself, how does it work, who makes it work, why does it work? A certain man told me “I’d rather trade the gift of tongues for the gift of understanding.” Equally true in this science I’d rather trade all the instructions for the gift of application because only in application, in the action, there is any transformation. You can read all the manuals on how to perform something but if you never experiment and make mistakes with it, you will never do it right, every mistake makes you a better person. I guess that’s why they keep calling me Nitty Gritty, I believe in the action. My parents once told me a long time ago when I was a boy when I didn’t want to go back to school and the first day I went to school and I came home and said “I don’t want to go back to school because everything I hear is other people’s experiences and not mine” so you know my Father said to me? I’m gonna tell you something and you’ll never forget it, “Words are wind, blows are unkind, POW! And you don’t go to school you work. I pay the bills here.” I didn’t go to school, I went to work and I know who paid the bills because he took my money when I came home at the end of the week because I could not sleep in the house without paying my bills and I never forgot that action speaks louder than words. 0:30 From that day I realized one of the greatest truths, he was a very practical man when it came to living so I know how much you can learn from action. This made me search into religion to find the action even when I was studying to be a priest, the first thing I asked my mentor I said, “How come we talk about Jesus all the time and we don’t do the works of Jesus, we don’t even express it, we don’t apply it, make it work.” He says, “Young man you’ll never be a priest, you’re a mystic,” that’s the first time I heard the word mystic. I realized that action was driving everybody away, nobody wanted to talk about the action and you’ll see more and more people will flood the market with books, they’ll talk a long around the subject but how many are actually getting down to the action. Tom Adelstein will tell you, this is one Swami that don’t teach you how to pray your way to God, he makes you work your way to God, why? I tell you why, Yogananda once said a long time ago and he told a very personal friend of mine who was a disciple of his, “By their fruits you shall know them,” your daily accounting of yourself in terms of action will let you know if you have done anything worthwhile. He says, “If you spend two hours talking, one hour writing, four hours meditating, spend six hours working.” He said “Because all that you’ve read can be put into conversation and we can be put into silence and withdrawal but who will know what you can do until you put it into application.” It’s when you apply it we will see for ourselves how clumsy we are, you know we really don’t know how clumsy we are until we apply ourselves to a thing. Once a friend of mine was trying to work on some material when I was studying to be a tailor and at the same time I was working in the same shop and my teacher said to me “Do not sew the pants this way as you did before because this is a different type of material, you have never worked with it before it has a tendency to pull together.” I said “All right” so I read all the instructions and I checked and I checked I couldn’t see any difference from my viewpoint sewing the material by the regular method that the material will pull together. So I went ahead and sew the material as I was taught before and all of a sudden I saw the material pulling back, pulling back, and the two ends wouldn’t meet and I’m about this far apart from each end so you know what happens? I have to rip the thing out, after 15 minutes I hear a voice saying “Well I guess you’re goofed because I don’t hear the machine running” so I looked up and there he was standing he says “I made the same mistake, I tried to guide you but I guess you gotta learn it your way too so you might as well learn.” There was no other way I could learn, even after all the instructions I still had to go through the situation of ripping it out thread by thread and I tell you it took me an hour and a half to get it to rip because the material I was working with is shark skin and that’s one of the hardest materials to take out thread out, I learned a lesson I’ll never forget because of the physical action, I would not learn it any other way. Yet when I reversed the material in the way he had told me after I’d ripped it all out and ran the machine, it was a joy to see the machine just go right through and it all came out perfect so you see sometimes a Master is giving us the benefit of His inner experiences of how He realizes Himself but He knows darn well that we ain’t gonna do it. (Laughter). Rise above your environment but you know He knows darn well (inaudible). If you know the ingredients to rise or make the rising possible then you will try, no one tells you the ingredients you see, the ingredient is patience, patience with yourself. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, liberation has many conditions in it, not just rising above your environment that’s not it alone, what about the symptoms involved in liberation? No one tells you about that, they always keep that in the background or hide it some corner so you never find out when you’re going along the path. There are certain symptoms that occurs in the body while you’re being liberated too you know, that’s what they call “the thief in the night” surprises, God don’t come the way you want Him, He comes like a thief in a night when you don’t expect Him and what other surprises? A bumped knee, a stumped toe, falling off a horse, here are all the surprises but it’s all the road to liberation, do you see it now in terms of actual experience, the actual living? It’s the actual living that the transformation is done, Jesus was very wise He knew, He was a very actual man, very factual person because He was a carpenter and as a carpenter He knew how to build, you would have to know how to build, you’d have to know how to work and to build anything you would have to have the ideal in mind and you’d have to have the patience and you know He didn’t have power saw in those days so a man tries to make a chair he would start out in January and end up in next January because you have to cut the tree down then go through using an adze in those days there were only adzes, you ever worked with an adze? Well it looks like a pickaxe but it’s very sharp, flat out, and you had to cut the bark and split the wood until you get the right size, and then you have to cut it all the way. Now they didn’t have saws you know so you could work it back and no such deal, it was just an adze and they had to mark the line and chisel it down to get the shape they want, to make a piece of furniture in those days and they used their braising stone, they rub it and grind it, long hours of grinding, what you call your braising stones to get the wood smooth. 0:40 So when you see a piece of furniture come from a primitive country or the old countries that look so highly polished and you ask yourself what type of machinery they used to do it, you’d be surprised. Now there were no drills in those days, how would he drill a hole? You take a thong, that’s a leather thong from an animal and take a piece of wood that is hardened by heat and hold it between the teeth and pull like that and it will to spin to drill the hole into the wood so you really got to have patience number one and you have to have tremendous ingenuity you know that huh? Wait till you when you don’t have modern equipment then I’ll teach you some primitive ones, my ancestors had to live with primitive ones, we drill holes out of the bamboo. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: There were ways in those days, they had to soften the wood up by soaking it, you see they’d soften the wood up by soaking it and then they will work the wood, they cut out all that they need to cut out with a knife and after it’s all cut and shaped they keep soaking because it’s easy to cut then, work it in water and after it’s all cut and shaped then they take it out and drain it off and tied it so that it don’t shrink, with thongs. They wet the thongs so the thongs will always keep taut and the wood would dry and it won’t shrink, it will always hold itself and they use sand, massage it with sand, polish it, then they take beeswax and oil it so that the wood would not shrink back and they’ll always keep it’s size and its shape so if you see a piece of furniture in the old country and it looked like an antique, they have many many man hours went in to make a little chair because that’s their ingenuity and you had to learn your craft. Well all right take what I had to learn when I went to learn tailoring, seven years it took me to learn tailoring, I started at the age of seven. The first thing we did was to sweep the floor for six months, that’s my job for six months, come in and sweep the floor, clean all that all the ends and scrap, pack them them up, sweep the floor and after that went by then the next thing was to thread a needle, thread needle for hours your threading needle because we have five six men working and each one got needle (inaudible) and you just hand them the needle, you have to have them ready, that’s what you learned to thread needle, that why you can just just shut your eyes and thread the needle, you see? Then you have to learn to baste and you’re basting all the time and all you’re gonna do is keep basting. Then you learn to light the fire for the coals and for the iron to iron the cloth and you do that every day for many months. Then you learn your very first buttonhole, how to make buttonholes, and you do that for months making buttonholes, all type of buttonholes. Then you learn how to baste and seam then you learn your first piece of material how to operate the machine, how to run it through the machine. Then you learn to take your machine apart and clean it and pull it back together, take it apart, put it back clean together, all day you’re doing that, take it apart, put it back together and every man’s machine you have to do it till you got it clear in your mind and after all that is finished then they allow you to take your first pants or piece of garment but you buy it, you pay for it, it’s yours, then you make it, all the way back to the complete (inaudible) so action is powerful. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, to rise above the environment is one of the ways but the ingredient to do that is patience, it’s easy to say “rise above the environment” but how you make it work? By recognizing what you have to do, the environment is challenging you all the time to react and the patience is the result, it’s the necessary ingredient to offset the environment and trying to change others is not possible. All Faith Fellowship motto is “Don’t change me, change yourself” see because that’s all we can really do, change ourselves, and when we look at the Master many of us have the wrong impression too, a Master is a mirror. What does a mirror do when you look into it? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It reflects back what you are, you see yourself in the Master. Every time you see yourself in the Master you see the many phases and changes of yourselves in the Master because He is unattached, He is desireless pure love, whatever you’re feeling at that moment is flowing through. You can look at any one of the pictures of all the great Sages and certain moments of the day you will feel joy, certain moment of the day you’ll see like they’re saying, hate, anger, joy, peace, naughty boy keep it up, don’t do it again, you’re forgiven but this is the reflective action of consciousness. Master’s consciousness is your consciousness in action all the time, that is what a Master’s consciousness is. Cosmic consciousness is not outside of you, it is already in you, it is you once you put it into action. The word Cosmic means total, commitment, action, it’s not a dreary existence, it’s a very happy existence that’s why the Chinese say “Enjoy yourself, enjoy the action, it’s later that you think.” (Gap in tape). 0:50 Master’s grace works in strange ways. (Laughter with group). See, now you understand you can’t change others and you can’t fight with yourself to rise above the environment, it’s only after you turn the thing over to the Divine Intelligence and accept the patience of how the thing falls into place in your life. Mahatma Gandhi said God is these three things: patience, long suffering, hard work, he says “I don’t know of any other God than those three things” and it’s true and you begin to think that these three things is what you actually get at the end of the road in your spiritual unfoldment, you get the quality of patience, you get long suffering, there’s the many nicks and nacks that you come up, all the different bumps along the way, you’ll never forget them, and how much hard work you put in to get it and what you see at the end of the road is a very normal natural individual, he takes everything that comes his way and he doesn’t fight it no more. It’s like water rolling off a duck’s back, very normal natural (inaudible), He’s free. Freedom is naturalness, the complete natural person is the free person. Now if you fret and fuss and wonder how you’re going to change your family to your way of thinking, they ain’t gonna change, but if you’re patient and you put up with the long suffering of their ignorance or their resentment and you work hard at it long enough, Ha Ha Ha Ha, it’s coming your way. Who’s making it happen, you see? Audience: (Inaudible). Well I try to change myself and I’ve been trying for a long period of time (inaudible), I pray to God to be rid of my problems but (inaudible), the Bible says you attract that which you fear (inaudible). Adano: Wonderful “because you attract what you fear” is a good circle because the only way you’re gonna get rid of it by facing it, you can’t get rid of what you have or what you fear by running. Audience: No but you can be substitution. Adano: But then you got to face the same thing again. You see confrontation with what you fear, Sri Yuktesear used to say this, “Face your fears and they cease to bother you.” One time his mother told him there was a boogeyman in the house and it would come and pick him up if he’d be a bad boy. You know what he did all day? “He tore up the house from the corner to corner looking for the boogeyman. (Audience laughing). His mother was more worried then because they had no house to live in after, he wanted to face his boogeyman (inaudible). So if someone tells you something to run from or be afraid, go looking for it. Hitler made a statement, “attack is the best means of defense” so there again is confrontation with yourself. When we run from ourselves we have fear and it will follow us stronger, in more subtle ways than we expect so we can’t run from ourselves, we have to accept ourselves but we may not have the strength right away to face ourselves, this is the problem. Do not refuse to face your problems, what is the right ingredient to face it? That is more important, understanding is important in all this science, understanding and common sense. “What is the most important thing to face my problems?” “I have a problem,” ask yourself “I have a problem,” what is the most important ingredient I need to face it, to run from it? Audience: Courage? Adano: Even if you don’t know what it is you gotta face it, what is the most important thing needed? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, accept is one but what is the most important thing to face this problem? Patience, the English people said “Don’t cross your bridges till you come to them” because you don’t know what the thing will turn out to be, you’ll be busy killing yourself and dying a million deaths anticipating the outcome and when the outcome comes it’s not the same way your mind build it up, you see? So patience, that’s why in the Western country here in Texas they used to call it the “cowboy bluff,” who really would out bluff each other at showdown. You know when they have a shootout, you will call the other man’s bluff and I used to see Gary Cooper standing up or John Wayne standing on the end of the lane waiting for the other guy to make a move, that’s what you call the bluff, patience. Like a picture called High Noon, that’s a very good picture in patience, he waited this man, the art of out-waiting something is strength, is facing the problem. Sometimes the movie tries to project an idea that it’s caught up in many things but if you can catch the intrinsic idea what is involved… (gap in tape). Devotion is very important in a spiritual path and we must have something to center our minds to be devoted to. There are four important aspects in a spiritual path that brings result in Cosmic Consciousness for devotion. One, devotion to the Divine Will of God, you attain Cosmic Consciousness by living the Divine Will, that is what all the Masters teach to remove the personality from Themselves, “He that doeth the will of the Lord is My brother and My sister,” this is paramount in devotion, this is impersonal, and this is universal. 1:00 “He that doeth it the will of the Lord is My brother and My sister.” The second aspect for devotion is a personal relationship with someone, the Guru identity. This is second, it’s not first, the impersonal relationship with God by Divine Will is first always, but the second is the Guru relationship which is personal, “He that follow it in My word is My disciple,” this is second on the path of devotion. The third aspect is Oneness with the Master and oneness with God, “I no longer call you My disciples but My friends” that is a third aspect in devotion. You must graduate from the disciple to Masterhood that is the third aspect in devotion, that is the third object of centering the mind in your devotion, and finally “Call no Man Master save the Lord which is in you,” that is the fourth aspect for devotion. God within you, your own radiant form, your own inner self that you see within yourself, this is the fourth object of devotion. Now you start off with God doing God’s will, this is first on the journey back in devotion, you may gravitate to a teacher that would be the next urging for something more personal and intimate. Then the urging comes to the point of mastery, you must be free from the form, and finally you must look at your own self fully as a Divine Principle but this Divine Principle within yourself is only valid, not from the standpoint of thinking of it or wishing for it but from a standpoint from living it moment to moment. There is where the real devotion is, your own God-self in action but you have to graduate from all the other three to this particular aspect and you can’t arrive at the fourth aspect until you have gone through the other three. The first aspect is known the royal path, “He that doeth the Will of the Lord.” The second aspect is the devotional path or bhakti, reverence for the Guru. Your own self Mastery is the third path, it’s wisdom Jnana, your own radiant form in action is karma, Seva, when you perform that action that liberates all other actions that action alone is pure devotion then you have no ties, no attachments, no commitments but conscious involvement which is conscious freedom, which is conscious love, which is conscious motion. Thought, word, deed, the greatest of the three is the deed, we can think of it, we can talk of it but it doesn’t add up to anything until we demonstrate it by living it. When we demonstrate devotion we must be prepared for all types of ups and downs, all types of confrontations, we must be prepared for all types of conflicts, we must be prepared to discover our shortcomings, we must be prepared to see our weaknesses, we must be prepared to suffer because that is the summation of it, “He that would lay down his life for his fellow man, there is no greater love” and there is no greater love than he who would lay down his life for his fellow man. He that would take up his cross and follow Me, this is the test of the weaknesses. It is the fourth path of devotion that brings out the ransom of your consciousness that you are that total price being paid for a suffering humanity, you cannot want liberation for yourself it’s a selfish thing, you cannot want resurrection and leave the world with suffering humanity as an escape into a Divine Environment, that is spiritual selfishness. To want through devotion is to be down in the mud with others and being a footstool and being the pressure point and being actually the thorn in the feet of others because there is where the real action is, there is where the solidness of your Soul is, that is what Jesus meant “The least you have done unto one of these, you’ve done it unto Me,” the God self, the least action you are doing, the very minimum action you are doing to any individual that is suffering or in pain or in anguish, the very least you are doing, you are lifting their Christ self up. This is the highest form of realization and the highest form of devotion and liberation because there is no self, the only self that exists there is the radiant form, your own internal radiant form, this internal radiant form vibrates within you as the Shabad, the Sound Current, your own radiant form vibrates between you, this is what you’re reaching for, your own radiant form. This type of devotion carries with it strength, patience, sense of ethics, balance, and peace, this type of devotion does not generate miracles but miracles occur in the presence of those individuals having that type of devotion. 1:10 Every little incident in life is a miracle occurring in that person’s presence because that type of devotion is linked to every aspect of creation, there is no separation, there is no sense of me-ness or my-ness, it’s all one. There is no diminishing of yourself or excluding yourself from anything, it is all being raised up by your understanding and by your love that flows through you. In that type of devotion you’re always conscious, there is no room for unconsciousness, there is no room for lapse of memory, there is no room for sleepiness, there is no room for tiredness, it is always alertness, there is always that sense of nowness and beingness right here, there is an effervescence of vitality in you all the time it pulsates and emanates through you, it tingles within you, it’s like a fountain bubbling. That type of devotion is rare and very unusual, it does not have fanaticism in it, it doesn’t have separateness or exclusivism, it’s very sharp, very distinct, very clear, very pronounced in your actions, you are aware of it all the time, you’re never in doubt as to where you are in that type of devotion. In that type of devotion you always feel the Divine Presence moving you on, you feel like you’re sitting in the lap of the Divine Presence. It’s an unusual type of devotion and not oftenly seen, you can always see the other types of devotion they’re very pronounced, very observent because a great deal of us have certain tendencies to those other types of devotion, we may gravitate to it but the devotion that comes from inside of your own radiant form, built upon your own internal strength and the internal commitment to life itself, this is an unusual type of devotion. This is a devotion of joy, there is no sorrow in this type of devotion for what is sorrow to others is joy to us and you’re constantly generating this joy all of them. If you aren’t joyful when you’re conscious, it won’t be any value to you when you’re unconscious let alone if you try to go into other realms of experience and not know what joy is you see? Even if you’re experiencing joy in the causal realm where things are caused or the archetypical area of the mind, it’s a joy there, still it’s not biologically vibrant in your body and even if you’re joyful in the astral realm where the electrical nature of the world is existing and you’re not biologically feeling it, you still don’t have the joy but when you are biologically feeling the joy through action then this is transmutation of the cells and this is permanent and realization means to make real, to make concrete, to make permanent, that’s what the purpose of it is and God realization is to make something real out of something that is intangible, to take that which is in the range of consciousness and bring it into the range of tangible expression and this type of devotion that will come from a biological nature within you is a transformation that cannot erode, this type of a devotion don’t break down. It is something that will occur in your cells and there is a gloss, a glow, there is a luminosity in the cells, there is a softness in the cells, when the body has gone through that transformation you have arrived at a biological devotion and you know it, it pulsates within you. So you are working towards a conscious manifestation of a type of devotion that is dormant in you and must come to the surface by the acceptance of your own inner radiant form. When you accept your own inner radiant form then this devotion will come to the surface, “Seek the truth the truth and the truth make you free, free men all, Lord of yourself.” This type of devotion is rarer again, the other three are very easy to find, you will always find people running after the personalized aspect of the Guru or trying to live the Divine Will or raising themselves up to Masterhood but the fourth path is from within your being. You’re not trying to be a Master, you’re not trying to idolize, and you’re not trying to avoid confrontation by doing Divine Will alone. Everything that happens to you is Divine Will so don’t try to differentiate it, don’t try to make a issue of one incident in your life over the other that this is not more important the other, less important, those type of devotions have blind alleys they’re like arroyos or like canyons, blind canyons and sooner or later they run into dead ends. It is when you come to the realization from within at the least action you are doing to any living creature, you are doing it to your God-self and this God self is your own inner radiant form that is changing you on a conscious level, on an ethical level. The man on the cross merely said to Jesus, “Master remember me?” That type of devotion is the fourth way. 1:20 Now you’ve read Ospensky’s fourth way? He doesn’t even know what he was talking about but he wrote a whole book called The Fourth Way and he spent his whole time trying to describe the fourth way and yet the fourth way was demonstrated very obviously for the world by the thief on the cross in action. He didn’t say much but he did it, he refused to let the other thief tear down Jesus by standing up for Jesus and this is action, one man surrendering himself for another without knowing another and then turn around and saying “Remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” This is what we’re calling devotion, to surrender yourself to face another to confront another and to raise above by love. He didn’t ask for anything else, he only asked to be remembered, he didn’t want anything, he didn’t want to be saved from his sins, he says “remember me” that is recall his own inner radiant form, awaken this own innner radiant form so Jesus says “Verily, verily I say unto you, on this day you and I shall be in paradise.” Your radiant form and My radiant form will go beyond that state of desire, “paradise” means “beyond design,” you see? “Para” is “beyond” and “dise” is desires you see or craving. When the consciousness of the thief merges with the consciousness of the man Jesus, they become united in a Christ-state thus pulling each other out and beyond the desire patterns so if the thief has no desire to do the Will of the Lord because every action is the Will of the Lord then he got rid of one hang up and that hang up is “my will is better than your will, my action is better than your action” so he got rid of that and he got rid of the Guru image, “my Guru is better than your Guru image,” he got rid of that aspect and then he got rid of the trying to be a Master by saying “just remember me” so the Master Jesus raised him up within his own radiant form to see his own radiant form beyond the desire patterns. When you raise up beyond your own desire patterns you will see your own radiant form so don’t crave rather center upon the devotion of your inner self by being the least action, making the least action come so your spiritual devotion now must be an action. See Jesus was realized to the extent that He knew where the greatest devotion was, the greatest devotion is in the least thing you’ve done to another, “you have done it unto Me,” that is the highest form of devotion, action, no matter how minute it is that devotion is the highest. There was a woman when she was dying the Angel of Death came to her and said to her “she does not earn the right to go back to Satch Khand” and the Angel said to her “If you can think of one thing that you did in your life that warrant you mercy, we may grant you the possibility of going back to Satch Khand.” She remembered when she was a girl she had a carrot given to her by her aunt and in one end of the carrot was a worm and she had a playmate and she didn’t want to eat all the carrot by herself so she broke it in half and gave the wormy end to her playmate and ate the other part so she said to the Angel of Death, “You see that’s one good thing I did, at least I didn’t eat all the carrot myself, I gave her the wormy end” and the Angel of Death said “All right, for that one thing for the God self, here” and he did like that and down came a wormy ended carrot. He says “Now hold onto it and it will take you back to Satch Khand.” She was so happy, she grabbed ahold of the wormy end carrot and started to rise up to Satch Khand, halfway up she looked down and there was a long line of people all coming out from the lower realms with her, each one was holding on to one another foot, the next person caught on to her toe, another one caught onto the other toe, and halfway up the whole of hell is all linked on being pulled up by the wormy end of that carrot, she’s already going to make Satch Khand and she looks down and sees this. She says “Well you people don’t deserve to come up, this is not your wormy end carrot, this is my wormy end carrot, this is what I gave away. This is the least thing I did, why should you come up with me” so immediately she let go of the wormy end carrot and they all went right back down. See “the least thing you do until others, you’ve done it unto me” and because she was being lifted up by the wormy end carrot that was the grace, she looked down and “they didn’t warrant that” to go up in her wormy end carrot so she let go of the wormy end carrot and all of them went back down. Now you see what devotion can do? It can lift you up or it can let you fall back down. Let me ask you if you were given the opportunity to be pulled up by a wormy end carrot and you saw the whole of hell being pulled up by you because each one grabbed hold of your foot, you’re going up so the next one caught hold, “I can go up too, why not? If you’re going up with a wormy end carrot I can so grab ahold and the next one says grab ahold” and you’re halfway up, you’re almost to the door of Satch Khand and you look back down and you see the whole of hell is going up, what would you do? Audience: I would keep going. Adano: Yeah but that that’s exactly where the mind would say they don’t have a right to come up with you because they didn’t earn it, do you see the woman was legitimately… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Okay, you see you can have grace and then you can still have your attachments. She was more attached to her old ways of life, she couldn’t let go you see. That was the only good thing she ever did in her life was to give away the wormy ended carrot. Audience: Were those all her attachements coming up there with her? Adano: Well she never did anything good in her life, the only good thing she ever did in her life was to give away the wormy end piece of the carrot to her girlfriend so all the other people that were coming up with her, were coming up now because she’s being lifted up by the wormy end of the carrot so she didn’t want them all to come up because she was so mean, she let go the carrot and they all went back down. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: All right you know in the Ark of Noah everything came in pairs except worms. Audience: Why? Adano: They came in apples. Audience: (Laughter). Adano: Where do you find worms? Only in apples. 1:30 Adano: You know there was no pig in the time of Noah, Noah invented the pig. Actually the pig is related to the elephant, all he did was to take the elephant and knock off the trunk with his staff and made it remove the feces of all the other creatures because there were no such creatures at the time, when the universe existed at that time, there were no creature called the pig. You see there are only three animals that they use the word “sow,” that’s the bear, the elephant, and the pig so female bear is a sow, you didn’t know that huh? And the cow elephant is called a sow too but you see he removed the trunk from the baby cow elephant and made it into a pig for that purpose in the ark. Any questions? Audience: (Inaudible), but how that really happen, how can you knock off the truck of a baby elephant and it be a pig, I don’t understand that. Adano: How can Moses part the water and then the Pharaoh gets swallowed up but he didn’t get swallowed up? Audience: I understand that more clearly. Adano: This is simple to knock off the trunk off of a cow elephant and turn it into a pig. Audience: You mean that is true, you’re not making a parable. Adano: The baby cow elephant can be transformed into a pig by removing its trunk, it doesn’t have a tusk. You look at the boar, they’re related: the elephant, the bear, and the pig are all related in shape, do you look at their shape? The structure is nearly the same, the feet of the pig is like the foot of the elephant, it’s not cloven. He says “eat everything of the cloven hoof.” Audience: Does an elephant have hooves? Adano: (Laughing). It got toes, does the pig have toes? Does it have a hoof? Alright, what does a cow got? Audience: A hoof. Adano: And what does a sheep got? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No it’s not split in half. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Okay then what does a horse have, why don’t you eat the horse? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: So what does the Bible say you should eat, what kind of creature you should eat? Now this is before the flood, you know before the flood they were allowed to eat every creature. Now were they to eat the one on the hoof or one with a cloven hoof, what were they allowed to eat? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Now he made the pig, Noah made the pig to clean up the feces of the other creatures inside the ark, you see, number one and number two since they were not to eat, they were only carrying a pair of each creature inside, you couldn’t eat no meat for 40 days and 40 nights, they were vegetarians and when the ark stopped and the flood stopped they were told not to eat the animals no more and not even the blood of the animal. This was after, before they were allowed to eat everything. The only reason it says that God destroyed the world or the Creative Intelligence caused an imbalance in the atmosphere is that Man became worse than the beast in the field. It’s very logical, from the Yogic standpoint your thought patterns crystallize and trigger off the environment. Now you want to see how much Yoga is working for you and you don’t begin to realize what you’re actually involved with, how much you’re affecting this whole universe. You have any idea of the power of the apple in the initiation? Do you realize an apple normally takes 28 days to break down? All right, take an apple and don’t refrigerate it, how long it will take to breakdown? Here we have a physicist, ask him. Audience: I would take your word at 28 days. Adano: No refrigerator, just leave it there. All right when you’re initiated how long does does an apple take to breakdown for some people? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: A year, two years, eight years, ten years, a rare case you see it will never break down at all after you’re initiated and you don’t have to put in no pyramid or you don’t put it in no refrigeration. You begin to realize what we are talking about? You have absolutely no comprehension of the vast power locked up in your body after you initiated. You’re initiated and you’ve had the experience with the apple, all right how long have you checked your apple? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yours went for eight months. All right, you didn’t refrigerate it, you just stuck it on the box there right? Good. Okay you don’t begin to appreciate what is involved in this initiation yet and you still searching for something else. You know “Unless ye see signs and wonders, ye cannot believe” and even after you see signs and wonders, you still don’t believe. 1:40 It’s peculiar, we are all praying to God or for God or praying to God or with God and after you’re initiated and seeing the evidence of God, you still don’t even know where God is. Now when are you going to start planting those uh fruit trees, those apple trees? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yeah we are gonna plant them along that open ground. Yes I want you to pot them first and tabulate them according to how they break down, you have your four categories and then pot them until they start sprouting up and then we transplant them into the ground. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes you can pot your own at home, you start in the ground with love it’ll grow up and then transplant it. The evidence that you are looking for are tangible things, I’m not talking about something in some remote never never land, miracles don’t exist for me, I don’t know of no miracle. What is a miracle for some people is a limitation of their understanding, for me there are no miracles just God’s laws at different speeds of acceleration based upon the ability of the brain to monitor the law or wavelength so there are no miracles for me but it’s a miracle when it happens because it defies your understanding at such a particular speed in which it happens because if you were to mathematically set it, your brain couldn’t begin to average out the mathematics of it, it’s too fast yet there are no miracles, there are no accidents, they’re all mathematically timed. The greatest miracle of it all is the time sequence of the mind, that how this whole universe is locked up in time because we live in time and we are subject to time and we got to get out of time. You can’t become Christ-realized until you reach timeless state and as long as you are living in the time state and you don’t understand what is happening to you, that is why initiation is necessary, initiation is to show you or convince you of what is happening in your body in the time cycle with the apple. The apple is not just a mere formality, it’s more to it, there’s more science locked up in that little ritual and how you are attached to creation with the time cycle, you call it “Kal,” Kal means time you see and what are you trying to get back to? “The abode of the Master,” it’s nice words you know but it don’t really boil down to an essence of the science like the like Kim Loko asked Yogananda where is Satch Khand, he says “what’s that?” That was funny, Kim Loko is having a vision inside he’s seeing Yogananda and he says “take me to Satch Khand” then Yoganada says “what’s that?” Then when he did realize what Yogananda meant when he said that, it dawned upon him that Satch Khand is not a place. See “Khand” is the eternal existence, “Sat” means eternal abode of existence, where would that be? The eternal abode of the existence is the eternal Now and the eternal Now is ever present omnidirectional awareness so when Yoganada replied to him “where is that,” there is no such thing or place as Satch Khand but there is a state of being that is Satch Khand so when he says “take this Soul back to Satch Khand” you don’t say take it to some particular place, it is to calibrate the Soul into its true beingness out of which it radiates from, in your own beingness you have to come back to. (Short meditation). I’ll tell you this story about a woman who heard of the apple of initiation so she was going to experiment, she lives in Houston. She was told by a friend of ours, Mr. Foley that you have to have an apple if you come to initiation. Well she didn’t want to come to the initiation but she wants to experiment with the apple so she experimented with the apple and after 18 days her husband came home and says, “What is that stinky smell in the house?” And he kept searching until he came across this old broken down apple and smelled just like vinegar, the place was stink all over and they had to fumigate the house for a couple of days before they can even get that stench out so this was her conclusion that the apple turns to vinegar and that’s all there is to initiation, she was never initiated. Two years passed and she was always wondering “what is this initiation with the apple?” Eventually when she was initiated, her apple is seven months old, it’s still going strong and she can’t figure out why didn’t break down so she found out now there’s something about the apple at initiation, they don’t turn to vinegar. You know there is no apple after initiation that turns to vinegar? If you keep it no matter how squashy it will get as you keep it eventually it’ll turn into candy, it’ll turn into candy or it will dried up hard like a prune but a squashy one, if you take a squashy one that turns out to be dissolved and you leave it as it is and don’t do nothing to it eventually that whole thing will turn into candy. You ever seen Mr. Kimlico’s apple? You ask Frank sometime, it’s just like sweet sweet candy, these are the interesting facts about the initiation. When you’re initiated you really don’t realize what is happening to you yet because it seems so simple then you come to the realization… you know Abby Hughes? She experimented with the apple, the one that she was initiated at the time with and another one she kept along and she blessed it but you see Abby didn’t realize she would have had to bless the apple before initiation to experiment with it. You see she’s blessing the apple after initiation and everyone she blessed is lasting longer and longer, (Adano laughs) this is what is puzzling her. She says “Well I’m not being initiated,” “but you’re blessing it after initiation, you have to bless it before initiation to find out what state your body is in.” You’re not the same person after initiation in no way, shape, or form. You can go all the way down to hell and come back, you still you can’t change that frequency, there is no way that you can change the Audible Life Current once is hooked up to you in initiation, you cannot severe it no more. The Audible Life Current is hooked up to you in an unconscious way before initiation but it’s not working in you, after initiation it’s turned up to that frequency inside of you and from then on no matter what you do to the apple, it’ll surprise you but you see to do like that other girl in Houston, she experimented with the apple before initiation and then after initiation to see what happened to the apple. Now wait till you get your next initiation after four years of this current inside and then you’ll see something. See the apple can go 12, 15, 20 years and then if you reach that state where you master yourself when the current is raised up within you then the apple will expand and the top will get green, it don’t breakdown no more. It’s supposed to arrive at the state where everything you touch does not die no more, “I have come that you may have life abundantly,” this is what the Christ intelligence is saying to you via the man Jesus, until you apply this as a physical action in your cells, it is only a mental id (idea), it’s not a reality yet. Meditation is a conscious transformation of the cellular structure into pure life, it is this volatile life power became flesh. 1:50 On this surface of the skin, this side of it, all the five elements in the world are in a state of conflict: earth, water, fire, air, and ether, they’re all in a state of war. The water is trying to swallow up the earth, the fire is busy trying to destroy the water, the air is trying to destroy the fire, and ether is trying to destroy the air. On the other side of the skin, that’s inside now, all five of them are in a state of truce, none of them are fighting each other so the fine line that separates these five forces from conflict into a state of harmony is skin, this is what they meant “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man.” You’re looking at God as skin, the only material that is capable of holding back all the five forces on this side and keep all the five forces in this side as a state of balance. A balloon can’t do that, a rubber can’t do it either, only skin can do that, living tissues are the only thing that can do that, hold the five forces of the universe on one side in a state of conflict and on the other side in a state of harmony because it has God in it already, the Divine Principle of life and Man is an example of that, that’s what he is. Now your journey begins here and goes to here, from here down you got all the five elements, the five chakras are down here but the journey starts here and ends up here, the shortest distance is about that. Inside the brain they’re only about this far apart, the pituitary and the pineal not too far from each other so your journey is very short but at the same time very long. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: C’est la vie. Audience: (Laughter then inaudible). Adano: Where do we go? He who presupposes some reservoir, some source, some beginning, automatically thinks of some end and he who feels that he’s separated from some source, automatically feels a need to go back to a source. God has become us so where are you going to go? Don’t you realize that God became you? All right, if God made you what He made you out of? He had to make you out of Himself because there’s nothing else to make you with, “Come let us make Man in Our own image and likeness,” what is the image and likeness? See He has to use Himself to make you so where are you going? God has become you by being you, God is you in action, He’s not a person. The realization of the fact that you are alive and acting and the only important thing that makes you act and appreciate what you’re acting is suffering, you love suffering so much that you love to suffer, right? Tell me the truth, you love to suffer? Audience: I must. Adano: Then if your God is suffering then you really love to suffer. There is nobody loves suffering, it’s not natural, everyone loves joy. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You love joy, that’s the whole purpose of your existence, you love to feel joy, you can’t tell me you love suffering, you don’t love somebody sticking with a pin and putting a hot poker in your body or frustrating you, who loves that? You love to be in a state of joy so you exist for joy, you were created out of joy, and in joy you will dissolve yourself back into it so the only real experience that a person has that is tangible, that is factual, that is actual, that is reliable is the experience of joy. Every other experience is an illusion of the mind, that means it’s a temporary condition imposed upon the mind but you can’t remove joy. Joy is you. You realize that? Well let’s have our initiate anthem.

1972 June 26 - Initiates

Adano72_06_26InitiatesQ1NW2 - …and tell you briefly what leads to initiation. The spiritual path can only take you on your own momentum up to Consciousness acting on Energy. As we mentioned a few days ago the various levels of the spirit where it goes from Matter acting on Matter which is this creative world back to Beingness acting on Beingness which is the pure Divine Self. By our own spiritual momentum, the brilliance of the Soul is only 9 million, it has the light of nine million suns, this Soul here has the brilliance of nine million suns that is on how bright your Soul is yet it cannot go beyond the Lord of Creation which is Consciousness acting on Energy. If you see a God realized man on the earth which is Consciousness acting on Consciousness, you are seeing twice nine million suns standing in the human flesh and if he was to suddenly explode that energy into space you can imagine what will happen. When they say “God has become flesh” that is a level God can meet Man by becoming the Christ-realized individual and encasing all that energy in human form. Yet we who are unrealized can only go up to Consciousness acting on Energy carrying a life potential, an atomic potential of the brilliance of nine million suns. Well imagine now when you have entered the timeless state and fully Christ realized having 18 million suns brilliance, can you imagine when you saw Jesus on this earth what He was? People did not realize what a realized Man is, they thought they just saw an ordinary human being walking on the earth but if He was to suddenly unfold that power that was truly His, it would disintegrate the whole universe, that’s why they call it Avatara, descent of the Godhead into the flesh. Now picture for one moment the personal aspect of God having the brilliance of 18 million suns, what is the ratio of God itself? This is only a limited aspect of the halfway mark of the tremendous atomic power that is locked up in His being that is fully realized and picture God way behind it all pulling the universe up, it’s a staggering amount of power that is behind it, you can’t begin to comprehend. If you read the Autobiography of Yogi it mentions Babaji, it states that “No one can begin to fathom the transcendental power of the height that this Master has reached,” you can’t begin to fathom what this force is and yet He sits down like a man living on the earth plane and give and take, He’s over a thousand years of age, the tremendous potential that is locked up in flesh. John said “and the Word was made flesh,” imagine “in the beginning was the Word,” in the very beginning of this whole cosmos, a cosmic force field, this cosmic Audible Life Current crystallizes itself, the total magnitude of it coming down and becoming flesh. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word is God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man.” If the Soul that is unrealized has only the brilliance of nine million suns and the realized Soul of a Christ individual has 18 million suns brilliance, picture for one moment what is God brilliant? When Oppenheimer saw the atomic bomb explode he made a statement that you will find exactly in the Bhagavad Gita, “we have discovered God, He’s like nine million suns” but he only saw what the brilliance of (inaudible) of the Soul is and this was his declaration, he didn’t begin to see the brilliance of what it would be behind it all. The atom is giving us a small picture behind this principle yet in Man, stupid as he is, he carries all of this power locked up with it and yet at the same time if he is realized, he has this tremendous force field to work with. The link between the Soul and God via the Christ-self is called initiation, this is why Jesus went to John and said to John “Baptized me” and John says “No you baptize me” and Jesus said “No you baptized me.” Well picture for one moment two grown men arguing who should throw a little water on each other’s head if that is all what baptism meant. It meant initiation but Jesus went on to say “Suffer to be so” in other words endure this particular confrontation that I am asking in a humble way, “endure it for this is the way of righteousness.” In other words this is the link, it’s the link that links back the Soul to the Creator and “you being a realized man in the flesh, be willing to endure it and link me back knowing fully well you have transferred the Mantel to my consciousness in a previous life and the role is no longer demanding of you to live in the outer world as a manifested Master go ahead now, link this energy back into me” so John went ahead and initiated Jesus that is where he said he baptized Him. Now in the inner light the disciples were able to see as they closed their eyes and saw what went on in initiation, they saw the dove descending down and they heard the voice “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” that means to say in this particular conscious level, the brilliance of the Soul now is 18 million suns and here it holds the universe as a force field, it sustains the earth, it sustains everything and because of that this sun is embedded now or enshrined in flesh. The disciples of Jesus or the initiates present at that time were able to see this light inside but imagine seeing the light, how blinding it can be, you only saw a little speck of it that is why when He asked the disciples at a later date “Who do men say that I am?” Some said He was a prophet, some said He was a holy man then Peter said, “Thou art the Christ” and then He told Peter “I didn’t tell you that, the Father which is in you reveal it to you.” Peter got a glimmer of the intensity of the light inside to understand at what level the Master Jesus body was vibrating from and this little glimmer of light Peter, his name is Simeon or Simon, he was called Peter and He said “Upon this rock I will built My Church” meaning “upon this realization,” realization is to make real, concrete, hard like a rock, an actual experience from within, upon this actual experience of you seeing the Christ light in your own self, you can build now the inner temple and go back to the Creative Self. He was actually making Peter aware of his own Christ’s light but Peter could not stay in that Christ light because he was not fully identified with it but as a disciple he would have to work his way back and he would have to use the techniques given to him by Jesus so when he was initiated by Jesus, He told them “Unto you are given the keys of the kingdom of heaven but unto the masses never.” He meant that they had within them the actual technique of unlocking the full potential of the Soul back into the Christ-realized state where they could see this tremendous power locked up in them and let it work. 0:10 Now science comes along and tells us our body is atomic energy and that it has music, it’s vibrating in the atmosphere as music and light, and Yogananda went for a certain Yogi in the mountains and wanted the Yogi or the Saint to give him an experience in cosmic consciousness and the teacher said to him “I can’t give it to you, your body is not ready yet. If I only touch with my finger, you’ll burn up.” Imagine that statement, “If I only touch you with my finger, you will burn up.” He says “You are like a 50 watt bulb and you’re asking for 5 billion volts to go through you instantaneously,” you know what would happen to a 50 watt bulb? It cinder-dize itself, he’s asking for a certain experience of God realization. When we are dealing with God, we are dealing with a tremendous power, we’re not using it to work figuratively, we’re using it literally, we’re talking of atomic energy locked up in this body. Only in this body, the five forces of the universe are in the state of truce: earth, water, air, fire, ether. Outside they’re in constant conflict and they hold this universe up in the state of conflict, amazing how in a state of conflict the universe exists and yet within us it’s in a state of truce and we’re held together, can you follow the mystery of the Creator? Outside of the body from the surface of the skin on, these five forces are at war with each other and inside the surface of the skin, these five forces are in a state of truce, that is a fantastic mystery, the surface of the skin. This skin that you see, this flesh, holds the bond or the balance between the outer forces and the inner forces, the Creator has placed a fantastic power field there, that’s why He said He became flesh. The dividing line between His force field outside and the force field inside is the Creator Himself in the form of flesh. When we look at the body we don’t realize we are looking at the Creative Power crystallized here holding the dividing line between the inner world and the outer world. Now we need the evidence of this, science is a long way to bring this evidence to us therefore the ancient mystics have to find a shorter way to it, they realized that the only way to get to this inner world to validate for themselves is to go back to the Christ intelligence but they had to have some technique, they had to be introduced to some technique and that is what initiation or baptism is, I don’t mean throwing water on your head, there is a particular method in which the forces are shifted inside for you to climb in consciousness. It must occur in you but at the same time it is not existing outside of you, this particular principle is already pre-existing in you, it sounds funny now that it’s pre-existing, it’s predestined already, but God’s Will is already set up as predestination because it’s inherent in here. We cannot make new laws of the Creation, every law that we discover pre-exist before discovery and every law that is utilized correctly according to Divine Consciousness is Divine Will so we don’t have no new laws, we are only rediscovering or constantly uncovering pre-existing laws of higher and higher potentials, higher and higher levels, they are all here already, there is nothing new so when Solomon said “there is nothing new under the sun,” he was fully convinced and well aware as an initiate what was going on in his body. The initiate is given a way to validate once and for all that God has become him and initiation is that particular process to which he unlocks it. Now in ancient days the initiate was given the technique when he was past 21 or an adult, it was never given to young people for many reasons, the body is not set, at 21 the bones have come into a maturity but they’re not completely gelled 100%. At 28, seven years after, everything is set so initiation did not begin for a human being after 28 years of age but many people did not live past 20 years of age for a long time and then up to 28 and not too long ago 32 was the life span so many people did not have an opportunity and the early Christians were thrown into the arena, many of the parents were killed and their offspring was left abandoned so the early initiates had to find a way to make provisions for it. They then decided years after to institute now baptism at birth with a stipulation that there would be two representatives or two initiates who would at the later date when the child came of age, to initiate them. Those two individuals were calling godparents so a child then was then granted what is called the benediction of temporary baptism, given a name, and then assigned the godparent who was an initiate in their own right and then when the children came of age they will seek out the godparent and the godparent would initiate them into the technique of going inward, that was the period called confirming or confirmation thus preparing them after a certain period of growth for holy communion. This process was then kept sacred after a while but as everything else, it turns into a ritual and loses its truth and then the political popes came along, they eventually destroyed everything and what we have now instead of Christianity in its true state, we have now is churchianity so we end up having what is called a byproduct of the ancient initiate life. The actual initiation will not be tonight, it’s tomorrow night but those who show up tomorrow right it is not by my coercion, it is strictly by the grace of the Masters, They will open the doors from now on till tomorrow night to make it possible for you to arrive otherwise they’ll block you all the way around if you’re not ready and if you feel inside of yourself that you aren’t ready, you don’t know, you can’t assess this principle. They’re the ones who know your readiness, They’re the ones you know where you leave off in your last life, you don’t know where you left off in your last life, They know exactly where you left off, They’re the ones who are taking you back home, you’re not taking yourself back home. I labored under that illusion many years ago, “I’m taking myself back to God,” good and fine how will I get back? I come to find out I am not doing a single thing, They’re the ones who are doing it all and They have planned out the salvation of Man long before I ever born in this body to come along and do it. What I’m doing is strictly following Their plans and many of us here have been foreseen by Them. In the Autobiography of a Yogi, Babaji has said “I foresee many Saints waiting to be awakened in Europe and America, many not even born yet” and this conversation was going on with Yukteswar way back in the 1860s so you can see we sitting down here and thinking we are on our way back to the Creator, not realizing that long before we all sat down here and got born, our lives have already been planned out for our salvation. 0:20 It’s amazing to come to the realization when you go inward to discover that your salvation was long prepared for you and you would never have made a mistake and get off the path because the concern of the great Ones for our lives is so great, Their love is so pronounced that we are pulled back in spite of our faults. We are drawn back not by our mere willing, it is because we have earned it in previous lives, we have earned the right to return via the initiate life. The initiate life is always in every generation, it is a system that is handed down by word of mouth, there is no written principles for two reasons. One, it becomes no longer sacred when you write it down. Two, it must be lived so to write it down and leave it, no one will practice it, because it’s handed down orally individuals have to live it, this is one of the requisites of the initiate life, that we live it. Now what is required in initiate life are five basic truths, they involve our five senses, it’s a very simple life that involves our five senses and the first involvement is what we eat because that’s the very first thing they give us after we breathe in the first air, the mother’s breast has to be prepared by nature with milk to nourish us to exist and the Creator cannot leave us hanging in space without providing some way of nutrition so the very first discipline of the initiate life is food and nature has left her mark how we should follow the nutritional path back to the Creative Source by organizing the nutritional pattern. She has grown trees bearing fruit and nut that get the rays of the sun at dawn because they’re high off the ground and the rays are at an angle therefore those rays permeate those type of food and at the same time we as earth people, our intestinal tract secrete certain chemicals to handle those type of food at particular time. It doesn’t secrete all in an active state, some are in a dormant state nevertheless they’re in there but they’ll handle those type of food that comes down from the tree at dawn. Now in the middle of the day, nature has provided by her own methods food that grow above the ground and she secretes again those very type of chemicals necessary for handling those type of foods above the ground. Equally true she did not intend us to eat too much at night, our purpose was to realize ourselves and shut down and enter inner consciousness therefore the food that grow under the ground are very limited, you don’t have too many and that is the type of food that nature would allow your intestinal tract to handle. Now Man deviated from this process, in his deviation he consumed the animal kingdom, the bird kingdom, the marine life kingdom, and the origin of the cell life the egg and in his folly he crossed all the boundary lines in his ignorance eating all different things at different times as he was driven out into survival among the planets. Here he’s caught up in his own ignorance until he is given the chance to reactivate his consciousness and start the process all over again. In this age we are given the chance to realize it, in certain ages we did not have the chance, we lost it, again in this age we have the chance. The fruits and nuts in the morning, the vegetables that grow above the ground in the middle of the day, and if we are still meat eaters then the four-legged creatures and the two-legged ones are the ones to eat in the middle of the day because they move around on the earth at that time. At night those that grow under the ground and if you have to eat the flesh again, marine life and the egg or origin of life in the cell kingdom at night. So heavy meat or flesh products are in the middle of the day, the lighter ones are at night, you see how nature’s got it all organized long before we ever came along to recognize it and discover our mistakes. Now we were not supposed to eat them, we were told not to eat them after the flood, prior to the flood we ate them all because we wanted to eat them, our cravings became strong. As we ate them our tendencies began to change, our electrical nature changed, and if you go back to your readings or scriptures you’ll see it said “Man became worse than the beast in the field” prior to the flood and “the Lord was disturbed and decided to destroy it all” like flooding the whole continent or whatever He was gonna do. What is intended in that statement that Man, constantly consuming the animal kingdom, the electrical nature of the animal will tend to dominate the electrical nature of Man and thereby subdue his spiritual forces. Now the animal utilizes earth, water, fire, air, these four forces the animal is subjected to, it does not utilize ether, Man utilizes ether, he has one force he has to pay back. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, he has to return these forces because he uses it, he’s on parole in his body through the use of these five forces. Now Peter is an example of what happened when he ate the animal kingdom, in the case of the flood when they were told not to eat, not even of the blood of the animal that’s why the Jehovah Witness are very adamant in their idea of blood but they still eat the flesh so you can imagine they don’t understand what they’re doing too. The initiate is to realize that the flesh and the blood, it’s the electrical nature that holds us back in our meditative life, it isn’t that the animal dying from pain that the initiate would not eat the meat, that’s not the reason why he’s not eating the meat, he’s not eating the meat because animal dies in pain or that meat has toxins and due to the adrenaline that is secreted when the animal dies from pain, that’s not the reason why he’s not eating it, those are very valid reasons too but the reason why he’s not eating it it’s because of the electrical nature of the animal kingdom tends to dominate the electrical nature of the human kingdom and thereby reducing Man to a lower level, preventing Man from rising beyond Consciousness acting on Energy. Now the animal kingdom utilizes Matter acting on Matter, Energy acting on Matter, Consciousness acting on Matter, and Energy acting on Energy, up to this level the animal kingdom is still in dominance. Above that level we find now Consciousness acting on Energy, here is Man but Man is not realized in that level, Consciousness acting on Energy, here he’s still subjected to karma, he’s subjected to time, it’s Consciousness acting on Consciousness which is the Christ states, then Man is liberated. For the first time he enters what is called Master consciousness, Guru consciousness, or Avatar consciousness or Christ consciousness, whatever name you want to call it but it’s that level he is now identified as a light of God, he is in a timeless state. The reason he doesn’t eat the animal is because the animal tendencies tend to pull him down from that state. 0:30 Peter when he was on top of the building and he was meditating, he saw a large cloth with all the animals going in as food and he said “Lord all these things are unclean” and he heard a voice saying “Everything I have made is clean.” For the normal person reading that who has no understanding of initiate life would think the Lord God Himself spoke to Peter but the actual entity that spoke to Peter was the Lord of Creation, the Lord of Karma, that spoke to Peter not the Lord Sat Purush, the eternal being, the Lord of Creation spoke to Peter, Peter was not fully Christ realized, he didn’t know the difference therefore he ate and violated the principle. Now the result of his violation was there were some people who were supposed to give a portion of this substance to the community building and when they gave what he thought was very small in comparison to what they were supposed to give, he wished them to be dead and the husband and the wife fell down and died, he misused the power by his animal tendencies of greed and when he saw Paul in the house lecturing to the Romans and the Greeks again his jealous nature brought on by the wolf consciousness of him, he automatically got out of the house and passed a blind man who asked him to heal him but he paid no attention, his own animal tendencies dragged him down but when he was able to reconsole himself and realize that he was not fully Christ realized yet, he turned around and passed the man and by passing him his shadow fell on the man this time and the man was healed showing that the initiate when not in Christ consciousness still can fall down, he still can act out all the animal tendencies. Now we see pictures of Yogi sitting on tiger skin meditating, this is a classical picture that comes from the east, rest assured the yogi may sit on a tiger skin to meditate but it’s no ordinary tiger, you just don’t go pick up a tiger and sit down and meditate on him, a dead skin. It’s a tiger that has killed a human life, that tiger that kills the human life is hunted down like a common criminal by the community consent of the people and he is assassinated or punished then his body is stretched out in the sun for twenty one days, dried and brought to a holy Man or a spiritual person to reconcile the forces between the animal kingdom and the human kingdom that’s why the Yogi will sit down and do all the karmic actions of reconciling these forces between the dead man and the dead animal. There are laws at work in the inner realm but do not permit the animal to have supremacy over Man, Man is that being who must be pure all the way back to Christ intelligence before he can fully identify with the Creator so food is the very first principle that the initiate life revolves around, he tries to make it as simple as possible. The second principle that the initiate life revolves around is alcohol, he doesn’t use the alcohol because it throws off the gyroscopic action of the brain and we are going into inner space when we meditate, we are going into a different dimension of existence and once the gyroscopic action the brain starts to falter and cannot center itself on the polestar within, it will deviate and go down into the lower astral realm and be trapped in it. Now by yourself you can’t get out in the lower astral realm, only a realized Master can take you out from the lower astral realm, even the Lord of Karma will not take you out, he’s your best friend but your worst enemy, a God realized Master is the only one who can pull you out providing you are initiated because He is responsible to take you up, He’s committed to take He out that’s why Jesus said “Lo I am with you always to the end of the world” meaning in every level of creation this Christ’s intelligence within a realized being is committed to see that you get back to the Divine Source otherwise He is not committed so initiation is the bond that locks us to the Christ’s intelligence that commits the Christ’s intelligence to see us get back to the source. It’s like the salmon trying to get back to its spawning ground, no matter what the difficulties are, the salmon will still keep plunging to get back even to die when it arrives there out of total exhaustion. Equally true the initiate is dedicated to be pulled back up by the Christ intelligence right up to the last moment in consciousness so alcohol is a deterrent unless it’s consecrated, there is a difference. In holy communion there is the ritual, the necessary consecration, then it has a different effect on the mechanism, besides that it has a very injurious effect on the mechanism. A Saint will take a consecrated drink of alcohol, it will not affect Him but if it is not consecrated, He will have to vomit it up, it will not stay down as in the case of Therese Newman. She could not eat food and she did not want to eat food yet the only thing that would stay down in her intestines was a consecrated wafer and a consecrated wine, this is the pledge of the inner mechanism. Now the third discipline in which the life revolves as an initiate is drugs, an initiate does not refuse medical attention to his body but he does not indulge in drugs for hallucinations or mental experiences for two reasons, one the drug fractures the auric web leaving him vulnerable to mediumship, vulnerable to possession by the entities of the lower realm. Two, he becomes manipulated and may end up becoming a Dybbuk, a Dybbuk is that individual who refuses to reincarnate but tries to find some gullible individual to surrender his consciousness so that he will use the body and live through that body pretending he’s a realized individual. In your Hebrew writings, the Dybbuk is the worst type of entity we know of. Here is somebody who surrenders his consciousness to allow another individual to attach themselves and work through him claiming to be realized, that type of entity does exist. In the case of the man who is obsessed by legion, when they brought him in front of Jesus, the first thing before Jesus could open His mouth to say anything, they all shouted out “We know who You are” that means they recognized Him as an initiate of the Light, “let us go.” They not want to be exposed because they were refusing to enter into the human body to work out their karma, they were trying to get a cheap stowaway in another human body to work out their particular gimmicks of fortune telling or whatever they want to do and tormenting the man. Jesus did not expose them, He commanded them to depart in peace, they then left the human body enter the animal body. You see now here is a disincarnate entity that was once occupying their own bodies before they were thrown out of it by death and then occupying an individual who is similar to the same structure like them. Now after confronting an initiate, they are forced to throw themselves into the animal form, they occupy the body of the swine and then causes the swine to commit suicide thereby releasing them of the karmic condition. Now they were thrown into the force field of the Lord of Karma to go face their karma, eventually they’ll have to take on a human form to work out their violation of the life forms that they possess so when you see some people born decrepit, invalid, don’t feel too sorry for some of them, you may feel compassion in your heart and want to change it but rest assured some of them have earned it because they have violated certain laws and that’s what their punishment is. 0:40 A Master does not always want to alter the karma of certain individuals let alone initiate some of them, He would refuse some of them because this is the punishment they were entitled to and the individuals to whom they come to have to generate the love necessary to correct it because those individuals they are born into may not have enough love in their heart for their fellow Man and therefore they are given that type of offspring to generate the love, to generate forgiveness to their fellow Man so many of the things we see around us is not just because some God up there is punishing us, no. The very individual, the very entity himself violated many rules and must be meted out at the level in which it can be compensated or corrected back by love and it’s the human love that he avoided and was afraid to come into a human body to face, he now must have it in a crippled body to be mothered by another human being to restore the balance. It’s very difficult for a mother or father to love a crippled child, it takes tremendous love for one to know that this child is doomed for his whole lifespan in a crippled form and that you have to generate love but you have warranted that type of confrontation to bring it out of you and that is what is involved in that situation and it’s all leading back to drugs. Let us look for one moment, the drug scenery today is not a new thing, for centuries Man has used drugs to experiment to find God. In fact there is one drug in the east that’s so powerful it’s been called the Soma drink, it’s the mythical Soma drink where you enter this cosmic consciousness as they claim, not really cosmic consciousness but if you can drink it, you would stay up in some level of consciousness for a long long time. Man has been experimenting over and over to find some type of a shortcut to God realization, he does not want to face the ups and downs of rational living, ethical living, the forgiveness, and the compassion, the asking for release from his fellow Man, and the forgiveness from his fellow men, we are placed in the body to ask forgiveness from our fellow Man, we are not placed in here to run away, to escape, and use shortcuts. The Creative Intelligence has already organized it in such a way that we will get our release if our own fellow Man offers it back to us in the form of love, we can be healed instantly because it’s God who heals us, nobody else heals us, He heals us from within ourselves when we are willing to accept that particular confrontation. Someone does your harm or a hurt and if you got enough guts to go and ask that individual or go to them and ask or forgive them, that particular confrontation can release and bring out tremendous healing but if you use any short cut method to avoid it, it only compounds itself more and more, it is when we go back and face it, then we can bring about this release. Forgiveness is necessary in the human body to release a great deal of karmic debt, it’s a very important process so the third discipline of the initiate life is we don’t use the drugs to hotrod the brain or to get extrasensory ideas or hallucinations. The fourth discipline is that the sex life is involved with your own married partner, every other person is your brother and sister. The reason behind that as Jesus said “He that looketh upon another committed adultery” and “when two have become one flesh, they are supposed to live as one.” Marriage is a bond that connects the force field between two human beings, that’s why it’s called union, the creative forces are brought into the state of union. If the act of sex is performed in violence as in rape, the aura present in the act is black, the offspring can be distorted, the whole force field of that offspring is detrimental, it never changes. Even the courts sometimes will grant an abortion just to protect the mother or the sanity of the one that has been violated so any type of act in violence without martial or parental consent is a violation of the creative force. The second is to perform the act of sex without being married, that is under guilt reaction, under rebellion because one wants to rebel against one’s society and one wants to feel that one is superior than the parent or one does not want to be involved in a commitment to each other, that child the aura is grey/green, the very active self is done in guilt. No matter how we tell ourselves that it can be done to satisfy our feelings of lust or feelings of enjoyment or pleasure, it is still a violation of the creative force. That creative force is never forgotten because you are dealing with God and God is that power that is committed to laws, where guilt is in the mind it affects the offspring, where violence is in the mind it affects the offspring so performing the act of sex in violence under rape or without consent by guilt reaction, these two actions produce offspring of a very lower consciousness and they attract the entities waiting to inhabit a body to work out the lower nature of their karma. Now when the act is performed by mutual consent, publicly, openly as in marriage the commitment to each other, the aura is pink, this is by divine reaction to each other therefore the two individuals are committed to each other. Now the one big problem in modern day marriage, the fault lies on the priest, he is the guy who made the wrong programming in the ceremony. When he married people years ago he said “for better for worse” therefore in the first part of the marriage everything was good and in the last part it became worse, he is to blame for that, he set up the wrong thought pattern in the marred couple’s mind. Today it has to be taken out or reversed, “for worse for better” so that “as you think, that is what you are.” We don’t realize how much we have been damaged or hurt by the marriage ceremony being performed and presented in that manner. When you look at the tremendous breakdown in society, the fault must go back to the individual priest and I don’t mean the initiate, it must go back to the priest or the church, the mystic side of religion for that fault, for that particular responsibility, they instituted a wrong terminology, a wrong mental programming, and thereby causing tremendous distress in lives today. The initiate marriage is based upon love, trust, and service and the commitment to the inner life so the early stages of a person’s life may have conflicts but as they grow together, it becomes better so we no longer say “for better for worse” we say “for worse or for better” and that is to make the individual realize that he is progressing consciously. Those are the four disciplines, the last one is we must give back to God that belongs to God, Jesus said “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and render unto God what is God.” Many of us believe we can render unto God what is God but we don’t know what to render back to God, if we knew what to render back to God then my conversation here wouldn’t be necessary. 0:50 Do you realize what has to go back to God? Audience: Love, self, spirit. Adano: All these belong to God but you haven’t rendered that back to Him, those things that you mentioned below to Him already. The only thing you give back to God that belongs to Him that you are using in 24 hours is the incoming breath, that’s why it’s called income. You pay income tax on the income that you receive on the solid substance of matter. The income of survival as a being is air, the pure breath of life. You are allowed to use it in 24 hours, one tenth portion is the origin of tithing, that period is donated back to God to shut down and enter into a state of oneness with Him, you’re required to render this back to Him, you’re required to give back one tenth portion of the breath cycle that’s why Paul said, “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord.” He knew a special method of shutting down the mechanism to return back that internal flow of energy back into the Creator, this is the only thing we owe the Creator, everything else belongs to Him. He takes the breath back when He wants but He wants us to return it back voluntarily so that we may live longer and achieve realization in the body. If we shut down consciously that is if we learn the art of life control or the art of how to die daily then we are returning back to the Creator the vital power loaned to us to activate this mechanism then we will be given that particular gift of life control and you will state as Jesus stated, “No man take My life from Me, I have the power to lay it down and take it up.” How could Jesus make such a statement unless He has spent a great deal of time recycling this energy, giving it back, He would have to have spent time devoting that energy back to God, the Creative Light, He would have to spend time shutting down. Two and a half hours or we say two hours and forty minutes is one tenth portion of 24 hours is what is required in the individual’s life to shut down. This is broken up into three periods of the day: one hour in the morning, one hour of night, and 40 minutes in the middle of the day, these are the periods of shutting down in the inner consciousness. Your book of Psalms tells you and your very first verse in the first book of Psalms, “Man must meditate day and night on the right law” and when he does that all the material life begins to improve because he is giving back exactly what belongs to the Lord. Tithing is not giving one tenth portion of your money out of your pocket, this has been an outcome of the (inaudible), the true tithing is giving back the Divine Energy to the Creator so that you will be a force field for that Creator and in that force field all that you need will start flowing to you. There will come a time that you don’t need anything from this material world because you will be endowed with the power to crystallize thoughts at will. Now the fully realized man lives in a breathless state, if you read the Autobiography of a Yogi it states that Lahiri Mahasaya could be seen sitting down for hours and days in the breathless state so we are talking of a definite science in which the initiate is involved with. These are the five disciplines because they govern the five senses, they govern the five deadly sins: lust, anger, greed, hatred, ego, the initiate life revolves around that, everything else is not the initiate life. The initiate life is not a hang-down existence, it’s a joyous existence, everyone earns his livelihood. It’s plain, simple but it involves these five forces that corrode the Soul, God-realization is built upon those five forces: food, alcohol, drug, sex, meditation or shutting down so you see early Christianity and other religions have built their philosophy around these five principles. In the Jewish religion you find the kosher food and also you find in the Eastern countries they don’t drink alcohol and some countries they don’t even allow them to have drugs nearby for their healing and some of them don’t even allow them to participate in the sex act but these are all abstinences, they are not understanding. Meditation is enforced but again these are all done by coercion, it’s not done by love and understanding, when it’s done by love and understanding the initiate life is very simple because love and understanding presents the picture to you, how the Creative Force is set up. In your eating habits, it’s already organized by the plant life. In the alcohol, Jesus gave the holy communion and that is the only time the alcohol was ever mentioned or used and that particular ceremony I myself take, any other ceremony in the church I have long gone for it but I understand all of them and their true mystical meaning how they work but as an outward ritual still maintained in the church, I partake in the holy communion no matter where it is because the forces that are lined up under the very ritual brings in the angelic host present and even if an individual is not mystical enough, whatever is gained by contact with the holy communion raises his consciousness closer to the Christ intelligence so one who partakes in his own church community should not refuse to take holy communion, you should always partake of it even though you may not have inner mystical experiences yet or you may not feel committed to your church in any way, that is one portion of your religious background that should always be maintained till you get to a higher level of development, it is very important for the growth, it’s the only time that the alcohol is accepted as a spiritual principle. As far as the drugs, I don’t think you need to do that for your brain. The act of sex again this is under marriage and the responsibility and the commitment to one another. Another reason for why the act of sex is only done between the married couple, a spiritual Master cannot be born in a home of a non-initiate because primarily he is an initiator of the highest order and he can only enter in the home of parents who are in the initiate life. Anytime you hear of a great Master being born, check it out, the parents have to be initiates, this is the reason behind the married life because we are endowed with that responsibility to bring forth beings into the world who will carry on the light in the world and the initiate is the light of the world while he’s in the world. Every time you enter the initiate life you become the light of the world, you carry a great responsibility of being the light of the world by living a very simple life and the responsibility is not to convert others, the responsibility is to get back to the Creative Source in one incarnation. Meditation, you will practice an hour a day hour or at night and 40 minutes in the middle of the day depending on how you can adjust it to your own needs or if you want to do the full two and a half hours at night or in the morning. There will come a time in your growth where you’ll be constantly living in a state of meditation, that your consciousness is wide open and you are in attunement but in the early stages you have to go gradually. Now after hearing all this now you’re not going to want to come back tomorrow night. 1:00 Audience: I have a question about these four fields that you’ve mentioned, the alcohol and drugs are often put in the same category, are they really not because mescaline for instance is used also in religious ceremonies and are they really not basically on the same level so why do you make it separate? Adano: You can’t use mescaline as an initiate to go back to God, I’ve been through the Indian reservations and their prayer techniques, all of them have only reached Consciousness acting on Energy, none of reached Consciousness acting Consciousness and when I went into some of their ceremonies what I did in their prayer meeting, they were amazed because they cannot understand how I do it. Some of them have only gone as far as Consciousness acting on Matter but they have tremendous occult powers but when they see something that they place all they trust and call it God and to see someone who doesn’t come in and use none of their substances do something else, it puzzles them. One time there was a very sincere devout man, he lived most of his life in Utah, he grew up among the Mormons but he went back to his old tradition and he was their road man as you call it, the priest, and he had tremendous healing powers and he started the prayer meeting one night calling down all the forces that he knew… (Gap in tape). Milk products is neutral and you can use it any time, it’s a neutral food as far as the initiate is concerned, all the Masters use milk, preferably they can get goat milk, so much the better and they use butter but they clarify it. That is they put it in double boiler and melt it and skim out all the wax out of it and they add honey to it and use it so milk products you can use anytime day or night and honey is a neutral food. Honey, milk, dates, avocado, brown rice these are all neutral foods. Audience: What about margarine? Adano: Yes, you can use that but it’s made from a vegetable fat. Audience: I wasn’t here but apparently you were talking about the one who uses drugs, it would be four or five lifetimes before their mind would be back to where it was now, is that correct? Adano: Yes. Audience: Well is this hallucinogenic drugs or is marijuana included? I understand cigarettes and alcohol is not considered drugs, is marijuana considered a drug? Adano: Yeah marijuana is considered a hallucinogenic because you can be dominated by the entity world. You see once your nerve ends stop firing from the marijuana, you can enter into what is called Energy acting on Consciousness and that particular energy will start taking over your body and start feeding you and start losing the ectoplasm of your body and as soon as you lose the ectoplasm then the entity will start feeding off of it and they’ll start writhing and making the Dybbuk, they’ll convert you intoa Dybbuk. That is the entity does not want to reincarnate to face his problem therefore they find a healthy body of a person whose brain is attuned to that particular condition and will start draining the energy by giving them dreams and as you start to use the body before you know it, it will be forced to take more and more marijuana eventually going to harder drugs because the body becomes more irritable and it becomes tired, very sleepy, and once it starts draining then you find you’re getting weaker and weaker, you find your sexual nature starts increasing and the body gets more and more toxic. Audience: Well you say that the marijuana you have to go and want more and more (inaudible), it’s been proven that not everyone is affected by marijuana that way. Adano: That’s not true, there’s only a degree of tolerance, each one varies. Everyone has a breaking point in the hallucinogenic. Audience: So what you’re saying is that anyone who uses marijuana given the chance will go on. Adano: Yeah they have a different tolerance, it’s like metal. Aluminum will melt at a certain heat, gold will melt at a certain heat, copper melts at a certain heat, lead will melt at a certain heat, the degree of heat determines how much that metal will break down. Equally true the brain cells of each individual, their tolerance is different, no two people have the same tolerances so you can be a very healthy person and one cigarette of marijuana can put you out. It may take 50 for another person, it may take 100 for another person to do it but the accumulated effect is building up. (Inaudible). Audience: I have two questions one on marijuana and harder drugs, a person that has done these drugs and you’re saying it’s four or five lifetimes before their mind will be back to where they were here, are you saying now that in this particular lifetime you cannot go through and try and fulfill some of that karma that you’ve already messed up in this lifetime or do you have to just sit and wait to die this time and come back. Adano: No you can work out some of it but you can’t work out all of it. Audience: Number two there are Indians in this country for thousands of years… Adano: That’s true, I’ve met a lot of them. Audience: They’ve been using peyote. Adano: Yeah I know them, one of them has gone past Consciousness acting on Matter. Audience: This is a basis for their entire religion. Adano: Yes, I’m aware of that, I studied their studies for years with them and showed them that what they could do with their best (inaudible) power with their peyote, I still could do it natural. Audience: It’s my understanding that a lot of young people nowadays are getting on drugs unknowingly like my doctor was telling me of a case of this girl, 16 year old girl, went to a party and she would slipped LSD in a Coke, is there any way we could protect our young people? I mean I don’t think my children knowing would take it but unknowingly. Audience: Would that person be responsible then? Adano: It’s gonna get worse, I’m not going to give you confidence, it’s going to get worse but this is part of the Aquarian Age purging. We’re going through a purging process where many people are going to exploit others for the sake of getting even in society. We don’t have human beings walking in human bodies, we have animals walking in human bodies, very rarely you’ll find a human being. What we see around us that appears to be human beings we used to call them wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many people have animal tendencies dominating them merely not only from drugs, from the eating of the meat, and accumulated thought patterns from past lives that come back here merely to be ravenous beings on others to prey on society for their weaknesses and they can’t help it, many are caught up in this particular process, many are brought back to incarnate for the things that they’ve done in previous lives that are (inaudible) and they are doing very very cruel too. This is why it’s going to get worse. Audience: When we were discussing the drug problem before that, it was my understanding that you were talking about when someone took drugs and it broke the aura that after initiation it would be mended. Adano: Yes the Master will seal it back at initiation because of His grace. Audience: Would that still mean he has to work it out? Adano: No no no no, if he seals it back, He absolves you, He takes the load that’s what they call the remission of sins. Audience: But if it’s broken again. Adano: He’s not gonna take it back, He’ll push you out into your conscious… like Yukteswar did to the boy in the Autobiography of Yogi, he said “I hate to tell you to go out and let the world be your teacher” so he told Yogananda to go tell the boy “don’t let the boy stay in the ashram no more.” 1:10 The boy was smoking and drinking and indulging in all types of things, Yukteshwar had initiated the boy but it broke his heart to see that the boy was breaking these things after initiation so he sent Yogananda to tell the boy to leave the ashram and the boy had to leave the ashram (inaudible) and the world became his teacher that means he had to go through the world cycles to learn it. A Master is a compassionate being, He’ll assume the karma at the time of initiation to work it out for you with His own values patterns but if we don’t appreciate that and we drop back because we feel that we can get away with it, we can’t blame the Master for putting it back on your head, I wouldn’t so the Master is a very compassionate person, He loves you from that standpoint to give you part of himself but He hopes that you would realize that you have something of value now take and hold and grow it. Now if you don’t then the actual karma comes back to you and you have to work it out, sometimes it takes four to five lifetimes to work it out, this is the problem with it. The drug karma is worse than the meat karma or the alcoholic karma, the meat karma takes a while to work out too but what is worse is that you fracture the auric web because this continues to repeat itself in each incarnation you come in in, you can be coming in with the deformed bodies, now that’s what the danger is, being born again with deformed bodies, there’s where it makes it difficult so a Master can’t constantly take your problems, He’s got to relieve you and make you aware of your responsibilities so if we don’t accept that particular gift to us then we deserve the Divine Justice, we can’t blame no one for it, we have to blame ourselves for our own mistakes so we have to be thankful that the Master will do this for us at initiation, to absolve us of that condition. I run into this situation too, I’ve seen people who were initiated, they’re initiate, they’re absolved at the time of initiation, their lives have changed and suddenly they decided to go back, I can’t stop them, they have to pay the penalty of going back. Now they are in the misery, it’s very hard for me to tell them “then I can’t do anything for you, the Masters are not going to do anything for you, it’s up to you now from what you want to do from your next life,” this is the problem. I’ve seen this and I have the type of problem existing with initiates, an initiate can fall, until he reach Christ consciousness he can fall, praying for the initiate and helping him to hold fast, we all can do that but it’s still the initiate who’s got to make up his mind, is he willing to give up or not. It’s very easy to flip back, it’s very easy to fool oneself, it’s very easy to say “I prefer the experiences I get from seeing inside,” there aren’t no spiritual excuses in the first place. Now hallucinogenics do not give spiritual experiences, I have proven it to the very Indians that live here in America, they aren’t genuine experiences, and when they’re exposed to them, they themselves have to admit (inaudible) because until a person really knows how this inner mechanism works, he’s going to be fooled by the Lord of Creation and that’s his game that test us all the way until we have a pure heart. That’s why the Beattitudes states in very specific terms, “Blessing are the pure in heart for they see God,” it’s only those individuals can see God or achieve Christ Consciousness, every impurity has got to get out of their heart and you can’t hide behind no idea and use it as a (inaudible), there’s no such thing inside there, you’re exposed from the time you walk into that consciousness. In other words every Man’s business is known in Christ consciousness, where you’re going to hide it? You can’t have a thought to hide, even it says “I am with you to the end of the world,” there is not a single place you can hide from this Christ intelligence and “though heaven and earth will pass away, not one jot or title of My word will pass away.” This whole creation can be blown up a million times with atomic bombs but you still cannot get rid of that thought inside, it’s there until you pay for it, that’s the problem (inaudible) so when we wake up to it and accept it, we are given the grace what we need to pray for and the strength to hold fast, we need to pray for that every day, we’re going to feel the pulls in our mechanism because we are tempted, we are tested but as long as we pray for the strength to hold fast, we will make it. Audience: Won’t we be given extra help? Adano: Yes you are given extra help because of the techniques that helps to break the patterns in you, that’s why you’re given certain techniques to help you grow up in consciousness so there are levels where you can insulate you against the pull. A Master is pulling you up all the time, He’s helping to pull you but remember He can’t meditate for you too and He’s going to help you, I’ve seen this done. One time somebody slipped an initiate in the orange juice LSD after he was initiated at a party, the boy didn’t know, before he was initiated he did take drugs, at the party he went to they slipped him a glass of orange juice with LSD, I was meditating that night and I felt it, all right by the grace of God, it was canceled out, he didn’t know, he didn’t deliberately do it. When nothing happened at the party, the friends all got worried, “what happened?” They began to question and when he found out what had happened, there was one big squabble but then he came and told me the story and I says “The Master’s grace has blessed you. As long as you didn’t deliberately take it knowingly with your will, They will always protect you to the end of time. The day you deliberately take it, They are not going to do a single thing for you.” This is the law of the spiritual life, They are granting you grace to keep you humble to show you regardless of how we fall from a high level to a lower level by our own mistakes prior to initiation, They will absolve you. After initiation if somebody tried to hurt you, they will protect you just to convince you that what they mean in the bible, “A Man of God if you take a poison, it will not harm him” as long as he does not deliberately try to impress anybody he wants to drink poison to say that he can drink poison. You can pass the substance to him after initiation and if he did not deliberately take it, the Master consciousness will protect him and I’ve seen that over and over so the person is protected but the day he decides deliberately to violate consciously with his own mind, the Master will not protect him and I’ve seen that too, people who have done that and the Master is not protecting them. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes his will has broken the obligation, he’s no longer humble, he’s become egotistical again. The Master will protect you as long as you stay humble within His consciousness, that’s His commitment to you, the moment you push it off and exert your own ego and that’s what we call “not going by the Divine Will,” the Masters will is Divine Will, when you’re doing it by ego will now just to prove a point, you have to pay the consequences. I’d rather obey after learning the truth than have to disobey and have to it all over again. We must be thankful that we’re given a chance, we all make mistakes, I don’t care who are, we all made mistakes prior to initiation so when we realize what is open to us, what is offered us then is ridiculous to hide behind excuses when we know that we can be helped. Larry (inaudible), two of the leaders, one refuses the other accepted, the one that refused is in exile in Nigeria and he’s a cripple and the one that accepted is back in this country working to help the other young people to get off of it and have attained in this life that degree of consciousness which very few men can achieve by giving up, he has actually been helped by the Swami to get to that state, to hold onto it. He lives now in Arizona and he has a spiritual name they call him Baba Ram Dass but he has been helped by going to India to finally meet some Indian Swami to help him pass that level. Larry will not accept, Larry is going to live in hiding in Nigeria and but look what he has done to society, he’s left a whole stream of broken Souls only because he’s stubborn and the other one has made up for the mistake, he has learnt the truth. When he saw what the teacher could do and the teacher didn’t do it to impress him either but when he thought that was all there was in his conversation with the teacher that the drugs was the thing and the teacher told him it was not the thing and he couldn’t see it when he teacher says, “Ok, give me all that you’ve got” and He drank it and gave him back the bottle and that was sufficient to convince Alpert but we don’t do this primarily to showoff, we do it to help a person beyond a certain point so that he will get grace. Anything a spiritual teacher is doing for us is to give us the grace, give us the compassion, give us the absolution for our mistakes, the love never dies out in a spiritual teacher for the human being, it is always there regardless of how many mistakes you make, He will always love him but He will not correct him if (inaudible). Like in the case of the Autobiography with the boy, the teacher did extend love to the boy even though the boy wantonly disobeyed, he made the other boy send him away, (inaudible) so he had the boy send away the other boy. The teacher would not wantonly say, “Get out of my sight” but he would inwardly feels great remorse for the person. Now the teacher does not abandon you, He will still maintain love for you whenever you decide in your mind to turn around, the moment you decide to turn around, He will send me back His strength, He will pick you up like a dirty child, wipe your face and set you back on the path but He will have to extend the karma into whatever life form He feels is practical for you to handle, this is His obligation. I don’t know of where any drug practice has brought God realization to any human being, I’ve made a very long study of this concept and I don’t know of any. Saints aren’t produced like typewriters off an assembly line, They earn their badges by long suffering.

1972 September Part 0 - Householder

Adano72_09_0HouseholderQ1NW4 - (Group chanting) How sweet the sound of Om, it’s Master’s voice I hear. In all pervading silence He whispers “I am here.” My heart is all a-glowing, it sing eternally. There is no other love like my Master’s love for me. (repeated 3 times). Door of my heart open wide I keep for Thee, door of my heart open wide I keep for Thee. Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come, just for once come to me. Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come, just for once come to me. Will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord, will my days fly away without seeing Thee my Lord, Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day. (repeated 2 times). Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jai, Paramahansa Yogananda Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai, Swami Nityananda Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Charan Singh, Charan Singh, Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Master Jesus Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Babaji, Babaji, Jai Guru Jair. Babaji, Babaji, Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). Sri Yukteswar, Sri Yukteswar, Jai Guru Jair. Sri Yukteswar, Sri Yukteswar, Jai Guru Jair. Jai Guru Jai. Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru. (2 times). (Short meditation). 0:10 Audience: Tom Dodd is sick and we need a volunteer to make breakfast. Adano: Tom Dodd is sick, what is wrong with him? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Alright, he’ll take care of it, I’ll be there myself in awhile. Let’s raise our hands. (Adano and group). Divine will, flowing through us, will dissolve and eliminate all those conditions that interfere with the normal and harmonious flow of Tom Dodd. Divine will, flowing through us, will strengthen and rebuild all those conditions that interfere and are necessary for the normal and harmonious flow of Tom Dodd. It is said, it is done, so be it. Om, Om, Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Thank you. We’ll just have some questions and answers concerning what we covered in the last two days, anyone wants to ask some questions? Yes? Audience: If there is no perfect marriage then the experience is for learning? Adano: Yes, you see perfect marriage does exist, it exists when two individuals grow together in consciousness and are able to lock in in consciousness. The present living Master, Charan Singh, when he was a boy his grandFather told him he was going to get married. He says “No no no, I don’t want to get married, I want to renounce the world, I want to go up and be a lawyer and renounce the world.” The grandfather laughed and he was going to school, one day there was a disciple of the grandfather who had a young daughter and the daughter said to the grandfather, her own father she said, “I want to go and see the great Master” while they were on the train so the father says “No, the train don’t stop at this spot and we can’t stop and see the great Master.” She says “I want to go and see the great Master” and she kept on this, a little child and kept on stamping her feet. When the train came towards the junction where the great Master lived but it doesn’t stop there, the train began to slow down all of a sudden and would not move, it came to a grinding halt, the wheels are turning but the train would not move. The engineers came out and they couldn’t figure it out so they had to let the people off at that junction so the girl said to her dad “Well we can go see the great Master because the train won’t be ready for several hours” so they went up to see the great Master. While they’re coming into the compound, the great Master is holding Satsanga and He had His eyes closed and she walked it and looked around and He opened His eyes and He saw her and He said “Why do you bother Me with such things, stopping the train.” Now He had never seen the girl before, she was a very young girl and she ran up to the great Master and said “Great Master, I want to be initiated” and everybody jumped “Oh no Master, don’t initiate her, she’s too young, she’s too young girl” and He looked at everybody and then He says, “All right” and he start initiating her. Before He could even touch her, she was starting to see the light and hearing the sound currents so she was describing all the realms verbally allowed to everybody, realms that the others had never been too and they began to realize that here is somebody who’s a very unusual person. The oldest disciple of the great Master who has been all to the highest realm, when she started to describe that realm he perked up his ears. Well just then the grandson is coming in after the great Master finished initiated the girl and she was standing there with her Father, the grandson came in to pay respects to the grandfather and the grandfather says “There’s your wife.” “No no grandpa, I don’t want to get married, I’m going to be a lawyer, I’m going to be a renunciate.” “Don’t worry, that’s your wife” so he says “Grandfather, if I gotta marry, she’s gotta follow me all the way up to where I can go in my spiritual life and if she can’t follow me there, I don’t want to marry her. The grandfather says “That’s gonna be your wife” so he sat down there and started to meditate and the girl sat down and meditated at the same time. One hour pass, he opened his eyes, he shook his head and says “All right grandfather, I accept.” There was not a region he could go that she could not go, she went every region he could go inside, he accepted then after college to get married and the grandfather married them so perfect marriage does exist. When the female form has the same power drive with the male form in the inner life then perfection is possible because they’re interlocking now on an inner realm and an outer realm because any realm that he can go for inner consciousness, the wife would be there so marriage was made in heaven long before he realized it. Some of us go through life never wanting to get married or have certain information given to them about their marriage, when they will be married, who they will marry, and those individuals do work it out, I’ve met a few like that. There was a boy who studied with Yogananda, when I met him he was a grown man and had two kids but he was a boy at a time with Yogananda and he wanted to be a renunciate so every day he would go to church and meditate and one day Yogananda said to him “Boy, you’re going to get married.” He says “Master I don’t want to get married and I want to ask you what is my future” so the Master look at him and says “Your future is that you get married and settle down.” He says, “But I want to be a minister, I want to follow the path and teach.” He says, “You’ll get married and settle down.” 0:20 The boy was disheartened, anyway when time went by he says “Master if I’m gonna get married would you pick the wife for me?” He says “Divine Mother will pick her.” He kept on attending classes and while he was sitting in front one day listening to the Master on a Sunday, there was a woman with her daughter came in that was sitting right behind and the Master finished lecturing and he looked around after the meditation and they’re all going to go out and he said to the boy, “That’s your wife over there” so the boy look at the girl, he never met, “No Master that can’t be,” “That’s your wife.” They’re coming out of the church and they’re going up to the restaurant to eat, he’s busy running up the step, he slips on the stairway and he’s falling backwards and who should catch him by the seat of his pants? The girl, prevent him from falling on his head, what can he do? They’re married and they have two beautiful children. From that incident a budding romance grew into a beautiful marriage but you see guidance from those realm or from those individuals can lead us to the perfect marriage, that’s why in the ancient days they used to resort to the priest or the Master to find the wife or the husband, to straighten them out to understand themselves so perfect marriages do exist, these are just a few instances, there are a lot of them. Now when you say perfect marriage we must clarify this, that does not say that they don’t have their moments of confrontation, Master’s wife is a doctor, a naturopath, and she tells him off where to get off with his health, he has diabetes and she regulates his diet and everything and his clothes and everything, his writings and he’s a Sagittarius and she’s a Taurus so it’s interesting but it’s the love that resonates from inside that they can lock inside, the outward life is comical when you see it. It’s beautiful to understand that Masters who are realized in consciousness, they live through a comedy in life on the outer realm. Like the Colonel once said, he had a Volkswagen, they were driving around all these years and the wife started to pray for a bigger car and after they got the big car, it cost more to take care of the car, now they don’t want it, that’s the comedy of the whole thing, they have a perfect marriage. Now his wife is not a vegetarian but she would make sure that he has all the vegetarian food but she loves our smokes, her schnapps, and her good steaks, interesting huh? Well that’s a perfect marriage. You see at least she is not condemning his way of life, she’s making sure that he’s got his way of life and doing a very good job of keeping him that way, you see, this is what you’re looking at the perfect marriage. It’s not tearing the other person down, it is understanding the other person’s way of life and catering to that way of life and let them respect your way of life and you live yours, it’s that mutual respect for what the other person wanted to be earlier. Audience: You’re talking about Colonel Berg, right? Adano: Yeah, you know he told me that, he says “My wife makes sure I have everything meticulous, she’d make sure that there is no egg or nothing, she reads the labels a hundred times to make sure that it’s nothing there,” he says “but she loves her little schnapps.” The first time I met him you know I says, “Colonel, she ever use cigars?” “Oh cigarillos.” (Adano laughs). No but perfect marriage is not necessarily what we think that the other individual has got to tow the line of where we’re going, there is that growth between individuals. As long as each one understands we are human beings, we’ve come through many aspects and we’re a long way to go concerning the physical body and the male or the female so when we get into some more details tomorrow we’ll see some interesting facts of the behavior between husband and wife. Audience: The cycles that people have like the menstrual cycle for women and the moon cycle for men, when they marry is there such a thing that they affect each other’s and form a third cycle? Adano: Yes, they form a third cycle of anticipation. You see that cycle sets up tremendous anticipation or anxiety because the man or the male body cannot sense effectively the rhythm of the female body, there are very few men in civilized society can do that. In a primitive society, the male body can sense it accurately like a machine because in a primitive society the male body is trained to use a nostril. In a civilized society this is one part we have actually brought to the point of atrophy, only a good pharmacist can use his nostril properly or a chemist, the nostril is the registering agent of the changes of the rhythms in the body by the odor and these are the first indications of the rhythms they are changing, your own body odor changes too and a primitive woman can sense that. Now I’ve read of a case of two friends who were missionaries and was very embarrassing for them to live in a primitive area with the people because the natives could always sense their body rhythms and their body changes and they could always know when they had some intercourse with each other, that’s a peculiar phenomena because they could actually relate this thing even if they took a bath and perfumed themselves. The one woman would tell the the missionary’s wife, “had a good time last night?” And this can be pretty embarrassing you know, simple people but what you can do? She says “Well how can you know that?” She says “Well we smell it” and the male body was the same, he would be there with the gardener, the gardener were talking and working, and the male gardener would tell him about himself, facts that he himself was pretty astounded, you understand? Yeah, it was simply by the smell that he was able to relate this body condition and he began later on to take note of it because he says this was too uncanny because after noticing it, he realized there must be some value to it because they were able to pinpoint when he was out of phase or he was going to end up in an argument with his wife or his wife was going to end up in some argument with him by the depth of the odor and the changes so after a while he began to observe himself and notice these changes in the body. 0:30 Now in the first few days when the male body is changing, when the cycle is coming on, his breath is very foul but he doesn’t notice it, the wife is the person that smells it, it always smells like if he’s close to a wharf, yeah like a fish wharf. Now when the woman’s body is changing, the husband notice it and he also smells like if he’s near a wharf, he doesn’t know why because it’s salt, the body’s chemistry is involved with salt water, the saline solution, the blood. These changes throw off their odor, the sodium chloride in the body is throwing off and these toxins come out through the breath because that’s how it has to escape out when it’s discharged and this begins to be observed then the perspiration comes next. Another interesting thing about the changes of the man is that the irritability starts to appear in the fingertips in the first 10 or 12 days, the fingertips, there’s always that desire for tapping the finger. You ever see someone, if you go in a restaurant and look around at male men for a while and you’ll always see one or two of them do like that constantly, they’re tapping their fingers and they’re swinging their feet. They are going through the 10th or 12th day of this cycle change and they’re not listening to no music, there’s nothing playing in a restaurant but they are busy tapping away and it’s like a mechanical movement and they can be talking and totally oblivious of it going of. Audience: Is that stress or is that just… Adano: It’s the buildup of the sperm movement in the body reaching a point, wanting now to touch out and reaching out for manipulation, reaching out for contact or massage. You see the hands are tingling for it so the human body has to be massaged, these are the way this stress is released but sometimes it’s released by tapping to get the stress out so the male passes through those phases. Now the drowsiness comes in towards the last part of the cycle, you find that you go to bed very groggy and you wake up with a very groggy feeling. Now if you’re not married that groggy feeling starts to make you feel tired so you begin to take either cigarettes or coffee or alcohol to break the stress, you want to go out to the movies, you want to go to some place of entertainment to break the stress otherwise you get bored and groggy or sleepy like you’re crawling all over the wall. Now the problem is true with the woman but in this society it’s easy for the man to go out and go and meet people so he may go to a club or a dance place or something to entertain or release himself or find some type of outward reaction. In a female it’s not so easy unless they want to go to a nightclub you see or they have their parties or what you say, group meetings, they have to have some release, some contact with other human beings so that tension is building up. Now the male senses this, now if he’s married and if a husband and a wife can sense this between themselves, it’s coming on, they can work towards that perfect experience with themselves and release themselves but if they can’t, then they’re at variance, they’re irritable, the slightest little thing aggravates them. For instance they can be driving in the car and they’re going out and it’s the wife who knows where they’re going and she’ll be sitting down inside the car or with a friend talking and the husband is driving up to a certain point where he knows where he’s going but then he may not have all the details clear in his mind then he’s going to get pretty angry where he has to turn and he’s going to snap reactions, he’s going to go into what you call psychological tantrums, right there and then he’s going to be very abrupt and sharp, even right in front of the friend, he can’t help it, even he wants to be diplomatic he can’t help it, it comes out very crude out of his mouth, he can’t hold it back and when she answers back because of the tremendous shock, she’s answering out of phase and the answer is coming back sharp and cutting and it cuts very sharp because this is something going on between the two mechanisms. Now the third person is in the middle looking on and they may have their own stress points and then they are trying to soften the point, which one to take side and which one not to take sides. Now if it’s another female in the car, you have the relationship of the female taking the side of the female, if it’s another male in the car the male will take sides of the male. Now if it’s two couples inside the car, both of them are taking no sides, the husband and wife of the second couple will never take sides in the biting remarks of the other two couples because they don’t want to get involved and they’ll say to themselves “they have to work it out themselves” and they’ll be very naive and withdraw and be calm and relaxed, which is a very good thing to do and hope that these two people can relate but not fully knowing why they are at each other’s throat. Yet if they could recognize what is causing them to be at each other’s throat, they could give the right statement or answer to their conditions and those two people can break the tension and see why they’re in that state, that it’s not the fact that one is not aware of where they’re going and the fact that one is not considerate of telling the other individual how to get there, it is the fact that these forces, these cyclic rhythms in the body are blocking rationality in both of them, you see? These cyclic movements, these periodical movements sets up certain electrical energy, certain chemical energy to block the rational thinking pattern of the individual temporarily. Audience: But this is one level, you are planning on discussing later that there are things at another level that can stop this. Adano: Yes. Audience: Now is this third phase picked up by the children? Adano: Yes, it’s picked up by the children. The children can be in the back of the car and the father may be driving and wants to have the instruction and then makes a remark “where do I turn?” So the youngest child will cry, without even the wife being resentful to the statement knowing it’s a biting remark, the child will cry, the youngest one will cry and let out a scream or some kind of reaction because subjectively it’s telegraphing to the child and it’s picked up. Now the oldest child will start making some kind of a noise to distract everybody, peculiar phenomenon, and that causes now more tension. The father will start shouting at a child and the mother will have to start picking up and “please, please listen to daddy, don’t get…” you know what I mean? Don’t get disturbed, he’s driving now and the mother is caught in the role of the pacifier. 0:40 Psychologically what has happened, the eldest child breaking their tension between the two of them by some distracting action has caused now a lessening of the pressure so the child has been used as a therapy shunt for the stresses between the two parents unknown to the child itself and unknown to the parents physiologically but electrically the child has been used to shunt off that stress. Now if the parent can recognize that by self-observation at night and realize what has happened during the day in the presence of the children, they can recycle this condition and correct it but if they don’t recognize it then it starts building up. The elder child will gradually become more what you call it? Aggressive in destructive actions and will become more stubborn, a younger child will become more timid and therefore a sense of pampering begins to take over then there is going to be a clashing now between the parents, the father is going to say you’re pampering the child too much and he’s gonna make the child shape up and stop its whimpering and the only thing the mother can do is put herself in the way and take any kind of abuse just for the child yet the husband or the wife does not realize what really is causing it, it’s being caused by these cyclic movements inside themselves coming to critical moments. Audience: How do you prevent these critical moments, how can you relieve the stress of the letting it to you? Adano: Nutrition is one way, you have to change your nutrition at the periods when the body is building up these stresses. Remember certain foods are like chemical bombs, you add fuel to it and if you remove that temporarily during those periods, the stress subsides down and doesn’t have a high charge effect and the will of the individual can cope with it and balance it out but if foods are used to some extent that would stimulate it, what you call the rajasic type of foods, the stimulant type of foods, you go and eating spaghettis and lots of mexican food, hot spicy food during that period, you’ll find it becomes more stimulating. You have to watch the type of food that don’t stimulate, you have to use cooling type of foods so that the body will cool itself down. It isn’t that you should not eat the mexican food or the spicy food, you can eat them at a different period of your cyclic movement but at the critical moments of that cyclic action you don’t want to add more fuel to it because it gets abrupt, it starts snapping at you, you see? Audience: Is a male cycle pretty much like the moon or does it vary like the female in that you can have it any time, I mean can they set their rhythm up at different times like women? Adano: No the male cannot set his… that’s the problem in the male. Audience: Okay so it does come sideways. Adano: Yeah right, the female can set hers by the moon in 28 days, his takes 35 minimum sometimes up to 48 days. Audience: Oh so it is longer? Adano: Yeah, that’s why he’s more aggressive, that’s why he would always seem to be pursuing you for the feeling of relating to you sexually. The drive is more that’s why the condition is that when the female is satisfied once, she doesn’t want to be involved again but the male wants to be involved again because the energy is still pursuing, it’s still going again, it’s still maintaining its pull. Now if the male hasn’t been programmed by shock to what is called periodical impotent reaction where this condition tapers off early for him, he will not go through that condition. You see some of them do have that and then instead of being aggressive they start tapering off, you see? Now there are moments when the female needs that contact with the male during that cyclic period and he has tapered off to an impotent shock and now he’s turning with his back and he’s tired and listless… (gap in ape) Audience: …between 35 and 40 days. Adano: Yes. Audience: Adano when you said that the children being a shunt sometimes, the mother and father, you said that when you recognize at the end of the day what the condition were that you could recycle it or cycle it out, will you be showing us during the retreat how to do that? Adano: Yes, that’s what the whole thing is based on, you’re going through the whole householder life as a male body, female body, the children involved, and watching for the rhythms and the periods of control and how to do your own house cleaning in consciousness with yourself and the children. Audience: Would you clarify this for me, the cycle of the moon who was affected most by that, the man of the woman? If the man has a cycle of 35 or 48 days then he’s not going to be affected by the moon? Adano: He is. Audience: Well how about women? Adano: She too. Audience: Ok they both are. Adano: They both are but her’s comes quicker. Audience: So she’s affected twice by it because of the menstrual cycle and the moon. Adano: Right. Audience: And he’s affected by it twice if it coincides with his 35… Adano: You’ve got it. Audience: So some full moons are going to be more drastic than others. Adano: Right. Now what time of the year you think it’s most drastic? Audience: Summer time. Adano: Why? Because you know there are 13 moons to a year, there are not 12 moons to a year, there are 13 full moons to a year therefore the drive is always in the summer time, it’s in the heat of the activity. The male body is more predominantly driven into a state of what you call horniness. Audience: (Laughter) That’s a good word. Adano: Because of the 13 moons, the 13 full moons in a whole lunar year and it’s August/July these are the most driving force period that’s why you find the beaches are flooded with all the the male activity. Audience: Now do we pick up spiritual and psychic cycles as well like over a period of two or three or four years, it seems as if you know, it can’t just all be the weather, it seems to have ups and downs over this length of time too, are we picking up not only body planet changes, planet changes and star changes but are we also picking up psychic energy. Adano: Yes we’re picking up psychic and spiritual changes in the individual because you have now… in the commitment of marriage between two individuals you have a spiritual locking into one another, the auras are locked to some degree, the commitment, so those commitments are going to border on the extra sensory or the psychic or on the spiritual because the wife would not want to perform an action without first consulting the husband and the husband would not want to perform action without consulting the wife because these are tendencies that are brought into focus when a marriage is consummated or accepted between two partners. She’s got to know how much he’s going to make and he wants to know how she’s going to work or not or stay home, these are going to run into psychic conditions. Audience: Well but will it run into psychic conditions from things that we don’t ordinarily consider being around us. Adano: Yes it will. Audience: You know like (inaudible). Adano: Right right because sometimes the man can actually have a dream or some experience that can trigger off something more in the woman and the woman can also have something that will trigger off in him. Audience: So that the woman can be affected by the man’s dreams? Adano: Yes. Audience: Yes, especially if they talking. (Laughter). 0:50 Audience: Do all men have these aggressive and violent dreams, I mean is the natural for a man? Adano: Yeah, you know why? Audience: Because they’re under stress. Adano: No, the reason why the male body is under the stress, it was the first form that took the shock when it was created, the female body was second that took the shock. Audience: What kind of shock? Adano: Environmental shock, when the Lord created Man, male and female, He created Man first, the male form first then he created the female form second. These two forces came together one after the other, the positive charge and the negative charge, the positive charge is a projecting charge, to understand that let’s turn on some light here and I’ll show you. Here is the cosmic force field and it’s supposed to break its environmental waves. The moment it triggers off, it hits the first wave and that’s the shock and then it hits second wave and that’s a shock, third wave is a shock. Now let’s say it represents the trinity, the three aspects of creation, when it hits the final it’s moving backward now and registering (inaudible) as a positive wave so it already was pushed out as a positive charge. From within this return now comes the second wave out but instead of pulling back, the wave is staying out because they’ve got to lock in to line up themselves again to synchronize so that eventually the wave would look like this. The positive has gone out and bounce it back with tentacles and return to the source, that’s why it’s pulling back in. The negative goes out but doesn’t pull back and stays out with tentacles stretched out because it has to be set to polarity, they’ve got to balance each other, they have to compromise to each other so when they do line up, this is where the word is the union comes back, that’s why they say “marriage is made in heaven” not by Man, the unity of these forces triggered to come together to lineup, they make one (inaudible), that’s where our problem is, that the male is suddenly exposed to the first shock by a positive charge therefore he has what is called the drive for depositing and reaching out. The female has the drive for nesting or holding or locking, anchoring, laying down the foundations so in the female mechanism the nesting quality is predominant than the male mechanism, the male mechanism is constantly facing shock waves, it’s constantly encountering shock waves. Now in 24 hours the male body is exposed to more shock waves by competitive reaction, by environmental exposure, than the female body, the female body gets her exposure from interaction, she doesn’t get the shock waves from competing, she doesn’t have to go and break the ice and create a new empire, she doesn’t have to go out and try to show the world that she can build aeroplanes or to march across Africa to meet Mr. Livingston, you follow what I’m saying? She is not the empire building personality, it’s the male body that does that, constantly seeking new frontiers, new exposures to shock. The female body is coming on behind picking up the pieces and trying to make semblance out of chaos that’s why it’s called a nesting force but her shocks come from this disjointed chaos whereas in the male body their shock comes from the challenge, you see? Now the male would like to see the female more aggressive and less timid in front of a dog or in the woods with animals or in society with an automobile to bear that asphalt jungle and take on a little more gumption because the male body thrives upon this aggressive interaction with the environment, it doesn’t fear so it doesn’t want to be associated with something that tends to run from it so these two are constantly are pulling. Now when the female body takes on that type of activity it can reach to a point where it can be over domineering and that is going to throw off the male mechanism now, the male mechanism is going to resent this domineering because it initiated it, that’s why we say patriarchal society is afraid of matriarchal society, you see? The Amazons are a powerful people when they became Amazons so the point is this, the male body will start to react if the female body becomes too over dominant, it needs an equal partnership yes in facing the shock but it does not need a one-sided action. Equally true the female body is resentful of the over softness or femininity in the male body at a certain point. If the female sees that the male is becoming too over soft and not standing up for certain things as a male should and then she has to assume that role of dominancy, then there is breakdown between the two, there is that conflict. It is a fine line we walk of balance between the male and female body that the male holds a certain line of dominance and pliancy and the female body holds the same thing otherwise they said “she’s still man-ish and he’s too woman-ish,” this is the terms they use to seem to pin down the behavior pattern. Audience: Is this driving force, this love to drive and watching the woman not like the drive and being afraid of things, is this why most men consider themselves smarter than women? Adano: Yes, I’ve cut my own throat. Audience: Are men smarter than women or is it that they just think differently, is Man basically charged positively and females basically charged… well I hate to say negative because I don’t mean bad… electrically speaking now, what is the setup? 1:00 Adano: The setup is that the female body is designed to anchor itself to nature, that’s why it’s out, see the wave is out, it’s anchoring out, it’s locking onto Father Nature or Mother Nature, which is it? Audience: Mother Nature. Adano: The woman’s body is designed to anchor itself to Mother Nature which is the nesting principle, the man’s body is not designed to anchor to Mother Nature, it’s to get away from Mother Nature, take flight that’s why he’s going into the planetary system, he’s trying to get away from the gravitational pull all the time from the enclosing rings that holds him to Mother Nature, he’s cutting himself free from the apron strings. Even He said “Touch Me not, I have not yet ascended unto the Father” even in a spiritual realm, he’s breaking away from the anchor pull, this is the charge, that’s how the charge works in him, it’s on a pull out… Audience: So no matter how smart or intellectual anyone is, it is predominantly colored by whether they are male or female? Adano: Right so you male Masters and they have female Masters, look at that female Master over there, she’s a female Master, and there is one over here. Now this is a perfect marriage up here, these two are husbands and wives Ramakrishna and his wife and Ramakrishna was the highlight in the ashram in front of everyone because everyone bowed to him as a bright light yet in inner awareness the wife was more evolved than Ramakrishna but she never got the recognition until Ramakrishna passed out that she was a little more aware inwardly and stable than Ramakrishna. Now there are other forces reversed, take in her life, her husband is not as evolved as her, she is far more evolved than her husband and her husband is a very spiritual man. Now in the case of this Master, he is more evolved than the wife but the wife can match him, she has the same driving capacity to match (inaudible). Audience: So women need a driving capacity to obtain a higher spiritual life is that right? Adano: Yes but you see a woman starts off on a spiritual drive because of the intuitive feeling she has earlier than a man, a woman is more prone to be spiritual from an early stage of her life to the latter stage of her life more than a man simply because she relies more on her feeling, a man relies more on his reason and logic and therefore he is not so easy to be spiritual, he has a natural aversion to spiritual things because they are not tangible enough in terms of his drive for survival. His drive for survival is to break open new ideas, new frontiers, new thinking so it’s difficult for him to be spiritual in the early part of his life but he is relentless, more methodical in the pursuit when he decides upon it to the end of it than the woman. See he brings with him his logic and reason to bear with his feelings that’s why you see the male body can go through the privations of the spiritual life at the later stage than the female body but she’s already got the love and the warmness and the tendency of compassion and all these things in mother and the softness that she’s accepted in that spiritual role. In the male body the coarseness is there in the early stages then he’s got to taper off and become soft and warm. Now the same thing was happening to Yogananda’s parents, you remember when you read Yogananda’s parents mother was always the one who taught them the bittersweet of the bible, they learned their abc’s of what a spiritual life is and daddy was cold and mathematical and until the wife passed on then Yogananda said he began to discern that his father was slowly metamorphosing into the qualities of the mother, why? Because the adult life of the male now is starting to come up, the feeling nature was starting to rise like a thermometer within him, the methodical nature started to diminish because it ran its course so it now has to taper off so you’ll find that the male body, it’s at a later stage it becomes driving more predominant, in early stages it doesn’t unless the individual has brought this in his past life into the present life for this drive that he’ll immediately gravitate at an early age towards the spiritual life and pursue it but by and large the male body doesn’t pull in that direction. See the male body is dominated by reason primarily first and second by feeling, the female body is dominated by feeling first and then reason second and the relationships of contact, the male body is dominated by eyes, the female body is dominated by ears. Now, yet both bodies can maintain their balanced relationship by smell which we ignore because we don’t live in primitive societies no more. Audience: How do we develop that smell? Adano: For that to develop you have to re-educate it, you’ve already got it but you’ve shut it off. Audience: How do we as Americans (inaudible). Adano: Stop using the deodorants. Well let me explain something how you can re-educate that by odor. You have to first observe yourself, how the body smells and you begin from the new moon, the first part of the moon and try to relate to its odor. Audience: Your own body odor? Adano: Your own body odor, you have to try to relate it during the period of the new moon and then observe it when it goes in towards the full moon then observe it going into the last quarter of the moon. See the first quarter, second quarter, full, and last, you have to observe it within that 28 day period and then continue on to 35 days. In the meantime you have to observe how your body feels in terms of the nerve endings in this sexual region, the irritabilities and the different exposure to the various female bodies that you have seen within that time, how your body reacting, and observe that when you come in contact and see someone and you’re stimulated by the eyes, how you breathe because you breathe a certain way, your body is secreting a certain odor because there’s tension, there is that particular movement inside of the mechanism. Now you see the advertisement in the TV and the newspaper it says “tension gives you body odor therefore use deodorant” but the tension is the stimulation brought on by sight or hearing in both individuals so if it’s in the male body, the tension or the suspense, the anticipation, and the denial, the aggravations are all producing body chemistry to the point where it can be noticed and you have to tag it and observe it then you’re re-educating the nostrils for the first time, you may start off very foul, gradually tapering off to a musky order. At the highest peak of the body’s cycling, your body odor would be more like, as I say close to the ocean, the saltiness of the body. 1:10 If you read some of your magazines where they talk about the seaman goes down to sea in a salty brine, feels himself strong and brawny and can take on the world and he beats his chest and pulls his beard and spits in the wind, these are all body language communication of the peculiar body cycles that the author is inadvertently writing and didn’t recognize what he’s doing you know, he’s actually describing how the male body feels when it lacks the contact with the female body, you know, this peculiar sensation. Audience: If you really get good at that though, you can tell by being around other people their reaction to you. Adano: Yes, now in a spiritual man’s body or in the spiritual woman’s body, these odors now change to more softer, subtle odors, sweeter odors, these are the certain changes in them. Now this is the process of love now coming in and the desire pattern from a physical nature is slowly shifting to a more aesthetic quality inside, though that doesn’t say that the male body doesn’t have the physical drive or the female body has a physical drive, they both have but the communication now is more tactual, the communication is based on touch, it’s not more sight, it’s not more hearing, it’s not more smelling but it’s more touch, how you communicate on touch because in touch frequencies are transferred therefore we have now the tendency to transmit healing vibrations. The more the man or the woman becomes spiritual, the more the healing powers are flowing from a tactual nature. Now you read the Autobiography of Yogi, what was the first experience she had when he met him? When Ananda Moi Ma met Yogananda, these are two spiritual people, what did she do? Audience: She went outside to see him. Adano: And she did what? Audience: Ginger says she touched his feet. Adano: Yes, tactual, and then threw her neck around him and it’s not customary for an Indian woman to do that, to embrace, the Indian woman never embrace. In the open, no, you’ll never seen an Indian woman do that, she would be breaking all traditions, no Swami would even embrace a woman, these are custom tradition because their bodies are tactual, they’re working on a tactual level so you know they don’t want you to touch them. Audience: So why did she do that, what was he thinking? Adano: A Swami would not let an ordinary person touch him too much on a tactual level because they may be draining the body energy and they may have too much vibrations that are negative in them. Unless he wants it then he will do it and work out certain karmic debts for them but their consciousness is locked in a tactual nature. She is an evolved woman, he is an evolved man, when they met she said these words “Father I am meeting you for the first time in the body” and he says “Yes mother.” He didn’t see her as a woman per se, he saw her as the Cosmic Mother principle, she didn’t see him as a man because she was married, she saw him as the Cosmic Father principle and now on a tactual level they are making inter communication. Audience: You know there’s a picture in the new edition of Autobiography and she’s hugging him around the neck. Adano: Alright and you see how shy she was? Audience: Yeah but in that picture, she is just a beautiful woman. Now she’s aged considerably, is she much older than that? Look at the difference though between the two pictures. Adano: Friend, you say she’s aged? Audience: She not compared to that picture? How old is she in that? Adano: Ananda Moi is maybe in her, close to her 80s. Audience: Is that picture? Adano: No in that picture she is in her 60s. Audience: I’ll show you the picture in the Autobiography, she looks being 30 or 40 in that one but yeah she is hugging him in the picture. Adano: Yes and if you see her in a living body, she’s supposed to come to this country, she’s a very young looking person. I’ve seen pictures taken before and after, one after the other, they’re never the same. I’ve never seen pictures of any of these people that you can capture the look the same because it’s that peculiar phenomenon of life in them, they are working on tactual levels. Audience: So all the interaction is through that level. Adano: On that level. Audience: Is that why you have this tingling feeling in your hands more? Adano: Now you’re recognizing and that has a rhythm too and when you’re advancing on a spiritual life, you have you begin to recognize the rhythms of these movements. Audience: Sometimes you feel like if you just can’t touch another person you’re just going to die unless you can touch them. Adano: Yes, just to merely touch, a mother likes to touch her child, the child likes to touch the mother. Yes? Adano: That’s why there’s so much touching in this group,k we touch each other all the time. Adano: And that is what breaks down the inhibitions and release the pressure in the individual to make him a whole individual for the first time. Audience: Oh I like it, I like it. Audience: This accounts for the relationship at early birth when you first hold you child that settles down all their screaming and hollering. Adano: Quite true, an immediate born child wants to be… that’s why they should give the child to the parent immediately for fondling and touching, the tactual relationship is very important all through life. In the highly spiritual life between Masters and their disciples, it’s all tactual, it’s constant touch. Yogananda when he was in the body, he’d be always walking with his disciples holding their hands and he would always knock them on their head or touch them on the face or hit them with a finger or slap them. Audience: Adano, is this the same principle when you actually feel a touch that that has not even touched you but it’s touched somebody else. Adano: Yes, you see we touch you with our eyes by Darshan. See when the Darshan is going on, we are actually touching you by the waves of our eyes in the room, that’s why you feel a peculiar wave going through, this is a higher form of tactual contact. See in as much as a man is stimulated by sight and stimulated by hearing and in the evolved mechanism now when the two are working into a spiritual growth and are making contact on a tactual level, sight can touch you and hearing can touch you now, this is peculiar. These are so subtle forces in the human body that you can touch a person by the hearing and you can touch them with your eyes and you can touch them with your hand, let alone you can touch them in your thought now. Audience: And this accounts for the eyes that you notice the first thing. Adano: Yes. Audience: How do you touch with your ears? (Inaudible). Adano: Oh that’s touching you by the ears. You see the unity or oneness is impeded by the five senses because we live in a human body. We’re only in oneness in the energy fields totally but because we have a physical body, we are restricted to the five sentences to see, to smell, to hear, to touch so a Darshan is a very high form of tactual contact with another being. 1:20 That’s why the woman said “If I would but touch the hem of his garment I would be made whole,” this is what we’re talking about, the tactual forces. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well naturally he has to heal her but that is super-tactual. You touch this, I can’t feel this if it’s it’s not a little bond between the two, if there’s no homogenous bond between the two in consciousness so you can look at someone and radiate this love and you feel that energy goes back and forth, that is tactual contact but in that tactual contact there is a danger in the unethical behavior of the individual that’s why the male body and the female body has got to learn a lot about themselves before they can be trusted in tactual contact. Audience: In looking at lust and other… Adano: Ah you used the word, I said yesterday the most powerful force is not ego, it’s lust because it’s a very subtle one that can trip you up. It trips you up in the tactual relationships, ego don’t, there is no tripping up of your nature in an ego trip by a tactual action but you can be tripped up by lust in tactual contact. Audience: Ego is mainly just setting yourself up instead of setting another person up for your own… Adano: Right, that’s where they realize in tactual relationship on a level of the spiritual growth, that’s why the Masters do not want their students to touch too often or touch them too much because they may drop into that particular relationship of feeling a lust action. Now the person may touch another one and certain sensations come up in them that they have never had before and they may relate to those sensations as lustful sensations so this is where the peculiarity in the tactual contact comes in, you see? Because let’s say you’re married and your husband never touch you a certain way and all of a sudden you meet someone and you get a tactual contact in a very honest, simple, innocent reaction but in your mind it triggers some condition in your body that you never felt before and this can suddenly lead to that particular sensation that you may feel an erotic action, that can make your mind now start thinking in terms of lust because healing force is erotic, it has to stimulate energy in a spot to heal and it will cause itching. If you want to rub the person’s body that is sore, by the time you stroke that spot you are setting into force many many sensations. One the release of the tension of the pain there which is soothing and if it’s too over emphasized it can lead now to the next sensation of erotism and if it’s too overemphasized it can lead now to manual stimulation, you see? There are two subtle forces are that too closely related in a tactual condition. Now if the energy released is not bringing on conditions like lust or erotic action in the body but it’s actually soothing the individual and releasing the tension and the stress and raising the consciousness to the feeling of joy then this is a safe factor of relationship because remember a male and a female body makes contact and the time they make the most significant contact is when there are in bed without any clothes, the naked body is making the most highest tactual contact therefore these are exchanges of different types of feelings both from the standpoint of lust or the standpoint of release. Now the nearest thing to that would be a massage, the nearest thing to do with that would be swimming but in swimming again water acts as a barrier to shut down the feeling, only when you come out of the water and in the sun then that feeling is raised up again, one seldom lusts in water but he lusts more in the dry sun on the beach because of the peculiar phenomena of water. You can see the person in water you may swim but the drive in water is tapered down more than the drive outside of water. Audience: Explain why. Adano: Because you’re 80 percent water already and the body cools down faster in the water and the heat is dissipated quicker in water. Audience: Oh so it’s the heat that causes this lust? Adano: The tactual contact stimulates thermal relationship or heat which brings about the feeling of lust. Audience: So if one were to have a good infrared camera and make studies on that, you’d come up with… Adano: You would come up with definite information as how the frequency of lust is triggered off but then you can also see now the ethical nature of it. Remember Jesus embraced Mary and all the other Masters embrace but there is still that ethical force from the standpoint of love and the standpoint of healing but again we have to be very conscious of the fact what this other sensation can do because that’s the one that tricks us. One Master put it this way, “The devil will follow you right the closest part of your bosom.” In other words love comes from the heart which is in the bosom and when you embrace, you’re bringing another person close to you, it’s so tricky a sensation that it’ll get in right at that point between you and bite you. Audience: So tell me, when will we come to the thought of sublimation, learning to control? Adano: We can’t come to that until we understand more of the body before we can deal with what is called sublimation of the forces for channeling it, we’ll deal with that as we go on but we can’t jump, we have to cover these forces to understand why we are (inaudible). You see a child loves to be fondled and if the parent impedes a child from touching its body, it gets a shock and then the shock registers into inquiry and into daring and before you know it the child veers off into an abnormal behavior. If the child is told to recognize that the body is a healthy mechanism and it should be massaged and rubbed, it will never veer off into an abnormal behavior, it will respect the body because the tactual nature will develop correct. We don’t develop the tactual nature in ourselves. Audience: That’s why we give our children back rubs before we go to bed. Adano: Right but you see the thing is this, we don’t educate ourselves that way, we don’t use it properly and therefore we end up deviating. Massage is very important and it’s a very important aspect and we’ll deal a lot with it because you have to understand why the cells need the tactual contact for it. All right why does a man and a woman touch each other when they get married and then they argue, what did they do, do they ever want to touch each other after they argue? Now what is the sweetest time between a male and a female after they argue, what they call that? Makeup, kiss and makeup but kiss and makeup is to touch out, reach out again to touch on a tactual basis and there the spurt of the energy is increased more than the previous spurt before the previous argument. You can always measure that, the peculiar increase of the energy going out after an argument between a male and female and trying to make up and reach out to reconcile the bodily forces. The bodily forces secrete a higher charge, a higher intensity rate after a confrontation that’s why they say the period of reconciliation is always the sweetest because it is the ever new joy coming through the cells after a confrontation. Now this can get neurotic after a while because you figure out then every time you’re happy after an argument, you’ll want to set up more arguments but that’s not the way to do it. After you reconcile yourself to the individual, it is learning now to taper and organize yourself with the individual therefore the tactual part is very important to know how to be communicative with the tactual part. Audience: Do you short circuit something if you touch during an argument to stop it? Adano: Yes, you can stop it just by touching the person. Audience: But that’s all right? Adano: Yeah, if you and the other person is arguing and they get to the point where… laugh and be like you know… Remember this we can’t argue with each other if there was no breakdown in communication because the first time when you met, there was something in you that triggered the spark in him and there’s something in him that triggered spark in you but if that spark is never tactually connecting or retained all through your married life then the argument…

1972 September Part 1 - Householder Woman

Adano72_09_1HouseholderWomanQ2NW4 - Well today I guess we pick up where we left off. We’re still discussing the male body, now we’re going into the female body and the problems involved in the female body that make it difficult for the male to realize what’s going on when we are married especially in the householder life. The female body is designed for tactual reaction more than the male body because of the constant contact with children, the mother is always cuddling the child to her therefore the female body has to have more tactual experiences, the sense of touch is more developed in the female body than the male body but sometimes we don’t even notice it, we take it for granted. Well you have for instance the child hurts its leg and the first thing you do is rub it, you say “Come mother, rub it for you, you’ll be all right” and when the mother rubs it, the child feels okay and it goes and plays again. The tactual contact being so closely related to the mother and the child is carried over constantly in the body because when we live so close to each other, we lose this tactual contact. The male body wants tactual contact, it wants to generate the tactual contact but what interferes with the male body is the daily stress that the male body is confronting, the only way the male body and the female body can release this stress is by massage. Now when the husband and wife are going up together when they are first married this is often felt but very little of it is done, they need to massage each other. As they grow on and they have their children and the children growing up and going away, that feeling is no longer there yet inwardly the feeling is crying out for contact, for this particular reaction. We tend to feel afraid to touch the other person lest there is a reaction when in reality that is where the body needs more tactual contact by massage, the fact that it is contacting the other person by touch, subtle forces are being transmitted between the male body and the female body. Massage is an art by itself, sometimes to massage someone can change the whole feeling from love to a feel of disgust because in a massage it’s not how much you rub that breaks the pressure but it’s the way the motions are brought into action or brought into expression on the body that releases the pressure. If you do this, after a while the individual gets bored with it because there is what is called a peak point of stimulation then it tapers off and becomes an irritation, they become irritable because it is no longer something of release, it brings out the tension. Now when you place the finger on the body and apply the pressure and by rotating clockwise and moving along the body, this now causes the release. To get the feel of that sensation, well let’s test it so you can understand it, you begin to feel now using the chubby part of the fingertip. Don’t put too much pressure but just go in a clockwise action but never rub it this way because it builds up a heat and then it tapers off. In this area you don’t build the heat up, you’re actually setting circles of motion throughout the body. Now the first area in the male body that is very sensitive is around the neck that is why the male loves to be massaged around the neck because if you do that it takes the stress off the head. Now the female body is the same, it takes the stress off their neck but the female body gets more stress relief from around the neck. In the male body more stress is released from the shoulder, this part here. Well let’s demonstrate it, somebody want to come up? The male body is here, okay the female body is here, you’ll notice here is different, see the difference? 0:10 You want to try it on somebody now? Well come and I’ll show you so you’ll get the feeling that you can do to somebody next to you, try it. Now on the male body you work it here, the female body you work it here. Which part is the sorest? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, that is the female body. This is where you work on the male body, see watch my finger and see the pressure, you don’t lift the finger you just rotate it, that’s on the male body. On the female body, you see the difference? (Adano teaching the group massage). Let them feel the difference when you try on the male body here and in the female body it hurts here and it don’t hurt here. (Gap in tape). The female body the head part is symbolically like the ovum therefore the neck of the female body is more sensitive to stress. Now the male body because it’s a sperm penetrating and it has been secreted by the male body therefore the impact cushions and therefore all the stress is left down in the shoulder blade so when the sperm hits, there is a recoil action and that recoil action leaves the stress so even though we are not banging our heads symbolically or physically into objects but we are banging our head into psychological problems every day, the male body is constantly cushioning the effect around the shoulder, that’s why they tighten up more here and a woman tends to tighten up here with the headache in the upper part not around the shoulder blades so once you realize the structure and the effect of the shock, how the shock is tapering itself off or carrying itself off from the body then you must use the correct tactual contact and motion to release it, see you want to move it that way. Now first you work with the head as a tactical release then we come to now the spine, go right away down into the part where the most tactual forces are located (inaudible) sex region because energy has to rise up back and make contact in the brain and it’s contacting with the medulla. Now the medulla of every human being carries the same amount of stress, that little indent in the back of the head is equal, both male and female the stress is equal. Now in that part you can massage now the same way, if you use your thumb and you get a good brace on the head, you get a good brace. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You got an indent in the back where the head sits on the thumb. Audience: From what perspective do you go clockwise, (inaudible). Adano: Yes. Make sure the head sits on the thumb. (Inaudible). It’s taking the stress that’s sent back by recoil actual into the medulla. You see this is the spine and nearly eighty percent of the day you are doing this, see? Who sits down like this? Very few of us sits down like this, most of us… so that recoil shock, that bounce, the impact causes the energy to send waves up and bong (Adano chants “bong”), you know that? It’s primarily exactly what you’re doing to this spinal system, you are shocking it all the time by bouncing it so after a while you find sedentary activity tends to produce occupational headaches and the fact that you’re always like that if you’re going to write or type, the sedentary action and the bouncing is sending so much recoil action right back to the medulla before you know it then the eyes start to get tired. Audience: Is that why automobile trips are so fatiguing? Adano: Yes, it’s the constant bouncing up and down. Now if you’re driving in an automobile over the years of my own experience, it is not wise to drive two three hours steady and then change and let another person drive, you’re going to be tired far more at the end of the trip and you feel very listless and you release too much lactic acid into the blood and you force the heart to work too hard. It is better that if you are driving with someone to alternate every hour, even if you can just stretch yourself out completely straight out for the other hour while the other person is driving, don’t sit up, if you can just lean that blood flow back and the bounce back of the automobile bouncing would tend to send the blood now on an equal field back into the spine and he had an experience going up to (inaudible). See the same thing you notice if you alternate because the body would correct itself more than steady driving all at one time and building up the stress. 0:20 If you have another person driving once you alternate every hour and you just relax yourself, you find that the blood flow will correct itself and the recoil action would taper off and by holding the hand back, I let the head rest really good on the thumb, you know it’s like you’re holding it up and then just rest where the big finger can go the full length, it should be the full length of the… like that… it’s like I’m holding up my head like a fish hook, just like a hook, being hooked up in that point there and holding it and then working it. The more you work it, the more you take out all the stress in that area of the brain. Now we’re coming coming down the spine, along the spine the pressure is building up and we want to release the stress from it so to release the stress from the spine there are four primary techniques and there are about nearly six or seven secondary ones, we’re not too concerned with the secondary ones, we are concerned with the primary ones, the primary technique of preparing the hands. A good tactual therapist, you know him as a masseur, a tactual therapist is one who has to develop their hands just like a musician just to have nice soft delicate hands with tremendous strength in the joints, that’s why you practice for that. Everyday you give yourself little exercises like that to train the fingers that they don’t bend and you tap on the meaty part of the fingers because you’re going to need that type of action to control the flow of the energy and getting the finger to spread, you try it, see? It’s like stretching it out as far as you can stretch back like you’re pushing against an invisible ball or something, these exercises strengthen the tactual flow. Now you can do this and strengthen it by pushing against the fist. Now the next one is the knuckle, you’re going to need them and I’m going to demonstrate on you. You find that as you press against the fingers some are weak and some are strong, the weak ones you have to work on them until they feel they lost that sensation of semi-pain so you pull it back as far as you can without hurting it and let’s work out the hurts, some of them do hurt, right? While you work them with the thumb pressing back like that till you get out the hurt that means that it’s learning to adjust for those pressure. You’re supposed to do this five minutes a day, that’s what they call your tactual therapy technique. Okay here’s another one you’d have to learn now, you hold the hand in the indentation (inaudible). Audience: What does that do? Adano: You’ll need it when I show you the exercise when you come to perform it, you’ll understand what it does. Now we have one we do with the feet because a good tactual therapist uses feet too. You can straighten out your spine and stretch your back muscles with our feet and they do have what is called foot massage with the foot instead of your hand, they walk on your spine. The mere exercising your own body preparing it for the tactual massage alone that limbers you up, let alone and you’re applying it. Okay, now the primary number one movement is this way all the time. Now you have to learn to do them individually. Now here is a where you’re going to work on the feet so on your own feet or on the opposite partner’s feet you work around the kneecaps and you go like individual fingers, shifting the stress from one finger to the next finger, the next finger, the next finger, the final finger. Start again back from the thumb, fourth finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger. Now then you start working up, you always start from the kneecap, you see this little bone here? (Ginger speaking): This is the best session we’ve had so far (Audience laughing). 0:30 Adano: And you hit these side muscles. Now these are the hardest muscles to relax because in modern society we are driving cars, in a primitive society we have to walk (gap in tape). … No, to develop magnetism you’ve got to know where magnetism enters, you have seven centers that are magnetic forces that’s why we come back to your spine. Audience: So coccyx, sacral, dorsal, lumbar, cervical… Adano: These are vortices of the magnetic field, they’re right there in front of you and you’re always walking in it because it’s around you so the best healers you’ll always find them with a rotund tummy. Yeah the best healers that you’ll find they walk like this. Audience: Oh so the energy is coming in the solar plexus. Adano: If you ever see a good healer who is a tremendous healer, a famous healer who can really heal, he walks just like he’s ready to… like a crouch because the energy pulls him that way. Audience: Adano, what about somebody like (inaudible), are you familiar with him? Adano: What is the shape of her body? Audience: She’s the one that lays on hands. Adano: The magnetism, you don’t have to lay your hands when the magnetism is there once it starts flowing, it’s flowing, that’s all it’s a magnetism, that’s the magnetism flowing. Now we’re covering the massage point, we have the rotation, the tapping, the knuckle or pressure, and the chop, these are the four basic ones you’ll be always using: rotation, tap, pressure. Now there are certain areas of the body and they’re called the 20 body parts, the 20 body part technique. By knowing the 20 body parts you can perform the massage using any one of the four contact to release the stress in the male body or in the female body and the 20 body parts begin with the head first, the shoulder, biceps, forearm, wrist, the chest, back part of the shoulder blades, around it, buttocks, the groin, thigh, kneecap, calf, these are the body parts. Now certain body parts respond to certain techniques better than others, for instance along the spine punching with the nail responds the highest then comes the pressure by the thumb then comes the tapping and last is the rotation so you don’t get as much effect on the spine by rotating as much as when you tap it or you point at it or you put pressure. In the inner movement of the kneecap to the groin this is (inaudible), there is no stimulation because you have a lateral muscle you can hold and rotate that pulls the whole muscle. Now along the fleshy part of the side here, see the fleshy part here? The best technique for that is pinching, that’s the best thing for that area, pinching. Now with the sole of the feet, cup of the palm, remember I said that you have to strain your hand to stretch back, that’s why you need (inaudible) into that area. Now along the entire body you use the technique of scratching, scratch along the entire body this releases the stress from all the cells because in scratching, see by rubbing the finger like a scratch, you’re setting up ultrasonic waves along the line (inaudible). Audience: We do that with our nails? Adano: Yeah. (Adano demonstrates). 0:40 Ok, everybody find it? (Inaudible chatting then gap in tape) …punching with the nail or tapping then the knuckle, then the chop, then the cupping of the hand, and then the pinching and then the scratch. Now there is one more but you have to be very careful with it and that is the back and forth action of friction because it has a tendency to shorten itself out, that is it builds up heat but then when the heat is built up, it cuts out sensation. You have to be able to rub it and then stop as soon as you feel the heat and not to continue beyond a certain sense and let the heat do the work, see the difference? When you rub it and as soon as heat starts then you take it off and let the heat do the work but if you rub it and rub it and then the heat is building up, the heat itself will cut off and then there is no sensation there no more, you just have to rub it and then let the heat carry through, that’s why you use a brisk towel and it’s best after a bath to take a rough towel and rub, with a good nap, and don’t go all the way like that, take off in section and lift, take off in section, and just get the heat to build up, little pockets of heat, and because they have little pockets of heat they will dissipate into each other then the whole body will be glowing, the blood comes to the surface of the skin and it stays there and the vitality and the zest and the feeling of the cells are in a higher state of potency or strength and it’s good to have it after a bath (gap in tape) …and then it tends to push off, it reaches what is called a tolerance point that’s why you find between the male and female the daily embrace tends to after a while taper off because it’s a dry contact, there is no emulsion or lubricant contact between the male and the female. It’s when you have a lubricant or emulsion contact that the cells are kept in a higher level of potency and yearning for each other and the vibratory nature of love is heightened. If you take cream and you rub it on your face after a while, women do that most to themselves, what is the sensation? Women are the ones who use more creams on their skin right? Now the sensation of rubbing cream on the skin is very very stimulating because the cells are soft and pliable, it has a glossy effect, it tends to stimulate so when oils are used now throughout the entire body for massages, it makes the cells more vibrant and that feeling of joy or bliss is increased and the body does not tire, that’s why the early Greeks and Romans and Orientals used to (inaudible) into their fats the scented oils and the scented oil tends to increase the sensation of the tactual massage because that’s what it’s supposed to do, that you take the bath or you massage the body with the oil so that the body itself now has a higher reaction to feeling and contact and then the stress is released quicker because the pores are absorbing the oil or the cream. The best oil for a massage is still an olive oil because it will go right through to the blood, if you just rub it on the surface it will pass the right through. Audience: Casey said you can actually feed the body like that. Adano: Yes, with olive oil, it’s what you call osmotic therapy by massage, you nourish the body with the normal polyunsaturated effect of the oil and you automatically by massage reduce your weight by olive oil. Audience: Boy, I’m going to be busy. Adano: Weight reduction can be brought on by osmotic absorption of olive oil through massage because it will go in and work on that heavy cholesterol fat in the skin and those layers of the epidermis and break them up by the heat and the massage from the external nature where sometimes you can’t drink it enough but they will go right through because this is its normal action, it goes in right into the system, it’s the only oil that has that peculiar ability, olive oil to pass right through but it has to be pure olive oil not the hydrogenated by heat, you don’t want the olive oil that has been (inaudible) by heat, it must be pure cold pressed out natural olive oil and that oil will go right into the body when used. Audience: Casey said it was good with camphor in it? Adano: Yes, if you use camphor it will do that. Now also to use eucalyptus while you’re rubbing it, it will clean out the lungs especially those who smoke, the inhaling of the eucalyptus will releasing the stress, the tension built up from the nicotine from smoking, rub it on the chest. 0:50 Audience: Adano, speaking of osmosis would it work to take a bath in brine solution (inaudible). Adano: Yes, they have brine solution baths for that. Audience: Would that be as good as a sauna? Adano: Yes, we are not coming to that yet, we’re jumping the gun, we’re trying to go step by step in this process to understand what we’re doing. There’s no sense trying to jump one before the other, we’re dealing first with oils, we’re dealing with water but we have different types of water. First we dealt with hot water and cold and we dealt with the carbonated water, we didn’t deal with the minerals in the water, we’re dealing with oils. If you run into minerals in the water before their time then you don’t understand what the body is for. Minerals in the water are designed for illness, their composition is designed primarily for illness, they’re not designed for a healthy body, you don’t use them on a healthy body, you can swim in salt water this is okay but there’s a way to use salt on the body that will (inaudible) the body in the case of illness and prevent illness so we are not dealing with that right now. We want to understand how the compatibility between the male and female body is maintained in the householder effect or life so that it gives them that understanding of why the male or the female have these conflicts and what can be done to relieve these conflicts, that the body is a living mechanism and it must be nourished by different ways to maintain balance so that the the rhythms that the body is subjected to would not tend to turn off individuals against themselves or one another. If you find yourself being turned off from your husband or your wife because the body’s rhythms are predominant due to the moon’s activity on you and you don’t know what to do then you get into fits and angers and before you know it, you want to bite your finger or you want to smoke or you want to drink, you want to eat more food and ego gets the bigger part. We want to understand why this is happening so that we can now observe and carry it into our daily life that we can ease the stress of the daily living with the other person. Now the Eastern philosophers all say “familiarity breeds contempt” but familiarity is an indication of tolerance levels, you can’t have familiarity without a tolerance level. Every object in this world has a tolerance level, that’s the level to which it reaches and it’s taken for granted so what is familiarity? Something you take for granted, there is no more sense of strangeness so your sense of strangeness keeps balance to some degree that’s why in the ancient time you had the Master lived in one room and the wife lived in another room and the (inaudible then gap in tape) …the other like going hunting, challenge, any new challenge or competition, this is the way the male body gets release, in competition or challenge, in group activity, or trying to go off into areas and find some type of association with the environment that would free it from conflict, camouflaging itself, which is not a very practical way. You see camouflaging is not a good idea to free the stress, it’s better to face the stress. Audience: In this society today where you have more and more complex and subtle approaches to conflict or conquest or aggressive actions and you have more camouflaging. Adano: Right, so camouflaging has a tendency of building up neurosis, that’s the danger of the camouflaging. You see man either ran or fought or was subjugated or dominated from primitive time up to civilized time as a dominant life form in the male body. The male body always did this to survive, to react, and if it couldn’t react because the opposing force was stronger, it took to flight. If it took to flight and it was not fast enough, it was caught and dominated, if it was strong enough to retaliate against the opposing force, it became tyrannical. If when it took to flight and it avoided capture by ingenuity, it resorted them to camouflaging so it was the only way it knew how to survive so the greater the camouflaging, the greater the tendency to become neurotic, you see? Because sooner or later you run out of camouflages. Audience: An unfulfilled life then. Adano: Right, this is it so if you turn around and face and come back to a point of overcoming the situation then it breaks that pattern so the stress is released that’s why Yukteswar said “Don’t run, face every problem and it will cease to bother you.” He was actually trying to stimulate the survival pattern which is built into the sperm already to accomplish. Audience: How does Ginseng affect this? Adano: The Ginseng root stimulates the gonad action and makes the individual feel more virile so that he can shut off the feeling of impotency or the feeling of inferiority. Now the impotency is brought on as I said yesterday or the day before by certain conditions of not facing up and therefore the tendency to be blocked off. Now any sensation that depletes the virility or any condition that depletes the virility or the individual drive tends to produce this impotency. Ginseng is just a natural root or a natural herb action that stimulate that virility action, it’s equivalent to vitamin E but in vitamin E it’s the anti-sterile vitamin so vitamin E would make the man be more of a greater donor and the sperm would have a higher motility action. Ginseng would not do that, ginseng would give him the sense of bravery or a sense of capability to handle himself which is a heightened virility. Audience: Does it affect your conscious ability to control your adrenaline or agressiveness? Adano: Yes it would control the adrenaline in the aggressive nature, the ginseng would do that but you have Asiatica Hydrocotyle which is a better herb for that because it has a tendency to rebuild the connective tissues, the Asiatica Hydrocotyle which is a better herb does rebuild the connective tissues. Now there is another herb which the elephant eats, this herb gives a greater staying power to face problems, it’s an anti-stress herb. 1:00 Right now the name of it eludes me, I can see it right on top of my shelf on there in the herb shop there but the name… (Adano laughs). I have it up in the herb shop. Audience: So these are other ways (inaudible). Adano: Yes it builds up stamina and anti-stress, you eat them, the herbs. Well we’re gonna come into that later on what the necessary foods that build anti-stress in the body but there is one that I have there right now and I just can’t recall the name, I know it’s a long big name and it’s the funny thing, I have the green plants growing here, they brought them from India, they even sold them here in Tyler for two dollars a plant then you grow it and eat one leaf a day and the name is eluding me right now. Well when I go to the shop, I’ll look it up, it’s very good for the willpower. Audience: To control these automatic responses by will? Adano: Yes it controls it by will, it’s in the food itself, you eat it like a herb and it builds up the chemical action that will help you to control the stress that the body is subjected. Audience: I had heard that ginseng did that. Adano: Ginseng does that but it’s different than ginseng, see ginseng is a root and you have to soak it in alcohol to get the effect from the ginseng or grind it whereas the other herb is a natural herb growing and you can eat one leaf a day to get the effect. Audience: Isn’t that like taking tranquilizers or something? Adano: No this is not a tranquilizer, this is a natural verb that the body, just like a rosemary or thyme, this is natural food, it’s a food itself, it’s a food supplement, it has a certain element that you can’t find in other foods, it’s a basic food supplement. The elephant eats it, it’s food that they feed the elephant on and it grows mainly in India and Ceylon and they bring it into this country now to grow and they’re using it as a food supplement, they’re growing it to make food supplements with it. See you can’t get all the minerals in your food or the basic food that you’re eating, there are certain minerals that will be deficient in like your trace minerals, you don’t have them, a great deal have to be brought out of the ground and the plant kingdom is the only kingdom can seem to absorb them properly and transfer it to us without affecting in a detrimental way. Audience: Adano, would it be in line to ask questions about the contraceptive pill and things like that, what effects that they have? Adano: We haven’t come to that part yet, this is a whole series going right through, we’re taking each stage what is involved in the individual and why he is doing it. If you don’t know what you are and why you’re involved in the marriage and why the individual is trying to have offspring and why he’s trying to avoid it, you have to go back into the mentality of the individual to find why he’s avoiding offspring, why he’s avoiding certain conditions, and what are the factors involved in it so how can you jump too fast when you don’t build up the right structure to understand. See you have to go gradually understanding why your body behaves a certain way, how you release those stress so that you come to a norm to behave at a norm and then you take on the responsibility of marriage to function in that norm and what are the complex conditions that threaten the norm. If you jump that too fast then you don’t know what is the norm in marriage, see? You’re gonna say now that the norm, the contraceptive is not a norm, the contraceptive is a threat to the norm, it is a way in which the norm has been shifted from one ethical value to another ethical value. The norm is that the male (inaudible) female does have offspring, now when you shift from that ethical value then you have to realize what factors cause them to shift to want to use a contraceptive. Well if we come back to the very first thing we’re talking about, that was the start of the whole process, of all the five forces in the human body the hardest one to overcome is lust, ego you can overcome but lust is very hard but the lust is not brought on as a norm, it’s brought on by an abnorm, it’s brought on by factors that the body cannot throw off, it’s brought on by an environmental pressures that cause this abnorm to exist. Until we can understand how it’s built up itself into an abnorm, we are never able to control. Man can control lust if he understands how it is constructed but if he doesn’t understand how it’s constructed then he’s a victim of the pressures that make him lustful which is not within his mechanism as he’s not born lustful but he’s born with the drive of the lust from parental thought patterns that are locked into his stream of existence and by the nutritional balance and environmental pressure that would tend to stimulate the lust. Until we can correct that or understand it, then we can control, it will still be there so, go ahead. Audience: I’m just still having a hard time understanding from my own experience or what you’re saying how to differentiate between what is normal and what is lustful. I mean you were saying the difference would be the tension builds too much or too often. I can’t really understand that you’re saying. Adano: When we use the word lust, we are referring to an action outside of the married life with your partner, that is an action outside of that, there is no lust between a married couple. Audience: There’s no lust between a married couple? Adano: This is a norm accepted behavior between two individuals on a mutual consent basis by a man, woman, and societ,y how they interact. When the man has taken the woman onto himself and the two have become one flesh, there is no lust. Audience: What if you don’t want to have children? Adano: Then you got to go back prior to marriage, what it’s the cause that he doesn’t have that, we have to understand that, that’s the norm of that. Audience: But if you’re not trying to have children in marriage and you’re having sex is that lust? Adano: I did not say it was. Audience: I don’t know whether you said or not, I’m trying to understand it. Adano: I said the action that occurs between the male and the female in marriage has nothing to do with lust, this is a commitment you’ve made already, you’ve made this commitment when you were married to each other, this is a commitment you made to each other when you got married. 1:10 Audience: But isn’t the ideal state in marriage not to have sexual relationships, mystical state, the ideal state is by conserving the energy for meditation and whatnot? That’s what the Masters says, that’s what Margaret says about it. Adano: The act of sex was designed or procreation is designed for producing children but you think by any stroke of nature the very first act of sex produces it, even by a married couple? The chances for a successful ovulation in a female, even in marriage couple, by the very first act of sex are rare, you know that? (Laughter). Audience: Most people found out the opposite it seems like. Adano: The chances are rare then the chances can happen depending on what period it happens in the individual. You see you have a condition that exists in the male or the female situation when they’re married. Audience: But we were told by more than one person that the state to reach is never to have sex unless you’re trying to have children, that’s the purest state for a mystic to be in. In other words no sexual relationships or any other reason than as the desire to have children. Adano: We cannot discuss that to the benefit of others unless we understand what it is we’re talking about today, why it is not an ideal state to overindulge in it, until we learn the next lecture. We covered something today that’s going to show us why you bring up a question why the Masters are talking “you only do it for the procreation of another species.” Audience: Looking at that, to have that relation with a woman for anything other than procreative purposes would be (inaudible) of those energies. Adano: It has absolutely nothing to do with that, the reason why the Masters are talking of not having the act if it’s not going to produce the human being because it is what is involved in the formation of those fluids and the time spent they are formed and when they are secreted without the purpose of bringing them to a completion, what the body goes through physiologically speaking. You notice something, we’re jumping ahead of the lecture because that’s tomorrow. Here in the gonad area where the formation of it, it’s a direct link back to your medulla oblongata. This is your medulla oblongata right here and the spinal cord runs right down the area and then connects to the heart area then connects down into the endocrine system and then right down into the gonad and the testes where it’s being formed, these fluids are formed here. Now where is the fluid trapping, what is this particular organ trapping? Do you realize what it’s trapping to build up the sperm? It’s trapping secretion from the brain, brain cells, and they travel down via the medulla to be stored up here to form it and equally true, the ovum. I have diagrams of this to show you in detail how it’s trapped and brought down but I can’t jump ahead until you understand why the factors in your life are leading to be abnormal. The act of sex is the least condition, it is the formation of the things that go on inside that make the “no no” by the Masters. You are actually secreting brain cells that are trapped and built up to shape that sperm, every doctor knows that. Audience: So you’re like wasting your brain cells? Adano: You are yes, to a certain extent throwing away valuable brain cells through a release. Audience: But if they’re down here, you’re always throwing something away. Adano: Yeah but not brain cells, it’s always re-absorbed, the only way it can leave your body is via the organs of the sexual… Audience: If you have the brain cells stored in the gonads are you having any good use from them if they’re down there anyway, I mean is there any harm in using them? Adano: Every day in 24 hours you are secreting them down your spinal cord right down into that area, it’s going right down to be stored up and it takes three months to form the sperm in the male body from the precipitation of the brain cell and the amount of brain cells that have to come down to build up in one ounce of secretion, approximately three or four thousand sperm in one ounce of secretion. Now it takes about three months to build that up, your body cannot build it faster than that, there is no way your human body can build up or store cells in the form of the sperm in the human body and rest necessary now for release. Now your cell salts are built around that principle already, we haven’t come to all that because you can’t jump into it unless you understand and the woman’s body is going through the same thing. Her’s is changing in every 28 days, her brain cells are drawn down faster from her body every 28 days to build up the ovum because the ovum also utilizes brain cells. When I bring the chart down and draw it out and show you how from the medulla oblongata everything goes right back into the regenerative organs, there is a direct link all the way through that every doctor will tell you that the act of procreation is merely a mental impression, the feeling is a mental impression that actually we don’t have no sex life unless we are stimulated by the mind because the conditions are formed by brain cells. There would be no craving if we were never stimulated, there are substances that are deposited there secreted out from the brain so the brain has a lot to do with it. Now the reason why the Master is talking that it should only be used for the offspring because other Masters are being born or higher intellect are born is because if you degenerate the body, you have a degenerate brain and a degenerative circuitry formed to pull in a lower entity of a lower caliber of consciousness. If you hold your consciousness at a higher level then you attract an entity of a higher consciousness so the personal discipline on the physical body becomes important otherwise a Master would not emphasize that. He knows definitely that brain cells are being lost in the discharge of the energy, see that’s the only reason. Now sublimation of the act is reversal of precipitated brain cells that are stored in the lower regions now that must be pulled up by paraphysical methods to reabsorb itself back into the brain. Audience: So you can bring it back up? Adano: Well that’s what the technique of sublimation is, we will cover all that. You asked for a tremendous session, we haven’t begun to throw the book at you yet, you couldn’t even take it and I don’t even think we’ll ever cover all of it in this session because there’s a whole lot to being a man or being a woman, let alone trying to live a householder life. The householder life is taking into consideration every aspect of creation, you can’t just up and jump each phase because it is involving our existence, our survival, our economics, our association with each other and the continuation of the species, the householder life is involved with that so we have to know how we constructed, we have to know how these forces are precipitating down in the body, we have to understand how we can waste them and what we actually are wasting. 1:20 What we are actually wasting is precipitated brain cells and the brain cells carry all the data inside of this particular makeup. You see the early disciplines that they laid down on the individual were not laid down just to thwart the individual or make him into some type of individual that has no feeling and lives some sort of a restricted life. Within the married life it is accepted and understood that is not possible that in one activity there can be another offspring, it may take many, it may even take one but this is accepted in that particular arrangement because there is no sense of guilt during the activity with the married person. Outside of it there is always these two forces: violence or guilt, you see there is the condition. That’s why we are using forces that are formed out of the brain and when we apply certain attitudes to release these forces formed out of the brain, electrically we create a distortion and the result can be tragic in the individual’s life or in the offspring’s life so they have seen too many of these things on the inner plane. Do you know that premature release by the male body leads electrical forms…

1972 September Part 3 - Householder Polarity Conception

Adano72_09_3HouseholderPolarityConceptionQ1NW4 - Today we’re continuing the study of the householder initiate and the body forms, we’re doing now mostly the female body. I said before eye contact is very important for the female body, the female body telegraphs most of its feelings through the eyes and because it telegraphs its feeling through the eyes, it’s easily picked up by the expression in the face. It is the particular anticipation in the female body of picking it up, that’s why when they see someone they’re always more attuned because that feeling of nesting has a magnetic pull, magnetism pulls something to itself, when an object is a magnet it attracts to itself. Because the female body is a reproductive body that carries the offspring, the magnetism has a tendency to vibrate and goes out through the eyes to draw to it. The magnetism in the eyes of the female body is low when the body is going through the menstrual cycle, it’s very high prior to the menstrual cycle and after the menstrual cycle the magnetism is very high, the pull is very strong and very electric at times, sometimes it glows, the eyes glow, one can see it there is a glow or a glint. Now in a male body this is different, the magnetism in the eyes are only strong at night, they’re very weak in the daytime in the male body, the female body the magnetism is strong in the daytime but weak at night. There is a fluctuation also in the time of the moon, when the moon is full the male’s body the magnetism is very strong in the eyes. In the first quarter, the last quarter of the moon, the female body the magnetism is very strong in the eyes. When the body is sick the magnetism in a female body is very weak but the only time it’s strong is at night, not in the daytime. When the male body is sick the magnetism is weak and is very strong in the daytime but weak at night because it vibrates differently. Now the magnetism can be built up because it has to do with the electrical movement inside by focusing. When the eye is centered on some specific object without wavering, the magnetism is increased. Now we can shift the magnetic field in the eyes by shifting the breath, we have a form of breathing known as the magnetic breath. Now this occurs in the act of sex with the male and the female when the magnetism is shifting by the eyes, the breathing gets very heavy and deep. Now this is true in a yoga breathing, when you breathe through one nostril and hold it and then breathe out to the next nostril and hold it, you breathe in back hold it, breathe out and hold it, this is what is called the alternate breath or cleansing breath, at the same time it’s a shifting breath for the magnetism in the body, this breathing can now shift the magnetism in the eyes for the male or the female body. Since we only breathe through one nostril at a time every hour, most of us are breathing a little less than one hour or a little more than one hour through one nostril. When you’re completely polarized you’re supposed to breathe exactly sixty minutes through one nostril and out within that same 60 minutes in the other nostril, you’d never breathe in both through both nostrils and never breathe out the same. The human body does not breathe in through both nostrils at the same time nor does it breathe out through both nostrils at the same time, it breathes one stronger than the other, one of the nostrils is stronger and you can check it. When you blow it out you’ll feel there’s a difference in strength between one nostril and the other for some it is on the right side for others it’s on the left side, it changes every hour. This alternation is synchronized for the polarity of the body and it’s synchronized for polarity of the eyes, it is that form of breathing that we can now strengthen the eye magnetism and direct it. Now your magnetism is weak when the nostril is breathing in from the left side, when the left nostril is breathing in the magnetism is weak and the eyes cannot generate that charge. When the eyes don’t generate the charge then the whole magnetic charge is negative, when the nostril is breathing through the right side and the right nostril is drawing the air in then the magnetism is increased then the eyes generate that charge. Since it shifts every hour, there are 12 hours in which the breath is going to be on the left side and 12 hours on the right side. Now since each hour it alternates in drawing the magnetism in for the eyes, you have to start with the right nostril to build that magnetism up. A spiritual Master is one in which he has learned to recognize the polarities of the body and he knows exactly which hour to switch over, he will not execute the energy out of his eyes in a negative charge only in the positive charge and that is on the right side when he’s breathing through the right side. Now because he’s polarized, he also knows how to stabilize the negative charge therefore you can always shift the breath. If the breath goes on to the left side and it becomes an emergency for him to generate that consciousness, he can shift it, there is a way for him to shift it back to the right side for him to work magnetically and release the nostril, release the energy through the nostril and magnetism through the right eye. The energy is very strong and it’s coming out through the right eye and by the breathing through the right nostril. 0:10 Since the magnetism shifts all the time by the breathing, it shifts in the position of the eye. When you breathe through the left nostril and out through the right nostril the magnetism is negative in the body but at the same time the negative charge is flowing out through the eyes. When you breathe in through the right nostril, the body is positively charged and the magnetism is flowing out through the eyes in a positive charge but this changes every hour and you have to start building the magnetism at the point of the day from a positive charge, you have to count it, you have to check it that it sees that the breathing is exactly 60 minutes. If there is a over loading of the body from too much in one nostril and not enough in the other nostril then there is an imbalance in the magnetic pull and you have to breathe to correct that, you have to correct it through the focusing of the eyes. Since we are stimulated, the female body is stimulated by sound now you have to learn to listen to the sound of the air in the nostril and get the awareness of it to build that magnetism. Since the man is stimulated by sight he has to get the awareness by feeling the length of time the air is going up the nostril in order to build up the magnetism. Now let’s take the male body first and then we’ll take the female body, the male body is limited by sight so breathe in through your lungs right now and check how long the air stays in and see which nostril is throwing out the air, left or right, and those who have right nostril for male body now raise their hand, those who have left nostrils… well which is right, are you breathing through your right nostril very strong? So we have two people breathing right through the right nostril, now who are breathing through the left nostrils strong now in the male body? We have to check it to find out which nostril you’re breathing through the strongest or breathing out the strongest. We have two right, then the rest has got to be left, it’s very simple blow the air on your on the hand with your nostril and see which one has the strength the most forced for the female body. All right then we have three male bodies vibrating on the left side so the magnetism is low now, those who are pulling in from the right side the magnetism is high at this particular hour. All right, how many women are breathing in strongest through the left side now, left side? One two three, so we have three female bodies drawing a negative charge through the left nostril so how many we have with the positive now? One two three four five six so seven, seven people are pulling in on the right side now. Those who are pulling in on the left side now, to bring the energy over to the right eye so breathing through your left nostril and focus most of your attention through the right eye. All those who are beating to their left nostrils the strongest now start to send out and feel the left eye generating more energy. The right eye, you’re breathing through your left nostril but you’re generating energy out of the right eye. If you’re breathing through your left nostril focus the energy out through the right eye, it’s got to be left to right so those who are breathing in through the left nostril start to focus the energy out through the right eye. In other words if you want to close your eye push it out, push out the eyeball, push it forward to make the energy go there. Now those who are breathing through the right nostril will try to force the energy out through the left eye. Now if it finds it difficult to do, all you have to do is close one eye and let the other eye that is going to send the energy flow out. Now feel it flowing out of the eye, keep the eyes steady and don’t blink. Now those who are breathing through the left nostril and projecting out through the right eye, raise the left hand and clench the right fist but raise the left hand so that the energy is coming through the left fingertips and clench the right fist. Now the others the reverse. Now begin to feel it building up now in the spine rising from the base of the spine all up the groin right up into the head, this magnetic charge building up. Now the magnetic field is exactly 17 inches from your body around you, the first six inches is the electrical field, the next 11 inches out is the magnetic field. (Ginger sneezes). Bless you, gesunheight. From then on out feel this magnetic field around you and its biggest potential is from the tummy. Now if you feel like a pressure outside of you around you from that area, it’s the magnetic field that is vibrating against your body. As you keep the eyes steady and focus, let the whole face begin to smile and the cells are now going to be electromagnetized now and they start polarizing, see only in a smile can the body be magnetic, it can’t be magnetic in a frown. Now feel it tingling through the whole body, all the cells smiling. Now to increase the magnetic charge reach out and grasp the hand of the person next to you. 0:20 Now build up the charge by feeling it passing through the hands now, all the way through. Gradually as you build up the charge you will feel that the breath will start to synchronize, the magnetic field will start building up by synchronizing with the breathing. Now you can feel like a warmth flowing out from your eyes, that magnetic field now is becoming in a state of unity and the whole body wills start to feel the glow of the magnetic field. Now you nourish the body magnetically this way, hold on and let the whole body nourish itself magnetically because it’s an electrical polarization that’s occurring within the cells now, you body is setting up like a battery charger, you’re like a battery hooked into a battery charger and the whole body is charging itself and feel that charge passing all the way through, passing all around you in the room now and you are electromagnetically charged up. Now when you let go of the other person’s hands, bring the two palms together and retain the charge in your body and feel the charge now is building up in you as an individual, the whole body is now charging it to its maximum magnetically. Now some of you may have goose pimple sensation when you touch your fingers, others may feel like a quiver or the glow is being sustained. Once this is experienced or that glow or that subtle movement in the spine is felt, the whole body is magnetized. Now if you want to transfer this magnetism to your loved one if you’re married or to a friend, then you transfer it from your right hand, you always transfer the energy by your right hand. Now in order to give you an experiment of transference let one male, one female reach out and touch the back of the neck with the right hand and this will give you the transference of feeling so you want to try it, the magnetic touch? Go ahead, just behind the neck with both hands, one hand, the right hand, you’re transferring with your right hand. Okay try somebody else now, give another person a chance to feel it. Right behind the neck, place the cup of the palm behind the neck so that you know what you’re transferring or feeling what has been transferred. You’re not doing it correct here you two, right hand on neck and right hand on neck, not that way you face each other. Okay try somebody else, try somebody else, get get to know what you’re transferring or feeling. What you’re transferring is being felt and what has been transferred has been felt back. Okay try somebody else. (Gap in tape) …with memory of past life or immaculate birth or direct materialization. Most of us are born having no past memory, we were born simply having no memory of past life, the whole gist of mankind is in that category either outside of the marriage vows or inside the marriage vows, a host of us are born that way and it is paramount in the desire makeup of the individuals that attract that type of individual into the home. Audience: The immaculate conception goes through the same cycle, nine months? Adano: Yes it goes through the same cycle of nine months but there is natural childbirth without medical attention, no housewife or midwife or anything, it is performed by mantrams, by recitation of certain mantras, the child is being delivered without labor pain so those mantrams you know them as the psalms, they are those sounds for painless childbirth that are written by the initiates thousands of years ago, you can look it up and you repeat it if you’re a woman and come through natural childbirth with pain-free sensations. They are designed primarily for the release of the child from the womb without the pain sensations both for immaculate birth or for birth without memory in past life or birth with memory of past life, those mantras do exist. Yes? Audience: I thought immaculate conception meant the child, the seed was within the woman without any prior sexual relations. Adano: It is performed by extrasensory insemination, extrasensory insemination of the woman is immaculate conception. Audience: That means without sexual relations. Adano: When we use the word sexual relationship, we only know of the fact that it is the perforation of the organs by the two forces, that’s all we know to mean the word sexual relationship. Sexual relationship is extra sensory because it’s electro-biomagnetic through tactual contact. This force field, when we demonstrated two days ago how you can massage the body and pass the hands along the body without touching it, what was happening, wasn’t the same energy passing through your body and I was not touching you all along the spine? Well that’s an extra sensory biomagnetic transference, now imagine this particular type of exercise or massage, once understood by the initiate, carried to its highest point of procreation, the mere passing of the hand over the body would transfer these forces now. When Jesus was born, before he was born the mother Mary and Joseph were initiates of the Master Hillel, the Master Hillel had to be instrumental as a focal point to bring in this particular condition between these two forces. A donor has to be there, a recipient has to be there, the transition between the two requires a third person, that is the Guru, the Guru who will transmit extra sensory the donor’s sperm into the recipient’s body by an extra sensory transference without physical contact but it is extra sensory insemination. Now when you’re in artificial insemination there is no perforation by the donor to the recipient, it’s implanted by physical equipment but this is implanted now by a bioelectromagnetic contact of concentration by looking at the transmitter or the donor and draw the energy out from the donor, it’s an electrical entity now and transmit to the recipient that entity force and that entity force is taken in by osmosis and therefore the body begins to spread now or stretch. 0:30 Now image therapy, it’s very easy to recognize it in image therapy when one goes through image therapy because that is a possibility to see it in the reliving of the nine months in the womb the individual can see certain indications of the possibility of extrasensory insemination occurring in them so it is not merely that the two individuals are involved, it is an electrical transference that is involved. Now what is the extrasensory perception? It is perception beyond the physical range which the physical range is conditioned to accept as normal by normal methods of behavior. Extrasensory behavior is an electromagnetic polarization that requires consciousness and tactuality or contact with touch, not necessarily perforation by touch but it can be transferred by contact. Now doctors know that immaculate conception or extrasensory insemination is a reality and the offspring is an exact pattern of the mother therefore it should be a daughter every time it occurs, it occurs in animals now without the donor being ever near, it’s just like how the ferret will kill its opponent by using a sonic beam by hissing and kill the animal. Now the extra sensory insemination is a sonic beam induced by the heightened breeding of the male donor without physical contact, it is a form of the holy breath in transition from one being to another ultrasonically therefore transmitting the sperm into the ovum and depositing it by sound waves and there it will start to take root and expand so nothing is impossible, doctors know it’s possible to have extrasensory insemination or immaculate conception. Now before Jesus was recorded as a immaculate conception birth, Rama’s wife Sita was recorded as an immaculate conception birth thousands of years ago, she was of immaculate conception too but she was a woman born under the same principle. Now but she was born in Sat Yuga in the descent of the astral clock thousands of years ago in the time of Rama. Now since the astral clock is at the top of the 12,000 cycle movement and Jesus is born at the bottom the cycle clock on the iron age, it had to form polarization so polarization occurs when the first record of immaculate birth took place the offspring was identical as the parent, a woman, then the second recorded manifestation would have to be a man to balance the cyclic clock on the descending arc of the universe so Jesus had to be born in the fourth year of BC entering into the iron age or what you call the dark age and he came in now at that point to polarize the descending clock. Now we are in the aquarian clock moving up now, we are moving into the Dvapara or the Aquarian age or the Bronze age so the possibility of immaculate birth to come back will start a new type of polarization so the chances are of immaculate birth occurring again will be a woman first before a man on recorded history because it must go in cycle movements of positive/negative, positive/negative. So you see the householder life is a fantastic culmination of all the laws of nature bordering on the human body and when we look at ourselves as being a channel for these principles, we are indeed fortunate to have a human body to work it out. Now you have to realize this, from the standpoint of survivalness you’re the only sperm that became you and the standpoint of self-evaluation as a human being you can trust that force that brought you to maturity as a human being to make it possible for you to experience God realization in this body and if you don’t trust that force, how would you know it? Audience: You don’t know but you’ve got to trust it, that’s faith. Adano: Good then “Mine is not to reason why, mine is to do and live.” Audience: All right so you just live. Adano: Well so I sit down and wait till the Master come into the room because he told me sit down here till I come out so don’t you just sit down and live? Don’t question if he’s going to come out or not because you don’t know whether it’s going to come, you may want to go to the bathroom and he wants to come out at the same time. You see this is exactly what happened to Elias and Elijah, Elijah was meditating one day and Elias the student went to him or Elijah and he said “Master why don’t you give me a double portion of your spirit?” and he said “You ask a hard thing” that is you asking for something for nothing, you don’t want to work for it “but nevertheless,” this is compassion or grace, “if you see me before I go” that means if you’re present before I leave this body form, the darshan or the spiritual transference or the spiritual Will, the transferring of the power, the transferring of the Master-hood is yours, the mantle is yours, you will now be the next initiator, you will take over and run the boat. Good, providing are present or you see me before I go. Elijah didn’t bargain for that because he was put in a position when he would not know when the Master will go and the Master having cosmic consciousness and he don’t have it, he don’t know what time this Master’s going to pull a fast one on him. He can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he can’t even leave the presence of the room and go no place so he’s stuck, he had to work double time now to catch up for what he didn’t want to work for, right you see? (Laughter) It’s great huh? Because you don’t get something for nothing but the Master taught him a lesson, how he’s going to get something for something by putting him to the test so he made him now had to meditate in the Master’s presence, now he couldn’t even dare to what you call it, let any bodily functions interfere with the Masters of behavior or his own personal behavior or desire to be in that state. See the Master tricked him but that was a good lesson for him so when the Master was ready to go, he was present and he gave him the experience. Audience: He had to recognize this thought before he could ask for it. Adano: Well naturally we always ask for more than we can chew, our eyes are bigger than our mouth you know. You see we see things and the mind says “I can handle it, I can cope with it, I got the gumption or the willpower to do it” but when you bite then you find out it’s more than you can chew you can only do one or two things… Audience: Hang on or let go. Adano: Nine times out of ten you will rather die choking with it than letting go only because of your pride. (Adano laughs). Audience: Well the Master was smart, he knew how much pride he had. Adano: (Laughing) You see but that’s the game, what is tragedy for this disciple is jokes for the Masters. Well how is he going to get rid of it, the Master has got to play tricks on you to to free you from your ignorance so he’s walking a bag of tricks all the time, watch it! 0:40 I remember one boy he was telling us he’s a professor of psychology, he said he went to India to see one of the Masters so he’s at the ashram and he’s got a whole list of questions he’s going to ask from psychological standpoints so he can write his thesis and every time he ask these questions Master gives him the most ridiculous insipid answers that even a child would not dare give and he was there for 21 days and for 20 days he was in turmoil because Master would never give him any detailed scientific explanation, mere platitudes, mere nonsensical answers to the point he was all cracked up inside and the last day he’s got to come, he’s gonna cry coming to the Master and the Master see him coming and the Master scratches his nose, that’s when he got close, Master said to him “I see you working on your thesis, why don’t you go back and complete it, why waste your time here?” (Adano laughs) Then he realized what the Master done him because what good was he sitting for 20 days in the Master’s present and never really absorbing anything. He says “That sure pulled the plug out from under me,” he now realized what he was doing, he was blocking all the answers to all his questions by his own intellectual way and the Master was not an intellectual, he was going to satisfy him, he was just going to let him work out all his exhaust. See the Master worked him like a cowboy works a bucking bronc at the rodeo, they let them run till they get exhausted and they’re tame like pussycats. I have found that when you ask a great deal of questions, sometimes you get ridiculous answers, not that they’re intended to be ridiculous or to ridicule you or to make you look stupid, they’re intended primarily for you to look at yourself what you’re really saying about yourself and you don’t recognize your own ignorance coming out from what you’re saying about yourself and that the answers to what you’re looking for are already locked up in the questions that you’re making and if you can re-evaluate the questions with a different attitude, you will see the answers. Now some of us are looking for confirmation in our answers from other people by the questions we ask, yet confirmation is not satisfactory because another human being says “yes,” confirmation is only satisfactory if you can live through the experience over and over and get the same identical result without deteriorating your nature. If you repeat an experience over and over and it brings you some heightened degree of joy and it don’t tear you down, that is confirmation, you are triggering it off now, “No man take my life from me, I have the power to lay it down and pick it up,” you are triggering off the experience now. Audience: But the same thing would hold true if you had the same experience over and over again even if it tore you down, it’s still an actuality, it’s doing something. Adano: A true experience will not tear you down to the extent that it’ll make you feel despondent, it will build you up, it’ll always build you up. Audience: A true experience otherwise then you would differentiate something is true if it lifts you up, it’s not true if it tears you down. Adano: Right, it should always build you up and leave you a heightened state of joy no matter if you don’t have no inner visions or inner experiences but after effect should be that emotional joy, that bliss, tears of joy, not tears of sorrow. Audience: If I drink a cup of coffee, if I approach that cup of coffee with the attitude that this is bad for me, it’s got to tear me down. If I approach that cup of coffee with the attitude that this is fine because it comes directly from the cosmic source, it’s got to lift me up so the attitude would be the important thing. If you go into meditation with being scared as hell of the dark, maybe we will be scared as hell of the dark you know, I mean that’s the way it’s going to be so the attitude that you approach something with is the key to that. Adano: Well you remember the boy and Yogananda when they saw the stuff that a dog had vomited up and the boy said “You mean to tell me you believe that God is in everything?” And Yogananda says “yes,” he says “you mean to tell me he’s in that stuff that the dog brought up?” Yogananda says “yes,” he says “well if you eat it, I’ll eat it” so Yogananda walked over and pick it up and eat it and then you can see the other boy’s face and the upset stomach but then he started to run but that was the wrong thing he did because Yogananda was not going to let him get away with running, he ran after him, caught him by the collar and put some in his mouth till he ate it. When it went in his mouth he was one surprised boy, it never had no odor or smell or taste. Audience: So he got to live through the experience. Adano: But he had what you said, “two by four flash of light in his head” (laughter), like if somebody crack him open, he got zapped, you see some of us gets up the hard way. No any Master once he accepts that God is the light, the radiant form and he tells you that it’s there, the experience can be brought into your life to satisfy it and it’s the bliss because the boy admitted in the end, it was not the food that he tasted, it had no taste, it was a sudden realization of the joy that the whole body was tingling for the first time, trembling with joy. He didn’t see God as somebody standing up in front of him, he didn’t see God as some man in the handful of food, all he felt… Audience: He was eating his words (laughter). Adano: Right, verbs and adjectives pronouns and everything back he was eating it. You know sometime when you read the story of these spiritual men, they’re so factual and so comical that you wish you don’t hang around near them. You know their jokes are a little too rough, you see wise men love to joke now and then, but I don’t like to be the butt of their jokes. Audience: Mutkananda, when he was studying, in the book I read it, the great lord himself came to teach him a lesson and he came in the form of a leper, he had ugly sores, pus dripping all over you know and come limping into the place and Mutkananda’s teacher told him to feed him so when he was feeding some of the stuff ran down on the ground you know and when the guy walked away when his teacher says “eat it.” (Laughter). “Oh no!” you know and so the teacher went over and started picking it up and started eating it and so Mutkananda was about ready (inaudible). He says, “How can you do that?” He says, “Did you ever see a leper walk that fast, the guy was going in a trot leaving.” He said “The great Lord himself has come to teach you a lesson so eat that, it’s filled with all kinds of good vibes.” Adano: You know you’ve got to be pretty stupid to accept it too. In other words a good disciple has no mind of his own, he’s like putty in the hands of a Master. Well, all right, prashad. I see prashad, most of the food in the ashram or in the cosmic kitchen is all prashad, it is blessed. I would not refuse to pick it up even the garbage can and eat it, it’s prashad, even if a roach was to walk over it, it’s prashad. Well he’s blessed already when he walked over it in the first place, his evolution is up. 0:50 In actuality you can say that about anything Mr. Ley, everything is prashad, it depends on your attitude towards it what it’s going to do to you. Adano: Well the only way you’re going to know that it’s truly prashad and that the Lord is in it and the flavor of the Lord’s presence is in it is if you pick it up and put it in your mouth to find out, you will have one tremendous experience. If you ever take LSD it will taste like a triple dose of LSD. Audience: We didn’t hear what you said Adano, what did you say? Adano: I says if you ever in doubt that prashad or the Lord’s presence is in it, sometimes when you pick it up and put it in your mouth and find out how it tastes, it would be entirely different than any other type of taste in your consciousness and your whole mind will open up. Audience: What would make a person not experience anything different that he’s ever experienced before? Like even when Master Charan Singh was here and he blessed the things on the table and I eat some of it you know and it was just like eating anything else, what would cause me to feel that way, was I blocking? Adano: Uh huh. Audience: Okay well then it doesn’t matter whether it’s blessed or not if I’m blocking. Adano: Oh, it matters a lot because in blocking you only delayed the experience. Audience: Oh it’s coming then (laughter). Adano: You just delayed the experience a little longer than the normal time. All right let me ask you one question, you ate some prashad and you didn’t feel any experience but how you felt on your way home? Audience: I don’t remember but there are different times when I get all lighted up if that’s what you mean. Audience: Like now. Adano: All right then you see the prashad is like a delayed time bomb, every time you hit a low point it goes off inside of you. Now you see what the prashad really can do? It never leaves your system even though you ate it so many years ago, everything that is blessed or consecrated by the vibratory rate is prashad and it’s like a time cycle capsule in the body, the moment you eat it may not have anything to do and then afterwards in a day or a half a day or a few hours, the whole body seems to spark or lit up or every time you hit a low period, it lits up, this is what prashad is doing. Now you take Tom Smith, everybody know Tom Smith? Well several years ago he came to initiation and just as the initiation was over, he was on his way to South Carolina. Well Tom Smith was at that critical moment where no belief in anything would matter but there was prashad, the only thing I could offer him because he arrived at the time and the prashad was right there and I hand him the prashad to drink and I never saw Tom Smith until about several months after and I got one big report of a changed man. Well I never doubt the Lord how He can change people but when I arrived to see Tom Smith, you know Tom Smith. Audience: I saw him at a pretty low end too Mr. Ley. Adano: All right but the prashad still pulls up. The change in consciousness is fantastic, he said when he got in the car and he started driving to South Carolina it’s like somebody unscrew his head and put it back, just twist it around and put it on back, like it was on backwards. Audience: It’s funny how this thing works, I didn’t even know him at the time but I financed his trip to come and see you and then he came back and brought you with him to see me and dad. Adano: And look who’s here. Well you know actually the Lord is wonderful, you’re really to first initiate in Tyler.

Adano72_09_4HouseholderElectricalEntitiesQ1NW4 - …can be adhered to, if we adhere to them and they could be beneficial to us in holding our consciousness up as a human being. Now the married life is not a type of life that in the fairy books, Prince Charming don’t exist and Princess Snow White don’t exist and living happily ever after don’t exist, these are imaginary suppositions of printed letters. What does exist is a human being, a male who is designed by certain specific forces to deposit or to go out in constant flow, the urge to drive or reach out, to penetrate, to challenge. What does exist in the female body is the nesting force, the gathering, the collecting action then these two forces are in direct opposition in their perfectness but at the same time they are uniquely blended when they learn to merge and the merging is a process, it’s not an overnight thing of living happily ever after, it’s the process of trying how to live together happily after the commitment between each other is made at the altar, that is the process, learning how to live happily after the marriage contract or the marriage vow, this is where the Prince Charming and the Princess activity comes in because the perennial courtship should not cease, marriage is just as much 24-hour activity or just as much going to work for somebody and you know you’re under the gun because it is that particular process, it’s not something that we can take for granted, we can’t take human beings for granted not even how close or intimate we are because familiarity breeds contempt. The the cells themselves from being too over familiar turn off their wavelength of feeling for one another and this is a peculiar sensation, the one that you may be intimate with after a while touching them seems to turn you off and touching someone else seems to turn you on that is because of the over familiarity with the individual that the continual pursuit, the continual romance, the reaching out is the subtle strangeness that Guru/disciple relationship that slight point between you and God, not 200 percent intimate with him yet, a little sense of respect, this little tinge is sufficient to keep the balance of the love going. So we do need to realize that in the olden days that the man lived in one room and the wife lived in another room and they built up this particular courtship constantly. Now you look in the animal kingdom the courtship never ends especially those who are mated it for life, this is a phenomenon that Man has not begun to recognize. The eagle is the only bird that flies the highest but mates for life yet the eagle never takes for granted the mate, when the time comes when his own body cycles the male eagle, he goes through the pruning and doing all the eagle dance even though he’s mated he will still go through the eagle dance and the female eagle, she will do the same thing and this is constantly going on between them that’s why in the animal kingdom or the bird kingdom the plumage in their cycle periods are beautiful. This phenomena is in Man because Man has a cycle period and once he understands the cycle periods he can keep that continuity and that contact or flow between the male and the female, you want to say something? Audience: I was curious about miscarriage. Adano: We haven’t come to that yet, the important thing now is the discharge. Audience: Can you talk about contraceptives? Adano: We haven’t come to that yet, we must understand why you’re discharging, why is it that you seek to stimulate yourself to discharge yourself because these are conditions of biological forces locked up in us straining to go out and our society is not designed for human beings to live, we don’t have schools of what is called training yourself to get married or training yourself to be pregnant, there are no such schools. When you’re married, you’re pregnant and if you aren’t married and you’re pregnant that’s a problem and society looks down upon all these things. There is no such thing, you can’t have a school to train somebody to be pregnant because it’s not the accepted thing, if you’re pregnant you’re pregnant and the first ostracism, “who is the parent, who is the donor, who is the father?” These are the things you are going to be faced with in a society like ours. Now in certain societies like in the primitive societies before the men and women got together they had what is called the one year break the taboo. Before the marriage was accepted between the parents they had what is called the taboo between the boy and the girl that shouldn’t touch each other then when it’s accepted then they have what is called a year adjustment, they spend that time learning to adjust to each other for a year, learning to know each other for a year. Now he learns about his organs and she learns about her organs and then they have a ritual when the wedding comes on to indicate if the girl is chase or not. Well in the islands they do like this, the man may say “My daughter is a chase girl” and she will take the one year adjustment period. On the day of the wedding he will butcher a suckling pig and put a fruit in the mouth and give it to the bridegroom symbolically saying the daughter has been chase during the adjustment period of the year. All right, the bridegroom takes the bride home if she is chase he returns the suckling pig with the apple or fruit in the mouth untouched, if she is not he bites a portion out of it and sends it back with a girl then the father is deeply ostracized in the public because he has brought up an unchase daughter. You see taboos are existing, why they exist because these primitive people can see the auras and they can see what would happen. Now also in primitive tribes you have only the royalty marry into royalty to have the starting of the nation of a new bloodline. In the Hawaiian group you have that, if a Hawaiian group say a prince or a princess is the last descendant of the parent and some cataclysm has come and driven them out, they’ll go into another area and to start the royalty line, she will marry into her bloodline and they will have one child and that one child is called the aliʻi nui, he is blessed or she is blessed with the force, sometimes it comes out that that child is a beautiful person or it may come out deformed. Now, but after that has occurred they don’t have no more like that, they they do marry into some other bloodline but that aliʻi nui is the one that carries the force and is a descendant of that royalty. 0:10 so you find your Hawaiian princes are all the result of inbreeding, this was a way Man would keep his bloodline. Now in your scriptures they were warned against incest, incest is not a new idea, it was a condition that existed to set up bloodlines among royalty but then it lost its peculiar genetic function just as much as in animals you would see it. Now changing the bloodlines was a challenge because it might bring in polluted lines into it so they had to be very selective into their bloodlines, Man was also following exactly that same principle. Now all these conditions led to karmic tendencies, when kings and queens or royalty in any form or aristocrats in any form who could not afford to be burdened down with children then began to resort to abortive methods, they began to resort to contraceptive methods just because they could not allow the royalty to go out and be a threat to each other in the ownership of the throne or the kingdom. Now the rich in ancient times were the ones who aborted first, they’re the ones who indulge in the contraceptives, the poor never thought of it or did it, they simply accepted their lot and had their children and tried to provide for it even they died from starvation. The more sophisticated the man or the woman became and the higher on the economical totem pole he was, the more experimentation became. Now he experimented now outside of the marriage cycle thus producing the condition of mental imbalances. A man may be married, he may be a wealthy man, he’s committed to his wife but he sees a beautiful woman but he can’t do anything and he dies with the thought of that person. In the next incarnation he’s thrown into confrontation with that person to have an affair or an experience with her, the Lord has to work these things out. Sometimes we say to ourselves “By gosh why did I ever meet you and now I am married, well karmic conditions throw us together but then there is the challenge and there is the lust and there is the self-control that is putting us together to relate.” If we understand it then we rise above it, if we don’t understand it then we succumb to it then if we look back sometimes our parents somewhere along the line might have similar tendencies, they might have succumbed, they might not have succumbed, they might have wanted to succumb and this is very strong in their mechanism and we carry a part of that in our ourselves and we are drawn into the experience. Contraceptives is the form also of aborting the energy. Now I said within the marriage cycle you have the freedom, if you use a contraceptive in the marriage cycle between the marriage couple, this is your freedom to up to a certain extent just as much as the release and the discharge of the energy without bringing it to completion is within your own freedom but then you have a price to pay of a constant wastage and a constant blockage because the formation of the brain and the spinal cord, we are constantly discharging brain cells and the brain cells are carrying the thought patterns and in the atmosphere these entities are hanging around and are waiting for the opportunity when the forces get together and complete themselves. So you see even in an abortion we are doing exactly the same thing by discharging the energy without bringing it to completion, that entity is still hanging around waiting for another opportunity. Now in a miscarriage, this is a different thing now, you don’t deliberately cause a miscarriage in yourself, miscarriage can be caused by shock or fall or several other activities which are karmic to a certain extent but are not triggered by you deliberately to discharge the energy in such a way that it will prevent it from coming to completion. You might have done in a previous life an act of aborting one life and now you’re forced to live through a miscarriage in the present life or you might have abort and forced to live through death in pregnancy in the present life. You see someone could have a miscarriage and it might be that individual who did not come to completion in a previous life and now has come to completion in this life and is married and is pregnant and before the baby can be born there is a complication and in the society that it’s being born, the complication becomes intense and they have to make a choice between the parent and the child so they save the child and let the parent die. In the frontier days the saw bones, that was the name of your doctors you know, the saw bone, he wasn’t a real doctor then, they actually would try to save the baby and let the mother die and this became a conflict of philosophy at one time between the medical profession, which was wiser to save the newborn child or the parent. Now in some groups of medical field thinking they say to save the mother and let the child go will be beneficial for the sake of the husband who has to carry on with the mate that can always have another child but the mate could be a tremendous shock of loss and to the children that they may have and the need for a balance of stability in the family, that’s one school of thought. Another school of thought is let the mother die and save the child because it’s a new entity in the world and would have a greater chance with survival and since there are more adults around unmarried and need a chance to try their hand at marriage or parenthood, this would be ideal for the remaining partner. So you have man devising his own techniques of survival at the expense of his fellow man and it’s all locked up again now back to the birth process. So sanitation has come in now to place the balance in trying to bring about the reproductive condition without creating too much stress on the individual like the husband that is going to remain a widow. Because of sanitation and hospitalization techniques, the husband is no longer remaining a widow with a bunch of crying children and have to look for someone to take care or relate to now. 0:20 The child is gone, it’s a lesser shock but the wife is still there, instead of a greater shock of the loss of the wife and having the children to care for. So these two schools of philosophy exist but the diminishing effect is that the doctors try to save the parent more than the baby, they have come to realize which is the lessening shock of the two evil conditions or which are the two have a damaging effect on the husband. Some schools of thought say that when you perform abortion or you perform contraceptives, you are not really taking life but essentially what are you really doing? You are releasing certain life forms that are triggered off from brain cells and these life forms have an electrical wave, an electrical entity body which carry the desired nature of the individual, that cannot be destroyed. This is where the Saint or the Master or religious people come in now to emphasize why in your scriptures there are certain references to these ideas of spilling the seed or aborting before completion and why a pope would be adamant against trying to accept these ideas of birth control or abortion, they are looking at a deeper aspect of the structure of man and they’re looking at the illnesses that will follow in the progeny of man more so than the mere satisfaction of his pleasure and his physical nature at the present state of his need in his environment and the fear of the politician of overpopulation and undernourishment and lack of education. Man will never be in a state of lack of education, you will never reach the state of total overpopulation, and he will never reach the state where he is destroy himself. Audience: Might this be part of the way we prohibit these things? First of all birth control, secondly if it causes sicknesses that we don’t much about or any problems then it will continue to lower the population. I mean can’t this be just as natural a solution to the situation? I mean we’re natural and we form these chemicals and we make them the whole bit, this may be part of the whole plan, is that a possibility? Adano: We have to take the words of the Masters who have looked at the whole cosmic consciousness and see what is behind it, why it’s not working out that way, and why the ego and the mind would want it to work that way in order to satisfy the type of desires that are generated by the mind and the senses. The mind is involved in the pursuit of pleasure, in the pursuit of sensory stimulation, in the acquisition of material objects, in the release of pent up emotions at the expense of others, and finally to attain that particular degree of recognition without effort, the mind is in pursuit of that all the time. Now the mind is not interested if you are hurt to generate compassion unless it threatens the individual to some extent, the mind is not concerned with your agony unless it threatens you in your pursuit of pleasure that it would cause you some slight of discomfort or agony, the mind is not concerned with people being dominated as long as you aren’t threatened and as long as you are profiting from the domination the mind will not be concerned, this is how the mind works. It does not deprive itself, the only time it will ever seek to react or resent any threat to it is when it’s going to lose its own level or status then it’s going to worry but outside of that the mind will pursue the satisfaction of a sensory nature first, it will do exactly what the brain will do, the brain will deprive the whole body of all the nutrients to stay alive longer than the rest, every doctor knows that. Your brain will deprive any part of your body of its nutrients to stay alive longer so if your brain is going to do that organically alone then the mind follows suit. Audience: Is that true in pregnancy too? Adano: Yes it’s true in pregnancy because if the brain is threatened at any time, it will cut off the supply to the fetus. The brain cannot allow the conscious body function to dominate the survival nature of it, it’s designed with this power granted to the survival nature of the mechanism to be in total relentless control of it. Your subjective mind is a merciless dictator, it has no friends, it only know one friend that’s itself. It’s like that main switch in your house, it has no respect for your refrigerator if you pull it off or your food inside the refrigerator or the power in the house, once you pull that main switch everything is cut. Equally true the subjective mind is like that and that part is in the lower part of the brain, the back part of the brain, it is in the cerebellum, in this area of the brain the back part and the cerebrum which is the motivating part or conscious active part in directing yourself and giving you the feeling that you’re in control always making decisions to change the environment, this is only temporary, this is an illusive part, it’s not genuine because it really doesn’t control. When survival sets in or anything that would threaten the survival, they begin to see who is the real boss, the conscious mind finds out pretty fast that he is no boss at all, he’s merely a good spokesman but a lousy carry through. He can’t carry it through because his subconscious mind will not allow him, your heart that pumps the blood from that portion of the brain that regulate it is not going to allow your physical mechanism to interfere with the pumping of the heart. Now the yogis who can consciously slow down their heart can’t slow it down if they are unethical, they can’t slow it down without some degree of practice and right attitude even they come to the basic mechanics of yoga and breathing they got to understand the right attitude or else they will put themselves in the state of cataleptic action or permanently damage their organs so the yogi don’t play around with his mechanism even though he knows he can consciously assume the control from the subconscious realm over the body, he has to obey the rules. 0:30 The first rule of yoga is called the do’s and don’ts, the yamas and the niyamas, the thing you can do and the things you cannot do on a conscious level that will allow you to get the control from the subjective level so your brain is doing this, your brain is designed in two parts: one to let you pursue the pleasure of the five senses and the other part is to maintain the stability of your existence. Now in the pursuit of your five senses we can build up a host of false philosophies or false ideas about ourselves and continue to live like it or with them only to find out that we played out on a string by the subconscious mind. There’s a saying they say “Give a man enough rope, he’ll hang himself.” The subconscious mind will let you play the game of pleasurable pursuit until you find out that you really didn’t get nothing out of the pleasure, you got a an empty balloon because your senses can’t take the strain, the heart can’t take the strain, the lungs can’t take the strain, the vital organs can’t take the strain and they will shut off automatically by command from the subconscious mind because the subconscious mind is not going to allow itself to be dominated by the conscious mind. You see the subconscious mind dominates the conscious mind in terms of survival, not in terms of mere behavior of how we act to one another but when it comes to how these organs must survive, how they must function from inside then the subconscious mind is a relentless individual, he has no friends. Audience: Then this accounts for the various reactions that happen to someone when they are directly threatened in a life threatening situation, so you really cannot predict what you will do? Adano: Right, see you can have a set of circumstances or conditions around you in which your conscious mind may figure out or would like to do but when it comes to the actual doing, the putting yourself into the actual mechanical action of it, your subconscious mind will take precedent over because that which is best for its survival so you see your brain would take away from those portions of the body all the nutrients that are necessary for its own personal survival and that’s the cerebellum that would do that. Yeah? Audience: We’re more in contact with our subconscious when we’re meditating, is that right? Adano: Yes, you’re more in contact with your subconscious when you meditate because you’re trying to feel how the survival structure of your mechanism would function. You see we don’t know how to trust our survival nature, we look to God as an invisible force and try to trust in him not realizing that that invisible force is our survival nature which made it possible for the sperm to become the ovum, the two blending as one and becoming a human being. When that one sperm moved on its own survival rate and blended with the ovum and became a human being that was all subjective, daddy had no way in his own mental frame of reference consciously to say which one of the sperms are going to get up there, do you see? Our Father cannot, even you as a human being, cannot say which sperm has to get up there or which ovum got to get up there to make contact, there is no way on a conscious level that the male body or the female body is going to determine how these two forces are going to meet, the subconscious level determines that and the subconscious level is like the main switch, it’s the power drive, it’s the survival power. When it determines which one succeeds then it entrusts that finished product with a momentum or a force to which it has an alliance with or a commitment with, that it will nourish it all through its existence if it would listen to it but it will tolerate up to a certain point a false excuse of behavior from a conscious level and let the physical mechanism believe in a illusion that it’s regulating. So the five senses get inflated from the conscious level and believe that it’s regulating, it’s correcting the environment, it’s doing everything, “without me it can’t go,” this illusion is tolerated by the subconscious mind up to a certain point, that point is called the survival frequency which would be the most important decision or act to do when threatened. When a vital organ is threatened or some part of your mechanism is threatened from the conscious realm by some other conscious operator or agent, we will find out that super consciousness and subconsciousness jump in and take over and make sure that you don’t goof, see? So this is your subconscious mind that is dominating you from inside and we have to learn to rely on it so meditation is to help us to listen and get back in and sense it so the brain normally would do that, take what it needs from the other body parts at their expense for its own survival. Audience: What level of the mind does this reaction we have come from, the stress, the sex release, (inaudible), the subconscious mind? Adano: The subconscious mind does not have no craving for sex release, there’s no craving in the subconscious mind for sex release, sex release is in the conscious mind because of stimulation from the outer realm. The male body is stimulated by sight, the female body is stimulated by sound, these are external conditions, these are external drives and the only thing that is internal is the suppressed emotion or the deprivation of contact, tactual contact to release, or this concentrated residues of food that are not properly ingested and are throwing off toxins in the system, these are unconscious levels, the subconscious mind would go along allowing the conscious mind to take active control but really the subconscious mind does not have anything to do with a sex drive. That’s why they say pain and sex are opinions of the mind. Audience: Well where does the mind when it’s painful when you’re unconscious? Adano: It doesn’t go no where, the pain has certain in degrees of intensity, it’s electrical frequency like music or rates or tones and when it hits the nerves at that particular vibratory rate, the nerve will register on the brain certain intensification, after a certain point of intensification there is no more pain because the brain will automatically go into a state of shock. Now how would you know when you’re in state of shock? You don’t feel nothing when you’re in shock, you’re in a state of apathy, between shock and cosmic consciousness the only difference is that in shock that your heart is not beating as slow as in a state of cosmic consciousness, there’s a slight difference in the heartbeat but as far as the mental relationship is concerned, they’re identical. 0:40 A person in the state of shock is in a state of apathy but his heart is beating a little faster, a person in cosmic consciousness is tranquil or what you say “cosmically apathetic: because he doesn’t care or have nothing to care for but he is seriously satisfied that he is alive and enjoying it all and his heart is slower but he’s not crazy. In other words he can accept his apathy whereas shock you can’t accept your a apathy. A person shocks you, you look at them as if to say “is it really happening to me?” They tell you something about yourself and in your mind you analyze “did I really do these things, were my actions the outcome of such an evaluation by this individual? I was trying to do my best for this individual and I can only see good in my actions and now I am hearing that my actions are really detrimental not to myself but other people who were fooled by my actions,” then you are in a state of shock because you can’t react because there is no way for you to react. You are suddenly told that your actions were very very cruel actions but you don’t recognize them as cruel actions when you thought that the actions that you were performing were supposed to be good actions for the benefit of your friend and then your friend turns around and in his evaluation tells you your actions are cruel, very very what you call it? Unscrupulous or very very degenerate actions so right away you’re in a shock, it’s like (Adano claps hands loudly) waves and you can’t do nothing, semi-paralysis. Audience: In later times after any period of shock you’ve had, (inaudible) do you at later time have to go back over to release those pent-up emotions or those shocks/paralysis or is there a lasting effect on the cellular system? Adano: No, there is no lasting effect, the shock is not a lasting effect, shock is temporary and sublimates itself. Audience: Then why do you not remember? Adano: You can remember and you do remember but you refuse to remember because of the pain, you deliberately consciously want to shut it out because you’re afraid to face yourself, you’re always trying to kid yourself that you need more time to handle it, that you got enough gumption or know-how from inside somewhere inside of you that you can take care of it if you have enough time to do it and you’re always telling yourself “I need more time, I can do it, I can handle it, I just need more time, the conditions are pressing upon me, if they will only give me more time so don’t bug me, I’ll really shape up, measure up, I’ll really handle this situation.” Audience: Just putting off the (inaudible). Adano: So what is really happening is this, you’re suffering from biological procrastination to face the results of a shock and therefore you’re crying in your mind for time which is an action and in essence biological procrastination to face the situation that is in your mind harsh, cruel, painful, but that is what you think in your mind and therefore you generate this procrastination feeling but what actually is occurring in the mind is entirely different, what is actually occurring in the mind that there is no pain just the sensations of association by the tonal voice, by the gestures of individuals you have to confront, and the procrastination is not real procrastination but is your ability to handle it is not mature and you don’t want to appear ridiculous by being incapable of handling it at that time when you’re called upon to handle it, you see? If you try to handle it when you’re called upon to handle it and you don’t find yourself fumbling or lacking the savoir faire of handling it then you say to yourself “Gee, I’m pretty smart, I can handle my problems therefore nothing is really wrong with me, I don’t need no guidelines” but because you know deep down that you’re not handling it and the only way for you to feel competent to handle it is to ask for more time so you set up what is called the procrastination cycle. Audience: And how do you stop that procrastination cycle, when can you get down to basics without (inaudible then gap in tape). Adano: …Psalm that God protects you and covers you with His feathers so one day her husband came home and he was very drunk and he began to beat up her and she began to shout “feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers” and he looked at her he said “What’s the matter with you, you’ve gone crazy? There are no feathers around here” and he was cured and she was never beaten up no more. Now what cured him and what saved both of them? Audience: Faith. Adano: No, the repetition of even a 16th of a Psalm. If you take one word and it does not matter what it is and you repeat it, it’s the essence of the thing, to take a sound if it’s chalk or feathers or God or Teacher or any name and just repeat it over and over, the science is in the repetition, the actual scientific principle is in the repetition, it’s called Japa or Simran, another name for it in english is hallowing, hallowing and that repetition, the repeating of it. Now when you do that, then it works. Audience: Also about the Psalms, if you don’t know (inaudible), will the Psalm be made known to you if you need it? I mean if you open your Book of Psalms will the right one (inaudible). Adano: One of these days, which will be I think we will make it the thanksgiving retreat and dedicate it to the science of the Psalms. The whole scientific… that period, make a note of it, for those who want to attend the thanksgiving retreat, it will be dedicated to the science of this Psalms. Audience: Now if (inaudible) the Thanksgiving retreat is there one Psalm we can use now (inaudible). Adano: Yes, yes, (everybody laughing) right, okay, yeah, right. You see there’s a Psalm that you can use (inaudible) attend the retreat it’s right there, it’s called the Psalm of Journey, the Psalm of Journey I think is the 104th Psalm, you use that for traveling (inaudible). So the Psalms themselves are powerful forces but we’re coming back again to the male/female body now. The ancient men knew that they could correct many of the malfunctions by sound waves and that we did not have to resort to abortion or contraceptives or anything, that these Psalm would correct these situations. 0:50 Now remember when the Christ-child was being born, labor pain existed in the mother but by the right Psalms, she came through a painless child birth, natural childbirth, she gave birth to her own child. There were no doctors around you know or midwives to perform the delivery of Jesus because certainly Joseph didn’t have hot water, you can’t have a delivery without hot water in no way, shape, or form. You ever see any natural child birth in the old fashioned pioneer days performed without hot water? Okay, so there were only animals around and just Mary and Joseph but she had natural childbirth and the delivery was brought on by the Psalms, mantra again, they are the Psalms for childbirth and delivery. So there again we go back to the human body, understanding it, once we understand that this body, these forces are corrected by sound waves then we can also build up the sound waves in the body so that the body will not fall short of its behavior because the whole structure of the universe is based on sound. Now decuration of the cells, the major cause is sound, see that sound? It’s being sustained on your cells and your cells have a tolerance point, after a certain level they’ll start breaking down so you will suffer from the peculiar phenomena known as air conditional degeneration of the cells, the sound itself is causing a sonic disintegration so there was a man who wrote the book called “America, the Air Conditioned Nightmare.” Sound can build, sound can break down, and the Walls of Jericho stood up after they blew their horns, you remember that one? Audience: If you were upside down, they might have looked that way. Adano: Okay (laughing) so he stood on his nose. Now let us come back to a few more of the… we’re dealing again with the male/female body continuing with the discharge and the contraceptive methods. They do leave entities in the atmosphere that are not consummated or completed and have to come back in some form to release themselves. Now Master Yukteswar said “biting insects, stinging insects or creatures are the result of the negative thought forces precipitating in the atmosphere into these forms and they are the way all the energy is dissipated out into nature again.” Now if from that particular association that negative forces do end up in the biting/stinging/poisonous objects of our environment, rest assure that the decrepit, deformed, and the malfunctioning of the human bodies appearing are also the result of unfinished desire patterns of individuals wasting the vital fluids prior to marriage. Audience: This is one thing I never understood because (inaudible) was saying a similar thing too but I never understood. Is it the parents that caused the birth of the deformed child by their thought patterns or is it the karma of the child and the parents to be born deformed and to have a deformed child? Adano: The first one. Audience: Wouldn’t that have been unjust? Adano: Why? Audience: Because what what kind of universe is it that the parents would have the ability to shape… Adano: Tell it to Adam and Eve. Audience: What? Adano: Tell it to Adam and Eve. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: There is no such thing as fate, there is destiny, there is karma, but not fate, fate is an invention of the human mind and these are the words of a living Master and the words of a dead Master. Paramahansa Yogananda often said there is no fate, there is destiny and there is karma, the living Master will tell you there is no fate, there is the destiny and there is the karma but not fate. Audience: So wouldn’t it be the destiny karma to be born in a deformed body? Adano: Karma is that law of action “for every action, there is a reaction” and the reaction is predetermined by the desire and must complete itself at some particular destination in time and you the recipient is the cause of it therefore you’re destined to have your payment when the time comes due so that is something you have to face. Now you’re not fitted to face it, it is set by your thought pattern for it to come due, for it to come to you to be collected so you are the recipient of it because you triggered it so there is no injustice in that, this is an equal law of pure justice based upon your personal responsibility to yourself and to your environment so the law is very just, you can’t say it’s unjust, it’s a just law, “what you sow, you reap” you see? You can’t plant tomatoes and get corn or else you’ll be all rich people, you can only get the same thing. Audience: (Inaudible) to reach completion in a human form. Adano: Yes they have to eventually, they have to take on some malformation or some disease in the atmosphere. Audience: Did you say that each time there is not a completion, there is not a child born and there’s one of these electrical forms that are there? Adano: In the marriage act, the forms are there you see but you have the freedom in the marriage act when this form is released, you have also the upliftment of your consciousness to try therefore that is the improvement but outside of the marriage act, the frequency is still the same because if the individual does not desire to change the environment or change the attitude to the other individual and respect the other human being, if he doesn’t have a respect for the female body and bring about this relationship to put it into a bond of marriage, that entity that is released is not getting a chance to raise its stature, it’s not going to recycle itself. It’s when they’re given the opportunity the auras blend, their vital forces that come in there by grace and intercession that corrects that entity field so that when it enters the new circuitry or body, it is coming in now with a higher degree of understanding, before it did not have that, you see? But now that the man or the woman have consented to merge their forces in an alliance of mutual consent with respect, that’s why Jesus said “he who accepts me publicly or confesses me publicly, I will confess him to my Father openly/publicly” means by a mutual consent. If you take on the responsibility to grow as a unit without any secretiveness or guilt reaction then you have raised that entity level of that individual that has been released prior to marriage that may have to come back into the body, it’s given the chance to be raised now, before it doesn’t have a chance. 1:00 Is sex with love and respect and also the sole purpose of procreation. Adano: Yes it is this respect for the female body as much as for the male body that brings about the love and the raising of the Soul-nature, otherwise there is no raising, how is it going to raise itself. Now for instance let’s say the act was performed outside of marriage and the two individuals wanted a Master to come in, you think the Master will come in? He wouldn’t come in so they performed the act but then the act didn’t come to completion but deep down in their mind they would want some high Soul to come in but the high Soul doesn’t come in then all of a sudden they read about the initiate life or the spiritual life and they decide to change their attitude and try now to be initiate and get married, that mere alteration of attitude and behavior now sets the place and the stage for that very entity that was released inadvertently before by wrong attitude to now lock in and pull down more power so before you know it that child is coming in with a higher calibration but you made it possible for that child to have that opportunity, you gave it the opportunity, you see? Audience: So there is only one of these entities (inaudible) not several thousand with each sperm release? Audience: You keep using the word release. Adano: You’re releasing them, not one, many. (Laughter). It’s not one, you’re releasing many. When you think of it, you can see you can see why the chances of over population is highly in favor of them. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: They’re already part of the structure of pure energy, there are billions and billions of Soul forces locked up, each for every sperm and it’s multiple form of the sperm. Now let’s say the human body, one mature male from birth to death is capable of secreting by the natural mechanics 67 billion sperms in one life span of say four and a half pounds of semen, that’s the total secretion that the human body will make in one life, four and a half pounds, and it will generate four and a half pounds, it doesn’t generate more than that, the one human body, one male body will generate four and a half pounds. Now, and it’ll total about 67 billion sperms so you got 67 billion on Soul forces waiting to enter, now think of overpopulation, there’s no such thing in the Lord, He don’t know about overpopulation, He’s got a big universe, to Him there’s no such thing but he knows that by the law of average and by the law of causation and the law of karmic responsibility and by the law of the astrological or zodiacal movement, for each individual there will be one entity activating one circuitry or two entities activating two circuitry, it’ll be a strange physical body that will have eight babies, we don’t have octuplets yet so far we’ve only come to quintiplets or sextuplets and I haven’t heard yet of the septuplets, I’ve heard up to six but I’ve never heard up the seven yet. It’s not impossible that a woman can have seven babies. Audience: This all exists on some plane of consciousness, our physical action brings them down, then they stay just above the physical plane? Adano: Yes, just above the physical plane. Audience: Is this what the Sufis mean by the Jinns? Adano: Yes the Jinns and the (inaudible) and the various gnomes, they are all existing there. Now they have the Jinn of the blue light and the Jinn of the red light, the Jinn of the green light, the Jinn of the orange light, the Jinn of the red light, every color of the spectrum has a Jinn. Audience: What is a Jinn? Adano: That’s the male genie, you see masculinity Jinn, feminine Genie so they’re always finding it in a bottle, you don’t know who put the genie in the bottle? The man that put the Jinn or the Genie in the bottle or all bottles for that matter is Solomon, the seal of Solomon is the only seal that cannot be broken by the Jinn. It means it’s bonded. Audience: Why did Solomon seal it up, what did Solomon seal up? Adano: He sealed up a Jinn, Solomon was the only mystic or initiate that went as far as sealing up the Jinns. The Jinns were incarnate entities that seek to latch on themselves to human beings to give them psychic powers in exchange for either blood from the body, use of the body, or offsprings from the body or discharges from the body. Now the Jinn will also do this, if he does something for you, He challenges your life and you have to be on your guard if you can block him so that he doesn’t take your life because you are using him as a slave. Well all right, your reading the Autobiography of the Yogi of Afzal Khan, who was he calling on? Audience: Hazrat. Adano: Well who do you think Hazrat was? He was a Jinn. Audience: Hazrat was nice, wasn’t he? Adano: You think so? Audience: Was it Asmodeus, when Solomon was tricked by Asmodeus (inaudible). Adano: Yes, when you say Solomon was able to beat Asmodeus using Lucifuge Rofocale. What did Solomon pray for when he was praying? Audience: Wisdom and understanding. Adano: Who gave him his wisdom and his understanding? Lucifuge Rofocale, not God, God didn’t give a Solomon wisdom, Lucifuge Rofocale is the entity that gave him wisdom providing Solomon will worship him at the end of the 12th year and Solomon agreed, he made a pact with Lucifuge Rofocale for the wisdom to govern all the entities of the lower realm therefore Solomon wrote his book The Greater and the Lesser Keys of Solomon and in these keys he designed the seal of Solomon to control the entity world. Now when he had the wisdom after serving Lucifuge Rofocale for 11 years, he got all the wealth of the gold from the gnomes and the elementals brought the gold up already pre-cut, the temple was already built in those 11 years by entity forces so at the 12th year Solomon pulled a switch on him and went into sack cloth and meditating and said “No man worship Lucifuge Rofocale but God” and that is how he defeated Lucifuge Rofocale but Lucifuge Rofocale defeated Asmodeus because Asmodeus was a subsidiary entity force that was governed by Lucifuge Rofocale. He defeated what you would call (inaudible) Sat Mat Kal, the negative force. In other words he broke the time cycle in his own development by building a psychotron which is the seal of Solomon. 1:10 Is is a psychotron, it’s a double pyramid standing upon itself, one pyramid this way and another one this way but see Solomon knew this and Solomon did not arrive at the fifth level, he arrived at the fourth level. The reason why he arrived at the fourth level because he was trapped by lust, you see Solomon was married that 363 wives. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well no, you see the thing is he married them, don’t get me wrong when I said his lust for life, he married on every plateau of every level he went up, he married the various maidens of the Parizad (sp?) and all the levels going up on his way to Satch Khand. Audience: What is the Parizad? You look at me like I’m supposed to know, I’ve never heard of that before. Adano: The word comes from paradise, Parizad, the maidens of Parizad are the nymphs that live around the gates of paradise, they are the ones who attract you in your night and cause you to have nocturnal emissions and drain your system out and the male human body is drained at night by the maidens of Parizad so he did not want to be drained at night in dreamland so instead of being drained or submitting to what you call it, the flirtations of the maids of Parizad, he married them. Now as he married the maids of Parizad, he impregnated them so he had children in Parizad. Your bible ain’t got nothing so don’t worry, you have to read Solomon. Audience: The bible says all this? Adano: I said your bible don’t have it so don’t worry, you’re not gonna find in your bible, you have to go and read Solomon. There are books that Solomon wrote that it’s not permitted to be published, it was taken out of your bible, they’re called the ten lost books of the bible or the ten suppressed books, if you wanna call it. Pope Irene was the man who cut out the books from the bible that dealt with all the mystic life, all the psychic life, all the reincarnation but he could not cut it out of the New Testament. Audience: Where are those books now? Are there any places in the United States where these books exist? Adano: I don’t know, I haven’t seen them in the United States, I’ve seen them in another country. When I was in first studies, those were the first books I had to read, the 10 lost books of the bible. To study to be a priest in the Catholic Church you have to learn a lot about black magic before you can be a priest. Audience: Is any priest aware of these book? Adano: Yes, but he’s not supposed to say anything. How is the church going to fight the war against witchcraft, magic, and all these cultisms that exist that bleed the individual and live off of blood and cannibalism unless they know what is going on. You think the church sends out the missionaries to the other countries just to be missionaries, that’s the camouflage, they send them to study their beliefs so they know how to attack them. They are on a relentless war for Christ and they have no let up, no quarter, that’s why you will never get the Pope to grant you birth control, they are not for no idea dealing with lessening or weakening the human Soul. Audience: They allowed priests to marry, didn’t they? Adano: They don’t allow priest to marry, they have to leave the church. Audience: Didn’t they used to marry centuries ago? Adano: No. Audience: Why did they surpress all those books? Adano: Because as human beings you’re not going to become Christian, you’re going to become more churchanistic because you’re gonna delay your studies. You see the commune life is not a new thing to the Christian church, the Christian church had the commune life and they found out the difficulties of the commune life, there are those who come and sit down and do nothing and wait for others to do it and the Pope after a while saw that there were many free loaders hanging on so you know what he did? He broke them all up with the nonsense about reincarnation and everything, he took it all out of their books and get them down to the science of living now so therefore there were no more books circulating and only the priests were allowed to have them, then the monks finally ended up custodians for it and the only people who are now the actual custodians are the Jesuits but they’re dedicated. Audience: If you go to the Jesuits chances are you’ve studied something (inaudible). Adano: That’s if you can make it, they have the toughest discipline to crack you that you can’t make it. If you become a Jesuit and stick it to the end you’re a good one. It’s designed as a military force, the Jesuit hermitage is designed as a military organization, its whole principle is based on militarism to crack you open in such a way that you really got to tow the line so you’re not going to find the books available outside of the Jesuits and only other place is the Vatican where the Pope himself has total custody for them and the original scrolls that they are so there are lots of books that you can never get. Audience: So were you studying to be a Jesuit priesthood? Adano: The priest that I was studying when the order that I was trying to belong to was the Benedictine. See the Benedictines were in South America at the time. It’s not so easy to get into the Jesuits nor to get into the Trappists, the Trappist that’s a different order altogether. Audience: (Inaudible) he said he was silent for eight years when he was in there, totally silent. Adano: When you enter the monastery three things you leave behind in the outside world: your ability to speak, your hair, and your dignity, you leave them outside, you don’t have any inside. There is no talking except when it’s emergency by the Prior or the Abbot, there is no sense of parading, every man is dressed the same and every man gets up at four o’clock in the morning and does his 12 and a half hour day stretch, that’s not including his prayer periods, he’s got to do 12 hours straight stretch work. Now that’s only the Trappist, when you get to the Jesuit it’s a 16 hour shift. I had a friend of mine he was a Jesuit when he came out he was a wreck, they dismissed him and sent him home because he was physically unfit to become a Jesuit after 20 years. Audience: What? After 20 years they decided that he was no good. Adano: No, he was no good, he lived among the Crow Indians, he’s an author today now, he’s an initiate too and they told him at the end of 20 years he was totally unfit to become a Jesuit, he didn’t have it. 1:20 Audience: How long does it take to become a Jesuit anyway? Your whole life, you see he had the problem you just discussed, he wants to know how long he become a Jesuit, he wants to know how long things are going to happen and have experiences and be a Jesus-man you know, he’s going to go out and zap people so after 20 years he found out that he didn’t have it. They showed him that it’s not that, that he’s got the wrong idea about being a Jesuit, it’s rough. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: I think we have our yoga exercise now. (Gape in tape). Tonight we have a wonderful friend with us Mr. Jack Hansen from California who I’ve been very fortunate to have known for many years. Audience: (Laughter) I thought he was from the north pole, you burst my Christmas bubble. Adano: Well coming back to what we were discussing today, is there any questions? Audience: These incomplete entities, we’re doing them a favor. Adano: By having children. Audience: Aren’t we doing them a favor? Adano: Yes, we’re doing them a favor by having children and raising our level of consciousness prior to the incoming of that entity into the body. Audience: (Inaudible) and that body becomes a living Soul that has already had previous experiences, now all the others are they Souls that have not yet had any experiences? Adano: They’ve had experiences from previous lives yes but the experiences may not synchronize with the desire pattern that you have at the moment. You see if the desired pattern that you have at the moment of release before completion, that desire pattern may have some negative tendencies in it. Now if it didn’t come to completion now it’s still hanging in the atmosphere waiting, now if your personal life has changed after that release and that you really sincerely want to make more progress on a spiritual path then when you desire to have another release and it comes to completion, instead of attracting one of the entities now with the lowest desire pattern, you begin to attract one with the highest desire pattern but remember during that time you have released many of them. Each time you release without completion, whatever was the cause that brought release, that desire pattern is impregnated so the one with the highest desire pattern would be the one that will be drawn in to come to completion so your desire has a great deal to do. Audience: Our desire is attracting Souls. Adano: Yes. Audience: From higher realms to us just by virtue of the desire. Adano: Right, that is why the marriage vow is designed for the initiate to bring onto the earth plane newborn Souls who will act as spiritual ushers to bring other Souls back home from delusion, do you remember the marriage vows when we repeat them? As we go over them in this wedding or ceremony, the bride and groom often makes a statement that they are joining their love to bring newborn Souls into the world that will act as spiritual ushers to bring back other Souls from delusion so the more your desire pattern for a higher being to come into your married life, the greater would be that influx and that would then make that individual act now at an early age to be spiritual and to want to bring back other people out of that mental dilemma and they will actually start moving backward to the oneness of the spirit. Audience: (Inaudible) are we making a karmic involvement with them that later on we may have to meet? Adano: No, by generating the desire to attract them magnetically by your love, that karmic debt is resolved for the ones that did not complete themselves with lower vibrations, you help to cancel out the unfinished debt so you see it is the reason why you scripture says we should not abort or spill the seed because we are liable for that condition. Now if we are liable then we must make restitution, we must correct it, that’s what is karma, the karma is that you soweth, you reapeth, it you correct it. Now Masters don’t correct your karma for you, they only adjust the weight that you carry it better in other words the impact is adjusted for you by the grace of the Master but nevertheless you’re the one who has to reap it, you’re the one who has to work it out, you’re the one got to face it. Now if you accept that you can correct it and you will correct it then you automatically release the patterns from the entities that you have released into the atmosphere and caused them now to resolve themselves, do you see? So we have our hand in altering the destiny, not the fate there’s no such thing as fate, the destiny of the unfinished entity in the new body form, we have a hand in that. Now remember this, we are married and the wife will say “I would like to have two children” and husband says “I don’t want no children right now” so these are conflicting desires and we may have the act of procreation not coming to completion yet the act is carried on with these two latent desires, do you follow? The wife is thinking of having two and the husband is thinking of having none yet the act is never completed so these desired forces are locked into the entity that remain hanging in the atmosphere for completion. Now as many times as you repeat the process without bringing it to completion, that is as many entities left hanging in the atmosphere until you decide to come to completion and at the meantime you can alter your consciousness by becoming spiritual in between time. That doesn’t say you could not become spiritual, you might become spiritual and begin to resolve these mental conflicts and look at life a little different, more objective, more in the light of understanding your nature, then this would cancel out a great deal of those entities with the lowest vibratory rate and pull in the ones with the higher vibratory rate and therefore that child will come in having now qualities that you are looking for. So we again can attract those spiritual entities into our lives by raising our desire nature. Audience: I didn’t hear the lecture at noon but every time you have a relationship that chalks one up an entity hanging there in the air supposedly coming in? Adano: Yes. All right, now here is an interesting observation, a man and a woman starts out not really spiritual as yet, they’re just getting a glimmer of spiritual life and they have a child and the child would seem to have some indication of brightness you know, sharpness as they become more spiritual, more in in tune, the next child seems to be far more refined in quality as it comes in. Now prior to the first two children, you might just have glimmers in your eyes and you may just have unfinished relationships without bringing it to completion these…

1972 September Part 6 - Householder Body of Woman

Adano72_09_6HouseholderBodyofWomanQ1NW4 - …of body and the female body for the household initiate is designed in such a way as to carry the offspring and because it’s designed for nesting and stability, it’s a tremendous reaction to the male body that is constantly reaching out for activity. The female body tends to slow down more than the male body and during the pregnancy stage, the female body is completely altered physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually because being involved with such powerful forces of pregnancy the consciousness begins to expand quicker than the male body, a sense of security is threatened quicker. The male body tends to divert its association or feeling for the female body during the pregnant stage because of the texture, the shape, and the various body odors. The male body sets up certain internal resistances because it’s stimulated by sight and the mere enlargening of the female body starts to alter certain mental responses in the male body. When a female body starts to change there are mental changes occurring now in a male body and the male body tends to go into a form of reaction, a need for isolation and a need for reaching out again for activity or freedom simply because of the gradual changes in the female body that throws off what is called the male ideal. Since the male body is stimulated by sight, the male body carries what is known as an ideal in its consciousness, it’s an imprint, there’s that particular first imprint in the male body’s activity, in the male mind of what the female body looked like before pregnancy. That imprint is suddenly distorted, not knowing how to cope with the distortion then the female body seems to threaten the male body. The male body instead of reaching out and trying to understand the female body, suddenly lives with its mental ideal and slowly becomes cold and react physically to the female body and this sets up a pattern. This pattern starts to interfere with the mental ideal of the male and the actual contact with the female. The male body then goes into certain apathetic states unconsciously during those pregnancy stages of the female body building up now what is called a feeling of withdrawal. The shock, the surprise, and the betrayal of the mental ideal has taken over in the male body because the female body is not remaining as stable as it was designed and as imprinted into the male body and the male first looked upon the female and imprinted the consciousness what is called the ideal, that particular magnetic relationship at the first glance, the first expression, the first touch. In the female body now, changes are occurring, they’re not going to go back to the original because the sense of association is changing, it’s changing because of the fact that as soon as the offspring comes into manifestation, the female body is locked up with it, locked up with that association and the male body feels threatened in some way, the female body feels despondent and a sense of loneliness begins to creep in. Now if the two individuals are maintaining some form of physical communication, mental communication, spiritual communication, there would be response, there would be an understanding of communication occurring, there would be that bond of partnership occurring. Now if that is not occurring then the very basic imprints within the male’s mind, the female’s mind takes over and begins to ride through to the surface of the body and the individual finds himself or herself now pulling away in a strange way, it’s pulling away because the ideal has been betrayed. Now in a female body the tone of voice is what triggers the female body and when the male reacts in an abrupt manner, not intentionally or intentionally, it strikes a very sympathetic nature of the female body and puts the female body into an emotional reaction. 0:10 Sometimes we don’t realize that when we speak to someone we can actually hurt them emotionally and without really intending to until we’re brought to bear to recognize it and sometimes when we recognize it, we don’t even want to face up to the fact to change it because our ego can be so strong that we don’t admit that we did that to the individual. It’s very difficult to admit in the ego nature that we have been wrong and you’ve actually hurt someone. When we admit that we’ve hurt someone, the difficulty comes now is trying to touch each other because the shocks that have occurred tends to produce coldness between the individual, the body does not want to react, the body does not want to associate, it tends to ignore, it tends to be very withdrawn so the male and the female body merely go through the motions of human contact never really forgetting but saying to itself it has forgiven yet forgetting is deep in the consciousness and the anguish is there at times because when that particular sensation comes up or particular tone of voice comes up again or particular gesture comes up, those very same feelings will start expanding again and they start reacting and speaking in a very sharp manner to each other. Now how can we correct this situation? There are certain bodily postures that tend to alter the biological sensation of anguish, in yoga for each posture or gesture there’s an emotional mood and an emotional release and when you’re dealing with a householder relationship we’re coming now into that particular contact of bodily posture necessary for release. When we hurt someone we’re trying to make up with them on a verbal level then we’re trying to make up on a tactual level by touch then we’re trying to consummate the tactual level to restore the balance, that’s the difficulty now. The normal posture relationship in the sex act creates an aversion in reconciliation between the male and female body. There is a posture called the reconciliation posture, it is based upon the body lying on its side because of the polarity of the forces in the body, they have to reconstruct, they have to reconcile themselves, and they have to flow back to each other, they have to relate to each other electrically. Now this posture does not drain the male body, in fact it nourishes and strengthens the male body. The normal posture when applied from the standpoint of a confrontation, after the confrontation to make up with the next partner, tends to drain because it seems that they are repeating a process that they did not want to repeat and now the mind is in aversion to one another but then they’re working it out, releasing themselves but there is subconsciously that sensation of feeling of being weakened or drained. In the reconciliation posture neither male nor female is drained, this is what the yogis try to point out that when the body has reached a certain state of stress in a certain state of mental shut off and is trying to reconstruct that tactual feeling, that tactual consummation, and restore that inner balance of love as human beings, the basic posture of the sex act is a definite threat to the vitality nature therefore they have discovered that the reconciliation posture restores the balance. The reconciliation posture is important because it has to do with stabilizing the polarity of the body and it has to do with deciding the species of the offspring. A man can decide what species of offspring he wants in the sex act all the time because he is the donor. When he performs the reconciliation posture, the release is determined by him and the type of offspring is determined by him. Now he can have all male children by what side of his body he lies on in the reconciliation posture or he can have all female on whatever side he lies on, that side is determined already in the reconciliation posture and its polarity. If he lies on his left side in the reconciliation posture because the posture is facing each other now on the sides and not facing each other on the usual position of the female on the back, it’s based upon a side position. Now if he is lying on his left side, any offspring that will come out to be all girl, the sperm will take the polarization of the female body and move. If he lies on the right side, every sperm that comes out would be male sperms moving through the body so a Master can already point out to the initiate how to determine what offspring he wants. Now in the reconciliation posture if he lies on his right side the electrical charge of the body is higher, far more stimulating, it does not deplete him because reconciliation posture is not designed to deplete, its designed to reconstruct, there’s a higher vibrancy on the right side because the male sperm is released more in abundance. At the same time the female body is in direct polarization and the energy released by her body during that posture brings on a heightened state of awareness and the tactual contact is far more direct and intense and there is no mental reaction of the feeling of being drained because the posture does not produce the sensation of tiredness in both parties. Even when the act is consummated to the point of the release, the body suddenly starts to pick up again like a motor and start revving again, the body begins to charge itself, it seems to get greater strength and vitality after the release in the reconciliation posture. 0:20 On the left side where the female sperms are secreted in abundance, the same thing is true so the reconciliation posture seems to have definite qualities of stabilizing the body but the reconciliation posture cannot be consummated in one night when trying to reconcile the feelings of a conflict between a husband and wife because there are certain factors involved in the body, mind, and spirit. We are a threefold being, we have seven systems and the reconciliation posture is designed to compensate and take care of these bodies and these systems in us so it will take an approximately seven nights of adjustment to the position that is intended for reconciliation to bring about a complete release and restore the balance back yet there is no loss, there is no draining, there is a recycling of the energy forces in the body. The body can build itself up without discharge for seven days between the male and the female, their association, their activity can reach that crescendo and hold back until the seventh day before release because then all the systems inside are working to respond and reconcile itself. Yet again this is not a one way job, each person has to contribute, each person has got to be willing to relate to it, to understand what are the mechanics of it, and to understand the joy and the reconciliation that follows from it. For the husband to say to a wife “let us try the reconciliation posture” and she has never heard of it before from the husband, she’s gonna start wondering which woman taught him that and then he’s in hot water now, you see? And if the wife tells the husband they should try the reconciliation posture, he’s going to wonder which man taught her that so then we got a problem of trying to relate now of something that we are naturally designed to release ourselves but then we are suddenly ostracized or condemned for having strayed away from the norm of what the act is involved. Now the normal act as it is involved really is not designed for vitalization of the body, the normal act is designed merely as a depository action for release, it was never nature’s intention that the action during that position to reconcile this of the forces inside because the forces are in a state of opposition in a normal position, the male cannot determine by his consciousness which one of the vital forces must flow once a release is made so both male and female sperms are released unconsciously by the excitation and flow and then give battle for the ovum to complete itself. Equally true the female has no way to determine or make the adjustments to help the situation so the female body is at mercy now to the male’s body and the reaction in the male body and the feeling of being dominated is always remaining in the mind of the female after the act. That is why females feel after the act is over “is that all there is?” and that feeling of sensation of dominancy in the act make them react. In the male the body and the mind goes to a different turmoil now, it may not reach the mental ideal of satisfaction because the physical body is released too soon and the sensation of satisfaction may not be as rewarding to the male body mentally in the normal position therefore there is that action and sensation of trying to repeat the act over again. The feeling of wanting to repeat the act over again is primarily that the position was not designed for a recycling condition, it was strictly designed to release the energy and deposit it and then the body remain in a state of shut down for a while. Now when the body is going to recycle itself under shock from different arguments and problems then it has to have the understanding of polarization. Now polarization in the reconciliation posture allows both individuals to use the tactual forces of the hands along the spine right up the neck because you’re lying on the side. In that way now the mere electromagnetic contact of the massage of the fingers along the spine up to the neck tends to break down the tensions of the endocrine system that have been built up during the confrontation and are now trying to adjust themselves on a tactual level and to complete itself in a release on a postural level so in the act of sex now the feeling of release is aided to its maximum by the massage along the spine in the process of the experience. Now the human body in the reconciliation posture does not breathe as fast, it does not get hot as fast, it does not get irritable as fast, and it does not feel weak after the act is over, it tends to recycle itself, it tends to pull upon the very mental nature of the individual of feeling of viticity or vitality. Now the female body is recharged faster in the reconciliation posture without the strain on the back muscles, the male body also is recharged without the sensation of a loss or a weakness from the mental aspects of the brain and no strain on the groin of either party. The kidney is not put under pressure by the engorgement of blood by the usual posture, for the first time the kidney is in a state of relaxation because you’re lying on the side. The liver is not put into a state of pressure by the constant motion due to the normal posture, the liver is able to eliminate naturally its own internal functions during the reconciliation posture. 0:30 The reconciliation posture can compensate and take care for the rhythms of the body in which a woman has to watch for ovulation. In the event she does not want to ovulate, the reconciliation posture is a natural contraceptive because knowing how to regulate the release of the sperm in the body and knowing how to correct the movement of the ovum by the position on the side you’re in, this can now shut off ovulation, it should shut off the two forces coming together. Now this is not interfering with any life form nor creating any entity in the atmosphere, the reconciliation posture is a definite polarization of the body between the male and the female and it’s a healthier posture for the male and female in terms of advanced age, the health of the individual is extended longer, remember when the act of sex is performed, brain cells are lost because of the usual position and the strain. In the reconciliation posture there is a re-stimulation of those areas of the brain which are being released in the fluids but those areas of the brain are reactivated immediately and makes compensation, along with the tactual massage from the base of the spine up to the neck you never massage the partner from the head down in the reconciliation posture because then you were performing what is called a drain, it would be just like if you were doing normal posture, the energy will start flowing down to the base of the spine but because you’re massaging the individual from the base of the spine right up to the neck, you have a recycling of the energies moving up. Now along the spine of one’s partner, the hair is finer than other parts of the body, sometimes you can hardly feel it yet if the finger is sensitive and trained enough and that’s where you need to learn the technique of percussion or knocking and learning the texturization of the finger, you learn to educate those fingers that it can now move along the spinal cord along the spine right up touching the very finest hairs and the hair is that particular electro field that travels back to the brain. Your largest location of hair is in the head as an electromagnetic charge field, it’s the actual roots of the tree of life reaching out into space electrically and drawing vital energy. Now if the skin is sensitized by the movement of the hand then the sensation of the electrical charge is traveling up and the back of the head is suddenly stimulated and nourished, the brain is nourished, the vitality. Now in the reconciliation posture, the body is in contact with the underarm of the partner because of the overlapping embrace, this portion of the body is vitally electromagnetic of both male and female and in the reconciliation posture it becomes necessary for contact to be made with each other in the embrace because in the embrace in the normal posture it’s difficult for the male to release or make a contact but in the reconciliation posture both parties can embrace each other and both parties can have a tactual movement along the spine and send the electrical charges back and correct, that is why there is no loss, there is a constant rebuilding. Now once the experience occurs after a confrontation in the reconciliation posture and that’s why it’s called reconciliation, the cells magnetically, biologically releases the hurt of the incident between two individuals, it’s just like in image therapy, the pressure is gone, the aversion to the body is no longer there, the sensation of a woodiness in texture is lost which is suddenly noticeable when there is confrontation that the body doesn’t have the texture or the warmth it had before confrontation, this is lost, this is released after the completion of the reconciliation posture. In the reconciliation between the male and the female since the bodies of Man were constructed by sound or music, the mere act without some kind of a sound vibration again depletes the body. In the reconciliation posture if there is music in the background and if there is that understanding of what is being accomplished, the cells themselves now start to become stimulated and reconstruct themselves back. Now the body is a dry mechanism in certain postures and it’s a wet mechanism in certain postures, a strange phenomena, certain passes will keep the body dry, certain positive will keep them wet and since the normal body posture tends to make the body wet, the reconciliation posture tends to make it dry. Now human contact requires some form of lubrication and oil or cream or perfume are necessary stimulations for the female or the male body in the reconciliation act that is why certain perfumes, certain music, certain creams tend to bring the body back to stability in the male and the female body especially in the act of reconciliation. We begin to realize that we can biologically rub out the hurts, the stresses, the tensions that the body is subject to when we have a confrontation once we understand this particular process. Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Excuse me. (Gap in tape). 0:40 Last night we cover one of the aspects of the male and the female body and that in reconciliation between the two parties when they fall out or have a confrontation, that posture plays an important part in the reconciliation between the male and the female body and we discussed what was the reconciliation posture, that it has to do with lining up the polarity of the male body and the female body therefore the male can control what type of sperm is released, either a male sperm or female sperm, at a time of release so a man has within his control by his own will to regulate the type of offspring he wants in the regulation postures and that’s done in the reconciliation posture. Scientists are gradually coming to the realization that this is possible within the realm of volition or willpower, the yogis have always known this and have made compensations for it in the householder life between the male and the female. Now the female body reacts entirely different to the male body in the fact that the female body is quick to shut down in feeling than the male body. The male body after a confrontation can be stimulated and reach a point of excitement in a short space of time but the female body cannot do that, the female body takes time to recoil from a shock because of the buffer zone and the body rhythms, these reactions are different. If you have a confrontation with the opposite partner and the opposite partner wants to restore the balance of affection, it becomes very difficult now for the female body to respond, the hurt is more intense in the female body than in the male body. It’s because the male body is designed for depositing and the female body is designed for receiving and since an involvement there is always that particular anxiety, that particular mistrust, the female body retains these emotional patterns longer than the male body and therefore cannot work it off immediately, the tension builds up too much and the female body then begins to get nervous and irritable therefore they get itchy, irritable. Now the male body can respond faster, it does respond faster but at the same time the male body reaches a point of anxiety, reaches is a point of persistency over an id (idea?) because in a confrontation, the idea seems to linger longer in the male body than in the female body, the male body will keep haranguing the idea over and over like it’s churning, that’s why we come back to the principle of repetition. We find that when you meditate the mind churns, the male body has a tendency to get into that cycle, gets into that rhythm, it’ll always pick up the same sensation, the same particular thought pattern, and harp upon it in sly ways and cutting remarks, in critical ways, in avoidance, in every possible way by body language to indicate that it hasn’t forgotten more so than the female body. The female body forgets quicker but the anguish remains longer than the male body, the male body does not retain the anguish but always seems to remember the incident and seems to harp upon the incident in various strange ways, it always seems to want to point out the fact that it remembers as if to make an issue of it. Well this is the way the bodies are designed and this is the way they communicate to each other so it becomes difficult for the male or the female after some problem or confrontation to resolve themselves so the yogis have found that the normal postures used after an involvement to release themselves sexually drains them and builds up a pattern of resentment after a while… (gap in tape) …that’s why when we cover tactual massage several days ago, we indicated that the fingers are very important for communicating and releasing stress between the human body, between the male and the female, and these stress points are important when we have a confrontation. Now if these stresses are not released, after a while they are deviants, conditions that arise in the mechanism that tends to make the male body become a deviant or a female body become a deviant because these stress points are within us. Now if you use the fingernail in the reconciliation posture and you find the 16th lumbar, well can you feel for your 16th lumbar in the spine? It’s just at a point right up in this area here, it’s about one span from the tip of the tailbone. Right at that point if you apply a slight pressure with the fingernail, the index finger, and you have to feel it, you have to pass it along the skin on the spine till you reach it and there’s a small nerve right there, you press that nerve and the stress is released. Now in the animal kingdom that’s very detrimental, in the human kingdom it is very beneficial, a female cat that does not want a male cat to have anything to do with her, she will strike him in that area and break the claw. Yes, that’s why tomcats are found to be impaled at times in their back by the female cat because she doesn’t want to have anything to do with tomcat, it’s just at that point and that you have to go and spay them otherwise he is infected and they have to cut that area and take that claw out. Now in the animal kingdom that’s detrimental, in the human kingdom it’s very beneficial so in humans we have something advantageous over the animal now in terms of reconciliation. Now you find in the siamese cat this is different, the siamese cat would not do that to the male because the male cat when the female cat has a litter would tend to eat the litter whereas in the siamese cat, the male would not eat the litter, it would actually protect the litter, this is an unusual phenomenon in the animal kingdom because when a cat has a litter, tomcat if he’s around he will kill all the male in that litter thus eliminating all competition in consciousness. 0:50 Now in the siamese this does not happen in fact they are better adapted to take care of the litter for the female thus relieving the stress for the female cat and the female cat can move around and adjust her body. Now this same applies to the human body in terms of the male and female in the reconciliation posture, if you can get the span from the tailbone right up to that spot one arm’s length, one span’s length, and then just feel with the nail and women’s nails are pointed but to be a good tactual therapist, your nails must be shaped like a squarish, more like a chitl to have greater concentration of effect so that when you slide it on the nerve and apply a slight indentation, it sends an electrical charge similar like an acupuncture needle right up the spine into the brain and stimulates the nature of the man or the woman and restores the balance. Now as you move along that point with the finger nail then come along with the meat of the finger and you do what is called the clockwise rotation, that clockwise rotation releases the stress in those areas. Now because the male body has a tendency to harp upon an idea over and over to the point of seeming neurotic, this stress point of massaging releases this peculiar phenomena of repetition. Now as I said before the male does not respond to massaging of the neck, they respond to the massaging of the shoulder and the female responds to the massaging of the neck so in a reconciliation posture where the hands can reach across the back more than in a normal posture of intercourse, both parties now can perform the tactual massage for releasing the stress and therefore the female body is released by the massage along the neck and the male body is released by the massage along the shoulder blades at the various points. This is very important because once the release is brought to bear in the reconciliation posture and it takes about seven days of lying in that position with the opposite partner to build up the mutual trust after an involvement or an argument or some confrontation to restore the balance between the two parties. It has first the physical aspect then you have the the mental aspect, you have the emotional aspect and then you have the electrical aspect, causal, and the spiritual aspect involved. All these aspects are now synchronized and if the person is an initiate, here is where we use now the holy breath, synchronicity with the holy breath is what Freud was searching for when he was searching for sublimation of the forces. He knew that sublimational of the forces were essential to bring about a balance in the polarity of the male and female body but not knowing the science of yoga and not understanding how the vital power is moved from the base of the spine to the brain, he was not aware of how synchronicity and sublimation can occur. Now by the holy breath the initiate now can send the electrical charge along the spine and restore a balance and if the initiate synchronizes the holy breath with the tactual movement, after two or three encounters he begins to see a light emitting from his hands or her hands around the body in the dark, this is known as the aura or skillion effect where the rays are now traveling across the back and they’re blue, sometimes it turns into pinkish blue or greenish blue or yellowish blue. Once the effect is achieved and once one can see it then follows the odor, there is a fragrance of musk, the body odor seems to release the odor of musk, the male body or the female body releases this odor in the reconciliation process and the heightened senses brings this release between the two individuals and at a point within the reconciliation it can reach the point of telepathic communion where one can sense where the other would want the other person to touch tactually. By the mere mental relationship one can actually feel by body language, by body sensation, by body magnetism, body electricity, body rhythm exactly where to touch to release stress in the body and bring about an intuitive communion. The breathing will automatically seem to synchronize with each other and it will sound like if you’re lying at the ocean, there’s where they get again the idea of the sound current and the sound current is like the ocean, it is in the reconciliation posture that two individuals can actually hear the sound current going more now and louder in that posture and at the same time the consciousness can relate to it. The female body now is reaching a peak experience because in yoga it stated that you can have cosmic consciousness in the reconciliation posture because all the forces are open for the first time and the love borders on pure devotion now because there are no barriers between the male and female body for the first time in a reconciliation because the confrontation is over and the period that is spent in bringing about a reconciliation has corrected all the seven systems and the seven chakras themselves now will start to vibrate in that reconciliation and it is possible now for cosmic consciousness to be experienced by the male or female in the reconciliation posture. The bliss borders into ecstasy without the discharge and even with the discharge and without the the sense of devitalization, as I said last night in the reconciliation posture there is no loss of vitality, there is a gain in vitality, the cells automatically revitalize themselves quicker than a normal procedure in which the human body is involved after confrontation. The female body is peculiar in this respect that it does not register sensitivity in the same areas that the male body registers sensitivity and when the female has encountered some mental shock, some argument or disagreement and would want to relate, it’s very difficult for them to release the stress from their bodies by lying on the back immediately or sitting down or stretching out on the tummy. Equally true in the male, the male can find relaxation on the back, he can find relaxation sitting down but both body forms find the highest relaxation on their sides because we are exactly like that in the womb, we are curled up in the womb and especially if you have a water bed, it tends to help the body rhythms quicker to bring about reconciliation. Thanks to water bed, reconciliation is a whole lot faster among male and female bodies. 1:00 Audience: (Laughter then audible). Adano: Yes, the yogis know that water beds (inaudible), they only just put it into a bed. The human blood is 80% water and 20% solid and because there is more buoyancy just like swimming when you lie flat on your back, the rhythms and remember water is governed by the moon, our rhythms in 24 hours are all lunar action so the person as an initiate can take full advantage of these principles as a householder pursuing the spiritual life and maintain the harmony without depleting himself and without she or him finding that tremendous impasse between words and feeling. The hardest thing to relate in feeling when there is a confrontation is the sound effect of words, the man is turned off by the sound effects of the woman’s voice and turned on by the sight effects of the woman’s rhythm of her body. A woman is turned off by the sight effects of the man’s body but turned on by the sound effects of his body. See, what you see in a man, how he dress, may it turn you off but what do you hear he says although he’s dressed up in absolutely nothing, he’ll kind of trigger you off, you see because it’s a peculiar effect of how the female body is synchronizing to the male body. Now the male body reacts different, it’s triggered off by sight and turned off by sound, a woman does not have to say a single thing and just the fact that she walks across the room a certain way would trigger off by sight the male body. Now an ordinary individual sitting in the corner and they got many people in the room and a woman walking along and just listening, the tone of the voice of one individual that would magnetically react upon her would trigger her off and right away her head and body will vibrate and if the individual is the one that has bared or anything or rags still the magnetic pull of the male voice would draw her and synchronize, this is how we react, we are designed this way. The percentages are 98% where the woman is stimulated by sound and 98% where the man stimulated by sight, there’s always the exceptions and then there is the balance force where male and female are balanced out but we’re not talking of the balanced force because those are Masters and the exceptions are those who are trying to be Masters but the normal biological movement of the body is that the male is stimulated by sight, the body language of sight and the female is stimulated by the body language of sound and their breathing again is an indication of what the body is telegraphing. If you were to observe yourself breathing, you will notice in every five minutes there is a tremendous buildup of one of the breaths that makes like a high pressure and then it drops down, there is no way that all your breaths in one five-minute cycle are even, let alone in a whole hour, you don’t have an evenness of breath. The breath will come gradually and then take up a peak and come, these so-called highs within a given quantity of respiration and exhalation are an indication in the female body and in the male body of the varying shifts of the body rhythms which are responsible for now into action in living with each other. Now your primitive tribes are aware of this more than the civilized man because primitive men rely on these forces to survive, he relies on the sense of smell, sense of hearing, sense of touch, and sight far more than we do and as I said before they can even tell when the male body is in its rhythm by the odor in the room and they can tell when the female’s body has reached the rhythm by the odor and they know exactly when the female is in that particular heat state like a cat or an animal. We say an animal is in heat, how do you know when a woman or a man is in heat? It’s interesting huh? Yet we have those very same functions in us, those very same functions exist in us and is observed by the smell, by the breathing, and by the gesture of the body. Now stress blocks these forces because we live in a compressed atmosphere of a society that forces us to react different and the male body is forced to go out and work to survive and take care of a family, the female body is supposed to nest at home and handle the family. Now in a male body the male body will think “well I’m working a hard day, I’m busy trying to make a buck for the wife and the kids, when I get home I’m pretty tired, don’t want to be bugged so I want to sit down in front of the tv set and spend a quiet evening.” The reason simply that he’s trying to get a second wind, the energy is low and the constant stress of trying to be efficient in the office let alone if he’s in a managerial position where he’s responsible for decisions, that stress is doubled up now. The female body is different, female body is at home, that’s providing it’s not going out to do any other type of work and it’s maintaining a home, so the male body is thinking “well she’s home, all she’s got to do is feed the kids and sit down and relax and la de da and therefore there she is, waiting coming home, and she’s all ready for him.” So when he comes home, she should be far more raring to go and go out and have a ball but turns out to find out that she’s more bushed, why? “Mommy, mommy I want it, Mommy I want it!” Psychological effect of the children has actually depleted her vitality before she ever got out to first base so by the time evening comes she’s more of a wreck because she is triggered off by sound. You see the same sound that turns her off depletes her vitality and the same sights that turn on the man, his confrontation weakens him now because it drains him too, the very thing that turns you on, drains you out in your daily routine and in the female body it’s the same thing, the very thing that will turn her on, the endearing sounds, sound again would be the one thing to drain out the body so really we find ourselves looking at two individuals now trapped by what you call “the mortgage commitment.” Well what else would you be trapped or as you take up your camp and move, you’ll be a gypsy. You see the gypsy was smart, he didn’t got trapped in the mortgage commitment and he maintained the perennial romance and had many children but psychologically we don’t live that way because we have come to be now settlers in a way and we have become involved with a network of survival based upon using our mentality in trading our efforts for payment so we are thrown into a different relationship as a householder and to take that and start to build a spiritual life, you’re asking for it. It’s easy to become a renunciate because you got nothing to renounce in the first place that you never had. If you didn’t have money, it’s all right you can renounce it because you never had it. If you never married you can renounce a wife or a husband because you never were involved, it’s okay but you find out sooner or later that the renunciate can’t live without human beings because it still takes human beings to make the world go around. 1:10 That’s where we say “friends make the world go round,” there is that particular relationship so the householder to build a true spiritual life must first discover the humanness of himself or herself, what is the humanness of each other, what are the things that are human in each other because we all make mistakes, there is no such thing as perfected action, action that is perfect is the result of continuous trial. It’s a constant striving, a constant improving to a level or an ideal that’s why Jesus would put it this way “Man ought to be perfect” as a sort of a process. It reminds me of the rabbit that had a stick stuck around a collar hung over its head and had the largest carrot at the end of it but he never could bite it, in the meantime he’s walking through all the carrot patch of the world and he eats what he can but he’s trying to bite that one big carrot. He finds out sooner or later that he never can get that big carrot but deep down in his mind the rabbit he says “boy someday I’ll get that carrot.” It’s like a beautiful dream there, in the meantime he’s eating carrots. Perfection is the same thing, it is there in front of you in the meantime you’re walking through the universe of humanness where you’re interacting with others never to realize that the true perfection is that interaction, never to realize in the rabbit that satisfaction is the daily eating of the carrot that he’s walking over. It is not the big carrot that’s in front of you, not the big ideal of a perfect marriage or a perfect association, a happily ever after ideal like in the fairy tale books, they don’t exist, that’s the idea that is held up like the carrot in front of the rabbit, “they were married and live happily ever after” you know, Snow White and the dwarfs and the prince charming and all those things really don’t exist in the householder life because it loses the humanness. The humanness is the involvement moment to moment walking through that carrot patch, the humanness is your relationship of the shortcomings of the other individual in your own self because you have two different body forms to work with, with two different types of relationships that turns on and turn them off so by and large you can’t be spiritual if you don’t have the basis of a physical nature to work from, you got to be physical to be truly spiritual because the spiritualness is released out of the physical by understanding the physical how it functions. It’s not by pinning upon it some ideal and expect it to happen overnight or to see some kind of a magical act to transform it like a fairy Godmother transforming Cinderella and the pumpkin and all those things into some beautiful thing and at the end of the day she’s admired and live happily ever after, we don’t know. A real spiritual life on a factual basis built upon the humanness of your nature will give you more joy, more compassion, more understanding for yourself and your fellow man therefore it will help you to understand why children come into the world, why they are involved with different problems, why those problems seem to rise up and you can’t fight those problems by merely trying to smash them on the head, sometimes those problems need a whole lot of prayer to dissolve the very one thing about the problem that the problem itself lacks, love. We are not afraid if we have love, we are more afraid when we can’t trust that love so between two human beings when we feel cold or feel some aversion to another it isn’t that we don’t have love for one another, it is because we can’t trust the love in one another, we don’t know how to trust it. Now to trust love is to have a confrontation or an involvement where you got to rely on the word l-o-v-e, you can’t see it, you can’t feel it, you can’t touch it but you got to trust its existence and you got to trust the fact that another human being like yourself is capable of releasing it by tactual contact. Through the five senses: sight, smell, taste, and touch another human being carries the potential and the capacity to reach out and touch in consciousness with you, if you can trust on that then you are truly trusting in the Lord because that’s what the commandment means, to love your neighbor as yourself, because you have to generate it too, you can’t only wait for them to generate it, you have to generate it but if you generate it first, sooner or later it will come back with they being capable of generating it. You see people are not capable of generating love, they are capable of generating affection, they are capable of generating pleasure, they are capable of generating attachment, like, amicability but when it comes to generating love, unconditional not conditional love because unconditional love anybody can generate, unconditional love is something different, conditional love is very simple, “you do something for me, I do something for you,” that’s very simple to do. Unconditional love is devotional service, irregard of what you’ve done or what you will do, no matter how many times you do it and how many times you don’t do it, this is unconditional love. You see Jesus made it pretty rough when he says “forgive your fellow man 70 times seven” that’s 490 attempts in one day so imagine we don’t even go through the process of making to correct one of the involvements in one day and reconcile ourselves 490 times so this is the process of an unconditional love, an unconditional love is becoming relentless in trying to correct it. Now it’s difficult for the male body and a female body to correct something after an involvement or a crash, why? Because we have our own personality and our own idiosyncrasies and our own self right and our own protectiveness, our own survival nature, our traditional patterns, family patterns in which we have grown up, our fears and our doubts that makes it difficult yet the process of reconciliation begins with the first touch. I remember Yogananda used to say “someone ridicule you, laugh,” someone keeping all type of remarks, laugh, sooner or later you’ll have one laughing jag because there’s nothing for them to do but laugh and wonder why you’re laughing but when two people are laughing what happens with your hands? It seems like they all want to touch each other, they want to grab a hold of each other, he says “that’s release,” he says “and then you have now reconciliation” so he says “a smile leads to a laugh, a laugh leads to touch” and he says you will always correct your involvements with your fellow man. Now to live it out is the experience and I found that the only way you can really break the tension is by laughing then touching. Another point I want to bring up now again is in the female body, the female body is hurt far more easier than the male body because the female body carries the offspring. 1:20 Though the female body is stronger than the male body structural wise, muscle wise, we say the male body is strong because it’s bulky and it can lift up weights and has a tremendous big physique therefore we say it’s strong. We’re talking now of the pull of the muscle and its ability to exert a certain amount of pressure in a certain direction and we’re talking in the enlargement of the muscle in terms of its shape proportionately, that type of strength is not endurance. The female body is designed for endurance, the male body is designed for quick bursts of energy, it’s designed for a muscular shape that will take on a great deal of pressure for a short space of time but it’s not designed for continuous endurance. The human body of a male could not endure carrying nine months, seven pounds strapped to its stomach, that’s what a woman carries you know, seven pounds or eight pounds when she’s pregnant for nine months. You ever try walking with one gallon of water weighing only three and a half pounds for 24 hours? A man will drop it faster, put it on quicker than a woman, they’ve made tests you know in a lab to show that a woman will carry it longer than the man. (Inaudible) quick burst energy, feel like nothing but then comes for a consistency, it’s not designed for that that’s why women’s body are designed when they use them in production which is a type of a monotonous work, they make better production workers of the consistency over a long period than the male body, that’s why the fine work that is done in most of your machinery are always turned over to women because of the monotony and the consistency and the repetitiveness of it. Audience: Adano, why there are so many few women chess players? Adano: Why there are so many few women chess players is because of the intense concentration that is required by the game. You see the human brain of the male and the female are designed in which the male span of concentration is more intense than the female span of concentration because a male has to hunt, he has to be able to outwit the animal kingdom in order to survive so his intense concentration was developed eons of time through the survival pattern of trying to outwit the adversary whereas a woman was not placed in that process of evolution in consciousness or placed in that position to work that type of a confrontation therefore the intricacies of the mind is not under stress whereas in the male body it had to be under stress for survival, you see the male body had to be put in stress to be an aggressor or to run which is flight, to be caught and be dominated or to avoid being caught by camouflage. Now the female body does not go through that because the female body was already accepted as a protective measure by the male body, the male was already protecting the female body, it’s even in the animal kingdom when the animals are attacked by an adversary, all the males gather around the female with the young so this is a built-in process of concentration, instinctively leading to intuitive action to focus. Now that doesn’t say that the female body cannot generate this capacity, they can. Audience: (Inaudible) in a chess school it’s all boys and you never hear of a woman champion chess player. Audience: That would be a grand-mistress. (All laughing). Adano: Now you know why hurricanes are all female, there’s no “him-icane.” (Laughter). Audience: Well that’s probably one of the reasons the Masters choose a male body. Adano: Yes, well coming back to the polarization and the flow of the energy between the two body forms, the male body the energy is moving inward, in the female body the energy is moving outward so that’s the extended nesting quality of bridging so even if you look at the electrical charges, in a positive charge in a negative charge they were photographed by a scientist in Houston which shows that the waves and the lines of activity and the anchorage of the charge that the male charge or the positive charge locks in and the female charge locks out like it anchors itself down you see. Audience: But why is it then more difficult for a woman to concentrate in meditation and it’s usually the woman who brings the man (inaudible), it’s women who go to church generally. Why is this? Adano: In the human body, the male aspect is Adam known as reason. Now the Garden of Eden is not a place you know, if you read your scriptures there’s no place mentioned though we’d like to indicate that it was a place, it’s an allegory of a parapsychophysical chart of what is going on in the human body. Adam, “a dam,” it’s a force field that holds back in the human body, the only force field that holds back in the human body is reason, logic, tends to immobilize. Now Eve is feeling. Now from the tip of your toe to the last grain of hair, you’re all feeling but you’re not all reason, you see? Like the Indian that was up in the reservation when the missionary was trying to tell him it’s so cold and he only wear a blanket and it was snowing and then the chief looked at him and says “Tell me missionary you cover your face in the winter time?” And here’s the missionary shivering. He said “but that’s my face” so he opened the blanket the Indian chief and he showed him his naked body and says, “me all face” because feeling, there is no location for feeling, every single cell in the whole mechanism is all feeling, it’s the totality of feeling. So feeling is that particular function that is dualistic in the female body, it’s the predominant function in the female body and in the male body reason is a predominant function. (Gap in tape). It has the realization that it is Soul in the end, see Man don’t have a Soul, he is Soul but he’s been programmed that he’s got to save it and in the process of trying to save it, he’s losing it but in discovering that he is humanly the expression of the Divine Principle, he will discover his Soul and in the discovery of his Soul he will be a better being but he can’t be a better being if he’s trying to save something that he doesn’t have. Audience: How about eyes? Adano: Eyes? The first thing between a male and a female is the transmission of one’s feeling through eyes, “The eyes are the windows of the Soul.” Now we telegraph by our eyes, you see you sit down in a room and you look around and what are you really telegraphing with your eyes to the female or to the male? “Do you see me? Do you see me? Recognize me? Where did I know you?” And actually you’re not conscious of your saying that, subjectively you’re saying that because you are looking for a kinship with some individual in that room, you are looking for something that is an intimate bond because you are searching and reaching out for something that you can relate to. This kinship or intimacy is telegraphed by the eyes and once it’s picked up by the other individual and is telegraphed back by the eyes, the first expression on the face is a smile, you don’t know why, because you have telegraphed intimacy. Now not intimacy in terms of the sex act, intimacy in terms of being recognized or knowing that you are relating to each other and that you can trust now someone in that room who when you walked in were strangers to you, now you feel a sense of affinity with some individual in the room and before you know, that smile and then the gradual magnetic pull. 1:30 Audience: Is this intimacy being telegraphed based on past lifetimes? Adano: Yes, because you see life is in each one of us, the life energy is each one of us, it’s telegraphing. Now we say the eyes are the window of the Soul so we are Soul essentially, we don’t have a Soul. Now it’s very difficult for an individual to realize that he lived before because he doesn’t have a memory of it, you see memory is the gap, memory is the agony, memory is the thing that we don’t want to die, we’re afraid to die because we lose our memory, we’re afraid we’re going to lose every identification with this physical world. Well let’s say for one moment you don’t lose your memory and you’re born with your total memory then there is no agony, the only agony would be a loss of memory. Let’s say you’re born having total memory of who you are and what you are and whenever you’re ready to leave the frame you’re still carrying the memory then there is no loss because what man is looking for God, he’s looking for the memory of his existence in God and having no such experience, seeks it in many techniques even in drugs to get that experience to remind him of himself that he is identified in God, you see? Now if he gets the memory and memory doesn’t stop, then that’s the total awareness. When we say we’re going back to God what are we really saying to ourselves? We are trying to recapture the memory of having been identified with that source at one time because we feel some where along in the consciousness that we have strayed or dropped away from that source, that’s a memory. If ever you think that you were separated from the source or you dropped away from that source, it was only in terms of memory because you don’t have an actual relationship until you recall it or until you live through the experience of where…

1972 September Part 7 - Householder Adam and Eve

Adano72_09_7HouseholderAdamandEveQ1NW4 - …and the longing for the sight of the radiant form of the Master within yourself. This longing and yearning for the sight is the bond or the unity of the spirit, that very feeling, that very same experience which we all have separated ourselves from the very start of time when Man came out from pure beingness down into consciousness. As he descended away from beingness and coming down into consciousness, his hunger became stronger then the hunger shifted into various desires, the hunger shifted to different types of experiences in the electrical realm. It shifted into the intellectual realm, craving to remind itself what the unity of the beingness was then man designed and tried to ensure his intellectual nourishment by creating books, literature in the process of trying to describe to himself what he thinks this unity of beingness meant to him. As he strayed away more and more from beingness down into that intellectual realm, into that astral realm, he found it was insufficient he could not reach back for his pure beingness because it became difficult for him to be ethical therefore he start drifting down now into his physical realm where tactual sensation and the nourishment of the physical body became now the paramount drive for spirituality or survival. Here the Soul is entrapped by the senses and loses its power, here the Soul depends upon the physical senses to provide for its physical survival. In a physical realm all the appetites are accelerated: sight, smell, taste, touch there is absolutely no control in the physical realm and because the control has been lifted, the senses begin to degenerate and tear down the spiritual Man, tear down the spiritual nature, and the spiritual Man begins to find himself drowning, drowning in his senses, he’s clutching at a straw now, he’s clutching at sensations to remind him of his being, that he is spirit, that he has a spiritual nature. The more he clutches at the experience of the senses to remind himself that he has a spiritual nature, the further away he is from that experience because his mind or his consciousness begins to develop excuses, it begins to develop different types of ideational patterns to seal him off from his true being. Now as he approaches that critical moment of physical breakdown called death, he becomes afraid and the terror of dissolution, the terror of loss of identity with beingness begins to creep in. He is confronted with the five senses, the very same five senses that drew him away from his true nature they are now starting to betray him, they’re starting to run away from him, they’re becoming unreliable, and sooner or later they’re losing their ability to give him an experience of a spiritual contact. The sight begins the waiver, the smell begins to diminish, the taste is lost, the odors of smell is going away, touch, and finally hearing, the last sensation within the mechanism is going away. Man is now at the borderline of the spiritual realm, he’s in conflict as to where to go as soon as he takes the last breath. At that critical moment all the life patterns and desires, the unfinished ones start coming to the surface of the memory passing before the objective mind and he begins to see the unfinished record of his life, he begins to see the various cravings, he begins to see into another realm where these cravings have left electrical entities hanging in the atmosphere then silently he begins to hear a drum beat, like a drum is beating, and the poet once said “every Man matches to his own drum beat,” that is the rhythm of the sound current in your body, your own rhythm to which you have aligned yourself to the sound current, it’s starting to vibrate within you now at that critical moment of departure from the five senses into the spiritual realm. 0:10 The sound current starts to speed up, now if you’re not an initiate the sound current begins to take the form of the Lord of Creation or the Lord of Karma and he stands on your left side, a radiant form, presenting you a full scroll of your misuse or proper use of that audible life current in that one incarnation and the unfinished karma of previous incarnations. During those moments we can go through now tremendous thought patterns, nightmares, and horror of the passing over from the physical realm into the electrical realm. If we’re not initiates then we are born into that electrical realm by the aid of the Lord of Karma who performs the severing of the cord and takes us now, he is the doctor on the spiritual realm that must perform the severing of the cord and take us now to that spiritual home to which we are assigned to work out our karma just as much as a doctor on this side of the realm severs the cord, assigns you to your own physical parent where you work out your physical karma. Equally true on the astral realm the Lord of Creation or the Lord of Karma severs the silver cord and assigns you to your spiritual home there to work out until you’re ready to reincarnate. Now if you’re an initiate, the radiant form of the Master consciousness is on the right side and if you’re familiar with that Master by human contact in some form, his face becomes pronounced, his eyes become piercing, it becomes very discerning and to your amazement you will find that there is a light attached from his big toe, his right foot, to your body. He assumes the responsibility and takes over the account from the Lord of Karma for your behavior in the incarnation and sponsors with his vital forces your redemption or your paying off of the misuse of those forces or the good use of it. He will see to it like a sponsor to a bank where you have no credit, it’s the bank of life which you have used up, the Master will now present with his audible life force which he has lived through very ethically without polluting it, he is above reproach, the Lord of Karma has no hold on him, he now assigns his love and grace and his discipline upon your Soul nature and he performs the severing now of the cord, he is your spiritual doctor and then assigns you now to your own spiritual home there you will come into home of initiate family to work out that karma. Now if you have made great strides and he’s compassionate enough and you are humble enough, he can free you of the physical birth and leave you in the astral realm to carry on your incarnation in the astral realm in some spiritual realm on the astral world and then at a later date as you work out that astral debt, he may then take you on to the causal realm and assign you to a causal family or a causal initiate family to work it out and then take you back home to Satch Khand, the super casual realm. Now if you are fortunate to accept the grace and grow, he can take you way up to Satch Khand and give you a view of Satch Khand and then bring you back to that particular realm in which you must work out the unfinished karma by his grace and thereby you may have an incarnation where you would not have a loss of memory of the experience, you will come in in a human form carrying glimpses of those verities or truths of your nature and possible in a home of the initiates who may be more lenient, more open-minded, more spiritual minded towards such tendencies of past life experiences that would give you the chance now to catch up and grow into that complete awareness of yourself in one incarnation then the Soul really yearns for its true nourishment which is peace. As it lives in the initiate life, the life becomes one of constant peace, constant inner quietude, a constant certitude of the luminous wisdom that emanates from within oneself that transcends every obstacle of craving to impress one’s superiority over another. The growth in the final phases of a spiritual person is one of empty headedness, one of an absence of all conscious memory association. Freeing that Soul from conscious memory association and immersing it in the beingness of its nature, it lives in the ecstasy of joy and the joy of tear, tears of joy, every breath is a tearful joy of supreme ecstasy beyond all description. It’s like bursting at every cell and yet not bursting, bubbling and yet not bubbling, you’re like champagne in a bottle sealed up, not spilling over or wasting away but you’re still bubbling inside, vitalizing, because there are no verbalization in your mind no more, there are no language entry, it is all essential feeling, essential oneness of feeling, the essential texturizing of your senses in which sight, smell, taste, touch are all integrated in the texture of things as they are and in the final stages of a spiritual life your knowingness is your oneness and your oneness is your peace that passes all understanding. You become a butterfly, a distinct new creature apart from a caterpillar, the spiritual metamorphosis that occurs within you is one of supreme peace, the radiance is always there, the feeling is always there, and when you merge with other people they begin to be lifted up by that peace, their Soul nature is nourished now by your peace, by your presence, you become the spiritual prasad of human contact for other Souls. Your whole being would be like Jesus said “this is my body, this is my blood, do this in remembrance of Me,” you are the true nourishment just as much you are the true ransom for all humanity. 0:20 A spiritual Man does not have to perform miracles, the highest miracle he can have is the transformation of his physical body, his electrical body, his causal body by pure ethical living. When accomplished, it changes the very vibratory rate of the environment in which it lives that others are nourished by it. It is the art of living and dying daily by ethical behavior, it is spirituality in action. Therefore to bring this about on a practical level with the five senses and intuition and the use of the will, it has been found that Seva is the most ideal form of experiencing God realization, love is God in action, Seva is devotional action dedicated to the wholeness of God and the oneness of yourself. You have now a dynamic process of spirituality which you can feel on a tangible basis in a very simple way of being attuned with the spirit, not a complicated process, a very simple approach, a very practical approach, love in action through service, through devotional action, outward and inward. If a Master says to you “meekly wait and murmur not” or “don’t grumble,” if you were to perform this devotional attitude right throughout your entire life, you would suddenly crowned with the highest possible vision and highest blessings that the Soul can ever experience because you would automatically become the Master consciousness, you have lived out one desire of the true Master consciousness in one incarnation, you have become a living bible. The bible is not something we read merely to entertain the mind, it is a form of behavior recorded by which the human body can transform its crude base carnal nature into an immortal dignified respectable mechanism emanating the fragrance of the rose, the purity of castile soap, and the luminosity of a diamond. Do you see how it becomes possible to live a spiritual life in a very simple practical way? Accept where you are, what you are, and merely perform action with a devotional attitude for all action is God, for all action is the love which God gives us to perform. The only thing we can deny God is love, He can take back everything from us, every emotion, we can still deny Him love yet if we are able to generate the love through action, we have the highest experience possible in consciousness and the Soul is beingness, it’s not consciousness, there’s a big difference between beingness and consciousness. You can intellectualize as to what God is but beingness is an experience of feeling and it’s that feeling of oneness, that feeling of bliss, that feeling of joy, that ever newness of yourself, that immensity of your whole nature, it is the fitting into your body for the first time, do anyone know what that feeling is, fitting into the body as if your body belongs to you for the first time now? Those who’ve been through image therapy can vouch for what is “fitting into the body.” Fitting into the body is integration, it’s the homogeneous unity of yourself, it may seem very simple very insignificant but it’s very far-reaching in the spiritual realm and its value and your own trust in it, that trust is meant by Jesus when He said “Blessed are they that believe and have not seen.” You are blessed to have had the experience of fitting into your body completely. Sitting in the presence of any Master and you will feel that and when you can trigger it off yourself within your own nature, you know now that you’re blessed, that you are there, you are free, “free Man all, lord of yourself.” Masters do not perform miracles, they merely live in the trust of that integrated nature and by the trust they are endowed by the gift of the Christ intelligence in them to crystallize desires around themselves. Therefore they do not attract you to God by miracles, unless there is some karmic bond for your upliftment they would crystallize that particular situation but there is no individual who has ever entered in spiritual path that can claim he has never seen a miracle. The moment he enters his spiritual path he will see miracles, they’re all around, a million miracles are happening, 100 million miracles are happening every minute, good, a day. 0:30 So you see once you begin to recognize what a miracle is, with or without the presence of the Master it’s happening, it is the trust that you have to develop. Master’s consciousness is all around and don’t get carried away with the concept “my Master is better than your Master” or “my pop is better than your pop,” the Master consciousness is your highest nature within you, the audible life current, “how sweet the sound of what?” Audience: Om. Adano: Om, the audible life current, “tis Master’s voice,” Om is the audible life current which is God and it’s the vibratory expression of God which is God’s voice. When you use the word Master, we are only referring to its supremacy, if we identify with a form then the form would be that particular aspect or facet of it but if we sing the chant differently we will see something now that makes it more universal, “how sweet the sound of Om, ‘tis Masters voices we hear, in all preventing silence they whisper we are here.” It’s the universality of all realized men including your own realization when you come into it, that you are the audible life current too and it’s your sound force, you would be the voice and there is no love greater than the Master’s love, not now the one individual but the combined Masters’ love makes up the one cosmic Master’s love, God. It’s the combined expressions, the combined forms of these realized men make up the one. A flower is not a petal and no one petal is a flower, a flower is a composition of many petals yet which petal smells more sweet than the other? You split them apart and smell them, is one petal sweeter than the other? It’s not, yet they all draw fragrance from the one stem. Equally true all Masters, meaning all expressions of creation that are here, you, I, and everyone that has gone on or to come, are in the process of giving off this fragrance. Now the fragrance of a flower is not perceived when it’s closed up like a bud doing nothing, it’s best perceived or experienced when the bud is opened up and blooming doing some action then there is fragrance. Do we see now why Seva or devotional service is the highest expression of God because there the fragrance is, there the living experience is? So in the initiate’s life the highest spirituality is a tangible experience of living moment to moment not the illusionary spirituality that one craves to be in some remote region possessing all the knowledge of the world in mathematical detail and not knowing what to do with it and not knowing if he’s more confused or she’s more confused with it. Yet if you can live moment to moment immersed in the joyous action of devotional service, feeling the radiant presence around you in all activity and you’re getting through life by the skin of your nose and you’re making it by photo finish and it’s very hair-raising and razor-like when you walk that way, then you are on the spiritual path. The spiritual path is not a path of agony and tribulations, it is a delicate ballerina dance on a razor, it’s the art of doing a pirouette on a razor blade, that’s what the spiritual life is. If you can do a pirouette on a razor blade you’re pretty good, that’s whey they said the path of the Masters is like the razor’s edge, truth is one, the paths are many. It’s like a big wheel, there are many spokes these are the paths, each end of the spoke is anchored into the rim and the hub, one end is anchored into the rim, one end is anchored into the hub and it makes the wheel. The spoke is that particular part you accept or particular connection you accept, the rim is birth and death, the hub is your ideal or your destination but you know a wheel is absolutely useless without the axle? Yet the axle is not part of the wheel and yet the axle is necessary for the wheel, they may be made of the same substance but there is no way that the axle is going to be connected to the wheel. The only way that wheel can be of any service by contact with that axle is a little grease and that grease is called love otherwise there’s friction and heat and it’ll grind up and it’ll stick and it won’t turn. So love makes the world go round, let’s sing (inaudible, then gape in tape). Yesterday I think we covered some of the fundamentals (inaudible), can you remember some of the things we talked about yesterday, any questions you want to ask? Audience: There is one thing I don’t fully understand, (inaudible). 0:41 Adano: It’s correct, well naturally God is neutral (inaudible). Audience: I was talking about polarities in different bodies (inaudible). Adano: But He’s not an “it.” Audience: Well I don’t like that either. Adano: Yes God is neutral, He’s neither positive nor negative. Audience: But if this body of mine is positive, the astral body is negative, and the causal body is positive and then I’ve got two guys, one positive and one negative, the only way I can see that there would be neutrality is (inaudible) strict arrangement so that the charge is balanced out but the group just as a whole isn’t balanced, you’ve got three positives and two negatives which is imbalanced (inaudible). Well what happens when you’re a Master, you chuck one and then the chain balances? Adano: No. Audience: You gain one? Adano: You enter the super-casual. Audience: And leave everybody? Adano: Right! You see you have the physical body, the astral or electrical body, the causal body, then the polarized bodies of either side and then you have the super-causal body, Sat Purush, the eternal body. Audience: In other words at this particular point in my development, I’m neutral but I don’t know it. Adano: Ah ha, now you’re waking up. All of us are neutral, all of us are androgenous, bisexual, but because of the desire to experiment with the different charges of the body we may become masculine or feminine. Audience: That’s where everybody in this room is right now. Adano: Right. Now the only time you return to your polarity or your androgenous state is when you’re sound asleep. In that state you do not know if you’re a man or a woman when you’re sound asleep. Audience: Sleeping then is the peace? Adano: It is a form of conscious shutdown and release thus freeing you from the dualities of your being and you do not know if you’re male or female and if you are dreaming as a male, you will keep dreaming as a male but have you ever dreamt yourself as a female, having a female body moving in your dreams? Audience: Not me but several times in dreams there has been a faceless female (inaudible). Adano: That’s the Beatrice of Dante, it’s the same thing Dante had his Beatrice, every mystic has his beloved meaning his higher self. Omar Khayyam puts it another way he said “I made a brave carouse, I divorced old barren reason and took the daughter of wine to spouse.” He made a brave carouse, a brave decision or contract or commitment or involvement, he divorced old barren reason and took the daughter of wine to spouse. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well let’s hear what you think, go ahead and try to explain it. Audience: Well first of all how do you spell it carouse? Adano: c-a-r-o-u-s-e, you go carousing in a chorale. Audience: That doesn’t sound very spiritual to me. That could be two things either literally he’s off on a tear, kicking up his heels and having a good time, having fun (inaudible). Adano: He divorced old barren reason. (Gap in tape). “Ka” hyphen “hy” hyphen “am.” Now you discover a new name for him. If we break him down we will come across “the God in Man as the I am.” The “I AM-ness” in Man makes a great decision to separate its association that means to divorce or sever its association with “old barren reason” that is the logical relationship of the five senses that produce no results of a inward feeling and wine is spirit because it’s in the bottle of the human body and the daughter of wine is intuition, that subtle force within the human body that transcends reason. So the “I AM-ness” in Man no longer relies on the five senses to guide it with logical deductions and reasoning because these tend to produce conflicts after a long methodical process but suddenly now can transcend by the unity of intuition and merge into that ecstatic union, that’s what a marriage is, intuitively. We can only know directly, cosmically by intuition, we cannot know directly cosmically by our five senses and logic, they are limited and they are barren, that means they are not reproductive enough to give us a satisfaction. Our five senses do not give us the satisfaction of the extrasensory realm, only intuition can do that for us. Intuition is that ability to know independent of the senses so the daughter of wine since wine means spirit, to be spiritual you must be united in the spirit. “He who would love the Lord must worship Him in spirit” and if you’re going to worship the Lord in spirit you would have to be on an extrasensory level, an intuitive level and the only function in the human mechanism that tends to transcend the five senses and give you a glimpse of the spirit would be the daughter of the spirit, that’s intuition. 0:50 So intuition is a feminine force, it’s a subtle force, it’s the most pronounced force in the female body and the least developed in the male body. Reason and logic is very developed in the male body but the least develop in a female body. Now the I AM-ness or Omar Khayyam that is the I AM-ness within the human body cannot if it’s male or female really align itself with the spirit if it would rely solely on logic and reason, it must now come to grips with the reality of its true existence by merging and allying itself with the intuitive nature. Now God does not perceive or cosmic consciousness is not perceptible or perceived by the five senses or by logic, there is no way that we can perceive God awareness by reason or logic because it’s within the range of the senses, we can only perceive God awareness outside of the senses which is extra sensory and is intuitive, that’s why God is not known by thinking, He is known by feeling. The scripture says “Be thou still and know that I am God,” it did not say “be thou still and think that I am God,” no arrangement or opportunity of thinking out the logical conclusion of God by the human mind is going to give us any satisfaction when God is being. Beingness is God, not a person it is your beingness. Audience: Something just occurred to me, modern English usage is “be still and know that I am God” what you seem to be emphasizing is to feel (inaudible), this is not the right choice of words by modern usage. (Inaudible). Adano: Well if you’re talking of it in the procreative act, can you think “sex” and produce a human being? Audience: No no what I’m saying… Adano: So “knowing” again when we come back to it from this standpoint of a sexual experience is still a involvement of feeling and touched, it’s a biological contact, it’s not an intellectual contact. So even when our friend Caine left his home in Eden after killing Abel and went down to the land of Nod, N-O-D, they said “he knew his wife.” Now the common parlance is that “you know your wife” meaning you’ve had intercourse with your wife but “knowing her” is that intellectual association? Audience: No I was… Adano: And the land of Nod, the word “Nod” alone you got to go to bed. (Laughter). You see your bible is so peculiar it hides its meanings in words yet we never really questioned the words themselves into their true understanding to see what we were saying to ourselves and Cain don’t really mean that there was a man simply named Cain he being the third party after four individuals are living in this planet, one die three exist, one take off and go find himself a wife by sleeping. Audience: Explain the story. Adano: Your second chapter of your book of the scriptures tells you “And the Lord God placed to the east in the garden of Eden,” east of where, east of what, east of when, east of how? He didn’t say the Lord God of creation placed it to the east in the garden on the planet earth, there is no mention of any planet let alone on the continent on this earth that we live on, it is an allegory of a very deep spiritual involvement of the Soul. The existence of the Soul and its mechanics is the human body, a miniature universe and the Lord God is beingness, that true I AM self, the “Sau Hong,” that is the first stage down from Satch Khand, the Lord of Creation, the I AM self, “I AM that I AM” but behind that you got to go beyond that to pure being, Sat Purush. Now to the east in the human body, the top of the head is north, the base of the spine is south, the point between the eyebrow is the east, and the back of the head is west. That’s why this point has often be called in certain writings “the Star of the East” or the third eye or the pranic star or bindu or trikuti or the door, “If you don’t come through by the door or by any other means, you’re a thief” but look it up, that means if you use LSD and don’t go through the door and find God through this point here, you are like a thief. Now many people who have tried using LSD in the presence of a Master found out that they didn’t go through the door and they had an experience they wouldn’t want to have again. The Master didn’t condone them or chastise them, he just pull out the energy from them to show them that they don’t have no energy, we only fool ourselves. This is the east, Adam the word “a dam,” “A” hyphen d-a-m” what is a dam? Something that holds back, a retaining force. Now what is the most retaining force in the human being male or female against any id (idea?) that comes along, what you call that retaining force? Your reason, you want to reasonably logically analyze why you should do something, why you should not do it. Adam in the human body is reason, Eve in the human body male or female is feeling so reason and feeling in the human mechanism is Adam and Eve. Now the subtle forces that are locked up in the spine are triggered by the desire and you call it the serpent. Now you don’t have a serpent you know, it’s serpent because it’s coiled up that means that’s the only way they can describe it. “Kundal” or kundalini, mother kundalini means coiled up or spring-like, here we get at the word now potential force, the potential force is coiled up or held in check in the base of the spine by a desire and it’s triggered by desire. Now you have two trees in the Garden of Eden, a tree of life and a tree of knowledge of good and evil that means you have two types of brains, a real brain which monitors life directly that’s the tree of life brain and a pseudo brain which gives you the feeling that it can monitor and have understanding of life and that’s your solar plexus. Now the name solar plexus has never changed from the dawn of creation, now you know your solar plexus is on top of your tongue? Oh! You put it in the middle of your belly, didn’t they say the tree was in the midst of the garden? (Adano laughs) Why is everybody putting their head in the middle of the tummy for? 1:00 And he said “If you eat from that tree, the fruit, you will have a knowledge of good and evil and you’ll never die. You see our desire tricked feeling to succumb to experiment with the solar plexus in astral projection because this portion of the body, solar plexus which is a pseudo brain not a real brain, will give you a knowledge of good and evil, SO-LAR, universe all that ticks out there and direct your life, you will have a complete knowledge of the astrological movements of the universe and you will never have to worry about good or evil or worry about dying but it will never give you a knowledge of life over death. The solar systems and its functions cannot give you a knowledge of life over death, astrology cannot tell you how to live in such a way that you’ll be a Master of life over death. It will tell you what days are good, it’ll tell you what days are bad, it’s a knowledge of good and evil, it’ll tell you what to watch out for, how to protect yourself and especially astral projection that means now for the first time the pair saw themselves naked, pair of what? Man or woman? Naked? they were born and created naked already? When God created the first pair of people, “male and female created He them,” did he put clothes on them? The first time you have astral projection the pair of forces within you which is Adam or reason, Eve which is feeling, the positive negative polarity of this mechanism, is devoid of the enclosure of the physical flesh so you see yourself outside of yourself and anyone who has had that experience will see a naked astral body, you’ll never see an astral body with clothes but you never self-conscious to look at your body when you’re outside of your body, that’s the reason why you never see you have clothes on or you have it missing until you become self-conscious. The moment you become self-conscious in an astral projection you’ll notice that you’re nude and if you are prudish or suffering from some kind of a mental block, you will try to look for a fig leaf or something to cover yourself. That’s why they told the Lord, “we are nude, we’re naked, we have to cover ourselves.” “Say how do you know, who told you you were nude?” The I AM-ness inside is asking the reason and the feeling, “How do you know you are nude, how do you know, who told you, how can two pair of forces be exposed or be totally devoid of a clothing?” It says “The woman thou has given me and this is the excuse we made,” passing the buck, we always try to find some reason, we have to find some reason for our shortcomings so we pass the buck onto somebody, “The woman thou has given me has given me the fruit to eat.” Well the poor woman is now the blunt of the excuse when in reality the Creator was very happy that both of them experiment. You see He put a dare and it’s only because he put a dare within the mechanism, creation can continue otherwise creation would be sterile. “I dare you not to eat of the fruit in the midst of the garden,” knowing fully well you got to eat it in order to carry on My creation. God is a master psychologist, it takes the negative to make positive because if it was nothing for you to do in the first place, Adam and Eve would do nothing. They can’t continue be getting begetting, begetting, begetting (laughter) so that’s kind of boring in the situation as to what they’re going to begat. It’s the daring situation, the daring to find out what is the tree of knowledge and it’s by the astral projection from the solar plexus they went out. Now this again is not going by the door, by any other method is like a thief. Now the Lord or the I AM beingness in Man realized if they did this particular action of experimenting in the lower realm, the real brain where the tree of life is now, they will suddenly eat of that or learn its mechanics and then they would be immortal without making the journey by natural law of love or ethics. So He placed a Cherubim and a Seraphim on either side at the gate towards the east so right here at the gate of the east you have two lobes, the Arjuna center, it has two petals, a Seraphim and a Cherubim, means it has a posterior and an anterior function, there now it blocks by the use of the will any attempt on the five senses through reason, logic, or feeling in a low emotional tone to get past that center there and go back to the inner centers of the brain and tap the nectar that flows from the tree of life. So the first experience that the man or a woman has when they try to look in through the door or the gate towards the east is that he runs into a blaring light. This light or Jyoti blocks him, that’s like a burning bush, it’s the light of Bindu that’s the light to keep you out, it’s the very first contact with the Lord that keeps you up because if you’re not ethical enough, it doesn’t let you pass through. Now “onto the Sun” means under the intuitively developed being which is a Master consciousness, “is given the key,” the key to open it by initiation to redeem you from your mistake so that you can pass through in. Now Cain and Abel, these are two forces in this mechanism, humility and egoism, these are the two forces locked up in Man which are the offsprings of reason, logic, and feeling. Adam is logic and reason, Eve is feeling therefore they have an offspring called now ego, his name is Cain and in counterbalance because ego is greater than humility, it’s called a child of God. God is a super-ego, didn’t know that eh? Yes, you see Cain was called a child of God, the superego. God is the superego and the lower ego is Cain so Abel is humility, that is something that grovels in the dirt so Abel was someone who found to be of a lower nature that had to bow down in activity. Now these two forces are working inside, ego will always try to destroy humility, it will always try to make a foot-mat out of humility, any person who is humble and doesn’t try to stand up and act in a passive way you’ll always find an egotistical person trying to take advantage of them because they do not like to see passive, humble people so the egotist will always try to bang their heads in or smash it in so Cain is ego and Abel is humility. Now Abel is struck out by the ego and once it’s struck out by the ego now the human body takes on its particular dominant tendency. 1:10 The dominant tendency of the male will appear because ego has struck out humility and the dominant tendency of the female may appear because Cain has struck out, or ego has struck out, humility out of it so when a male or a female appear as two distinct forms, ego is the primary cause to give them their distinctness, the male ego and the female ego gives their distinctness in form and sets them apart. Now this is what the psychiatrist is trying to tell you you must hold onto, hold onto your ego, inflate it up, pump it up like a balloon because it’s all you got but the Saints don’t tell you that because the ego tries to fool itself by lulling the senses to sleep to experience pleasure. That’s why they say “Cain knew his wife in the land of Nod” and to know someone as we say you can’t know them intellectually and if you use the word “know” to mean sexual, that is to indulge in pleasure. So the ego in man or woman dulls the senses which puts it in the form of sensory suspension to heighten or stimulate the feeling of pleasure and the pleasure comes on in that state so the individual begins to realize that his ego, that part of his nature that is dominating him is marked once his humility has gone out of him. Now it says when Cain killed Abel the Lord says, “Vengeance is Mine, no one kill Cain.” Well naturally, Adam is reason, Eve is feeling, Abel is humility, Cain is ego, which other force is dominant in the body now that can destroy ego? Greed can’t do it, anger can’t do it, if they try they have a right but they “dare not raise their hand.” Lust dare not raise his hand, neither love. “Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord, I will deal with him.” I, the I AM will deal with ego because “I AM that I AM” and the ego is only an I AM and it’s not the I AM, I AM. He’s got to learn who’s the real I AM and He’s going to deal with him and show him who is the big I AM in this whole shebang so this is where the ego has to come to learn his lesson. “I will deal with him, no one lay a hand, not even Will.” That means the Christ, not even the Christ can lay a hand, that’s the Will because Will must submerge to My Will, even the Christ has to say, “Thy will be done.” The I AM that I AM’s will must be done, it’s Sat Purush, the God-self so even the Christ in itself cannot chastise but it is said, “The Lord has given the power unto the Son” to perform the action that means the Will is empowered as a force within the body to make correction over all the dominant failures of this mechanism most of all over ego, which is Cain, because ego kills, ego is self destructive and only Will as a dominant force can put it back in its place but this permission to put it back in place must come from the I AM self. That’s why “unto the Son” is given that power, with the permission of the I AM the Will can then correct ego but until that time the Will cannot even take upon itself to chastise or correct ego. Audience: Does that mean that you cannot come to God Realization through humility? Adano: Wait a minute, wait a minute, humility was killed by ego, how is it going to atone, how is it come back? We will come to God by humility, remember this God accepted the sacrifice of humility over the sacrifice of ego. Cain is ego, Abel is humility, and Abel’s sacrifice was accepted, it does not say that Man does not come to God by humility, your ego can knock out your humility. When it knocks it out, it finds out that is not the way to come to God by ego, you must come by the way of humility to God but because ego has already done the damage of taking upon itself to dominate the lower functions of the body and assert its superiority over humility, Will could not take upon itself and correct it because Will is the next dominant force, anger, lust, greed are not dominant forces over ego, you see? Will is a dominant force over ego but he could not do it upon itself therefore it had to call upon the I AM-ness, The I AM-ness has to come in and says, “No one lay a hand.” In this whole hierarchy, no one of these functions there take upon themselves the law into their hands to punish ego, “I alone will punish ego” and He branded it, they said “the mark of Cain was placed upon him apart to sort him out.” So the ego nature would now be recognized as a force to be dealt with from the I AM-ness but the Will was then given the power by the I AM-ness to redeem the ego. By redeeming the ego, the ego would have to suffer the very same punishment which he administered to the brother humility, he would be forced to come into the position of humility to be redeemed by Will because Will is a dominant force and if Will takes upon itself to be the ego force backed up by the I AM-ness behind it, what power has ego got but to become humble? He’s put in the same role, he’s put to walk in the shoes of humility by Will backed up by I AM-ness but before that if Will was to take the power into its own hand or take the law into its own hand and try to chastise ego then Will is worse off than ego is. That’s why the I AM-ness says, “No one, not even Will,” that’s the Christ-self, “dare not do it, I alone will deal it and I give the Will the power.” Now He gives the Will, He has to pass this mantle, this force, this transference, It’s only when the Will is in alliance with the Divine then chastisement of the ego is a genuine punishment, a genuine correction. Therefore the ego will now learn through humility, until that time it could not learn it, willpower will try to imitate ego. Therefore the Will will always say, “Thy will be done” but Thy Will is My Will in action so the two are one for the first time bringing ego down to its knees and thus making an egoless individual which is a very, very humble individual but of the highest caliber. So once the ego is reduced to its true humility then its way back to God is guaranteed, do you see it now? 1:20 Audience: That’s why people after they first find Christ they have a spiritual explosion, a psychological explosion, isn’t it? Adano: Alright, their ego is suddenly squelched, the Cain in them has suddenly turned around to become Abel because they have been exposed to Will allied with the I AM-ness which is the Christ, allied with God, their own inner nature has now been transmuted. Now they are brought into the garden to feast, with that divine quality they partake of that new life so Jesus says “If I be lifted up, I draw all other men to Me.” If the Will be aligned with the I AM-ness then ego, lust, greed, humility, and all these different forces will be all be transmuted and changed then we have a new being for the first time. So your Garden of Eden is the spiritual psychology and behavior of Man and as you understand it, you begin to see now that the Tree of Life is up in the head, the real brain, and the pseudo-brain is the Solar Plexus so the Land of Nod, remember it’s sleep, sensory shutdown which has to do with the ego, ego goes in to a form of sleep like hypnosis to seek pleasure. Now you want to see how your mind tries to be pleasurable, what is the basic gestures of pleasure? Audience: Laughing? Adano: The basic gesture of pleasure (Adano breathes in), you have to pull yourself in. If you smell something don’t you tend to go into a reverie state, something similar to sleep? That means you want to shut out everything and go into a state of sleep to really experience the depth of it so when you’re thinking deeply you’re having a form of union and you’re having a form of pleasurable sensation. So the ego gets its highest pleasurable sensation in a pseudo form of sleep, “nod,” like if all the senses are now starting to heighten themselves by closing in. Audience: That’s so interesting, I’ve experienced that kind of pleasure and I see now why… Adano: But that pleasure it’s not something bad, don’t go knocking it, it’s just because that’s the mechanics of it. Audience: We want to get rid of that then, don’t we? Adano: You want to understand it to use it differently, you don’t want to use your ego to gain pleasure through sensory suspension, you want the ego to gain joy by transcending sensory suspension, that’s what meditation becomes now. One is joy and one is pleasure, sensory pleasure, the ego can go into it and quiver, joy is that transcendency where there are no guilt complexes, where there are no sensations of self-deterioration so by focusing at the point between the eyebrow which is another form of nodding but there’s a big difference between this type of nodding and the sensual nodding. Sensual nodding or sensual sleep eventually ends up as sleep, meditation is a conscious nodding that which you put yourself in a conscious position to merge with the joy that will come to the body from the sensory nature after eight hours of sleep. The same pleasure that will come to the body, the same sensation of recharging that will come to the body after eight hours of sleep by pleasurable shutdown in a state of nodding in an unconscious way, this sensation now is heightened and rejuvenating and can come about in about ten minutes, five minutes. That’s why Jesus says, “None come unto the Father but by Me” and “Come unto Me all ye that travail and are heavily laden and I will refresh you.” We must go now by the true door to shutdown the effect of the ego over our cells and revitalize our cells with the Divine Will allied with the I AM-ness in our cells, then we truly have not pleasure from the sensory nature in the form of pseudo sleep but we have now true joy, true revitalization of the body by conscious suspension brought on by meditation. Therefore the Saint eventually lives in a fatigue-less state, He doesn’t care for sleep no more, sleep is nodding like Cain going into the Land of Nod and knowing his wife, knowing pleasure, knowing his negative force field or his female force field, the pleasurable sensation of shutting down whereas now the ego is not doing that no more, it’s aligning itself with Will, you see, and then becoming joyful. Audience: Well when you know something and seem to know it here, is this really still reason? Adano: In your solar plexus, in the pit of your stomach, they say “I know something in the pit of my stomach” that is a pseudo knowing, it’s not a real knowing. Audience: So it’s not intuition? Adano: It’s not intuition. Audience: You can meditate though for a long time where things are going on and you’re expecting in your mind that you should know that things are going on but they’re going on and you don’t know, right? Adano: Yes. Audience: I mean some people have experiences right away of good feelings, all kinds of things and other people it’s almost the reverse. Adano: Right, when you know there is a different feeling, at the solar plexus there is a feeling and slightly above the solar plexus, which is intuitive now, there’s a goose pimple sensation that crawls up your spine and raise the hairs of your neck and then you have your intuition, have you had that type of experience now? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: All right, well that is your intuition now, that is knowing independent of the senses and that’s what they call “your feathers are being ruffled.” You see psychologist will say that you don’t have intuition, you have ruffled feathers but that’s the energy going up now the spine like a goose pimple sensation and it triggers all the head area. What is really happening the kundalini or the coiled up life energy is raised up for the first time from the base of the spine like a cold sensation rising up through the body, it’s the movement of the audible life current right up through the spine, right through the chakras without interfering them, enlivening them or what they say vitalizing them so that as it passes through the spine the sense of trust, the sense of conviction, the sense of service, sense of commitment, these are the functions of the chakras, these are the true functions of the chakras, not the psychic forces. The true functions of the chakras are the ethic nature, when the ethic nature is opened up in the chakra that these functions now become predominant and from that heightened state of bliss or heightened state of goose pimple sensation where we tingle all over, we begin to rely on these ethical qualities and we have formed now the true character of the nature of Man, it’s projected out now. 1:30 Audience: How many chakras are there? Adano: There are nine but we are only familiar with seven because these are the seven that predominate, the other two are subtle ones that we don’t have much use of except when we are in the astral realm then they become active. Audience: Which ones govern the sense of service? Adano: The sense of service is governed by the heart, “the pure in heart see God” and God is devotional service in action, Seva, now S-A-V-I-O-U-R too, it’s not just S-E-V-A which is service. A real Saviour or Messiah renders the cosmic service by being God in the flesh among men that’s why He’s called Emmanuel, God among men, he is the divine service in action, he must take on the divine service and come down like the Avatara, that’s the divine service, he must come down as Master in the flesh, it’s God who takes on the word of saviour, S-A-V-I-O-U-R now and renders Seva, S-E-V-A, the divine service in action and that’s the heart chakra. Therefore the bells are always tolling for the Master and the disciple, when he gets close to the Master, he knows that he’s on his way back home beyond any doubt as soon as he hears the bells. Until he doesn’t hear the bells, he’s still outside the perimeter of the vibratory nature of the lower senses, the moment he hears like a little clinking of the bells inside then he’s on his way back because then he’s no longer away from Master’s consciousness. The bell is the one you want to hear to tell you that you are… Now when Walt Disney made his picture called Fantasia, he showed when the Angelus was ringing, when all the souls were going up at night to go away into the Grimoire that lived up in the dark mountains of the night lest they be all trapped by the Grimoire before sunlight came, little Angelus began to ring and they saw a heart and a door, (Adano sings the chant) “Door of my heart, open wide I keep for thee.” You see Yogananda sure screwed up his brain, Walt Disney was a disciple of Yogananda, you see?

1972 September Part 8 - Householder

Adano72_09_8HouseholderQ1NW4 - …deep down inside, you don’t want to do it. The chances that for you to do it are so small because something is telling you in terms of memory that this is not the way to behave and unless this something which is in the form of a memory pattern telling you that is not the way to behave, you could not have known or felt that way unless you passed through that particular experience before and the feelings that comes up in you is warning you as a guideline to behave and it’s memory. Now since we don’t have a total memory of all that has occurred in this mechanism right through the the pregnant stage on a conscious level, it is not impossible to recall everything that occurred during the pregnant stage in the human brain but you as a human being not capable of recalling it voluntarily on a conscious level puts you in dilemma, you’re fighting for it. When it comes back that you can actually see yourself going through the nine months of pregnancy inside of your body in your own memory, this takes you into another level of awareness that you begin to realize that this is not the first time and when then you go beyond that state now, the prenatal state way beyond the sperm state to see where you’ve actually existed and that the bridge between life form to life form in the energy rhythm is memory. Now they even went as far as to call that memory a particular name, they call it akash or akashic or God’s book of remembrance, in other words God has got a computer. Forget the word God, let’s say the cosmic imprinting process left in the atomic structure is the universal memory, the universal memory is your total nature and you are living it out in the time relationship with yourself and when you’re afraid, it’s because you don’t have a memory of it, if you have a memory of it you’re not afraid. If you knew why something went wrong a thousand years ago and causing you to have a swollen toe, you wouldn’t worry, it’s because you don’t know why then you go find out, you go and ask a doctor. He says well “bacteria has invaded your toe” but why should the bacteria invade my toe and not the other one, why don’t it invade my hand? Not because the bacteria invades the toe, that solves the problem, the reason is why it doesn’t invade any other part of the body only that particular part, there got to be a reason for that, for it happening only in that one spot. Well there was a man who had a certain pain in his back, he went to many doctors, he went even to psychiatrists and they all tried to tell him that it had to do with early childhood days but he couldn’t get rid of the pain and release the thought pattern. One day he met a metaphysician who told him ten thousand years ago you were a land crab, in those days land crabs had no markings on their back, they were smooth round clear and it used to glisten like a mirror and you were busy enjoying some carrion on top of a rock when a tidal wave came along, swept you, and smashed you against another rock and left the imprint and now you’re born as a human being carrying that print so enjoy your pain in your back because you were a crab. Now if this memory is satisfying for that man, not on the intellectual basis, it was possible for him not to close his eyes and revert back to the scenes of 10 million years ago and seeing himself as a land crab smashed against the rock and the whole scenery of life form to life form, the memory carried over. Now, to the present day where he’s feeling the strange pain in his back, this would satisfy the mind and remove the agony, the memory of the cause. Once we can recall where something originates in us that appears on the physical frame to be a discomfort, we will no longer live in a discomfort because we will accept the cause but it’s because we can’t recall it, we continue to live in the discomfort of it, we continue to feel the discomfort. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, that is your true humanness, that is why we are humans, that is the only way we can really be human, as long as we accept it, we are free. Audience: Could this memory bank have something to do with illness? Adano: Yes, your memory bank is the storehouse of all your experiences that are discomforting to your body form at the time which repeats itself in the form of an illness and you now call it karma. Karma is a Sanskrit word for action and reaction, Jesus merely say “What you sow, you reap.” All right if I sow corn and reap cherries, I’m a very successful farmer. (Laughter). All right so memory is a thing that is necessary for me to remember what I sow. I walk along and fall down and break my leg and somebody comes along and says to me “it’s your karma,” good and fine, I’d accept this karma but what would linger in my memory is in my mind is this “where did I start this karma?” I don’t refuse its karma, I don’t resent the fact that I walk and broke my leg or somebody got in an argument with me and broke my leg, I don’t refuse that, I don’t reject that but the thing that is in my consciousness is this, “where did I start it.” The person may say to me if this person is aware he says “well you started way back in Atlantis.” Good Atlantis don’t exist and granted that I may accept the fact that I’ve lived many times and in some place in Atlantis, I’m accepting his word. I may not discredit his word, I have to trust his word until I have the living experience inside that in Atlantis I did kick somebody and broke that person’s leg or hurt myself and now it’s coming back to me. Now what is satisfying to my aching leg or broken leg in this present form would be the memory of an experience where actually I see the image itself just as much as this person is seeing it. Because that person is capable of seeing the experience and relating to my conscious level that it had occurred and that I am now suffering or paying for it, the thing that would be satisfying to me and will heal me of the discomfort is the fact that I can look back and see it, if I can dream it. Now remember dreams is a preview and an aid to going back into memory, it an aid to go back into the akashic records into the recording process of nature where all things are recorded in time sequence. A dream is that particular opportunity, it is nature’s library card, once you pay your dues you can draw from the library and you can have your regular dreams. You see some of us don’t pay our dues and we don’t have no more dreams and you’re long overdue on certain dreams. It sounds funny and comical but there is nothing funny or comical in this physical world that is not on the other realm, exactly how you act and behave here to your fellow man is exactly how the other realm is set up, “As it is in heaven so it is on Earth” meaning as you behave on a logical, physical level in your mental, electrical level is the same way so we are selling ourselves short by not returning the book back to the library when the time is due, we’re selling ourselves short electrically and mentally by delaying certain dream processes that could help us see the causes of many of our problems. Go ahead, finish. 0:10 Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: If we accept, we are released good and fine up to a certain portion of your spiritual growth. When you see the cause and it satisfies that mental anguish of intimacy between you and your higher self then that experience is very important for you to have because you will always have some little mental anguish inside “is there really some force surrounding us that sustains us.” You see the mind is never truly satisfied of the existence of God, it’s the Soul that is satisfied with the existence of God. Soul is beingness, Soul does not question but mind will always question, mind will always doubt, mind will always try to manipulate the possibilities and the advantages and the disadvantages, mind will do that so mind is the one thing we have to finally resolve. Now Jesus is saying how do we trick the mind to make it work for us by giving us a very simple statement “Blessed are they who have not seen and believe” because if you don’t use your five senses and you accept, you have already out tricked the mind, there’s no way for the mind to trick you now, you see? But if you can’t accept and you have this mental reservation, this mental yearning you’ll need the experience. I have a friend of mine when I told her certain experiences about herself years ago in Dallas, it resolved the pain and the anguish in her and as she advanced she was always saying in her mind “well I know Adano you see but I don’t see it.” So one day she went to Hawaii and she met a Kahuna priest and all she asked the Kahuna priest is the blessing of recall so he prayed and gave her the blessing of recall. Two hours after she had the recall of seeing herself and several friends who turned out to be her sisters and mother in a past life but these friends were the ones she was staying with in Hawaii, all being engulfed in the lava from a particular volcano hundreds of years ago and she had to relive the experience of the death in the volcano with her parents and the area that she went to see the Kahuna priest, where she was granted a gift of recall, was the very same volcano so she was convinced now because mental recall came through loud and clear. It removed every doubt save one, the nausea and the sensation of the actual burning odor of the flesh, it remained in her nostrils for all the time she was in Hawaii until she came back to the states. Have you ever dreamed you stump your toe and wake up feeling your toe hurting you? This is the reason why recall has a peculiarity, when we go into those levels of consciousness their impressions on the mechanism tend to carry over their intensity into the conscious state, the memory impression is too deep therefore we are not allowed or we are protected against ourselves of having too many of these impressions come to the surface too fast and we will live in that realm with the anguish with it so we have to protect ourselves against that and nature has done that by giving us forgetfulness, conscious amnesia in the form of forgetfulness, absentmindedness. Audience: I was remember on my trip across the country, I passed a copper mine and this created a headache and I had a headache for a whole day and also I went to a gem shop and I inhaled the fumes of a gem and it created a taste in my mouth. Adano: Yes you’re remembering back and the impressions are leaving and from a past experience it’s transmitting to your physical body at a conscious level, it’s all memory pattern so they do carry over and we don’t want them to carry over too much when you’re not equipped to handle it because the anguish is too strong and… one second, this young lady has a question first. Audience: (Inaudible). Are not all things karmic? Adano: Yes, all things are karmic but some karmic conditions are present, not necessarily past. The causes are already in previous life but some are already here in which we ourselves are exposed to it and we are bringing it to the surface and it’s a matter of recognizing it and correcting it so the point is this, if he has done it in a previous life good and fine but correcting it now is the important thing and if you can recognize it now in the present state, that it might be started with something in the present state. You see karma, not only from past karma but also we have some that we’re born with, some conditions that we’re born with we’re carrying one and we have to work them out, we still have those to work too so if there are certain things that he has done and is doing that are detrimental to his mechanism, it will correct itself if you apply it, if you apply the remedy to it. Audience: Meditation then has brought up all these past memories. Adano: Yes meditation is a way vicariously to clear up the consciousness of past memory and bring it to the surface because it’s the only way you can bring it without really hurting the body. You can bring up these experiences of past lives without actually hurting the body by carrying over the sensations through the meditation and reliving it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes you burn it up because the upward movement of the energy is to expand the consciousness, the downward movement of the energies to burn up the karmic residues so we are burning up karma in the process of meditation and we are not always aware of it, it’s been burned up. Now the exposure to anyone who meditates helps to burn up karma, there are lots of ways to burn up the karmic debt. Audience: That’s where the Master comes in. Adano: An initiate, not only a Master. You see a Master is an initiate. The initiate is the light of the world while he is in the world, his vibratory rate is linked to the Master rate of the universe and once he emanates from that level, everything he comes in contact is raised if he accepts it. So if you meet the initiate and he is the individual who meditates, his vibratory rate will raise other individuals so each one of us here potentially is linked up and in that Master consciousness and is vibrating from that state and others who come in contact are lifted up so you are helping that individual. Now you’re worried about your son’s feet but the mere fact that he’s exposed to contact with an initiate life, it can be removed not necessarily by the the drug method or the drug less method, love also can remove the thing from the boy, there are many ways in which the initiate can work, the important thing is that he must be exposed. We don’t go around trying to heal people and we don’t try to impose our wills upon others unless we are asked that’s the reason why the initiate is not going around trying to straighten out the world’s mess, he’s already a ransom for the world and when the other individual asks then he will intercede but in the meantime he is concerned with raising the vibratory level of the world with his own consciousness, “If I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto Me,” the initiate is the light of the world by lifting his consciousness above the normal pull of the sensory nature of men and by being as human as possible. 0:20 Now it’s the most difficult thing to be a true human being, a true human being has all the forces of his body functioning on a normal rate in love, joy, compassion, understanding, service, devotion, all these things are flowing naturally through him, he’s a natural being and because he’s natural, he has a higher ration of vibratory feeling, he’s at peace with himself from inside, he doesn’t get into that state where he will destroy his physical frame by anger, he’s at peace. That doesn’t say he may not have spiritual indignation or righteous indignation, he may have righteous indignation to chastise us but the point is this, he is conscious all the time of this audible sound that is vibrating in his body, this audible energy that vibrates within him and is surrounding him and every time he listens to it and feels it he’s identified with it and that is why he’s the light of the world because he sees the light, he hears the sound, and he feels the bliss. Once he does that constantly, he is reacting correctly in the world. Audience: Are we enough of the light to have that reconciliation technique work (inaudible). Adano: As I said before if you were to introduce the reconciliation posture into your home and it was never done before, they’re gonna can say “which woman you went with or which man you went with.” Audience: So you can’t really be reconciled? (Inaudible then laughter). Adano: Now you see you have a confrontation, you say to the person “let us resolve this and reconcile ourselves” and you want to resolve it in the act of sex so they expect a certain way already because they’ve been conditioned a certain way and for you to come along and take another posture to reconcile them, it triggers suspicion in their mind so once this suspicion is triggered in their mind they says “well he must have went out with some other woman” or “she must have went out with some other man.” This suspicion is a normal condition but if you are trying to relate to that person and say “Well look the human body is a peculiar mechanism. When we were born or before we were born we were all in the womb and in the womb everybody was lying on the side” so you don’t start the reconciliation posture by an abrupt confrontation with the opposite partner, you start the reconciliation by the first night of trying to create tactual contact, the stroking. That’s why I said massage is very important first to lead up to all the relationship of reconciling. One, it’s the massage of the body, rubbing the shoulder, rubbing the neck and as I said the male body requires the shoulder, the female body requires the neck, the head. The first night of reconciling can be the night of tactual bond or restoring the tactual communication between each other, not consummating into anything but restoring an tactual bond of feeling for each other. The second night can restore the affinity of the body by taking a bath together because this will regain again a reconciliation process then the third night could be the lying down in the bed on the back and then eventually turning on the side. Now turning on the side would create an interest and the cuddling up situation because after all, everybody loves to cuddle so you’re not telling them that you’re going to put them in the reconciliation position because then they’re going to be suspicious of you but you’re leading them up to the point where they’re finally realizing that cuddling up can be a marvelous relationship in reconciling then as you move your hands along the back and they feel this soft electrical touch, it stimulates them then you can say “well now try it on my back, massage my back” and the moment that person relates then you are leading up to the actual act in the reconciliation posture so it takes a few days to break down the barriers of suspicion. You don’t want the person to suddenly reconcile themselves and have a suspicious nature that something is wrong, you want to lead them into the fact that this is a natural relationship and it has nothing to do with infidelity or unfaithfulness simply that the two individuals are now trying to understand their body forms. Audience: (Inaudible) …all of the teachers talk about experimentation and most young people have this in their mind as a thing to do… (inaudible). Adano: You see if you openly tell the opposite partner that this is an experimentation then you automatically program the mind against all feelings of warmth, it’s a mechanical involvement for excitement and for stimulation, it is not a reconciliation of the true sense of the word which you’re trying to rebuild a broken relationship brought on by confrontations. We are living as a householder, we are living as husband and wife but these conditions are brought on and strained by various conditions in our lives where we may lose the feeling and the tendency to relate thus developing into impotency or fragility and you don’t want that to happen to the mechanism because then sooner or later we turn off. Our children turn off at 30 years of age to our voices, after 13 you can’t cope with them there is no way, 13 is the age when they turn off. You see and husbands and wives turn off at certain stages inside because of repetitive patterns that are building up by these sound waves and the biorhythms of the body and not realizing the male cycle and the female cycle. The female has her cycles and the male has his cycles but he is not so conscious of it except that he only knows the so-called horniness which is a very poor way of understanding his body. The female, she has her cycles and the male is conscious of it because of the menstrual relationship and the actions involved but in the male he is not so aware of it so his is different yet his also leads to complications if he can’t relate to it and the complications are taken for granted, “that’s the way I am, accept me as I am” but that is not a genuine way to relate because that is only avoiding the issue of what is to be a human being, you follow? Now it’s when the human being can see that these are rhythms and this is where we come back to the bracelet now, when you having the menstrual cycles you switch it to the left hand and this helps to release the stress, this releases the stress for the female but watch out when you’re looking at the male body and you see where it is. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See under normal conditions you wear it on the right side of the body because the polarity is stabilized, when there is an excessive magnetic pull like the menstrual cycle or the body rhythms of the body or an injury of some type, you always switch it to the left side to polarize it back. Now in the male mechanism it takes 35 days to 40 days for his rhythms to slow down or correct themselves, he’s got a longer rhythm than a female body. 0:30 A female body is every 28 days but the male body is 35 the minimum to 45 days for his rhythm but he’s not even aware of it and this is especially now in the young people why there is this tremendous urge for masturbation male or female because their cycles come so close and it runs for a longer period in the boy than in the girl and it is the constant itching for activity and when you compound that with wrong nutrition which is highly incensed by spices and carbonated substances in the body then the child, the male child, is far more a difficult problem to handle. See the female body in the girl she was stable off because she would release the menstrual fluids but in the male body, he gets start building up more and more. Now compounding that with alcohol and compounding that with the smoking, these nerves get far more fired up and then when you go and compound that with drugs then it’s even more difficult because of these cycles, there just ain’t no way that these cycles are going to let up. We have the female menopause when this condition tapers off, we have the male menopause too, it’s not only a one-way street, there’s no such thing as a one-way street, you got both, male and female cycles where they shut off so it’s to understand that you don’t want these conditions to come in prematurely, you don’t want them to come in and shut down the natural relationship between two individuals as a householder activity, you want to understand their mechanics and to relate to it properly so that you can extend the vitality of the the human body long past the accepted norm of shutdown, you see? The accepted norm of shutdown is about 50 years for the female body and it’s about the same way around 55 or 60 years for the male body but as I said in ancient times man was able to procreate longer than that and he hasn’t altered the movement of the earth because 365 days is still 365 days, it still makes a year and twenty eight days still makes one lunar cycle and we have 13 lunar cycles in one year so basically man or woman is not altering that, all he is altering is the the fact that he has programmed himself to accept three score 10 as the norm for physical existence and everything shut down prior to that and then die so what have we got is a society living to die so we in a sense will generate more problems in the householder life because we are programmed that way, it’s when we break that image, we break that mental barrier and see ourselves now objectively from a different dimension we have a higher spiritual life to contribute to the world in terms of a household, any more questions? Now the female body, we still have a few more minutes before four o’clock before we do our yoga postures, the female body again is designed for certain functions of reproduction and in the reproduction it will start a breaking down process. Though it’s designed for reproduction, over reproducing in the female body because of the gradual changes and shifts, the gradual extensions, the chemistry that is altering itself, the body will break down, muscles will change, glands change, and we have a mechanism that is going to go into a state of atrophing sooner than the male body, it may go out of shape quicker than the male body because of these subtle changes. Now psychologically from the animal kingdom to the human kingdom, the male body is the body that tends to parade or exhibit. We think in our society the female body is the most exhibiting body but it’s not true, a male mystique or the male masculinity is always a phenomenon when you observe it, that he’s always trying to present himself as a male, don’t want to look flabby or short, he always want to maintain that hero-shape. Now in the female body the breakdown comes quicker in the terms of the varicose veins, the kidneys, and the overweight and the discoloration of the hair, these tend to come on faster in a female body than in the male body. In the male body the trimness of the physique, the spryness of the walk, and the alertness of to be able to compete and be a good orator or be able to maintain some communication accepted by the society, this is more dominant in the male than in the female because the female has already accepted the role of a householder, a wife, children, and therefore can easily slip into those conditions where the body will break down faster and the only thing that the woman in the female body would have some sense of health or build back itself is when it starts to think of the aging process. The female body does not like the idea of aging, a male body conceives the aging of the body as a sign of maturity, a sign of experience, better equipped to cope. The female body does not see that, the female bodies see that as a loss, the male body sees that as a an asset therefore we have this peculiar phenomenon of 50 year old men marrying 18 year old children, girls, because that particular phenomenon is like that. In the olden days, the young virgin was married to the old king because of the particular involvement, age, experience, know-how, all these things were the criteria of which the young maiden was presented to measure up to. The maiden or the woman’s body when got past a certain stage was looked upon as completely going backwards, breaking down, this is a false psychology built up already but we are stuck with it, we are stuck with it with our advertising systems too and we have to live with it to understand why we are in this particular process but the female body and the male body can both grow together and maintain a rhythm together if they understand what is happening because it has to do with your own desire and will and respect for your body. The body is a temple of the Creative Force and how you treat it all through your life, this is what builds its relationship. So the female body instead of prematurely aging and breaking down can start correcting itself by nutrition, by exercise, by massage, by meditation, by baths and various other methods of maintaining a rhythm just as much as their male body can build itself back and stabilize the balance. Now only in the Yogis you find that the male body and the female body seems to come up to its purest form of beauty, the older the male body and the older the female body becomes in the study of yoga or practice of the yoga methods, the more refined and more beautiful they seem to be. 0:40 In fact they look so serene and graceful and there we get the term “aging with grace,” there is a dignified classical walk in the male body and in the female body, it seems that there’s been all the roughness have been chiseled off in those two bodies for the first time and you see now some quality of a youthfulness, an effervescence in those two bodies brought out now from natural relationship and experience with each other and in the posture of reconciliation this is the building quality of the male and female body as we mature in our advanced age, the reliance on the posture apart from having to release oneself because the release neither is the energy wasted, the energy is recycled immediately back so because it’s recycled back it is a form of self-enforced celibacy without going to the rigid action of calling it celibacy or without going to the action of abstinence to make it celibacy because there is really some time no release, just barely lying in that reconciliation posture and moving the energies back and forth along the spinal column can set a recycling process. Now it’s easy to relate to a male and female because it’s magnetically lined up but you can’t relate to yourself by yourself in a reconciliation posture there’s no such thing and you can’t do it with your own sex because it’s not the correct thing either so with your opposite partner the reconciliation process is an electromagnetizing process that inhibits the breakdown prematurely of the cells and the individuals can now have a refined mechanism and a higher sensitivity with each other. The female body will lose the mental image of aging, the mental feeling of getting old or feeling that the world is a drag, in fact the that thought that comes “life begins at 40,” in the truly awakened householder male or female this is a reality, the cells do take on what is called second wind. It’s like a runner who is running and he has his first breath, with a tremendous burst he get up to a certain point but some runners or swimmers have this second wind, that means they have an extra burst of energy that they can call on as a reserve and continue and finish up their race. At 40 when the cell have reached a certain point, they are in that particular stage where they can either cause a speedy breakdown or a slower breakdown, a faster build up or a slower buildup, it reaches that moment in existence because at that point you have to phase into your second experience possible of cosmic consciousness. Cosmic consciousness comes to the individual between 30 to 35 in that one frame of the cells and between the second frame is between 45 to 65 when the cells are in the second frame and the third frame is between 85 to 95 on, that’s the third frame. The cells go into three frames and they are designed to release the cosmic consciousness but every time the cosmic consciousness is released, the vitacity or the normal youthfulness of the cells are opened up again so when they say “life begins with 40,” a new volume of vitacity or vitality, a new sensitivity, a youthfulness comes in. Now if it doesn’t come true that period then the third phase you can have it all back like in Lahiri Mahasaya he got back his third set of teeth, you know when he’s up in his late years and he got back his virility and everything all can come back and not too long ago when I was in South Carolina I met a man in his eighties, his hair is all black and they knew him before it was all grey and he’s a strict vegetarian and he lives in the woods and he eats a certain way and when I was passing through there a year ago one of the boys were telling me they go out to see him and he’s quite a a fellow because they knew him when he had gray hair and they knew him when he was eating meat and drinking alcohol and all of a sudden he suddenly changed his whole life and his hair is all black and he’s got all his vitality and he looks like a young man and it’s not dyed… (Gap in tape). I like to clear up some things for those who don’t know or who are still laboring on the mental cloud, what the fellowship represent. The primary function of the All Faith Fellowship is not to convert anyone to any belief or from any belief but merely to present all beliefs, their essential structure, and the underlying basic principles of the common unity among them all and to emphasize the practical nature by living it. So we will find ourselves discussing philosophies of Yogananda, Charan Singh, Kirpal Singh, Sai Baba, all a host of things that you’ve never heard of because we’re not here to convert or coerce you but to make you better acquainted with what you have, how to make it work, and to give you an insight into truth from all angles that you will be able to see a common bond and realize that you are the means for its expression. If this removes the doubt that we’re trying to make any individual into some type of a special product, it’s is far from the truth. We may seem to talk of more groups and their activities more than others at times and they involve ourselves but that does not try to make you over. The truth is one, the paths are many. The Masters when you sit down in their presence you find peace, when you get together with disciples you find war. Peace is the essential structure of all beliefs, it’s achieved by a constant process of behavior but this process may have different ways of being recognized by various people who apply them and each aspect is important. It’s like a wheel, for each individual the rim of the wheel is birth to depth, the journey is a spoke that connects the rim to the hub, a hub is the ideal, a spiritual life. There are many spokes in a wheel, they’re all connected to the one rim and the one hub but a wheel is a useless object without an axle, the axle is made of the same material but it’s not connected by way, shape, or form as part of the wheel. The wheel can only rotate around the axle to have some purpose yet if there is no grease between the axle and the hub of the wheel, they’re going to be seizing up, hardening up of the wheel and then it’s stuck it can do nothing. God is like that axle, he’s part of the wheel by a structure in which it’s made of the same material, we are made of the same material but God is like the axle apart from us in consciousness. We only relate to Him by the rotation around our beingness in Him which is the love and the love is that grease that lubricates you and keeps you going and you find it in Seva, S-E-V-A, and s-a-v-i-o-u-r, pick your s-e-v-a and you will also find your s-a-v-i-o-u-r because it’s all love. Wherever you look at it, whoever presents this particular attitude or list of techniques, essentially there’s going to be one thing you’re going to learn but the Masters are all in agreement when it comes to peace, there is no conflict but if you choose to be one-sided, limited by selecting and shutting out the other then you don’t have the true understanding of the function of what the Fellowship represents. 0:50 The Fellowship is trying to make you aware of all the possibilities, all the avenues, and the common unity all in one lifespan so there is no conflict with Christianity, Mohammadanism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Hinduism, there may be conflict in churchianity. All the churchianities of the world may be in conflict with the essential truth of the teachings of the great ones, Christianity is not churchianity, it does not begin or end with the Master Jesus, Christianity is that particular state of being in which the intuitive nature of Man is called the Master consciousness or the Christ-self. We all have a Master consciousness, we all have to awaken it but we don’t know how to awaken it and it’s not in books. Through the grace of the Creative Intelligence, the awakening comes by human contact that’s why they say God has become Man, we meet that contact at the human level in some form to indicate to us a feeling of what bliss is. If you experience bliss, you may not know what it means or what it really means to you but if you meet another human being who can arouse that bliss in you and make you have the same experience and when you leave that person you can have that same experience in consciousness, then you have found what God truly is but God is bliss existing within you and can be experienced moment-to-moment on a conscious level. Like the man said when the woman asked the priest if there are any books for meditation she said the priest told her it was for the Saints, meditation is for the Saints so she figured out that she was being short changed by her church. She wanted to go to church to learn how to become a Saint only to find out that meditation is for Saints and the congregation ain’t supposed to know nothing about that so what type of congregation we’re creating? If we aren’t creating Saints, then what are we creating? We’re only creating a bunch of slaves to a great deal of ideas that are not going to liberate us. The Saint according to your dictionary is a sane man, a human being who has achieved eternal patience and a charitable nature, it is not by the canonization of a church that makes him a Saint nor the miracles that he performs during his life nor the miracles that are performed after he dies by praying to him, these are all the byproducts of the nature of the human being that has been transformed by ethical living. A Saint is a human being whose life has been transformed by ethical principles, once transformed there is no miracle debarred from his vibrations that he generate. When you set up the necessary receptivity to think of him or generate the desire around him, his vibratory nature can crystallize it and it begins to happen in your life every day let alone when he passes out of the body. Now the Saint has no desire but he has one gift which is called the Christ intelligence in him, that is the ability to crystallize thoughts at will. Not his thoughts, not his desires, but yours who have a need because you’ve got to go to him, he’s not going to come to you. He’s not gonna come and knock you on the head and tell you “I’m a Saint” and he’s not gonna relieve you of your sufferings or your desires unless you turn to him because he is sane, he is the only individual that has his true sanity about himself. We are all to some degree insane because we are constantly pursuing our desires in many directions creating self-destruction with them, a Saint don’t have any. He has the sanctity of his being by learning to be patient and he has what is known as the charitable nature which is giving and he has learned the secret that giving is getting back, as long as you give you get back and the more you give the more you get back. So he would even give his life for you, he has learned that much, “He would lay down his life for My sake can have it back.” “Life unto life restores life and builds life” is the essence of the Saints life, this is taken from the Sufi. They are saying exactly what Jesus is saying, “If you lay down your life for your fellow man, you will have it back,” “There is no greater love than he who would lay down his life for his fellow man.” Once you can recognize these principles in all beliefs, you will recognize what is the actual living as a spiritual person, what he has to do, he has to become human and we say we are human because we look at ourselves. Outwardly yes from the standpoint of vision and the comparison we are humans, emotionally, psychologically, many of us are like animals, insects and we have all the tendencies of them in our personality makeup. Some are like pigs, some are like dogs, some are like pigeons, some are like cats, it’s a strange thing. Those you can see on the inner realm can see your animal tendencies locked up in you, how these tendencies are clawing out from the mechanism and the aura is there, the aura shows up all the thought patterns, your behavior, your emotional nature is there, strange phenomena but it’s there and we are not aware of it because we are not steady in consciousness where our minds are wandering all over the place and we can’t see it and therefore we don’t recognize it. Now Jesus used a term and he said “Cast not your pearls before swine lest they turn around and rend you,” literally this is a untrue statement. You can take a handful of perls and throw it in front of four or five pigs, they’re not gonna turn around run you down into the ground so He’s not talking of a literal pig and a literal pearl concerning human beings. He’s talking of the pig-like tendency of the human mind when something of value is presented to them that you cherish as a human being that tends to elevate you, they with their animosity and their pig-like tendencies and sensory nature that grovel in the senses in the slop of their ignorance because they don’t know any better, then they will tear into you like wild pigs and like peccaries. 1:00 A peccary is a wild pig with two horns right in front of the nose and it will gore you, human beings have a tendency to do that when you have something of value that you’ve discovered in your life that tends to elevate you and they do not understand, they will gore go with their criticisms and before you know it, you have one individual who is literally massacred by vibrations of words, thoughts of animosity, jealousy, anger, hate, resentment and “to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove” again that’s not a factual fruit. There is nothing more violent than a dove when it fights, when two doves fights there is no quarter given between the two doves and a snake is not smart, it can be outwitted, the only reason he’s called wise is because he hides under little holes in the ground in caves to avoid detection. When the Master was using those terms or symbols “wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove” it’s that because when you reach out to hold a dove, it will come right up to your hand but that is not what is inferred when he’s talking about a human being. “Wise as a serpent” infers the vital life energy that’s stored up in the spine, coiled up just like a serpent is coiled up and hidden in some corner and cannot be recognized. In the base of your spine coiled up within you in the coccyx which shapes like a rattler and on top of a rattlesnake it has three little lobes, there within that pocket of this spine we have the latent life power locked up in us. This potential force is a sounding board of life itself, it’s the shunt for the earth currents within the human body and the starting point of the male spine and the female spine. This energy rises up, once it starts rising up out of its cave, it goes into various areas in the spinal sections, in the various areas of the endocrine system, and rises up to the brain. Therefore you will see in the headress of the Egyptians the serpent over a headdress or in the Indian paintings you will see the serpent, the head is spread out. They cannot draw life energy as a symbol otherwise they will draw a jagged line, the only way they can relate to it in terms of art is to draw it like a snake. The reason for that is that when the energy is rising in the spine it quivers and goes up the spine and when it quivers and goes up the spine then it radiates out from the consciousness, this is the reason they say “wise as a serpent,” it is rising and vibrating up. When that energy rises within you, your senses open up in an extrasensory way but it is not the extrasensory powers that you’re concerned with, it is the ethical transformation of your nature that you’re more concerned with. It’s not impossible to perform psychic abilities, psychic abilities are byproducts of the rising of the current in the spine, this occurs in everybody to some degree in fact you can be born having the psychic abilities and having no ethical nature. Master Jesus merely stated it in a simple way, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his Soul” and that is utilizing the ego in nature to exhibit psychic abilities, having no ethical nature in terms of human relationship with his first fellow man therefore he would have to come back by his unscrupulous methods that he used to take advantage of his fellow man by manipulating them. An ethical life is a spiritual life, the greatest Saint may never perform a miracle in his whole life and in fact the actual truth is no human being perform miracles, these are the byproducts of the consciousness within the human being at a certain level crystallizing other people’s thoughts. Even Sai Baba goes around and all the miracles that are attributed to him are in fact the reality that his consciousness crystallizes the people’s desires because Sai Baba is supposed to be of that caliber and they have a design, they want something, and he crystallizes it for a them. A friend of mine met him and he visited him for three months and saw many manifestations of consciousness and when he was ready to leave, he and his wife, he didn’t say to Sai Baba anything, he wanted a picture. He had his camera around him but out of respect he didn’t want to photograph the man so the wife spoke up and said “Can we have a picture?” He said “All right.” So when her husband took out the camera to take the picture as soon as he snapped the picture Sai Baba took it away from him, stopped him then he did like that (Adano snaps his fingers), materialized a photograph of himself and gave it to him. Then when he was giving it to him, he took it back again and he did 12 taps and 12 of them materialized and he gave it to him. Also he sensed that the man had a deep yearning for some object, the man had a desire for a ring way back in his childhood days and the desire was so strong but Baba picked up the thought pattern and he said to him “You want something.” He says “No no.” He says “Yes you want something” and then he did like that and handed him a ring and the ring was carved out with the face of Baba on the stone. Well to his amazement his desires were crystallized for him by the consciousness of Baba, Baba did not perform a single miracle because Baba maintains the equanimity of his sanity and his ethical nature at that point in relationship to the frequency. The desire of the individual that is so multitudinous is suddenly crystallized in time and space, the manifestation is brought into expression. Equally true the people that lived around Jesus, there’s not a single thing that He did that is an indication of a miracle, everything He did was a crystallization of human desire for those who had a desire. The very first crystallization was the desire of His mother for the relatives who were having a wedding and ran out of wine. Now they drank wine these people, He attended a wedding as a visitor, as a relative, and the mother had concern because the wine was run out, insufficient. She knows her son is in that state of awareness, she turns to Him and says, “There is no wine.” He said, “Woman what is that to me?” Indicating once and for all He has no desire, He does not even call her mother because God is Mother Nature in the world of manifestation and to call a woman “mother” if He’s a realized man would be a violation of the truth. So He had to put her in her place to find her true relationship in connection with the God-self so He says to her, “Woman, my time has not yet come.” A Master who is functioning or the Soul that is functioning from the Master Consciousness does not violate the time-cycle lest it’s accountable to the time-cycle and that fellow is a very very demanding individual, his name is Kal / Time. He’s very relentless, he wants every penny of the karma you use up and the life energy you use in this world of time, some people call him Satan but it’s the time-cycle in which the Master Consciousness is aware of the creative forces that are available to it and can use it. 1:10 So Master Jesus crystalized her desire by love, out of the love for the woman which is mother to Him, He emanate that thought pattern and cause it to crystalize through the time-cycle. The normal time-cycle to make wine would be X amount of years to grow the grape, X amount of years to harvest it, X amount of time to beat it into wine and ferment it so that is time plus energy to bring an object into manifestation, the normal method of bring it into manifestation. Having the ability to crystalize thought at will now, which is the Christ Intelligence, He does not lack anything, He does not want anything, He does not need anything therefore thought is speeded up now into the time-cycle. He’s capable of manifesting His thought at the speed of light squared, 186,000 miles per second squared, which is instantaneous because all matter is energy, all matter is atoms and all atoms is Spirit and all Spirit is Thought and all Thought is Love and being a Master of the intuitive level, His whole being is love, everything you touch brings this love into crystallization but He is a human being, He is that expression of the Divinity that has taken the flesh. “In the beginning is the Word,” the Audible Life Current, “and the Word was with God,” the Word is in consciousness of time, beyond time, “and the Word IS God,” the Audible Life Current is the eternal Now, God is the eternal principle, He’s not a man in a throne. Yet the Word has to become flesh, crystalized into substance at a human level, the human-ness of the human body is the Divinity in matter and at the same time is the Spirit in motion and that’s why a Living Master is often referred to as God in flesh that’s why you want to come in contact with that expression at times to recognize it, to understand Divinity in action. “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man,” not the animal, the animal has a flesh body but Man’s body is flesh, it’s the only substance that will hold back on this side of the wall the flesh, the five elements of the universe that are in conflict and on the other side of the wall in unity. When you look at your body you are looking at the temple of the Creative Force, a manifestation of Spirit and you don’t have to save your Soul because you’re Soul, you have to accept it but you have to accept at the same time the humility of being Spirit which is a hard thing to do because the ego is striving, definitely and desperately to impress by the psychic abilities that it is empowered with. Only at the Master level, the capacity to crystalize thought is entrusted providing the physical frame has accepted the ethical laws of living, you can’t be entrusted with such a power if you’re unethical, you would make a havoc of the universe. It takes a great deal of spirituality to be ethical to prevent people from destroying themselves by the misuse of spiritual forces so when a Master is desire-less, He has achieved the ethical nature where He is not influenced now by any physical desire let alone the attempt to force His Will upon His society to make them accept divinity. The nature of Christ in Man is that ability to materialize thoughts at will, not the man Jesus, all men have the Christ in themselves, “The things I do you shall do also and greater things you shall do.” You can only do the things that the Christ allows you to do within yourself and you will only do greater things according to the period and the time-cycle that you live in. Now if Master Jesus was to return back in the physical frame, you would not recognize Him, in the first place you would not even accept Him because we are already turned off to the long beard, the long hair, and sandals and the beads so what would He come back in that type of a dress to impress us with? Now if He come back in the Ivy League suit, you can’t accept Him either, if He comes in a spacesuit, you can’t accept Him either. So crying for the second coming of Christ, what are you crying for? Some individual that may come “beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,” here I am Jesus Christ, you got the wrong impression of what the thing is all about. Masters are always in the world, there is never a moment that a Self-realized or a God-realized Man is not in the world, they have always been, will always be as long as we exist, from the dawn of creation to the return of creation back into itself, there will always be God-realized Men but to understand God-realized Men we have to understand them on a human level and that is very difficult because we have desires and they don’t have desires. We think we have to save our souls, they tell us we are Souls because they know they are Souls, they tell us “Don’t try to save it, try to express it,” we can’t accept that because pain and suffering is too great in our lives. They show us they will take any pain and suffering and rise above it so Soul is that true Beingness and in its nature and in its magnitude is love in action. If we go through all the various desire forms that have been crystalized by the Master’s consciousness, we will see there are no miracles but there is a law on the line, the crystallization of thought. God does not work in miracles, He works by laws, the Creative Intelligence works by laws and these laws are all locked up in us, we don’t invent them, we simply come to relate ourselves to them and release them. There is a law working inside of us and it’s the Law of Light, this whole universe is a congealed form of light, it’s built like a hologram, one cosmic laser beam, a three dimensional expression of mass. Therefore we are crystalized in the laser beam of light and we have our mass or three dimensional experience but we live in nine dimensions and we can only seem to utilize a few of the dimensions because we don’t understand what a dimension is as yet. We know of length, breadth, and depth and we call that the three dimensional world but these are in terms of using the ruler as a device to measure length, breadth, and depth. We also live in the universe of motion while we are in length, breadth, and depth and that motion is called time and the only way you measure time is by another ruler, it’s called a watch. You are watching the motion of the earth in relation to another heavenly mass and therefore relating the measurement as time between light and shadow or light and darkness. There is no time, there is motion but the motion gives the illusion of time necessary for counting, necessary for action, necessary for relating. Now there is no space either but there is celestial pressure where all masses revolve and curve upon themselves and live in a continuum. 1:20 The mass is held together by the external pressure of push and pull known as centrifugal and centripetal energy or forces therefore it retains its shape. If you were to take away these pressures, everything will dissolve back into pure energy and energy is light and it’s only self contained by its own electron field and this electron field is called Spirit in the bible. So Man is not discovering anything new, he’s not making any new universe he’s simply realizing that God is around him as Spirit and that this Spirit holds the atom and that no religion in the earth plane or the planet Earth has all the answers about God, every atom is His throne, every expression of thought is His presence so which religion on the earth plane let alone trying to describe what the divinity is, it’s limited. We have to see religion as that particular process in which Man finds himself identified in the Spirit through action therefore in the galactic system religion is often termed as celestial harmony, on the earth plane it is called relating to the Godhead or returning back to the Godhead or binding yourself back to the Godhead, the latin word “religiare,” “ligiare” to bind, “re” back, to bind back. If Man binds himself back to his Creator there are only four ways he can do that, one by prayer that particular privilege in which he is endowed to communicate with the Creative Principle by thought. Two, by reason logic and experimentation to the satisfaction of the senses lest he feel that he’s a superstitious being to give him this sense of beingness or ego that he is conquering or dominating the world by his own volition. Third, meditation the art of conscious shut down by conscious volition, the art of conscious sleep to rejuvenate the body at will and meditation is only Mental Energy Directing your Individual Thought Activity Towards an Intuitive Observation and Oneness of the Noumena, this identity brings you oneness with the Spirit. The fourth way you can go back to the Creative Source is the art of conscious death, scientific life control in which you are capable of shutting down the vital energy, turning it off at will, “No man take my life from Me, I have the power to lay it down and pick it up.” “I live and die daily in the Lord,” this is conscious control of the life energy of shutting down the heart and lungs at will. The individual who knows this thoroughly does not die by any karmic reaction due to unfinished desires, he alone has the ability to shut the energy, he alone picks it up back, he alone can sever the astral cord between the astral body and the physical body. So the point is this, religion on the earth plane has nothing to do with the names of the founders, it has to do with the cosmic law of relating back to the Universal Creative Energy, the Audible Life Current we can do that by sound in the form of prayer and by the constant repetition of the prayer, we can do it also by logic, analysis, and experimentation to find the source of the Audible Current in matter, we can do it by meditation in which we have oneness with matter, oneness with Spirit, and finally we metamorphose ourselves from a grubby non-human being that is subject to decay at death, we can now change this mass by an ethical life into a non-decaying mass at death. When this body has thrown off corruption and taken on non-corruption, it is a glory unto the Lord, “To him that overcometh I will not sent forth a second time,” you become a cosmic butterfly, you have resurrected yourself by ethical life. The whole purpose of Master Jesus or any Master on this earth is to show that the ethical life is a transforming process of changing this physical flesh into Spirit whereby it does not decompose no more, it can be resurrected and taken at will into the galactic systems. Man is on his way back home from the celestial throne of God where he came from, by his own ego he trapped himself in the time cycle and “as we sow, that we reap.” We are here merely not by the Divine Law but we are here by our own misuse of own free will and the illnesses we incur are the results of this misuse but we should be thankful that we can recognize it while we’re alive in the body, you can’t recognize it when you’re outside of the body and you can’t correct it when you’re outside of the body and you can’t make any contribution when your outside of the body. The human body or the flesh is the testing ground for the Spirit, “Blessed is he who has been born and has found Divine certitude and trust in the Spirit of his flesh,” that is from the Jain writings. Jesus will put it another way for you, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God which is within you and all these things will be added unto you.” You see it does not matter where you hear the truth, it’s the same thing they’re talking about “To him that overcome I will not send forth a second time, I’ll make him a pillar in the house of the Lord” means the same thing. Any questions? Audience: Clarify the statement, “My time has not yet come” when He’s going to change the water into wine. Adano: A Master functioning from the fifth level is the intuitive level cannot usurp the right of interfering with other people’s thought activities or desires, He has a time cycle. Remember He is living in a creation that is governed by time, a Master came… (continued at 1972 - Householder Adam and Eve - Adano72_HouseholderAdamEveQ3NW1)

1972 September Part 9 - Walt Disney Householder

Adano72_09WaltDisneyHouseholderQ2 - (Duplicate of 1972 September Part 7 - Householder Adam and Eve - Adano72_09_7HouseholderAdamandEveQ1NW4)

1972 December 14 - Sermon On The Mount

Adano72_12_14SermonOnTheMountQ3 - Well for Swamis this is not a lecture, this is what we call Satsanga, fellowship with truth, and at the Satsanga three things are occurring. One we have a physical contact, two we have a psychological/mental contact, and three we have an extrasensory contact. Before we can actually start a Satsanga we have to calibrate our mind so let’s calibrate our mind for a few moments, shut out the restlessness and the tension of the day before we actually attune our consciousness to what is being spoken tonight. (Short meditation). Thank you. The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most potent discourses that the Master Jesus gave while He was in the body but in order to understand it, we have to understand why you work with a Master, it’s not just a mere teacher. There are many translations of that sermon, the King James version, Modern English version yet each one seems to be in contrast with your modern day english translation but we’ll see some interesting facts why King James version for the mystic takes precedent over all the modern versions because it actually has to do with the men who were mystics at the time translating it, the modern versions do not have the mystic mind, they have the literal mind and the intellectual mind. In the King James version the first words of the Sermon on the Mount is the normally called the Beatitudes, attitudes of how to behave. From the mystic point it says blessed, that’s the very word they use “blessed,” the first word, “are the poor in spirit for they shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.” The new versions go as “happy are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” or heaven belongs to them. Now it may seem that we are saying the same identical thing from the intellectual or from the literal standpoint but in actuality we are not saying the same thing from the inner reality of the truth. On the scale of your emotional growth above all tones of consciousness from your negative levels of apathy or self-destruction right down to the cosmic awareness, the midway point is called cheerfulness. The next level above cheerfulness is called happy, above happy is joy, above joy is contentment, you see how far we left happiness? We haven’t come to blessed yet and the next level up is tranquility, serenity, then blessedness or bliss, the primal state of pure ecstasy with the Divine, in all the feeling that the human consciousness can cover in the range of awareness. So modern man is selling himself short by taking the word happiness in the place of the word of blessed, the reason being that the modern man who is translating does not have the true inner experience of the spirit. If he did have the true experience of this the spirit, he would not change the word blessed for happy, he would not exchange. Blessed it is a consecrated state, a state in which the highest feeling possible can be conferred upon Being and that state is bliss in feeling, you have to feel bliss, it has to be ecstatic. Mow Mr. Clark said tonight when someone asked me what is the difference between a mystic and a psychic, I said a mystic is one who adheres to the Will of the Lord, there is a big difference in this because it has to do with the word blessed, adhering to the Will of the Lord. If someone asked you to bless an object, what would you do? You went to a priest or minister and says “please bless this object,” that’s the present tense, what would the priest or the minister is supposed to do, can he say “happy plant, here he belongs to you now, go with peace now you are happy, I’ll make this thing happy for you?” You see the (inaudible)? But if he goes to bless it, he would have to consecrate it, he’d have to bring his consciousness into focus and alignment with a higher principle and thereby use his body as a vehicle for transferring energy, vitality, spirit power. Now the Master Jesus said “blessed are the poor in spirit” but the word is spelled s-p-i-r-i-p using the little s and not the large capital “S.” Spirit has two functions, spirit that flows through our five senses and spirit that flows through our intuitive nature or extrasensory nature. When it flows through the five senses, spirit is egotistical, highly charged with desire, highly charged for attachment, and possession therefore that little spirit is constantly trying to impress, trying to hold on, trying to accumulate, trying to dominate. Now if the Master is speaking of the Divine Truth within Man, He could not say “blessed are the rich in spirit that they will inherit the kingdom of heaven,” heaven being a state of total Cosmic Being, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Knowing, inheriting means coming into complete alignment with it, total authority in that state because no person living in a state of complete desire for the material world utilizing vitality and energy and trying to attach himself to his lower nature can actually achieve Cosmic Consciousness or inherit that state of awareness. The very first attempt to Divine Awareness would be to deprive oneself, to deny oneself, to renounce oneself from such levels, do you see now the need for the word “poor?” Poor means to be detact and have a lack of, a lack of the lower spirit and a craving now for the higher spirit, the higher power that goes through by Divine Will, not by the ego will, not by the carnal will because Divine Will rules us all. 0:10 The ego will can make us do tremendous impressions to manipulate others, to impress others, and try to be important in the eyes of others but Divine Will does not do that, it allows us to face our responsibilities and make corrections and thereby living in harmony with the truth inside of ourselves. So if we are poor in ego will then we will be rich in Divine Will, if we are poor in the carnal drive or the carnal nature or the lower nature, the sensory nature of the five senses, then we will be rich in the extrasensory nature of the spirit. If we are poor in the search for mediumistic studies, the acquisition of familiar entities could impress others with our superiority, we would be acquiring the whole world and losing our Soul and “what it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his Soul?” But if we don’t crave after those things and we don’t possess such things and we find ourselves divested in it then we are truly poor in that type of spirit for the first time, we have come down to a condition where we are rich now in the highest spirit and poor or lacking in the lower spirit, in the lower drives of this mechanism, in the lower emotional levels of this nature. Once we understand that then we are entitled to what is meted out to us by the Creator, we will inherit the kingdom of heaven. This is the law of action, for every action there is a reaction and the action that we must generate is to be poor or renunciate in the cravings of the real world and rich in the Divine Consciousness in the extrasensory world. Eastern philosophy show us the same in that very same attitude in the pursuit of the Divine Spirit, unless we are detached they say, we cannot have Cosmic Consciousnes so they say desirelessness or non-attachment is the avenue or road to God realization and once you have achieved detachment or desirelessness, you are truly blessed, you are truly elevated and consecrated in consciousness, you cannot slip back so the Buddha said you must obtain nirvana, you must attain to that pure level of complete ego detachment. Now we say the beatitudes are attitudes of how to be and here we are seeing what is the true approach for the spiritual person in terms of what the Master Jesus is saying, not in terms of the literal or the intellectual view of it. In the literal we would say the poor in spirit means someone who is lacking spirit, having no drive and when they are poor in that then they would inherit the kingdom of heaven but since no man can own heaven, how would he inherit it? God has given us the power to have dominion over the universe but not ownership and when you inherit something you own it so you see in a literal sense it does not add up. In the intellectual sense the poor in spirit would means that you have denied yourself everything pertaining to spiritual studies and you are seeking now inward humidity, you are removing from yourself any type of sensation that would pollute the spirit therefore when you do that, you will inherit the kingdom of heaven. We can’t inherit the kingdom of heaven that way because the kingdom is not a place, it is a state of being and this state of being is called illumination or cosmic consciousness or freedom. Jesus used another phrase when He said “Seek the truth, the truth will make you free, free man or lord of yourself,” He was saying exactly the same by telling us to be poor in spirit so that we can achieve this freedom of ourselves, we can be identified with the spirit that way but it’s the extrasensory experience of the mystic that tells us what the real truth is, why the word is blessed and not happy, why poor in spirit is truly aligning ourselves with Divine Will and detachment and the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven is total awareness because the mystic or the Saint or the realized person is the only one that can vouch for the highest experience on the scale of emotion of what occurs inwardly in an extrasensory way. We see with our five senses and we think we see everything with the five senses and then we begin to envy those who seem to have a little more of the five senses that can do a few little tricks like clairvoyance, telepathy, clairaudience, and then (inaudible) and then we try to want to develop this power. The moment we are envious, our desire nature starts to increase and if the desire nature increases we cannot expect to be ethical and obtain this realization. The mystic does not try to extend his extrasensory nature by any practice or by any technique, he obeys the Will of the Lord from birth and death and by that he is lifted up or consecrated in a state of illumination that transcends all the tricks of the psyche. He alone knows fully the reality behind the illusion, the psychic at his best is only 80% accurate, the mystic or the Saint is purely identified with the Lord all the time because the Lord has released him into this world totally free from any karmic debt, he adheres to the law and he lives an ethical life and teaches us how to become identified by God or in God by that ethical life. Now poor in spirit is the most ethical way you can live, you don’t have any ego drive of your own personal will, you are living and adhering to Divine Will all the time, you are trusting in that Divine Will, you have to trust in it. With the word poor comes the thought of charity, if a person is poor he has to be relying on somebody to give him something now “not by our good works are we lifted up,” we are lifted up by God’s grace, it’s God’s grace which is the divine charity that lifts us up when we trust in Him totally, a total surrender to the Divine Will is complete poverty of spirit because you don’t have an ego, you don’t have ego drive, and you no longer crave attachment then you are free, you are liberated, you are a true inheritor or a Child of God. How do we actually measure up in that particular attitude or Beatitude, it is when we realize that we first have to be literal then intellectual then mystic, we can’t start off by being mystic because we don’t know what the mystic path really is. 0:20 We start out by being literal, we question when we read and we apply it on a literal level because we’re not spiritually involved in comprehending it but that’s nothing wrong with that. As you grow in comprehension of your true self, you leave off the literal approach to the attitude and then you become (inaudible) that means you are using the reason, the logic within you and to have a better grasp of the reality but then comes a period within yourself there is a dryness which is often called the Night of the Soul, you don’t seem to get past a certain degree of awareness, you don’t seem to have inner experiences that are totally satisfying to your very nature, you’re always yearning for identities of God then finally you have to accept the mystic approach, (inaudible) that total trust, total surrender, Divine Will must take over and you must become (inaudible) or renunciate in the material spirit and adhere to the Divine Spirit. If the Divine Spirit is the total Creator of us, sustainer, elevator, then when we adhere to that principle and surrender to it we are elevated, we are consecrated, we are blessed but when the Master used the word bless or blessed, He is using it in its highest state possible for the Soul to live in a human body and work with it, He cannot say “you are happy” because happiness is a very low emotional level, serenity is far above happiness, tranquility is above happiness, blessed is really bliss, ecstasy, it is a peace that passes all understanding that surrounds the mystic. You can see, it you can feel it, you can actually smell it, those who are living a mystic life can actually hear it because God is music. The blessed state, the consecrated state is Divine music all around you, it can be also smelled as the order of roses, it can be seen as a flashing of light all the time in the room, it guides him all the time and the mystic doesn’t speak out of his own ego, he has to listen to the Divine Conscience that is in the information therefore he has no new religion to offer, all He brings is the living application of the truth and the (inaudible) centuries ago by all their mystics and since the first beatitude, or attitude of how to be, is to be “poor in spirit,” He will have to adhere to it too, He would have to demonstrate living by Divine Will, this is the path of mystic. Now the second attitude or beatitude is called “blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted,” that’s the King James version. In the new version it ends up saying “happy are they that mourn for they are comforted,” all right if you are mourning for someone and you’re comforted and you become happy, does that really change your spiritual life? Because someone has passed on and that you grieve and you live in a state of anguish and now you’re comforted but that actually changes you spiritually? Psychologically yes, physically yes, but in a spiritual nature deep down within the Soul structure and your alignment with God where is the change? There is no change, we must understand now what the Master Jesus is talking about, why is He saying blessed and not saying happy? He has to be speaking on something entirely out of the range of the intellect and the fight senses. He is speaking from Soul to Soul, He is a Master, a Master of the Divine Life therefore the beatitude is a system of the Divine Life, it is how the Divine Life functions within us but He’s using the term or terminology that appear to be literal and intellectual for lack of better communication. Only when the Soul is awakened to the inner complexities of creation, can it truly see the meaning of these words used from the mystic view. “Blessed” we know is bliss, the highest ecstatic state, “ecstatic” means out of the static void in which we live in, it is beyond, it is a state in which we see all things as we are in an omnidirectional awareness in its totality, past present and future, it is a collective oneness, it’s a consecrated elevated state. “Blessed are they mourn,” mourn for who? That question has never been asked by anyone after they heard it but Jesus is talking of a particular process in the meditative life, in the spiritual life. God is our sole refuge, He is our only beloved, we mourn for Him because we are separated from Him by our desires. We pine for Him every night even though we are married to His loved one, inwardly within you you are incomplete, you are (inaudible). You know it, you feel it, and you can’t admit it to yourself and you are mourning, you are grieving, there is an internal language within you and ask yourself “why, why am I running for one group of study to another group of study, why am I seeking one belief over another belief,” when in reality you are mourning or grieving for the Beloved in yourself. What would the Beloved look like? Because you have to be comforted, you will have to have an experience that will comfort that anguish in you, you will have to have the experience of the Radiant Form of the Divine Christ Intelligence within your consciousness in meditation, that will elevate you and consecrate you once and for all, trans-humanize your being, freeing you from the pull of your ego nature, you are comforted now beyond all expectations. Even when the Master was in the body He said, “I go unto the Father and I will send you the Holy Comforter who will remind you of all these things in My name” that experience must be thoroughly permeating into the atoms of your being then you know beyond doubt that you are truly comforted by that Radiant Form of the Spirit and you mourn no more and you grieve no hold. Outward mourning for one brother or sister does not compare to the daily mourning or grieving for a glimpse of the Divine within yourself. How many of us go through life with tremendous anguish and turmoil, only for a glimpse that may be a God just to have some belief, to have some conviction that life is worth living, maybe there is something to it all, maybe all this horror, all this inequality has some lesson, some value. When we understand the mystic experience of mourning then we have now a realization of why the world is as it is, not a place that we abhor or detest, the mystic does not do that, He loves everything equally but above all He loves the Creator first and pines for the Creator and for the Radiant vision within. The Radiant vision is meant by Jesus when He said “None come unto the Father but by Me,” you cannot experience Cosmic Consciousness unless you experience the Christ consciousness or the Radiant Form in yourself, it is that form that vouches and places the emphasis of your search for the Divinity. 0:30 Until you have that experience you cannot say that you are truly mourn for the Beloved in which we are all separated from the time we were separated in consciousness and live in the ego nature of ourselves, when we are identified in the Spirit and have no ego and live by Divine Will, we do not mourn so the first beatitude and second beatitude ties into each other, it becomes natural for one to follow the path of the Spirit. Now the third beatitude, it’s called “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth,” the version says, “happy are the meek for the earth is theirs.” Well I said one time to my friends who was trying to interpret it to me, “Yes they inherit six feet of it, (inaudible).” So they’re really blessed because after all that’s what they do with their faith (inaudible) throw a little water on top of their head then you bury them. In the literal sense that could be what you what you think it means, in the intellectual the meek would be those who do not attempt to exert their initiative and they would inherit earth meaning that they would have some place by virtue of the strong protecting them and giving them a right to their existence on the earth. We can extend that into the political level, underprivileged nations are protected by strong nations to ensure their rights against threateners or adversaries and therefore we have now peace among the world but is that what the great Master is teaching us alone, is that what He came down expecting to teach us? There must be more to what He’s talking about, it has to do with each one of us because again the first word is blessed and not happy, it has to do with an elevation of consciousness, it has to do with bliss, the sanctified state in which the Saint or mystic lives in. The meek for the mystic is humility, that sense of humbleness, a lack of pride which is the very first indication that a person tries to display while he’s living on the Earth plane, his self-importance, his desire to stake out his rights and let the world understand “here I am, I’m important, look at me.” Where else would he stake out this situation? Can’t stake it out in heaven and he wouldn’t stake it out in hell either so the idea of trying to be important and to own something or identify oneself with some part of the earth in the mystic sense is ego, not trying to identify or own anything in the mystic sense is humility. When you are humble in the mystic sense, you (inaudible) your consciousness, your knowledge, your wisdom with tremendous joy and inner peace and the very people around you who are influenced by this humility want to give all they have to you and because you don’t crave the world, it seems kind of ridiculous that the humble man showered with gifts, he’s inheriting the world without even trying, haven’t you recognized that, humble people being honorably made this, honorably made that, they’re being given more and more? Because he has no need for it, he’s not working or striving or craving the material world. When the material world shows their gratitude to him by whatever wisdom he has and by the attitude of his humility by (inaudible) the world’s possessions. It is this attitude we live our lives, first acquiring knowledge of our craft or occupations and then rendering service to our fellow Man and out of that humble state our fellow Man will reward us by giving us the world. We will find humble men all over the world who have no care or desire for material things yet they seem to be showered with it by others. It’s a blessed state to be in, it’s a state in which you do not expect anything from anyone and at the same time everyone wants to give you something without you crying for it, what could be more blessed than that? Here you’re not even exerting any effort to have material things of the world and the world is showering it on you. Now in the higher state of consciousness, the more humble you are and the more withdrawn you are from the sensory nature around you, the greater the love pours down upon you and becomes crystallized or solid like the earth, it’s a permanent feeling within you for the first time, you are truly experiencing unconditional love. It is not a wishy-washy state, it’s not an intangible state, it’s a very permanent concrete state within your being, the cells of your being changes, your whole nature changes and others around you begin to feel it, it’s concrete, it’s solid, it vibrates and they experience it and they know there’s something about you that they can sense or trust, there’s a solidity about you, there’s a sense of confidence about you that seems to permeate or emanate from you, you seem to radiate a sort of assurance to others, you are truly solid (inaudible), this spiritual power seems to come from within you and you seem to draw from it in an inexhaustible way, you never seem to want for it, others begin to reach out for it. You are truly now endowed with the solidness of the Spirit from within that’s why you have the riches of the earth, you have the earth, you hold it in your consciousness, you hold the solid confidence of the Spirit within you by being truly humble. You can trust yourself but others can trust you because you’re a man of your word, you’re solid, that’s the term the young people say “boy, he’s solid, he’s like a rock, he’s like the earth, we can trust him,” not because he has any material objects, it’s because there’s a quality within the being that is capable of permeating others who are not that strong, not that confident, who are still weak in their nature who may still have the little pride or vanity, yet when they face the individual of humility and he forthright, forward, his character sometimes can be very sharp, you know we don’t like people who are straightforward, candid, they hurt us a lot because they’re too upright, “straight laced” they say but nevertheless those people are solid, they’re the backbone of the Spirit. When you look at yourself and you evaluate yourself, you don’t to be afraid to be in that state (inaudible), you have something of value that the Creator and the Master Jesus and all the great Saints have all demonstrated. In their own life they have demonstrated a solidity by being humble to elevate us that we can be strong in our own humility, that is something everyone can prove for himself and it’s a blessed state, it’s a consecrated state, it’s a state in which you have no fear. 0:40 The last one, it’s the fourth beatitude in life, is “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” What? Again that is the King James version and in the modern version they say “happy are they who hunger and thirst after right thinking or righteousness for they shall be filled” but what does it tell us from the little standpoint? The little standpoint is somebody may deny yourself food and drink to be righteous, that is stand up for the right, and if he perseveres maybe by the grace of God in this society somebody will come to his rescue and do battle for the underdog and lift them out of it but he has to take them on a supposition, that’s a literal sense of the word. As in the case of Mahatma Gandhi, literally he adhered to that statement though he was an intellect and a mystic also but in a little sense in the word he has to do battle with the English government so he desires to go into jail, fast without drinking and eating for a change of law that the government imposed upon his country. He thought at the time it was unjust that there should be a tax on salt in his country, it was not an act of righteousness or right act. The salt was near in the ocean when they gathered it and the British came along and governed them and then imposed this tax on the salt and he decided to oppose it in the literal sense of the word. Now the scripture says you will be filled, that means it will come to pass that certain things will take care of itself or straighten itself out, he had to put it to the test. Now the British could do one of two things, they could forget Mahatma Gandhi in the jail and wipe their hands off like Pontius Pilate (inaudible) he wiped his hands off for Jesus when the case came up. You’re not gonna accuse the king or the queen at that time or anybody for that matter, they’ll deliberately kill Mahatma Gandhi or did not fulfill the desire to correct the law but Gandhi is gambling and that’s what the literal man does, he gambles that there may be love in the hearts of men. His intellect tells him that, “that if I persevere I made alter the love nature in the human being in the British Government and they may fulfill this condition.” Now as a mystic he’s working a different concept, he is generating the moral thought behind creation to come into focus to stand behind righteousness over unrighteousness. He perceives within his consciousness that unrighteousness will never surpass righteousness if we give it a chance, if we put it to the test, if we truly hunger and thirst, if we really fast to the depth, human beings by the public opinion, their moral nature, their ethical nature would be the rallying point because we are all connected by Spirit (gap in tape)… release him and repealed the salt tax. Having won his first round with them, he has now recognized the beatitude or the attitude of behavior necessary to combat them on a literal level, on an intellectual level, and on a mystic level and from then on he applies the same principle over and over thus giving credence to the Master’s teaching “blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” In my own life I’ve experienced this phenomenon not in terms of the law but in terms of needs and conditions that I have had to face face about physical health or in the organization in which we’re building. When we fast and thirst sometimes the very crises that are facing us seem to disappear and the Divine Intelligence manifests in our lives and we call it miracle. It is miracle because by any mathematical calculation of the human mind and intellect we could not know how this would come into manifestation. Righteousness will always surpass unrighteousness and we will always be filled with the Spirit, we will always live in an ecstatic state, we could never be let down. The only fear we have of being let down is the fear of not knowing, we are afraid because time governs our consciousness, we are geared to time, we live in a time cycle in a time environment, and it’s because the time environment seems to be pressing upon our consciousness we are afraid that we will not make it in time. Any condition that faces us in this time cycle can be modified and we’ve had that in our lives for instance if you owe (inaudible) if you pay tomorrow 8 o’clock otherwise they will foreclose on you, the time cycle will be so pressing on your mind that you will be afraid and you may do something violent and everyone turns you down but we never give credit to the person who we owe it to that he is human or she is human, that we can appeal to their human nature for an extension of time. We are afraid to face that person for no reason at all though we owe it to them and we try to borrow from others to pay it out and we are turned down by others yet the Divine Intelligence is teaching us a lesson that the Divine Power is still in the person too that we are borrowing from. Now if we hunger and thirst, we are willing to buckle in our belts, tighten up ourselves and go face the individual, we will be filled, we will be given an extension and that extension is called grace, how many of us have not had that type of experience? It is in living it, it is in that attitude we can see now the moral nature behind the mystic approach but you can bring about this Divine Consciousness in your daily life. The Sermon on the Mount is very dynamic as a system of living, its dynamism comes from approaching it from the mystical view because you’re constantly aligning yourself with (inaudible) as a source, as the power behind your actions. If you approach it from the literal or from the intellectuals, you’re going to be disappointed because it’s limited, you’re leaving yourself open to your own nature, your own human nature, you’re selling yourself short so if ever you read in the future writings of the scriptures, “happy are they who are poor spirit for they shall inherit the Kingdom of heaven,” do not make a mistake of selling yourself short for happiness, there is a greater state of being beyond happiness. 0:50 Happiness is a stepping stone to blessedness and “happy are they who mourn,” again do not you are mourning for someone who has passed away, it is the separation between you and the Spirit, the Father so don’t sell yourself short, try to realize that the great Master gave His life, lived His life primarily to give us the alignment with the consciousness, with the spirit, with God through His own behavior. Thank you. Audience: We’ll have a break for five minutes and come back and I’m sure Adano answer…” (Gap in tape). Adano: For the non-Jew, the Sermon on the Mount is not Master Jesus’ (inaudible), it is the Jewish Lord’s Prayer antedating Jesus. You have to read the scrolls and go back and see in the Mourner’s Prayer, called the Mourner’s Prayer, that the mourning or the wailing of the wall (inaudible). Jesus when He was giving the Sermon on the Mount, the people that gathered were mostly slaves, people who were liberated by the Romans by allowing them to buy their citizenship, and (inaudible) many of the downtrodden Jewish people who had forgotten their heritage so giving them that Sermon on the literal level, it was encouragement on the literal level for them but remember He was speaking also to his own disciples and that prayer or that sermon would not mean that to them because He had already told them when He consecrated them by saying “Unto you are given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven but unto the multitudes never” so they understood the inner meaning of the sermon. The Romans or the Greeks or the Sadducees or the Pharisees were standing around understood it on the intellectual level that they were familiar with it, it meant nothing to them and therefore they were not interested in it but the downtrodden man who never heard it or might have forgotten it, it gave them the courage and the hope to go forward and do something so when we look at it from that standpoint, it is hope for Man as a whole not just Western man, it is a hope for Man as a whole starting him on the process of discovering his divine nature and making a change in his environment. If he makes a change in his environment because environment is stronger than willpower and if he makes that change in the environment then by his own nature the Will certainly start to correct itself and he will want to go inward to face the reality of his nature and then elevate himself so from that standpoint yes, it is a great hope for Man, the Sermon on the Mount that is, any other questions? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, yes we do. Remember this, Jesus obtained His Cosmic Consciousness in a previous life you know, John the Baptist obtained his in a previous life. In the case of John the Baptist it says “not by the will of the flesh nor the will of the parents but the will of God he was born” that means the will of the flesh, he didn’t crave to come back by any unfinished pattern of thinking, His parents didn’t crave him. Certainly if you read the birth of John the Baptist, the father and mother didn’t want to have a part in having him coming in because he was old you know, the father was old and the mother was old but it was the will of God that brought about the manifestation of John into the world. So in a previous life John the Baptist was Elijah and Jesus made reference, “there is no other man born that is greater than John who was Elijah.” Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, once you have Cosmic Consciousness or Illumination, you have a total memory of your being and that will be seen in the fact that when Jesus went to John to be baptized. John is the one who gave credence that Jesus was fully illumined before He was baptized or initiated back into the state because he says he saw that he was able to go up to that level back to the Holy Spirit when He was baptized and the Holy Spirit would be declaring “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” In other words there is no (inaudible), there is no karmic debt, there is no desir pattern holding back the man Jesus from withdrawing from His body at the moment of baptism to enter back into the whole Cosmic state from which He came from. Once having achieved it, (inaudible) lost it and returning not by His will or craving or unfinished debt nor by his parents neither but by will of the Lord so it is said the Lord sent down to Mary by notifying her through the angel Gabriel that she will have a child and his name shall be called Emanuel which means “God in Man” that this man child will be an illumined person by Divine Consciousness coming back with total memory. So though He has to be born by the process of physical action, He will not lose his identity with the Spirit and when the time comes for Him to assume Him responsibility as an illumined Master, he will know what to do, he will go and make that correction or contact which he did when He came back at the age of 30 from the east, He went to John and had John baptized Him. Now here is the point in question, He an illumined Master and John an illumined Master and He is going to John and saying to John “baptize Me” and John says “No, you baptize Me.” Now picture for one moment two grown men arguing who should throw a little water on each other’s head, do you see? But then He says to John, “Suffer it to be so,” in other words “be humble and endure this for this is the way of righteousness,” this is the way Divine contact is confirmed by one who is illumined and must make note to the other who is illumined also within, “you are confirming for me by My coming to you that My Divine Consciousness is genuine and not a figment of my imagination.” We can all suffer from a figment of imagination and a great deal of people are in the asylum and they’re called schizophrenics having Divine Consciousness and don’t even know why and doctors are calling it all types of diseases and there’s no way for anyone to confirm if they’re really diseases or they are inner experiences because the doctor himself doesn’t have the experience. It will take a mystic to go in here and sort out the genuine from the non-genuine but in the case of Jesus He knew He had this awareness and He had to have it confirmed otherwise He might live with the same mental illusion that it was false. After He was convinced by the baptism or the initiation, then he took up the challenge of facing His ego which is called going up on the mount for 40 days and 40 nights, He had to battle out now in his own structure and the intuitive part of Himself, which is the Christ-self, and the ego part which is the human self, the values of the ethical life. So the trials on the mountain was the interlocking action between the ego and the intuitive nature or the Christ-self, between the son of God and the son of Man all acting in the body. 1:00 So He never lost his divinity, He had it confirmed for Him even though He had to go through normal birth but if you ask another question that brings up all the problems in it. In birth, they must be death and there are four ways to be born and there are four ways to die. One, to be born having no memory of your past life. Two, to be born having total memory of your past life. Three, birth by immaculate conception or extrasensory insemination. Four, direct materialization fully grown 21 years of age, living in the world, these are rare experiences. Equally true you have the death that are in opposition to it, to die and to decompose immediately. To die and not to decompose. To die and resurrect and take your body with you or to dematerialize yourself at will go up in the bodily assumption, we have all evidences in the bible so we know there are four births and four deaths. The Master Jesus exemplifies one type. Audience: (Inaudible then gap in tape). Adano: (Inaudible)… what I’m trying to say is this, there is no difference when the Soul is identified with the Creator in Cosmic Consciousness, salt is salt and you can’t say one is more saltier than the other, you can’t say one person’s Cosmic Consciousness is more cosmically aware than the other, they are all in the same state. When Jesus said “I and My Father are one,” that totality applies to everyone who arrives in that state so He in turn was very cautious to say it before He left the body by saying these words “The things I do you shall do also and greater things shall you do,” therefore not limiting anyone and giving everyone an opportunity to be identified (inaudible). So He could not limit anyone or would not make Himself out to be the only one, that would be being the height of ego but then the church came along and said He is the only son of God, that is a different thing altogether, but He never made that statement. The mystic will not try to elevate himself over his fellow man or exclude himself from his fellow man, he always maintains equality so you know the truth of the mystic is always valid. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: There is no difference He has achieved (inaudible), Master of himself, Master of life. The first criteria of the Master is simply this, mastery of life over death, your last enemy. Death is your last enemy the Master Jesus said, now He had to be a Master over life and death, He had to be able to demonstrate this superiority of consciousness over death so you see Paul says the same thing too, “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord,” he has to have mastered this function of death. Jesus put it another way, “No man take My life from Me, I have the power to lay it down and pick it up” demonstrating His superiority. Now once a person has achieved the superiority of a mastery of life over death which is our last enemy or opposition to this physical frame, then you have obtained sanctity which is Saint-ful, it doesn’t require a church or a body of men or women to declare that about you, the criteria for you being a Master and achieving sanctity in the Spirit is that you have the power of life over death and it’s in your spiritual (inaudible). Once you have achieved that state, you are in it, it will make no difference if they call you Saints after or not, that you have demonstrated your mastery by adhering to Divine Will in the body. Now Jesus demonstrated it and adhered to it on all levels when He was tested, when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was testeds. He saw what type of death He would have, as mystic He could see that (inaudible) by meditation and He even went to the extent of trying to avoid it by saying “Father remove this cup,” remove this experience from my consciousness but then He caught Himself by saying “No, not My will but Thy will be done” and then He came out of the garden and He saw other people grieving, weeping, then He made the remark “Do not weep for me, weep for yourself, be of good cheer for I have overcome the world,” I have accepted Divine Will, I am capable of mastery over death and in the final summation of how I accept this final death, it is up to the Creator to vindicate Me as a Master of life over death. If I do the will of the Lord from birth to death, it is a Creator Himself who will vouch or state or demonstrate in my physical frame that truth. Now when Jesus passed on, He resurrected and this is strictly by the grace of the Lord. He was lifted up yet when He was lifted up and resurrected, He still made this statement so Mary when she came to touch Him in the garden at the gravesite, “Touch Me not, I have not yet ascended unto the Father.” The mystic is telling her in his own way that in spite of the fact that He is Master of life over death, it is still the Father’s grace who will elevate Him onto the more blessed state. Now she went and told the disciples that the Master had risen and they accepted it and there was one disciple who did not accepted the fact that the Master was risen and when He came to them through the door, the door was not open, He came through the wall in the room, they accepted the fact He was there and the second time He came Thomas was present, the first time Thomas was absent and when they told Thomas that the Master was risen and He came to them he says “unless I see and touch I can’t believe” and what was the word the Master told him when He came the second time? “Come touch Thomas, feel” but then He rebuked his disciples, that means He admonished them and disciplined them for a lack of understanding in the Spirit, He said “Blessed are they who have not seen and believed than they who have seen and believed.” You need to meditate more, you need to recognize the radiant form of the Spirit within yourself, go meditate some more, that’s what He’s telling him. The mystic always advises us that we must go inside and achieve mastery of life over death then we are sanctified and then you can say that person is a Saint and not by the virtue of someone canonizing him, the Saint does not have too wait until He dies and they call Him a Saint. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: When a Master speaks, He always speaks on three levels, the literal level using the same terminology, the intellectual level, and the extrasensory level. On a literal level, people who are downtrodden (inaudible), their minds are fired up immediately by certain simple statements. People who have never been downtrodden and have it well off and don’t know what it means to worry about anything and if a family passes on, so what, that’s another individual, the intellect can get so callus you know but it doesn’t need to reflect. 1:10 On an intellectual level it can turn off so the words on an intellectual level would actually mean very little in terms of grieving but the person at a lower level in the economical status, it could mean a lot, the attachment can be very strong. It can be the only child or the only relative, it can be very traumatic so they are never going to be satisfied with the loss, they’re always going to grieve. Now on the intellectual level, the loss can be in terms of something different than a human being. If your family has many children, the intellectual person may not grieve over one loss of child but he may grieve over the loss in the stock market to the extend that he may want to commit suicide, the levels of awareness are different. Now when you come into the mystic level, the mystic does not care for the intellectual level, he may seems to be very cold from the intellectual level, he may be very cold from the literal level but highly volatile in mystic level because he wants an experience (inaudible). Now Jesus has to satisfy His disciples by telling them that, remember when He drew them to Himself, they had to renounce the world, they had to give up the world to follow Him, He said “Follow me” and they dropped everything that they were attached to and went behind Him and even when the young man who told Him, “Sir my family is dead and I want to go bury them and attend the funeral,” you do you remember the statement what He told him? “Let the dead bury the dead,” you follow Me if you want to follow Me. Their mourning is only for material things, your mourning is for the Spirit inside of you which you see so plainly and can’t recognize in you. So if the student could recognize the Holy Spirit in the Master Jesus and he could not see it in his own self when he meditates, then he would be truly mourning. He will not be really mourning over there where his relative might be dead because those who mourn for the relatives that are dead can’t see the dead relative inside. How many of us can really close our eyes and see the dead relative on the inner realm and say “I am certain now that the person who passed over is safe and sound and they’re in the hands of the Creator?” They have no way to vouch for that so their mourning is futile but if they mourn long enough, they’re going to be mystics in the end because they would be forced to recognize certain workings inside their mechanism and the Master Jesus is telling that disciple “You will let them be” because they are still caught up in old ideas “let the dead bury the dead, they are still caught up in an old world of consciousness, they don’t understand the inner consciousness but you follow Me, you meditate, and you (inaudible) born in consciousness, you will actually have the experience, you will be fulfilled, you can actually see the consciousness in Me and the consciousness of the dead person where he actually is” and to even carry that further with His own disciples because they were doubtful as to what would happen to them after death, they said to Him “Master what happens (inaudible).” He said, “In My Father’s house, there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you, if it were not so I would tell you” that indicates what grief and anguish would be when one passes one. A person like Master Jesus passing on and leaving His disciples and having no assurance, they will be mourning all their life for the Master but if they have the realization that they could make the contact within themselves then the mourning would end and the comforting would come out, they will have the experience at what level of creation He is at or what level a loved one that passes over, where they are in this Creative Process, do you see? (Inaudible) involved by telling them that, though He’s telling them in a very simple way, knowing fully well they’re going to be (inaudible) from a literal level, intellectual level, to the mystic level. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You see a Master cannot spend His time trying to define all the levels of existence in us, He has but a short time to be in the world, that’s why He refers to Himself as a light “While I’m in the world, I am the light of the world.” The world is darkness based upon the desires and attachment, that is the darkness of our mind, we are attached, we are held back by our desires from the inner light of ourselves. A Master has no desire for this world, He is brought back into the world to elevate us simply by showing us how to look inside of ourselves and live a complete attachment to the Spirit and worship in Spirit, we have to worship God in Spirit all the time. So He has a limited time to work so He has to make all the information available by living it, demonstrating it, and simplifying it even though we may not comprehend it and sometimes we get very angry, “Why can’t He be more explicit” then we take off in tangents, we have our own versions of what He’s saying but we can take off in a literal tangent of what it means and then after a while we find we run into a blind alley and find out that He doesn’t really mean that then we turn around and take off in another tangent and find out He doesn’t really mean that but eventually you’re going to end up in the right alley or the right pathway of what He really means and this will correct itself and compensate for all the different attempts that we made, it will take in every experience because all this starts to gell for the first time, it all value now for the first time. So if we work from the literal level up to the mystic level, we’re going to be disappointed. If we work from mystic level down to the literal level, we will never be disappointed that’s why He says “Come unto me all that travail and are heavily laden and I’ll refresh you,” we have to go in first. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God which is within you and its righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” “Seek the truth, the truth will make you free, free men all Lord of yourself.” First discover the mystic nature in you then the intellectual part will come out then the literal application will come out but if you go from the physical/literal way then the intellectual way then the spirit last then you’re selling yourself short. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: I once saw a cartoon in a Time Magazine, there was a mountain climber who climbed up the Himalayan mountains and just as he came to the ledge, he saw a woman sitting in a lotus posture looking at him and he had a big expression on his face in awe and she said to him, “How uninformed you are, don’t you know there are women Masters too?” Mastery has nothing to do with the sex, male or female, we are all masters of ourselves when we overcome death, we have to learn the art of how to die consciously while we’re in the body, we have to face the Creator with this experience. He is the Creator of life, He has endowed us with life as Soul, He is within us as the Sound Current, the Holy Word, we can’t be experienced unless we master death so Jesus as a Master or Mary as a Master would say that death is our last enemy, death is our last confrontation when we overcome this condition being male or female, we have to. Now Paul is saying the same thing, “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord.” We don’t have any other criteria on a physical level to demonstrate mastery, it’s not a mastery of the ethical nature, it’s a mastery of life over death so by ethical nature that’s good works. So Paul is saying “Not by your good works are you lifted up but by the grace of God you are lifted up” that means you have to go through the process of dying, lifting up yourself from this physical entrapment. Now many people have had the experience of seeing themselves outside of their body, many people dream of themselves outside of their body, not everyone can say they have had the experience of seeing themselves outside of the body but he does experience that in dream or he does experience that in the unconscious state because he’s designed that way, eventually he will have to face the realization or the actual experience at death but at that time he has no control, at that time he’s a victim of the situation that places him in that experience. 1:20 We don’t want to be a victim of circumstances to leave this body without recognizing the Creator, we want to take advantage of the body to recognize the Creator and leave consciously so conscious exit from the body is what the great Saints all tell us, it’s called giving up the ghost. Master Jesus did not die on the cross, he gave up the ghost, that is He knew the art of how to leave His body at will so when they buried it, He also knew how to reactivate it. Now this is not something macabre or strange, it may sound like that but it’s a highly natural process in the human mechanism. Audience: One last short question Adano. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, He did not make it difficult to attain, He made it very simple, we are the ones who are making it difficult to do. He made us by becoming us, that’s number one simplicity, He became us so we cannot become God you see, we can only become God realized. God has become us by being His creation, He is within us already, we can achieve the God realization but we cannot become God. We can experience God realization by first experiencing Christ realization but if we can’t achieve Christ realization then the next step up is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is within us. Now John wrote in his scriptures “In the beginning was the Word,” that is the Audible Life Current, it is God, “and the Word was with God” that means the Audible Life Current exists in total awareness, “and the Word IS God,” the word “IS” makes all the difference for modern Man to understand the simplicity of it. “The word is God,” the Audible Life Current is God, no man can see the Audible Life Current but every man can feel or hear the Audible Life Current and the first test is when we hear it in ourselves “and the Word was made flesh,” the Audible Life Current slowed down and became solid matter, tissues, “and dwelt in Man.” It chose one of its creation, one of Its expression to reside in, It chose the human body, Man, to reside in. So we are privileged as a being to be a portable heaven for the Creator, a portable container for the Creative Force. Now since we can’t see It, we can feel It and hear It, the only evidence of Its existence would be light. Now Jesus came down in flesh and He was a spoken word in flesh and gave credence to the light in the flesh by telling us how to look for the light of the flesh, He said “When the eyes are single, the whole body is full of light and the light shines in the darkness,” the darkness of the brain full of desires, full of attachments, confusion, “and the darkness comprehends it not.” The sensory nature does not understand the meaning of why light should be in the brain, if you tap your head (inaudible), you’ll see a flash of light then the light shines in the darkness and darkness comprehends it not. “But let your light so shine before men that they may see the good works and glorify the Father which is in you.” The time spent in trying to observe this light will cause it to emanate from you and only your fellow man can recognize it in your peace, you will become a person of peace, inner tranquility, a peace that passes all understanding and it’s a blessed state, this is the simplicity of it. Now if we adhere to that attunement or alignment, we don’t have anything to fear, we don’t have to fear death because there’s no longer a mental pressure or a mental condition that would impress itself upon our consciousness, we are free because when we leave the brain, we will merge in the light and it’s the first act of creation by the spoken Word, the spoken audible light, “Let there be light” and if we are light, Einstein proved it too by saying this body is mass, its energy, and energy is equal to the velocity of light squared times the mass, you are looking at the marvelous machinery, the human body, congealed light, the Creator has become Its Creation but He’s not gonna be somebody standing there looking at you like that and saying “Ah-ha (inaudible).” No, the oneness of Spirit would give you the totalness of the spirit but what you will experience is the Christ intelligence that is manifesting for eternity in all creation, it’s the personal aspect of God, that Christ intelligence will be there waiting. That is why it says, “I go unto the Father, I prepare a place for you,” that’s in consciousness it is occurring. You have nothing to fear or to worry if you align your consciousness to it and that’s the simplicity of it so don’t feel that because the world is complicated it’s difficult, it’s designed simply to test us. You wouldn’t make any effort if you had no tests or no trials, right? So by virtue of that, “greater the obstacle, greater the Soul.” Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Oh, years ago I wanted in a picture of the Master Jesus but I didn’t want to have a painting and I saw so many different paintings by various artists but this was their own version of their mind but this is an actual photograph taken in South America in a Catholic Church on Good Friday. The original picture is (inaudible), it was on Good Friday they were praying and these people in South America are very literal minded you know, they said to the Catholic priest if Jesus is alive as you say and He’s resurrected, how come He don’t come around and show Himself, how come we can’t see Him? He ain’t dead, the priest can’t backup and says “no,” he got to admit that Jesus is still alive, He’s a living Master so what did the priest say? He said “If you have enough faith and you really want the Master Jesus to show His body, pray for it.” And so they kept on praying and in the middle of the church, you know globe like, He stood up there looking at them. It happened that at that very moment there was a Baron from Germany who was in exile and living in that part of South America, he and his son was in the church. The baron was interested in architecture but his son had a camera and then it occurred and the boy snapped the picture. A friend of mine gave me a copy of it (inaudible) original copy of this slide and I had it enlarged but the Master Jesus is actually 5 feet 11 and a half inches, He has the texture of skin that looks like a greek olive color, He has a typical Jewish flat nose and hazel colored eyes and He has brownish-red hair, not long and if you are attuned to your consciousness in meditation, you can have the experience. Now if you are a Catholic mystic, He would impress upon your body the stigmata wounds and they will appear in the wrists, not in the palms because the wounds are in the wrist on the left side and if you’re not a Catholic by virtue of the heritage then He will bless you with the opening of the inner (inaudible) of the sacred heart. 1:30 So mystics as a rule will have one of two blessings, the non-catholic will have the opening of the heart center inside, “the pure in heart sees God” and the Catholics would have the stigmata wounds because they are the heritage simply because He chose to impress the consciousness on Peter. Peter is the traditional heritage for the Master Jesus and by virtue of that lineage, He does that but you’ll find that the stigmata wounds (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Mary is four feet, eleven and a half inches tall and her full-sized portrait is recorded as the Virgin of Guadalupe. It’s a full-sized portrait of actually what Mary (inaudible) and the Virgin of Guadalupe is an actual life sized portrait of her and the serapi of Juan Diego, the man who was converted (inaudible). She actually impressed that upon his serapi and in the Catholic chapel in Mexico on the serapi there’s a life-sized portrait of Mary. See the early Jews and the especially in the appearance of Jesus were the type that were not very clear, there were more of the dark brown (inaudible), they used to call them the Safartic Jews or the Essenes. Audience: Adano, we’ve really got to stop, we promised… (Gap in tape). Audience: It is my privilege tonight to introduce to you someone (inaudible) a very dear friend. Reverend Adano Ley is the founder of All Faith Fellowship in Tyler, Texas. I spent a few days in Tyler last summer and it was a learning experience I will always remember. Adano’s spiritual name is Swami Nityananda Saraswati. Swami means Master of self. Nityananda means ever new bliss in God and Saraswati means wisdom of nature. In a recent letter that Adano sent out to his initiates, he started the letter with the quotations in John 15, “Henceforth I call you not servants for the servant knows not what his Master does but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my Father have made known to you, my friends. Adano Ley.” Adano: Thank you. For those who don’t know, for Swamis this is not a lecture, this is a Satsanga. Satsanga means fellowship with truth and before you can start the Satsanga you have to calibrate your mind because three things are occurring at Satsanga. One there’s a physical contact, two there’s an intellectual contact, and three there’s an extrasensory contact so let us calibrate our minds because there may be restless trying to get to this building, trying to adjust with the cars on the highway so just tune your consciousness in. (Short meditation). Thank you. Tonight we (inaudible) second portion of the Sermon on the Mount which is known as the Beatitudes and as I said last night when the Master Jesus spoke, He was speaking on three levels of competence: a literal level, an intellectual level, and an extrasensory or mystic level. The literal level we can all understand because it doesn’t take much intelligence for that and the intellectual level is a little more complicated but the mystic or extrasensory level very few of us are aware of and therefore we don’t know the true meaning until we have the inner experience so tonight we’re dealing with the second four beatitudes, last night we covered the first four and tonight we’ll cover the second four. The first one is “blessed” and I said last night again in your King James version you use the word “blessed,” in the new version of the scriptures that are being printed today they use the word happy and if you follow the new version you’ll be selling yourself short because we do not understand what blessed really means because the word happy has nothing to do with a great teacher like Master Jesus telling us about the levels of consciousness. Happiness is only the second level above cheerfulness on the scope of the chart of emotions and “blessed” is almost the criteria of experiencing the human range of Divine Intelligence next to bliss which is God realization and if He uses the word blessed, He is already indicating a Divine State because the word blessed means to consecrate or lift up and you have to be lifted from a certain level of emotional behavior to another level of emotional behavior to be one with the Creator. So we must be clear in our minds that blessed does not mean happy, “blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Now if you take the modern version “happy are the pure in heart for they shall see God,” it is very very short of the mark because “the pure in heart” what kind of a heart, what kind of a purity and seeing God, since the scripture says “No man can see God but feel His presence,” how then can happiness be involved in such a state, how will it then satisfy the seeker of truth. For a literal man, it will elevate his consciousness from depression and feel a sense of happiness if he has a pure heart but again in a literal sense of the word heart is an organ, how can the literal minded man find a pure heart, how are you going to do that? Then we find that he is frustrated, he really doesn’t understand the true meaning because the organ itself can’t be pure and as soon as he tries to decipher, he will find himself becoming intellectual trying to find different answers for the problem. 1:40 Well if we take the intellectual approach, the intellectual approach is pure mind, heart, consciousness, “happy is the man who has a pure mind, he will see God,” this is what the intellectual mind will try to (inaudible) because there are no impurities in the thoughts, ideas, (inaudible), therefore you’re bound to see God. Again we are missing the mark because when a Master like Jesus used these words, He’s not talking merely literal or intellectual, He’s not just merely coming into the world to satisfy our ego, His main purpose on the earth is to restore the balance of the Soul and unite it with the Divine Nature, God, so it has to mean far more than just those type of interpretations. From the true mystic standpoint it must be about certain internal experiences that the Soul had actually experienced, bliss is the highest experience the Soul knows, ecstasy, it’s the state in which the Saint lives or the mystic lives, it’s an extrasensory state, it is beyond the range of the five senses, it’s a state where the static world or the sensory world does not rush in and create any internal turmoil, it is the state of unconditional love, there is no condition in there in that state, it is pure love (inaudible) actual experience. It’s consecrated that means it is lifted up beyond all emotions, all sensory conditions of the five senses so when one is blessed, one is immediately elevated outside of the static level of thinking, outside of the range of the senses, reason, and logic, he enters the world of intuitive living. In this realm very few people enter because we don’t spend the time to go into that realm and this realm is vast, infinite, and it is the most rewarding (inaudible) inner consciousness, inner being. Well “blessed are in pure in heart,” He uses the word “heart,” I said it’s an organ. If we think of it in terms of mind, it’s partially true, if we think of it in terms of the organ it may seem incorrect but in the mystic mind no statement made is incorrect, it borders on both the literal, the intellectual, and the extrasensory. The literal organ has a purpose in the mechanism, the psychological makeup of it has a purpose in the mechanism, how does the mystic enter the unity of these two forces, how does he bring these two forces into unity because the experience must coincide with the actual terminology that is used by the Master. Purity means to clean up so if you don’t have an impure mind then there are no thoughts in there that are pure, if you don’t have this. If you have an impure mind, they’re all impure thoughts in there, if you have a pure mind the thoughts are pure in there, it’s positive. All right but where do we think? We don’t think in our heart, we think in our brains so the word could not be incorrect as far as Jesus is concerned but as far as the intellectual person is concerned, the word heart will be thrown out and in the future we’ll read “happy are the pure in brain or mind for they will see God” and then we are selling ourselves short because we really don’t know if it’s true, we have to have a mystic experience to vouch for the word “heart” and the word “pure” to really make it of value because we will see why. The heart is an organ, the literal heart is an organ, its purpose is to do what? Purify, isn’t that it? Purify what? Blood. There are two types of blood in our system: impure blood and pure blood. The pure blood is mentioned as the life of the being, the life is within the blood in us, our scriptures say that life is within the blood. If the life is within the blood then this heart has a purpose, it was designed with a purpose, it’s designed not just for a literal function not only for an intellectual function but it’s designed for an extrasensory experience because you will come into modern day people who are trying to experiment with chemicals to find inner experiences and you will see why the heart is really (inaudible) as an organ by the Master Jesus and not some figment of imagination. The impure blood rises up in the heart by the veins and enters into the heart and is purified by the oxygen from the lungs and goes out of the heart through the arteries, this is its normal function we can’t alter that yet by a strange fact only in the heart we see an odd phenomenon, that at the very center of the heart impure blood is in the artery and pure blood in the veins and yet it enters impure by the vein and leaves pure by the artery, interesting. It enters impure by the vein and leaves pure by the artery and yet in the inner core, they exchange places, the impure blood is in the arteries and the pure blood is in the veins, how did this sudden change take over, why this sudden exception to the rule? By certain forms of oxygenation since we breathe, we change the impure blood into pure blood. Man, when he was created “God breathed into Man the breath of life,” breath and life are interrelated and Man became a living Soul so Man does not have a Soul, he is Soul, and Jesus is speaking of “the pure in heart they will see God” and since the scripture says “No man see God but feel his presence and love,” we have to come to an experience that involves vision and it’s within the heart organ itself. Because the heart organ in certain respiratory rates especially in the oriental countries where we learn to switch off the heart and shut it down and produce what is called voluntary conscious life control which Jesus said when He was on the earth “No man take My life from Me, I have the power to lay it down and pick it up” and Paul said “I rebuke you in your rejoicing for I live and die daily in the Lord.” He alone, unlike Paul and many other mystics, know the secret within the heart’s function, they are able to switch off and bring about this internal illumination. You can’t see without light, there is no way you can see internally without light, if you close your eyes you will see it’s darkness, how are you going to see past the darkness of the brain? You are living within a physical organism that depends on blood. Now purification of this mechanism is next to Godliness, cleanliness is next to Godliness, Godliness is life power, the sole creative force, only when we can bring about an internal balance of the flow between the vein, the arteries, and bring about a purification within, this illumination occurs inside. Now this is what Jesus mentioned He said, “When thine eyes are single the whole body is full of light,” physical atomic light that we have right here, not magic, it is just that we don’t look at it objectively and sometime in the future scientists will make the discoveries themselves, they will vouch for what He’s talking about. When the illumination occurs which is what the human being wants to discover about himself, lo and behold he will see the radiant form of the Master within. 1:50 The radiant form of the Master is there and you have to recognize it and that is called God. Now God “became flesh dwelt among Man,” this is not a statement of imagination, He is the creative power that can come down in a personalized state and meet us at the intuitive level. When the illumination occurs within us, we will see that radiant form so we know the radiant form is not dead, it is a resurrected body of the Master Jesus who lived in a physical frame and ascended into consciousness which is what we call heaven. Now if you want to lift up your consciousness, which means blessed or consecrated, then you have to do what is required, you have to bring about the internal purification of the bodily temple. This temple is the house of the Creator, this body is the temple of the Creator, there is no other temple, this is the living temple, the Creator is inside, it’s Cosmic Light, the radiant form of the Christ intelligence is within you, you have to bring about this internal purification by aligning the consciousness within and by slowly observing this illumination and becoming one with it. Now it is mentioned “the pure in heart will see God,” will is a definite ultimatum, it’s like the last will and testament, when someone leaves a will to someone, it is the final ultimatum of what has to be carried out. When a human being wants to meet the Creator on his own level, he must carry out that ultimatium, he must bring about that internal transformation and see the Creator from within. God is within us all, He is not outside, He is not in some tomb or home or house, He is strictly within our own mechanism that was created by Him. The requirements of it is to be pure, an internal purification, it borders not on the intellect, it borders on a composition of both intellect and physiology. Now the young people try to experiment by using chemicals on this physical body hoping to have an illumination or an experience from within and in the scriptures it tells us “He who does not enter by the door,” that’s the point between the eyebrow, the mid spot here and the same point that Jesus calls “when thine eye is single, the whole body is full of light,” he who does not do that, enter by that point, and enters by any other method or door is a thief, that is laid out very clear, that we can’t answer the experience from within ourselves by trying to short-circuit ourselves with drugs or by irrational unscientific methods, we have to go by the natural process of withdrawal and purification. Religion is a science and the Master Jesus was speaking, He was speaking on a very scientific basis for the mystic, the disciples that lived with Him. For the layman, for the literal mind, the pure in heart does not satisfy because layman would not understand what the pure in heart means but in the layman’s mind, a pure in heart means to be happy within, don’t have animosity to others, don’t have anger, don’t have grief, try to be pure, that is the first step. At the intellectual level it means have no desires, have no cravings, have no attachments, that is the next step up, the literal level, the intellectual level then comes the actual experience from within, this physical temple with the Creator within it as Cosmic Life, Cosmic Intelligence. So once you get the experience, you will discover now that the word happy is incorrect and the true experience is bliss because for the first time you have an extrasensory awareness independent of your five senses. Now the intellect by itself cannot have an experience apart from the five senses, it needs the five senses to utilize, to relate to, to work with logic and reason. The literal mind uses the five senses to relate to its environment, it’s only the mystic or the Saint who works within the intuitive realm independent of the senses, he sees those levels of creation by the steadiness of his mind which you call concentration or devotion for the Lord or single heartedness. Now the next beatitude which means attitude of behavior, are “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” Again we’re talking in three levels: a physical level, an intellectual level, and a mystic or extrasensory level. On the literal level if we are merciful to someone, we hope that they may be merciful to us but we have stories of that when you read early pioneers of this country or you read some of the Indian stories here in North America, if you save an Indian life by being merciful to him, someday when you’re caught in a range war or an Indian war if he happen to be the individual with the tomahawk over your head, he may remember you and not strike your and let you go back, give you back your life, a literal sense of the word. I don’t know if you’ve read Tennison’s work, some of the early cowboys they thought of this peculiar phenomenon, the mercifulness of the savage because we have demonstrated it to them therefore they are giving it back to us. On a literal level this can be accepted as a working meaning for being merciful and you will obtain mercy. Now let’s come to the intellectual level, mercy is involved with compassion, a sense of respect and if we respect our

1972 December 15 - Sermon On The Mount

Adano72_12_15SermonOnTheMountQ2NW4 - …he makes a statement, “The least you have done after one of these, you have done it unto Me.” They who were present thought he was referring to the people in the crowd but He was actually referring to an extrasensory experience occurring in another realm, in another area of time, it was the wise man who was coming to see Him and was bringing Him a gift, it was a pearl, a pearl a great price, that man was a physician, he was a physician king. He had to sell the gift in order to make a compound or a medicine to save the life of an infant, it’s in one of Easter scrolls and it occurred in a time when Jesus was in the body and when that man arrived in Jerusalem, he’d already arrived on the day when the Master was being hung on the cross and he just saw Him at that last moment but that will be verified by a scroll, the Dead Sea scrolls as they’re being dug up more and more. The man did live and they’re going around with the fact that he was a pigment of imagination and somebody foisted a big story on the whole world but he will be vindicated by humanity and a great deal will be understood of what the purpose of his life is then we can understand the purpose of our own life, what he’s really telling us, you see. Audience: What is the meaning of the gifts. Adano: Gold, well if you give someone gold automatically you lift up their economical status you know so you can’t say Jesus with a poor man in no way shape or form you can say. If His parents were having a baby in a manger that would automatically put Him in a high income bracket but gold was symbolic in the east as royalty or kingship, only the royalty or the kings had access to gold and kept gold freely or gave gold freely, it was a symbol of His royalty, its heritage, not in the material sense of the word as a material king. These men were mystics, they were called the Magi, wise, they were aware from within themselves that here was a Soul who was not born by the will of the flesh or by the will of Man but by the will of God entering into humanity to lift up humanity and they who were (inaudible) in their own bodies as mystics, they were also elevating their consciousness that they can see on that level His mission and would know what His mission would represent to the world and out of respect for that manifestation or what the Eastern people call Avatara or descent of God into the flesh, the Hebrew calls it Emmanuel, God in Man, the incarnate Spirit, they saw this in the inner realm and they left their country bringing him these gifts symbolically representing kingship which is gold, frankincense or incense which is priesthood, and myrrh which he used to embalm, mastery of life over death. They knew that He was a living Master, they knew that He had come back into the world to prove His power of life over death. Audience: But the pearl. Adano: Well the pearl was never delivered. Audience: But it would have a meaning, wouldn’t it? Adano: Yes, He made many references to the pearl you know, what did He say? Audience: He said if you cast a pearl among the swine. Adano: It will turn around and rend you and the pearl of great price. He was aware of the fourth wise man coming therefore He referred to the gift that was coming to Him. The pearl is a stone that is used for therapy in the ancient countries, the construction of its crystalline nature someday will be proven by scientists as a cure for certain systematic diseases. Until we have sufficient knowledge of the structure of the pearl and if the pearl is produced by the artificial method which the Japanese do to let the oyster build it, we can have a way of compounding it into a type of a tablet for a certain type of disease. Remember disease is also interlocked with our karma. Audience: (Inaudible) the ancient people knew this and we’ve lost it. Adano: Any more questions? I don’t want to hold up the janitor again tonight and let him feel that we are overworking our goodness. Tonight we do have a little meditation and if you like to join, glad to have you. Meditation is not prayer, prayer is telling God what He should do for you, meditation is God telling you what you should do for Him. So in meditation we go into a state of receptivity, in prayer we go into a state of transmission so if you want to join us, we’ll be glad to have you there. Thank you. (Gap in tape). Audience: I want to welcome everyone here today, new faces and the old faces. Today we come to the last in our series on the Sermon on the Mount and even though it’s an ending with Adano, an ending is always a new beginning, at least that’s the way it seemed to me and we’ve been listening to the beatitudes explained these last two sessions in a way that really reached the heart and soul of the real meaning of them and I think we have another real treat in store for us today. I think probably everyone here today has been here before, I see a few new faces so for those of you who do not know Adano, he comes just from Tyler Texas where he is the leader of the All Faith Fellowship, a wonderful spiritual retreat in every sense of the word the. His Swami name is Nityananda Saraswati and his Christian name is Adano Christopher Ley. We’ve been really blessed to have him with us these last few days and I think the thing that I think of most when I hear Adano and when I see him is love, just an all abiding love that just seems to permeate the presence all around and we’re very privileged to have you with us again today to speak to us. Adano? Adano: Thank you. Well as I said before, for those who don’t know this is not a lecture for Swamis this is what we call a Satsanga, Satsanga means fellowship with truth. At the Satsanga three things are occurring: one, an intellectual contact, two a literal contact or physical contact and three, an extrasensory contact but before we can start a Satsanga we have to calibrate our minds because the mind is restless from driving a car, trying to get here in time, wondering what we’re going to do or say or listen to. So the mind is in a state of turmoil and therefore to calibrate the minds just let us enter in consciousness. 0:10 (Short meditation). Thank you. We come to the last part of the beatitudes today because the beatitudes we know is attitudes of how to be and when the Master Jesus was speaking as I said, He often spoke on three levels: a physical level, an intellectual level, and an extrasensory or mystic level and in order to really comprehend the Master you have to understand how He blends the levels: the literal level, the intellectual level so it portrays the essence of the mystic level. In the beatitudes we find that we are using the word blessing and as I said the word blessed does not mean happy because in the new versions of the bible, they are using the word happy instead of blessed. This is because they’re trying to change the terminology in English but those people who are translating in the new writings are not mystics. In the King James version the men who were writing were mystics, they had an inner experience and blessed had an entire different meaning than happy because the word blessed means to consecrate, to lift up, it’s next to bliss. It’s a state beyond happiness, happiness is only the next level above cheerfulness in the scale of emotions and the highest level is bliss so blessedness is next to bliss and bliss is God, it’s the state in which every realized mystic enters or ecstasy. So when we use the word blessed we are thinking in terms of a divine experience, when you use the word happy we are not using a divine experience, we are thinking now in psychological levels of the subjective nature therefore we are selling ourselves short by accepting the new translations as an ideal way to interpret what a Master like Jesus would be teaching. In the first place He came to elevate our consciousness by living out these experiences, not by instituting any new belief but by demonstrating these beliefs so when you use the word blessed we have to realize we’re talking and communicating on a very high level of experience. Now we covered the first eight beatitudes and we are going to cover these last few which ties in why the Sermon on the Mount was not directed to the general public because it was directed to His disciples more so. Though He spoke openly, the impact and the intent was intended for the spiritual life of the individual, the journey of the Soul back to God, not so much of the outward life. The outward life was a preparatory process which can be taken on a literal level or a intellectual level but when it comes down to the intuitive level, the contemplative level, the mystic level it means entirely different to the individual because each individual has to make this discovery within himself, he has to experience the Christ’s intelligence. So we go to the next beatitude which says “Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Now if we say a man is persecuted for righteousness sake and he will inherit the kingdom of heaven, we can see that in terms of an individual trying to represent some group of people on this earth, trying to fight for the underdog, that’s in the literal sense of the word. Righteousness would mean right thinking, adhering to the laws of the society and if we persecute this individual or try to tear him down in spite of all he stands for, we can eventually say “well he will inherit heaven because he did it best.” From our literal view of the thing we will say that is all that Jesus meant when He was on the earth so we can all adhere or emulate this person by stepping out, fighting for the underdog, and hoping the world is say “cheer, cheer, atta boy, here he goes on to heaven now” but that is not the true intent. It is a stepping stone in behavior, it is a stepping stone to correct the environmental situations that are around us. We should stand up for the underdog or someone who is downtrodden, we should try to adhere to the right rules of thinking as a group activity, as a collective activity but then it comes down, when a person is by himself, when he has to face his inner thoughts, the inner experience of trying to align his consciousness with the Divine, that is the big question, is he really following the true principles of consciousness? Though he may be championing the underdog, is he championing the cause of the Divine Nature within himself, does he know the real (inaudible) existing, does he know the real reason for his own personal existence? Now when we look at it from the mystic standpoint, “Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for there’s is the kingdom of heaven” is when the individual decides to pursue a definite path of realization by aligning his consciousness with God, by taking time out from his daily activities to spend that time in seclusion, solitude, the right approach to inner peace and subjects himself to the ridicule of others, the harassment of others for being a nincompoop of sitting in a corner with his eyes closed and trying to do like that, which you call meditating or getting lost with in himself. Most of us will say “there goes that idiot there sitting on a stone thinking he’s something superior and what is He trying to prove?” But that individual has separated his consciousness temporarily from the environment to pursue the inner approach, the inner peace, he wants to reevaluate the purpose of existence, the purpose of his own personal existence, where does he fit into the picture as a being, where is his greatest contribution as a being not only to society but to himself and his creator, how is he a channel for this Creative Intelligence? Unless he sits down and takes time out and secludes himself from the harassment, he will not be able to elevate himself, he will not be able to get into that consecrated state let alone have an experience of Divine Awareness. 0:20 Well as soon as he decides to do that, his closest enemy is the one who lives right next to him. Jesus said “Your enemies are very close to you,” they may be your very loved ones because they may not want you to be spiritual lest you get a head start to heaven before them. So what they do, they’ll try to harass you and they try to pick at you and before you know it you may get discouraged. Well as long as they get you discouraged and they feel they have won the first round then you feel guilty for having given in. When you turn up now between going their way or trying to really go inward but you know it’s difficult to go inward where only you and your thoughts and your body and an unseen God is going to be in communion and it’s much easier to be outside with them joining them where you can see the world, you can vouch that this is a desk, this is a rose, that’s a light and everything around here are pretty well stable, you don’t have to fear too much so the mind is tossed between the outer world being genuine and the inner world being a figment of imagination or assumption. Well we said “Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake,” now righteousness would be the right laws of being, the right principles of inner awareness so if you don’t harm no one, if you seek solitude, calmness, you seek to pray, you seek to contemplate, you seek to be creative in your consciousness, you don’t indulge yourself with the sensory world too much, that tends to aggravate others and they are forced to harass you for it. Well if you don’t let them harass you and you stick to your resolutions, you will surely inherit the kingdom of heaven, you will have the experience of an inner certitude of an extra sensory awareness or an extra sensory experience of what Divine Consciousness is, not a sensory consciousness, not an intellectual consciousness but an extrasensory experience, it will occur within you, an actual experience of a different nature than the normal run-of-the-mill experiences that happen every day to you, something that will stand apart, this thing that would give you the strength to say “I’ve had an inner experience, I am sure that this inexperience represents something spiritual to me.” You have one problem when you have the experience, you can’t tell nobody, after spending all that time to get it, you can’t go tell nobody because they’re not going to believe you and if you tell anybody you’re crazy so you find yourself in a worse position now. Having spent all the time to aggregate others to the point of being harassed by them for your own spiritual unfoldment, you can’t even expose it to no one so you say God has done you a dirty trick, why did He make it so impossible to communicate such a wonderful experience and leave you here now hanging in sort of a limbo, no way to say anything to anyone what is true or what is not true but Jesus goes on to assure you, that’s where the Master comes in now, the assurance that what you have done has merit, it has nothing to do with the outer world, it has something to do with you and your devotion to God, He says now “rejoice,” this is His encouragement for your attempt, “rejoice and be exceedingly glad.” He’s already pointing out what you should do after having the experience and after having shut out yourself from everyone and accomplishing it, “great is your reward.” Now He’s giving you the encouragement and inspiration for having made the attempt because He had to have achieved it before He could tell it to you, it stands the reason. If He’d never walked the inner life, the inner experience then telling it to us would not mean anything to us, He would have to have walked it then He would be the one to confirm it that what we were experiencing is valid. So taking His promise, we have something of value we can live with in spite of others harassing us and tearing us down. “Great is your reward in heaven,” great is this reward in total awareness, “rejoice and be glad,” exceedingly glad, be totally immersed in it, don’t worry now what human minds say about you having spent the time to get the experience, it is worth everything to have it. “For the persecuted, they the prophets which were before you,” in other words you are in good company, your experience is nothing new, nothing looked down upon by the Creator as something bad, the world before you came along treated the other great realized Souls the same way but if you can stand and measure up in the hall of fame of prophets, I don’t think you have to worry, you see this is the amazing part of the unfoldment. When you know from inside that the inner experience is valid, the type of people who have achieved it are the ones that are looked up throughout the history of Man as the highest examples of behavior then all the persecution and the harassment doesn’t begin to compare for the time spent in achieving it, it is well worth it even if we have to leave the frame right now and not carry with us a single penny to the grave. As my friend said last night, a man had 50 million dollars, couldn’t even carry a penny last night with him so what would he carry when he’s going to face the Christ inside, can he carry any moment of inward seclusion, any moment of inner happiness, has he anyway to refer to the moments he spent to line up himself with one of the exalted beings that walked this earth that was harassed, I don’t think he has it but if he has that then the 50 million wouldn’t mean anything, he’s got a greater reward than 50 million. So the individual who lives out the challenge, lives out the persecution and the harassment of those around him for trying to be spiritual inside, they are walking in the highest company possible. Now in the Eastern scriptures they say, “You know them by the company they keep” so if you’re walking in the company of prophets that have gone on ahead, you can be classified as a prophet too because that is the company you’re keeping. They say a spiritual man gains spirituality four ways in Eastern countries: one, attending satsanga that means fellowship with the truth. Two, sitting in the company of Saints or prophets. Three, adhering to the will of the Lord and four, inner solitude. Now if you look at those four ways you will see that the last one indicates how we should behave, it’s the beatitude that starts the process for the other three so Master Jesus is confirming for the individual who gives up the time to inner solitude. Now in this Western world and especially in Eastern world we have a problem with the adults and the senior citizen, we’re reaching a stage where we’re going to be retired at early age and our children and grandchildren are gone and sometimes the loved one or the partner is gone on, time hangs heavy on us, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. 0:30 The period of loneliness can be like a mallet hanging over your head or like an axe hanging over your head, you think you are not worthy or worth anything in this world but this is your greatest moment to find the inner life because you’re given the opportunity now to study within yourself, you’re given the opportunity to research into yourself. All the time was spent researching and working for others, your children and your grandchildren, your loved ones, it was outward behavior, outward exposure but very little in exposure. Now you have the time for inner exposure so since you don’t have the world to harass you now, you’re better off. Before they might have harassed you if you tried it, here you are totally (inaudible) yourself now for the balance of your life you can go inward and really make full use of the time spent and you’ll be exceedingly joyful in the discovery. Now Jesus went on to say in confirming the attitude, “Ye are the salt of the earth,” this is another way of saying blessed, “ye are the salt of the earth.” Well salt sounds kind of funny, why would He call it the salt of the earth? What do we use salt for, what is salt composed of? We know salt is composed of sodium chloride and you are the salt of the earth, if we put salt in the food that’s where we use it most of the time, we find it gives it a savor or a flavor. If we look at the human body, the bloodstream is like salt water, the chemical composition is nearly the same. In the mystic view of it, “ye are the salt of the earth,” it means that you are that particular individual whose inner life adds the flavor to society lacking in spirituality, you are that particular individual who radiates the perfect state of inner composure, it raises and enhances society that may be caught up in a literal existence and in an intellectual existence but who was He referring to when He said “ye are the salt of the earth?” Was He referring to the world or was He referring to His disciples who were supposed to be trying to develop themselves from going inside and exposing themselves to the inner life and gradually withdrawing from the pull and the desire of the outer world? He was actually referring to His own students, His own disciples, if they took the path of inner realization than they would be like the salt of the world, they would be like a savoring, a force field, there would be a power in this existence in which we are right now that would enhance, tend to raise up others but He says “If the salt has lost its savor,” meaning in its flavor, if the individual who is supposed to pursue this spiritual life suddenly finds himself or herself no longer fragrant, no longer emanating this particular quality of inner light because of despondency, distraction, harassment, and slowly lacking in devotion, where will it go to get its savor, where will the salt go to be salted? If the salt has lost its saltedness or its savory taste, where will it go to get it? When the spiritual man has made the attempt to go inside and that applies to every human being now, and suddenly finds himself lacking the devotion to persevere to the end to have the mystic experience and suddenly finds himself drifting back into the sensory nature of the world, where would he go, to who would he go to to give him the encouragement to go back inside? We automatically find ourselves abandoned, the other world couldn’t give it to us when we started and certainly now after a long attempt to go inwards, we become despondent and lack the devotion and drift back, we’d be worse off than when we started off, it is better we never started in the first place, do you get the idea? So don’t be despondent if you find the journey inward seems to be harassing and not as productive right away, “be of good cheer” because you’re walking in the company of prophets, you’re walking in the pathway of those who actually walk that path achieving patience, strength, sense of certitude, hope, and that is a slow process for the individual. So when we go inward we must be prepared to make the resolution to ourselves that nothing else matters now, time matters not, how long we take to achieve this inner experience. We know what the outer world has to offer us, we know what we will encounter if we fall back, we don’t know what we will encounter if we go forward. One time I was climbing up a mountain you know and trying to do mountain climbing and my friend is ahead of me and I’m halfway up the side and I start to get cold feet, I want to go back down to the ground, I start looking down how far I am and how far I’m up and something said, “if you go down, there’s no guarantee you’ll never get up back because you may slip and land on your back and if you go up there’s no guarantee you’ll never get across the mountain on the other side so you’re stuck, make up your mind where you want to go.” Well I looked at my friend up there and he says to me “stop looking down, you’re only going to go back in fear, look up and give me your hand and why worry, you only can fall along once” and when he said that I said “okay here I come, I don’t know what’s up there but I’m coming just the same.” It is the same in the inner life, we try to start out inwardly and we look back at a certain point of the growth it’s very disappointing and frustrating and so “gee whiz, I come all this way I’m already getting nothing and I try to look back, I want to go back but if I go back I know pretty well I’m not going to get back as far as I go” so the inward life is the consecrated devotion and time does not matter. It’s like a chicken in an egg, if you take an egg and put it under a hen, it takes 21 days for the egg to hatch and the sitting hand has to generate a certain bodily heat, be willing to sit on the egg and when that period of heat seems to wane, she knows exactly when to get off that egg but you know something, she’ll never break that egg even though she knows it’s 21 days and that egg has to snap but during that whole period while she’s sitting on the egg, she’s making some peculiar noises around it as if to tell the chicken inside “here come on get out” and when 21 days come, the egg snaps. You never know which side is going to snap either but when it snaps you see the chicken pushing its head out and you think that the mother hen would have compassion on the chicken and take off the shell, no. I was a kid I saw that and I said “come on take your egg shell off, go on take it off” so I tried to help the chicken by taking the egg off, the chicken start to die so I realized at that age we don’t help anyone by trying to be in a hurry and the other chickens that were being hatched, they struggled and struggled and it was aching me to look at them but nevertheless those chickens came out healthy. Equally true in the spiritual path we go inside, we dedicate ourselves to this life of inner solitude, inner composure and we don’t know when this creative love that surrounds us is going to allow us to snap the bound, this invisible light band, this darkness around the consciousness so that we will see the light that Jesus talks out. 0:40 He says “The light is shining in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not,” we don’t know when it comes like a thief in the night but if you persevere, boom, it snaps and when it snaps you know there’s nobody out there to tell you “here I’m waiting for you all this time, I’m going to take away all the layers of your ignorance,” you’ve got to wake up and shake it off and recognize where you are but you are happy that someone is sitting there as an example of what you will be if you mature. The chicken is happy to see the mother hen sitting there knowing someday he’ll be bigger than mother hen but the mother hen is not doing anything but just saying, “well pick pick pick pick pick,” so sooner that when you break through this mental ignorance, you start picking up the loose ends of the inner life and the outer life and they start tying in, that is what the Master really meant and He said “Where would you go to find the savor after it’s lost,” you have to go back inside. The next important aspect He said that if it has lost its savor meaning its power to do something that it was intended to do, it was good for nothing and therefore it would be taken and be trodden into the earth, that situation applies to the inner life. When we turn back after making the endeavor to go inward and then suddenly find we’re lacking the devotion, we have actually set our mind on the ideal to succeed but we did not set our mind on the ideal to be one with God, we are looking inward for something magical or something miraculous, we want to come up with some kind of a power because we sat down and meditated and tried to get an experience and now that we fail, we feel shame faced to face our friends who may say “Why’d you spend all your life what, did you get?” And you will be downtrodden in this sense because your own mind will start deteriorating you, you’ll feel the guilt complex, you can’t hold your face up in front of (inaudible), you felt you’re a failure and most people who have fallen away from the spiritual path you see it, they have a tendency to be very despondent, downtrodden and they almost want to kill themselves but if we did not set the motive for a miraculous experience, for some kind of a power to impress our fellow man because we went on a particular way of life to find the inner composure, we would not be despondent, the right attitude is to be one with God. Now “one with God” has no time limit, it has an unfolding period moment to moment and the moment to moment exposure is joy, bliss, every inch of the way inward is success from the time the egg is put under the chicken or the hen to the time it’s completed as a chicken, every moment was success. Equally true inside of us from the time we shut out our five senses from the environment to the daily immersion with the spirit, every moment of that onward is success therefore we don’t look back no more, we always look forward. Now Master Jesus goes on to emphasize the gifts of this attitude of life, the beatitude, He says now “Ye are the light of the world, you are like a city on a hill that is not hidden.” These statements are the promises of the attitudes of behavior, He said of Himself “I am the light of the world while I am in the world,” He says to His disciples or people who follow the path, “You are the light of the world but you are like a city on a hill that is not hidden” that means the moment you discover the inner path and you begin to be lit, up as the kids says “now I’m lighting up, I’m illuminated, I’m starting to know myself,” you’re like a sore thumb stuck out from the rest, like a city on a hill you can’t miss it, you’re coming up the city you know the highway and up the hill you see the city highlights is there bright and brilliant, it’s not hidden behind trees or anything. The spiritual person who makes the attempt to go in, though it’s a blessed consecrated state to strive for, it carries certain complications of exposure and the exposure is that you’re going to be singled out by society as an unusual individual, either you’re a quack or you’ve got something loose in your head or maybe you aren’t so stupid as you appear so they’re singling you out for one and three but nothing to worry about, you are a light, that means you’re shining there’s something about you that sets you apart from the rest, there’s something about you that attracts people to you, it’s something that’s in you that seems to grow and expand and therefore we can’t hide you nowhere, we will wish to get rid of you but we don’t know how to do it, we wish you’d get lost in some place so nobody will really know that you did exist, nobody wants to read the pages of history and know men like Moses, Elijah, Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna ever did walk this earth, it’s too much of a shock to our intellect but here among teeming millions of men, these few handful of people are standing out like… (gap in tape). He is telling us in the Sermon on the Mount and it’s intended most for the disciple, the mystic student, not so much for the ordinary layman because the ordinary layman can change and start domestic life because it’s from the ordinary laymen individuals will start to search for the mystic life but those who are already on the path of domestic life, these are the ones He called His disciples or students, those are the ones who are walking in His steps and the sermon or the lessons are intended for them, the inner workings are intended for them because they can’t be left to themselves. He’s on the earth, He has lived these lessons Himself, He’s trying to raise our consciousness to those heights and by accepting certain people as His students, He would have to see them all the way through in the inner experiences, He have to give them the assurances that they are not making a fool of themselves and we see that even then while He was with them and still elevating them, they were doubtful as to their worthiness as students because they were afraid and they sensed it when He was going to die and they asked Him, “Master what become of us when You go? But then He reads their thoughts and not the multitudes, it was the thoughts of His students, He says, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for thee,” you the students, “if it were not so I would tell you.” In other words He was more concerned with those who were seeking the inner life, a pathway to God that is not chartered out in no book there, is no human written record of how you go from step to step to God inside and you can’t say that a turn b corner, c, and so forth, we have to have the word of the living teacher or some individual who’s walked that path to give us the encouragement to stick with it and as long as He gives us the assurance that it’s not a journey of futility, it’s not a journey of mental games, it’s not a journey of strictly biding time because there’s nothing else to do in this world, you’re too caught up in our desires or because everyone has left us and now we are left to ourselves, nothing else to do but wait to die, it is not that. It is a journey that is actually lived by the Great Ones and achieved by these Great Ones and if they were not positive of what the end of the journey would mean or involved, they could not vouch for it and they can’t make up the journey, the journey would have to be the same for everybody, they can’t come and say “we have a new religion and this is a new way to get there.” 0:50 They can’t come and say Wwell when you get there He looks a little different than He did yesterday, it is always the same and it’s the one same truth and we are living it for you and so don’t be despondent, come inside with us, let us walk the path inside.” So the Sermon on the Mount can be viewed now in another mystical sense, this is the mount, the point between the eyebrows, the teacher or the Master Jesus is the intuition locked up in the brain, the multitudes or the disciples are the five senses of the human body, the inquisitive sadducees, politicians, writers, and scribes sadducees are the ego, intellect, reason, the individual who accepts the teacher’s words is the willpower. Now Mr. Aldous Huxley wrote a book called Lost Island where he writes in symbology using the student as Will, that’s the name he gave the student and he went through the whole dissertation of this inner body of all the mysteries of it writing it in fiction. He was trying to portray the Sermon on the Mount and Book of Revelation in a novel but he used the student as Will, the disciple is Will. Disciple represents willingness to be disciplined, willingness to try, each one of us is willing to try the inner life but each one of us needs assurance, each one of us needs comfort and guidance. Intuition or that higher self or that archetypal pattern of Spirit is the guardian, is the angel, or is the Divine Comforter, is the Messiah that pulls the Will, encourages the Will to continue. The harassers are your five senses, the multitudes who are constantly distracting you and presenting you with new desires, new stimulations to go away from the journey on the mount towards realization and come down into the lower nature and expend your energy. Now if you are the salt, and that’s the Will again, that is the driving force in the body, and if it’s lose its savor meaning it loses its quality to be determined, to persevere, where is the willpower going to go to get more willpower, you see? It can’t turn to the five senses and say “give me some power now,” it can’t turn to reason and say “give me more power,” it can’t turn to ego and says “give me more power,” it can only look up to the intuition to elevate it. So the willpower is the one force in our mechanism that we should not surrender or try to put under a state of helplessness, we find this happening in young people today. When they take the drugs to have a an experience which they think is an experience in God, three things happen to them: one, they have a loss of will the drug that they take has to run its course sometimes four five hours, eight hours, ten hours, sometimes a whole day and the third thing the confusion between what is real and what is not real, the incertitude of the mind, not being certain of what is the destination but the Will can’t help you there when it’s no longer functioning, once the Will is helpless, you can’t make a decision inside and you can’t follow it up, that’s the problem with the drug. Now we can look at it another way, if you have a car coming down a hill and you take out all the breaks, cut all the wires that will stop the car, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop the car running down the hill, it will have to run its course until it either smash up or it run out of the gas. The Will is like the brakes, it can constantly check it, check it, check it, until it slows down and bring it under control. Equally true when we’re meditating inwardly if we were to pull out all the safety factors by a chemical experience and have no will to check these experiences, they come crashing in on us and we can’t sort them out and know what they really mean, we’re are at the mercy of our own brain and all the problems that have occurred in it so where would we go to correct it and who is going to correct it and what are they going to tell us when they correct it, can they tell us anything more, better, or worse? They can only tell us what they think they know and try to prevent us from repeating the situation. I don’t advocate the fact that drugs to give you spirituality, I haven’t found it to be, I’ve not known of any that I’ve met and the bible even admonishes it for us for that, it states, “He who does not come in by the door,” this is the door of consciousness, the point between the eyebrows where we contemplate on the spirit “and enter by any other method” and they’re very explicit, “enter by any other method is a thief,” that means you’re violating your higher self or lower self and you’re impressing some type of consciousness upon this mechanism. Finally in the beatitudes we find that Jesus is telling us something that is very important, not to the layman, not to the intellectual person but again to the students. Every one of these attitudes that we perform will give us something, it’s an outright promise, you don’t get something for nothing, you are not working in vain, you’re not performing these actions with the fact that you will be left empty-handed. What is being offered for each level of the behavior, for each level of unfoldment is God awareness. In many ways He presents God awareness, one way He says “You shall inherit the kingdom of heaven, you shall be called the sons of God, you shall see God,” you see many ways to tell you how this consciousness will reward you, seeing God, inheriting heaven, calling you a son of God, these are all levels of inner complete awareness. Now on the outer level if I say that I’m a peacemaker and after completing and negotiating between to two warring parties, can I truly walk away from that table after it’s all over and feel that I’m a son of God? In a literal sense you may look up and say “this man was very Godly to have brought these two people together, he’s a son of God because God made His creation and God is in His creation, therefore he’s a son of God” but how is the man inside, has he found God-ness inside, not because his occupation put him in a position to bring two people together to stop fighting, has He got an inner experience of Godness inside? We have to look at it in that direction so we see that the Sermon on the Mount primarily is directed to the spiritual life, secondarily to the outward life. 1:00 In the inward life it hinges upon a direct communion with the Spirit. Thank you. (Gap in tape). Yes? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, we must not look at it as a place in the heavens, it’s a state of being. You see there are eight levels of creation, the first level of creation is Matter acting on Matter which we are involved in, this is hell. Now we know it as h-e-l-l from our bible that is what we call the scriptural term of it, from the true scientific term of it in the science of the Soul it’s h-e-l-d, we are in a state of “held,” we can’t go any further than where the creator will hold His creation. He holds us in a state of held, that means the final expression of Himself is matter, we don’t go beyond that. Now we have to go backwards to Him, we are away from Him when we are in held, h-e-l-d, not what is considered h-e-l-l, a place in a literal uncertain word, in the true scientific sense of the word or spiritual word it’s h-e-l-d. Now the next level back to the Creator from the where we are right now or the sensory nature would be Energy acting on Matter so we are going backwards but we are going backwards to the Creator by our senses and by our extra senses we go both ways, outward and inward. In the Eastern countries they have a saying that goes like this “The further you retreat inward, the more you advance outward,” you get the idea? The more you can retreat inward in your consciousness, the more you will have control over the outer world, that’s the purpose of it. So the next level up would be now Consciousness acting on Matter, see that’s the third level up in creation. The fourth level up in creation is Energy acting on Energy, now these levels have oriental names in the oriental scriptures, they have Hebrew names in the Hebrew text but we know them now in English and therefore we don’t have to use the oriental terms or the Hebrew terms because science will one day vouch for these levels as we advance in paraphysical research. The next level up now is Consciousness acting on Energy but Energy acting on Energy is before Consciousness acting on Energy, Energy acting on Energy is the halfway mark referred to by Jesus when He gave the parable of the prodigal son who was away from the father, left the father, came down squandered his sustenance, found himself living among the pigs in the state of held, matter. He decided this was not the proper place to stay because even the servants of his father were faring better, he would turn around and go back. Leaving that level he moved back until he was at the halfway mark in his inner growth. They said that Master Jesus made a remark that the father seeing the person coming recognized him as his son and ran to meet him halfway, meaning that God don’t meet you all the way down, He only meets you halfway, you’ve got to make the other half up, you got to do something to prove to Him that you love Him, see? So an inward turn around on our path towards heaven or Cosmic Awareness is a prerequisite and we are met at the halfway mark but between the starting point to the halfway mark, there is a great deal of others who come along to encourage us or coaxes along, the servants or the prophets, the teachers, the Saints, these are the encouragers to get us to the halfway mark. Now the halfway mark is called Energy acting on Energy, now the next level up is called Consciousness acting on Energy, here is the final test, what you say now you’re stripping off all the old garments and you’re gonna have to be cleaned up, take a bath, and let the Lord put on something on you, that’s the final test, here is where we leave off now time, this is the last confrontation with time, Consciousness acting on Energy because when we get beyond that state we are entering into the Christ state or the Son-ship state, the recognition state, the Master state, there we are in a timeless state, Consciousness now acting on Consciousness. In that state you are timeless, you are free from all desires, you are accepted back by the Father as His true son, He places the mantle back on you, you are restored, you are lifted up. Then from that state on we go now to Beingness acting on Consciousness, this is the state that Jesus mentioned when He said to Mary “Touch me not, I have not yet ascended to the Father,” He did not leave the consciousness level of Consciousness acting on Consciousness or the Christ level to enter into the Supreme Being level which is to sit on the right hand of the Father, to take His place in consciousness and beingness so that seventh level is called Beingness acting on Consciousness. Now we don’t go any further than that because we can’t become the Creator, we can’t own the universe, we sit on the right hand of the Father as Beingness acting on Consciousness, (inaudible) that state of humility knowing the Father still owns this world, the Father still involves Himself and He Himself is called Beingness acting on Beingness, that’s the eighth level. Audience: So heaven would be your seventh level. Adano: Heaven is your seventh level, you don’t go any further than that, that’s why He said “Touch Me not, I’ve not yet ascended unto the Father.” Now in that state you are in total oneness with the Father but you cannot become the Father, you can’t own the universe because all the writings show that you are a child of the Creator and you are an inheritor of His power, you have dominion over the universe to subdue it but you don’t own it, He alone is a sole owner, up to that level we are in heaven. Yes? Audience: I’ve heard that in the aramaic when Jesus was talking to Peter and He would ask him “Peter lovest thou Me, (inaudible) that the love were really three different levels of love, is this true or would you explain it? Adano: Well this was spoken to Peter after He returned from the grave, not before He died, “Peter doest thou love Me?” “Yes Master,” “Then feed My sheep.” He walks on a little while, “Peter doest Thou love Me?” “Yes Master.” “Feed My sheep.” They walk a little way, “Peter doesth thou love Me?” “Yes Master, what you think I’m doing all this time!” “Feed My lambs.” Now twice He called them sheep, who is He calling sheep and who is He calling lambs? If it was levels of being or levels in heaven, it would be a different thing. He is not referring to that, what He is referring to the love of Peter is that Peter was the legitimate heir to the spiritual heritage when the Master left the body for him to carry on the work and who are His sheep and who are His lambs? The sheep are those who have already accepted the Christ and are initiated to the point where they can see the inner light but they are not totally competent to stay in that light permanently. 1:10 Now the shepherd is Peter, the shepherd must always keep his eye on his sheep though the sheep can graze all around but he does not take his eye off the sheep, he still has the crook or the staff that will pull it out of problems at times so He’s informing Peter who is going to be the spiritual head of the disciples left to carry on the work or the world, that if he always keep his mind on the Christ intelligence, which is “love me, do you love me?” That means if you always stay in tune with Me, you will take care of those who are liable to slip back and are not too well anchored in that Christ state. Now twice He said that, that means there are those who are at a certain level where they may about to be totally immersed in the Christ state, there are those who are just coming into the Christ state. Now the last one is called the lambs, now if you’ve seen the painting of Jesus as a shepherd with His sheep around, where was the lamb? In His hands right? The thing that is weakest, you keep closest to you. Now the individual who has just been exposed to spiritual life inside and is not too certain that this is the journey he wants to take, he may want to back out and go out again. So Peter is cautioned, “Now don’t let that happen, don’t let these people fall back, it is up to you now as a spiritual head to make sure that they have the consolation, the correct information of staying on the path. This is true with every individual who walks the mystic path, the new student is suddenly made aware of the inner experience but then he’s not positive that that’s what’s going to happen, he may not see too much and he worries. As long as he has someone to constantly console him, encourage him to stick with it and as long as that someone stays with devotion to the light, which is the Christ in himself, you would get the courage, you will get the strength from that individual and then you will start maturing from lamb to sheep. Now as we advance to the point where we are sheep now and we are capable of fending for ourselves in a spiritual light, working inside with the Divine Consciousness, someday we may graduate to become a sheepdog. (Laughter). Audience: The bible talks about the great mysteries, are they referring to some of the things you’ve been telling us for instance about the different levels of consciousness or is it something else? Adano: No the great mysteries are the levels of consciousness, they’re just using the symbolic language. Audience: (Inaudible), the stations of the cross? Adano: The stations of the cross are referring to the different periods in the passion. You see it’s crucifixion, that’s the stations of the cross, what He went through in the scourging and the punishment of Himself before crucifixion, that’s the stations of the cross but the mysteries are not that. Audience: We are Soul. Adano: Yes. Audience: Can you differentiate Spirit from Soul? Adano: Spirit and Soul, all right I’ll give you an example. I have 10 glasses here before me, they are different sizes, different colors, different weights, different thicknesses with different quantities of water. Above them all is the moon shining in those ten glasses, how many moons do I have when it shines on those 10 glasses if I have 10 reflections? Each one of those glass will have a reflection of the moon right and if you look in them wouldn’t it be correct to say that you have 10 moons? What would be correct to say? 10 reflections of the moon? Now if I break the glass and let the water all run out and become one, how many reflections would I have in one water? One reflection and if I mop up all the water and there is no reflection what would I have? Now the spirit is the moon, the body is the glass, the mind is the water, the reflection is the Soul, you got it? That’s why they say your mind should be as clear as water and your body should be as pure and shining as the glass and your Soul should be always one with the Spirit, a radiant Soul but that is the actual relationship of how we are lined up in God. He has become His creation, that is the moon or the light, the Divine Principle has come down in reflection. “Come let us make Man in our,” what? Own image or reflection, “male and female create ye them and God breathed into Man the breath of life and Man became a living donkey.” (Laughter). A living Soul, right? So we don’t have Soul, we are Soul, and from the situation of the glass, the water, and the the moon, we see that we don’t have reflections, they are only conditions in that frame of reference, when you break away the conditions, the only thing that really exists is the moon, you see. There will be no US without God and there will be no US without Creation for us to exist in, that is like the moon, the water, and the glass, we are the in-between thing called the reflection, you see the importancy of ourselves? It’s a kind of a short change and here we go around sporting our ego. Can I help you some more? Audience: (Inaudible)… I don’t recall all the details but the Soul is a physical thing according to him which (inaudible). Adano: Man is Soul but he’s encased in three bodies. Remember the reflection is in God, the moon. Now that reflection can only become polluted or appear to be polluted or need to be purified if the water and the glass are dirty, the reflection in itself is never dirty, the real you can’t be dirty but you will have all these so-called impurities in the water and you may have discoloration by the amount of light permitting to flash through. Since Man is Soul then he doesn’t have a Soul, right? It’s only obvious then what is He trying to save? Well, carry it further. 1:20 He has three bodies, a chemical body comprising of 16 basic elements plus trace elements that’s the glass. He has an electrical body or etheric body or an astral body comprising of 19 elements that’s like the water. Now he has also a causal body or an archetypal body, the very pattern that makes him appear as a human being, that is comprised of 35 elements. Now when the chemical body is smashed that means it breaks down or dies, the electrical body and the idea body or causal body, they don’t break down. Now they would go into what we would say now the glass is broken, the water is on the floor, but the reflection isn’t gone away from the water on the floor all right. The id (idea?) of the reflection is still in the water but now what has happened to all the reflections? There were 10 glasses, all the glasses are broken, all the water came together, should we not have 10 reflections still in the pool of water? But we don’t have 10 reflections, we have what? One reflection, so we don’t have a Soul to save, we are Soul already, something has suddenly pulled us together. Now the electrical body is the water, now let us eradicate the water, the apparent condition that the idea now of us being something suddenly disappears into infinity, back into itself. So we can’t say “I swept up the the reflection off the floor” and I can’t look at the mop and says, “Where’s the reflection, it should be in the mop?” Because all I did was take up the water in the mop, I broke the glass but the reflection has done played tricks on us. So the reflection goes back into its source so the reflection is the id (idea?) the very thing that must come forth again and again. So God is the eternal Spirit projecting Himself like waves of reflections as Soul in Creation, we come back learning to appear as images in a glass of different types of water, of different pollution, that is the various lessons we learn again but the Soul, which is the actual id (idea?) again is never really polluted nor never really restricted, only the shape of the glass and the liquid in it will determine how large a reflection you have but in actuality the reflection is neither big or small. By smashing the containers we go back again to the source so I think what Mr. Ford is saying, he’s saying exactly the same thing but I have put it in different terminology. You see we don’t have a Soul to save, we are Soul already, what we have to save is our particular attitudes of mind, we have to correct those. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See the Creator encased the Soul, which is His reflection as an id (idea?), in an electrical body and a chemical body and the composite of the two is called the Soul body, you see. Now, or the image body so I said the image body is comprised of 35 elements, the electrical bodies comprise of 19, and the chemical bodies comprise of 16, so 16 plus 19 equals 35, so the idea body is a 35 element process only as an image acting as an image, until the image recedes back into its source then there is no need for the image but the image must come out from the source again back into the chemical and the electrical otherwise it has no identity. So the Creator must project us out all the time, out of His infinite Spirit as Souls and we tag to that Soul nature and how do we tag it? We tag it as the I AM, which is the first expression of the Spirit as Soul because when that image comes out, that reflection comes out from the moon, that reflection would be personal, it will be stating an individuality apart from the actual moon so the very first expression of Beingness in a mechanism like this would be I AM but then you can’t say “I am body,” you can’t say “I am the astral body,” you have to say “I am Soul,” a reflection of the Spirit. Now when this chemical body collapses and this electrical body collapses, “I am Soul” actually is not really Soul no more but “I am Spirit” then Moses was right when he heard God say to him and he asked Him “What is your name?” And God said “I AM that I AM,” “I the Spirit am in the reflection with your Soul,” you see? The two “I AM’s” are the same, reflection and source are the same, the beam of light and the image of the light, you see? “I AM that I AM,” this image is the same in the source where it’s coming from so Soul and Spirit merges back and every time it’s projected back out, it’s projected back to the containers in which it has to work and the lessons are in the containers. So we need bodies to learn lessons but the lessons don’t pollute the real Us, you see? There is no pollution of the real Us, it is kind of frustrating to think that our real Us are going to be polluted, that’s why they say the Soul cannot do any wrong, the Soul is never making any mistake, it is the pure light of God but the body and the mind can make all the mistakes. Audience: You were talking about the backsliders and you mentioned the personality of will, can you give any more suggestions that relate to that? I mean I recall for example for the disciples well they got this lesson there and you know how to try to reinforce this thing on the journey inward for themselves, it was through the visitation of the Holy Spirit that they really came into their power. Adano: Good, that’s very good, remember Spirit is force and “I” is consciousness, “I go unto the Father but I will send you the Holy Comforter or Spirit.” Now the word comforter is to comfort or to console, to encourage, and the Spirit is the force that comes down, that’s why anyone who has had an experience in the Holy Spirit or Holy Comforter feel like an upsurge or an in-surge of energy suddenly lifting them up and sometimes knocking them down and they start talking in tongues, it’s a force field. All right, He the Master that is the Soul that is fully identified in the Christ, is at the level of Consciousness acting on Consciousness, that’s the real “I,” that’s the true “I,” that’s the Christ “I,” it’s going to the Father, that is it’s going from Consciousness acting on Consciousness to Being, which is the Father, acting on Consciousness but He will have to send the Holy Spirit, that’s the next level below, Consciousness acting on Energy, you see because that consciousness has to come down now and act in an energy field to raise our consciousness and energy up. So the Christ level is before the God level or the heaven level and the Holy Spirit level is below. Now the salt, if it has lost its savor, where will it go to get its savor again? If we are backsliders and never had an experience in the Holy Spirit as something to reinforce our will or encourage us, that Christ-Master could not leave us in that state, He had to take into consideration every level of the journey, you understand? So here is where grace comes in now, the salt may lose its savor but if you take the salt and throw it back with other salt, what will happen to the salt? Audience: It’ll be reinforced. Adano: It’ll be reinforced so when He’s talking to Peter the legitimate head of His following that He should encourage knowing fully well that He’s going to go on, Peter is not aware of this because Peter is not in that high state yet, Peter is not even in the Holy Spirit stage, Peter would have to be where? Energy acting on Energy, Peter is in that state, he’s not up in the Holy Spirit state yet. So Peter is made a legitimate head to carry on the church, the Master is going on but He’s promising them that He’s not going to abandon them and He’s leaving Peter with a certain certitude that he can carry on in good faith and that he would be reinforced so they’re going to be backsliders, Jesus suspected that a long time even before He took off for the journey that this is human nature but He’s making compensation for all that by grace. So He actually gives them the promise that the Holy Comforter will come and remind them of all these things in His name and that’s the reinforcement that comes in. When the Spirit came them on the day of Pentecost, all the backsliders were suddenly pushed in, there was no more doubt in their mind, it was a mind of total certitude, everyone found himself communing in consciousness. If there was any doubt in their mind that their Master had gone now and the Master had lived with them and if there was doubt in their mind that He was truly a Master, that He didn’t have any true interest in their life in the inner world, here they have now the tangible evidence of a force pulling them in, binding them together as a body for the first time. They were like wheat pulled together and bound by a strand, they were now something of value, they were held together, it was the first unification of the disciples in the Spirit, you see? They were cut and scattered from their moorings by the Master, the Master came and cut them down and left them like that and maybe He put one little baby boy to look after, they says “Okay make sure the wind don’t blow it away.” So the baby boy may not be too smart enough but he knows he’s got to tie them all together then comes the big brother and says, “This is the way you tie it,” takes a string and tie it, “Okay now hold it together and go.” So Peter might be little baby boy and not too strong, not to experienced in tying the disciples together as a unit, the Holy Spirit is big brother who comes down now and does the job, pulling them all together into one bond and then now Peter can carry on, he’s got something to carry on. This is the reinforcement and it’s grace but this grace, this promise is made prior to the journey. You see all the safety factors, all the promises are already laid out for you before you start out on the journey. You’re starting out on a journey inward not knowing where you’re going and not knowing what you’ll get, not knowing what is already provided for you to have but here for the first time the journey is laid out, you know what company you’re going to be involved…

1972 - Householder Adam and Eve

Adano72_HouseholderAdamEveQ3NW1 - (First 10 minutes is a duplicate of 1972 September Part 8 - Householder) 0:10 God, the eternal principle of creative energy, is in a timeless state after performing everything that there is to perform in a time state called creation, creation exists in time. Now there really is no time as an actual principle, there is the illusion of time in which creation must exist or appear to exist. Now in this appearance a unit of time is the distance light crosses the width of an electron giving its potentiality as a creation. Now the width of an electron is a fantastic measurement, if you have ever seen an electron, let alone measure its diameter? You have to measure it in millions and millions of kryptons to get the exact measurement of the width of the electron and the sphere which is traveling across it. Now light is traveling at 186,000 miles per second, that is accepted measurement for a second. Now one electron its diameter, the distance across is trillions of kryptons, let alone a second, it’s micro micro micro micro micro micro seconds so there really is no such thing as time, all that exists is infinite motion to the highest degree of ultrasonic movement, the Creator is Audible life energy, He spoke before He became light, not a person, it’s a principle. Sound precedes the light but in our relative world which we live, light seems to come ahead of sound especially in a thunderclap and lightning, the lighting will be seen first and then the roar of the thunder is after but in the cosmic realm of timelessness, the sound is first and the light is after, in fact the light is too slow for the sound. “Come let Us…” do something, “Let there be light,” the command has to be given before the force can go out. So sound is responsible for life, Audible Life Current, it’s audible, why? Because you can hear it, you can hear the life current inside your own body, it’s there, there is a music going on (inaudible), you can listen to it and those who have heard the music know that they are listening to their own true Creator for the first time, that God is bliss, that Sound Current gives you bliss. Hearing it is one (inaudible), feeling it is another thing. So he who can see the Lord in human form has seemed Him at His best. Audience: How about you answer my question. Adano: You wanna ask a question again? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: He has to abide by the time cycle, everything in this relative world is synchronized to time because it’s created in a time cycle which is a relative existence and not an actual existence. The creative force field, the Audible Life Current, the shabad, or Sat Naam is that pure essence that exists in timelessness and grants permission, it grants permission to its lower nature, Kal the time cycle, to make a Creation. God is a Sagittarian in opposition to Scorpio in the astrological sense, therefore no matter how Scorpio try, he can’t overrun Sagittarius. In other words (inaudible), the science of life, then you’ll understand a great deal more. We are beings of light, the whole universe began in the constellation of Sagittarius, it is the only symbol in the astrological (inaudible) male or Man and animal and is equipped with death, the power to destroy, that it’s armed, every other symbol is not armed to protect itself. It must have the power of life over death, that’s why the symbol was chosen for it, the Creative Force must have that control and cannot entrust that control to other forms of their creation but in the other forms of creation or the other symbols in the astrological process do have the ability to kill themselves or to perform violence but they don’t have the power of life over death to determine who perform it, only in the Sagittarian you see the Centaur or the archer with the bow and the arrow within the justice point, this is the destructive principle and at the same time it is upholding the law. Now Scorpio can only kill itself or sting you but it can be destroyed by the Sagittarian and every other one can be killed by the Sagittarian because the Sagittarian is the one that is armed, the rest are not armed in this cosmic cycle and in a cosmic clock in which we live in of 24,000 years on the descending arc and 24,000 years of ascending arc, we exist in the cosmic clock, you see. So we have to understand what you’re doing, we have 12,000 years this way and 12 ,000 years this way ascending and descending making 24,000 years in a complete circle. Therefore our clock is designed to have 24 hours, 12 hours in the decent movement and 12 hours in the accent movement, Man didn’t come along by just imagining these things, he had to relate to the galaxies, he brought his religion from the galaxies, his religion is not a religion or an invention of the earth world. From the time the Creator created us, He set it in a process all there is, known as the path of the Master or the Audible Life Current so if you go back to your scriptures you’ll see it’s a galactic system involved, “In the beginning was the Word,” in the galactic center of Satch Khand or Alpha Centauri or the Grand Center, just between that point, the cosmic life force is vibrating or pulsating “And the Word was with God,” the Christ-field is in total consciousness there and beingness “And the Word IS God,” that makes all the difference when John wrote his book, the word “IS.” If he said the word can be God or ought to be God, this was then be a different light on the subject that Man would be searching now for his Soul but because he said “the word is God,” Man don’t search for Soul no more, Man is Soul. “And the Word was made flesh,” that means the Creative Process became His universe Himself by His own time cycle. Out of his timeless nature He designed a time cycle, He make Himself into a lower level of existence by setting up a relative creation based on light and time and space and put it in a continuum, that means an infinity action that will be here for as long as we hold it together by atomic law. Now Jesus said when He was in the body, “Though heaven and earth may pass away,” change their form, “not one word or jot or tittle of My words will pass.” Now a dot is a full stop, a tittle is a comma, that’s old fashioned english so not one just jot, one full stop, not one comma, and (inaudible) the actual sound frequencies that are released by the voice of the being can ever go out of existence. You can’t take out the ideations of the existence out of the universe though you can change their atomic (inaudible) so “when My time has not yet come,” He could not enforce a pictorial dominance in this time cycle because He’s a Master to prove for those who live in the time cycle His superiority, He has to respect “when in Rome, do like the Romans,” when you’re in a time cycle, work with the time cycle. 0:20 So He had to work by Divine Will, He therefore was at the right place, at the right time, for the right (inaudible) of the wedding and for the right experiences to behave without forcing His will, He had to be asked before He do anything and that is primarily the role of a living Master who has mastered Himself, the role of a Soul, living in a time cycle that knows no boundary lines save love. By the mere love for the Creative Force Field, He is passing through the time cycles in which He Himself is responsible but He dare not break it. Now Caesar is not above his law, the Master is not above the law, He obeys the law but He shows by His love the law has no control over Him. He approaches every condition by facing it and pass through it and all that time asks us as a human being is to face your principles, face your obligations. So if you’re facing it then you’re a master of it, if you’re not facing it you’re running and then you’re avoiding and when you avoid you have to come back and do it all over again, that’s why it’s called “doing it a second time,” you’re not overcoming. Now the highest form of therapy for a schizophrenic individual or any erratic individual is to fight back (inaudible). If you have that type of attitude, you want to do it and fight back, you will break down the patterns that hold you back and you will not avoid (inaudible), then you transcend. So involvement is a key word in spiritual growth, forget your origin, your origin is established, that God has become you (inaudible), you are Soul, you don’t have a Soul. Realize your involvement because you’re alive and you have a commitment to yourself to face the time cycle and the repercussions and the journey is towards the emergence from reincarnation to resurrection. We do not have to incarnate, we have to resurrect. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: All right, put some ice cream on top of it. Now you know what “My time has not yet come,” you understand it? He had to be asked. Now no Master will usurp that right though He has the power to crystallize thought, He cannot because then He would be exhibiting His ego. Ego is best recognized as (inaudible) to do something too fast without waiting on the Lord’s dispensation, I’m not waiting on the dispensation of the Lord, for His time to let me express it. You know when you want to do something badly, you’re chomping at the bit and you’ve got to be doing it, who are you doing it for? The people that need it or for your own self-expression to impress them yet if you wait and don’t get aggravated, sooner or later that’s what you have to do will happen, have you never experienced that? Then you learn lesson number one in the spiritual life (inaudible) because you’re gonna always gonna eat them back and the verbs and the adjectives and the a’s and the b’s, all the letters they can stick in that throat and give you tonsilitis, this is the problem, then you get burping you know and you burp up some of the a’s and the b’s. So spiritual life is that particular life that throws us into a situation where we have to eat our own words back by being in a hurry. Have you ever heard people say, “I wouldn’t do this, I ain’t gonna do this not more,” what they end up doing in the next half hour? Because that’s exactly how the Creative Intelligence works in us to make us realize that our ego is locked into the time cycle and the time cycle is going to force the confrontation immediately to make us face it to eat our own words back. So if you’re not in a hurry, you just wait and don’t push, sooner or later you’re gonna get the experience. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: When you’re in a hurry, that’s why Jesus said, “My time has not come,” He ain’t in a hurry in fact He is very very slow. All that He did (inaudible) scriptures and put them all the things that He did, they can be all done in 24 hours, all the so-called miracles of the three and a half years of physical existence can be all done in 24 hours. The ability to crystallize though doesn’t take too long and if it doesn’t take too long to crystallize them, how many miracles can you perform in 24 hours? 60 seconds make a minute, 60 minutes make an hour, 24 hours make a day, how many miracles you got? That’s thousand of miracles you’re performing, right? So we know that even the crystallizing of people’s thoughts, He have to teach them the lesson of patience and even some of the people He could not help, did you know about that? Did He not say to Himself, “With these people I can do nothing?” A Master does not alter the thought patterns of people who don’t want to be altered, that set up their own ego and block it, He works with those who are humble and those who are receptive and those who are karmically linked for He Himself is Divine Love without coercion, He is unconditional love therefore He is not concerned and will not use the other individual for His personal gain He has no gain to have by performing a miracle because there is no miracle to perform. He brings their desires into purpose by responding to the tine cycle when that desire is supposed to crystallize for them. He knows exactly that split second when it is going to happen and if you live the spiritual life you’ll notice the spiritual life is photo finish most of the time, I’m talking from experience now. Audience: (Laughter). Adano: (Inaudible) photo finishes I love you, (Adano singing) “how I love you, how I love you, (inaudible) photo finish.” But you see photo finish is good. Thank you. Let’s have our initiate anthem. (Gap in tape). … what the fellowship represents. The primary function of the All Faith Fellowship is not to convert anyone to any belief or from any belief but merely to present all beliefs, their essential structure, and the underlying basic principles of the common unity among them all and to emphasize the practical nature by living it. So we will find ourselves discussing philosophies of Yogananda, Charan Singh, Kirpal Singh, Sai Baba, all the things that you’ve never heard of because we’re not here to convert or coerce you but to make you a better (inaudible) of what you have, how to make it work, and to give you an insight into the truth from all angles that you will able to see a common bond and realize that you are the means for its expression. 0:30 This removes the doubt that we’re trying to make any individual into some type of (inaudible). We may seem to talk of more groups and activities at times and involve ourselves but that does not try to make (inaudible). The truth is one, the paths of many, the Masters when we sit down in Their presence, we find peace, when you get together with your (inaudible), you find war. Peace is the essential structure of all beliefs, it’s achieved by a constant process of behavior but this process may have different ways of being recognized by various people who apply them and each aspect is important. It’s like a wheel, for each individual the rim of the wheel is birth to death, the journey is the spoke that connects the rim to the hub, the hub is the ideal of spiritual life. There are many spokes in a wheel, they’re all connected to the one ring, into the one hub, but a wheel is a useless object without an axle, the axle is made of the same material but it’s not connected by way, shape, or form as part of the wheel. The wheel can only rotate around the axle to have some purpose, yet if there is no grease between the axle and the hub of the wheel, they are going to be seizing up, hardening up of the wheel and then it’s stuck, it can’t do nothing. God is like that axle, He’s part of the wheel by the structure in which it is made of the same material, He is made of the same material but God is like the axle apart from us in consciousness. We only relate to him by the rotation around our beingness in Him which is the love and the love is that grease that lubricates you and and keeps you going and you’ll find it in Seva, s-e-v-a and s-a-v-i-o-u-r. Pick your s-e-v-a as you will also find your s-a-v-i-o-u-r because it’s all love, wherever you look at it, whoever presents this particular attitude or list of techniques essentially they’re going to be one thing you’re gonna learn and the Masters are all in agreement when it comes to peace, there is no conflict but if you choose to be one-sided, limited by selecting and shutting out the other then you don’t have the true understanding of the function of what a (inaudible) represents. The (inaudible) to make you aware of all the possibilities, all the avenues, and the common unity all in one (inaudible) so there is no concept of Christianity, Mohammedism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Hinduism. There may be conflict in churchianity, all the churchianities of the world may be in conflict with the essential fruits of the teachings of the great (inaudible). Christianity is not churchianity, it does not begin or end with the Master Jesus, Christianity is that particular state of being in which the intuitive nature of Man is called the Master consciousness or the Christ-self, we all have to awaken it but we don’t know how to awaken and it’s not in books. Through the grace of the Creative Intelligence, the awakening comes by human contact, that’s why you say “God has become Man,” we need such contact at the human level in some form to indicate to us a feeling of what bliss is. If you experience bliss, you may not know what it means or what (inaudible) but if you meet another human being who can arouse that bliss in you and make you have the same experience and when you leave that person, you can have that same experience in consciousness then you have found what God truly is but God is bliss existing within you and can be experienced moment-to-moment on a conscious level. Like the man said when the woman asked the priest, “Are there are any books for meditation?” She said the priest told her it was for the Saints, meditation is for the Saints, then she figured out she was being shortchanged by her church. She wanted to go to church to learn how to become a Saint, only to find out meditation is for Saints and the congregation ain’t supposed to know nothing about that so what kind of congregation are we creating? If we aren’t creating Saints, what are we creating? (Inaudible), a great deal of ideas that are not going to liberate us. The Saint according to your dictionary is a sane man, a human being who has received eternal patience and a charitable nature, it is not by the canonization of the church that makes him a Saint nor the miracles that he performed during his life, nor the miracles that are performed after he died by praying to him, these are all the byproducts of the nature of the human being that has been transformed by ethical living. A Saint is a human being whose life has been transformed by ethical principles, once transformed there is no miracle barred from his vibrations that he generates. When you set up the necessary receptivity to think of him or generate the desire around him, his vibratory nature can crystallize it and it begins to happen in your life everyday let alone when he passes out of the body. Now a Saint has no desire but he has one gift, it is called the Christ intelligence in him, that is the ability to crystallize thoughts as will. Not his thoughts, not his desires, but (inaudible) because you’ve got to go to him, he’s not going to come to you, he’s not going to come and knock you on the head and tell you “I’m a Saint” and he’s not going to relieve you of your sufferings (inaudible) unless we turn to him because he is sane. He is the only individual that has a true sanity about himself, we are all to some degree insane because we are constantly pursuing our desires in many directions creating self-destruction with them, a Saint don’t have any, he has a sanctity of his being by learning to be patient and he has what is known as the character of his nature which is giving and he has known the secret that giving is getting back, as long as you give you that back, the more you give the more you get back. 0:40 So he would even give his life for you (inaudible), “He who would lay down his life for My sake will have it back.” (Inaudible). They’re saying exactly what Jesus was saying, “If you lay down your life for your fellow man, you will have it back,” there is no greater love that he who lays down his life for his fellow man. Once you can recognize these principles in all beliefs, you’ll recognize what is the actual living in a spiritual person and what he has to do. He has to become human and we say we are human because we look at ourselves, outwardly yes (inaudible), emotionally, psychologically, many of us are like animals, insects, and we have all the tendencies of them in our personality makeup. Some are like pigs, some are like dogs, some are like chickens, some are like cats, strange thing. Those who can see on the inner realm can see the animal tendencies locked up in you, how these tendencies are clawing out from the mechanism and the aura is there, the aura is all the thought patterns, your behavior, and the emotional nature is there (inaudible) and we are not aware of it because we are not steady in consciousness, our minds are wandering all over the place and we can’t see it and therefore we don’t recognize it. Now Jesus used the term when He said, “Cast not your pearls before swine lest they turn around and rend you,” literally this is untrue statement, you can take a handful of pearls and throw it in front of four or five pigs, they are not going to turn around and run you down into the ground so He’s not talking of a literal pig and a literal pearl concerning human beings. He is talking of the pig-like tendency of the human mind when something of value is presented to them that you cherish as a human being that tends to elevate you, they with their animosity and their pig-like tendencies or sensory nature that grovel in the senses in the slop of their ignorance because they don’t know any better, then they tear into you like wild pigs and like peccary, a peccary is a wild pig, it has a two horns right in front of the nose and it will gore you. Human beings have a tendency to do that when you have something of value that you discovered in your life which is said to elevate you and they do not understand, they will gore you with their criticisms and before know it, you have one individual who is literally massacred by vibrations of words, thoughts of animosity, anger, hate, resentment and to be “wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove,” again that’s not a (inaudible). There is nothing more violent than dove when it fights, when two doves fight there is no quarter given between the two doves and a snake is not smart, it can be outwitted, the only reason he’s called wise is because he hides under little holes in the ground to avoid detection. When the Master was using those terms or symbols, “wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove,” (inaudible) it will come right up to your hand but that is not what He meant when He was talking about a human being. “Wise as a serpent” infers the vital life energy that’s stored up in the spine coiled up just like a serpent is coiled up and hidden in some corner and cannot be recognized. In the base of your spine coiled up within you in the coccyx it’s shaped like a rattler and on top of a rattlesnake it has two little nubs. There within the cave of the spine, we have a latent life power locked up in us, this potential force is a sounding board of life itself, it’s the trunk for the earth current within the human body and the starting point of the male spine and the female spine, this energy rises up. Once it starts rising up out of its cave, it goes into various areas of the spinal section and the various areas of the endocrine system and rises up to the brain therefore you will see in the headdress of the Egyptians the serpent over the headdress or in the Indian (inaudible) you will see the serpent the head is spread out. They cannot draw life energy as a symbol otherwise they will draw jagged lines, the only way they can relate to it in terms of art is to draw it like a snake. The reason for that is when the energy is rising in the spine, it quivers and goes up the spine and when it quivers and goes up the spine then it radiates out from the consciousness, this is the reason you say (inaudible) rising and vibrating out. When that energy rises within you, your senses open up in an extrasensory way but it is not the extrasensory powers that you’re concerned with, it is the ethical transformation of your nature that you’re more concerned with. It’s not impossible to perform psychic ability, psychic abilities are byproducts of the rising of the current of the spine, this occurs in everybody to some degree in fact you could be born having the psychic abilities and having no ethical nature. Master Jesus clearly stated this in a simple way “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his Soul” and that is utilizing the ego in nature to exhibit psychic abilities having no ethical nature in terms of human relationships with his fellow man therefore he will have to come back by his unscrupulous methods that he used to take advantage of his fellow man by manipulating them. An ethical life is a spiritual life, the greatest Saint may never perform a miracle in his whole life and in fact the actual truth is no human being performs miracles, these are the byproducts of the consciousness within the human being at a certain level crystallizing other people’s thoughts. Even Sai Baba goes around and all the miracles that are attributed to Him are in fact the reality that His consciousness crystallizes the people’s desires because Sai Baba is supposed to be of that caliber and they have a desire and they want something and he crystallized it for them. A friend of mine met Him and he visited Him for three months and saw many manifestations of consciousness and when he was ready to leave, he and his wife, he didn’t say to Sai Baba anything, he wanted a picture. He had his camera around him but out of respect he didn’t want to photograph the man, the wife spoke up and said “Can he have a picture?” He said “all right,” so when her husband set out a camera to take the picture as soon as he snapped the picture Sai Baba took it away from him, stopped him, and then He went like that (inaudible). He did twelve taps and twelve of them materialized. Also, He sensed that the man had deep yearning for some object, the man had a desire for a ring way back in his childhood days, the desire was so strong but Baba picked up the thought pattern and He said to him, “You want something.” He says “no no,” He said “Yes you want something” and then you did like that and handed him a ring and the ring is (inaudible) with the face of Baba (inaudible). His desires were crystallized for him by the consciousness of Baba, Baba did not perform a single miracle because Baba maintains the equanimity of his sanity and this ethical nature at that point in relationship to the frequency. The desire of the individual that has (inaudible) us is suddenly crystallized in time and space, (inaudible). Equally true the people that lived around Jesus, Jesus did not have any desire, there’s not a single thing that He did with an indication of a miracle, everything He did was a crystallization of human desire for those who had a desire. The very first crystallization is the desire of His mother for a relatives who were having a wedding and ran out of wine. Now they drank wine these people, He attended the wedding as a visitor, as a relative, and the mother was concerned because the wine has run out, insufficient. She know her son is in that state of awareness, she turns to Him and says, “There is no wine.” He says “Woman what does that to Me?” Indicating once and for all He has no desire, He does not even call her mother because God is Mother Nature in the world of manifestation and to call a woman’s mother since He’s a realized man will be a violation of the truth so He had to put her in her place to find her true relationship in connection with the God self so He says to her “Woman my time has not yet come.” A Master who is functioning or the Soul that is functioning from the Master consciousness does not violate the time cycle lest it’s accountable to the time cycle and that fellow is a very very demanding individual, his name is Kal, time. He’s very relentless, he wants penny of the karma (inaudible) as the life energy that you use in this world of time, some people call him Satan but with the time cycle and this the Master consciousness is aware of the creative forces that are available to us and can use it. So Master Jesus crystallized her desire by love, out of the love for the woman which is mother to Him, He emanates that thought pattern and cause it to crystallize through the time cycle. The normal time cycle to make wine would be X amount of years to grow the grapes, X amount of years to harvest, X amount of time to knead it into wine and ferment it so that is time plus energy to bring this object into manifestation, the normal method of bringing it into manifestation. Having the ability to crystallize thought ability now which is the Christ intelligence, He does not lack anything, He does not want anything, He does not need anything therefore thought is speeded up now into the time cycle, He’s capable of manifesting His thought at the speed of light squared, 186,000 miles per second squared which is instantaneous because all matter is energy, all matter is atoms, and all atoms are Spirit and all Spirit is thought and all thought is Love and being a Master of the intuitive level, His whole being is love, everything He touch brings this love into crystallization but He is a human being, He is that expression of the Divinity that has taken the flesh. “In the beginning was the Word,” the Audible Light Current “and the Word was with God,” the Word is in consciousness in time, beyond time, and “the Word IS God,” the Audible Life Current is the eternal Now. God is the eternal principle, He’s not a man on a throne yet the Word has to become flesh, crystallized into substance at a human level. The humanness of the human body is the Divinity in matter and at the same time is the Spirit is motion and that’s why a living Master is often referred to as “God in flesh,” that’s why you would want to come in contact with that expression (inaudible), to recognize it, to understand Divinity in action. “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt in Man,” not the animal, the animal has a flesh body but Man’s body is flesh, it’s the only substance that will hold back on this side of the wall of the flesh the five elements of the universe that are in conflict and on the other side of the wall in unity. When you look at your body, you are looking at the temple of the Creative Force, a manifestation of Spirit and you don’t have to save your Soul because you are Soul, you have to accept it but you have to accept at the same time the humility of being Spirit which is a hard thing to do because the ego is striving definitely and desperately to impress by the psychic abilities that it is empowered with. Only at the Master level the capacity to crystallize thought is entrusted providing the physical frame has accepted the ethical laws of living, you can’t be entrusted with such a power if you’re unethical, you would make a havoc of the universe. It takes a great deal of spirituality to be ethical to prevent people from destroying themselves by the misuse of spiritual forces so when a Master is desireless, He has achieved the ethical nature where He is not influenced now by any physical desire let alone the attempt to force His Will upon the society to make them accept Divinity. The nature of Christ in Man is that ability to materialize thoughts at will, not the man Jesus, all men have the Christ in themselves, “The things I do you shall do also and greater things you shall do,” you can only do the things that the Christ allows you to do within yourself and you will only do greater things according to the period and the time cycle that you live in. Now if Master Jesus was to return back in the physical frame, you would not recognize Him, in the first place you would not even accept Him because you’re already turned off to the long beard, the long hair, and the sandals and the beads so what will He come back in that type of a dress to impress us with? Now He come back in the Ivy League suit, you can’t accept Him either, if He comes in a spacesuit you can’t accept Him either. 1:00 So praying for the second coming of Christ, what are you praying for? Some individual that come, “beep, beep, beep, beep,” here I am Jesus Christ, you’ve got the wrong impression of what this thing is all about. Masters are always in the world, there is never a moment that a self-realized or God-realized man (gap in tape) but to understand God realized man, we have to understand Them on a human level and that is very difficult because we have desires and and they don’t have desires, we think we have to save our Soul, They tell us we are Soul because they know they are Soul. They tell us, “Don’t try to save it, try to express it,” we can’t accept that because pain and suffering is too great in our lives therefore they will take any pain and suffering and rise above it. So Soul is that true Beingness and in Its nature and in Its magnitude is love in action. If we go through all the various desire forms that have been crystallized by the Master’s consciousness we will see there are no miracles but there is a law on the line, it’s crystallization of thought. God does not work in miracles, He works by laws, the creative intelligence works by laws and these laws are all locked up in us, we don’t invent them, we come to relate ourselves to them and release them. There is a law working inside of us and it’s the law of light, this whole universe is a congealed form of light, it’s built like a hologram, one cosmic laser beam, a three-dimensional expression of mass therefore we are crystallized in the laser beam of light and we have our mass, a three-dimensional experience but we live in nine dimensions and we can only seem to utilize a few of the dimensions because we don’t understand what a dimension is as yet.

1972 - Massage Marriage

Adano72_MassageMarriageQ3 - (Duplicate of 1972 September Part 1 - Householder Woman - Adano72_09_1HouseholderWomanQ2NW4)

1973 January - Informal Wallace

Adano73_01InformalWallaceQ2 - …to behave that will free you once and for all and that law was to love the Lord thy God with all your mind and heart and Soul and your neighbor as yourself. If you love the I AM-ness in yourself as the God principle then you’d have to learn to love the I AM-ness in the other person as your neighbor because that would be the God principle in them and if you don’t do that then you don’t have no sense of integrity or respect or dignity for yourself let alone for your neighbor. It is upon this principle lie the truth of an ethical life or the spiritual life and it’s not the miracle making that we are measuring a spiritual person, there are great Saints who never perform a miracle yet at their death, miracles are happening around them. It’s like in the case of Pope John that passed on not too long ago, he never performed the miracle while he was in the body and now after his death people are praying at his gravesite and miracles are happening so we we’re not measuring the man’s ability to perform miracles while he’s in the body, you’re measuring how he lived his pure life out and the death is the key to having achieved this principle, you see. So in the immortality of the body we don’t eat and this is what Solar nutrition is leading you to back, it’s leading you back to the principle where Man don’t eat, Man lives by direct energy. Audience: (Inaudible), is it also frustrating and there must be (inaudible). Adano: There was a Saint who said, “Please Lord take away my desires but not right now.” (Laughter) Do you remember him? This was a very good Catholic Saint, he’s well known for his spiritual writings and he used to pray every day “Lord please take away my desires but not right now.” In other words he was conscious that he was still a human being but in as much as he was conscious of it, one day all the desires suddenly left him and he had no more, he was forced to accept it. Audience: Who as it? Adano: Saint Augustine. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yeah that’s right, well he was constantly writing and busy explaining what God was for the Catholic faith and describing all the various levels of behavior and all the theological principles and one day while writing for the first time he gets a spiritual experience with God, he saw a flash of light all around him, the whole world around him was nothing but a mass of light, there were no trees, there were no river there where he was sitting under, there were no churches where he was supposed to be at church, and his own body where he was supposed to be sitting was nothing but a mass of light then he realized the whole problem, what he was writing was a bunch of nonsense so he stopped writing just then with the pen and he started to ponder and he sat there for a day or two sitting there doing nothing and the secretary came and says, “Sir, why are you sitting here like that, why don’t you continue your writings” and he looked at him and said “What I have just seen of God and what I have just written is like straw in the wind,” he never wrote no more so his last writings were half finished, like that, and there was no more continuation, he was writing the book called Summa Theologia, summing up theology, he was trying to give a summary of it all and here he had the actual experience of what he was writing for the first time and he saw what he wrote was nothing in comparison to what he was experiencing so he quit writing, you see he was changed. Yet in the church they have taken all his writings and they have made it the doctrine of the church to enforce it as a form of belief, fully not realizing that he himself didn’t write anything that was valid, he wrote strictly from his intellect. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Meditation, the word itself is an acronym and it involves many principles and until you understand the true definition of meditation you can’t see where it ties in with the ethical life. The first letter of the word meditation is M which means mind and that does not mean the five senses, it means cosmic mind or cosmic awareness. Now the second letter is E, energy which means the vital power of the universe. This cosmic awareness, this cosmic energy are the only two things that exist, they are called the word “us” in your bible, “Come let Us make Man,” consciousness and energy are the two vital forces that makes a creation, there is no creation possible without consciousness and energy. Now a third factor must come in and that is the power to distribute that energy, just like in an automobile you have a distributor which distributes the energy from the generator through the engine. Now a D is the next letter so D is the distributor, you call it the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, Mind you may call the Father, Energy you may call the Christ, you have your trinity right back in the first three words again. So it’s the Consciousness or the Creative Intelligence with the Creative Energy or power and the distributing force that is acting now as a creation but the creation, the next letter is “I,” you know this? You’re coming back to “I” but this “I” is the individual I: me, you, everyone in this room, we are the little “I,” this is the first “I” that we realize. The first when we open our eyes and we look at it, this is our finger, this is our hand, foot, these are all the relationships of the “I” and we are caught up now in this “I.” So meditation is individualistic, you can’t meditate for me and I can’t meditate for you, it’s an individualistic experience. The experience that you must have is personal to you, the experience is personal to me, so that keeps it on an even balance. All right, but as an individual there’s only one thing that is important in my own makeup, the next letter tells me that, the next letter is T, thinking, thoughts, “As a man thinketh, that is what he is,” as an individual think, that is what he is, you see. So your thoughts are responsible for your whole existence but thoughts are not stagnant, they’re in a state of flux therefore the next letter A which means activity, there is a activity going on in your conscious mind, in your fluctuating mind, and that activity is called the time rhythm. So all thoughts in you or in myself are geared to a time rhythm such as thoughts of tomorrow or yesterday or now. When you can find thoughts that will go beyond yesterday, tomorrow, and now, let me know. You see you’re involved with this rhythm as long as you are a human being, you’re involved with thoughts of tomorrow which will create anxiety, you’re involved with thoughts of yesterday which creates frustration, and you’re involved with thoughts of now which creates release and as long as we keep recycling in these three patterns of thoughts and in the rhythm of the time, we are involved in it in ourselves. Therefore it creates now ethical or unethical conditions, this rhythm creates it, how to act out ethical or how not to act out ethical so the next letter is T again and that is the motive to act ethical or not to act unethical or to act ethical or to act unethical, you see what I mean? So T is the motive meaning two words you’re moving towards something, you’re not stagnant, as long as you are an individual and you think and you have this mental process, you’re always moving towards something, there is a purpose for your existence, you’re not a stagnant individual, you’re motivated, you’re pushed forward all the time, you’re propelled forward but where are you propelled to? It’s the next letter that tells you where you’re propelled to “I,” the real “I,” the “I AM-ness” in you but that I AM-ness in you is intuitive, you can’t know it by your five senses, there is no way to know the I AM-ness in you by your five senses. 0:10 No matter how you try, your five senses cannot relate to you, your I AM-ness, it can only be experienced by intuitive nature. Intuitive nature is a type of nature that acts independent of the five senses, it acts like an extra sensory principle, that means it’s in another range of behavior but in that intuitive nature or independent nature, you’re only going to do two things: you’re going to observe which is the next letter O m-e-d-i-t-a-t-i-o, you’re going to observe creation as it is for the first time and that same observation involves oneness so the O in the word meditation is first observation and then oneness, identity. You first have to observe the Creative Principle in yourself and then you have to become one with the Creative Principle, you and your Father have to become one, “You see Me you see the Father, I and My Father are one,” “I am the Father,” I AM and the I AM are the same, two things equal to the same thing are themselves equal to one another, this is a divine mathematics at this highest point. Now the last letter is N and that is noumena not phenomena, meditation is not involved with the phenomenal universe, it’s not involved with psychic abilities, it’s involved with a confrontation with reality, noumena, which allows you to see yourself as God created it. Now in that state you have the full conviction of the immortalness of the Creator and the conviction of your own immortality within the Creator then you are free for the first time as an individual while living in the flesh. This is the term called free while living or liberated, salvation, that’s the true meaning of it. Not the one we say we bless you on the head and you’re blessed, that’s it, it’s the first time that this mechanism has actually lifted the veil from the phenomenal existence to a realistic existence that doesn’t change no more, you know the reality of God is there as a force, it’s a power, it’s a consciousness. Then there is an awe, that’s where the church calls the fear of God, we don’t advocate fear because you can’t love anything from fear and God don’t want us to love Him out of fear because that would be coercion, that would be dictatorship, we can only love by freedom. So it’s the awe-ness of God, the magnitude of God that is so intense, so great that we cannot begin to relate to it with our five senses, we can only relate to it from an extra sensory level and the extrasensory level is what puts us in a state of humility so when you sit down to meditate, you are achieving a conscious humility within yourself to the magnitude of your nature and within that you begin to have what is known now as experiences occurring in an extrasensory nature but you’re not looking for them, they occur as by-products of that alignment, what your mind is centered on is the full focus of your divinity that you are Soul. Now you are constantly reminded by the sayings of Jesus “What it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his Soul?” That means why should a man spend his time trying to exert his extrasensory nature to contain material objects or to impress people with his abilities when he doesn’t even have the realization to know what he is? And once you can do some extra sensory ability, you find that you suddenly seem to get chronic in it, you want to go around doing it for everybody and there is no individual who can say they don’t want to, they are all tempted to try to prove it to themselves. It’s a strange phenomena that they would all want, as soon as they can say well they have clairvoyant ability and they can see something and they recognize it, then this is a stimulation and within the stimulation is the trap, “I will try it out next time,” so before you know it they’ll start hunting up opportunities to try it out. Now a realized man does not do that, a realized man remains within himself as the natural process knowing that this is a by-product, having no desire would not generate it yet within the same structure of creation, the same environmental behavior, there is a commitment called the law of karma or cause and effect, “As you sow, that you reap.” There are human beings who are committed or by their own virtue of action lined up for you to help, they are called the lost sheep of the house of Israel, this don’t mean the Jews. The house of Israel means “is reality,” within this is reality or this reality of ourselves there are many of us who are lost within the desire make up of their thought patterns and they are craving now to express it or dominate others or to manipulate others or to get out from that frustration. So when the realized person comes back to his I AM-ness or his true oneness, he’s assigned to pull those out go, “Go unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” go unto those individuals and try to draw them out of that particular thought pattern. “But as many as received Him,” this comes back to a statement of consciousness. This Creative Principle is within you and you go out into the world to meet people knowing fully well they are caught up in their problems but you’re not going to try to impress them, you’re going to go where they have need and when they ask, you will exert that power or that quality. If they don’t ask, you don’t impose it upon them but even when they ask, they may not be willing to accept the remedy for the problem they have because the remedy may seem so obscure, so bizarre for what problems they got into but as many who would accept the remedy that you will propose for their bizarre behavior and their so-called mental patterns, to them will be given the release or the power within themselves to be healed. So we see now what meditation is doing for us, it is aligning us from within to allow this Creative Intelligence to flow uninterrupted and to bring It into manifestation not by our wishing or by our desire but strictly by the law of cause and effect. Audience: You said “not by our desire,” but strictly by… Adano: The law of cause and effect. Audience: Explain. Adano: All right, there was a blind man who came to Jesus and the people who brought him were gonna lay a trap. The trap is the game between heredity and reincarnation and grace or the law of cause and effect. They said to him “Master who sinned that this man be born blind, the man sinned or the parents sinned, tell us?” They are laying the trap for Him to commit Himself now as a realized person and He replied, “Neither,” it was not the man’s fault by cause and effect, which is karma, the man didn’t trigger it off himself. Neither was his parents, they didn’t trigger it off by their cause and effect and he didn’t inherit it from them, “But this is unto the glory of God.” “This specific case is made for My presence here as a karmic law that I will demonstrate grace to show that I being in the total oneness of the spirit knows fully well that every individual must go through compassion, mercy, and grace and forgiveness and here is one man who has to have forgiveness not by something he did or something his parents did but by the compassion and grace of the Divine who is using him as that model.” So that Soul came into that body form with that particular affliction to permit the Divine Intelligence within the man Jesus to act out and demonstrate the law of grace. Now the law of grace works like this, (Adano does something visually) what law is that? Audience: Grace. Adano: All right what law is that? Audience: Grace. Adano: Grace, intercession. By natural law if the man had committed a sin then He would say “Yes, you did commit to sin therefore you have to be born blind therefore that’s your karma, now go and repent.” “By natural law your parents commit a sin therefore you inherit it then you two go and repent” and that would be simply this action going on, no way to stop it but something is interfering now, interceding, the higher law intercedes, this is called grace. 0:20 Grace is that wonderful things that come your way which you didn’t ask for to get you out of trouble. Audience: It could be any trouble though, karma… Adano: No matter what trouble comes your way and something comes along to get you out of it before it happens to you, that’s grace. Audience: Oh well can you expect grace any time? Adano: Yeah, you’re entitled to it. Audience: Thank you. Adano: You know if it wasn’t for the grace of God, none of us would make it, our karma is too heavy, our desire nature is too heavy. The things that we’ve done would be automatically like the law of gravity, they’ll smash into each other, they’d have to be smashing into each other, you’d have to be (inaudible) tremendous impact but this intercessory law is working constantly throughout our life pattern to pull us out at those critical moments to make us realize. Now here in an illustration with Master Jesus and some of those are people that He healed. You remember there were 12 lepers or some number, well they all came and they were all healed, right? And they were told not to sin no more and they were to go show themselves to the priest to be accepted back into the community. Yet out of all of them only one man came back to thank Him and did He not admonish the man, He said “Were there not so many of you?” Do you remember that part of your scriptures? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No there were ten, He’s telling the man, “Weren’t there 10 of you?” Where are the others, you see? This is a very important aspect of spiritual life, a very important aspect of ethical living. Here they were given grace for something that they themselves were suffering from through their own karmic problems and now they were given the opportunity and they were admonished not to go do anything wrong but none of them came back to thank the Man except the one. Therefore they put themselves back exactly where they were before they were even helped. Audience: You mean they’re gonna go back and start the old thought patterns over? Adano: Yes. Audience: Because they didn’t express gratitude? Adano: Right, the man who expresses gratitude for anything has remorse and he has forgiveness, he has repentance and therefore he is not liable to slip down so easy, he’s sustained by the grace, he’s sustained by the example, by the intercession. It’s when he’s not thankful then his release is an illusion and his pain is an illusion therefore the illusion becomes a reality later on when he repeats it, there’s nobody to release him anymore, then he can’t get rid of that pain no more, you see? Who would he turn to to release it? Having no gratitude, he would have to be called to account for that first experience of being ungrateful, that’s an unethical form of behavior. To give somebody something and they don’t tell you thanks, it’s unethical. You see He was making them conscious of what the true behavior was, He was not trying to show them up in the sense that He was superior than them by healing them, He wanted them to realize where their true liberation of their spiritual feeling came from, it came from being grateful, it came from being practical on a practical level but until they could recognize that, they would still make those same mistakes over and over and then they will warrant what is called the spiritual damnation, they’re shut out for a long time in that condition. Audience: (Inaudible), someone asks say for healing but they can’t accept it? Adano: Now you don’t go and heal a person unless they ask, because when you’re going out to heal people and they don’t ask you, you’re trying to be some kind of a circus… you know inside the circus they have a guy who has a whip in his hand and a chair in one hand and all the lions are running through? This is what you call the miracle maker you know, he’s trying to put all the diseases in the right places or crack the whip and keep everybody lined up and then turn around and take the bows you know, “Ta Ta Ta Da!” Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: When we ask on that level of spiritual laws to come in and intervene, we are helped because we’ve expressed a need but we don’t have the right to take away your ability to ask us for it, we don’t have to impose, we cannot impose ourselves on you. See God does not even impose Himself upon you to make Him love Him, do you realize that? He made us, gave us freedom, yet He can take back everything from us except one thing. He can take back life which he gave to us, He can take back every object in this universe except one thing He cannot take back, that’s love, because He is love Himself, He cannot take love away. Therefore it requires love from you to love Him, that means a personal choice, it requires a personal decision on your part to release love for Him, that’s the only thing you can deny the Creator. Now the ten commandments start off with “Thou shalt have no other God before Me,” that’s a form of love that is very rigid. Jesus tries to make this rigidity more practical by saying “Love the Lord with all your mind, heart, and Soul and your neighbor as yourself,” extend this now into every action. In so doing then you would not be left out by the Creative Principle, all your needs will be fulfilled but not your wants, there is no mention in any spiritual book of the whole world or by any way that one can study the spiritual laws that you’re going to have your wants fulfilled but all your needs. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: When you get desire-less then you can fulfill wants, you see but it’s a very difficult state. Audience: When someone asks for help, are you interfering? Adano: No no no, wait a minute. If I interfere with you sick and I see you sick and I come over and try to heal you without asking your permission or without you asking me then I am interfering with your ability to ask forgiveness for your wrongdoing of whatever it might have been to put you in that situation. An illness is the result of a violation of some law and if it’s a violation of some law of health, mental or physical or spiritual, that particular condition exists for you to make some type of evaluation and to go over it back and correct it under your own abilities. Now if I take that away from you, I’m making you weaker, I’m depriving you of your own self-initiative, there comes a time that you will never want to live a practical life, you’re always going to want to depend on somebody to remove all the aches and pains and you’re never going to want to change. So having to suffer a little and having to make some type of declaration to your mind that you’re not going to do this (inaudible) you find out why you did it is a form of forgiveness to yourself. Now if you turn to me and say “Well please, I’m ill, I need help.” Okay I’ll reach out and pray for you for the healing. Now the healing will occur, when it occurs then there comes the admonition, “What did you do before you got ill?” Then if you reply to me and says “Well I did such and such a thing and then all of a sudden I got sick.” I says “Well okay, now that you’re well don’t do those things no more,” right? But if you go back and do this very same thing and then come and ask me for healing you know what I’d say? Live with it because you’ve been told what not to do. Audience: Suppose it’s karma from a last life, would you know? Adano: Well it will it will come up to the surface of the mind because it will be there at that particular point in consciousness for you to recognize and then you will be able to correct it. Audience: Suppose like a wife of someone asked for healing for them. Adano: As long as somebody asks, that is all that is required. The centurion asked for his servant and that is all that is required, his servant was healed. 0:30 I’ll tell you this story, I was staying in Dallas and before I was discussing the same principle that night, that we don’t have to be present as long as somebody asked, it is done. The phone rang at this party’s home and the daughter answered the phone and the mother is on the phone way off in Utah and they’re talking on the phone and daughter says “Guess who is here?” She told her mother that I was in the room and they’re talking about the scriptures and then all of a sudden the daughter says to me, “Can I ask you Adano a request?” I says “What is it?” She says, “Well I’m asking for my mother, she’s sick right now (gap in tape) …calling, wanted to know if there’s anything she can do.” She don’t want to go to the hospital. I says “Tell her it’s done” and at the very same time I was saying what Jesus said to the centurion, “It’s done” and I kept on the conversation, never bothered with the daughter so she said to the mother “Adano said it’s done, that’s all, why you worry? Shut up the phone and go back to your bed.” Two days after she got a letter from the mother and she says “How do you explain this? From the moment you told me that on the phone I saw a flash of light and my whole body went into a quiver and all the symptoms of the illness left me and I went to bed and slept and I’m well.” And then after going to hospital and she went for a medical checkup there was no indication of the problem. Now if the individual is going to jump to the conclusion that I’m a miracle maker it’s not true, I’m no miracle maker. If they jump to the conclusion that I interfered and I took on their karma it’s not true, one person is asking and I am simply expressing that request in the same mental atmosphere like the request is made to Jesus by saying “It is done.” Now the key to reality is act it out, live it, don’t doubt it, live it.. Now when you put a seed or let’s take a letter into a mailbox, do you question the mail authorities for delivering a letter after you put in the letter and put the right stamp? Do you keep in your mind, “Will they deliver it, are they going to deliver it? I better call and find out if they’re delivering it, I better find out to figure out the right (inaudible), do you do that? Audience: At times I wished I had. Adano: But you already put it and you leave it to the postal authorities to carry out their duty and the letter is delivered. Equally true in the principle of consciousness we are not here to question the cosmic energy, how it’s going to perform its its principles, we are strictly here to release the thought under the very environmental relationship and forget about it. Jesus merely said “It is done,” He didn’t bother to question if God’s gonna do it or not, that’s why He said “The things I do you can do also and greater things you will do.” Now if you don’t understand that then He didn’t really have any value to us, He has a value to us when we understand what He’s doing then He becomes to be a greater value when we can apply it ourselves then we begin to see how true this thing is, that He was not limiting no one and He was not setting himself up as the ideal or the only individual, He was making it clear that every man had to stand on his own two feet and demonstrate the law. Audience: Well Adano two years ago I was sick and the Mormon sisters quite a lot and they asked the elders if they would do a healing and they said if I would ask… Adano: Remember what I just said. Adano: Well I’m wondering now (inaudible), if they can do it, I should be able to do it and so I didn’t ask, I decided to wait and I also wondered why I didn’t. Adano: But were you healed? Audience: I got better, I didn’t ask for the healing but see I had come to a plateau. Adano: What did you ask for them? Audience: I didn’t ask for anything (inaudible) and when they prayed I started getting better and I’ve often wondered if I had asked for the healing whether it would have all gone away and you know, me and my ego, now I’m wondering when you don’t ask, is it ego? Adano: Yes, it is ego. I cannot heal myself if I have an ailment, I cannot pray for myself, I would ask you to pray for me and this is true. This toe was turned under like that for years, it was under this foot like that. I used to walk with it like that for years and it always used to bother me and I tried everything I knew in metaphysics: thinking, otherwise, and so forth, it’ll never come out and one day I’m on the reservation at the prayer meeting in a Kiva and even there I did not want to ask because that night they were asking me to pray for lots of people that was sick but it came in the morning when the whole meeting was over and I’m sitting down here and I said “Adano you’re a damn fool you know. (Adano chuckles). Here in the midst of all this prayer meeting and you’re not even going to ask for a healing, what kind of ego is this?” So there was the leader of the group and I said to him, I said “Brother, I got a problem.” He says, “What?” I said “My toe pulls under and I’ve been praying for healing but it never seems but I think you can pray for me and I need you to pray for me.” He says, “Brother the prayer meeting is over, we don’t pray no more after it’s over, you have to wait until tomorrow night.” I says “Well I believe that if you pray right now, it will happen.” He says “Well all right,” he says, “but we never did it before and I don’t know how it will work, I’ll ask brother Jesus.” I says, “All right, I’m willing, where you want me to stand up?” He says “Just stand up where you are.” I stood up and he start praying, for the first time he’s going against all traditions that he knows and he’s gonna pray and I tell you in 10 minutes I can feel like somebody pulled my toe apart from inside like an electrical energy twisted and my wife was looking at it and she’s seen the toe pulling itself out. It never went back in, it’s perfectly out but that is how you have to be if you want the healing. Audience: When do you know when it’s… like before you said sometimes it’s best to work it out yourself, how do you know when to do this and when to ask? Audience: Yeah, that was my problem. Adano: If you want to get rid of it immediately, sometimes you ask it doesn’t work, that is to tell you you’re not ready for the healing but if something tells you inside of your mind, “wait, try and work at it yourself” and then part of it accomplish itself or none of it accomplish itself then you reach what is called a frustration level where you’re going to say you’re being egotistical, you don’t want to ask for help. Your own mind is going to tell you where you are right now, you’re going to space yourself for the first time, you are being egotistical, you got to be more humble. You are being led up to what is called a time factor for more humility and it may be little Joe Doe or Marianne over there who just sings on the choir and she can say to you “In the name of Christ that you’ll be healed” and then you are healed, it doesn’t have to be Oral Roberts you know so it is not the individual so much, it’s that critical moment when you’re ready to let go. So at that critical moment in my own life I was ready to let go and in the environment on the reservation so I got the healing. Audience: I wasn’t willing to let go. Adano: Right. Audience: I felt like if they had the faith, I should have it too and that I should… Adano: All right, now you’re taking the case of Oral Roberts, people come to him and ask him to heal them and he said “I can’t heal you until you’re ready to ask for the healing or until you want to be healed.” Now that person is saying they’re not ready and he couldn’t if he tried to pray for that person, they’d never get well. Now when he prays, Oral Roberts, he sees the two angels standing next to the person that will do the healing. When that person says “I am willing to be healed,” those two angels does appear and Oral Roberts can see it, he has that ability and the person is healed. Now here’s an interesting fact, when our friend Wallace, you know he wrote to Oral Roberts for a prayer you know, this is interesting, and Oral Roberts told him he would pray for him but he didn’t go to see him so he asked him to come to the house. 0:40 So Oral Roberts flew from Oklahoma to the Governor Wallace house and he arrived and he prayed and in his prayer he was told that the Governor will walk but not now so he prayed and what happened? The governor’s wife all of a sudden began to talk in tongues and he left, Wallace isn’t healed but Wallace is puzzled because his wife for the first time is happy going around talking and having all these wonderful experiences. So he calls Oral Roberts again and tells him “Man I want some of that stuff that my wife is getting.” (Laughter). So Oral Roberts decides to send some of his assistants to do a prayer for him and to give the governor this message. He sent four ministers of the church, when they arrived at the door and they opened the door to let them in, Governor Wallace looked and he says, “Well I guess I gotta live with it,” two are colored and two are white. In walked in these four ministers and they’re gonna lay their hands on him and they prayed for him and he began to talk in tongues then they told him, “The Lord says you will not walk right now but later on until you have more humility” and he talks in tongues, he goes into the inner spirit. Audience: He still doesn’t understand though. Adano: But if he should ever become president in this country and get up and walk, if that ever comes to pass by the law of grace and he is elected by the people in this country, you’ll have the first president with the spiritual force acting in the body but he’ll be a change man by then. Audience: Do you think he will? Adano: Yes. Audience: Could you explain the talking in tongues idea? Adano: The talking in tongues is the gift of the Holy Spirit and it comes from latent life patterns in past lives that the energy goes up to the brain without any interference now and reactivate those areas of the brain in which we have lived in past lives and we begin to talk in the tongues. Now we can’t speak anything more, when a translation is made of the talking in tongues it simply means this, they have translated it many of them, it means “Praise be to the Lord, glory to the Lord in the highest.” These are the words when translated in the language in which it comes out and sometimes it comes out like a middle Eastern language or Babylonian language or oriental language but it always means “Praise be to the Lord, glory to the Lord in the highest.” Now the only problem in speaking of the tongues they have never had any individual speaking it in English, that is a man born of a foreign language in a foreign country having the experience of speaking in tongues speaking in English. Audience: How come? Adano: Because speaking in tongues was never in English, it’s proving it’s a past life experience, you see it’s not a present experience, it’s a past life experience. Audience: But England is old. Adano: (Laughing). You see because if it was an African man having the blessing, he couldn’t be speaking in English because he wouldn’t be exposed to the english and he would be speaking his own language but they have found that every one of these experiences where in India, China, Africa, or Scandinavian country, they’re all speaking in the Babylonian or the Sumerian. Audience: Oh they go back that far? Adano: Yes or way back into Egyptian or in the early Hebrew but there are never any coming out that are coming up in English. This would be the unusual experience that some oriental man who never spoke English in his life all of a sudden when he has the gift of tongues start speaking “Praise be the Lord, glory to the Lord in the highest” then we’d have something there now of value to record as a consciousness but since that is not happening we are realizing more and more that the principle is based on a past life experience, the church is slowly beginning to realize that this is not the first and last time we’re in the body. Audience: Will the church ever really accept that? Adano: Oh yes they just have to wake up a bit more and but they can’t up and tear down everything but they’re slowly talking gradually about it. Audience: Well the ones I’ve known would think something like we’re having an open discussion tonight on the thing, that it would all be devil, the devil and devil oriented and everything, I found that so common… (Gap in tape). Adano: …he prayed that the man and wife would be killed you know and so doing the man and the wife fell down and died. These are unforgivable sins so he saw his own shortcomings and it was difficult for him to overcome these shortcomings but he had to work harder and harder and meditate more and more and fast to make these corrections in himself. Audience: What about the karma (inaudible). Adano: Well he had to pay for it. Audience: He went out and he meditated. Adano: Yes, he had to correct it, he had to work harder in his own consciousness to correct it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, he had to work harder, he had to pray and meditate and he had to suffer more. That’s why when he was caught eventually by the Romans and he was executed by the Romans, he wanted to be executed upside down for all the mistakes he did and even for the denial of the Master. You see upside down meant he wanted to be lesser than the Master and he wanted his head to touch the ground meaning that it’s customary to bring your head at the feet of the Master so this was the reason he wanted his head down with his feet up indicating that he was not worthy as a disciple, he had too many shortcomings as the disciple. Audience: Was he a realized Master when he died? Adano: Yes he was a realized Master when he died and he was the one that the Master chose to pass on the spiritual mantle, you see. Now you cannot make yourself a spiritual Master, it is always someone who conquers this spiritual quality to you so when Jesus asked “Who do men say that I am?” Everyone begin to say “you are a prophet, you’re a great teacher” and then Peter looked for a long time and then replied, “Thou art Christ” and Jesus said “I did not tell you that but the Father which is within you revealed it to you.” This is an inward awareness of the Christ in Peter recognizing the Christ in Jesus by seeing the light in Jesus. Peter’s Christ-light had to see the Christ-light in Jesus and the two light had to merge for Peter to realize this and this is what we call the auric field. Well he saw that, he made the declaration, then Jesus knew that this man would be a likely candidate to carry on the spiritual path because he’s more attuned to that condition. Then He said “Upon this rock I will build My church.” The teacher gives credence to the student who will take the mantle to carry on when the teacher goes off and so Peter was then selected as the next in line to have the spiritual heritage to carry on. Now though Peter might be what you call a man with a great deal of shortcomings in his physical nature, in his psychological nature, yet from his devotional nature he was the only one that could keep his mind steady, that’s why He called him a rock, he was the only one that could keep the consciousness steady and focus on the body of Jesus to see the Christ in Him. So he was then the natural heir to the spiritual mantle but that doesn’t say he was able to hold that steadiness because Jesus knew he would falter, he was not fully developed, He knew he would falter and therefore He told him later on “You would deny Me,” that means to say the experience you have inside would be a doubtful one in terms of hallucination and that you will not really believe it and then put to the test on a physical level, you’ll even deny this physical body, which he actually do and He told him when he will do it, He says, “You’ll deny me three times before the night is over, the cock will crow three times when you deny me,” but then the third time, he begin to make confession, he went into all the pitiful reactions of a man who realized what he had done you see but you can say that is the sin of the spirit. 0:50 Granted it is a sin of the spirit but it is a sin of the spirit based on the fact that he was not strong enough to measure up to the trial, his faith was not there so the Master forgave him absolving him from the karmic debt. A Master does not condemn a student regardless of how he fails, He doesn’t look for your failures because every Saint has a past and every sinner has got a future and for a Master to condemn you for your shortcomings as a human being to measure up in a spiritual life would be the first thing of a denial of His own true nature. So He can’t look for your shortcoming, He’s got to look for your your evolutionary nature He’s got to look for what is good in you, and He’s got the confer the goodness, He’s got to raise those goodness up, and He’s got to absolve the bad in you by His grace and mercy. Every spiritual teacher is in that same relationship with his student, to look for the good in the individual and not for the bad. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The bad is only an undeveloped level of goodness. Audience: That’s an interesting way of putting it. Adano: But that is all it really is. When it’s developed at its full potential of goodness, there is no bad. Potentially you are Soul and your all goodness but how this Soul is working with the mind, this is what makes for bad or good. You see mind is an expression of the Soul in a lower level of energy, it’s a form of energy working through from the Soul and it passes through the sensory nerves as a negative charge and the motor nerves or muscular part of you as a positive charge and you’re caught between this pull, this polarity between sensory and motor functions which you determine and logically move your body and you guide yourself on a mind rhythm but mind rhythm is time cycles so your mind seems to dominate the body and seems to regulate everything and you think you are led by the mind, in reality you’re led by your Soul but the Soul does not interfere until the mind goes down or shut down. When the mind gives up trying to regulate the sensory functions and the motor functions of this mechanism then the Soul takes over, not until that time. The Soul is not a dictator, the Soul is a very intuitive play, it’s an intuitive function so it does not interfere, it allows us to have all the expressions of our mind. Now a realized person realizes he doesn’t have a Soul, he is Soul so he sees this interplay of mind in everyone around him, the pull of the positive part which is the motor function, the pull of the negative part which is the sensory function and once this interplay is going on, he doesn’t emphasize the negative in that individual, he tries to emphasize the positive in the individual because he knows sooner or later they’re going to come into a state of polarity and that person is going to have a free mind, he’s going to be liberated from his mind that’s what the enlightenment enlightened is to be, not enlightenment in terms of knowledge, knowledge doesn’t give us realization, it is the wisdom that gives us realization. It’s when we’re free from the mind, the play of the mind, the polarities of the mind then we have now the true wisdom. The wisdom is a certitude, it’s an inner certitude that you are, that you cease to live in an illusion state, for the first time you’re living in a reality state, you are certain of this reality that there is no way shape or form you will lose your reality and you are not swamped in by impressions of the environment anymore, you’re totally aligned with this reality, it’s an inner certitude. This is the wisdom and it doesn’t have anything to do by knowing more or less or be more educated or less educated, it has to do with this inner knowing, this inner condition that would alter on a physical level the human body. The human body will go through what they call now transition, that’s why when a person is converted or a person is elevated there is a transformation in the body, we can see the change, there seems to be a youthfulness, there is a glow, that is the enough condition that comes out physiologically now, when this occurs we know that this individual is in that state. So in Peter’s case he was not fully identified with it and Jesus knew this and told him he was going to deny Him. Now even when Judas betrayed Him, He was aware of Judas and He did not condemn him. Remember what He called Judas? He called him friend which is the highest title another human being can bestow on you, it’s higher than the title of king, higher than the title of parent, higher than the title of prophet, higher in the title of Saint, friend, it’s equality. So when He called him friend, He did not diminish him in statute but kept the highest part of Judas still going within him and we have to realize what is meant in this ethical process but we are not talking of conditions that cannot be lived, we are talking of conditions that can be lived. Now Masters do not come to us from the psychic realm to teach us, they live in the human body all the time. Anytime a Master pretends to tell you he’s going to teach you from the psychic realm, from a mediumistic level to elevate your Soul, you are being fooled. A Master must go through the criteria of birth under one of the four levels of birth: to reborn minus his memory or to be born with total memory or to be born by immaculate conception or to be born 21 years of age and talk, fully a grown man. These are the four requisites of a Master, the same four requisites a Soul must pass through from the lowest level to the highest level. Audience: Have we already had one that was 21 years old? Adano: No we were created that when we were started off, we were all created full, complete. Audience: 21? Adano: Well 21 is the mature level of the mechanism. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: We haven’t starting from the bottom, we’ve started from the top coming down, we’re on our way back. We are the prodigal son mentioned in your scriptures, the Soul is the prodigal son that has squandered its creativity or substance by being entrapped in the world of illusion, that’s what you call the pig pen. You’re living on your senses and when we come to our self, when we begin to accept ourselves, then we make a turn around and as soon as we turn around and start rising from the lower sensory nature which is the gonad area and the base of the spine and starts ascending up into the brain, which is the highest part of the mechanism, at the halfway mark there’s where God meets you, it’s called the heart center. “The pure in heart sees God now,” not until that time, the pure heart sees God is not at intellectual conversation neither is it something of an admonition, it is a biophysiological movement inside of you, when this energy rises up from the base of the spine and crosses this vortex, not until that time. When the decarbonization of the blood has reached a point where there is no need for decarbonization, then this inner light (inaudible) and the first thing you hear inside is a bell ringing and then you know how that the church invented the bell. It was mystics that heard the bell inside, who gave them the tones that they could remind themselves to look inside themselves that this bell is the angelus. That’s where they got the idea “For whom the bell tolls, it’s tolling for thee,” each one of us this bell is tolling within but not each one of us is aware of it so when you sit down to meditate, you’re supposed to listen to God, you’re supposed to listen to this bell who meet you halfway on your way up as you draw your consciousness away from the lower nature and you begin to hear this bell then it pulls you up and you go up like an elevator now. 1:00 So when a person can hear the bell sound inside clear, then by the grace of God he’s pulled in so he sees God and what does he see really, he sees himself in God as a pure light. God has no shape you see but God is the radiant form within you and the radiant form is the spiritual teacher first and then the spiritual form becomes you after, you and God become one, this is the final realization. (Gap in tape) … are coming and being born, are coming back from the past lives and they’re settling in certain areas of the continent. Rome is where Washington is, Washington DC is Rome. On the Atlantic seaboard in this area is new Egypt, right up in your Great Lakes area is your new Greece. New India and new China is on your west coast and right in between Arizona to Arkansas/Alabama is your new Jerusalem belt. Audience: Where is Tyler? Adano: (Inaudible). Now new Tibet is from Arizona right through New Mexico, the border of Texas and goes up, that’s the new Tibet. Audience: This is in relation to the Souls that are coming down. Adano: Yes, this is in relation to the Souls that are coming back and the new age schools that are founding themselves in these areas and the emphasis on the spiritual teaching. Audience: Where’s Virginia. Adano: Virginia is in the new Egypt, this is in the new Egypt. Audience: So we’re going to skip over Tyler? Adano: Well your temple beautiful is forming back again you see where your Casey thing is you see. This whole Virginia area is the new Egypt, see when Casey was (inaudible), he was the prophet (inaudible) at one time then he came back in this incarnation to start the process for the new age and the emphasis is the unity between the east and the west in all levels of consciousness. So Egypt has to be on the east coast and on the west coast is new India and new China. You see the Atlantic is towards the east, there’s where the new Egypt is. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Don’t worry of the continent going under and don’t worry if you’re in the area where it’s going under sometimes you’re placed there at the light to help those Souls go on there by your own spiritual growth and remember its Divine Will, “if you can find ten right thinking people, I will not destroy the city,” this is an ethical law at work. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well Sodom and Gomorrah is all over, it’s all around us, that simply means individuals who are degenerating themselves willfully. Now we can live in this environment with those individuals. Now the willful degeneracy is to destroy or tear down and you can live in the same environment and be right thinking and elevate it and hold it in check, it only takes ten to hold back a tremendous amount of people that are spiritual. Ten spiritual people can hold back thousands of people. Audience: Well in that case, Casey was right when he said if the study group down there had lived their prayers, we wouldn’t have gone in World War II. Adano: Right. Audience: I mean how can 10 people here being real spiritual affect the government. Adano: Well it’s very simple, 10 people generating the love for mankind must first remove their own desires. 10 desireless people having no personal motivation can affect the lives of many people because it will bring that law into order and into manifestation but it’s when you have personal desires then there’s conflict so he said if they could only live it, if they didn’t bring their own personal nature into it, their own personal you know needs into the picture, then it would not have been (inaudible). You see these people had personal needs, personal shortcomings, therefore they couldn’t do it. Now you have to find 10 people who don’t have this, well you first find one, then find the second one, and before you know it you’ll have ten individuals you can then vibrate on that level. Now you have the same thing in the case of Jesus and John, you see, remember what did Jesus say John was? He said “There is no man greater than John who was born that is Elijah that has come,” right? He said that, He’s telling us that Elijah is John. Now He goes on to say, “But John is not born by the will of the flesh nor by the will of his parents but by the will of the Lord,” that’s how John was born. Now if John was born by the will of the flesh then John came back due to an unfinished desire, the flesh of John as Elijah had an unfinished desire to be born again, had some unfinished problem to work out therefore that would be the will of the flesh for him to be born again but He said he was not born of the will of the flesh that means he had no previous desires, he had no desires in his past life, “Nor by the will of the parents.” Well the parents of John couldn’t pray for a John the Baptist because they wouldn’t know what it looked like, stands for reason. They couldn’t crave, they were willing, their flesh, their body and mind could not crave John the Baptist because they wouldn’t know what John the Baptist is. So Jesus is saying “not by the will of the flesh” that means not by the man’s unfinished desire nor by the desires of his parents was this man born or was this man ever coming into an existence but strictly by the will of the Lord meaning that this man was liberated in his past life and is now returning as a messenger of God acting out God’s will on a voluntary basis. He was not coerced or he had no payment to make for being born so he’s being born strictly by the will of the Lord and the will of the Lord is a very drastic will because how did John die? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yeah but you see the Lord’s Will is very strange in how it works, it may seem cruel at one level but is justice is another level and it’s love at another level. It is the level in which you are involved with, it’s cruel from the standpoint of the woman wanted the head of John just to get even with John, it’s justice because he incurred this by exposing the woman but in terms of love, he was the only human being capable of standing up against the masses with their ignorance and trying to elevate them. So that would be the love, “There’s no greater love than a man would lay down his life for his fellow man” to the extent that when he’s dying, knowing they were wrong he’s still telling them they’re wrong, he loved them so much that they couldn’t begin to understand his love. He may be exposing their shortcoming but he still loved them enough to want to die for them and he didn’t run from his death so we see the will of the Lord working in three levels: it’s demonstrating justice, it’s demonstrating the law of cause and effect, and it’s demonstrating the love. Audience: What would have happened if Elijah hadn’t come down as John so they could get that baptism straight. Adano: It had to come back, you see the the student of John… Audience: (Inaudible). It isn’t that he didn’t have to, he had to. Audience: (Inaudible). 1:10 Adano: Well we have to understand why he would have to come back because his student in his past life was Elias and he was Elijah in his last life, he had a student called Elias. Now this student came back as Jesus but in a previous life when he was a student of Elijah that student made a mistake, the mistake was when he went to his teacher and said “Why don’t you give me a double portion of your spirit?” He was asking for something he didn’t earn or was not worthy enough to handle. So his teacher told him, Elijah said to him, “You ask a hard thing,” that is to say to the student on a spiritual level “you want God realization without earning it, you don’t want to put in the time to meditate to realize yourself, you want it to be given to you like Santa Claus but nevertheless,” why a Saint has to have compassion, even though it’s a hard thing for the Saint or the realized man to recognize and point out to the student his shortcomings, he will go ahead and grant him the desire because it’s a desire in which he himself must fulfill. Since he has no personal desire and he’s gifted with the power to materialize desire, he has to grant the desire. So he says, “Nevertheless this power or mantle is yours if you see me before I go.” Now that puts a clause in the acquisition of that power, to see him before he leaves the body. Now you can imagine for one moment somebody tell you that, “You will have God realization if you see me before I die.” Now I don’t tell you anything else, you know what will happen? You don’t know when I’m gonna die and you dare not leave my presence to go any place, you see? And since you don’t know when I’m gonna die and since you can’t leave where you are, you’re really gonna work now, you gotta meditate, you gotta fast, and you dare not want to go to the bathroom either. You’re really gonna work to this level of pure realization, you’re gonna make that sacrifice, that final thrust. So in a sense the teacher did put the student through a hard pace by putting him in that condition therefore he did earn it in the last minute of his life because when a teacher did leave, he transferred the power to the student but the student now has to be born again by the law of cosmic principles of ethical law because he earned that power by mercy and did not earn it by grace. It is the normal grace of a teacher to give his power to a student before he leaves, it is a normal law to confer this on a student before he leaves. If he confers it by mercy, that is when a student asks him for it and he has to be forced to do it, then the student has to live through a certain principle of meriting it in another life. By grace you don’t have to live a second life so in the case of Jesus in his previous life he did not merit the God realization by grace, he merited by mercy. So when he came back into this life as Jesus, he cautioned his own disciples and this is how he told them to make them aware of it he said, “You haven’t chosen me, I chose you,” putting it on record the difference between mercy and grace. If they were going to choose him as a teacher to guide them to the truth then they would be imposing upon him and he would have to fulfill their desires. As he was choosing them and knowing their shortcomings, they were getting this elevation by grace and therefore they would not be in the situation he’s in in a previous life so he was liberating his disciples in the future from making that mistake. So the disciple really were chosen to be elevated. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Good night. Audience: (Inaudible). When are you leaving? Adano: I’m leaving on Saturday evening, we’ll have a meeting tomorrow. Tomorrow we’ll discuss therapy, some of the basic therapies of the body. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Bye, bye. (Gap in tape). Adano: In the case of John the Baptist, John was not born by the will of the flesh. The will of the flesh means he had no personal karma, he had no desire that was unfulfilled in a previous life to make him responsible for being born and not by the will of his parents, his parents could not crave for John the Baptist, they would not know what a John the Baptist would be in the first place so they themselves could not setup the karmic pattern of his birth but he was born by the Will of God that he was commissioned by the Creative Intelligence to take human form as a Master, going through the process of birth, preparing the way for another realized man (inaudible). See the path of the Masters is laid out in the Science of the Soul that one must lay the way for the other and by virtue of that tradition, we carry on an unbroken link from time immemorial to the present day and we continue this unbroken link all the time. 1:20 So John is declaring that the coming teacher who will follow in his path would perform certain functions and in that way he’s giving credence of acceptance of that teacher. Unless one does not give credence to the students that will follow who will assume the role of teacher then that teacher will not have the recognition that they will be related (inaudible). Equally true the student must must recognize the teacher and give credence to the teacher as a true lineage of the spirit so Jesus is saying the same of John that he was not born of the will of the flesh indicating that he had no personal karma, or personal commitment to be born from some unfulfilled desire. Nor was be born by the will of the parents which was their own personal craving of desire patterns but strictly by the will of God meaning the Creator Intelligence placing him in a position to act out the role of a (inaudible) and then the credence comes by saying “There is no man greater than John who is born that is Elijah who has come” indicating that Jesus was well aware that John was Elijah in his previous life. Now John has to give credence to Jesus by saying “I am not worthy to unlatch the shoes of him that cometh after me.” Now if there is no man greater than John that is born who was Elijah, how would such a man make claim to another individual giving him preference over himself, do you see the role of the teacher/disciple relationship? One is giving credence to the other for his lineage and the other is giving credence to the heir or inheritor of the lineage so that he will be accepted by the students. So he says “I baptized by water but this one will baptized by the Spirit” meaning “at the level of spiritual unfoldment to which I’m awakening you is one method.” His method now being the inheritor of the lineage of the truth will then take you to another level of unfoldment so you must accept him on this credence, on this declaration, if you don’t accept him on this declaration then you don’t accept me and if you don’t accept me then you don’t accept the Father which is within you, you see? Now one student is declaring that the teacher is not born by his desires nor was he born by the parents’ desires, he was born by the desire of God so that has to round out itself mathematically for the individuals to accept him as a true teacher and the student must in turn now be recognized by the teacher as the next (inaudible) to carry on the lineage. So Jesus is carrying on the lineage by saying “he will baptize by the spirit.” That’s what we were puzzling last night in this lineage and the (inaudible) initiation, one really make the road by himself. Audience: Is this why God waited for the parents of John the Baptist to be so old? (Inaudible). Adano: Right he has to defy the normal accepted rules of behavior and physiological laws of existence to superimpose the Divine Principle. Now St. Augustine says this “There are no miracles but simply unknown laws.” Now there are laws that we do not know about creation at our present level of behavior but would appear to be a miracle when it’s executed by those who have the ability to execute it and as soon as we are capable of understanding those laws and executing it, then the miracle disappears, we have achieved now understanding. So in relation to these truths we find in our scriptures, all these laws appear at certain times to confound us with the innate quality of our spirituality that we have to raise our level of consciousness to be able to apply them. In the case of John the Baptist parents, they are not in the physiological age bracket to have children yet the higher laws that could come into effect in their lifespam would defy every known understanding at the time so having children at that age would defy the accepted rule of having children. Audience: How old were they? Adano: They were in their late 60s to 70s. (Inaudible). Well you see the thing is this, we have fallen down physiologically (inaudible) in terms of bearing children and having children because of our mental makeup. The human body is capable of performing these functions at an advanced age when we don’t have mental inhibition because the same principles are in us. Premature aging is a mental function, we age prematurely from a mental functioning and from an environmental program. Our society in which we live in is not geared to live, it’s geared to die, we have already programmed our existence to three score ten existence and the condition of premature death are fortified, from then on in we’re merely living on borrowed time. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It will continue to break down and build up all the time behavior but you can prematurely inhibit it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It’s all in the consciousness and the application of the consciousness on this particular subject but when you don’t understand the laws and you don’t know the laws then you cannot apply it. When you know the laws then you can apply it, there are no miracles, it’s simply unknown laws working at different levels of behavior and the behavior has to do with the ethical living. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The average individual does not know the law involving creation, he merely knows to eat, live, mate, and die and live out the daily survival patterns (inaudible). There are very few of us that know of creation let alone know what creation we are living in. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You know we are very naive people or very strange people to live on the planet earth and think we have all the answers to the galactic system and that we’re the only individuals (inaudible). We are very very immature spiritual people, no matter how we try (inaudible). We are hanging on to vestiges of ancient religious traditions and symbolism and when the truth is revealed to us, we can’t stand (inaudible), it is not something we are prepared for. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: We are in a dark age cosmologically speaking but we are in a new age solarly speaking. A cosmological age is three one four five million years, that’s a cosmological day in creation. 1:30 One day in creation is 3145 million, that’s only one day in creation, a day in creation is three one four five million that’s one day in creation. Now it takes seven of those days in creation to start a galactic system. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: And within that galactic system, we have many many Yugas or cycles of creation and our planet earth in which we live only four and a half half billion years old, it’s a pretty young planet in this galactic system. Audience: Yeah but we’re not from this planet. Adano: No, we’re not from this planetary system but we are here from our falling down in consciousness and from our migratory movement in time. Audience: We’ve got longer to go than I thought. Adano: We are from a place called Satch Khand. Audience: How old is creation? Adano: How old is creation? Well which one of the creations are we talking of? The solar one that we live in or the cosmic one. Audience: How old are the Souls? Adano: The age of the Soul is the age of God, that’s the age of the Soul. Audience: How was God made? Adano: How was God made, it’s a very good question. How is a Man made to ask a question does God exist? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See the Soul is as old as God and if God is eternal polaris or what we call the constant polarity of life, then He’s ageless, He has no beginning and He has no end, He is alpha omega, He’s self-existent. Now God is not a person, when we use the word God we are going to always be confused with some person is sitting on a throne when in reality there is no such person sitting on a throne. God is the creative principle of eternal polarity but out of that eternal polarity, we must have a creation based upon desire or Will, it is called Cosmic Law and you can’t have the creation unless we have negative and positive, there is no existence without it. So we have to have these two forces existing in two different directional flows: negative is not bad and positive is not ultra good, it’s the directional flow upon itself that makes it continuous or eternal. Now as long as it’s a creation and we are the result of the creation, we will be viewing it with our mind, we will not be viewing it with our Soul therefore we will have no comprehension of it as it is, we will only have a comprehension of it as it appear as it is by the use of the mind. Our mind is going to give us an apparent appearance of something on a sensory level but never on an intuitive/oneness level, we have to achieve that condition and that is where you call the breakthrough of the darkness in the brain, “When thine eyes are single, the whole body is full of light and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.” This darkness that you see when you close your eyes is the result of the density of the desire makeup of your body and until that density is dispersed, you can’t see the pure light of God inside. Now this whole body becomes light, atomic light, because it’s energy equal to the mass times the velocity of light squared and the actually experience is seeing it. Now the light of the Soul which you are is the brilliance of nine suns so you couldn’t even begin to look at your own Soul force, it will blind you eternally. A mere glimmer will keep you blind for a long time, the same thing happened to Paul when he was Soul, he had a glimmer of the light inside and he was struck blind. Many people who have had an experience with the Holy Spirit in a pentecostal movement are blind for days with the light so you can imagine what a smidgen of light you are seeing in this atomic makeup of your body. So we are talking of something that is happening on a different level than the mere intellectual level has been passed off as spiritual truth. Audience: That’s where the expression comes “I see the light?” Adano: I see the light. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Vulcan has been there so many thousands of years before we ever came along to find it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The Greeks knew of it, the Chinese knew of it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It didn’t go anyplace, the earth and all the apparent planets around the sun takes the alpha centauri, the nearest star, as its sun for this sun and makes an annual journey around it once, that means that it goes around it. So one solar year for this sun is the journey of this sun and its planets around alpha centauri which is exactly 24,000 years. It has to go around alpha centauri in 24,000 years and when it goes around alpha in 24,000 years in the periodical cycles of a hundred years each, we will stumble across the phenomena of the twelfth planet that appear and appear and simply disappear all the time. In another three four hundred years, it will never be there we won’t be able to track it and another few hundred years we will find it and track it because the sun on this planet is moving around alpha centauri once. Just as all earth moves around the sun once to make one earth year, one solar year of the sun is equally 24,000 years around alpha centauri and alpha centauri is going around another star within the same proximity of … Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: At the same time it is pulling this galactic system along with another one, Mr. Casey said it you know. I’m not repeating something that’s a figment of the imagination, Casey (inaudible) and the Hindu philosophers knew this a long time in their own readings. We are not discovering a single thing new in this world, we are only validating from unknown laws that are suddenly becoming aparent from unknown facts that were not obvious at a certain time of our unfoldment. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Right. Audience: And then somebody else so many years from now will say “they didn’t know what they were talking about.” Adano: Right, interesting. Audience: Where is Satch Khand? Adano: Satch Khand is outside of the causal realm. (Inaudible). Where we are we live in the physical cosmos, this cosmos which is physical to our five senses and every mechanical measurement is under the electrical cosmos or astral cosmos of Hiranyaloka. Now that whole cosmos is the second level up and above the Hiranyaloka cosmos we have the causal cosmos or the cosmos Theta. 1:40 It’s mentioned by some writings, they call it the Theta realm, t-h-e-t-a and beyond the Theta realm they say “now we have arrived at the abode of God” or Pure Spirit. There is no thought in that realm, it’s all consciousness and in that realm now we have Satch Khand. Satch is the eternal, Khand means the abode, the abode of the eternal flow. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No it is also a state of pure substance because it is substance too, we cannot separate substance from reality, we cannot separate the spirit from reality because the spirit is also substance. It’s the purest form of substance you can find, just a few people who are able to manifest that pure substance. The name for that pure substance in the human body is nectar or effulga, e-f-f-u-l-g-a. It also takes on the pure essence of our seminal fluid which has a name in Sanskrit as spatum. Now there is a living Master called Sai Baba and on certain days of Shivarati, which is the Lord of Creation Shiva, he will bring up a Shiva lingam out from his own body condensing this Spata or essence of this spermal fluid right out of his mouth in the form of Shiva. He does this every year at Shivarati and this object, this essence (inaudible) we don’t have this on the earth, it’s simply congealed out of his own mechanism by his consciousness. Now this man is alive, he’s not a dead man, he’s not something that’s talking about being a fairy tale, it is factual but this is an essence that we have within us that we can… the purpose of the Saints telling us to conserve these forces in ourselves is because they are linked in a minute way to the Creative Principle and the ethical attitude is the key for it all. The same strain that will enforce such an imposition upon us that we have to behave a certain way to make these things be practical to elevate us and midway between the spirit and the physical is the psychic. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes, this is what you have to achieve. Audience: What happens to that stone he brings up out of the earth? Adano: It’s placed in every Shiva temple in India at the altar. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, the Avatar that Yogananda refers to Babaji, no one sees Him, He is the Avatar of the planet, see that’s why they call Him the Maha-Avatar, he is the teacher of Avatars. Avatars mean incarnates of God who take on human form to lift up mankind and Jesus was an avatar and Krishna was an avatar, Buddha was an avatar but Babaji is the Maha-Avatar, he is the teacher of the avatars so He doesn’t lose His identity, He will gain His identity. Now He’s simply called Babaji, that’s not really His name, the Sanskrit word means revered Father, how old He would be no one can estimate that but His appearance was a thousand years ago in the Himalayas at the time when Man had fallen down in the dark ages. He came back strictly to restore the lost principles of the holy science when Timothy died. Timothy was the last man in the Christian faith to have the Holy Science, when he died no one else knew how to practice the Holy Science and the Avatar came back to restore the balance. So He has taught many avatars from that time on and many spiritual people from that time on and He’s the one mentioned by Yogananda as the Maha-Avatar. Audience: Well is Jesus second in command? Adano: Jesus is ascended, when the Master has ascended there’s no second in command, He’s in that level in which His work takes Him to all levels. He’s not restricted to the planetary system of the planet earth. They only use the word Maha-Avatar Babaji, He’s the Maha-Avatar of the planet earth, we are only referring to the planet earth. Audience: Well I was reading somewhere that at each new age… Adano: There is always a Christ-realized man. Audience: Yeah but they get together and decide what they’re going to with us. Adano: Right, a Kumbla Mela. Audience: They are raising the consciousness of Mankind. Adano: Well every 14 years is a Kumbla Mela, every 14 years there is a spiritual summit. Audience: What happens when a new age comes in? Adano: When you’re talking of new age, we are not talking of a cosmic age, we’re talking of the solar age. You see a cosmic age is an entirely different thing, we are in what is called Kal Yuga of the cosmic age but in the aquarian movement of the solar age. Kal Yuga is the iron age in the cosmical principle where man is killing man for the sake of something, where man is keeping man from every angle, where darkness is the supreme (inaudible). Now within this cloud of movement of Kal, which we call time, within the time cycle that Man live in the cosmos or the time warp of the cosmos, we have solar movements, that if we have individual movements within the time movement, within this particular relationship, there is an internal refinement going on preparing us to handle the time cycle. Now there was a period when we were in what is called a bronze age cosmologically speaking and solarly speaking, there was a period when we were in a silver age cosmologically speaking and solarly speaking, there was a period when we were in a golden age cosmologically speaking and solarly speaking. Where we are right now we are in the iron age cosmologically speaking but we are in the bronze age solarly speaking. Audience: How did we get off key when we were silver and silver? Adano: We don’t get off key, it’s like a little cogwheel in a bigger cogwheel, it’s the cosmic movement of the circle that’s why it’s called three one four, measurement of pi for a circle, everything is geared to three one four. This is what we’re involved in the situation, we have now in this age which you call your new age or the aquarian age, in the Hindu philosophy you may call it Dvapara, in this solar cycle within Kal, the iron cosmic cycle. See the iron age from a cosmic cycle is one eight four five million. Now that will take one eight four five million years to go through a cosmological movement of time in which we are restricted with time patterns in the entire cosmos. Now within that time cycle we have many solar cycles of 2,400 years so if we divide 1845 million by 2400 we will come up now with so many Yugas or cycles of the solar cycles, they will be called solar cycles which will be divided now into gold, silver, bronze, iron. 1:50 The iron one would be 1200, the bronze would be 2400, these are years and the silver or Treta would be the thirty six hundred and Sat or golden would be forty eight hundred, they will make up a twenty four hundred years pattern in the solar movement but you take that twenty four hundred and divide that it’s a one eight four five million and you’ll see how many times our solar system went around. Now the planet earth in which you live is four and a half billion years old, not million, billion years old. This little rinky dinky mud pile that we’re on alone is four and a half billion years old. Audience: You mean we’re on the lowest of the low? Adano: Yes, we’re on the lowest of the low. Now your carbon measurements put it at four and a half billion years old and it puts the moon at four and a half billion years old, they were together, they were not separated. They were made together within the same cycle so we are proving ancient astronomy to be correct and we are proving that the statements in your scriptures are correct but they are not read accurately by wrong interpretation, we got the wrong interpretation that the world was made in seven days, it’s not seven 24 hours. A day of creation is not a day in our solar time movement, it’s cosmic. So we are apparently living through many many eons of time principles but are not aware of it, that shows how dense the body has reached. The more dense this body gets, the more it relies on matter to survives, the less dense this body becomes the less it depends on matter to survive. Audience: Did we go through solar systems coming down? Adano: Yeah, Mr. Casey mentioned that too. You know when Casey was in the body, he did many life readings but he has only done 35 astral charts of the astral body and I’ve seen them, (inaudible) because the astral charts are different. The entity has to go into all these levels to get its education, it has to pass through all 12 signs of the zodiac and it has to stay within these galactic systems that these signs govern. You see we have a solar system to which the 12 signs relate to with certain planets that we are related to here but that same zodiac applies to the entire universe, it applies to many other galactic systems with many signs involved in it. Audience: In other words every time we reincarnate, we must be another sign of the zodiac. Adano: No you reincarnate in the sign you go out, the sign you go out is the sign you come in, you pick up where you leave off, you don’t go helter skelter jumping around, it’s timed exactly. If you die in the sign of Sagittarius, you come back in Sagittarius. Audience: The same day? Adano: No not necessarily the same day but you come back in that sign because that’s where you have to pick up to work out the unfinished pattern. Now if you die in Capricorn you come back in Capricorn. Now you may be born in Capricorn because you die in Capricorn but you don’t have to die in Capricorn that time, you may die in Leo and you may die in the constellation of Uranus in pluto for this particular movement. Now if you’re fully realized and you leave this particular planetary system, then you have to go up another planetary system where those particular astrological movements will apply to you. Audience: If I am realized here that means I’m a beginner in the next, is that right? Adano: Not necessarily, you are a student here in the physical sense and you’re conscious, you’re a student in the astral realm but you may not be conscious. You’re a student on the causal level which you may not be conscious, sometimes you may be conscious on both and you’re a student in the God realm which you may be conscious or you may not be conscious, everything is going on all at one time, it’s not split up, but the relationship is in consciousness, the link between you and God is memory. Let me explain that when John the Baptist baptized Jesus, what did he see happen on Jesus? Audience: The dove. Adano: Who saw it? Audience: John the Baptist. Adano: Alright, who saw the dove? Audience: John. Adano: If John the Baptist saw it then he saw it with his inner eye and what did it really mean? It meant that the moment Jesus was initiated, Jesus left His body and became one with God and He was worthy enough to travel through all the realms of creation in six seconds without impedance by any karmic ties, that’s what worthiness means to be a Christ realized person, that’s what they call beloved. There’s only one Christ principle and when a human Soul or a spiritual Soul has achieved this wordiness from flesh form to the point of contact and can slip out of the mechanism and merge back with the cosmic force field without any interference on all the eight levels of creation, then that is a worthy Son, that is a beloved Son. It’s not tainted, it means in going up the eight levels there is no accounting to be made on any level for any desire pattern. So the first level He would have to cross when He got initiated would be Matter acting on Matter, He’s have to demonstrate His mastery over that. Then the second level He would have to demonstrate Energy acting on Matter, all in that same one initiation. Then the third level He’d have to demonstrate Consciousness acting on Matter. Then the fourth level He’d have to demonstrate Energy acting on Energy. The fifth level He’d would have to demonstrate Consciousness acting on Energy. Then He’d have to go to the sixth level of Consciousness acting on Consciousness. Then He’d have to go on Beingness is acting on Consciousness which is seven. Then finally He’d have to go to Beingness acting on Beingness, He went all the way up. Audience: He took an express train instead of a local. Adano: Right, it was a one-way trip from the point of contact and John saw this knowing fully that this is a truly beloved Soul from the Father principle and now this Soul will carry on the tradition of lifting up all Souls. So when He did this, He was already aware of His own death, He knew He was going to die you see so He was already making way for the (inaudible) that this teacher now was going assume the role of teaching. See there’s more to the spiritual life in your Christian scriptures from the standpoint of the student/teacher relationship than it is understood by the (inaudible) layman, you have to go into the Eastern studies to understand the intricacies of it, that they’re not saying anything new, we’re all saying the same identical thing but when you use different terminologies for it. So Jesus, He had the perfect right to say “You see Me, you see the Father” and “None come to the Father but by Me.” You can’t really ride on that particular frequency of the ego back to God realization or cosmic consciousness unless you are Christ realized, that means having no internal impedance. Audience: What would have happened if He had? 2:00 Adano: Well then He would get stuck in one of the levels. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well He demonstrated all the way right to the last moment of death. At that moment He showed that He was able to go all the way so His death was a final confirmation of His ability to go up. If He did not die on the cross and the confirmation of the death on the cross did not show His ascension, then He had no achievement. You see on the third day He arose from the dead right? And then they said “He ascended into heaven and siteth on the right side of the Father.” Why did He not sit in the lap of the Father, why He didn’t sit on the left hand of the Father, why He sit on the right hand of the Father? Symbolically it only means after crossing over Consciousness acting on Consciousness, the next level in physical manifestation would be Beingness acting on Consciousness and that is sitting on the right hand of the Father, He was in that total state of Beingness acting on Consciousness but He cannot become the Creator, that is Beingness acting on Beingness. No Soul becomes the Creator, the Creator is the Creator Himself, He is Sat Purush, the eternal self but from that point down we have the ascended self which you call manifested Master, it’s Beingness acting on Consciousness so Jesus achieved His full beingness in consciousness. Audience: In other words, He made it through as Elias trying to catch Elijah. Adano: All right, to it that way and I’ll accept it. Anyway, we were going to discuss some corrective therapy. Well yeah it has to do with something inside, but the corrective therapy has to do with the postural movements that correct without maintaining, using it for maintenance, you see the Yoga postures…

1973 January - Tides Meridians Acumassage

Adano73_01TidesMeridiansAcumassageQ3 - Wanna read out the time of the fire movement and the glands that are controlled by the fire movement? Audience: Eleven to One: it’s gallbladder, heart, triple warmer, spleen, and pancreas. The air or wood is three to five: lungs, bladder, liver, small intestine. Water five to seven: kidney, large intestine, bladder, lungs. Metal or ether 9 to 11: triple warmer, spleen, pancreas, heart constrictor, stomach. Earth eleven to one: liver, small intestine, gallbladder, and heart. Adano: You got that clear now, any questions? Audience: I want to know why we loop this, loop the little dashes? Adano: Alright, the loop represents the control. Audience: What about the dashes? Adano: Negative. Audience: All the little dashes? You know you told us to dash and then loop it. Adano: That was the line when fire controls the ether or the metal and then earth controls water and water controls fire and air controls earth. You got it? It should read fire, earth, ether, water, air. Now fire controls the ether and the earth control the water and water control the fire and the air controls the earth but as I said before in the oriental philosophy, they prefer to specify air and ether in more concrete terms. So air is often referred to as wood and ether is often referred to as the metals because it’s a more concrete term and therefore fire would control metals but you notice it has to pass through earth, that’s why we see those circling lines that little spiral so metal comes from earth so fire also would control the earth in some degree in shaping it and refining it into a method and the metal would control the wood or the air by cutting down the wood. Now the earth will control the water by damming it up or filling it up and the wood or the air will control the earth by going all over the earth and making the earth stagnants after a while. Audience: What was the significance on the water there were no seven to five and over here are no eleven to nine. Adano: No they don’t have no significance. All right, well we got the positive now. Did you mark the positive one? Well which one was positive? Earth and water are positive. Air and earth are positive. That’s the one that runs across, that’s positive. Well you should have the one that runs across from air to earth, that’s positive, all right and from earth to water is positive and the water to the fire that’s negative. The ether to the air is negative and the fire to the ether is negative. So how many negatives and how many parties we got? Three negatives and three positives so the atom always has more electrons than protons right? So in the same schematic you would have more negatives than positives as they revolve around. Now we’re going gonna draw a circle, a dotted line circle going all around the five points, see those five little ends? Make a dotted circles to complete it, enclose it all in a dotted circle. The dotted circle will go like this, outside of the whole thing make a dotted circle completing it. 0:10 Now inside the five-pointed star there’s a pentagon, outline the pentagon clear, that is five lines there in the middle of the star. So you have a clear cut pentagon in the middle of the star. We have a pentagon inside right, is that clear for everybody? Now at the top of fire put “time.” At earth you mark “space” right outside of the circle. Outside of ether your mark “light.” Outside of water you mark “motion.” Outside of air you mark “sound.” On the dotted line on the dotted line all around you mark “consciousness.” That’s the complete circle of consciousness and in the pentagon you mark “being.” Now when we say a Master is a Master in the physical realm, He must come from the five realms, He must come from the realm of pure being, He must be from the fifth realm. Until you find a living Master from the fifth realm, you haven’t found a Master yet. He must be able to control these five movements therefore He’s a Master of the fifth realm, Consciousness controlling the Energy. Now at each “V” point or vortex of the star, draw a dotted line out going away from it towards the ring. The star has five “V” points, you know what a “V” point is? It’s like an apex shaped like an “A” frame, like a dome, like a pyramid. All right from each point where the two lines meet, draw out a dotted line towards the surface. Well here is the bottom of the star, here is the apex, you see it comes in and goes out? That’s a point here for one of them, that’s another point going out this way, another point going that way, another point going this way, another point going that way. So you have five points in the star on the outside line of the star where they come up together in like a “V,” trying to look like an “A” without the center bar. On those center bars that emanate out from being, you put the word “love.” Now there’s two lines going to the top, that’s the positive love. The two lines going away from the side is the negative love and the one line coming down to the bottom is the neutral love. All right, what do you notice about the love, what is interesting about the love? Negative love goes out in every direction right? And the positive love seems to go up like if you have your arms outstretched. Now why did Jesus say, “Come unto Me all that travail and are heavily laden and I’ll refresh you?” So the positive love is this all the time, the negative love is this, “hold back everybody, please be still,” hold the forces in check, negative don’t mean bad. Positive means to build up, negative means to control or hold in check. Now the neutral love is the one like this when you put it over your head, that is the imparting between the two (inaudible). Now if you look at the oriental mudras and the various figurines, you will always see the neutral love being like that, the hand always outstretched that way. The neutral love is the impersonal love, it is the unconditional love that is bestowed all the time so that you and the Creator of one and the same, you and the Divine Force are one and the same all the time. This Divine Force imparts to you impersonal love, it has no attachments, no conditions, ideal love on a purely impersonal basis, a purely unconditional level, a purely unattached level. So that’s why they say “In God there is no condemnation because the energy moves down to you directly from pure Being.” You notice all the lines will soon meet and they’ll cross into the middle and they’ll go across into the pentagon. If they’re allowed to cross into the pentagon, they’ll end up in the middle, they’ll cross each other in the middle of the pentagon which is pure Being. Now creation, you notice sound and space and light and motion are all within the negative sphere and the neutral sphere of the lines, right? 0:20 Sound, space, motion, and light are in the neutral lines or the neutral love and negative love, they are the expressions of creation, is that clear, do you see how it goes out? Creation must go out from pure being affecting in sound, space, motion, and light. Now God is timeless so time is between the two positive fields so in the positive field what the time become, it becomes timeless. Yet we can’t exist without the concept of time therefore time is not a real thing, it is only a condition in which we relate to the Creator so if you light a match, you ask yourself how long it takes to burn out and you’re constantly watching the time cycle in the match till it burns out and you go away with the concept or the impression that it’s timeless. Now you ever watch a file that is burning? It gives you the feeling of timelessness yet it is occurring in time that’s why the fascination for watching a burning fire. You’re involved with the time principles and in a positive scale always wondering where it’s going, what’s becoming of it, and it’s receding from finite to infinity. So God cannot be perceived as a person in either time or timelessness but His Divine Light, He is that one principle of light, always in time and timelessness. When He manifests as times, we have a creation and from the time then we get sound you see, sound must come out of it. The moment God is going to take up time from His timeless state, He’s going to start manifesting sound then sound will resonate through space on the negative scale then we have light, which we see and “Let there be light,” but to say let there be light, He has to use sound. The mere statement of “let there be light” is a statement made in sound and in space and light then comes into manifestation in the space movement then the last thing would be the motion, we measure light now in motion, how long it takes to go from one planetary movement to another planetary movement or one body to another body. So our astronomers tell us that the light coming from the sun reaches the earth exactly how long? It takes nine minutes to come from the sun to the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second and if you multiply 186,000 miles per second by 60 by nine, you’ll get the distance from the earth to the sun, you can’t escape mathematics, it’s right there already set up. The creators made it… He’s geometry you know, what a man called Spinoza, he said God geometrizes and to create is to geometrize. A working movement in the universe to relate to our universe on a practical level we have to comprehend geometry, even astrology is involved in geometry, mathematics. Now time in your Science of this Soul is called Kal and those who have read the Sant Mat readings always hear of the word Kal being mentioned. Kal is the only force that opposes the Master force or Being force, you know it in your Christian scriptures of Satan, which means adversary, time. The opposing force A-Kal which is timeless or a Master force so the Master force within you is A-Kal, the opposite of time, timeless, that’s the reason why you feel infinite inside of yourself, why you feel you’re immortal. The feeling of immortality in you is A-Kal or timeless, otherwise you don’t have any feeling. If you were to think of yourself in terms of time, just think for one moment in terms of yourself being time and see how you feel. Not possible right? That part which thinks or feels cannot begin to think in terms of time being a limitation, cannot think in limitation, so it’s already in a timeless state. You exist as you in timelessness out of your pure being and everything that appears around you gives the appearance of a time sequence and you’re caught up in this time sequence around you in the form of sound, space, light, and motion, you got that on your chart? Now you notice the ring, what is the ring that connects them all? Audience: Consciousness. Adano: Now you see why mind is a instrument of the Soul? Now you’re looking at the Soul broken down into its pure aspect, there is no expression there called Soul, Man is a reflection of this principle, all these things are put together to make up Soul or the Spiritual Order of United Life, that’s the true meaning of the word Soul, the Spiritual Order of the Unity of Life and we are an expression of it but we can only recognize this expression by consciousness. So Casey would say “mind is the builder,” who reads Casey writings? What does je say about the mind? Audience: Mind is the beholder. Adano: All right so where is mind put up on the scale of this whole principle here? In that circle, it bridges everything in that circle, do you see the circle? The circle of consciousness is mind. That circle of consciousness is mind already, it’s mind and it’s the builder within you all the time, you can’t do anything in a tangible sense in your time cycles without using your mind. You have to use mind all the time so mind is an instrument but mind is also the most powerful instrument that time uses to delude you. Audience: I’m getting confused in that they say that mind is tied up with the Soul but then it’s tied up with the sensory. Adano: Yes. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Alright, first you got understand how is it tied up in the sensory. Mind is tied up in the sensory function of the body as negative sensory, positive motor, movement, you live in a sensory motor universe that means your sensory functions telegraph themselves through nerves, your motor functions telegraph through muscles, therefore you have the principle of energy now, otherwise you don’t have no energy. Mind is a form of controlling force which appears as energy through sensory motor movements otherwise you have an inert mass. 0:30 You don’t have no mind in a physical body until it passes through your sensory motor movements so how many senses do we have? Audience: Five. Adano: Oh how come five? Well there is a sixth one now, is it the composite? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You have five forces in you, these five forces when working in unity is considered the sixth sense and what is the sixth sense supposed to do in the first place? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well that’s a broad terminology. Audience: Intuition? Adano: Intuition, you’re knowing independent of the senses for the first time, that’s what the word intuition means, to know independent of the sentences, to know from within and look at your star what have you got, where is the being located? In the pentagram therefore you know fully from within yourself when you do what? When you pull back the energy to the center away from the conscious contact with the outer world or the five movements of the other world. You couldn’t have any control or domination of this environment if you don’t pull back the energy from the central movement so you are a victim of your senses if you become attached to the outer world and you’re a Master of your senses if you pull back from the outer world. So the person is happy and peaceful and serene and elevated when they withdraw from the sensory world every time they meditate. Now how does a spider spin its web? So where is the middle call in the spider now? You see the Creator is constantly demonstrating how you work like a spider spinning his web. The word comes in to spy or spin so a spider is constantly demonstrating its inexhaustibility to create from within its inner being. Now can a spider pull its web back into itself, why? Audience: He created it. Adano: Can God call back His creation? Audience: No? Adano: (Laughing). You’re running into mechanics of the mind. Audience: No we always have to evolve, do we not? we don’t go backwards. Adano: This is a good opportunity to use your mind (inaudible). Audience: Well a baby doesn’t go back into the womb and it’s kind of the same thing isn’t it? Audience: We go back but we go back on our own with a little help. Adano: If the spider can’t pull back its web inside of itself, what can a spider do? Audience: He can recreate it again or he can undo what he did, maybe he can make a new one if that one gets messed up? And if he can take it back, why doesn’t he? Adano: Good question, now what did Jesus say about creation? “Although heaven and earth may pass away, not one jot nor tittle of My word will pass away.” The illusion that is around us as a (inaudible) heaven and an earth or planetary system may go into change as pure energy that may not be visible to the naked eye but nevertheless you notice there’s a ring going all around (inaudible). So you see now why cannot disappear? As long as you have consciousness there is no such thing as the world going away any place not even one word, that’s the sound or the vibratory rate or the space in which it appears to be in, let alone the motion in which it’s involved with, nor the light in which these forms will resolve themselves. Even it becomes timeless, it will still be in consciousness, it cannot go away. Now you see how binding this universe is upon us when we think and act but everything we think and do is recorded for eternity. Audience: And everything is related. Adano: Right everything is related, there is no loss, it can be destroyed, it’s all recorded there so we call it the Akashic record or the Book of God Remembering. So it can only spin out but it can’t pull back, the web is only as strong as the substance which is in the web, the web is an illusion. Okay, we’re coming into some important things now in terms of the understanding of this principle that we’re looking at. Unless we understand how this cosmos is makeup, the acupuncture pressure points, the massage points, and all the other co-related activities don’t mean nothing because we’re dealing with energy all the time. Now since we’re dealing with energy, the energy has to be positive, negative, and neutral all the time. Now mind is the expression of the Soul, your mind is an expression of your Soul and Casey would say mind is the builder, the builder for who? Audience: You. Adano: All right, who is the architect? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No not necessarily so, mind is a builder, it’s the builder of consciousness but Soul is the architect. The architect designs but he doesn’t build, you have to go get a contractor to build the design so who carries the design, who sets up the design in you? Your Soul nature, your God nature sets up the design within you and your mind executes that design, your mind tries to hold that pattern, your mind tries to maintain the form. What you look like is your Soul pattern, how you maintain this Soul pattern is how you apply your mind. Audience: Does the Soul change? Adano: The Soul is constant (inaudible). Mind deviates but Soul don’t, mind is the thing that you are constantly working and constantly relating and constantly trying to compute or constantly try to analyze, constantly try to reason so right now what are you using to listen to me with? Audience: Mind. Adano: Mind, do you see how powerful control it has on you because you’re not able to separate it from your Soul. Which part of you you’re going to call Soul and which part are you going to call mind and what you’re going to use to do to call it? Audience: A Soul is the permanent part and the mind is changing. Adano: All right, now the Soul don’t think. Audience: The Soul Is. Adano: Well if the Soul Is, what would you do to recognize it. Audience: What would the mind do to recognize it? Adano: All right what would the mind do to recognize the Soul? 0:40 The Chinese have a word for it, develop a “no mind,” in other words learn Zen, the Zenith. Zen begins when thinking ends, that’s all the word really means, you have reached the end of your thinking, that’s the Zen of it. Audience: And that’s the greatest art. Adano: You reached the end of thinking and you start the beginning of feelings. If you can’t think or if you don’t think, what would be the next most important thing. (Inaudible). All right so Soul does what? Audience: Soul feels. Adano: All right, now what is the food of the Soul? Well come on, you don’t feel thoughts, you feel love. When you stop thinking, there is no more thinking going on now. Audience: this is what I came to learn, how do you get to that spot? Adano: Well by feeling. Audience: How do you how do you turn off the thinking and stop the feeling. Adano: By listening, you feel by listening. Audience: But then you have to come to the control of the emotions. Adano: You learn to feel by listening. You can’t feel until you begin to listen, you’ll be thinking every time when something touches you and you’ll be calling that feeling but until you learn to listen, you haven’t begun to feel. Now there’s a saying “If music be the food of the Soul, play on,” IF music be the food of the Soul. Now we’re going to prove why music IS the food of the Soul and therefore we should play on. “In the beginning was the Word” and the Word is sound or music or the cosmic sound of vibratory force “and the Word was with God,” the vibratory force was the conscious being “and the Word IS God,” it’s not “was” or “shall be” or “can be,” the Word IS, that vibratory force IS God, it’s you already “and the Word was made flesh,” this substance, “and dwelt in Man,” (Adano claps). Where is the sound, in the flesh or in the air? In the flesh providing you can hear it, if you’re deaf you would not know if it’s in the flesh or outside of the flesh but if you’re deaf you’ll feel it. It’s a funny phenomena, deaf people feel sound but they can’t relate to it, they don’t know why but they feel it, it irritates them. Audience: What happens when you feel it in meditation, I mean I can hear it back here but I’m seeing it up here. Adano: Good, so to become attuned to the Soul is to listen and by listening you feel for the first time your true identity, you feel now the unlimitedness of yourself. When you meditate you are really listening to yourself and therefore you are not thinking, you are on the receiving end and your scripture tells you straight words, they don’t mix it, “As many as transmit to God, they shall become sons of light or sons of God?” or “As many as you pray to me, you become sons of God?” is that what the Bible says? The bible says “As many as received,” but how can you receive? Audience: Believe on His name? Adano: No, no, belief got nothing to do with receptivity, “As many as received, to them gave He the power to become sons of God,” the word receive has nothing to do with belief, you can’t receive until you listen, you have to pick up, it’s a strictly broadcasting. A radio wave is received on the antenna and brought in and you are forced to listen as it comes out through the loudspeaker. (Gap in tape). Audience: I guess it was there but I hadn’t heard it. Adano: Well you were busy hearing the world, you weren’t listening to the world. See there’s a big difference between listening and hearing, most of us go through our lives hearing the world but never listening. So most of us go through this world hearing ourselves, hearing ourselves talk but never really listening to ourselves or listening to ourselves talk. So when you start to listen to yourself, you will have the experience of realization of self, so realization is not something out in the sky, it’s already within you in the flesh the moment you begin to listen to yourself. Jesus didn’t say He was somewhere, “The spirit of God is in you,” He didn’t say outside of you so if it’s inside of you, why you can’t experience it, why should you not experience it? The only thing that’s interfering with it is you don’t know how to listen but the structure of the universe will show you that from time memorial men have always been realizing themselves and listening to this principle and they can see it in this graph or this chart how to listen to themselves and by listening to themselves they can now direct this force. Then Jesus will say to you “No man take My life from Me,” that’s where the word Chi or Prana or life comes in now, “but I have the power to lay it down and pick it up.” How would you He have the power to lay down and pick it up, from where? But He must know the rules, He must know how the thing is constructed. Well you got the spiritual laws in front of you now but you have the technique given to you, He gave you a technique long before I come along to point it out in this graph. He says “As many as received Him, to them gave He the power,” that word power is power, I don’t mean the new version fandango translation they said “to them that receiving Him, He gave them virtue,” that throws the whole thing out of context. Audience: But this is the power to heal. Adano: He you don’t say anything, “As many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God,” that’s a big difference from power to heal and power to manifest. He says “power to become sons of God,” you don’t begin to realize what He’s talking about otherwise you would grasp the truth right away. Audience: Well he’s talking about being being like Jesus because Jesus He knew for a fact that He said “I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.” Adano: All right but this power is something He’s talking about based upon the knowledge, He can’t base power on fantasy. Remember He said “I tell you things of the world, if I begin to tell you things of the heavens what would happen?” You wouldn’t even believe Him that He came from a spaceship, I don’t want to get quoted. (Laughter). 0:50 Audience: You watch UFOs. Adano: But the thing is this, unless you know the laws and understand them then to receive this power and to use it, then you wouldn’t understand what you’re receiving. Now it’s not compulsive to have a tremendous education. With all these knowledge, remember all this knowledge this whole entire universe still does not belong to Man, who does it belong to? Audience: God. Adano: God. Yet within this structure of the universe, He planted the Christ principle to which all things are known, the Christ principle knows all things. Now the same Christ principle said “I go where” when he died? Audience: Back to the Father. Adano: But He will do what? Audience: Cometh. Adano: No, He didn’t say that, He said that in another level of thinking ‘I go unto the Father but I send you the Holy Comforter.” When the disciple asked Him what would become of them He said, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” They were asking what would become of them when He died and go on, He was answering a different question. So He told them “In My Father’s house there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you, if it were not so I would tell you,” that’s a different question. The question is I’m saying now “I go unto the Father but I will send the Holy Comforter who will remind you of all these things in My name.” Now all these things are known already by the Christ intelligence that was present in the man Jesus and will be reminded in you when you experience or accept that principle in your body. When you accept that Holy Principle in yourself, all these things will come flooding into your brain, it’s a wisdom that will come into you without any effort because where are you going to get it from? Not all the books in the whole world of libraries you can’t find it, the wisdom comes in from another source, it has to come in from the inner consciousness. And it will remind you, that means it will make you aware of it being inside of you already. In other words if you were to speak it in the space talk, brother Jesus is going to slip a cassette into your brain and you’re going to flip out and know it all. So cassette one coming up right now now, take one, that’s reminding you because you’re playing it back all over, you’re going to play back through your consciousness, you’re going to play back all the things that He experienced in your consciousness. So until we get it down clear what we’re trying to do with ourselves then all these other techniques really don’t have true meaning yet or true value. So we’re trying to receive, we’re trying to identify, and as we try to receive and identify then we can see the purpose behind for these therapies. The therapies are synchronized to the movement of energy, energy is power, where would the man have the power to heal if he didn’t understand the laws, he has to understand the laws himself and once he understands the laws, he can apply it. Now the laws are working in three ways: on a chemical level, an electrical level, and a thought level. That same power is working three ways: a chemical level, an electrical level, and a thought level. On the chemical level you have the human anatomy and you have the 16 minerals or elements that make up the human anatomy plus the trace minerals. Now the chemical combinations make this human body, yet there are more than 16 elements in this world and trace minerals or trace elements yet this human body cannot be constructed outside of these basic 16 and trace. It requires these same basic 16 all the time of the trace to build it so it’s definitely adhered to a certain pattern. The pattern is set up by the Soul and mind or consciousness is the builder, it holds the pattern and tries to repeat. So the cells themselves have a mind, they will repeat their pattern, they will repeat themselves. The cells in the eyes are different from the cells in the nose and cells in the nose are different from the cells in the big toe and they’re different from the one in the heart and they all would repeat their own pattern all the time. Heart cells will repeat heart cells, big toe will repeat big toe cells yet you can still take and graft from the same mechanism if you need to graft but once they graft and hold then we find what is called alignment or adjustment, the cells will start taking on the new abilities to align themselves. So you got the idea now, “Me all face?” Your nose to your toes is the same in terms of the uniformity of it but in terms of their makeup, they will have to bridge across themselves and then learn to adapt within themselves. All right, the mind is the builder, the mind will accept, as long as mind accept the big toe on your nose, it will keep the graft there. If the mind does not accept the big toe on the nose, the graft will always be falling off and this is the problem doctors have. They will graft on to a certain area and it will always seem to rupture or it will turn dark, it will not hold. Yet gradually as the mind learns to accept then it will stay in the area and work so we have a psychological problem with the cells but mind is the builder. Audience: I guess this is off the subject but what about cancer, the cells are fooling the mind? Adano: The cancer comes from breakdown within the structure. First the electrical pattern has to break down, the idea pattern has got to break down. Now in the etheric body, cancer is first discovered there as a thought expression. That means there is a clouding up in the etheric body due to some thought pattern and if we do what is called a radionic measurement on the cell, we will see this clouding up in the area and we may read that clouding up as a form of cancer, that’s in the etheric body. Now in the etheric body it may indicate you having cancer of the nose but you haven’t got it yet in the chemical body, it’s in the etheric body clouding up there, giving off a radiation or giving off an indication the possibility. Now that possibility of cancer might come from your constant turning up your nose at people and it’s locked up in your etheric body. Now your etheric body is taking full consideration for all this constant turning up of your nose until it gets so occluded that it makes its impression to precipitate. When it starts precipitating now you notice the negative energy moves down and then they start focusing themselves right into the neutral form in the chemical body then the chemical body starts to lose its electrical potential around that particular area, it starts to slip. 1:00 Now when this electrical potential starts to slip now we have a gradual deterioration, a slight itching, slight irritation in that spot and eventually that irritation goes to a point where there is no regeneration, it doesn’t want to heal itself. When it doesn’t want to heal itself then it becomes now feeding off of the waste product in the cell and as it feeds off of the waste production in its cells and it becomes strong enough then it becomes cannibalistic, that means it’s going to eat the living cells now. When it eats the living cells then we have a condition called cancer, it’s a condition. Now a virus can also flow in at the same time and affect it, a certain chemical can come in at the same time and affect it and speed it up but in your body everything is chemistry and it’s right there already. As long as the electrical shell is broken, these other forces move in to concrete it so the first thing you got to correct in that person is the thought and seal up that electrical field. Now this is where we’re coming into the electrical field now, the electrical field is polarity: positive and negative, you call it yin and yang in the chinese philosophy, it’s positive and negative and neutral, in the body this condition exists. You’re either too positive or you’re too negative in some level of your makeup and the purpose is to bring about a polarity or a balance within yourself or harmonize with yourself. Audience: What do you mean too positive? Adano: Well some people are very positive to the extent they’re dogmatic, others are negative to the extent they are chaotic, or we say apathetic. The one who is neutral, he’s the one that presses the trigger against his head. Audience: So neutral and balanced are not the same thing. Adano: Balance is a different thing, balance is not neutral, the neutral person is neutral and he doesn’t care anymore, he’s just gonna take the trigger and press it against his head, boom, that’s the end of him because he’s neutral, he reached the point of suicidal action. You need a positive and negative and he has no more care or responsibility, a sense of rejection or guilt, he’s neutral but balanced has every sense of responsibility, every sense of obligation, every sense of mercy, compassion, understanding, and initiative. Audience: And it would have a feeling of an inner and the outer. Adano: Right there’s the big difference between the balance than the neutral. You see the balance is always double positive going up already, it’s balanced out, so in the negative going down everything here has a tendency to drive us into a state of being destructive. So a person who is neutral is not necessarily a person that is healthy, the person who is balanced is a person that is really healthy, the person that is positive is not necessarily healthy either and a person that is negative is not necessarily healthy. Now let’s take an indication of all the 12 disciples of Jesus, who was the most positive or over positive man? Audience: Peter. Adano: Very over positive, very dynamic right? In fact as soon as he saw his Guru coming across the water, he started to walk on the water, how much more positive can you be? You wouldn’t fear, you would jump right out and try. Now who is the most negative? Audience: Define negative in this sense you’re speaking of? You know but some sometimes we think of negative as something that’s not good. Adano: Negative in this sense means vacillating. Thomas, Thomas was the most negative even after death. Judas cannot be considered negative because at least he did one thing, he was neutral, he hung himself. He couldn’t take a positive or negative, he didn’t know where to go, he couldn’t stick with the Guru and he couldn’t stay with the people he got the money from so he had to kill himself, he didn’t know where he stood in the situation. Thomas is negative because Thomas is constantly questioning up to the last minute even after everything is happening, he’s still negative, vacillating. Judas is neutral, the rest were in between, fluctuating. Now John came the closest to be purely balanced, he became balanced out years later, not right away. Because he was called the beloved, he was the closest to getting purely balance you see. Now where he became balanced is when the Master said was Peter, “Do you love me?” You know that conversation after they pray? And Peter says “Yes,” and He says feed my sheep, then He said the same question over again so it got Peter pretty aggravated then Peter remarked “Master what becomes with this man that followed Thee” and He says “What is that to Thee if he tarry until I come?” And then Peter got the wrong conclusion that Jesus is coming back to do something. See how over-positive he can be? He not have the understanding of balance but John then got the balance from that state because then he was able to go out and live the balance state. Now what type of man would you call Paul? Yes he was a positive man but he was so over positive too, like Peter, you see that the two would clash all the time, two positives clashing against each other. Audience: Yet they were the ones that accomplished. Adano: Ah, now we’re talking about something entirely different. You see when you talk of positive in terms of accomplishment this is in the physical realm. Now when we thought of positive without accomplishment what would you call that? You see the human mind cannot accept positive without accomplishment, it sounds kind of sicky, it sounds kind of weak, impractical, nonsensical. Yet the positive without accomplishment is God, bliss, you see? God is positive without accomplishment, God does not praise himself having made the world, there is no way this God is going to be happy that He made creation. So He’s positive without condition and the condition being that He’s pleased only to create. Being pleased and being happy is two different things, He was pleased to create and He didn’t want the creation to go to the extent to avoid realizing Him and get caught up in its own creativity. When you use the word jealous, we’re not using it in the sense of possessiveness, we’re using it in the sense of involvement. When your desires tend to trap you in the environment and you lose sight of the true purpose of your being then the creative nature in you will be jealous because your true purpose of being is to realize yourself and not to be trapped in the creation, not to be attached to the creation, it’s to break free from the creation. So this would bring on a type of competition inside of you then we come back to competition and conflict now so the inner conflict between realizing yourself or being attached to your environment is a tremendous battleground of your consciousness, this constant flux is going on, one is competing for the other. 1:10 The outer world is competing for your attention and the inner world is competing for your attention, sooner or later you’re forced to make a decision that’s what it means you can’t love the Lord or love Mammon, you can’t love pure being and love illusion or manifestation, you got to make a decision which way you’re gonna be, either in pure beingness or in manifestation. Now nothing is wrong with manifestation, manifestation is God’s joy, God’s pleasure because we are a manifestation but we don’t have to be caught up in the manifestation, we don’t have to be a victim of the manifestation, we have to break free from that, that’s why we must employ the mind to break free. The very same mind that would trap us must now be used to break free so when we say mind is the builder we are saying, take the very same instrument, the very same mind that will trap you to your environment and break free from your environment with it. Okay the electrical body… Audience: Is that the same as the etheric body? Adano: Yes, the etheric body tends to throw lots of illusions, electrical body is more in line with what we’re saying. The electrical body follows the meridian movements which are found now in a close proximity with the nerve and lymphatic movement of the physical body or chemical body. Wherever the nerve and lymphatic movement go in the close proximity, we will find the electrical body or meridian movements of the electrical body. Audience: This is where they join together, the electrical and the chemical body. Adano: Right. The electrical body acts like a transformer. A transformer has a primary coil and a secondary coil and between these two coils we have what is called an inductance or an impedance movement. These two coils do not connect to each other but they’re in close proximity to each other and they have a power movement in themselves. Now the same thing with your chemical body, it’s not connected to your electrical body, it’s in the proximity of the body and it moves within these areas. We have the same principle with your endocrine glands and your chakras, the chakras are the reservoirs or the relays in the electrical body. Audience: Because they have a magnetic affinity. Adano: Right. In the meridian movement you have these relays or what you call points. Now relays (inaudible) chakras, the same thing is used for chakra, these are the relay points in the neural system, in the autonomic nervous system of your spine. So in your spine you have seven basic endocrine glands chemically speaking now, electrically speaking now you have seven centers or relays of energy. Scripturally speaking you have seven churches or your seven golden candlesticks, that’s the scriptural terminology. Cosmically speaking these are your seven virtues, we got seven virtues or seven cardinal virtues, there’s supposed to be nine. Like the chakras they’re supposed to be nine and they’re supposed to be nine endocrine systems, endocrine glands but two are not active, they are in the (inaudible), they are held in in suspension so we do have seven carrying it way back to its cardinal state. Audience: Do we ever get to use it? Audience: Some people speak of moon chakras. Adano: Well those are only names again. Now let us line this up clearly now, what we’re saying now with these energy movements. The energy movements follow meridians and tonight we’ll take a few of the important meridians of energy movement. We will take the triple warmer or the triple heater meridian, the movement of this energy, how it works. It starts with your ring finger of your left hand right up from the edge where the nail joins the bone and go straight up, you draw a straight line up all along the outer perimeter of the elbow, come all straight up on the upper forearm to the shoulder blade and go right across to just where the peak of the chest is right here, below the collarbone on the left. Now if you feel that point tell me if it’s sore? Once you locate it, it’s gonna be sore so that’s where it ends, that’s where the perimeter of the triple warmer ends, it ends right there. Now if it ends there, it begins there too and it goes right back down to the ring finger. I’m talking of the meridian of energy, I’m not talking of the chemical body, there are no nerves in this, these are in proximity of a certain line of nerves and lymphatic movement so that the straight line or meridian is running up and down. Okay, we discussed yesterday what was the triple heater, where do you find that in the chart. What hours are controlled by the triple heater, 1 to 11 and it’s a fire movement right? Now what does fire control? Control means that the arrow is pointing into it. Metal, which means ether, the fire controls the ether. Eleven for one on your proximity of the tides, in your high tides of the blood it’s eleven to one. Between 11 to 1 when you get the paralysis of the arm, you apply the pressure right there and correct it immediately because that’s the time it will attack you. Between 11 to 1 you get a paralysis in your hand or a cramp in your hand, day or night. Whenever you get that particular attack in that area, there is an imbalance in the energy movement in that meridian. 1:20 Remember that it’s only in your hand, that’s not in your feet. You work the pressure from the finger up, that whole meridian right up to the top but normally you can correct it immediately in the middle of your hand this way. If you hold it in the middle of the hand, you can correct it immediately the moment it gets a cramp. Now if it doesn’t correct immediately, you can go directly to the middle of the wrist, you have to find where it is reacting but along it on that meridian, the point of contact will automatically tonify the energy. Either hand, automatically go to the perimeter and press. Now like today you got a cramp in your hand from the cold now instead of using heat to create circulation to bring back the circulation in the fingers, you go right up into the lung which is close to their heart where the perimeter ends or also begins, the meridian ends, and press right into it and the insert of energy and the pressure and the reflexes shoot right down into that area. Now if the blood was going to coagulate and cause a sensation of soreness or no circulation there, that coagulant conditions begin to stop and then reverse its process and start heating up, that’s why it’s called triple heater. What is a cramp, what is a numbness? The circulation has dropped in the temperature ratio in that area, otherwise it can’t be numb, numbness means it’s anaesthetising itself. A spasm is different, a spasm is a quiver, a spasm does not have numbness. We’re talking of a condition where numbness will follow in the area, a cramp tends to be numbing the area, there tends to be no life in the area so we are reversing the process of the energy by applying the pressure along that point. Now if you stick a needle right through the finger right here, in this finger which (inaudible) ring finger, you have to take the needle and stick it into it, automatically the thing will stop because the metal is coming in contact with the electrical impedance and shunting it out now but you can’t just stick the needle in, you have to stick the needle in and rotate it, the rotation has to do with shunting the impedance. The reason why it’s not allowing the energy to flow through that perimeter or that meridian, there is an impedance somewhere and that impedance can be a chemical cause that is coming along that area which may be a coagulant, blood, with toxins in it, the toxins may have an electromagnetic static condition that would irritate or block that impedance in the cell but the cells itself are unable now to keep the circulation going so they start to go to sleep so the two are coordinating together so if you stick the needle in, we have what we call dispersion. Now the type of needle will determine how fast the dispersion will occur. If you use silver or gold or stainless steel or if you use bone or wood or your fingernails. Audience: What are the acupuncture needles made out of? Adano: Today they are made out of stainless steel because they are more easier to disperse because the impedance is not as high in the stainless steel, gold would be better because gold is the same vibration as the human skin but gold is too expensive. The original needles that were being made was gold, the best needles are gold for the body because it’s the same vibration as the skin and it’s not that corrosive, gold doesn’t corrode you see. It bends easily and it’s more flexible to go into the skin without irritating the skin and therefore wouldn’t cause any undue harm to the tissues. Now stainless steel is the only nearest thing that can do the same thing like gold because it’s flexible and it doesn’t corrode too and it’s easier to replace stainless steel that is cheaper than gold and you can make a whole lot more in quantity than gold. So that’s why they found stainless steel to be the next best thing, silver is not so easy (inaudible) so gold and stainless steel and for what’s called commercial use, stainless steel is the best. Now they’re going to come up with a combination of stainless steel and gold in which will have now the same vibratory movement of the skin in relation to the contact point. Anyway we got the triple warmer and we know the time and you find the meridian point and go back. Now let’s look back at your triple warmer action on your chart and observe some more interesting things. Is there any other area in the body where the triple warmer comes into the chart besides in the ether? In the fire right? You notice something, triple warmer is in the fire movement and it’s in the ether movement and we say the fire it controls the ether movement so what it tells us now? It tells us that the triple warming action not only can control but it can be controlled. The very same meridian can control certain things and that very same meridian can be controlled by other things so that meridian will control, that triple meridian will control, certain diseases and that same meridian can be controlled by certain diseases. It will control certain diseases and it can be controlled by certain diseases, certain conditions in the body will be under its control and that way we’ll what is called an effective therapy and effective cure and the other conditions will not be controlled by it. So it has its own indicator what can be controlled and what cannot be controlled so we can’t fool ourselves and say this type of therapy is gonna cure everything in the world. If it was, the Chinese people would be the healthiest nation in the world and if it was a quackery, they would have thrown it away a long time ago so it’s not quackery and it’s not a cure all for everything either, it is a principle that will help to alleviate certain conditions and bring them under control that are controllable and other conditions that it will not control, we have to forget about them and go on to something else and leave the meridian to something else. So we have to know what can be controlled, that’s why Jesus says “No man take my life for Me, I have the power to lay it down and pick it up” which indicates control. You must know which one of these movements in Himself that bring about control and which one cannot bring about control so it’s a full understanding of the movement of the energy, that clear now, any questions? Okay let us take the gallbladder, the meridian of the gallbladder and you take now from your hip bone, right from this hip bone here, and you go down and you run on the outside and you come right out on the the second to last toe. 1:30 It comes right here, comes up, and comes up here. Now you notice this second to last toe comes off right in line with the ankle bone, your (inaudible) finger is right in line with the ankle bone and it comes right up. Now those who have had structural massage or structural therapies given to them, what happens when I press along that area? Audience: It hurts. Adano: But because it hurts, it’s releasing deep suppression from within the mechanism. Audience: What happens when your gallbladder is in a move. Adano: You’ll feel pain because your nerves are all in a state of shock and the meridian can’t go away though the gallbladder is cut out, that doesn’t remove the electrical frequency. Do you have children? Audience: Yes. Adano: All right, they are separated from you by the umbilical cord and how come you control their minds by thinking of them? Every time you think something, they know of it and they feel it or wherever they are you can feel them, are you familiar with that phenomena? Audience: Yes. Adano: All right, can you stop the electrical interplay between you and the child? Audience: No. Adano: Same way with the man who cut off his foot, every day he wants to scratch his toes because the meridians can’t go away, this doesn’t say it’s a magical energy. The energy is there within the proximity of the neural path so it’s there nevertheless and you can come right in to his imaginary toe and put in a contact point and he will feel it. So if the Master Jesus only went one step further from acu-massage by contact points to acu-consciousness with mind points, He uses mind on the points of the body where the conscious (inaudible) on the meridian, he was able to heal with His mind now

1973 February 21 - Meditation for Western Man

Adano73_02_21MeditationForWesternManQ1NW4 - …levels of awareness if there is too much tension in the muscles or in your nerves. You find sometimes the body has a tendency to sway or move, don’t block it. In some schools of thought they tell you to block it, don’t let the body sway this is because in the Indian method of meditation they want you to be rigid and straight so the influx of the energy up the spine would come on very fast and if your were swaying it will take you by surprise and you might get excited but if you sway and let the body unwind its own self naturally in the meditation, the energy rising would rise like a heat and you’d begin to recognize it and therefore you wouldn’t get scared or excited and you would flow with the movement. So when the energy rises into the brain, the whole body is rejuvenated better, it’s pliable, the transformation in the cells are better, the crystals that are burnt up by the heat sends out those particular conditions that cause the body to be restless, they no longer become restless, they are burnt up in the meditation that’s where you get the term burning of your karma in your meditation. The actions and the thoughts that are triggered, they have a residue in the body and the residue is in the ganglia in the spine and when the spine is rigid those nerve endings and those crystals are fighting too much to break loose so sometimes you feel very tight, very emotionally stressed out, you feel very anxious like if something is closing in on you and then you get scared. This is because the spine is too tight and when the energy starts rising it creates a tremendous pull in the body and it takes us by surprise and we feel we’re being swamped or carried away beyond our control. But if you don’t sit down in that rigid state and you just let the whole body loosen itself up from the toes, ankles, kneecap, hips, right up to the head you’ll unwind quicker and the whole body will move into that flow easier. For western Man this type of meditation is better, for the Eastern Man he has been subjected a long time to sitting in that rigid position especially in the lotus where the spine is kept erect and the brain is kept straight, the head don’t move, it doesn’t quiver, (inaudible) consciousness. A western man who drives a car, his body has tremendous jolts, he’s subject to more stresses, therefore this type of meditation would not be effective or very very productive for him, it’s too much stress for him, it’s adding stress to stress, it’s better for him to unwind, it’s better for him to loosen up and flow with the motion. In that way all the stress starts to dissipate itself from the nerves in the spine and out through the hands and out through the feet and he begins to rise quicker in those various levels of consciousness than he would normally if he tried to remain rigid and fight the situation and end up not really making any headway in meditation. When you come out of meditation you should not only feel the bliss or the experience of seeing the radiant form but the body should be very very loose, there should be no feeling of density in the body, the body should be automatically pliable. In that way you know that you had the most effective meditation because you have experienced what is known as regeneration of the cells. The purpose of this regeneration is what Jesus meant when He said “Come unto me all ye that travail and are heavily laden and I’ll refresh you,” the cells are revitalized quicker. There comes a time then the body does not need sleep no more, it begins to revitalize itself without the need of sleep, it can then retain its true potential while rising in different levels of consciousness and at the same time inhibit the breakdown and the tension rate by having this rejuvenation occurring within itself. So if the body is made to flow with the motion, that’s where they get the idea of a snake now, see this is like the head of the cobra, the body does like that, that movement gets the body more loose and pliable. The real experience is one of buoyancy, one of lightness and the joints aren’t stiff or tight, the body is much more relaxed. It’s important because if you want to go into the various pressure points in your body. Once the body is pliable, the various pressure points in your body become very active, they are not as sore when you touch them and therefore healing or self-correction goes on fast in the body and the body goes into a better state of electrical polarity than if it’s rigid, tight, and straining and when you come out the body feels like it’s still heavy and instead of feeling buoyant you can press a pressure point and it stings too much and it feels like it’s getting numb, then you’re not really relaxing properly inside, there is too much tension occurring. Audience: Would some yoga positions help before you went into meditation? Adano: No, yoga positions before the meditation wouldn’t help to limber you up to the type of result you’re looking for. You’ll feel loose if you do yoga postures, you’ll feel warm, and you’ll sit down and meditate but you’ll get back into that rigid state again. 0:10 What you’re trying to achieve… you see Western body is not like Eastern body, Western body is large, it goes into stress quicker than Eastern body, it heats up faster than Eastern body, the nutritional patterns were different in the growing up stage, you have too many reactions occurring so you find that the you want to get at a certain state of relaxation quicker in this environment to be effective, otherwise you’re going to get bored and irritable and meditation would seem like a long drawn out affair. This is the normal results of most people in this part who are trying to meditate, after a while they get bored, they don’t realize what are the patterns involved, the structural conditions of the environment and teachers who try to force that long period need to be aware of what is going on. Your body is different than the Eastern body in this respect that they have eaten a long time certain vegetarian style of eating, they have sit in a certain position for hours. We don’t do that, we drive a car we’re involved with activity, we’re busy making decisions, we’re busy emoting energy, we’re busy under stress so we can’t shut off, we’re caught up in rungs of attitudes so it’s a different experience altogether. So whatever relaxation that you do acquire in meditation is not carrying you to the levels of spiritual experiences as of yet and then if your body has been filled with chemicals from aspirins and different things before, these residues have tremendous effects on you, they try to make you too rigid. What you need is a way of how to move the body parts which is mechanically natural in you already, the shoulder is something that we seldom do like that, yet most of us in this society are tense around the shoulder. All around here, if you were to press somebody on their neck right now you’ll feel how sore they are. The kneecaps, the ankles, the hip, around the pelvis, these are sore areas for us because of different positions and work we’re doing. Now we’re sitting in chairs where our feet is overhanging like this all the time, we don’t sit in this position where the normal joints are turned in to keep us in this position so we don’t really relax properly. Now what you want to do is to close the eyes and feel that your whole body is twisting gradually, all the parts are relaxing off and you want to twist, not imagine, you want to physically twist your body, twist the ankle, twist the knee, twist the hip, physically twist the shoulder, and twist the neck so that those muscles, those actual muscles are moving for the first time naturally within you as if it was a tree (gap in tape) … worry with what you see or what you don’t see, it’s not important in the process of unwinding in order to alter the consciousness for the experience because the energy will automatically flow into those areas and the brain would automatically shift. This will come faster than the long hours of sitting down trying to focus, you want to try it now? Okay. God is life and since God is life, the experience is bliss in the body which is buoyancy, exaltation. Now it’s locked up in you by a series of shocks and suppressions and confrontations and ideational patterns and in order to release it, don’t fight it, but let it be by merely letting the body undulate from wrist, finger, toe, that’s the origin of the oriental temple dance. It looks like a dance, it may represent a dance representing some functions of creation but in actuality it is the undulating movement of energy flowing through the entire body and giving it the rhythmic experience of joy. So with your ankles literally just turn them and kneecaps, the hips, the shoulder blades, the neck, and let it loosen up. Wherever you feel a soreness or a tightness work upon it because that is where energy is being blocked up in you, that’s where tension has been retained in you, it’s not releasing itself. You may find you want to yawn, it’s good and fine, if you’re yawning that’s an indication you’re letting go of stress. You might as well call this meditation debriefing, you’re learning to debrief your body from stress. If you want to yawn it’s good because yawning is an indication of deep stress, deep tension bordering towards relaxation. When a man wants to sleep you always find he has a tendency to yawn and this is very good because it’s releasing out the stress from your solar plexus, it’s taking it out from their heart area, all out from the neck, all out from the lungs, and the eyes if you want to wink them that all helps to relax them, the fingers feel those joints like if you’re playing a guitar, they are getting pliable, the toes, let the whole body just undulate. And all of this stress and tension is flowing out to your body into the color of red, red is the vitality color, the anger color too at the same time, the resentment color, it’s flowing out of the body. And the whole thing is now starting to flow in colors of orange, if you see the orange it’s okay, if not it’s occurring in the orange spectrum of the brain and you’re undulating and releasing and letting go of the tension of the body, the breathing. If you yawn it’s good, that means the old air is coming out from the lungs, getting out of the system. All the stress is coming out, all from the neck, it’s all coming out. Now it’s going out in yellow, all the idea patterns of the day, all the decisions that you had to make, they’re letting out themselves. 0:20 It’s flowing out, all the self-consciousness is flowing out. All the self-importance, self doubt is flowing out in that yellow. It’s flowing out now in green, green is a new start, a new change, transformation is occurring in the body now, the body is letting go like springtime, the whole body is starting afresh, it’s starting to recycle itself, it’s starting to rejuvenate itself. You’re coming out of the winter of tension into the spring of relaxation and your whole body is starting to sway The breath is the wind, the whole body is like a tree, and the whole head inside like a light. All around you is this light of this internal sun, all the nerves and muscles are swaying like a tree in the wind. The body has been called the Tree of Life, it is a tree, it’s designed like a tree and when we flow and sway with it we will find all the tension letting go, all the anxiety and the stress that has been built up over the years, all the tightness. And your mind may want to twist and turn, let it be, let it flow. It’s changing now into colors of blue like the sky and you’re swaying, flowing, all the top of the skull, the hair, the face, the ears, the nose, the lips, the neck, the shoulder blades, the chest, the hips, the hands, fingers, the kneecaps, the calves, ankles, the toes, they’re all stretching now for the first time, they’re all stretching and unwinding, stretching and unwinding. Each toe is separately moving independently for the first time, energy is flowing, you are the energy flowing within the whole body structure. Any pain, any ache, you are actually moving it out of your system, you’re moving the tension from those areas where there are ache and pain, all the heaviness. And it’s all changing now into purple, if you see the purple it’s okay, if not it’s occurring in the purple spectrum of the brain and you’re unwinding, letting it out, flow out. The hands want to move, let it move, the movements of the body are called mudras, gestures in relation to consciousness and every gesture, every mood, are related to each other and once you synchronize, adjust you with a mood, tension let’s go, stress let’s go, and the body feels very pliable, very soft, very loose. For the first time you feel youthfulness coming back into the body, the whole body gets to be very very light, flowing. Now it’s all changing into violet, all around you flowing in violet and let each part of the body move like a wave on the ocean, waves on the ocean they rise and they fall, they rise and they fall, they rise and they fall. The waves of the ocean are the most relaxed movement and the body is all like an ocean, it has water inside, it has waves of motion that can rise and fall, the shoulder can rise and fall, the wrist can rise and fall, the kneecaps, the hips. Each twist, each movement brings you with joy, brings you release, brings you peace, brings you liberation, liberation from the tension, the suppressed tension. All the ideas of the day, the thoughts of the day that brought on pressure in you are now being floated away, they’re flushing themselves out of your body. You find yourself breathing deeper than ever without effort, the whole body is tingling with this natural energy, this natural vitality which is really you, which is the God in you. It’s tingling up from the toes through the ankles, through the calves, through the kneecaps, through the thighs, the groin, the hips, the liver, the kidney, the gallbladder, all up through the chest into the lungs and the heart, all through the fingertips, all along the forearm, the shoulder blades, all around the thyroid, the neck, all along the face, the lips, the jaws, the nose, the eyes, the ears, forehead, top of the skull, the whole body is tingling with this light, this vitality. You feel alive for the first time, the real you alive flowing, every cell, every pore you’re feeling oneness, you’re feeling your oneness, you and the Father are one, you and the life power are one. It’s flowing into you one, all the time, a complete sense of oneness, a complete sense of totality. No more wandering, no more indecisions, no more feeling of insecurity, no more feeling of inharmony, your whole body is in a state of complete harmony and polarity, your mind and body are synchronized for the first time, you’re synchronized into a state of joyous peace. 0:30 Now flow with it like if you’re lying on the ocean just floating away, enjoy it, enjoy your real being, enjoy your inner being, and enjoy yourself rising into other levels of consciousness, other heavens, other galactic systems into the entire spectrum of the universe. Feel yourself receiving more and more that inner light, that radiant form of the Divine Christ principle in yourself, it’s surrounding you, enveloping you, and filling you with vitality, real vitality, real wisdom of beingness, filling you within an eternal certitude of yourself, an eternal confidence, an eternal strength of identity. Just flow with the joyousness of yourself. Just enjoy the presence, sitting in the presence, enjoy this the intensity of the silence. (Long Meditation). Feel the hands alive and let them pass over each other like if you’re rubbing the whole body and all this stress is now being drawn out like a vacuum out of your whole body. (Gap in tape) …these tensions should have been gone out of the body from the meditation, the meditation should seem to bring about this loosening up of the mechanism. So you have a normal harmonious flow inside. Audience: And how do you combine those stress points we’ve been learning with that? Adano: The stress points are very simple to realize. As I said before when you start to meditate you’re gonna yawn, yawning is important to letting go of stress. Now we have the solar plexus which is a stress point right in this area. Now in the sole of the foot right at this point the nerve ending that connects to this point of the body ends up right in there and if you press the finger in it and it’s sore then you have tension in there. You’ll feel like a little spot in there and if it’s sore, there is tension in you. Now if you keep the finger on it till the soreness disappears then up in this area tension is letting go, it’s letting go in the solar plexus by keeping it here because it represents the middle and if it’s sore in there you just keep the finger in it. Audience: (Inaudible), I can’t make that one hurt. Adano: All right then go above it then and feel it right in that bone there. Audience: Yeah I do. Adano: Now it hurts? Okay then keep the finger on that bone spot where the pain is or the sensation is and just maintain the pressure gradually till that pain goes away that means tension is letting out. The method of a pressure point is to work with pain to remove pain to remove stress to bring about relaxation. The sensation of pain is to remove pain and it brings relaxation by holding it there. Audience: Why do I have it on top instead of the bottom? Adano: Some people have more stress on the back of the solar plexus instead of the front. You might have hurt yourself or hit yourself in the back therefore at the same point in this area there is more stress than here, if you had a blow here you’ll feel it. Normally when you’re tight from shock or somebody aggravates you, you contract this way you see, you your body does that automatically which puts it in a state of shock and it puts it in tension or traction but if you bump your back or you fall, then this part here will have more tension. So if you press either top or bottom on the area that has the most sting or sensation, there is where the concentration of the tension would be. 0:40 Now the next area of tension would be in this area. Audience: This is a meridian, right? Adano: This is a pressure point, it’s right in this… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It’s here, see where the bone comes up, it’s right here. Do you feel it’s sore? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Do you feel it now? (Laughter). Now just put the finger right there, just keep the finger right there. Everybody feel it? That goes all the way up through the body right up to the brain and it lets go of all the stresses working back up to the solar plexus. Now if you are meditating and you find that you’re too tight and you can’t let go once you put the finger there and feel that soreness then as you keep the pressure gradually there, the sensation of pain will let go and you may find yourself yawning or wanting to yawn and then you may want to let go more then the sensational pain will start disappearing. That means that you’re really letting loose into the deep structural part of the muscles, relaxation is actually occurring not only in its psychological way but it is occurring in the physiological way for the first time inside and transformation of the body is occurring now within you. The real you is altering now to really have a balance of the forces within you, that these forces that were normally (inaudible) during the day now are returning back into balance inside so you don’t have this tense sensation or the feeling of when you go to sleep and get up you feel kind of tight or you didn’t get enough rest, this chronic fatigue state don’t seem to persist, once this is released, the chronic fatigue state is corrected. Some of us seem to suffer from a chronic fatigue state even after eight/nine hours sleep, you feel that tremendous weariness, a type of latitude. This here is actually a correction process to bring about the balance, to bring the energy back into harmony in yourself. If you yawn that is good because the more you yawn is an indication that you are unloading stress which has been accumulating or being suppressed by the very willpower. Now for the first time the willpower is letting it flow out, it’s giving it a chance to unblock itself that’s why it’s in a group meditation you can help the other person in front of you or next to you to break loose the tension in this part of the shoulder blade and just keep the tension there and now move your head around. Loose? Audience: Getting better. Adano: Now when your husband get in an argument or a wife get in an argument, you just get somebody to press you there, loosen up all those tension areas. Now you’ll notice I’m going to ease up on the pressure and something else is going to start happening now. Audience: That stings. Adano: Right (laughing). Audience: What is that? Adano: I’m just pressing my finger on it now. The energy is going in now. Now you see there is no suggestion factor involved, it’s totally scientific leading from a mental level to a biological level and back into the extrasensory level. I applied pressure then I eased up the pressure into the mental level, merely touching it then I pulled away without touching and then you find more and more she started to… this is the extra sensory level now. So without indicating anything you’re actually working with three levels on a conscious basis for the first time because you are working with something on a conscious level not an imaginative level you see and you know that it’s there and as long as you made contact the very first time to experience the pain reaction then you have what is called the electrical field. Now as you ease off from the pressure, you’re going out into the inductive so it’s just a slight contact being maintained so she’s going to feel now this stinging sensation which is the normal reaction as you ease up. It seems the further you go away from it, the more intense it get and then when you started out it was intense at one point and when you pull off to no contact it got intenser because we are a living mechanism and we have a polarity going on in us too, the negative charge and the positive charge, and you’re making contact at a point where the energy must pass through their bodies and go through the polarization. 0:50 So when you’re making contact you’re actually opening up those stress points for them and causing it to dissipate. Now the difference between a needle being inserted, the needle will bring on anesthetization in other words she will not feel her body, that area will go to sleep then you can perform surgery. Now since we’re not using needle, we’re using pressure, we are trying to establish pain to correct pain to free her from pain, you see it’s a different principle altogether but the results are superior than the needle, The needle is good, very very good, but you have to insert it to anesthetize the mechanism and then you have to evaluate if what you cut out is all removed or is there more to be removed. Whereas when you applying pressure, you are equalizing and correcting and by its own natural mechanics it will tell inside the body if the sensation is there or no longer there and the body will start acting without having to remove anything, its own normal mechanics will do it so they feel more pliant after a while. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: The solar plexus is here, on the top would be right here. See where my thumb is, it’s right there. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: This is the front of the of your body, the face of the foot is the front and this is the back which is the back of your body. Right behind here everything on the back is up here, your body is an early warning system because it’s away from the other areas of the body, all the nerves end up in the feet but at the same time all the pressure points along the meridians when the Creator made us, He made us like a fantastic piece of machinery. All the nerves are coming down and go off and they go off into the feet, go off into the hands, the same thing would be true in my hand. if I had no feet and I wanted to do the same thing to myself through my hand, I would have to locate it. Now if I took an atlas showing where all the nerves are in anatomy, they will end up exactly where I’m pointing now what is phenomenal about it in modern science today is that the orientals have already charted the actual meridian points like currents in the ocean. Where these currents are in the ocean, these meridian points are passing through the body at a certain area of the body in a given geographical location and they fall within these proximities and if you apply an alien object or a pressure, we have a certain response or condition coming on. So it has to do with the way the Creator lined us up that we can correct problems in the body by our own cells without having to really go and work on the organ, the organ is a last resort, you can correct it in the areas away from the organ. Now we don’t die from our head down, we die from our feet up, this is a natural law, you die from the feet up and if you die from your feet up then nature will automatically set up early warning conditions to indicate there is premature breakdown in major organs in the foot first and therefore you can track any disease about to come on at a later date by the location in the foot. Now if it can do that, indicate, and the lines of movement or the energies are passing through the body will also indicate. If I touch a meridian point, I will have the same reading just as much as if I touch an area representing an organ in the foot, I’d have the same reading. Now let’s take my sinus, this would be just above the toe under the nail and if you press it and you feel it stings then there’s a blockage up in the sinus track. Now if there is no pain, no sensation, no stinging, there is no blockage there. Now if you hold it there are three ways to get the reaction: you can inch worm it or work it like that and feel a stimulation and the nose will start loosening up, there’s a drainage that will start to occur. Now there’s another way of squeezing it then if we apply acu-massage that is to merely hold a finger there or insert a needle, we will have the identical transformation. Now, but this is the way the nerve ends actually, the nerve ending under the nail runs all the way back right up to the brain. If you look at the chart you’ll see it and that is strictly physical anatomy now. Now the meridian would also fall in the same proximity and come up on the body but it will fall in areas of other organs in other parts of body and I may not have to press here, I can come up here right in the same spot where I touched you just now and get a quicker reaction than going down here and have the same reaction… Audience: Will that affect all the other organs along the meridian? Adano: Yes every organ along that meridian is tonified immediately because they’re in the same proximity, they’re lined up. There’s one beautiful part about human anatomy, you don’t find your nose where your ears are and your lips where your toes are, they’re always going to be in the same location you see so you can be pretty safe as to the meridian line or the contact point and you can be pretty safe where the nerve endings go off, you are within a safe process to work with and you don’t have to be a an expert, all you have to have is a understanding of where these things end and a method of correction, that is primarily what is required you see. Now mystics or healers or spiritual men would come in and see a person with illness and go and touch them on a spot and after a while the person gets well. Well he said “It’s a miracle.” To the man who’s being healed it’s a miracle yes, if he knew but he doesn’t know so it’s a miracle. Now the other man who’s doing it is aware of these principles by his inner meditation, by his inner understanding of the laws of nature and he applies. Now that person can feel heat from the person’s hand which is a natural law too so every healer is only working with natural laws, he’s not working with any magic, the Creative Force is working through him and sometimes a healer actually can see the meridians on the body. He sees it with a physical eye these lines, these invisible lines that are passing through the body and they spark like light, like fireflies. Now on a hot day you may drive a car and see the heat wave on the asphalt in front of you. Now that same wavy motion can be seen by an individual who learns to relax and meditate, he sees that whole pattern structure set up in the human body. Now if you’re ill, he sees these lines are out of focus and they’re discolored so if he prays, meaning to bring his mind into concentration so that the Life Power which is God will flow stronger in him so that when he reaches out now he’s making a direct contact in that spot and maintaining the contact on that focal point, correction begins to occur now. So the healer himself knows within himself he doesn’t heal, it’s God that heals. That’s why Jesus says, “I of Myself can do nothing but the Father which is in Me doeth everything.” The Father in you is doing everything because you’re lining it up so you’re becoming more aware of where these forces are. In the mystical schools they were aware of it so they knew where to go and touch. Now you don’t take your pearls and throw it to swine, that means they don’t go around and boast about it and show off, when the time to use it, you use it. 1:00 You see there are lots of conditions in this body that will appear like death and unless you understand what death is, you may not be able to correct that condition. A doctor may come in and examine the person and say he’s dead but another person will walk in and look and says “That person is not death, he’s sound asleep in a different level of consciousness.” Now we have a condition like that in Jairus’s daughter, Jairus’s daughter was dead and the parent was told by the doctor she was dead, that’s from the physical observation, from the physical level of death as what they understood death to be. The Master Jesus came in and looked and says, “She’s asleep.” Now who is wrong and who is right and who is holding out false hope? You know this could be very cruel to a person to offer up false hope that the child is sleeping when the child is really dead or who is really telling the truth. But if doctors are honest men in their own field of research and they say she’s dead, the mystic is honest in his research that she’s asleep. Now Jairus is going to be criticized by the people for believing in such a crackpot but Jesus asked them to send the people out and when they send them out, that means he has to protect himself against the AMA at that time or the whatever kind of medical association was functioning, He can’t expose Himself. So He has to send them out to the room to apply a method to the child that may be looked upon as something alien or not what they would consider the practice of the time. So He goes and she is not dead, she might be in a deep state of shock or in a deep state of conscious shutdown so He’s going to go to the particular meridian point that runs up from the brain to the heart and apply pressure. When He applies the pressure with His concentration or focusing then the heart clicks over, the brain starts vibrating, and her eyes open up and she comes out of it. Now He has re-polarized the energy back in her body, it’s God’s energy which is flowing through, He just has the wisdom or the understanding of where it is to center upon it. She turns up, she comes up awake because He understands how this force is working, it’s working inside so there we have an individual demonstrating mastery over death but death from the medical man’s version at that time or the layman’s comprehension of shut down, not death from the mystic understanding because that is only another level of the mechanism. Now let’s go on to the same type of condition, we take man like Lazarus, he is shut down now and from the people seeing him, he is dead and Jesus is making the remark, “This is not a death unto the death,” the very statement tells you there are various levels of death. To an acupuncturist or to acu-massage or meditation, there are levels where this energy goes and pulls and shuts off. Sometimes it seemed kind of weird that the body was shut off and you can go and touch a spot and cause it to be activated depending on how this shutdown is going on inside. Well He is aware of this, that this is a shutdown in a different level so He goes back to the grave and then He centers His consciousness from a remote movement. Now a little while ago I showed you what a remote movement would be, I pressed on the shoulder first then I eased off from the shoulder and it got stronger and as I pulled away from the shoulder it kept on going. Now just imagine you’re taking the same condition off, one is in the grave and one is outside in the yard and the same contact point now is being maintained. Well in the case of Lazarus, Jesus actually shut him down before. He was living in Lazarus house and He left Lazarus house and when He left Lazarus house a strange illness came upon Lazarus, that means some kind of condition or shutting down began to occur in Lazarus. The Master Jesus was actually curing him from a certain thought pattern and so when He shut him down and when He was told that Lazarus was ill, He paid no attention. The second time He was told that Lazarus was dead then He made a remark, “This is not death unto the death.” He knew what He was doing, He was actually shutting down the energy in Lazarus to free Lazarus from some certain desire patterns and then He was going to raise that energy back up showing Lazarus that he was free from those patterns. So when he came back He said “Lazarus come forth!” In a loud voice but then at the same time He said, “Father I did not have to say this in a loud voice, only because of the people that are around,” that’s why He makes the statement. Now no one understands why He’s saying that unless you understand what He’s doing, if you understand what He’s doing then you can understand what is involved in the process. He says “Lazarus come forth” but “Father I did not have to say this in a loud voice, only because of the people that are around” meaning He has to put on a facade to let them experience that there is no such mental condition that they are seeing, that He understands this process which they will eventually understand. So Lazarus wakes up but it’s sending the energy back into that same origin point and activating his body, pulling him back out. So Lazarus had to get up because the energy was not shut down by any other method but by the Master’s own consciousness so He’s activating him back. The same thing is true when we understand what’s going on in ourselves, that the energy is all here all the times and consciousness is connected to it. Audience: Are you gonna do color and music tonight? Adano: No not tonight. Audience: Adano, what are the meridian lines composed of? Adano: The word itself tells you there is no composition. On this earth if you see a globe and you want to divide the globe from north to south and east to west, what are those lines called? Audience: Latitude and longitude. Adano: But they are known as meridian lines. Is there an actual meridian line on the earth? No, this is an agreement of dividing this object up from north to south, east to west in order to reckon or to locate your position, it’s an accepted condition but it’s not an actual line going through the earth. When you have a map here, these lines are set up and drawn to indicate to the observer that would be the location, it’s not an actual line going through the earth. The 84th parallel or the 48th parallel is not an actual line, this is a condition accepted for a geographical reading. Now the meridian in the human body is accepted as a movement for the energy to follow so if I look at this chart here, you’ll see the chart indicating what a meridian would be. These are not actual lines on the human body, these lines are not actually there but within the measurement area of the hand and it has to be measured out the scale. 1:10 This is not an actual line but this point can be recognized by placing the finger and feeling for a sore spot. Wherever there is a meridian gate, wherever there an entrance point or a contact point, that point (inaudible). So when you feel for the sore spot, you hit it. Once you hit it, you know you hit the gate. Now normally you don’t see no gates on the body but how is the acupuncturist going to know, so the first thing he does he takes the needle and scratches or he may feel with his finger first and then he will insert the needle so when he when he presses he looks for the reaction on you then he knows he has hit this point but from long practicing he knows exactly where it is because he’s got about this much area to work with. So if he puts a quarter right there in that spot, he’s got a whole quarter of circumference to work with in that area, he can’t miss out so he knows exactly that spot is going to be there all the time. Allowing for a Western body and Eastern body, there’s only about a quarter of an inch difference in the line. So he knows exactly where, so he can stick the needle in and turn it in that spot now, we have a whole thumb to come in and touch or apply so once you hit the spot you maintain the pressure. Now the principle is this, if you’re going on a meridian that means a straight line and we try to pursue the curvature down. Now if you went in a straight line along your leg and felt or you didn’t go in a straight line, you just went from spot to spot and tried to feel different sore spots along the body and every sore spot you came across you mark an X from the heel right up to the hip that you could touch, you just mark an X and then draw a straight line through it, you would have a meridian. They will stay within a certain proximity all the time and if you were to take a chart and line them up with the nerves now you’ll see those nerves will run in in the same proximity right back to major organs, they don’t deviate. The Creator didn’t make them to deviate, He has to stay within the proximity so you can always rely on it but if I want to touch the heart meridian, I only have to look at the chart and press along it and get to the heart. Now if I don’t want to do that I look at the foot, the foot represents my body, the lungs are in the ball of the foot right here so right here in the center would be the heart because the heart is right here just above the solar plexus so you will have their heart in this area and your left foot is where your heart would be. Remember this, the peculiarity of the meridian function is this, the closer they are to the surface, the easier you can touch them. In other words with the slightest sensation on the surface of the skin, you can actually feel it. A real person who has had a long experience would come along and just merely pass the finger along and can feel the actual contact points and before you even come close you can actually feel a sensation stinging in the area. Just now I merely pressed it and touched, it was stinging already and first I pressed hard enough for you to feel the pain and I pulled away for you to feel the stinging sensation. Now I pulled off completely, it was still moving so within that point you can actually go along and feel it. Now this takes practice but once you can recognize and you can touch gradually, you can find the spot. Now in your whole area here, let’s say we come to this spot here, you don’t have to apply too much pressure to get it you see? Now more and more as you get more the ability to handle it, you can look at it. Now your eyes have the same power as your fingers without touching because your eyes do generate… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: It’s no magic, it’s just a matter of explaining the electrical forces of your own body and you can do it. You see Jesus knew this let me explain the more he became pure or lined up between polarity, the more the energy would flow. Now when he went to see somebody, he didn’t have to touch some people because he knew that the whole thing was organized by the principle of energy, “I and the Father are one” he said. “I and this energy are one in consciousness already” so he can just think of the spot and it will go out. Now this is the advantage of one who is trained in the human anatomy versus the one who is merely praying for a healing in another person’s body. We pray and say “Lord help this person,” right? And our mind is scattered and to some extent he said “Thy will be done.” We will get results but with a tremendous handicap plus a tremendous amount of effort to push it with. Now if one can actually see the body form and know where these meridian lines are, one can think on the meridian line now which is more specific you see? In as much as you can touch it, you can think it, and this is the evidence of Baxter’s work when he was able to set up a plant in one city, go 100 miles or a 1000 miles to another city, and merely think of the plant and cause a plant to be activated, you see Baxter has proven this in this country already so you don’t have to go too far now to see the possibilities within your own makeup of therapy for the first time utilizing lines of energy in the human body. Now this is what the the mystics are talking about, we don’t necessarily have to use the crude method of inserting needles or pressures or cutting of the individual if we can only center the mind on the true form, we can now monitor these things and correct them and this is what a spiritual Master is, he has Mastered these lines and he knows directly how to correct them by thinking on them. Now we have the case like the centurion’s servant, the centurion’s servant was dying or ill and he came to see Jesus and he said “If you only say the word, he would be well.” “Don’t come now and touch the man, don’t come even anything” so Jesus said “Not in all Israel have I seen such faith,” meaning he hasn’t seen anybody with this kind of comprehension at that time who could really understand what was going on inside. So Jesus says, “Go it’s done,” meaning that he could automatically think on those lines of that man’s mechanism and send the energy and it began to work. Now we’re in the same principle, we are not outside of it, and we are not denied it, we have access to it. That’s why He said, ‘The things I do you can do also and greater things you will do,” if you understand what you’re doing and don’t be in a hurry to do it and don’t be in a hurry to show it off either. The idea is first learn what it is then when the time comes to use it, you use it. Now you’ll notice as a teacher he never went out to heal nobody unless he was asked, there is a reason for that, we don’t impose our consciousness on another man’s vitality or karmic pattern or sense of responsibility, he must make the necessary requests, he must set up the necessary receptivity. Audience: I’ve got a pain in my neck, can you do something about it? 1:20 Adano: All right, sit over here. Before we go on the neck, let’s check at least the line to the toe in the foot. All right, where would the neck be in the foot? Anybody, you want to point out? All right, now go ahead and feel if you feel a sore spot all along the area and find a sore spot in the neck area. Ok, all right now this whole ridge is the shoulder and this is where the the neck connects the head to the shoulder, right? Now let’s work there, we got three ways to work it: we can do this or we can do this or we can do this. Audience: If they are the stress points and you are releasing tension, is it the tension is causing the heart (inaudible). Adano: Ah, now you’ve learning something. The bone don’t hurt, the hurt would be in the nerve and the muscle and the lymph so you’re letting go of the stress in those areas by pressing on a contact point. Audience: Are you getting tired? Adano: No. Audience: (Inaudible). He’s smiling now. (Laughter). Adano: Move your head. Audience: All right you got, that’s wonderful. Adano: You see you have to break loose some of those crystals in there sometime, he might have slept on a pillow in one position too long.

1973 March - Spring

Adano73_03SpringQ1NW3 - You know you get more from question answer sessions because the questions one person asked, the next person never asked and each question has very intricate relationships to the Spirit so there’s the advantage in seminars like that. Audience: Would you talk about the role of sex in a spiritual relationship for someone who is on the path? Adano: The question is what is the role of sex in the spiritual path. It’s one of the most powerful force in the human body for the procreation of the human species and if we abuse it then it tends to weaken the physical frame. Now normally the human body is designed to have this energy release itself by normal procreation for the production of children but at the same time when the body is clogged up with toxins from wrong nutrition, wrong thoughts, and environment this same force begins to generate pressure in the gonad area and in the sexual area and seeks release then we have malfunctioning in the area. When the nutritional pattern clogs up the system, that places pressure on those organs and we have a deficiency or a degeneracy occurring in the body. Now the energy is to produce life, to reproduce its kind, and since the same energy when it’s conserved or stored up, not abstained from, that’s a big difference in self-control. You see in the Sanskrit language we have the word brahmacharya. Brahmacharya does not mean abstinence, it comes from the word Brahm, God or the vital life power, breath, charya means control or conserved, it’s this conservation or control of the energy that is sublimated and sent back up the spinal cord to the brain leading to Man’s possible evolution into God awareness but from that understanding led to the misunderstanding of abstinence being the key to realization. It is not abstinence, abstinence is a denial, is our total rejection of the force itself and eliminating its existence from one’s conscious being when in reality it is a conservation of that force by direct channeling through the breath principle. Now if one is to merely abstain by shutting it off and by forceful methods of denial, it will lead to certain biological and psychological diseases and in fact 90% of the nuns have more breast cancer, uterus cancer, than women who indulge in sex, this is a medical fact, why? Because this is a direct denial of the energy without the proper understanding of the purpose of the energy and the hormone action through control based upon breath reaction. Now the yogis do not teach brahmacharya from the standpoint of denial but in the monasteries you can’t play such a volatile force between male and female and expect them to react on a simple basis of self-control so they had to impose denial on them but the Guru, his purpose merely is to bring you into focus with your energy and let you understand that this energy is regulated by breath. Now when we indulge in a sex act, we breathe a certain way, there are different rates of respiration for the sex act and the climax also has a certain respiratory rate. Now by concentration of this same respiratory rate, we can sublimate this energy back to creativity hence man’s possible evolution via the endocrine system which you call chakras, the Siddhic energy is triggered. Now the Siddhic energy is not the true purpose of the energy, it’s the transformation of the behavior nature which brings out the higher properties of the the mind and spirit that is behind this sublimation process so that the cells now don’t age, they begin to prematurely shut down in their aging action. So agelessness begins to occur in the cells but at the same time if the motivation of the individual is not centered on the ethical life then that motivation starts to produce negative reactions such as diseases. Now tumors and different reactions like that in the human body appearing is the cause of resentments and rejections when they are given certain disciplines and they do not want to do them, they pout and go in a corner and therefore the conditions of the body start building up and then hardening leading to arthritic action, hardening of the brain, hardening of the mind, hardening of the attitudes, we find that very very predominant in the monastic life in monks and nuns. Though they appear to be looking youthful yet they have all the symptoms of the hardening of the bone and tumored breasts and they have lots of uterus problems. So because the energy is directed with the wrong motivation for exclusive shutoff, not for the actual sublimation for the expansion and altering of consciousness. Now the energy is life itself, it’s God principle, which must be used at some time to bring down into human form another human being with the potential of full realization. So the monastic life from the standpoint of sex is not a genuine process, the householder life from the standpoint of sex which is due action and need of release by the householder life has a higher ratio of health. That’s why when Jesus says “When these two flesh have become one,” we are now entering into unification of spirit and consciousness, it’s a sublimation process via breath control. Now if there is tension in those organs and you are breathing at a certain vibratory rate or respiratory rate, then if you alter that rate that body will start slowing down. Now at a certain rate you can produce impotence, at a certain rate you can produce frigidity, at a certain rate you can produce excessiveness, whatever rate the organs require to produce either a positive or a negative reaction, this will become obvious. 0:10 So the yogis merely observed the pathological action of these organs and began to time it in terms of the right motivation so the motivation now led to a cosmological experience in expanding the consciousness. Now as the energy rose up into the thousand petal lotus of the brain which you call the pineal gland, this energy now started to beam for the first time like a laser, you see, and in that state now you find most of your great geniuses became considered as celibates, they found that the vegetarian life would be inducive to creativity and the conservation of the force was important. Yet they also got misled in the conservation of sex force thinking it was the propulsion or the expansion of life force, there are two different things. The sex force is not life force, the sex force is a function of life force and we misconstrue and say that when a person is indulging in sex, he is wasting his life force. To some degree he’s wasting certain bodily chemicals by wrong use of it but wrong storage will produce the adverse condition, life control now is a different thing altogether. Life control leads to awareness which leads to mastery of death so right within the same principle of sex which gives life on an outward manifestation of producing the species, this same conservation principle now with the right motivation leads to non-aging of the body which leads to control of death in the body. So Man’s spirituality as to the immutableness of the cells from a physiological level is based on the sublimation technique so if the body is tense, the mind should be centered upon those organs especially in the female which is the ovary and the male is the gonad and breath in relation to the tension thus drawing the upward current and sending it up through the spine with all the tenseness and out through the nostrils. So when it goes out through the nostrils it’s carrying out now the negative charge which is the unethical expression because you have free release if you are married. If you’re not married then this is an abortion of the true nature of the thing, you see “When the two have become one” this is accepted in society. Now if you’re doing it outside of the married partner then you have a guilt reaction and you have complication in the auras, you have a different manifestation occurring, you can have a distorted offspring since the principle is primarily to manifest life. So if you’re sublimating it and this is what Freud was trying to do with his writings but he never arrived at the technique because he never studied yoga. It was Jung who studied yoga and realized that sublimation of the sex force was the key to man’s possible evolution but he was beaten to the writings by Ouspensky. So as you say men within their time, someone always seems to jump the gun and get away with it yet the yogis were doing it all the time, this process of brahmacharya, control of the vital sex energy via the breath process. Now this led to the awakening of consciousness which led to the comprehension of the kundalini force. Now kundalini only means coiled up life energy, it doesn’t mean a snake, we don’t have a snake in our spine, we have what is called the potential life energy in a state of static motion and when that energy is triggered by a right ethical conditions, primarily love, for the union with the spirit then this force works two ways. One it bestows the extra sensory or Siddhic energy upon the individual which is a byproduct and the true transformation of the ethical nature is the real movement in those centers because each center controls some emotional level in us in this process of returning back to full blessed state or full ecstasy. Now ecstasy is the highest state that the emotional nature can reach and when transformed, it’s permanent and in the cellular structure it is non-aging of the cells. So the breathing technique becomes an obvious realization in the sublimation process that as you think of the areas when these organs are in tension or in stress or when they feel the unnatural urge to release then the breathing must be centered and gradually brought up to the head and it’s cooled down in the process, remember those organs are heated up and when it’s brought up by the inhaling breath, it is cooled down via the spinal cord acting as a buffer zone, acting as a filtering system. Now we use charcoal as a filtering system for most impurities that we want to correct yet our bodies is carbon and charcoal is carbon, we breathe in oxygen and we breathe out carbon dioxide. By this natural decarbonization process, we filter out the impurities that are stored up by wrong nutrition, wrong reaction of thoughts in the endocrine system, thereby causing the consciousness to rise now and flow out so when it flows out from the brain, for the first time this energy is pure. Now it has what is called a cosmological purity that it mates with everything around it, bringing it in balance instead of just mating or beaming on one particular individual for a release of excitation or a release for procreation or reproduction so the energy is filtered up. Now if a person is going to follow the brahmacharya method or the transmutation of the force, it is ideal even if he’s marred before deciding on what type of children he wants to bring into the world because bringing children into the world is also predetermined by the behavior pattern of the individual and when the act is consummated, from then on we have all the negative and positive factors. Now during the nine months of pregnancy, all the feedback complications of the mother are sustained in the womb and though the child can be cut from the mother physically, the electrical wavelength that connects the mother to the child cannot be severed there by the doctor. Therefore the child lives out every suppressed feeling of the mother or the father thinking he’s living out his or her life fully on their own momentum when in reality they’re living out suppressed feelings. Whatever the mother wants consciously and suppress subconsciously, the child lives out the subconscious action in direct contrast to her wish. Now if the child is a carbon copy of the mother, then she’s in a direct contrast to the grandmother and if she’s not a carbon copy to her mother, she is a carbon copy of grandmother, now we have the origin of “I visit the sins unto the third and fourth generation.” We don’t escape this feedback, it comes down from mother to son all the way down through (inaudible) up to the fourth. You see it says “I visit the sins unto the third and fourth generation,” that means wherever you are, at whatever time you come in contact to inquire into the nature of your shortcomings and encounter the science of correction via the birth process, you are in the fourth generation otherwise you will never inquire or you’d never be exposed to it. 0:20 So we know that anytime a group of people get together and encounter the process of working out the feedback nature of their makeup and go through the process of finally severing that phenomena or condition, they are in the fourth generation movement and you’ll find that it’s true in all master movements. Every group of Masters in the lineage always end at the fifth Master and the new one starts all over again, a new reaction begins at the fifth generation simply because we are living in the five senses and we have earth, water, air, fire, ether. Every time the four: earth, water, fire, and air are complete, we get into a new one which is ether. So the bible is specific when they say only up to the fourth generation that this phenomenon will continue and this malfunction will continue from a feedback of wrong comprehension of the sex energy. Audience: So for the greatest spiritual development and the fastest, we should learn to master the bodily forces? Adano: Yes. Audience: Well what about until we make it to that, until we can master those forces, is the sex act a beneficial thing at all or should we stop having sex right now? Adano: No, we must understand it. The Masters do not say that you should not marry, they require us to marry. Now the Buddhist monks are not renunciates, people got the wrong concept that the Buddhist monks are renunciates, they are not. A Buddhist monk is a married man, at the age when he enters the monastery, he usually enters at the age of 8 to go up to 21 which is 13 years in the monastery, he’s got to spend 13 years in the monastery. Now while he’s there he studies everything to be a man. Now the woman would not marry a Buddhist monk or a man if he didn’t go to the monastery for those 13 years, the simple reason is that he couldn’t be of any real service to the family, they adopt these people. In other words most families have one husband who is adopted, it’s their family monk, it’s called a family monk. Now he goes through the training to become a monk having full understanding of self defense and everything, all the martial arts, he learns everything, meditation and everything. Now he’s adopted by the family, if they have a daughter, the daughter marries him. Now he remains as a student all his life, he does not change his vocation from being a monk, he’s married though, he doesn’t have to go out with a begging bowl, he has served his tenure from age 8 to 21 begging for his food so he doesn’t have to beg no more, he’s accepted in this particular process. The wife now cooks the food and bring it to the monastery for him, the parent of the bride which is a dowry, they provide this. Now his main service is to pray for their well-being and their unfoldment and to them, this is bringing merit on their consciousness. Now he would have a son and he’s supposed to have a son to hand over this heritage or this consciousness that he’s developing and usually they have one or more than one son, two or three sons. Audience: Would he have sex apart from procreation? Adano: No, the time is selected by his own astrological knowledge and in the first place the woman that will become his wife, she’s fairly well evolved in consciousness to be his wife. Now this is her merit, this is how she gains merit, by being of service to him and doing all the necessary (inaudible). They plan how many children they’re going to have and within that time span, she has those children which her physical organs were designed for but he still remains… Audience: (Inaudible) as an aid to blending of the two people or balancing or harmonizing or anything like that? Adano: The act itself when done between the two individuals, this is where the aiding or the blending should be while it’s being done, not with the hankering or the thinking of it or wishing or hoping. Audience: But it’s only done with the idea of procreation. Adano: Yes, the end consummation is towards procreation so remember that’s where they get the term honeymoon. Every time they’re going to have a child, this is a preparation process. For instance they marry at a certain time which they plan out when they’re going to marry, they figure out the dates that they’re going to marry then the man lives a certain way for a whole year. Let’s say they want a son after they marry or a daughter, they can select their sex, this is one masterful thing of the yoga, you pick what sex you want, you have it. Because the sperms are located in the two organs of the male sex organs, in the right side all the male sperms are located, in the left side all the female sperms are located, it is definitely balanced out by nature but it’s how you’re able to trigger it off that determines which one succeeds to become the male or female when it gets to the ovum. All right, they select what child they want, let’s say they want a gemini to be born so they have to backtrack nine months to come out to the time of conception and then they prepare their bodies. The male body and the female body by eating, working in it, exercising, and thinking of the type of thoughts that would lead up to the manifestation of the ideal gemini and a Master Soul of the gemini. So that when the act is performed, they spent a whole 28 days together in that whole process to bring about that consummation. There is where your whole blending is, it’s in that 28 days of that moon, that’s where they get the word honeymoon. Audience: I think you’re talking about our civilization as it is today, people say when you get married it’s perfectly all right in marriage but you’re saying that it isn’t alright unless you intend to have a child. Adano: No I’m not saying it’s not alright when you’re married, when you’re married there are no holds barred, this is a legitimate right in marriage. Audience: Because you the way you talk of procreation, a lot of people get married late in life and they wouldn’t be having children. Adano: No, in your married life this is your privilege. “When the two have become one flesh,” this is your right, there is no such thing as you don’t have a right, it is your right by open declaration, this is your right. If you procreate and have children or if you don’t but that is your right as a husband and wife. Audience: I’ve often wondered, it always seems that these great men have blessed children (inaudible). Adano: Yes. Well if you look back into the truly great man that we’re talking about, all their children… Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: He only had one daughter, she never was recorded. Audience: What about his Guru? Adano: Lahiri Mahasaya? Yes, he had two sons. Audience: And you never hear about them. Adano: Why? Because they are living in the time when their father’s glory are shining, who is going to listen to the son? Did you ever hear Ezra Ford outshine Henry Ford? But when Henry died, who got the glory: Ezra or the grandson? The grandfather always outlive the son long enough for the son to have a grandson. In other words, the grandfather always live up to the time when he sees his grandson and he lived long enough, therefore the son never really shines in the glory of the father and the worst thing you can do to a child is give him the tag junior. Don’t give your child that name, junior, because it’s a bad thing for it. Now the man has his son, his son will never measure up to the dad yet his son, which is the grandson, will be the one, this is what we call the feedback principle because the grandfather, if he’s any intellect or person or any intellectual type of a person, he would have this radiance, he would be carrying this force with him and therefore his son could never measure up and yet he will suddenly shift all his love which he denies his son or may coerce the son, into the grandson and the grandson will seem to be the apple of his eye, these are the phenomena of human need 0:30 Audience: Now when you spoke of the feedback of being tied to the parent, are you speaking of the earth signs as being in the first. Adano: No no no, these are four generations, this particular phenomenon only goes up to four generations. Well it does have to do with the four signs because the fifth one is ether, it starts a new generation. You see earth, water, fire, air so it’s tapering off with air. You see it starts off very earthy and then it’s shifting. Audience: But that doesn’t have anything to do with your sign, an earth sign. Audience: So we have this, we’re acting out… (Inaudible) before you get rid of this, we’re in this, and we’re trying to do these things, so many of us are trying and we find that we can’t do them. Are we still acting out our parents? Adano: To some extent, yes. Audience: Well what do they do upstairs about that, what do they say? I mean we’re kind of in a bine, where’s your free will? Adano: Who said we have free will? Audience: I know we don’t have free will. Like Charan Singh says “You’re so weak you can’t stay on a diet.” I mean how do people ever make it? They must make up their mind upstairs somewhere, right? Or they get somewhere where they can get image therapy. Adano: Your scriptures give you a very good answer how we make it and you will notice that however it happens to you, it’s always by that same answer, it says “Not by good works are you lifted up.” They don’t care how you try with your good works, you’re never going to get it up. (Gap in tape) …animal Man is Hu-Man which we are right now from the dust of the earth. You see Latin don’t have a root for the metaphysical delineation of Man, they use the word “Homo” you see and Man is English already using the word M-A-N. Now, and to put a prefix of “Hu” which means animal in Sanskrit coming from Hanuman the monkey man, that’s where we get the concept that Man evolved from monkeys. See uh our relationship has to do with Hanuman the monkey man, “Hu” “Hu-Man.” Now Manas, “man as,” that man should be as his Father, perfect, that is the level we should go back to, we came from that level, that’s the perfect level for when Man was created before he dropped down into human or monkey man. Now to go past the level “Man as his Father,” would be Atman, the pure Father state, that’s what you call the ascended state. So if we are living in this body, which is hu-man, subject to all the animal tendencies of living in it and trying to raise ourselves up perfect as our Father, which is Manas, then we are resurrecting ourselves “To him that overcometh, I will not sent forth a second time” that means he doesn’t have to go down in human level but he remain in Manas level man. Manas level is the resurrected level but that’s not the end of his journey, his journey is ascension, At-man level, he’s still got to go back to God realization. Manas level is self-realization, he has to leave ego level of hu-man and go to Manas level as self-realized and when he achieves that then he has to move up to At-man level which is God realized, all this in human form. “If the son of Man be lifted up, draw all men unto me,” but “son of Man.” Now remember the son of God is Man, God is At-man and the son of God is Man and the son of Man is hu-man, we are hu-man we are the son of Man that means at one time we were Man, perfect. When we got caught up in the idea of creating, now coming back to the sex act, creating. Now they said “the sons of God” or “the sons of light” saw the daughters of Man were fear and took unto themselves wives, that’s a very peculiar statement in the scripture. See the sons of God would be Man, pure Man, Man as God because God is Atman and the son of Man would be Hu-man and the daughters of Hu-man were fear so that means they interpose their vibrancy into Hu-man to become involved with Hu-man and as they involved themselves, they had to come back down. Now it says “And God came onto His own” but who were “His own?” Man and His own received Him not, those were the ones who could not comprehend why this energy has to come back down “But as many as received Him,” that is many who are caught up now in the Hu-man level, those were the ones who were going back. So we see this is the actual process the creator uses, His own law coming down from the At-man level, down into the human level and working through back, you see He must come down. Now the prodigal son is the same story, the prodigal son came down with his lineage, he is Man coming down with his lineage from the Father which is At-man and going out and squandering, that means using up the vital energy or projecting it, here we come back to the sex act being abused now, squandering it out and found himself living off the husks of animals. So he’s caught up in the Hu-man level, you can’t go any further than Hu-man so he lives like the Hu-man and reaches worse than the animal because Man in this human form has done more terrible things than the animal has done. Which animal thinks of a slaughtering his fellow man in an atom bomb? Audience: I’ve always wondered whether we should feel guilty about that or whether we should see it as adventure? Adano: An adventure into killing? Audience: Well I’m looking at it (inaudible) and I’m thinking that everything is God (inaudible) and we may want to come back and take the planet and experience everything so that we can go back to God and be a co-creator with Him but I’m wondering if we should feel guilty about it? Adano: That is good philosophy. You see we love to kid ourselves that we are co-creators. When the wave enters into the ocean, what does it become? (Inaudible) So where are we? Audience: Co-creator with the ocean? Adano: Impossible, the wave has gone back into the ocean, only when there’s a big wind you got waves. Audience: When we get back to God, we’ll lose our individuality. Adano: No, you don’t lose your individuality, you gain your individuality. Audience: Well then what is our relationship when (inaudible). Adano: Total oneness. Audience: Well if it’s total oneness then we lose our individuality. Adano: One, an individual is what? One equal to one is equal to what? 0:40 Audience: We become our individuality as God. Adano: Individual is one, right? And if you become one, you gain your individuality, you don’t lose your individuality. You have become that one. When there’s a big wind, you see the ocean shows you exactly your situation in this stream of life that’s why they call it the ocean of life, they don’t give it any other name, we haven’t found any other way to describe it because it’s how it functions. An ocean of life and we are waves in that ocean by the breath that blow it across the ocean and when all waves recede into the ocean, it is all one. Now, but the very contents that ocean is made up of, that’s H2O so we didn’t lose anything, we gained something. Audience: This is the paradox, you can’t ever understand any of this without understanding and accept an abstract paradox. Adano: Well let me put it another way, this is another illustration of what will clear it up. Here is a moon in the sky shining down and I have 10 glasses of different sizes, colors, and thickness, they’re all filled with water of different quantities, how many reflections do I have? Ten, right? So there are ten reflections of the moon in the water, I have 10 glasses and 10 quantities of water right? Now let me break the glasses, what becomes of the water? They become one, how many reflections do I have now? Audience: One. Adano: Let me mop up the water, what happens to the reflection? It didn’t go no place, it was never any place in the first place. There’s no water after you mop it up, what happens to the reflection? Audience: You had apparently had the ten moons see as well as the other moons. Adano: When you had the glass and the water, you had ten reflections and the one moon, all there in front of you, ten reflections and the one moon. When you broke the glass, the water came together and you have one reflection and one moon. When you mopped up the water, there is no reflection but the moon. That’s why I say you don’t lose your individuality, you gain your individual individuality. You gain it because it’s the first time you’re going to understand that you are the moon, you are this thing. God has become you. Well again there’s something we come back. This primal force that is called life, inherent present in all things, you tag it with the word “I” and along with that word you give it “Maria, I am Maria.” See? Now this life energy doesn’t care if you call it “I am Maria” because that’s not what the life energy is in the first place. It’s like it’s like the moon in the sky you see, no matter how many reflections it’s going to go through, waters of different colors that would make no difference to the moon, that’s the moon. We as a primal expression, this body you’re at looking here is the glass, this mind here that you see that is doing all the talking is the water, the real Me is in all of us as reflections. Let us wipe up the whole thing, we’ll find out that there is nothing here but we were all together as energy. That’s why you always feel this sense of oneness or intimacy as if you knew that person before. You ever walk in the group of spiritual people, walk in, what do you feel? You feel that you knew them, where did you know them? We can kid ourselves that we knew each other in past incarnations, meaning in past glasses of water, when in actuality we all from the one moon, that’s where we are all actually coming out from, you see? That’s where the real sense of oneness, the real sense of intimacy is really coming from. The true sense of intimacy in your own nature is coming from that but since some of us can look back and shift this glass or a mind, we say, “Well okay I was an Egyptian and you were me when you were in Egypt, you were with me when I was somewhere in Persia” and we can see many times this particular sense of knowingness but in the final actuality, the sense of knowing-ness is the primal force, God, that’s where the real primal feeling comes from, the one knowingness. You see we don’t lose our identity, we gain it when all these little levels of past memories or past so-called incarnations are removed from the mind level, we now see the total truth about ourselves that God has become His creation and we will gain God awareness by going through the processes of looking back at our various life levels or life forms and as we start diminishing those life forms like glasses of water, knocking them down, that’s what they call dominoes now, knock them all down, you end up back into the primal energy, the pure first force. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Yes that is the true understanding. You see you know it inside and it’s difficult in terms of words to communicate it but it’s only by living experience inside what you’re feeling that tells you that one should never worry or fear because some loved one or some one who one loves is angry with you or is passed on because where they could have passed on or why could they be angry? They are simply the pots of water and the sense of intimacy is never lost, even if they aggravate you or if you miss them, in the final summation of your true nature you will see that you never did miss them or you never were aggravated with them, it’s your own self you were aggravated with and and it’s your own self that you were missing. Audience: It’s like a glass of water being mad at another glass of water. Adano: Yeah. Audience: All of this has already happened anyway hasn’t it. Adano: All right. (Laughing). In Yogananda’s experience of cosmic consciousness, he describes it very carefully in there, he said after going all through the galactic systems right back into the very primal energy, he not only saw past civilizations, present ones, but civilizations to come, all being transmitted in one big ocean of blood and light. We are playing the role of cup and water. Audience: We’re bound by our time-space concept which makes it extremely difficult for us to envision the time-less, space-less, form-less reality that’s behind all all this. So we keep trying to grow and ascertain things and understand things by our own limited capacity being this faith. Whereas yet we’re trying to see another state. Adano: Yes, the reality is pure conscious energy, the non-reality is the waves on that conscious energy, the various rates. It’s like the ocean, that’s why the ocean is a very good example of what is going on. The water is there, if it does not move, it will be just a big swimming pool as far as the jolly green giant will be concerned. As far as we are concerned, it’s a vast ocean. To him is like looking down on his swimming pool. Now he can boo, you know blow air across it and cause waves to come up and have a ball with the thing. It’s just like you look at your own little swimming pool in your yard and turn a little fan and make waves and have fun, it’s proportionately in consciousness. So one wave of trying to impress another wave of its importance in that swimming pool is what is going on between human beings. The wave of consciousness that is passing through me is trying to impress the wave of consciousness that passing through you, our importance to each other. The true thing is the unconditional free flow, that’s what Jung call the unconscious. 0:50 Everybody is exposed in that level, there is no privacy or where you can hide in that level because it’s a open market. It’s called the Akashic Records, every Man in that pure state is like an open book, how else would a Master who is a human being without any desire or what you say fluctuation of mind levels be capable of reading your life if he did not keep his mind calm and let it act as a pure mirror for all the fluctuations of your life patterns. Anytime you generate an ID (idea?) you in your mind, you generate a wave and this wave is like taking a little stone and throwing it in a pool, what happens? It goes out to the end of the pool but what it does? It comes back to the middle. Throw it, it goes out but it comes back. The Master now, he doesn’t fuss around and try to fight with nature, he comes to the middle. He knows soon or later all waves will come to him so every little wave that comes to him as a disciple or a student, what are they bringing? They’re bringing their total life nature back to him and he’s seeing it like a whole book, he don’t have to sit down to develop that type of power because he recognizes the phenomena behind it, he understands that if he keeps his mind here centered and don’t get in any upset state, everybody around him who is in a state of mental fluctuation are like waves on that big swimming pool, it will flow back and he begins to see everybody. Like the man who was saying that he saw the Master coming and he didn’t want to see the Master so he hid behind a carriage and the Master came along and the Master looked around and he’s talking with his friends and this fellow is hiding behind the carriage and when the Master got close to the carriage, all of a sudden he looks up in the sky and says “John why are you hiding behind the carriage,” John is exposed all of a sudden. It’s because a Master has trained himself to look at the eye center, “When thine eyes are single” means steady, “The whole body is full of light,” the luminosity of what is going on in reality is coming to him, the waves are coming in and everyone’s mental wave pattern is exposed now and therefore he can tell you what’s going on inside. It is by relating to that symbol, we get a true perspective of what is actually happening then it becomes easy for us as individuals who are trying to understand ourselves how to enter that state that we do the same thing too by bringing the mind here and relaxing it, we will be in that same receptive level, instead of fighting and trying to dictate to it, it will become more and more attuned and there’s where you get the statement “As many as receive Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God,” meaning as many who are centering at the point between the eyebrows and without wandering, it is possible for them to pick up now and relate this information, therefore here is the focal point. Now all right, let’s take the North Sea, you’re all familiar with the North Sea? In the summer time, in the springtime, and in the autumn time, how is it North Sea? It’s navigable. Come winter time what happens to it? Interesting huh? You can walk across it now. From that example, we got a very good illustration of what’s happening inside your mind. When the mind is in spring, summer, and autumn, it is fluctuating between past, present, and future, it is always fluctuating in these movements, therefore it’s never steady. The moment the mind is frozen, that means it’s emptied in what the chinese people call “no mind,” there are no waves on the frozen North sea, right? There are no more waves, it’s all gone, just one smooth thing. So when it’s that, it’s solid, there is peace, you can trust it, even a child will walk across it. Now when the mind is frozen, that means there are no more ideas acting as big waves inside there because that’s all a wave can be in your mind, an ID (idea?). An ID is a wave in the mind and when there are no more of that, you have the first experience now of the “no mind” or frozen mind and the frozen mind is peace, the restless mind is not peaceful. You see Buddha, he used the word “nirvana” to describe that state and when translated into english means “a state of nothingness.” Well it’s highly impossible for the youth to enter a state of nothingness, what you enter is into a state of no thought oscillations, there are no oscillation of the mind in the past, present, or future when this is all shut down because it’s called the “no mind” meaning there is no relation on a thinking level but there is consciousness going on just the same, a consciousness of a universal oneness or continuum level. With that in mind, Einstein was trying to write us his unified field theory, that we do live in a unified field force of a continuous evenness of conscious energy moving but because that is the true reality, we can’t live in it constantly, there would be nothing done objectively in terms of expression so we must have what is called relativity or the flux, this interplay of the light movement to give us some tangible relationship. So the struggle, the change, the environmental flux is considered the battleground and when the battle is over, you must retire into the continuum or no flux for rest, for replenishment, then to come back again into the flux. Einstein was aware of this, he was merely trying to put this down now in mathematical terms pertaining to the actual phenomenal world we live in but he was fully aware of the “no mind” state. Audience: To get a little bit back down to earth for a moment, I’d like to ask you something about the future. (Inaudible) global population figures and global food supply figures right now, you’ve got to reach the conclusion that maybe within 10 years there will be many millions of people literally starving to death. In the Eastern part of India for example, the biggest famine (inaudible) and if you project this out to the year 2000, the natural resources of the earth, (inaudible) by the year 2000, the earth would be out (inaudible). Does the year 2000 mean anything to you mystically or psychially? Adano: It’s the birth of more unfoldment of Man’s possible use of the resources around him, he hasn’t touched it yet. What will be considered power energy, fuel, drives in the year 2000 is looking at you right now and you will never understand why it’s there, you never thought of it before because it’s right here in the same earth around us. There will be a great deal of… but I don’t think of them to the point where it’s going to desolate the world. Audience: And what will bring it into effect more rapidly is this thing is fear. Adano: Not fear, you’ve got the wrong brother, panic. 1:00 Fear we got to live with, panic is what we can’t allow ourselves to get into. Audience: If you look at the price of urban land right now and you’ll see that it has climbed very sharply up in price. Adano: Yes, I agree with you, I’m not saying no but look how long we’ve been talking about that, that we’re moving in a direction in which we’ll be forced to go back to the land because we are over-centering our activities due to the original idea that when Man came here in his thinking, he settled by the seashore because he knew no way to go beyond seashore, the water was his only security. He came here by boats first, this was his mode of transportation from Europe to this country by a boat. Where would he go to settle in a hostile area, a complete stranger, wouldn’t he not trust the closest part where he’s anchored? The boats, he can get away in case somebody attack him, he wouldn’t go too far in. If he’s going to develop, he’s going to clear as much ground as he can from that seashore in and he’s going to increase and multiply and replenish as much as he’s got and as he keeps going in, pushing back the original inhabitants, where is he going to push them? Dead center, that’s where they are right now, dead center in the United States. Now, but as long as he pushed them to dead center and there’s a big stretch of land between that seashore to where they are, he’s got what is called frontline security but he hasn’t got frontline utilization, front line utilization is to take away those people from that concentrated area and start moving inwards now to settle and reclaim the land. We got so much technology that is already the salvage yards that you can go and pick it up and reclaim the land but we’re not doing it. In the Eastern countries they were concentrated the same way, where do you think the Eastern countries the largest concentration of their cities? Man has been that type of individual would not settle inland, he settles around the coastline because water became a primal condition. They tried to prove that the man would not do it, Man does not want to be away from the ocean because the 80% of him is dragging him back there. Audience: (Inaudible) …the new age as people raise the vibratory rate (inaudible), said that chaos and everything is coming because a new mutation of Man has to evolve so they can live in the fourth dimension, is there anything to that? Adano: A new race to be born… (inaudible). Well let’s look at ourselves first, what is it we want to change? Audience: I want to change my vibratory rate through meditation, does that stand up? When you raise your consciousness aren’t you changing your vibratory rate? Adano: Yes, you are changing your vibratory rate but in the first place, I want to ask you a simple question. You have an automobile, you’re driving 40 miles an hour, there’s one driving in front of you at 55 miles an hour, you want to pass it. Would you buy a new car or change the engine or step on the accelerator? Audience: Step on the accelerator. Adano: Why? Audience: To try and get past him. Adano: How you know that? Where do you get the idea from? It came with the construction of the car. Now you don’t know what is your potential therefore you don’t trust your potential, you don’t know the construction of your brain. (Gap in tape). Where you think they’re gonna go? Audience: You mean that there’s nothing to this at all? Adano: It’s just like the blackboard, the chalk that you wrote c-a-t on and you took an erased and rub it off, there’s no c-a-t on the blackboard but what you have left on the blackboard? Little impregnations of chalk and if you keep writing a million times on that blackboard, after a while what would happened to the blackboard after you rub it off? Audience: It’s still there. In other words it can never be removed? Adano: This is matter we’re dealing with, we are a human being, what do you think we are? You don’t see what I’m trying to tell you. Here you have a chalk, you have a blackboard, you write the word c-a-t cat, and you rub it off with an eraser, what is left on that blackboard? You write that same word a million times and you erase it a million times, what will eventually leave after the millionth time on that blackboard? But that doesn’t say that the blackboard is not reusable, that doesn’t say that the blackboard is dirty, it’s impregnated with chalk, right? That doesn’t say you can’t write and carry forward information. That’s the same thing with us, there’s no way you can remove from your cells the impressions, how are you gonna begin to remove it these are impressed upon your cells like little impregnations into the chalk into that surface area, you can’t take that out, you’d have to go paint the thing over and you still will be painting in the impressions, you’ll be putting a veneer over it because it’s impregnated into the substance but when we’re talking about the very first animal, if it’s of a good breed and you mate it to one of a lesser breed and try to made it into a better breed a second time, it’s never going to carry over, it’s impregnated. So when you begin to get the gist of all these writings, you start to see that they don’t have no Master behind them, a real Master don’t even begin to waste this time trying to change you, he’s telling you how you go about changing yourself by learning to live in yourself, that’s the real truth, that’s why he can’t change you, you change yourself and you do that by love. See if we don’t love, we can’t change, this is a very difficult principle and it sounds to be the easiest but it’s not the easiest principle, don’t kid ourselves that love is the easiest principle, it’s the hardest principle there is. Audience: You can’t sit around and say “I’m going to love today.” (Inaudible). Adano: This is suffering, you want to learn by suffering. Suffering we can learn, everybody can learn by suffering, even a child or a cat learns by suffering, that is setting up programs to suffer from but to love, to love is a different thing. Love has nothing to do with setting up programs, love is an entirely different process altogether. In fact, it’s easier to find God through suffering than to find Him by love because when you suffer you cry out for…(gap in tape). Most people think He gave us the easy things, He didn’t give us the easy things. When we begin to realize what the spiritual life is involved with, we see the things that we’re asked to do are the toughest things we’re asked to do, we’re not asked to do the easy things. The easy things will be simple, to suffer and make yourself a martyr, these would be simple things to do in compared to saying you could love because when you start loving… Suppose you set up to love and all of a sudden you sit down, close your eyes, and are going to do 10 minutes meditation.. The telephone is going to ring, the doorbell is going to ring, the cat is going to meow, and a million things are going to do and before you know the meditation… or I should be meditating more. Next day you say the same thing, after a month you says “Well to heck with the meditation,” don’t we all do that? Yet if you got a broken leg and you can’t walk and you got to be in bed, I bet you a million dollars to one you’re meditating 24 hours a day to get off that bed. 1:10 (Inaudible general conversation). Adano: Let me tell you something that number one evidence in any spiritual study is the the human body. If it shows signs of aging before it’s normal time, you know they haven’t got faith. Every Yogi that I’ve encountered in my life that teaches truth, I wish I had their body with their age. You know I met this Swami, 85 years of age, he got the skin of a baby. Master Charan Singh, his skin is like a baby. Every other individual with all these fantastic big degrees about their spiritual metaphysics, they all look like 90 and they’re supposed to be only in their 40’s. Do you mean to tell me that’s truth? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Some of that work is good but remember this, every disease is karma, no matter what it is, it’s that person’s karma and they got two lessons to learn. One, they got to learn forgiveness, lesson number one. Two, they got to learn patience. You can’t take away their disease right away and just set them free, they’re gonna do it all over again but you need some information to guide you with people who got these karmic tendencies to work out. So knowledge is good but when you get knowledge that’s not going to be effective use, you don’t want it because you got to respect that other person and if you take away all their problems right away, there not gonna learn their lesson. You know the person comes along “Adano, I got an ache.” Ok take away the ache, turn around they’re going to eat an ice cream and come back, “I got another ache.” I says “Why should I rub you? Throw away your ice cream.” They didn’t learn their lesson. You tell them they’ve got mucus in their body and they’re sniffling all over, you massage the toe and the nose unblocks itself and they feel good and then next 10 minutes you see them munching away on an ice cream cone, they didn’t learn nothing. So I find out don’t take away their aches, let them learn that through their ache they will stop doing the wrong thing, sometimes they need that. That’s why you have to be discerning how you try to help them with their conditions, the information that is being put out by those equipment is good for a certain period of time. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Biologically we don’t seem to forget it. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: No, I wish it was but it is not only way to do it. Maria there is no one way, all ways lead to the same result depending on what desire nature you have and what motivates you. Now we are all like single prints, you know fingerprints? Each human being is a complete unique expression of God, no two of us are alike and what would be good for you at a certain level of the spiritual growth may be totally useless to me at that level. So each one got to work at the thing at his own particular feeling and motive but he must always keep the goal in sight, never lose sight of the goal, that’s where he’s going, otherwise he will deviate and go off in a tangent but his own approach, his own inner nature is the key to his own well-being. That’s why we can’t say there’s one method for everybody, it’s not. There can be one experience occurring inside but the actual methods is not really true because each one of us is different. So the only two avenues you have to work with is the avenue of pain and the avenue of love. Pain we will quickly recognize and try to do our best. Love you’ll delay and dally and find all kind of excuse for love because we don’t want to face ourselves and therefore it’s always delaying. Pain you don’t waste too much time, it’s pain you make efforts (inaudible) and this is one of the problems. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: That’s the very first thing that makes a man a Saint and if you look at your dictionary it says the Saint is a man who has only patience and charity. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You know a long time ago, I live in South America, my very first spiritual guide who made me understand a little of spiritual subjects was the man I was studying tailoring from. His name was Eddie, they used to call him the chief, he made a statement to me as a boy. He says, “Any man who sells wisdom for money has got the worst karma in the universe because he’s got to come back because wisdom is like the sunlight, it is given freely and should be released freely. It would be better that the man had had some other karma than the karma of selling wisdom.” Audience: Would you say most preachers are selling wisdom? Adano: Let me say selling wisdom, don’t confuse the preacher. The preacher may be preaching the gospel and the congregation may be paying his expenses, that’s not selling it. We’re talking of something entirely different, he’s been supported by the proceeds of the church. Now in the olden days that was a very practical approach, in today’s growth that man is would not be considered contributing to his spiritual growth, he be taking from his spiritual growth. The man who’s contributing to the spiritual group should give the wisdom, that service in the church freely and work in some other occupation and contribute to the upkeep of that, that’s why the yogis work different. A Master like Jesus, he was a carpenter, he earned his livelihood from the carpentry that he did and his free time, or spiritual time, was that given out to lift up his fellow man, see? That’s why you find today in our process, even myself and my wife, we work and earn our own livelihood. 1:20 Audience: I didn’t know that but didn’t He have to give up carpentry after awhile? There wasn’t time if he was going to fulfill his responsibilities as He saw them? And then how did he make His living? Adano: Remember he was a renunciate too you know, he wore a robe and it didn’t cost too much to wash in those days and as far as eating, He didn’t need to eat too much. He never passed a collection plate and as far as sleeping indoors or outdoors, no problem. You see we’re looking at some practical things about the Master consciousness. Audience: (Inaudible) like “man does not live by bread alone but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (inaudible). Adano: No human being, that is “no Man lives by bread” that means exists by indirect form of energy, bread alone. There is no way this human structure can sustain itself indirectly energy wise from the external sources of supply “but by every Word” and Word is sound, sound is vibration. Now, not any kind of Word either, it has to be a specific type of vibration and it’s only one type of vibration and that is the Audible Life Current that passes through us via the medulla oblongata called the Mouth of God in Man, every second our back of the head is bombarded by subatomic energy. Now if the doctor was going to try to operate on your brain and merely stick that area with a pin, you’d be dead instantly let alone if you were to try to tickle it with a feather when he opened that area, you’ll be paralyzed for life. There is where the life energy is entering us directly all the time, it’s not coming into our body indirectly in the form of food, this is an indirect form of energy coming into the body to satisfy our hunger. Now you ask about the sex energy, you see we never culminated what is the value of the sex energy, you ask about this sex energy today, you realize what the sex energy does to the body when it’s transmuted? It feeds it so you don’t have to eat no more in this world, this is how much we don’t know about sex energy yet. This body will feed itself pure energy without having to eat food by the sublimation of the sex force back into the brain, it’s called the Rajasic energy. Audience: Is there a limited amount of this energy that we can call forth? Adano: Energy has no limit, how can we say there’s a limit to energy? You see when you use the word limited amount of energy, you’re looking at in terms of fuel ratio per intake of indirect use to body. Now what is an atom when we explode one, how much area of space doesn’t take up in the actual substance? Plus the amount of radiant energy or radiant thermal condition that it is emitting in terms of application for use. Now if we explode the atom, we got several types of expression of energy: one is a heat, one is a gas, one is a steam. Now if you trap all these forces and store them in containers and try to put it in terms of workload, one little isotope ain’t no bigger than this, throws off so much heat alone that it will make water boil for umpeen amount of years and that water in turn throws off that steam that will turn these turbines that will throw out now electrical energy that you’ll be running a whole city for X amount of years on that little isotope. Audience: I’m bothered by the word sublimation because if we can draw as much energy as we can use, then why do we need to sublimate any energy (inaudible). Adano: It sounds nice, “we can draw, we can draw,” it sounds nice, where you’re going to draw it from? You see you’re speaking and don’t realize what you’re saying. The human body is finished being made, the sum total of its potential is locked up in the cells, the sum total of this potential mechanism is locked up in the cells. It has the equivalent energy of 12 suns, you begin to comprehend the amount energy you got in your body? The power transmitted or released by 12 suns, you don’t even use up one sun and it takes a billion years to make a planet into the sun, it has to live a billion years actual living life to be exploded into a living sun to take on the thermal radiation to keep up life going and we don’t even live a lousy 60 or 70 years, good grief man. You begin to comprehend the amount of energy we got locked up in one of these things. We we are billions of cells locked up here and the very very nature of us has the equivalent, the potential charge is equivalent of 12 suns and it takes one sun to run this solar system and the age of a sun begins at the first billion years because our planet earth is four and a half billion years old and the oldest one not too far, nearest to the sun hasn’t reached seven billion years yet. So a sun is a planet that became of age of seven billion years and turn into sun. Every time a planet, a solid mass, reaches the age of seven billion years it becomes a sun. That is the very law of a structure, seven is the principle. Right now this planet that we’re on is four and a half billion years old. All right let it keep spinning in space for the next two and a half billion years, the very nature of the spinning, the very mechanics of its motion… Audience: The magnetic field? Adano: All right you see in your mind you think now in the next two and a half billion years New York will always be where New York is, the Mississippi will always be where Mississippi is. In a half a billion years this whole thing will change around and maybe in 100 years the whole thing can change around by internal collapse by its own internal breakdown. Motion is causing it, it starts with motion, it lives in motion, and dies in motion. Wait a minute, you see this science is spiritual already, it starts with motion, it lives in motion, and dies in motion, and motion is measurable in terms of time therefore this whole universe belongs to who? Audience: God. Adano: That’s the Sanskrit word for time, the negative power of God. God is A-Kal, timelessness, and when time cease to function as motion, it recedes into the timeless state of pure being, that is all light, it doesn’t have no personality no more. 1:30 So religion and science are saying the same thing, they’re not confusing themselves or trying to fight among themselves, they are saying the exact same thing. So the terminology now in english we can eliminate the personality aspects and get to the condition is: this is a time cycle universe as long as it remains as a manifestation of light. The moment it ceased to function as a time cycle universe, it will recede back into the pure light and it’s timeless. Audience: That’s a reflection (inaudible). Adano: Right. You see a manifestation of God is a reflection of Himself. Audience: Do planets have souls in any sense? Adano: Well let’s clear up our terms first before we say Soul and spiritual entity because we’re using terms that really have to be gotten down to their true nitty-gritty before we can say it has or it has not. If Man is a replica of everything that is around him, it is only from Man you can get the true understanding of the word Soul. Now the scriptures specifically state in east or west, they all say the same thing, “God made Man in His own image and likeness, male and female creat ye them and breathed the breath of life into a Man and Man became a living Soul.” Now there is no mention that he WILL BE a Soul or he HAS a Soul, they say he IS Soul. Now we would like to educate our mind, we would like to tell our mind that this universe has a Soul, that a planet has a Soul, when in actuality what is really Soul? The only thing that is Soul is what? Man. Now the question comes up “What is Soul comprised of?” Audience: How about dogs? Adano: He didn’t say dog, he said Man. Audience: Do dogs have a soul in any sense? Adano: Then you have a Soul? Audience: Well not the same kin dof Soul. Adano: There is no mention in that statement that you have a Soul, you ARE Soul. Now if you ARE Soul, you can’t bring the dog into this situation because the dog “has” or he “is,” which is it? Audience: Well when I use the word Soul, I’m talking about different aspects or levels (inaudible). Adano: Me who? You see you’re not looking at the thing as an actual science, you’re looking at it as psychological and philosophy, look at the thing as pure spiritual science then you see something different. God, the principle of being, created Man in His own image and likeness and Man became a living Soul, there is no mention in any of His creation that they are Soul, let alone have one. There is no mention, only Man is the living Soul. Now the question comes up now, what is Soul composed of? That is what is the important thing is not that we have a Soul or an animal has a Soul. We don’t have a Soul then if we don’t have a Soul and we ARE Soul then what are we composed of, that would be the correct question. It’s the incorrect question that makes the wrong answers, the correct question will give you wisdom. If we ARE Soul then the question we should ask, what is Soul composed of? Then the scriptures go on to tell us what Soul is composed of in the Eastern scriptures. I don’t know much of the western because they don’t describe it properly. The Eastern scriptures say that Soul is composed of a chemical body of 16 elements and it specifically states 16, science just came along to say it is true that those oriental yogis were right. Nature don’t want another element more and 16, one more will kill it, one short will kill it, 16 is what it’s going to hang on to and the trace minerals with it but 16 is the number and then the same Soul again has another part that is composed of 19 elements, it’s called the electrical body. The electrical body is composed of 19 elements, it says 19 not more than 19 not less than 19, the electrical body is made up of 19, the chemical bodies made up of 16, and the causal body or the idea body of Soul is made up of 35 elements. Now we know what the Soul is composed of, it is composed of a chemical body, it is composed of an electrical body, and it is composed of an idea body. Now no one of these three bodies is more important than the other. Now these 35 (gap in tape) …that is what is called the oversoul, the cosmos itself, not of the individual planets. The individual planets will be like the elements in the physical body but you could not say that of the individual planets, you have to say the whole cosmos is a Soul. Microcosm and the macrocosm is the same thing, the whole macrocosm of a physical universe, an electrical universe, and an ideational universe makes up the first triangle in the Star of David. The second triangle in the Star of David is Man now with his chemical body, his electrical body, and his idea body coming down. Audience: (Inaudible), in other words I heard his Buddha was supposed to have been a quail. Adano: I’ll give you an example and then you decide if he can or he cannot become. Here is a building and the powerhouse is sending electricity through the transformer up to your meter. Now you have to decide before they put that meter how you wire that house right, it’s not the regular procedure? It’s decided already, it’s predetermined what the wiring would be in that house so that the powerhouse will put that amount of power in that line. So we decide to wire the house to say 110 to 120 volts and you got about a 100 different outlets for 100 different sockets and now you have a variety of bulbs that you can put in any one of those sockets. The biggest bulb you might as well call him Man and a smallest little fairy bulb you might as well call him a stone and in between a one watt bulb or five watt bulb that you put in your fairy lights, you know at Christmas time those little Christmas lights to the big one power light that you got, a four hundred watt bulb, we’ve got many different wattages. Now ask yourself if one burn out where does the voltage go? Audience: It just goes to all the other ones. Adano: All right, if it’s there and don’t go nowhere now you know why you’re a dog or why you’re a human being? Who are you that is a dog or a human being? Audience: Pardon? Adano: Who are you that you call or claim within you that is a dog or the human being, what is it that is human or what is it that is dog? I’ll just give you the illustration. Here is the building all wired out, there’s different sockets and they got different bulbs and I say the biggest bug is a 500 watt bulb, it represents the man. 1:40 All right, the smallest bulb that you use in a fairy light and Christmas tree represents a stone, in between that… now let’s say the smallest one is 5 watt and the largest one is 500 in between that we got 10, 20, 40, they represent other aspects of creation, they’re all on the same 120 volt line, it’s all predetermined already. Now if one bulb burns out, you mean to say the voltage that is passing through the five watt bulb is any different than the voltage passing through the 500 watt bulb? They’re not going any place so who is really inside of you? Don’t you realize what we’re saying? God is the universal life power as voltage passing through all of us and we got the conscious notion or the fallacy that we’re reincarnating from monkey to Man only because we try to relate to Him in that way, from wattage. What differs from the five watt bulb or the 5 volt bulb? All right when you buy a bulb do you buy the bulb by the voltage or you buy by the wattage? And the wattage indicates what? The degree of illumination so the animal and the man is only a difference in illumination, they’re the same vital energy passing through so where’s the transmigration now? Audience: Well you see I believe this already, I believe God is everything but I can’t explain it. Adano: But you’re seeing it now for the first time. The degree of sensitivity or illumination in the in the dog can be simple fairy bulb, 5 watts. The degree of illumination in Man is 500 watts but they all go to use 120 volts predetermined already and that is the vital power we call God activating these different forms. Audience: If the dog is five watts, can you be reincarnated as an other animal for 10 watts in the next incarnation? Adano: If the bulb is burnt out, listen carefully if the bulb is burnt out, that’s the bulb, what makes it burn out: the socket, the glass, the filament? All right if the filament burns out, listen to what you’re saying now you know, what goes through the filament in the first place to make it light up? The current, okay. If you take it out from the socket and you throw it away and that’s called socket number one, that’s number one socket where animal comes in. If you take a 10 watt bulb and put it in socket number one, would it refuse to light up because socket number one was only using a five watt bulb before? It would light up but would you take the substance that you took out, that burnt out bulb, and recycle it and make a new one? We don’t do it, reason why? It’s burnt out, it’s gone, what is gone? The capacity to take the energy but the energy ain’t gone nowhere so actually what is really changing? The form is changing, the substance don’t change, it’s still… the form changes. So when Buddha says “I was in the quail” or “I was in the monkey,” what is he really saying? “The same life that passes through me as Buddha was in the form of monkey and quail,” he’s not saying that he is the quail or he is the monkey, the life that he really is, this primal energy that is what he really is and now appearing in this Gautama form or Hindu form, was at one time in a quail’s form and it was one time in a stone form, we have all been in this form. Now comes the question: because the current, that same voltage passed through a 5 watt bulb, a 10 watt bulb, and a 100 watt bulb, if we put what is called a recorder monitor, a built in computer for the amount of time that it was passed through the 5 watt bulb and the length of time that it used that wattage and it records and gives you a graph of how many times you use that bulb and let’s say that bulb only lasted for 30 days of intense use, 24 hours, and the graph output of the energy is recorded in a 10 watt bulb and then take a 20 watt bulb and do the same thing and finally now we have what is called a computed memory of how energy is used in the different wattages so that when it appears in a 100 watt bulb, it will tell exactly how many times it can use 10 and 20, how long it can use 10 and 20, and that’s how we got memory now that we reincarnated. You couldn’t have it because memory is what reincarnation is all about. What is the Akashic Records called? A memory of past life, a memory of a past identification in a form and what is the usage of that form, how it relates to the environment? So the five watt bulb gave that little much illumination, the 10 watt bulb gave that little illumination, but it’s still 120 volt was going through it all the time. Now how many days did it last? This is what is going to be recorded by that graph when you measure it so you can say now I have 100 watt but it should be good for 60 days, it should be good for 100 days judging because it when it was a 5 watt or when it was used in 10 watt, how many days it was burning at 24 hours a day. This now gives it a projected graph and a projected behavior, it will also give a certain amount of heat if you put a thermometer next to it. So the characteristics of each one gives the behavior pattern which can predetermine now what will behave in a 500 watt one so when you come to the size of Man and look at yourself, the potential of you being what you are is already predetermined from what you came from. So if you have a a million breaths to take in this body, a million a spoonful of food to eat, these are all predetermined by the different forms that this energy was staying in and working its way through. So if in the dog it could only eat two hundred thousand and it will only breathe two hundred thousand breaths and if it’s in a whale, it was breathing 800,000 and it could only eat about 2,000 times or 200,000 times, that compounded information is fed into this human form to make this human form and work in this human. When this form comes in now we can say now “I’ve got a body by this pre condition that will allow me now to experience life, which is the energy passing through me, and amount of breaths being equivalent to 500,000 breaths or 5 million breaths, that is the length capacity my breathing condition is designed to handle or the amount of food I will eat is 500,000 pounds of food within one lifespan.” The shape in which you are in now, the chemical shape, is predetermined that’s the wattage now, it’s predetermined by the various wattages and the time span that the same 120 volt passed through and used up. Now it’s predetermined for a bigger one, you see God didn’t make Man first, He made all these things first so their shapes, their time span, predetermines our shape and our time span with the same amount of energy passing through it. So if the Buddha says “I was in the bird, I was in the tree, I was in the dog,” he’s merely saying that the time span relationship of the energy that is brought him to this full potential of being a Buddha, meaning now a thousand bulb, is predetermined by all those substances because if a man wants to make a thousand watt bulb, he first got to start making a five watt one or one watt one to find out what degree it will stand up with and how he can start expanding the wattage, you see? You couldn’t expand wattage until you start off making the first watt so when Edison started making his bulb, whatever the first one was gave them an indication of luminosity to which they can expand from. Then he says well okay if you saw the first, you know I seen one in a museum, one of the original bulb put out by Edison, a 10 watt bulb, you’ll be surprised how big that crazy thing looks. It’s a big huge bulky looking thing comparing to what 10 watt bulb looks like today. 1:50 Based upon that information, 10 watt bulbs look a whole lot different. Based upon the same time relationship to the life energy and life experiences, we are in different forms of much more modified refined states, you see? Carrying it over that the highly realized man is coming over or coming back with such a delicate mechanism utilizing this life principle to its utmost, you don’t see a crude bulky looking individual in the spiritual levels, you see them down in the lower levels of practices. The higher levels they’re more refined, more graceful, more unique, they stand out, they shine, they glow. So a bigger bulb with a high intensity wattage can be made in a small size too just as much as you can make a big bulb with a low wattage, it’s the constituents or the makeup of the thing that is pre-determining where it is. So we can understand reincarnation a whole lot better now from understanding what is involved in the mechanics of it then we can see why it’s not a feasible thing to reincarnate because you couldn’t trigger one watt bulb into 10 watt bulb if you didn’t have a desire for better illumination. So the unfinished desire for more illumination is because the unfinished craving for more experiences in forms of this life energy is the root cause of reincarnating. Now to resurrect would be the condition. Now take electricity, what would be considered the resurrection of the bulb? Audience: You would have to get a permanent filament. Adano: You answered the question, a permanent filament, one that don’t burn out, and God is the permanent filament. So we have to become identified with this source that is a permanent filament and that’s what a resurrected body is, it does not break down no more. Now every filament gives off carbon dioxide because it’s constructed from a carbon base, they have not yet made a silicon base or a diamond based filament that would not break down, until we make a diamond-based filament or a silicon based filament, we would not have what is called an eternal light filament. This body is carbon based and at a certain level, it would not allow light to pass yet by the same carbon structure when it’s refined by the fire of wisdom, that’s where you refine carbon too you see, the highest pressure or high heat, it becomes a diamond now. It’s a different type of carbon but all the impurities are burnt out so it doesn’t oxidize, it doesn’t corrode, and it permits the light to pass through. So we have now what is called the diamond body, Secret of the Golden Flower, we we got to transform this form into that higher form so it’s the same thing is going on in terms of light. Audience: You have to raise your consciousness. Adano: Yes we do it by the elevation of consciousness but when we say elevation of consciousness, we’re coming back to a host of concepts that are going to throw us off of the track. I rather say we can transform our mortal nature into the immortal nature by ethical living on a conscious level only by grace because when you got grace you’re going to live ethical. Let us take a break. (General conversation. Lasheen Farm?)

1973 May 14 - Satsang Washington DC

Adano73_05_14SatsangWashingtonDCQ4NW1 - …Seva is Sanskrit for devotional service, every action must be dedicated to the service of the Lord. (Inaudible). In fact whose house is this all, whose creation is it? It’s the Father’s, we are the children and if we don’t take care of it, who is going to take care of it, are we going to pass the buck on our brothers? (Gap in tape). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: When Jesus went to see John the Baptist, he said “There is no man born of woman greater than John who is Elijah that has come.” “You are not born by the will of the flesh,” that is no craving or desire or unfulfilled thought pattern within the structure of John who was Elijah in the past life triggered his rebirth. “Nor was he born by the will of his parents,” they couldn’t crave a John the Baptist because they didn’t know what one would look like but he was born by the will of the Lord strictly that he was returning to fulfill God’s plan and accepting the karmic conditions of those people who he will would be committed to. Then when he came into the body, he baptized by water those people who he called upon the repent, accepting them as his responsibility but then he knew he was going to go out of the body and this declaration of Jesus concerning John’s heritage and background is giving credence to John as a divine incarnate of the living Master at the time. John now who is going to leave the body must give credence of this quality as lineage and passing it on. So he said “I baptized by water but there comes one after me whose shoes I’m not even worthy to unlatch, he baptizes by the Spirit.” This is giving credence now to accept Jesus, otherwise nobody would accept Jesus so one man recognizes the other man and lays the foundation for the untainted heritage, the unpolluted heritage of the Spirit and then that individual now gives credence of carrying over this heritage and lineage. So John perceived his own death, he’s gonna die, he died a horrible death too, he was beheaded but before it occurred he was already establishing spiritual lineage. Now nobody can elect the Master because this is something that is transferred. Now in a previous life these two same man existed as disciple and student, John was Elijah in the past life and he had a student called Elisha. 0:10 Elisha said to his teacher in the previous life “Why don’t you give me a double portion of your Spirit.” Meaning why don’t you give me Cosmic Consciousness and the teacher said “You ask a hard thing” which means you’re asking for something without earning it, you want something for nothing, there’s no something for nothing in this universe. So he imposes a restriction on the transference, he says “If you see me before I go” or leave this frame, “this spiritual unfoldment is yours.” I will transfer it to you with all the power it goes with it providing if you see me before I go. “See me before I go” imposes a condition on the man because the man can’t even go to the bathroom, he can’t eat and keep his mind on the lower nature, he’s got to keep his mind up there all the time and he doesn’t know when the teacher is going to go out of the body. He places such a an intense discipline on the man because the man wants something for nothing and he didn’t spend all that time to be totally concentrated. So the teacher really placed him through his paces but it was granted to him. In the next incarnation the roles had to be reversed, the teacher came back by the grace of God acting the role of John and the student came back as Jesus now to act out the role where the students must take up the responsibility of the karma of the world that he’s involved with or those disciples that are going to be drawn to him. So John had certain disciples who were drawn to him while he was in the body and Jesus came back again and he still had to make contact and then Jesus had to take up the responsibility of going on because even Jesus was not born by his own desires, he was not born by the desires of his parents, he too was born by the will of the Lord. So the karma of the disciples to whom he would be involved with, they will determine how long he stayed in the body, they would determine how he will die. This is what the thing is all about. Audience: (Inaudible). In speaking of the Satguru, what are the signs, this is very confusing to me. Adano: The last person who would finally release you from the bondage or the attachment to the world you see? Now you’re going to meet many other individuals, the word Guru means to lift up, to dispel, the dispeller of darkness, the one who removes the desire levels in your consciousness. Now, but there’s only one who finally releases you from the last desire, to really take you back into this consciousness. Now you couldn’t know him because he may be at the cafeteria of the Science of the Soul and (inaudible), and all kinds of Gurus but somehow you walk in this cafeteria and of all the Gurus, one of them seems to ring a bell in you. (Inaudible), he may not be the nicest one in the package, but somehow whatever he’s saying may seem so simple, so ordinary yet twing, twing, twing something inside says that’s the one who’s going to finally clean up the last vestiges of your thought patterns and you seem to gravitate to him. Well I came into the spiritual studies way back in the time of Yogananda when Yogananda was alive, I never saw Yogananda in the body because I asked him to come there to study, he said don’t come and see my body, stay where you are and meditate (inaudible) and later on people who met Yogananda, met some of the people there in SRF, they heard that Yogananda was asked by one of the monks there to bring me there to work and study and help and he told the brother, or the monk, “What is he gonna do here, look at the palm trees? He’s doing the work where he is.” All right they said he told this fellow three times and two days before he died, he told him the same thing, gave him the same answer for the same question. So this brother, his name is Kriyananda, he was determined now to see who is this man that Yogananda didn’t want to see. In 1952 is when Yogananda passed away and in 1955 we met and when we met he said to me, “I can see why the Master didn’t want you to come. You’ve already worked with all the problems of the spiritual thing right here in the world of people” where he was struggling with it in the ashram and in this incarnation he was destined to be a monk and in this incarnation I was destined to be a married man or paths went two different ways but the problems were all resolved in two different approaches. Well Master has passed out of the body and I never really got farther than the where I could have gone to see him in the physical frame and to carry me on further in my work, these are some of the things he told me when he was alive. “Do not come and see my body, do not go to India, the best of India will come to you,” these three things he specifically laid out in correspondence (inaudible). Now any person in my situation would make every attempt to go regardless of being told these things you see but the true test of a disciple is obedience. No matter if the person is a Guru or not a Guru, you don’t even know what would be the result until you obey. I got money, I was even offered money to go to see him in America, I was living in Canada at the time and every time I got ready to buy the ticket something came along and I had to spend the money. Even those who were offering the money something happened to them, their car broke down and they have to go and spend it so I never got to go to America to see him. The second thing was don’t go to India, I was pondering in my mind in time to go to India to become a Swami (inaudible). I never got the chance to go to India yet I was made a Swami in this country without even asking for it and my wife too was made and Swami and she will tell you how it happened but the third thing was the best of India came to me. Everybody who has heard of Master Charan Singh and different Masters, Sai Baba, and everybody was going to India and years before when Master Charan Singh came to this country for the first time, I saw his picture but I couldn’t see him at the time, I was on the West coast and he was traveling across to the East coast so we never crossed each other’s path but we never run into each other. 0:20 Years after in 1970 he was going to have his world trip, you know go all over the world. Now according to his laid out plans he was not going to pass through Dallas Texas, I was encouraging my wife even to go to Mexico so we could get a chance to see him. Then one of the fellows who was going to fly the plane back from India to the States was a friend of ours and he’s going to fly the plane back and that very same week when they’re flying the plane, they had a work “slow down” which means praying for more time for more money. So they had to reroute these planes and where did it reroute itself from? Via Dallas Texas and he’s going to be in Dallas Texas for 45 minutes. That was enough time to see the man right? So we had a large group there and we waited and when we came in the room, there he was. In that brief 45 minutes I got all I needed to get (inaudible), spent 45 years sitting in the Dera with him because that is how it works. Obedience is the first rule, the whole thing is grace. All right but this was told to me in 1948, look how long it took for it to materialize. Yogananda passed away in 1952 and then Swami initiated both of us in 1969 and Master Charan Singh came in 1970 and the meantime I had encountered Sai Baba all through the years before and many other teachers before. (Inaudible) all of these Swamis and their blessings and lift me up in consciousness. In fact I got many inner experiences with them but they were not the one who would finally give me what you call “the corkscrew in my brain.” (Laughter). The one who came along and without even asking and just applied the pressure to the brain that’s all. Well you see we never know who the person is, it’s better to be ready and attuned and then that individual comes and your heart will tell you “bingo.” Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: And God is not going to forsake you that’s for sure because when I sat down in front of Master Charan Singh (inaudible) make me realize that that was not the first time. This neither was my first incarnation (inaudible) encountering the cosmic bliss or the cosmic presence in form. We have all had incarnations where we’ve been exposed to (inaudible)… and finally I came back from Richmond in March and on my way back through Dallas they said Kriyananda was arriving the same day, how would you like to come over for lunch and he’s lecturing tonight and lunch will be tomorrow. So I stayed over in Dallas and I saw him at the lecture and the next day we were going to have lunch. Well there he was and another Swami by the name of (inaudible) and myself, his secretary, and a young student. So the host is serving us and after it was all over the question came up “When the Swamis get together what do you discuss, what did you talk about? Did you talk of big world problems, big philosophical questions?” I says “No, we spoke about food.” So the friend says, “Why?” Kriyananda started off the conversation but most people who get down to eat they want talk about some other kind of philosophy but God is food, this is Jala Yoga, union with God through food and he spent the whole period giving a complete dissertation of all the mechanics of eating (inaudible) and when it was all over, he bid us goodbye. My friend says, “Holy smokes, you mean to tell me that’s all you Swamis do?” “Isn’t God in food too? Just as much as God is in philosophy, God is in healing. It is where you are in the moment (inaudible).” That’s the beautiful lesson to learn, don’t discuss something that is not pertaining to your action because your mind is not really relating fully but what you’re doing at a very moment that is beneficial to this body, relate all your consciousness to it at that time. In other words if you sit down to eat, don’t talk about religion, talk about food in the mechanics of religion. If you’re taking a bath don’t think of taking a walk, (inaudible) and see it in relation to religion, this is what the lesson really is. Relate to what you’re doing in the framework of your spiritual nature then the mind is flowing much more attuned to it. Audience: (Inaudible). 0:40 Adano: …spiritual elevation to differentiate from churchianity or the ritualism prescribed for the inner values of spiritual life otherwise you wouldn’t be striving for it, you wouldn’t even pray for it if it was not there inside your consciousness. As Buddha says “We’ve been back here so many times you’ve been brothers and sisters and husbands and wives many many times.” Well Yogananda said this when he was in the body, “This is the new India and China to fulfill the karma of Columbus seeking a new path to India” ending up in this continent declaring that he had arrived in India. So in that relationship, the Souls from India would have to be born in this (inaudible) with a caucasian body to work out some of these karmic conditions and many of the experiences that would be so unique that we would find ourselves molding ourselves along this line and since this country was founded on religious freedom, it was the first country to set up what is called a religious parliament of bringing together various religions to discuss religion in one area. It was in 1896 when Vivekananda came to this country and then Yogananda came (inaudible). From that time on it has been this trend towards the New Age of East/West blending of the religious life searching for the in-depthness of the religion apart from ritual, the actual inner science of religion. So more and more we’re moving into this phase of the true mystic life and many of the Souls that are here that find themselves in the (inaudible) body are actually (inaudible) and while they may be caught up in it, remember this in the Orient the last 400-500 years, it was occupied by the British. Remember this country was liberated from the British too so many of those Souls died with an animosity for the British or to get even with the British so where would they be born the karmic thought pattern to be free from British rule you see? We have to have unfinished desires to throw us into an environment of freedom and an environment to pursue spiritual life then we end up being born in this area of the world. It’s an amazing cross current of Souls crossing the boundary line (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: And many Europeans who wanted to go to India and the Eastern countries when the trade routes were open, you know you always dream of far away lands and here they hear the great tales that come back from the east (inaudible) died with the desire so where would we end up living? In some little mud-hut in India finding out how it is to be Indian and sometimes we end up living at the feet of a Master because we want it so badly and we don’t want to leave the area. (Inaudible) and equally true many in the Indian body or the Chinese body wanted to break free from the occupation or control of their political life to be born (gap in tape) can find themselves totally displaced. Now you take your early plantation owners who where in control of many slaves, where do you think they’re going to be born? (Inaudible) because they triggered that karma and they would be the one who would have to correct the karma (inaudible), you fulfill the things that you crave and God works it out by presenting you this situation. Audience: Is karma speeding up these days in some way, is that why there are so many people in the world population. Adano: (Inaudible) they’re coming back quicker into the consciousness or the activity of the consciousness. You see by the very laws of physics you’ll see why there aren’t no more new Souls being made by God. Let’s say take for instance one human being: one male, one female living in the world. Now by the act of sex if one drop of semen under a microscope will show you how many thousands of sperm is in it. Let’s say God made a very first man and woman and within this man is the semen where all the sperms are in. Now, and here’s the one woman with ovum. In one drop of semen there may be thousands of sperm moving around yet we know by the law of creation, one of those sperms is going to get to that little ovum first, the rest will not get there. So as long as they did not get there, they didn’t have the opportunity to come into manifestation and every time a sperm makes contact with an ovum we have this Soul force coming into manifestation and so throughout time all these Souls had to come into manifestation at one time. Now your scripture says a very simple statement, “Come let us make Man in our own image, male and female create ye them,” there’s no mention of Adam and Eve in that statement. When God breathed into Man the breath of life and Man became a living Soul and Man was given the power to go out and replenish and multiply and have dominion over the universe and that was the first creation. Telling us in a strange way that this whole cosmos is already occupied by beings in different levels of awareness, in different levels of expression. Then the second creation we see the idea of Adam and Eve coming into manifestation, that’s an entirely different things all together. Now we are caught up in the Adam and Eve movement (inaudible) trying to redeem ourselves out of this. 0:50 So where we are at this moment, we are like that prodigal son who went away from the father and got all the way down in the mud and was trying to get his way back. So there aren’t any new Souls being manufactured by God or created by God, it’s simple that they’re all there already in this whole cosmos and where we find ourselves in the interplay of karma and the involvement with the density of matter, this is our particular pattern we have to work out. So if we find on the planet earth more people appearing to be crowding in on us, it’s not really true because if all the sperm were to come into manifestation, the quantity that’s in the human being if all of them came into manifestation, it would be fantastic. Let alone their offspring and the continuous amount that will continue from the laws of mathematics, it’s an infinite number, you see. Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: Well take for instance where we came from today (inaudible) …so lots of things are being speeded up for Man. Audience: (Inaudible then gap in tape then general conversation). Adano: …I saw not his body but I saw the same bliss, the same inner light pass through the body in many shapes and forms, he appeared like a Tibetan, he appeared Jewish, and I can see myself looking at the spiritual energy looked back at each incarnation before him where saw the same pair of eyes, the same flowing back to me and I can feel the feelings of the different nationalities around the world. So really in this incarnation, in this particular body, I’m confronting the same divine consciousness again passing through so I’m not saying that his body is the form so that consciousness is passing through that body right then. Now in Yogananda realizing this, this is what I come to realize why he did not want me to come to see his body because this would not connect the things for me you see and he knew this and this is what a Master would know the thing that would do that. Though Yogananda was in the body and I had wonderful inner experiences with him but it was for me through his physical vehicle to experience that relationship, I had to wait for it to occur through another vehicle. Now when he went out of the body, I was pretty torn up too because I felt I really missed out and I should have gone and pushed everything (inaudible) and finally made contact but I obeyed simply because I trusted what the consciousness was telling me to do. So when Anand Swami came along (inaudible) on his body was not the connecting link yet Anand Swami was the man who gave me this initiation into Swami-hood. (Inaudible) yet when Master Charan Singh walked in the room, people said they saw, I didn’t see it, every time he looked at me there was a pink light going from him to by body. (Inaudible) I could see my incarnations and I could see what I confronted with in my previous life, (inaudible) looking at the Abbott who would give me the last instructions for that incarnation. (Inaudible). So I was living in consciousness in the experiences of previous lives, the last instructions to keep the consciousness going so in this incarnation, I was seeing the same thing now fulfilling itself. Now I’ve met other Masters, yet I didn’t have that relationship with them so I knew this was not their role, you understand? And each one will have this experience to know which one is fulfilling the last little (inaudible). Audience: What is the method to deal with interior thought or fears. Adano: The mind is connected to the body via the breath in a strange way. (Inaudible). If you are in a state of anger, you would breathe a certain way. If you are in a state of fear you’ll breathe a certain way. If you’re tired you’ll breath a certain way. So thoughts that come up in the mind are of two types: those that drain you and those that build you up which are positive. 1:00 Now if a thought is negative and persists then one of the ways is to counter it with the opposite thought and think of the opposite conditions. The second way is to try to analyze the negative thoughts, why it is there, try to understand what the negative thought really is. It would not exist in the mind unless it has something to teach us and maybe we don’t understand deep down inside of us what that negative thought represents. So if we try to analyze it, observe it, it may even begin to show something about ourselves. Now if we don’t want to be involved with it totally and we want to rise above it or transcend it then you observe yourself breathing. As you observe yourself breathing, the incoming breath makes a certain noise in your nostrils and the outgoing breath makes a certain noise in your nostrils. This noise or sound is the actual mantra of the breath passing through the nostrils and it sounds like “So Hong,” these are the sounds it makes “So Hong,” the incoming breath is “Hong,” and the outgoing one is “So.” “So Hong” means “I am He,” “I am the breath,” in Sanskrit it means that I am the breath, the breath and I are one so your sense of oneness is already identified with the breath. Now if you observe it coming in and you mentally repeat “Hong” and you wait until you feel the urge to breath it out, it will go by itself, don’t force it, and then it flows out and you mentally repeat “So” or “Sau” and then it goes out and when it goes out, you wait until it wants to come back in and you mentally “Hong.” This conscious observation shifts the wavelength of the brain from that beta level which that thought maybe persisting into the alpha level where you are free and you can clear and cancel it out. This simple technique was the technique that the Guru of Siddhartha, (inaudible), that is one of the Secret of the Golden Flower, that’s the technique of that book. It’s one of the oldest techniques in controlling restless mind, it was good in those days and it’s still good today because we’re still the same way, our breathing mechanism when the consciousness comes in and goes out. The only way you can know if it works, we can try it so let’s try it. You hear it? Your mind is just relating to it in terms of sounds that’s all, you don’t have to literally try to fight it, just mentally say “Hong Sau,” “Hang” is coming it, “Sau” is going out so in that way you can watch it coming in and going out and let your mind travel on that sound frequency. Now this this is the technique Gautama had, Siddhartha, (inaudible). Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: See pranayama, remember this in Sanskrit the word Prana is both transmitted as breath and life, this is the mistake most of the teachers are making, even the Hatha Yogis, they are making with the word Prana, breath and life, and Yama means control. So anytime you hear a person talk about something to do with the breath, they call it Pranayama. I’ve heard Hindus literally make this statement who are very educated and totally ignorant of what they’re saying in terms of it and they are so adamant, that say “that’s breath control.” Now breath control has nothing to do with life control, breath control is a deliberate attempt to hold your breath in for a certain amount of time by your own volition, to push it out at a certain amount of time for a certain amount of counts with your own volition and keep it out, and in breath control you have inhalation, pause, exhalation, pause. That means when you inhale you count it for a certain amount of time and you retain it for a certain amount of time. You exhale it for a certain amount of time and you hold it for a certain amount of time, that is breath control and that’s a deliberate action on your part to hold and exclude oxygen from your mechanism and there are myriads of techniques in Hatha Yoga and (inaudible), up to the point that they could even be called things that they don’t even really represent in the actual science. Now the same word means life control, now life control Pranayama has nothing to do with your consciousness trying to do anything for your breath. Your consciousness is merely an observer of the fact you are breathing, there’s a vast difference between you trying to stop your breath coming in, hold it in when it’s coming in, and push it out when it’s going out and holding it out. By the very nature of yourself, you’re going to breathe a certain way and you’re only going to breathe a certain amount of birth to death you know and it’s already numbered like the hairs of your head. Until it changes circuitry you’re not going to grow an extra hair designed by that circuitry and equally true until you change the circuit for this body, you’re not going to get an extra breath or hold back the next one, it’s already set up within the genes from the time you came into existence how many breaths is this system gonna take, how many foods it’s gonna eat, how many hours of sleep going to get, it’s all programmed in already. Now you were there when this was being programmed, your spiritual force field was there, that’s your spiritual nature is there (inaudible). So you may not be consciousness of it, you may not remember it but it was all there at the time when you came in (inaudible), the circuitry was designed to handle the unconsciousness. 1:10 So breath control has nothing to do with life control, life control is a conscious observation of the fact that you do breathe and not an unconscious experience. An unconscious experience happens to everybody (inaudible) that the breath is important in the unconscious way because it is responsible for the changes in your body every 24 hours, every 365 days, and every seven years there’s a physiological change brought on in the body by the breath in an unconscious way and that is the life changes in the cell. In a conscious way there’s a different thing going on so when you come down to observing your thoughts staying in your brain, and trying to correct them you have many techniques. One you can analyze it, explode it in your mind and see it for nothing. Two, you can try to drum it out by repeating some in the quantum prayer or mantra or multiple word or you can synchronize your consciousness with the incoming and outgoing breath which flushes it out. As a matter of fact, over the years it’s easy to flush it out because it flows out really fast that way, it shifts your brain from the beta wave to the alpha wave. (Inaudible). So if you watch the breath and don’t force your mind, you’re just watching it coming in, watching is a very important thing because it teaches your patience, it teaches yourself observation, it teaches you discernment, it teaches you discrimination, this is an interesting part of watching this breath. At the same time it calms the body down, it cools it down and it clears the wavelength by watching and observing and that’s the very first part of a meditation, self-observation, the very first true experience in meditation is observation, to observe yourself in this flow of vital life energy in you. Life is energy and consciousness is involved in observation so you are not breaking any rule or imposing any rules on your body, you’re merely observing how this mechanism flows and you’re synchronizing with the sound that it’s making so it’s very very scientific and very safe. In fact it will clear up a whole host of mental neurosis that other techniques can’t do. Now you want to try it, am I a good salesman for it? (Laughter). Audience: Why is God verified so much with the breath? Adano: The words a very very synonymous in their writings. “God breathed into Man the breath of life,” see these are three words, he didn’t say “God breathed into Man breath,” they said “God breathed into Man life,” it’s very important, it’s very scientific. Breath of life, “the breath of life into Man,” “God breathed the breath of life into Man and Man became a living Soul.” Now you can’t have life energy, that’s why they use the word Pranayama, you see Prana is the very first word that has two meanings in Sanskrit, life and breath, it’s translated both ways. The Pran is the vital life principle found within the principle of breathing. Now one can say “What is it we breathe in that keeps us alive?” Oxygen, well oxygen don’t keep a dead man alive and yet how would Jesus Christ bring back Lazarus to life, see? Yet oxygen is in the air and we need the oxygen to live right? There is something in the oxygen that we haven’t really understood as yet but it requires breathing to utilize oxygen so the two are interrelated it’s not the oxygen that’s really keeping us alive. The vital current, that is the sub-atomic energy which is the life force, the vital principle, that is locked up in the atom itself in that oxygen atom that is giving us life. Now we take in oxygen which flushes this system from its toxins and we emit carbon dioxide. Now carbon dioxide is very detrimental to our system you see. Now, but the extra atoms of oxygen, not the extra oxygen that we take in when we breathe in because we don’t use all the atoms of oxygen right away, some come in and some go in and actually flush the body out from its carbon dioxide state and there are a few that remain that nourish the centers, which are the endocrine system and the brain. This extra oxygen, this extra atoms that are locked up in the oxygen, they activate or rejuvenate the spinal centers when we are conscious because only the human brain can trigger it on a conscious level. Now in the unconscious level, those added oxygen atoms will require seven physical years to make changes in the cells so every seven years your body changes and after a while your body repeats the pattern every seven years in its makeup. Now in the awareness of the human being because breath, the art of breathing or the incoming pumping of the lungs is interrelated in the essence of the oxygen and the atoms in it, seems to infuse life then there’s consciousness. Now the dead man don’t breathe therefore the dead man is not conscious right? There’s no breathing and he’s not conscious but there is no light going in too at the same time, there are no atoms of the oxygen permeating his mechanism, yet when the Master Jesus went to activate this dead man, he’s got to put some kind of a power there that has nothing to do with the oxygen, his own conscious force field, his own ability to synchronize with that atom. Now if a man is dead he may have some blood in the body (gap in tape). 1:20 We really don’t live by breathing, highly evolved Yogis don’t breathe, they proved breath is not the means by which we live in, we live by vital life power and this vital life power is passing through oxygen and is utilized in an unconscious way. When we are conscious then we don’t have the need of breathing, we are drawing energy directly by photosynthesis, our body is nourished by this. “Man does not live by bread alone,” Man does not live by indirect forms of energy alone which is like oxygen and food. “But by every word” that means the vibratory rate from the Creative Intelligence passing through his body which the medulla oblongata which is called the Mouth of God in Man, Man is really living from there. So if he is conscious and that is to say the brain has to focus now on what it’s observing, the function of breathing is a secondary relationship and if he’s conscious of this relationship, he can pry the tracks in the mind from being stuck in the rut of unnecessary thought patterns or unnecessary ideas that seems to persist and don’t get out. Really the mind will not need to breathe if the body is not functioning but because the body functions by taking oxygen, this is an indirect way for the energy to come in. So let me say breathing and life seems to be related and they’re involved with God, it’s true, but it’s always the word “breath of life” the breathing involves the atomic energy of the life principle that is passing through us. Now the breath carries oxygen of a specific quanta and the life is life-trons. Now oxygen is an atomic principle utilizing proton and electron but the mere oxygen is insufficient to keep it alive, it’s the subatomic functions which are the life-trons, that’s a different function of those very same electrons now working within us that sustains us and keeps us alive. We have electrons, life-trons, and we have thought-trons. Now we couldn’t live if we didn’t have electrons to work on this chemical body in the form of the oxygen and if the subatomic function of the atom never permeates us, we couldn’t begin to live without the oxygen if we didn’t have the life-trons. Now, but we are not sustained merely by the life-trons, we are sustained by the thought-trons which is the thought, the very ID (idea?), that’s another subatomic energy that is holding us together. So Man is an ID (idea?) in God, you see we’re still a thought of God and we come to the final realization that we are all thoughts, the final realization is that this consciousness or Divine Intelligence is projecting us out of Himself by thought and the very very finest particles of matter where it has the quality of (inaudible) of Creative Intelligence. So that thought power, which is a super subatomic field now, very very fine, is below even subatomic in which we have the life-trons and then from the life-trons you have the coarse electron that is visible and can be observed. Now the coarse electron that is observed is an electron that is moving to group itself by magnetic action and is not motivated by its own self-propulsion because it doesn’t have a desire nature locked up in it. Whereas in the subatomic energy where it comes into the life-tron, it is self-propelled by its own inherent nature therefore it seems to possess what is called desire because the brain can trigger it to bring (inaudible), the brain has an ability to fire it because the brain does generate desire and desire is sensory stimuli in terms of electromagnetic reactions. So the brain does trigger the sub-atomic forms of the oxygen and that is the life-tron and it will group itself and mold itself but in as much as it will do that, again we come to the thought-trons. The thought-tron is the actual force field that triggers the life-tron and thought-tron now seems to have a volition of its own, seems to have a will of its own, a pattern of its own. Aside from being capable of self-propulsion, it seems to follow a definite plan of its own and this plan is to maintain certain geometrical shapes and cause these geometrical shapes to group themselves continuously all the time. So the Saints say God has a plan, God has a purpose, everything is following His design plan simply because these super subatomic forms are adhering to some prearranged magnetic frequency and does not deviate from it. This is why all the Masters say that God’s creation is perfect. God is already here as thought, as life, and as breath but when we look at Him as thought, as life, as breath, we have to look at Him on the three levels of the atomic function. The first level we’re looking at Him as the thought-tron, this is a super minute form. The next level is life-tron which is a sub, and then you have to look at Him as electrons which is final creation, the mechanical movement of breath. See this mechanical movement of breath is some way to relate to Him mechanically yet between within mechanical breath of oxygen, He is the life, and within that life, He is the thought principle or the mold or the archetypal pattern. See that’s the same thing Jung called Him, the archetypal pattern. So there is no real conflict but a thought of coordination between the term “breath” and term “life,” they are not in conflict, they are in coordination. Audience: Is God oxygen then? Adano: Well what else do you think He would be, one aspect of His nature? Let me show you something. Remember they say God is Spirit, Spirit is energy. Now oxygen is what? A gas, right? And what you term a gas when you explode the atomic charge? Energy. So energy in a state of motion in three levels: that is purpose, preservative, and formative. Purpose would be thought, preservative or continuative would be life, and formative would be electron or shape, design, the oxygen molecule itself. Now anytime we refer to the mind in mystic writings, we always refer to it as water, they use the word wave, the waves of the mind. There is never any mention of it being symbolically used except in the waves of water. Now, water is a composite of hydrogen and oxygen. Now, if you freeze water, it’s still composed of hydrogen and oxygen yet it’s called ice. If you cook water it’s still hydrogen and oxygen and you call it steam. And if you let it come back down by its own force field of gravity after it moves up into the air in the form of steam and vapor, it will come down back as rain, hydrogen and oxygen, it’s water. Now from the day this whole universe was created, not one drop of water has been added, not one drop of water has been taken away, and therefore no more oxygen, no more hydrogen has been added to the universe, it is all there at the same time. Audience: So oxygen is like a secondary force of… Adano: It is a physical expression of the life energy which is a subatomic function of the atom, which is again this physical expression of the thought-trons, which is the God principle itself, the Creative Intelligence. This is a trinity universe based upon thought, life, form. The thought itself is the Creative Intelligence which is the thought-tron, the life itself is the process that infuses everything to give it a living quality, and the form is what we see as the end product. We don’t go any further than the end product because as soon as we pop open the oxygen atom, that’s it. Now the extra atom, only a human body is capable of transmuting it, there is no other body that can transmute it back from electron, to life-tron, to thought-tron simply because the Creative Intelligence chose this particular flesh form for this transmuting principle. You see of all the flesh forms there are only two types, animal and man. There is plant life, there is mineral life but none of those others two can do the transformation of electron to life-tron to thought-tron. Man is the only thing that can do that because Man is an expression of the Audible Life Current, the variable life current that is audible and it’s passing through us and it interlocks with the formation of the oxygen and through the process of breathing, we trap the subatomic principles in it and absorb them and work with them. Now do you understand anything about laughing gas? Laughing is an expression of mind right? Gas is a gas of some kind of substance that you have to inhale that will trigger the condition of an attitude of laughing. Now what is the chemical properties of laughing gas? It’s nitrous oxide but you see you have an oxide, it’s nitrogen and oxygen but it still has to use the oxygen base for it will go into this mechanism to trigger a change in awareness of the behavior pattern of that individual so we’re dealing with a gas principle. Now we can’t get all strung out and say God is somebody sitting on a throne. Now are you familiar with the properties of hyperventilation? Getting more oxygen but what are some of the symptoms of hyperventilation? Changing of the consciousness and there are certain levels of hyperventilation where patterns of thinking are altered, certain thought patterns are actually altered by hyperventilation that they don’t…

1973 May - Marriage Retreat

Adano73_05MarriageRetreatQ2NW4 - …would never be there if it was not for grace. If you’re married it’s your total freedom, how could it be wrong when you’re married? Remember your scripture gives you the legitimate right when you are married, there’s no holes barred of what you do in the sex act when you’re married, it is when you are not married and you’re doing it against the will of your parents or against the violation of the truth. The truth is “When this man and woman has taken each other as one flesh.” Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: You’re simply living out your monastic incarnations and you’re going to castrate yourself too because when you’re in a monastery in a previous life or a nun or a monk you denied yourself and now when you come back in this incarnation in the married life, you’re gonna take up those same thought patterns in the form of birth control pills right up the vasectomy. You’re gonna do it to yourself because the thought is deeply impressed into the psyche, you cannot come out, you gotta live it out, mechanical too. That’s to show you why the energy is how you act, how you think, see? Now here we say we are making it more freer for the human being, we’re not making it freer for the human being, we’re simply giving him the opportunity to fulfill his unfinished thought pattern on a mechanical level. Audience: Gandhi for instance decided to live the life of celibacy even though he was married and so he had other ideas when he did that. Adano: Gandhi followed brahmacharya. Now it’s a big difference than when we say he followed celibacy. Celibacy is merely to say “I’m abstaining and having nothing to do with my wife,” that is not brahmacharya. The word brahmacharya does not mean celibacy, neither does it mean abstinence, it means self-control. Now self-control the word “self” which is the basic life principle and the control of that life principle by a breath process so that the body is synchronized. Now the whole tantra yoga is based on this science of self-control. Audience: Are you speaking of coming together, using breath techniques to master the energy? Adano: No, I didn’t say that. It is when you are married you have this right. Now I’m gonna tell you something about two people who I know personally. They were married by Yogananda when he was in the body. Before they met, these two individuals were very good friends and they met Yogananda and he said to them “Why don’t you get married, you’ll be going so long with each other?” They said “Master we we don’t want to get married because we don’t think we’re ready.” He says “When do you think you’re going to be ready, when you learn how to mess up your life? You think that’s freedom?” So they decided to get married. On the night of the wedding as soon as they came into the room, lie on the bed, they saw a light coming in the room and it started to rise from both of their feet and it goes right up to the sex organ and rising to their head and when this began to happen, their whole body went through all the feelings of perfect union and sex, they never touched each other. this went on for us almost two or three years, they spoke to the Master about it. The Master said “This is the way Man was supposed to live in the Garden of Eden” and he ended the conversation then. The husband and wife are very happy in that ecstatic transference of consciousness by touching all the inner movements but were never having the actual act of sex until one day one of them said “Let us find out for sure.” All right, when they did have the physical act what happened is simply this, the next night the light came up and stopped right below the sex organ and I never went any further and they felt very depleted. They could not get this energy to come up, they were tired but they released themselves through the normal channel. Then they went back to see Yogananda and when they went back to Yogananda he said “You will now have to learn how to rebuild your spiritual life by the sweat of your brow.” He says “Because you found out that you did not use it for the manifestation of a child.” When they had this experience to show them that this power does exist and that they could use this power for the bearing of children or could transform their body, they did not understand. And when they did use the actual act, then it depleted the energy. Well it took them seven years of meditation and diet and building their bodies up that the light started to come up again past the sexual organs right up to the head and they began to have experiences in Samadhi, which is the Kundalini energy going up and then they asked Master to work out a date for them to have a child and the Master worked out a date on two occasions. He said “You’ll have two children, one boy, one girl.” They’ve got two children, a boy and a girl. He says “From now on this force field is your enjoyment as long as you’re married, don’t waste it, know how to control it” and then they were able to have the normal act of sex along with that light going up but after they had their two children. Now I met those two people and they will tell you, if ever the Garden of Eden story is real, their life is an example of what it really is all about. Audience: Could they have children without the bodily sex acts? Adano: Yes, that’s why the light was rising up, that’s where immaculate conception comes in. The light was rising up in their bodies and they would have had the immaculate conception but they failed in it so they had to have two children by the normal conception method. Audience: Is it possible with the correct using of the energies to have contraception? In other words, why didn’t they have any more children? Adano: The Master told them that they’ll have two children. The energy is designed to bring forth children, your own personal use and pleasure again is within the married act. To use it outside of the married act and not for children, this is wasting it. Audience: But it’s not wrong within the marriage act? Adano: It’s not wrong within the marriage act becaus this is given and accepted by all the Masters, it’s accepted. You see Jesus would never make this statement, or any great teacher would never make the statement of acceptance, that when these two people have become one flesh, when they cut themselves off from their parents and become one flesh, they are themselves totally responsible and what they do is always done in moderation, not their abuse. Audience: They can expect no karma whatsoever if it’s done and not abused? Adano: Well first ask yourself who made marriage? Did Man make marriage or God made marriage? You’re asking of karma you’ve got to realize who the onus will fall on, who does the onus fall on? Does the onus fall on Man or it falls on God? Remember it is when the Lord God and he didn’t say “God made Man” he said “The Lord God made Man,” that is a big difference of who we’re talking about, the Lord God made Man and saw that it was not right for him to be alone so He decided to make a help-mate that indicated right away marriage was already perceived by the Lord God. So the Lord God realized that birds have their mate, animals have their mate, so Man would have a mate. So marriage was already a part of the process, it’s an accepted process. 0:10 Now why is God called the bridegroom, where do you use the word bridegroom in the first place? Only at a marriage. Audience: What about nuns, don’t they marry Christ? Adano: So that’s a spiritual marriage but in the nuns, it would be a genuine thing if they knew the actual science of transmuting the energy. They don’t know the actual science of transmuting, that is why there are so many diseases among them, they are simply abstaining and they are imposing the discipline upon themselves strictly from the churchianistic standpoint and not from the scientific standpoint. Audience: So a married couple might decide to impose a discipline them upon themselves for spiritual growth but they would have to do it according to a spiritual method of breath control that you were speaking of. Otherwise they could simply cause frustration and diseases and mental conditions? Adano: Yeah in their own body. You see Freud was searching for a technique to correct the malfunctioning of the sex act and the various diseases that occur by psychosomatic conditions in the sex act but he never studied yoga, he merely studied hypnosis and did not discover any technique for the correction. So when he wrote his writings on this sublimation of sex force, he never did complete it, he merely said this is not a force that should be wasted but he didn’t know how to use it or to sublimate it. It was Jung who studied yoga then realized that the archetypal patterns that we build up in our minds are triggering this force and unless we can correct these archetypal patterns in our mind, we don’t have a sublimation technique. So the sublimation technique is interdependent on the archetypal patterns with the breeding, that’s why he spent a great deal of time studying Hatha Yoga, Carl Jung. Carl Jung I would say is the only man who bridged but at the same time while he was writing, Ouspensky who was a student of Gurdjieff had already written man’s possible evolution via the sexual energy. See so both men were on the right track, they were taking their information from the yoga studies. See when you go back into the yoga studies, you see that this is an actual science they’re doing of sublimating the energy by control, brahmacharya, not abstinence but by self-control. The energy is actually transmuted because spiritual children are truly the type of children the parent wants to bring down and they don’t want to bring down children in which the feedback of the parents or their problems are imposed on the child, you see. Supposing now the parent when the mother is pregnant and all of a sudden the father and the mother has an argument at let’s say at two months the woman is pregnant and the argument is violent and the mother suppresses that and then all through the nine months she has different interactions, environmental changes, they’re forced to move because of the different job changes, many different things that impose pressure within that nine months. When you have the child and it’s born, you see all these symptoms appearing in that child’s makeup simply because he’s acting out these suppressed feelings. Audience: What about the child whose parents fought constantly? (Laughter). Adano: When the mother don’t like the child, the child don’t like the mother and they have this alienation going on and even when they grow right up to the mature age, they still have this alienation and even when they say “I don’t care for my mother or my father,” there is that alienation. Even if they want to forgive, they can’t forgive because of this energy is pulling back. Audience: They cannot forgive? Adano: I’ll show you why they can’t forgive. They can forgive psychologically but they can’t forget biologically because all right let’s say somebody does you a wrong, mentally you forgive them, that’s psychological right? When they walk in the room, something curls up in your stomach right? That’s biological not forgetfulness. You forgive them and they walk in the room tomorrow, you should really walk over and grab ahold of them and hug them and feel no animosity but the moment you got some physical interaction, your cells are not forgetting though your mind is forgiving. Audience: You’re describing my family. Audience: Through meditation can’t you um overcome that? Adano: It takes a very long time by meditation to overcome it, that doesn’t say meditation cannot, it does but it takes a while for meditation to overcome that because you have to study the various thought patterns that goes on in yourself biologically to break it. Audience: And the greatest thing is to feel love for the person. Audience: Adano, can I ask your about marriage? In the Aquarian Gospel of Christ it said that the marriage consummated by God is right. A priest can consummate a marriage that isn’t legal in God’s sight, how do we know this? Being Catholic I could never marry again and you could talk to any priest until you’re blue in the face but they’d never give you communion again. Now how do you find out which marriage, when you’ve been married four five and six times for instance like I’ve been married twice, if I ever want to get married again, how would I know which marriage was the one intended by God. Adano: You’re talking of a genetic principle now where you come to the marriage and you’re talking of the offspring imprint in the genes. My wife will tell you there’s a study that goes on, what’s that science about love about animals and the first imprint? Monogamy. If you breed a pedigree horse to a cheap looking cow (Audience laughing). You take a good quality object and connect it for the very first time to another creature of the same species but it is not of a good caliber, that imprint is left there. And if you if you breed the best creature after, it will never carry through proper lines because the the genetic conditions are changed now, that’s what they’re talking about. The imprint is left you see and this is what they’re trying to… but the churches have always tried to bar the idea of divorce and the action of the child being married should be a virgin. This has been over the centuries, Man has always wanted this process of carrying on lineage, the imprint is left from the very first marriage see and there’s always those traits carried over. Now this is what we call feedback, you understand, that’s why we’re saying that when the church took the idea they were looking at something from a genetic condition so they were against it but you see again in the church instead of coming out in those days and talking the information on the plain medical facts of what is going on, they hid it in a great deal of mystery and today now they are caught up in the feedback of that because society has changed so drastically from the understanding of themselves, they’re caught up. Audience: (Inaudible) 0:22 Audience: (Inaudible), what chakras? Adano: He’s the throat, sound, that’s why you give off sound from your throat. He will be teaching you the Sound Current, the system of the Sound Current, he makes you conscious of sound. Audience: Before we leave that I just want to ask you about (inaudible), what is the effects of that? Adano: It’s mechanical castration or carry over from the monastic life of imposing it upon yourself, you’re just carrying it into a mechanical level. Remember desire is the root cause of suffering and the root cause of karma. Now remember when you go back to your book of Genesis what did the Lord God call woman after after the act was supposed to have caused man to fall, He says “Woman, thy name is desire.” but it’s not woman, the female aspect of Man, “wo” the word that “wo” there is the “wo-man,” it’s referring to the womb-man. Man from the womb level, it’s triggered out from desire, the triggering of the womb-man is caused by desire. There are three types of Man: Atman, Manas, and Hu-man. Now we are in the Hu-man level which is a womb-man, we were at one time Manas, pure consciousness in being, we came down into hu-man. Now we have to work our way back to Manas, God, “Man should be as perfect as his Father which is in heaven” and the Father in heaven is Atman, he is beside man, He’s always outside of His creation, He’s not in his creation all the time only but He’s in and out of His creation. So “Man as” God is where we came from, Man as animal man is hu-man which we are right now from the dust of the earth. We were considered to be processed out from it so we go back into that process. You see Latin don’t have a root for the the metaphysical delination of Man, they use the word Homo you see and Man is English already using the word M-A-N now and to put a prefix of “Hu” which means animal in Sanskrit coming from Hanuman the monkey Man, that’s where we get the concept that Man evolved from monkeys. See our relationship has to do with Hanuman the monkey Man, “Hu” hu-man. Now Manas “Man as” Man should be as his Father, perfect, that is the level we should come go back to, we came from that level, that’s the perfect level for when Man was created before he dropped down into hu-man or monkey-man. Now to go past the level Man as his Father would be Atman, the pure Father state, that’s what you call the ascended state. So if we are living in this body which is hu-man, subject to all the animal tendencies of living in it and trying to raise ourselves up perfect as our Father, which is Manas, then we are resurrecting ourselves,”To him that overcometh, I will not send forth a second time” that means he doesn’t have to go down in hu-man level but he remain in Manas level, Manas level is the resurrected level but that’s not the end of his journey, his journey is ascension, Atman level, he’s still got to go back to God realization. Manas level is self-realization, he has to leave ego level of hu-man and go to Manas level as self-realized and when he achieves that then he has to move up to Atman level which is God realized, All this in human form. “If the Son of Man be lifted up, draw all men unto Me,” but Son of Man. Remember the Son of God is Man, God is Atman, and the Son of God is Man and the Son of Man is Hu-man, we are hu-man we are the Son of Man. That means at one time we were Man, perfect, when we got caught up in the idea of creating, coming back to the sex act, creating. Now they said the Sons of God or the Sons of Light saw the Daughters of Man were fear and took unto themselves wives, that’s a very peculiar statement in scripture. See if the Sons of God would be Man, pure Man, Man as God because God is Atman and the Son of Man would be Hu-man and the Daughters of Hu-man were fear so that means they interpose their their vibrancy into hu-man to become involved with hu-man and as they involved themselves, they had to come back down. Now it says and “God came unto His own,” who were his own? Man and “His own received Him not,” those were the ones who could not comprehend why this energy has to come back down but “As many as received Him,” that as many who are caught up now in the hu-man level, those were the ones who were going back. So we see this is the actual process the Creator uses, His own law, coming down from the Atman level, down into the hu-man level, and working through back, He must come down. Now the prodigal son is the same story, the prodigal son came down with his lineage, He’s Man coming down with his lineage from the Father, which is Atman and going out and squandering, that means using up the vital energy or projecting it, here we go back to the sex act being abused now, squandering it out, and found himself living off the husks of animals. So he’s caught up in the hu-man level, he can’t go any further than hu-man, so he lives like a hu-man which is worse than the animal because Man in this hu-man form has done more terrible things than the animal has done. Which animal thinks of a slapping his fellow Man in an atom bomb? Audience: But I’ve always wondered whether we should feel guilty about that or whether we should see it as an adventure? Adano: An adventure into killing? Audience: (Inaudible). Adano: That is good philosophy. We love to kid ourselves that we are co-creators. When the wave enters into the ocean, what does it become? So where are we? Audience: Co-creator with the ocean. Adano: Not possible, the wave has gone back into the ocean, only when there’s a big wind you got waves. Audience: I mean when we get back to God, we’ll lose our individuality completely. Adano: No you don’t lose your individuality, you gain your individuality. Audience: Alright then what is our relationship with God? Adano: Total oneness. One equal to one is equal to what? Individual is one, right? And if you become one, you gain your individuality, you don’t lose your individuality.

1973 September 1 - Simran Nutrition Chants Meditation

Adano73_09_01SimranNutritionChantsMeditationQ2 -

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Mind wandering is one of the basis of ineffective meditation. When the mind keeps wandering, it wants to go back outside. It can’t stay inside. The only way you can keep this mind steady and go back inside and keep it centered is doing that Simran, repeating that holy name, hallowing it, hallowing the name of the lord all the time. You get the mind centered, there is no other way, no other technique works sufficiently enough to keep the mind centered. Now, we can talk of it, hear about it, try a little bit everyday, you know, normal routine of living, but until we get into a session, like a retreat where it is hammered in every second, how much you can really get this mind to center itself, you cannot break that pattern. It will stay for you with years of mental drifting. It will always be there until you hammer at it. It is like trying to dig a hole through a rock wall with a nail, but this is exactly what is happening. Your mind is in levels, it offers tremendous resistance to any attempt to harness it or direct it. The five forces tug at you (earth, air, water, fire, and ether). Outside the skin they are in constant conflict. Inside the skin, they are forced to work in unison by the creative life principle which is audible life current, an ultrasonic frequency, the sound current that holds these forces like a rein. The will, your self being, centers with this audible current is the rider, that’s your conscience, not your consciousness. You can’t use consciousness to harness this power, you have to use the conscience to harness this power. So when you are meditating, you are taking your conscience into control to harness and hold the consciousness that is pulling that is under the sway of these five forces. You are result of these five forces. You are the audible life energy. Every form of label is only a mental relationship, it is not the real you. You call yourself man, yellow, black, etc. these are all labeling this vital energy which is you. But you can’t harness this energy until you can synchronize by pulling that conscience and by hammering it in with that sound. Therefore when you repeat the name, you are pulling it together because it is god itself. Sound waves are the key to harnessing life energy. God is not light, God is sound. His light is the result of his conscience focusing out. He is the audible sound. You have to hear it, feel it, and become identified with it. The holy names don’t have power by themselves. They gain their power from the very first individual who incorporates his being into that word. When he becomes realized, he can impart that energy into another being. These words now gain power. Then they repeat those words on that jet stream. There is a whole length of people, way ahead of you, who have surrendered their lives into that stream of energy and are acting as one. When you are meditating, you are pulling this whole stream in, it is like a tunnel and you are drawn into it and it starts pulling in. So you have all that ahead of you working for you… You have to break this ego pattern by the use of these words in your consciousness over and over until it becomes a working movement in your bloodstream. It needs to go on without effort. The lord is not going to show himself until you prove that you are willing to surrender every form of attachment to the outside world for this particular alignment. It is a very tough road, but it is the only natural road there is. Until we do it, we cannot gain self realization and when we synchronize with it, god realization. Birth is a gift. It ties the soul to the human body through he mind, at eye level. Nutrition is the basis of spirituality. Earthy nature foods = earth bound in the lower regions of the body. Watery nature = Also, procreative nature of the body. Fiery nature = intestinal area of the body. Airy foods = Chest of the body. Etheric foods = stay in the brain of the body. Nature designed us as a spiritual being. The highest food is fruit. It carries an alkaline base which is important for balance. 80% alkalinity / 20% acid. Too much acidity = disease. Difficult to be over alkaline, but very easy to become over acid… 12 Five rivers flowing from divine life are ether, air, fire, water, earth. The main one is ether, drawing beyond the desire level, repeating the name goes beyond desire. There is no other way the mind of man working through the brain would be capable of going beyond desire. That is why the holy name can break these desire patterns. Anything of value worth having requires a great deal of devotion and effort, don’t be fooled by its simplicity. The real test is to go through the process more and more and see how the mind is drawing you into the undercurrents of your nature. The ego is like a divine octopus, when you cut off one tentacle, 10 grow back. With one eye (“I”), you have to bear down on that “I” to knock it out. You have to have another word to knock out the importance of the “I.” So hallowing the name of the Lord diminishes the control of the “I-ness” allowing you to have control. Meditation is not to inflate the consciousness, but to center on the conscience. The conscience knows and reacts and responds. Until these are lined up, you will have constant conflict inside. Nutrition is very important, it discharges the body, it generates / charges the body, and it recharges the body. The highest quality is the fruit bordering on light and water, recharging. Charging foods are taken from the vine and cooked / spiced, it charges, but does not regenerate. 20 You have to slowly work at it to make the changes. With nutrition, you must have corrective mechanical movement / postures. Right posture keeps the consciousness at the eye level and opens the consciousness and prevents gases from accumulating. Boredom is the first indication of incorrect posture in meditation, they increase after awhile. The third condition is the stiffness, here to need massage. This is due to the accumulation of gases in certain areas. Disease is the result of breaking the natural law of karma which designed this body. The spiritual life is purification of the physical frame that has been clogged up by wrong thought pattern, nutritional patterns, and wrong contact patterns. These movements tend to block the energy… 0:28 Consciousness is your awareness through your five senses to relate to the environ which you live in. Conscience is the Beingness of your nature in which you have to live all the time with. Now you can have mental tug of war in making decisions with your mind, but if you’re gonna make a final decision to act it, it’s your conscience that will make that decision and not your consciousness. If you have to make a choice by your consciousness, you will start to debate with yourself, “should I or should I not?” That dualistic condition exists in your consciousness and by virtue of past experience, your conscience will make the final decision for you to act and whenever you act it out whatever happens from that action, that is what you got to live with. That’s the sum total of you, not your consciousness, but your conscience because you will have to carry the memory of it and there is where you made the decision from, it’s made from the decision of a memory pattern, you see. Your conscience is your memory patterns locked up already and because you never hear the words “guilty consciousness,” “guilty conscience.” You are suffering with a guilty what? Conscience, not a consciousness. You see the consciousness can never be guilty, consciousness is a dualistic movement in us, allowing us to make a choice, but whenever we make the choice in the final action of allowing the body to experience, this is determined by conscience. 0:30 Your conscience made you do it now, “this goes against my conscience,” it does not go against my consciousness because you have to act it and when you act it you are releasing the energy which comes from the conscience because the conscience is the harness, it’s the operator of the audible life energy in you, not the consciousness. The consciousness is merely the carriage, but the actual leverage, the actual power that is pulling, the actual controlling principle in you that is really you, is conscience. So when we say we are trying to contact God or realize God in ourselves, we’re actually trying to live with our conscience. We’re not living with our consciousness you see. Consciousness is the field, it’s the ground in which all things take place, but when the action occurs, it’s in your conscience that you have to live with. So conscience is Beingness and consciousness is awareness. It’s a vast difference between the two. Now consciousness is a stepping stone to Beingness, you need consciousness to recognize your Beingness, but any decision to act and release life into motion through this mechanism, that is determined by conscience. 35 Making butter with a golden versus a wooden spoon, no difference. It is the repetition that is important. Gentle, effortless movement is the key, repeating the holy name with a slow constantly. In a moment, that whole cream will turn to butter, the mind wandering will stabilize. The gentle gradual action of doing it. That is what devotion is. Centering the mind to the natural gradual process of repetition. Doing it with love, knowing that you are talking to the lord inside of you. This gradual entreatment is the devotion… 40 Love is constancy, it is neutral, not negative or positive. Our of my love came forth a universe / pull back the universe into myself… Love has no conditions, it is pure / unconditional / withdrawn / detached. It is not cold or oppressive. Affection has conditions… We must make contact with the projection to get back to the neutral state, the Christ state in creation, not the man Jesus. The only begotten son, the only manifested expression of it. None come unto the father, but by me. You cannot be for me and be for mammon. You can’t want the god self and still crave for the physical self… 45 It says to love your neighbor as yourself, you have to know yourself first, to be realized in god first. That has no condition… The realized man is the man who knows himself. 50 You can create a new holy name, but you have to live a whole life experience to give power to that thing. “Thou art my life” chant was composed by a man who spent his entire life chanting that from the moment he woke up to the moment he died. Not a single thing else. 53 (Gap in tape for meditation) Chanting Om. 1:01 Chanting “In all pervading silence, he whispers I am here…” 1:05 Chants “So do thou my lord, thou and I never apart, wave of the sea dissolve in the sea. I am the bubble make me the sea.” 1:13 The only way you can hold the mind to do hours of meditation through which the soul can be experienced, it by hallowing the name. There is no other technique superior than hallowing the name. Identifying your life stream with it. The purpose of connecting the soul with god through the radiant form of the master is what meditation is involved… Emphasizing prayer unceasingly, simran, it is that consistency of the consciousness to break the shell of the ego. It can’t get into that state until it surrenders… Our ego is so strong, it thinks it has the answers to the spirit. If it did, we would all be god realized. That is why we keep searching for different schools of meaning. The word is not important, it is the repetition. 1:20 It is based on the principle of repeating until you become identified with the audible life current which is what our consciousness is based on also… We don’t even know what the devil or god is. The mind keeps playing games with itself, searching for identity, but when it settles down and becomes one with the consistent devotion that is going on in it. Then that mind experiences self realization, not god realization. There is a vast difference between self and god realization. Self realization brings you to the point of aligning your brain with that energy in the form of a sound and when you hear it, you begin to lose your ego / self personality. You feel oneness. God realization is beyond that. We have to start to travel up the levels of consciousness from self realization to god realization (the fifth level). No one can go into that fifth level by himself. The soul, by its own nature, has the brilliance of 12 suns. If it does not attach itself to any desire, it can only get to 13 suns. But this is not enough to get past the darkness of the fourth level into the universal sound field which is all ultrasonic waves. The the lord of creation keeps it there. It takes a realized soul with the brilliance of 24 suns that comes down from the highest level to the fourth level to open the way for the soul to perceive this brilliance and walk through this field of pure sound waves to bring that soul up. You can only get there through simran / hallowing the name. This is the only key that can get us past that level. The only way we can trust these saints is by doing it. You have to beat the cream, slowly methodically, to get it to become cream. The paddle is the mantra, it means nothing. It is the consistency of turning, the repetition of the motion, that creates the result. A certain amount of repetitions make it change. Equally true for the human brain, it has to have the constant impingement hammering away inside to bring it to that point of crystallization. Once you have experienced that breakthrough, you have experienced self realization.

Adano73_09_02_1MeditationNutritionPrayerQ2 - Consciousness aligned with conscience, Simran / Japa as consistent repetition of vibration, doing Simran with love vs. mechanically, master teaching Simran and Bajan only, seven charkas of the human body (sound, light, ether, air, fire, liquid, matter), Guru Nanak and the Hindus / Moslems, food important to meditation. 0:48 Free will is an illusive condition, it’s only something that the mind is working with. Now we are forced to realize through our meditation the humility of the spiritual life. “He that do the will of the Lord is my brother,” that’s humility already. “He that followeth in my words is my disciple,” that’s humility. So this shows us we have no free will but we entertain the thought and we struggle to exert some initiative in our affairs but this is all karmic. The affairs of our lives are already setup for us to work it out and in spite of our good intentions, we are pushed along towards destiny by the love of God to face it and we will make it in spite of ourselves. This is another interesting law about the life. We may think we will not make it and we will get into all states of frenzy yet in spite of ourselves, in spite of our ego nature, our personality make-up, we will get to that particular level of experience designed for us, destined for us, by Divine Will. Even Master Jesus knew this when He said, “Father remove this cup but not my will by Thy will be done.” My will is the ego will of the flesh, body, craving to block out the experience, but Divine Will is the confrontation, the actual living out of the experience. We can presuppose many things in our minds but not until we live it and go through it do we realize that it’s all law, all Divine Principle, it’s all set to happen that way. 0:50 Now once it’s finished and happen, it may not be to your liking and you may say to yourself, “I wish it turn out different,” but if it was going to turn out different, you would have had it, and since it didn’t turn out different, you don’t have it. So the mind plays this game, “If I had a second chance I would have done better.” Given a second chance, it may not do better, it might do exactly the same thing. There’s a story in the East, it says a certain man was carrying a bag on his back, it’s very heavy and he came to the temple of Shiva and he said to Lord Shiva, “Why do I have to carry such a big burden on my back? I would sure like to carry a smaller bag.” So the statue in the temple spoke and said to him, “Before my feet there are many bags of various sizes, pickup the one you think you can carry and it’s yours.” So that made the man very happy, he put down the bag that he was carrying and began looking around. So he picked up the smallest one but he couldn’t lift it off the ground. He went to the next smallest, bigger than that, he couldn’t lift that and after about an hour trying each bag, he finally end up picking up his own bag. It was the only bag he could pick up. So he said, “How is that?” Then the statue said, “You see, your burden was already weighed out for you according to your shape and your form and all your conditions. So now carry it and don’t argue.” 0:52 Our life patterns are already programmed in by this recorder, the architect, the designer programmed the circuitry before it was put together and that’s the uniqueness of the Divine Principle. Our mechanism, our karmic relationships, are all setup from the past life and they’re merely put together in the process of the pregnancy in the mother’s womb and the realization comes out and now we have to live it but we don’t know what we program in and this is the constant surprise. If we knew what we had program into this body before we came in, we would not do anything. Since we don’t know, this is what surprises us and if we knew what to do before we came in, carried the memory with us, we will sit down and just be happy knowing that everything will fall into place then what would happen? People would get bored with you because you know it all. So in spite of knowing it all, you can’t please anybody and in fact that you don’t know it all, you still can’t please yourself and anybody. So the principle is surprise, the art of learning to live with the constant surprise. If you knew it all, you wouldn’t do anything, you sit there just knowing it’s going to happen and that’s it and then after awhile you become a freak and since you don’t know it, what’s gonna happen, this is the surprise, this is the challenge, this is the anguish, but this is the joy at the same time because when it does happen, you are joyful, it could be worse in your mind. You see it could always turn out worse, but since it didn’t turn out worse you’re happy. That is the whole essence of the existence. The Divine Law puts us in that position to learn that lesson. 0:55 Meditation is to help us to stabilize our cells so that we can live moment to moment without the anguish, without the tension, without the insecurities and the fears, and the only real security we have in this physical frame that is made up of five elements… is Love. That’s the only security you have. Loving the Lord, the Audible Life Current with all of your mind, with all of your strength, with your whole being and soul and your heart. That’s all you really have, that’s all everybody has, but this is not what everybody wants and this is not what everybody is expecting to hear simply because the mind is looking for something tangible in this physical world as a sort of an anchorage to identify with it and since there is nothing in this physical world that is tangible to identify with, the mind does not wander, the mind feels cheated so it searches and searches, it even searches for human form and what does the human form says? “The Father in me doeth everything, I of myself cannot do anything.” The form itself tells us, don’t rely on it, rely on the God in you, rely on the Love inside, rely on the Spirit, learn to rely on the intangible force within yourself, learn to place more emphasis on that, put more trust in that force. 0:57 The mind wants something to relate to, what that force should look like, and the only thing that we have that the mind could be satisfied with is a Saint, a Spiritual Teacher. He is supposed to be the embodiment of that love and that is what the mind is searching for, but even the teacher will tell us, “Call no man Master save the Lord which is in you.” Learn to realize your own God-self, learn to master yourself, learn to experience your own God Realization, make the attempt to realize that. So meditation is a direct contact between you and the God-self, between that restless state and the state of peace and tranquility. All things are working through you by that grace and once you realize it, it falls in place. The only reason why we can’t seem to get along with it is that we are impatient. If we knew the exact timing of how each thing would fall into place mathematically before it does happen, we never do anything, but because we don’t know the exact timing, how it mathematically falls into place, the surprise element is what makes us reach out and this is what gives us the strength, it gives us the love, it gives us the devotion, it keeps us humble. The humbleness, the humility is the anticipation, the not knowing. 0:59 Jesus put it another way, He says, “Meekly wait and don’t murmur.” Don’t grumble, be patient, wait, watch, listen, feel, this is the hardest attitude to develop, but meditation is the only process you have and the only way you can make it work is by hallowing the Name inside, repeating the Name inside, and listening to the Sound Currents and seeing the Light and this puts you in the attentive mood, it puts you in the receptive mood, and it allows you to become patient for the first time. Patience is not an easy process to develop, it carries a great deal of frustration with it, a great deal of anxieties, a great deal of disappointments, but because these challenges exist this is what makes patience a real experience. Otherwise patience would be a unreal experience, it would be imaginative because we go through these traumatic conditions in our lives, patience become a real thing. After awhile you find that you can handle situations over and over of the same nature much more calmly than you did before when you first encountered them and this is the process that is being applied. The process is to discover how patient you can be by constantly putting you to the test, putting you under the exposure of it. When you think you’re going fine and there’s nothing to oppose your mind, that’s the time you’re going to be tested and that’s the time when the process is going to work. That particular condition is going to come there to test you. 1:01 Now ten months ago that same thing might be there and you may flare up, ten months after that same condition comes back you don’t flare up. You begin to seem to have more self control over the situation. You take it with much more ease, this is the patience, this is the growth, this is the reality, and everyday you will discover that that’s what you’re getting stronger in and nothing else. You’re getting stronger in the ability to handle shock, to handle confrontation, to live with confrontation, to grow with confrontation, and that is patience and that is the faith, that is the confidence that this life principle that sustains you is flowing through you for the first time and you will have the confidence in it that things will work out. Now we can give the credit to many things, but the credit still goes back to the Divine Self, that higher nature that works in everything, that’s where the final credit goes to. When we surrender to it and we accept it, it flows through us without interruption. The experience brings us joy, it brings us harmony, and the only way we can vouch for it we gotta live it. We can’t say it by reading it because we wouldn’t know what it is to feel it, but when we feel it and live it, then we can vouch for it, and by living it you can pass it or transfer it to another person who is searching for it. Each one of us is giving a portion of his faith or confidence or certitude of life to another by living it. 1:03 When they ask for it they can feel it, they can experience it, they can recognize it and this is what you’re really getting down to, you’re getting down to your conscience, how to live with your conscience, not you consciousness. Your consciousness plays games with you all the time, every dualistic movement is in your consciousness, but your conscience is the only thing that you can fall back on and really feel secure and that state of security is humility, you conscience makes you humble all the time. Whenever you confront your conscience, you are forced to be humble and in meditation exposes this within you pretty fast. You got doubts about your humility? Confront your conscience, you learn how fast it works. Path of the Masters is very simple, it’s based on action, it’s not based on writing, it’s not based on reading or talking, it’s based on action and the journey begins here at the point above the eyes, at the eye center, of watching, hallowing the Name, and listening to the Sound Current. The Sound Currents are ultrasonic and the light inside carries the radiant form of the Masters. 1:05 That radiant form of that Divine Self is inside and you have to see it, you can’t imagine it, it’s there, it exists in spite of ourselves that we don’t even know it exists, it’s there and the only proof we have is to experience it. Like somebody telling you what a mango tastes like, but until you put a piece of mango in your mouth you would never know what a mango tastes like. Equally true until you see the radiant form inside, you would not know what the radiant form really is all about. Equally when you read the term, “When two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst” but until you can see that radiant form, it doesn’t mean a single thing to you. The radiant form of a Master or Saint is the evidence you have of your meditative life and you have to work to see it, you have to work to hear that Sound Current and the evidence comes from effort. 1:07 Audience: (inaudible) Adano: Nature has designed fruits to be eaten all times of the day. Audience: Different fruits at different times of the day? Adano: Yes she has provided fruits for every period of the day. In the morning she has provided fruits that grow on the trees and in the middle of the day, she’s provided fruits that grow on the vine, on the ground. Well let’s give an example, on the trees you have your apples, your pears, your peaches and so forth and you have your citrus fruits, and in the middle of the day you have all your melons, your cantaloupes, your berries and strawberries, at evening time she provides you the cactus family, pineapple. So by her own design and by the way she grows them in that design, she has already setup your pattern of spirituality for you by making you a fruitarian. Audience: Where do you get your protein from? Adano: Protein is in the air. Audience: Where? Adano: Protein is in the air. The highest protein you have is in the fruit nut. The nut itself has the highest protein. Excuse me for a second. (Gap in tape). Nuts provide you the protein you need and they’re in the air and your seeds provide you the protein again. You’ll notice that protein is the building block of the body and the archetypal nature of the Creator places the pattern in the building block so the building block carries the pattern that builds your body so the building block of the plant is in the seed. So the nut would be the ideal location and source of protein and if you were to eat from the three periods of the day the very same seeds and nuts, you would have all the protein you need. 1:09 Now the animal gets the protein from eating the plant life and incorporates it into his own body and synthesizes it for his own use and we turn around and eat the animal to get his protein which is second hand protein. What we are actually eating from the animal is the amino acids that are necessary for the body which are all brought together by his ingestion process. Now he eats one type of food to produce this whole process. We have to eat in the three periods of the day the various types of protein to make this ingestion process bring out all the amino acids and we can get all of them from the three periods of the day: fruits up in the trees high off the ground, those on the surface, and those under. They are brought together for the first time in the human body and they are ingested and they have the amino acids. So we are getting our amino acids and protein in the three periods of the day from the three types of food. Audience: Could you live on fruits more? Adano: Yes you can live on fruits eventually but do not advocate this at the start of your spiritual growth. We have committed a karma a long time ago by being involved in the earth process, in the water process, in the fire process, in the air process, and the ether process. Let alone you have violated the sound process and the light process so you have seven karmas to work out and you just can’t up and change over and master all these karmas because these are where your karmas come from, they come from the violation of these seven forces. We are freed from the five at the point of the eyebrow when we keep our minds here, we help to diminish the pull of them and so we live on the light and the sound and that helps us to work out and cancel out the commitments to the five of earth, water, fire, air, ether. 1:11 Now plants utilize water and the earth, the birds utilize water, earth, and fire, seafood they also utilize the earth, water, and the fire, and the birds also utilize the air because they fly. Animals utilize the air because they walk around and breathe with their lungs. Only Man utilizes ether, that is the conscious wavelengths of his consciousness and Man at one time was a canibal, therefore he violated that too by eating his fellow man. He ate the ether, he broke the ether laws. Now we come to the point, he’s got to make compensation. Man has to make compensation for all those laws that he broke at one time and therefore he’s forced to go back through the process of elimination. Now we go up gradually by the elimination of certain types of food from our dietary patterns until we are competent to handle those of a higher nature. 1:13 Since we’ve been eating flesh products over the years and we’re brought up into a society where it’s predominant, we have to slowly rid ourselves of that. We can’t do it overnight, we have to make the adjustments and we begin with quantity, then type. In that way we are ridding the system of the poisons and the toxins that are being built up in the body from the wrong eating and we will find that a famous quotation will come to us from the scriptures that say, “It’s not what you eat that defiles you but what comes out of you will defile you.” This has nothing to do with nutrition, it has to do with consciousness. We eat water, fire, earth, air, ether, the very five forces that constitute our mechanism, but what comes out of us is ether all the time, thought energy that is misapplied in the form of language, it’s coming out from the sound currents. If you wanna say something to somebody, you still have to use the etheric energy, you still have to draw from the sound waves and that’s the audible life current. Therefore every word that we utter is a expended energy from the audible life current to which we are accounted for. Therefore we are then liable for the manifestation of our thoughts. Our friend there went towards California not too long ago he’s sitting there in the back, Mr. Kimlico, and he’s often heard me talk about the power of words and he had some experiences to see what really words do in human lives versus what people eat. Frank you’d like to relate a little story to them? 1:15 Story about words manifesting, protein and amino acids (meat vs. vegetables), Cayce and anti cancer foods

Adano73_09_02_2MeditationNutritionPrayerQ2 - Good info on liver (garlic clove, 1 tsp olive oil, 2 drops lemon juice before bedtime) and kidney flush (watermelon juice). Fasting suggestions. Recipe suggestions with various food such as pumpkin, raw food is better, saints and the five cosmodynes, issues becoming vegetarian / stopping smoking, alcohol and the gyroscopic movement of the brain, movement of energy in the body, saints are focused on the flow which makes the aura bright and not occluded. Angels wings are a representation of their energy movement of their electrical body, like a figure eight. Astral of 19 elements, ideational body of 35 elements, manifested / unmanifested body, 72 names of god is related. Moving energy by touch, laying on of hands. Lining up the spinal movement and becoming a magnet (spinal cord). Reservoir of the body (cava, menengis) is the center. Jesus was born in a manger. Life issues from the neutral pole. Christ consciousness as shifting the energy from the naval to the forehead. The relation of food to levels of consciousness. Pulsars in space travel twice the speed of light. Extremely dense. Man can look at the point between the eyebrows and monitor the subatomic nature of the mind through meditation. Guy in Israel who demonstrated one the principles of consciousness. Matter acting on matter (hell). Energy acting on matter (subtle forces). Consciousness acting on matter, praying for healing. Energy acting on energy. The great saints use consciousness acting on energy (earth, water, air, fire, ether). The great magnetic healers are vegetarians. Nutrition is also what we think, read, see. Music is food for the soul. Ideational substances: example of Italian and Indian erotic art. Music is the sound current (in the highest realms of creation it is all sound). Crystallized matter is a result of ultrasonic waves coming down into energy. Stories about saints and photographs. Minerals and body functions. Olive oil goes through the skin into the blood. Sea vegetables are good for the brain. Mix olive oil with peanut oil to use it as a carrier for the peanut oil. Raw peanuts are better. More about liver cleanser.

Adano73_09_03MeditationNW1 - Alignment of mind with regions of consciousness. Surgery (cutting) on the body in meditation without anesthetic. Biological progress is the real goal of meditation, not psychological. Imprinting in the cells by meditation. Story from Yogananda about Saint whose arm was cutoff. Functioning from conscience, the intuitive levels. The Door of Realization point between the eyebrows. He who does not enter by the door is a thief, stealing from himself. Ethical process is very dreary, we don’t stick it out. Story of Dr Alpert and Dr Leary and LSD. But Alpert discovered through his spiritual teacher that LSD was not the door. Milk and Honey from the Medulla and Pineal of the brain combine in the Pituitary to feed the body (one drop a year usually, but more from meditation), Birth & Death pre-aligned by Initiates, Suicide, Judas grew under Romans, part of underground, Went to sell out.

Adano73_09_05PlanetaryInfluenceQ2 - Comet / Humility / Identifying Avatar of the Soul. Influence of the Comet on Environment, People, Moods, etc., life in the universe, day of creation (314 million^10), Planets changing into Suns, Planet Vulcan (beyond Pluto), Three Rings Pass Not and God Realization, rivers of magnetic currents in the universe. Insects and Negative Thoughts, UFO’s; “entity life;” the Yugas; astronomy; Haley’s Comet; How Joshua stopped the Sun; We don’t have all the physical facts about man being on this earth: This is not his home! The offspring of the Lord of the Soul as “The Els.” Stiffed-necked race, the lotus and man’s brain. The swan in the brain: Paramahansa; the levels of consciousness: jivan mukta; only 1 or 2 masters, but lots of Paramahansa’s; Who is avatar of the soul (will never tell about themselves) v. of creation (will tell); Inheritance of the soul; Inventiveness (creation), Beingness (soul).

Adano73_09_07GodRealizationQ3NW2 -

Adano73_09_07RelationshipMeditationNutritionQ2 - Going to the 4th realm by self-efforts, upper regions can’t be done alone. Vegetarian and fruit diet. Meditation. Repetition; Lord of the Soul v. lord of creation. The 5 basic principles that bind the soul; Harnessing the mind, The light that comes on by itself. The 3 gunas. The Sound Current. The Sin of the Holy Spirit: not hearing the S.C., highest ceremony of any religion is centered on food (Jewish-Satar), Karma of foods, identifying a real Master. 8 Levels of this Abode, Lord of the Soul outside of time, Beingness as ultrasonics, mind as a tool of the Soul, Soundless Range of Pure Energy (no light), best Karma as Seva (liberating Karma), diamond body, “good” sounds: bell, bagpipes, etc., consciousness (self-realization, avoidance) v. conscience (God-realization, maintains), God Realized man as a filter of the sound field, Christ & Peter as spiritual development. St. Paul at the 8th level, God Realization v. Self-Realization, Masters adjusting Karma, Body as Resistance to Life Flow, Master as Electrolytic Capacitor, Frequencies & Relationship w/ Master, changing consciousness through conscience (harassment = growth).

Adano73_09_07SurvivalQ2NW1 -

Adano73_09_07SurvivalQ4 - Questions and Answers, fluoride, chlorine, olive oil, preparing for natural disasters, merchants (v. politicians) making wars. Giving time / prayer to help others, storing staple foods in case of natural disasters, National Karma, Initiates and Survival, being in the right place at the right time. 0:47 Remember this, a great many people are going to be protected by their own prayers and their love for Jesus too you know. A great many are gonna be protected in their prayers by their love for Mohammed too and a great deal are going to be protected in their prayers by their love for Buddha too and the Initiate is gonna be protected by the whole shebang… 0:53 Alright, this is what we are trying to show, that the Initiate under his moment of stress is still protected… 0:55 We are born in a certain area to fulfill or work out certain karmic debts with certain individuals and even if the cataclysms are falling on our heads by the thousands every minute, if it’s not for you to go that way, you will be protected by the Masters. Do you understand now? It has to do with the karmic conditions. Audience: (inaudible) protect all sorts of people who are not Initiates? Adano: Yes because their karma is involved in it (inaudible)… 0:58 So if you are in a sense trusting in the Divine survival nature of your being, you will be protected even if you’re not an Initiate… 0:59 Anyway for a little consolation as a non-Initiate, let me put it this way, you would not be a human being in your present body form if you didn’t deserve to be here because you’re the only sperm that became you, you see?

Adano73_09_08_4MeditationSurvivalQ3NW1 - Babies and Sound Current, Bhajan Chairs, Astral Projection, Master as fisherman (frying pan or bucket to swim around), God as light and sound, Akashic record and experiences of different lifetimes, waking up from the Dream, Babaji, Lahiri Mayasha, and Dreams, Edgar Cayce, Ego as energy going out, Devotion as energy going in. Auras, Honeymoon, true meaning of Adultery (adulteration), mastering Ego. Survival foods (Margaret), danger from comet (crops, insects, etc.), defense field of gravitation field of the Earth (110 miles), storing food for natural disasters, Comet is a Pulsar from Crab Nebula (speed as twice the speed of light, etc.), Margaret talks about Psalms. Psalms as Psi (extrasensory) – Alm (Aid), extrasensory aid available through repetition, power of Saints (realization in God) to control environment / weather. Atomsphere v. atmosphere, Panic as killer (book of Revelations – Four Horsemen), Thinking triggering off energy (subatomic), panic (people will kill for food), using pain to develop will power.

Adano73_09_08MeditationSurvivalQ2 -

Adano73_10_25SatGuruQ2 -

Adano73_10_26RocklandMassQ2 - And the oneness with the spirit you have to hear it because it’s the audible life stream within the body. The mind wanders all the time. The mind thinks in its own level that it knows and it can assume and recognize what God is and the mind tries to describe to itself what it feels God can be from its own outward education and from its outward acceptance of life, but that’s dualistic. That is the phenomenal part of the mind. That is the conscious part that is functioning, that’s your consciousness. It’s only your conscience, which is the realistic part of you, the real part of you, the survival part of you, the part that continues from life form to life form, gathering experiences. That part stays in the background observing the masquerade of the consciousness, observing how the consciousness is going through all types of evasion and questions and answers. Eventually that conscience comes to the decision, there really is nothing out there or inside. It’s a peculiar game, how this conscience comes to this decision because we don’t see anything, we don’t hear anything, and nothing dramatic has happened. So right away, the conscience suddenly gives the impression to the consciousness, “See, you’re wasting your time, there’s really nothing here but me, conscience.” How many of us have not arrived at that state or have arrived at that state? Most of us have arrived at that state, but that’s where the journey really begins because when you break through that level by trusting the conscience to be receptive and let loose, turn loose this inner peace, then we begin to get the inner experience of the life principal flowing within us and the first experience we do have is the disassociation of the body and the sense of oneness with the spirit. When this comes, we can’t live with the experience because we usually see ourselves inside of ourselves and outside of ourselves and that’s a shock to the brain that God has become you. This life principal has become you. Therefore it recedes from that level and comes down back to the consciousness level and tries to pickup activity as a means of survival, as a means of importance. It tends to relate to the outside world because the inside world doesn’t go any further than the oneness of the spirit. The outside world seems to be more attractive. The craving and the desire nature to expend energy has been important. Its importance is only temporary in terms of our breathing, in terms of our commitments and our responsibilities, but that’s where we get our so called “ego drive” because we feel that we got to be doing something outside in order to make waves in the ocean of life and then we will become important individuals and we stand out like a sore thumb in society, either we are accepted or rejected by it. We live with the illusion that action on the outside is realization. Action on the outside is not realization. Action on the outside is merely fulfilling desires for lack of comprehension which your conscience and your consciousness.

Adano73_10_27ChanningHallQ3 -

Adano73_10_28ButterflyQ3 -

Adano73_10_29SatsangaMassQ3 -

Adano73_EmergenceQ1NW1 -

Adano73_NutritionTherapyQ4NW1 -

Adano73_StresspointsColorEnergyRecyclingQ2 - Stress in the body and meditation, East v. West meditation (vegetarian / positions / lifestyle stress), physics effects of meditation (regeneration), Adano does recycling / meditation (excellent), meditation as pure vitality / removing stress, meditation breaking down suppressed tensions that interferes with bliss, master as person who has synchronized with the flow (wisdom not knowledge), drunk meeting Yogananda. Meditation and body relaxation, therapy techniques, finding sore spots and tension, “pain gate” at the medulla oblongata, mental / extrasensory levels through massage, meditation refining the body mechanism, healer “seeing” meridians on the body. Conditions of the body appearing as Death, Jesus and Gyrus’s (sp?) daughter (death states), Jesus freeing Lazarus from desire pattern through death, meridian lines of the body, therapy through mind energy.

Adano74_00HouseholderRetreatQ3 - Wheel (people) / axle (God) related through Beingness, Seva and savior, masters in agreement about peace, intuitive nature of man as master conscious, God as bliss existing within you, a Saint as a Sane man who has achieved eternal patience, Saint is human being whose life has been transformed by ethical principles, crystallizing thought at will, living in universe of time, meditation acronym, Art of conscious death, turning off vital energy (heart / lungs) at will, religion=Celestial Harmony (binding back to Creator), human body as best thing around for Spirit, Illusion of Time. Creator spoke before light, everything in relative world synchronized though time, Masters and timing, photo finish. Master word as unchangeable no matter what happens to the Universe, reincarnation v. resurrection, Jesus had to be asked for miracles (No ego), ego as hurrying to do sometime too fast, master working with people who are humble and karmically linked.

Adano74_1EasterQ1NW4 -

1974 Part 2 - Easter Chants

Adano74_2EasterChantsQ1NW4 - Chants and explanations: Listen to My Heart Song, Om Namo, Hey Bhagavan, Only Thou, I Will Be Thine Always. 1:05 A merchant who was returning home from a business trip and when he got off the train, a porter met him and offered to carry his baggage. The merchant did not want to hire the man, but the man said, “I have two prices.” That made the merchant very interested. “One price is three dollars and I don’t talk to you about God. My second price is one dollar, but I have the privilege to talk to you about God. Pick your choice.” The merchant being a businessman had nothing to lose. He was visiting his franchises and was very happy and this was a bargain, one dollar he can afford to hear somebody talk about God. He said, “Ok, here’s a dollar, talk as long as you want.” So the porter says, “You know in a strange way I have been blessed to see a little into the future and tomorrow at twelve o’clock, you know your time to go over from this realm into the next will be occurring so you’re going to pass over. That is you’re going to die. In the event if you do pass over, the angel of death will come to you as he always does to every soul that passes over from this realm and ask you the eternal question.” 1:07 So the merchant listens, “Well, prattlings of an erratic individual, poverty stricken, not much to eat, naturally he can talk like that.” And the merchant had just had a medical checkup and knows that nothing is wrong with him, everything is ok, business is good, he could afford to listen some more. So he was smiling to himself and listening to the porter. Finally the porter said, “When the angel of death asks you the eternal question do me a favor.” So the merchant said, “What eternal question?” “The eternal question is: do you want your good karma first or your bad karma first? And the favor I would ask you is this: tell the angel of death you want your bad karma last and your good karma first.” The merchant says, “Alright, I’ll humor the man.” He says, “Normally you know that’s not what we usually ask the Angel of Death after he put the question to us. We usually say we would like to get the bad karma over first and then look forward to the good one so when we come back next time, we carry our good karma.” He said, “Well do me the favor, ask for your good one first and then take then bad one last.” 1:09 So the merchant smiled and humored the man, give him the dollar and went his way. Next day exactly at twelve o’clock in his office right on the phone keels over and dies and for sure the Angel of Death appears to him and Yama said to him, that’s the name of the Angel of Death, “Which you prefer, your bad karma first or your good karma first?” The merchant merely remembered what the porter had said to him and decided, “Well I’m a gambler anyhow, what have I got to lose, I’m over here now. I want my good karma first.” The Angel of Death says, “What?!” “Yeah I want my good karma first.” “Nonsense.” He says, “Wait a minute.” So he looked up the files, the Akashic records, he says, “I don’t see no such thing, good karma, every page is bad karma.” Finally the end of the record is one little jot, “You’re entitled, this is what the good karma says, to ten minutes Satsang in the presence of a Saint. That’s all you’re entitled to so you’re gonna to get your ten minutes right now.” 1:11 The merchant said, “Wait a minute, where did I meet a Saint in my human body for ten minutes that I warrant to see Him on this realm as my good karma? I can accept my bad karma, but I don’t know where I warrant seeing a Saint for ten minutes.” He says, “Yeah, you will see Him, I will take you there. You’re dead now, there’s no way you can go back.” So he took the merchant into the inner realms and while they’re going in the inner realms the various levels, he came to a door he said, “You can go in there for ten minutes. I cannot go in, but when the time come and I signal you, you have to come out and then we will go to face your bad karma.” Merchant can’t argue because that’s the contract, that’s the condition. So he went into the light, but he found he could not work into the light further than four feet, that is as far as he could get into the light, four feet. In the midst of the light at four feet he saw a cloud and he saw lots of faces and in the middle of the crowd he saw a man sitting giving a discourse and he kept looking. Suddenly he recognized the man, it was the porter that he met yesterday or the day before he died. 1:13 So he kept listening to the porter talking on God, just then ten minutes up and the Angel of Death signalled for the merchant to come out to go face his karma. So the merchant gets up to go out of the Satsang and when he did that the head of the Satsang said, “No one leave my Satsang, you sit down where you are till it’s over!” So the merchant look at the Angel of Death and the Angel of Death says, “Come on this can’t be, you gotta come out, I can’t come in but you gotta come out.” And he’s looking at the time and the merchant gets up again and the leader of the Satsang says, “No one leave this Satsang till I’m ready to close it up! You sit down where you are, whoever you are, sit down there!” So the Angel of Death is late now with the delivery of the soul. So he goes to the next realm which is the Archangel realm and he tells the Archangel of the Lord of Creation that there is a soul who does not want to come to face his bad karma. The Archangel says, “What? This cannot be, not in the realms of God, this cannot be. He has to be accounted for, we have to go and get him.” 1:15 So the Archangel comes down and he says, “What was the good karma that the man asked for?” He says, “Well he was entitled to ten minutes Satsang.” So the Archangel came and “Where did you put him?” “Oh I put him in this Satsang over here.” And he come to the door and he looked, “I cannot go in there.” So they signal again the merchant to get up to come out. The merchant tries to get up and again the leader of the Satsang says, “Nobody leaves this Satsang till its over!” So he had to sit down again. Now the Archangel and the Angel are late with the delivery of the soul ‘cause the Lord of Creation is checking everybody, he gotta account. This system has got to keep up on time and they all went to the Lord of Creation and they said, “We are missing a soul who does not want to come out of a Satsang to face his bad karma.” The Lord of Creation says, “This cannot be, there is no Satsang by any Yogi, Swami, Mahavatar, Great Avatar, or Ashwara, whoever he is that I cannot enter and take out what I need. I am the Lord of Creation, where is this soul that you say that would not come out to face his karma?” And he said, “Lord, right down in this realm.” So they went down to the realm and the Lord of Creation came right at the door where the Satsang was going in and as soon as he look at the door, he says, “This Satsang you put the soul in?!” They said, “Yes Lord.” “Do you know what Satsang this is?” “No Lord.” “This is the Satsang of the Lord of the Soul and He’s the man who’s inside there and I cannot go in there myself! He is my Lord!” So he kneeled down and looked at the Lord of the Soul he said, “Please forgive us.” And the Lord of the Soul says, “Depart in peace, the soul is here now, he can’t go with you.” 1:17 So the merchant had no bad karma to account for. This is not a story, this is how it works on the inner realm when we are ready to go out from creation back to the Lord of the Soul. Jesus said when He was in the body, “Be ye not afraid of him who will destroy your body, but be ye afraid of him who will destroy both body and soul.” There is the Lord of Creation and there is the Lord of the Soul. The Lord of Creation is responsible for all creation and provides us a body to live in. It’s a game between the Lord of the Soul and the Lord of Creation. The Lord of the Soul is our Father and the Lord of Creation is our Uncle, you may call him Satan if you like. He’s not a bad guy, he just happens to work with your Daddy to make the game of creation go on. He puts you through the paces and he has to account to his brother, the Lord of the Soul, for everything he does. Even he has to account to the Lord of the Soul, but there’s an agreement between the Lord of the Soul and the Lord of Creation, that is between Adonai and Elohim, between what you call Satan and what you call God. There is an agreement between these two forces that the soul must be entertained in creation by the Lord of Creation, which is a merry-go-round. 1:19 That the soul must not know that it will not be forsaken or abandoned by its Creator, the Lord of the Soul, but the Lord of Creation must not tell it that, that he will not be abandoned. The Lord of Creation must give him all types of illusion to think there is no other place to go but in creation. The Lord of Creation has every guise or right or freedom to make you believe there is no other place to go, but he’s never to tell you that you will be abandoned by the Lord of Soul, this you must discover for yourself. The soul must discover by itself that there is no abandonment by the Lord of the Soul, it must discover this by self-reflection. Therefore it cannot be told by the Lord of Creation why it must go through creation. The Lord of Creation has no power over the Lord of the Soul and those who come down from the Lord of the Soul knowing this are called our elder brothers, they are Christ realized, that’s why the man Jesus said, “Satan has no power over me.” Merely meaning the soul that knows fully well that creation carries no way within its make-up any type of illusion to make it believe that it’s abandoned by God. 1:21 Now any test that the Lord of Creation designs for the soul, as long as the soul does not panic in the test, it will not be abandoned by the Lord of the Soul, but the moment it panics then the Lord of Creation has won the game and the soul must repeat the same game over till it learn the lesson not to panic. He’s your uncle, he’s not an enemy. All our brothers and sisters who have gained the realization are called Masters of the Lord of the Soul, but uncle has his own masters who keep the merry-go-round going. That’s the guy who tells you to buy your ticket to go on the roller coaster, the one that tells you to come and see the Fat Lady, come and see the Strong Man in this big circus, come up and see if you can hit the hammer and send the unit right up to the top. You ever been to one of those carnivals and see there are always some people working for the carnival. There are lots of press agents working for the carnival, but everyday the carnival is going further and further away from your home and everyday it creates more allurements for you. Our home is not this creation, there is another creation behind it, that’s where we came from but we don’t know that, therefore we feel abandoned. 1:23 If we feel that the Lord of the Soul has abandoned us then we will stay in the creation. If we don’t feel that then we will get out of the creation. The Lord of the Soul is not interfering therefore in your scriptures it states, “There is no condemnation in God” because He does not interfere with the show. It’s an agreement with the Lord of Creation that you be entertained, it’s an agreement that we as souls come into the creation to be entertained. That is to say we are coming to this glorified carnival to be entertained by the whole show. Now some of us come to this carnival to be entertained, some of us come and want to be part of the carnival, some of us come and want to work for the carnival, or to be the star in the carnival. The owner of the carnival is happy to have you as part of his show, but in this creative principal even if a man hires you to work for him, he doesn’t own you, see? Even if we agree to become as Master for the Lord of Creation, we still don’t have complete realization. In this creation the highest aspect that the person can have as a Master representing him is the opening up of the thousand petal lotus. 1:25 That is as high as the soul will go in creation working for the Lord of Creation, the opening up of the thousand petal lotus. That’s the crowning glory of the service rendered in creation by the Lord of Creation. Now you cannot supersede the Lord of Creation that is why Jesus said, “Be not afraid of him who will destroy your body but he who will destroy both body and soul.” There’s something beyond the thousand petal lotus that would have to come from the Lord of the Soul now. In the story with the merchant when the Lord of Creation was told that the merchant was attending a Satsang, he made the remark there is no Satsang that he, Lord of Creation, cannot enter and take out any soul that is due to go for his bad karma. That means there is no one who still lives with the development of the thousand petal lotus as a guide back to the spiritual realm that the Lord of Creation cannot still pull you down. Only those who have gone past the thousand petal lotus to the Divine Rose of the Soul, only they can pull you out of creation. There’s a difference between the lotus and the rose. Our journey is not to the thousand petal lotus, our journey is to the Divine Rose, but it begins at the ending of the thousand petal lotus. 1:27 We have to go through the spiritual growth of all the Masters to the point of the thousand petal lotus and then leave the thousand petal lotus and go to the Rose. We have to do exactly what Jesus said, “The things I do you shall do also.” These are all the things of the thousand petal lotus, “and greater things shall you do,” those are the experiences outside and beyond the thousand petal lotus. The Lord of the Soul does not attract us back to Him by miracles, that’s a peculiar thing. The Lord of Creation will promise you a lot of miracles, he will give you all the powers that you would like to demonstrate in this world. Now when a Master tells you, you have to understand what He is talking about to know the difference, where you don’t get trapped in your search for God the Father, not God your Uncle, “What it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.” He didn’t say “lose his body,” he didn’t say “lose his mind.” It says “lose his soul.” “What it profit a man to gain the whole world” that means what it profits the soul to know how to use the thousand petal lotus and control creation and still get lost in the creation and not get out of it. 1:29 So Master Jesus is still warning us, there is a difference between striving for the creation or striving for the Soul. The overcoming that is mentioned is the overcoming of creation and entering into the Soul, the Soul level. Last night I said that there are many levels, that the universe is an octave set to music, four of the levels are controlled by the Lord of Creation and four of the levels are controlled by the Lord of the Soul, they have equal division on the octave. The first four levels that are controlled by the Lord of Creation are Matter acting on Matter. Second one is Energy acting on Matter. The third one is Consciousness acting on Matter and the fourth is Energy acting on Energy. Up to that point the Lord of Creation is in full control of the universe, of manifestation. Now the Lord of the Soul does not come down into the Lord of Creation domain and will not meet the Soul in the domain of the Lord of Creation. 1:31 The story of the Prodigal Son is a perfect description of this particular principle. The prodigal son is the Soul that leaves the Lord of the Soul’s domain and goes out to a far land which is the world of creation and manifestation and when it has squandered its reserves, that means it ends up now where Matter is acting on Matter, the pigsty of the universe, it wants to go back home, it’s all polluted with material impressions and tendencies, it becomes animalistic and when it turns around and makes every type of excuse and sacrifice, it is written in the parable that the father met the son where? Halfway you see, not quarter, not three quarter, or go pull him out. The Lord of Soul does not interfere with the Lord of Creation’s work and the halfway mark is the dividing line between the Lord of Creation and the Lord of the Soul and the halfway mark is Energy acting on Energy. The Soul has to come there on its own by its own remission, by its own forgiveness, by its own efforts, by its own surrender, and these are the debts that it pays back to the Lord of Creation, this is called the karmic debt of accounting by virtue of non-desire, by virtue of non-attachment, the debt is paid off up to the fourth realm, up to the halfway mark, then the Soul glistens or shines. It’s shined up, it’s brushed up, it’s cleaned up by its own effort, but it cannot get out into the fifth realm, it cannot jump out and go into the fifth realm, it is not something that you can merely flip out. The dividing line is held there for a specific reason because the next four realms up that are controlled by the Lord of the Soul does not require self effort. The first four realms require self effort and initiative to get there, the last four realms require grace. In other words you learn now that somebody is pulling you that you’re not running the show (end of tape).

Adano74_3EasterQ1NW4 - 0:10 One of the psychic illnesses that we suffer from is a sense of over perfectionism. That is a form of psychic illness. Whenever you find the individual is hell bent or heaven bent for perfection, you are looking at a sick person. Question from the audience: Is that self righteousness? That is a form of mental illness, not psychic illness. Self righteousness is a mental illness. Psychic illness is that he is doing every single thing, to the extent of damaging the body, to be perfect. Satan is not a separate entity. It is the aspect of God that is flowing out of the realm of non-manifestation. God, if you take the word God, in Its true aspect represents total goodness. What is total goodness? There is no physical object actually speaking that is totally good. We couldn’t relate to it from a mental level to compare it, we can only sense goodness. That would be a feeling from the Soul’s level. So we say God is good. God is the all good and Jesus says, “call no man good save the Father.” So, the term God infers goodness, which is a quality, which is perfection. It’s not decomposing, it’s not rotting, or anything wrong with it. It is good. Now, the opposite of goodness is a manifestation which is going to be subject to breakdown. So it has to be in opposition. It has to have the qualities of breaking down, have the qualities of deterioration. So the word Satan is Hebrew for opposition, adversary. It is not a person. We tend to personalize it. Most Oriental thinkers do that. They tend to personalize impersonal concepts simple because the mind wants something to relate.

Adano74_04_1MassFirstRetreatQ2 -

Adano74_04_2MassFirstRetreatQ2 - 0:16 Spirituality is simplicity, but how does this simplicity become such profound wisdom, that’s what puzzles everybody. Where does the simple approach produce a depth of wisdom, how does it come out? Most of us expect that when we meet a spiritual person, he should have profound wisdom, total awareness of all these things. Where does he get it? Who gives it to him? Nobody gives it to him. Nobody is dishing it out like a bowl of soup out there you know. We’re all impregnated with the wisdom of the Divine Nature, but we are blocked from perceiving it by complexity versus simplicity. When we become simple then this whole complex thing begins to dissolve before our eyes. You know when you close your eyes, what do you see? Darkness, that’s complexity, the overload of the energy in the brain that prevents you from seeing the simplicity or the radiant form of the Spirit, but when you are simple in action, then this darkness dissolves, it fades away and the whole body becomes full of light and the light is shining in the darkness. The simplicity is already glowing in this complex nature and the darkness comprehends it not. Complexity cannot comprehend why simplicity might rule the universe, why simplicity is our nature, why simplicity has the answer to all things in life, why a fungus is an antibiotic. Why for the lack of a nail, a man lost a horseshoe, the horse threw him off and he lost his kingdom. You see? Simplicity. The spiritual life is so simple, it borders on the ridiculous. 0:18 More and more we are impressed by the divine nature of being like children, but the only difference between children and adults is that we take our responsibilities too serious and children don’t take theirs that serious. We are supposed to responsible, we are supposed to be considerate of all things around us, and we are supposed to do our best but we are supposed to do it in an attitude of joyousness and detachment and that’s the simplicity of it. It isn’t that we’re not supposed to do it, we’re supposed to do it, but we have to be joyous about it (inaudible) cheerful about it, “Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” That is your inner nature allows you in your simplicity to stay in a state of inner peace and inner composure and not get bogged down in the complexity of the outer world. It works, that’s the interesting thing about it, that it works. 0:20 Someone said to me, “That is all good and fine philosophy, but it doesn’t work in business.” I says, “Oh? What bigger business can you have than running an ashram?” It involves buildings and land, feeding people, you name a business… involves transportation, equipment, people with all type of philosophies, all type of mental blocks. I’m running a hospital, an engineering corporation, and all everything, paint shop and everything, can you tell me which is a bigger business and it don’t work? I’ve got more sick and healthy people coming and going, discontented and happy people, tell me why it wouldn’t work in business, it has to work. Where would it work? It works where we are thrown together because that’s the real test. The real test of spiritual laws is a spiritual living in a spiritual environment that the material environment sooner or later becomes spiritual and a miniature form of a spiritual environment is your house. That’s a miniature form, that a model, like an image you know. They take the ashram as the God image and they take the householder as the soul image, man. It’s just shifting down the size, but the sense of responsibility is still the same. 0:22 A man wanted to withdraw from society, become a Saint, decided all he needed was two loin cloths, one to wear and one to wash and wear as a spare. So the one he was wearing he was happy and the one he washed he hung up and gradually one day he had some students came around and he saw a little field mouse nibbling away at the loin cloth that he always washed as a spare, but he didn’t want to kill the mouse ‘cause “Thou shalt not kill,” non-violence. So the students said, “Master we’ll get you a cat, that’ll take care of the mouse.” So they got the cat, the cat took care of the mouse, and already took care of chasing away all the birds. The cat has to eat. So they said, “Master it loves milk.” “Ok do what you want.” So they got him a cow. The cow gave milk, fed the cat. 0:24 The cow can’t stay outside of the compound because the tiger would eat the cow. Then he come to realize that he got that much problem he says, “I’m going back to the city.” You know I’ve seen so many different places where they were starting groups, right here in the United States, leaving the city to go out in the undeveloped land with the wrong concept. A lot of buildings were put up, they’re all crumbling and falling down simply because they have the wrong motive behind it. They wanted to run away from society to be in their own environment but had no plan of consciousness or how to organize it to make it work as a conscious entity so they’re back in the city. To make an idea like that work it takes a lot of time, planning, and a lof of basic training of interaction with each individual and their needs and their fears and then you have to have common sense and a little bit of God’s grace going for you. So when you hear of ashrams going up or doing things, there are a lot of things involved in it before it really works. (skipping ahead) 1:03 Audience: What are the Psalms in the Bible for then? It is just repetition. Adano: What is a vaccination for against an epidemic? It’s an insulation, it’s an immunization, right? Against a condition. Mantra, or Psalm or prayers, when repeated over and over insulates you against the thought repercussions of others around you who wontedly use thought waves, have no respect for life, and sooner or later will bounce back and affect your life. So why get polluted by the negative discharge of other people’s thought waves, why not insulate and immunize yourself against it? You’re gonna adopt a smart ego and let disease attack his body? You’ve gotta be smart, “physician heal yourself.” So prayer unceasingly is a form of mental immunization, a form of spiritual immunization against these thought waves. You ever walk in a room and feel depressed from the thought waves of people? Alright, why are you going to immunize yourself against that? The bible gives you a simple way, all the scriptures of the east give a simple way, prayer unceasingly, hallowing the name of the Lord. That’s what mantra yoga is, union through repetition.

Adano74_04_3MassFirstRetreatQ2 - 0:08 This is a universe of light and therefore light has precedent in this environment that generates the illusion for our existence. This is not a universe of our true Soul nature, we can’t live in water, but we can’t live without water so the Sound Current is audible in the human body because it’s 80% liquids. Otherwise it would never be audible and you could never travel on the beam of light back to God in this world of illusion because you’ll end up back in illusion. You need the Sound Current that has to travel though the media of 80% liquid in your system to get back to the core of creation which is beyond the speed of light squared. So the audible life stream inside is the actual force field designed by the Creator to be in the world and outside of the world, to be in the illusion of light, acting as sound, and outside of the illusion of light acting as sound, you see? So the scripture says, “No man saw God but heard His voice” and God is not light, God is sound. See the creative life energy is ultrasonic frequencies which triggers light and Jesus, which is the son or the word made flesh, that is when the human brain is capable of generating self-recognition of the audible life stream, you understand, in its totality, it’s Christ related. That means it’s conscious of its intelligence within the vibratory nature. 0:10 That’s what Christ Intelligence really is, that’s what Master Consciousness really is, that’s what they call a Master. When that awareness is relating to the vibratory rates on a conscious level then that’s a bridge. Now Jesus was saying, “I saw…” don’t mean the man Jesus, it means that the intelligence within the vibratory structure of matter perceived “Satan,” don’t mean some guy with a pair of horns or a pitchfork, means the centrifugal energy. “Fall from heaven” means go down. You see on the Earth here it looks like a going up and actually it’s coming down from the levels of Being. “Like a light,” He didn’t say like a sound. See the differentiation of the science is very exact, the Science of the Soul is a very exact science. It’s so exact that we’ll instrument it one day. “Like a light,” “I saw Satan fall from heaven” I saw the negative charge of the creative energy, not bad charge, that negative print. You can’t make a picture without a negative, we’re talking of photography, cosmic photography between sound and light, it’s a motion picture process. This light, this particular principle, came down in direct opposition to sound. So Satan has no power over me, light has no power over sound. 0:12 Where would you find in this universe light is powerful than sound? Not possible, ultrasonic forces are superior than light vibrations, what ultrasonic can do, light can’t do, you see? The ultrasonic frequencies are great because they’re responsible for the whole creation. “Satan has no power over me” meaning the light vibrations are not greater than the ultrasonic frequency which is the audible life current. Now “I saw Satan fall from heaven like a light,” simply saying that this whole creation is a manifestation of light in a downward movement from the source of Being, Akal, and the timelessness, that the word Akal means, the opposite of time, Kal, negative charge. And the Sound Current, or the Christ Intelligence or Master Consciousness, which is the Lord within you, the in-resident principle of self-recognition, this principle sits on the right hand of the Father, the right side of the brain. The body is the temple of the Creative Principle, there is no other temple for God, not the Pagodas or the Synagogues, this is the temple and it’s a ten door temple. There are nine visible doors and one invisible door to the naked eye, but not invisible to the internal self, and the point between the eyebrow is that focal point and it’s where you enter the alpha levels. You cannot enter alpha level if you don’t focus the eyes up, it’s no way possible. You can’t shift from the beta level until you do that. (Story about Adano being examined and being able to increase and decrease his body temperature. Discussion of the importance of repetition and mantras. Explanation of auras and the sound current. Body feelings in alpha warm, theta cold, and delta “goose pimples,” and omega waves. Walt Whitman had Cosmic Consciousness, he could HEAR the grass grow. Explanation of sound, Sanskrit, language, geometry, octaves, music, eightfold levels of consciousness, sound current, and God. Brain relaxation versus meditation. Acupuncture points to help many “diseases” and their relation to body language. Triple heater and the three zones of heat in the body. Part of the body and emotional effects: stub toe = ego, spleen meridian = bragging, full of wind, liver = “drink the man down,” kidney near solar plexus on the foot = filtering physical and psychological, gall bladder = 4th toe, bladder = last toe, etc. Tides of the blood explanation. Getting rid of gall stones: invasive, oral stimulant, or non-invasive (electrical). Acupuncture, and one drop of printer’s ink in a glass of water, or pure beet juice to encapsulate and soften it. For kidney stones a cup of parsley tea (1 oz) every hour. Parsley + beet juice to “cover all bets.” )

Adano74_04_4MassFirstRetreatQ3 - Meditation / chanting. 0:11 Prashad / blessed food. Monitoring ultrasonics with the brain. Yes, no, maybe. 0:20

Adano74_04_5MassFirstRetreatQ3 -

Adano74_07FiveElementIdeogramQ5 - Five element law, David and goliath, spiritual significance of the slingshot, five element law indicating how to balance the five forces (air, water, earth, ether, fire), parents expectations. Collective feedback of the unity of all things, Lahiri Mahashaya “drowning of the coast of Japan in many bodies” as example of the five element law, forgiveness balancing out five element law, “there is no condemnation in the Father,” Jesus forgiveness, life only worth living if you forgive. Discussion of father / son concept, ether, can’t be out of balance in the presence of a Saint, balance / homeostasis, “out of sight, not out of mind” as the unity of Life, all are linked by the Life energy.

Adano74_08_08RocklandMassQ3 -

Adano74_09_01TylerEgoMusicQ4NW7 -

Adano74_09_02SpiritualChantingSuicideQ5 - Life stress reaction, strong vibratory rate of Masters / meditators, OM as the most universal sound, mantras only being passed down through five persons (five element law), biting / stinging insects as crystallized negative thoughts, suicide of the pigs, Yogananda chants, OM shanti OM, Elemental Song. “Hearing the grass growing” by listening to the inner self, thanking everybody for a wonderful retreat, experiment when people return to their homes – “try to hear love,” the sound Current as the sound of love in your heart, listening to the heartbeat, astral realms. Law of Karma more powerful on astral realms, “man form” as a gift of grace, going through hundreds of other life forms before another human birth.

Adano74_09_03HappinessFlashBulbExperienceQ4 - Happiness Runs in Circular Motion Chant, Adano taking pictures with flash camera, “keep your eyes on the afterimage of the light and follow it as long as you can with your consciousness,” Omnidirectional vision “something is seen through you,” physiological level v. psychological level, self-discipline / therapy through repetition. Physiological v. psychological forgiveness, alpha wave measuring machines, examples of brain level states, meter measuring heat as a test, meditation is a form of physiological relaxation, physiological v. psychological will changing heat, letting go of illusion of trying to trigger the control /let the control occur from within. “Let go, let god,” experiencing oneness (sensory disassociation), seeing the true self “holding the body together,” experiencing omnipresence, God realization as total memory of past / present / future occurring Now, Delta level as leaving the body carrying certain “qualities,” example of Jesus on the cross (Delta to Omega level).

Adano74_JuneRetreatQ2NW1 -

Adano74_RichmondQ1NW3 -

Adano75_03_15RocklandQ1NW8 - 0:22 You cannot experience god with the mind racing… fast, you can only experience it when the mind slows down. It’s obvious that when you’re dead, you are very close to god. You can’t argue with it, but when you’re alive he’s so close to you, you don’t recognize it. He is the next breath. So between the next breath and death itself, learn to slow down the brain. They could have put that in a book 1,000 years ago, but they didn’t want to tell us the truth, but now we wake up with the truth, what it’s all about. We don’t have to run around like chickens without our heads to find god. He is closer to us than the breath. He’s inside of us at the point of the forehead. “When thine eyes,” two you see, “are single,” centered, “the whole body is full of light,” atomic energy. Einstein says light, matter is equal to mass times the velocity of light squared. Jesus is saying it in his own way, this body is full of light, “and the light is shining in the darkness,” that is your desire nature of your cells, or call it the ultra polarities, positive negative, “and the darkness comprehends it not.” The mind don’t comprehend why light should be in your cells until you start bombarding the atoms that form creation, “but let your light so shine before men,” that’s the important aspect of it, “that they may see the good works and glorify the Father in you.” The time you spend to slow down the brain to observe the reality of yourself, this is what the good works are. 0:24 Finding God and being enlightened in God don’t give you a big intellect. Far from it, you might end up being the craziest fool in the world by being ultra simple in your behavior, like a child, and the world don’t like you for that because they don’t need childlike people. They are always looking for some horrible individual, threatening thing or something like that, to make out that he’s important and spiritual. The worst insult to God is a long face. When you love God you smile, what more obvious is than that? If you don’t love Him, you’re not going to smile and if you’re going to love with all your mind, you can’t fall asleep, you can’t die. Isn’t that what He said, “with all your mind,” objective, subjective, superconscious, “and with all your strength.” That’s your breathing you know. No breathing, no strength, and with all of your heart, that’s the pumping of the life blood in you, decarbonization of the blood. When your blood is over carbonized, you’re sick, you degenerate yourself. When you purify it, the body is healthy, it’s radiant, it lifts, it conserves, it expresses wonderness, simplicity, and your whole Soul? Loving the Lord with your whole Soul is just letting God take care of you, don’t try to take care of Him. We’re too busy trying to take care of God, telling Him how to run the world.

Adano75_06TylerTXQ3 -

Adano75_07_05SatsangQ3NW2 -

Adano75_10_13RocklandQ3NW8 -

Adano75_ChantingwithInitiatesQ1 -

Adano75_RevelationsChantsQ3NW1 -

Adano76_03_09JohnTheBaptistAndJesusQ3 - Student (Elisha) asking teacher (Elijah) for double portion of spirit (God realization), Karma reversed with John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, dove descending on Jesus (8 levels of creation), tests of Jesus in the Desert, highest ceremonies of religions centered on Food, not destroying his body, emptiness of mind = oneness (pure in heart), God as big producer, self-realized “masters” bringing down Karma and “slipping down.” In God you go forward by your efforts (devotion) which brings down grace, knowing God <-> Love, God extracting love through love (giving up will power), Jesus’ self acceptance of pure love without condition (total acceptance), pain as electrical resistance generated through objection, karma as law of magnetism, Jesus’ love for Judas, Red Skelton.

Adano76_03_29_1SatsangsQ3NW1 - Margaret’s intro, meditation, the art of decelerating the brain, freedom for life by mastering death, when thine eyes are single, centered, the subtlest creature in creation = snake, photo finish, zero, omega = ideal state of the brain

Adano76_03_29_2Satsangs_copyQ4NW1 - Zero, omega = ideal state of the brain, no rotten butterflies, man lives off light, matter is light, grace = aerodynamics, stigmata, (shed tears for the truth)

Adano76_04_15SatsangQ3NW1 - Guru = gee you can dispel your own darkness, image and likeness, we are here to act, meditation = deceleration the brain. It takes 3 meals to push out dead waste, preprogrammed timing, butterfly = non decomposing tissue, life axis = vivaxis, I, ideal, sleep walking, wet blanket, actor / producer, laziness = evasion or rejuvenation, Segovia was first a violinist, flow

Adano76_04_19SatsangQ4NW1 -

Adano76_06TylerTXQ3 - 0:36 When you are not interested in God realization, or what you call “time lapse sequential existence,” when you are not interested in that. You see, God realization is time lapse sequential existence. People didn’t know that, you know. Time lapse means there are no time. Sequential existence everything is Now and therefore you exist as Now and that is God realization in a scientific context. So what has happened is that there is no time in God realization and the way we break out from our time nature, wanting everything to act on time, we get very disoriented and we feel an urgency speeding up in us. Therefore people who become spiritual are always on an urgency level. They get more and more involved with the timelessness of it. So anything that is aggravating would be time itself. They always never seem to have enough time to do the thing in time. So they end up doing what is called Guru time. So when the person invited Mutkananda and they say, “will you be here for Satsang?” And he says, “Yeah, I’ll be here.” “Tomorrow night?” “Yeah, I’ll be here tomorrow night.” And he shows up at ten o’clock for it. They are waiting for him to show up so they are all peeved. He doesn’t show up at eight o’clock, he shows up at ten o’clock. 0:38 In the Guru’s mind, there is no numerical value on time. It is all in flow according to receptivity when He comes there. That’s the realized person and He is never late, you are late because He has been waiting for you thousands of lives for you to realize that you were out of phase with yourself and you are busy thinking that you have to satisfy society to be on time like a punchcard when society doesn’t give a hoot who you are when you die. And the only person who gives anything about you, he is your own self, how you stay healthy, while you are alive. You have to take of this mechanism and conserve this energy to enjoy it the best way you can by being severely happy. And health is happiness, half of the job done. Sickness is unhappiness, half of the job done. So who wants the other half, which is death, too soon? So you extend the health nature as much as you can without trying to run society or impose it on society, you just flow with it. So the Guru consciousness is one that He ain’t in a hurry because there’s nothing, He ain’t going no place and as soon as you recognize that He ain’t going no place, the quicker you are going to get there with Him and the sooner you are going to find He’s always going to be on time because you gonna end up synchronizing with Him and you are never going to be late in your mind. So after they had learned that lesson from Him a few times, He was always on time and they were on time. 0:40 Now you take Master Charan Singh. They say you can measure the time in the Dera when Master comes out of His house to walk across to give Satsang. He’s always on time. That’s what everybody say, but you ask the people who is people who is on time, Master or the people are on time? The time is on time around the Master when He’s on time and you flow with it, but you are not aware of the fact that the time is measuring itself proportionately to the Master’s motion. Alright. (Someone asks, “Can you say that again?”) You are not aware of the fact that time is measuring itself proportionately to the bodily motion of a Master and when we synchronize to that bodily motion of His, we are always in time. Even the light in the environment will appear to be like that. Good example, how many times do I come to Boston and the rain falls as soon as I come? A lot of people have experiences like that. That we’re in phase. It says, the more you realize the trueness of yourself, the more you are in phase with the environment and you’re never out of phase with it. Life will even seem to extend itself a little longer than normal for that person that is in phase and all different other phenomena seem to extend themselves to adjust. Now, that is exactly what happened. 0:42 (Woman tells the Taoist story of the man who comes to end the drought and he doesn’t do anything for three days, then the drought was broken and when they asked him why he said the only reason it took him three days is because when he left his home he was out of the Tao and it took him three days to reestablish it. Is that the idea of it?) That’s the whole idea of it. Our universe is our time lapse if we accept it as such. The reason why we don’t accept it as such is because we have been preconditioned with certain conditions around us and therefore we are always expecting it not to work. I’ll give you an example. I have a patient, she came in and told me her problem. So I says, “You know, you are perfect. Why don’t you accept it?” She said, “What do you mean?” I said, “Well, God made man is His own image you know and then if you are made in His own image and likeness, He’s pretty imperfect.” She didn’t like to think, but she start thinking, well He’s perfect then she’s perfect. 0:47 But the main importance of a Kirtan is the identification and the frame of reference for which the identification comes from. We can be singing to God as a creation hoping to identify and we can generate a lot of emotional drive, but if the frame of reference is from God’s singing to us, God carrying with us with His own words that He wants us to realize, then this is an entirely different communication. God is on a different tone level of communication. Our tone level is to reach up because we feel abandoned. Our tone level is to express our separateness and our need for communication, but we couldn’t feel abandoned, or we couldn’t feel a sense of communication if it was not designed that way in the very start. Who is more abandoned than God when everything go back in Him? Who is at the bottom of the ladder when everything goes back into Him? You see you never think that God is lonely just as much as you feel you are lonely and separate from Him. He is lonely when He has got no creation to play with.

Notes: Adano72_4RichmondforInitiates_ChartQ1NW4 is 6/28/1972.

“In 50 years we will all go to sleep like Rip van Winkle and when we awake and return to the cities we will find they are run by the nine years young.” — Adano Ley c. 1979 (note: Adano later changed this prediction to 25 years.)

“For absolute control of your life and for destroying prenatal and postnatal root-causes of failure, you must exercise your will in every undertaking until it shakes off its mortal delusion of being human will and becomes all-powerful divine will.”

ADANO PRAYER Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Brother Jesus Beloved Masters, Saints, and Sages of all religions Be Thou present at this meditation Open our Spiritual Eyes and take us back to Sach Khand Lead us from Darkness to Light, from Ignorance to Truth, from Mortality to Immortality We will Reason, we will Will, and we will Act Guide Thou our reason, our will, and our acts to the right place, at the right time, for the right experience May our Love so shine in the sanctuary of our devotion that we may awaken this Love in all hearts Om, Shanti, Peace, Amen

SATSANG PRAYER SWAMI NITYANANDA SARASWATI Heavenly father, Divine Mother, Brother Jesus, Masters, Saints and Sages of all Religions, Angelic Hosts, place a ring of light around this room and seal it off from the entities of lower consciousness. Please be present at this meditation. Open our spiritual eye and take us back home.

Free our lives from all obstacles amd bless us with physical, mental and spiritual unfoldment.

Lead us from darkness to light, ignorance to truth, mortality to immortality. Teach us by dream, by vision, by revelation and by direct materialization. Let those who are spiritually our own come unto us.

We will reason, we will will, we will act. Guide Thou our reason, will and actions to the right place for the right experience.

May Thy light shine upon us and the sancuary of our devotion that we may be able to awaken this love in all hearts.

Om, Shanti, Peace, Amen